A1 - Beginner English Conversations - Sound Grammar by ELLLO

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Lesson 1 - Be Verbs - Present Simple

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - am / new / like / nice / from / Are / name / here

Man: Hello! ______ you a new student?

Woman: Yes, I ______. Today is my first day.

Man: Well, welcome. My ______ is Tony.

Woman: Hi, Tony. I'm Beth.

Man: Are you ______ in town?

Woman: Yes, I’m from New York.

Man: Wow! The Big City! Well, I hope you ______ our small town.

Woman: Are you ______ around here?

Man: Yes, I am. Born and raised ______.

Woman: That is so cool. Well, it is ______ to meet you.

Man: Nice to meet you, too.

Conversation 2 - good / How / are / lot / really / Who / first / is

Man: Hey Beth, how is your ______ day?

Woman: It is really ______. This school is great!

Man: ______ are your classes?

Woman: They are fun! My teachers ______ so nice.

Man: ______ are your teachers?

Woman: My English teacher is Mr. Wong.

Man: Oh, he is really nice.

Woman: Yes, he is. My Spanish teacher ______ Mrs. Garcia.

Man: Oh, she is ______ nice, too.

Woman: Yes, her class is a ______ of fun!

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Conversation 3 and 4 on Next Page


Conversation 3 - good / is / lucky / Costa / favorite / easy / am / Antonio

Man: What is your ______ class?

Woman: Spanish. I love it. My Spanish is not very ______, though. I ______ just a beginner.

Man: Well, Spanish is my first language. My name is Tony, short for ______.

Woman: Really! That ______ so cool.

Man: Yeah, my dad is from Mexico, and my mom is from ______ Rica.

Woman: Wow! You are so ______.

Man: Yeah, Spanish is ______ for me, so I can help you if you like.

Woman: I'd like that! Thank you!

Conversation 4 - when / yet / where / excited / there / down / online / good

Woman: Tony, ______ is the computer lab?

Man: It’s just ______ the hall.

Woman: My Spanish class is ______ tomorrow.

Man: Oh, ______ is the class?

Woman: It’s at 6, after school.

Man: Why isn't the class ______?

Woman: It is, but I’m still new in town, so I don’t have internet at home ______.

Man: Oh, I see. Well, ______ luck with the class.

Woman: Thanks. I’m ______ for it. I think online classes are fun!

Man: I think so, too.

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Lesson 2 - Yes / No Questions - Be Verbs

Fill in the conversation with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - am / love / hot / Can / Is / on / jazz / off

Man: Are you ?

Woman: Yes, I very hot.

Man: the air-conditioning on?

Woman: No, it is .

Man: I turn it on?

Woman: Yes, please do. And can you turn the radio, too?

Man: Of course, is music alright?

Woman: Yes, I jazz music.

Conversation 2 - really / Is / it / big / cold / pretty / not / very

Man: Is your house ?

Woman: Yes, it is big.

Man: Is new?

Woman: No, it is old.

Man: it nice?

Woman: Not . It is in winter.

Man: Oh no, that’s good.

Conversation 3 - did / comfortable / Yes / guess / discount / Are / they / No

Man: I like your shoes. Are new?

Woman: , they are.

Man: Are they expensive?

Woman: , they are very cheap

Man: they comfortable?

Woman: Yes, they are very .

Man: Are they from the shoe shop?

Woman: Yes! How you ?

Conversation 4 - get / starving / Is / time / am / until / still / Are

Man: you hungry?

Woman: Yes, I very hungry.

Man: Do you want pizza?

Woman: Yes, let's some.

Man: the pizza shop open?

Woman: Yes, it is open 10.

Man: What is it now?

Woman: Eight. It’s open for two more hours.

Man: Great! I’m .

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Lesson 3 - Likes and Dislikes

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - you / those / not / too / What / do / and / cream

Man: So what foods you like?

Woman: I like ice , and pizza, and apples.

Man: Oh, I like foods

Woman: foods do like?

Man: I like fish, vegetables, bananas.

Woman: Together?

Man: No, together!

Conversation 2 – too / drinks / cold / What / like / hot / juice / I

Man: What do you like?

Woman: I like tea, and like

Man: Hot tea or tea?

Woman: Both. about you?

Man: I like coffee and chocolate.

Woman: Ooh, I both, !

Conversation 3 - What / flavor / too / pie / really / do / like / ice

Man: What desserts you like?

Woman: I like ice cream.

Man: Ooh! What do you like?

Woman: I like strawberry. I vanilla, .

Man: Nice! I like cake and I like !

Woman: kind of pie?

Man: I really like apple pie with cream!

Woman: Yum!

Conversation 4 - eat / too / I / cookies / And / fruits / you / watermelon

Man: What snacks do like?

Woman: like to eat fruit.

Man: Oh yeah, what do you like?

Woman: I like apples and oranges. you?

Man: I like strawberries and !

Woman: Do you like to cookies?

Man: Of course! I love chocolate chip !

Woman: Me, !

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Lesson 4 - Verbs - Present Simple

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - do / know / breakfast / like / When / morning / early / up

Man: What you do in the ?

Woman: I wake , I take a shower, I get dressed, and I eat

Man: Oh! do you get up?

Woman: I get up at 6.

Man: Wow, that’s

Woman: I ! I mornings though!

Conversation 2 - work / fun / What / sell / during / do / teach / at

Man: What do you do the day?

Woman: Well, I go to school. I students.

Man: Ooh! do you teach?

Woman: I teach math. What do you ?

Man: I at a bike shop!

Woman: Really, what do you do the shop?

Man: I fix and bikes!

Woman: Sounds !

Conversation 3 - do / read / nice / What / break / history / eat / park

Man: do you do at lunch?

Woman: I with my friends. And you?

Man: I eat in the

Woman: That’s

Man: Yeah, I like to on my lunch .

Woman: Ooh! What you read?

Man: I read about

Woman: Interesting!

Conversation 4 - fun / library / play / on / sports / park / at / love

Man: What do you do the weekend?

Woman: I play sports the . How about you?

Man: I study at the

Woman: Oh, right! You books.

Man: Yeah, so what do you play?

Woman: I soccer with my friends.

Man: Sounds !

Woman: It is!

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Lesson 5 - Yes / No Questions with Verbs

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - in / on / at / play / and / high / not / town

Man: Do you sports?

Woman: Yes, I do. I really love basketball.

Man: Do you play a team?

Woman: Yes, but we do play in winter.

Man: Oh, do you play summer?

Woman: Yes, we play in spring summer.

Man: Do you play the gym in ?

Woman: No, we play at a school.

Conversation 2 - so / big / about / only / pets / Do / for / have

Man: Do you have any ?

Woman: Yes, I have a cat. What ______ you? Do you?

Man: I don't have a cat, but I a dog.

Woman: Nice! you have a yard?

Man: Yes, I have a big yard, so it is perfect my dog.

Woman: Yeah, I don't have a yard, I can have a cat.

Conversation 3 - never / like / expensive / buy / much / every / dinner / time

Man: Do you cook ?

Woman: Yes, I cook all the . Do you cook?

Man: No, I don't to cook very much.

Woman: Oh, so do you buy your ?

Man: Yes, I it at the supermarket.

Woman: Do you buy dinner night?

Man: Yes, I cook.

Woman: Wow! That is

Conversation 4 - far / take / train / car / like / near / to / What

Man: Do you live downtown?

Woman: Yes, I live the station.

Man: Do you the train to work?

Woman: Yes, most days. about you?

Man: I live away, so I drive work.

Woman: Do you have a nice ?

Man: No, my car is old, but I it.

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Lesson 6 – Third Person Singular

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - work / only / mall / Does / do / sells / has / teens

Woman: What does your mom ?

Man: She women’s clothing.

Woman: Oh, yeah? Where does she ?

Man: She a small shop in the

Woman: she sell clothing for ?

Man: No, she has stuff for adults.

Conversation 2 - apartment / studies / see / home / free / brother / live / calls

Man: What does your do?

Woman: He is a university student. He engineering.

Man: Oh, does he at home?

Woman: No, he has a small Man: Does he come much?

Woman: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t have much time.

Man: Oh, when do you him?

Woman: On the holidays. He my mom every week, though.

Conversation 3 - plays / Where / like / game / what / clubs / wins / attends

Man: does your daughter go to school?

Woman: She ______ the local high school.

Man: Does she her school?

Woman: Yes, she sports and participates in many

Man: Oh, sports does she play?

Woman: She plays volleyball. She has a tomorrow.

Man: Oh, I hope she

Conversation 4 - Who / about / reviews / Everyone / Does / start / future / When

Man: does the movie ?

Woman: It starts in ten minutes.

Man: Cool! is in the movie?

Woman: Brad Pitt. He plays a policeman in the .

Man: it have good ?

Woman: It does. says it is a great movie.

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Lesson 7 – Adjectives

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - what / How / but / hate / like / Who / English / interesting

Man: are your classes?

Woman: Good. I really my English class.

Man: That’s good. My class is fun, too.

Woman: How is your Math class?

Man: It’s easy, the room is small and hot.

Woman: is the teacher?

Man: Mrs. Jones. She is really nice and her classes are .

Woman: And about your Science class?

Man: It’s really hard. I it!

Conversation 2 - know / old / lot / beautiful / slow / speed / new / expensive

Man: What a day!

Woman: Yes, the weather is perfect.

Man: How is the wifi ?

Woman: It’s fast, but my computer is

Man: My computer is slow, too. It's very . I want a one.

Woman: Me, too, but new computers are so .

Man: I . They cost a

Conversation 3 - not / have / size / expensive / help / want / sweet / cold

Woman: Hello, can I you?

Man: Yes, can I a cafe mocha?

Woman: OK, hot or ?

Man: Iced mocha, please. Is it ?

Woman: Yes, a little. Do you still it?

Man: Yes, I do.

Woman: What do you want?

Man: Large, please.

Woman: OK, that will be 6.50.

Man: Wow! That’s

Woman: Yeah, it’s cheap.

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - still / is / finished / it’s / like / little / nice / have

Man: How your food?

Woman: It is OK, but it’s a spicy.

Man: My food is spicy, too.

Woman: Do you it?

Man: Yes, very delicious, but I am full.

Woman: Really, I am ______ hungry.

Man: Oh, then please mine. I am

Woman: Thank you! That’s so of you.


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Lesson 8 – Days of the Week

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - sometimes / days / about / weekend / garden / Tuesday / Saturday / nice

Man: What do you work?

Woman: I work Monday, , Thursday, and Friday. I don't work Wednesday.

Man: Wow, that is a schedule.

Woman: Yeah, but I work on Saturday. What you?

Man: I work Monday to Friday. I never work on or Sunday.

Woman: What do you do on the ?

Man: I work in my .

Conversation 2 - on / never / night / study / When / Saturday / fun / only

Man: When do you on the weekend?

Woman: I study on morning.

Man: Really, I study on Saturday.

Woman: do you study?

Man: I study on Sunday .

Woman: Oh, I never study Sunday. Sunday is my day.

Conversation 3 - busy / What / every / days / history / on / When / class

Man: What do you have English class?

Woman: I have class Monday and Thursday.

Man: do you have Math ?

Woman: I have Math class day.

Man: about history class?

Woman: I have class on Wednesday.

Man: Wow, you have a schedule.

Woman: I know!

Conversation 4 - then / Saturday / See / weekends / can / park / play / Nice

Woman: When do you soccer?

Man: I play on Tuesday and Friday nights.

Woman: , I only play on the

Man: Really, I play with you?

Woman: Yes, we play on and Sunday at the at ten.

Man: Great! you this weekend!

Woman: See you !

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Lesson 9 – Subject Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - Where / she / Italian / means / mom / work / What / restaurant

Man: does your do?

Woman: She is a chef at a .

Man: Cool! That she is a good cook.

Woman: Yes, is a great cook.

Man: does she ?

Woman: She works at an restaurant.

Conversation 2 - He / 47 / old / look / funny / big / dad / He’s

Man: What is your like?

Woman: He is very friendly

Man: What does he like?

Woman: is tall and

Man: How is he?

Woman: He is .

Conversation 3 - from / they / No / here / Laura / friends / cities / business

Man: Who are your ?

Woman: Betty, Jason, and Man: Are students?

Woman: Yes, they are. They all study

Man: Are they around ?

Woman: , they are all from different

Conversation 4 - ten / Trust / What / close / away / lost / yet / think

Man: Are we there ?

Woman: No, but we are close, I

Man: How are we?

Woman: We are , maybe 20 minutes .

Man: ? 20 minutes! Are we ?

Woman: No, we are not lost. me!

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Lesson 10 – Object Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - up / call / See / pick / what / do / take / help

Man: Did you me?

Woman: Yes, I called you. Can you me today?

Man: Sure, can I for you?

Woman: Can you me to school?

Man: OK, I can you at 10.

Woman: Great! you then.

Conversation 2 - school / why / laugh / best / lunch / every / My / always

Man: Who is your friend?

Woman: best friend is Sue.

Man: Do you talk to her day?

Woman: Yes, I see her at . I meet her for

Man: Oh, do you like her?

Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me .

Conversation 3 - sounds / he / love / Who / Why / helps / teacher / him

Man: is your ?

Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like a lot.

Man: do you like him?

Woman: Well, is nice and he always me with my homework.

Man: He nice.

Woman: He is. We all him.

Conversation 4 - help / don't / have / wallet / see / find / think / table

Man: Do you my keys?

Woman: No, I put them on the

Man: Great! I them. What about my ?

Woman: I you set it on the counter.

Man: Really, I see it.

Woman: Well, I'll you. One of us will it.

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Lesson 11 - This, That, These, Those as Determiners

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - this / about / them / those / book / your / teacher / friend

Man: Is your book?

Woman: Yes, that is my .

Man: And is this pencil?

Woman: No, that is not my pencil. It belongs to my .

Man: What these glasses?

Woman: I think glasses belong to the

Man: Okay, let's leave here.

Conversation 2 - blue / shirt / it / one / like / but / don't / too

Man: I these jeans.

Woman: I like those .

Man: Do you like this ?

Woman: No, I like that shirt.

Man: The one?

Woman: No, the green . Man: Hmm, I like that color.

Woman: Really, I like !

Conversation 3 - What / how / much / one / dollars / each / maker / take

Man: How is this coffee ?

Woman: That is ten .

Man: And much are these plates?

Woman: Those are five dollars

Man: about these spoons?

Woman: Those spoons are dollar each.

Man: I'll them.

Woman: Sold!

Conversation 4 - it / sit / change / this / where / chairs / there / comfortable

Man: I don’t like table.

Woman: Why? What is wrong with ?

Man: It is small. And these chairs are not .

Woman: Okay, do you want to sit?

Man: Let’s at that table over .

Woman: Okay, but those look small too.

Man: Maybe, but the table is very big.

Woman: Okay! Let’s tables.

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Lesson 12 - This, That, These, Those as Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - tall / that / ago / family / mom / young / old / doctor

Man: I like your photos. Who is this?

Woman: That is my dad. He is a .

Man: Wow. He is very

Woman: Yes, he is.

Man: Who is this? Is this your ?

Woman: Yes, is my mom.

Man: In this picture, they are so .

Woman: Yes, they are. They are both 25 years in that picture.

Man: How old are they now?

Woman: They are both 60.

Man: Wow! This is 35 years ?

Woman: Yes, it is! Time flies.

Conversation 2 - cute / fireman / these / picture / boy / daughter / school / That

Man: Who are people?

Woman: is my husband. In this picture, he is at work.

Man: Is he a ?

Woman: Yes, he is. And this is my .

Man: Who is the with your daughter? Is that your son?

Woman: No, that is her friend. She is at .

Man: Wow, what a nice . How old is she?

Woman: She is nine.

Man: She is very

Woman: Yes, she is cute!

Conversation 3 - What / girlfriend / They / husband / pilot / this / Who / He

Man: Who are the people in picture?

Woman: That is my older sister. She is a

Man: Who is the man?

Woman: That is her . He is a pilot too.

Man: I see. about this picture? Who is this?

Woman: That is my younger brother. is a football coach.

Man: is the woman? Is that his wife?

Woman: No, that is his . She is a teacher.

Man: Where are they?

Woman: are at work. That is their school. It is not far from here.

Man: Wow. Nice couple!

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - there / cows / That / cousins / place / Where / Those / children

Man: And who are these people?

Woman: are my grandparents.

Man: Who are the ?

Woman: They are my That is my aunt's son, and my uncle's daughter. Man: are they?

Woman: is their farm. They have sheep, , and chickens.

Man: Wow, those are big cows.

Woman: Yes, the cows are very big.

Man: What a nice !

Woman: Yeah, it's fun ! I go there often with my daughter.

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13 – Months

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - in / that / November / May / When / October / cool / Zealand

Woman: is fall in America?

Man: It is in September, , and December.

Woman: Oh, is spring in New

Man: When is fall New Zealand?

Woman: It is in March, April, and June!

Man: Oh, !

Conversation 2 - January / September / come / when / then / July / in / go

Woman: So is summer in America?

Man: It is in June, , August and

Woman: June to September is winter New Zealand.

Man: So when is summer?

Woman: Summer is December, , February and March.

Man: I want to to New Zealand .

Woman: Please !

Conversation 3 - month / school / do / reason / is / favorite / have / birthday

Woman: What is your month?

Man: My favorite is July.

Woman: Why you like July?

Man: Because the weather is hot, and it is my !

Woman: Nice! My favorite month February.

Man: Why? Do you a birthday in February?

Woman: No, but I have no !

Man: Good !

Conversation 4 - very / wet / cool / Both / What / country / It / cold

Woman: In your , what month is hot?

Man: July is hot.

Woman: month is cold?

Man: January is very .

Woman: What month gets lots of rain?

Man: March. is very in March.

Woman: What month is cool?

Man: April and October have weather.

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Lesson 14 – Ordinal Numbers

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - May / what / your / When / 18th / my / is / birthday

Man: is birthday?

Woman: It is October . When is your ?

Man: It is 5th.

Woman: Oh, sister's birthday in May.

Man: Oh, day?

Woman: May 11th.

Conversation 2 - lucky / When / am / from / on / start / to / 15th

Man: is your vacation?

Woman: It is from the 8th the 12th. And you?

Man: It is the 9th to the

Woman: Wow, so . I work the 13th.

Man: Yeah, I lucky.

Woman: Do you work on the 16th?

Man: Yes, I start work on the 16th.

Conversation 3 - Third / books / the / floors / Excuse / pleasure / floor / They

Man: me, where are the books?

Woman: The are on the fifth floor.

Man: Fifth floor. Got it. And where are sporting goods?

Woman: Sporting goods are on the third .

Man: floor. Great. And the restrooms?

Woman: are on the first, second, fourth, and sixth

Man: Great. Thanks so much.

Woman: My

Conversation 4 - have / What / art / Really / second / class / period / too

Man: What do you have first ?

Woman: I math. And you?

Man: I have English. What about period?

Woman: I have P.E. about you?

Man: I have history

Woman: What do you have third period?

Man: I have class.

Woman: ! I have art class third period !

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Lesson 15 – Telling Time

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - It / When / finish / starts / long / o'clock / What / is

Man: time the meeting?

Woman: It at 6 .

Man: is it over?

Woman: is over at 7:30.

Man: Wow! So !

Woman: Well, it might by 7:15.

Conversation 2 - Me / late / last / finish / 8:30 / know / first / My

Man: When is your class?

Woman: It is at

Man: too! When is your ______ class?

Woman: last class is at 3:45.

Man: When does it ?

Woman: At 5:15.

Man: Wow, so !

Woman: I

Conversation 3 - half / seven / 10:30 / got / What / means / thanks / understand

Man: Excuse me. time is it?

Woman: It is past ten.

Man: I'm sorry, I don't

Woman: It is

Man: Oh, . Half past ten 10:30.

Woman: Yes, it does.

Man: So half past means 7:30.

Woman: Yes, you it.

Conversation 4 - to / There / next / when / Don't / can / 9:30 / quarter

Man: When is the bus?

Woman: It is at past eight.

Man: 8:15! That's too early. I want to get a coffee. And is the next one?

Woman: The next bus is at quarter nine.

Man: 8:45. OK, I take that one.

Woman: is also one at 9:15.

Man: Hmm. 9:15 is too late. I have a class at

Woman: miss it then!

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Lesson 16 – Prepositions

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - nearby / good / Where / in / Is / across / downtown / near

Man: is the hotel?

Woman: It is . It is the park.

Man: it near the museum?

Woman: Yes, the museum is from the hotel the park.

Man: That is a location.

Woman: Yes, and the mall is too.

Conversation 2 - east / in / beach / live / on / actually / near / far

Man: Where do you ?

Woman: I live the side of town.

Man: Are you the university?

Woman: Yes, it is not away.

Man: Are you near the ?

Woman: Yes, I live the beach

Conversation 3 - across / station / in / floor / mall / nearest / next / on

Man: Where is the ?

Woman: It is to the train

Man: Where is the cafe?

Woman: It is from the train station.

Man: And where is the gym?

Woman: There is one the mall the second

Conversation 4 - Where / there / office / between / Does / away / school / close

Man: your town have a language ?

Woman: Yes, is one on A Street.

Man: on A Street?

Woman: It is the bank and the post .

Man: Oh, that is

Woman: Yes, it is only five minutes .

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Lesson 17 - Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - big / his / Maybe / her / your / Whose / sure / mine

Man: Is this jacket?

Woman: No, that's not .

Man: is it?

Woman: it is Tom's jacket.

Man: No, that is jacket over there.

Woman: I'm not then.

Man: Is it Beth's jacket?

Woman: No, it is too to be jacket.

Man: Well, it belongs to someone.

Conversation 2 - they / That / Whose / It / their / space / kids / It's

Man: car is this?

Woman: belongs to Joe and Sue.

Man: Wow! I like car.

Woman: I know. is very nice.

Man: big too!

Woman: Yes, need for their .

Conversation 3 - new / anymore / our / room / where / then / until / When

Man: is meeting?

Woman: It is not 2.

Man: Are we in 213?

Woman: No, not

Man: OK, is the meeting ?

Woman: Our room is 216.

Man: Got it.

Conversation 4 - Hers / there / window / He / desk / where / office / back

Man: I like the new . So, is my desk?

Woman: Yours is over . It is next to mine.

Man: Nice. And where is Jill's ?

Woman: is over there.

Man: Where is Bob's desk?

Woman: is in the , by the .

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Lesson 18 - Languages and Nationalities

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - speak / movies / languages / Spanish / cool / from / TV / like

Man: What do you speak?

Woman: I English and I study Spanish.

Man: That's . Do you have friends Spain?

Woman: No, but I Mexican shows.

Man: Me too. I love s in Spanish.

Woman: Yeah. is so cool!

Conversation 2 - them / speak / love / food / they / well / Japan / friends

Man: Do you like Japanese ?

Woman: Yes, I Japanese food. I lived in before.

Man: Oh, do you Japanese?

Woman: Some. I have Japanese . I practice with Man: Do speak English?

Woman: Yes, they speak English very .

Conversation 3 - Korean / also / food / you / music / I / like / Pop

Man: What foods do you ?

Woman: like French food and Thai

Man: Me too. I love Chinese food.

Woman: Do like Korean food?

Man: Yes, and I also love K- .

Woman: What is K-Pop?

Man: K-Pop is pop

Conversation 4 - What / go / League / football / team / play / watch / favorite

Man: Do you like ?

Woman: Yes, I love football. I German football, Italian football, Spanish football.

Man: Me too, I want to to England to watch my .

Woman: is your team?

Man: Chelsea. They in the English Premier

Woman: Oh! My team is AC Milan. They play in Italy.

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Lesson 19 - Can – Abilities

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - bet / terrible / play / that / sports / can / great / well

Woman: What can you play?

Man: I can baseball a bit and I can play tennis pretty .

Woman: Can you play football?

Man: No, I'm at football. What about you?

Woman: Yeah. I play football. I like it a lot but I'm not

Man: I you are pretty good.

Woman: No, really. I'm not good.

Conversation 2 - little / read / write / pretty / speak / really / languages / What

Man: What can you speak?

Woman: I can Japanese and French.

Man: Wow! Can you in Japanese?

Woman: I can write a bit, but not that much.

Man: Yeah. I hear Kanji is difficult.

Woman: Yeah. It's really difficult. What about you? languages can you speak?

Man: I can speak some Spanish, but not great. I can also speak Thai.

Woman: Wow! Can you write in Thai?

Man: No, but I can it. Writing is really difficult.

Woman: Still, that's cool!

Conversation 3 - anything / What / dishes / cook / that / cuisine / good / bad

Man: So, are you a cook?

Woman: Not really. But I can basic stuff.

Man: Yeah? can you cook?

Woman: I can make pasta and some French . What about you?

Man: I can't cook . I can only make an omelet.

Woman: That's not too . Can you make pancakes?

Man: No, I can't even make

Conversation 4 - well / going / fun / little / sing / heard / doing / come

Man: What are you tonight?

Woman: I am to karaoke with friends. Do you want to ?

Man: No, thanks. I can't at all.

Woman: Oh, you should come. Singing is !

Man: Maybe for you. I hear you can sing really

Woman: I can sing a bit, but I am not great.

Man: That's not what I

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Lesson 20 - Adverbs of Frequency

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - out / beach / but / far / do / very / too / where

Man: What do you on the weekend?

Woman: I usually stay home, sometimes I go .

Man: Oh, do you go?

Woman: Sometimes I go to the . Sometimes I go to the park.

Man: I often go there, Do you ever go to the lake?

Woman: No, rarely. It is too from my house.

Conversation 2 - kind / healthy / know / very / often / usually / make / cook

Man: What do you have for dinner?

Woman: I try to eat , so I usually vegetables.

Man: Really? What of stuff do you make?

Woman: Sometimes I soups. Sometimes I make stir-fry.

Man: Stir-fry! That’s not healthy.

Woman: I , but I don't eat it .

Conversation 3 - rarely / easier / Lucky / take / walk / never / work / drive

Woman: Do you the bus to work?

Man: No, I take the bus. I always

Woman: Yeah, it's so much to drive.

Man: Do you drive to ?

Woman: Actually, I drive. I usually to work. I live near the office.

Man: you!

Conversation 4 - fast / rent / movies / ever / slow / usually / never / expensive

Man: Do you go to the movies?

Woman: I rarely do. It is too . Do you?

Man: No, not often. I usually DVDs.

Woman: Really? I do that. I usually stream .

Man: Nice. Do you have Internet?

Woman: Yeah, it is fast, but sometimes it’s

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Lesson 21 - There is / There are Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - there’s / up / floor / changing / there / one / restroom / pool

Man: Excuse me, is a gym in the hotel?

Woman: Yes, there’s on the first .

Man: Great! And is there a ?

Woman: Yes, a pool on the roof.

Man: Is there a room there?

Woman: No, there isn’t, but there’s a

Man: OK, thanks.

Conversation 2 - nature / nearby / few / street / garden / City / huge / do

Man: So, what is there to in your town?

Woman: Well, there is a mall, a cinema, and there are a parks.

Man: Oh, parks, nice. I love . Which one do you recommend?

Woman: I think Central Park is the best. There’s a huge there.

Man: Is there parking ?

Woman: Yeah, there’s a parking lot across the

Conversation 3 - just / some / cupboard / stuff / That / bread / What / else

Man: is there to eat?

Woman: Ah, there is pasta in the fridge.

Man: Mm, I had pasta for lunch. What is there?

Woman: Well, there is some to make sandwiches.

Man: will do. Where is the ?

Woman: There’s some in the I think.

Conversation 4 - students / Leon / countries / exchange / one / anyone / few / from

Man: Are there students are your school?

Woman: Yes, there are a

Man: Really? What are they ?

Woman: Ah, let’s see. There is student from Italy, and there are a few from France.

Man: Oh, cool. Is there from Paris?

Woman: No, they are all from !

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Lesson 22 - Was / Were - Be - Simple Past Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - surprisingly / was / really / wasn’t / scary / How / crowded / many

Man: was the movie?

Woman: It was good.

Man: Was it ?

Woman: Yes, it really scary.

Man: Nice. Was it ?

Woman: No, it . There weren’t people there,

Conversation 2 - back / work / weren’t / last / Really / were / was / shop

Man: Where were you night?

Woman: I was at .

Man: ? I was at your . You there.

Woman: No, I was in the working.

Man: You ?

Woman: Really! I there.

Conversation 3 - either / long / What / How / score / problems / great / hard

Man: was the test?

Woman: It was really

Man: How was it?

Woman: There were about 20 .

Man: Yeah? was your ?

Woman: Let’s just say, it wasn’t , but it wasn’t bad

Conversation 4 - Were / know / evening / party / was / their / there / fun

Man: Do you who was at the ?

Woman: Jason there. So was Sue.

Man: Tom and Katie ?

Woman: No, they weren’t there, but son was.

Man: Oh, I see. So, was it ?

Woman: Yeah, it was a fun .

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23 – Past


Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - perfect / house / saw / online / did / pictures / mountains / home

Man: What you do yesterday?

Woman: Nothing much. I just stayed at and cleaned the . And you? What did you do?

Man: I drove to the and went hiking.

Woman: That sounds fun!

Man: It was. The weather was , and we saw lots of animals.

Woman: Oh? What did you see?

Man: We some deer, an eagle, and a bear!

Woman: Wow! How exciting! Did you take any ?

Man: Yes, I took a lot of photos. I'll post them soon.

Woman: Please do!

Conversation 2 - too / lunch / train / save / window / do / weekend / buy

Man: Did you do anything this ?

Woman: I did. I took the to the city and met my friend.

Man: Oh, yeah! What did you ?

Woman: We had and did some shopping.

Man: Did you anything?

Woman: No, I didn’t. I just went shopping. I need to money.

Man: Me !

Conversation 3 - tour / left / waiters / happened / was / tip / busy / ordered

Man: How your day?

Woman: Difficult. I was so .

Man: How so? What at work?

Woman: A bus came in the restaurant for lunch. They a lot of food. We only had two , so we were very busy.

Man: Did you get a big ?

Woman: We did. They us $50!

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - hungry / see / heard / movies / saw / afterwards / after / full

Man: Welcome home! What did you do tonight?

Woman: I went to the with my friends.

Man: Fun! What did you ?

Woman: We the new James Bond movie.

Man: How was it? I it was good.

Woman: It was really good. I liked it a lot.

Man: Did you do anything ?

Woman: Yes, we went to a cafe the movie and talked a bit.

Man: Did you eat? We ordered pizza.

Woman: Yes, I had dinner at the cafe.

Man: Well, if you're still , there's still some pizza in the kitchen.

Woman: Thanks, but I'm . I ate a big sandwich.

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Lesson 24 – Articles

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - do / pencil / don't / have / has / forgot / any / anything

Man: Do you have a pen? I mine.

Woman: I have a pen, but I have a .

Man: That works. Do you an eraser?

Woman: The pencil an eraser.

Man: Perfect. And, you have paper?

Woman: My gosh, you don’t have !

Conversation 2 - fine / Do / glass / Would / love / lovely / iced / some

Man: you like a sandwich?

Woman: I would a sandwich.

Man: And chips?

Woman: Some chips sound

Man: How about a drink? you want a soda, or some ______ tea?

Woman: I’m OK. I have a water.

Man: Do you want the water in a with ice?

Woman: No, the bottle is

Conversation 3 - What / has / like / door / How / bathtub / does / big

Man: do you like your new house?

Woman: It’s nice. It has a kitchen, a bedroom, and a nice bathroom.

Man: What is the kitchen ?

Woman: It is big, and it a big stove.

Man: about the bathroom?

Woman: It does not have a , but it has a shower.

Man: Do you have a yard?

Woman: Yes, but the yard is small. It have a nice tree though.

Man: Nice! Do you have a nice view?

Woman: No, the view is terrible. There is a tall building next

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - music / fun / boring / salad / time / party / band / delicious

Man: How was the wedding ? Did you have fun?

Woman: Yes, it was . The food was .

Man: What food did they have?

Woman: There was a bar, a drink bar, and a buffet.

Man: That sounds nice! Was there a ?

Woman: No, but there was a DJ.

Man: Cool! How was the ?

Woman: Not great. All the songs they played were really old.

Man: That sounds like a party.

Woman: No, it was fun. The atmosphere was good. Everyone had a good .

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Lesson 25 – Any/Some

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - paper / some / plenty / here / any / about / sheets / much

Man: Do you have paper?

Woman: I have , but not much.

Man: How do you have?

Woman: I have 10 sheets of

Man: That is . I just need five

Woman: OK, you go.

Conversation 2 - bad / any / just / Do / can / some / don’t / Maybe

Man: we have any eggs?

Woman: We have some. three eggs.

Man: OK, and do we have cheese?

Woman: No, we have any cheese.

Man: Oh, that’s too . I want to make an omelet.

Woman: Well, I go to the store and buy .

Man: No, that’s OK. I’ll have toast.

Conversation 3 - what / would / fine / sugar / any / just / OK / take

Man: for some coffee?

Woman: I love some.

Man: Cream or ?

Woman: No sugar, but I’ll some cream, please!

Man: Oh, you know , we don’t have cream. Is milk ?

Woman: That’s

Conversation 4 - bought / did / what / get / will / make / have / potato

Man: So, did you for lunch?

Woman: I some stuff to sandwiches.

Man: Oh great! Did you buy any chips?

Woman: No, I did not. I not see any.

Man: That’s OK. We some pretzels.

Woman: That work.

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Lesson 1 - Be Verbs - Present Simple

Conversation 1 - am / new / like / nice / from / Are / name / here

Man: Hello! Are you a new student?

Woman: Yes, I am. Today is my first day.

Man: Well, welcome. My name is Tony.

Woman: Hi, Tony. I'm Beth.

Man: Are you new in town?

Woman: Yes, I’m from New York.

Man: Wow! The Big City! Well, I hope you like our small town.

Woman: Are you from around here?

Man: Yes, I am. Born and raised here.

Woman: That is so cool. Well, it is nice to meet you.

Man: Nice to meet you, too.

Conversation 2 - good / How / are / lot / really / Who / first / is

Man: Hey Beth, how is your first day?

Woman: It is really good. This school is great!

Man: How are your classes?

Woman: They are fun! My teachers are so nice.

Man: Who are your teachers?

Woman: My English teacher is Mr. Wong.

Man: Oh, he is really nice.

Woman: Yes, he is. My Spanish teacher is Mrs. Garcia.

Man: Oh, she is really nice, too.

Woman: Yes, her class is a lot of fun!

Conversation 3 and 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 3 - good / is / lucky / Costa / favorite / easy / am / Antonio

Man: What is your favorite class?

Woman: Spanish. I love it. My Spanish is not very good, though. I am just a beginner.

Man: Well, Spanish is my first language. My name is Tony, short for Antonio.

Woman: Really! That is so cool.

Man: Yeah, my dad is from Mexico, and my mom is from Costa Rica.

Woman: Wow! You are so lucky.

Man: Yeah, Spanish is easy for me, so I can help you if you like.

Woman: I'd like that! Thank you!

Conversation 4 - when / yet / where / excited / there / down / online / good

Woman: Tony, where is the computer lab?

Man: It’s just down the hall.

Woman: My Spanish class is there tomorrow.

Man: Oh, when is the class?

Woman: It’s at 6, after school.

Man: Why isn't the class online?

Woman: It is, but I’m still new in town, so I don’t have internet at home yet

Man: Oh, I see. Well, good luck with the class.

Woman: Thanks. I’m excited for it. I think online classes are fun!

Man: I think so, too.

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Lesson 2 - Yes / No Questions - Be Verbs

Fill in the conversation with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - am / love / hot / Can / Is / on / jazz / off

Man: Are you hot?

Woman: Yes, I am very hot.

Man: Is the air-conditioning on?

Woman: No, it is off

Man: Can I turn it on?

Woman: Yes, please do. And can you turn on the radio, too?

Man: Of course, is jazz music alright?

Woman: Yes, I love jazz music.

Conversation 2 - really / Is / it / big / cold / pretty / not / very

Man: Is your house big?

Woman: Yes, it is pretty big.

Man: Is it new?

Woman: No, it is very old.

Man: Is it nice?

Woman: Not really. It is cold in winter.

Man: Oh no, that’s not good.

Conversation 3 - did / expensive / Yes / from / discount / Are / they / No

Man: I like your shoes. Are they new?

Woman: Yes, they are.

Man: Are they expensive?

Woman: No, they are very cheap.

Man: Are they comfortable?

Woman: Yes, they are very comfortable.

Man: Are they from the discount shoe shop?

Woman: Yes! How did you guess?

Conversation 4 - get / starving / Is / time / am / until / still / Are

Man: Are you hungry?

Woman: Yes, I am very hungry.

Man: Do you want pizza?

Woman: Yes, let's get some.

Man: Is the pizza shop still open?

Woman: Yes, it is open until 10.

Man: What time is it now?

Woman: Eight. It’s open for two more hours.

Man: Great! I’m starving

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Lesson 3 - Likes and Dislikes

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - you / those / not / too / What / do / and / cream

Man: So what foods do you like?

Woman: I like ice cream, and pizza, and apples.

Man: Oh, I like those foods too.

Woman: What foods do you like?

Man: I like fish, vegetables, and bananas.

Woman: Together?

Man: No, not together!

Conversation 2 – too / drinks / cold / What / like / hot / juice / I

Man: What drinks do you like?

Woman: I like tea, and I like juice.

Man: Hot tea or cold tea?

Woman: Both. What about you?

Man: I like coffee and hot chocolate.

Woman: Ooh, I like both, too!

Conversation 3 - What / flavor / too / pie / really / do / like / ice

Man: What desserts do you like?

Woman: I really like ice cream.

Man: Ooh! What flavor do you like?

Woman: I like strawberry. I like vanilla, too

Man: Nice! I like cake and I like pie!

Woman: What kind of pie?

Man: I really like apple pie with ice cream!

Woman: Yum!

Conversation 4 - eat / too / I / cookies / And / fruits / you / watermelon

Man: What snacks do you like?

Woman: I like to eat fruit.

Man: Oh yeah, what fruits do you like?

Woman: I like apples and oranges. And you?

Man: I like strawberries and watermelon!

Woman: Do you like to eat cookies?

Man: Of course! I love chocolate chip cookies!

Woman: Me, too!

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Lesson 4 - Verbs - Present Simple

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - do / know / breakfast / like / When / morning / early / up

Man: What do you do in the morning?

Woman: I wake up, I take a shower, I get dressed, and I eat breakfast.

Man: Oh! When do you get up?

Woman: I get up at 6.

Man: Wow, that’s early.

Woman: I know! I like mornings though!

Conversation 2 - work / fun / What / sell / during / do / teach / at

Man: What do you do during the day?

Woman: Well, I go to school. I teach students.

Man: Ooh! What do you teach?

Woman: I teach math. What do you do?

Man: I work at a bike shop!

Woman: Really, what do you do at the shop?

Man: I fix and sell bikes!

Woman: Sounds fun!

Conversation 3 - do / read / nice / What / break / history / eat / park

Man: What do you do at lunch?

Woman: I eat with my friends. And you?

Man: I eat in the park

Woman: That’s nice

Man: Yeah, I like to read on my lunch break

Woman: Ooh! What do you read?

Man: I read about history

Woman: Interesting!

Conversation 4 - fun / library / play / on / sports / park / at / love

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

Woman: I play sports at the park. How about you?

Man: I study at the library

Woman: Oh, right! You love books.

Man: Yeah, so what sports do you play?

Woman: I play soccer with my friends.

Man: Sounds fun!

Woman: It is!

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Lesson 5 - Yes / No Questions with Verbs

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - in / on / at / play / and / high / not / town

Man: Do you play sports?

Woman: Yes, I do. I really love basketball.

Man: Do you play on a team?

Woman: Yes, but we do not play in winter.

Man: Oh, do you play in summer?

Woman: Yes, we play in spring and summer.

Man: Do you play at the gym in town?

Woman: No, we play at a high school.

Conversation 2 - so / big / about / only / pets / Do / for / have

Man: Do you have any pets?

Woman: Yes, I have a cat. What about you? Do you?

Man: I don't have a cat, but I have a dog.

Woman: Nice! Do you have a big yard?

Man: Yes, I have a big yard, so it is perfect for my dog.

Woman: Yeah, I don't have a yard, so I can only have a cat.

Conversation 3 - never / like / expensive / buy / much / every / dinner / time

Man: Do you cook much?

Woman: Yes, I cook all the time. Do you cook?

Man: No, I don't like to cook very much.

Woman: Oh, so do you buy your dinner?

Man: Yes, I buy it at the supermarket.

Woman: Do you buy dinner every night?

Man: Yes, I never cook.

Woman: Wow! That is expensive

Conversation 4 - far / take / train / car / like / near / to / What

Man: Do you live downtown?

Woman: Yes, I live near the train station.

Man: Do you take the train to work?

Woman: Yes, most days. What about you?

Man: I live far away, so I drive to work.

Woman: Do you have a nice car?

Man: No, my car is old, but I like it.

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Lesson 6 – Third Person Singular

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - work / only / mall / Does / do / sells / has / teens

Woman: What does your mom do?

Man: She sells women’s clothing.

Woman: Oh, yeah? Where does she work?

Man: She has a small shop in the mall

Woman: Does she sell clothing for teens?

Man: No, she only has stuff for adults.

Conversation 2 - apartment / studies / see / home / free / brother / live / calls

Man: What does your brother do?

Woman: He is a university student. He studies engineering.

Man: Oh, does he live at home?

Woman: No, he has a small apartment.

Man: Does he come home much?

Woman: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t have much free time.

Man: Oh, when do you see him?

Woman: On the holidays. He calls my mom every week, though.

Conversation 3 - plays / Where / like / game / what / clubs / wins / attends

Man: Where does your daughter go to school?

Woman: She attends the local high school.

Man: Does she like her school?

Woman: Yes, she plays sports and participates in many clubs.

Man: Oh, what sports does she play?

Woman: She plays volleyball. She has a game tomorrow.

Man: Oh, I hope she wins.

Conversation 4 - Who / about / reviews / Everyone / Does / start / future / When

Man: When does the movie start?

Woman: It starts in about ten minutes.

Man: Cool! Who is in the movie?

Woman: Brad Pitt. He plays a policeman in the future

Man: Does it have good reviews?

Woman: It does. Everyone says it is a great movie.

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Lesson 7 – Adjectives

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - what / How / but / hate / like / Who / English / interesting

Man: How are your classes?

Woman: Good. I really like my English class.

Man: That’s good. My English class is fun, too.

Woman: How is your Math class?

Man: It’s easy, but the room is small and hot.

Woman: Who is the teacher?

Man: Mrs. Jones. She is really nice and her classes are interesting

Woman: And what about your Science class?

Man: It’s really hard. I hate it!

Conversation 2 - know / old / lot / beautiful / slow / speed / new / expensive

Man: What a beautiful day!

Woman: Yes, the weather is perfect.

Man: How is the wifi speed?

Woman: It’s fast, but my computer is slow

Man: My computer is slow, too. It's very old. I want a new one.

Woman: Me, too, but new computers are so expensive.

Man: I know. They cost a lot

Conversation 3 - not / have / size / expensive / help / want / sweet / cold

Woman: Hello, can I help you?

Man: Yes, can I have a cafe mocha?

Woman: OK, hot or cold?

Man: Iced mocha, please. Is it sweet?

Woman: Yes, a little. Do you still want it?

Man: Yes, I do.

Woman: What size do you want?

Man: Large, please.

Woman: OK, that will be 6.50.

Man: Wow! That’s expensive

Woman: Yeah, it’s not cheap.

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - still / is / finished / it’s / like / little / nice / have

Man: How is your food?

Woman: It is OK, but it’s a little spicy.

Man: My food is spicy, too.

Woman: Do you like it?

Man: Yes, it’s very delicious, but I am full.

Woman: Really, I am still hungry.

Man: Oh, then please have mine. I am finished

Woman: Thank you! That’s so nice of you.

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Lesson 8 – Days of the Week

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - sometimes / days / about / weekend / garden / Tuesday / Saturday / nice

Man: What days do you work?

Woman: I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I don't work Wednesday.

Man: Wow, that is a nice schedule.

Woman: Yeah, but I sometimes work on Saturday. What about you?

Man: I work Monday to Friday. I never work on Saturday or Sunday.

Woman: What do you do on the weekend?

Man: I work in my garden

Conversation 2 - on / never / night / study / When / Saturday / fun / only

Man: When do you study on the weekend?

Woman: I study on Saturday morning.

Man: Really, I never study on Saturday.

Woman: When do you study?

Man: I only study on Sunday night.

Woman: Oh, I never study on Sunday. Sunday is my fun day.

Conversation 3 - busy / What / every / days / history / on / When / class

Man: What days do you have English class?

Woman: I have class on Monday and Thursday.

Man: When do you have Math class?

Woman: I have Math class every day.

Man: What about history class?

Woman: I have history class on Wednesday.

Man: Wow, you have a busy schedule.

Woman: I know!

Conversation 4 - then / Saturday / See / weekends / can / park / play / Nice

Woman: When do you play soccer?

Man: I play on Tuesday and Friday nights.

Woman: Nice, I only play on the weekends

Man: Really, can I play with you?

Woman: Yes, we play on Saturday and Sunday at the park at ten.

Man: Great! See you this weekend!

Woman: See you then!

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Lesson 9 – Subject Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - Where / she / Italian / means / mom / work / What / restaurant

Man: What does your mom do?

Woman: She is a chef at a restaurant

Man: Cool! That means she is a good cook.

Woman: Yes, she is a great cook.

Man: Where does she work?

Woman: She works at an Italian restaurant.

Conversation 2 - He / 47 / old / look / friendly / big / dad / does

Man: What is your dad like?

Woman: He is funny. He's very friendly

Man: What does he look like?

Woman: He is tall and big.

Man: How old is he?

Woman: He is 47.

Conversation 3 - from / they / No / here / Laura / friends / cities / business Man: Who are your friends?

Woman: Betty, Jason, and Laura

Man: Are they students?

Woman: Yes, they are. They all study business.

Man: Are they from around here?

Woman: No, they are all from different cities.

Conversation 4 - ten / Trust / What / close / away / lost / yet / think

Man: Are we there yet?

Woman: No, but we are close, I think

Man: How close are we?

Woman: We are ten, maybe 20 minutes away.

Man: What? 20 minutes! Are we lost?

Woman: No, we are not lost. Trust me!

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Lesson 10 – Object Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - up / call / See / pick / what / do / take / help

Man: Did you call me?

Woman: Yes, I called you. Can you help me today?

Man: Sure, what can I do for you?

Woman: Can you take me to school?

Man: OK, I can pick you up at 10.

Woman: Great! See you then.

Conversation 2 - school / why / laugh / best / lunch / every / My / always

Man: Who is your best friend?

Woman: My best friend is Sue.

Man: Do you talk to her every day?

Woman: Yes, I see her at school. I always meet her for lunch.

Man: Oh, why do you like her?

Woman: She is nice and funny! She makes me laugh.

Conversation 3 - sounds / he / love / Who / Why / helps / teacher / him

Man: Who is your teacher?

Woman: My teacher is Mr. Wilson. I like him a lot.

Man: Why do you like him?

Woman: Well, he is nice and he always helps me with my homework.

Man: He sounds nice.

Woman: He is. We all love him.

Conversation 4 - help / don't / have / wallet / see / find / think / table

Man: Do you have my keys?

Woman: No, I put them on the table

Man: Great! I see them. What about my wallet?

Woman: I think you set it on the counter.

Man: Really, I don't see it.

Woman: Well, I'll help you. One of us will find it.

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Lesson 11 - This, That, These, Those as Determiners

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - this / about / them / those / book / your / teacher / friend

Man: Is this your book?

Woman: Yes, that is my book

Man: And is this your pencil?

Woman: No, that is not my pencil. It belongs to my friend

Man: What about these glasses?

Woman: I think those glasses belong to the teacher

Man: Okay, let's leave them here.

Conversation 2 - blue / shirt / it / one / like / but / don't / too

Man: I like these jeans.

Woman: I like those too.

Man: Do you like this shirt?

Woman: No, but I like that shirt.

Man: The blue one?

Woman: No, the green one

Man: Hmm, I don't like that color.

Woman: Really, I like it!

Conversation 3 - What / how / much / one / dollars / each / maker / take

Man: How much is this coffee maker?

Woman: That is ten dollars

Man: And how much are these plates?

Woman: Those are five dollars each

Man: What about these spoons?

Woman: Those spoons are one dollar each.

Man: I'll take them.

Woman: Sold!

Conversation 4 - it / sit / change / this / where / chairs / there / comfortable

Man: I don’t like this table.

Woman: Why? What is wrong with it?

Man: It is small. And these chairs are not comfortable.

Woman: Okay, where do you want to sit?

Man: Let’s sit at that table over there

Woman: Okay, but those chairs look small too.

Man: Maybe, but the table is very big.

Woman: Okay! Let’s change tables.

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Lesson 12 - This, That, These, Those as Pronouns

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - tall / that / ago / family / mom / young / old / doctor

Man: I like your family photos. Who is this?

Woman: That is my dad. He is a doctor

Man: Wow. He is very tall.

Woman: Yes, he is.

Man: Who is this? Is this your mom?

Woman: Yes, that is my mom.

Man: In this picture, they are so young

Woman: Yes, they are. They are both 25 years old in that picture.

Man: How old are they now?

Woman: They are both 60.

Man: Wow! This is 35 years ago?

Woman: Yes, it is! Time flies.

Conversation 2 - cute / fireman / these / picture / boy / daughter / school / That

Man: Who are these people?

Woman: That is my husband. In this picture, he is at work.

Man: Is he a fireman?

Woman: Yes, he is. And this is my daughter.

Man: Who is the boy with your daughter? Is that your son?

Woman: No, that is her friend. She is at school.

Man: Wow, what a nice picture. How old is she?

Woman: She is nine.

Man: She is very cute

Woman: Yes, she is cute!

Conversation 3 - What / girlfriend / They / husband / pilot / this / Who / He

Man: Who are the people in this picture?

Woman: That is my older sister. She is a pilot.

Man: Who is the man?

Woman: That is her husband. He is a pilot too.

Man: I see. What about this picture? Who is this?

Woman: That is my younger brother. He is a football coach.

Man: Who is the woman? Is that his wife?

Woman: No, that is his girlfriend. She is a teacher.

Man: Where are they?

Woman: They are at work. That is their school. It is not far from here.

Man: Wow. Nice couple!

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - there / cows / That / cousins / place / Where / Those / children

Man: And who are these people?

Woman: Those are my grandparents.

Man: Who are the children?

Woman: They are my cousins. That is my aunt's son, and my uncle's daughter.

Man: Where are they?

Woman: That is their farm. They have sheep, cows, and chickens.

Man: Wow, those are big cows.

Woman: Yes, the cows are very big.

Man: What a nice place!

Woman: Yeah, it's fun there! I go there often with my daughter.

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Lesson 13 – Months

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - in / that / November / May / When / October / cool / Zealand

Woman: When is fall in America?

Man: It is in September, October, November and December.

Woman: Oh, that is spring in New Zealand.

Man: When is fall in New Zealand?

Woman: It is in March, April, May and June!

Man: Oh, cool!

Conversation 2 - January / September / come / when / then / July / in / go

Woman: So when is summer in America?

Man: It is in June, July, August and September

Woman: June to September is winter in New Zealand.

Man: So when is summer?

Woman: Summer is December, January, February and March.

Man: I want to go to New Zealand then.

Woman: Please come!

Conversation 3 - month / school / do / reason / is / favorite / have / birthday

Woman: What is your favorite month?

Man: My favorite month is July.

Woman: Why do you like July?

Man: Because the weather is hot, and it is my birthday!

Woman: Nice! My favorite month is February.

Man: Why? Do you have a birthday in February?

Woman: No, but I have no school!

Man: Good reason!

Conversation 4 - very / wet / cool / Both / What / country / It / cold

Woman: In your country, what month is hot?

Man: July is very hot.

Woman: What month is cold?

Man: January is very cold

Woman: What month gets lots of rain?

Man: March. It is very wet in March.

Woman: What month is cool?

Man: Both April and October have cool weather.

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Lesson 14 – Ordinal Numbers

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - May / what / your / When / 18th / sister / is / birthday

Man: When is your birthday?

Woman: It is October 18th. When is your birthday?

Man: It is May 5th.

Woman: Oh, my sister's birthday is in May.

Man: Oh, what day?

Woman: May 11th.

Conversation 2 - lucky / When / am / from / on / start / to / 15th

Man: When is your vacation?

Woman: It is from the 8th to the 12th. And you?

Man: It is from the 9th to the 15th.

Woman: Wow, so lucky. I work on the 13th.

Man: Yeah, I am lucky.

Woman: Do you start work on the 16th?

Man: Yes, I start work on the 16th.

Conversation 3 - Third / books / the / floors / Excuse / pleasure / floor / They

Man: Excuse me, where are the books?

Woman: The books are on the fifth floor.

Man: Fifth floor. Got it. And where are the sporting goods?

Woman: Sporting goods are on the third floor.

Man: Third floor. Great. And the restrooms?

Woman: They are on the first, second, fourth, and sixth floors

Man: Great. Thanks so much.

Woman: My pleasure.

Conversation 4 - have / What / art / Really / second / class / period / too

Man: What do you have first period?

Woman: I have math. And you?

Man: I have English. What about second period?

Woman: I have P.E. What about you?

Man: I have history class

Woman: What do you have third period?

Man: I have art class.

Woman: Really! I have art class third period too!

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Lesson 15 – Telling Time

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - It / When / finish / starts / long / o'clock / What / is

Man: What time is the meeting?

Woman: It starts at 6 o'clock

Man: When is it over?

Woman: It is over at 7:30.

Man: Wow! So long!

Woman: Well, it might finish by 7:15.

Conversation 2 - Me / late / last / finish / 8:30 / know / first / My

Man: When is your first class?

Woman: It is at 8:30

Man: Me too! When is your last class?

Woman: My last class is at 3:45.

Man: When does it finish?

Woman: At 5:15.

Man: Wow, so late!

Woman: I know.

Conversation 3 - half / seven / 10:30 / got / What / means / thanks / understand

Man: Excuse me. What time is it?

Woman: It is half past ten.

Man: I'm sorry, I don't understand

Woman: It is 10:30.

Man: Oh, thanks. Half past ten means 10:30.

Woman: Yes, it does.

Man: So half past seven means 7:30.

Woman: Yes, you got it.

Conversation 4 - to / There / next / when / Don't / can / 9:30 / quarter

Man: When is the next bus?

Woman: It is at quarter past eight.

Man: 8:15! That's too early. I want to get a coffee. And when is the next one?

Woman: The next bus is at quarter to nine.

Man: 8:45. OK, I can take that one.

Woman: There is also one at 9:15.

Man: Hmm. 9:15 is too late. I have a class at 9:30

Woman: Don't miss it then!

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Lesson 16 – Prepositions

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - nearby / good / Where / in / Is / across / downtown / near

Man: Where is the hotel?

Woman: It is downtown. It is near the park.

Man: Is it near the museum?

Woman: Yes, the museum is across from the hotel in the park.

Man: That is a good location.

Woman: Yes, and the mall is nearby too.

Conversation 2 - east / in / beach / live / on / actually / near / far

Man: Where do you live?

Woman: I live in the east side of town.

Man: Are you near the university?

Woman: Yes, it is not far away.

Man: Are you near the beach?

Woman: Yes, I live on the beach actually

Conversation 3 - across / station / in / floor / mall / nearest / next / on

Man: Where is the mall?

Woman: It is next to the train station

Man: Where is the cafe?

Woman: It is across from the train station.

Man: And where is the nearest gym?

Woman: There is one in the mall on the second floor.

Conversation 4 - Where / there / office / between / Does / away / school / close

Man: Does your town have a language school?

Woman: Yes, there is one on A Street.

Man: Where on A Street?

Woman: It is between the bank and the post office

Man: Oh, that is close

Woman: Yes, it is only five minutes away.

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Lesson 17 - Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - big / his / Maybe / her / your / Whose / sure / mine

Man: Is this your jacket?

Woman: No, that's not mine.

Man: Whose is it?

Woman: Maybe it is Tom's jacket.

Man: No, that is his jacket over there.

Woman: I'm not sure then.

Man: Is it Beth's jacket?

Woman: No, it is too big to be her jacket.

Man: Well, it belongs to someone.

Conversation 2 - they / That / Whose / It / their / space / kids / It's

Man: Whose car is this?

Woman: That belongs to Joe and Sue.

Man: Wow! I like their car.

Woman: I know. It is very nice.

Man: It's big too!

Woman: Yes, they need space for their kids.

Conversation 3 - new / anymore / our / room / where / then / until / When

Man: When is our meeting?

Woman: It is not until 2.

Man: Are we in room 213?

Woman: No, not anymore

Man: OK, where is the meeting then?

Woman: Our new room is 216.

Man: Got it.

Conversation 4 - Hers / there / window / He / desk / where / office / back

Man: I like the new office. So, where is my desk?

Woman: Yours is over there. It is next to mine.

Man: Nice. And where is Jill's desk?

Woman: Hers is over there.

Man: Where is Bob's desk?

Woman: He is in the back, by the window

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Lesson 18 - Languages and Nationalities

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - speak / movies / languages / Spanish / cool / from / TV / like

Man: What languages do you speak?

Woman: I speak English and I study Spanish.

Man: That's cool. Do you have friends from Spain?

Woman: No, but I like Mexican TV shows.

Man: Me too. I love movies in Spanish.

Woman: Yeah. Spanish is so cool!

Conversation 2 - them / speak / love / food / they / well / Japan / friends

Man: Do you like Japanese food?

Woman: Yes, I love Japanese food. I lived in Japan before.

Man: Oh, do you speak Japanese?

Woman: Some. I have Japanese friends. I practice with them.

Man: Do they speak English?

Woman: Yes, they speak English very well.

Conversation 3 - Korean / also / food / you / music / I / like / Pop

Man: What foods do you like?

Woman: I like French food and Thai food

Man: Me too. I also love Chinese food.

Woman: Do you like Korean food?

Man: Yes, and I also love K-Pop

Woman: What is K-Pop?

Man: K-Pop is Korean pop music

Conversation 4 - What / go / League / football / team / play / watch / favorite

Man: Do you like football?

Woman: Yes, I love football. I watch German football, Italian football, Spanish football.

Man: Me too, I want to go to England to watch my team.

Woman: What is your team?

Man: Chelsea. They play in the English Premier League

Woman: Oh! My favorite team is AC Milan. They play in Italy.

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Lesson 19 - Can – Abilities

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - bet / terrible / play / that / sports / can / great / well

Woman: What sports can you play?

Man: I can play baseball a bit and I can play tennis pretty well

Woman: Can you play football?

Man: No, I'm terrible at football. What about you?

Woman: Yeah. I can play football. I like it a lot but I'm not great.

Man: I bet you are pretty good.

Woman: No, really. I'm not that good.

Conversation 2 - little / read / write / pretty / speak / really / languages / What

Man: What languages can you speak?

Woman: I can speak Japanese and French.

Man: Wow! Can you write in Japanese?

Woman: I can write a little bit, but not that much.

Man: Yeah. I hear Kanji is really difficult.

Woman: Yeah. It's really difficult. What about you? What languages can you speak?

Man: I can speak some Spanish, but not great. I can also speak Thai.

Woman: Wow! Can you write in Thai?

Man: No, but I can read it. Writing is really difficult.

Woman: Still, that's pretty cool!

Conversation 3 - anything / What / dishes / cook / that / cuisine / good / bad

Man: So, are you a good cook?

Woman: Not really. But I can cook basic stuff.

Man: Yeah? What can you cook?

Woman: I can make pasta dishes and some French cuisine. What about you?

Man: I can't cook anything. I can only make an omelet.

Woman: That's not too bad. Can you make pancakes?

Man: No, I can't even make that.

Conversation 4 - well / going / fun / little / sing / heard / doing / come

Man: What are you doing tonight?

Woman: I am going to karaoke with friends. Do you want to come?

Man: No, thanks. I can't sing at all.

Woman: Oh, you should come. Singing is fun!

Man: Maybe for you. I hear you can sing really well

Woman: I can sing a little bit, but I am not great.

Man: That's not what I heard.

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Lesson 20 - Adverbs of Frequency

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - out / beach / but / far / do / very / too / where

Man: What do you do on the weekend?

Woman: I usually stay home, but sometimes I go out

Man: Oh, where do you go?

Woman: Sometimes I go to the beach. Sometimes I go to the park.

Man: I often go there, too Do you ever go to the lake?

Woman: No, very rarely. It is too far from my house.

Conversation 2 - kind / healthy / know / very / often / usually / make / cook

Man: What do you usually have for dinner?

Woman: I try to eat healthy, so I usually cook vegetables.

Man: Really? What kind of stuff do you make?

Woman: Sometimes I make soups. Sometimes I make stir-fry.

Man: Stir-fry! That’s not very healthy.

Woman: I know, but I don't eat it often.

Conversation 3 - rarely / easier / Lucky / take / walk / never / work / drive

Woman: Do you take the bus to work?

Man: No, I never take the bus. I always drive

Woman: Yeah, it's so much easier to drive.

Man: Do you drive to work?

Woman: Actually, I rarely drive. I usually walk to work. I live near the office.

Man: Lucky you!

Conversation 4 - fast / rent / movies / ever / slow / usually / never / expensive

Man: Do you ever go to the movies?

Woman: I rarely do. It is too expensive. Do you?

Man: No, not often. I usually rent DVDs.

Woman: Really? I never do that. I usually stream movies.

Man: Nice. Do you have fast Internet?

Woman: Yeah, usually it is fast, but sometimes it’s slow

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Lesson 21 - There is / There are Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - there’s / up / floor / changing / there / one / restroom / pool

Man: Excuse me, is there a gym in the hotel?

Woman: Yes, there’s one on the first floor

Man: Great! And is there a pool?

Woman: Yes, there’s a pool on the roof.

Man: Is there a changing room up there?

Woman: No, there isn’t, but there’s a restroom.

Man: OK, thanks.

Conversation 2 - nature / nearby / few / street / garden / City / huge / do

Man: So, what is there to do in your town?

Woman: Well, there is a mall, a cinema, and there are a few parks.

Man: Oh, parks, nice. I love nature. Which one do you recommend?

Woman: I think Central City Park is the best. There’s a huge garden there.

Man: Is there parking nearby?

Woman: Yeah, there’s a huge parking lot across the street

Conversation 3 - just / some / cupboard / stuff / That / bread / What / else

Man: What is there to eat?

Woman: Ah, there is some pasta in the fridge.

Man: Mm, I just had pasta for lunch. What else is there?

Woman: Well, there is some stuff to make sandwiches.

Man: That will do. Where is the bread?

Woman: There’s some in the cupboard I think.

Conversation 4 - students / Leon / countries / exchange / one / anyone / few / from

Man: Are there exchange students are your school?

Woman: Yes, there are a few

Man: Really? What countries are they from?

Woman: Ah, let’s see. There is one student from Italy, and there are a few students from France.

Man: Oh, cool. Is there anyone from Paris?

Woman: No, they are all from Leon!

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Lesson 22 - Was / Were - Be - Simple Past

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - surprisingly / was / really / wasn’t / scary / How / crowded / many

Man: How was the movie?

Woman: It was really good.

Man: Was it scary?

Woman: Yes, it was really scary.

Man: Nice. Was it crowded?

Woman: No, it wasn’t. There weren’t many people there, surprisingly.

Conversation 2 - back / work / weren’t / last / Really / were / was / shop

Man: Where were you last night?

Woman: I was at work

Man: Really? I was at your shop. You weren’t there.

Woman: No, I was in the back working.

Man: You were?

Woman: Really! I was there.

Conversation 3 - either / long / What / How / score / problems / great / hard

Man: How was the test?

Woman: It was really hard

Man: How long was it?

Woman: There were about 20 problems.

Man: Yeah? What was your score?

Woman: Let’s just say, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either

Conversation 4 - Were / know / evening / party / was / their / there / fun

Man: Do you know who was at the party?

Woman: Jason was there. So was Sue.

Man: Were Tom and Katie there?

Woman: No, they weren’t there, but their son was.

Man: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?

Woman: Yeah, it was a fun evening

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Lesson 23 – Past Tense

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - perfect / house / saw / online / did / pictures / mountains / home

Man: What did you do yesterday?

Woman: Nothing much. I just stayed at home and cleaned the house. And you? What did you do?

Man: I drove to the mountains and went hiking.

Woman: That sounds fun!

Man: It was. The weather was perfect, and we saw lots of animals.

Woman: Oh? What did you see?

Man: We saw some deer, an eagle, and a bear!

Woman: Wow! How exciting! Did you take any pictures?

Man: Yes, I took a lot of photos. I'll post them online soon.

Woman: Please do!

Conversation 2 - too / lunch / train / save / window / do / weekend / buy

Man: Did you do anything this weekend?

Woman: I did. I took the train to the city and met my friend.

Man: Oh, yeah! What did you do?

Woman: We had lunch and did some shopping.

Man: Did you buy anything?

Woman: No, I didn’t. I just went window shopping. I need to save money.

Man: Me too!

Conversation 3 - tour / left / waiters / happened / was / tip / busy / ordered

Man: How was your day?

Woman: Difficult. I was so busy

Man: How so? What happened at work?

Woman: A tour bus came in the restaurant for lunch. They ordered a lot of food. We only had two waiters, so we were very busy.

Man: Did you get a big tip?

Woman: We did. They left us $50!

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - hungry / see / heard / movies / saw / afterwards / after / full

Man: Welcome home! What did you do tonight?

Woman: I went to the movies with my friends.

Man: Fun! What did you see?

Woman: We saw the new James Bond movie.

Man: How was it? I heard it was good.

Woman: It was really good. I liked it a lot.

Man: Did you do anything afterwards?

Woman: Yes, we went to a cafe after the movie and talked a bit.

Man: Did you eat? We ordered pizza.

Woman: Yes, I had dinner at the cafe.

Man: Well, if you're still hungry, there's still some pizza in the kitchen.

Woman: Thanks, but I'm full. I ate a big sandwich.

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Lesson 24 – Articles

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - do / pencil / don't / have / has / forgot / any / anything

Man: Do you have a pen? I forgot mine.

Woman: I don't have a pen, but I have a pencil

Man: That works. Do you have an eraser?

Woman: The pencil has an eraser.

Man: Perfect. And, do you have any paper?

Woman: My gosh, you don’t have anything!

Conversation 2 - fine / Do / glass / Would / love / lovely / iced / some

Man: Would you like a sandwich?

Woman: I would love a sandwich.

Man: And some chips?

Woman: Some chips sound lovely.

Man: How about a drink? Do you want a soda, or some iced tea?

Woman: I’m OK. I have a water.

Man: Do you want the water in a glass with ice?

Woman: No, the bottle is fine.

Conversation 3 - What / has / like / door / How / bathtub / does / big

Man: How do you like your new house?

Woman: It’s nice. It has a kitchen, a big bedroom, and a nice bathroom.

Man: What is the kitchen like?

Woman: It is big, and it has a big stove.

Man: What about the bathroom?

Woman: It does not have a bathtub, but it has a shower.

Man: Do you have a yard?

Woman: Yes, but the yard is small. It does have a nice tree though.

Man: Nice! Do you have a nice view?

Woman: No, the view is terrible. There is a tall building next door.

Conversation 4 on Next Page

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Conversation 4 - music / fun / boring / salad / time / party / band / delicious

Man: How was the wedding party? Did you have fun?

Woman: Yes, it was fun. The food was delicious

Man: What food did they have?

Woman: There was a salad bar, a drink bar, and a buffet.

Man: That sounds nice! Was there a band?

Woman: No, but there was a DJ.

Man: Cool! How was the music?

Woman: Not great. All the songs they played were really old.

Man: That sounds like a boring party.

Woman: No, it was fun. The atmosphere was good. Everyone had a good time

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Lesson 25 – Any/Some

Fill in the conversations with the words provided.

Conversation 1 - paper / some / plenty / here / any / about / sheets / much

Man: Do you have any paper?

Woman: I have some, but not much.

Man: How much do you have?

Woman: I have about 10 sheets of paper

Man: That is plenty. I just need five sheets

Woman: OK, here you go.

Conversation 2 - bad / any / just / Do / can / some / don’t / Maybe

Man: Do we have any eggs?

Woman: We have some. Maybe three eggs.

Man: OK, and do we have any cheese?

Woman: No, we don’t have any cheese.

Man: Oh, that’s too bad. I want to make an omelet.

Woman: Well, I can go to the store and buy some.

Man: No, that’s OK. I’ll just have toast.

Conversation 3 - what / would / fine / sugar / any / just / OK / take

Man: Care for some coffee?

Woman: I would love some.

Man: Cream or sugar?

Woman: No sugar, but I’ll take some cream, please!

Man: Oh, you know what, we don’t have any cream. Is milk OK?

Woman: That’s fine

Conversation 4 - bought / did / what / get / will / make / have / potato

Man: So, what did you get for lunch?

Woman: I bought some stuff to make sandwiches.

Man: Oh great! Did you buy any potato chips?

Woman: No, I did not. I did not see any.

Man: That’s OK. We have some pretzels.

Woman: That will work.

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