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Roanoke City Center + City Hall / Roanoke, TX

McAdams helped municipal staff and elected officials bring to life a community vision for city hall and its surroundings by assisting with master planning, rezoning and site design. Streetscape design was integral to this effort to make the downtown area attractive and accessible; our team carefully designed traffic calming measures, active transportation facilities, parking, enhanced pavements and intersection improvements.


We are a collaborative and vision-focused group of professionals who are passionate about providing unique, meaningful and engaging experiences - both for our clients and the end users who will explore and travel the places and corridors we help create. Our project teams blend creativity with pragmatic considerations in design, budget and constructability to bring to life the collective vision for project success. We provide a comprehensive array of services in planning, design and field services, and strive to be true experts and trusted advisors in the markets we serve.

Our capabilities include:

› Transportation Planning + Design

› Civil Engineering

› Stormwater

› Stream + Wetland Design

› Landscape Architecture

› Land Planning

› Urban Planning + Design

› Geomatics

› Field Services

› Funding + Grant Assistance

McAlpine Creek Greenway / Charlotte, NC

McAdams worked closely with Mecklenberg County to deliver a critical section of the Carolina Thread Trail system to create key east-west connections across southern Charlotte. McAdams provided planning, environmental, design and construction services for 2.5 miles of greenway including two bridge crossings, several sections of boardwalk with concrete decking and additional parking at a new trailhead.


At McAdams, transportation is about more than just moving cars, it is about moving people. Our talented transportation planners can help you create well-connected, multi-modal communities where people love to live, work, play and prosper.

Typical services include:

› Comprehensive Transportation Plans

› Collector Street Plans

› Pedestrian / Bicycle Plans

› Small Area Plans

› Downtown Master Plans

› Corridor Studies

› Greenway Plans

› Feasibility Studies

› Traffic Impact Studies

› Traffic Operations Studies

› Parking Studies

› Transit Planning

› Visualization

› Public Engagement

› Transit Oriented Development Plans

› Geospatial Solutions / GIS

› Mobility Hub Planning

› Sustainable Transportation Studies

› NEPA / SEPA Process Compliance

Triangle Bikeway Study / Raleigh, NC

McAdams led the study of this 17-mile corridor connecting Raleigh, Research Triangle Park, Durham and Chapel Hill, including extensive stakeholder and community outreach: feasibility-level planning and design; GIS services; detailed cost estimates; video simulations; and technical recommendations. More information available at

Genesis / Durham, NC

McAdams is providing multidisciplinary professional services for the development of this brownfield industrial campus in Research Triangle Park, including subsurface utility engineering (SUE); surveying; civil engineering services; landscape architecture; graphic support and visualizations; and construction administration. These services are integral to planning efforts for planning efforts to provide two efficient access roads and robust stormwater design features.


Our engineers and designers are experts at considering all modes of travel when designing transportation facilities. At McAdams, we have the relationships and technical expertise to bring your projects to life. Typical design services include:

› Roadway Design

› Greenway Design

› Streetscapes

› Drainage / Hydraulic Design

› Green Stormwater Infrastructure

› Landscape Architecture

› Utility Design + Coordination

› Transit Facilities + Multi-modal Centers

› Traffic Engineering

Inside Wade / Raleigh, NC

Inside Wade is multi-generational authentic neighborhood located in proximity to I-40 in Raleigh. McAdams provided civil engineering, design, permitting, surveying and construction administration services, including the design of public and private streets; alleys for garage access and trash collection; terraced grades to minimize earthwork costs; and parking along tree lined streets.

Walnut Creek Greenway + Bikeway / Cary, NC

McAdams worked with the Town of Cary to design two greenway sections in conjunction with the Fenton mixed-use project. The McAdams team provided greenway design, surveying, civil engineering and water resources support to enhance bicycle and pedestrian connections between the Fenton development, Cary Town Center mall property and adjacent parts of Cary, while accommodating future extensions coordinated with new development and redevelopment projects along the route.

Junction 1504 / Charlotte, NC

Located near Uptown and South End neighborhoods in Charlotte, Junction 1504 is an 11-acre site with 250 residential units. McAdams provided civil engineering, due diligence, surveying and site planning and worked closely with the City to achieve a seamless 1,500 foot addition to the Charlotte Rail Trail including lighting, landscaping and ornamental features to create a buffer between the active rail line and the greenway.

Wake Technical Community College, Southern Loop Road / Raleigh, NC

Located along the southern edge of the Southern Wake Campus, the new Southern Loop Road will serve as one of the main entries into campus with the completion of I-540. McAdams is providing multidisciplinary planning, design, surveying, SUE and environmental services including the design of the two-lane access road and associated sidewalk; addition of a stop light at the entrance to campus from US 401 as well as turn lanes, median improvements and drainage improvements; and full depth pavement repair and replacement of existing broken curve and sidewalk in parking areas.


Our multidisciplinary team of planners and engineers have a comprehensive understanding of available infrastructure funding, and the importance of funding projects that improve the safety, mobility, health and sustainability of local communities. Our team of experts can help you develop a funding strategy that considers your capital improvement program and priorities, holistically, and develop grant applications that maximize the chances of winning federal, state, local and even private grant awards.

Integral to our strategy is helping you to identify the projects that would be most compelling and competitive for identified funding programs, identifying opportunities to use multiple funding sources leveraging our relationships at the state, regional and local levels to develop strong project partnerships to build support for these projects.

› Funding Scans

› Funding Strategy

› Grant Narratives + Application Materials

› Cost Estimating

› Schedule + Scope Development

› Benefit-cost Analyses (BCA)

› Public Outreach + Consensus Building (Citizen Involvement)

› Advocacy

› Grant Administration

Durham Beltline RAISE Grant / Durham NC

McAdams prepared the successful 2021 RAISE Grant application for this project, resulting in a $9 million award from USDOT. Our application successfully captured the project’s potential for creating good-paying jobs; improving safety; applying transformative technology; and explicitly addressing climate change and advancing racial equity. McAdams worked closely with City staff across several departments to coordinate the extensive range of information required, including new RAISE guidelines for areas of persistent poverty.


Successful projects start and end in the field. McAdams has the expertise to ensure your projects begin with a solid foundation and end with exceptional support through the entire construction process. Typical services include:

› Construction Administration

› Construction Engineering Inspection

› Surveying

› Subsurface Utility Exploration

› Utility Coordination

› Easement Acquisition Support


00026 Capacity Analysis - Level I 00031 Cartography 00032 Categorical Exclusions 00045 Corridor Planning 00063 Environmental Assessments / Finding of No Significant Impacts - Environmental Policy 00070 Erosion + Sediment Control Design 00087 Data Conversion 00088 Data Validation (QA/QC) 00092 GPS 00094 Field Data Collection 00104 High Density Laser Scanner 00112 Hydrographic Surveys - Pre-construction 00132 Landscape + Streetscape Design 00141 Multimodal Transportation Planning 00155 Pavement Marking Plans 00158 Aerial Image Collection + Mapping Products with UAS-Photogrammetry 00159 Aerial LIDAR Collection / Processing + Elevation Data with UAS-Photogrammetry 00160 Aerial Mapping Control-Photogrammetry 00171 Public Involvement 00173 Public Water Distribution Systems 00195 Roadway Construction Engineering + Inspection - Contract Standards 00199 Route Location Surveys 00200 Feasibility Studies 00201 Rural Roadway Design 00203 Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems 00226 Strategic Planning / Value Management Unit 00228 Stream Mitigation Site Design + Construction Oversight 00229 Stream Mitigation Site Plan 00231 Stream Restoration / Mitigation Monitoring 00235 Subsurface Utility Engineering 00252 Traffic Impact Analysis 00269 Urban Roadway Design 00276 Visualization / Preconstruction 00283 Wetland Mitigation Monitoring 00284 Wetland Mitigation Site Design + Construction Oversight 00285 Wetland Mitigation Site Planning 00315 Municipal + Regional Planning Studies 00316 Multi-use Trail Design, Survey + Layout 00318 Bicycle Map Preparation 00338 Building Site Design 00360 Topographic Surveying 00361 Boundary Surveying 00362 Easement Surveying 00410 Multimodal Connectivity Planning 00415 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit Cartography 00418 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit General Meeting Facilitation 00427 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit Feasibility Studies 00433 Tier I - Basic Hydrologic + Hydraulic Design 00434 Tier II - Complete Hydrologic + Hydraulic Design 00435 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit Strategic Planning

00436 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit Visualization

00467 Low Impact Division Managed Roadway Design

00498 Public Involvement - Transit / Transportation Planning / Public Transportation Div.

00499 Marketing, Publications + Graphic Assistance

00501 Multimodal Facilities Planning / Public Transportation Div.

00514 Multimodal / Bike-Ped / Transit Constructibility Expert

00547 Stormwater / NPDES Monitoring + Assessment, Roadside Environmental

00555 NPDES Stormwater Program - BMP Retrofit Site Selection + Design

00570 Professional Services 00572 General Engineering Services 00575 Environmental Services

00801 Construction Surveying

0 4,000 Feet Rockfish Rd CamdenRd GolfviewRd ElkRd LegionRd BlackBridgeRd MainSt Parkton Rd 95Business I-95 Rd Cameron MainSt
Hope Mills Pedestiran Plan / Hope Mills, NC



Vice President, Strategy + Public Client Development / 32+ Years Experience

B.A. Government, University of South Carolina; Warwick Fellow, Warwick University, United Kingdom

919. 287. 0758


Vice President, Transportation / 19+ Years Experience

B.S. Civil Engineering, NC State University; M.S. Civil Engineering, NC State University

919. 287. 0839


Transportation Design Lead / 25+ Years Experience

B.S. Civil Engineering, Clemson University

980. 221. 9002


Traffic Engineering Lead / 7+ Years Experience

B.S. Civil Engineering, NC State University


Bicycle + Pedestrian Lead / 15+ Years Experience

B.S. Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech State University


Funding Advisory Services Lead / 17+ Years Experience

B.A. in Geography, University of Mary Washington

919. 287. 0741

980. 206. 4389

919. 287. 0758

Tyler Huggins

Transportation Analyst / 5+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil Engineering, NC A&T State University; M.U.P., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tucker Fulle EI

Transportation Analyst / 2+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil Engineering, Transportation Systems, NC State University

Graham Bruns PE

Senior Bicycle + Pedestrian Project Manager / 16+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil Engineering w/ Transportation Concentration, NC State University

Zachary Hallock PE, AICP

Bicycle + Pedestrian Engineer / 8+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil + Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida; M.S.P. Urban + Regional Planning, Florida State University

Jimmy Prestwood EI

Bicycle + Pedestrian Designer / 6+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil Engineering, Auburn University

Brian Bernard EI

Designer II / 6+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil Engineering Tech., Rochester Institute of Technology

Jeromy Wegrzyn

Designer III / 4+ Years

B.S. in Biology, State University of New York College at Oneonta;

M.L.A., State University of New York College of Environmental Science + Forestry

Kathryn Zeringue

Senior Bicycle + Pedestrian Planner / 11+ Years Exp.

B.A. Political Science, University of Louisiana at Lafayette; M.S. Community + Regional Planning, UT Austin

Haley Naffisi AICP

Bicycle + Pedestrian Planner / 7+ Years Exp.

B.S. Environmental Science, Bridgewater College; Master of Urban + Environmental Planning, University of Virginia

Christopher Normile

Bicycle + Pedestrian Planner / 1+ Years Exp.

B.S. Community + Regional Planning, East Carolina University

Nia Rodgers RLA, LEED® AP, EI

Bicycle + Pedestrian Project Manager / 19+ Years Exp.

B.S. Civil + Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University; M.S. Landscape Architecture, University of Virginia

David Smith PE

Senior Roadway Design Engineer / 35+ Years Exp.

A.A.S. Civil Engineering Technology, Wake Technical Community College; B.S. Psychology, Liberty University

Michala Jerome PE

Roadway Design Engineer / 4+ Years Exp.

B.S. in Civil Engineering, Mississippi State University, Bagley College of Engineering

Zack Engle PE

Roadway Design Engineer / 5+ Years Exp.

B.S. in Engineering (civil concentration), Messiah University

Interested in learning more? Visit our website or contact us at Wake Technical Community College, ADA Improvements / Raleigh, NC

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