MC July Newsletter

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July 2015 Newsle9er

Mc Daredevils #DareToAchieve

From your MCP… Dear AIESEC in Austria, Thank you for taking 8me to read our first report for the month of July. As we are slowly stepping into August we had some 8me to look back and reflect on the things that were happening in the previous 31 days. For us as MC, July was a very challenging month. First 8me alone in the office, MC Momentum already leJ and it was up to us to take full responsibility and start working in full speed. July was the month when we realized our first na8onal conference, organized for the first 8me as well – and it took a lot of our 8me and energy to actually make it happen. July was the month when we had our first commission mee8ngs without MC Momentum and started working with you, EBs 2015-­‐2016. July was the month when we submiSed our MC plan and presented our ambi8on for AIESEC in Austria. July was the month when we were doing our first SONA. Challenges give us the space to learn, so in July, we learned a lot as an MC – about ourselves, about our team, about AIESEC in Austria. So we really value the month of July as a great start for us as MC Daredevils and we cherish every moment spent in this country, working for this en8ty. All in all, for us July was an adventure. And we enjoyed it. Hope that you enjoyed working with us in our first 31 days of the term. Let’s see what we all actually did. AIESECly yours,


President of AIESEC in Austria


Entity Performance 140


120 100 2014 Realized


2015 Realized

52 45


2015 Planned

40 20

6 6 6

2 3 2



4 3 3




Entity Performance iGIP

Plan Achievement for July: 150% Growth/Drop comparing to last year: 0%

oGIP Plan Achievement for July: 100% Growth/Drop comparing to last year: -­‐25%

iGCDP Plan Achievement for July: 100% Growth/Drop comparing to last year: 0%

oGCDP Plan Achievement for July: -­‐64% Growth/Drop comparing to last year: -­‐13%


Updates from the MC – TM&LCD 1.  Establishing coaching system

Old coaching system was reviewed and we implemented upgraded one. All coaches had 1 on 1 mee8ngs with LCPs and first coaching visit happened during DisCo, where plan and ac8vi8es were aligned with MC plans.

2. Working with commission

First TM summit happened and direc8on of TM area was discussed. All VP TMs were present, we created our vision as well as changes that will happen in TM area in next few months. Most of the LCs changed their HR structure in the way it supports more front office and plan realiza8on.

3. Sales Development Program

Synergy between iGIP and TM was on high level. Sales Development Program was created and launched on DisCo. Implementa8on is expected in September.


Updates from the MC – TM&LCD What I am proud of in July I am really proud on VP TMs because of their open mindset and their willingness to change processes in beSer direc8on. Also all VP TMs are included in na8onal task forces which will help them understand func8onal area beSer, collaborate and perform beSer in their en88es.

Important updates We released the Na8onal Support Team applica8ons and soon we will have more people working with MC team. We would like to encourage all the members to apply for the roles in the second round if the posi8ons are s8ll available!

Tatjana Mutabdzija MC VP TM&LCD


Updates from the MC – PR&MKT 1.  DisCo + plan legislation

It is important for the whole country to understand the plan of back office, how it is going to support both na8onal and local strategies. So my aim was to explain clearly to both plenary during plan presenta8on and to PRM and iGIP commission why and how we do it.

2. Launch of B2B strategy This contains not only presen8ng it as men8oned above, but also finding and star8ng to work with an NST, crea8ng a booklet which will be released soon, etc.

3. Website launch

One of the big steps towards alignment of AIESEC globally. Most of the job is to coordinate with different people from both MC and LC to deliver the content which is needed for the launch.


Updates from the MC – PR&MKT What I am proud of in July Website launch – in the first two weeks of July, we had a CEEDer from Serbia who helped us with the website development, design, content crea8on and graphics prepara8on for the new website. During these 14 days, Sanja managed to do all of these next to other responsibili8es that she had as a CEEDer.

Barbora Spacilova MC VP PR&MKT


Updates from the MC – F&L 1. Area plan construction and alignment

Looked for plan alignment with what is managed in the whole en8ty. Established connec8ons and communica8on to see the current reality and what is needed from Finance as an area.

2. MC Budget

Managed to create the MC budget, present it in front of the plenary and adjust it later on with the feedback given from the MC and the commission.

3. Commission management.

At least virtually, there was a connec8on with the commission during DisCo, internal communica8on channels and individual messages.


Updates from the MC – F&L What I am proud of in July I am proud of defining priori8es for the quarter, looking for the na8onal – local alignment in legal maSers. Also I am proud of the defini8on of Finance & Legal commission iden8ty and focus for the term. Finally, I am proud of the communica8on in the commission despite virtual work!

Gabriela Vasquez Herrero MC VP F&L


Updates from the MC – CR 1. YSF content

Working with the CR commission together on an output for the YSF in ALPS 2015

2. Launching SDP ICX

As CR has a big role in the new SDP program, launching as well as working on the content was a priority for July

3. Account Management

Mee8ng with AIESEC in Austria’s main partners and discussing about past and future collabora8on.


Updates from the MC – CR What I am proud of in July What I am proud of is connected with my priori8es for July: •  1. Work with the Commission -­‐ The first mee8ng with the commission showed a lot of poten8al about what CR could bring to AIESEC in Austria. •  2. Youth Speak Forum output -­‐ Almost the whole output was created by the CR commission and is the first step for a successful YSF. More details will follow in the next 2 months. •  3. Account Management -­‐ Most of the partners are happy and excited about the partnership -­‐-­‐> delivery will be the key!

Thomas Denk MC VP CR


Updates from the MC – iGCDP 1. Commission meeting

Commission mee8ng was very important first touch point with the comission and new selected team leaders. Focuses of the mee8ng were: crea8on of the iGCDP vision for the term, delivery of a crucial func8onal knowledge (Minimal standards, XPP, Project management) and na8onal alignment of realiza8on 8meline, value proposi8ons and pricing.

2. DisCo

Goal of DisCo was to present, legislate and start downscaling func8onal plan to the commission. Func8onal agenda on DisCo was dedicated to the specific ac8on steps for each LC that they need to take un8l CoCo regarding the prepara8on for October realiza8on. On DisCo we also defined 3 task forces that will be working on Standards & Sa8sfac8on, Matching and LEAD.

3. SONA report Evalua8on of the performance in the last quarter is an opportunity for us to reflect, re-­‐asses next steps and adjust our ac8ons.


Updates from the MC – iGCDP What I am proud of in July Successful plan presenta8on and legisla8on, project management educa8on delivered to VPs and TLs, global minimal standards and XPPs educa8on, Global Host program defini8on and launch on a new web-­‐site, defini8on of value proposi8ons for na8onal projects.

Maria Safronova MC VP iGCDP


Updates from the MC – iGIP 1. Global Entrepreneur and legality

Previous period was dedicated a lot to researching and contac8ng different people regarding this topic. We have update now regarding legal issues and I am star8ng to create documents for this program.

2. Product packaging & new markets

This project is going quite good. Task Force is also working on it. Sub products are updated and re-­‐branded so we can focus more on specific markets and be more approachable. Also in this focus there was pricing model that s8ll needs to be defined and feed-­‐backed by externals

3. Launching strategies

One of main priori8es was this and crea8ng first touch point with strategies and en8ty. Priori8es for down-­‐scaling were Sales Development Program and Customer Loyalty for Organiza8ons as new programs that we need to develop and start working on them.


Updates from the MC – iGIP What I am proud of in July I am proud of launching the Sales Development Program, Customer Loyalty for Organiza8ons and of Global Entrepreneur research and output.

Anita Zivkovic MC VP iGIP


Updates from the MC – OGX 1. Understanding the Austrian reality

Discussing with commission, adap8ng pricing model, crea8ng basis for partnerships.

2. Setting foundations for the year Crea8ng EP case resolu8on spreadsheet, EP search tool, commission tracker, commission mee8ng framework.

3. Work with my commission Physical commission mee8ng, DisCo, virtual 2 virtual commission mee8ngs, 1 on 1 mee8ngs.


Updates from the MC – OGX What I am proud of in July There are three things I am mostly proud of: •  Crea8on of tools that I plan to use for the whole year •  Involvement of the OGX commission in the decision processes •  Coordina8on with my team members on our common projects

Zacharie Treister MC VP OGX


Updates from the MC – MCP 1. MC Team Management

Although we were not complete as a team in the whole month of July and although we had a lot of visa issues with MC VP F&L, MC VP iGIP and MC VP TM&LCD, we s8ll managed to work according to our plan, to work as a team and as well enjoy the experience. We established a lot of rules and guidelines as a team and reviewed them by the end of the month.

2. National Legislative Meeting

It took a lot of 8me and effort to prepare for our first na8onal legisla8ve mee8ng. We successfully presented and legislated the na8onal plan and managed to make bold decisions during the NLM together with the plenary.

3. LCP Management A big focus was set on the Discovery Conference and LCP Commission 8me. We managed to discuss a lot of important issues and set ac8on steps for further work together.


Updates from the MC – MCP What I am proud of in July What makes me proud is the organiza8on of Discovery conference – we as an MC have put all of our focus and energy into making it a conference, although we did not have a loca8on, OC or chair. We managed to pull off a good event in the end, where delegates were sa8sfied with what they got and the feedback we received was quite posi8ve. Biggest apprecia8on here goes to Vienna UV for providing us with a fantas8c loca8on for Day 1, Vienna WU for lelng us organize the next two days in their office and to the MC for giving 100% of them to making the conference possible and as relevant as we need it at the moment.

Una Marin MCP


August is coming!

#DareToAchieve Â

August is coming! As you probably know, August is a very important month for global network. This is the month when Interna8onal Congress is taking place and this year it’s hosted by AIESEC in India. Some of your LCPs are going, some of us from the MC are going and we are expec8ng to bring back knowledge, good case prac8ce from other en88es, new strategies from AIESEC Interna8onal and new exchange partnerships. What we would suggest you is that you par8cipate in IC virtually, as the sessions will be live and recorded and every virtual delegate will be able to listen to the common sessions that AIESEC Interna8onal will deliver in those 10 days. Don’t miss it!

Thank you for reading our July Newsletter! Hope you enjoyed it and if you have any feedback or ideas on how to make the August report better – don’t hesitate to drop us a message! Yours, MC Daredevils


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