MDUMC Charge Conference 2019

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The Church Council is made up of the At Large members and Chairs of each Ministry Committee/Council. It serves as the principle governing and administrative body of Memorial Drive United Methodist Church, giving oversight to all of its ministries and programs. It is accountable to the membership of our congregation and is composed of persons of spiritual maturity who love the church and are morally disciplined.

AT LARGE Chair: Kelly Williams Vice Chair: Lay Leader: Greg Nelson, Sr. Secretary (Ex-Officio): Class of 2020: Beez Beasley Jen Gresley Joe Nelson Class of 2021: Gary Wooley Jay Sartain Leah Taylor Class of 2022: Stephanie Mitchell Brian Payne Blake Kirshman

MINISTRY TEAM Chair: Kelly Williams

Discipleship Chair: Kristin Lamb Vice Chair: Becky French

Missions Chair: Ryan Stepler Vice Chairs: Susan Matthews and Bruce Hastings

Music and Fine Arts Chair: Skip Ward Vice Chair: Elizabeth Taylor Outreach Chairs: TBD Vice Chair: TBD

Spiritual Life Co-Chairs: Pam Brien Co-Chairs: Caro Ann Germann Stephen Ministries Chair: Anita Grimes Vice Chair: Belinda Price The Journey Chair: John Salvagio Vice Chair: TBD

Nurturing Councils:

Children’s Council Chair: Melissa Treadway Vice Chair: TBD

Youth Council Co-Chair: Tracy Ashmore Co-Chair: Melissa Boswell Young Adult Council Chair: Michael Hannan Vice Chair: TBD

Men’s Council Chair: James Stinson Vice Chair: Greg Smith Women’s Council Chair: Ashley Tondu Vice Chair: TBD

Single Vision Council Chair: TBD Vice Chair: TBD

Older Adult Council Chair: Peggy Stillwell Vice Chair: Kathleen Coleman Special Needs Council Chair: Jen Hudd Vice Chair: TBD Men of Action Chair: Dr. Ken Albers Vice Chair: Tim Toth

United Methodist Women Chair: Debbie Moore Vice Chair: TBD


The SPR Committee functions as the principle personnel committee for the congregation, responsible for both appointed and employed staff.

Chair: Scott McKight Lay Leader: Greg Nelson, Sr. Class of 2020: Annie Ickes Scott McKnight Becky Wagstaff Class of 2021: Cindy Hand Greg Smith Joan Garofalo Class of 2022: Peggy Stilwell Bill Rawl Lyon Smith Melissa Treadway

TRUSTEES COMMITTEE The Trustees Committee functions as the legal representatives of the congregation and has supervision, oversight, and care of all real property and equipment.

Chair: Trudy Nix Secretary: TBD Class of 2020: Jimmy Bates Betty Cartmell Trudy Nix Class of 2021: Sara Tones PL Disinger Bob Morehouse Class of 2022: Jim Petrie Della Mullan Jon Davis


The Finance Committee is charged with oversight of the congregation’s financial life including the raising, receiving, and administering of funds contributed for the annual operating budget, building or debt retirement, and designated accounts. The committee shall establish the proposed budget for approval by the Church Council at Church Conference, and shall design an appropriate stewardship plan to help the membership develop in its giving. It is strongly recommended that the committee, in collaboration with the Church Council, find creative ways to turn the congregation into a tithing church with an attitude of generosity.

Chair: Greg Nelson, Jr. Vice Chair: John David Ickes Class of 2020: Stephen Ash John French Mimi Hamilton Greg Nelson, Jr. Linda Quintana John Salvagio Class of 2021: Art McGimsey Margaret Carlson Ryan Garin John Garner Beth Hayne Jennifer Hammer John David Ickes Class of 2022: Jeff Treadway Jane Erskine Gene Ware Jenni Emery Katherine McKight Ra


The Nominations Committee is charged with identifying, developing, and encouraging lay leadership for the congregation that will enable it to most effectively carry out its mission. The committee has the responsibility of developing ways for members to discover their own spiritual gifts and abilities and find ways in which to employ them in the work of our church.

Chair: John Robbins Class of 2020: Margaret Carlson Jackie Green Lisa Nelson Class of 2021: Ralph Devine Jeff Treadway Trish Brice Class of 2022: Kate Potter Eldon Fankhauser Mark Harris

CARING FOREVER FOUNDATION BOARD Chair: Scott Neal Class of 2020: Lindsey Martin Greg Shaw Ron Green Class of 2021: Linda Morgan Neal Carlson TK Harrison David Hammer Class of 2022: David Miller Christie Petrie Gerry Elphinstone Chris Hardig

CROSSWALK HOUSTON COUNCIL Chair: Carla Kaley Vice Chair: Karen Barnett Class of 2020: Lisa Agnew Karen Barnett Dave Hartz Derek St. John Class of 2021: Pam Kelley Claire Sharp Richard Tobin Robbie Adams

MDUMC CHILDREN’S WEEKDAY SCHOOL Chairs: Kelly Wiliams David Quackenbush Directors: Linda Hopper & Sara Binder Class of 2020: Lillie Beth Wilson Class of 2021: Jason Rogers Katie Nabors Allie Henderson

LAY DELEGATES TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE Tom Gay John French Stacy Stepler Helen Williams Alternates: Lauren Bedevian Drew Essen

Approved Budget 2020 Connectional Ministries

Property and Grounds Maintenance





Spiritual Formation




Congregational Care


Outreach Worship



Total Approved 2020 Budget | $6,237,936


This area includes, in part, our Communications, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, Evangelism and Discipleship Ministries. The costs for the Messenger and the marketing of MDUMC are found here. Welcoming new members and supporting the discipleship path is a part of this ministry.

$542,700 | 8.7% Outreach

Funding for the missional thrust of our church beyond our campus as well as within our walls is found here. This includes our fair share to support the national and global ministries of the United Methodist Church, plus an expanding outreach program locally. Also, these funds underwrite the many grants to Houston area agencies and projects such as Memorial Assistance Ministries and Westside Homeless Prevention. They also cover expenses for staff directly working in this area and MDUMC programs such as CrossWalk Houston, Soupmobile, mission trips, the Wesley Community Center, etc.

$1,247,587 | 20% Congregational Care

Through this area, funding is made possible for the caring ministries of MDUMC, Assigned staff, counseling, Caring Ministries, Special Needs, Stephen Ministry, and other programs are all found here.

$305,659 | 4.9% Connectional Ministries

These monies connect MDUMC to other United Methodist Churches by underwriting an apportioned share of the administrative staff and salary costs for the district, conference, and national Church.

$192,752 | 3.09%

Spiritual Formation

This figure represents the expenses of our educational programming for adults, singles, young adults, college students, youth, confirmation students, and children. Curriculum, supplies, VBS, confirmation, leadership training, Bible studies, retreats, transportation, library development and associated staff costs for these many different programs are funded here.

$1,240,102 | 19.88% Worship

This area of ministry funds the expenditures of our music ministry, adult and childrens choirs, and the costs directly related to and for all worship services, including those staff members working directly within these programs.

$931,324 | 14.93% Administration

All the general expenses of the Board of Stewards, Finance Committee, Board of Trustees, the Kitchen Ministry, office administration, financial audits, banking fees, postage, and the purchase and upkeep of office and computer equipment are encompassed here, plus related salary expenses for the administrative staff.

$530,225 | 8.5% Property and Grounds Maintenance

The funds to provide for utilities, equipment, and furnishings for the campus, custodial supplies, yard care, major maintenance items, property and vehicle insurance coverage, vehicle upkeep. Salaries and related expenses to maintain the Main and West Campus are included here.

$1,247,587 | 20%





(713) 468 - 8356



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