OzHelp Q&A with Senior Counsellor Katie Godfrey
The COVID-19 crisis has greatly changed the way we live, with new safety regulations and spatial distancing creating a ‘new normal’. But how have your employees been copying through this stressful period? How do you recognise the signs that one of your workers might be struggling? How do you start the conversation with them about mental health? We chatted with OzHelp Senior Counsellor Katie Godfrey to find out more about mental health and COVID-19. Q. In the recovery phase after the coronavirus, what mental health issues amongst employees could arise? A. We’ll soon be heading back to a new kind of normal and change can be stressful. So watching out for people’s stress levels, and encouraging them to take an active role in protecting their own health and wellbeing is really important.
For a lot of people, they will also be disappointed at the losses they’ve experienced during the outbreak, such as missing the footy season or the cancellation of a planned holiday, so understanding this is important. Q. What are some of the signs that employers should be aware of regarding employee mental health? A. I think if we know our employees and we know their context, certainly looking out for people who have pre-existing mental health or physical health concerns is a great place to start.
Self-care is really important and it’s crucial to remember that we can take control of our own mental health and wellbeing.
It’s also important to listen out for language. If you’re hearing people say ‘I can’t,’ ‘this is so stressful’ and ‘I’m not coping’, really tuning in to that sort of language which is sending the message that I’m not doing okay and I do need some extra support. It’s also important to look out for some physical signs. If you notice a change in someone’s behaviour. For example, they not their usual chirpy self, are they snappy, more withdrawn or seem tired. And even with virtual meetings, these observations can provide a hint as to where employees are at.