2 minute read
Sub-Saharan Africa
Doug Hiebert
Now based in Canada, Doug functions as the Regional Team Leader for Sub-Saharan Africa. Doug and Deanna have three daughters: Madeline, Elise, and Avery.

Kyle & Danae Schmidt
Kyle and Danae Schmidt are supporting one of Multiply’s key national partners in helping to make Jesus known among families and communities in Uganda. Working alongside the leadership team of King’s Kid Home and School, they are providing discipleship and trades training for youth, and assisting in sustainability initiatives.
Sean & Amy Hildebrand
Amy and Sean are currently adjusting to life with a newborn daughter as they enter into the beginning stages of partnership development. Lord willing, they will be moving early next year to Mityana, Uganda. Sean will help teach and train church leaders at a Bible School, as well as be involved with sports ministry, while Amy will be serving in healthcare.
Robert & Esther Mponye
Robert leads both the King's Kid Home School and Lifehouse Community Church. In the last few years, he and his wife Esther have become valued partners of Multiply in Uganda. Pray for wisdom as he leads these ministries and seeks to bring transformation in Uganda.

Shadreck Kwendanyama
Shadreck leads the Malawi MB church. As this church has grown exponentially in recent years, he has a big job. Pray for unity. Pray for wisdom as he seeks to lead this growing church family and that they would understand the fullness of God's kingdom.

Safari Mutabesha
After many years in Malawi, Safari has now returned to his home country of Congo. His desire is to raise up disciples who will disciple others and form new churches. He is also contending for a ministry that meets the needs of the whole person. Pray for Safari and his family as they get established in this new location. Pray for favor with the people there and for open hearts.
Nzuzi Mukawa
Nzuzi is a missiologist and a pastor in an MB church. He has been given great influence for the promotion of mission among evangelical churches in Congo. He also leads yearly trips to remote Congolese villages, bringing the Gospel and discipling leaders. Pray for favor with his people and ask the Lord of the harvest to continue to use him for his glory.
Aurelie Hirschler aurelie.hirschler@gmail.com
Aurélie is serving as a pedagogical advisor (teacher's trainer) in the Karubabi Harvest School in Muramvya. She is primarily supported by Mennonite churches in France.

Travis Jost travisj@multiply.net
Travis is serving with the Burundi team and partnering with established churches and local organizations as they minister to the community through education, health care, discipleship training, pastor training, and business initiatives.
Samuel Ndayiragije
Samuel leads a ministry that contends for whole life discipleship. He and the team are investing in church leaders that will minister to the whole person, seeing people come to faith in Jesus and have enough to eat. Pray for humility and for favor with the people. Pray for wisdom as he disciples many leaders.