Meat Packing Journal, Nov-Dec 2017, iss 6 vol 4

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the international magazine for the meat and poultry industry

November~December 2017 Volume 4, issue 6 ISSN 2054-4685

p a c k i n g

30 | pork, ham, bacon and sales – it's all good

60 | bringing robotics to the last mile Delivery

J o u r n a l 42 | why we'll see you at atlanta's ippe Show

The russian way Vertical integration to the extreme

le ad e r

Changing of the guard


’ve been in Greece the last couple of weeks at our house in the tiny mountain village of Vorio. This is the time of year to get the house ready for winter and recharge my batteries. Forget ocean views. In the mountains you

have the daily drama of sun, color, light, and clouds kissing the peaks of the Taygetos mountain range. Goat bells and roosters

are heard in the morning, nightingales and owls in the evening, and village cats in between. After 14-years of coming here, I still haven’t become bored enough to need TV, but I do admit to spending quite a bit of time in my

beef cattle, his mother Jenny worked the meat counter at

head where the ‘channels’ are always on.

the butcher shop, and Nikos worked the counter, along

One thing I’ve been thinking about here is the change

with running the seasonal country-style restaurant that

of seasons. Those in the cities see food on the shelves

was attached to the butcher shop – a vertically run family

and have little to no idea the part nature played in

enterprise done in a small scale.

putting it there, let alone the farmer and processor. In

In the spring of 2016 Kostas had a massive coronary

the countryside – no matter where in the world – you

and died on the mountain; a once-in-a-hundred-years

see evidence on a daily basis of the movements of the

storm hit Kalamata at the end of summer and severely

Earth. Outside my front door, shepherds are starting to

damaged parts of the restaurant and shop; and surprising

bring their flocks of goats and sheep down from the high

no one, the Greek economy got even worse.

mountains to warmer pastures by the sea. Olives are

What to do? Nobody would have faulted Nikos in the

starting to turn purple and locals are wondering if there

least if he had moved on; But, during all this calamity he

will be enough labor passing through to pick them.

noticed once the restaurant reopened, they were busier

It’s not hard seeing how we’re part of the seasons, too.

than ever before. So, keep things the same?

No one young believes this, but ask any of us in our

No. Rip the restaurant and shop apart, and create the

60s or older and we’ll tell you the same story. One day

most modern butcher shop and restaurant in town. But I

it’s early spring you’re looking ahead of what you plan

know, let’s make it even more risky. Ninety-five percent of

on doing with your life; the next it’s late autumn and

Greeks would not know a good cut of beef if it hit them in

you’re wondering where the time went. I asked my mom

the face. Beef is lean, tough, with zero aging, and cooked

recently is there were any big regrets she had. She said

until it’s charcoal. Why buy expensive, they buy cheap.

no, except for being 90, she won’t life long enough to see how it all turns out in regards to her grandchildren. In a way, I feel the same way. I look at my generation

In perhaps the greatest dice roll ever in Kalamata, Nikos is installing a large aging chamber, which looks like where you’d hang art work. The beef that’s going in

the Boomers, I look at the world, and all I see is what

there is imported Black Angus. Not only will this beef be

a mess we made of it. I look at the Millennials and see

the most expensive in the entire region, but forget the

something completely different. They’ve seen the banking

whole idea of the customer being right. Nikos is telling

crisis, the never-ending war, the climate change – all

customers how to enjoy beef – rare.

caused by the Boomers – and they’ve been left holding

Does Nikos know the risks he’s taking? Oh yes. When

the bag. This has made them more courageous, tougher,

I saw him last it looked like sleep was only a word in a

and more willing to take risks – calculated risks – than

dictionary to him. The customers he needs to attract are

other generations. I hope I live long enough to see what

people like him, Millennials who want to experience life.

all they’ll accomplish in the next 30-40 years.

But at the same time, the last thing he wants to do is to

At this year’s IPPE talk to the young people at the

drive away the rock-steady customers who buy meat and

stands. Forget people like me; talk to people like Patrick

poultry from the butcher shop. How to keep both happy?

Grabovac of Bettcher’s for a positive, refreshing view. A bit further away is Nikos Maniazeas. The then 28-year-old Kalamata butcher was the cover of MPJ July-

Will he succeed? I don’t know. Will any Millennial? Again, I don’t know. But I do know this, the time has come for my generation to get out of the way.

August 2015. At the time, his father Kostas worked up in the mountains near Vorio taking care of organically raised

Velo Mitrovich, Editor

November~December 2017


co ntac t s

contacts Velo Mitrovich Editor +44 (0)1442 780 591 Jim Robertson Head of sales +44 (0)1442 780 593 Josh Henderson Sales executive +44 (0)1442 780 594 Jon Young Publisher Reby Media 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 1PA, UK

SUBscriptions Meat Packing Journal is a bimonthly magazine mailed every January, March, May, July, September and November. Subscriptions can be purchased for six or 12 issues. Prices for single issue subscriptions or back issues can be obtained by emailing:

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without the express prior written consent of the publisher. Meat Packing Journal ISSN 2054-4677 is published bimonthly by Reby Media, 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1PA. Subscription records are maintained at Reby Media, 42 Crouchfield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1PA. Meat Packing Journal and its Editorial Board accept no responsibility for the accuracy of statements or opinion given within the Journal that is not the expressly designated opinion of the Journal or its Editorial Board. Those opinions expressed in areas other than editorial comment may not be taken as being the opinion of the Journal or its staff, and the aforementioned accept no responsibility or liability for actions that arise therefrom.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

NEW! SVF1800

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co nte nt s

contents 30


60 18


COVER: Russia's goal to be No.1 18 - This is the second part of an amazing and eye-opening trip MPJ took to Russia. In this part, MPJ visits three of Russia's major players and see how they take vertical integration to the extreme

2017 is our year of the pig 30 - Production is up, consumers are eating all things pork, can life get any better?

Vacuum pumps 57 - Power vs energy consumption

'Last mile' robotics California and HSUS 34 - When California voters meet the Humane Society US it spells trouble for pig farmers

60 - Where robotics is really going to make a difference – it might surprise you

end should dictate your start repeating the sale 38 - Using a story to keep pork customers

64 - Marketing expert Elliot Begoun explains why you should figure out your end before launching your food brand start.

battlelines drawn in usa 40 - The biggest controvery this year: will it be turkey or ham on the Thanksgiving Day table

ippe preview

back page 70 - Susanna Forrest, author of The Age of Horses and horse lover, talks to MPJ about why we aren't eating more horse

42 -Atlanta's show only gets bigger and better

Refrigeration efficiency 52 - Six ways you can optimize efficiency and lower your energy costs


November~December 2017

Also in the issue: 9 - News 16 - Safety news 64 - Marketing news 66 - Distribution news 68 - Product news 74 - Events

Meat Packing Journal

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n e ws

Controversial competitive injury rule withdrawn N

ew rules passed during the waning days of

small farmers to improve their negotiation position with

President Obama’s administration, which would

larger poultry processors.

industry in particular, have just been withdrawn by the US

Council (NCC) said the agency’s interim final rule and

Department of Agriculture.

proposed rules were ill-advised, would inflict billions

have effected considerably the US poultry and pork

The Grain, Inspection, Packers and Stockyard

However, groups such as the US National Chicken

of dollars of economic harm to American agriculture,

Administration’s (GIPSA) interim final rule on competitive

exceed GIPSA’s statutory authority, and represent an

injury, and its proposed rule on unfair practices and

arbitrary and capricious abuse of federal regulatory

undue preferences has officially been laid to rest. After

authority to their industry.

a 180-day extension of the comment period, the interim final rule was scheduled to go into effect on 19 October. To say that the ruling was controversial would be putting it mildly. Farmers, ranchers, antitrust experts, and others saw the new rules as a way of offering protection to farmers who sell on their meat/poultry to major packers. Packers

According to the NCC, today’s livestock and poultry contracting and marketing practices are already and remain regulated by GIPSA, which administers and enforces the Packers and Stockyards Act to protect farmers, ranchers and consumers. In other words, the law is already in place. “I want to thank Secretary Perdue for USDA’s thorough

saw it as just more needless regulations getting in the

and meaningful review of these controversial rules that

way of producing meat, with rules already in place to

would have opened the floodgates to frivolous and

protect farmers.

costly litigation,” said NCC President Mike Brown. “It is

A complicated ranking system (also called the

clear the administration took into account the thousands

tournament system) is used by live poultry dealers to

of comments it received and recognized these rules

determine payments to farmers for each flock. Growers

would have come with deep economic consequences for

whose flocks are slaughtered in the same week are paid

American poultry and livestock producers.

according to a system that compares feed efficiency and live weight. Higher rank growers receive more money. Some growers, however, claim that this system is

“We are also pleased that USDA decided not to issue a final rule on the performance based poultry grower ranking system, a system where more efficient farmers

anything but a level playing field. Under contract, the

are paid premiums based on their performance.” Brown

growers are provided feed, chicks, and medication. The

added. “Rather, the department will continue to study

question is: are all growers provided with the same quality

this and we look forward to continuing to work with USDA

of the three? With 97 percent of US chicken grown under

to help explain the merits of a system that has benefited

production contracts this could matter greatly.

farmers, chicken processors and consumers for seven

According to Civil Eats, when President Obama was campaigning in rural America, he put the consolidation

decades.” At the end of the day, there never seemed to be any

of the meat industry at the top of his list of concerns. He

question that President Trump’s administration would

promised sweeping reforms that would have broken up

cancel the ruling which made the entire exercise a

the meat industry monopoly and made it possible for

massive waste of money and time.

Mexico wants beef grades

allow consumers to choose quality beef and clarify


characteristics. The four new classifications of beef will be:

FTER years without, Mexico intends on establishing

Premium (Prime); Suprema (Choice); Selecta (Select); and

a beef grading system based on inspection, physical

Estandar (Standard). Products that do not meet the above

maturity, marbling, and other factors that will allow for

classification will be considered "unclassified". There will

the differentiation of beef products, according to the

also be seven types of classification for marbeling ranging

Mexican Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural

from slightly abundant to practically devoid.

Development, Fishery and Food (SAGARPA). This will

Currently these is not a beef grading system in Mexico.

November~December 2017


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W orld

Deadly pot of jambalaya H

Salmonella poisoning.

small town in northeast Louisiana. The cause is believed

cause of death has yet to be determined – 200 people

to have been the Cajun dish of jambalaya which was

have been hospitalized, according to the town’s mayor.

served to the crowds during a girls’ softball fundraising

With at least 300 people having eaten the jambalaya in

event in Columbia, Louisiana.

the town of 400, officials are expecting more cases to

undreds of people have become ill and one person has died after a massive Salmonella outbreak hit a

What is making it difficult for health officials to pinpoint the exact cause of the Salmonella is due to the

Besides the death of a 56-year-old man – whose exact

appear requiring doctors’ attention. According to David Holcombe, public health

ingredients of the dish which can contain poultry, beef,

medical director for the area, food related incidents are

pork sausage, seafood, rice, and vegetables.

not uncommon. “It’s especially common in big social

In addition, a second pathogen is believed to have contributed to the mass food poisoning. Clostridium

organizations where they prepare lots of food for lots of people,” he says.

perfringens, a bacterium commonly found in raw meat

An estimated 380 people in the United States die

and poultry, has also been found in stool samples. The

from Salmonella poisoning each year, while 19,000 are

pathogen produces a toxin that causes gastrointestinal

hospitalized. For more health and safety issues, see this

illness and presents many of the same symptoms as

issue’s Safety News.

US won’t block Iran deals

to around $16 billion. Tillerson said most US business activity remains


or European processing equipment manufacturers

prohibited by sanctions that weren’t waived as part of the

who are looking at investing in Iran but worried about

deal. For more on Iran’s potential, see MPJ Nov-Dec 2016.

what the USA might do to trade, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the Trump administration is not seeking to disrupt European business deals with Iran. This comes after US President Donald Trump said he won’t certify the nuclear deal that much Iran trade is hinging on. “The president’s been pretty clear that it’s not his intent

$150m poultry feed mills are opened in Nigeria


lobal agri-business Olam International has opened US$150 million animal-feed mills, day-old-chick

(DOC) facilities, and poultry farms in Nigeria to boost its

to interfere with business deals that the Europeans may

agribusiness venture in Africa's biggest food market by

have under way with Iran,” Tillerson said in an interview in

population and which is seen as a huge potential market.

his State Department office with the New York Times. “He’s

With a combined capacity of 720,000 metric tons (MT)

[Trump] said it clearly: ‘That’s fine. You guys do what you

of poultry feed annually, Olam’s facilities directly address

want to do'.”

a significant supply gap for poultry meat in Nigeria, giving

The EU said in a statement that it would keep

farmers and distributors access to high-quality feed and

European sanctions suspended as long as Iran sticks by

DOC at competitive prices. In addition, Olam’s team of

its commitments under the deal.

field veterinarians will train up to 10,000 farmers a year in

Although Iran is desperate to modernize its poultry processing industry, money transfer remains a major

best poultry farming practices. Given around 75 percent of poultry farming is

sticking point, MPJ has learned from several companies

managed by smallholders, Olam’s poultry initiatives have

that have had Iran deals. While in theory millions have

the potential to indirectly create 150,000 to 200,000 rural

been unfrozen by the deal, Iran’s money is still being held

jobs for Nigerians as the entire sector is stimulated.

up by banks. Payment can take up to a year.

Olam estimates that poultry meat consumption among

That said, European trade ties with Iran have surged

Nigerians could increase up to 10-fold by 2040, provided

since the nuclear deal was implemented in January 2016

domestic supply can meet increased demand and based

and a range of energy, auto and other major European

on prices becoming more affordable for Nigerians. This

firms have started to invest in Iran or are exploring

would require the poultry feed and DOC supply in Nigeria

investments. EU trade with Iran almost doubled last year

to grow at over 10 percent CAGR per year.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


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Poultry strips for fajitas

Ham flakes for toppings

n e ws

W orld

Venezuela meat in downward spiral


onsumers are finding it difficult to afford – and find

are motivating consumers to buy either low quality beef

– beef and poultry in Venezuela as its economy is

cuts/or ground meat, but other families cannot afford

headed towards three consecutive years of contraction; triple digit inflation is expected to top 720 percent this

beef products as a regular staple of their weekly diet. The Venezuelan government imposed fixed prices on

year. Diminishing purchasing power is challenging

most beef products in 2008 and they continue as official

almost all consumers as prices for most basic foodstuffs

policy. Hyperinflation and lax government enforcement

increases almost daily.

have made these prices irrelevant.

Poultry processing is struggling from the lack of

Venezuela was self-sufficient in beef production until

imported feed and production is plummeting. According

2003 when government policies subsidizing foreign

to the USDA, beef is now price competitive with poultry

exchange enabled excessive imports. This had the effect

and sources indicate that in poorer neighborhoods, the

of decreasing domestic beef production.

price for beef is either the same or lower than poultry. The result is, the per capita consumption of poultry

Today with imported beef too expensive for most, the trend among Venezuelan livestock producers is to

and beef are comparable at 13 kg and 11 kg respectively

invest in operations. More innovative ranches have higher

(in the USA it’s a combined 120 kg a year). These figures

returns than financially comparable business sectors.

are notably down from just a few years ago when both

Also, while prices for beef and beef products were up 970

were over 20 kg per capital. Purchasing power challenges

percent due to inflation, costs have only increased 350%.

Welsh lamb exports soar – but warning on EU trade

However, Kevin Roberts warned that the figures reinforced the imperative need to maintain free and unfettered access to EU markets for Welsh Lamb.


he latest import and export statistics from the UK’s HM Revenue and Customs for the first half of 2017

contain excellent news for the sheep sector. According to HMRC, imports of lamb into the UK market – primarily from New Zealand – fell by 15 percent when compared to the same period last year. At the

“The HMRC statistics show that, aside from some growth in emerging markets such as Hong Kong, the vast majority of the increased exports in 2017 have come in EU countries such as France and Belgium, where the Welsh Lamb brand is well-known and respected,” he said. “HCC stands ready to work with the industry to exploit

same time the value of lamb exports from the UK, to

new opportunities in the USA and elsewhere if and

which Wales is a major contributor with around a third of

when long-running diplomatic negotiations to open

the UK sheep flock and the strong presence of the PGI

those markets come to fruition, but at present well over

Welsh Lamb brand in international markets, soared by 25

90 percent of our exports are to the EU,” he warned.

percent to £177.3 million ($234 million).

“These export figures represent a success story, but

According to Welsh red meat body Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC), the excellent trade performance is due to a combination of weaker Sterling and strong demand in key export markets for premium products such as Welsh Lamb. “These figures are undoubtedly good news for the Welsh lamb industry,” said HCC Chairman Kevin Roberts. “The decline in imports from New Zealand is welcome,

Welsh farmers need fair access to EU markets in order to maintain this momentum after Brexit in March 2019.”

Charity out to stop line speed


xfam America, a poverty action charity, is stepping up its fight against plans which will increase the

speed of production lines in US chicken processing

showing that UK retailers are responding to their

plants. This will be a continuation of a campaign it started

consumers’ demand for quality, home-produced meat.”

in 2016 to aid chicken processing plant workers.

Roberts added; “These export figures are also a major

"Lives on the Line" reported that poultry workers are

boost. It’s encouraging to see substantial 29 percent

routinely denied basic needs such as bathroom breaks to

growth in sales to Germany, for instance, where HCC

the point where some wear adult diapers.

has mounted successful promotional campaigns for PGI

Oxfam is now questioning why lines will be sped up

Welsh Lamb over recent years in the country’s huge

even faster when workers are already being injured at a

foodservice and catering sector.”

rate double that of other line workers.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal




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Two Sisters poultry scandal R

anjit Boparan, CEO and founder of UK’s Two Sisters

footage showed chicken being picked off the floor and

Food Group, has been called before a parliamentary

thrown back on to the production line, and older poultry

inquiry, after an undercover investigation of the Group’s West Bromwich plant revealed food safety, hygiene, and welfare breaches at its chicken processing plants. The Guardian and ITV released undercover footage on 28 September that showed 2 Sisters workers altering the

being mixed with fresher birds. All five major UK grocers supplied with chicken from the plant have announced their own investigations, as did the Food Standards Agency. Boparan, who left school at 16 with few qualifications

source and slaughter date of poultry being processed in

and spent his early working life at a local butcher shop,

one of the firm’s sites. UK health and safety experts said

founded 2 Sisters Food Group in 1993 with a bank loan.

altering “kill dates” could artificially stretch the commercial

The Group is the UK’s second largest food business by

life of the meat and fool customers into buying chicken

turnover, employs over 23,000 people, and processes

past its use-by-date.

around 6 million chicken every week. Boparan and his

In the UK, it is illegal to place incorrect use-by dates on

wife, Balijinder Kaur Boparan, are worth an estimated £544

food, which are set for safety reasons and differ from “best

million ($712m), with the sprawling food empire that owns

before” dates.

other meat and bakery companies, as well as restaurant

According to the Guardian, other sections of the

Salmonella sweeps shawarma

chains, worth £3 billion (nearly $4 billion).

(also spelled ‘doner’) and similar meat products including shawarma, donair and gyro, the federal government


anadian health researchers believe that improperly cooked chicken shawarma may have been

formed a national donair safety committee. In the UK, there have been cases where customers

responsible for a Salmonella outbreak in 2016 in Quebec.

did not get the type of meat they were expecting, with

There were close to 20 cases of Salmonella, leading to six

pork and horse mixed into the block. With its high fat and


sodium content, often in the UK shawarma is eaten only

At Middle East fast food shops, lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, or mixed meats are turned into blocks of meat, put onto a vertical spit, and grilled throughout the day. When customers want a sandwich – usually in pita bread or a flour wrap – cooked meat is shaved off the block for the serving and then sauce and salad added. In Quebec, blocks of chicken coming from one main

in the early hours of the morning by people leaving pubs.

New lab opens in Omaha


ood Safety Net Services (FSNS), a leader in the microbial, chemical testing and auditing of food

and nutraceutical products for the food safety industry,

supplier could have been contaminated by Salmonella.

announced the opening of its newest laboratory in

Although it properly cooked this would have destroyed

Omaha, Nebraska. FSNS’s Omaha location will offer

the Salmonella, would is believed to have happened is

microbial testing, chemical testing, and education and

that the shops involved became busy, cooking times

training services.

were not adhered to, and meat that was shaved off became in contact with still raw chicken underneath. Of the people infected, 16 had eaten – or probably

The new lab is an ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory that will offer microbial and chemical testing, education and training. FSNS is extending services to

eaten – chicken shawarma at the same restaurant chain

cover the mid-west customer base, including beef and

and nine ate it at the same restaurant.

pork processors, ready to eat manufacturers, dairy, ice

During inspections by Montreal’s public health

cream, and oil processing. FSNS’ expertise is evaluating

officials, shortcomings were observed including storage

beef slaughter, but the US lab will test all food and

temperatures of the raw meat blocks, cleaning and


sanitation, and risks of cross contamination. This is far from the first time that Canadians have

Food Safety Net Services (FSNS), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is a national network of ISO 17025

suffered from shawarma. Between 2005 and 2006

accredited testing laboratories open 24/7, 365 days a

there were three food-borne illness outbreaks linked to

year, says the company.

shawarma meals. In response to the risks related to donair


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

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n e ws


Vacuums for plant cleaning A

compressed air, even inadequately filtered vacuums,”

insects, according to Nilfisk, manufacturer of Nilfisk and

vacuums are integral to the production and packaging

CFM-brand vacuums.

processes of major food-industry customers like Kraft,

proper plant vacuum system can help protect your food products from harmful bacteria, allergens, and

says the company. “Today, our Nilfisk and CFM-brand

Nilfisk says that it has dedicated the past century to innovating advanced cleaning solutions that meet

Hershey, and Nestle.” Rugged, heat-resistant accessories – high-

specific food safety and quality demands – limiting cross

temperature wands, nozzles, and Nomex filters –

contamination in production lines; increasing compliance

withstand extreme oven temperatures, allowing you to

with the Food & Drug Administration's GMPs and the

clean ovens without waiting for them to cool, says the

HACCPs; and, preventing allergen-related product recalls.

company. Contaminant-free exhaust from HEPA and

“Our vacuums stop the spread of dangerous

ULPA filters ensure a decontaminated exhaust stream to

pathogens otherwise distributed via brooms, mops, rags,

prevent allergens/bacteria from re-circulating.

Miss milk

kg. Eastern Meat Solutions mislabeled prime rib boneless trim, Angus boneless beef trim, and sirloin boneless beef


emakes Enterprises of Massachusetts, USA, is

trim. Canadian authorities ordered all detained meat

recalling 32,228 pounds of fully cooked chicken

disposed by rendering.

sausage product due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, announced the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The product contains milk, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product label.

Worse ribs


Chicago BBQ restaurant has been closed amidst a Salmonella outbreak that has sickened at least

14 people, six of whom have required hospitalization. The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has

No ole


ans Continental Smallgoods of Australia is recalling its Hans Spanish Chorizo due to microbial (E coli)

contamination. The product has been available at stores in Queensland and New South Wales.

Bread & Butter & E coli


ermont Livestock Slaughter and Processing of the USA is recalling 133 pounds of ground beef due

linked the outbreak to Best BBQ Ribs. Best BBQ closed

to E coli contamination. Two patients were identified in

voluntarily at CDPH’s request and is fully cooperating with

Vermont with illness. Traceback information indicated that

authorities, according to the outbreak announcement

both patients consumed ground beef products at Bread

from the department.

& Butter Farm which was supplied by Vermont Livestock

Little devils


sda stores in the UK have recalled its Little Angels Organic Beef & Sweet Potato Stew because a small

piece of plastic was found in one product which could


Low marks


andmark Hahnchen [chicken] Nuggets are being recalled by German manufacturer Vossko GmbH

present a safety risk. The Food Standards Agency has not

& Co due to undeclared mustard, celery, and whey

announced the amount of product which will be recalled.

powder. The press release did not list quantities recalled.

Not prime

Just recall



Canadian company has been fined C$200,000 after pleading guilty to mislabeling a substantial quantity

of meat products 4,557 cases, weighing a total of 125,697


November~December 2017

ldi in the UK is recalling Just Tasty Chicken and Bacon Layered Salad due to undeclared milk. No

quantities were given.

Meat Packing Journal


n e ws

Two million accident-free hours


ase Farms, a fully-integrated poultry farming and processing group based in North Carolina, has

achieved a safety milestone after working two million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost time accident at its Goldsboro processing facility. This facility achieved the one million hours mark earlier this year, and previously attained the two million hours level in 2013. A celebration is planned for the 1100+ employees to commemorate the new milestone. “Safety is an integral part of our commitment to our people at Goldsboro,” said Tim Singleton, Case Farms

By implementing these elements, including hazard

vice president and general manager of the Goldsboro

prevention programs, daily work-site analysis, safety

Division. “Reaching this level of workplace safety takes

awareness training and strong management-employee

the daily commitment of every employee in our facility, a

relationships, Case Farms’ facilities are able to continue

commitment I know they take seriously. We’re very proud

keeping worker safety top-of-mind. “Safety has always

of our employees for setting such a high safety standard.”

been at the forefront of responsibility for each employee

In its quest to keep worker safety as the highest

in the Goldsboro facility,” said Rick Barton, Case Farms

priority, Case Farm has incorporated several initiatives

Director of Safety. “We challenge everyone to set their

and corporate changes that encourage employee

goals high, with the ultimate goal of zero injuries. As

participation and input. Their company-wide worker safety

we get better at what we do, it will be because the

program is comprised of core elements that are essential

individuals at this company have agreed to become part

to achieving and maintaining a strong safety and health

of something important. They’ve devoted themselves to


creating a habit of safety excellence.”

How much does your software know about meat? Ours knows a good deal. Industry-specific processes, integration of machines and systems, monitoring and reporting, traceability, recipe optimization, quality management and much more. The CSB-System is the business software for the meat industry. The end-to-end solution encompasses ERP, FACTORY ERP® and MES. And best-practice standards come as part of the package. Would you like to know exactly why industry leaders count on CSB?

November~December 2017



co u ntry

fo cu s

Russia taking vertical integration to new heights In the last issue of MPJ we discussed the massive opportunities happening right now in Russia’s meat/poultry industry – along with the challenges that are nearly equal in size, which need to be overcome if Russia’s goal to be a world meat leader is to be reached. In this issue, we’ll be looking at three Russian companies that are leading by example. Editor Velo Mitrovich reports from Moscow

leading Russian meat/dairy companies produce their own feed, with some branching out into bakery production. Others export excess grain to Egypt. The founder of Cherkizovo Group and now company development strategist, Igor Babaev, says: “Russia has vast resources, but unfortunately, we're still far from what is being done in Europe, the USA, Canada or Australia. Over the last decade, we've only laid the foundation for meat production. “We have to move from grain production to meat production. China is an example for us. The Chinese grow hundreds of millions of tonnes of grain, but they don't export it, they use it for their own livestock. They produce

by velo mitrovich


55 million tonnes of pork per year and can export the meat – this is an example to follow.” Last year Russian topped the US in wheat exports

n a country that has 11 time zones and whose land

for the first time in decades and is expected to extend

mass equals Pluto’s, nothing is done in small scale.

those gains to displace the EU from the top spot this

Adjectives such as large, gigantic, and humungous

year, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

have lost all meaning as new pork, poultry, and

This followed Russia’s 2016 bumper crops of corn, rice,

beef plants sprout over Russia’s near-empty ‘green-

soybeans, and buckwheat. Investors from local farmers

field’ landscape. Fueled by investors and low-interest

to billionaire tycoons are pumping money into the

loans from Russia’s banks and prodded by the Kremlin,

agriculture business.

the country has already met its immediate goal of being

According to some, Russia has almost 100 million

self-sufficient in most proteins, allowing it to become

acres of idle land suitable for growing, an area about the

independent from importers and sanctions. It is now

size of Iraq. President Vladimir Putin has urged the state to

pressing ahead like an unstoppable wave to become a

consider giving some of it away to create more farmers,

major world player.

the opposite of Stalin’s disastrous collectivization policy.

The major Russian players see grain farming as

Even if sanctions weren’t in place, oil’s sudden crash

the heart of agribusiness and the basis of the meat

and the sliding value of the ruble are a clear wake-up call

foundation. Last year Russia harvested 119 million metric

that Russia can no longer afford to dither when it comes

tons (MT) of grain, but some see the real potential as

to developing its other innate superpower – land, says

being anywhere from 200 to 250 million MT. All the

Marat Ibragimov, an analyst at BCS Global Markets in

November~December 2017


co u ntry

fo cu s


Moscow, in an interview with Bloomberg. "It’s becoming harder and harder to explain to the

and the third largest pork producer. In total the company has around 22,800 employees

electorate why people have to buy imported cucumbers

and has invested $1.5 billion into Russia’s agriculture

and tomatoes, given how much land Russia has,” says

sector and food industry over the last five years. It


produced in 2016 a massive 903,000 tons of meat

However, as MPJ pointed out in Russia Part I, turning the world’s largest country into a food colossus is a goal with a long history but with little success. Russian tsars

product, with 80 percent of the Russian population having access to these products. “When my father founded the company, he started

and Soviet leaders tried to impose sweeping changes

with a single facility, which has become Russia’s largest

on the industry, but these to often met tragic results.

producer of meat products and animal feed. Our group

Stalin’s Five-Year-Plan to revolutionize Russia’s agriculture

is among the three leaders in the poultry, pork and

industry resulted in widespread famine which killed

processed meat segments, and we are the country’s

millions. After the fall of the Soviet Union, agriculture was

largest producer of animal feed,” says Sergei Mikhailov.

privatized with many large collective farms splintering

Cherkizovsky MPP was established during the Soviet

into small plots whose owners struggled to keep pace

era. “I joined it to help my father improve the quality

with technology and with the concept of making a profit.

of its products and make the operation more stable

Production dropped considerably from 1996 until 2006.

and profitable,” he says. “I brought in my expertise in

Today, despite agriculture experience a growth rate of

international business to complement my father’s

10 percent – beginning to match Brazil’s – many farms are

thorough understanding of the operation, not to mention

inefficient, says Kirill Dmitriev, who runs the state-backed

his domestic business acumen.”

Russian Direct Investment Fund, also known by its initials

Thanks to this family connection and his education

RDIF. Roads and other infrastructure are poor, high-tech

in Russia, Switzerland, and the USA – plus business

equipment scarce, and there’s little production of key

experience in the States and elsewhere – Mikhailov says

products like beef and cheese.

he received a thorough understanding of all aspects

According to Bloomberg, Putin isn’t relying on rich

of business. “I was able to go through all stages of

Russians alone to drive the agriculture expansion. Russia

operational management in order to streamline and

is also courting companies in Asia and the Middle East

improve all the production processes and integrate into it

– the only real option since other large economies have

advanced technologies that helped to improve the quality

imposed sanctions. The RDIF is creating a $2 billion fund

of our products.”

with China to invest in agricultural projects, and recently

According to Mikhailov, one of the key competitive

formed a joint venture with Thailand’s CP Group to build

advantages of Cherkizovo is its vertically integrated

Russia’s largest integrated dairy complex. It’s also working

structure, which incorporates grain cultivation and

with Egyptian banks to create an export hub for Russian

storage, feed production, breeding, rearing and slaughter

grain on the Suez Canal.

of animals, as well as meat-processing, and distribution.

“If someone were to ask me what the most proper

He says that it is this business model that helps to deliver

and profitable business to invest in [Russia] now is, I’d say

long-term sustainable growth in terms of sales volume

agriculture,” says Alexander Lebedev, a former KGB officer

and profit.

turned businessman who co-owns Russia’s largest potato grower/processor.

In 2015, Cherkizovo’s consolidated revenue was RUB77 billion (US$ 1.15 billion), a 12% increase from the previous year. The company’s shares are traded on the Moscow

Soon to be a serious player

Stock Exchange (MoEx) and the global depository receipts on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Andrey Cholokyan, head of meat processing, tells


he young CEO of Russia’s largest vertically

MPJ that Cherkizovo Group has eight full-cycle poultry

integrated meat and feed producer has vowed to

production complexes, 15 modern pork production

make Russia and the Cherkizovo Group a global

complexes, five meat-processing plants – with another

meat player, “like the USA”. Sergei Mikhailov, 38, has been running Cherkizovo since 2006 when he took over from his father, Igor

in construction – and nine feed mills with more than 346,000 acres of agricultural land. “The government made it clear its number one priority

Babaev, who created the company. Assisted by his

is to advance agriculture,” he says. “At Cherkizovo we work

brother, Evgeny (board chairman) and his sister Ludmila

24/7, which is considered two shifts. Like in China, it’s hard

(chief financial officer), the three siblings have led

to imagine a five-day working week.

Cherkizovo in becoming Russia’s number one feed producer, the second largest Russian poultry producer,


November~December 2017

“It took us five-years to modernize our operation. It wasn’t easy, it’s hard to find people who can manage the

Meat Packing Journal

Pork being processed at AgroProm's ultra-modern plant near the region of Kursk

November~December 2017


Russia has gone from a meat importer to an exporter in a very short period of time. Poor infrastructure continues to be a problem

co u ntry

fo cu s


systems we have in place,” he says. This is one reasons, he says, why they’ve installed CSB ERP software at almost all their plants to manage production. “From the Moscow office, we can see each plant, their operation, and what’s being lost in each stage,” he says. “This has improved our efficiency by easily 20 to 25 percent. “Before, we knew we had loss but where? Now if we

than others.” “Right now, we’re not dealing with any US companies, but why not,” says Cholokyan. “Our CEO, CFO, Board Chairman, and others have been educated in the USA, so we are open to the idea.” And what would the Group be looking for from the States? “For example, hot dogs are very popular in Russia and nobody makes hot dogs the way US companies can.

have loss we can see why, such as temperatures being

Sausage making technology such as this would do very

wrong at one plant,” says Cholokyan.

well in Russia,” he says.

According to Cholokyan, the Group buys equipment and brings in expertise from German, Italian, and

Cutting edge IT for cutting edge plant

Spanish companies. In the Tambov region, together with the Spanish company Grupo Fuertes, a plant for the processing of turkeys with an annual capacity of up to 50,000MT was put in operation at the beginning of June. The company is currently working on a fully automatic meat processing plant in the Moscow region, which is to be the largest of its kind in Europe after completion, with a daily production of 80MT. Experts have also come from the United States, Brazil, and Poland, with some sitting on the Group’s board. “For what we want to do and accomplish, there is no one [company] in Russia that we can use as an example.” While Cherkizovo’s production keeps rising every year,


ompanies always say they have an eye on the future. But truth be told, companies say a lot of things, most of which you need to take with more

than a pinch of salt. Not AgroPromkomplektacia. When you step into AgroProm’s new Kurskij meat processing plant – located in the Kursk region – it feels more like you’re in California’s Silicon Valley. Sergej Novikov, general director of AgroProm, says that the corporate giant has made it their aim to deploy innovations and state-of-the-art production systems. “We

things are far from being perfect. “For example, turkeys

have recognized that mere survival is not an option in

are processed at all our plants – this isn’t good,” he says.

agriculture, you have to compete with so-called ‘global

“It would make much more sense to have each plant

players’ at the same level,” he says.

specialize in one type of protein.” Cholokyan admits that politics and sanctions are a problem and need to be solved at the state level. “A course we would like to sell in China – if every Chinese person bought just one chicken leg from

“And the secret to success is fairly simple: on one hand state-of-art technologies and on the other hand, successoriented staff that know how to use these technologies in order to achieve maximum profitability.” AgroProm was founded in 1988 – then known as

us – but it’s proving to be difficult despite government

Mercury. Today the Group prides itself “from the field to

negotiations,” he says. “We tried making a finished meat

the sales counter”. It has a complete chain going from the

product to sell in China, this was a complete failure.

grain fields to its own supermarkets – although it sells to

Now we’re looking at just selling them raw material and

others. In its 163,090 acres of farmland, the Group grows

nothing value-added.”

wheat, triticale, barely, corn, rapeseed, lupine, and peas,

He says that the equipment manufacturers they deal with are ones who have taken the time to develop a

along with hay, producing 384,000 tons of feed a year. Animal husbandry is divided between dairy and pigs.

relationship with Cherkizovo. “For example, with CSB they

Last year it produced 52.3 million liters of milk and with

have a large office in Russia, they are here for the long

17 modern automated pig farms, raised 1.650 million

haul. If we have a problem, they solve it quickly.”

pigs. With its processing plants, it has a total production

These thoughts are echoed by Randi B. Levinas,

quantity of 265,000 tons of meat per year (Russia’s 6th

executive vice president and chief operating officer of the

largest), which it turns into 500 different products. Sales

US-Russia Business Council (USRBC). “[Russia] has proven

take place in its chain of 103 supermarkets, along with six

a profitable market for many companies over time, and

“premium-class” retail shops.

that has been based on strategies that approach Russia

Work began on the Kurskij plant in 2014 and was

as a long-term play, where a company works hard at

finished last year. Built at a cost of 5 billion rubles

building relationships of trust in the market; where senior

($87 million) and employing 1,200, the plant currently

levels of the firm give Russia their attention and time, and

slaughters around 300 hogs an hour but has the capacity

where the firm has an appetite to manage uncertainty.

to expand to 600.

Some firms are more comfortable and prepared to do this


November~December 2017

The company takes training extremely seriously and

Meat Packing Journal

Russian success story It would be hard talking about the recent rapid growth of Russia’s top agriculture companies without mentioning CSB. It’s not the purpose of this short piece to explain CSB equipment management software, but to explain more how it reached such a prominent, trusted position. The German IT/software company has been in Russia for 20-years, according to Hermann Schalk, a member of the CSB Board. Schalk tells MPJ that for the first eight-years, Russia was a black hole for the company. In the EU, many of CSB customers are small, indeed Europe has few major agriculture groups like in the USA and now Russia, and initially CSB thought they would have the same type of customer base in Russia. However, these companies tended to have financial problems so 12-years ago CSB decided it would only get involved with Russian companies with outside money or a very clear path to investment.

“Around 90 percent of our customers in Italy are small, but in Russia, these small companies are not going to make it,” says Schalk. “We found many with a very odd attitude towards a signed contract.” Schalk says, however, that CSB had faith in the Russian market; they could see its massive potential and were willing to put in the groundwork to make it a success. “Because of East Germany, we knew the language, but we realized this isn’t enough, you have to understand the culture as well to succeed in Russia. “We set up an office in Moscow, we took the time to understand the Russian market, and we were able to offer solutions to what the owners needed – not what we thought they needed. The Russian companies that we deal with, they see CSB as a partnership – a long term partnership. “The secret to success in Russia is this: time and investment. Unless you’re willing to do both, you’ll never succeed here,” says Schalk.

November~December 2017


has an auditorium at the plant which can seat 300. In addition to its self-sufficient power supply and modern

cardboard boxes. “The systems that we use at our new meat facility

sewage treatment plants, the plant is characterized by the

are absolutely innovative, and the entire process is

control of all production processes and production plants

automated to a high degree,” Novikov tells MPJ. “Without

with an IT solution from CSB. This monitors and controls

the use of industry-specific information technologies,

all production processes and systems from the second

effective control of a production of this size would not be

the hogs enter the plant to when products leave. In


addition, the degree of automation and robot technology

When asked about how open he was to using new

in intralogistics is very high, which gives it the ability to

equipment suppliers, Novikov says he isn’t. “I’ve been

produce large quantities of meat at low cost.

doing this for the last 18-years, I already have a good idea

Pigs are quickly stunned five at a time in a Butina CO2 stunner; at no time can the live pigs see the slaughtering

who-is-who. I’m very familiar with the founders of the equipment companies we use and know their families.”

line. After being hoisted up, the hogs have their hair

Top secret beef

singed off, they’re gutted, split with a MPS hog slicer (now Marel) and categorized one, two, or three. During this portion of the processing a government inspector is there to exam the slaughtered pig and its guts. The meat is chilled for 24 hours and then is further processed. Grades and cuts of meat are identified by means of image analysis. This is similar to what CSB installed at Penzenskiy MK in the Volga region, which is part of the Cherkizovo Group. Pork is either cut/sliced and packed via a Ulma TSA


orget submarines, missile silos, and UFOs, Russia’s most closely guarded secret is Zarechnoe Group’s Black Angus beef. Good luck finding it, however, if

you’re not willing to make a trip to Russia. Specialized beef cattle businesses were introduced to Russia about 12 years ago, but despite a growing number of beef farming projects, over 90% of Russian beef still

680 FlowVac for the fresh meat market, or is ground

originates on dairy farms. There is little to applaud with

with a K+G Wetter grinder. Ground pork is packed with a

this meat.

Multivac system. Further processing for hams, sausage,

However, Zarechnoe Group is raising Black Angus

and salamis uses Vemag for sausage production; a

cattle, with a finished product that could take on anyone’s.

RUHLE tumber/mixer for ham; a Travaglini smoker for

While MPJ was visiting its main plant, thin beef steaks

sausages; a Velati automatic salami production line, and

and ground (mince) beef went from the assembly line to

a Poly-clip system to tie-off sausages. All meat goes

an outdoor grill with aging measured in minutes at best.

through Tavil packing unit to ready it for shipment in

Despite this, MPJ would rate Zarechnoe’s grass-fed beef


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

While much of Russia's food supply has serious fraud and health issues, the meat industry has so far escaped these problems

November~December 2017


as the second best it has ever had, with a flavor that came

bulls from top Black Angus breeders. For the majority

through with each bite. It is absolutely fantastic beef.

of the cattle lives, they are kept outdoors and grass-fed.

The privately organized Zarechnoe Group is a pioneer

Only in the most extreme of winter weather conditions are

in the Russian cattle business. Founded in 2008, the

the cattle brought into shelters. MPJ suspects that part of

company introduced pure-bred Black Angus cattle for

the flavoring/marbling of the meat comes from this time

the first time and has built up a vertically integrated

in cold weather. Around 75 percent of cattle come from

production with these animals, which allows complete

Zarechnoe Group’s own livestock, with the rest coming

traceability from genetics to meat processing.

from 3rd party providers.

A total of 12 billion rubles (around $210 million) were

To put on a finish weight, cattle are moved to a 250-

invested in the development of the entire beef and

acre feedlot in the Voronezh region that has a one-time

cattle processing chain, from feed production to meat

capacity of 24,000 heads, which allows the company to

processing. It has eight breeding facilities with 60,000

feed about 60,000 head a year. In what MPJ observed,

Black Angus cattle, with a breeding herd of 20,000.

the cattle have considerable room in the feedlot pens and

Its expensive beef line – Primebeef – is found

there was none of the smell that is usually associated with

in a select few Russian supermarkets, as well as internationally renowned restaurants and steakhouses in

feedlots in the USA. Zarechone’s state-of-art production plant is located

Moscow and St Petersburg. At one Moscow supermarket

about a 30-minute drive from the feedlot, with the

MPJ observed a small Primebeef roast selling for 3318

plant’s animal holding pens designed in accordance

rubles per kilo (over $58). A Primebeef ribeye steak was

with Dr Temple Grandin’s philosophy. The plant has 250

2790 rubles a kilo ($49).

employees and is capable of processing between 30 to

“At our farmsteads of about 124,000 acres total area,

50 cattle an hour, producing up to 150 tons of meat per

we cultivate corn, beans, winter wheat, barley, alfalfa,

working shift (one 8-hour shift a day). Slaughtering can be

grass, and oats,” Denis Pintus, deputy director general,

performed in either the “classical way” or in accordance

tells MPJ. “The care we take in properly feeding our

with Muslim halal requirements. Beef is transformed into

cattle and the quality of what they eat has always been

400 different products and is shipped to 70 customers.

of paramount importance to us. Our feed recipes are

The majority of the plant’s equipment comes from

scientifically formulated, from data collected from

MPS, which is run through CSB software. Workers are

around the globe, and our mixed feed is produced

blessed to be in a plant that stress ergonomics. Working

using ingredients sourced from our own land to ensure

platforms can go up or down, allowing cattle to be

a reliable supply of only the very best quality raw feed

butchered in relative comfort.

materials.” The Group founded Angus Genetics of Russia in 2008 when it imported the first group of 250 heifers and 10


November~December 2017

Despite the price, the Group cannot keep up with demand for its beef. “We’re not interested in export,” says Pintus. “We can’t even supply all our Russian customers.”

Meat Packing Journal

How much does your software know about meat? Ours knows a good deal. Industry-specific processes, integration of machines and systems, monitoring and reporting, traceability, recipe optimization, quality management and much more. The CSB-System is the business software for the meat industry. The end-to-end solution encompasses ERP, FACTORY ERP® and MES. And best-practice standards come as part of the package. Would you like to know exactly why industry leaders count on CSB?

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World record in pork In January’s issue of MPJ we said that 2017 was going to be the year of the pig – it definitely has. Throughout much of the world hog production is up, consumers are eating all things pork, and shoppers are being given a real choice between inexpensive cuts and artesian raised. MPJ reports

production – accounting for nearly half of the world’s production this year – the word “China” is on the lips of every pork exporter in the world.

US needs to export


merica’s pork industry is projected to continue in expansion mode through 2025, with exports increasingly being the most important component


of demand, according to Rabobank. To remain in this

SDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service’s

profitable expansion mode, the US will need to increase

twice-yearly publication Livestock and

pork exports by 400,000 MT.

Poultry: World Markets and Trade is not

During the last decade, there was an inflexion point

known for being an exciting read – that

in the US hog and pork sector, moving from sluggish

is unless you’re in the pork industry. FAS

production and tight margins to a production recovery

is predicting that this year world pork production will hit

phase incentivized by positive margins. Many factors were

a record 110.196 million metric tons (MT). That is nearly a

involved in this dynamic transition: the rise and then fall

full percentage point more than last year and is a shade

of feed costs; the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv)

higher than the record set in 2014.

outbreak, recovery, and aftermath; the improvement of

Over the last five years, world pork production has increased by 3.854 million MT. US pork production has

consumption; and the rise in export demand. “Now, the US pork industry is set to grow steadily

grown the most, up 1.290 million MT. The EU increased

through 2025,” according to Sterling Liddell, Senior

pork production by 924,000 MT and Russia’s production

Analyst – Global Data Analytics. “Increased production

was up 825,000 MT compared to five years ago. If you

efficiency, through carcass weights and pigs per

read last month’s Russia Part 1 feature in MPJ, you know

female, are key drivers of the expansion.” An increase

that Russia’s pork production will be surpassing the EU’s

in processing capacity removes a bottleneck that

before long. Even Vietnam’s production increased by

periodically limits the flow of pork to consumers.

443,000 MT.

Domestic consumption per capita is expected to grow

China, the world’s largest pork consuming nation, has

slightly, but only within historical bounds. US demand for

seen its production decline by over 675,000 MT during

specific primal pork cuts is projected to create periods of

the past five years, while its rising middle class is driving

high volatility in the short term.

up demand. With the Panda is still an absolute giant in


November~December 2017

“Our baseline outlook identifies three key areas that

Meat Packing Journal

need to be considered in strategic plans over the next 10

experience, the Argentine pork market has room for

years: the need for intensive risk management systems

further import growth, as imports were as high as 47,000

that include volatility, the impact of new domestic

MT in 2011.

competition on the packing industry, and changes in US consumption patterns,” says Rabobank. Exports are increasingly the most important

Brazil faces great challenges due to political turmoil, and exports in recent months have declined significantly. However, even with these challenges, Brazil’s pork market

component of demand for US pork. To remain in a

is still expected to deliver a positive result, due to lower

profitable expansion mode through 2025, the US will need

supply, favorable feed prices, and a favorable exchange

to increase pork exports by 400,000 MT. “By 2025, we


anticipate exports to increase by around 100,000 MT to

Other US exports

China, over 200,000 MT to Mexico, and the challenge will be to find an additional 100,000 MT of export in the global market,” says Rabobank. However, what might darken Rabobank’s crystal ball in relation to Mexico is if US President Donald Trump renegotiates the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). If Trump goes ahead with this and puts limits on Mexican products entering the USA, Mexico will most probably put limits on US pork imports. The White House recently announced that the United


n South Korea, pork exports continued to capitalize on strong red meat consumption growth, especially for convenience products and home meal replacement

items, as exports to Korea climbed 30 percent in volume (103,142 MT) and 36 percent in value ($282.6 million). Led by strong growth in Colombia and Chile, pork exports to South America more than doubled year-over

States and Argentina have reached an agreement that

year in both volume (56,345, up 104 percent) and value

will allow US pork to be exported to Argentina for the

($143.6 million, up 109 percent).

first time since 1992. Though no exact timeline has

Thanks to Honduras, exports to Central America are on

been established, the market is expected to open once

a record pace, reaching 38,720 MT, up six percent from a

Argentine officials have completed an audit of the US

year ago, valued at $92.4 million (up eight percent). This

meat inspection system. The USDA Food Safety and

year is also shaping up as a record year for pork exports

Inspection Service must also outline export requirements

to the Dominican Republic, where exports totaled 21,278

for US pork destined for Argentina.

MT (up 42 percent) valued at $47.8 million (up 49 percent).

Brazil is currently Argentina’s primary supplier of

Strong growth in the Philippines fueled a 24 percent

imported pork, and will likely export about 32,000 MT of

increase (to 26,710 MT) in pork exports to the ASEAN

pork to Argentina this year, valued at about $95 million,

region, valued at $68.8 million (up 34 percent). Exports

according to FAS. Argentina is more than 90 percent

also increased to Singapore and were steady to Vietnam.

self-sufficient in pork production but, based on past

In the China/Hong Kong region, July exports dropped

November~December 2017


EU scrambles

significantly from a year ago to 32,167 MT (down 33 percent) valued at $68.8 million (down 27 percent). July 2017 variety meat exports were the smallest in 18 months at 22,960 MT (down 10 percent). As China’s domestic pork production continues to rebound in 2017, January-July exports to the region were eight percent below last year’s


uring 2016 and the first half of 2017, the EU swine sector benefited from low feed prices and high hog prices. Supported by these positive market

pace in volume (306,404 MT) but slipped just one percent

conditions the sector geared up for a record production of

in value ($627.1 million).

piglets and hogs; in particular, Central Europe is expected

Canada roars

to increase their piglet supply based on their import of breeding animals. However, during the second quarter of this year Chinese demand for pork fell drastically. As a consequence, the elevated slaughter and pork


n June of this year it was announced that Canada has

production during the second half of this year will face

overtaken the US as the top North American supplier

a plunge in pork exports. Domestic demand for pork

of pork to China. According to Canadian government

continues to be lackluster. As a result, the EU is anxiously

data, this has happened only a couple of times in the last 20 years. China’s rising middle class is driving the demand for

seeking alternative markets. A trade deal with Japan should open another market for EU pork, but SPS issues still have to be decided upon,

pork imports, including those parts, such as feet and

and the ratification procedure for such an agreement

offal, which have little value in other countries. Canada

generally takes two years. One of the most likely markets

has been able to take advantage of this due to its pig

to take up the additional supply is the Ukraine.

farmers almost completely eliminating the growth drug

The deteriorating market conditions for the swine

ractopamine from their hogs’ diet. One of the main drivers

sector are expected to reduce the sow herd, piglet supply

behind this move was to increase sales to China.

and slaughter in 2018.

How much of a difference did this make? In 2013, US

Foodservice and ready-to-eat meal demand is

pork sales to China were 333,000 MT, more than doubled

likewise projected to drive pork consumption steadily

Canada’s shipments of 161,000 MT. Canada is on pace to

upward in 2017. Flat domestic production will lead to

hit by the end of the year 372,000 MT to China.

increased imports, although competition in the chilled

The EU, which has long banned ractopamine, is

market is expected to intensify. The EU continues to

China’s lead pork importer, supplying nearly 400,000 MT

remain a leading player in the frozen pork market despite

in the first quarter of 2017 alone.

a slowdown in first half imports.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

SLAUGHTER ROBOTIZATION M-LINE sets a new standard in slaughter line automation • Complete system portfolio for automated slaughtering • Suitable for capacities up to 1,400 pigs per hour • High cutting and deboning yield • Low spares and energy consumption For more information, please visit:

P o r k





California to set USA pig agenda The rest of the US might call it the ‘Land of Fruits & Nuts’, but when it comes to buying power, California is no joke. Editor Velo Mitrovich reports

– let alone actually seen a farm except when flying at 36,000 feet – are going to tell Midwest farmers how to raise their animals. HSUS only needs to collect 365,800 signatures by the end of this year to put it on the November 2018

by velo mitrovich

ballot (California has over 18 million registered voters) so this is pretty much a done deal. The only question that remains is this: under a new California law, once an


initiative collects 25 percent of the needed signatures,

Golden State ballot initiative that will stop

the Legislature is given a chance to adopt a law that

the sale in California of pork which came

accomplishes what initiative backers want, eliminating the

from a gestation crate and raised anywhere

need to put the measure on the ballot. Humane Society

from Alaska to the Florida Keys has been

US officials hope the Legislature will approve the new

filed by the Humane Society of the United

standards without the measure having to go on the ballot.

States (HSUS) and a coalition of animal production, veterinary, and food safety groups. The law will also apply to veal raised in cages and chickens as well – requiring that egg-layers, too, must be kept cage-free. As MPJ has pointed out repeatedly, California is the

However, money talks in the state capital of Sacramento; it’s doubtful lobbyist groups will allow this to happen and MPJ sees it going to the vote. “Californians know that locking farm animals in tight cages for the duration of their lives is cruel and compromises food safety,” says vegan Wayne Pacelle,

tail that wags the dog. For better or worse, what California

president and CEO of HSUS. “All animals deserve humane

does today, the rest of the nation does tomorrow and the

treatment, especially those raised for food. Despite some

rest of the world the week after. In this case California

progress on animal welfare in California, we have more to

voters, most who have never met a farmer in their lifetime

do and there is a clear need to upgrade the law to protect


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


farm animals and consumers,” he says. According to HSUS, much of the pork sold statewide still comes from factory farms that confine sows in “cruel




p o r k

willing to bite the bullet and pay for the rule changes on your farm. According to information supplied several years ago

gestation crates where the animals are unable even to

by AgStar, the nation’s leading lender of farm equipment

turn around”. Veal from crated calves is still sold in the

and operating loans to hog producers, converting an

state, too. The new initiative will prohibit sales of products

existing barn from individual maternity pens to group

derived from such “intensive confinement”.

housing does not increase the value of the building,

This will not be the first time California’s voters have

but instead will increase farmer’s debt load and will

had a voice in how their food is produced. Prop 2, which

hold about a third fewer sows. AgStar says that the cost

passed in a 2 to 1 vote in 2008, established that hens,

per stall will be somewhere between $200 to $300 to

pigs, and calves statewide must be able to stand up, lie

redo. A 2,500 sow unit then could cost up to $750,000,

down, turn around freely, and fully extend their limbs. The

something that California voters aren’t paying for.

law went into effect in 2015. But this wasn’t enough. Two years later, in 2010, the California legislature

Needless to say, pork producers are up in arms over the prospect. On one hand, it would be easy to tell these

enacted AB 1437 to apply Prop 2’s standards to eggs sold

farmers they need to take a California chill-pill and relax.

statewide, regardless of where the laying hens produced

In the UK and Sweden, gestation stalls have been banned

the eggs. While the two laws faced legal challenges

for sometime and yet their pork production remains high

from farm trade groups and politicians in Midwest states,

and pork meat has remained relatively inexpensive.

California won in a series of state and federal challenges,

Crates are already banned in nine US states such as

with the US Supreme Court declining to hear the latest

New Jersey – not exactly known as a hog-producing

appeal earlier this year.

powerhouse – and in the EU since 2013. In the States,

In other words, if you want to sell in California, you

49 major restaurant chains and supermarkets such as

need to play by its rules. So, if you’re a US hog farmer and

McDonald’s, Subway, General Mills, and Costco say that

use gestation crates – like 85 percent do – you have to be

they will quit buying a pork grown in a gestation crate no

November~December 2017


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later than the end of 2022. On the other hand, farmers say that animal care is


Factory Farming Campaign. This campaign was ambitious, instructed by Pacelle to err on the side of making

first and foremost in the decision to use maternity pens.

mistakes based on action taken, rather than opportunities

Pregnant sows get mean and will fight each other.

missed by being too passive. With revenues of $129

Keeping pigs in group pens, as recommended by HSUS,

million and net assets of $215 million, Pacelle can pretty

means extra labor will be required to keep peace in the

much do what ever he wants.

barn Very young piglets can be crushed at sows and

Needless to say, the Californian measure is opposed

gestation crates offer them protection. In addition, despite

by the National Pork Producers Council, according to

Babe, Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web, and Arnold the Pig

spokesman Jim Monroe.

from 'Green Acres', swine can be somewhat cannibalistic.

“NPPC opposes all forms of regulation without

Educating consumers that animals do not think and feel

representation and this fits the bill,” Monroe said in a

the exact same way as human beings is an uphill battle in

statement. “Livestock production practices should be

a country where less than two percent of the population

left to those who are most informed about animal care

still has a connection to the farm.

— farmers — and not animal rights activists. Additionally,

But there does seem to be a much bigger agenda

changes in housing systems, which come with significant

here than pigs in crates. In 2004, Wayne Pacelle became

costs that increase food prices, should be driven by

CEO of HSUS and officially, the treatment of farm

consumer purchasing decisions, not the agenda of any

animals became a priority. “We will build a National

activist group.”

Rifle Association of the animal rights movement,” said

Once again, food producers are left chasing after

Pacelle. Part of this is the HSUS’s ‘Three Rs’ reducing the

trends, wallowing in the dust instead of taking the lead.

consumption of meat and other animal-based foods;

Considering the cash that the big processing players

refining the diet by avoiding products from the worst

make – all coming from the sweat of the farmer – you’d

production systems (eg, switching to cage-free eggs); and

think that they start putting some of their profits into

replacing meat and other animal-based foods in the diet

protecting their source of raw material. HSUS’s agenda

with plant-based foods. In other words, turning the nation

has never been hidden. If you want them to go all the way,

and world vegan.

then big Ag should continue doing nothing, but gnashing

Within months of Pacelle’s appointment, he created a


November~December 2017

its teeth at California.

Meat Packing Journal

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Best pork book ever Ever fall in love with a book about pork? You will with this one


ou will need a thesaurus to find all the positive adjectives to describe the North American Meat Institute’s The Pork Book: fundamentals of the pork trade from farm to table.

Published by Urner Barry, in conjunction with NAMI,

The Pork Book is the second in a series of industry guides. The first, The Beef Book, was published in 2014 and became an instant classic. Although NAMI describes Pork as an ideal reference for anyone looking to learn more about pork – including consumers, students, and new entrants to the business – even season industry veterans will find something new to learn in it. The 10-chapter book is full of easy-to-read charts and graphics taking you along the entire pork journey from history, breeds, and hog production, all the way through to pork production and the environment. Charts inside breakdown every step of butchering, for example, showing every cut that comes off a bone-in pork loin. What MPJ especially likes about Pork is its design which shows that considerable thought went into it. Spiral bound so each page can lay out flat for display, the book’s pages have a coating to keep them water resistant in a work setting. Urner Barry is a business publisher that specializes in timely, accurate, and unbiased reporting of market news in the food industry, including poultry, meat, eggs, and seafood. MPJ doubts if any other publisher could have created the same quality production and brought together the same team of industry experts who helped write Pork. MPJ gives The Pork Book two-thumbs up. It would make a great present during this holiday season. The Pork Book Urner Barry 2017

November~December 2017


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Creating the return pork customer with a story to sell It’s not enough that shoppers are buying pork. What you need are customers buying your pork over and over again. Surprisingly, this ‘best’ customer might be overseas. MPJ reports

should all keep in mind for local is that it was grown on Planet Earth.” However, in Japan and in the UK at high-end markets, on packs of fresh pork and pork products such as sausages and hams, the farm is listed – with a photo of the farm or farmers – and often the breed of pig. Japan’s restaurants take this same approach as well.


If you’re a US producer, you’re probably thinking at this

epeat customers are shoppers often times

point: “Small countries; smaller populations, a course they

with an emotional investment in your farm,

can do this, but not here.”

plant, or product. To create this investment,

So, don’t do it for the home market; do it for the export.

however, can be a real challenge,

Flavorful pork

especially when it comes to pork.

In the USA, almost all pork consumers have no idea

where their meat comes from, with one of the few exceptions being shoppers at Whole Food Markets. On the pack of most pork is the grocery store’s name that is selling it (Safeway) or the company that packs it (Tyson Chairman’s Reserve Premium Pork). In the UK, some of the major supermarket chains have created fictional farms, with the name of these farms proudly displaced on the package. Some stores try to get around this idea of anonymous


n 2011, with the feeding program in place, Sumitomo Corporation of America (SCOA) worked to create a new category of branded US pork; Silky Pork is now a

brand exclusive to Sumitomo and is sold in Japan and in US Japanese-specialty stores. This special breed of pork is being produced to fill a need in Japan where consumers have a much different palate than the typical American and want a different style

pork by claiming their pork is “local”. But, as self-

pork. With the help of experienced hog farmers Bob and

proclaimed supermarket guru Phil Lempert points out,

Ted Ivey of Maxwell Foods in Goldsboro, North Carolina,

this label is hard to define. During this year’s National Pork

SCOA patented an exclusive breed of hog that embodies

Industry Forum in March – and reported in National Hog

the desired flavor characteristics wanted by Japanese

Farmer – Lempert spoke of this problem.

consumers willing to pay for taste..

“Clarify local,” he says. “First it was Bob’s farm down

The Iveys combined the genetic lines of four different

the road; then it was in a different community; then it was

hog breeds to create this unique pork which has good

a state; then it was a region. The official definition that we

flavor essence – sashi (marbling) – throughout the meat,


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

giving it a tender, soft texture. Hogs are sent to Smithfield Farms in North Carolina and Rantoul Foods in Illinois for

for Japan. The company admits the spices do not change the

cutting and distribution. Silky Pork is not frozen during the

taste of the meat, but it gives the company a marketing

mad rush to Japan which can make it a bit of a distribution

edge, says Richard Davies, senior vice-president of sales

nightmare – especially during shipping strikes..

and marketing.

Knowing it would be competing against roughly

Japan produces just over half of the pork it consumes,

400 such brands in Japan in a market niche between

limited by farmers’ advancing age and the more than

more expensive Japanese-grown pork and other less

double production cost compared with North America,

expensive US imports, SCOA chose the name “Silky Pork”

says Takashi Koiso, managing director of the Japan Pork

for labeling and marketing.

Producers Association.

Kenjiro Fuji is general manager of the meat materials

US and Canadian pork exporters are able to take

department at SC Foods, a subsidiary of Sumitomo. He

advantage of shorter shipping times than EU farmers,

says being able to trace the meat through the packing

which tend to sell cheaper cuts of frozen pork.

plant and back to the barns and the people who work in them gives the company a story to tell – and sell. “It’s a big advantage for us,” Fuji says. “We have to sell

However, no matter how tempting the market, Japan can be difficult. Lumber mills in the Pacific Northwest for years have

at a higher price, so we created a reason to sell at a higher

complained about trying to sell to the Japanese market.

price. We can trace which farmer made this pork.”

While Japan is quick to buy raw timber, it’s not so quick

Today, from supermarket to supermarket, most fresh pork in the US is labeled the same: born, raised and harvested in the U.S. Where? By whom? "I do think people will want to know the story, want to know how it was produced, where it was produced," says Ted Ivey. "They're going to want something that tastes

to buy finished lumber which would command a higher price from the mills. Although the mills could have changed equipment or resized existing to fit Japanese building standards, in the end they decided it was too expensive. Much like how J H Routh Packing Company of Ohio

good. There's going to be a segment of society that wants

found, if they wanted to sell pork to Japan, they would

more than just commodity pork."

have to change their operation.

Canadian meatpacker Olymel is also going after the

“We found our niche and that’s in the USA,” says sales

Japanese market. While its pigs for the North American

manager Tony Stearns in an interview with Reuters. “Trying

market eat a pedestrian diet of wheat and barley, other

to go and develop another market, (for which) we would

Olymel pigs dine on feed spiced with mint and ginger on

have to buy equipment that costs millions - there’s no real

a Saskatchewan farm dedicated to fattening hogs bound

value in doing that.”

November~December 2017



P o r k

Millennials choosing ham over turkey More and more Americans are seeing ham as a ‘go-to’ meal for year around consumption. But can it unseat turkey at the Thanksgiving table? MPJ reports from the frontlines

piece of turkey. In addition, many in this age-bracket – with less ties to tradition – see ham as an all-year round meal. One of the reasons this year in the USA is the cost. More hogs than ever are heading to US slaughterhouses, producing so much extra pork that futures prices have fallen nearly 40 percent since mid-July, according to the


or those of you who do not live in the States

Wall Street Journal. New meatpacking plants in the Midwest have put the

this might be hard for you to believe, but

industry on track to kill a record number of hogs this year.

there is an argument sweeping America,

To supply them, farmers have expanded their herds to the

pitting brother against brother, daughter

largest ever for this time of year – 73.5 million hogs and

against mother. It’s not the recent presidential

pigs, says the US Department of Agriculture

election, no, it’s whether ham can be served instead of turkey at Thanksgiving. The two camps have been facing off against each

Americans aren’t eating enough pork chops and ham to keep up. Slaughterhouse owners and hog farmers are banking on selling the surplus in countries like Mexico

other for years. Ham fans say that unless a turkey is

and South Korea, where demand for U.S. pork is climbing.

injected with butter, fat, or a legion of chemicals, and

For now, though, the glut is weighing on lean-hog futures,

then basted to death – so much for watching the football

wholesale pork prices and the price of some consumer

game – nine times out of 10 turkey breast is as dry as

staples. Wholesale prices for pork bellies, used to

bone. Turkey believers say it’s just not right – turkey is for

make bacon, fell more than 50% from an all-time high in

Thanksgiving and ham is for Christmas and Easter.

July that came as consumers ate through tight stocks of

It might soon, however, become a moot point. Millennials, famed for lacking cooking abilities, have

the meat cut, says WSJ. Pork chops were 7% cheaper at retail in August than a

embraced ham, with nearly half serving ham for

year earlier, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Thanksgiving. Unlike a turkey, a conscious cooking effort

Ham prices were lower in September than in 2014-16.

must be made to dry out a ham – there are no nervous

According to a survey conducted by the US National

looks when the first bit is taken like with turkey. Carving

Pork Board last year, it found that those aged 18-34

worries? With most hams being boneless, this is never an

purchased ham at least twice a month, with those 55+

issue. And if jabbing a piece of already cooked meat with

buying it the least, at 23 percent. Oddly enough, in looking

some cloves, pouring on a can of coke, and putting it in

at ham sale opportunities, those who are buying ham

the oven to warm is too much of an effort, the US chain

the most, those aged 21-29, see it as a seasonal meal for

cooked and sliced Honeybaked Hams are there to make

older people.

your life even easier. What many like, too, is grabbing a slice of leftover ham in the refrigerator, as opposed to slicing off a dry-out


November~December 2017

Christmas in the States remains the main day for ham with 71 percent saying that they served it, followed by 69 percent for Easter, and 55 percent for everyday meal.

Meat Packing Journal


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BRAND POSITION Pork, and especially ham, is on trend in the marketplace and remains the No. 2 most consumed protein in the U.S. Its popularity goes well beyond the holidays. Ham is tasty, versatile and competitively priced.



Supermarkets remain the #1 destination for all consumers interested in purchasing ham.

Consumers use a variety of methods to prepare ham.

Purchasing from supercenters, club stores, and natural food stores remain higher among ages 18-34.

Baked in Oven 39% Roasted 28% Outside Grill 26% Crock Pot 23% Barbeque 18% Deep/Shallow Fried In a Smoker 14% Microwave 10% Steamed 7%

BUYING BEHAVIOR Holidays are the most common serving occasions, but 55% of consumers serve ham as an EVERYDAY MEAL.


(Source: Nielsen Fresh Facts)

Ham 1.14 lb 0.96 lb 1.63 lb


Pork Roast




Beef Roast

2.88 lb




5.91 lb

Turkey Roast

$3.53 $3.05

Average Holiday Index in pounds (left) and dollars (right). ■



Purchase frequency can be increased with consumer education around ham being fully cooked.

Ham is the highest indexing holiday meat.

4.36 lb

There is an energy and passion for ham. Consumers are open to purchasing ham off-season. There is a positive attitude around ham. Ham has a strong connection with the holidays.

The average purchase frequency for ham is ≤1x month. These consumers purchase ham at least 2x/month: 1. Younger people (18-34 years old) 2. Larger households (3+) 3. Consumers living in the Northeast and West

Ham is great at the holidays, but is truly a product for all seasons. Consumers will see more choices in ham selection, with smaller sizes and portions available to meet the needs of smaller households and millennial shoppers. Ham is an "everyday" meal, and so quick to prepare because it is already cooked. Just warm it up! Retailers are promoting hams beyond the holidays to introduce ham to a new generation of consumers.


of millennials served ham for Thanksgiving in 2015 (Source: Yahoo Food Survey)

©2016 National Pork Board. Des Moines, IA USA. This message funded by America's Pork Producers and the Pork Checkoff.

November~December 2017


S h ow

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back to atlanta for the big show Get your most comfortable shoes ready – you’ll be needing them at the 2018 IPPE show in Atlanta, Georgia. This is the world’s largest annual poultry/meat show and if you’re serious about succeeding in this industry, we will see you there.

event is sponsored by the US Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the North American Meat Institute (NAMI). “Ninety-nine percent of the show floor has been booked, and we anticipate exceeding 30,000 attendees again for the 2018 event. The 2018 IPPE will provide a great location for attendees to learn about new products and services, network and discuss mutual challenges facing the animal protein and feed industries,” say show

by velo mitrovich

organizers. The Expo will highlight the latest technology,


equipment and services used in the production

here are bigger shows out there –

and processing of feed, meat and poultry products.

Germany’s IFFA comes immediately to mind

Combining the expertise from AFIA, NAMI and

– but nobody is this large year after year. And

USPOULTRY, IPPE will also feature dynamic education

it’s just not size that makes the International

programs focused on current industry issues.

Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) so

As with anything, however, all is not perfect. Rumor has

important to the industry. If you want to learn how to make

it that the show floor’s layout will be similar to last year’s

or save money, this is where you need to be.

which proved confusing. Why show organizers think

The 2018 show has already surpassed 514,000 square

that it’s a grand idea to mix all categories into one mass

feet of exhibit space and has secured more than 1,110

mixture, eg, putting an exhibitor showing processing

exhibitors – and as this is being written there are still

floor coverings next to egg incubators instead of creating

several months to go which means it will most probably

product zones, is beyond MPJ’s ability to reason.

be even larger. Made up of the three integrated tradeshows –

Be sure to save the date for the 2019 IPPE now. With the Super Bowl coming to Atlanta in 2019, the IPPE show

International Poultry Expo, International Feed Expo

dates have been moved to 12 – 14 February 2019. Mark

and International Meat Expo – the IPPE is the world’s

your calendar to note this change in the IPPE trade show

largest annual feed, meat and poultry trade show. The

schedule is for 2019 only.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


Attendees Activities Meat Industry Hall of Fame Mon 29 January 1830 Omni Hotel Join meat industry professionals at the 2017 Meat Industry Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Dinner scheduled to take place at the Omni Hotel. The reception will take place at 1830 on Monday, 29 Jan, and the dinner and inception ceremony will begin at 1900. For information, contact Chuck Jolley at Chuck@ MeatIndustryHallof or by calling +1 913 205-3791. Beef and pork cutting and cooking demo Tue 30 January 1100 – 1230 Event Zone: Booth B8973 IPPE will offer cutting and cooking demonstrations featuring nationally and locally recognized chefs preparing beef products. The demonstrations will be held in Booth B8973, and attendees are encouraged to stop by to experience the activities. Tech-talks Tue 30 January 1100 – 1630 Booth B8715, C1007 IPPE is offering short educational presentations by exhibitors regarding operations and technical issues critical to all aspects of the feed, meat and poultry industries.

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Tech-talks Wed 31 January 1100 – 1630 Booth B8715, C1007 IPPE is offering short educational presentations by exhibitors regarding operations and technical issues critical to all aspects of the feed, meat and poultry industries. Chicken and turkey cutting and cooking demo Wed 31 January 1100 – 1230 Event Zone: Booth B8973 IPPE will offer cutting and cooking demonstrations featuring nationally and locally recognized chefs preparing chicken and turkey products. The demonstrations will be held in Booth B8973, and attendees are encouraged to stop by to experience the activities. BBQ Contest Wed 31 January 1430 – 1600 Event Zone: Booth B8973 Que the Meat... slow cooked, smoked BBQ. We can already taste it, and so can you! IPPE is bringing together a group of chefs from local Atlanta BBQ restaurants to present their best BBQ recipes featuring beef, pork and poultry. Try as many samples as possible, and cast your vote for the "Best BBQ." Ballots will be available at the Que stations, and the winner will be announced at 1600

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Educational Programs Environmental Conference for the Meat & Poultry Industry Mon 29 January 0800 – 1700 Session: B407; Lunch B406 Registration Fee: $349 Environmental issues are top of mind for meat and poultry processors, with increased information and innovation paving the way for improvements. Addressing regulatory requirements and consumer interest continues to impact decision making as well. This conference will cover critical topics including EPA enforcement, water use and conservation, waste management, biogas, air permitting and more. Come learn how industry leaders are dealing with key environmental issues through the sharing of best practices, and gain practical information to help your business from expert speakers. Worker Safety Conference for the Meat & Poultry Industry Mon 29 January 29 0800 – 1700 Session B405; Lunch B406 Registration Fee: $349 With nearly half a million people working in the meat and poultry industry, worker safety is imperative to the success of every businesses. This conference will address the top safety challenges experienced on a daily basis and will provide advice and guidance from industry leaders on how to maintain and develop the necessary programs required for continuous improvement in worker safety. In addition, the conference will address regulatory and legal issues that safety professionals need to know and understand. Preventing and Responding to Foreign Material Contamination Incidents Mon 29 January 1300 – 1700 B403 Registration Fee: $150 Foreign material contamination incidents – both real and alleged – can cost the meat and poultry industry millions of dollars each year. These incidents can affect plant operations, quality assurance, food safety,


November~December 2017

maintenance and sanitation, and consumer affairs and public relations. This workshop will address best practices for preventing foreign material contamination and corrective actions after an event. The workshop will also examine the latest forensic laboratory technologies available to aid an investigation conducted to confirm and identify whether a product is contaminated. Participants will discuss real case studies examining ways to communicate with customers and consumers during real and alleged contamination incidents. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your efforts and knowledge regarding this important topic in meat and poultry processing. Pork 101 Mon 29 January 1300 – 1700 B408 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission) Join us for this special hands-on workshop designed for IPPE attendees to see the highlights of AMSA’s three-day Pork 101 conference. This session will cover quality and consistency issues in the pork industry, including insight on value differences in swine, pork carcasses, pork primals and processed pork products due to quality variation.

Pet Food Conference Tue 30 January 0730 – 1600 Session: B304/305; Breakfast/Lunch: B302/303 Registration Fee: $75 early bird/$95 onsite AFIA's Pet Food Conference covers a variety of topics from regulatory to technical aspects of production to product claims, marketing and nutrition. This annual educational session attracts more than 250 attendees from pet food manufacturing to ingredient suppliers covering all ingredient categories, offering an excellent opportunity to network with this diverse audience. This year’s program includes breakfast and lunch. Beef 101 Tue 30 January 0830 – 0930 B408 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission)

Meat Packing Journal


This session will explore the beef life cycle, answer common questions regarding beef production, discuss factors affecting beef quality, and provide a cutting demonstration of innovative beef cuts. Cost: Free Meat Quality Workshop: The Taste of Beef Wed 31 January 0730 – 1130 B401 Registration Fee: $150 How well do you know the factors affecting beef flavor? Consumers rank flavor as one of the top attributes for a satisfactory eating experience, and the beef industry has invested heavily in finding the common denominators for what makes beef taste so good. This interactive workshop will take a look at these influences, as well as provide a hands on learning experience through sensory panel training and taste testing. Come learn about how beef flavor can be influenced by selection, processing and preparation techniques, and how factors such as cattle feeding, muscle selection, aging techniques, and grade ultimately determine the flavor of the product you sell. Meat Industry Regulatory Update and Compliance Session Wed 31 January 0800 – 1000 B408 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission) This session will discuss the top regulatory issues affecting meat processors in the past year, and what challenges are ahead in 2018. In addition, this session will take a focused look at common in-plant inspection and enforcement issues, and provide insight on how to best respond and deal with these matters. Get the Facts with Meat Mythcrushers Thu 1 February 0800 – 1000 B409 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission) With consumers becoming further removed from agriculture, the news media, books and movies have become primary sources for information about how food is produced, making consumers vulnerable to myths and

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misinformation. The goal of Meat MythCrushers is to crush the myths and provide referenced facts so consumers can make informed choices. This session will cover information on some of the top myths, and provide attendees with tools needed to talk to consumers and customers about the way food is produced. Robotics in the Meat and Poultry Industry: Putting Technology to Work Wed 31 January 0800 – 1000 B404 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission) Employers in the meat and poultry industry are well aware of labor issues and challenges, and are increasingly exploring how the use of robotics can increase efficiencies. As new technology is revealed that can help streamline processes, the options for using robotics continues to become more sophisticated. With new designs, features and technology, robotics systems can increase speed and throughput while decreasing downtime. This session will discuss the current status and future direction of robotics in the meat and poultry industry, and will include a panel discussion of processors who are already implementing these technologies. With the cost of labor continuing to rise, health & safety issues, etc, attending this lecture could prove profitable in the long run. Livestock Handling and Stunning to Optimize Animal Welfare and Regulatory Compliance Wed 31 January 1300 – 1500 B401 Registration Fee: FREE (included with trade show admission) This session, led by world renowned animal welfare expert Temple Grandin, will take an in-depth look at ensuring effective stunning using a variety of methods and troubleshooting issues. The session will also cover the critical topic of stunner maintenance. Failed stuns are the leading cause of plant suspensions, so don’t miss your chance to learn from the experts about how to stun effectively, enhance animal welfare and keep your operations running smoothly. This show will be PACKED! MPJ recommneds you arrive early if you want a seat.

November~December 2017


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Exhibitors to watch When the doors open at IPPE it seems like you have all the time in the world to see each and every exhibitor. By noon of that first day you realize the show will be one mad scramble just to visit those on your ‘must see list’. To help you out, here are some that have caught our eye.

tools and meat processing products, you gain access to hands-on expertise and support; in your own plant, working with your people. With decades of experience, Bettcher’s highly trained yield specialist can show hidden profits in your plant.

Cantrell - B5725


antrell of Georgia, one of the leading

Banss - C813


manufacturers and distributors of poultry/food processing equipment and spare parts, will

showcase its popular range of processing equipment at IPPE. This will consist of its: Gizzard Harvester, Cut-up


Banss is a custom design and manufacturer

Saw, Vacuum Cyclone Edible, Vacuum Control Panel,

of slaughtering and meat processing systems

Dip Tank Conveyor, Picker, Separator, Oil Sac Cutter,

for pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, and lamb. The

Paw Tracking Operation (Software), Wing Segmenter

company offers customer specific, custom automation

System with Unloader and Cone Line Section, Cantrell

equipment /systems and accessories, ranging from

Parts Display and Murzan Pump. Along with processing

stand-alone process equipment to complete turn-key

equipment, Cantrell offers replacement parts for

facility systems, as well as storage and cooling room

other manufacturers’ equipment, as well as its own.

conveyance systems. "We attribute utmost importance to

The company also designs and builds custom parts/

animal welfare, quality, safety, hygiene and ergonomics,


so that every installation – independent from its automation level – meets the highest standards." MPJ has

CSB - C1269


seen Banss conveyance systems in operation such as in the picture at Superior Farms and we are impressed..

Bettcher - B5235



his last year MPJ had the pleasure to see CSB in operation in Russia. It’s easy to say: CSB has transformed the Russian meat industry, bringing

it into the 21st Century and making it a powerhouse. CSB


ettcher says that its Quantum Meat Trimmer

says that the requirements to be met by meat processing

System will benefit your meat processing

companies are constantly increasing and competition

operation by increasing meat yields; more

is getting tougher – both nationally and internationally.

productivity with faster, easier cutting procedures –

To manage efficiently and economically, you require

even for the toughest meat trimming applications; easy,

innovative information technology which can cope with

uncomplicated tool use, with less operator training needs

growing market needs – today and in future. As a leading

and more worker safety. When you work with Bettcher

IT industry specialist, CSB-Systems have transformed the

Industries, you gem more than just innovative cutting

meat industry for nearly 40 years.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal







Dalsorb - B4363


of-the-line poultry processing equipment, specializing in pneumatic tools for eviscerating and other processing procedures. The company’s product line is sold and


ne of our favorite stands to visit, you can see

serviced worldwide through 18 branch locations, and

firsthand how Dalsorb eliminates frying oil

Jarvis' J26 Federation of Distributors. Jarvis has service

discard. Customers get consistent fried product

technicians available providing free customer service,

quality – the same flavor and appearance every time.

including equipment installation, service calls, and

Dalsorb, part of the Dallas Group, offers more than

employee training.

adsorbent purifiers to clean your frying oil. Its fully integrated program includes product, training, delivery,

Marel - B4331


performance, and support. Company experts optimize your frying operation and oil quality. Let it develop a strategy that will keep your oil fresher longer – pure and simple. Get the most from every drop of oil with Dalsorb.

Jarvis - B4052/B3945



ith the most complete product range and the largest installed base worldwide, Marel offers in-line poultry processing solutions for all

process steps and processing capacities. It has dedicated processing systems for broilers, turkeys and ducks. “For


decades, we have supported processors all over the

here ever you go in the world, you will find

world to find better ways to optimize their processes. It’s

Jarvis. Jarvis will be showing the latest

our conviction that the best way of doing this is by offering

automation and robotic technologies that

state-of-the–art, innovative technology. That is why we

greatly assist in lowering production costs, increase

invest much more than the poultry industry average on

productivity, and support specific kill and cutting floor

innovation. To us innovation is more than a trendy word:

applications. Its poultry division will be displaying top-

It’s our passion.”

November~December 2017


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Meyn - C1617


equipment solutions for the sausage, meat, and poultry industries. During that time, the company has gained recognition for its high-quality equipment, innovative


eyn Food Processing Technology is the reliable

engineering, and outstanding service and support. Last

and committed partner of renowned poultry

year it installed at J&G Foods in Sutton, Massachusetts, a

processing companies in over 100 countries

fifth Repak RE20 in-line form/fill/seal vacuum packaging

worldwide. The Dutch company is widely recognized

machine. The Repak horizontal form/fill/seal packaging

for its ability to support its customers around the world

machine produces vacuum and modified-atmosphere

in their ambition for higher capacity and increased yield

packages (MAP) from flexible and semi-rigid materials, as

and efficiency. We focus on our customers' ambition to

well as Vacuum Skin Packages (VSP).

create end-products of the desired quality, while realizing

RMF Freezers - B4636

the best financial results. For this purpose, we present solutions that allow the customer to manage either individual pieces of equipment, specific quality aspects, whole departments, or even the entire process,” says Meyn.


ried and true. RMF has been delivering innovative, custom-designed turn-key systems to the food-

Poss - C1505


processing industry since 1943. Challenge RMF,

RMF Steel, and RMF Freezers comprise this Kansas City family of companies, known for engineering and manufacturing technology with the highest quality


ast year Poss put the ‘wow’ factor in IPPE by

standards, and long-lasting durability. The company

showing off a separator which was bigger than a

offers dynamic solutions for customers looking for

tank. With almost 40 years of experience, Poss

uniformity, reduced handling and degradation, increased

Design has proven to be the world’s leader in separation

productivity, accurate temperature control, sanitation,

solutions for turkey and other meats. Currently 780

and state-of-the-art automation. With its engineers and

Poss machines are running in more than 58 countries

industry experts, RMF stands ready to deliver a single unit

worldwide, with over 210 installations in the USA alone.

or design and equip an entire plant.

More than 500 of these machines are designed to process conventional chicken mechanical deboning,

Rome - B4161


hundreds more are running turkey deboning, primarily making USDA ground turkey from bone in turkey drums.

Prime Equipment - C1323



ome Ltd was started in 1977 and has become the industry leader in manufactured meat grinders. With over 150 combined years of CNC machining

technology, in-house engineering, in-house tin plating,


ince its creation, Prime Equipment Group has

and the best customer and technical service support

changed the world-wide poultry industry, earning

available, Rome says it’s your one stop shop for all your

the trust of the industry by supplying innovative,

meat grinder needs. Whether you’re in need of a new

reliable and hard-working solutions for nearly every point

grinder, grinder parts, or replacement OEM parts for

on the poultry processing line. The Group designs and

your facility, Rome will not only meet but exceed your

builds stand-alone machines, as well as customized

needs. “We have listened to our customers’ needs and

equipment systems and equipment from brand partners

developed a full line of quality grinders.”

for processing plants all over the world. It also offers

Sæplast - B5435

engineering assistance, hands-on field support and a quality selection of spare and replacement parts for multiple industries in over 15 countries. It recently added sales & distribution offices in Brazil, Moscow, and Mexico.

Reiser - B5845


PJ has been fans of Sæplast for years. Its containers’ one piece seamless closed cell design is produced with 100 percent food

grade polyethylene and is ideal for supply chain handling in the poultry, meat and animal by-product industries. The

F 48

rom the smallest to the largest sausage maker,

rugged and reliable construction outlasts other plastic

Reiser is there. For 51 years, Reiser has been a

single wall options available on the market today. The

leading supplier of processing and packaging

smooth wall design enables the container to be easily

November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


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November~December 2017





cleaned for repeated use. Last year at IPPE Sæplast

efficient buildings, Stellar designs the most efficient and

introduced a third size into one to its top-selling reusable

profitable processes for what goes on inside them.

plastic container ranges for food processing with the

Treif - B4033

PE 750.

Steen - C1205



he Falcon Hybrid+ is equipped with the most sophisticated technology of any portion cutter


cutting-edge food processing machinery. With

and salt content all effect the density of every primal.

their experience, they produce high-end skinning

However, the pre-scales and 4-D scanning system

machines for practically any chicken or turkey part as the

collaborate creates accurate automatic density

ST700 skinning machine, with or without water. Innovation

calculations for every primal. Versatility is one of the

makes this machine to be taken apart without tools for

machines strongest attributes and with quick changeover

easy and thorough cleaning. They also have their high-

times, the Falcon Hybrid+ is ideally suited for fresh,

yield de-boning machines for chicken thigh, drum and

crusted, semi-frozen, boneless, and bone-in. Combine

prime wing like the ST828, ST800 or ST840, but also for

this with the specialist blades and intelligent software, the

turkey like the ST850. Next to de-boning, the ST840 is

Falcon Hybrid+ can even slice fixed-weight minute steaks.

teen is known for more than 50 years for their

available on the market, says Trief. Bone, VL,

also able to make pirzola from thighs.

Stellar - B4626



Wire Belt Company - B5869


ire Belt Company offers many styles and specifications of conveyor belts to suit your


anked one of the top food processing designbuild firms in the world, Stellar is a fully integrated design, engineering, construction, and

specific application and improve your process

efficiencies, providing conveyor belts for industries such as food processing and agriculture; its Flat-Flex is

mechanical services company that provides the industry’s

popular with poultry. Its first-class customer service and

most comprehensive range of self-performed services.

global presence means we can provide fast and simple

Its experts are cross-trained in all market segments,

distribution around the world. Wire Belt’s on-time delivery

with experience in the beef/pork and poultry sectors.

is over 99 percent on time to promised delivery date.

In addition to its Florida headquarters, Stellar operates

With more than 85 years of industry knowledge, Wire Belt

tactical support locations and offices throughout the USA

prides itself on knowing your application and providing

and across the world. Stellar does more than design

you with the best solution.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


RE-INVENTED Yield King In-Line Breast Deboner

• • • • •

Simplified M&R Small footprint Consistent high yields Breast, wings, tenders Saves 6-10 workers

Prime MPJ Sept 2017 - ILBD-2C.indd 1

8/23/2017 3:16:20 PM

Paper is a BIG part of your quality product.

Our family owned and operated business serves portioned meat, poultry, fish, bacon, bakery, and specialty provisioners with the highest quality paper goods and astonishing service.

Hundreds of stock items or custom solutions to make your products even better.

Side notch, tear pin or combo configurations produced and tested to perform accurately with any equipment line.

Products Include: Patty Paper Roll Paper Bacon Layout Paper

Select the coatings and single or multi-ply paper stocks matched to your specific applications.

Toll Free: 800.336.3936 • Interleaving the worlds of meat, poultry, dairy, fish, baking and specialty products.

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5/26/17 12:45 PM

te c h n o lo gy


Six ways to optimize refrigeration efficiency and lower energy costs

Did you know that up to 60 percent of a manufacturing facility’s total operating expenses comes from industrial refrigeration? It’s no surprise that refrigeration efficiency is a priority. Luke Facemyer of Stellar reports

possible. Suction pressure should also be run as low as possible while still maintaining the desired room/product temperatures. Even adjusting the suction pressure up a degree could mean a 1.5 percent savings for those compressors. There are many different settings and parts that can be checked to ensure optimal performance. 2. Size compressors to match loads as closely as possible


Selecting appropriately sized compressors up front can make or break your efficiency. Two equally sized


compressors, each running at 50 percent capacity,

ngineers often look to optimize individual

can require 30 percent more horsepower than one

components rather than taking a holistic

compressor running at 100 percent.

approach, leading to wasted energy and

It’s also a good practice to include different-sized

operational inefficiencies. To avoid this

compressors, and to sequence them properly to keep

fragmented approach, here are six steps

machines as fully loaded as possible.

to optimize the entire system and achieve the greatest energy efficiency:

For large systems, large compressors handle the majority of the load, while a smaller unit can be included as a trim compressor to handle the swings. This will keep

1. Optimize settings

the larger compressor fully loaded at all times. An analysis

Condensing pressure should typically be run as low as

can help detect problems and find solutions to help


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


te c h n o lo gy

Strong in Performance and Reliability!

compressors perform at their peak. 3. Install VFDs on screw compressors Applying variable-frequency drives (VFDs) on screw compressors will optimize mechanical efficiencies of the machines. The best approach is to set the slide valve position at 100 percent and vary the RPM of the motor according to the refrigeration needs of the machine, which allows it to run more efficiently. 4. Install VFDs on condenser motors Using VFDs on condenser motors can stabilize head pressure and prevent the motors from heavy repeats and intense start/stop cycles. Then, the fans can change speeds so they don’t continually stop and start, which requires additional energy and results in mechanical wear. The biggest payback from a VFD will be on systems with variable load. 5. Use floating head pressure to maintain ideal temperatures Floating head pressure can be used to maintain the ideal temperature for compressor and condenser operations. Higher condensing temperatures require compressors to work harder. Find the optimal break-even point where the condensers and compressors are cumulatively using the lowest overall horsepower requirements. 6. Use a completely integrated automation system Running your machine with a completely integrated automation system will ensure efficiency and automate temperature controls within zones. Automating defrost cycles to sequence at different times can result in significant energy savings. An automated system can

Vacuum technology has become a crucial element for many tasks in the food packaging and food processing industry. Rely on the vacuum solutions from Leybold with a perfect matching product for your application. From classic vacuum pumps – oil-sealed or dry compression – through cost-effective central vacuum supply units up to complex systems, our extensive portfolio is unique. Our products will convince you with their robustness, a compact design and full process control combined with low consumables costs and low noise and exhaust emissions.

Innovative Vacuum Solutions for Food Packaging and Processing

make calculations and adjustments automatically, whereas a manual system requires constant operator attention, is susceptible to human error and will react more slowly. Luke Facemyer has more than 12 years of design and construction experience. His responsibilities include managing the refrigeration division’s engineering department and to provide a high level of refrigeration and mechanical expertise. Project experience includes Carolina Pride Foods, Food Lion, General Mills, Keystone Foods, Kraft Foods, and many others. If you have any questions

Leybold GmbH Bonner Str. 498 · D-50968 Köln T +49 (0) 221-347-0 F +49 (0) 221-347-1250

about this article, email him at

Anz_FoodPack_mix_EN_210x297.indd 1

November~December 2017


23.08.17 16:55

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reduce labor with plate freezers

Linley Valley found its blast freezers were labor intensive and took up considerable floor space. After making the move to plate freezers Linley hasn’t look back. Milmeq reports


are assigned to the appropriate level on the plate freezer. With a 21-hour freeze time from direct contact with the plates, this delivered a significantly lower refrigeration index than blast freezing and improved the quality of Linley Valley Pork’s products, particularly its offal products, which are usually packed warm. The automated nature of the system also reduces

aking on the challenge of providing plate

the risk of injury to personnel that was previously posed

freezers with adjustable capacity for

by manual handling of product within a blast freezer

Australian pork processor Linley Valley Pork,


has led Western Australian’s largest pork processor into a new future, increasing both

its throughput and product quality, says Milmeq. Linley Valley Pork is a brand of the Craig Mostyn

Group based in Western Australia which specializes in

Milmeq’s plate freezer product manager – Brendan Dever – says the company was pleased to not only fulfil Linley Valley’s brief with a custom solution, but also continue to be a market leader in freezing technology. “It just goes to show that we’re constantly adapting

producing high quality, free-range pork. Part of the Craig

and making sure we’re keeping relevant as the industry

Mostyn Group, the company is the largest pork supplier in

changes,” he says. “It’s really important to us that our

Western Australia.

clients can feel they can come to us with any kind of

Linley Valley packs its products in different sized cartons, and while the use of plate freezers is generally

project brief, no matter the challenge.” Linley Valley Pork site engineer Jim McGuckin says

limited to operations where all cartons are the same

working with Milmeq had been a great experience, and

height to enable direct contact with the plates. Milmeq

was impressed with their attention to detail.

rose to the challenge to create a system where the height of the freezers could be adjustable. The New Zealand-based engineering company

“We’ve already got the team coming back next month to do a bit of training on the new machinery, as well as a bit of a follow-up to see how we’re settling in with the

worked closely with Linley Valley Pork to ensure its

new freezers,” he says. “It’s great to have that kind of

targets were met on time and to budget. Milmeq supplied

commitment from Milmeq.”

two, 14-level plate freezer stacks which accommodate a

Milmeq’s plate freezers have long been recognized as

total of 480 small, 320 medium, and 1152 large cartons.

the industry-leading solution for energy and time-efficient

Pre-sorted cartons enter the system by conveyor, where

freezing, but it’s one of their latest innovations to this

the carton size is automatically detected and the cartons

technology which is turning heads.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


te c h n o lo gy

Ammonia vs. Freon

Comparison of an actual plant’s electricity consumption for ammonia and halocarbon (Freon) refrigeration systems. CT Technologies of Denmark reports


According to CT, an additional interesting fact is that just one of the two ammonia compressors can easily handle the 2,000 tons cold store, while the other is on standby. At the same time, the 13 Freon units in the 6,000 tons cold store are struggling to maintain the temperature,

n the refrigeration industry, there is always the

while drawing 42% more electric power than an ammonia

same question of whether to choose ammonia

system would have done.

refrigerant or one of the ‘Freon’ refrigerants, with

Almost 30 years ago CT-Technologies was founded

a sincere attempt by the owner of the facility to

with the business idea to build facilities in emerging

choose the most cost-effective system.

countries for food preservation that is energy saving and

One of CT-Technologies clients has a CT cold store

facility with an ammonia system and another cold store with a Freon (R404A) refrigeration system. Each cold store has its own electricity meter, so CT

at the same time up to the highest standards in terms of hygienic production. Since they started they built up collected expertise within food processing and cold stores industry and

thought it would be interesting to compare these two

contributed to the knowledge sharing within this

systems according to copies of 10 months of electricity

field; including training in the correct handling of food

bills that the owner provided CT.

preservation, how to save energy, and the importance of

The bill showed that for the Freon system, the average monthly electricity consumption had 16,640 kWh per 1,000 tons of storage capacity. The same figure for the ammonia plant was 11, 695 kWh, an amazing 4,945 kWh less or 30 percent. Assuming the electricity cost rat of 0.25 euro per kWh,

high-quality facilities. They currently have offices in Europe, Asia, and Africa and they intend to expand their business further. “Our reference list includes climate controlled facilities, cold stores for food processing plants, shock freezing chambers, ripening rooms, cleanrooms, warehouses,

the annual savings with the ammonia plant would be 14,

distribution centers, AS/RS automated storage and

835 euros per 1,000 tons storage capacity.

retrieval system, and more,” says CT Technologies.

November~December 2017


DSI high quality Plate Freezers in a class of their own ... WE DO NOT DARE TO COMPROMISE OUR QUALITY! DSI RANGE OF PLATE FREEZERS INCLUDES: •

Standard vertical plate freezers

Flat top vertical plate freezers

Automatic bottom discharge vertical plate freezers

Standard horizontal plate freezers

Self-contained horizontal plate freezers

Combined horizontal blast/plate freezers

Horizontal plate freezers with single opening operation

All plate freezers are approved for Co2 – Brine – Ammonia – Freon

Patented CorePoint system for easy control of core temperature/freezing time

Parkvej 5 • DK-9352 Dybvad • Phone: +45 98 86 42 99 • Fax: +45 98 86 46 60 • E-mail:



s c i e n c e

In the distorted mirror of rated power and the service factor Influences on the actual energy efficiency of vacuum pumps – rated power vs. energy consumption. Zsolt Pekker reports for MPJ

Rated power ≠ power consumption


further difference can emerge by looking at the name plate: for example, a screw vacuum pump can indicate lower electrical rated power than

by Zsolt Pekker

a rotary vane vacuum pump. When selecting devices, a mistake that is frequently made is inferring the power


consumption from the rated power. However, the motor hen selecting vacuum pumps,

with the smaller number in front of the kW specification

plant designers often strive to get

in no way means that it necessarily uses less power than

by with the lowest possible rated

the “larger” drive. Often in practice, the exact opposite is

power for the drive motors. They

in fact true. On American name plates, the actual rated

see this as a way to save power.

power is also disguised by the “service factor”.

But when it comes to actual energy efficiency, the kilowatt specification on the name plate can be quite misleading. Because the actual power consumption is only

The narrow focus on the rated power obscures the efficiency of the vacuum pump and the motor. The relationship between power consumption and

partially reflected in the motor’s rated power. Further

the provided performance (shaft power) is not linear

confusion is caused by the “service factor” that is

for electric motors. They usually achieve optimal

included on some name plates and puts the actual rated

performance somewhere between 50 and 100 percent

power into a different context. Its significance is often

of their rated power. In general, you can assume that the

misunderstood. The highest possible energy efficiency

ideal performance or highest efficiency level is achieved

can only be achieved with systematic analysis.

in a more-or-less-wide range around 75 percent of the

The essential variables for the selection of a vacuum

rated power. Below this range, the motor consumes

pump are ultimate pressure and pumping speed. These

more power in relation to the provided performance; the

factors determine the vacuum level that will be achieved

relative power consumption increases.

in a certain period, or which “vacuum performance” is

Misleading "service factor"

therefore available in the application. Comparable performance can be achieved with vacuum pumps that have very different operating principles. In the process, the speed can also differ dramatically. For instance, this becomes clear by looking at the motor speed: a rotary vane vacuum pump, which is


his also applies when the optimal range is exceeded, whereby more than 100 percent of the rated power is also possible. This is where

currently the most common form of vacuum technology,

the service factor (SF) comes into play. It is defined

uses 1,000 rpm to achieve a similar vacuum performance

as a standard by the US American National Electrical

to an oil-lubricated screw vacuum pump with up to 7,000

Manufacturers Association in the NEMA MG1-2011


handbook. The service factor is specified on the name

November~December 2017


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Fig 1: The name plate indicates a service factor of 1.25. So the rated power can be temporarily exceeded by up to 25 percent.

performed this type of comparison between a speedcontrolled and oil-lubricated screw vacuum pump from another manufacturer with the specified rated power of 15 kW and a service factor of SF 1.25 and a rotary vane vacuum pump from its own range with a rated power of

plate (fig. 1). It indicates the degree to which a motor can

18.5 kW on the name plate. The result of the test was that

be loaded beyond the rated power. To calculate the

the power consumption of the “smaller” motor according

permissible degree of overloading, the rated power is

to the rated power was nearly twice as high as that of

multiplied by the SF value. For example, if a rated power

the comparison model in the range of the main load. The

of 15.0 kW is indicated with a service factor of SF 1.25,

rotary vane vacuum pump, which works at a lower speed,

the maximum permissible rated power is 15 x 1.25 = 18.75

achieved substantially better energy efficiency despite its

kW. Therefore, it is 25 percent higher than it seems at first

“larger” motor (fig. 2).



Even though NEMA points out that the SF range should only be used temporarily, in practice it is often included in the calculations for normal operation for vacuum generation. This is because quickly starting the vacuum pump from standby mode or short peak loads, even if they are regularly achieved in quick


he overall efficiency of a vacuum supply requires more complex consideration than merely comparing the energy consumption. In addition

cycles, can be recorded as “temporary” overloading.

to the ultimate pressure and the pumping speed of

The relatively low rated power without the calculated

a vacuum pump or system, the operating principle,

service factor suggests low power consumption. But the

whether oil-lubricated or dry-compressing, must be

actual performance used is not only higher; the motor

evaluated in-depth and its compatibility with the process

also usually works significantly outside of its efficiency

must be checked. But the installation location, control

optimum in the SF range. Regular overloading can also

or the connection between the process and vacuum

shorten its life cycle.

generation can also be parameters that influence the energy efficiency and economic efficiency of a vacuum

Testing actual power consumption

supply. In many cases, a qualified vacuum specialist is needed to select the right pump and design. However,


in this process the focus should always be on critical o be able to truly compare the actual energy efficiency of different vacuum pumps, power consumption and performance must be measured

in practice. The vacuum pump manufacturer, Busch,


November~December 2017

consideration of the actual energy consumption. There are numerous factors that can range from the spatial placement of the machines, to the process cycle and the option of a vacuum buffer.

Meat Packing Journal



s c i e n c e

Fig 2: Practical comparison of a speed-controlled oil-lubricated screw vacuum pump with rated power of 15 kW / SF 1.25 and a rotary vane vacuum pump with rated power of 18.5 kW: in the most important operational range around 10 mbar, the pump motor with the lower rated power consumes more power than the “larger� motor of the rotary vane vacuum pump.

November~December 2017


I n

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The last mile While most focus on robotics and automation in the meat industry is on slaughtering and initial processing, much of how our industry will change is at the opposite end – getting your product to the consumer.

mile’, the distance from a hub to the home.

Delivery automation


ast year Uber announced the acquisition of Otto, a San Francisco-based startup that has developed a kit that can turn any big rig into a self-driving truck.

It makes sense. The trucking industry hauls around

by MPJ Staff

70 percent of the USA’s freight – about 10.5 billion tons annually – and doesn’t have enough drivers. The


American Trucking Association puts the shortfall at 48,000

ime is more than just money, it’s also

drivers, and this could hit 175,000 by 2024. On top of this,

freedom. Freedom to relax, to spend time

in the States large trucks are involved in around 350,000

with our families, to do all those things that

accidents a year, causing nearly 4,000 fatalities. And the

50+ hour work weeks deny us. For those of

cause of all these crashes? Almost to a one, human error.

us burning the candle at both ends – and at

times seemingly the entire wick – we are willing to pay a bit extra to claw back some of those precious minutes. For 80 million people in the USA, getting back some

While media focus is on driverless cars, the development will first come to long haul trucks. But, according to Ryan Petersen, CEO of freight forwarder Flexport, driverless trucks won’t solve the real

of this time is by using Amazon Prime. Pay an annual or

problem in last-mile logistics, because most of a delivery

monthly fee and get next day delivery – this now includes

driver’s time is not spent driving, but walking up the

items in Amazon’s Food Pantry.

driveway to drop off packages.

In Europe, most of the major supermarkets also have

For last-mile networks at least, autonomous delivery

delivery to go with their Internet shopping service. In

drones seem to solve a much bigger problem than self-

the UK, Tesco’s will deliver anywhere for the same fee –

driving trucks would. But, Petersen says that delivery

meaning you see Tesco delivery vans on small country

drones suffer from a fundamental problem that will delay

roads in the middle of nowhere.

their widespread adoption: Their operation lacks the route

This is the future of consumer shopping and it is

density necessary to compete with standard delivery

happening now, developing at a rate which is staggering.

trucks. With each delivery, the drone has to return to its

Just two years ago, Amazon Prime had an estimated

homebase at a warehouse many miles away to collect

40 million members, that figure has doubled, putting

its next package. Compare that laborious round-trip with

Amazon on track in becoming the first trillion-dollar

a FedEx or UPS truck carrying hundreds of parcels, all

business. No wonder Amazon’s buying of Whole Foods

going in the same direction.

has sent rival supermarket shares in a tailspin.

Route density makes today’s last-mile delivery

This in turn will affect you greatly. While it does matter

networks extremely efficient. FedEx and UPS trucks enjoy

how efficiently you get your product out the factory door,

a marginal cost for dropping off one more parcel as low as

if it then is not getting to the kitchen table, you don’t

$2.00. Drones launching from faraway warehouses won’t

have a sale. If your customers cannot buy your products

be able to compete with this efficiency any time soon.

conveniently and easily, they’ll buy the ‘other guy’s.’ It’s not enough then to just worry about what’s happening at your plant, you now have to be concerned about that ‘last


November~December 2017

But, Petersen asks if drones and delivery trucks even need to compete? “After all, what is a delivery truck but a mobile

Meat Packing Journal



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Flexport's system would release a swarm of drones from a delivery truck

warehouse? It’s the perfect launching platform for a

deliveries with Swiss Post since July 2015 and can carry

swarm of delivery drones designed to go the ‘last-meter’

a 4.4-pound payload up to 12 miles. However, a problem

stretch from the street to the customer’s door.

all with have no matter what country they operate in

“Releasing a swarm of drones in rapid succession would allow a delivery truck to deliver dozens of parcels

is contending with air-traffic regulations, urban safety concerns., and parcal theft once delivery is made.

in parallel, easily outpacing the output of a single driver

Kar-go delivery

plodding through a neighborhood one house at a time. It’s not a stretch to think that a truck releasing a swarm of 25 delivery drones could be up to 25 times more efficient than a driver making those same drops alone,” he says. As an added bonus, this setup would make a residential delivery network so efficient that it could complete all deliveries in the evening hours when people are home, dramatically cutting back on redeliveries. Or


ife on terra firma, however, isn’t without its risks as well. Unlike those in the sky, ground-based delivery vehicles are more susceptible to theft,

vandalism, and traffic accidents. Some of the companies pushing this forward includes

better still, fly them into backyards, or into a specially

Starship, Dispatch – which can transport up to 100 pounds

designed chute for accepting package deliveries.

– and Marble Robotics. In the UK, a newly developed

Amazon is big on drones and has filed on patent

system uses self-driving green rovers. Called Kar-go, it’s

application describing a large, multistory drone tower in

the brainchild of the London-based technology startup

urban areas. According to Joshua Rothman of The New

Academy of Robotics and uses a combination of artificial

Yorker, the hive-like towers will have loading docks and

intelligence and driverless technology.

warehouses on the lower floors and bays for drones higher up. There are other players in the drone delivery game as well and these include Matternet and Flirtey, which teamed with 7-Eleven for the first FAA-sanctioned

The UK government in June gave a thumbs-up to expansion of autonomous vehicle research. Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed developers would be permitted to engineer driverless vehicles for public use. To reduce shipping fees, the self-driving pod

drone delivery to a US home in July 2016, and has also

automates the whole ordeal, delivering multiple

paired with Domino’s to deliver pizzas in New Zealand

packages to multiple addresses in just a single journey.

and Greece. Matternet’s ONE has been trialing postal

The Academy claims the rovers could cut last-mile


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal



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Starship's robot takes to the streets

delivery costs by 98 percent. In June, the first working Kar-go prototype was unveiled in London. Developers are hoping to be able to make their first delivery using it later this year. Within the vehicle's body is a system of compartments

the evening and deliver during the morning" approach to a fluid system of continuous movement and supply. Platoons, drones, tunnels, tubes, rolling robots and automated warehouses will make that constant flow possible. This requires flexibility and innovation

which contain packages belonging to different customers.

on operator level and investments in technology and

As the vehicle arrives at each delivery address, the

infrastructure. The realization of the autonomous

system automatically selects the package belonging to

supply chain requires close collaboration between

the corresponding customer for delivery. The package

manufacturers, operators, retail and developers as well as

is then released through an opening in the rear of the

policy-makers and citizens, says Wolfgang Lehmacher,

vehicle for collection by the customer.

Head of Supply Chain and Transport Industries, World

Online supermarket Ocado has launched the UK’s first autonomous grocery delivery trial in south-east London.

Economic Forum. “The autonomous movement which started in the

As part of the ongoing Gateway Project – which is testing

early 1950s is now in full swing. Some 70 percent of 1,433

different types of self-driving vehicles across the UK – the

consumers surveyed in the US think they will order their

online-only supermarket has sent a small autonomous

first drone-delivered package within the next five years,”

delivery truck known as a CargoPod into a residential area

says Lehmacher. “Almost 90 percent of policy-makers

of Greenwich.

expect autonomous vehicles to gradually become reality

But unlike other home grocery delivery services, the

within the next 10 years. Many of the cities interviewed

CargoPod – which was developed by Oxford-based firm

consider goods delivery as one of the key applications for

Oxbotica – will require customers to leave their homes to

autonomous transportation in their city.

collect goods from the vehicle themselves. Oxbotica said

“Some 60 percent of policy-makers in the study expect

the trial would help with research into improving last mile

a ban for private cars in a significant part of the city over

deliveries to customers, at a time when it says cities are

the next 15 years. Will this stay limited to private vehicles?

becoming denser and more congested.

Probably not. Over time cities will further regulate goods

Capturing the full potential of the automated

deliveries. Therefore, not only transportation companies,

supply chain requires rethinking and transforming the

but also shippers need to prepare for the autonomous

mainstream logistics systems: from the fixed "collect in

future,” he says.

November~December 2017


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M arketing

Emerging food brands need to start at the end G

rowth is what every brand needs, but why? Growth for the sake of growth does not result in good

strategy or smart decision making. In fact, it often leads to diluted focus and lackluster results. The end is what should dictate the start and determine the pace of the race. It is critical to determine and crystallize the desired outcome in the minds of all stakeholders. That understanding is the building block of both the route-to-market and the go-to-market strategy. To illustrate the concept, the fictional company Meat4Me just went through its second round of funding. Its product is an early entrant in the meat on-the-go protein market. Sarah, its founder, views herself as a serial entrepreneur. The product is in about 100 Whole Foods stores and is doing well. It is time to expand and drive more distribution. Her desired outcome: a successful and lucrative exit. In another fictional example, Rachael’s father retired last year and asked her to take over his business. Named after her great-grandmother, Eleanor’s Artisan Sauces has been a recognizable brand in the Bay Area for more than

paying for slotting or being aggressive with demos and

35 years. Rachael always worked with her dad as often as

promotions. It might require Rachael to hire a broker in

she could, and loved how proud he was of the products

each region. Mostly, it would be a plan developed to

they produced. She knew the brand had legs and she

support sustainable and affordable growth.

believed it could extend its reach. Her desired outcome:

These two examples are on opposite ends of a

a company that she could pass on to her kids that would

continuum, but illustrate just how different the route-

also make her dad proud.

to-market and go-to-market strategy can be when a

Does growth mean the same for these two companies? Of course not. But if they started simply with

company starts by looking at the end. Good strategy and smart decision making start with

a desire to grow, their strategies might be very similar.

the end in mind. The finish line is what should guide the

That is why it’s vital to begin at the end.

channels pursued, the distribution model utilized and

Sarah wants a successful exit. A good strategy for

geography targeted. It should also frame the customers

Meat4Me will likely focus on driving top line and ACV

solicited, the sales structure constructed and the trade

and creating a national brand. It will probably target large

plan followed.

national specialty retailers, and will undoubtedly have

Leaders of emerging food brand should take the time

her investing some of her recent funding into slotting and

to identify and articulate their end goals, then build the

aggressive promotions to drive trials and awareness.

strategy that will deliver those results. Growth should be a

Rachael wants to be careful. She has no new sources

means to an end, and that end is the desired outcome.

of funding and doesn’t want to push her plant past its

Elliot Begoun is the Principal of The Intertwine Group, a

capacity. The right strategy for Eleanor’s Sauces likely

practice focused on helping emerging food and beverage

starts by leveraging the buzz around artisan products.

brands grow. He works with clients to design and execute

Placing a focus on gaining distribution in Southern

customized route-to-market and go-to-market strategies

California and the Pacific Northwest, the hope would

that build velocity, gain distribution, and win share of

be to obtain a few independent specialty retail chains in

stomach. His articles appear in publications such as the

each market. The best strategy most likely will not include

Huffington Post, SmartBrief, and FoodDive.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

M arketing

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Meat & Livestock does it again A

ustralia’s Meat & Livestock (M&L) loves a good laugh when it comes to its ads promoting Australian

meat and it isn’t afraid of pushing the ‘political correct’ boundary. However, this time they might have gone too far for some. Its edgy advertising campaigns for lamb have offended

Primarily it’s Hindu organizations who have been the most upset with its depiction of Ganesh. Complaints have come from around the world. The 2016 Australia Day ad, starring SBS newsreader Lee Lin Chin launching an Operation Boomerang mission to rescue Australians stranded overseas, was one of the

vegans, Gays, and Indigenous groups in the past. Now it’s

most complained about ads of all time – for offending

religious sensibilities.

vegans. The Aussies needed rescuing due to no lamb.

In its newest spring lamb ad, Scientology founder L

In it, Operation Boomerang agents break into an

Ron Hubbard joins various gods, goddesses and prophets

Australian man’s apartment in New York and use

including Jesus, Aphrodite, Zeus, Buddha, Ganesh, and

a flamethrower on his vegan meal of kale. People

Moses at a long dining table to enjoy a spring barbecue of

complained about the violence because the vegan was

lamb. The prophet Muhammad calls up to excuse himself

seen cowering in the corner. However, it was cleared by

from the occasion because he must pick up a child from

the Advertising Standards Bureau despite attracting more

daycare. Zeus asks where God is and Jesus replies he is

than 600 complaints.

everywhere – a comment that draws nervous looks. Created by the Monkeys, the television commercial

The group marketing manager at Meat & Livestock Australia, Andrew Howie, said at the time that the torching

plays on the idea that anyone in Australia can enjoy lamb

was “metaphorical towards the kale” and is “in no way

no matter their background, religious beliefs, or dietary

intended to be abusive or violent”, reports the Guardian.

requirements. The chief creative officer at the Monkeys, Scott Nowell, said: “It’s a reality of modern Australia that people of all

Of this 2017 campaign Howie says Meat & Livestock Australia is again trying to “push the creative boundaries”. “In this latest campaign we are showing no matter your

faiths and backgrounds can get along around a table;

beliefs, background or persuasion, the one thing we can

coming together to celebrate what unites us as a nation.”

all come together and unite over is lamb,” Howie echoed.

Arby tries turkey legs

The spot is the latest in the two-years-running celebrity colonel work from Wieden & Kennedy, a


moked turkey legs have appeared at select Arby

campaign that has helped the brand grow in the United

chains on a trial basis to tie into the final HBO season

States. KFC's US same-store sales in the recent second

of ‘Game of Thrones’. Called Caveman Pops or Caveman Clubs at fairs, the smoked legs make good use of a cut of turkey that comes cheap and makes consumers feel like Henry VIII as they clutch these massive legs. Arby’s sold the legs, which weigh in at a pound, for $5.99 each. Each leg was seasoned with salt and brown sugar, smoked, and then slow roasted.

KFC reveals a new Colonel


quarter rose 2%.

US beef wins consumers


hen deciding what protein to eat, today’s consumer is still looking for a tasty experience,

and beef is delivering, according to Polly Ruhland, Cattlemen's Beef Board chief executive officer. This was highlighted in the Consumer Beef Index (CBI), a key research survey the beef checkoff fields

ctor Ray Liotta, better known for his roles in

twice a year to track changes in consumers’ perceptions

Goodfellas and Field of Dreams has become the

of and demand for beef relative to other meat proteins,

new Colonel Sanders. Liotta will star in a series of ads promoting two semi-

assess the impact of the beef industry’s communications efforts on consumers, and measure the extent to which

recent additions to KFC's menu, which have roots in

consumers consider the positive aspects of beef to

trendy Southern cuisine: Georgia Gold honey mustard

outweigh the negatives.

BBQ chicken and Nashville Hot chicken. As the Colonel

The most recent survey conducted on more than

debates between which one he likes best, Liotta’s

1,000 consumers showed that 77 percent listed beef as

expression and voice changes.

their first protein choice or a top choice.

November~December 2017


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Road not clear for self-driving trucks


he US Teamsters union, which represents truck

number of fatal vehicle accidents in the USA, most of

drives, warehouse workers, and others involved in the

which are caused by driver error. Again, take away the

distribution and transport change, have argued before the US Senate Commerce Committee that driverless big rigs

truck driver and you eliminate the chance of error. There are several proposals in discussion. One would

need to be regulated differently than passenger vehicles

be that driverless trucks would drive in a convoy with

due to additional risks.

a driver in the lead vehicle. Another proposal is that

As covered in MPJ, trucks could be the first type of

driverless trucks would only be used on the Interstate

vehicle on US roads to be fully automated because their

highways. Once they approach their final destination, they

regular highway routes are easier for sensor technology to

will be parked outside of the metropolitan area and goods

navigate than more complicated city grids. What is driving

transferred to vehicles with drivers for the final approach.

this is, despite the huge number of truck drivers in the

The Teamsters, who obviously are not in favor of

States, their numbers are dropping while the demand for

anything which will deplete their numbers, believe that

their services is increasing. A way to get around this would

trucks come with a different set of considerations than

be to take the driver out of the truck.

light automobiles, saying they don’t believe you should

In addition, trucks are involved in a disproportionate

End of super-store retailer


include 80,000-pound trucks without further study,

representing an increase of 22.2 percent compared to the previous year, according to annual results released by the

arget Corp is moving up plans to remodel its stores, changing its business model as it builds

Panama Canal Authority “It was a record year beyond expectations,” said

more smaller-format sites – as opposed to large and

Panama Canal Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano. “This

mega-stores – and pushes to use more of its stores as

figure reflects once again the commitment of the Panama

distribution centers, mixing up concreate locations with

Canal to offer an efficient, safe and competitive operation


to our customers.”

The Wall Street Journal’s Khadeeja Safdar reports

According to gCaptain, most transits through the

that Target plans to expand delivery options, with stores

Panama Canal were ships operating on routes between

serving as hubs for a growing operation to get goods

Asia and the east coast of the United States, which

to consumers’ homes faster. That includes expanding a

represented 34 percent or transits.

new service across the country next year that would let customers fill up a box of household essentials and have it delivered the next day for a flat fee. Having enough in the right place may be a challenge as Target’s growth shifts away from its Big Box identity to smaller stores in more densely populated areas, says the

No profits bring new bosses


K logistics firm DX is hoping a change of management can jump-start its profits.

Ron Series and Lloyd Dunn, who are credited with

WSJ. So far, those smaller locations have been twice as

the turnaround of rival logistics firm Tuffnells, have been

productive as the company’s traditional stores and have

officially appointed as DX chairman and chief executive

drawn new customers.


Big locks for big ships give Panama Canal record year


hanks to the new bigger locks along the Panama Canal, the Authority has reported better-than-

forecasted transit figures in 2017. In addition, the expanded capacity locks, now in operation for a year, have helped set a new overall tonnage record. In its fiscal year 2017, the Panama Canal recorded a record annual tonnage 403.8 million metric tons,


November~December 2017

According to the Telegraph, the pair have a job on their hands after what DX described as “an especially challenging period” in its full-year results.

Port companies cheat drivers


SA Today has broke a story describing how US port trucking companies are cheating drivers, paying

some only pennies an hour. To dodge punishment, these companies have set up shell firms and used bankruptcy protection to avoid paying fines and drivers.

Meat Packing Journal


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Huge warehouse in Alabama C

SP Technologies is expanding its Auburn, Alabama manufacturing and warehousing capacity by 110,000

square feet. Construction of the new structure, which is located adjacent to the existing company headquarters, is currently underway. The expansion is necessary due to the recent growth in the areas of food safety and healthcare, and follows the commissioning of a new thermoforming line earlier in 2017. The thermoforming operations will be the vehicle to deliver an upcoming portfolio of antimicrobial products for food safety. During this same timeframe, the company added clean room manufacturing and high cavitation stack cube molding with in-mold process capabilities to increase manufacturing efficiency at its plant in Neiderbronn-lesAuburn Universities. This strong relationship has fostered

Bains, France. Over the last three years, CSP has greatly increased its global in-house design, engineering, material science

internships into full-time opportunities at all disciplines. These additional resources have resulted in a variety

and project management capabilities, providing a

of new projects now nearing commercialization. The new

“one stop shop” from concept to commercialization.

infrastructure is anticipated to increase global production

To its benefit, CSP Technologies has developed a

volume by as much as 25 percent in the areas of plastic

built-in pipeline of excellent designers, engineers, and

processing – including injection molding, thermoforming,

scientists by partnering with both Georgia Tech and

and product assembly and filling.

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November~December 2017


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P roducts

product launches 2



50 straps a minute


USA began producing biogas this year that will be used to generate electricity, demonstrating financial and environmental benefits achievable locally and globally


ynaric’s AM659 is a high speed automatic heat

by converting up to 40,000 tons of organic waste

seal machine strapper that can apply up to 50

annually into environmentally harmonious green energy

straps/minute wide range of sizes and types of

and dry bio fertilizer. The Raptor technology is one of a

packages, operating with 9mm and 12mm strap widths.

suite of GWE clean water/green energy technologies

Because of its ability to use many sizes of strap, and

represented in Australasia by CST Wastewater Solutions.

its electronic tension control, it lets customers choose the least expensive strap for their package. The AM659

Thermal label printer


machine strapper has many standard features that include automatic coil feed system, strap loop ejector, short feed detector, refeed system and foot bar cycle activation pedal.

Power from waste



SC Auto ID expands its TE200 desktop printer series with two further thermal transfer models. Both TE210 and TE310, can be used for a variety of

print requirements. The compact printers include stateof-the-art interfaces such as USB 2.0, Internal Ethernet, RS-232, USB host for scanner and PC keyboard and, as


major waste-to-energy project incorporating

additional options, Internal Bluetooth 4.0 and External

GWE Raptor anaerobic digestion technology

Bluetooth. Compared with previous basic models of this

has been honored as a Finalist in this year’s

series, memory capacity was significantly extended –

American Biogas Council Industry Awards. The Quantum

there are 128 MB Flash and 64 MB SDRAM available for

Biopower organic-waste-to-energy project in Connecticut

storage of logos, graphics, barcodes, and fonts.


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal

P roducts

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‘Quick roast’ packaging



web printer for integration in compact thermoforming packaging machines. The printer, which is designed for integration in the Multivac R 081 and R 085


ood packaging manufacturer, LINPAC (Klöckner

thermoforming packaging machines, consists of a printer

Pentaplast) has collaborated with meat processor,

and a propulsion unit with x-axis and y-axis. This enables

Dunbia, to introduce a convenient ‘quick roast’

the printer to travel in both directions.

joint pack, Prime Cook, to a major UK retailer. Dunbia beef and lamb joints are packaged in LINPAC’s Prime

Smart grinder


Cook vacuum skin pack (VSP) and partially cooked in a hot water bath (sous vide) before being labeled and dispatched. Consumers remove the roasting joint from the packaging and cook it in an oven. The ‘quick roast’ joint retains the same texture and flavor of a conventionally cooked roast.

Direct web printer



he addition of the GEA PowerGrind 200 alongside the larger 280 model completes this high capacity PowerGrind family. These grinders cut up fresh

and frozen meat, and supersede the GEA AutoGrind range. The twin-screw design is the benchmark technique for grinding fresh or frozen meat without the need for changing the cutting set or screw. It results in


fewer fines, less dust, no crushed meat, and cuts frozen

ultivac’s DP 230 direct web printer is the first

blocks rather than cutting them. Improvements include

model of its new generation of direct web

auto- reverse screw that prevents blockage and an even

printers on the market. The space-saving and

more robust construction.

hygienic solution complements the comprehensive range of existing products with a new high-performance direct

November~December 2017


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the age of the horse Recently while camping in England’s New Forrest, MPJ saw herds of semiwild horses and ponies roaming free throughout this massive forest region. How many are there? Let’s put it like this: some residents who live in villages in the forest have taken to installing cattle guards on their driveways to keep out the horses – which number in the thousands – from eating their roses. But, intermixed among all these horses are also herds of cattle. The horses and cattle graze on the same plants, live in the same area, but while the horses enjoy the life of Riley, the cattle are all destined for supermarket shelves. Why not horses as well? MPJ turns to horse expert Susanna Forrest, author of The Age of the Horse, for her opinion.

by Velo Mitrovich

In The Age of the Horse you do not come across as a horse lover but someone who has a huge admiration for the animal. Do you think horse should be eaten and if so, under what growing/slaughtering conditions?

when that is the best thing for them and their ecosystem. My problem is the way a lot of Western economies use the meat industry to get rid of the “waste” from the equestrian industry. There’s no consistent quality of horsemeat and you don’t know what banned medications might be lurking. We just saw this happen in yet another Europe-wide scandal. Unscrupulous people use the fact that horses are dual-use to get around welfare requirements for raising and transporting meat animals, so you get neglected, injured or even sick animals going into abattoirs. These are, again, old scandals – the UK has been campaigning against the long-distance transport of horses to slaughter for over a century now. The best conditions? It would have to be horses raised well, specifically for meat. Early in my research I did try to sort out a visit to some French farmers doing this, but the press office I approached suggested that I went to an art exhibit on horsemeat in Paris instead. I’m really impressed by what I’ve read of Andrew Goatman, an ethical knacker man based in the West Country, and I know that World Horse Welfare is trying to get CCTV cameras in abattoirs. Basically: minimal transport distances and conscientious slaughter personnel

Throughout most of history, only when things get really tough – war, anarchy, starvation – do people start eating horse and they usually stop once the situation improves. But no one bats an eye at eating cattle. Why is this? Over centuries in the West, beef gradually became the most desired, prestigious red meat while at the same time horsemeat promoters pushed chevaline as a cheap substitute for the poor – not a great selling point.

Forrest: Oh, I absolutely am a horse lover, but I wanted

Furthermore, cattle and cattle slaughter eventually

to avoid anthropomorphizing too much. That’s why the

vanished from city centers, so your nice hygienic beef

horses themselves stay an enigma until the last section

parts arrived without much sense of the animal they were

where we get a bit closer to understanding them on their

made from, or the process behind it, just as consumers

own terms.

were getting more squeamish. Meanwhile, nineteenth-

I am not a vegan and I hate to be a hypocrite, so

century cities were full of horses, and those horses

even though I don’t want to eat horse I wouldn’t say

pooped, sweated, got injured (sometimes fatally) or run-

hippophagy [practice of eating horse meat] should be

down, and you couldn’t avoid seeing dead or suffering

banned. It would also be pretty offensive if I went to – say

equines. Again, not very appetizing; horsemeat had a

Yakutia – and told people there to stop eating horses

reputation as being tough and inedible because it came


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


from working animals. Add to that the sense of horses as


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majority of these animals when their ‘use’ is finished?

pets, companions or noble creatures, and you see why beef was much more appealing – no stigma, no moral

I think there’s a degree of awareness – exposés about


native ponies or racehorses going for meat crop up every few years like clockwork. Maybe people have too much

In your book – which non-horse-fan MPJ found to be the best non-fiction read published last year – you describe a scene where you watch Amish horses being auctioned off, with many in appalling condition after being worked hard their whole lives. In most of the world, cattle for slaughter would never be allowed to end up in that condition, why horses?

else to worry about.

The owners want to make $100 from them rather than

The US agricultural authorities counted farm horse

spend $100s fixing them or keeping them in retirement.

numbers till horses stopped being used for work. They

This is actually one of the reasons why nineteenth-

also kept numbers for slaughter when there were still

century campaigners proposed the human consumption

abattoirs in the USA, but that’s no longer the case. It

of horsemeat – because old workhorses got into terrible

would take a lot of money and bureaucracy to truly

condition and were wasting away in plain sight in

monitor all American horses given that all of them could

knackers’ yards. The campaigners thought – and still do

potentially end up as meat – you’re talking hundreds of

think – that if horses had a meat value, they’d be cared for

small-town auctions across America and behind them,

till the end. But it doesn’t work this way, because there’s

thousands of chains of owners who may or may not

little official oversight for the quality of horses going into

keep good paperwork. Compare that to a steer raised for

the pipeline.

beef – its destiny is pretty much mapped out before it’s

In the US, the government has a very close idea as to how many cattle, pigs, and sheep are being raised and even the strict conditions as to how they’re being raised and slaughtered. But horses seem to fall through the crack. Why is this?

even conceived, its transportation and medication fully

People like watching the Kentucky Derby or the UK Grand Nationals, greyhound raising attracts fans, thousands and thousands of tourists go every to the New Forest to see the herds of horses and ponies – the list could go on and on. Overall, do you think the public has a very naive view of what happens to the


You’ve expressed in The Atlantic why in the USA the horse industry will not become well regulated. Could you explain to MPJ your reasons? American governments don’t like to spend public money,

November~December 2017


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and the current administration is razing budgets to the

humane tools for reducing numbers. I guess it depends

ground and stripping away regulations. The old US equine

how long the current US administration lasts. The

abattoirs were run by Belgian-owned firms and exported

mustangs have survived a lot, and they may well survive

almost all the horsemeat. There’s no home consumer

Mr Trump.

to protect, and the industry’s not worth all that much money anyway, so why throw dollars at a huge regulatory nightmare full of loop holes and entry points? The main selling point of horsemeat is its cheapness. If processors had to keep all the horses for six months to ensure they’re

Eating horse

drug-free, and they did that to an adequate standard of welfare, the costs rather than profits would rise.

Despite how in horsemeat eating Europe the actual number is quite low compared to beef, do you think the US beef industry seems potential competition from horse meat? I don’t think so, but many ranchers are very interested in lots of mustangs going to slaughter because that would free up grazing on public ranges to raise more beef cattle. That, too, is an old theme. I have stories going back over a hundred years of exactly the same thing happening.

Very recently in the EU, Europol broke up a massive horse meat racket where horses in bad shape, too old, or simply labelled as “not suitable for consumption” were being slaughtered in Portugal and sent on to Belgium, a major horsemeat exporters. Are you surprised by this? Not at all! The horsemeat business has two basic scandals: first, horsemeat is passed off as beef or venison, and second, the horses being turned into meat are in some way injured, sick or otherwise contaminated. As I researched the history of chevaline, both themes crop up again and again over centuries. Wait a few years and it’ll happen again!

In the USA, herd of wild mustangs in the West used to be rounded up for dog food [see The Misfits with Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe]. Now under federal protection, this might end with Trump in a budget saving measure due to the highs costs involved of rounding up the mustangs and caring for them in an attempt to save the parch range they’re on from being eaten away. Will there be a happy ending for the mustang? Mustangs have very dedicated supporters, but even with laws in place to protect them, they end up being slaughtered or neglected – another old story. The current

Recently MPJ’s staff in the UK decided to sample horse; meat was bought from exotic meat suppler Kezie in northern England. Besides, horse, it also sells zebra, kangaroo, and a host of other meats not found on the supermarket shelf. Kezie says that horse is one of their more controversial meats. Still, that doesn’t stop customers from buying annually around 15 to 20 metric tons, sold as burgers, steaks, sausages, roasts, ground, and diced. “Of the proteins we sell at Kezie horse has been a consistent seller, it had its peak after the 2013 horse meat scandal,” says Cole Mather of Kezie. “We sell mostly on our website direct to consumers, although some smaller shops and restaurants do take horse also. “It doesn’t sell as well as the more accepted burgers and steaks such as kangaroo and ostrich. We also sell zebra, but for some reason this doesn’t get the same reproach as horse meat,” says Mather. With the ground horse, MPJ made several burgers which were grilled. A problem with horse burgers is because it cooks up looking exactly like beef, you expect it to taste like beef. When it doesn’t, you’re left thinking you’re eating beef that’s gone off. The steaks, however, were a different story. These were pan fried in butter – horse is very lean – at about two minutes per side and then let to rest for around five. The horse was very tender, sweeter than beef, and tasting and looking like venison. It would have fooled us. We would most definitely eat horse steaks again.

system to manage the herds was broken even before this budget cut, which does away with the best and most


November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal



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November~December 2017

Meat Packing Journal


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