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Special wtm londres Edition 2023 WTM LONDON

Mato Grosso do Sul State

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Photo: Bruno Bezerra

November Outubro / 2023 / 2023

Discover the perfect destination for your next vacation Exuberant nature, paradisiacal beaches, delicious cuisine and a unique culture await you in Brazil DESTINATIONS



Brazilian states have a huge diversity of tourist attractions

Rio Grande do Norte presents the beauty and abundance of this rich and fabulous state

Be enchanted by the magnificent nature of the Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul





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BE ENCHANTED BY THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF BRAZIL’S TERRITORY Brazil is a country replete with natural, cultural, and historical wonders, making it a captivating destination for tourists from around the world. For nature lovers, culture enthusiasts, and adventurous spirits alike, Brazil offers a truly unique experience. If you are a British tourist seeking an exotic and exciting destination, Brazil is the perfect choice for you. Brazil is renowned for its mesmerizing beaches, boasting many kilometers of golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Copacabana and Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro, are iconic beaches, offering a vibrant atmosphere with numerous restaurants and a lively surf scene. Praia do Forte, located in Bahia, is renowned for its warm and tranquil waters, as well as its significance as a nesting site for sea turtles. If you’re seeking a more private experience, Praia do Espelho is an untouched refuge, featuring cliffs sculpted by nature and natural pools. On the other hand, the Amazon Rainforest is an unparalleled natural treasure and a breathtaking experience for any traveler. Moreover, it is home to numerous species of animals and plants, many of which can only be found in the region. You can explore the forest by boat, trekking, bird watching, and who knows, maybe you’ll even spot an Arara or an Amazon River Dolphin swimming in the rivers. Brazil also has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by indigenous peoples, Africans, Europeans, and many others. Salvador, the capital of Bahia, is known for its colonial architecture and its lively festivals. Meanwhile, Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais is famous for its Baroque churches and its history related to the gold rush era Do not miss the delicious Brazilian

cuisine, a gastronomy that combines amazing flavors in its famous dishes, such as Feijoada, Acarajé, Brazilian barbecue, and much, much more If you’re into parties, Rio’s Carnival is a globally renowned celebration and a must-experience for any tourist. During this time, the city comes even more alive with numerous parades, samba, street parties, and music throughout. Get ready to hit the dance floor and immerse yourself in the infectious, colorful, and high-energy atmosphere of this event. You’re not convinced yet? Need a few more reasons to pick up the phone and schedule your trip to Brazil? Situated on the border of Brazil and Argentina, the Iguazu Falls are one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. With a series of spectacular waterfalls surrounded by lush vegetation, this place is a unique destination for those who appreciate natural beauty. And, of course, we can never forget the Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland and a true paradise for wildlife enthusiasts. It is indeed the ideal place to observe species such as the Jacaré, Capybara, and a variety of amazing birds in their natural habitat. So, we can all agree that Brazil is a diverse and exciting country, brimming with natural wonders and cultural experiences that will capture your heart. From the paradisiacal beaches to the Amazon Rainforest, from experiencing Carnival to delving into the rich cultural heritage, Brazil offers a unique experience you will never forget. So, pack your bags, embark on this adventure, and get ready to fall even more in love with the beauty of Brazil. You won’t be disappointed.

President Roy Taylor Vice-President Rosa Masgrau rosamasgrau@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-21) 2254-3543 Sales Director Mari Masgrau mari.masgrau@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-11) 97509-0605 Administrative and Financial Director Roberta Saavedra roberta.saavedra@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-21) 2487-1616 Editorial Director Natália Strucchi natalia.strucchi@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-21) 99164-2940 Editor-in-Chief Pedro Menezes pedro.menezes@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-11) 97863-2020 Operational Andreia Boccalini andreia.boccalini@mercadoeeventos.com.br (55-11) 95389-7662 Reportage Janaina Brito janaina.brito@mercadoeeventos.com.br Ana Azevedo ana.azevedo@mercadoeeventos.com.br Rafael Torres rafael.torres@mercadoeeventos.com.br Photography Eric Ribeiro eric.ribeiro@mercadoeeventos.com.br Designer Patrick Peixoto Reportage SP (55-11) 95389-7662 Reportage RJ (55-21) 2254-3543 Reader Service (55-11) 95389-7662 IT Infrastructure Management WorkNet Tecnologia fernando.carilo@worknetecnologia.com.br WA Agency waagenciadigital.com.br Sales Department São Paulo (55-11) 95389-7662 | Rio de Janeiro (55-21) 2254-3543 Rio de Janeiro Avenida das Américas, 14.591 - Grupo 403 Cep 22790-701 (55-21) 2487-1616 Published by Editora Mercado e Eventos Ltda The articles and opinions of third parties published in the issue do not necessarily reflect the position of the newspaper.



















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RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: A DESTINATION FULL OF POSSIBILITIES Right in the northeast of Brazil, with an average of 300 sunshine days a year, crystal clear waters, 400 kilometers of coastline and a wide variety of landscapes. You'll be mesmerized by its unique beauty.

1st Brazil’s state to receive the stamp

Brazil's most welcoming state in 2022


Sun and Beach



Ecotourism and Adventure



Historical and Cultural




Digital Nomad



Natal is the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, with the most welcoming and hospitable people in the Americas, as well as a good infrastructure for enjoying the summer all year round.


BY BUGGY ON THE 13,67mi from Natal



This is the most tantalizing buggy ride through the Genipabu dunes. Among other thrilling experiences, visitors can try the "esquibunda" (a kind of toboggan run that ends with a dip in freshwater lagoons) or the "aerobunda" (a zip line jump) with the largest fleet of buggies in the world.

And get to know more about Natal





Dunes, mangroves, sea and tranquillity. A boat trip is highly recommended for an unique experience, bringing together gastronomy,, nature and anecdotes told by the locals. Galinhos is also known as an important salt producer and exporter worldwide.

SERIDÓ UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK The area of the Seridó geopark covers 1.081 square miles and six municipalities with natural resources and important human constructions: Cerro Corá – source of the Potengi River, Carnaúba dos Dantas – Monte do Galo, Acari and Parelhas – Gargalheiras and Boqueirão dams respectively, Currais Novos – Cânion dos Apertados and Mina Brejuí, and Lagoa Nova – Tanque dos Poscianos.

In November 2021, two Unesco evaluators, with the support of the State Government of Rio Grande do Norte, visited the six cities that make up the Seridó Geopark, on the mission to evaluate the territory. The positive result places the Seridó Geopark on the select list of UNESCO World Geoparks, which has now 177 geoparks in 46 countries around the world, in addition to also including it in the World Geoparks Network.




#3 best beach in South America

AN UNMISSABLE ATTRACTION 51,94mi (1h 15min) from Natal

The world-famous Praia da Pipa is a privileged destination with an unique atmosphere. There are countless activities to experience, such as scenic landscapes, stunning nature and marine fauna (the lucky ones can even swim among dolphins), perfect for surf lessons, canoeing and other water sports. In the evening, a stroll through the village will take visitors to its lively nightli nightlife, bars and restaurants serving local cuisine.




And get to know more about Pipa 12



Paradisiacal, almost deserted beaches, with long stretches of sand attracts tourists from all over the world - those looking for tranquillity and those wanting adventure and fun, especially those practicing water sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing. Just 15 minutes from the center of Gostoso is the famous Tourinhos cen beach, which is surrounded by beautiful cliffs and is one of the favorite places for swimming because it is protected from the wind, as well as one of the most beautiful sunsets in the region.


And get to know more about São Miguel do Gostoso




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Photo: VisitMS

Mato Grosso do Sul

DISCOVER THE PANTANAL BY IMMERSING YOURSELF IN NATURE IN MATO GROSSO DO SUL Prepare for an adventure that may exceed your wildest expectations! In Mato Grosso do Sul, you’ll encounter genuine natural paradises that are both accessible and exhilarating. Accessing our primary tourist destinations is surprisingly convenient: just a few hours’ drive separates Campo Grande, our capital, from the main attractions in the Pantanal and the Bonito/Serra da Bodoquena region. Even during your journey, you’ll catch

glimpses of the beauty that awaits you. In the Pantanal, a wildlife sanctuary like no other, a diverse array of wild fauna roams the natural grasslands, rivers, corixos, and bays, while the skies are adorned with numerous bird species. It’s not merely a trip; it’s a sensory journey where every sound and sight immerses you in a truly natural world.



“Cestinha de Peixe”, one of Mato Grosso do Sul’s delicacies

The “Coxinha de Jacaré” is also a very popular dish

You must try the “Moqueca de Jacaré” (alligator stew)

“Pintado a la Odila” is an excellent choice for lunch or dinner

In a dditio n to its natural wo n ders , M ato G ros s o do Sul is a p ara dis e fo r lovers of auth entic cuisin e. T h e Pantanal G astro n o mic Ro ute is an invitatio n to a jo urn ey of f l avo rs , w h ere each dish tell s a sto r y. O n e of th e n ovelties is th e un mis s ab le Panta nal G astro n o mic Ro ute, a uniqu e gastro n o mic ex p erien ce o n th e b an ks of th e Paraguay river b asin.

au da cio us delic a c y, a p er fe c t b len d of textures a n d spices th at will surp ris e even th e m o st dema n ding p al ates. A n d th e cevich e, p rep a re d with fresh f ish fro m th e regio n , of fers a refreshing a n d delicio us ex p erien ce th at c a ptures th e es s en ce of th e Pa ntanal waters. T h ere’s al s o ‘ jaú na b ras a’, as well as ma ny oth er uniqu e regio nal f l avo rs.

Prep are yo ur p al ate fo r a n ex p losio n of regio nal f l avo rs. Tr y sp e cial m o qu e c as , dish es that celeb rate th e rich n es s of th e lo c al f ish , tra nsfo rm e d into culina r y masterpie ces. T h e alligato r dr umsticks are a n 16

O n this cu lina r y jo urn ey, ea ch m eal is a celeb ratio n of th e diversit y of un p a rallele d f l avo rs of M ato G ro s s o do Su l. O ur cuisin e awa kens o ur s ens es a n d creates tr u e em o tio nal m em o ries. Co m e a n d taste th e f l avo rs of th e Pa nta nal.

EXPERIENCE THE ADVENTURES OF THE PANTANAL: PHOTO SAFARIS, BIRDWATCHING AND SPORT FISHING Traveling through the Pantanal offers a unique opportunity to experience the immense natural diversity of one of the richest ecosystems on the planet. Photo safaris allow for exciting moments of connection with wildlife. Accompanied by experienced local guides, each safari is like an open-air encyclopedia of the Pantanal’s fauna and flora. Along the trails and in the riparian forest, it is possible to come across a variety of mammal species and, with a bit of luck, a jaguar will reserve moments of intense emotion.

The Pantanal is also the secular culture of its people. There, you can experience days like true Pantanal people, living harmoniously with nature, getting to know local traditions and tasting its rich and peculiar cuisine. These are some of the treasures that the Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul offers us.

Photo: VisitMS

For birdwatchers, the Pantanal is truly a paradise. The world’s largest floodplain is home to more than 600 species, both endemic and migratory. Birdwatchers from Brazil and abroad repeatedly visit this biome, which reveals unforgettable images and surprises in each of its different micro-regions.

For those seeking the pleasures of sport fishing, the Pantanal in Mato Grosso do Sul is one of the most coveted destinations. The more than 260 species that can be found there allow lovers of catch-and-release fishing to enjoy pleasant moments of leisure. Among the most coveted species are the pacu, the pintado, and even the tucunaré, famous for its sportiness, as well as the dourado, known as the “river tiger”.



In M ato G ros s o do S ul , yo u c an enjoy t wo dif ferent an d surp rising destinatio ns in a single trip. T h e Pa ntanal B o nito Ro ute ta kes us fro m th e f lo o d p l ains of th e Panta nal , w h ere we c an co ntem p l ate nature a n d o b s er ve wildlife, to a m o untain o us regio n with trails , water fall s , f lo ating in cr ystal- clea r waters an d visits to c aves an d c averns in B o nito/S erra da B o do qu ena. T h e B o nito/S erra da B o do qu ena to urist regio n stan ds o ut as a tr u e p ara dis e. Its in cre dib ly cr ystallin e waters a re m o re th a n an invitatio n to dive, f lo at a n d let yo urs elf b e c arrie d away by th e b eaut y of th e enchanting un der water nature. C aves , do lin es , mysterio us l ago o ns , da z zling water falls an d ra pids turn ever y visit to th e destinatio n into a jo urn ey of a dventure a n d 18

great em otio ns , all a cco m p a nie d by guides sp e cialize d in natural at tra c tio ns a n d a diversif ie d h otel n et wo rk with high - qualit y s er vice. In a dditio n to all this , this regio n is a pio n e er in terms of sustaina bilit y, a n d B o nito, th e wo rld ’s f irst c a rb o n-n e utral e coto urism destinatio n , was vote d th e b est e coto urism destinatio n in B ra zil fo r th e 17th tim e! H ere, yo u n ot o n ly ex p erien ce a dventure, b u t al s o co ntrib u te to p res er ving this p a ra dis e fo r fu ture gen eratio ns. Co m e a n d dis cover w hy B o nito is m u ch , m u ch m o re th a n its na m e sug gests. T his is M ato G ro s s o do Su l , w h ere a dventure is within ever yo n e’s rea ch a n d o ur nature b e co m es yo ur destinatio n. E x p lo re Pa nta nal , B o nito/S erra da B o do qu ena a n d all th e b eau ties of M ato G ro s s o do Su l.

Praia do Preá - CE • Fotógrafo: Gustavo Pellizzon

Your next great journey starts here! Assure your place at BTM and walk the path to success.



24th and 25th FORTALEZA • CEARÁ • BRAZIL

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General Informations OFFICIAL NAME: Federative Republic of Brazil GOVERNMENT SYSTEM: Federative Presidential Republic PRESIDENT: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva CAPITAL: Brasília OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Portuguese (BR) LOCATION‎ South America


AREA: 8,516 million km²

Northeast Midwest

POPULATION: 212.6 million


CITIES: 5.570


TOURISM IN 2023 SO FAR Up until July this year, Brazil has received more than 3.65 million international tourists . This figure is higher than the numbers recorded for the whole of 2022, when 3.63 million foreigners entered the country. Among the main emitters of international tourists to Brazil were Argentina (1,381,991), the United States (382,843), Paraguay (26 4,56 4), Chile (260,027 ) and Uruguay (223,788). The most popular states for foreign visitors are: São Paulo (1,201,546), Rio Grande do Sul (826 ,079), Rio de 20

Janeiro (692,799), Paraná (459,743) and Santa Catarina (212,577 ). From January to July, international tourist spending in Brazil surpassed the US$ 3.796 billion mark, approximately R$ 18.6 billion, according to data from the Central Bank (Bacen). The figure is the second best result in the historical series, second only to 2014, when the World Cup was held in the country. In addition, accumulated spending is 3.32% higher than the amount recorded in 2019, the pre-pandemic year.

DIVISION: Brazil is divided into five regions with 26 states, plus the Federal District (DF). BIGGEST CITIES: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, BeloHorizonte, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Manaus and Brasília OFFICIAL TIME ZONE IN BRAZIL: GMT - 3 INTERNATIONAL PHONE CODE: +55 OFFICIAL WEBSITES: www.brasil.gov.br and www.turismo.gov.br MINISTER OF TOURISM: Celso Sabino PRESIDENT OF EMBRATUR: Marcelo Freixo


Photo: Eric Ribeiro


Celso Sabino, Minister of Tourism

Brazil is ready to receive British tourists. This is the message that the Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino, wants to convey at WTM 2023, as he mentioned during this exclusive interview for M&E. According to the executive, the biggest news is that we achieved an important victory concerning the approval of ‘tax-free’ for foreign tourists. Now, states and the Federal District can adopt tax-free policies for purchases made by foreign travelers. “And rest assured because in the field of security, the country has made progress in discussions with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to implement Touristic Police in our destinations, with well-trained police officers ready to assist national and international visitors”, says Sabino. Mercado & Eventos - What is the main message that the Tourism Ministry wants to convey to the British and European audiences visiting the fair? Celso Sabino - That Brazil has open doors to receive tourists. That we are a diverse, welcoming country, with the biggest biodiversity on the planet, a rich culture, a unique gastronomy, breathtaking views, and a wide mix of people and cultures. However, in order to receive more and more visitors each year, the Brazilian government has worked hard to further connect the country, both domestically and internationally. We are also working on bringing new international investments to Brazil to provide a wider and more complete range of services and products that cater to all types of visitors coming to the country. In addition, the government has also been working to improve the infrastructure in the country, including airports and

highways, and is also concerned with the qualification of tourism professionals, especially those who work on the front lines with tourists, to provide a better experience. Not to forget, the government is also working on building new destinations to further diversify the offerings available in the country. M&E - What are the most important public measures projected or ongoing to better receive tourists? Celso Sabino - We are paying close attention to the qualification of the professionals working in the tourism sector. In fact, I launched the ‘Qualifica Turismo’ platform in August as part of the Tourism Qualification, Inclusion, and Accessibility Program, a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and the Federal University of Maranhão, offering online training courses. We have also been working hard to expand flight options to and from Brazil. In September, we launched the ‘Conheça o Brasil: Voando’ program, which includes the implementation of stopovers in Brazil, allowing visitors to make a stop in an intermediary destination as part of certain international flights. Also in September, we achieved a significant victory regarding the approval of the ‘tax-free’ policy for foreign tourists, a priority in my management. Now, all states and the Federal District can adopt tax-free policies for purchases made by foreign travelers. In terms of security, we have made progress in discussions with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to implement a Touristic Police in our destinations, with well-trained police officers ready to assist both national and international visitors. M&E - What are the MTur’s plans to attract more international visitors and set new records? Celso Sabino - We believe that all the actions mentioned above are extremely important for increasing the number of foreign visitors in our country. However, more than increasing this number, we need to balance the trade and reduce the deficit in our country. To achieve this, we need to strategically work on increasing the average spending by visitors in the country. In addition to these actions, Brazil needs to expand its promotion in other markets, and Embratur is doing an excellent job in this effort to be present at international fairs, showcasing the full tourism potential of our country. 21


Photo: Eric Ribeiro


Marcelo Freixo, president of Embratur

Bri t i sh t ouri s ts ha ve the highe s t ave ra g e ti c ket among E urop e a n countrie s , whil e t h e U ni t ed Ki ngdo m is one of the m ain s o u rces of i nt erna tional touris ts in the wo r l d . Wi t h t he ai m of s howca s ing Brazil ’s na t u ra l and c ult ural b e a uty, E m b ra tur is b ring i n g a seri es of gastronom ic ex p e rie nce s to W T M 2 0 23 , hi ghli ghte d by d a il y cook ings s h ow s wi t h Brazi li an che f s , coff e e ta s tings a n d a ‘Cai pi ri nha’ ( a B razil ian d rink ) ma s t e rclass. The i de a is to attra ct the atte nti o n o f a publi c t hat s e e s Brazil as a crad l e o f n a ture and a mu l ticul tura l d e s tination. Th i s i s what t he pres id e nt of the B razil ian Inte r n a ti onal Touri sm Promotion Age ncy ( E m bra tur), M arc elo Fre ixo, s ays in this s p e c i a l int erv i ew. MERCADO & E VE N TOS - W ha t c a n we expect f ro m t he B r it is h m a r ke t i n 2 023/2024 ? Marcelo Freixo - T he U K is one of t h e m ai n sourc es of inte rna tional tourist s i n the world. Accord ing to d a ta f rom Gl o ba l dat a, t he UK i s ex p e cte d to b e the wo r l d ’s 4 t h larges t s ource marke t in 20 23 , w i t h 88 mi l li on t rave l e rs , a f te r the U nite d St a tes, Germany a nd C hina . For B razil , co n s i de ri ng dat a f rom the Fe d e ra l Pol ice f ro m 2 0 18 t o august 20 23 , the country wa s t h e 1 0t h count ry tha t s e nt the m os t inte rn a t i o n al t ouri s t s i n the p e riod . In 20 23 , the Un i ted Ki ngdom is , s o fa r, the 9th country t h a t has s ent t he mos t touris ts , a round 8 0,000. The forec as t i s that this numb e r wil l exc e ed 10 0 ,0 0 0 by the e nd of the ye a r an d i n 2 0 24 t he numb e r wil l re turn to a l eve l c l o se t o t he pre p a nd e m ic l eve l ( 20 1 9) , w h e n we had 16 3 ,40 0 Britis h touris ts . D e s pi t e la ggi ng behi nd othe r E urop e a n countri e s i n int ernat i onal arriv al s , in 20 1 9 U K tou r i s t s 22

h a d t h e h i g h e s t a ve ra g e t i c ke t a m o n g Euro pe a n co u n t r i e s , a cco rd i n g t o t h e M i nist r y o f To u r i s m ’s I n t e r n a t i o n a l To u r i s m De m a n d Su r ve y. M& E – W i l l t h e a rr i v a l o f V i rg i n Atlan t i c a s a no t h e r a i r li ne o p t i o n li nki ng Brazil a nd t h e U K h e lp i m p rove t h e s e nu m b ers? Ma rc e lo Fre i xo - E ve r y n e w co m pa n y t ha t e n t e rs B ra z i l br i n g s n e w c u s t o m e rs a l on g, w i t h n e w f l i g h t s . A s we l l a s re f l e c t i n g a n i n c re a s e i n t h e n u m be r o f vi s i t o rs w h en t he o pe ra t i o n s t a r t s i n a pr i l 2 02 4 , t h e b egin n i n g o f s a l e s fo r a n e w a i r l i n e i s a l wa ys a cco m pa n i e d by g o o d pr i c e co n d i t i o ns. I n Se pt e m be r 2 02 3 , a cco rd i n g t o d a t a from E m bra t u r ’s A i r l i n e N e t wo r k u s i n g An a c d a t a , B ra z i l h a d a n o ff e r o f 2 5 ,3 1 4 mon t h l y s e a t s be t we e n t h e UK a n d B ra z i l . Wit h t h i s n e w o ff e r o f d a i l y f l i g h t s , we e s t ima t e a n i n c re a s e i n c a pa c i t y o f m o re t h a n 8,000 m o n t h l y s e a t s , w h i c h wo u l d re pre s e n t a n i n c re a s e o f a ro u n d 3 2 % i n t h e o ff e r be t wee n t h e t wo co u n t r i e s . I t i s o u r m i ss i on t o e n s u re t h a t t h e pro m o t i o n o f B ra z i l i a n dest i n a t i o n s i s e ff i c i e n t , s o t h a t t h e s e sea t s c a n be u s e d by fo re i g n t o u r i s t s . M& E - We ’ re t a lki ng a b o u t a m a r ke t that e a r ns a nd s p e nd s i n p o u nd s, o ne of the s t ro ng e s t c u rre nc i e s i n t h e wo r ld . I s this t h e t y p e o f t o u r i s t we w a nt t o a tt ract? W h a t i s t h e p ro f i le o f t h e E ng li sh m a n v is i t i ng B ra z i l? Marcelo Freixo - Naturally, tourists who come from countries with stronger currencies tend to spend more in our country. The challenge today is to increase the length of stay of these tourists, ensuring that they can visit a greater diversity of destinations within our country. To this end, at Embratur, we have resumed our partnership with the British trade, joining associations such as L ATA (Latin America Travel Association), as well as establishing a partnership with VBRATA (Visit Brazil Travel Association), supporting the association’s roadshow to educate UK travel agents. Training the trade is a priority in order to increase knowledge about our destinations and experiences. Understanding the profiles of British tourists who could potentially come to Brazil is part of our strategy to present Brazil to the British market as a sustainable tourism destination with a wide variety of cultural attractions. Among our actions focused on product diversification, this year we held a famtour with English operators to the ‘Rota das Emoções’.

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UNRAVEL THE MYSTERIES OF BRAZILIAN CULTURE THROUGH CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS ACROSS THE COUNTRY FOLKLORE, RELIGION, DANCE AND LOTS OF MUSIC FROM NORTH TO SOUTH, EAST TO WEST TO ENCHANT YOU When you talk about Brazil, what comes to your mind? Samba, Carnival, soccer, Rio de Janeiro and the beach? You can be sure that the country has all this and much more. To get to know Brazil’s rich culture and identity, you just have to visit the destination and believe me; the country has cultural events for every taste. Music and dance lovers can enjoy the sound of samba, of course, but also the contagious rhythm of frevo throughout the year, with an emphasis on the months of January and February, during Carnival. In the North, Carimbó is a representation of Amazonian identity. The lively and engaging rhythm uses drums, flutes and indigenous instruments to create a peculiar and unique sound. In the Midwest, Siriri is a dance that involves the whole body. Clapping, snapping of fingers, hands on the waist, pirouettes and other movements are necessary to keep everyone on their toes! The choreography is done in groups - and the more, the better. So don’t hesitate to join in! The Southeast is the cradle of samba and funk, musical and dance rhythms that came from the people to the people, with the aim of expressing their reality, talking about their dreams and infecting everyone with joy. These inclusive movements are constantly being updated, creating the region’s social identity. In the South, the presence of Europeans is noticeable in everyday life. In dance, for example, the mazurka has a Polish heritage, with a fast rhythm and similarities to ballroom dancing. Would you accept this challenge? SEASONAL FESTIVALS The Brazilian calendar is marked by people’s excitement for the national festivals. Carnival, right after the summer vacations, mobilizes the country - with the parades in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the giants “Bonecos de Olinda”, the Galo da Madrugada or the frevo of Recife, in Pernambuco. In Bahia, the trios elétricos (electric floats) draw crowds with live shows by the 24

country’s most popular singers. There is always a party for everyone! In the middle of the year, when winter arrives, the June and July festivals celebrate the Catholic saints São João, Santo Antonio e São Pedro, with lots of dishes based on roots and grains from the harvest season. In fact, the gastronomy of the festivities complements the series of games, dances and activities, which can either replenish your energy or be a reason to go off your diet. One dish is tastier than another. Considered a World Cultural Heritage Site, the Círio de Nazaré, in Belém - Pará, is a religious festival that brings together more than 2 million people in honor of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, in October. The month also holds the celebration of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, considered the patron saint of Brazil, which is celebrated on the same day as Children’s Day. At the end of the year, the festive atmosphere lasts for days, until the Christmas and New Year celebrations. After all, there’s nothing better than being with family, friends and loved ones, giving thanks for the experiences we’ve had and planning new ones. There are so many things to do that you will always have to come back!


BRAZIL: DISCOVER A COUNTRY OF MANY FLAVORS! GET READY TO LIVE THE BEST GASTRONOMIC EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE WITH EXOTIC AND EXCLUSIVE TASTES Brazilian cuisine is a mosaic of flavors, a result of the miscegenation of Indigenous, African, and European influences. Each of the 26 states as well as the Federal District has dishes that characterize it s identity and, when tasted, provide a journey into the past. Influenced by Indigenous people and blessed with an abundance of rivers, the North region’s cuisine is based on freshwater fish such as Pirarucu and Tucunaré. Rooted in the land, ingredient s like cassava, Brazil nut s, Cupuaçu, Açaí, Jambu, Guaraná, and Urucum complement the dishes. When traveling to the region, don’t miss the Tacacá, Maniçoba, Caruru and Pato no Tucupi. The climatic diversity of the Northeast is directly reflected in it s cuisine. From Pernambuco to Bahia, the African influence is strong, which is why palm oil is often used in dishes such as Acarajé and Vatapá. In the states of Alagoas and Paraíba, seafood is abundant and appears in the form of Peixada, Moqueca and Caranguejada. In Maranhão, there is a strong Portuguese influence, in which spicy seasonings stand out. The ‘sertão’ (semi-arid region), on the other hand, has a dry climate, which favors the prod uction of carne-de-sol and dishes made with root s. When you visit the states of the Center-West, try dishes such as: Rice with Pequi - a native fruit with a sweet taste; Picadinho com Quiabo, a meat cooked in small pieces with well-seasoned vegetables; and the unusual ‘Paraguayan soup’ (Sopa Paraguaia), a savory corn cake with cheese, very be Stock Photo: Flavia Novais - Ado

Photo: lcrribeiro - Adobe Stock

traditional in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Do not forget to include the cold yerba mate drink called Tereré, which has a slightly bitter taste and is very refreshing. The Southeast is one of the regions with the greatest cultural mix. Rice, beans, root vegetables, pasta, meat and eggs are widely used and combined with other ingredient s such as palm heart s, bananas, potatoes and starch. Try the Tutu de Feijão, Virado à Paulista, Moqueca Capixaba, Feijoada, Pão de Queijo and Picadinho paulista. Feijoada and Pão de Queijo are nationally beloved dishes. In the South, the beef barbecue called Churrasco is a historical symbol, linked to the colonization. The region has a predominantly European influence, especially by the Italians and Germans, so pasta and polenta are always on the table, alongside the local dishes Arroz Carreteiro, Sopa Catarinense, Barreado, Sopa de Capeletti and G aleto. From North to South, East to West and in the central region of the country, there is always a dish that is a ‘national’ passion. The coxinha, for example, is a savory snack in which the dough can be made from flour, potatoes or cassava, while the chicken filling can vary, and it can include cheese and cream cheese in the filling as well. The drop-shaped dough is breaded and fried. The recipe is very easy and goes well with any occasion. Immerse yourself in the flavors of Brazil and enjoy a unique experience. be Stock

Photos: Flávia Novais - Ado

Photos: Flávia Novais - Adob e Stock


Photo: Fernando Sette

Capital: belém

Alter do Chão possesses a unique beauty

PARÁ A destination like you’ve never seen Belém, the capital of Pará, has an extre-

potions promise luck in love, fertility, money

mely rich historical and cultural heritage, ca-

and even virility. If you get the chance, be sure

pable of taking visitors back in time through

to try the Brazil nut. To be shipped and sold

its colonial architecture. The old part of the

around the world, the delicacy is roasted and

city is home to the Ver-o-Peso Market, one of

put into individual packages. In the market

Brazil’s main popular markets and an impor-

you can taste the nut before it goes through

tant postcard.

the process. The difference is striking.

The place is a central hub for gastronomy

To enjoy more of the delicious gastronomy,

and the ideal spot to taste the very best of

take a trip to Estação das Docas. The tourist

Pará’s cuisine, as well as being home to the

complex has been completely refurbished

largest open-air market in Latin America. Bo-

and now houses several restaurants serving

ats supply the market with fish, typical fruit,

traditional cuisine. As well as the restaurants,

medicinal herbs, spices, religious articles and

the three warehouses also hold bars and sto-

handicrafts every day. It’s an interesting pla-

res, and a stage where lots of cultural events,

ce to see how the traditional way of growing

presentations and concerts takes place.

and reusing food is still alive as well as trading products. At the stalls, perfumes, lotions and 26

Don’t forget to visit the Theatro da Paz and Mangal das Garças.



tourist attraction, which offers a paradi-

Go beyond the capital and visit Sali-

ever seen. Visit the Coca Cola Lake, na-

nópolis, the ideal destination for those

med after the color of its water, which is

who want to enjoy freshwater beaches,

reminiscent of the famous drink. Around

especially in summer. The paradisiacal

it, white sand dunes frame the landsca-

setting is a 3-hour drive from Belém.

pe. Also, visit the Farol Velho beach, Ma-

There, visit Praia do Atalaia, the main

çarico beach and Corvina beach.


by the crystal-clear waters of the Tapajós

A piece of paradise, Alter do Chão is loca-

River, forming an unparalleled setting. The

ted in the middle of the Amazon rainforest,

surrounding fishing village is very welco-

making the whole experience unforget-

ming and offers a good infrastructure, with

table, from the journey to the destination

restaurants, bars, typical food shops and

and the moments spent there. The place is

handicrafts. Take a canoe trip around Lago

known as the Caribbean of the Amazon and

Verde, explore Praia do Cajueiro, Praia Pon-

is considered one of the ten most beauti-

ta das Pedras and Praia do Cururu and cre-

ful beaches in Brazil. The beach is bathed

ate unforgettable memories.


re the mangroves on kayak trips in the

210 kilometers away from Belém, Bra-

men; try the delicious Bragança flour

gança is a destination full of charm

- a dish that is considered a reference

and very touristic, with a historical site

in the whole of Pará and take a walk at

filled with a strong Por tuguese influen-

dusk along the city’s water front – a po-

ce, as well as beautiful beaches. Watch

pular spot for weddings due to its uni-

the sunset on Ajuruteua beach; explo-

que beauty.

siacal setting unlike anything you have

River and the dark waters of the Amazon

company of experienced local fisher-





M anaus is th e cap ital of A m azon as a n d is located b asically in th e m id d le o f t h e Braz ilian A m azon , in th e largest state i n Braz il. The cit y is en d owed w ith Tou r ist A s s istance Centers - C ATs, w h ere th e lab o r i s formed by tourism stu d ents from loca l u n i versities, that are train ed to rec eive th e v i s itors in the b est way.


The city is b lessed w ith in com p a ra b l e and uniqu e n atu ral b eau ty, w ith n at u ral attract ion s su c h as th e M eeti n g o f t he Waters (Rio Negro an d Solim ões) a n d t he Tupé Sustain ab le Develop m ent Res er ve ; ur ban parks, as well as exu b erant flora a n d fauna in inspir in g sc en arios.


The Histo r ical C enter con ser ves h o u ses w ith arc h itec tu re from th e r u b b er boom cycl e, w h ic h oc c u r red in th e l ate nineteenth centu r y an d early twent i et h c entur y. Some c enten n ial b u ild in gs a l s o house cultural tou rist eq u ip m ent th at co n ditioned Mana u s to b e, at th at tim e, o n e o f t he richest cit ies in th e cou ntr y.


It has several im p ortant arc h eolo g i ca l sites, w hic h h elp to id entif y th e o r i g i n of the peo p le w h o in h ab ited th e re g i o n t h ousands of years ago, as you can s e e at t h e City M useu m - M UM A .


Manaus is in ser ted in th e intern at i o n a l route of g reat sh ows th at are p res e n ted in em b lem atic sp ac es like th e a m phitheater of th e Tou r ist C om p lex of Po nta Neg ra, the Aren a d a A m azôn ia an d th e S a m bódromo.


The city offers cou ntless option s fo r t h e practice of Natu re Tou rism , E xp er i en ce Tourism an d Ecotou r ism . Several to u r i st


routes can be taken in the city and outside it. As one of the main attractions we have Sport Fishing, with the tucunaré (a fish from the Amazon rivers).


NTo sail on the Amazon rivers is to be dazzled by magnificent sunsets and sunrises, which complete a perfect scenery for contemplation of nature, accommodated on cruise ships, on “gaiolas” (regional transport boats between cities in the interior of the state), on luxury yachts or on boats that offer overnight itineraries.


Manaus has new hotel developments that offer accommodation in boutique hotels, charm hotels, hostels, international category hotels offering luxury, comfort, modernity and quality. There are also hotel developments of large national and international chains in the city.


In the city ’s Historical Center, you can enjoy several restaurants that offer a diverse cuisine, with dishes based on typical regional fish, such as tambaqui, pirarucu, tucunaré, jaraqui and pacu. It is worth a gastronomic tour around the city to try spices and regional fruits like cupuaçu, mari mari, tucumã, pupunha, sorva, among many others.


Modern tourist equipment offer entertainment and leisure, enabling the visitor to experience Manaus for five days or more. Highlights include the double deck tourist bus, the Amazonas Theater, the Palace of Justice, the Rio Branco and Rio Negro Palaces, the Rio Negro Bridge, the City Museum, the Adolpho Lisboa Municipal Market, the Amazon Peoples’ Cultural Center, among others.


Photo: Mário Oliveira - MTur

Capital: manaus

Islands and river beaches are some options to cool off in the Amazon

AMAZONAS A haven for nature enthusiasts The Amazon has the greatest biodiversity

Municipal Market and taste the best of

on the planet and the largest biome in Brazil.

Amazonian flavours. To learn more about

The local culture has European, African and

the history of civilization, the best place is

indigenous (native peoples) influences, whi-

the Amazon Museum (MUSA), as well as the

ch are also reflected in Amazonian folklore

Seringal Museum. Your trip schedule should

and traditions. Its capital, Manaus, is known

also include the Nossa Senhora da Concei-

for the “Meeting of the Waters” of the Negro

ção Metropolitan Cathedral, the Palácio Rio

and Solimões rivers, an intangible heritage

Negro Cultural Center and the Municipal

of the city and one of the most popular si-

Clock, located in the historic center.

ghts for tourists. Manaus also houses the Teatro Amazonas

ve where the main species of Amazonian

(Amazonas Theater), one of the most im-

flora are found, such as the Victoria Regia

portant theaters in Brazil and the city’s main

and the Samaumeira, a tree up to 60 me-

postcard. The “art noveau” style building

ters high known as the “queen of the forests”

blends in with the other buildings around it

and the “tree of life”. The species can be

and harks back to the Rubber Cycle, when

used in medicines, as it has anti-inflamma-

the Amazonian capital was the economic

tory and bactericidal properties. The Ama-

center of the country.

zon is known worldwide for its vast array of

You should also visit the Adolpho Lisboa 30

It’s also worth visiting the Janauari Reser-

species and their medicinal potential.



seaplane, car or bus. From September to

Known as the “Land of the Pink Dolphin”,

river beaches, while during the flood season,

Novo Airão is located about 200 kilometers

from March to August, the scenery is perfect

away from Manaus. The territory is home to

for boat trips. Throughout the year, it’s possi-

the Anavilhanas National Park, created to

ble to visit the Botos Float, to get to know the

preserve one of the largest river archipela-

traditional riverside communities and explore

gos in the world, which has around 400 is-

the Grutas do Madadá, a prehistoric attrac-

lands. You can get there by boat, helicopter,

tion with rock inscriptions, accessed by a trail.


while sport fishing. It’s also worth mentioning

Located 405 kilometers away from Manaus,

conservation parks, such as the Jaú Natio-

Barcelos is a city surrounded by water, known

nal Park and the Serra do Aracá State Park.

as the Fishing Capital of the World. The des-

Other tourist attractions in Barcelos are the

tination, which is the largest in terms of land

El Dorado Waterfall - considered to be the

area in the state, has the highest concentra-

highest free-falling waterfall in Brazil, with al-

tion of Tucunaré fish in the whole Amazon.

most 400m high, and the Guy Collet Abyss,

A massive 12.445 kg Tucunaré was caught

considered to be the deepest cave in Brazil.


the last Friday of June and lasts un-

Parintins is a city where the main

dispute between two folkloric groups:

February, the dry season, you can enjoy the

that the city has imposing and large natural

til Sunday. It symbolizes an open-air of

Boi Garantido (red) and Boi Capri-

Nossa Senhora do Carmo, the Digi-

choso (blue). During the festival, the

tal Square, the Municipal Market and

population of Parintins almost dou-

the Parintins Folkloric Festival, con-

bles because of its thousands of

sidered a Cultural Heritage of Brazil

tourists from Brazil and around the

by IPHAN. The festival is an annual

world who follow the songs of the

popular celebration that begins on

oxen Garantido and Caprichoso.

at trac tions





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Photo: Flávio André - MTur

Capital: campo grande

Gruta da Lagoa Azul in Bonito

MATO GROSSO DO SUL A sustainable paradise


The gateway to Mato Grosso do Sul,

While in the city, do not forget to vi-

Campo Grande is home to the largest

sit the statues in honor of the state’s

freshwater aquarium in the world, the

symbols, such as the Monument to the

Pantanal Biopark, which has more

Tuiuiús - the symbol of the Pantanal,

than 7,000 animals of 263 species, in-

the Monument to the Guaicuru Knight,

cluding fish, alligators and snakes in

the Praça das Araras, the Praça Pan-

its 19,000 square meters and 32 tanks.

taneira and the Praça Ary Coelho, the

The focus of the tourist facility is to

city’s most traditional square.

promote research projects and the

Go to the Municipal Market and tas-

conservation of the species while en-

te the alligator pastel and the alliga-

ter taining and educating visitors at

tor dumplings. Visit Morada dos Baís,

the same time.

a tourist attraction with a cultural and

The attraction is located in the hear t

gastronomic space. Include Orla Mo-

of the city, which is also home to the

rena and Hor to Florestal Park on your

Museum of Contemporary Ar t (Mar-

list. Learn about Indian culture at the

co), the Don Bosco Museum of Cultu-

Memorial da Cultura Indígena, a cul-

res and the Indian Monument. The city

tural center located inside the Marçal

has many bars and restaurants that

de Souza Urban Village. It’s gonna be

preserve the state’s culinary identity.

an unparalleled experience!



quena mountain range, and together they

Bonito is the jewel of Mato Grosso do Sul.

terfalls and rivers for tourists to cool off and

The city has the Green Initiative certificate,

to venture out by abseiling, canoeing, rafting,

which makes it the first Carbon Neutral Eco-

floating, hiking and observing fauna and flo-

tourism Destination in the world, reinforcing

ra. Put the Nascente Azul (Blue Spring), the

its vocation for activities in the midst of na-

Gruta do Lago Azul (Blue Lake Grotto) and

ture and concern for its environmental foo-

the Balneário Municipal de Bonito (Bonito

tprint. The city borders the Serra da Bodo-

Municipal Spa) on your itinerary.


asons. At the destination, you can climb

Corumbá, in Mato Grosso do Sul, is the

which is also a “belvedere” for the flooded

entrance to the Pantanal, the largest floo-

surface and offers panoramic views of the

dplain in the world and home to jaguars,

city. The Pantanal History Museum is also

Tuiuiús, caimans and several other wildlife

an interesting place for those who want to

species. The scenery changes according to

learn more about the history of Corumbá

the course of the water, presenting different

and Brazil, as well as gain a greater insight

scenarios during the flood, dry and ebb se-

into Pantanal culture.


Estadual das Nascentes do Rio Taqua-

Costa Rica is located in the north of

see the canyons, cave paintings and pe-

the state and is ideal for practicing ex-

troglyphs in caves that are over 11,000

treme sports such as hiking, abseiling,

years old. In the Lage Municipal Natural

rafting, zip-lining, tree climbing and

Park, visitors can enjoy a spa made up

swimming in waterfalls. One of the op-

of natural pools, as well as pools with

tions is the Salto do Sucuriú Municipal

water slides and a small canyon with

Natural Park, three kilometers from the

jumps, caves under rocks, trails and ra-

city center. You can also visit the Parque

pids in virgin forest.

offer a series of caves, caverns, lagoons, wa-

up to the statue of Cristo Rei do Pantanal,

ri (Taquari River Springs State Park) to


Capital: brasília

Palácio do Planalto in Brasília

DISTRITO FEDERAL Our nation’s capital is full of surprises The Federal District is located in the Brazilian Cerrado, in a strategic region full of na-


have fun in the amusement park and stroll along the bike path.

tural attractions. Its capital, Brasília, is also

The city also has a beautiful botanical

the capital of Brazil, and offers a civic and

garden, full of flowers, preserved areas,

architectural center that in itself is a must-

large trees and a zoo. Architecture fans

-see attraction, as well as the JK Bridge.

can tour the city and visit works desig-

Explore Lago Paranoá, known for being

ned by Oscar Niemeyer. Brasília is also

an ideal place for walks, and the Praça dos

known for offering a range of bars and

Três Poderes. Visit the JK Memorial, Ita-

restaurants, as well as affordable stores.

maraty Palace, Alvorada Palace and the

One of the options available for explo-

National Congress, all historic sites for the

ring the city is to take advantage of the

country, especially as it is the seat of the

more than 80 routes created by the Se-

Federal Government.

cretariat of Tourism. Through them you

For nature lovers, the tip is to take ad-

can explore the waterfalls, go to places

vantage of the Dona Sarah Kubitschek

that specialize in serving LGBTQIA+ peo-

City Park, which has around 500 hecta-

ple, visit iconic places to enjoy the sunset

res of preserved area. Here, locals and

and get to know many spots eternalized

tourists can do picnics and/or sports.

by Brazilian rock bands lyrics. There’s no

You can enjoy the multi-sports courts,

shortage of options!



from the hot, dry climate. There is also a lake

130 kilometers away from Brasília, Cristali-

and unparalleled trails covered in crystals.

na (GO) is considered the largest crystal re-

The highlight is the Pedra do Chapéu - a 347-

serve in the world. The destination offers the

ton quartzite, approximately 13.7 meters long

opportunity to visit a crystal mine and extract

and six meters wide leaning over another sto-

your own rough stone from the ground. The

ne in a sloping manner, creating a shape that

experience is impressive and unparalleled. In

resembles a hat on its side and raises many

addition, there are many waterfalls to cool off

questions such as ‘why it never falls’.


logical Station, a Conservation Unit that is

Planaltina is a city that helps tell the story

guaia and Platina river basins, offering a

of Brasília. The destination has many im-

remarkable and unforgettable experience.

portant tourist attractions for understan-

Planaltina’s Museum and Historical Center,

ding the formation process of the federal

on the other hand, preserves the centu-

capital. It is also home to the Sucupira and

ries-old adobe, straw and wooden houses

Pequizeiros ecological parks, with beautiful

from the time when it was formed as a city.

trails and waterfalls that delight everyone.

It’s the ideal recipe for a trip full of learning

There is also the Águas Emendadas Eco-

and a nature connection.


surrounded by resorts and water parks, but

Caldas Novas (GO) is one of the largest

must for those who want to practice water

hydrothermal resorts in the world and is lo-

sports and sport fishing. You can also visit

cated just 306 km away from Brasília. The

the Japanese Garden and the Casarão dos

destination is perfect for families, couples

Gonzaga, one of the first buildings in the

and even friends trips, who want to relax

city and of great historical value. Do not

and enjoy the warm waters, with tempe-

miss the Serras State Park, with its trails,

ratures reaching 37.5°C. The destination is

waterfalls and breathtaking landscapes.

where you can do standup paddle boarding

home to the meeting of the Tocantins/Ara-

it also has the Corumbá Lake, which is a


Photo: Divulgação

Capital: curitiba

Jardim Botânico is one of the most well-known postcards of Curitiba

PARANÁ A cosmopolitan, vibrant and green state


Voted as Brazil’s ecological capital and

known as the Wire Opera - due to its me-

known as one of the most futuristic cities in

tal tube structure and transparent roof,

the country, Curitiba is an urban breath of

are both famous spot.

fresh air. Organized, cosmopolitan, vibrant

In addition, Curitiba’s historic center is

and green. There’s no shortage of things

full of worthwhile sights, such as Largo da

to do in the destination, which is why it’s so

Ordem and its traditional sunday fair and

difficult to define the main local postcard.

the Municipal Market.

Among the highlights are the famous

However, for those looking for a refuge

Botanical Garden, with its almost 250,000

in the city, the 26 parks scattered around

m² greenhouse inspired by London’s

the capital are the best options. With 55

Crystal Palace, home to different species

square meters of planted area per inhabi-

of Brazilian flora. The Oscar Niemeyer

tant, Curitiba is not called a green city for

Museum, also known as the Museum of

no reason. The most attractive parks are

the Eye - designed by the famous Bra-

Parque Tingui, Bosque Alemão, Parque

zilian architect and the Opera Arte, also

Tanguá and Memorial Ucraniano.



trips and helicopter rides. The Three

Foz do Iguaçu is home to one of the

where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina

Seven Wonders of the World and a

meet - is another must-see attraction

World Natural Heritage Site: the Igua-

on your visit to Foz. The attraction’s in-

çu Falls. The imposing water falls are a

frastructure is complete, with stores, a

spectacle in themselves, but the com-

restaurant, musical and dance per for-

plex also has trails and walkways, boat

mances, a light show and much more.


architec tural at trac tions, such as the

Ilha do Mel at trac ts many tourists

ra dos Prazeres For tress, with cannons

because of its beautiful beaches, na-

dating back to colonial Brazil. On the

ture trails and rustic atmosphere. Ne-

island, considered the best beach des-

ver theless, as well as the natural at-

tination in Paraná, you can only get

trac tions, there are also historical and

around on foot or by boat.


millions of years, and Buraco do Pa-

Ponta Grossa stands out for its two

monuments in the world. The destina-

famous natural at trac tions: the Vila

tion has an imposing water fall, about

Velha State Park, a beautiful and dif-

30 meters high, which flows into a ro-

ferent place, where visitors will find ro-

cky amphitheatre and forms a small

cks with unique shapes, sculpted over

lake with a sandy bot tom.

Borders Landmark Tourist Complex -

Lighthouse and the old Nossa Senho-

dre, one of the most impressive natural




Capital: florianópolis

Campeche Beach in Florianópolis

SANTA CATARINA The region impresses with its unique beauty One of the major gateways for tourists to Brazil, the island of Florianópolis is located


in the center of the Santa Catarina coas-

The breathtaking view from Joaquina Be-

tline, dividing the south and north coasts

ach reveals why it is a favorite among tou-

of the state. Popularly known as Floripa or

rists and locals. The area is surrounded by

Ilha da Magia, the capital mixes beautiful

dunes, perfect for watching the sunset. The

scenery with lively nightlife and plenty of

beach, which has complete infrastructure,

attractions for everyone.

is also known worldwide for being home to

Floripa is known for its many beaches,


have the option of Praia Mole and Praia

numerous surfing competitions.

from the trendiest to the most private. For

It’s also worth checking out the Central

those who would rather enjoy paradisiacal

Market, the Florianópolis Metropolitan Ca-

beaches, we recommend Praia da Lagoi-

thedral, the Hercílio Luz Bridge, Campeche,

nha do Leste or Praia de Galheta. Those

Praça XV, the Metropolitan Cathedral and

who want to practice extreme sports such

the Santa Catarina Historical Museum -

as surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing

Cruz e Sousa Palace.



le cars and the Unipraias Park , whe-

The city is known as Brazil ’s Dubai

ac tivities such as the ZipRider zipline,

because of its skyscrapers by the sea .

the YooHoo sled and the enchanted

The trendy balneário has beaches

fores t. The city also has the larges t

and a wide range of bars , res taurants

aquarium in the south of the country ,


the Oceanic Aquarium, as well as a

nightclubs .


des tination’s

re you can find viewpoints and other

main touris t at trac tions are the cab-

huge Ferris wheel by the sea .


the destination’s main attraction is Beto

The city is one of the top tourist attrac-

Latin America has more than 100 attrac-

tions in Santa Catarina due to its 19 bea-

tions spread over ten themed areas. The

ches of all different styles and is known as

rides range from the most extreme to the

the “National Seafood Capital”. However,

calmest, to suit all profiles and ages.


ve n t u re to u r i s m , w i t h t h e J u m p l i n e

This is the smallest municipality in

Ec o 3 6 0 º, a s we l l a s e n te r ta i n m e n t ,

S a n ta C a ta r i n a , b u t d u r i n g t h e h i g h

c u l t u re a n d g a s t ro n o m y . T h e c i t y i s

s e a s o n (f ro m N ove m b e r to A p r i l ) i t

a l s o h o m e to 39 b e a c h e s , i n c l u d i n g

re c e i ve s a ro u n d 2 m i l l i o n to u r i s t s .

s o m e c e r t i f i e d w i t h t h e B l u e Fl a g l a-

Lo c a te d i n t h e C o s ta Ve rd e & M a r

b e l , s u c h a s Q u a t ro I l h a s , M a r i s c a l

To u r i s t R e g i o n , i t h a s o pt i o n s fo r a d-

and Conceição.

Carrero World. The largest theme park in

T i ro l e s a , e c ot u r i s m , w i t h t h e M i ra n te


Photo: Renato Soares - MTur


Farroupilha Park in Porto Alegre

RIO GRANDE DO SUL A destination that can’t be missed Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande

be perfect options. For those who prefer to

do Sul, is one of the most important cities

learn more about local history, the Histo-

in the country, full of culture, rich architec-

ric Center of Porto Alegre and its buildings

ture, top gastronomy, intense nightlife and

date back to the neoclassical period of the

a contrast between the natural beauty of

destination, with old and well-preserved

its balneary and the grand buildings of the

architecture. The Public Market, which has

cosmopolitan capital. Affectionately nick-

been in existence for over 146 years, brings

named POA, the city has one of the most

together all the traditions of Rio Grande do

beautiful streets in the world, Rua Gonçalo


de Carvalho, located in the Independência district.


We can’t get enough of the cuisine as well. Barbecue on the spit or on the parrilla,

For those looking for outdoor walks and

tasty roasted galetos, lots of beer and chi-

contact with nature, the Guaíba River, Mari-

marrão are part of the gaucho’s daily life

nha Brasil and Moinhos de Vento parks can

and please even the most select palates.



i n B razil . Th e d e s ti n a ti o n h as o n e of

G ra m a d o i s known as th e “C i ty of

a n d a hu g e ra n g e of th e m e d a t tra c-

C i n em a ” b e caus e i t h os ts th e G ra-

ti o ns to pl e a s e th e wh o l e fa m ily . At

m a d o Film Fe s tival ever y y e a r. Th e

Ch r i s tm a s a n d i n th e wi nte r s e a s o n ,

cla s s i c a rchi te c tu re le a ds tou r i s ts to

th e ci ty als o h os ts s e a s o n al eve nts

b eli eve th a t th ey a re a c tu ally o n th e

th a t a t tra c t th ous a n d s of p e o pl e to

Eu ro p e a n co nti n ent a n d no lo n g e r

th e d e s ti n a ti o n .


chitecture, gastronomy and culture, the

Here, the highlight is the ecotourism

German settlers of the 19th century,

options, with farms visits, parks, mou-

which is reflected in its Bavarian-style

ntain trails, horseback riding and much

chalets and chocolatiers. The Stone Ca-

more. Chocolate is also an important

thedral, in the town’s main square, is a

part of the destination. In terms of ar-

must-see tourist attraction.


to u r s of va r i o u s t y p e s of w i n e . T h e -

T h i s p l a c e h a s wo n to u r i s t s ’ h e a r t .

c i t y i n a d i f fe re n t wa y , ta k i n g a r i d e

W i t h i t s I ta l i a n i nf l u e n c e , t h e “ C a p i ta l

t h ro u g h t i m e o n t h e M a r i a Fu m a ç a

of t h e G ra p e ” i s o n e of t h e m a i n e n o -

t ra i n , w h i c h l e a ve s f ro m t h e tow n

to u r i s m d e s t i n a t i o n s i n B ra z i l . Yo u ’ l l

a n d e x p l o re s t h e n a t u ra l l a n d s c a p e s

f i n d s eve ra l w i n e r i e s of fe r i n g ta s t i n g

of t h e S e r ra G a ú c h a .

th e b e s t g a s tro n o m i e s i n th e co u ntr y

place has a great influence from the

re i s a l s o t h e o pt i o n of e n jo y i n g t h e


Photo: Márcio Filho - MTur

Capital: salvador

Pelourinho is one of the most visited places in Salvador

BAHIA The land of Axé awaits you If you’re coming to Brazil in search of a

lourinho and indulge in a traditional Aca-

destination that combines sun & sea, cul-

rajé made by the Bahian women, enjoy

ture, history, religiosity, great food and lots

the beach at Farol da Barra, or party in

of Axé, your place is Salvador! The setting

Ondina. Whatever you choose to do in Sal-

for Michael Jackson’s iconic music video,

vador, great fun is guaranteed. Especially

“They Don’t Care About Us” (1995), the ca-

if you choose to visit the destination on

pital of Bahia is a place of happiness and

the most popular date of the year: Carni-

happy people. In 2023, the city is compe-

val. Considered the biggest and most fa-

ting in the “desirable city” category, of the

mous Carnival on the planet, Salvador do-

Reader Travel Awards 2023, promoted by

esn’t disappoint when it comes to revelry.

the renowned British magazine Wander-

Whether you’re in the ‘Pipoca’ or in a VIP

lust. In Brazil, only Salvador and Rio de Ja-

cabin, all that matters is getting down to

neiro made it to the list.

the dance and jump around following the

Climb the Lacerda Elevator, visit the Senhor do Bonfim Basilica, stroll through Pe46

‘trios elétricos’ to the sound of the country’s biggest singers.


PORTO SEGURO Pos s i b ly



th e

b u t fo re i g n e rs fro m all ove r th e wo r l d . It coul d n’t b e a ny d i f fe re nt , s i n ce th e m os t

e s ta-

d i s cove r y of B razil to o k pl a ce i n th e -

b li s h e d d e s ti n a ti o ns i n th e cou ntr y ,

s e l a n d s . It wa s th e re th a t th e Po r tu-

Po r to S e guro i s a jewel i n B a h i a . Th e

g u e s e f i rs t s et fo ot i n B razil a n d we re

m a i n a t tra c ti o n i s i ts m o re th a n 90

i m m e d i a tely e n ch a nte d . Ca n y ou bl a-

kilo m eters of tro p i cal b e a ch e s a n d

m e th e m? Wh o woul d n’t b e e n ch a n-

i ts tren d y vi b e . It ’s no wo n d er th a t i t

te d b y Po r to S e g uro’s b e au ty , cul tu-

wi ns th e h e a r ts of not o nly B razili a ns ,

re , h i s to r y a n d g o o d e n e rg y?


Caprio, Will Smith, Neymar and even

Trancoso is a distric t of Por to Se-

coincidence. With breathtaking sce-

guro, located about 1 hour and a half

nery, unspoiled nature and color ful

away from the trendy city. In contrast

rustic houses, Trancoso guarantees its

to Por to, Trancoso is a mix of exquisi-

visitors a vibe of tranquility, peace and

te trendiness and the calm of beautiful

relaxation amid paradisiacal landsca-

beaches. The destination is well known

pes. The “Trancoso square” is where

for its charm and for being a favorite

most of the resor ts, stores and restau-

among the celebrities. Leonardo Di-

rants are concentrated.


wild, rootsy beaches , a combination

Good energy and tranquility. If I

cious breezes lulled by the region’s

could sum up Caraíva in a few words ,

charming bars , delicious res taurants

those would be it. Another dis tric t of

and charming hotels/gues thouses .

Por to Seguro, Caraíva is the mos t

Caraíva is all this and much more.

hyped nowadays and this is jus tified

It ’s hard to explain. It ’s a des tination

by the fac t that the des tination has

that needs to be experienced.

Beyoncé own houses there. And it ’s no

of river and sea, nights with deli-


Photo: Thiago Sampaio

Ponta Verde is a paradise for those who enjoy sun and sea

Capital: MACEIÓ

ALAGOAS The state has everything a tourist could ask for


Maceió, the capital of Alagoas, is a

is the famous Praia do Gunga, which

true paradise for sun and beach lo-

stands out for its colorful cliffs and

vers. The city is protected by a reef

the meeting of the river and the sea,

and its coastline has countless whi-

providing a real spectacle.

te sand beaches and clear waters,

Maceió’s gastronomy is focused on

making it the Brazilian ‘Caribbean’. In

seafood, especially prawns, but it also

fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that

has tapioca, couscous, jerky and root

the destination has many similarities

vegetables such as cassava, yams and

with Caribbean beaches.

sweet potatoes on its menu. The capi-

Pajuçara beach is home to natural

tal is ‘deliciously’ charming and gua-

pools, an excellent option for snorke-

rantees its visitors a complete expe-

ling with fish and relaxing in the sun.

rience. If you’re looking for a place to

Ponta Verde beach, surrounded by

relax with your feet in the sand, enjoy

palm trees and kiosks, is perfect for

good food and explore the culture of

sports. The most popular, however,

the Northeast, Maceió is for you.



m os t b e au ti ful b e a ch e s , wi th cl e a r

Co ns i d ere d o n e of th e b e s t d e s ti-

co nu t p alms a n d m a ny n a tural p o o ls

n a ti o ns i n th e N o r th e as t , M a ra g o g i

fo r m e d b y co ral re efs . It i s p os s i bl e

i s a n a tural g em . A ci ty of exu b e ra nt

to vi s i t th e re g i o n’s b e a ch e s o n a bu-

b e au ty th a t i s p a r t of th e s o-call e d

g g y tour a n d expl o re eve r y sur re al

Co ral Co a s t , M a ra g o g i i s h o m e to th e

co r n e r of M a ra g o g i .


beaches and fine sand . But don’t be

Another beach des tination that en-

tion - with quieter beaches , the hus t-

chants visitors is São Miguel dos Mila-

le and bus tle is also one of the des ti-

gres - which is gaining more and more

nation’s great at trac tions , which has

notoriety and prominence in the cou-

become increasingly s trong on dates

ntry . This Alagoas paradise is par t of

such as New Year ’s Eve. The private

the Ecological Route, which s tretches

par ties have consolidated São Miguel

for around 25 km . It is a per fec t des-

as one of the main des tinations in the

tination to enjoy the relaxing green

Nor theas t of Brazil.


p l a c e h a s a b i g a d va n ta g e : i t ’s l e s s

A p a r a d i s e d e s t i n a t i o n , t h e to w n

T h e n a t u r a l p o o l s of J a p a r a t i n g a ,

of J a r a p a t i n g a m a y n o t b e a s p o -

to g e t h e r w i t h t h e b e a c h e s of B i t i n-

p u l a r a s t h e t w o to w n s a b ove , b u t

g u i a n d P o n ta l , of fe r s c e n e r y m a d e

i t i s a n e x c e l l e n t o p t i o n fo r r e l a -

u p of c l a s s i c w h i te s a n d s , t r a n s p a -

x i n g a n d e n jo y i n g a l l t h e b e s t t h e

r e n t , c a l m w a te r s a n d a g r e a t c o n -

c o a s t h a s to of fe r. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e

nec tion with nature.

s a n d , wa r m , tra ns p a re nt wa te rs , co-

fooled, despite being a calm des tina-

c ro w d e d a n d m o r e c o s t- e f fe c t i ve .


Photo: Bruno Lima - MTur

Capital: recife

Boa Viagem Beach is one of the most famous in Recife

PERNAMBUCO It’s impossible not to fall in love with this state One of Brazil’s main capitals, Recife

a Northeastern night out, Recife Antigo

is certainly an unmissable destination

is your destination. The center has chur-

for those who look for a complete ex-

ches, colonial houses and museums that

perience and a taste of Brazil. The city

preserve the state’s rich history. Rua do

offers a lot of history, culture, gastro-

Bom Jesus, for example, is home to Bra-

nomy, art, leisure, business, as well as

zil’s first synagogue and the Frevo Mu-

being bathed by beautiful beaches and

seum, as well as the Bonecos de Olinda

the strength of the Carnival festivities.

Museum and several charming bars. The

Beaches, rivers, green areas and histo-

street itself is a great attraction.

ric buildings blend in one of the most diverse destinations in the country.


While in Recife, don’t miss out on the rich local gastronomy, which is filled with

The beaches most sought after by tou-

seafood, jerked beef, green beans, ‘bolo

rists in the region are Boa Viagem and

de rolo’, curd cheese, among other typi-

Pina, which have shores with lots of co-

cal dishes and ingredients that prove the

conut palms, as well as warm, green wa-

uniqueness of Pernambuco’s flavor. If

ters. If your thing is to get to know the lo-

possible, plan to visit the Carnival in Re-

cal history and culture, or even to enjoy

cife, which is a must.



tival is marked by the presence of the

Famous for its hillsides and colorful

countless famous personalities who pa-

streets and mansions, the city is one of

rade down the cobbled streets during

the oldest in Pernambuco and also one

Carnival. The city’s Historic Center is lis-

of the most iconic in Brazil. Olinda is the

ted by UNESCO and is full of historical

perfect blend of history, tradition and

and cultural attractions, such as chur-

Brazilianness. Home to one of the most

ches, museums, old houses and craft

iconic carnivals in the country, the fes-

workshops that are well worth a visit.


is considered the most charming

Fe r n a n d o d e N o r o n h a i s o n e o f t h e

e l e c te d t h e m o s t b e a u t i f u l b e a c h i n

m o s t d e s i r e d p l a c e s b y to u r i s t s . T h e

the world several times . About 10 0

“ to u r i s t p a r a d i s e ” i s a n e x a m p l e o f

m e te r s l o n g , i t h a s c r y s ta l c l e a r w a -

e nv i r o n m e n ta l p r e s e r v a t i o n a n d h a s

te r s , a b u n d a n t m a r i n e l i f e a n d o f-

a rich diversity of fauna and flora,

fers a panoramic view of Sancho -

making it an excellent destination

another renowned beach, with Dois

f o r e c o to u r i s m . T h e B a í a d o s P o r c o s

I r m ã o s h i l l i n t h e b a c kg r o u n d .


ming inns. When there are low tides,

Por to de Galinhas, located in the

ach to the natural pools, located 200

municipality of Ipojuca, 70 kilome-

meters from the shore, in a five-mi-

ters away from Recife, is a “ fishing

nute journey where, upon arrival, you

village” that has become an excellent

can dive and obser ve the rich marine

tourist produc t, where the beautiful

life, full of color ful fish, either with

natural pools meet an infrastruc ture

the naked eye or with a mask, snorkel

of bars, restaurants, hotels and char-

and feed kit to at trac t the fish.

famous Bonecos de Olinda, inspired by

beach on the island and has been

raf ts transpor t tourists from Vila be-


Photo: Biaman Prado - MTur

Capital: são luis

The Lençóis Maranhenses are incredibly beautiful and impress visitors

MARANHÃO A perfect balance between culture and nature


Home to one of the largest São João

rich state and its capital concentrates

festivals in the world and great cultural

and translates this in the best possible

events, São Luís do Maranhão is one of

way. São Luís is home to the ‘Biggest

the capitals with the most personality in

São João in the World’, one of the main

Brazil. The destination is a mix of history,

events on the country’s cultural calen-

art, culture, architecture, beautiful lands-

dar. The festival, which begins in June

capes and remarkable flavors. Largely in-

and continues until July, celebrates the

fluenced by Europe, especially Portugal,

religious festivities of São João and also

São Luís is a city surrounded by old man-

the history of the Boi Bumbá, a popular

sions, often decorated with tiles, which

Brazilian folklore.

make the landscape even more beautiful.

In terms of gastronomy, the city stands

In terms of music and culture, the city

out for its distinctive flavors and very re-

is extremely influenced by Jamaica,

gional typical dishes, such as the famous

being considered the Brazilian Jamaica

cuxá rice, with vatapá and vinagreira,

and having reggae as one of its main

giant prawns, beiju, among other dishes

rhythms. In terms of artistic and cultu-

that prove that Maranhão is one of the

ral manifestations, Maranhão is a very

main gastronomic destinations in Brazil.



s a n d d u n e s a n d f re s hwa te r l a g o o n s

W i t h o u t a d o u bt o n e of B ra z i l ’s

wo r l d . I t ’s a m i x t u re of d e s e r t l a n d s-

t h a t fo r m a u n i q u e s et t i n g i n t h e

m o s t e m b l e m a t i c s et t i n g s a n d o n e





I t ’s

of t h e m o s t d e s i re d d e s t i n a t i o n s fo r

i m p o s s i b l e n ot to b e m ove d b y t h i s

t ra ve l e r s f ro m a l l ove r t h e wo r l d ,

i n te r t i d a l p a ra d i s e , w h et h e r y o u ’re

t h e Le n çó i s M a ra n h e n s e s , l o c a te d i n

wa tc h i n g a s u n s et t h e re o r ta k i n g a

t h e m u n i c i p a l i t y of B a r re i r i n h a s , a re

4x4 to e x p l o re t h e i m m e n s i t y of t h e

m a r ke d b y a c o m b i n a t i o n of w h i te



mal and plant species and there are

The Chapada das Mesas National

countless breathtaking water falls. The

Park is one of Brazil ’s main ecotourism

most famous water falls are Cachoeira

destinations and a must for nature lo-

de São Romão and Cachoeiras do Pra-

vers. The Cerrado region is rich in ani-

ta. Trekking is also popular here.


d es tin a tio n’s ma in a t tra c tio ns , as

Maranh ã o’s s e co n d larg e s t ci ty lies

br id g e , buil t in a cable-s tay e d s tyle

o n th e b anks of the To cantins River

an d which cros ses th e To cantins Ri-

o n th e b o rd er b et we en the s ta tes

ver, linkin g th e ci ties of Imp era tr iz ,

of Maranh ã o an d To cantins and is

in Maranh ã o, an d Sã o Miguel d o To-

a gre a t o ptio n fo r thos e who want

cantins , in To cantins . O n b oth sid e s

to visi t t wo s ta te s in o n e tr ip. Th e

of th e r iver, i t is p os sible to b a the in

B ei ra Ri o p ro m en a d e an d the b e a-

‘p rainh as’ lo ca te d un d er th e br id g e

ch es o n th e To cantins River are th e

in th e dr ier se aso n .

caves, mountains, rock formations and

is th e D o m Afo nso Fellip e G re g o r y


Photo: Jade Queiróz - MTur

Capital: fortaleza

Praia do Futuro has beach huts with a lot of infrastructure for tourists

CEARÁ A haven of spectacular landscapes


Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará, is known

several attractions in one place, such as

for its beaches with clear waters, palm

the Ponte dos Ingleses, the Espigão and

trees and dunes, as well as its traditional

the Iracema Statue, a must-see on any

culture and great gastronomy. The city’s

traveler’s itinerary.

folklore traditions are strong and can be

The Avenida Beira Mar promenade is also

seen in dance performances at the José de

a special spot, much used for sports and

Alencar Theater. Forró is one of the most

physical activities such as walking, running,

popular styles in the region.

cycling and rollerblading. It is also a way

However, the great attraction of the des-

of getting to know the beaches of Iracema,

tination are its beaches and their structu-

Meireles and Mucuripe, as the avenue stre-

re. At Praia do Futuro, one of Fortaleza’s

tches along all these beaches.

most famous, the rough sea – ideal for ki-

The central market is a must-see, with

tesurfing – combined with the beach clubs,

over 600 stores selling art, food and drink.

tents and kiosks is perfect for tasting a

The place has been in operation for over

good crab and enjoying the beach with

two centuries and brings together the best

comfort. Praia de Iracema brings together

of Ceará’s culture, history and gastronomy.



vibe, Jeri has some of the most beautiful

Located about 300 km from Fortaleza,

postcard is undoubtedly the Pedra Fu-

Jericoacoara (or Jeri) is one of Brazil’s

rada, an attraction that yields beautiful

most beloved destinations. With calm be-

photographs and a breathtaking sunset,

aches, dunes, lagoons and a fishing village

which takes place “inside” the stone.


that you will find the symbols of the Moon

A famous scenery in Ceará, Canoa Que-

to spot and the postcard of the destination.

brada is a beach located on the east coast

Buggy rides around Canoa Quebrada are an

of the state, surrounded by cliffs that provi-

excellent way to get to know the region’s be-

de a cinematic view. It is in Canoa Quebrada

aches and dunes.


mous Padre Cícero, Juazeiro is the

Juazeiro do Nor te is a municipality

and concentrates at trac tions such as

located in the Cariri Metropolitan Re-

handicraf t centers, as well as lots of

gion, 491 km from the capital and one

history, culture and top gastronomy.

of the most popular religious tourism

The region is also home to one of the

destinations in Brazil. Considered the

most impor tant archaeological sites

‘capital of faith ’ and known as one

in Brazil, with more than 7,000 fossils

of the cities of the journey of the fa-

that are well wor th a visit.

scenery in the country. The destination’s

and Star carved into the cliffs, a famous pho-

largest city in the interior of Ceará


Photo: Giovanni Sérgio

Capital: natal

Buggy ride in the dunes of Genipabu

RIO GRANDE DO NORTE A destination where the sun shines all year round


Renowned both for its Parque das Du-

Sun, because the equator line crosses it.

nas - the largest original Atlantic Forest

Natal’s most famous beach is Ponta

reserve located within an urban park in

Negra, considered the city’s postcard.

Brazil - and for its beautiful beaches,

It’s where you’ll find good infrastruc-

the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Na-

ture, a chain of hotels, restaurants and

tal, is an all year destination.

nightlife, as well as unforgettable lands-

As well as having one of the best in-

capes, such as the famous Morro do Ca-

frastructures in the Northeast, the city

reca, a dune over 100 meters high that

also boasts beautiful beaches, countless

makes the beach even more beautiful.

tourist attractions, culture and plen-

Located on the banks of the Potengi

ty of gastronomy - especially seafood

River, another place wor th visiting is

dishes, especially shrimp, one of Natal’s

the For te dos Reis Magos, a military

greatest strengths. No wonder those

building constructed in 1949 to pro-

born in Natal are called potiguar, which

tect the Por tuguese who were in con-

means “shrimp eater” in Tupi language.

flict with the French and the indige-

Natal is also known as the City of the

nous peoples.



manages to maintain a more “paradisia-

The Pipa region, located in the municipa-

autiful beaches are Praia do Amor, Praia

lity of Tibau do Sul, is one of Brazil’s most

do Madeiro and Chapadão - which offers

stunning sun & beach destinations. With

a breathtaking panoramic view of the en-

a rustic vibe and a mystical touch, the

tire Tibau do Sul coastline. The area is also

region is well structured for tourism, but

ideal for fans of sports such as kitesurfing,

preserves its natural resources and still

windsurfing and quad biking.


ters, surrounded by coconut palms, fine

Growing in popularity in the last few

and good music, all creating a fantastic

years because of its private Réveillons

atmosphere in a stunning setting. You

parties, São Miguel do Gostoso is more

can’t help but fall in love with Gostoso.

than just excitement and I can assu-

Tourinhos beach is the most popular in

re you that it is worth a visit all year

the region, but all the beaches have an

round. Beaches with crystal-clear wa-

enchanting fishing village vibe.


tourist activities and attractions, whi-

Touros is a Brazilian municipality in

Wonders of Touros”, symbolizing the

the state of Rio Grande do Norte, nick-

main beauties of the municipality with

named the “corner of Brazil” because it

enormous cultural relevance. The seven

is located in an area where the Brazilian

wonders are: the lighthouse, the church,

coastline takes a bend. The destination

the cannons, the dunes, the tourinho,

brings together a series of interesting

the coconut trees and the beach.

cal” status. Among the region’s most be-

white sands, sun and heat, good food

ch have been nicknamed as the “Seven


Capital: rio de janeiro

The Christ the Redeemer Monument is the main postcard of Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO The state welcomes the world with open arms Rio de Janeiro is a large Brazilian city

ches such as Copacabana, Ipanema

by the sea, famous for the beaches of

and Barra da Tijuca, there is no shor-

Copacabana and Ipanema, the statue

tage of sun and sea destinations in the

of Christ the Redeemer at the top of

region. For surfers, the tip is Arpoador

Corcovado and Sugarloaf Mountain, a

beach, which has a large rock with the

granite peak with cable cars to its top. In

same name as the beach, from where

addition to the classic and best-known

you can see the sun setting between

tourist attractions, visitors can enjoy

Morro Dois Irmãos.

partying in the Lapa district, taking be-

For those who like sports, Maracanã,

autiful photos in the Santa Teresa dis-

one of Brazil’s best-known soccer sta-

trict or even enjoying the beaches of

diums, and Porto Maravilha are must-

the cities surrounding the capital.

-sees. Porto Maravilha, after its revita-

The capital is the face and spirit of Rio de Janeiro. With renowned bea58

lization, now houses spaces such as the Museum of Tomorrow and AquaRio.



d e r e d t h e m o s t b e a u t i f u l i n t h e s ta -

Armação de Búzios is already on

a r e G e r i b á , Tu c u n s , J o ã o Fe r n a n -

t h e w i s h l i s t o f m a n y f o r e i g n to u -

d e s , Fe r r a d u r a , Fe r r a d u r i n h a , A r m a -

r i s t s . T h e p e n i n s u l a , ju s t e i g h t k i l o -

ç ã o , M a n g u i n h o s , Ta r ta r u g a , O s s o s ,

m e te r s l o n g , i s h o m e to 2 3 b e a u t i f u l

Brava and Olho-de-Boi, this las t one

beaches , some of which are consi-

reser ved for naturis ts .


Lagos , also known as the Cos ta do Sol,

Arraial do Cabo has a reputation

to relax with their feet in the sand . It is

as the “ Brazilian Caribbean”, which is

also a great spot to take a shor t tour

emblazoned on the city’s of ficial wel-

and get to know, for example, Pon-

come sign . With easy acces s , sunny

tal do Atalaia and G ruta A zul, and, of

days and paradisiacal beaches , the

course, the beautiful beaches of Fa-

des tination located in the Região dos

rol, Forno, Praia G rande and Prainha .


ra Cathedral, the Crystal Palace, the

Petrópolis, founded by Emperor Dom

Dumont House. Nearby, in the district

Pedro II, enchants with a combination

of Itaipava, there is a sophisticated

of historical heritage and ecotou-

gastronomic route, which also leads

rism. Highlights include the Imperial

to the Barão de Itaipava Castle and

Museum, the São Pedro de Alcânta-

the Bohemia and Itaipava breweries.

te o f R i o d e J a n e i r o . T h e h i g h l i g h t s

is one of the bes t for those who want

Quitandinha Palace and the Santos


Foto: Rogério Cassimiro - MTur

Capital: são paulo

Avenida Paulista offers many options for visitors

SÃO PAULO A state for those who love culture and gastronomy The capital of São Paulo, São Paulo

Brasil Cultural Center, the Municipal

city is a major entertainment center

Market and, of course, Rua 25 de Mar-

and the richest city in South America.

ço, a perfect spot for tourists arriving

São Paulo is for everyone! It’s for those

in the capital and wants to shop affor-

who love nature, those who love gas-

dable clothing and other stuff.

tronomy and those who love culture.


In the capital of São Paulo it’s easy

The destination is home to a wealth

to find things to do, from gastronomic

of architecture, including the Martinelli

experiences to the many options for

and Copan buildings, the colonial-style

enjoying the nightlife. Avenida Paulis-

church of Pátio do Colégio, the Portu-

ta is one of São Paulo’s postcards and

guese Language Museum and the São

offers many activities, especially on

Paulo Art Museum (Masp).

Sundays, when it closes for people to

You can’t miss Ibirapuera Park, the

spend the day walking or cycling, en-

Municipal Theater, Sé Cathedral, Beco

joying musical and circus performan-

do Batman and Vila Madalena, the Pi-

ces on the avenue or visiting the Masp

nacoteca de São Paulo, the Banco do

and the Sesc Paulista viewpoint.



te c ture , wi th tr i a n g ul a r ro ofs , i s re -

Ca m p os d o Jo rd ã o i s th e b e s t pl a-

Am o n g oth e r a t tra c ti o ns , Pa rq u e d a

ce to enjoy th e wi nter, wh en th e ci ty

Te r ra i s a m ix ture of g a rd e ns , s e a-

o rg a nize s th e W i nter Fe s tival , wh i ch

s o n al a g r i cul tural cro ps a n d fo re s t.

a t tra c ts thous a n ds of tour i s ts eve r y

Th e re i s s p a ce fo r co nte m pl a ti o n ,

y e a r.

tra ils a n d a g a rd e n full of cur i os i ti e s .


Euro p e a n-i ns p i re d

a rch i-

m i n i s ce nt of “ B razili a n Swi t ze r l a n d ”.


enthusiasts, Ilhabela is considered a true

Ilhabela, a destination that has reached

the region, making the marine landscape

the top of the national tourism rankings, is

special. For those who like extreme sports,

a chapter apart, with 60 beaches and 400

the tip is to take a jeep ride to Castelhanos

waterfalls that cut through the vegetation

beach. The trail is 22 km long, leaving sea

formed by the great variety of trees and

level and reaching an altitude of over 800

plants in the Ilhabela State Park. For diving

meters, with great challenges for jeepers.


is the traditional Art and Craft Fair in

About 30 km from São Paulo, Embu

Saturdays, Sundays and a few holidays.

das Artes is a great choice for those

There are decorative objects, jewelry,

who love art. In addition, the place is

clothes and much more. The destination

the perfect destination for “sightseeing”

also hosts the Green Fair, with ornamen-

close to the capital. The main attraction

tal plants and flowers.

paradise. There are many shipwrecks in

the streets of the Historic Center - on


Foto: Alexandre Siqueira-Embratur

Capital: belo horizonte

Palácio da Liberdade in Belo Horizonte

MINAS GERAIS A dive into Brazilian history Belo Horizonte is home to the largest

ber of attractions in its urban lands-

cultural complex in Brazil, with 32 mu-

cape, most notably the architectural

seums, cultural and art venues. In the

complex of Pampulha and Praça da Li-

capital, there are endless options for

berdade. In Pampulha, one of its main

those who enjoy nature, cultural and

attractions is the Church of São Fran-

historical heritage. The city offers gre-

cisco de Assis, the city’s postcard and

at walks through cultural spaces, whi-

one of the main works of renowned ar-

ch sometimes can be done on foot.

chitect Oscar Niemeyer.

There are museums, cinemas, parks,

Another tip for an outdoor stroll is

theaters, mountains and viewpoints to

the Pampulha Ecological Park. There

explore during the day. At night, the

are around 300,000 m² of greenery, as

world’s bar capital is always full of be-

well as an artificial water mirror and a

autiful and cheerful people.

museum paying homage to the 100 ye-

Beagá, as it is also known, has a num62

ars of Japanese immigration to Brazil.

28 FEB. | 03 MAR. 2024



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