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THIS MONTH FOCUSING ON The Most Affordable Places To Rent In Canada In 2022 Canada Is Ready To Make 3 Years Announcements For Immigration Discover The Beauty And Charm Of The Canadian Fall On A Budget ISSUE 84 | DECEMBER 2022 Scan Now INTRODUCING THE BEAUTIFUL IN THE NEW YEAR 20
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26 28 30 32 36 39 44 Supply Chain Issues Canada Is Facing In 2022 Discover The Beauty And Charm Of The Canadian Fall On A Budget The Most Affordable Places To Rent In Canada In 2022 Role Of HR In Workplace Safety & The Well-being Of Employees New Year’s Eve The Biggest Celebration JustBefore The Start Of... Importance Attached With New Year’s Resolution For Personal & Business Goals Tourism Marketing With Best Ideas For The Sake Of Promoting Your Destination In 2022 05 07 09 12 18 20 22 Dedication & Execution ‘The Tasks That Have Been Initiated Must Definitely Be Finished’ The Boss & Manager’s Responsibilities... The Best Strategy To Navigate The Shell Game Of Toronto... Is Apple Getting Too Arrogant? Event Calendar December 2022 Tech Now Taking Over Your Sleep CONTENTS 47 Health Insurance In Canada For The Foreigners 24 MOVE OVER TIKTOK, HERE COMES … YOUTUBE 52 Esa & Nasa Join Hands To Fight... How To Make A New Year’s Agenda To Achieve Your Milestones?


Dear Readers, December is here with the 84th edition of MBE Business Magazine. While autumn is still technically upon us, (the first official day of winter is Dec. 21st) December brings with it colder temperatures and depending upon what area of the country you live, snow and sometimes plenty of it.

With Black Friday being the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season, the whole month of December is used to gear up for the holiday season.

From office parties to religious celebrations, there is no shortage of good will to be had. Christmas (the birth of Christ) on Dec. 25th, usually falls within the same month of the Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah (the festival of lights) which falls on the 25th day of Kislev in the Jewish calendar. While Christmas falls on the same day every year, Hanukkah falls on a different day every year and the reason for that is the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, which means it's based upon the cycles of the Moon. The modern secular calendar most people around the world use, is a solar calendar, which means it's based upon Earth's revolution around the Sun.

There are about twelve and a half lunar months in a solar calendar year. To make sure that lunar months always occur in the same seasons, the Jewish calendar incorporates a leap month every few years.

Christmas is a statutory holiday and along with Boxing Day, usually results in back to back days off from work. Boxing Day, although regulated as a federal holiday, is not observed in all provinces or territories. It is not considered an official holiday in Quebec nor is it considered a statutory holiday in Alberta or British Columbia.

Like Black Friday in the States, Boxing Day is the day retailers drop their prices to get rid of Christmas inventory and to try and salvage the last part of the holiday shopping season.

In this issue, you will find contributing articles from many different personalities including the management team of MBEMr. Mansoor Naqvi, Mr. Mahmood Naqvi and Mr. Alamdar Hussain

You will find this issue just as interesting and informative as before. Our team has worked tirelessly to bring this issue to you on our digital and social media platforms. We have also launched our magazine website as well enabling us to reach the maximum number of people via electronic media.

Your feedback is highly valuable to us. If you have suggestions or comments, feel free to call us at 1-866-667-1377 or email us at to tell us what you think about this issue.

For ad placements and marketing related queries, please email us at

Thank you, Aurora Zabala, Editor In Chief.

MBE Business Magazine is a monthly issue business magazine published by MBE. Inc. Ontario, Canada.

Printed by Vision Printers Contents © Copyrights 2017 by MBE, may not be reprinted without written permission.

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Publisher MB Enterprises Editor-in-chief Aurora Zabala Senior Editor Peter Z. Vaisey Managing Editors Steve Montgomery Mahmood Naqvi Design Cynthia Tolson A. Khan Production, Technology & Print Simon Wilson R.J Advertising S. Hassan Shoeib Kamal Administration Alamdar Hussein Erum Asghar
1-866-667-1377 E-mail: Mail: 100 Dynamic Drive, Unit 104, Scarborough, ON, M1V 5C4. Fax: 1-866-204-6888


Tasks That Have Been Initiated Must Definitely Be Finished’

It’s the dedication & execution of things, once started that is the topic of discussion, or something that needs to be pondered upon. A simple & very lucrative example that relates is regarding my Autobiography. Something that started in form of a plot of past happenings & events have been accomplished & penned down. A message that one must always remember for future payoffs in form of rich dividends is that what has been started must finish with a positive strategy.

To achieve a goal one must first aim, make a strategy to achieve the thing, just plan a timeline & finally execute the task. As most successful people believe, task management is an aspect that is accomplished with good time management strategies.

Why Dedication Is a Necessity For Successful Accomplishments?

Dedication is a huge necessity for the successful accomplishments of things, whether they are a necessity for a company’s common goals, and to make a habit of accomplishing tasks on time & with the desired dedication. Dedication counts precisely for the amount of hard work that is needed for successful accomplishments of things. It simply helps you find a journey, find your goals, & find yourself in the middle of the task. That is, where exactly you are standing for the accomplishments of your goals.

In the middle of the writing of my autobiography, there were moments where thoughts & motivation was a bit lost. Howev-

er, it was the fueling of dedication, commitments & realizing my efforts that helped me accomplish my journey. It’s similar to the way that you plan your journey & you are diverted by things or hindrances. You might lose some time, some commitments & finally some motivation & concentration, however, you can't lose your destination, unless you stay on the highway of success. Obviously, as a keen traveler you can’t just relax in the middle of your journey, you've got to get there sooner rather later.

Life Is Short, Make A Decision & Execute For Better Results:

Making plans is a positive thing. Something that gives you the desired direction. However, what’s more optimistic is the vision to make a decision & come to the point straight away. This is how the most effective people think, believe & react to situations that have a tendency to get worse.

For the most optimistic results, one should be more proactive, rather than being reactive & waiting for things to happen. Results should come automatically, once the efforts are aligned & your goals are set for better executions.

An example of how I penned down my life is something that was executed for the sake of good results. Ultimately, the passion to accomplish things as you make decisions proved far more successful as well as a good habit of success. It demonstrates how success comes & execution & implementation is a key aspect while achieving success.


Merging Dedication with Execution for Successful Results:

Let’s assume that things are hard to accomplish once they are not merged for successful results. These two aspects includes ‘dedication’ merged with ‘execution’. The absence of any one of the two while you plan your daily tasks & activities or weekly tasks or even monthly agendas, ends up making things weak & one without positive energies.

The dedication for completing the YouTube videos, shall only be accomplished with planned executions. Something, which shall bring a heavy involvement of hard work for success. The things that need to be discussed in the videos for YouTube and how practical life is, is linked with all the videos and surely is an aspect that needs dedication.

There Is No Formula For Success:

Is there a formula for success? To be frank, there isn’t one exactly. However, there is one formula for consistent positive results & that’s dedication. Your consistent approach towards being dedicated & committed means you can’t lag behind once you are equipped with dedication.

The next big thing on the list is direction, as if you can’t find success even if you have dedication, than obviously, you need a direction. Lastly, the execution of things in the right & positive directions.

Some people like to bring in their own patterns of success & make their own formula for success. Whatever works for them. However, there are not many who can find success without dedication. Synonymously, the commitments that are true commitments. Whether you are working in an office 9-5, whether you own your own business or franchise or whether you are thinking of launching yourself in the business world but looking for the right and bright time, results will surely arrive automatically with the ingredients of dedication and execution.


The Boss & Manager’s Responsibilities of how to maintain discipline?

The boss & the manager’s responsibilities are highly proactive & highly structured in terms of maintaining the discipline. It’s the boss, i.e. the CEO or the owner of a company who is governing the organization with the vision in their minds as they know how to make their managers react to different situations. A company or an organization is not suffering when the boss knows that the agendas are being achieved in their desired manners.

A boss plays a massive role in making an environment friendly & highly trained for work patterns. Apart from creating a friendly environment, it’s the discipline as well as maintaining

the energies that shall be the upper most priority of the management to create.

While we are also worried about the responsibilities being taken seriously, at the same time what's more important is how these responsibilities are shared within the organization. How the management can make a solid need analysis, i.e. make analysis of the needs of the employees with regards to their roles in the company.


It’s a part of the role of the boss & management that a climate of friendship is created amongst the

peers. The peers can even be the managers of the team & the team members while the friendship acts as a platform of trust for future relationships. Hence, its relationship management on part of the management to create a good rapport with their team while managing the team for better results.



Is it easy for the boss to maintain discipline all across the company in all the departments? It’s definitely something that counts while the company grows. We are talking about discipline in terms of the timings, discipline in terms of maintaining


While maintaining the energies of the employees, the boss & managers must play a vital role of motivation & creating motivational values amongst the employees.

It’s the motivation & the motivational vibes that counts for the employees, as for them, what’s important is that they achieve their agendas.

When analyzing what employee's have in their minds, we have to understand their perspective. When looking at the hierarchy of an organization starting from the top down, it's hard to manage the system in terms of the organizations goals. Organizations need to understand that the first step to organizational success is to make sure each department and member know what the organizations goals are.


The future is nothing but a shadow of the past & the past events. The strategy that is adopted by the boss & the managers helps in ways for the company to control the employees when looking forward in regards to the companies sustainability goals & requirements & making things sustainable for a longer time period.



As part of the management priorities, what's important is to

regards to their needs. This can happen while making a relationship of friendship & trust amongst the employees. It’s important for the employees to not only create a pattern of trust & friendship for the employees amongst the peers, but also in terms of one-to-one relationships with the management, i.e. boss & managers that are line-managers.

A CEO of a company is the father figure of an organization. As the head of a company, the chain of command starts from the top and works its way to the bottom. Similarly, the role of managers linked with their team members also works in a similar fashion. Using the federal government as an example where there's the Prime Minister, followed by the MPs, then the municipal MPs, there is also the same systems in place in private organizations. The head of the organization can’t get to every single person. That's why positions and bodies are put in place in order to hear all issues and eventually transfer their knowledge from top to bottom. This allows stability and responsibility to shift rather than be held up by single individuals. In this cycle, if you are at the bottom of the food chain, it is very important for you to be a great listener. Listening allows you to learn and to dedicate yourself to understanding your role all the while slowly allowing you to move up the corporate ladder. Secondly, discipline is also a very important trait if you are at the bottom of the food chain. Discipline across all areas will truly yield great results. At the end of the day, these are things that are vital for a professional organization to be successful in developing their culture.


HOW TO MAKE A NEW YEAR’S AGENDA To Achieve Your Milestones?

Making a new year’s schedule to achieve your New Year’s goals & milestones is the most important thing before a new year. It gives your mind to the future targets & how your future goals & agendas shall be achieved for you or your career’s objective. The start of the New Year means dividing the year into months and later into weeks & planning likewise. However, the most crucial aspect is how you plan things and how you move forward with your short-term & long-term goals. You have a mission or an objective that needs to be achieved in the New Year. How can you pursue that mission keeping in mind the timeframe, i.e. the duration? A fresh new year’s schedule will not only give

you a mission in your head but as well as a target to comprehend. Importantly, you must know or devise a strategy for taking things forward.


Jot down, or list down, some key & vital points in your agendas. These key points will keep on triggering like an alarming piece in your mind. These agendas might relate to your company’s agendas or your career development plans, your development plans & finally, for your good in terms of growth or future business expansion. At the same time, keep a target or a time set in your schedule for how much time you spend on certain vital

things. For example, if you are planning to buy a house at the start of the new year; how much is the budget in your mind? Secondly, the location & lastly, the time frame in which you should buy the house. Later, it would be best if you decided whether you should be moving into the house yourself or you might leave it as your crucial investment in hand. Making a set budget is the best answer.


Making some realistic milestones for the year is an ideal necessity that needs to be achieved in the New Year. You should know how many tax returns you must file as a taxpayer in

SYED ALAMDAR HUSSAIN Country Head - MB Enterprises

the New Year. Furthermore, you should also be well aware of your plans that need to be realistic. Staying close to realism & the realities of life will make you ponder with more focus on your realistic targets for the New Year. If you worship your milestones, you will achieve at least 90% of them. Thus, making future milestones & agendas will make you think more closely about what you need to achieve & how to achieve it.


In the New Year, think optimistically that nothing is hard to accomplish or an impossible target. You need to have the right strategy to accomplish your goals. Devising the correct strategy not only means that you mean business for your goals, it also means that you know how to synchronize your activities. Whether it’s a business expansion goal, investing in new businesses or diverting from a business proposal, other vital things include your development plan or your fitness agenda.


An analysis of the previous year compared to the New Year is critical. You need to analyze how much of your agenda you achieved in your previous year’s targets. A percentage, a number, or a pie chart will help you analyze your vision for the New Year. For instance, if you have achieved 82% of your agenda in the past year, indeed, you should aim for at least 90% this time. This is something which will be not only a

positive move for your company but also an optimistic approach for your future agendas. Something should give you the confidence to move forward with what you have planned.

It is also a strategy that makes you a better visionary in terms of goals & objectives, but also increasing your confidence levels. Apart from this makes you strong in terms of prospective decision-making.


Future decision-making is made easy automatically if you plan your agendas for the future & keep achieving them. Decision-making is a very dynamic thing to achieve for future goals. Furthermore, decision-making also makes things easy to achieve if you have your vision clearer in your mind. It not only makes you stronger, but also secures you, your business goals & finally, your New Year’s agenda.

Making New Year’s agenda for future targets is a piece of cake. However, what makes things complicated is how you achieve these agendas & the strategy needed as being a key strategy of change. The best advice is you have to be far more predictable & hungrier for your goals.

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The Best Strategy to Navigate the Shell Game of Toronto Pre-Construction Condos

Pre-Construction Condo Trajectory Changes

Canada’s real estate boom discussed back in February 2022 was heavily investor-driven, especially in the context of new construction. sifted through ownership data and discovered that most condos built since 2016 are investors owned. Those owners could be landlords who want: (i) a second home (ii) an income source or (iii) just a place to seed equity. Regardless of the motivation, the “most affordable” housing option is, by an overwhelming majority, investor-owned.

As reported earlier by the Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON) and Global News rising Canadian interest rates as well as some other trends in the construc-

tion industry may be changing the trajectory of Toronto’s condominium market.

In its Condominium Market Survey for the second quarter of 2022, Urbanation reported that 6,792 new condo units were sold in the second quarter. This is a decline of 19% from Q1, and just under twenty-five percent year-over-year. The global news article entitled, Here’s how high-interest rates are impacting Canada’s condo demand noted the experts forecast the sale of only 10,000 more units launched between now and January 1, 2023, with 10,000 units being delayed or scraped.

HEATHER MCDOWELL Canadian Real estate Market Wealth

These Times They Are A-Changin’

Those residential homebuyers, who are looking for a condo, detached, or semi-detached home have likely noticed that there are more housing units to choose from in recent months. Inventories on each front shot up by almost sixty percent from a year ago. However, the higher interest rates are negatively impacting homebuyers’ purchasing budgets.

The 411 from the HMI

The Housing Market Index or HMI is a 100-point scale that the Canadian Home Buyers’ Association (CHBA) uses to gauge the confidence of Canadian residential builders. The HMI observed that there was a dip in the latter part of Q1 and a subsequent dramatic drop in developer confidence in the entirety of the second quarter of 2022. The CHBA attributes this mainly due to drastic labour shortages, noting that the Bank of Canada’s quantitative tightening has impacted, but is not reflected in those Q1 and Q2 numbers.

Speculation of Municipal Clawbacks of Lost COVID-19 Revenue

Like the pinch Canadians have felt for household staples,

Homebuilders are finding the cost of their industry materials climbing up, several rungs at a time. Many builders have felt the sting of development charges, also. Although the reason for this could be a combination of factors, some builders point to the commonality in presence and timing of it across municipalities as an end-run clawback method to regain the loss of revenue cities experienced due to COVID-19 lockdowns. While there is no confirmation of this at the municipal level, there’s a heavily debated topic amongst councillors in neighbouring cities around whether to follow Toronto’s model of an additional land transfer tax (LTT) at the city level. Toronto’s LTT was long in play before the global pandemic; The talk on neighbouring city officials’ lips is its implementation may prove a formidable part of a larger debt-recovery strategy.

Shutting Out John and Jane Q. Public

In March of this year, industry watchers observed that the pre-construction was already beginning to pause as builders shut their sales offices to John and Jane Q. Public. This prediction of the postponement of any new development appears to ring true as well.


Assignment Trends on the Rise

Investors make up most of the pool of pre-construction condo market buyers. As has been noted by many an economist, the real estate industry, with all of its complexities, when boiled down is a wonderfully, dispassionate system fueled by supply and demand.

In its October 14th article, Pre-construction condo flippers may be left holding the bag as buyers disappear the Financial Post noted industry watcher observations that nervous investors who are seeking to offload their pre-construction condos in the secondary buyer market may find themselves out of luck. A shifting, softening real estate market coupled with existing interest rate hikes and the looming threat of more by the Bank of Canada are sending buyers to the sidelines.

Several REALTORS ® in the Greater Toronto Area shared with the publication that they’re experiencing a spike in email and telephone queries asking about “assignment sales”

By way of background, an assignment sale is a kind of real estate transaction whereby the initial pre-construction condo buyer “assigns” or transfers the rights and obligations of the purchase agreement to another buyer via a legally binding contract. An industry leader commented that he's never seen

the assignment market this soft before. Online chatter supports his supposition; topics using the words “assignment,” “assign” or “flip” combined with “Toronto” “GTA” and “condo” or “condominium” lept from four percent in 2017 to fourteen percent this year.

Closed Off to Closing

Historically, there have been some pre-construction buyer clients who don’t intend to close. They never intended to complete the sale and were hoping to flip the contracts for a profit. Part of their investment strategy is to get in on the proverbial ground floor. As the construction progresses, when they feel their initial investment has hit their perceived sweet spot, they sell it and consequently assign it to the next buyer.

Since pre-construction units are not yet registered, those sales are not advertised on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) system.

Subsequently, comprehensive data on the market is limited. There’s some debate as to whether the proportion of the market of the buying pool that may never actually intended to close on is much higher than in the past or what the market can sustain. This perceived uptick is further complicated if


there’s a possibility that factually some of those deliberate assigners may no longer be able to afford to close.

Navigating with a North Star

If this seems like a lot of whispered what-ifs and maybes from dark corners, we’re with you. We turned to industry juggernauts and real estate Sales Representatives Tony Sbrocchi and Aleksandra Nowak of The Condo House to share not only what they’re seeing from the trenches of the pre-construction condo market, but their 2-year forecast, and their up-to-the-minute north star advice given to their exclusive buyers-club clients for navigating the waters of the fast-paced and dynamic GTA pre-construction condo market.

When asked to share their observations of the current Toronto and surrounding area pre-construction condominium market landscape and its two-year trajectory, Mr. Sbrocchi noted the following:

“The current market conditions are a factor of interest rates and marketplace uncertainty. With rising rates, we will always see a decline in market activity. Typically rate increases take some time for the marketplace to absorb. As it has been in the past, the market will adjust accordingly. Is there a concrete timeline, No, will there be a recovery, yes. In the next 2 years, we’ll likely see a levelling out of rates and pricing which should bring stability back to the market. One thing to note, regardless of the current conditions, builders are not in a position to reduce pricing on preconstruction as their costs had been elevated before the rates hikes due to supply issues and land costs, the latter being the biggest driver”.

Mr. Sbrocchi and Ms. Nowak, revered by their clients for their innate attentiveness and aptitude for righting the ship in any of the rough waters that the real estate throws at their clients, had this gem to impart to our readers,

“Real Estate is not something measured on a month-to-month basis. There is always the bigger picture, which is that investors should always use a minimum of a 5-year timetable to quantify how their investment will perform”.

These times can feel uncertain, particularly when folks see potential evidence that seemingly affirms their mounting concerns for the sustainability of their investment, such as a rollback of new pre-construction units. The crossroads they face may feel daunting and the future offers no guarantees. It’s become clear that the star that one may need to find true

north, or perhaps if you’ll pardon the turn of phrase, true growth is working with proven navigators with a long-standing history of purposeful market reading and cultivating meaningful relationships. Many REALTORS ® can offer big promises but take the time to look at their track record. If they have a proclivity for high peaks followed quickly by low valleys, that may be a sign that you need to send up a flare. This red flag is indicative of responsiveness to the market rather than the proven strategy buttressed by those long-standing relationships of trust and knowledge. That’s potential smooth sailing and a return on investment that you should bank on!

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Years ago when Apple announced the iPhone7 and removed the headphone jack, unfortunately-named company executive Phil Schiller, told the world why: Courage.

At least, that was the reason it gave for what, years later, still feels like a bonehead move – what the Verge’s Nilay Patel at the time called user-hostile and stupid. Yes, the switch to wireless headphones and speakers just accelerated, but lack of a head phone jack is still frustrating for millions. Want to plug in your iphone to an old stereo or good headphones? Tough, you’re out of luck.

Now as Apple announced the iPhone 14 lineup two months ago, the company stated that models in the U.S. would no longer have SIM trays, instead switching to a digital version. That means that the quite common

practice of simply picking up a foreign SIM when travelling to Europe, Asia and elsewhere is now impossible.

It is typical Apple; changing something because the shift may well have ostensible benefits, but while also ignoring a certain class of users. True, it is a double bind in technology: Change requires inconveniencing some until things evolve.

But Apple has an unfortunate tendency to use its enormous wealth and influence to less than ideal ends.

Consider, when probed about the disparity between how iPhones communicate with Android devices versus other Apple products, CEO Tim Cook joked that the journalist who asked should just buy his mom an iPhone.

Sure, it was in jest. But it also speaks

to how Apple’s wealth and position sometimes morphs into something closer to arrogance – so much so that not only does if often act in ways harmful to consumers, it also tends to rest on its laurels a little too long. There is no point trying to deny that Apple’s products are excellent. From the MacBook Air right down to the iPhone and Apple Watch.

If there is a problem with Apple, it’s not that the devices aren’t great. Rather Apple’s status as one of the world’s largest companies and arguable the most influential one in tech, means that it has an outsized its impact on the industry as a whole. Consider standards. For years, Apple has resisted standards of any kind. Messaging and the green bubbles in IMessage are the most glaring examples, but it’s also true for smart home tech, audio standards are more.


What it amounts to is that if you want the best experiences in tech, you have to stick to Apple products. That is fine if one is financially comfortable or fortunate. But part of the promise of digital technology was that it was supposed to be democratic that anyone using an app or device can go great things.

Yet when Apple resists the institution of standards – like one for messaging – it means that people not using Apple products are often having a worse time of things. It means that the ideal of open, free communication is harmed.

Part of the issue here it that Apple takes a massive share of profit in the consumer tech space. To its credit, its products are often so far ahead of the competition that it needs to do little to outpace them. Take a quick glance at any Window’s laptop and you’ll see why Apple could happily coast for years with hardly any downside.

But that lead also translates into no small amount of stagnation. Though Apple did announce a new Apple Watch Ultra –a rugged version aimed at outdoor enthusiasts – true innovation in the Watch is something we are still waiting for.

And as for the iPhone, the best we got in terms of something new is a shifting animation near the front camera that the company is calling “Dynamic Island” apparently without a trace of Irony.

Yes it’s true. Each year after an Apple event, some pundit lines up to say Apple isn’t innovating. Then you look at the solid product lineup and think: Well, that’s not really true, is it?

But it may be worth asking: Instead of whether what we have is good enough, would we be better off if Apple were motivated by better competition? Were more regulated to comply with standards?

Put more plainly: Does Apple also harm as well as help the tech industry?

Ultimately, a private company like Apple is not going to rein itself in, or capitulate to its critics or its competition. Rather, the only thing that will do that is the threat of actual government regulation. And far from the issue of headphone jacks or SIM trays or even how we communicate, when it comes to dealing with some of the largest corporate entities in history, it is both we and our representatives who will need courage.




Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster

The Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster is observed in Canada on December 11 each year to mark the statute's establishment. The Canadian flag and the Royal Union flag are flown together on this day.


First Day of Hanukkah

Many Jewish communities in Canada observe the first day of Hanukkah, which marks the start of Hanukkah, also known as Chanukah or Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people's struggle for religious freedom.

December Solstice

There are two solstices every year: one in December and one in June. The December solstice marks the shortest day north of the equator and the longest day in the south.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve in Canada is the last day of preparations for the Christmas Day and Boxing Day holidays. It is a busy shopping day and some people give gifts to family and friends on this day.


Christmas Day

Many Christians in Canada mark the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25, which is known as Christmas Day. It is a day of celebration when many Canadians exchange gifts and enjoy festive meals.

Boxing Day

26 DEC

Boxing Day is a holiday for many Canadians on December 26. It gives people the chance to take part in the post-Christmas sales or watch ice hockey games.



Imagine yourself tucked snugly into bed. It’s fall now, with winter around the corner, so the warmth of your duvet is welcome coziness. To add to the comfort, there’s a small, glowing device just next to your lamp –tracking your movements as you sleep.

That, in effect, is the Halo Rise, a new device from Amazon designed to observe your sleep patterns and

wake you up gently using light and sound.

The Halo Rise was part of a slew of products that Amazon announced three months ago at its annual September event that focused primarily on smart home tech.

The pitch for the Halo Rise is that it is a sleep tracker and alarm clock.

It has no cameras or microphones,


instead tracking your movements and breathing through censors to give you insights into your sleep cycles. Come morning, the device will wake you with a soft light and an alarm or song of your choosing – even claiming to wait if its detects you are in a deep sleep.

Somewhat hilariously though, the Halo Rise has a round light on the edge of its circular frame that gives it the effect of being more like the Eye of Sauron (Lord of the Rings) than gentle bedside accessory.

It is almost inevitably, “creepy” – that word we give to the vague unease that has settled in thanks to living in a world in which almost everything either is or at least feels like it’s under surveillance.

In Amazon’s marathon event, it announced a slew of other iterations on its smart home products: TVs, and an updated streaming box, a new Ring camera that can swivel and track things in 3D; floodlights and indoor cameras and swivel; and an update to its Astro robot that moves around a home and acts as a sentinel.

If it sounds like a lot that’s because it is. Amazon is flooding the market


home era, it will also cement that era as one in which everything is watched.

The distinction between merely offering products versus being a platform is a useful one when it comes to thinking tech companies. Products are individual objects without much greater purpose: a coffee maker, a “dumb” TV, a stereo.

Platforms are integrated systems upon which product ecosystems are built. Amazon’s newest lineup not only has smart speakers but also music services that go along with it, not just smart TV’s but also streaming apps for them. And those smart home devices – cameras, sensors, speakers, even robots – all work in tandem, with each other and with voice control.

It’s a shift in model that was precipitated by tech and the creation of vertically integrated business models that encourage consumers to use products of one platform because they work best with one another.

Looked at that way, it suddenly makes a lot more sense why an e-commerce company wants to track you while you sleep. In building out a series of smart home tech, Amazon not only gets you to buy its various speakers and cameras, but them also sign on to various services, whether they exist now or will down the road. And services are the holy grail for most companies for a simple reason: steady recurring revenue. It isn’t all sinister. All this tech can be genuinely helpful, not only making life easier or more convenient, but also in many

But along with that convenience comes this relentless focus on surveillance, cultivating a culture in which we are all recording who comes to our front door, who is passing by our house, and what everyone we know is up to.

That is the downside of the platform approach, at least under our current tech regime: it brings with it the need to gather data in order to service the many other products attached to one another.

Amazon faces stiff competition, from just who you’d expect. Apple continues to build out its Home app as a control centre for the smart home, and Google is also in the space with its Nest lineup of speakers, thermostats, Wi-Fi and more.

But it’s worth considering what price all this convenience comes with, and if there isn’t another way we might evolve our homes into technological centres – without also being quite literally, tracked while we sleep.




There was a brief time in the late 2010s during which the social media titans seemed impregnable.

Facebook and Instagram, in particular – companies with user bases that dwarfed the populations of entire continents – seemed utterly dominant that it was hard to see how anyone might unseat them.

Then along came TikTok. The short form video platform wildly popular with generation Z has gone from obscure lip synching app to a cultural force with well over a billion users.

What is perhaps most remarkable about TikTok’s rise is that it has made Facebook and Instagram seem very vulnerable.

Now, one finds oneself asking not, “Can anything stop Facebook?” but instead, “Can anyone challenge TikTok?”

The answer to that is yes – and the challenger is not a traditional social media app, but YouTube.

Last month, the massive, Alphabet owned video site announced upcoming changes: Its Shorts feature –essentially, short form video a la TikTok – will be part of the YouTube partner program starting in 2023, and ad revenue will be shared with content creators.

That suddenly makes YouTube much more attractive to creators – the relatively new class of worker who

makes a living producing video content.

What YouTube’s move also does, however, is squeeze Instagram into a sort of no man’s land where it may well face increasing headwinds succeeding either as a social media platform or TikTok competitor.

YouTube Shorts are a bigger deal than they may appear, mostly because their small, digestible format makes them very popular – sometimes more so than longer format videos. YouTube’s vice president of creator products, Amjad Hanif, stated that Shorts get 30 billion views a day and 1.5 billion people are viewing them every month.


One key though, is the way in which they might help smaller creators rather than those already established.

For example, Canadian Kyle Roswell’s YouTube channel dedicated to coffee has respectable views for longer videos, with some in the hundreds of thousands; his most popular Short, on the other hand, has 13 million views.

That kind of difference can mean the difference between a YouTube being a side hustle and a job. While YouTube’s top channels may resent the need to now dedicate time to a new, shorter format, smaller creators have a lower barrier to entry to an audience and revenue.

It also means YouTube is firmly aiming its sights at TikTok, who for its part introduced revenue sharing this summer. That arrangement, however is only available to the top 4% of accounts, and it is quite plausible that YouTube’s broader reach may make it more accessible and profitable.

In this back and forth between short form video, however, Instagram may get lost in the mix.

Over the last couple of years, Instagram has pivoted to try to deal with the threat of TikTok, shifting to videos called Reels and deprioritizing its early focus on photos and sharing among friends.

It’s not going well. The Wall Street Journal reported that a leaked internal document from Instagram stated users are not spending much time on Reels and, worse “most Reels users have no engagement whatsoever.”

The revelation of TikTok was that it mostly ignored the idea of following family and friends and instead was more like short form TV: open the app and be entertained by people you don’t personally know. YouTube is similar, with the difference being the inclusion of longer form videos. It isn’t really social media – it’s just media, almost like the evolution of or successor to TV.

Instagram is different because it started life as a place to see photos of what friends were up to. That’s why when the app copied Snapchat’s stories – short, disappearing photos and videos - it was very successful, because it complemented the existing approach of keeping up with one’s social circle. In trying to compete with TikTok, however, Instagram finds itself stuck in no man’s land, neither functional competitor nor the social app it once was.

Looked at in that light, it’s no wonder the once impregnable app is now looking much more, well pregnable.

For its part, YouTube appears to have made a very smart move, though we wait of course to see how it plays out in the real world. If nothing else, what makes YouTube’s approach clever is that it knows what it is: a site or app that people turn to for video on things that interest them.

It’s a clarity of purpose that is shares with Tiktok– and one that Instagram appears to be lacking. And what once seemed unthinkable – that the social media giants may in fact fade – now seems just that much more possible.



Canada is undergoing in 2022 a wide array of variety in Supply Chain Issues. These are subject to many things, including rising inflation, rise in minimum wages, transportation costs, weather disruptions & other problems contributing to supply chain issues in Canada. The country holds a border with the USA, i.e. being the longest border, and the Supply Chain, i.e. transportation & goods transportation, takes place in the form of cross country Supply Chain & transportation. Obviously, due to the rise in costs, i.e. overall costs, there has been seen a rise which is a massive rise in transportation costs. All over the great country, that is not only great being a big country in size. However, the country's greatness with the maple-leaf flag owes much to its contributions toward the migrants.

Since the start of this year, there has been a trend observed in terms of delays in delivery times. Delivering time delays are regarded as a top-level supply chain issue. With regards to the rise in minimum wages, there is a rise in many things that are interrelated with the minimum wages. Hence, this rise is less appreciated, obviously due to the rising costs of supply chain issues.

The weather has always been a Supply Chain challenge. However, in the past, it has been addressed with strategy. Similarly, it will be addressed with similar strategies implemented together to resolve the Supply Chain management issues.

The Supply Chain Issues that Canada is currently facing are listed below in far more detail;

Rising Inflation in Canada:

Inflation, i.e. the costs have risen due to the time factor. It's a general rise in inflation, i.e. everything has increased concerning the costs. However, it's a trend seen globally ever since the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects are largely not only limited to Canada. However, the whole continent of North America has been on a suffering end.

Increasing price hesitations at different steps of the Supply Chain leads to more decision delays. Therefore, the decision delays have caused setbacks regards to supply chain. Another reason for Canada's rise in inflation numbers is a shift in consumer demand in various sectors. These sectors include entertainment, consumer electronics and finally, food products.


Shortages in Labor Seen As a General Trend All across Canada:

Labour shortages are seen as more of a general trend across most of the ten provinces & three territories in Canada. Existing employees are demanding more while they are working overtime & at the same time, demanding higher pay.

The success of a supply chain is deeply linked with labour & meeting up with their demands. The success is highly affected & the reason for this is the increasing demands of the labour, which supply chain owners can't fully meet.

Reasons that are attributed to labour shortages are an aging workforce that is retiring. Hence, the balance is being affected due to that. More people are into quitting due to health issues. People working in the supply chain are looking for more flexible jobs. The environment in Supply Chain is most of the time regarded as very good. However, the environmental people have issues, thus contributing to supply chain issues. The responsiveness could be better. There need to be more people who meet the job requirements. These are requirements with strict criteria. Finally, many people ignore working in Supply Chain & preferring to start their businesses.

Delays in Delivery Time- 'A Major Challenge':

The rising delays in delivery time across the majority of provinces in Canada have risen & highlighted as a significant challenge. Indeed, it's a challenge which has disturbed the whole supply chain network. The delays have become a

major cause of increase in investment by the companies in Technology & human resources. Thus, automatically contributing to the rising prices.

A huge number of delays in the delivery time is a significant challenge. Plenty owes to what we call challenges of the Trucking industry. An industry which is again facing minor staffing shortages even though the pays are far better off in the trucking sector in Canada. Hence, the increasing demands gets challenging to meet, especially with the factor of timeliness into play. In many cases, the goods are left in waiting status at the warehouse until there are enough drivers that are available to ship them.

Weather Challenges:

The unpredictable nature of weather in Canada has been a consistent contributor to the same. That is, disruptions, delays & additions in supply chain challenges. The unpredictable weather is a norm, especially in the winter season. During the winters, the snowstorms and blizzards can easily cause a disruption in the supply chain & finally the delivery times. There is no answer to weather challenges except for waiting & looking for alternative solutions. However, it is an issue which is becoming far more predictable now. Much owes to the latest technology used for weather forecasting.



Canada, the world’s second-largest country, also has the most breathtaking scenery and endless activities to do. Its magic made it the favorite place of people from all around the planet.

Although the winter and the summer are tourists’ favorite seasons to visit The Great White North, fall is the perfect budget-friendly time of the year. Do you enjoy trekking and admiring the green foliage of the trees? What if we told you that you could witness the most beautiful multi-colored foliage between mid-September and late October?

If you are interested in visiting Canada and don’t want to overspend money, this is the article for you. Here you will learn some of the best tips to have an unforgettable journey:

Explore how you can move around the country

If you are a foreigner and come from far away, perhaps a large part of your

budget will go on plane tickets. However, flying between September and November will always be much cheaper than traveling between June and August in the high season. When comparing flight costs around the world, the median price is 555 American dollars.

Once in Canadian territory, you can choose different means of transport. This decision will depend on the length of your stay and which provinces of the country you would like to explore. Our recommendation is to transport by land, so you don’t miss the spectacular views of nature. You could take a bus if you don’t plan to visit many places. Megabus is the best-known company and can easily transport you between cities and at affordable prices. On the other hand, if you would like to visit more places in the shortest time, you could take the Trans-Canada Highway or the Via Rail.

The cheapest means of transport will always be the car. Even more, if it is your own. However, an economical option is renting a car on independent websites or travel platforms such as Kayak and Booking. Remember that you must be at least 25 years old if you want to rent a vehicle.

Another alternative that will not only allow you to move from one place to another but can also save you accommodation costs, is the RV. While gas can be more expensive, many RVs are like small cabins with beds and even a kitchen. That translates into significant savings, as we will see below.

Discover where you should stay the night

Like any other country, Canada offers different accommodation options that adapt to your budget. As we mentioned earlier, prices during the fall are the lowest of the year. In big cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancou-


ver, or Ottawa, you can find hotels, hostels, cabins, Airbnb, and even people who offer their houses for free to travelers. This last modality is called Couchsurfing.

If you are coming from far away, want to save as much as possible, and don't care much about privacy when sleeping, it is recommended that you stay in a shared hostel room. In Toronto, for instance, you could find dorms starting at 24 American dollars a night. Not only will you pay the minimum, but you will meet travelers from all over the world, just like you. Nevertheless, if you prefer to have your own private space, we recommend you to find hotels on the outskirts of the big cities to find the best prices.

On the other hand, if you arrive in Canada in an RV with your family or friends, there are RV Parks located in the heart of the most beautiful landscapes in different parts of the country. You will only have to pay for the space where you will park your vehicle, and will wake up listening to the wild nature and admiring the beautiful foliage. Just be aware of the weather, autumn can be a little bit chilly with temperatures between 45°F (7°C) and 59°F (15°C).

Take a look at the activities you can enjoy Even though it's a bit cold for camping and swimming in the turquoise lakes, and not cold enough for skiing in the mighty mountains, Canada’s provinces offer numerous activities during the fall. Whether you travel alone, with your partner, with friends or with your family, we promise you will have an incredible time.

If you prefer exploring cities, learning about history and admire the arts, we recommend you to stay around Ontario and Quebec. You can attend the Ontario Culture Days starting on September the 23rd and ending on October the 16th. It is a free festival held in multiple cities that celebrate arts and culture. Moreover, you can admire the wonderful creations made of plants and flowers at the Parc du Bois-de-Coulonge in the heart of Quebec.

However, if you prefer connecting with nature, Western Canada is your place to be. The fall is the perfect time to watch polar bears and even arctic foxes migrating to the province of Manitoba. If you like adventure, you might want to plan a romantic getaway to Yukon, located at the northwest corner of Canada. There you have a great chance to witness one the most astonishing Aurora Borealis of the world.

Other family-friendly experiences include harvesting apples, visiting the beautiful pumpkin patches and the fields with endless pumpkin lanterns, and also getting lost in the corn mazes. They are all usually very budget-friendly.

If you are more interested in watching the green, yellow, orange and red colors of the fall, here is a list of some of the places, from East to West, where you will have the most amazing autumn experience:

• Nelson Kootenay Lake in British Columbia.

• The Rockies (Rocky Mountains) in Alberta.

• Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan.

• Whiteshell Provincial Park in Manitoba.

• Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario.

• Laurentian Mountains in Quebec.

• Fundy Coastal Drive in New Brunswick.

• Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.

• Confederation Trail in Prince Edward Island.

Consider eating these to please your palate

When traveling on a budget, it is important to consider food expenses. Ideally, buying food at the supermarket and preparing it at your lodge or RV can save a lot of money. However, we know that an important part of traveling is trying its typical dishes.

If you want to experience the Canadian culinary experience but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars in restaurants. Street food is what you must try:

• Poutine: It is probably the best known street food in the country. This Quebecois dish is prepared out of french fries and cheese curds soaked in gravy.

• Montreal hot dog: what makes this street food is the preparation techniques: the local sausage and bun are steamed, and the toppings that go with them are onion, coleslaw, mustard and relish.

• Halifax donair: originally from Nova Scotia, the dish contains spiced roasted or ground beef, onions, tomatoes, and a sauce made of condensed milk, garlic powder and vinegar. These ingredients are wrapped in a pita bread.

• Peameal bacon sandwich: this Vancouverite street food consists in cornmeal bread stuffed with sweet and savory pork loin.

• Bannock: probably one of the simplest but most delicious flat breads in Canada. It is made out of flour, water, milk and butter. You can enjoy it before any meal.

• Extra: maple syrup is a Canadian staple. The province of Quebec produces 70% of the so-called liquid gold in the world. You can find different foods improving its flavor, or you can enjoy it on the classic waffles.

If you want to enjoy the best landscapes, connect with nature, meet the friendliest people and eat delicious food, you cannot miss visiting Canada during the fall.



Tourism Marketing is all filled with dynamic ideas that shall be used to promote your destinations. It helps identify certain key aspects that are termed vital for promoting Tourism values while promoting your destination. The year 2022 has been challenging for the Tourism Industry. The UN World Tourism Organization released a very comprehensive report that was released back in September & gave warnings that approximately 120 million jobs are at risk due to the

be adopted stand out if you want to attract visitors once again & thus make a revival in the sector. A revival that is wanted for the sake of reviving the Tourism Industry.

How can you attract visitors with a creative perspective & what are the things you can do differently to attract tourists?

Promote Tourism With Safe Tourism Values:


in 2022 Customer Safety has shifted to the top of the list due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A massive difference from the past is that travellers are far more conscious regarding health & hygiene than in previous years. Hence, this is important to be reflected in the Tourism Marketers' marketing plan.

In your highly distinguished & well-planned marketing plan, highly emphasize the key & most vital steps you are taking to maintain the social distance. Apart from that, maintaining high levels of cleanliness, thus making sure that all your visitors will be safe & secure. If you are a tour operator, be highly creative in designing new itineraries that avoid large crowds. Thus, it keeps a more significant focus on smaller group sizes.

Act Far More Sustainable:

To think creatively, you must act far more sustainably as a Tourism Marketer. The highly unwanted and enforced Tourism break due to the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly given us more time and space to notice how tourism impacts the environment. This is known as sustainable thinking while you are marketing Tourism. It's a trend that almost 68 % -70% of travellers prefer more sustainable choices than in previous years.

As a prominent example, as a marketer, you can partner with your local train company to encourage customers to travel sustainably. Enjoy the journey, the countryside & finally, be sustainable regarding the environmental challenges.

To Think Creative, You Must Think Local:

As a Tourism Marketer, you must think far more locally to be more creative. The creative thinking and aspects of customer service are improved when you think more locally. For example, if you are planning a tourism destination in a place in Ontario, which is a more rural area but known for Tourism values in terms of the landscapes. Then importantly, it would be best if you thought like a resident to create practical marketing values.

Effectiveness in marketing values is improved when you change the paradigm to think more locally. Your perspective is helpful for a good relationship that can be created between you as a Tourism marketer and others as Tourists.

For example, consider creating a discount for the residents or a loyalty program that would entice them to become recurrent visitors.

Stay Digitally Active:

Staying digitally active is one of the most common trends.

Hence, as far as creative aspects are concerned & for this particular segment, Virtual Reality is a very dynamic idea. This includes a 360-degree view of places that the tourists want to visit & ones you are marketing for the sake of creating digital tourism marketing values. Hence, it allows potential visitors to experience an attraction, tourism activities, & hotels from the safety & security of their own homes.

For example, prior to visiting the Vatican City, near Rome (Italy), as a potential visitor, you can have a virtual tour. A tour that will clearly demonstrate where you need to be, places nearby, coffee shops nearby, hotels & shopping areas. Tourism marketing in this modern era is all about ideas, & how you can market your ideas for sustainable, safe & highly productive growth.

As Tourism Marketing has grown in terms of creative marketing aspects. The values attached to Tourism marketers also needs to be creative for sake of being more intense in terms of catering the marketing needs. It is indeed a need of the modern era & the modern marketer needs to be far more acquainted with how to deal with Tourism Marketing for values of perfection. Importantly, as companies are marketing more & more regards to their vital tourism stakeholders.



Canada is a country that is increasing in demand & in terms of the affordability levels for places to live on rent & for sale. A massive credit & a huge tribute is to the increase in levels of immigration, and certain cities have a far higher role to play in this regard.

People working on daily wages, as well as those who are working full time but have recently started to work. These people prefer to live in rentals & their affordability levels have changed in past years. It is imperative to compare the average rent prices with the cost of living in each city. Toronto, Ottawa & Vancouver are cities from Ontario & British Columbia where the cost of living has increased. Obviously, due to the lifestyle of the city which is far more expensive as compared to

another metropolis. However, due to this fact, a diversion in migration numbers is seen as a common practice.

While we ascertain facts regarding the change in the affordability levels, we must acknowledge that cost of living is an economic factor owing plenty to the prices in rent. The cost of living has increased in Canada & it's primarily due to the rising inflation & fighting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


You have just arrived in Canada, & starting a degree at the University of Toronto. Thus, Toronto is a costly place to live, especially for the fresh entrants, i.e. the newcomers. You would certainly prefer some travelling

while you stay in the suburbs of Toronto. Alternatively, something that must suit you in terms of affordability levels. A slight change or sacrifice would help you determine the affordability levels.

Here are some of the most affordable places to Rent in Canada;


London, unlike one of the most expensive cities in Europe, the Capital of the UK, the city of London in Ontario is far cheaper. Obviously, regarding the levels of affordability & regard finding a suitable place to live in your budget. If you are a student arriving in London, a one-bedroom median price rent in London, Ontario, is $1400. This is with an every-year


increase of 12%-13%. These are some facts & figures regards to the cheapest cities in Canada in the year 2022, obviously for the renters. The price comparison is far lower than in Toronto, the capital city of Ontario, just 170 KMs away. Amazingly, in Toronto, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment is closer to $2,000, which is an increase in price that is almost 43%, which is massive.

It is an ideal city to work remotely, a key reason because it's close enough to a big city, which is Toronto. A city that offers one of the best Universities in the country for newcomers.


Calgary, a famous city & vibrant city in Alberta Province, is a hub of commerce & finance. It's also a famous hub for new entrants, as fresh comers love the environment that Calgary offers. The high-rises & the buzz makes it appealing for students to learn about the cultures while they mix & study. It is one of the cheapest cities in Canada for renters, with an affordable price for a one-bedroom apartment of just $1,230. The annual increase in the price is close to 12%, which is even lesser than in London. A reason why Alberta is a hot place for the students coming every year & for the people coming on work visas.

Apart from the rent prices, which are very cheap, or might be the cheapest. However, it ranks consistently higher as an expensive city due to the rest of the things being on the expensive side apart from living costs. As a matter of fact,

despite the low prices in rentals. The cost of living in the city of Vancouver is nearly 50% lower than in Calgary and the cost of living in Toronto is almost 30% - 35% lower.


A huge reason people prefer to land in Saskatchewan for permanent settlements is the affordability in terms of rent. Amazingly, the average price for a one-bedroom apartment in Saskatoon is just $1000 per month. A yearly increase of 8% is regarded as the lowest. This means you can enjoy your study, your life, your luxuries & your migration process.

However, at the same time, it's a bitter fact that Saskatchewan's largest city's cost of living is pretty high.


The French speaking province Quebec attracts a large number of people from different parts of the world. Much to the credit of rentals as an average price of a one bedroom apartment is just $960. Much to the attraction of Int. Student coming to Universities in Quebec City & other cities from the famous French-speaking province of Canada. However, it's the yearly or annual increase in the price, which is on a far higher side, i.e. 28%. Furthermore, it's expected to increase in the upcoming years. Don't forget, its now, the best time that needs to be availed. Despite all these facts, and the history, the architecture and the cultures. The Quebec City is the most affordable cities in the entire country to live.

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The modern office work environment has got demands that are indeed very high. It's the growing role of HR or Human Resources to ensure workplace safety & the well-being of the employees. The ethics regarding the workplace, known as 'Workplace ethics,' are crucial elements that ensure workplace safety for the employees, the visitors, the client & all the other stakeholders. It creates a massive difference in the people & the way they mingle & interact with each other at the workplace. There are many elements of workplace safety & regards to this being over-talkative is

also an issue that needs to be addressed by HR or Human Resources. You can't be a culprit being told to stay calm & quiet as you might disturb the quiet office environment. What's important is to maintain the general behaviours & the law & order of the office environment.

It's a significant fact that the employees working at your workplace are your critical assets. However, your reputation as an entrepreneur might improve if you pay attention to the elements of occupational Health & safety. Occupational Health & Safety

is a dedicated professional field that ensures that workplace ethics are maintained and strict adherence to the safety standards at the workplace. With the dynamic & fast technological advancements and the political climate changes, the definition of a safe working environment is in flux.

HR, in this regard, plays an important role which is growing every day when it comes to the Health & safety of employees.

Following are some of the ways that HR can use effectively for the sake of improving workplace safety.



Improving Health & safety should be made a mandatory & crucial part of your work culture. It not only helps in sustaining but regards the employee's well-being. It's a thing that holds massive importance. There must be a dedicated staff member or a committee whose job should be to handle all the critical aspects of any Health & Safety activity in the office. This includes scheduling safety training, drills, and filing emergencies and accident reports. This requirement is mandatory for work environments where H&S or health & Safety training

& compliance is a must. However, involvement is necessary while working in a corporate culture or environment.

It's the dedication that needs to be shown more importantly regards to Physical & Mental fitness as a company. This milestone can be easily achieved with an interoffice fitness program or regular competitions. The Team-building drills can help reassert a company-wide commitment to a healthy and far-engaging workforce.


Ergonomics is a significant part of health and safety concerns for employees who dedicate themselves to constantly working 9-5. The HR needs to work with the management to ensure that the offices are designed to avoid stress disorders. Apart from this, backaches and other health problems. It's an HR role to ensure that employees are provided with Safe office tech & equipment. This includes the chair as well, which should be according to the ergonomics & the comfort of the employees. Essentially improves the overall paradigm of the employees.


The overall office environment must be clean & tidy & the HR must make sure that the employees' Health stays the priority of the company. Cleanliness & hygiene is a concern which the management of the company and HR should take control of daily. Especially, during periods like COVID-19 when it should be a top priority for companies.

Apart from the cleanliness, there must be ample space for the employees to move around while working & also areas where employees can interact, do soft talk & relax on breaks. These are areas apart from the cafeteria in an office environment.


Keeping the records & the record books updated should be the priority of HR or Human Resource. For example, keeping a good record of a Fire alarm training in the building or just on one or two floors regularly. Keep a detailed record of the training & mark the employees who are not co-operative during the training. A fire alarm training is a necessary procedure in offices these days, and it's the duty of HR or a dedicated Safety Officer to ensure that all employees are safely taken outside the building once the training starts and back in the building once the training ends. A huge precautionary step to avoid a real Fire alarm or a fire situation. Time & staff co-operation is always mandatory in such a training procedure.

Finally, it is also the role of the HR or Human Resources to have a written and actionable health & Safety plan that everyone is aware of. Furthermore, everyone has access to. It's a critical thing that makes life easier for both the employees & the management while improving the communication.

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New Year's Eve is a day celebrated on the 31st of December every year just before the beginning of the New Year. It is a day celebrated globally in all parts of the world & is a significant celebration in some of the most distinguished & biggest cities of the world. These cities include London, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, Auckland, Dubai, Sydney, Edinburg & few more. It's a day taken religiously by many countries as the last day of the year & the start of a fresh (New) year. The mingling of two years, one passing by

& another arriving, is a massive day for people who regard New Year's Eve as a day of major significance in the world.

The day in the world's most significant & busiest cities is regarded as a symbol that marks New Year's Eve, i.e. the night of the New Year with fireworks & bonfires. The day is marked by the most expensive fireworks in the world, which take place in London & a key highlight is the London Eye. Other symbols that

are famously used include Burj Khalifa (Dubai), Sydney Harbor (Sydney), & Eiffel Tower (Paris) and many other significant landmarks that have been on the list of the most historical ones. The New Year's Eve retail discounts are marked symbolically in Canada like in other countries, including the USA, Australia, the UK, and the Middle East. China is a country that has its new year as a historical day that gives value to the Chinese calendar.


The aim of celebrating the New Year on New Year's Eve is to remember the passing year & welcome the new one with open hands.


It's the start of the New Year, i.e. 2023, that shall be remembered with open hands while we say goodbye 2022. The passing year, i.e. 2022, is a year that shall be remembered due to its importance in financial & health recoveries owing mainly to the disastrous pandemic, COVID-19.

The pandemic has been the cause of the deaths of many people throughout the world. The death of many famous people happened in 2022, which includes the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of England, who departed at the age of 96. The monarch ruled over the United Kingdom & its monarchies for approximately seven decades which is historically the longest by any monarch in British history after Queen Victoria's reign of 63 years.

The similar numbered year, i.e. 2022, was obviously a year that wasn't that challenging as compared to the preceding two

years, which has been far more challenging not only for Canada but also for the rest of the world. For Canada, it can be termed a year of recovery in terms of the economic crisis as well as job opportunities and, finally, the immigration numbers.


A good day for shopping discounts as New Year's Eve, like Christmas & Boxing Day, which is known for seasonal discounts, offers & cuts. It is not only a day for the shoppers but also for the retailers. It's a massive day indeed as sales figures are highly boosted for retailers. Even the retailers enjoy all throughout the year while cities like London, Paris, Toronto, Dubai & New York are termed as shopping paradises for the love of people & their activities that keeps them in the list of the top cities for shoppers & shopping.



It's a massive carnival for people in all parts of the world as people say goodbye to the passing year while they welcome the New Year. For those who have emotions of love & unity for the year passing. They wish each other a good new year & pray for the affection of God in the upcoming year. It is not only a gesture of love & peace for the people; it's a gesture of togetherness and taking the pain of each other in the upcoming year.

A day where friends & family meet each other while they enjoy time roaming around, shopping while availing shopping discounts & waiting for the big clock at Big Ben in London until it hits 12:00 midnight & the date changes. Welcoming the New Year with sermons & prayers for the New Year & for your own goals in the upcoming year.

Every year is a new year, just like every day is a new day & brings with it moments of joy, motivation, and courage to fight & spend more beautiful memories with your loved ones. In fact, it's another opportune moment to be together with your family & aiming for the sky.


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Merry XMAS - A Global Event Taking Place On December 25th, 2022

Christmas is a global event taking place on 25th Dec 2022. The event marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the prophet of Christianity & someone who has inspired many followers since his birth. It is followed in Canada like in many other countries from the West, including USA, U.K., and Australia & New Zealand. According to statistics, 31.2% of people follow Christianity as their religion, followed by Islam at 24.1%. Almost all the continents have followers of Christianity in their population, with almost all of Europe, North America, and South America & Australasia being followers of the religion.

It’s the birth of Jesus Christ which has a huge relation with the passion of Christ for the people. Especially something that relates heavily with the miserable state & the sufferings that were a common phenomenon of the era of Christ.

CHRISTMAS – ‘A MASSIVE CELEBRATION IN CANADA’: hristmas is a massive celebration in Canada & also in the overall North American continent. It has a lot to do with people meeting together, enjoying together in the form of parties, the Christmas dinner (Turkey) & people greeting each other with cards & postcards with best wishes. It’s a celebration in Canada with substantial commercial importance attached, mainly due to the media activity related to Christmas. A global event covered heavily by print media & Television, i.e. the electronic media. Hence, a new addition these days is the massive contribution in terms of the celebrations regarding digital media as people love to share their thoughts, emotions and memories from the past that relate heavily to Christmas just before the New Year. 24th Dec or Christmas Eve is also a day of the massive following by the people, but most of them just mark it as a day just before the start of the mega event Christmas. Lord Jesus Christ, the Prophet of Christianity, is a symbol of pride & prestige not only for Christians but all over humanity. He is remembered with emotions that relate to sacred sentiments by people, especially in Christian-dominated countries. The prophet of Christianity is for the whites as significantly and religiously as he is for the blacks. Primarily due to the vast population in Africa that are Christian-dominated countries.

CHRISTMAS DINNER- ‘A Feast and Celebration of Christianity’:

A Christmas dinner is a huge feast & a celebration which unites people to have a dinner & a gathering together. The famous dish that is served at Christmas dinner is Turkey. People love to spend time together & share the benevolence & affection they have for Christianity and the love of Christ. It


Most people who get together in the form of a Christmas dinner celebration are colleagues, associates, relations, friends, business partners & old accomplices & friends. A memorable feast that marks Christmas day as being a global day for Christians all over the world. According to Canadian traditions, a Christmas dinner indeed holds vital priorities for the people & their future relationships together. Also, according to Canadian traditions & Christmas traditions, people share gifts apart from messages & greetings to each other to mark moments of love, affection & harmony.


Christmas, also known as Xmas, is a religious festival that has transformed more into a commercial in the last few decades. Its values are also attached in the retail sector, where people avail massive Christmas Seasonal discounts in retail, with discounts rising to 70%-80%. The retail sector has shown massive transformations that relate more to the commercial importance of the religious festival of Christmas. The retail discounts, in-store & online, are also available & availed heavily on the next day of Christmas, i.e. Boxing Day to New Year’s Eve, i.e. 31st Dec.

importance of Christmas can never be taken for granted or ignored in any sense. It relates heavily to the significance that relates to religious unity & making celebrations that are worth the difference, especially for needy people. The essence of the day is still the same, although how it is celebrated has changed immensely in these modern times.

It has more inclinations that are commercial in terms of values these days, however, still for most Christian nations it is strictly a religious festival. It makes people remember the sacrifice & the sufferings that Jesus Christ took for the people. Known in the Western world as Xmas the celebrations of Christmas are global celebrations & are ones that unite the world together for moments of joy together.


Importance Attached With New Year’s

Resolution For Personal & Business Goals

The importance level of a new year’s resolution for personal & business goals is immense for success. This is the success we are dealing with regarding Professional/Business, i.e. Corporate or Personal goals. Most importantly, for the sake of maximum personal effectiveness into play. Taking honour & success in the New Year can be daunting. However, planning for success attached to moral & emotional values can be helpful for future progress. Similar to buying a ticket before watching a movie or a baseball match. What’s important is how fundamental values are attached to the personal & business goals regarding the New Year’s resolutions. Before


entering into the New Year, you must have your goals & your key agendas aligned for the sake of future goals & targets, whether it’s something related to work or business or import your personal goals for maximum affection & effectiveness.

It’s crucial in this New Year if you think like a salesman if you are a businessman for your New Year goals. Don’t forget that your aim is not just to sell something but instead to earn money ironically, as money will follow you regards to your success & your agendas.

MB Enterprises

New Year’s Resolutions Matters For The Sake Of Goals:

Your New Year’s resolutions matter effectively for the sake of your goals as New Year's resolutions help you make realistic & efficient targets for you in the New Year. A set of targets will enable you to aim for the best. As they say, ‘Aim for the best, and you shall be amongst the stars.’ Striving & striving hard without any goals & objectives shall be like a pointless struggle without making a target.

Motivational Therapy in New Year for More Positive Results:

Motivational therapy in the New Year is a massive exercise for the sake of more & more optimistic results. Just like you rise every day looking for goals, the vital elements attached to motivational therapy shall make you rise for your future goals & for far better options.

It not only motivates you in the new year to earn more money. However, also for better options while you are a vital player in your career management targets. Effective career management is a part of motivational therapy for the sake of igniting elements of change. To bring a change of positivity, you need to be the change in the first place. More importantly, it would be best if you become a change initiator.

How a new year’s resolution helps in motivational therapy is a fascinating aspect. It relates to your fitness regimes & your daily exercise routine, thus, releasing health & motivational hormones that are interestingly good for the prospects—a word commonly used for the sake of career goals & career development plans. Most importantly, career development is a massive key in the pathway to success.

New Year’s Resolution For Sake Of Corporate/Business Goals:

The importance of a New Year’s resolution for corporate & business goals also holds elements of essential goals & target orientation. You shall have to deal with many things simultaneously if you are a businessman. Your parallel processing elements are a vital aspect. Just like in the world of computing, concurrent systems are highly trained to gain an advantage.

Set your agendas while you determine realistic goals with a vision that is broader & far more concrete. The New Year’s resolution is the ultimate drive while it keeps the passion alive & kicking.

New Year’s Resolution For Sake Of Personal Goals:

For the sake of personal goals, however, less important if we compare & contrast for the sake of professional goals. The

importance of the New Year’s resolution might not be that defined, but it still holds elements of success for your future targets. It’s the targets & the target orientation that counts, as your personal goals are aligned with your corporate goals, i.e. your business & professional goals.

Personal goals for the sake of personal effectiveness include your fitness goals keeping a rigorous fitness routine. Other personal goals include learning skills while you are in a career & strive every day for success, i.e. 9 to 5. Something which adds on to your career shall always be a bonus in terms of highly achieving your targets & your objectives.

Vision Is Key In The New Year- ‘Whether Personal Or Professional’:

A vision is a critical attribute in the New Year whether you are striving hard for your personal goals or your professional goals. Your vision as a business man if you are aiming for an expansion or your vision as a corporate leader if you want to switch your job while you want to look for other career alternatives. Both visions should be clearly evident in your objectives, i.e. the long term objectives. Never compromise on ordinary thinking if you are a visionary who aims to achieve big. Thus, a new year is the best way to define your targets, while you refine them every day. Obviously, in the form of defining your milestones and your New Year’s resolutions.

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Health Insurance in Canada for foreigners is a considerable advantage, especially after the growing global health concerns. It has been seen as a global competitive advantage & something that foreigners have been able to comprehend smoothly. Health insurance, just like many other insurances in the insurance arena, has improved vitally. Much to the credit of the Canadian Govt.’s initiatives for the global health crisis. One of which is the COVID-19 pandemic. They were termed a health crisis that has caused many people getting a layoff & some of them are not working at all if they are business owners. Canada is a country that has improved over the years in providing healthcare services to both residents & non-residents. However, there are

still public healthcare sites, & these offer essential services to those covered by the local health insurance plan. The private ones, on the contrary, have been found instead on the expensive side. However, still, they provide pretty adequate & convenient services to the clients. Not only that, the importance levels for the elderly especially is far improved & higher than the counterpart. Holds decent importance levels also in terms of the overall facilities in a country as big & as massive as Canada.

Thus, if you are interested in knowing more about medical insurance in a country like Canada, which is so big, vitally, it’s the distribution between the country’s public & the country’s private healthcare providers. The list consists

of recommended hospitals & these accept immigrants & expatriates. Apart from this, the best & most formidable types of insurance service providers for travellers, foreigners and students.

Advantages Associated With Global Health Insurance In Canada:

The considerable level of advantages associated with global health insurance in Canada is too much in terms of the numbers & the counts. One reason is that the size of Canada is massive in terms of area. Furthermore, Canada is a country which is more global now & many visitors are coming to Canada every year. All year long, the Canadian Govt. & the IRCC welcomes foreigners regarding the increasing number of conferences


taking place in Canada. These conferences are taking place for the sake of tourism, Cyber-crimes, Digital Media, the Hospitality Industry, entrepreneurship, & IT. Also, for the sake of travel & tourism while boosting the tourism industry & seeking business opportunities in the opportunity-wise country Canada. A large number of practitioners from diverse sectors are entering Canada for mutual concerns.

Regarding needs, foreigners & non-residents living in Canada have unique needs. The advantages are associated with the needs of foreigners in Canada, even if they travel across the neighbouring country, the USA. Travellers from neighbouring countries, the USA, are also termed as foreigners.

Banking the advantages associated with global health insurance in the health insurance industry in Canada, the following advantage that the insurance companies seek is finding more sustainability for foreigners. Foreigners need more attention to the critical aspects of health insurance than ever before, primarily due to the changing global health circumstances. There are recommendations regarding getting a global medical plan for this, especially for expatriates and international citizens living in Canada. Thus, this type of plan, known as a foreigners’ health insurance plan, provides access to a wide range of private & public hospitals. Includes facilities and shorter waiting times for patients.

Medical Insurance in Canada for the Int. Employees:

To some extent, medical insurance in Canada for international employees comes under the category of health insurance

those seeking business opportunities have increased shortly, mainly due to the standards that have increased in Canada for corporate workers. Insurance for International employees is necessary for the sake of peace of mind & well-being of those coming to Canada for the sake of employment. Isn’t it a massive advantage for people coming to Canada for work?

For instance, if you have two or more international employees that are living in Canada for the sake of their employment. Naturally, they can avail the opportunity of a group int. health plan which can be an excellent option for you. Indeed, you shall have the option of designing a plan for the sake of meeting their needs as well as the budget of the employer.

For the sake of availing of health insurance or, precisely, foreigner’s health insurance in Canada, you need a health insurance card. To have one, obviously, you just need to go to your nearest provincial or territorial office. You shall be able to provide an identification that shall prove where you are from, i.e. Canadian or alternatively residing in the province or territory for at least the last three months.

The importance associated with health insurance is more & considerable credit goes to the changing circumstances that are termed as global circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of them, which has caused an increase in the number of people taking health insurance.

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ESA & NASA, i.e. The European Space Agency & National Aeronautics Space Administration, have joined hands to fight climate change. It's an issue that is a global concern now due to the challenges that have been faced lately by the world. These are generally termed environmental concerns. However, with a more significant focus, they are climate change issues that these two space agencies aim to fight together. A valuable fight as the space agencies have joined hands for a common agenda, i.e. climate change. Understanding the rate of increase in climate change & most importantly, why climate change is a growing concern.

ESA – 'A Brief History since the year 1945':

The efforts of Europe in Space started just after the Second World War, i.e. World War II in 1945. A massive year for the world as the World Wars finished and Europeans started to make combined efforts regards to their missions into Space.

The scientists started to lay the foundation of a space agency known as ESA or the European Space Agency mainly, as the scientists realized that solely the national projects would be unable to compete with the major superpowers, including the United States & the Soviet Union.

In 1960, the scientists from 10 European countries GEERS, with Harrie Massey (UK) as President and Auger as Secretary, set up a commission at which the Govt. reps would decide on the possibilities of European Cooperation in Space.

The Timeline of Activities of ESA since 2000:

2003- The Mars Express Orbiter & its lander, Beagle 2, launched. Mars Express was the first European mission to any planet in the Solar System. It plays a crucial role in an Int. Exploration program that spans two decades.


2005- The ESA Huygens probe lands successfully on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest Moon. Also, the first ever to land on a world in the outer Solar System.

2007- On 22nd May 2007, the European Space Policy was signed. A policy that unifies the approach of ESA with those of the individual European Union Member states. For the first time, the policy creates a common political framework for space activities in Europe.

2008- ESA becomes a fully responsible partner in the operations & utilization of the ISS. Ironically, after ESA's Columbus laboratory is launched on the Space Shuttle Atlantis to the Int. Space Station (ISS). ESA can now fly its astronauts for long-duration missions. Apart from these developments, a significant country, i.e. the Czech Republic, becomes the 18th member state of ESA on 12th Nov 2008.

2009- Herschel & Planck launched. ESA's astronaut, Frank De Winnie, joins the first ISS crew of six members. Also, in the same year, he became the first European Commander of an ISS Expedition in October. European Space Agency (ESA), in their list of astronauts for the first time since 1992 makes the addition of more members. These include two Italian members, One French, One Danish, and One German & One British.

2010- European Node-3 and Cupola installed on ISS. Europe's first mission to study the Earth's ice cover,

ESA & NASA's Joint Efforts to Fight Climate Change:

Climate change is arguably the most significant challenge and threat the world faces today. Thanks to the two Space agencies, one from Europe known as ESA or European Space Agency & one from America known as NASA, i.e. National Aeronautics & Space Administration, who have aimed to understand the issue more closely. Vitally, to understand the issue globally, the decision makers and the world leaders need more accurate information, results and analysis, as the world is changing rapidly. A sound & productive knowledge of how the world is changing & behaving as one system is the foundation of these efforts. These shall be in the form of pictures of Earth from Space, its movements & its revolutions. All are combined factors that add to the growing climate change concerns. Furthermore, the pieces of this complex puzzle come primarily from

To ensure that results are correct & the data is the most accurate set of data. Furthermore, the satellites are used to their best advantage while bringing maximum benefits to humanity. The two agencies, ESA & NASA, have formed a strategic partnership for Earth Science and understanding climate change.

A Tale of Two Continents:

This partnership of ESA & NASA will not only help to fight global climate change issues. However, it's a piece of excellent news for the two continents, i.e. Europe & North America. As climate change is a huge concern in Canada, and a growing concern in the United States, i.e. another North American giant nation.

It's not only a global myth now, but it is a tale of two key continents that have played a significant role in fighting global climate change since 1945 Space Research. Their mutual collaborations have helped achieve plenty regarding ways to fight climate change, a growing global concern. After the forming of the European Space Agency, a message was clear that global concerns & climate issues shall be a more extensive agenda apart from other political crisis & concerns. Space research & most accurate results shall definitely help the decision makers in making critical decisions regards to climate change.


Current SEO Influence in Modern Media

As media continues to change, marketing agencies must keep up to date with current practices that will elevate their business. Search engine optimization, also commonly referred to as SEO, has been an extremely important technique for gaining traffic on both websites and specific products since eCommerce has been available. As technology continues to evolve, the way marketers implement SEO needs to as well.

This article will explore how modern technology and media platforms affect SEO marketing as we know it. It is impossible to use old SEO techniques on current eCommerce platforms and

have your product perform well. While agencies used to just rely on good copy and trending keywords, there is much more to consider now.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Before we discuss how to incorporate current search engine optimization, let's define it. SEO can be defined as “a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results”. Basically, this means marketers are attempting to get their website or products to rank on the first page of Google or a relative eCommerce platform, such as Amazon. In general,

these practices include incorporating trending keywords into your copywriting and producing copy that gets the attention of a consumer and sells your product or service.

SEO Techniques to Consider to Boost Rankings

While trending keywords and compelling copywriting are still some of the best SEO techniques for ranking high on Google, modern technology and media have changed how we apply these techniques. Below are the 4 biggest developments in technology that impact how we use SEO in media.


1. Voice to Text Feature

One of the biggest changes to media is the addition of voice searches. Not only do platforms like Google and Amazon have their own voice search tools, but any consumer using a mobile device also has a voice search option too. Rather than opening a laptop and typing in their desired product in a search engine, consumers will simply ask their mobile device to search it for them.

In a way, this means marketers need to start considering how to apply their SEO techniques to both voice searches and digital assistants. Your content needs to be optimized in a way that appeals to searches from a computer, mobile device, voice search, and artificial intelligence. Though this may seem like a lot to account for, it is essential if you are determined to rank high on top eCommerce platforms.

Though voice searches will vary depending on what product or service a consumer is looking for, in general one can infer these voice searches are likely to appear as questions. For example, someone looking for a place to eat might type into Google “ best pizza near me”, while someone using a digital assistant such as Siri on an iPhone may ask “ what is the best pizza restaurant near me”. The main difference between these two searches; the second is in the form of a question. This means more questions or specific words that are likely to be asked in the form of a question should be incorporated into your keywords or copy to account for voice searches. On average, agencies that integrate voice search-specific SEO into their content have a 6-10% increase in revenue and a 30% increase in organic traffic. Voice searches are one of the most impactful changes to how we apply SEO.

2. Mobile Friendly Platforms

Everyone nowadays has some kind of smartphone. Whether it’s an iPhone or Samsung, agencies must optimize for mobile devices.

Now searches might not be as different between computers and smartphones, but the way a website or product appears on a mobile device can be. A company can have an amazing website that ranks high among users on computers, and the same website can be one of the least visited by consumers on mobile devices. Long story short, if your website is difficult to navigate on a smartphone, consumers simply will not even try to use it.

This is one of the biggest problems seen today by agencies. A website's rankings may seem like they are performing well, but sales are not correlating. Adjusting your website to be mobile-friendly will help to fix this problem by allowing users who use smartphones to be able to easily purchase a

product. Updating a website also means modifying keywords and copy as well to optimize for smartphone users. It is essential to keep in mind that SEO will always vary depending on how a consumer finds your product.

3. Incorporate Links

Another great way to improve traffic and rankings on your website is to incorporate links throughout your copy. While this mainly applies to more long-form copy such as articles or blog posts, using links throughout the post will ensure more visibility to your website. These links should be a mixture of competitor products, news articles, and similar products from your own site.

Incorporating links is one of the best SEO practices for small businesses as it is an extra boost for search traffic. It is also important to recognize that more links do not equal more traffic, but adding relevant links can lead to more traffic. Finding relevant links that rank high on Google, then linking them to your website would be way more impactful than linking a random blog post about your product from 2 years ago.

4. Do Not Overuse Keywords

While keywords are essential for SEO, too many can actually hurt you. Platforms like Google and Amazon recognize when writers cram in too many keywords and the copy doesnt make as much sense. In this case, Google's algorithm actually pushes your ranking down.

Copywriters must incorporate these keywords in a way that makes sense. Well-written copy with a few keywords is much more impactful than mediocre copy with every keyword you can find.

It is essential to keep up to date with changes in how consumers purchase products so you can update how to incorporate SEO.



Canada is a country which is considering & getting ready to make three years announcements for the sake of their immigration level plans for 2023, 2024 & 2025. The next three years shall be the most crucial ones in the pipeline for the agendas Canada has planned for the next decade, i.e. the next ten years. As planned earlier for the years 2020, 2021 & 2022, the pandemic years where the immigration levels were difficult to match the deficit due to the Pandemic. The Govt. holds satisfaction regards to the developments post-pandemic. Things have changed since then in terms of the recoveries that have been made fast by the Canadian Government.

Most importantly, the Government and political parties have taken the challenge very seriously. That is, improving the Canadian immigration numbers to match the standards Canada has been known for. The latest announcements were made in November, & shall be getting into the implementation phase by next year.

The plan is revealed & refreshed every year by the IRCC, i.e. Immigration Refugees & Citizenship Canada, regards to the number of people that would be allowed in Canada.

Secondly, the plan includes the breakdown of immigrants from the economic class, the family class, &

the humanitarian class programs over the next three years. The announcements that are genuinely vital in the wake of the New Year shall be made per the Immigration & Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). This Act is legislation set by the Govt. of Canada regards to Immigration & their protection in Canada. Hence, apart from all this, their awareness of Canadian laws & a binding with the immigration laws in Canada.

The Current Immigration Plan Announced In November

Regarding the Immigration plans for 2022-2024, the vast country Canada has been targeting to bring immigration numbers to approximately


IRCC, has been able to welcome in the country Canada numbers that speak volumes for the recovery & migration growth. This is 300,000 approx. Which they have been able to achieve in the year 2022. Approximately a vast 65% of the numbers from the total are dedicated numbers to the economic class. These people are looking for a secure future in Canada while achieving the target of 432,000, i.e. for the 2022-2024 plan.

The plan made for the year 2022 is one that also targets approximately 100,000 family-class immigrants & also approximately 8,500 for the sake of refugees & the humanitarian class.

There is a considerable opportunity & a massive chance that these targets might change all of a sudden & they might no longer be used as a reference point for the IRCC immigration targets. The IRCC is a Govt. linked organization that is dedicated to serving regards to immigration targets. These targets are given to the Govt. of Canada according to the need & the economic demand in the country. Hence, along with the population numbers needed in Canada's highly competitive job markets. A country that is prospering every day in terms of the number of people working daily for their economic prosperity & goals.

The Expectations for the Upcoming Years:

In 2021, the IRCC broke the record for immigration numbers as typically, and the Immigration Levels Plan contains a new increase. Furthermore, they are currently at their highest

The IRCC has worked keenly with many other Governmental organizations, departments & critical stakeholders. They have been brilliantly analyzing the situation, which is more of an economic situation than a political one. They have been able to reach a balanced plan for the Govt. of Canada & how the slotting works out in each class & the subsequent programs.

In an interview, the Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, recently showed his interest in coordinating with the Provinces to better understand the labour market needs. This is a supreme coordination with all the Provinces of Canada, which includes the most important ones, Ontario & British Columbia. The discussions shall be with the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, for the Ontario Province, regards to the skilled immigrants required to bolster the workforce and also to make up for the shortfalls in Canada's labour force.

Every year international students & job seekers from all over the world come to Canada. The most favourite provinces that can be termed as most preferred provinces include Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia & Quebec. Ontario & British Columbia has been termed as the most wanted ones in terms of the number of people coming to Canada for work & for the sake of studying. Notably, the number of people that are coming to Canada for studies has increased in the last few decades.

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Professional relationships & client relationships that last till the end are not only bounded by actual values of trust. However, they are also backed by values of emotional intelligence, business intelligence & pure professionalism. Yes, we are dealing with client relationships & building relationships for mutual goals & mutual interests. The relationships we are discussing here are professional relationships being a vital part of relationship management. A field of business intelligence where it gets essential to take professional relationships more seriously & for the sake of similar interests.

alliance that should last till the end. The overall business journey should be a smooth one & the business relationships are enough to settle things together to make it smoother & an everlasting relationship.

A strong client relationship is a complete authority that helps make business goodwill. It can even be taken as moments to restore a business's financial position while making the relationship a benchmark for all the other relationships. We are dealing with each other in a peaceful business environment, understanding the needs of each other & creating values that can be termed as mutual values of growth. There


end, become significant issues. Sensitivity in problem-solving always makes things easy for both parties for a successful, long-lasting relationship.

Following are some tips for a smooth relationship;

Be Open to Communication:

For a long-lasting relationship with the clients, thus making them more long-lasting & more robust. It would help if you were open to communication with the clients. This is not something which is a crucial aspect in terms of communication skills. However, it has a lot to do with transparency & being situation-wise. Maintaining a logbook of client meetings for the whole year & being vigilant while determining the client needs is a crucial aspect linked to professional business communications with the clients.

It's your sole responsibility you do whatever it takes for the sake of fostering open communication & dialogue. It might look different with every customer & for every relationship that it may include. Be more regular with conference calls, daily email updates, and in-person meetings with the client. Finally, brainstorming sessions with the client & their team is indeed a key aspect.

Taking Regular Client Feedback & Implementing Them:

Aspects linked with professionalism & core problem solving apart from Project management. You must perform things & critical tasks according to the clients' requirements. Taking regular feedback & implementing them is an integral part of having professional & long-lasting relationships with the client. Even the feedback shall not be enough for a better relationship with the client unless you take feedback for the sake of implementing things accordingly & improving things. Valuable feedback should count forward for the sake of the client's success.

By acting on the client's feedback, take the time to listen. Ask questions and repeat what you understand to ensure that you are on the same page. You must understand the client's needs with a deeper understanding of what they need from you. That is vital details matter for a long-lasting relationship.

Do Your Homework in Advance For Relationship Success:

A key ingredient of success in relationship management & especially client relationship management. It's vital that you don't take things for granted & perform your homework in advance for relationship success. This means giving due importance to clients & making them feel necessary for the sake of better future relationships. You must know in advance

what the client hopes to get out of the relationship. Secondly, the short & long-term goals & vision. Finally, are you understanding their preferred working style?

Your preparation in advance counts for a healthy & successful relationship. It matters not only for you but for the client as well. Apart from this, adds-on to your skills in relationship management with other clients in the industry.

Client relationship management & building solid relationships that last till the end is a massive picture of the client relationship. There are many different scenarios that it deals with effectively. However, the best way is to initially analyze the client's needs & their working style. This is before getting into a relationship. You don't have to compromise on short-term goals. Instead, you need to broaden your horizons for a more significant spectrum & a much broader vision.



Global Observances & History That Relates To Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a holiday in most countries from the West, including Canada, USA, Britain & UK. It is a day that falls the next day of Christmas, i.e. 26th December every year & has a massive significance that makes it a global day. Its significance in most countries is associated with the British Empire. Initially, the day started as a prestigious day to give gifts to the household staff of Britain’s upper class. However, it has morphed into a shopping holiday of its own. Significantly, it is a day when people turn to shopping centers to avail massive discounts & workers earning daily wages are paid 1.5 times their wages.

The significance & values that are attached to Boxing Day makes it a memorable day for people. For many, the day has got commercial values & importance mainly as people love to avail the day for shopping discounts. The name was first used in the year 1833. However, the exact origin has never been determined. There are many theories behind ‘Boxing Day’, including references to Christmas gifts, charity drives or a nautical tradition.

The Boxing Day test match has been played every year since 1950 in Melbourne, Australia, where the first official test match was played between

the two countries, i.e. England & Australia, in 1877. The significance & values attached to the day make this day a global celebration not only for Australia & England but also for New Zealand, the USA, Canada & many other countries. It is a treat for the people just after celebrating the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ, known globally as Christmas.


A day after Xmas, it’s a celebration mainly celebrated in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand & Canada. The entire British class system worked to make Christmas day a big deal for the elites. That is


the rich people & the wealthy class. The household servants worked hard making all the holiday preparations during the years well before the conveniences and technological advances of the industrial revolution. Hence, Boxing Day on 26th December was a day that gave the wealthy a chance to pay their servants. They paid them paid time off and small gift boxes filled with coins as an appreciation & a good gesture for their service. In Canada & other monarchies, the day reflects the actual association with the British Empire as it came into being somewhere close to the times of the Monarch Queen Victoria. This is a huge reason why the Boxing Day test match takes place every year in Melbourne, in the Aussie state of Victoria. A tribute to Her Majesty Queen Victoria of England. Fox hunts were also a big part of Boxing Day traditions. However, in the year 2004, the activity was banned in the United Kingdom. The Hunters still gather on the day, dressed in their traditional finest coats, but now follow designated artificial trails. Many like working on the day to earn some extra quids, as people working on hourly wages prefer earning 1.5 times their wages than spending a day in the queue from 5:00 am in the morning to avail massive shopping discounts.


The initial traditions related to Boxing Day where it was to give the needy & the less fortunate gifts & blessings. However, now it’s a day where massive sales are offered in Shopping centers & more importantly, it’s a day of substantial commercial value. ‘Boxing day sales’ is a caption or a phrase which is very common in countries like the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. However, in the USA, it’s something similar to Black Friday. Most of the retailers use the retail phrase ‘Boxing week’ as part of the celebrations instead of Boxing Day.

However, for many decades the day has transformed into having retail values & importance. The retail sector in many countries has benefited from the day w.r.t. the historical values of Boxing Day.

THE BOXING DAY TIMELINE: St. Stephen AD36Also known in History books as St. Stephen’s Day recalls the patron Saint who was based in Jerusalem and helped the poor. He was stoned to death, which makes him the first Christian martyr who died for his faith.

1830 - Oxford English DictionaryIt was in the Year 1833, The Oxford English Dictionary, which is an acknowledged guardian of the correct use of the English language & the most authentic one. The dictionary marked

the first reference to Boxing Day in print.

1836- Mentioned First Time in Novel by Charles Dickens-

The famous Novelist Charles Dickens from England, who is the author of famous novels like ‘Hard Times & ‘Oliver Twist,’ was the one who mentioned Boxing Day in his first Novel ‘The Pickwick Papers. The novel was published as a monthly serial until 1837.

Like many celebrations that have taken transformation since they were first celebrated & acknowledged, similarly, the Boxing Day celebrations are the ones that hold commercial & retail importance. However, the history that is nicely preserved in the history books is enough to make this day a day of enormous importance for the people in the West. A key objective behind the day is paying gifts to the needy & the less fortunate.



See previous issue answers on page # 21

Career Overview

As a resort manager,

Job Description

Includes duties in three major areas: Daily Operations - Finances and Marketing; Customer Service and Human Resources

Daily Operations, Financial, and Marketing Duties

Resort managers oversee product stocking, accounting, and marketing efforts at the resort. As a resort manager, you'll hire contractors to perform services, such as painting or plumbing. You'll ensure that all supplies, from housekeeping materials to furniture, are in good condition and in stock. You'll monitor payroll, customer billing, and expense accounts.

Customer Service

Resort managers ensure positive customer experiences by maintaining high-quality facilities and remedying problems. At the resort, you'll conduct room, kitchen, and grounds inspections to make sure that they are all up to code. You'll greet guests at arrival, create standards surveys, and find acceptable solutions to problems that may arise.

Human Resources Responsibilities

As a resort manager, you'll be in charge of hiring, training, and scheduling new staff members. You'll set goals for employees and help your staff achieve these goals. You might also have assistant managers who you'll work with to manage departments, such as housekeeping, dining, security, and desk personnel.


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your job will include managing
including lodging, food and beverage management,
housekeeping, attractions, and guest services.
hours to ensure the success
all aspects of a resort,
human resources,
You'll be in charge of employees, finances,
service, promotions, and quality control. Resort managers often have to work nights and weekends, putting in long
of their establishment.

Anti – Social Personality Disorder & Ways To Overcome It

An ASPD, or Anti-Social Personality disorder, is a mental issue & a disorder which is very common these days. Being part of emotional health issues & a disorder is common in society these days. Considerable reliance is people having more reliance on electronic product usage which includes smartphones & tablets & living a busy life with social media rather than making social interactions a standard set of activities. The goal must be to mingle with people regularly to avoid ASPD or Anti-Social Personality disorder.

A disorder is regarded as a health disorder or a mental issue which needs to be treated through therapy & treatment that involves seeing people & mingling with them regularly. Precisely, on a far more regular basis than what you have done in the past. According to APA American Psychiatric Association, those diagnosed with an Anti-Social Personality tend to be far more manipulative, volatile, and disruptive & often engage in impulsive ‘acting-out’ behaviours. They are more aggressive & have less patience & are less tolerant, as their attitudes are highly affected by the passage of time while living alone. If you believe someone is undergoing such a disorder, thus that person can be helped by using some standard treatments. These include recognizing the treatment, taking action & learning to accept.

It’s more or less a social thing, which relates to social treatment in terms of psychology & people need to be treated for this as soon as ASPD or Anti-Social Personality Disorder is diagnosed. One needs to look for these things in someone with an ASPD.

Recognize & Highlight the Symptoms of ASPD:

It’s vital that one has to recognize & highlight the symptoms of ASPD as soon and as early as possible. The people with ASPD highly disregard the rights of people & are also known for violation of their rights on a very regular basis. They tend to be more in-sensitive & more careless regarding people’s behaviours & as far as their temperaments are concerned it keeps on changing. They have irritability & aggressiveness in their nature & they are immune to constant irresponsibility.

People with ASPD are found to be more aggressive than others. Much to the credit of living alone & staying busy with social media, phones, electronics, games, cyber-crimes, hacking & living a very solitary life. As the Greek Philosopher, Aristotle said, ‘Whosoever is delighted in Solitude is either a Wild beast or a God. There are more chances that people will think well about you, rather than the levels of probability being on the higher side for people who think negatively about you, if you are a loner. Even if you are a lone star, your stardom is only suitable for you & it can’t give an advantage to anyone else.

Many symptoms can become dangerous for the person with the personality disorder. But also for those that are close to the individual.

Taking Immediate Action:

It’s essential to take immediate action & the best action. If you know someone is undergoing ASPD, they need immediate, relevant assistance. Just like psychiatric treatment is needed,


for ASPD, before you need medicine, the concerned must undergo some mental treatment & mental therapies. By this, we mean to say that immediately getting to the core of the issue & asking the concerned to be far more interactive & amongst the people, rather than being alone.

Regarding some immediate action, assistance is needed to treat the person you think is in ASPD. As someone who wants to be close, you need to involve with the person & interact with the person on a far more regular basis. Make him be a social person, invite the person to parties & occasional get-to-gathers & also an odd meeting outside which means watching cinema together or some weekend moments hanging out & having dinner together.

Learn To Accept The Challenges:

It’s essential while the treatment goes on that you shall be able to accept the challenges when a family member or a loved one is forced to go into treatment for ASPD. One must be acquainted with the emotional intelligence aspects & be highly aware of how the challenges of ASPD shall be met with deep insights. It’s challenging for both the family members & for someone who is being. This is vitally & most importantly regards to the amount of stress involved & the amount of hazards involved.

ASPD is a challenge, however, it’s something that relates to mental. Obviously, it can be treated easily regards to the circumstances & the scenarios. The best way for people found with Anti-Social Personality Disorders is to think optimistic & always be positive as far as their lives are concerned. They need to take the stress & pressures more optimistically & their approach must be to relax. ASPD, is a common mental disorder in the modern world of AI, Digital media & electronics. However, the best & most sober treatment is to find out the right balance between being social & anti-social. Once you find the right balance, you shall be able to fight the challenges with far more ease.


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DECEMBER 2022 Sagittarius

When the year 2022 is discussed for the Sagittarius folks, then the following possibilities or points may need to be remembered. First, your ability to experiment may make you capable of sorting out a budget as per the new scheme. This means finance may be one area which you would undoubtedly control at the right time. Thus, your financial position may be more stable and even robust.

This may come after a lot of hard work you may have put in over the last year. Now that you are in this position, you can go ahead and plan trips for some time now. You can start looking out for new destinations. Is it a beach or mountain holiday, or would it be a luxury vacation or backpacking trip? This may be a piece of fresh news for the Sagittarius, as everyone knows how much you archers enjoy travelling.

Sagittarius 2022 Horoscope:- Bust Off the Stress

At work, you may win the appreciation of your superiors. Hence as advised earlier, stay away from office gossip and only focus on your position and performance.

Management is on your side, and you may need to work to maintain that balance with your colleagues and your seniors. Your seniors may appreciate the extra work that you have

put into your work and for the organisation. Hard work never goes unnoticed. It may take days, months or even a year, but the due credit comes along. Your talent may be recognised and shall be rewarded. In addition, your personality is likely to make a difference in your life.

Horoscope Sagittarius for 2022:- New One

You may become witty, generous, endearing, charming, making you always playful and intensely alive. This may be your vibe for the year 2022. Since you may be all fun this year, everybody may love being around you and feel like being in your company. And without a doubt, most of you may possess an irresistible sense of humour and immense charm.

With this love kind of personality and vibe, you may even find love. And it can happen with the most stimulating partner with whom you can share your mental interest. You both may love travelling and even talking about travelling. This would mean that you may always be travelling and roaming. You may be a couple always on the wheels and living outside your suitcase.


you attracted to beauty and harmony. You may also be a target of attraction for others. As a result, you may find yourself a central figure in some parties or public gatherings.

Further, your peculiarities, which were a source for others to make fun of you, may bring some advantages for you this year. You may finally take command of your distinctiveness and may eventually convert it into strengths – a standout.

2022 Horoscope Sagittarius:- Work Out The Changes

Time is apt for you to work out the changes you intend to implement on projects you are undertaking. You may attain financial and physical support from the sources you expect.

Horoscope Sagittarius 2022:- Marriage is a Possibility

Marriage is possible for those who have been engaged with each other for a long time. Finally, you can start your marriage preparations in full swing. Be it shopping, decorations, food menu and list.

Sagittarius folks who may have broken up may reunite with them. You may think of rekindling your relationship with them again. Therefore, you would enjoy the support of time, which is likely to culminate in support of each other this year. Refer to Sagittarius Marriage Horoscope for more detailed insights into your marriage life in 2022.

Before you both get together, it may be a good idea to talk about things. Also, if you’re hanging out for the second time or it’s your second date, it’ll be a level up for you to talk about the changes you both want in a relationship. So, make sure you put your thoughts out there in the open, tell your mate what you’re passionate about, what you want from life and a relationship because you might get it or get more of it than you ever possibly thought.

Oh, and a word of advice, don’t take things or people for granted – because it might happen to you even if you had put in a lot of effort in the beginning.

Sagittarius Horoscope For 2022:- Get Some Fresh Air

Seek out some time from your busy work and spend a year or two with your dear one. A journey to some beautiful place may act as a booster for your fading relationship due to the lack of romantic moments. For a long time, you would have been avoiding your artistic talent. Now it is time to brush off the dust and take it out.

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