Mid and East Antrim Labour Market Partnership
2022/23 Action Plan
Findings from the Statistical Audit Overview of the Mid and East Antrim labour market Despite being a highly rural and second least populated Local Government District in Northern Ireland (139,443 residents), MEA is the fifth most economically active council area in Northern Ireland with over 74% of the working population actively contributing to a successful local economy1. The region is home to over five thousand registered businesses, with 98.7% of these being local, indigenous SMEs. The MEA economy is estimated to be worth over £2bn (GVA) with manufacturing, agriculture, retail, and social care being four of its key employment sectors. Figure 5 below illustrates the profile of MEA’s working age population. Source: NISRA, Food for Thought bespoke data request, 2020
Figure 5: MEA’s Working Age Population Profile
Employability challenges Unemployment in the region is relatively low at 2.3%, although Covid-19 has had an impact and has caused an increase in job benefit claimants in the last two years. Over one quarter (25.6%) of the adult working age population are economically inactive, with almost a third of that figure relating to the students living in the region (6,000 people). Health and disability is the most significant cause of economic inactivity in the region – excluding students, this group represents 47% of the economically inactive (estimated 7,000 people). Family caring commitments and early retirees make up a further 40% of the economically inactive (excluding students).
1 Compared
to a Northern Ireland average of 73%