They’re not who you think Addiction specialist Dr Richard O’Regan talks to Ara Jansen about addiction medicine and how the people who seek out his help aren’t always who we expect.
Ten people are waiting in your reception area. Which of them has an addiction problem? You immediately pick the rough-looking guy on the end and the teen with too much black eyeliner. Actually, it’s the guy with the fresh haircut and recently dry-cleaned suit. Dr Richard O’Regan might chide you gently for making the stereotypical choice and jumping to conclusions, but the truth is 98% of people accessing Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services are most likely to be just like that clean-cut guy. In most cases, a set of life circumstances have caused them to find relief in alcohol or drugs, which has subsequently hurtled out of control. “A lot of people think that addiction medicine is dealing with stereotypical rough types who talk badly and do drugs like meth,” says Richard, Next Step’s Director of Clinical Services. “It’s not true and it’s something a lot of people miss. There are a lot of smart people with substance abuse problems who are at the other end of the scale. 12 | JULY 2020