ou are likely workAs we look at analytics, we ing on an analytics must begin with a model that or business intelis informed by the outcome of ligence (BI) initiative. the data. Most successful projIt seems like we all are. ects begin with a design phase But how do we think that builds from preferred outabout this data we have comes backward. Knowing how been told is so importyou want to use data critically ant to capture, aggreinforms how you capture, modgate, synthesize, curate el and visualize those data. DEPARTMENT/ and display? When you Analytics and BI have beOPERATIONAL ISSUES come ubiquitous in health care consider the early days of net searches, it wasn’t as the technologies to aggreBY JEF WILLIAMS easy using those early gate, synthesize and report engines that brought limited results have increased. Several years ago, there were very and often required secondary searches few ways to gather disparate data elements and that were inefficient. The rise of Google bind them together (think modality utilization and brought a wave of information to our staffing levels) outside of hiring someone to build fingertips in ways that have changed spreadsheets and perform analysis. Now there are how we access that information. Howa large number of companies that can ingest data ever, the real value of Google was not in from multiple sources using a number of different how much information it could retrieve, formats and automate some level of analysis. This but in how it applies rules of relevance has given us ways to view our organizations and to the searcher. Just having access to their performance like never before. all of the data is almost useless unless Here is where leadership must provide the imit comes to us in a way that is indexed petus for change. Too often the ability to visualize by appropriateness, relevance and pritrends or report on key performance indicators oritization. (KPIs) sits on desktops, in inboxes, simply viewed Historically, much of the data we leverage within health care was limited. In recent years software solutions and platforms have emerged that are designed to retrieve and curate data points across devices, operations, technology, workflow, utilization and experience. But just “turning on” the faucet creates a waterfall of information that can create more problems that solutions. Useful data must be modeled, organized and curated for the user who needs the information. This requires effort in design that happens well before collecting data. 52
and deleted. This can be due to apathy, mistrust or inertia. Apathy may be a strong word – but there are those who simply don’t care about the data. The move toward evidence-based decision-making is like any other transition in business – there are those who embrace and those who resist change. Some leaders believe their experience, their “gut” or their traditions are suitable for assessing and directing business strategy and management. It goes without saying that this type of leadership is nearly always shortsighted. We must always practice self-awareness to ensure we aren’t demonADVANCING THE IMAGING PROFESSIONAL