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Mohsen Mostafavi é um arquiteto e educador irano-americano, que também atua como consultor em vários projetos arquitetônicos e urbanos de importância internacional.

Mohsen Mostafavi nasceu em 1954 na cidade iraniana de Isfahan e em 1976 formou-se em arquitetura pela Architectural Association School of Architecture, a mais antiga escola de arquitetura independente do Reino Unido e uma das mais prestigiadas e competitivas do mundo.

Posteriormente viria a lecionar na Universidade de Cambridge, na Städelschule em Frankfurt, na Universidade da Pensilvânia e na Universidade de harvard.

Em 1º de janeiro de 2008, Mostafavi foi nomeado reitor na Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

Anteriormente, ele havia sido reitor e professor na Faculdade de Arquitetura, Arte e Planejamento da Cornell University.

O trabalho de Mostafavi se concentra nos modos e processos de urbanização e na interface entre tecnologia e estética, e seus projetos de pesquisa e design têm sido publicados em muitos relevantes periódicos em todo o mundo.

Mostafavi também atua no comitê diretor do Prêmio Aga

Khan de Arquitetura, no comitê de design da London Development Agency e da Royal Gold Medal. Ele é casado com Homa Farjadi, que atualmente é diretora da Farjadi Architects e professora de prática na Escola de Design da Universidade da Pensilvânia.

Iranians Around The World

Mohsen Mostafavi is an Iranian-American architect and educator, who’s also involved as a consultant on a number of architectural and urban projects of international significance.

Mohsen Mostafavi was born in 1954 in the Iranian city of Isfahan, and in 1976 received a Bachelor of Architecture from the Architectural Association School of Architecture, the oldest independent school of architecture in the UK and one of the most prestigious and competitive in the world.[ He would later teach at Cambridge University, the Frankfurt’s Städelschule, the University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University.

On January 1, 2008, Mostafavi was named Dean at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He had previously been dean and professor in Architecture at the Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning.

Mostafavi work focuses on modes and processes of urbanization and on the interface between technology and aesthetics, and his research and design projects have been published in many relevant journals around the world.

Mostafavi also serves on the steering committee of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. He has served on the design committee of the London Development Agency and the Royal Gold Medal. He is married to Homa Farjadi, who is currently principal of Farjadi Architects and Professor of Practice at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design.

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