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BY Jaimee Niles VP of Communications, LIFE Foundation | Courtesy

October is Organize Your Medical Information Month, the month to get all your medical information and related paperwork together in one, easy-to-find location Why is this important? Imagine this scenario:There’s been an accident and you’re unconscious and on the way to the hospital.You can’t provide the medical team with information about your health condition,the medications you’re taking or the doctors who provide your care. And the family member—spouse, sibling, parent or child—who comes rushing to your side is so distraught that he or she can’t remember the answers to these critically important quetions. List your “drug diet.” In an emergency, it’s important that It happens—more often than we may realize. And when it medical personnel know what medication or OTC supplehappens to us or someone we love, we realize that the imporments you take on a regular basis. This could help prevent a tance of having all these details updated and accessible in drug interaction that could prove to be dangerous or even life case of emergency.As the LIFE Foundation tagline says, life threatening. happens, and although no one can prevent these types of events, these useful tips, techniques and strategies can make How to do it: List the following information for each prescription a difficult situation a little less stressful. and OTC drugs as well as vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements you take on a regular basis: the name (brand and generThis October, make it a priority to get the medical information ic, if applicable), the dosage amount and frequency, the organized for every member of your family. doctor’s name who prescribed it and the reason for the medicaIT WILL DEFINITELY BE WORTH IT IF AND WHEN LIFE HAPPENS! tion (what condition it’s for). Also note if you are eating large Think ICE. No, we don’t mean not frozen water, but ICE as in quantities of a specific food, in case that may have an impact “In Case of Emergency” — the designation for those people in on your health or specific lab results.Complete the legal your life who can answer at least some basic questions about documents. There are two key documents that relate to your you and your health. If you are unable to speak for yourself, healthcare: a living will and a health care power of attorney. emergency personnel might refer to your phone to find someThe first covers your wishes regarding medical treatments you one who can, and having certain people listed as your ICE want to receive or refuse and under what conditions. The contacts can save time and provide valuable information.How second gives a spouse, trusted family member or friend the to do it: In your cell phone’s contact list, identify key family right to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to members and/or friends with the ICE designation before their do so. (Go to this LIFE page for more details.)How to do it: You name: “ICE My Son Joe” or “ICE Mom.” Also include the name can prepare both papers yourself or have an attorney prepare of your doctors—“ICE Dr. Smith, Cardiologist.” (For more them for you. This AARP page provides links to each state’s details, visit this WEBMD page.) While you’re at it, print out forms. Download the form for your state and complete it. It’s a these ICE names and numbers and keep them in your wallet, good idea to give the person named a copy of the documents just in case! so they are ready in case of emergency.Compile your insurance information. Home and auto insurance, life, health Create a health profile. In an ideal world, our medical records or disability insurances, those policies that are part of memberwould follow us from birth to the end, with every doctor who ship benefits or are for specific illnesses—it’s not uncommon crosses our path having access to our health history. But this to have multiple policies that offer different benefits or apply in is reality. People change doctors, practices close down, unique cases, which makes it all the more important to have records get lost. It’s up to you to keep this information current. an current inventory of them. This provides your current physician as well as emergency personnel with important information that could be relevant to How to do it. List all your current insurance policies (policy type the problem you are having right now.How to do it: List the and number) the contact information for the company and your following information along with relevant dates: any surgeries agents and, if relevant, the beneficiary(ies). Store the actual or significant treatments, any conditions or illnesses you were policies in a fireproof box or safe at your home, and keep a diagnosed with in the past or have currently, and any food or copy of the policy or at least the declarations page plus the environmental allergies you have. Make a second list that inventory list off-site (with another family member, your details diseases or health problems immediate family attorney or your executor, for example). members have had, in case there could be a genetic compoNow you can rest easier, knowing that you have all your impornent. (For more information, check out this article from LifeOrtant information organized.

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