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Europe & Central Asia
Johann & Hedi Matthies jmatthies@multiply-europe.com
Johann serves as Multiply’s regional team leader for Europe and Central Asia, resourcing workers and projects within the region. In partnership with ICOMB, he also mobilizes European partners, churches, and schools for world mission.
Christina Chimuco chchimuco@multiply-europe.com
Christina is working in administration and in public relations, as well as in the coordination and implementation of shortterm missions.
Johanna Neudorf doulos8@gmail.com
Johanna is serving with the church-planting team in Dortmund, Germany. She is primarily supported through the Paraguayan MB Conference.
Dieter & Inara Janzen djanzen@multiply-europe.com ijanzen@multiply-europe.com
Dieter and Inara, with their two children, are part of the church plant in Magdeburg. Magdeburg is one of the six largest cities in eastern Germany and nine out of ten residents have nothing to do with religion.
Heinrich & Darlene Löwen hloewen@multiply-europe.com dloewen@multiply-europe.com
Heinrich and Darlene moved with their three children to Essen to plant a church there. There are very few churches in the Ruhr region. Right now they started a house church and are forming a team.
Heinrich & Annie Rempel hrempel@multiply-europe.com
Heinrich acts as the Director of Operations in the European office and is mainly responsible for ministry project development and administration. He also provides assistance in the areas of training and mobilizing local churches for global mission.
Alex & Carla Suderman alexcarlas@multiply.net
The Sudermans are serving with a churchplanting team in Dortmund. They have four children: Jackson, Olivia, Jordan, and Sophia.

Walter & Ina Reimer wreimer@multiply-europe.com ireimer@multiply-europe.com
Walter & Ina Reimer are part off the Dortmund church plant. Walter is the pastor off the new “Presentkirche”. Ina is serving in worship and in counseling.

Jakob & Alexandra Ferber jferber@multiply-europe.com
Jakob and Alexandra are church planters in Bavaria, Germany. Presently, they are living in Treuchtlingen, where there is a church forming already.

Waldemar & Luise Schröder wschroeder@multiply-europe.com
Waldemar and Luise are part off the Magdeburg church plant. They are leading a house church and work also in social services.

Davina Rempel drempel@multiply-europe.com
Davina has started her training as an occupational therapist in Dortmund to work in the church plant there. She is involved in youth work and the music team.

Lukas & Rachel Scheidt lscheidt@multiply-europe.com rscheidt@multiply-europe.com
Lukas and Rachel Scheidt have two children. They are part off the Magdeburg church plant and are active in a house church.

Benjamin & Franziska Hermann bhermann@multiply-europe.com fhermann@multiply-europe.com
Benni and Franzi, with their two children, are part of the church plant in Dortmund. Benni is responsible for evangelistic work and is also involved in working with the homeless.

Evelyn Harder eharder@multiply-europe.com
Evelyn is serving to unchurched children and youth in Leipzig. She works as a teacher for children with disabilities and is part of a church in Leipzig-Grünau.
Sean & Judith Fast seanf@multiply.net judithf@multiply.net
The Fasts have been serving at LCC University. Judith is the Intercultural Education Coordinator and Sean is studying. They also support and resource local churches.
Gediminas & Kristina Dailyde
The Dailydes are church planting in Vilnius among a new generation through hosting Alpha courses, bible studies, marriage classes, and discipleship programs.
Sarah Reed sarahr@multiply.net
Sarah is serving in a local church in Austria, where she engages in teaching, preaching and prayer ministry. Through the church, she also leads a Bible study and gives discipleship to a group of young adults, as well as offer support to refugees as they integrate into Austrian culture.

Dave & Mel daveb@multiply.net melb@multiply.net

This couple serves in the local church in Austria as well as continuing to travel to Central Asia, seeking to encourage and disciple believers in regions where historically the Church once flourished. They have three children.

Joanna & Jonathan Gutierrez joannap@multiply.net
Joanna and Jonathan are living on mission in the Lisbon area. Walking with the local church, they seek to encourage others to live on mission. They invite those around them to taste and see that God is good and his love is holistic. Joanna has been working with a second-hand store and using Pilates to connect with the community. They have one son: Valin.
Walter & Nadeschda Klause
Walter and Nadeschda are church planters in Portugal. They are serving in their third church initiative for the Slavic immigrants.
Russ & Marjorie
Russ and Marjorie are involved in evangelism, leadership development, media training, and church planting using media and the arts in France. They also have many opportunities to minister in other countries around the world.
Marcela & David Taquet
Marcela and her husband David work alongside a local French church, doing pre-evangelistic activities, evangelism, discipleship, and holistic church planting. They are primarily focused on immigrants coming from a North African and Turkish context. They have one daughter, Louciana.
Paul & Sara Raugust
paulr@multiply.net sarar@multiply.net
This couple is working alongside the local French Mennonite church to catalyze spiritual growth, whole-life discipleship, leadership development, and holistic church planting among the North African, Turkish and immigrant population. They also work with peace initiatives to catalyze young adults to become agents for reconciliation and change. They have three daughters: Hazel, Luka, and Selwyn.
Pray for VR as God guides him into relationship with those he meets; that he will be able to freely share the Good News.
Maxym & Anya Oliferovski
The Oliferovski provide leadership for Multiply in Ukraine, serving holistic churchplanting and directing New Hope Center, a non profit organization ministering to families in crisis

Oleskii & Oksana Makaiova
Oleksii and Oksana are separated by war. Oleksii is pastor of the former church in Molochansk, Halbstadt. Now he serves in a shelter in West Ukraine.
Timurlan & Irina Abdyldaev embrace@cawregion.net
Timurlan and Irina provide leadership for the work of Multiply in Central Asia. They oversee the church planting activities, run a rehabilitation center for addicts and disciple new workers for church planting.
Margarete Daiker mdaiker@web.de
Margarete is a church planter in the south of Kyrgyzstan. She volunteers in a school for blind children, teaches music and oversees the women's ministry in the church conference.
Robert & Marlene Baerg robb@multiply.net marleneb@multiply.net

The Baergs serve in northern Mongolia through Trees of Life Restoration, an agriculture and permaculture project that gives them opportunity to disciple and train young adults, host a variety of visitors, serve local churches and build community.
In a country of over 80 million people, this couple is ministering to a diverse group: some have a strong Muslim background, and others are very secular. Both G & N are involved in teaching and counseling in a local K-12 school and provide discipleship training and leadership development to national partners within a network of three local churches. In times of crisis, G is also involved in teaching development and supporting the local churches and organizations that work directly with the refugees.
B & C

This couple is preparing to be sent by the MB conference in Colombia to serve on a team in Central Asia. Their first term will include training to resource them in culture and language acquisition, as well as in the foundations for church planting in this region.

V & I
This couple is serving church-planting initiatives in Central Asia, with a vision to rebuild and restore the Church where historically it once flourished.
A & R
This couple is serving church-planting initiatives in Central Asia, with a vision to rebuild and restore the Church where historically it once flourished. They have four children.
Middle East & North Africa
Nasser al ‘Qahtani nassera@multiply.net
Nasser and Daisy al'Qahtani oversee and shepherd a vast network of disciples on mission through the Middle East and North Africa and are actively coaching and supporting individuals and teams serving and proclaiming the Gospel to the Muslim diaspora throughout the world.
Chase Lovins chasel@multiply.net
Chase works as the Project Coordinator for the Middle East & North Africa team. He works under Nasser al’Qahtani in order to support and equip the work being done in such a significant part of the world. Chase has a heart for the people, a passion for the work, and a longing to see “His kingdom come, and His will be done.
Charles (alias)
This worker is recruiting followers of Jesus to serve in the Arabian peninsula by organizing rock climbing expeditions as a first contact with the people and culture and then inviting participants to discern a long-term commitment.