Expat Lifestyle Magazine June 2023

Page 23

June 2023 Issue 19

Summer is here!

Hi Everybody,

with Moira Carmenate


with Moira Carmenate


with The Elite Wellness Group


4 - 9

10 - 11

12 - 13



with The Elite Wellness Group with Moira Carmenate

16 - 17

with David’s Coachtrips


with White Doves

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Welcome to June and hopefully we have seen the last of all the torrential rain and floods that caused May to be a washout in most parts of Spain. As a friend of mine said to me last week, “well, I don’t feel sorry for you as you have sun most of the year, whilst we in the UK have mostly rain!” She was correct. Yes, we needed the

rain, but we prefer the sun – so I guess we need to remind ourselves how fortunate we are to live in a normally great climate here in Spain.

What’s happening in June? A significant day for many is Father’s Day which falls on the 3rd Sunday in June i.e., 18th – so, don’t forget to spoil Dad. Following Father’s Day, it’s summer solstice on 21st June and it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes Europe - so let’s hope the sun is out.

As it really is the start of summer, I thought I would pull together a few easy tapas dishes in “Moira’s Kitchen” and hope you enjoy and invent a few of your own. As we know, tapas are great when you just fancy a little pick of something tasty (the Spanish have the right idea with this) or fancy creating some interesting bites to share with friends over a nice, chilled glass of wine, beer or lemonade.

Whatever you are doing this month, enjoy and allow me to remind you, please be kind. Reach out to others who may be lonely, sad, grieving, or unwell. As June is represented by the Rose, maybe take a small bunch of roses to someone who needs cheering up.

Happy June, Love

Moira x

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2 | Contents
Le�er from the Editor – Moira Carmenate
Adver�sing Tracy@expatlifestyle.es
The Expat Centre, Calle de Villena 12
Pepa, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 ALICANTE
+34 865 668 596 Editor Moira@expatlifestyle.es


Wines from the region of Valencia

Here on our doorstep, in the lovely province of Valencia, wine production is a key part of the culture and economy. Some notable wines from the province include:

Valencia DO: The Valencia Denomination of Origin (DO) produces a wide variety of wines, including reds, whites, and rosés. The region is known for its Bobal grape variety, which produces rich and robust red wines. Some popular wines from Valencia DO include Alto Turia, Casa Lo Alto, and Mustiguillo.

Utiel-Requena DO: Located west of Valencia, is known for its red wines also made from the Bobal grape variety. These wines are typically full-bodied, with deep color and rich flavors. Some well-regarded wineries in this region include Finca Ardal, Dominio de la Vega, and Pago de Tharsys.

Alicante DO: Alicante is known for its red wines, particularly those made from the Monastrell grape. Monastrell wines from this region are often intense, with ripe fruit flavors and a robust character.

Bodegas El Sequé, Bodegas Sierra Salinas, and Bodegas Volver are notable producers in Alicante.

Moscatel de Valencia: Valencia is also known for producing sweet wines made from the Muscat (Moscatel) grape variety. These wines are often aromatic, with notes of ripe fruits and floral hints. Moscatel de Valencia is a great choice for dessert or as an aperitif.

Cava: While not exclusive to Valencia, Cava is a sparkling wine produced in various regions of Spain, including Valencia. Cava is made using the traditional method, similar to Champagne, and offers a range of styles from dry to sweet. Some producers in Valencia that make Cava include Vicente Gandía and Murviedro.

These are just a few examples of the wines produced in the Valencia region. There are many more wineries and wine styles to explore, so I encourage you to further explore the rich wine heritage of Valencia and enjoy!

Talking Wine | 3

Moira’s Spanish Kitchen Tapas

In Spanish cuisine a tapa is an appetizer or snack which can be either hot or cold. These small dishes are often combined to make a full meal or for sharing with friends over a glass or two of wine.

The common story regarding the origin of tapas, is that they were small slices of meat or bread served in bars so that people could use them to cover their drinks to keep the flies out. The word tapa is Spanish for “to cover”. Nowadays, in many cities in Spain, tapas have grown into a sophisticated cuisine, with many famous Spanish chefs developing their own unique offerings.

This month, I have created a few simple dishes for you to prepare in your own kitchen and I hope you enjoy them and get inspired to create your own tapas.

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms


1 pack mushrooms (brown or white)

1 small onion

1 clove garlic

1 spray of sunflower oil (or any light oil)

1 tsp soy sauce

1 tsp Worcester sauce

1 crumbed beef oxo cube in a tbsp boiling water (optional)

½ cup of cream

Salt and pepper

1 tbsp fresh parsley


1. Wipe mushrooms to remove any soil, cut mushrooms and set aside.

2. Chop onion and garlic and fry in a light spray of oil until soft and transparent.

3. Add mushrooms to pan with onions and garlic and gently fry for about five minutes.

4. If using, add the dissolved oxo cube, making sure there are no lumps.

5. Add soy sauce, Worcester sauce, cream and parsley and mix well together.

6. Season to taste and bring to boil.

7. Simmer for 5 minutes until sauce thickens.

8. Enjoy.

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500g large, prepared mussels – i.e. cleaned and debearded and usually in half shell.

1 small onion

1 clove garlic, grated.

Chopped Chorizo (as much as you like)

¼ cup white wine (optional)

Chopped parsley.


1. Dice onion and add to a large pot and fry with chopped Chorizo until onion softens.

2. Add grated garlic and cook for a minute.

3. Add mussels, and wine and gently cook for about 10 minutes giving them a shake to make sure they are thoroughly heated.

4. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Albondigas – Spanish Meatballs in Tomato Sauce


500g ground beef or pork, or mixture of both

1 garlic clove

1 egg

2 tbsp breadcrumbs

2 tsp chopped parsley

½ tsp paprika

½ tsp ground cumin


¼ tsp ground chilli

Salt & pepper

1 tbsp oil


1 small onion

1 clove garlic

1 can chopped tomatoes

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp paprika

2 tbsp chopped parsley

1. To make the meatballs, place all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix together by hand to ensure everything is combined.

2. Form the meat into small balls about the size of a walnut.

3. Heat oil in frying pan and brown the meatballs in batches, not overcrowding the pan.

4. When browned on all sides, place them on a baking sheet whilst you finish browning the rest. Hold them in oven about 160 degrees while you make the sauce.

5. To make the sauce, finely chop onion and gently cook in oil until translucent.

Add the chopped garlic and stir for a further minute.

6. Add the tomatoes, oregano, paprika, parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper.

7. Bring the sauce to boil then simmer for about 10 minutes until sauce thickens.

8. Add the meatballs to the sauce and serve.

Moira’s Kitchen | 5
Mussels with Chorizo

Chicken Meatballs with Lemongrass


500g Chicken

2 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs

1 tbsp milk

1 tbsp lemon grass

1 tbsp grated fresh ginger

½ tbsp grated garlic

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp lime juice

2 tbsp chopped coriander

Salt & pepper

3 tbsp oil for frying

Lime wedges and additional coriander for garnish


1. Soak the breadcrumbs in milk.

2. Mince the chicken – easiest way is to put chicken (thighs and/or breast) into a food processor and blitz.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the minced chicken, soaked breadcrumbs, lemon grass, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, lime juice, coriander and salt and pepper.

4. Make small balls the size of a walnut and gently fry until they start to turn a light golden colour. Place on a baking tray and as you fry the rest, hold in oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees.

5. Serve with lime wedges and chopped coriander.

Chickpeas with Spinach


1 Jar of chickpeas (garbanzos)

2 large handfuls of spinach

2 grated garlic cloves

1 tsp ground cumin

2 tsp smoked paprika (pimenton dulce)

2 tsp sherry

2 tbsp tomato passata (or a couple of smashed tomatoes)

2 tsp olive oil

Salt and pepper


1. Heat 1 tsp oil in a large pan and add the spinach and allow to wilt and then remove from the pan and set aside.

2. Add the other tsp oil to pan and add grated garlic, cumin, paprika, sherry, tomato and gently heat to combine flavours.

3. Add the drained chickpeas to the pan and coat with the spices. If it’s too dry just add a tablespoon of water.

4. Add the spinach and gently mix everything together.

5. Season with salt and pepper.

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Spicy Peanut Chicken


2 diced Chicken breasts

1 tin of coconut milk

2 tbsp crunchy peanut butter

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp chilli flakes (add another tsp if you like it hot)

2 grated cloves garlic

1 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp fresh lime juice

2 tbsp oil

2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

Salt and pepper


1. Place the diced chicken in a large bowl and add the cumin, coriander, garlic, chilli flakes and rub well into the chicken.

2. Leave the chicken to sit for as long as you can – half an hour is good.

3. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan and brown the chicken.

4. When all chicken browned, add the peanut butter, soy sauce, lime juice and coconut milk and combine well.

5. Gently cook for 15 minutes until chicken is well cooked and sauce is creamy and rich.

6. Add chopped coriander, salt and pepper.

7. Adjust seasoning to suit and if necessary, add more lime juice.

8. Garnish with chopped coriander and pieces of lime.

Saffron Infused Rice with Chorizo


2 cups rice (I used basmati)

2 cups chicken stock

2 cups water

1 chopped onion

1 grated garlic clove

1 small pack saffron threads

Handful of chopped Chorizo

Salt and pepper

1 tbsp oil

Chopped parsley for garnish


1. Heat oil in a heavy based pan, add chopped onion and Chorizo and cook until oils are released from the Chorizo and onion is transparent.

2. Add the rice and coat with the onion and oils from the Chorizo.

3. Add the saffron threads, grated garlic and then the chicken stock and water. (2 times liquid to rice).

4. Bring to the boil and then reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until rice is tender.

5. Check the seasoning and if necessary add salt and pepper.

6. Garnish with chopped parsley.

Moira’s Kitchen | 7

Lemon and Blueberry Roulade

1. Line a 23 x 33 cm Swiss roll tin with non-stick parchment paper.

2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees fan or 200 c.

3. Make the lemon curd (you can buy lemon curd if you wish but home-made is lovely).

4. Sterilise a jar with boiling water for your lemon curd.

5. To make the lemon curd, whisk the softened butter and caster sugar in a bowl until it changes to a pale-yellow colour. Stir in the egg yolks and add lemon zest and juice and whisk until smooth. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water until the mixture thickens. Be careful not to let the water boil or you will curdle the mixture.

6. When the mixture coats the back of a spoon, it is ready.

7. Pour the mixture into your sterilised jar and retain 100g (about 6 tablespoons) for your roulade. Loosely cover your jar with cling film until it is cold enough to put lid on and store in the fridge. Cover the lemon curd for the roulade with cling film to stop it forming a skin.

8. To make the roulade, whisk the egg whites in a clean dry bowl until stiff. Gently add the sugar a tablespoonful at a time until it is stiff and silky.

9. Add the mixture to the lined Swiss roll tin and smooth out. Sprinkle the top with flaked almonds and put in oven.

10. Bake at 180 degrees fan or 200 degrees centigrade for 8 to 10 minutes until golden brown the reduce heat to 140 degrees fan, 160 c for a further 15 minutes.

11. Remove from oven and allow to cool in tin for a couple of minutes then turn upside down onto a sheet of baking parchment so that the almonds are on the bottom.

12. Allow to cool for 15 minutes.

13. When the meringue is cold, whip the double cream then gently swirl in the reserved lemon curd and spread over the cooled meringue.

14. Dot the cream with blueberries.

15. Trim one side of the meringue (the long side) to give a smooth edge and then using the parchment paper, tightly roll the roulade, and then side it onto a serving plate with the join underneath.

16. Garnish with blueberries and dust with icing sugar before serving and enjoying.


5 egg whites

10 oz caster sugar

1 small pack blueberries

3 oz flaked almonds

300 ml double cream

Icing sugar for dusting

For the lemon curd:

(this makes more than needed for the roulade but will give you some extra to keep in your fridge and enjoy)

5 egg yolks

10 oz caster sugar

4 oz softened butter

Juice and zest of 3 large lemons

8 | Moira’s Kitchen

4. Pour the mix into the greased cake tin and bake for 35 minutes.

5. Whilst cake is baking cut out stencil of St. James’ cross.

6. Cool cake in tin for 10 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

7. Place the stencil of St. James’ cross on top of the cake and dust the cake with icing sugar.

8. Gently remove the stencil leaving a clean image of the cross when you are ready to serve and enjoy.

½ tsp ground cinnamon Icing sugar for dusting Butter for greasing tin

Moira’s Kitchen | 9

Talking Health

Feel good food

Foods that help fight depression

While it's important to note that diet alone cannot cure depression, certain foods can play a role in supporting mental health and overall well-being. Here are some foods that are often associated with potential mood-boosting benefits:

1. Fatty fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines may have a positive impact on brain health and reduce symptoms of depression.

2. Nuts and seeds: These are good sources of healthy fats, vitamin E, and other nutrients. Walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can be beneficial for brain health.

3. Whole grains: Complex carbohydrates found in whole grains help regulate blood sugar levels and increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood. Examples include brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa.

4. Leafy greens: Vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with nutrients such as folate, which may play a role in producing dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward.

5. Berries: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries have been associated with improved cognitive function and a reduction in depressive symptoms.

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6. Greek yoghurt: Probiotics, found in fermented foods like Greek yoghurt, may positively impact gut health, which is closely linked to mental health.

7. Dark chocolate: In moderation, dark choco late (at least 70% cocoa) can provide antioxidants and stimulate the release of endorphins, potentially boosting mood.

8. Turmeric: The active compound in turmeric, called curcumin, has shown promise in reducing symptoms of depression and support ing brain health.

9. Green Tea: Contains thea nine, an amino acid that may have a calming effect and improve mental clarity.

10. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent sources of plant-based protein and contain folate and magnesium, which are associated with improved mood.

Remember, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive treatment plan if you're dealing with depression or any mental

Talking Health| 11

Aargh! Mood Swings

Why Do I Feel Like This?

Mood swings can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause, can affect neurotransmitter levels in the brain and lead to mood swings.

2. Mental health conditions: Mood swings can be a symptom of various mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and depression. These conditions can disrupt the balance of chemicals in the brain and contribute to changes in mood.

3. Stress: Excessive stress can impact mood and lead to emotional instability. Stressful life events, such as relation ship problems, work pressure, financial difficulties, or major life changes, can trigger mood swings.

4. Sleep disturbances: Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can affect mood regulation. Sleep deprivation can make individuals more irritable, emotional, and prone to mood swings.


12 | Talking Wellness Elite Wellness

Talking Wellness with

5. Substance abuse: The use of drugs or alcohol can alter brain chemistry and contribute to mood swings. Intoxication and withdrawal from substances can also lead to significant shifts in mood.

6. Medications: Some medications, including certain anti-de pressants, antipsychotics, and steroids, may have mood-altering side effects. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you suspect your medications may be affecting your mood.

7. Chronic medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, chronic pain, and neurological disorders, can impact mood regulation and contribute to mood swings.

8. Environmental factors: Environmental factors like extreme weather conditions, seasonal changes, or expo sure to toxins can influence mood and potentially lead to mood swings.

It's worth noting that occasional mood swings are a normal part of life, but if mood swings become persistent, severe, or interfere with daily functioning, it's important to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or mental health professional. They can assess the underlying causes and provide appropriate treatment or interventions.

Talking Wellness | 13

Talking Beauty

The Allure of Lip Gloss

When it comes to beauty and cosmetics, one product that has stood the test of time and remains a staple in every makeup enthusiast's collection is lip gloss. With its ability to instantly transform and enhance the appearance of our lips, lip gloss has become a must-have item for anyone looking to achieve a luscious and captivating pout. In this article, we delve into the world of lip gloss, exploring its history, its versatility, the secrets behind its enduring popularity, and its impact on the beauty industry.

History and Evolution:

Lip gloss traces its origins back to ancient times when lip color usage was prevalent. Evidence of ancient Egyptians using lip color can be found, with Cleopatra being known for her vibrant lip shade. The Egyptians used a combination of red ochre, iron oxide, and fucus-algin, a type of seaweed, to create their lip color. Throughout history, lip color evolved with various civilizations and cultural influences. In ancient Greece, crushed mulberries were used for lip staining, while in the Elizabethan era, Queen Elizabeth I's signature look involved a reddish stain made from cochineal, a red dye derived from insects.

It wasn't until the 20th century that the first commercially available lip gloss was introduced by Max Factor in the 1930s. Initially designed for use in the film industry, lip gloss played a crucial role in creating the glamorous on-screen look of Hollywood stars. Max Factor's lip gloss was a combination of petroleum jelly and various pigments, providing a subtle shine to the lips. Since then, lip gloss has evolved significantly, becoming accessible to the masses and continuing to captivate beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

Characteristics and Unique Features:

What sets lip gloss apart from other lip products is its ability to add a touch of shine and dimension to the lips. Unlike matte lipsticks, which offer a velvety finish, lip glosses provide a glossy sheen that catches the light, making the lips appear fuller and more alluring. This dewy effect is achieved through the inclusion of ingredients such as oils, polymers, and waxes, which give lip gloss its signature texture and reflective properties.

Lip glosses come in various formulations and finishes, catering to different preferences and desired looks. Some lip glosses provide a sheer, translucent shine, while others offer a more pigmented and opaque coverage. Additionally, lip glosses can have different finishes, ranging from a high-gloss, mirror-like shine to a subtle, dewy glow. This versatility allows individuals to experiment with different lip glosses and find the perfect shade and finish to complement their unique style.

14 | Talking Beauty
Sensai - kanebo Total Lip Gloss amazon.es 51,00 € Sisley Le Phyto-Gloss sephora.es 47,99 €

Practical Benefits and Formulation:

In addition to its aesthetic benefits, lip gloss also boasts practical advantages. Many lip gloss formulas contain hydrating and nourishing ingredients like vitamin E and shea butter, which help to keep the lips moisturized and prevent dryness. This makes lip gloss an excellent choice for those who struggle with chapped or dehydrated lips. The emollient properties of lip gloss also provide a protective barrier, sealing in moisture and preventing further damage to the delicate skin of the lips.

Furthermore, the non-sticky nature of many modern lip gloss formulas ensures a comfortable wear without the fear of hair sticking to your lips on a windy day. The formulation of lip gloss has come a long way since its early days, with advancements in technology allowing for lightweight, non-greasy textures that glide on smoothly and evenly. Many lip glosses now have improved longevity, staying power, and even added benefits like sun protection with SPF.


In conclusion, lip gloss remains an iconic beauty product that has stood the test of time. Its ability to enhance and beautify the lips, its versatility, its practical advantages, and its impact on the beauty industry have secured its position as a makeup essential. Whether you're aiming for a natural, everyday look or a glamorous, head-turning appearance, lip gloss has got you covered. So, next time you want to add a touch of magic to your pout, reach for that trusty lip gloss and let your lips shine. With its rich history, wide range of options, and continued innovation, lip gloss will undoubtedly remain a beloved beauty staple for generations to come.

Talking Beauty | 15
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Heat sephora.es 25,99 € DIOR ADDICT STELLAR GLOSS dior.com 36,00 €

Santorini An Exquisite Jewel of the Aegean Sea

Although many of us live in sunny Spain we like to see other parts of the world. Nestled in the mesmerizing blue waters of the Aegean Sea, Santorini is an enchanting Greek island renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unrivaled beauty. With its iconic whitewashed buildings, cobalt-blue domes, and dramatic cliffside vistas, Santorini has become a dream destination for travelers seeking a perfect blend of history, romance, and natural wonders. In this article, we delve into the captivating allure of Santorini, exploring its unique characteristics, must-visit attractions, and the unparalleled experiences it offers to all who are fortunate enough to visit this picturesque paradise.

Santorini is steeped in history and mythology, making it a paradise for history buffs. The island is believed to be the remnants of the lost city of Atlantis, adding an air of mystique to its already captivating charm. Exploring the ancient ruins of Akrotiri, known as the "Pompeii of the Aegean," visitors can glimpse into the past and witness the remarkably preserved Minoan civilization that thrived on the island before the volcanic eruption. The Archaeological Museum of Thera in Fira houses an impressive collection of artifacts, showcasing the island's rich historical heritage.

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Talking Holidays with

Santorini is not only a visual feast but also a treat for the taste buds. The island boasts a vibrant culinary scene, with a focus on fresh, local ingredients and traditional flavors. Visitors can savor the delights of Greek cuisine, from freshly caught seafood to mouthwatering mezes (appetizers) and delectable desserts. Santorini is also famous for its indigenous grape varietals, producing exceptional volcanic wines. Wine lovers can embark on a wine-tasting journey, visiting the island's vineyards and wineries, where they can sample the unique flavors of Assyrtiko, Nykteri, and Vinsanto wines, all of which are deeply rooted in Santorini's terroir.

Santorini's natural beauty is truly awe-inspiring. The island owes its distinctive shape to a volcanic eruption that occurred several centuries ago, resulting in a caldera—a submerged volcanic crater. Perched atop the cliffs of this caldera, the island's main towns, Fira and Oia, offer panoramic views that have captivated countless artists and photographers over the years. Visitors can bask in the glory of the famous Santorini sunset, with the sun setting behind the whitewashed buildings, casting a golden glow over the shimmering sea. The black sand beaches, such as Perissa and Kamari, offer a unique contrast to the island's pristine white architecture, creating a striking landscape that is unparalleled in its beauty.

Beyond its natural beauty and historical significance, Santorini offers a plethora of experiences that create lasting memories. From sailing excursions around the caldera, where visitors can witness the sheer magnitude of the island's cliffs, to exploring the traditional villages of Megalochori and Pyrgos, each with its own distinct charm, the island invites exploration and adventure. For those seeking relaxation, indulging in a rejuvenating spa treatment or taking a dip in the therapeutic hot springs of Palea Kameni is an absolute must.

Santorini is a destination that lingers in the hearts and minds of all who have been fortunate enough to experience its unparalleled beauty. Whether you are seeking a romantic getaway, a cultural exploration, or simply a place to unwind and rejuvenate, Santorini is an exquisite jewel in the Aegean Sea that promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Talking Holidays | 17

Bell & Son

B e stQu a lity G narau t dee 100% P r e m i u m Q u a l i t y M e a t O N L Y T H E B E S T w w w . b e l l s b u t c h e r s . c o m O R D E R O N L I N E C A L L 9 6 6 3 9 8 8 8 8 O R V I S I T U S I N S A N I S I D R O A L I C A N T E

who had successfully taken control of this part of Spain, and was given the name Valentia, meaning brave or valiant.

The original city is an area now known as El Carmen. The narrow streets of this wonderfully charismatic district brings history to life. The incredibly well preserved medieval city walls, built during the Moorish occupation, lead us from the banks of the river Turia through the massively impressive Torre de Serrano city gate into a world of ancient, narrow streets. Wooden slatted blinds drape over ornate wrought iron balconies which protect the inhabitants from the rays of the summer sun.

Ancient flats, some very elegant, others brightly coloured and garish add to the charming contrasts of this delightful area. Quaint cafes and artisan shops invite closer inspection. Also, while you are in this area, look out for the cat house. A tiny little house built on the side of a building with a front door for the cats to use. Legend has it that this house has existed since El Cid walked the streets of Valencia.

tower is the huge medieval bell Miguel.

Nearby you can see the remains of the original Roman city which was unearthed in 1985. Or you can take a well-earned rest beside the delightfully imaginative fountain of Neptune in the Plaza de la Virgen. In front of the cathedral in the Plaza de la Reigna you can make use of the hop on hop off city tour bus. Then all within walking distance, the National museum of ceramic art. Worth a visit just to see the sublime exterior of the building, the old silk exchange which in earlier days really was a trading centre for a thriving silk industry.

Across the road is Spain's largest indoor food market. In the very centre of the city a blaze of colour from the numerous flower stalls and sparkling silver fountains announce your arrival in the town square. The stylish buildings form a square which boasts what must surely be some of the finest buildings to be seen anywhere in the world.

Spotlight on Valencia
20 | Talking Travel

One even looks like a multi-tiered wedding cake. A solid 384 archway bullring looms over a pedestrianised area which offers a wide variety of popular eating places, where Valencianas and tourists alike gather to eat, drink and soak up the lively atmosphere of this sumptuous city

So much for the old. Now on with the new.

In 1957 when the River Turia disastrously broke its banks costing the lives of 60 inhabitants, a decision was made to reroute the river to bypass the city. With the water diverted to the orange groves surrounding the city, the bed of the now dry river still cuts through the centre of the city but has now been converted into a huge park which provides many leisure facilities. As part of this project the city fathers decided in 1967 to build, in and around the river bed, a huge, new and very futuristic leisure complex which is so eye-catching that it is easily seen from the air when flying over Valencia. The City of Sciences as it is known, combines brilliantly designed, futuristic buildings with some very modern activities.

A theatre, an Imax cinema, stunning sparkling blue pools, a botanic area, a hands-on science museum where you are encouraged to have a go, a waterpark with dolphin shows and a shark tunnel, a tourist train, and also nearby is the interesting and often amusing fallas museum, which contains hundreds of effigies which over the years have been rescued from the flames of the city's famous night of fire. Known as "The Fallas".

It is hard to imagine a city with so much to offer the visitor. Valencia is a flat and compact city which is easy to get around on foot or by excellent public transport which includes a first class metro system.

David's Coachtrips offer a 3 day city visit including an introductory city tour. Well located 4* city centre hotel B&B.155€ pp

Next dates 3 days - 12-14 June, 26-28 Sept, 24-26 Oct

Talking Travel | 21


“Always in your heart”

We are delighted to announce our collaboration with a fantastic jeweller, to bring you beautifully hand-crafted memorial jewellery. All the items are made using highest quality materials and available in yellow or white gold, silver and platinum.

Each creation is handmade using the ashes or your loved family member or your beloved pet. The creation of memorial jewellery for pets follows the same process as that of your beloved family member. We handle every piece with love and respect, creating a beautiful treasure that will last forever.

The History Of Bereavement Jewellery with Moira Carmenate

Bereavement jewellery, also known as mourning jewellery or memorial jewellery, has a long history dating back centuries. It is a form of jewellery that people wear to commemorate and remember loved ones who have passed away. The practice of wearing mourning jewellery has evolved over time and varies across cultures, but the underlying purpose remains the same: to provide a tangible connection to the deceased and offer comfort during the grieving process.

The origins of mourning jewellery can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These civilizations believed in the afterlife and wore jewellery containing symbols and motifs associated with death and the deceased. For example, ancient Egyptians often wore amulets and pendants depicting gods and goddesses associated with the afterlife, such as Anubis or Osiris.

During the Victorian era (1837-1901), mourning jewellery gained significant popularity and became more elaborate and symbolic. Queen Victoria herself set a precedent for mourning practices after the death of her husband, Prince Albert. She wore mourning attire and jewellery for an extended period, and this influenced the social customs of the time. Mourning jewellery during the Victorian era often featured black enamel or onyx, jet, or dark gemstones such as garnet or black onyx. It could take various forms, including lockets, brooches, rings, bracelets, and even hair jewellery.

Hairwork, where locks of the deceased's hair were woven or braided into jewellery, was a common practice. In fact we were recently asked by a client of ours to collect a piece of hair from her loved one before the cremation and the hair was subsequently included in a beautiful piece of hand made jewellery.

The style and symbolism of mourning jewellery evolved throughout the Victorian era. Initially, pieces were designed to be somber and discreet, but over time, they became more ornate. The use of intricate engravings, gemstones, and motifs such as skulls, angels, urns, and weeping willows became prevalent. Mourning jewellery served to express grief and communicate mourning status within society.

With the advent of the 20th century, mourning practices began to change. World War I had a significant impact on society, and mourning jewellery became less common. The focus shifted from elaborate mourning rituals to commemorating the deceased through photographs and other personal mementos.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in memorial or bereavement jewellery. Modern designs often incorporate meaningful symbols, birthstones, or personalized engravings to honor and remember loved ones. Many jewellers now offer custom-made pieces that can include the ashes of the deceased or other elements such as fingerprints or handwriting.

Today, bereavement jewellery serves as a personal and sentimental way to keep the memory of a loved one close. It provides comfort and solace during the grieving process and serves as a tangible reminder of the connection between the living and the deceased.

Here at White Doves we work with a specialist goldsmith with many years’ experience working in Hatton Gardens in London and are delighted to be able to create beautiful pieces of handmade jewellery, created with love and integrity.

Contact us at www.whitedovesfuneralplanning.com or email info@whitedovesfuneralplanning.com Jewellery History | 23
B B Q & G R I L L T H E B E L L H O U S E S A N I S I D R O The Only Steakhouse With Its Own Butchers! 966 39 88 88
Get your Business Noticed! To advertise here: call: +34 865 668 596 email: tracy@expatlifestyle.es TAXES…VISAS…PENSIONS…INVESTMENT…WILLS FUNERALS INHERITANCE TAX...PROBATE Too many people with too many opinions? Are you confused about your taxes and nancial responsibilities in Spain? Can the Government take your home if you die without a Will? COME ALONG TO ONE OF OUR TALKS AND SPEAK TO THE EXPERTS! LATER LIFE PLANNING with THE EXPAT CENTRE AND CHORUS FINANCIAL Contact us to nd out more and book your place at a forthcoming talk info@theexpatcentre.com Tel: +34 865 668 596
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What’s On June 2023

Spring Festival

2, 16, 23 and 30 June- ROYAL coliseum dinner SHOW Guardamar del Segura. DINNER SHOW!



Circo Quiros - Habaneras

1 - 4 June - Teatro Cardenal Belluga

The Quirós Family is an inherent part of the history of the circus in our country, since the 19th century artistic activity has been carried out through the grandparents of the current Director of the Quirós Circus. Despite the years that have passed, the Quirós circus continues to maintain its family character. This fact has promoted constant training in traditional circus techniques, in an attempt to prolong the knowledge and fundamental elements of the circus artist, passing this knowledge from parents to children. The Quirós Circus continually enriches its show with top-level artists, to provide it, more and more, with greater artistic value.


Save My Life 9

4 June - Benidorm Palace

The Save My Life organization is pleased to announce the ninth edition of its annual benefit gala. The gala is dedicated to raising funds for the protection and care of animals in situations of danger and abuse. The event will take place next Sunday June 4 at Benidorm Palace.

The main objective of the Save My Life 9 gala is to raise funds to help animals that suffer mistreatment, abuse and neglect. The Save My Life organization works tirelessly to save animals at risk, providing them with medical and veterinary care, shelter and food, and finding them loving homes. In addition, the organization also works on education and awareness about the importance of animal protection.

The gala will be an afternoon full of music and entertainment, with performances by some of the most important artists of the moment in our city, as well as a raffle with incredible prizes. Attending the gala is a unique opportunity to help save the lives of suffering animals, while enjoying an unforgettable afternoon of entertainment and solidarity.

In short, Save My Life 9 is an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to animal protection, and make a real difference in the lives of those who need our help. We hope to have the presence of all those who share our love for animals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference and support a great cause!


28 | What’s On

Party in the Park

10 June - Quesada

Come and join us for this fantastic event Saturday 10th June 2023. We have Big FM, The Posh Affaire Band and Esther Quiles playing a variety of music.

Ayuntamiento de Quesada

Plaza de la Constitución, 1 23480



Charity Fashion Show - The Dream Centre

8 June - Benidorm

To help celebrate our new charity shop 'Secondhand Sparkle' we are holding a 'Charity Fashion Show' on Thursday 8th June 4:30pm at The Dream Centre in the beautiful Hondon Valley.

Cheese and Wine will be available and all donations will go to the Elche Children's Home and The Dream Centre.

Entry is free but please make sure that you reserve your seat by contacting us on Facebook or Tel. 634329535

Why have a shop and cafe in Hondon? We are a registered charity. We raise money to help those in need in our local area and all around the world. This community run project is an excellent way to fund raise and have fun at the same time. We hope that you’ll love it just as much as we do? Why not join us at the Dream Centre? You're all invited.

The Dream Centre, Calle Padre Claret Hondón de los Frailes, Spain.

Message us +34602298158


Music from Despistaos







Local Markets

Monday Santa Pola Market Square

Tuesday San Fulgencio

Calle Gabriel Moro

Wednesday Guardamar Main Street

Thursday Rojales

Av. Juso Quesada

Friday Torrevieja

Behind the Water Park


Playa Flamenca

Calle Nicolas de Bossi


Zocco Market

Behind BP garge at the AP7 roundabout

Lemon Tree Road Market

What’s On | 29

Why you need a funeral plan in Spain

with White Doves Funeral Planning

Having a funeral plan in Spain can provide several benefits and advantages. Here are some reasons why having a funeral plan is beneficial:

1. Financial Protection: A funeral plan helps protect your loved ones from the financial burden of arranging and paying for a funeral. Funeral costs in Spain can be significant, including expenses for cremation or burial, casket or urn, funeral service, transportation, and other related costs. By having a funeral plan, you can ensure that these costs are covered, easing the financial strain on your family.

2. Peace of Mind: Planning your funeral in advance gives you peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be respected and carried out according to your preferences. You can make decisions about the type of funeral service you want, ensuring your funeral aligns with your beliefs and desires.

3. Relieving Burden on Loved Ones: Dealing with the death of a loved one is emotionally challenging, and funeral arrangements can be overwhelming during such a difficult time. By prearranging your funeral, you can relieve your family and friends of the burden of making those decisions and arrangements, allowing them to focus on grieving and honoring your memory.

4. Price Protection: Funeral costs tend to rise over time due to inflation and other factors. By purchasing a funeral plan at today's prices, you can lock in the cost and avoid potential future increases. This can result in significant savings, especially if you consider the long-term impact of inflation on funeral expenses.

5. Flexible Payment Options: Funeral plans often offer flexible payment options, allowing you to spread the cost over time or pay in installments. This can make it more manageable to afford the funeral plan, depending on your financial situation.

Talk To White Doves Funeral Planning Today

The Only Company Offering Truly Hands On Care For Your Family

30 | Why
you need a funeral plan in spain

Special price for June only. Simple no fuss cremation plan Only 2495 euros

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