Mayor Deborah Robertson’s NEWSLETTER
WORD FROM THE MAYOR Since the introduction of the Stay At Home ordinance, I have been thinking about the citizens of Rialto. Seniors, youth, small business owners, entrepreneurs, residents, and families; have all had to alter our traditional style of living in order to cope with the reality we face. I realize how social isolation can really impact one’s life which is why I am glad we had volunteers like Micaiah Harris and Samira Salau to help deliver supplies such as toilet paper and sanitizer to 33+ senior households. Though times of distress are on us all, resources provided by the state of California and our federal government can help! Throughout my newsletter, you will be able to find numerous resources whether you own a business, are a senior, or resident of Rialto. I hope my newsletter brings you comfort in knowing you are not alone in this. If there are any other resources that are not mentioned here, please be sure to visit Stay safe! Mayor Deborah Robertson
UPDATES #SBCountyTogether Update-April 30th
Daily Stats 2,058 Confirmed Cases (up 6.7% from previous day) 93 Deaths (up 4.5% from previous day) 19,964 Tested (up 2.6% from the previous day) Testing Locations (Week of April 27 and May 4, 2020) Monday through Friday – Arrowhead Regional Medical Center 400 N. Pepper Ave., Colton 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Appointment ONLY, call 1-855-422-8029 Monday through Friday – SAC Health Systems (IEHP Members only) 250 South G Street, San Bernardino 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Appointment ONLY, call (909) 771-2911 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – MCH Rural Health Clinic 29099 Hospital Road, Lake Arrowhead 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Appointment ONLY, call (909) 336-9715 Friday, May 1 – Hesperia Civic Plaza Park 15833 Smoke Tree St., Hesperia 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Appointment ONLY, at
Monday, May 4 – Toyota Arena 4000 Ontario Center, Ontario 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Appointment ONLY, at Tuesday, May 5 – Needles Administration Building 1111 Bailey Ave., Needles 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Appointment ONLY, at Wednesday, May 6 – Barstow Sports Park 2800 Mayor Katy Pkwy., Barstow 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Appointment ONLY, at County Public Health is also conducting testing at select nursing facilities for atrisk seniors living at those facilities.
COVID-19 Update The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program is Live Independent contractors and gig workers can now access unemployment benefits through the PUA Program. Independent contractors and gig workers are normally ineligible for these benefits, and I’m proud to say this is a provision that I negotiated for in the CARES Act. PUA provides assistance for unemployed or partially unemployed individuals who are NOT eligible for regular unemployment insurance – like independent contractors and gig workers – and who are unable or unavailable to work due to COVID-19 related circumstances. To learn more about the program, click HERE. To apply, click HERE. Drive-through COVID-19 testing will be available this Monday Testing will be available at the Toyota Arena in Ontario by appointment only from 10 AM to 2 PM. Learn more HERE. For more information on COVID-19 testing locations, click HERE. Guidance for Rent/Mortgage If you are unable to pay your rent or mortgage for the month of May due to
COVID-19 related circumstances, please check out the California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency guidance HERE. Many lenders and credit unions have committed to mortgage payments for those impacted by COVID-19, so check with your local lender ASAP. For more information on renter/homeowner resources, visit my website HERE. Food Assistance If you or someone you know needs help getting food, California now has a food resources page outlining all the food assistance programs available. This webpage includes some new initiatives from Governor Newsom to address food insecurity: • California announced $3.64 million in new funding to expand the state’s Farm to Family program and California is expanding its CalFresh food assistance program, allowing CalFresh recipients to use their EBT card to make purchases online at Amazon and Walmart. In addition, Governor Newsom announced a new Pandemic-EBT program that provides up to 3.8 million kids with benefits to
replace the free or reduced-cost school meals they are no longer getting.
Mental Health Guidance If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health during this crisis, you are not alone. Check out resources for emotional support and well-being HERE.
Congresswoman Norma Torres will be hosting a Tax & Economic Impact Payment Webinar next Monday, May 4, 2020 from 4 to 5pm. Rep. Torres will be joined by representatives from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), California Alliance for Retired Americans, and the California Franchise Tax Board to answer any questions surrounding COVID-19’s impact on federal & state taxes. Topics of Discussion Economic Impact Payments Seniors & Economic Impact Payments Federal and State Tax Deadlines Available Tax Credits Accessibility to Tax Services
UPDATES 2020 Census Total Self-Response The 2020 Census SelfResponse displays the most recent total population that has filled out the Census. Use this dashboard here to see the states, counties, and cities with the highest response rates in the 2020 Census. Use population toggle to find areas above a certain pop! *Note: It is important to note it is not the federal government’s responsibility to assume you are in California. As citizens’, it is our responsibility to make sure we respond to the count! If not, resources we need and money we pay in as a donor state does not necessarily mean we will get back in order to provide services to our citizens. Stand up, stand out and be counted!* Fill out the 2020 Census here!
UPDATES EDD awards $10 million in funding to assist California workers impacted by COVID-19 SACRAMENTO – The California Employment Development Department (EDD) and the Labor & Workforce Development Agency announced today they have awarded $10 million to 42 Local Workforce Development Areas (Local Area). This is the result of initiatives Governor Gavin Newsom announced earlier this month to support California’s workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these Local Areas have a unique plan to assist their communities with these funds, and they will use the emergency funds to provide supportive services to underserved populations, particularly participants in the English Language Learners (ELL) and ELL Navigator programs. The additional assistance funds will provide up to $800 per person for basic needs such as childcare, housing and utility assistance, and transportation costs. In addition, funding assistance for equipment needed for teleworking along with digital services
for Wi-Fi access may be available for workers in some areas. “The immense impact of COVID-19 has put an incredible financial strain on the lives of many Californians,” said EDD Director Sharon Hilliard. “It is our hope that this funding, along with other ongoing efforts, will help provide some relief to Californians who need it as quickly as possible.” Funding was provided in accordance with the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and administered by the EDD and the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency.
2020 COVID-19 Funds for Supportive Services Contact Information Local Workforce Development Area
Contact Award
San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board
Phil Cothran, Workforce Board Chair (909) 822-3545
Disaster Loan Assistance
Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters
Our nation's small businesses are facing an unprecedented economic disruption due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. On Friday, March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the CARES Act, which contains $376 billion in relief for American workers and small businesses. SBA provides lowinterest disaster loans to businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters. SBA disaster loans can be used to repair or replace the following items damaged or destroyed in a declared disaster: real estate, personal property, machinery and equipment, and inventory and business assets.
SBA works with a number of local partners to counsel, mentor, and train small businesses. The SBA has 68 District Offices, as well as support provided by its Resource Partners, such as SCORE offices, Women’s Business Centers, Small Business Development Centers and Veterans Business Outreach Centers. When faced with a business need, use the SBA’s Local Assistance Directory to locate the office nearest you. If you are a business owner who needs access to capital apply TODAY! Click the link here.
Congresswomen Norma Torres Seeking COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Volunteers “With our cities, counties, and states working diligently to combat the spread of Coronavirus, we must not forget about the individuals and small businesses impacted by the pandemic. It is clear that helps is needed and I continue to advocate for relief to be delivered to out community—but volunteers are needed.” -Norma Torres
Governor Gavin Newsom launched the Californians for All volunteer initiative to connect willing individuals with organizations across the state in need of support. Sign up to become a California Volunteer here!
UPDATES Kenny Hua named Valedictorian for Rialto High School!
Kenny Hua, a senior at Rialto High School, is a passionate, motivated, and tenacious scholar who is actively working to bring about progressive change in his community. In school, Kenny has taken on a rigorous course load with classes such as AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP US Government and Politics. He has also kept himself busy at Rialto High with a multitude of extracurricular activities including president of Mock Trial, president of Academic Decathlon, and founder of Speech and Debate Club. He is a volunteer assistant to the Mayor and has worked diligently on water projects for the city of Rialto. Kenny is interested in pursuing a career in environmental law and plans to work as an environmental attorney for the US Environmental Protection Agency. After high school, Kenny will undertake undergraduate education at Stanford University, where he will study the human impact on the environment and how anthropogenic damages may be alleviated. Congratulations Kenny, We are so proud of you! TYPE TO ENTER A CAPTION.
RECAPS Mayor, Rialto FD, and Community Action Partnership provide enough food for 100 Seniors
On April 25th, Mayor Deborah Robertson, the Rialto Fire Department, and Community Actions Partnerships were able to provide meals to seniors. Through our local food Pantry, Loveland’s Jubilee Pantry, we were able to provide enough food for 100 senior families at Ramrod Senior Mobile Home Park in Rialto! Thank you to everyone who was apart of this effort. Your participation and donations are greatly appreciated. #RialtoStrong
Thank you Rialto Firefighters Local 3688
A Look At Our 2019-2020 Student Volunteers
Kenny Hua is a senior at Rialto High School who has now been named Valedictorian! He is also one of Mayor Robertson’s active students in regards to research environmental issues Rialto residents face. Thank you for your hard work and time dedicated to the city!
Alexandria Trejo is a senior at Rialto High School. She is very excited to attend the prestigious UCLA! Throughout the last four years at Rialto High School, she has kept herself involved in many different activities while maintaining a 4.55 grade point average. She spends time helping the community volunteering at the City of Rialto, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and even helps Garcia Elementary’s cheer team with assistance during practices. After earning her college degree, she would like to become an attorney and subsequently a judge in the California Supreme Court. We wish you the best on your endeavors Alexandria!
OTHER This month, we are featuring Richard McInnis, a resident from Rialto, who would like to give a different perspective on the pandemic we are facing today! Historical info about 1918 Spanish Influenza: “Here is some historical information you might find interesting in our current situation. A while back while doing some research that involved the Rialto Park Cemetery I discovered that fifteen people buried in the cemetery died of the Spanish Influenza in 1918. That is interesting since the population of Rialto was less than 1500 people at the time. I do not recall any prominent people in the 15 deaths, but two of the deaths were a Japanese couple, Taka and Machi Kido. He was 42 years old and she was 37. He was the owner of the Hotel White, a boarding house at 397 3rd Street in San Bernardino. Their tombstone is the only marker in the cemetery written in Chinese characters (section K). Also, there is a small, but unknown number of Rialto residences buried in other cemeteries in the area. An important example of this is Machinist Mate Leland Castor Rausch the only casualty of World War One from Rialto. Leland was 30 years old and the son of Cora and Phillip Rausch. They live at 125 S. Olive. The house is still there. He was in the submarine service and
had just arrived in Key West, Florida after sailing from San Pedro through the Panama Canal. At Key West, Leland and about 50 percent of the crew of his submarine contracted the flu. Leland was transferred to the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia where he died. A great tribute was paid to Leland since he was the first, and would become the only “Liberty Son” to die from Rialto. Schools and business were closed in his honor and the Liberty Tank (used for bond drives) came to town. The tank was greeted by city dignitaries, including Jean Randall father Al Morgan. The Memorial Service was held at the site of the old Hotel Del Rialto. City Attorney Raymond Hodge spoke at the ceremony and was one of the pallbearers. I hope this adds some perspective to the situation today and an understanding the we made it through then and we can make it through today.”
-Richard McInnis
Tune in to City Council Meetings City Council meetings take place the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. If you would like to tune in, you can find additional details here. Stay tuned and please, tune in!
OTHER Read Rod Foster, the City Manager, monthly Newsletter here
We all know pets are our unconditional friends! We would like to feature your pet in the next newsletter. Send a picture and bio here or go to the Mayor’s Facebook and send a message here
There are many resources to get help. See or call Rialto’s Community Services Department at 909-421-4949
OTHER New Job Opportunities!
For other employment opportunities, click here!
Follow Mayor Robertson’s Socials!