Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Jingjie Yang(981076)
Kristen Wang---STUDIO 5
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) According to Le Corbusier, Pictorial Space “cannot be entered or circulated through” and “is irremediably space viewed from a distance” and is “eternally resigned to frontality” (Krauss & Rosalind 1972, p.52).
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties, one is frontality, the other is ideation. According to him, “ the contrast between frontality and rotation equals to the contrast between ideation and experience.” (Krauss & Rosalind 1972, p.52). In other words, the properties are pitted against rotation and experience.
ELEVATION 01 The back of the Mario World
ELEVATION 02 The front of the Mario World
1ST MARIO’S WORLD This scanned axonometric reflects the original theme of the Mario’s World and suggests the idea of space management.
#To have a Mario’s World constructed on a ground of 20cm*20cm, the ground is equally divided into two parts, which enables 20cm*10cm area for each elevation. It helps to ensure the final size of the World while enables creative design for single part. It also reduces the risk of overload.
#Designed as the “backyard” of the Mario World, the space construction focuses more on the “secret space” that is hidden behind the cloud and the plant wall. To meet the original theme of Noah’s Ark, a moon is added to show that the Mario World, as the ark, is loading the hope of the surviving life and has become the home of lifes. All the beauty and nature such as lunar that life used to appreciate are now engaged in the World (on the ark). The two pyramids hidden behind the large cloud suggest the opinion of tenacity: the great culture of life will always exist although might be coved by temporary shadow.
#When it comes to the “real estate” provided by the ELEVATION 01, objects that seem the same from one direction can still be totally different. From the shape to width, objects varies. The space relationship of those objects varies
1st Mario’s World
as well according to the angle that people look to the space. One example
The axonometric for ELEVATION 01 as the back of
of this is the large one-piece green wall. Shown in the elevation as the most
the World.
front architect, it now becomes the furthest one from the readers and almost half of it is hidden.
#Rotate ELEVATION 01 at 45 degree and overlay a A3 tracing paper #Started with furthest objects, 2H pencil for tracing, elevation for height guide, 45 degree set square for width, T squre for height
On the left hand side is the Mario World created by combining the two 10cm*20cm soace onto one 20cm*20cm ground.
#More details are added to polish the landscape: #the ground is seperated into three isolated parts #water, stairs and tunnels are designed to connect seperate parts toghther and add complexity
#some changes are made to adjust combined axonometric better: #the delete of the lunar #shape-changed tower #the more flexible shape of the cloud
Insert scan image of your hand drawing of Mario world projection using two Mario world. Use Photoshop to adjust level to ensure background is white. (see Week 3, Studio 2, task Item 2 & 3)
Combined Mario’s World Combine two 10cm*20cm axonometrics into one 20cm*20cm square ground.
#Overlay A3 tracing papers on the combined axonometric and start with objects in the front of the scene #Clear those hidden parts and lines #Redesign and polish the combined World, add more details creatively #0.1 penliner for tracing the final Mario’s World
WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) According to Allen(2000, p. 19), Pictoral (in this case perspectival) spacerecords the existing objects while the projection constructs what haven’t existed. What’s more, perspectival space always has a vanishing point while the lines of projection are parallel to create the “infinite visible” capacity.
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) According to Allen(2000, p. 20), the earlist systematic description of axonometric projection occurs in a military context while its origins can be dated back to ancient visual practice. The reason of it is that the context developes questions of measurability, prediction and verifiability, which produce parallel projection.
To show the space construction of the Mario’s World better, the drawing tends to be more detailed: #the general shape of the entire World is a rectangular prism, which is design to fit the theme of Noah’s Ark (recorded as has a shape of box) #the land is seperated into three isolated parts to reflect the truth that the ark has three levels, balancing the conflict between the elevations and the record. To emphasis the seperation, colors and constructions vary from land to land: *the land in the front of the scene has a wood-like color to suggest the World as a wooden ark, the liquid factors show the nature of life: blue for water and orange for sunlight, the green objects in various shapes not only suits the elevations, but also represent that all kinds of life are tenacious to have the hope for brighter future *pyraid in the land on the up left corner represents the long-last culture and appreciate its consistency even covered by disasters (represented by clouds) *the land on the top of the World has the most fency colors and the shiny warm water from the high tower conveys the temperature of new life, the stairs tell the story of how lifes cooperate to defend threats and finally gain the victory step by step #seperate parts of the world are connected by water, stairs and tunnels, just like the lifes choose to collaborate
Illustrated Mario’s new world #Scan the polished Mario’s World and stroke it in ILLUSTRATOR #Color the World, refer to the elevations as references
#shadows and radians are used to emphasis the space construction
#Make use of radiance to show the shape and space relationship between objects
SET UP THE WORK STAGE: pencil, eraser T square set sqare A3 tracing paper
Annotation. Insert 3-4 images of your drawing in progress
Combine two xonometrics into ne 20*20 CM MARIO’S WORLD Use 2H pencil to trace and get rid of the hidden parts
Illustrated MARIO’S WORLD Stroke and color the scanned axonometricin the Illustrator
Use shadow and radiance to em-
Traced by 0.1 penliner, add more details
phasis the space construction