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North America
Indigenous Ministry
Nate & Kristin (alias)

Nate and Kristin are serving in Northern Ontario. They are seeking to build relationships of love and respect that will bring the good news of Jesus Christ to these communities.
John & Jenn Johnstone johnj@multiply.net jennj@multiply.net
John and Jenn serve among First Nations in Western Canada, building relationships between First Nations people and the Church through education, prayer and the facilitation of bridge-building encounters. They live in Langley, BC.
Randy and Leisha (alias)
Randy and Leisha serve among the First Nations peoples in the Georgian Bay Region of Ontario. They seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ in holistic and indigenous ways, while empowering First Nations leaders to plant house churches in their own communities.

Billie Jo Isaac billiejoi@multiply.net
Billie Jo serves as Multiply’s Canadian First Nations Prayer Hub Coordinator. She is from Moose Deer Point First Nation, located on the shores of Georgian Bay in Ontario.
Derek & Tiffani Parenteau derekp@multiply.net
The Parenteaus serve among First Nations in Ontario, Canada. They have three children: Nathan, Mickenzie, and Liberty.

Robert Thiessen robertt@multiply.net
After serving in Mexico for many years, Robert and Anne are now based in Ontario, Canada. Robert continues to mentor workers in Mexico, as well as assist in training missionaries and get involved in First Nations ministry in Canada.

Student Ministry
Jonathan Mitchell jonathanm@multiply.net
Jonathan Mitchell serves as the Director of the 604 Network and is focused on helping young people from multiple churches live on mission together across Canada (based in Vancouver, BC).

Cross Cultural Ministry
Kyla Sinclair-Peters kylasp@multiply.net
This worker is based in Toronto where she is involved in caring for marginalised youth.

Lia (alias)
Lia (formerly LS) is serving in Canada among the diaspora of one of Asia’s leastreached people groups. She is involved in intercession and prayer mobilization, as well as sharing the Gospel through youth outreach, camp, and discipleship programs.

Arun & Anjana Passi arunp@multiply.net anjanap@multiply.net
This couple was sent from South Asia to serve among South Asians in British Columbia, Canada. They are involved in community service, discipling young leaders, and overseeing emerging house churches.