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view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005





If you have a question for Archie email him at Canaliculus (8mm)


This problem is probably the most common complaint opticians hear from contact lens wearing customers, but help is at hand. Dry eyes, are one of the most common complaints opticians hear from contact lens wearers. As people spend more and more time in front of their computer screens, in dusty dry office atmospheres, they are experiencing problems of the kind you have just described. Central heating and air-conditioning, although improving our living and working environments, can interfere with the natural lubrication of our eyes, which can increase the irritation and discomfort experienced by dry eyes sufferers. Many of us also spend our day staring at computer screens often forget to blink causing tears to literally drain away through a part of our eye called the punctum. The punctum is the tiny duct that sits in the corner of your lower eyelid which permits drainage of the natural tear flow. Some people’s punctum however, can be a little overactive with the suction leaving


the surface of the eye with very little lubrication. If an over active punctum appears to be the problem, there is an ingenious solution now available. Ampulla (2mm) The punctum plug is a Common canaliculus microscopic little gadget (which is even tinier than a pinhead).It is inserted into the tear duct in corner of your lower eyelid, thus partially blocking the duct and conserving the tear flow and relieving the dry eye sufferer. This treatment is available at Churchill Opticians.

Valve of Hasner

Should you however decide to wear your glasses while using your computer, there is no need to feel self conscious these days, regardless of how heavy you feel your prescription may be. With the cutting edge lens technology we have at our disposal these days, lenses can be much lighter and thinner than ever before, up to 40% thinner in fact. Offering spectacles which not only provide you with crystal clear vision but are cosmetically pleasing at the same time, and with an anti glare coating these lenses will cut out reflection form your screen. Why not pop in for a consultation and we can discover which course of action would be in your best interests.

WIN A DVD PLAYER You could be watching all the latest movies Which famous spectacle wearing in stunning digital clarity with our fantastic actor was originally known as Issue 9 prize. Maurice Micklewhite. Yes, that’s right, we’ve got 3 stylish DVD players to give away to three lucky A WOODY ALLEN Churchill View readers. B MICHAEL CAINE To have a chance of winning, simply answer our multiple choice movie question C ROBIN WILLIAMS below and send your entry to: Churchill View Competition Entries, 73 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 1LP. 8

Nasolacrimal duct (12mm)

Alternatively a change of contact lenses may be the answer. In recent years, many lens wearers have enjoyed great relief from dry eyes by switching to the latest continuous wear lenses. These revolutionary new lenses are composed of material which allows up to six times more oxygen permeability. These lenses also retain water, therefore drying out far less than conventional soft lenses.

issue 9 competition

❏ ❏ ❏



Nasolacrimal sac (10mm)

Name ......................................................................................... Address...................................................................................... ................................................................................................... .......................................................Postcode.............................. Daytime Tel no: ..........................................................................

form&function ©Copyright 2002 Churchill Opticians.

I have been wearing contact lenses for over 20 years and until recently have had no problems with them. However I have experienced some mild irritation over the past year, which seems to be getting worse and more frequent. I usually find that after 3 or 4 hours of wear my eyes become dry and there is some redness. I changed job about nine months ago and now work in a call centre so I’m spending much more time in front of a computer screen. I can wear glasses but my prescription is a little heavy and I am a bit self conscious about this. Can you suggest something which might alleviate my problem.





Cover: featured frame by CHANEL

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view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005

At Churchill Opticians, our Thinlite® single vision lenses are available from only £79. Thinner and lighter lenses, no-one but you need know.

thinner, lighter Churchill Opticians

Churchill Opticians - there for you through…

Carolyn Meek BSc(Hons) MCOptom Ophthalmic Optician

classic lines thick and thin some style inspiration from the silver screen

Carolyn Meek shows us how we can look like a million dollars, for a lot less than you might imagine. or those of us who are products of the sixties and seventies, it’s easy to see how popular culture has come full circle. Just have a look at the recent chart toppers. We’ve all listened to the radio and thought, ‘I’m sure I’ve heard that before somewhere’, invariably you have and more than likely, you will be listening to the latest boy or girl band’s reworking of an old classic from your youth.


Whether its Robbie Williams and Nicol Kidman singing the Frank and Nancy Sinatra classic Something stupid, or Busted’s latest Brit award winning cover version of Teenage Kicks by the late seventies band The Undertones, it seems clear that the pop industry’s love affair with the past is set to continue. But it’s not just in the music scene that looks to past glories for inspiration, Hollywood, home of the movies, is no different.

‘Have we met before somewhere?’

With big stars like Tom Cruise getting in on the act, and starring in the recent blockbuster remake of the seventies TV cult classic Mission Impossible, other big name producers and directors are queuing up to draw inspiration from the TV and movies of yesteryear.


enjoy thinner, lighter lenses

Peggy MacDonald OCA ODA Optical Advisor

If it’s an Italian job you’re looking for, there’s more than a few design classics to catch your eye at Churchill Opticians


Another blast from the past to get the re-make treatment is old favourite Starsky and Hutch, re-cycled for a new audience. Not forgetting of course the Michael Caine Classic The Italian Job, which has been re-worked with less humour than the original, begging the question which version is the best. Michael Caine was himself an icon of the sixties and seventies. His most celebrated character of course was the reluctant British spy Harry Palmer with his trademark black rimmed glasses and no nonsense attitude. Caine’s stylish portrayal of this cool character earned him huge popularity with cinema goers in the late nineteen sixties and early seventies. The success of the character, propelled not only Caine but also his glasses to the top in the style stakes, with spectacles becoming perhaps the fashion statement in the UK. From then on, form and function became one in the eyes of a style conscious public. Interestingly enough, the glasses Caine wore in the Ipcress File were more than just a fashion statement or a prop. As Caine is himself short sighted, and has

Privilege card holders can get 20% off the price of new glasses at Churchill and save a further £35 with a free eyetest. needed glasses to correct his vision throughout his life. Perhaps this has been the key to the star’s success. One thing is certain, over his career Michael Caine, or Maurice Micklewhite as he was originally known, has been making films for a very long time, and to our knowledge he has succeeded in doing this… without falling over any movie sets. But then as Sir Michael might say himself, ‘not a lot of people know that’. So if you feel that you could benefit from a touch of star quality, maybe its time to look at this seasons range of new frames at Churchill. And with a free fifteen point eyetest and limited privilege card offer of 20% off the price of new glasses, now is definitely the time get the look you love for a lot less. Just call the Churchill Opticians freephone number 0800 387 059 for further details and to arrange a consultation. And hey, who knows, maybe you could soon be stepping into the spotlight with some sexy new specs appeal.

Nicola Ross OCA ODA Optical Advisor

ith the very latest in lens technology in your corner, those of us who have stronger prescriptions no longer need to feel self conscious. The days when we had no choice but to wear glasses with heavy, unsightly lenses are long gone.


Next time someone comments on your stunning new specs, or that healthy sparkle in your eyes tell them about your experience at Churchill Opticians. When they purchase spectacles or contact lenses at Churchill on your recommendation, they will receive a £10 discount. You will be sent a £10 gift voucher to spend at Marks and Spencer. Perhaps it could go towards that smart top you saw.

Thinlite® single vision lenses at Churchill are a high quality range of denser than normal, or high index, ophthalmic glass and plastic lenses which are much thinner and lighter than normal spectacle lenses. Why not ask for a demonstration and see for yourself how thin your lenses will look in the frame of your choice on our computer simulator. ® ®

Varilite Thinlite , the ultimate blend of advanced technology and cosmetic appeal

Thinlite® lenses can open up a whole new range of possibilites, with access to frame designs which, previously, may have been inappropriate for your prescription with standard index lenses. Our Thinlite® range starts from as little as £79 and comes with a no obligation 30 day money back guarantee. For those of you who wear Varifocals, there is also a Varilite®Thinlite® lens available, offering the ultimate in technology and cosmetic appeal, please ask for details.

congratulations This issue’s featured prize winner who won one of our Slimline Digital Cameras Jane Smith Glasgow

Issue 7 winners were:

Julie Burton, Robert Clark, Joseph Miller Jean MacKinnon Margaret McCafferty Mr R Mason remaining winners will be published in the next issue of The View.


signal controlled

alarm clock


freephone 0800 387 059 for full details of this and any other offer in View magazine

Mov’er ‘n’ shak’er with Donna Karan Eyewear at Churchill Opticians 2


View Issue 9 - FinalOutput


3:22 am

eyetestinfo Not all opticians are the same!

Page 7


Some facts about Churchill Opticians full 15 point eyetest Get an insight into the comprehensive eye examination that Churchill Opticians provides to all clients as standard. The Churchill test includes 15 specific checks and generally lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour, using state of the art ophthalmic equipment. We’re sure you’ll notice the difference.

If your vision is falling short, perhaps the following will prove to be an eye opener! Morag D. Barrie BSc(Hons) MCOptom Ophthalmic Optician

TEST •AGLAUCOMA puff of air from the Tonometer tests the pressure in your eyes to check for Glaucoma COLOUR VISION TEST •The Ishihara number test detects colour vision defects. CHECK •WeSPECTACLE can tell you if there has been a change in your eyesight since your last eye test by checking your existing spectacles on the focimeter. SYMPTOMS, GENERAL HEALTH •AND SPECIAL NEEDS Tell us about any problems with your eyes, your health and any special needs you may have. VISION TEST •Your vision will be checked with and without your glasses.

CO-ORDINATION TESTS Your eye movement and co-ordination will be checked and also the hidden squint test.

•WeRETINOSCOPY shine a light into your eye to give us a starting point for your eyetest. CLEARER OR BLURRED TEST •Different lenses will be placed in front of your eyes while you look at the big chart with the letters on it. You will be asked ‘is it better or worse?, is it clearer or blurred?’ Don’t worry you can’t give the wrong answer. TEST •TryREDtoGREEN make the black circles on the red and green panels equal, it’s not easy!

DISTORTION TEST Almost everyone has rugby ball shaped eyes (astigmatism) and the black circles on the white chart are used to detect and correct it!

MUSCLE BALANCE TEST •The red line and white spot are used to check that the muscles operating your eyes are balanced. TEST •ToBLUR ensure maximum comfort with your new spectacles or contact lenses we do the blur test on each eye. SMALL PRINT READING TEST •Your ability to read small print is checked and measured. If you are over 40 years of age you will probably require reading glasses or invisible bifocals. HEALTH TEST •Using our retinal imaging camera we look inside your eye to check the health of your retina and blood vessels. & RECOMMENDATIONS •AtANALYSIS Churchill, we give all our patients unbiased advice based on the data from the results of their test. Our recommendations are tailored to the spceific needs of each individual and are given in the interests of sound eyecare. 6

view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005


Morag Barrie gives us some insight into a very common, but little understood condition. yopia is a vision problem experienced by as many as one-third of the entire population. In a nutshell, far objects are blurry for myopic people.


Commonly referred to as nearsighted or shortsighted, the people affected have difficulty reading road signs and seeing other objects at a distance, but can see up-close tasks such as reading or sewing. The signs of Myopia often appear when people experience headaches or eyestrain, and might squint or feel fatigued when driving, working or even wathcing TV. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, and find that you are experiencing these symptoms even while wearing them, a comprehensive eye examination may reveal that your prescription has changed. Early correction will arrest any further deterioration as a result of eye strain.

What causes myopia? Many people are familiar with the term Myopia or ‘short-sighted’ but not everyone understands what causes this extremely common condition to occur. Quite simply, myopia occurs when the eyeball is slightly longer than usual from front to back. This causes incoming light rays to focus at a point in front of the retina, rather than directly on its surface. This is illustrated in our diagram opposite. The condition often runs in families and can appear in childhood. in some cases the myopia will stabilize with little change or further deterioration, but in most cases the myopia will worsen with age. Known as myopic creep, the condition requires to be monitored closely and treated with corrective glasses or contact lenses, with the option of refractive surgery now available to sufferers, commonly referred to as Laser Surgery. Depending

on the extent of your myopia, you may need to wear your glasses or contact lenses at all times. However some may only require them for distance vision, like lorry drivers for safety on the road or students while looking at a blackboard or watching a film.

headaches, eystrain and fatigue particularly among students are common indicators of myopia, with early detection preventing greater deterioration.

Sferoflex® by Luxottica

Vogue Occhiali by Luxottica

factfile No smoke without fire! A recent report in the British Journal •of Ophthalmology found that research suggested people with higher education were more likely to be myopic. Not surprisingly, they suggested that one reason why those with higher education were affected was as a result of the stress on the eyes that comes with extensive reading. So there is, after all, an element of truth in the belief that people who wear glasses are more intelligent.

insummary Myopia or Short-sightedness The focus of your eye is too short causing your distance vision to be blurred although you may be able to see near objects clearly. You need spectacles or contact lenses to see clearly at distance for example television or driving.


You can afford to live a little! Have fun choosing from our fabulous new range of designer glasses. And with a free eyetest and 20%* off you can afford to live a little! *offer available to Churchill Privilege card holders only. Byblos


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therightcontacts Contact lenses to suit your lifestyle

for as little as £23.95 a month, you can enjoy a new lease of life ® with CLEARVUE Daily Disposable contact lenses. Benefit from sharper vision, increased comfort and easier handling.

Lesley McKinnon OCA ODA Optical Advisor

it’s the time for action!

new generation CLEARVUE® daily disposables are here and everyone can get in on the action. Find out about an event which could give you a healthier, more active lifestyle. Lesley McKinnon talks about the birth of Churchill Clearvue® Dailies. umping out of a light aircraft at 30,000 feet is not everyone’s idea of a relaxing way to spend one’s quality time. But regardless of whether you are the extreme sports type who loves a thrill or simply someone who enjoys the freedom of the great outdoors, there is no getting away from the fact that for many people in the past, outdoor action adventure sports were limited if you wore glasses or early generation contact lenses.


Anyone who has done any hillwalking in Scotland will tell you that wet, steamed up glasses, apart from looking rather silly half way up a mountain can be positively dangerous if you are negotiating the last 500 metres of a munro. Outdoor activities can also bring the risk of damaging you prized designer specs, or losing a lens and the prospect of all the expense, and with many sports requiring all round peripheral vision specs can limit your enjoyment or involvement in some of the more vigorous pursuits.

no holds barred enjoy the freedom of Clearvue Dailies, and live your life your way.


f you want to enjoy the freedom of CLEARVUE Daily Disposable contact lenses, simply call our 24 hour freephone number on 0800 387 059 to make an appointment for a consultation.


These ‘no fuss’ high quality precision lenses offer an excellent combination of clarity, comfort and ease of handling at great value for money. If you take advantage now, you will be entitled to an introductory free trial offer ® of CLEARVUE Daily Disposables for 5 days, following your full fifteen point eyetest carried out by your Churchill Optician. After your consultation or following ® your free trial, you can sign up for your supply of CLEARVUE Daily Disposables from as little as £23.95* per month by direct debit. And that’s not all, each customer who buys new contact lenses from Churchill Opticians will get their fifteen point eyetest absolutely free.

freeeyetest +20% discount*

Lots of people have already realised the benefits of Churchill’s daily disposables. ® Why not join them and give everyone a CLEARVUE of the dynamic new you.

save £35 + 20% off *

When you buy complete new glasses from Churchill Opticians, you won’t even have to pay for your eyetest. We will provide your full fifteen point eyetest for free. 20% discount is available to Churchill Opticians privilege card holders only.

† Based on a six month supply. Check-ups and aftercare are charged separately at £6.95 per month.

look forward to a fun-filled future, full of exciting new opportunites!

This was frustrating for wearers of glasses or conventional contact lenses, as the likelyhood of expensive loss or damage meant that outdoor activities could be prohibitive and unfortunately until around the turn of the century and the dawn of the new millennium, affordable daily disposable contact lenses were hard to come by. Prior to this, daily disposables were available, but at a price, and these first generation lenses did not have the same high specifications which wearers of today’s lenses have come to expect. So effectively, if you fancied walking in the wilds or riding the rapids in a canoe, it was a case of take your chances, not the most convenient of situations you’ll agree. So what’s the answer you ask? Well quite simply, Churchill’s new generation of aspheric, lenticulated daily disposable contact lenses are the cutting edge in contact lens technology. Over the last few years we have studied a wide spectrum of contact lenses and selected the characteristics we consider the best in key categories such as comfort, clarity, ease of handling and of course value for money. ®

After this careful process, Churchill’s CLEARVUE was born. Now our daily disposable customers are treated to a, precision cut (lenticulated) contact lens which is very easy to handle. ®

CLEARVUE lenses also come with a protective UV filter as we felt this to be an increasingly important factor in your choice of contacts in light of a wealth of evidence suggesting the potentially harmful effects of the sun’s rays on our eyes. 4


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therightcontacts Contact lenses to suit your lifestyle

for as little as £23.95 a month, you can enjoy a new lease of life ® with CLEARVUE Daily Disposable contact lenses. Benefit from sharper vision, increased comfort and easier handling.

Lesley McKinnon OCA ODA Optical Advisor

it’s the time for action!

new generation CLEARVUE® daily disposables are here and everyone can get in on the action. Find out about an event which could give you a healthier, more active lifestyle. Lesley McKinnon talks about the birth of Churchill Clearvue® Dailies. umping out of a light aircraft at 30,000 feet is not everyone’s idea of a relaxing way to spend one’s quality time. But regardless of whether you are the extreme sports type who loves a thrill or simply someone who enjoys the freedom of the great outdoors, there is no getting away from the fact that for many people in the past, outdoor action adventure sports were limited if you wore glasses or early generation contact lenses.


Anyone who has done any hillwalking in Scotland will tell you that wet, steamed up glasses, apart from looking rather silly half way up a mountain can be positively dangerous if you are negotiating the last 500 metres of a munro. Outdoor activities can also bring the risk of damaging you prized designer specs, or losing a lens and the prospect of all the expense, and with many sports requiring all round peripheral vision specs can limit your enjoyment or involvement in some of the more vigorous pursuits.

no holds barred enjoy the freedom of Clearvue Dailies, and live your life your way.


f you want to enjoy the freedom of CLEARVUE Daily Disposable contact lenses, simply call our 24 hour freephone number on 0800 387 059 to make an appointment for a consultation.


These ‘no fuss’ high quality precision lenses offer an excellent combination of clarity, comfort and ease of handling at great value for money. If you take advantage now, you will be entitled to an introductory free trial offer ® of CLEARVUE Daily Disposables for 5 days, following your full fifteen point eyetest carried out by your Churchill Optician. After your consultation or following ® your free trial, you can sign up for your supply of CLEARVUE Daily Disposables from as little as £23.95* per month by direct debit. And that’s not all, each customer who buys new contact lenses from Churchill Opticians will get their fifteen point eyetest absolutely free.

freeeyetest +20% discount*

Lots of people have already realised the benefits of Churchill’s daily disposables. ® Why not join them and give everyone a CLEARVUE of the dynamic new you.

save £35 + 20% off *

When you buy complete new glasses from Churchill Opticians, you won’t even have to pay for your eyetest. We will provide your full fifteen point eyetest for free. 20% discount is available to Churchill Opticians privilege card holders only.

† Based on a six month supply. Check-ups and aftercare are charged separately at £6.95 per month.

look forward to a fun-filled future, full of exciting new opportunites!

This was frustrating for wearers of glasses or conventional contact lenses, as the likelyhood of expensive loss or damage meant that outdoor activities could be prohibitive and unfortunately until around the turn of the century and the dawn of the new millennium, affordable daily disposable contact lenses were hard to come by. Prior to this, daily disposables were available, but at a price, and these first generation lenses did not have the same high specifications which wearers of today’s lenses have come to expect. So effectively, if you fancied walking in the wilds or riding the rapids in a canoe, it was a case of take your chances, not the most convenient of situations you’ll agree. So what’s the answer you ask? Well quite simply, Churchill’s new generation of aspheric, lenticulated daily disposable contact lenses are the cutting edge in contact lens technology. Over the last few years we have studied a wide spectrum of contact lenses and selected the characteristics we consider the best in key categories such as comfort, clarity, ease of handling and of course value for money. ®

After this careful process, Churchill’s CLEARVUE was born. Now our daily disposable customers are treated to a, precision cut (lenticulated) contact lens which is very easy to handle. ®

CLEARVUE lenses also come with a protective UV filter as we felt this to be an increasingly important factor in your choice of contacts in light of a wealth of evidence suggesting the potentially harmful effects of the sun’s rays on our eyes. 4


View Issue 9 - FinalOutput


3:22 am

eyetestinfo Not all opticians are the same!

Page 7


Some facts about Churchill Opticians full 15 point eyetest Get an insight into the comprehensive eye examination that Churchill Opticians provides to all clients as standard. The Churchill test includes 15 specific checks and generally lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour, using state of the art ophthalmic equipment. We’re sure you’ll notice the difference.

If your vision is falling short, perhaps the following will prove to be an eye opener! Morag D. Barrie BSc(Hons) MCOptom Ophthalmic Optician

TEST •AGLAUCOMA puff of air from the Tonometer tests the pressure in your eyes to check for Glaucoma COLOUR VISION TEST •The Ishihara number test detects colour vision defects. CHECK •WeSPECTACLE can tell you if there has been a change in your eyesight since your last eye test by checking your existing spectacles on the focimeter. SYMPTOMS, GENERAL HEALTH •AND SPECIAL NEEDS Tell us about any problems with your eyes, your health and any special needs you may have. VISION TEST •Your vision will be checked with and without your glasses.

CO-ORDINATION TESTS Your eye movement and co-ordination will be checked and also the hidden squint test.

•WeRETINOSCOPY shine a light into your eye to give us a starting point for your eyetest. CLEARER OR BLURRED TEST •Different lenses will be placed in front of your eyes while you look at the big chart with the letters on it. You will be asked ‘is it better or worse?, is it clearer or blurred?’ Don’t worry you can’t give the wrong answer. TEST •TryREDtoGREEN make the black circles on the red and green panels equal, it’s not easy!

DISTORTION TEST Almost everyone has rugby ball shaped eyes (astigmatism) and the black circles on the white chart are used to detect and correct it!

MUSCLE BALANCE TEST •The red line and white spot are used to check that the muscles operating your eyes are balanced. TEST •ToBLUR ensure maximum comfort with your new spectacles or contact lenses we do the blur test on each eye. SMALL PRINT READING TEST •Your ability to read small print is checked and measured. If you are over 40 years of age you will probably require reading glasses or invisible bifocals. HEALTH TEST •Using our retinal imaging camera we look inside your eye to check the health of your retina and blood vessels. & RECOMMENDATIONS •AtANALYSIS Churchill, we give all our patients unbiased advice based on the data from the results of their test. Our recommendations are tailored to the spceific needs of each individual and are given in the interests of sound eyecare. 6

view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005


Morag Barrie gives us some insight into a very common, but little understood condition. yopia is a vision problem experienced by as many as one-third of the entire population. In a nutshell, far objects are blurry for myopic people.


Commonly referred to as nearsighted or shortsighted, the people affected have difficulty reading road signs and seeing other objects at a distance, but can see up-close tasks such as reading or sewing. The signs of Myopia often appear when people experience headaches or eyestrain, and might squint or feel fatigued when driving, working or even wathcing TV. If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, and find that you are experiencing these symptoms even while wearing them, a comprehensive eye examination may reveal that your prescription has changed. Early correction will arrest any further deterioration as a result of eye strain.

What causes myopia? Many people are familiar with the term Myopia or ‘short-sighted’ but not everyone understands what causes this extremely common condition to occur. Quite simply, myopia occurs when the eyeball is slightly longer than usual from front to back. This causes incoming light rays to focus at a point in front of the retina, rather than directly on its surface. This is illustrated in our diagram opposite. The condition often runs in families and can appear in childhood. in some cases the myopia will stabilize with little change or further deterioration, but in most cases the myopia will worsen with age. Known as myopic creep, the condition requires to be monitored closely and treated with corrective glasses or contact lenses, with the option of refractive surgery now available to sufferers, commonly referred to as Laser Surgery. Depending

on the extent of your myopia, you may need to wear your glasses or contact lenses at all times. However some may only require them for distance vision, like lorry drivers for safety on the road or students while looking at a blackboard or watching a film.

headaches, eystrain and fatigue particularly among students are common indicators of myopia, with early detection preventing greater deterioration.

Sferoflex® by Luxottica

Vogue Occhiali by Luxottica

factfile No smoke without fire! A recent report in the British Journal •of Ophthalmology found that research suggested people with higher education were more likely to be myopic. Not surprisingly, they suggested that one reason why those with higher education were affected was as a result of the stress on the eyes that comes with extensive reading. So there is, after all, an element of truth in the belief that people who wear glasses are more intelligent.

insummary Myopia or Short-sightedness The focus of your eye is too short causing your distance vision to be blurred although you may be able to see near objects clearly. You need spectacles or contact lenses to see clearly at distance for example television or driving.


You can afford to live a little! Have fun choosing from our fabulous new range of designer glasses. And with a free eyetest and 20%* off you can afford to live a little! *offer available to Churchill Privilege card holders only. Byblos


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3:21 am

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view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005

At Churchill Opticians, our Thinlite® single vision lenses are available from only £79. Thinner and lighter lenses, no-one but you need know.

thinner, lighter Churchill Opticians

Churchill Opticians - there for you through…

Carolyn Meek BSc(Hons) MCOptom Ophthalmic Optician

classic lines thick and thin some style inspiration from the silver screen

Carolyn Meek shows us how we can look like a million dollars, for a lot less than you might imagine. or those of us who are products of the sixties and seventies, it’s easy to see how popular culture has come full circle. Just have a look at the recent chart toppers. We’ve all listened to the radio and thought, ‘I’m sure I’ve heard that before somewhere’, invariably you have and more than likely, you will be listening to the latest boy or girl band’s reworking of an old classic from your youth.


Whether its Robbie Williams and Nicol Kidman singing the Frank and Nancy Sinatra classic Something stupid, or Busted’s latest Brit award winning cover version of Teenage Kicks by the late seventies band The Undertones, it seems clear that the pop industry’s love affair with the past is set to continue. But it’s not just in the music scene that looks to past glories for inspiration, Hollywood, home of the movies, is no different.

‘Have we met before somewhere?’

With big stars like Tom Cruise getting in on the act, and starring in the recent blockbuster remake of the seventies TV cult classic Mission Impossible, other big name producers and directors are queuing up to draw inspiration from the TV and movies of yesteryear.


enjoy thinner, lighter lenses

Peggy MacDonald OCA ODA Optical Advisor

If it’s an Italian job you’re looking for, there’s more than a few design classics to catch your eye at Churchill Opticians


Another blast from the past to get the re-make treatment is old favourite Starsky and Hutch, re-cycled for a new audience. Not forgetting of course the Michael Caine Classic The Italian Job, which has been re-worked with less humour than the original, begging the question which version is the best. Michael Caine was himself an icon of the sixties and seventies. His most celebrated character of course was the reluctant British spy Harry Palmer with his trademark black rimmed glasses and no nonsense attitude. Caine’s stylish portrayal of this cool character earned him huge popularity with cinema goers in the late nineteen sixties and early seventies. The success of the character, propelled not only Caine but also his glasses to the top in the style stakes, with spectacles becoming perhaps the fashion statement in the UK. From then on, form and function became one in the eyes of a style conscious public. Interestingly enough, the glasses Caine wore in the Ipcress File were more than just a fashion statement or a prop. As Caine is himself short sighted, and has

Privilege card holders can get 20% off the price of new glasses at Churchill and save a further £35 with a free eyetest. needed glasses to correct his vision throughout his life. Perhaps this has been the key to the star’s success. One thing is certain, over his career Michael Caine, or Maurice Micklewhite as he was originally known, has been making films for a very long time, and to our knowledge he has succeeded in doing this… without falling over any movie sets. But then as Sir Michael might say himself, ‘not a lot of people know that’. So if you feel that you could benefit from a touch of star quality, maybe its time to look at this seasons range of new frames at Churchill. And with a free fifteen point eyetest and limited privilege card offer of 20% off the price of new glasses, now is definitely the time get the look you love for a lot less. Just call the Churchill Opticians freephone number 0800 387 059 for further details and to arrange a consultation. And hey, who knows, maybe you could soon be stepping into the spotlight with some sexy new specs appeal.

Nicola Ross OCA ODA Optical Advisor

ith the very latest in lens technology in your corner, those of us who have stronger prescriptions no longer need to feel self conscious. The days when we had no choice but to wear glasses with heavy, unsightly lenses are long gone.


Next time someone comments on your stunning new specs, or that healthy sparkle in your eyes tell them about your experience at Churchill Opticians. When they purchase spectacles or contact lenses at Churchill on your recommendation, they will receive a £10 discount. You will be sent a £10 gift voucher to spend at Marks and Spencer. Perhaps it could go towards that smart top you saw.

Thinlite® single vision lenses at Churchill are a high quality range of denser than normal, or high index, ophthalmic glass and plastic lenses which are much thinner and lighter than normal spectacle lenses. Why not ask for a demonstration and see for yourself how thin your lenses will look in the frame of your choice on our computer simulator. ® ®

Varilite Thinlite , the ultimate blend of advanced technology and cosmetic appeal

Thinlite® lenses can open up a whole new range of possibilites, with access to frame designs which, previously, may have been inappropriate for your prescription with standard index lenses. Our Thinlite® range starts from as little as £79 and comes with a no obligation 30 day money back guarantee. For those of you who wear Varifocals, there is also a Varilite®Thinlite® lens available, offering the ultimate in technology and cosmetic appeal, please ask for details.

congratulations This issue’s featured prize winner who won one of our Slimline Digital Cameras Jane Smith Glasgow

Issue 7 winners were:

Julie Burton, Robert Clark, Joseph Miller Jean MacKinnon Margaret McCafferty Mr R Mason remaining winners will be published in the next issue of The View.


signal controlled

alarm clock


freephone 0800 387 059 for full details of this and any other offer in View magazine

Mov’er ‘n’ shak’er with Donna Karan Eyewear at Churchill Opticians 2


View Issue 9 - FinalOutput


3:21 am

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view issue 9 autumn/winter 2004-2005





If you have a question for Archie email him at Canaliculus (8mm)


This problem is probably the most common complaint opticians hear from contact lens wearing customers, but help is at hand. Dry eyes, are one of the most common complaints opticians hear from contact lens wearers. As people spend more and more time in front of their computer screens, in dusty dry office atmospheres, they are experiencing problems of the kind you have just described. Central heating and air-conditioning, although improving our living and working environments, can interfere with the natural lubrication of our eyes, which can increase the irritation and discomfort experienced by dry eyes sufferers. Many of us also spend our day staring at computer screens often forget to blink causing tears to literally drain away through a part of our eye called the punctum. The punctum is the tiny duct that sits in the corner of your lower eyelid which permits drainage of the natural tear flow. Some people’s punctum however, can be a little overactive with the suction leaving


the surface of the eye with very little lubrication. If an over active punctum appears to be the problem, there is an ingenious solution now available. Ampulla (2mm) The punctum plug is a Common canaliculus microscopic little gadget (which is even tinier than a pinhead).It is inserted into the tear duct in corner of your lower eyelid, thus partially blocking the duct and conserving the tear flow and relieving the dry eye sufferer. This treatment is available at Churchill Opticians.

Valve of Hasner

Should you however decide to wear your glasses while using your computer, there is no need to feel self conscious these days, regardless of how heavy you feel your prescription may be. With the cutting edge lens technology we have at our disposal these days, lenses can be much lighter and thinner than ever before, up to 40% thinner in fact. Offering spectacles which not only provide you with crystal clear vision but are cosmetically pleasing at the same time, and with an anti glare coating these lenses will cut out reflection form your screen. Why not pop in for a consultation and we can discover which course of action would be in your best interests.

WIN A DVD PLAYER You could be watching all the latest movies Which famous spectacle wearing in stunning digital clarity with our fantastic actor was originally known as Issue 9 prize. Maurice Micklewhite. Yes, that’s right, we’ve got 3 stylish DVD players to give away to three lucky A WOODY ALLEN Churchill View readers. B MICHAEL CAINE To have a chance of winning, simply answer our multiple choice movie question C ROBIN WILLIAMS below and send your entry to: Churchill View Competition Entries, 73 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 1LP. 8

Nasolacrimal duct (12mm)

Alternatively a change of contact lenses may be the answer. In recent years, many lens wearers have enjoyed great relief from dry eyes by switching to the latest continuous wear lenses. These revolutionary new lenses are composed of material which allows up to six times more oxygen permeability. These lenses also retain water, therefore drying out far less than conventional soft lenses.

issue 9 competition

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Nasolacrimal sac (10mm)

Name ......................................................................................... Address...................................................................................... ................................................................................................... .......................................................Postcode.............................. Daytime Tel no: ..........................................................................

form&function ©Copyright 2002 Churchill Opticians.

I have been wearing contact lenses for over 20 years and until recently have had no problems with them. However I have experienced some mild irritation over the past year, which seems to be getting worse and more frequent. I usually find that after 3 or 4 hours of wear my eyes become dry and there is some redness. I changed job about nine months ago and now work in a call centre so I’m spending much more time in front of a computer screen. I can wear glasses but my prescription is a little heavy and I am a bit self conscious about this. Can you suggest something which might alleviate my problem.





Cover: featured frame by CHANEL

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