MDUMC Caring Forever Foundation | 2019 Annual Report

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A N N UA L R E P O RT Ensuring that what we cherish today will be cared for tomorrow.


W H AT I S T H E C A R I N G F O R E V E R F O U N D AT I O N ? The Caring Forever Foundation is the 501(c)3 supporting organization of Memorial Drive United Methodist Church established exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational purposes. The Foundation receives gifts, bequests, and donations and administers them for the perpetual benefit of the church’s ministries and mission.


2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Scott Neal S E C R E TA R Y Greg Shaw MEMBERS Neal Carlson Ron Green David Hammer TK Harrison Lindsey Martin Linda Morgan Debbie Moore Greg Nelson Lay Leader

2 3-7 8-9 10-11

Gary Noble John Robbins

Senior Pastor


F O U N DAT I O N STA F F Stacy Stepler Executive Director

Lisa Nelson Administrator




C H U R C H STA F F Nina Davis

Business Administrator

2019 INVESTMENT COMMITTEE CHAIR Gary Noble MEMBERS Neal Carlson Jane Erskine John David Ickes Brian McElroy Scott Neal Gary Noble

DEAR FRIENDS, We are happy to present the 2019 Caring Forever Foundation Annual Report. During 2019, The Foundation supported Memorial Drive United Methodist Church and the greater community with gifts of $106,055. Thank you for making this all possible. As the church focused its efforts on learning, living, giving, and serving so did the Caring Forever Foundation. As you will see on the pages that follow, the Foundation gave gifts to support the ways church members are learning and living together, while the largest portion of Foundation gifts went to serving through MDUMC ministries and through community organizations. None of this could be done without your faithful support of The Caring Forever Foundation – thank you. We are grateful for your continued gifts to allow us to help the church learn, live, give, and serve together. It is our prayer that you will continue to partner with us so that what we cherish today will be cared for tomorrow.

Grace and peace,

Scott Neal Board Chair

Stacy Brock Stepler Executive Director

GIVING The Foundation welcomes gifts of cash, marketable securities, and real property at any time. Many donors make a onetime gift in memory or honor of someone or to recognize a significant milestone. Donors may choose to make the Foundation a beneficiary of assets from these sources: bequests from wills or trusts, retirement accounts, life insurance, donor advised fund, or private foundation. The Foundation applies its contributions to its permanent endowment funds. Earnings from our endowment funds enable the Foundation to award grants and scholarships as well as cover administrative costs. The Foundation maintains separate bank accounts, investments, and financial records from the church. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 corporation, and as a result, gifts made to the Foundation are typically deductible for federal income tax purposes. LEARNING Clergy Scholarships....................................................................14,945 Harry Rankin Lecture Series.........................................................7,200 MDUMC Staff Leadership Retreat...............................................5,360 Moms Night Out Series................................................................3,049 Alpha..............................................................................................2,068 Student Scholarship.....................................................................1,000 TOTAL LEARNING........................................ $33,622 LIVING Choir Robes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10,000 Guest Organist �����������������������������������������������������������������������������1,000 TOTAL LIVING �������������������������������������������� $11,000 SERVING Community Grants .....................................................................40,000 Ministers’ and Communion Fund.............................................12,000 CrossWalk Houston......................................................................3,433 Memorial Assistance Ministries...................................................3,000 House of Amos..............................................................................1,500 Newspring.....................................................................................1,500 TOTAL SERVING.......................................... $61,433 TOTAL GRANTS..........................................$106,055

Because you give, the Caring Forever Foundation gave more than


to MDUMC and the Houston Community in 2019. Thank you for your gifts that have made all this possible.

LEARNING In 2019 The Caring Forever Foundation awarded seven grants totaling $33,622 that helped the members and pastors of Memorial Drive United Methodist Church learn. Two of our own clergy received scholarships from The Caring Forever Foundation; Rev. Victor Resendiz to attend seminary at The Perkins School at Southern Methodist University and Rev. Michael Jarboe to repay student loans incurred while in seminary. Other grants were awarded for the Harry Rankin Lecture, the MDUMC Moms’ Night Out series, the MDUMC Program Staff Retreat, the Alpha program and a college student scholarship.

The Harry Rankin Fund brought Dr. Maria Dixon Hall to Memorial Drive United Methodist Church in late September 2019. Dr. Dixon Hall spoke about building bridges and communication to more than 150 attendees at a Friday evening dinner and then preached twice in the Sanctuary on Sunday morning. The staff was honored to have her speak at Monday’s staff lunch, encouraging the staff to think deeper on “Talking to Strangers.” Dr. Dixon Hall is Senior Advisor to the Provost for Campus Cultural Intelligence Initiatives at Southern Methodist University. In this role she has oversight for the University’s efforts to ensure that all members of the community are equipped to effectively create, collaborate, and work on solutions to change the world regardless of who they may be working with. She is also the Director of Corporate Communication and Public Affairs in the Meadows School of the Arts, overseeing curriculum and assessment for the Division’s Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communication. Additionally, Dixon Hall serves as the director of mustangconsulting, staffed by the best and brightest SMU students. A graduate of the Culverhouse School of Business at the University of Alabama, Dixon Hall began her career in sales and market research. Exploring her passion for religious organizations and communication, Dr. Dixon completed a Masters of Divinity and Masters of Theology from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, as well as a PhD in Organizational Communication and Religion from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2004. Dr. Maria Dixon Hall is also an ordained deacon in the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church.

“A Caring Forever Foundation Grant enabled our church to host three Alpha courses over 2019. Alpha is made up of three essential components: food, a video presentation on a faith question, and open conversation. Alpha provides all of their resources generously and finding helpful group discussion leaders is a difficult task; however, having the funds to purchase food weekto-week is one of the biggest obstacles to running a welcoming and worthwhile Alpha Program. The evangelism budget at MDUMC provides a lot of opportunities to host community events and educational opportunities, but the CFF Grant ensured that Alpha could be there for 50 participants in 2019 without diminishing the rest of MDUMC’s evangelism ministry. Volunteers ran Alpha at MDUMC around 14 years ago, but interest and available leadership diminished. When I arrived as pastor of discipleship and evangelism in 2018, I knew I wanted to bring Alpha back as an essential part of our evangelism ministry. Both church members and community members benefit from Alpha because it provides a meal during the busy work week, it opens the doors to frank and honest discussion about faith, and it helps Christians refresh their faith while non-Christians will find it an open and welcoming environment to explore faith for the first time. In 2019 MDUMC had 50 Alpha participants over the three courses with an average of 15 per course. This January 65 registered for 2020’s first Alpha session. It is already bearing fruit as a growing ministry in our community and as an essential facet of our mission to learn, live, and serve together in its commitment to Christian education, building community, and developing leaders.” Rev. Colin Bagby




The Ben Bogart Youth Scholarship Fund awarded a scholarship to Karen Assenga, an MDUMC member starting her first year of college. In Karen’s Words… “Initially, I was an undocumented immigrant. Growing up, I’d been made fully aware of my status and what it meant as far as the lack of resources I’d have and the trauma that would come with my status. But I withheld my status from my community in fear of being rejected and/or exposed. Once I’d decided to confide in my church, MDUMC, they quickly embraced me. With that, they got me plugged in with a job in youth ministry, at the Refuge, in order to help with my situation. After tons of prayers and tears, I was able to acquire my green card and attend the school of my dreams – LSU. This wouldn’t have been possible without the faith and love I received from the staff at MDUMC. The scholarship was put directly towards my tuition and housing fees as I am an out-of-state student making the payments larger. It means the world and more to receive this Scholarship. Mark Bogart has been a huge part of my life from the very beginning and I’ll hold our friendship in my heart forever. The idea that they entrusted me to represent Ben Bogart and his memory through this scholarship is something I can’t exactly put into words. Every struggling day or stress-filled week I can take a breath and remember where I’m from and who I’m doing this for. My drive won’t end until I can finally prove to not only myself but others that your situation should never stop you; I do this all knowing Ben is with me and forever will be.” The Caring Forever Foundation awarded the MDUMC Children’s Council a grant that allowed the Council’s vision of a “Moms’ Night Out” Series to become a reality. The CFF’s grant provided seed money so the Council could dream big and host more well-known speakers it could otherwise not have afforded. So far, the Moms’ Night Out Programs have offered both educational and soul enriching opportunities for mothers. The first Moms’ Night Out was held in April 2019 and featured author Karen Stubbs. Nearly 100 mothers in attendance were reenergized and reminded about the importance of mothering.


For the Fall 2019 Moms’ Night Out, Dr. Crystal Collier PhD, LPC-S, a local therapist, educated moms on the perils of addiction for children and teens. Dr. Collier covered topics from screen time to vaping, with brain development and chemistry explanations that helped everyone understand the warning signs and effects of addiction.

LIVING Two living grants totaling $11,000 to Memorial Drive United Methodist Church were awarded in 2019. The Foundation provided for a guest organist who performed at MDUMC in February 2019. Additionally, The Foundation awarded the Chancel Choir a grant for new choir robes.

“The Caring Forever Foundation made it possible for the MDUMC Chancel Choir to purchase new choir robes in 2019 without having to undertake a fundraising project. This was an amazing gift which, along with donations from choir members, made it possible to have all the money necessary before ordering the robes. The now retired robes were 20 years old and needed to be replaced, but a project such as this cannot be funded by the operating budget; it is simply too large an expense. Because of the grant from Caring Forever, choir members were able to focus on music-making instead of money-making, and the beautiful new robes now enhance our worship every week. The old robes will have new lives in Jamaica and Kenya, where they have been donated to churches and will bring joy to singers and worshippers around the world. The Caring Forever Foundation made this all possible. The Chancel Choir members give hours each week to prepare for and lead worship, and it was a huge ‘thank you’ to them to receive the generous grant from the Foundation.” - Ann Ables, Director of Music




SERVING In 2019 The Caring Forever Foundation gave $61,433 for serving at Memorial Drive United Methodist Church and in the greater community. These grants allowed MDUMC to award four community grants, funded the ministers’ and communion funds, helped Crosswalk Houston, provided blankets for children through Memorial Assistance Ministries, supported an afterschool program at Newspring, and provided Christmas gifts for older children at House of Amos.

A grant to Newspring is providing classes for an average of 62 students twice a week at The Women’s Home Mabee WholeLife Service Center. The 2nd – 5th grade students are primarily from Treasure Forest Elementary School across the street. The Newspring art curriculum is reinforcing concepts that have been taught in school and follow the Texas Educational Knowledge Assessments; the core purpose enriches students’ understanding and how they can relate their artistic ideas and works within a historical, cultural and societal context. And most especially, these young artists are being taught by a warm, caring adult who is focused on getting to know these children and bringing out the best in them.

MDUMC’s own Crosswalk Houston purchased new classroom tables with a grant from The Caring Forever Foundation. The old tables had begun to peel and were missing parts which did not reflect the value Crosswalk places in their facilities. Each week more than 50 students and volunteers use the tables for ESL and other adult education courses. The space is much more suitable for learning and growing now. Many students have commented on how much they appreciate the desks. Crosswalk Houston continues to grow and offer our community opportunities to better navigate life around them. Crosswalk Houston helps bring the love of Christ and MDUMC outside the walls of our church and into the neighborhood.

2019 CONTRIBUTORS With gratitude and thanksgiving, we express sincere appreciation to all listed below who have given so generously to the Caring Forever Foundation in 2019. In 2019 the Foundation received more than $200,000 in donations from 122 contributors.

John & Robbie Adams

Susan Draughon

Tom & Janet Kennedy

Brenda Auld

Bob & Sandy Earthman

Randy & Ellen Lee

Ken & Patty Albers

Ray & Carolyn Ayers Frank & Lynda Bain

Mike & Jennie Baker Melinda Balezentis Nancy Bammel William Bickley Greg Boe

Tom & Doris Bray

Kelton & Beverly Brewer Trish Brice

Carol Brown

Gerry Burckle Frank Busch

George & Peg Byers

Neal & Kristen Carlson

Jerry & Sunny Carpenter

Louis & Sharyn Carpenter The Estate of Clay Carter Betty Cartmell Hope Causey

Ed & Kathleen Colman

John & Sandy Countzler Gene & Nell Cragg Tim & Nina Davis

Ronny & Daphne Dickerson



Cher Dupuy

Julie Eisenhauer Harry Elliott

Eldon & Eileen Fankhauser Marilyn Farr

Jane Fieldcamp

John & Becky French

Michael & Joan Garofalo Caro Ann Germann Cindy Gertson

Good News Sunday School Class Richard & Norma Graves Ron & Jackie Green Pat & Anita Grimes

David & Jennifer Hammer Bill & Dodie Harris

Jim & Joan Harrison Blake & TK Harrison

Ernst & Sandra Hartmann Beryl Hogshead Betty House

John David & Annie Ickes Jim & Barbara Isbell Bette Jacobson

Charles & Linda Jenkins Donna Juul

Kandice Kirby

Butch & Doris Magee

Harlon & Karen Martin Jud & Lindsey Martin

Harry & Sandra McLeod Jim & Janie McPhail Byrdie Meeks

Andy & Sara Merryman Lucy Metzler

Frank & Eleanor Moler Ginger Montgomery

Jack & Debbie Moore Linda Morgan

Galt & Shirley Morgan Della Mullan

Scott & Carol Neal

Greg & Lisa Nelson

Greg & Libbie Nelson Jane Nessen

Gary & Joy Noble

Timothy O’Grady & Pat O’Grady Franklin & Gail Olson

George & Maggie Parker Robert Paschal

Brian & Michelle Payne Carole Payne


Mary Ann Pete

Greg & Amanda Smith

Rilda Whitmire

Tom & Pat Pinchback

Ryan & Stacy Stepler

Judy Wild

Dave Peyton

Lou & Ruth Nell Powers Craig & Pam Ramsey Bill & Nancy Rawl

Chuck Reedstrom Sue Rhoades

Roger & Evelyn Robinson Janice Rubin

Billie Sanderson

Frank & Judy Scarborough Greg & Beth Shaw Julie Sheets

David & Lois Smith

Janet Smolinski

Ryan & Kassie Sullivan Karon Taylor

Tom & Leah Taylor

Art & Carolyn Thompson Jack Threet

Balaam & Erin Valdez

Herschel & Dot Vinyard Skip & Karen Ward

Paul & Margaret Weber Dee Westcott Elaine White

Martha White

Thresa Wieting Sam & Susan Wiley

Paul & C.A. Williams

Billy Don & Helen Williams Gary & Lynn Wooley Bob Zurik

* The Caring Forever Foundation makes every effort to maintain an accurate donor base. If you notice an error in this listing, please let us know.

One of the great resources that supports the overall vision of Memorial Drive United Methodist Church is the Caring Forever Foundation. This generous ministry supports so many worthy causes that are a part of our community, as well as important ministries that reach beyond our walls. I want to encourage you to support financially the tremendous work of the Caring Forever Foundation. It is one of the most significant ministries that Memorial Drive United Methodist Church has created. If you desire to positively impact the Kingdom of God, and share in the work of Christ, then I hope you will be a contributor to the Caring Forever Foundation.

S TAT E M E N T O F A C T I V I T I E S For The Caring Forever Foundation





$165,315 5,360 21,100 29,800

$224,504 49,680 30,960 12,535

$(59,189) (44,320) (9,860) 17,265

$221,575 950,147

$317,679 (300,988) $16,691

$(96,104) 1,251,135


$52,000 33,110 14,945 6,000 -

$32,000 45,914 12,019 20,500 25,000

$20,000 (12,804) 2,926 (14,500) (25,000)




$55,693 9,608 7,226 10,744

$57,614 7,920 5,767 2,800

$(1,921) 1,688 1,459 7,944

Total Expenses




Changes in Net Assets







Contributions Memorial Gifts Memorial Garden Fundraisers and Events

Total Support

Investment Gain/(Loss)

Total Revenues


Expenses GRANTS

Memorial Drive UMC Church Programming Pastoral Scholarships Local Missions Texas Annual Conference

Total Grants Made O P E R AT I N G EXPENSES

Salaries & Payroll Taxes Memorial Garden Banquet & Event Administrative

Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year







FINANCIAL SUMMARY For The Caring Forever Foundation




$42,131 5,709,634

$70,835 4,699,520

$(28,704) 1,010,114




Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments

Total Assets


Liabilities and Net Assets LIABILITIES

Payroll Taxes Payable




Total Liabilities




$2,954,454 2,797,311

$2,388,614 2,380,755

$565,840 416,556

Total Net Assets




Total Liabilities and Net Assets





Without Donor Restriction With Donor Restriction

The Caring Forever Foundation’s portfolio is managed by The Texas Methodist Foundation. Since its first year in 1999, the Foundation has fulfilled all IRS requirements as a 501(c)3 organization and has filed an IRS Form 990.

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