Semester 5 Portfolio

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[arc 3117]

design studio V My interest in urban architecture & design has further evolved in Semester 5. The way the urban fabric moves has always fascinated me as it is organic. Connecting the dots between events, people, culture, food & the economy; it is like an urban cycle of life that never ceases. By taking precedence from Toyo Ito's approach in his creation of ZA Koenji, a building with a programme sensitive to the rich culture of Koenji & its people, he is able to engage the site with his building well. After getting to know the city I grew up with a lot better from an architectural point of view, I understood that architecture is not much about buildings, it is about the people.

project I | Urban analysis

This project introduced the basic concepts and methodologies of urban studies. Aspects & issues of the city & urbanity in relation to architectural design was studied by analysing case studies & precedents. Various architectural formulated based



responses for the urban site was on analysis & observations.

"Toyo Ito engages the indie/punk/alternative pop culture of Koenji & injects it into ZA Koenji, a multi-purpose theatre space; an avenue for the arts & the community."


case sudy : ZA Koenji by Toyo Ito

5 "Jalan Tun HS Lee is a place of character, conversation & culture. What is lacking is a sense of community & order. The alleys bring life into the streets of KL city."



top left : 1 6 x A3 precedent study boards | 2 awaodori festival at ZA Koenji courtyard | 3 street elevation of ZA Koenji showing context bottom left : 4 6 x A3 urban site analysis boards | 5 street view of chosen site | 6 back alley culture of chosen site

project II | urban infill

For the final project I was required to design a programme that will reactivate a dormant site in Jalan Tun HS Lee, Kuala Lumpur. It is to be a hybrid building with the aspects Live, Work & Play.

7 "AlleyCity8 is a life center that backpacker hostel (Live), hawker market (Work) & a photography hub (Play). By highlighting the charm of the alley way, I injected life from the streets into the dormant shophouse lots."


"cosmopolis | a large urban centre with a population of many different cultural backgrounds


“polis” means city in Greek. It also means citizenship or a body of citizens. ‘city state’.





clockwise from left : 1 view from back alley | 2 photography cafe & gallery | 3 'verandah city' hostel | 4 massing strategy | 5 second floor | 6 first floor | 7 ground floor

[arc 3212]

food & culture There is more to architecture beyond the built form & open spaces. In a country that is food - centric, it is no surprise that our culture extends beyond the people & onto our plates. With a culture enriched by food, it is inevitable to have food - centric spaces. Marketplaces are unique in every country & their culture. In Malaysia, we have such spaces called the 'pasar'. From my travels during this module, I observed the daily rituals of the people of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah that seemingly revolves around the various local markets within their vicinity. I have always been fascinated by the ability of a marketplace to attract its visitors thereby sustaining itself for long periods of time. I took the opportunity to study the essence of what makes a marketplace a sustainable place as it is crucial to extract it into the urban architecture & design of today.

project I | Research proposal

A one page research proposal was produced to act as a guide for our final project. I had to pick an area of interest I would like to explore with food & culture as the guiding theme.




4 "The essence of a marketplace has always fascinated me in some way. Its ability to attract people into the space as well promote a sense of community among the people in


the particular society is fascinating as it is . I hope to unravel the essence of what gives a marketplace



its unique and as I feel this sustainability factor should be replicated and applied to the urban context, design and the society of today's generation. I intend to discover the mutuality between the

I chose to do research on the topic

'The Sustainability of a Marketplace.'

genius loci of the marketplace, the food and the people."

3 anticlockwise from left : 1 Pike Place Market, Seattle WA | 2 street market, HK | 3 back alley market, Seoul | 4 food alley, Jalan Tun HS Lee | 5 food courtyard, KK Sabah

project II | Experience & Capture

This project required us to conduct a study on a chosen market site. We had to document our findings in relation to our chosen reseach proposal topic



"Lido Square is an old market place situated in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. We chose Lido Square as it is a perfect site for us to delve into our chosen topics. It is a covered market square that has several 'districts' with vendors selling pork, fish, dried goods, vegetables, a hawker area & other goods & services. It is open 24 hours & is governed by the community council.






"We captured the such as interactions between vendor & customer, locals & visitors, the colours of food on display, & the atmosphere of the place by means of digital photography & sketches."

"It was an eye-opening experience as Lido Square welcomed us with open arms. The people was what made Lido the ideal market place to be."

In groups of 5, a 10 minute video was produced. The video had the feel of an architectural tour emphasising on the themes food & culture.

anticlockwise from left : 1 little girl helping mum choose breakfast | 2 'apom balik' kuih guys | 3 pork 'district' at 4am | 4 proud & friendly fish monger | 5 human interaction | 6 seafood vendors preparing for the transition period

project III | Interpretation & analysis

1 For the last project an A2 research poster was created using the findings from the previous 2 projects. Diagrams, photographs & sketches were used to present the data.




Lido Square

anticlockwise from left : 1 cross section showing hiearchy of activity according to ground level | 2 A2 research poster on The Sustainability of a Marketplace | 3 venn diagram showing core elements that make up LIdo Square | 4 plan of Lido Square showing food 'districts'

2 Charm


[arc 3413]

building science II I learnt that lighting & acoustics are key players in influencing the design of a particular building. In order to ensure optimum human comfort, the architect has to design spaces that are compatible with the human senses especially sight & sound. By conducting a case study analysis on a church, I was able to identify the key aspects in lighting & acoustic design requirements. I knew the importance of taking lux meter readings in order to determine the lux recommendation of a space. Using the sound meter, I learnt about the recommended level of sound for a space such as the cafeteria & community hall. I applied the knowledge in my final design for Design Studio V. I deepened my knowledge with the use of Ecotect Analysis software in order to come up with a lighting & acoustic proposal for my building.

project I | Lighting & Acoustic Performance Evaluation & Design This project was designed to help us understand & determine the characteristics & function of lighting, daylighting & acoustic requirements in a suggested space.








properties of Breakthrough Church. We discovered the significance of lux readings & learnt how to use the

Lumen method

to aid in our designs.

A report was produced to ducument our findings as well as 2 A2 summary boards . "We analysed the acoustic properties of the church by

reverberation time, time loss as well as learning how to propose STC calculating



from top left : 1 A2 summary board on Lighting | 2 A2 summary board on Acoustics

project II | Integrated Lighting & Acoustics in Design

For this project, I integrated the knowledge gained from the first project by proposing a lighting arrangement for my final Design Studio V project. I also calculated the acoustic requirements of the chosen spaces in my building.










Analysis to produce

daylighting & artificial lighting contours. I was taught how to place lighting fixtures stragetically so that my building is able to utilise PSALI during times of inefficient daylighting to ensure a visually apt space." "I produced reverberation time & time loss calculations in order to design an acoustically sound










using the Ecotect software."


from top left : 1 artificial lighting contour in Ecotect | 2 sound contour | 3 cross section showing PSALI | 4 proposed lighting arrangement on reflected ceiling plan | 5 sound contour in Ecotect

[arc 3512]

building technology I Understanding how a building is constructed will no doubt further one's knowledge in building design. By knowing how a building works, it made it easier for me to explore & extend my design intentions. By looking at how it is done in various precedent studies, I was able to apply some of the jointing methods of construction into my previous Design Studio IV building design. Knowing how the building will be constructed gave a sense of pride & a c o m p l i s m e n t . By reconstructing a building at a 1 : 40 scale, I was able to 'experience' a construction process of an actual building. A lot of preparation prior to the project was made, quite similar to a real life project. It also helped foster good communication skills between my co workers & I.

project I | Precedent study, Design modification & Documentation

This was an individual project whereby I had to employ & demonstrate the knowledge I had gained from Building Materials, & Building Construction 1 & 2.



"I learnt how to analyse an existing case study building analytically & critically as well as identifying joints & methods of construction to be applied to my design." "I brought forward my final design from Design Studio IV & proposed some modifications to the construction system & construction materials of my building.

top left : 1 roof detail | 2 verandah detail | 3 floor detail

By referring to various precedent studies, I managed to modify my original design so that utilises modern construction methods & building technology such as the Industrialised Building System (IBS). A complete documentation including a report & a set of construction drawings of the design was produced."


project II | Industrialised Building System modelling video The project taught us how to apply modern & contemporary construction methods in a scale model whereby the process is recorded in a 3 minute video.

1 6


"In a group of 6, we obtained plans, sections & elevations of an existing apartment building consisting of 2 units adjoined together.



Next, we had to decide on the most suitable Industrialised Building System to reconstruct the apartment in a 1 : 40 scale model. We replicated hollowcore floors, precast concrete columns & beams, precast exterior walls & PRIMA solidwalls using modelling materials like grayboard to reflect concrete & metal staple bullets to resemble rebars. The process was documented in a 3 minute video."

8 4

left of page : 1 foundation | 2 precast column erection | 3 precast beams | 4 installing walls | 5 third floor upon completion


right of page : 6 slicing grayboard for building parts | 7 precast columns before assembly | 8 metal staple bullets to simulate steel rebars | 8 score grayboard to simulate hollowcore floors


[arc 3243]

theory of malaysia architecture Every now and then we are faced with a familiar situation or scenario that makes us go "Sigh, typical Malaysian." It is a charming little catch phrase that is unique to us Malaysians to describe our truly one of a kind character but let us go deeper within the words and dissect what exactly does make us, well, a typical Malaysian? The mad rush to the petrol station before midnight when the nation announces a RM0.20 per litre increase in petrol prices? Malaysian kiasuism at its best. The ability of a simple dish called nasi lemak that unites all races under one mamak? Proof that we are a nation driven by the love for our food. In both scenarios it showcases Malaysian cultural identity like no other but why when it comes to our architectural identity, we can't seem to look at a particular building and go "Oh, that's a Malaysian b u i l d i n g ! " In this module, I had the chance to explore & rediscover the identity of Malaysian Architecture by mapping out the architectural periods our country has gone through the ages.

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