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Central & South America
Pablo & Maricela Chavez pabloc@multiply.net maricelac@multiply.net
Pablo and Maricela along with their three sons, Isaac, Joshua and Samuel, are settling in the community of Almirante Grau, province of Piura, Peru. They are slowly getting to know the Peruvian MB churches and church plants. They are beginning to earn their trust in being allowed to walk alongside them by listening to their stories filled with hope, struggle and faith.
Stacy Kuhns stacyk@multiply.net
Stacy is working with the MB conference of Peru, developing leaders and equipping them to reach their nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Stacy also serves as Multiply’s Regional Coach for global workers in Latin America, and with the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) to support and equip new church planting ventures.
Lavern Pratt lavernp@multiply.net

Lavern serves God among the Wounaan and Embera people in partnership with the MB church leadership in Panama. She uses her landscape architecture skills to help design and create self-sustaining ministry spaces of peace and beauty which will support and promote outreach. Developing relationships with local indigenous women, she encourages and disciples them to follow God’s plan for their lives and point others to God’s love and grace.
Einer & Girlesa Zuluaga
Einer and Girlesa Zuluaga support the missionary initiatives of the Mennonite Brethren Churches of Panama through the strengthening of existing ministries and the creation of new ministries. They are also preparing leaders through practical discipleship with the Multiethnic Discipleship School.

Israel & Sandra Chavez-Plett sandrap@multiply.net israchavez87@gmail.com

This couple is involved in teaching and leading different discipleship programs at the Matthew Training Center in Guadalajara. They also pastor the Pinar MB Church, and run the LifePoint Community Center, a thrift store where they offer Biblical counselling and workshops for the community. They have a son named Sebastian.

Eleazar & Shaila Diaz-Ortiz eleazar.diaz.ortiz@gmail.com
As part of the leadership team at Matthew Training Center in Guadalajara, this couple serves as program directors of the HADIME discipleship program. Eleazar also oversees the Aquila and Priscila Bible Institute that offers theological training to churches in Mexico. Together, they pastor a local MB church, and they have a daughter named Elena.

Jen Schmidt jens@multiply.net
Jen provides administrative leadership at the Matthew Training Center (MTC) in Guadalajara and helps disciple and equip young adults for mission through the various HADIME discipleship programs.

Tomas & Melody Vidal tomasv@multiply.net melodyv@multiply.net
The Vidals serve as directors of the Matthew Training Center in Guadalajara, serving alongside a team of leaders making welltrained disciples who serve among the nations.
Emerson Cardoso emersonc@multiply.net
As Multiply’s Regional Team Leader for Latin America, Emerson is supporting church leaders and training global workers. He also serves the Brazil MB's mission agency.
Franz & Doris Wolf franzw@multiply.net dorisw@multiply.net
Franz coordinates the Latin American team and serves as Regional Coach for missionaries in the region. Doris works with team logistics and supports the Brazilian MB missions agency.