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Southeast Asia
Edd & Ingrid Russell
The Russells serve on a team with Thai partners in the Isaan (Northeast) region of Thailand, which has the lowest percentage of Christians or churches in the country. They live in Kalasin province and focus on church planting and leadership development.

Cynthia Friesen cynthiaf@multiply.net
Cynthia serves in Chiang Mai where she is involved in church planting and discipleship training. Her ministry is called Chiang Mai Promise. She ministers in a support role under the national leader who runs Naomi House. She has one son, Maceo.

Carmen Owen carmeno@multiply.net
Carmen serves with the Naomi House project, alongside Siriwan and Wichian Trakunhan, national partners leading the Naomi House discipleship center and social enterprise, which serves marginalized people groups from Northern Thailand, including released juvenile offenders and oppressed women and families. She lives with her husband, Andy, and their family in Wichita, Kansas.
Cecil & Tracy Ramos
cecilr@multiply.net tracyr@multiply.net
Cecil and Tracy are part of a team with international and national partners focused on reaching out to the community of Phan Thong, Chonburi. Cecil also serves as a Regional Coach for global workers in Southeast Asia. They have two sons, Solas and Judah.

& Louise Sinclair-Peters
davesp@multiply.net louisesp@multiply.net
The Sinclair-Peters are mentoring and training Burmese and Thai pastors and evangelists, planting churches in Thailand and helping to support several agricultural, discipleship, and church-planting projects in Myanmar. Louise also serves as Regional Team Leader for Thailand and Myanmar.

Ozz & Sara Kumrod-Fast saraf@multiply.net
This family is serving in northern Thailand, where their vision is to build relationships and share the Gospel in the areas where local leaders lead them to go. Together they are discipling leaders who will serve in their local churches and on evangelism teams. They will help to plant churches together with local leaders in order to see the kingdom of God expand in northern Thailand. They have four children: Elijah, Ezekiel, Ezra, Elisha.
Sandy Fender sandyf@multiply.net
Sandra is using her hospitality gifts at her home in the northern city of Chiang Mai. She ministers to young women incarcerated at a Juvenile Detention Center, teaching English and life skills, as well as managing the administrative responsibilities of the projects. In addition, she partners with Happy Heart Home, teaching at their weekly children's outreach in their community.
Jeremy & Adrienne Penner jeremyp@multiply.net, adriennep@multiply.net
The Penners are sharing the Gospel, making disciples, serving with and empowering national leaders, and working toward a multiplication of new churches among the Myanmar migrant worker communities of Thailand. They have 3 kids: Elya, Jaelyn, and Caleb.

Rebecca Hiebert rebeccah@multiply.net
Rebecca is walking alongside Thai leaders as they plant churches in and around Chachoengsao. She is passionate about seeing people come to know Jesus and new believers grow in their faith.
Junji & Hitomi Nukaga junjinukaga@yahoo.co.jp
Junji and Hitomi are walking alongside Thai evangelists and church planters in the Isaan. They resource national leaders and together make disciples in one of the least reached regions of Thailand.
Somdy & Chanh Jusse somdyj@multiply.net
Now based in Canada, the Jusses continue to serve both the Lao and Thai people groups of Thailand in areas of discipleship and leadership development, as well as the Thai diaspora in Ontario. They have one daughter named Sarah.