Monday | Closed
Daily | 9am - 3:30pm
RobertLambert |
Tuesday |11am - 3pm (Food service ends at 3:00 pm & the bar is open until 5:00 pm
Wednesday - Thursday | 11am - 8pm
Take out orders need to be placed by 5:30 pm & picked up by 6:00 pm; pizzas available until 8:00 pm
Monday | Closed Tee Times | 8:00am - 6:00pm
Monday | Closed 8:00am - 6:00pm
JodiGourley |
RuthRice |
EdCurrin |ecurrin@watersedgecountryclubcom
Take out orders need to be placed by 5:30 pm & picked up by 6:00 pm; pizzas available until 8:00 pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm (Food service ends at 3:00 pm & the bar is open until 5:00 pm Brunch Sundays ends at 1:00 pm)
Friday & Saturday 11am - 9pm 7am - 5pm
AEP: 800-277-2177
For power outages affecting AEP customers
VDOT: 800-367-7623
For downed trees blocking state-maintained roads, please contact the VDOT call center
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday | 8:00am - 6pm Sunday & Thursday | Range 8:00am4:30 pm
Using the Paxton application: Daily from 5:30am - 9pm Access through the club:
Sunday & Tuesday
Wednesday - Saturday| 7am - 8pm
Monday | Closed
Tuesday - Sunday | 10:00am - 4pm
*Weather Permitting 540-576-1557
JeffSnyder |
SamLester |
We have had an absolutely beautiful spring at the Water’s Edge The golf course is in great shape! Jeff Snyder and his crew did a phenomenal job getting the course in tremendous playing condition. I am very happy to share that we had an awesome Men’s Member Guest tournament Many thanks to our hard-working staff for all their efforts in making this year’s Member Guest an amazing experience Congratulations to Chris Englert and his partner Charles Swoboda for their victory!
The 4th of July is right around the corner! We will kick off the weekend with Music in the Eastroom Lounge Friday night Followed by our Independence Day Cookout on Saturday then Sunday Brunch the next day On Monday July 3rd we will have our customary Kid’s Day with pool games at 11am and snacks for the children at 12noon.
Summertime is now in full swing at Smith Mountain Lake We are having Kid’s Camp July 11-13th and with the first week already full we will be adding a second week, July 18-20th. The Snack Shack and Pool is open Tuesday & Sunday from 10am until 5pm and Wednesday through Saturday from 10am till 7pm
The Omelet and Waffle station will be offered at 10:00 a m every Sunday during the summer months Please remember that outside dining is available upon request. Just let us know, and we’ll have your table ready. We are working very hard to make your club experience the best it can be. As always, I encourage any feedback you may have
Dress code reminder:
Members and guests are expected to wear neat attire appropriate to the various areas of the club These rules are established to assist our members in understanding the decorum, respectable conduct, and expectations of membership at the Water’s Edge Country Club (please refer to dress code in rules & regulations). Members are expected to familiarize themselves, their children, and their guests with these rules
The summer season is finally upon us With great golf, beautiful scenery and lots of water sports, Smith Mountain Lake and The Water’s Edge is the place to be We hope to see all of you here at the club soon
A few quick reminders
-No walking on the Golf Course during Golfing Hours (7am-7pm)-
-No Private Golf Carts on the Golf Course or Cart Path at any time-
-No Walking or Playing on the Golf Course on Mondays-Range Balls are for the Driving Range only-
Please reference the calendar for dates:
Thursday, June 15th
#2 Mark Hamilton 4’ 6”
#7 Peter Schourek 10’ 2”
#11 Patrick Favero 2’ 0”
#15 Joe Favero 1’ 7”
Friday, June 16th
#2 Jerry Suess 7’ 1”
#7 Ray Matherly 5’ 4”
#11 Wayne Pyrtle 8’ 1”
#15 George Levicki 2’ 2”
Friday, June 16th
#2 Jerry Suess 7’ 1”
#7 Ray Matherly 5’ 4”
#11 Wayne Pyrtle 8’ 1”
#15 George Levicki 2’ 2”
The season is in full swing! Our play days seem to give us GREAT weather. The 9-hole group is learning every week, glad to have Gary back passing on his expertise Thanks Gary! The member-guest was a GREAT event - with GREAT attendance. June brought us the Member-member, another fun event Congratulations to all the winners Looking forward to more fun summer golf
We’d like to thank The Water’s Edge Pro shop for putting on our fun events.
July brings us to the Junior/Senior - so please pick a partner and join us ~WELGA Committee~
Ladies’ Member Guest May 20th
1st Gross Evelyn Vaden & Andie Gibson
2nd Gross Marianne Ganley & Rosie Powell
1st Net Marilyn Carroll & Jen Chaconas
2nd Net Karen Grimm & Gail Kullman
Mixed Foursome
June 4th
1st Mike Grimm-Karen Grimm-Jim RosenbergVictoria Rosenberg
2nd Peter KennedyCarol Kennedy-Tommy Thompson-Robin Hatcher
The season is in full swing once again Ladies Member Guest went well, Ladies Member-Member, and Men’s Member Guest and Father’s Day weekend were all a great success This is what the club is all about, good times with good friends. We’re here to make all that as enjoyable as possible The course is getting better every day and we’re doing all we can to be in a good position heading into the heat of the summer.
In May, we “deep aerified” the greens This loosens up the subsurface for better water movement and to help drive roots We will also be doing some shallow aerifying during the summer to remove thatch and improve water movement. Both practices have minimal putting disruptions and go a long way to keeping the greens as healthy as possible
The ABW problem we experienced last year is far less severe currently. We will never eradicate these bugs, only manage To date, we have made three applications specifically for this insect, with two scheduled apps remaining We’ll monitor our threshold and determine if a third application is necessary. We have made multiple poanna applications on greens, tees, and fairways This has helped smooth surfaces out, however it does prolong the seed heads sticking around a bit longer
As play increases, please be kind to your fellow golfers. Fix yours and one other ball mark. With the bent grass we have, replace as much of your divot as possible If full intact divot, step down and you’re done If only a portion remains, replace what you can, sand and smooth. Please remind our southern friends, who only sand divots, our practices. We no longer use the enter and exit post Please stay well away from greens and scatter as much as possible When raking your way out of your bunker shot, please place rake back into bunker with shaft perpendicular to the edge with only the handle in the grass (picture). This will save rakes from getting the handles busted Please remember and remind guests that walking and private carts are not permitted on the course at any time Thanks in advance for helping us make The Water’s Edge the best it can be!!
Our tennis Grand Slam series continues on Monday morning, July 3rd, with Wimbledon “Champagne, Strawberries and Crème” mixed doubles play Like our regular M-W-F schedule, play starts at 9 a m with warm-ups at 8:45 am July 11-13th marks the return of the annual “Waters Edge Kids Camp”, which includes tennis activities
Now that the weather is warmer, Pickleball begins at 8:30 a m on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays Please remember to place the nets next to the fence when finished playing so that they are protected from wind damage
If you need a tennis racquet or pickleball paddle, there are extras for both adults and children in the tennis shop which you may use Balls for both tennis and pickleball are also available Kindly return all borrowed equipment as soon as you are done playing Be sure to check Weekly Happenings for the dates of additional special pickleball and tennis events. If you are interested in either private lessons or racquet restringing, contact me at: 434-927-5039.
Dues increase have been capped at 4% This increase will be reflected on your 6-30-23 statement Correspondence has been emailed previously outlining the membership classifications and the new rates.
Warmer weather is here and we have more walkers in the community. Please walk single file when cars are approaching. Be sure to wear clothing that will stand out so that you can be seen at dusk.
Guest policy reminder - Members are allowed to bring the same guest six (6) times per calendar year.
Notary services are available at the sales office Call me to set up an appointment
Quarterly food minimums are available. Class I and Class V are $250 per quarter Class II, III and VI are $175 per quarter Alcohol and take out apply towards your food minimum Class I and Class II members can dine at other McConnell property,
and the charges are applied to your food minimum at The Water's Edge. allow you to keep up to date with what's happening at the club
PleaseWelcomethe following newmembers:
James & Carrie Hunt
Robert & Whitney Combs
Walter & Tammy Tomlin
We are now offering a limited number of invitational memberships for non-property owners. The initiation fee is $40,000.
outside door using the Paxton App Please contact Jodi Gourley at 540-576-1556. An email with the link & registration code for the app will then be sent to you from Paxton.
We encourage you to join the Water's Edge Facebook page. This will Members can access the fitness center from 5:30 am to 9:00 pm via the Personal Fitness Training is available through Vickie Zimmerman
Please contact her at 540-493-7388 to discuss a workout that suits your needs
A reminder that social members can play golf twice a year with another
golf member Green fees apply
Member's young adult children who are no longer dependents can now have their own membership This membership classification is based upon the primary members account being active and in good standing
No initiation fee is required with the Young Executive membership under the parents membership If the primary member no longer owns property, the adult children would be required to purchase property within The Water's Edge Community to continue their membership. Anyone purchasing property within the community would be required to pay the current initiation fee
Dues structure would be discounted as follows: Under 30: 60% off annual dues, 30 -34 years old: 40% off annual dues, 35-40 years old: 20% off annual dues Call Ruth Rice at 540-524-9075 with any questions, or to discuss further.
Members can remain members after the sell of their property with a reduced initiation! Call me for details
Water's Edge members can now charge gas to their member account. You will receive a $.07 per gallon discount. You will need to present a photo ID in order to charge to your account The marina is conveniently located to The Water's Edge Community and we feel this will be a great benefit for you to utilize.
We encourage you to check out their facebook page for their upcoming events: and L/
Pearl is doing great! She has started ground work training She is learning to stand patiently, lead, picking of all four hooves, and bathing. Pearl is a quick learner and wants to please With her only being 11 months old, she cannot bare weight on her back just yet Pearl has been vaccinated and has had her hooves trimmed. She is loving all the attention from members especially all of the delicious treats
Camps have started! All of the kids enjoy coming to ride and visit all of the horses We have had many new members come and visit The horses love all the attention and look forward to getting fed treats. All of the horses have been getting baths to help them shed their winter coats We try to
bath them once a month during the warmer months. If they get too many baths their skin can dry out
Our Memorial Day fun day was such a success. We had a huge turn out and met many of the new members. Pearl and Russell received so much love. Gus and Bear were busy greeting members and laying in the shade We are looking forward to a fun filled summer The barn is open daily but closed for rides on Mondays Please call a day in advance to book a ride
Thank you all for the continued support!
Horse Camp
Ages 4 and up 9:00am to 1:00pm
July 19, 20, 21 and 26, 27, 28
August 16, 17, 18 and 23, 24, 25
Young Equestrian Camp
Ages 8 and up 4:30pm to 9:00pm
July 12, 13, 14
August 9, 10, 11
Tiny Trotter Camp
Ages 3 and 4 9:30am to 11:30am
July 11 and 25
August 15 and 22
Snack is provided. Please bring a water bottle. Dress cool and comfortable. Closed toedshoes Nocrocs,please
*All children attending the tiny trotters camp will need to be accompanied by an adult.*
An average 1,000lb horse drinks roughly 4 to 9 gallons of water a day
The hoof of a horse is flexible enough to absorb 70-80% of the impact during times of weight bearing
Horses usually roll after baths to dry themselves off We avoid this by putting them in stalls with fans
Trail Rides
Ring Rides
Riding lessons for all ages
Summer Horse Camp
Horse leasing
Birthday parties
Private parties
“A barn is a sanctuary in an unsettled world, a place where life’s true priorities are clear. When you take a step back, it’s not just about horses - it’s about unconditional love, life, and learning.”
-Lauren Davis BarkerContact information: 540-576-2714 or email
The Barn is open daily from 9:00am to 3:30pm
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that supported The Kentucky Derby event. We raised $6,045 for The Equestrian Center Thank you to the sponsors of the virtual horse races, those that purchased bourbon raffle tickets, 50/50 tickets, the luck of the draw and those that attended! Fun was had by all! We had many members volunteer who helped contribute to making this event a great success We appreciate your continued support and hope that you will mark your calendars for next years event on Saturday, May 4, 2024!
Our popular summer kids sport camp will be July 11th through July 13th, and July 18th through July 20th Camp will be from 9:00am to noon. It is open to children 5-12 and there is a maximum number of 12 kids per camp. They will get to spend time with a tennis pro, golf pros and at the pool. The first camp is currently full. You can sign up for this event on the club website
Our golf clinic is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18th through Thursday, July 20th from 9:30am to 11:00am If you are interested in this camp, please make your reservations with Stephanie Wilkerson at 540-576-3343.
Brittany joined our team at The Water's Edge in 2006 She was voted Employee of the Month for May 2023 In addition, Brittany was the Employee of the Year for 2022! She has worked at The Water's Edge since she was in high school She is now the Lead for the wait staff and is an amazing bartender. She remembers what most members drink on a regular basis!
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and riding her four wheeler
Donald Huston was voted Employee of the Month for June 2023 Donald has worked at The Water's Edge since 1991 He worked part time while he was still in high school He is now the Assistant Ground Superintendent
Donald is a father to two boys. In his spare time, he enjoys hunting and spending time with his kids.
FRIDAY, JUNE 30TH I 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Music in Eastroom Lounge from TJ Ellis
SATURDAY, JULY 1ST I 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Firecracker Cookout on the veranda
MONDAY, JULY 3RD I 12:00 PM TO 2:00 PM
Kids day at the pool
Are you celebrating your birthday in the month of July or August? Come celebrate with us! Join us for a complimentary meal Make sure your birthday is updated in the system to qualify for the complimentary meal.
All members are invited to our most popular social event This is a great chance to get to “Meet Your Neighbor ” Stay and dine with us afterwards. Event starts with cocktail in the Eastroom Lounge at 6pm Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided Dinner buffet prepared by Chef Rhett and his culinary staff begins at 6:30pm The cost of the buffet will be $35++ per person. No a la carte dinner available these evenings
FRIDAY, JULY 14TH I 7:00PM-10:00PM
Music provided by Matt Powell & Corey Hunley
Music provided by Rebecca Moreland
Our omelet & waffle station has returned for Sundays in July & August! Our lunch menu will not be available on Sundays The bar menu & pizza menu will be available from 1pm to 3pm. No food service at the club after 3pm
Come join us for a casual hand of Canasta . A group has been formed by WECC members, and we invite you to join us on Friday's at 11:30 am We’ll break for lunch and play hopefully three or four rounds Novice and experienced players, as well as those who want to learn the game are welcome If you are interested in joining the group or have any questions, please email Jennifer DiMare at jkdimare@aol com
Directions: 1.
The first pie I ever made was a key lime pie I remember following the recipe on the back of the key lime juice bottle I think I ate more of the meringue than what actually ended up on the pie Ever since that moment, I’ve had a love for that sweet and tart flavor. Please enjoy this little sample of that delicious combination.
1 1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Cornstarch
1 Cup Butter, softened
1 Cup Powdered Sugar, plus more for dusting
2 TBSP Key Lime Juice
3 TBSP Key Lime Zest
Whisk together the flour and cornstarch. Set aside.
Beat butter and powdered sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in key lime juice and zest. Mix in flour mixture just until combined
Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hour
Preheat oven to 350°F
Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or spray with cooking spray.
Scoop out cookie dough (about 1½ tablespoons) and form into a ball
Place on prepared cookie sheet and bake for 17-19 minutes or just until tops begin to turn golden
Remove and promptly sift lots of powdered sugar over the top of the cookies Let the cookies cool completely on the cookie sheets before moving.
Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.
3/4 Cup Butter, softened
3/4 Cup White Sugar
3/4 Cup Light Brown Sugar, packed
2 Large Eggs
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
1 1/4 Cups All-Purpose Flour
1 TSP Baking Soda
1 TSP Baking Soda
3/4 TSP Ground Cinnamon
1/2 TSP Salt
2 3/4 Cups Rolled Oats
1 Cup Pecans, toasted
1 Cup Raisins
Directions: 1. 2
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone liners.
Beat butter, white sugar, and brown sugar in a large bowl until smooth and creamy Beat in eggs and vanilla until fluffy
Stir together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt Gradually beat into the butter mixture Stir in oats, toasted pecans and raisins
Drop teaspoonfuls of batter onto the prepared cookie sheets
Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes, switching racks halfway through.
Remove from the oven and let sit on the cookie sheets for 1-2 minutes before transferring cookies to a wire rack to cool completely
Look who’s talking about The Water's Edge CC! Please enjoy a few of our favorite social media mentions and keep sharing your experiences by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram for a chance to be featured in the next newsletter
I am going to need to take a minute to get together a post that accurately shares how AMAZING Chris & Amanda's Wedding day was this past Saturday, so I will just start with these photos to introduce the Englert's
Thankful for a beautiful afternoon walk at WECC...
The Water’s Edge Country Club is now on Instagram! Follow and tag us: @thewatersedgecc
N p g p y j y p y , including Slammin' Sammy's Pub located in Sedgefield's clubhouse ballroom (entrance located behind No 9 green) and open-air skyboxes on holes
15, 17 and 18 Member charge and credit cards are accepted in all McConnell Golf hospitality areas To reserve your tickets, please complete the Online Ticket Request Form at
We invite you to send us detailed stories about your member experience for our Fall/Winter 2023 edition. To submit a story idea, follow this link ( and complete the form, or email Faith Inman at Thank you for helping us celebrate 20 years of building clubs of the future!
Take in professional tennis with fellow McConnell Golf members at the ATP Tour’s Winston-Salem Open. Tickets are good for both the stadium court and outside courts from 2pm until the last match is completed. McConnell Golf will have its own red zone parking lot area with tents and tables. To register, sign up for the event on the McConnell Golf online calendar Price is $65 per person and includes tailgate beverages and snacks