Stage 2: Preferred Options Paper Actions: Governance Paragraph 2.20 (page 9) (a) The SCI states: A series of Councillor Workshops will be held to seek the views of all Elected Members on the issues and alternative options to be addressed by the POP. A series of Councillor Workshops where held between October 2015 and March 2017 in order to seek members’ views on the issues and alternative options to be addressed by the POP (see Table 2 below). Prior to the workshops members were furnished with a copy of an agenda and a briefing paper on the proposed content of the workshop. Further to each workshop a summary report of the issues and the discussions that took place was sent to each of the members to ensure that their views were accurately recorded and to seek the views of those who were unable to attend. The report set out the main issues and options, a summary of the discussion at the workshop and highlighted the options which gained the most consensus at the workshops. Table 2: Record of Councillor Workshops – Preferred Options Paper Date Workshop Theme 8 October 2015
Housing and Settlement Employment and Economic Development Retailing and Town Centres
18 February 2016
Settlement Evaluation Settlement Hierarchy
29 November 2016
Spatial Strategy Strategic Housing Allocation Existing Zonings Housing Need Open Space
8 December 2016
Economic Development Infrastructure
23 January 2017
Minerals Resources Subsidence and Land Instability Natural Heritage Built Heritage
9 February 2017
Planning Policy Review: PPS2, PPS3, PPS4, PPS6, PPS7, PPS8, PPS10, PPS11, PPS12, PPS13, PPS15, PPS16, PPS18, PPS21, PPS23, PSRNI
9 March 2017
Protection of Proposed Road Schemes Developer Contributions Management of Open Space Review of PPS21 Rural Housing Policies LDP Vision, Strategic Objectives and Overarching Principles
(b) The SCI states: A Public Consultation Report on the POP will be presented to Elected members following the end of the consultation period. The report will contain a summary of representations and Planning officers comment. A written record will be taken of where elected members take differing views to that recommended in the report, along with the rationale for that view. This will be taken into account in formulating the Draft Plan Strategy. Following the consultation period for the POP a Public Consultation Report was prepared which set out a summary of the consultation process. The report also provided a breakdown of the public and statutory consultee responses to