B1 Grammar Conversations Book

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who plays golf? a) Both of them b) Neither of them 2) Who cooks breakfast? a) Both of them b) Just one person 3) Who watched the news?

Lesson B1-01 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Do for Emphasis Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Do you like _______ ? Woman: No, but I _______ golf. Man: Ugh, golf! Woman: You _______ golf? Man: I _______ it when I was younger, but not now. Woman: Oh, I love it.

a) Just one person b) Both of them 4) What is true about the kids? a) They live at home b) They visit a lot

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


don’t like

cook much

and you

do still

Conversation 2


never do

do watch

to hear

Man: Do you _______ ? Woman: I _______ a lot. Man: What do you cook? Woman: Just _______ . And you? Man: Umm, I don’t cook much. I do cook breakfast, though. Woman: Really? I _______ breakfast.

did like

do cook


did live

do like

easy stuff

don't watch

do have

Conversation 3 Man: Do you watch much TV? Woman: I _______ a lot of TV. Man: What do you watch? Woman: I watch dramas, _______ ? Man: I _______ much TV. I do watch the news sometimes, though. Woman: How _______ ! Conversation 4 Man: Do you have any kids? Woman: I don’t. And you? Man: I _______ kids but they are all grown now. Woman: Do they live near you? Man: They _______ near me, but they moved. Woman: Oh, I’m sorry _______ that. Man: Yeah! Me too. They _______ visit a lot, though.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like to play sports? 2) Do you have a car? 3) Do you speak Spanish? 4) Do you want a pet? 5) Do you cook much? [ _ ] I do have a car - A BMW. [ _ ] I do want a pet. I want a dog. [ _ ] I do like to play sports. [ _ ] I do cook a lot. [ _ ] I do speak Spanish. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does she help him do? a) put up a tent b) take down a tent 2) Why did she stay late? a) Her boss made her b) She was busy 3) What did she promise her friend?

Lesson B1-02 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Causative Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Can you _________ do this? Woman: Sure, what are trying to do? Man: I’m trying to put up this tent. Woman: Oh, it’s easy. Let _________ you what to do. Man: Wow, that was _________ for you. Woman: Yeah, I was in the army. We do _________ the time.

a) She would fill the tank b) She would be careful 4) What did her mom make her do? a) Lots of chores b) Lots of homework

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


so easy

help her

letting me

made me

Conversation 2

help me

was nice

your car

How so

Man: Why are you home so late? Woman: My _________ me stay late today. Man: Why did she do that? Woman: I had to _________ write a letter in French. Man: Oh! That _________ of you. Woman: Well, she _________ do it. She’s the boss.

me show

boss made

he made

let me

this all

made me

a new

she was

Conversation 3 Man: Did you get _________ car? Woman: No, my friend is _________ use his. Man: What happened to _________ ? Woman: It is getting repairs. Man: Lucky you! This is a nice car. Woman: Well, _________ me promise I’d be careful with it.

Conversation 4 Man: Your mom is so nice! Woman: Yeah, she is now, but _________ really strict when I was younger. Man: Really? _________ ? Woman: Well, for one, she never _________ watch TV or eat sugar. Man: That is strict! Woman: And she _________ study at least four hours a day, even if I did not have homework. Man: Wow, that sounds like tough love.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can you help me do my homework? 2) Would you let anyone use your phone? 3) What made you cry as a child? 4) Who helped you learn English? 5) Did your parents let you stay up late? [ _ ] My high school teacher helped me a lot. [ _ ] I would love to. What are you studying? [ _ ] Having to eat vegetables. [ _ ] No, they made me go to bed early. [ _ ] Sure why not? What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why did they stop playing sports? a) No time b) No money 2) Where did she use French? a) At work b) In France 3) She used to ____ .

Lesson B1-03 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Used to - Past Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Do you play sports? Woman: I used _________ sports in high school. Man: Yeah? I _________ play sports too. Woman: Why did you stop? Man: No time, I guess. Woman: Yeah, I used to _________ much free time. Man: Me too! I _________ days. Conversation 2 Man: Do you speak French? Woman: I speak _________ . I used _________ it all the time, but not anymore. Man: Really? Why is that? Woman: Well, I used to _________ a French company, and then I changed jobs. Man: Oh, really? I didn’t know that. Woman: Yeah, it was _________ fun. Conversation 3 Man: Are you coming to the party? Woman: No, I have to work. Man: Work! What happened? You ______ never miss a party! Woman: True, but I also didn’t use to _______ stressful job. Man: Yeah, and you used to _______ , but you were fun! Woman: Yep! I used to _______ ! Conversation 4 Man: Hey, you used to _________ Spanish coworker, right? Woman: Yeah, Maria, but _________ . Man: Oh really? That’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, I really miss working with her. Man: Yeah, I liked her a lot. She _________ always make me laugh. Woman: I know. We used to have _________ together.

a) have parties b) be fun 4) She used to _____. a) speak Spanish at work b) have a friend from Spain

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


to play

it a little

have a

have a

miss those

to use

be poor

such fun

have so

work for

be fun

she moved

used to

a lot of

used to

used to

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who is a friend you used to see but no longer do? 2) What is a food you used to eat often but no longer do? 3) What is a sport you used to play, but no longer do? 4) What is a show you used to watch but no longer do? 5) What is a subject you used to study but no longer do? [ _ ] I used to study French. [ _ ] I used to watch a lot of anime. [ _ ] I used to see Tim often, but I haven't seen him in ages. [ _ ] I used to play soccer and tennis. [ _ ] I used to eat lots of sugar. Now I don't. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) On the farm she would _____ . a) ride horses b) get in trouble 2A) In the city he would _____ . a) waste money b) make a lot of noise 2B) In the city he would _____ .

Lesson B1-04 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Would - Past Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What was it like growing up on a farm? Woman: It was the best. I _________ have so much fun. Man: Really? What would you do? Woman: I'd _________ , play with my dog, tend to animals, and just have fun! Man: Sounds fun! Woman: It was! Everyday I _________ up early and I'd be outside all day. I _________ inside until dark. Man: Wow! Sounds like you had a great childhood. Woman: It was.

a) people watch b) stay out of trouble 3) In the army she would not _____ much. a) train b) sleep

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3

ride horses

would be

we would’t

woudn’t go

to hang

march for

would get

would you

life like

used to

would sit

do more

Conversation 2 Woman: What was it like growing up in the city? Man: It was fun. I have many good memories. Woman: Yeah? Such as? Man: Well, my friends and I used _________ out downtown. We _________ on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. It was so fun. Sometimes, we’d get in trouble though. Woman: Really? What _________ do? Man: Well, we _________ loud or naughty. Kid stuff. Nothing serious, though. Woman: Yeah, sounds familiar. Conversation 3 Man: What was _________ in the army? Woman: It was good, but it was very hard. Man: Really? How so? Woman: Well, we were always busy. Every day we would get up really early. Then, we _________ for ten miles. After that, we'd _________ training. Man: Wow! What would you do in the afternoon? Woman: More training. Usually, _________ stop training until late. Man: That is so tough. How much sleep did you get? Woman: Not much. We would usually get about six hours a night. It wasn’t enough, though. Man: Do you miss it? Woman: Yeah, sometimes.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) As a kid, would you get in trouble? 2) As a kid, who would you fight with? 3) As a teen, how often would you go to the movies? 4) As a teen, how much money would you spend every day? 5) As a teen, where would you hang out? -------------------------------------------------------------------------[ _ ] I would argue with my sister. [ _ ] I would often hang out at the mall. [ _ ] Yes, I would sometimes make my mom mad. [ _ ] I would see a movie about once a month. [ _ ] I would spend maybe 300 yen a day. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What should the woman do? a) Finish her work b) Go home and rest 2) What should the woman not do? a) Be around people b) Drink too much water 3A) What should the man do to learn Spanish?

Lesson B1-05 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Should - Suggestions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Keep a journal b) Watch Spanish movies 4) What should he do to learn words? a) Draw pictures b) Say each word ten times

Conversation 1 Man: You don’t look so good. Are you sick? Woman: Yes, I think I am coming down with a cold. Man: Well, you should go home then. Woman: But I really need to work. Man: No, no, no. You should ____ home and ____ some rest. Woman: OK, I guess I can work from home anyway. Man: No, you shouldn’t ____ . You should ____ in bed. Woman: OK, I'll do that. Thanks for your advice. Man: No problem. I hope you feel better soon. Conversation 2 Man: So, how long have you been feeling ill? Woman: For about three days. Man: Well, it looks like is a flu bug going around. Woman: OK, is that serious? Man: No, it's a minor illness, but you should ____ around people as it can spread. Woman: OK, what should I ____ get better? Man: Just get lots of rest and drink lots of water. I'll give you some medicine to make you feel better. Woman: OK, thank you doctor. Man: If you start to feel worse after a few days, you should ____ me immediately. Woman: OK, I'll do that. Thank you. Man: You’re welcome. You should ____ better in a few days.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3


do to


check out



that a try







not be



Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What should I do to lose weight? 2) What should I do to save money? 3) What should I do to learn a language quickly? 4) What should I do to make new friends? 5) What should I do to be healthy? [ _ ] You should sleep eight hours a day. [ _ ] You should spend less. [ _ ] You should eat less. [ _ ] You should join a hobby group. [ _ ] You should try to watch foreign movies. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What's the best way to learn Spanish? Woman: Well, first you should ____ new words every day. Man: OK, that's easy. What do you recommend? Woman: I would ____ a vocab app. I would try to learn ten words a day. Man: Only ten words? I think I can learn 50 words a day. Woman: No, you ____ do that because you won’t remember them. You shouldn’t try to do too much at one time. Man: OK, what else? Woman: Well, you should try to use the words you learn by keeping a ____ and trying to use them. Man: That sounds too difficult. I can’t ____ anything yet. Woman: Well, at first you can just ____ pictures of new words, like verbs and nouns. Man: Oh, I like that idea I'll give ________ .

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Woman: Oh, and you should _______ spanishlistening.org. It is a great way to learn Spanish. Man: Sounds cool! Is it free?? Woman: Yes, it is just like elllo, but for Spanish. Man: Cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Quiz 1) What does she want to do? a) Own a restaurant b) Go to cooking school 2) Who would she like to meet? a) Her family b) A famous person 3) What does she want to do?

Lesson B1-06 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Want to / Would like to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What ____ you want to do in the future? Woman: I’d like to ____ a chef. I want to ____ my own restaurant. Man: What kind of food would you like to ____ ? Woman: I’d like to cook Greek food. Man: Oh, if you do that, I want to eat there. Woman: I’d like that! Conversation 2 Man: Who would you ____ to meet someday? Woman: I’d like to meet Bill Gates. Man: What would you ask him? Woman: I’d ____ him about his life. I want to ____ his secret to success. Man: I’d like to know that too. Woman: Here’s ____ ! Conversation 3 Man: Where would you like to live in the future? Woman: I’d like to ____ in the country. Man: What would you ____ ? Woman: I’d ____ a farm. Man: Oh, that would be fun! Woman: Yeah, I want to ____ my own food. Conversation 4 Man: What would you like to ____ ? Woman: I’d like an iced tea please. Man: Do you ____ sugar with that? Woman: No, but I’d ____ some lemon. Man: Would you like a ____ ? Woman: No, thanks.

a) Have a farm b) Build a house 4) What would she like in her tea? a) Sugar b) Lemon

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who would you like to meet? 2) What job would you like to have? 3) When would you like to retire? 4) Where would you like to live? 5) Would you like to start a business? [ _ ] I'd like to meet an alien. [ _ ] I want to stop working before I am 60. [ _ ] Yes, I'd love to work for myself. [ _ ] I want to live in Spain. [ _ ] I would love to be a professional athlete. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What country has she visited? a) Korea b) Indonesia 2) What foods has she eaten? a) Sushi b) Natto 3) What movie has Katie seen?

Lesson B1-07 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Perfect - Experiences Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Have you ________ to Asia? Woman: Yes, I have. Many times. Man: Where have you ________ ? Woman: I have ________ Japan, Korea, and China. Man: Have ________ to Indonesia? Woman: No, I haven’t been there yet!

a) Most Spiderman movies b) Just the last Spiderman movie 4) Who has been to the new cafe? a) She has. b) He has.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

you been


seen them


Conversation 2

ever been


seen that


Man: Have you ever ________ Japanese food? Woman: I have. I have eaten lots of Japanese food. Man: What foods have you eaten? Woman: I’ve eaten sushi, ramen, and yaki-soba. Man: Have you ________ natto? Woman: No, I ________ , but I’ve ________ it’s disgusting.


ever tried

seen the


been to


seen that


Conversation 3 Man: Have you ________ new Star Wars movie? Woman: Yes, I have seen them all. Man: Have you ________ the Spiderman movies? Woman: No, I haven’t. Have you? Man: Yes, I've ________ all except the latest one. Woman: Oh, I’ve ________ one! It’s good! Conversation 4 Man: Have you ________ the new café? Woman: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had time. Have you? Man: I have. It's really nice, but I’ve only ________ there once. Woman: I’ve ________ it is really nice. Man: It is! They’ve ________ a nice job!

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Have you ever flown in a plane? 2) Have you ridden a horse? 3) Have you ever climbed a mountain? 4) Have you ever played on a sports team? 5) Have you seen a movie in a language besides English? [ _ ] Yes, I was on a basketball team. [ _ ] Yes, many times. I travel a lot. [ _ ] No, but I have been on a pony. [ _ ] Yes, but they were not very high. [ _ ] Yes, I love Korean dramas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why does he need to leave? a) To beat traffic b) To get home 2) What does he need to do? a) Dust b) Mow the lawn 3) Do they really have to give money?

Lesson B1-08 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Modals of Obligation Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: I have to ________ today. Woman: Really? I don’t have to. Man: I better go. I need to ________ ready. Woman: When do you start? Man: At noon, but I have to ________ early to beat the traffic. Woman: Yeah, you need to get ________ .

a) Yes b) No 4) What does he have to do? a) Go to work b) Get the kids

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





Conversation 2





Man: What do you have to ________ today? Woman: I have to ________ my house. Man: Really? It looks clean. Woman: No, I need to ________ , I need to clean the bathroom, and I have to do ________ . Man: Well, you seem busy, so I must be going. Woman: Yeah, I need to get started, but call me later.









Conversation 3 Man: We need to ________ this bill. Woman: Why? We don’t have to pay it. Man: Yes, we ________ . We must. Woman: No, it’s not a bill, just a donation. Man: But if we don’t pay it, we will ________ bad. Woman: No, we won’t. You mustn’t ________ that way. Conversation 4 Man: What must we do today? Woman: We have to ________ these letters. Man: Anything else? Woman: Yeah, you need to ________ up the kids from school. Man: I can’t. I have to ________ . Woman: OK, I can do it then. I have to ________ by the school anyway.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What do you have to do tonight? 2) What do you have to do tomorrow? 3) Do you have to wear a uniform? 4) Do you have to get up early tomorrow? 5) Who must you think about every day? [ _ ] My family. [ _ ] No, I can dress as I please. [ _ ] I need to cook dinner. [ _ ] I have to take a test. [ _ ] No, I can sleep in. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What happens in winter? a) She busy. b) She is not busy. 2) What do they discuss? a) When and where to ski. b) What to wear and how to ski. 3) What does she teach on Sunday?

Lesson B1-09 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Zero Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Private class b) Make-up classes 4) When does she get tips? a) When it is busy. b) When there is a big order.

Conversation 1 Man: Where do you work? Woman: I work at the ________ . I'm a ________ . Man: Nice. That must be a great job. Woman: Sometimes. But if it is ______ , it gets really ______. Man: Oh, yeah? What about in winter? Woman: When winter comes, the beaches are empty, so there’s no work. Man: Ah, too bad.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. busy
















Conversation 2 Man: When it ________ , do you go ________ ? Woman: I do, if I have time. Man: I ski too. Where is the best place to ski? Woman: Sugar bowl is a good place when there is enough snow. Man: What months does it get snow? Woman: If it is a good ________ , it gets lots of ________ from December to March. Conversation 3 Man: What days do you ________ ? Woman: I teach every day, but I also teach Sunday if my boss ________ me. Man: Really? Who do you teach then? Woman: I teach private groups. Usually business people. Man: Do you teach small classes? Woman: No, we only have ________ if we ________ at least twenty students.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What happens if it is very cold? 2) What do you do when it rains? 3) Who do you talk to when you are sad? 4) What happens if the traffic is bad? 5) What do you do if you are sleepy? [ 4 ] The buses are late. [ 1 ] People use their heaters. [ 2 ] I take an umbrella with me. [ 5 ] I often take a short nap. [ 3 ] I call my friend. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 4 Woman: How do you like working at the restaurant? Man: I like it, but it is ________ when it gets ________ . Woman: Do you get tips? Man: Not always, but I often get them if I have a really big ___ . Woman: Sounds like a good job. Man: It is as long as it’s not too ________ .

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Where will they play if it rains? a) In the gym b) In the park 2) What will the woman do if it rains? a) Call the man b) Take a taxi 3) Will the man go to the gym?

Lesson B1-10 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

First Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes, if he has the energy. b) Yes, if he has the time. 4) Who will likely stay home over the holidays? a) Go skiing b) Write his book

Conversation 1 Man: Are we still playing football on Tuesday? Woman: Yes, I think so. Why do you ask? Man: Well, the ________ forecast says it will rain. Woman: Well, ________ , we will play in the gym. I'll send an email to everyone explaining this. Man: Do you think we will have enough players? Woman: Yes, I think so. We need 8 players to play. If we don’t get enough players, we will cancel though. Man: Do you think we will get ________ players to play? Woman: I think so, but if we ________ , I'll let everyone know.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




if there


you can



if it rains



novel if


need to


if you

Conversation 2 Man: I'm having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come? Woman: I would love to if I ________ time. I might be busy though. Man: Well, the party will go until midnight, so please come if you have time. Woman: Thanks. Should I bring anything? Man: No, I think I have everything covered, but you can bring extra drinks if you like. Woman: OK, can I park at your house? Man: Parking might be a problem, so if ________ , I would take the subway. Woman: OK, I will do that. Man: If it's ________ though, just call and I'll pick you up from the station. Woman: Thanks, no need though. If I ________ , I will grab a taxi. Man: Great. I hope you can make it. Woman: I’ll try my best. If I can’t, I’ll let you know.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What will you do if it rains? 2) What will you do if it is sunny? 3) What will you do if it snows? 4) What will you do if you get sick? 5) What will you do if you get hungry? [ _ ] I will go skiing. [ _ ] I will make something to eat. [ _ ] I will stay inside. [ _ ] I will play golf. [ _ ] I will go to the doctor's. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 3 Man: What are your plans for tonight? Woman: Well, if there is ________ good on Netflix, I'll watch a movie. What about you? Man: I think I will go to the gym if I have enough ________ . Woman: What do you do at the gym? Man: I take a ________ class. Woman: Oh, that sounds fun. Man: It is, but it starts at 7, so ________ I finish my work on time, I can’t go. Woman: Well, you better get busy then.

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Man: Yes, I know. Conversation 4 Man: What are your plans for the winter holiday? Woman: I want to go skiing ________ 's enough snow. Man: Oh, that sounds fun. Who will you go with? Woman: I'll go with my parents, and a few friends if they can make it. What about you? Man: I will likely stay home. I might work on my ________ I feel like it. Woman: Oh, I didn’t know you were ________ a book. Man: Yeah, this is my third one. I try to keep it secret. Woman: Really? I had no idea. What books have you written? Man: Well, I’ll tell you, but only ________ promise to keep it a secret. Woman: I promise. So what is the book? Man: Well …

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She says the soups is _____ . a) great b) not that great 2) She cannot go because _____ . a) she has class b) her son cannot go 3) He will go to the forest because _____ .

Lesson B1-11 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Coordinating Conjunctions - FANBOYS Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) leaves are changing b) he is going camping 4) She does not go out because _____ . a) she does not like crowds b) she has no money

Conversation 1 Man: I like this soup, it’s so yum, _____ healthy. Woman: It is good, _____ it is high in sodium. Man: Yeah, but it has lots of veggies. Woman: True, but it not cheap, _____ easy to make. Man: OK, you don’t _____ it. Woman: I do. I'm just being honest. Conversation 2 Man: Where will you go for _____ ? Woman: I am not sure _____ . Man: I will go to the beach, or the lake. Woman: I would go, _____ my son has school. Man: Ah, he has school in summer? Woman: Yeah, he has to go to school this summer, _____ he will not graduate. Conversation 3 Man: What will you do tomorrow? Woman: I have to work, _____ I finish early. Man: I don’t work, _____ I will go somewhere. Woman: Where will you go? Man: I think to the forest, _____ the leaves are changing colors now. Woman: Well, have a good time _____ take lots of pictures. Conversation 4 Man: Do you go out much? Woman: No, I don’t drink, _____ I don’t like crowds. Man: Yeah, me too, _____ I hate staying home. Woman: So what do you do? Watch movies? Man: No, I don’t like movies, _____ do I like TV shows, _____ I tend to read a lot. Woman: Sounds boring, but each to his own.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Where will you go this weekend? 2) What will you eat for dinner? 3) What sports do you play? 4) What languages can you speak? 5) Can you play any musical instruments? [ _ ] I have to study, so I will stay home. [ _ ] No, I cannot, nor can I sing. [ _ ] I like soccer, but I cannot play it well. [ _ ] I am on a diet, so I will eat salad. [ _ ] I can speak Spanish, but I cannot write it well. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) When does the woman eat dinner? a) Before she gets home b) As soon as she gets home 2) When should he click the link? a) After he gets the email b) Before he gets the email 3) When did it start to rain?

Lesson B1-12 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Subordinating Conjuctions - Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What do you usually do after you finish work? Woman: I usually go to the gym, and then _____ I work out, I go shopping. Man: You must get home pretty late. When do you eat dinner? Woman: I usually eat as _______ I get home, which is about 9. Man: Wow, I could never eat dinner that late. Woman: When do you usually eat dinner? Man: I usually eat about 6, _______ after I get home. Woman: Do you usually cook? Man: No, my wife works from home, so she usually has dinner ready _______ I get back. Woman: Sounds like a nice set-up. Conversation 2 Man: So, how do you register for this app on the website? Woman: Well, first you put in your email address. Man: OK, that seems pretty easy. Woman: But _______ you can do anything else, you need to check your email. Man: OK. Then what do I do? Woman: _______ you get the email, you need to click the link which goes back to the website. Man: OK, do I need to do _______ soon as I sign up? Woman: No, I think you can wait as long as you like, but I'm not sure. Man: OK, well, regardless, I will click it _______ as I get it. What's next then? Woman: Then you go back to the site and after you create a password, you have an account. Then you can use the app. Man: Sounds pretty easy. I think I can do that. Woman: It’s very easy. I'm sure you will have no problems. Man: Thanks. Conversation 3

a) After they left b) As soon as they got there 4) Who wants to retire first? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

soon as

this as

soon as

before they

by the time



do after


as soon

right before

when I'm



by the time


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What do you usually do after you finish work? 2) What do you do as soon as you get up? 3) When do you want to retire? 4) What do you do when you are on a plane? 5) Do you eat as soon as you get home? [ _ ] I try to go to sleep as soon as I can. [ _ ] I want to retire by the time I am 65. [ _ ] I usually go to the gym after work. [ _ ] No, I usually eat much later at night. [ _ ] I take a shower and I get dressed. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Man: So, how was your day at the beach? Woman: Awful. It started to rain as _______ we got there. Man: Oh no. Did it rain all day? Woman: No, but _______ it stopped, we were ready to come back home. Man: Oh, that's too bad. Woman: We did get to swim a little though, _______ we left. Man: Well, at least you had some fun. Woman: Yeah, hopefully we will have nicer weather _______ we go next time. Conversation 4 Man: When do you want to retire? Woman: I want to retire _______ about 50. Man: Wow, that's pretty early. Why so young? Woman: I want to travel the world _______ I'm still relatively young. What about you? Man: I doubt I'll retire before I'm 70. I love working. Woman: Oh yeah? What do you want to _______ you retire? Man: Well, assuming I have grandkids, I want to spend as much time with them _______ grow up. Woman: That’s nice. Well, here’s to our future.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She left early because _____ . a) she was sick b) her work was done 2) She does not like _____ . a) rain b) spring 3) It closes early because it is _____ .

Lesson B1-13 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Subordinating Conjuctions - Reason Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Why did you go home early _______ ? Woman: I left early _______ I was sick. Man: Well, _________ were not here, I can’t pay you. Woman: I understand, _______ I did work from home. Man: Oh, you did? Woman: Yes, I can show you my work. Conversation 2 Man: I love the spring _______ the weather’s so cool. Woman: I do too, _______ I don’t like rainy weather, and it always rains a lot. Man: Yeah, _______ I sometimes get allergies. Woman: Me too, _______ it hasn’t been bad this year. Man: Yeah, not so much. I think it's because of El Nino. Woman: Maybe, although who knows? Conversation 3 Man: Let’s go to the store because it _________ soon. Woman: When does it close? Man: It closes at ten _________ Sunday. Woman: Let’s go then _________ it’s already 5:30. Man: Sounds good. Should I drive? Woman: No, I will _________ drive slow. Conversation 4 Man: Can I use your iPad? Woman: Yeah, sure. It’s over there. Man: Can I use it to record a short video? Woman: Sure, what are you _________ ? Man: Well, _________ I'm a terrible cook, I’m making a _________ video for my son. Woman: Fun! _________ you’re doing that, can I be in it too? Man: Sure, as you wish.

a) a holiday b) Sunday 4) She asks him to _____ . a) be careful with the iPad b) join in the video

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




even though



since you




because it’s


since you




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is there something you do even though it’s unhealthy? 2) Why isn’t Sally at work today? 3) Is it alright for me to use a pencil in the exam? 4) What time should we leave for the airport? 5) Do you have any hobbies? ( _ ) Sally isn’t here because she’s on holiday. ( _ ) I like painting, although I’m very bad at it. ( _ ) You can use a pencil although a pen is better. ( _ ) I smoke cigarettes even though it’s unhealthy. ( _ ) We should leave soon since there’s a lot of traffic. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She is going unless she gets stuck _____ . a) in traffic b) at work 2) She might fail unless she _____ . a) comes to every class b) does better on assignments 3) He can use the room as long as _____ .

Lesson B1-14 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1 Subordinating Conjuctions - Conditionals Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Are you coming to the party? Woman: Yes, I'm going ________ I get stuck at work. Man: Really? You might have to work? Woman: Maybe, but I'll call you ________ make it. Man: Well, I ________ hope you can make it. Woman: Me too! ________ we don't get too busy, I should make it though.

a) he books it b) it is not booked 4) If it rains, they _____ . a) will still play b) will definitely not play

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


as long as

If it's

as long as

As long as


if it is

If it is

Conversation 2


assignments If it isn't

if we cancel

Woman: Yes, Mr Smith, you want to see me. Man: Yes, we need to talk about your grades. I'm worried that you won't pass the class ________ you start doing better on your ________ . Woman: Well, ________ an A on the test, can I pass the class? Man: Yes, I think so, ________ you do all of your homework assignments. Woman: OK. I'll make sure I do better, and I'll study hard for the next exam Man: I hope so, because if you don't, you'll have to take the class again.

if I can't

if I get

If the rain

Conversation 3 Man: Can I use the conference room tomorrow? Woman: Sure, as long as it is not booked. Man: What should I do ________ ? Woman: ________ booked you could use the lecture hall. Man: Oh, that's too big, I think. Woman: Well, the conference room might be free. I'll check and let you know if it is. ________ , what should I do? Man: If it's booked then I will wait ________ is free. The lecture hall is too big. Woman: OK, I'll get back to you soon. Man: Great. Thanks. Conversation 4 Man: Are we still playing soccer tomorrow? Woman: Yes, I hope so. We'll play ________ the weather is nice. Man: Will we play if it rains? Woman: ________ is not too heavy, we will play. Man: OK, and if it is? Woman: ________ , I'll check with the others and let you know

until it

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What would you do if you lost your wallet? 2) What will happen if you do not pay the class fees? 3) Is it okay if I listen to music in the library? 4) Are we going for a run tomorrow? 5) Shall we go to the pub this evening? ( _ ) You can, as long as you use headphones. ( _ ) If I lost my wallet, I’d report it to the police. ( _ ) Unless I have to work late, we can go to the pub. ( _ ) Yes, we can go running as long as it doesn’t rain. ( _ ) You cannot join class unless you pay the fees. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

________ the game. Man: Sounds good. Thanks.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What would the woman love to change? a) The pay b) The schedule 2) Why does the woman want to study computers? a) The pay is great. b) It is practical. 3) Who would make education free?

Lesson B1-15 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Second Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: So, ___________ the boss, what would you change about the company? Woman: Well, first, ___________ people work from home. Man: I would like that. What else would you change? Woman: ___________ let employers set their own schedule. Man: I would love that. What hours would you work? Woman: It would change day by day. If the weather was nice, I would work at night. Man: And if the weather was bad? Woman: Then I would work during the day. What about you? Man: I’m not sure. Maybe I would do the same. Woman: See? Things would be better around here ___________ the boss! Conversation 2 Man: ___________ go back to school, what would you study? Woman: I think I would study something practical, like computer engineering. Man: What would you do with a degree like that? Woman: I would develop apps to help people stay fit, I think, because I love exercise. What about you? Man: Well, ___________ study anything, I would study something I love, like art history. Woman: Oh, that sounds interesting. ___________ want to be a teacher? Man: No, but perhaps I ___________ books or be a tour guide at a museum. Woman: I like your idea. That sounds nice. Conversation 3 Man: ___________ in charge of the country, what would you do? Woman: Well, first, I would make health care free for everyone. Man: I agree, I would do the same. What about education? Woman: No, ___________ make education free, but I would make it more affordable. Man: I like that idea. I might make it free though. Woman: What about you? ___________ do one thing, what would you do? Man: If I were president, I would change the tax system so it is fair for everyone. Woman: Me too. I think the world would be a better place

a) The man b) The woman 4) Who would not buy a new house? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

I would let

if I could

I wouldn’t

do if you

if I were

I could write

If you were

each his

if you were

If you could

If you could

If you won

I would also

Would you

if we were

if I didn’t

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What would you do if you were an astronaut? 2) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? 3) What superpower would you choose, if you could? 4) How would you feel if you won a million dollars? 5) What would you do if you had more time? ( _ ) I would be overjoyed if I won a million dollars. ( _ ) I would go to Mars if I were an astronaut. ( _ ) If I had more time, I would learn a new language. ( _ ) I would go to the Bahamas. ( _ ) If I could choose a superpower, I would be invisible. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

___________ in charge. Man: I think so too! Conversation 4 Man: ___________ the lottery, what would you buy? Woman: I think I would buy a house. I would like to live in the mountains. Man: What else would you do? Woman: I would probably buy a new car. Man: That would be nice. Woman: What about you? What would you ___________ won the lottery? Man: Well, I would quit my job and travel the world. Woman: Would you buy a new house or car? Man: No, I would live cheaply, so I would never have to work again. Woman: I think I would still work. I would get bored ___________ have a job. Man: To ___________ own I guess.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who owns the cafe? a) Tim b) Larry 2) What kind of company is it? a) tech company b) beverage company 3) Why did they postpone the meeting?

Lesson B1-16 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Adjective Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Who is this party for? Woman: Tim. He's the guy ________ telling you about. Man: Refresh my memory. Is he the ________ opened the new cafe? Woman: No, that's Larry. He's the guy who just ________ into the house down the street. Man: Oh, the house ________ that huge garage. Woman: Yes, that's the house, and that's the guy. Conversation 2 Man: So, where do you work? Woman: I work for a tech company that ________ business software. Man: Really? What kind of software do you make? Woman: We build ________ that help companies ________ their money. Man: Really? My company, ________ deals with that sort of thing, might be interested. Woman: Great. Let me give you my card. Conversation 3 Man: Do you know _____ the meeting was postponed? Woman: Yes, we need a room ____ we could use a projector. Man: What about the ____ where we had the party? Woman: What party? Man: You know, the party ____ Kevin got promoted. Woman: Oh, yeah. That will work. Conversation 4 Man: So, what part of town do you live in? Woman: I live on the far west side of town. Man: Oh, is it nice over there? Woman: It's OK. It has a few places _____ you can ______ . Man: Oh, really? For example? Woman: Well, there's a ______ where you can just relax. Man: I think I know about that place. It's a popular place ______ the leaves change color. Woman: Yes, that's the place. Conversation 5

a) For equipment reasons b) The boss was busy 4) That is nice about her town? a) The park b) The parking 5) What happens when David is not there? a) It is boring. b) They are busy. 6) They will go to a restaurant that ______ . a) shows the game b) does not show the game

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

that has




guy who








who I was




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Where did you park your car? 2) What kind of music do you like? 3) Where can I find the milk? 4) Do you know who the speaker is? 5) Who is Neil Armstrong? ( _ ) I enjoy music which is fast and upbeat. ( _ ) The milk is in the section that is next to the fruit. ( _ ) He’s the first man who walked on the moon. ( _ ) Oh, it's the guy who used to teach in our college. ( _ ) I parked near the gate that is closest to the entrance. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Man: Why is David not here today? Woman: Good question. I don't know why he's not here. Man: Well, it's a bad sign when he's gone. Woman: Why do you say that? Man: Because those are the days when we get really busy. Woman: Geez, I hope not! Conversation 6 Woman: Where should we go for dinner tonight? Man: Let's go somewhere where we can watch the game. Woman: Watch the game? I hate having dinner when there's a game on. Man: Really? Why? Woman: Because you watch the game and we don't talk much. Man: Fair enough. Well, we'll go someplace where I won't be distracted. I'll check the score when I get home. Woman: Thanks. I appreciate that.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What is the woman hoping for? a) More features b) A demo version 2) What does the man need? a) More time b) More funds 3) What did the man like?

Lesson B1-17 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Noun Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 - What Woman: So, how is the new software development project going? Man: Good, from ________ been seeing, we should be finished within this month. Woman: OK, ________ need, at this point, is a basic version to show clients by next week. By any chance, is that possible? Man: Well, I will see ________ do, but no promises. Woman: Really? You think you can do it? Man: It won't be perfect, but I can get you a basic version of the software for promotional purposes. Woman: Great! That's ________ hoping for. Conversation 2 - Where Woman: How is the film going? Man: Good, but we need more money to film a few scenes. Woman: Well, from ________ I'm standing, we can't give you any more money. You are already over-budget. Man: Yes, but we need to film in a new location. ________ are filming now just doesn't cut it. Woman: I don't like __________ going with this. This is costing too much money. Man: Look, I understand, but this next scene ________ the movie really comes together. We really need it. Woman: OK. I'll see what I can do, but this is the last time. Don't ask for more. Man: Thank you. I really appreciate this. Conversation 3 - How Woman: And this is __________ turn sales into profits. And that is my presentation. Thank you for coming. Man: That was a great presentation. I _________ you explain the data. Woman: Oh, thank you! You never know ________ come across to the audience. Man: Well, you deserve a lot of credit. Your style is very engaging, especially ________ talk, and how you use humor to make a point. Woman: Well, thank you again. I'm glad that it was wellreceived. Man: Also, how you came up with the data was really interesting. Do you think you could discuss it over a cup of coffee?

a) What she wore b) How she spoke 4) The teacher says he got a low grade because of ____ . a) what he wrote about b) when it turned it in 5) What is the father unhappy about? a) Who she is with b) How she is dressed 6) Who has a desk with two monitors? a) Joan b) They are not sure

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

what I really

is where

how it will

what it's

what I can

where I'm

how you

why I got

what I was

Where we

loved how

is why

what I've

where you're how we can

why I love

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you know why the class was cancelled? 2) Can you show me where the science building is? 3) Who left the lights on in this room? 4) What do you like about your best friend? 5) What do you usually do for lunch? ( _ ) I like how she is always great fun to talk to. ( _ ) The class was cancelled because the teacher is sick. ( _ ) I usually eat what they have in the cafeteria. ( _ ) Sure, it’s around the corner from the library. ( _ ) Sorry, it was me! I forgot to turn them off. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Woman: I'd love to. I think there is a cafe downstairs. Conversation 4 - Why Woman: Man: Ms. Wilson, can you explain to me ________ a low score on my paper? Woman: Well, the main reason is that you did not follow the topic. Did you read the instructions? Man: Yes, but I didn't like it, so I wrote about ________ football so much. Woman: Well, that ________ you got a low grade. You have to follow the rules. Man: Yeah, but why can't I write about what I want to write about? Woman: Well, for one, it is not fair for other students. Man: OK, I got it. I see your point. Woman: For ________ worth, I did enjoy reading it. Man: Thanks, but about my grade, can I rewrite the paper? Woman: Yes, but you will need to get it to me by Friday. Man: Thank you. I appreciate it. Woman: Well, I look forward to your new paper. Why don't you write about why animals rights are important.? Man: I will. Thanks so much! Woman: Why students don't follow the rules is beyond me! Conversation 5 – Who Woman: Man: Who is our daughter talking to? Woman: I am not sure who he is. She mentioned something about a new friend from work. Man: Well, I don't like who she hangs out with. Woman: Who she hangs out with is none of your business. She is 25, after all. Man: Well, you know the old saying: it's not what you know but who you know! Woman: Well, she should have the right to see whoever she likes. Man: I know. I'm just being a dad. Woman: And I'm just being a mom. Conversation 6 - Whose Man: Do you know whose desk this is? Woman: I think that is Joan's desk. Man: No, that's Joan's desk. The one that has two monitors is Joan's desk. Woman: Hmm! Well then, I don't know whose it is then. Man: Well, somebody must know who sits here. Woman: Right, someone. Just not us.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does the man presume? a) That he needs a date b) That he needs a costume 2) How were sales last year? a) Good b) Bad 3) What does the man hope will happen?

Lesson B1-18 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

a) They discuss the budget. b) They do not change the budget.

That Clause after Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: So, I ________ you are having a party? Woman: Yeah, it will be next week. Man: So, I ________ all are invited? Woman: Yes, that ________ correct. All are welcome. Man: Okay, great. And I presume ____ I should bring a date? Woman: No need. You can come alone. Man: What a relief! Conversation 2 Woman: How do you ________ will be this year? Man: Good. I think they will be better than last year. Woman: I ________ are. Man: Yeah, last ________ terrible. Woman: It was. Man: Well, ________ we'll do better this year.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

assume that

hope they

saw that

that I

I'm sure


heard that

year was

hope he

would be

think sales

say about

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is it true that you’re quitting soon? 2) Do you know if Becca and her husband are coming? 3) What did you say in the interview? 4) What did the doctor say? 5) How do you feel about moving to a new city?

Conversation 3 Man:I ________ you had a meeting with Jason. Woman: Yes, he wanted to discuss the budget. Man: Yeah? What did he ________ it? Woman: He ________ that we are spending too much. Man: Oh, I know. Well, I ________ does not cut the budget. Woman: I doubt he'll do that.

( _ ) I think that it will be a good change of environment. ( _ ) I said that I would be able to start working next week. ( _ ) Yes, I got a new job in another city. ( _ ) The doctor said that they were having a baby girl. ( _ ) I heard that they’re coming, but they’ll be late. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who has called Bob? a) No one has. b) Katie has. 2) Has the woman finished the report? a) Yes, she has. b) No, not yet. 3) How long has the woman known Joe?

Lesson B1-19 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Perfect - Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She just met him. b) Since high school 4) What does she say about the sweater? a) She has not worn it much. b) She hasn't had it long.

Conversation 1 Man: Has Bob ________ yet? Woman: No, he ________ gotten here yet. Man: Has anyone ________ to call him? Woman: I don’t think anyone has. Man: Hmm, maybe he's ________ . Woman: Or maybe he’s forgotten there’s a meeting. Conversation 2 Man: Have you ________ the report? Woman: No, I haven’t. Man: Why haven’t you finished? Woman: I haven’t ________ to check the spelling. Man: Have you ________ writing it? Woman: Yes, I have. ________ done!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


had time















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How long have you known Joe? Woman: I’ve ________ him since high school. Man: Wow! That’s a long time. Woman: Yeah, we have ________ best friends for a while. Man: Have you ________ him recently? Woman: No, I ________ seen him for some time. Conversation 4 Man: Nice sweater. I ________ seen it before. Woman: Oh, this old thing? I’ve ________ it forever. Man: How come you haven’t ________ it very much? Woman: Well, it has ________ too hot to wear it.

1) Have you had lunch yet? 2) Have you filed your taxes yet? 3) How long have you been working here? 4) Have you been to the park in your neighborhood? 5) How long have you known your husband? ( _ ) Yes, I’ve already filed them. ( _ ) Not yet, I’ve heard that it’s a beautiful park though! ( _ ) I’ve been working here since 2018. ( _ ) Not yet, I’ll eat in about 10 minutes. ( _ ) We’ve known each other since college. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why did the woman not go to the party? a) She was busy. b) She did not know about it. 2) What was the woman unhappy about? a) How she spoke b) How she dressed 3) What does the woman say about the movie?

Lesson B1-20 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Why didn't you ________ to the party? Woman: I didn't know about it. Man: Oh, no! I ________ have told you about it. Woman: Yeah, I would've come, if I had known about it. Man: That's too bad. I think you would have ________ it. Woman: I think I would ________ too! Conversation 2 Man: So how was your job interview? Woman: Good, but I should have ________ up more. Man: Oh, I'm sure you did fine. Woman: Yeah, I just ________ I had ________ myself better. Man: I think you are being too hard on yourself. Woman: Maybe, but I still think I ________ have done better. Conversation 3 Man: How was the movie? Woman: Actually, I wish I ________ seen it. Man: Why? Was it bad? Woman: No! It was a great movie. Man: Well, then, why do you ________ you hadn't seen it? Woman: Because it was so scary. I ________ sleep last night. Man: Oh, really? I love horror movies. Now I wish I ________ it. Woman: Well, it is playing for another week, so you have time. Conversation 4 Man: How was your vacation? Woman: Good, but I wish I had ________ at a different hotel. Man: Why do you say that? Woman: Well, it was next to a lively street and it was so noisy. Man: Oh no! Woman: As a result, I never had a good night sleep. Man: Maybe you ________ have read some reviews first. Woman:Yeah, I should ________ . Man: Well, should've, would've, ________ !

a) It was boring. b) It was scary. 4) What did she dislike about her hotel? a) The price b) The location

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4







had seen










Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. Answers may vary. 1) What do you wish you had done differently in college? 2) What is a big regret in life? 3) What is a movie you wish you had not seen? 4) What would you change about your appearance? 5) What would you change about your town? [ _ ] My height. I wish I was taller. [ _ ] The streets. I wish there were wider. [ _ ] I wish I had studied computers. [ _ ] I should have saved more money earlier. [ _ ] Titantic. I was too long. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What is said about the restroom? a) It should be open. b) It should be locked. 2) What is said about the bus? a) It should arrive soon. b) It should be full. 3) What should not be a problem?

Lesson B1-00 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Should - Assumptions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Getting a discount b) Paying by credit card 4) What should reduce his pain? a) Aspirin b) Ice

Conversation 1 Man: Excuse me, where is the ________ ? Woman: It is down the hall. Just turn right and you ________ it. Man: Thanks. Woman: It __________ open, but if it is ________ just tell me. Man: OK. Thank you! Conversation 2 Man: When is the last ________ bus? Woman: Actually, it __________ here right about now. Man: Really? I don’t see it. Woman: It should __________ minute. Man: OK, thanks. Will it be full? Woman: It ___________ crowded this time of day.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

should be

should be



should see

shouldn’t be

it shouldn’t



arrive any


should feel





Speaking Challenge

Conversation 3

Match the answers with the questions.

Man: Can you ________ a hotel? Woman: Sure, I ________ stay at the Regent. Man: Do I need to make a reservation? Woman: You ________ need to. It's not peak season. Man: Can I pay by credit card? Woman: Yeah, ________ be a problem.

1) When do our exam results come out? 2) Do I need to inform the reception to clean my room? 3) What time does the conference begin? 4) Do you know if the gym is open? 5) Shouldn’t you be resting?

Conversation 4 Man: My head is ________ me! Woman: Oh, lay down. That ________ help. Man: I can’t. I have to work. Woman: Take some ________ then? Man: You think it'll help? Woman: Yeah, you __________ better after a while.

( _ ) The gym should be open by now. They open at 5 a.m. ( _ ) The results should be announced today. ( _ ) I should be, but I have a lot of work to do. ( _ ) You shouldn’t need to, they clean the rooms everyday. ( _ ) It should be starting in 10 minutes. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who is coming to the party? a) Joe and his wife b) Bob and his wife 2) What does he recommend she use? a) Wordpress b) Blogger 3) Who has more experience?

Lesson B1-22 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Correlative Conjunctions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Jack b) Sally 4) What are Jill and Sue going to do? a) leave the company b) work at their company

Conversation 1 Man: Is Bob coming to the party? Woman: Yes, ________ and his wife are coming. Man: What about Joe ________ wife? Woman: ________ Joe ________ wife can make it. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, it is rare when all of us are together. Conversation 2 Woman: What can I use to make a website? Man: I would use ________ Blogger ________ Wordpress. Woman: Which one is better? Man: It depends ________ you are making a simple ________ a complex site. Woman: I'm making a simple site. Man: Then I would use Blogger. Conversation 3 Man: Do you know ________ Jack or Sally will give the next presentation? Woman: It will be Sally I think. Man: Why not Jack, ________ for that matter? Woman: ________ Jack ________ are not as experienced as Sally. Man: True, they are both newbies. Woman: Yeah, they will be ready to do it soon though.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

both he


or Jim

or go




both Jill

nor his

site or



and his


and Jim


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are you and your parents attending the wedding? 2) Would you like a smoking room? 3) What color shirt should I get? 4) Where can I buy some meat? 5) Do you know whether salad or soup is healthier? ( _ ) You should get either the white or the blue shirt. ( _ ) Both my parents and I will be attending. ( _ ) I think soup is not as healthy as salad. ( _ ) It depends on whether you want fresh or frozen meat. ( _ ) No, thank you. Neither my husband nor I smoke. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 4 Man: I hear ________ Jill and Sue will quit soon. Woman: What will they do? Man: I'm not sure. I think they will ________ get a new job ________ back to school. Woman: I'm really going to miss Jill. Man: Yeah, ________ the office nor the company outings will be the same without her. Woman: So true!

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does she say about the apartment? a) It gets noisy. b) It is by the airport. 2) What can the watch do? a) Play music and videos. b) Keep track of his health. 3) What does the woman say about her job?

Lesson B1-00 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Non-Defining Relative Clauses Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She likes it. b) It gives her stress. 4) What do they say about the staff and equipment? a) Both are new. b) They need more of both.

Conversation 1 Man: How is your new apartment? Woman: Good, but it’s very noisy, so I can’t get a good night’s sleep, which is exhausting. Man: That’s terrible. That would stress me out. Where is it exactly? Woman: It is near the station, __________ pretty noisy at night. Man: What about on the weekends? Woman: It is not much quieter then. There is a night market, __________ in lots of tourists. Man: I know how you feel. My old workplace, __________ near an airport, was always noisy. Woman: Yeah, there is not much I can do about it now. I just have to __________ it. Man: Well, hopefully things will turn for the better in the long run. Woman: Thanks, I hope so. Conversation 2 Man: What are you looking at? Woman: This is my new smart watch, __________ totally addicted to. Man: It looks high-tech. What does it do? Woman: It tracks my bio-metrics, __________ immediately analyzed on the app and then displayed on the screen. Man: Oh, really? That sounds cool. How are you doing? Woman: Not bad. It turns out I am pretty healthy, __________ still hard to interpret all the data. Man: Those watches are __________ these days. I want a gadget like that. Woman: You should get one. They’re lots of fun.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

which brings

which are

which I hate

which means

deal with

but it is

but our

which we

which gets

so trendy

management which I

which was

which I am

which means which has

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How often do you exercise? 2) What did you do last weekend? 3) How are your studies going? 4) Did you bake this cake yourself? 5) What did you buy at the mall? ( _ ) I bought a new bag, which has lots of pockets. ( _ ) My friend, who I met last summer, helped me bake it. ( _ ) Really well! I like all my subjects, which is great. ( _ ) I visited my sister, who just graduated from college. ( _ ) Twice a week, which is not as often as I’d like. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 3 Man: So, how are things in your department? Woman: Not good. I have a new role, __________ . Man: Oh, what is your new role? Woman: I am now in charge of assemble line efficiency, __________ I must make sure everything is working as efficiently as possible. Man: That sounds like a role for __________. Woman: It was, __________ superior quit unexpectedly, so they gave the job to me. Man: It sounds like a lot of pressure.

1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Woman: It is. I am totally stressed right now. Conversation 4 Woman: So, how are things going down at the factory? Man: Well, the new machines, __________ I told you about last week, are working really well. Woman: What about the time frame? Can we meet our production deadline? Man: Well, the new staff, __________ just hired last week, should be able to increase production. Woman: Well, our recent commercial, __________ done really well, could mean a strong demand for the product. Man: So basically, we need to increase production fast. Woman: Yes, you do, __________ you will be working a lot of overtime, but I need you to come through on this. Man: Well, we have a track record, which you know is pretty good, so I am confident we can do this. Woman: That’s good to hear. I know I can count on you.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does one man want to know? a) Who did something b) How to do something 2) Where are they going? a) To party b) To a factory 3) What food will they serve at the party?

Lesson B1-24 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Indirect Questions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Grilled fish b) Vegetables 4) Who started this? a) They did b) Someone they know

Conversation 1 Man: Do you know __________ doing? Woman: Yes, I know __________ doing. Man: Great. Then show me how to do this. Woman: You don’t know how to do this? Man: No, I don’t __________ to do this. Woman: Cool! I’ll __________ how. Conversation 2 Man: Do you __________ we start? Woman: I’m not __________ we begin. Man: I think we begin at three. Woman: Do you __________ we're going after this meeting? Man: I think we're going to the __________ . Woman: Got it!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

show you

sure when

know what

know what

what I'm


know why

know why

know how

know when

What are

know who

what you're

know where

who is

what I'm

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: __________ you doing? Woman: I’m trying to see __________ coming to the party. Man: Cool! Do you __________ t food they are serving? Woman: I think it's vegetarian? Man: Oh, no! I don’t __________ they do that. Woman: To be healthy, I guess. Conversation 4 Man: Do you see __________ seeing? Woman: Yeah, I do but I don’t __________ to make of it. Man: Well, you __________ started this? Woman: I know who, Barry! Man: You __________ ? Woman: Oh, yeah, I remember why!

1) Do you know if this seat is taken? 2) Do you have a pen I can borrow? 3) Can you tell me where the restrooms are? 4) Do you know what time the meeting ends? 5) Can you show me how to use this machine? ( _ ) The meeting should end at 5 p.m. ( _ ) Yeah, someone was sitting there earlier. ( _ ) The restrooms are down the hall and to the right. ( _ ) Sorry, I don’t. I have a pencil if you want? ( _ ) Sure, it’s very simple to use. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does the man need to do? a) Back up the data b) Look up the password 2) If the man spruces up the report, what do that mean? a) He will improve it. b) He will delete it.

Lesson B1-25 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Phrasal Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Did you __________ the data? Woman: Yes, I just __________ on our remote server. Man: Do you have the password for that server? Woman: No, I don’t. I’ll have to __________ . Man: OK, when you do, can you send it to me? Woman: Will do. I’ll __________ in just a second. Conversation 2 Woman: I looked over your report but I can’t __________ . Man: Oh, really? I can break it down for you. Woman: No, I need you to rewrite it, so everyone can understand it. Man: OK, I’ll rewrite it. What was confusing though? Woman: I couldn’t __________ how the numbers added up. Man: OK, I’ll look it over again and __________ a bit. Woman: Thanks. I’m sure you won’t __________ . Conversation 3 Woman: So, did __________ the home loan? Man: No, they turned __________ . Woman: What? Why? Man: They said I didn’t earn __________ money. Woman: Does that mean you can’t buy a new house? Man: Yes. I’ll have to __________ for now, I guess. Conversation 4 Man: Hey, Joe is __________ tomorrow. Can you __________ at the airport? Woman: Sure, what are his flight details? Man: I’m not sure. I __________ down somewhere! Woman: When you find it, can you email it to me? Man: Will do. Oh, and when you pick him up, don’t mention his divorce. Woman: Got it. I won’t __________ .

3) The man is going to ___ buying a new house. a) put off b) give up 4) What will the woman pick up? a) Flight details b) Someone at the airport

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

backed it up

spruce it up


wrote them

shoot it over

figure it out

put it off

bring it up

look it up

let me down

me down

flying in

back up

make out

you get

pick him up

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can you note this down please? 2) Where should we stay on our holiday? 3) Can you help me figure out this problem? 4) Were you able to find out John’s address? 5) What are your plans for the evening? ( _ ) Yeah, I’ll send the address over to you now. ( _ ) Hold on, let me get a pen. ( _ ) I’m not sure yet, I’ll have to look it up. ( _ ) Yeah, we can go over the problem in the evening. ( _ ) I’m going to pick my friend up from the airport. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who plays golf? a) Both of them b) Neither of them 2) Who cooks breakfast? a) Both of them b) Just one person 3) Who watched the news?

Lesson B1-01 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Do for Emphasis Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Do you like sports? Woman: No, but I do like golf. Man: Ugh, golf! Woman: You don’t like golf? Man: I did like it when I was younger, but not now. Woman: Oh, I love it.

a) Just one person b) Both of them 4) What is true about the kids? a) They live at home b) They visit a lot

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


don’t like

cook much

and you

do still

Conversation 2


never do

do watch

to hear

Man: Do you cook much? Woman: I do cook a lot. Man: What do you cook? Woman: Just easy stuff. And you? Man: Umm, I don’t cook much. I do cook breakfast, though. Woman: Really? I never do breakfast.

did like

do cook


did live

do like

easy stuff

don't watch

do have

Conversation 3 Man: Do you watch much TV? Woman: I do watch a lot of TV. Man: What do you watch? Woman: I watch dramas, and you? Man: I don't watch much TV. I do watch the news sometimes, though. Woman: How depressing! Conversation 4 Man: Do you have any kids? Woman: I don’t. And you? Man: I do have kids but they are all grown now. Woman: Do they live near you? Man: They did live near me, but they moved. Woman: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Man: Yeah! Me too. They do still visit a lot, though.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like to play sports? 2) Do you have a car? 3) Do you speak Spanish? 4) Do you want a pet? 5) Do you cook much? [ 2 ] I do have a car - A BMW. [ 4 ] I do want a pet. I want a dog. [ 1 ] I do like to play sports. [ 5 ] I do cook a lot. [ 3 ] I do speak Spanish. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does she help him do? a) put up a tent b) take down a tent 2) Why did she stay late? a) Her boss made her b) She was busy 3) What did she promise her friend?

Lesson B1-02 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Causative Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Can you help me do this? Woman: Sure, what are trying to do? Man: I’m trying to put up this tent. Woman: Oh, it’s easy. Let me show you what to do. Man: Wow, that was so easy for you. Woman: Yeah, I was in the army. We do this all the time.

a) She would fill the tank b) She would be careful 4) What did her mom make her do? a) Lots of chores b) Lots of homework

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


so easy

help her

letting me

made me

Conversation 2

help me

was nice

your car

How so

Man: Why are you home so late? Woman: My boss made me stay late today. Man: Why did she do that? Woman: I had to help her write a letter in French. Man: Oh! That was nice of you. Woman: Well, she made me do it. She’s the boss.

me show

boss made

he made

let me

this all

made me

a new

she was

Conversation 3 Man: Did you get a new car? Woman: No, my friend is letting me use his. Man: What happened to your car? Woman: It is getting repairs. Man: Lucky you! This is a nice car. Woman: Well, he made me promise I’d be careful with it.

Conversation 4 Man: Your mom is so nice! Woman: Yeah, she is now, but she was really strict when I was younger. Man: Really? How so? Woman: Well, for one, she never let me watch TV or eat sugar. Man: That is strict! Woman: And she made me study at least four hours a day, even if I did not have homework. Man: Wow, that sounds like tough love.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can you help me do my homework? 2) Would you let anyone use your phone? 3) What made you cry as a child? 4) Who helped you learn English? 5) Did your parents let you stay up late? [ 4 ] My high school teacher helped me a lot. [ 1 ] I would love to. What are you studying? [ 3 ] Having to eat vegetables. [ 5 ] No, they made me go to bed early. [ 2 ] Sure why not? What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why did they stop playing sports? a) No time b) No money 2) Where did she use French? a) At work b) In France 3) She used to ____ .

Lesson B1-03 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Used to - Past Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Do you play sports? Woman: I used to play sports in high school. Man: Yeah? I used to play sports too. Woman: Why did you stop? Man: No time, I guess. Woman: Yeah, I used to have so much free time. Man: Me too! I miss those days. Conversation 2 Man: Do you speak French? Woman: I speak it a little. I used to use it all the time, but not anymore. Man: Really? Why is that? Woman: Well, I used to work for a French company, and then I changed jobs. Man: Oh, really? I didn’t know that. Woman: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Conversation 3 Man: Are you coming to the party? Woman: No, I have to work. Man: Work! What happened? You used to never miss a party! Woman: True, but I also didn’t use to have a stressful job. Man: Yeah, and you used to be poor, but you were fun! Woman: Yep! I used to be fun! Conversation 4 Man: Hey, you used to have a Spanish coworker, right? Woman: Yeah, Maria, but she moved. Man: Oh really? That’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, I really miss working with her. Man: Yeah, I liked her a lot. She used to always make me laugh. Woman: I know. We used to have such fun together.

a) have parties b) be fun 4) She used to _____. a) speak Spanish at work b) have a friend from Spain

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3


to play

it a little

have a

have a

miss those

to use

be poor

such fun

have so

work for

be fun

she moved

used to

a lot of

used to

used to

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who is a friend you used to see but no longer do? 2) What is a food you used to eat often but no longer do? 3) What is a sport you used to play, but no longer do? 4) What is a show you used to watch but no longer do? 5) What is a subject you used to study but no longer do? [ 5 ] I used to study French. [ 4 ] I used to watch a lot of anime. [ 1 ] I used to see Tim often, but I haven't seen him in ages. [ 3 ] I used to play soccer and tennis. [ 2 ] I used to eat lots of sugar. Now I don't. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) On the farm she would _____ . a) ride horses b) get in trouble 2A) In the city he would _____ . a) waste money b) make a lot of noise 2B) In the city he would _____ .

Lesson B1-04 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Would - Past Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What was it like growing up on a farm? Woman: It was the best. I used to have so much fun. Man: Really? What would you do? Woman: I'd ride horses, play with my dog, tend to animals, and just have fun! Man: Sounds fun! Woman: It was! Everyday I would get up early and I'd be outside all day. I wouldn’t go inside until dark. Man: Wow! Sounds like you had a great childhood. Woman: It was.

a) people watch b) stay out of trouble 3) In the army she would not _____ much. a) train b) sleep

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Conv #1

Conv #2

Conv #3

ride horses

would be

we would’t

woudn’t go

to hang

march for

would get

would you

life like

used to

would sit

do more

Conversation 2 Woman: What was it like growing up in the city? Man: It was fun. I have many good memories. Woman: Yeah? Such as? Man: Well, my friends and I used to hang out downtown. We would sit on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. It was so fun. Sometimes, we’d get in trouble though. Woman: Really? What would you do? Man: Well, we would be loud or naughty. Kid stuff. Nothing serious, though. Woman: Yeah, sounds familiar. Conversation 3 Man: What was life like in the army? Woman: It was good, but it was very hard. Man: Really? How so? Woman: Well, we were always busy. Every day we would get up really early. Then, we would march for ten miles. After that, we'd do more training. Man: Wow! What would you do in the afternoon? Woman: More training. Usually, we would’t stop training until late. Man: That is so tough. How much sleep did you get? Woman: Not much. We would usually get about six hours a night. It wasn’t enough, though. Man: Do you miss it? Woman: Yeah, sometimes.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) As a kid, would you get in trouble? 2) As a kid, who would you fight with? 3) As a teen, how often would you go to the movies? 4) As a teen, how much money would you spend every day? 5) As a teen, where would you hang out? -------------------------------------------------------------------------[ 2 ] I would argue with my sister. [ 5 ] I would often hang out at the mall. [ 1 ] Yes, I would sometimes make my mom mad. [ 3 ] I would see a movie about once a month. [ 4 ] I would spend maybe 300 yen a day. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What should the woman do? a) Finish her work b) Go home and rest 2) What should the woman not do? a) Be around people b) Drink too much water 3A) What should the man do to learn Spanish?

Lesson B1-05 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Should - Suggestions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Keep a journal b) Watch Spanish movies 4) What should he do to learn words? a) Draw pictures b) Say each word ten times

Conversation 1 Man: You don’t look so good. Are you sick? Woman: Yes, I think I am coming down with a cold. Man: Well, you should go home then. Woman: But I really need to work. Man: No, no, no. You should go home and get some rest. Woman: OK, I guess I can work from home anyway. Man: No, you shouldn’t work. You should stay in bed. Woman: OK, I'll do that. Thanks for your advice. Man: No problem. I hope you feel better soon. Conversation 2 Man: So, how long have you been feeling ill? Woman: For about three days. Man: Well, it looks like is a flu bug going around. Woman: OK, is that serious? Man: No, it's a minor illness, but you should not be around people as it can spread. Woman: OK, what should I do to get better? Man: Just get lots of rest and drink lots of water. I'll give you some medicine to make you feel better. Woman: OK, thank you doctor. Man: If you start to feel worse after a few days, you should call me immediately. Woman: OK, I'll do that. Thank you. Man: You’re welcome. You should feel better in a few days.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3


do to


check out



that a try







not be



Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What should I do to lose weight? 2) What should I do to save money? 3) What should I do to learn a language quickly? 4) What should I do to make new friends? 5) What should I do to be healthy? [ 5 ] You should sleep eight hours a day. [ 2 ] You should spend less. [ 1 ] You should eat less. [ 4 ] You should join a hobby group. [ 3 ] You should try to watch foreign movies. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What's the best way to learn Spanish? Woman: Well, first you should learn new words every day. Man: OK, that's easy. What do you recommend? Woman: I would download a vocab app. I would try to learn ten words a day. Man: Only ten words? I think I can learn 50 words a day. Woman: No, you shouldn’t do that because you won’t remember them. You shouldn’t try to do too much at one time. Man: OK, what else? Woman: Well, you should try to use the words you learn by keeping a journal and trying to use them. Man: That sounds too difficult. I can’t write anything yet. Woman: Well, at first you can just draw pictures of new words, like verbs and nouns. Man: Oh, I like that idea I'll give that a try.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Woman: Oh, and you should check out spanishlistening.org. It is a great way to learn Spanish. Man: Sounds cool! Is it free?? Woman: Yes, it is just like elllo, but for Spanish. Man: Cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Quiz 1) What does she want to do? a) Own a restaurant b) Go to cooking school 2) Who would she like to meet? a) Her family b) A famous person 3) What does she want to do?

Lesson B1-06 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Want to / Would like to Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What do you want to do in the future? Woman: I’d like to be a chef. I want to have my own restaurant. Man: What kind of food would you like to cook? Woman: I’d like to cook Greek food. Man: Oh, if you do that, I want to eat there. Woman: I’d like that!

a) Have a farm b) Build a house 4) What would she like in her tea? a) Sugar b) Lemon

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





Conversation 2





Man: Who would you like to meet someday? Woman: I’d like to meet Bill Gates. Man: What would you ask him? Woman: I’d ask him about his life. I want to know his secret to success. Man: I’d like to know that too. Woman: Here’s hoping!









Conversation 3 Man: Where would you like to live in the future? Woman: I’d like to live in the country. Man: What would you do? Woman: I’d have a farm. Man: Oh, that would be fun! Woman: Yeah, I want to grow my own food. Conversation 4 Man: What would you like to drink? Woman: I’d like an iced tea please. Man: Do you want sugar with that? Woman: No, but I’d like some lemon. Man: Would you like a straw? Woman: No, thanks.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who would you like to meet? 2) What job would you like to have? 3) When would you like to retire? 4) Where would you like to live? 5) Would you like to start a business? [ 1 ] I'd like to meet an alien. [ 3 ] I want to stop working before I am 60. [ 5 ] Yes, I'd love to work for myself. [ 4 ] I want to live in Spain. [ 2 ] I would love to be a professional athlete. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What country has she visited? a) Korea b) Indonesia 2) What foods has she eaten? a) Sushi b) Natto 3) What movie has Katie seen?

Lesson B1-07 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Perfect - Experiences Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Have you ever been to Asia? Woman: Yes, I have. Many times. Man: Where have you been? Woman: I have been to Japan, Korea, and China. Man: Have you been to Indonesia? Woman: No, I haven’t been there yet!

a) Most Spiderman movies b) Just the last Spiderman movie 4) Who has been to the new cafe? a) She has. b) He has.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

you been


seen them


Conversation 2

ever been


seen that


Man: Have you ever eaten Japanese food? Woman: I have. I have eaten lots of Japanese food. Man: What foods have you eaten? Woman: I’ve eaten sushi, ramen, and yaki-soba. Man: Have you ever tried natto? Woman: No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s disgusting.


ever tried

seen the


been to


seen that


Conversation 3 Man: Have you seen the new Star Wars movie? Woman: Yes, I have seen them all. Man: Have you seen all the Spiderman movies? Woman: No, I haven’t. Have you? Man: Yes, I've seen them all except the latest one. Woman: Oh, I’ve seen that one! It’s good! Conversation 4 Man: Have you tried the new café? Woman: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had time. Have you? Man: I have. It's really nice, but I’ve only been there once. Woman: I’ve heard it is really nice. Man: It is! They’ve done a nice job!

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Have you ever flown in a plane? 2) Have you ridden a horse? 3) Have you ever climbed a mountain? 4) Have you ever played on a sports team? 5) Have you seen a movie in a language besides English? [ 4 ] Yes, I was on a basketball team. [ 1 ] Yes, many times. I travel a lot. [ 2 ] No, but I have been on a pony. [ 3 ] Yes, but they were not very high. [ 5 ] Yes, I love Korean dramas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why does he need to leave? a) To beat traffic b) To get home 2) What does he need to do? a) Dust b) Mow the lawn 3) Do they really have to give money?

Lesson B1-08 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Modals of Obligation Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: I have to work today. Woman: Really? I don’t have to. Man: I better go. I need to get ready. Woman: When do you start? Man: At noon, but I have to leave early to beat the traffic. Woman: Yeah, you need to get going.

a) Yes b) No 4) What does he have to do? a) Go to work b) Get the kids

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





Conversation 2





Man: What do you have to do today? Woman: I have to clean my house. Man: Really? It looks clean. Woman: No, I need to dust, I need to clean the bathroom, and I have to do laundry. Man: Well, you seem busy, so I must be going. Woman: Yeah, I need to get started, but call me later.









Conversation 3 Man: We need to pay this bill. Woman: Why? We don’t have to pay it. Man: Yes, we do. We must. Woman: No, it’s not a bill, just a donation. Man: But if we don’t pay it, we will look bad. Woman: No, we won’t. You mustn’t think that way. Conversation 4 Man: What must we do today? Woman: We have to mail these letters. Man: Anything else? Woman: Yeah, you need to pick up the kids from school. Man: I can’t. I have to work. Woman: OK, I can do it then. I have to go by the school anyway.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What do you have to do tonight? 2) What do you have to do tomorrow? 3) Do you have to wear a uniform? 4) Do you have to get up early tomorrow? 5) Who must you think about every day? [ 5 ] My family. [ 3 ] No, I can dress as I please. [ 1 ] I need to cook dinner. [ 2 ] I have to take a test. [ 4 ] No, I can sleep in. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What happens in winter? a) She busy. b) She is not busy. 2) What do they discuss? a) When and where to ski. b) What to wear and how to ski. 3) What does she teach on Sunday?

Lesson B1-09 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Zero Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Private class b) Make-up classes 4) When does she get tips? a) When it is busy. b) When there is a big order.

Conversation 1 Man: Where do you work? Woman: I work at the beach. I'm a lifeguard. Man: Nice. That must be a great job. Woman: Sometimes. But if it is hot, it gets really busy. Man: Oh, yeah? What about in winter? Woman: When winter comes, the beaches are empty, so there’s no work. Man: Ah, too bad.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. busy
















Conversation 2 Man: When it snows, do you go skiing? Woman: I do, if I have time. Man: I ski too. Where is the best place to ski? Woman: Sugar bowl is a good place when there is enough snow. Man: What months does it get snow? Woman: If it is a good winter, it gets lots of snow from December to March. Conversation 3 Man: What days do you teach? Woman: I teach every day, but I also teach Sunday if my boss asks me. Man: Really? Who do you teach then? Woman: I teach private groups. Usually business people. Man: Do you teach small classes? Woman: No, we only have class if we have at least twenty students.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What happens if it is very cold? 2) What do you do when it rains? 3) Who do you talk to when you are sad? 4) What happens if the traffic is bad? 5) What do you do if you are sleepy? [ 4 ] The buses are late. [ 1 ] People use their heaters. [ 2 ] I take an umbrella with me. [ 5 ] I often take a short nap. [ 3 ] I call my friend. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 4 Woman: How do you like working at the restaurant? Man: I like it, but it is hard when it gets busy. Woman: Do you get tips? Man: Not always, but I often get them if I have a really big order. Woman: Sounds like a good job. Man: It is as long as it’s not too busy.

Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Where will they play if it rains? a) In the gym b) In the park 2) What will the woman do if it rains? a) Call the man b) Take a taxi 3) Will the man go to the gym?

Lesson B1-10 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

First Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes, if he has the energy. b) Yes, if he has the time. 4) Who will likely stay home over the holidays? a) Go skiing b) Write his book

Conversation 1 Man: Are we still playing football on Tuesday? Woman: Yes, I think so. Why do you ask? Man: Well, the weather forecast says it will rain. Woman: Well, if it rains, we will play in the gym. I'll send an email to everyone explaining this. Man: Do you think we will have enough players? Woman: Yes, I think so. We need 8 players to play. If we don’t get enough players, we will cancel though. Man: Do you think we will get enough players to play? Woman: I think so, but if we don’t, I'll let everyone know.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




if there


you can



if it rains



novel if


need to


if you

Conversation 2 Man: I'm having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come? Woman: I would love to if I have time. I might be busy though. Man: Well, the party will go until midnight, so please come if you have time. Woman: Thanks. Should I bring anything? Man: No, I think I have everything covered, but you can bring extra drinks if you like. Woman: OK, can I park at your house? Man: Parking might be a problem, so if you can, I would take the subway. Woman: OK, I will do that. Man: If it's raining though, just call and I'll pick you up from the station. Woman: Thanks, no need though. If I need to, I will grab a taxi. Man: Great. I hope you can make it. Woman: I’ll try my best. If I can’t, I’ll let you know. Conversation 3 Man: What are your plans for tonight? Woman: Well, if there is something good on Netflix, I'll watch a movie. What about you? Man: I think I will go to the gym if I have enough energy. Woman: What do you do at the gym? Man: I take a spinning class. Woman: Oh, that sounds fun. Man: It is, but it starts at 7, so unless I finish my work on time, I can’t go. Woman: Well, you better get busy then. Man: Yes, I know.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What will you do if it rains? 2) What will you do if it is sunny? 3) What will you do if it snows? 4) What will you do if you get sick? 5) What will you do if you get hungry? [ 3 ] I will go skiing. [ 5 ] I will make something to eat. [ 1 ] I will stay inside. [ 2 ] I will play golf. [ 4 ] I will go to the doctor's. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 4 Man: What are your plans for the winter holiday? Woman: I want to go skiing if there's enough snow. Man: Oh, that sounds fun. Who will you go with? Woman: I'll go with my parents, and a few friends if they can make it. What about you? Man: I will likely stay home. I might work on my novel if I feel like it. Woman: Oh, I didn’t know you were writing a book. Man: Yeah, this is my third one. I try to keep it secret. Woman: Really? I had no idea. What books have you written? Man: Well, I’ll tell you, but only if you promise to keep it a secret. Woman: I promise. So what is the book? Man: Well …

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She says the soups is _____ . a) great b) not that great 2) She cannot go because _____ . a) she has class b) her son cannot go 3) He will go to the forest because _____ .

Lesson B1-11 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Coordinating Conjunctions - FANBOYS Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) leaves are changing b) he is going camping 4) She does not go out because _____ . a) she does not like crowds b) she has no money

Conversation 1 Man: I like this soup, it’s so yum, yet healthy. Woman: It is good, but it is high in sodium. Man: Yeah, but it has lots of veggies. Woman: True, but it not cheap, nor easy to make. Man: OK, you don’t like it. Woman: I do. I'm just being honest. Conversation 2 Man: Where will you go for summer? Woman: I am not sure yet. Man: I will go to the beach, or the lake. Woman: I would go, but my son has school. Man: Ah, he has school in summer? Woman: Yeah, he has to go to school this summer, or he will not graduate. Conversation 3 Man: What will you do tomorrow? Woman: I have to work, but I finish early. Man: I don’t work, so I will go somewhere. Woman: Where will you go? Man: I think to the forest, for the leaves are changing colors now. Woman: Well, have a good time and take lots of pictures. Conversation 4 Man: Do you go out much? Woman: No, I don’t drink, and I don’t like crowds. Man: Yeah, me too, but I hate staying home. Woman: So what do you do? Watch movies? Man: No, I don’t like movies, nor do I like TV shows, so I tend to read a lot. Woman: Sounds boring, but each to his own.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Where will you go this weekend? 2) What will you eat for dinner? 3) What sports do you play? 4) What languages can you speak? 5) Can you play any musical instruments? [ 1 ] I have to study, so I will stay home. [ 5 ] No, I cannot, nor can I sing. [ 3 ] I like soccer, but I cannot play it well. [ 2 ] I am on a diet, so I will eat salad. [ 4 ] I can speak Spanish, but I cannot write it well. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) When does the woman eat dinner? a) Before she gets home b) As soon as she gets home 2) When should he click the link? a) After he gets the email b) Before he gets the email 3) When did it start to rain?

Lesson B1-12 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Subordinating Conjuctions - Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: What do you usually do after you finish work? Woman: I usually go to the gym, and then after I work out, I go shopping. Man: You must get home pretty late. When do you eat dinner? Woman: I usually eat as soon as I get home, which is about 9. Man: Wow, I could never eat dinner that late. Woman: When do you usually eat dinner? Man: I usually eat about 6, right after I get home. Woman: Do you usually cook? Man: No, my wife works from home, so she usually has dinner ready by the time I get back. Woman: Sounds like a nice set-up. Conversation 2 Man: So, how do you register for this app on the website? Woman: Well, first you put in your email address. Man: OK, that seems pretty easy. Woman: But before you can do anything else, you need to check your email. Man: OK. Then what do I do? Woman: After you get the email, you need to click the link which goes back to the website. Man: OK, do I need to do this as soon as I sign up? Woman: No, I think you can wait as long as you like, but I'm not sure. Man: OK, well, regardless, I will click it as soon as I get it. What's next then? Woman: Then you go back to the site and after you create a password, you have an account. Then you can use the app. Man: Sounds pretty easy. I think I can do that. Woman: It’s very easy. I'm sure you will have no problems. Man: Thanks. Conversation 3

a) After they left b) As soon as they got there 4) Who wants to retire first? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

soon as

this as

soon as

before they

by the time



do after


as soon

right before

when I'm



by the time


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What do you usually do after you finish work? 2) What do you do as soon as you get up? 3) When do you want to retire? 4) What do you do when you are on a plane? 5) Do you eat as soon as you get home? [ 4 ] I try to go to sleep as soon as I can. [ 3 ] I want to retire by the time I am 65. [ 1 ] I usually go to the gym after work. [ 5 ] No, I usually eat much later at night. [ 2 ] I take a shower and I get dressed. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Man: So, how was your day at the beach? Woman: Awful. It started to rain as soon as we got there. Man: Oh no. Did it rain all day? Woman: No, but by the time it stopped, we were ready to come back home. Man: Oh, that's too bad. Woman: We did get to swim a little though, right before we left. Man: Well, at least you had some fun. Woman: Yeah, hopefully we will have nicer weather when we go next time. Conversation 4 Man: When do you want to retire? Woman: I want to retire when I'm about 50. Man: Wow, that's pretty early. Why so young? Woman: I want to travel the world while I'm still relatively young. What about you? Man: I doubt I'll retire before I'm 70. I love working. Woman: Oh yeah? What do you want to do after you retire? Man: Well, assuming I have grandkids, I want to spend as much time with them before they grow up. Woman: That’s nice. Well, here’s to our future.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She left early because _____ . a) she was sick b) her work was done 2) She does not like _____ . a) rain b) spring 3) It closes early because it is _____ .

Lesson B1-13 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Subordinating Conjuctions - Reason Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Why did you go home early yesterday? Woman: I left early because I was sick. Man: Well, since you were not here, I can’t pay you. Woman: I understand, although I did work from home. Man: Oh, you did? Woman: Yes, I can show you my work. Conversation 2 Man: I love the spring because the weather’s so cool. Woman: I do too, but I don’t like rainy weather, and it always rains a lot. Man: Yeah, and I sometimes get allergies. Woman: Me too, although it hasn’t been bad this year. Man: Yeah, not so much. I think it's because of El Nino. Woman: Maybe, although who knows? Conversation 3 Man: Let’s go to the store because it closes soon. Woman: When does it close? Man: It closes at ten because it’s Sunday. Woman: Let’s go then since it’s already 5:30. Man: Sounds good. Should I drive? Woman: No, I will since you drive slow. Conversation 4 Man: Can I use your iPad? Woman: Yeah, sure. It’s over there. Man: Can I use it to record a short video? Woman: Sure, what are you filming? Man: Well, even though I'm a terrible cook, I’m making a cooking video for my son. Woman: Fun! Since you’re doing that, can I be in it too? Man: Sure, as you wish.

a) a holiday b) Sunday 4) She asks him to _____ . a) be careful with the iPad b) join in the video

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




even though



since you




because it’s


since you




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is there something you do even though it’s unhealthy? 2) Why isn’t Sally at work today? 3) Is it alright for me to use a pencil in the exam? 4) What time should we leave for the airport? 5) Do you have any hobbies? ( 2 ) Sally isn’t here because she’s on holiday. ( 5 ) I like painting, although I’m very bad at it. ( 3 ) You can use a pencil although a pen is better. ( 1 ) I smoke cigarettes even though it’s unhealthy. ( 4 ) We should leave soon since there’s a lot of traffic. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) She is going unless she gets stuck _____ . a) in traffic b) at work 2) She might fail unless she _____ . a) comes to every class b) does better on assignments 3) He can use the room as long as _____ .

Lesson B1-14 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1 Subordinating Conjuctions - Conditionals Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Are you coming to the party? Woman: Yes, I'm going unless I get stuck at work. Man: Really? You might have to work? Woman: Maybe, but I'll call you if I can't make it. Man: Well, I really hope you can make it. Woman: Me too! As long as we don't get too busy, I should make it though.

a) he books it b) it is not booked 4) If it rains, they _____ . a) will still play b) will definitely not play

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


as long as

If it's

as long as

As long as


if it is

If it is

Conversation 2


assignments If it isn't

if we cancel

Woman: Yes, Mr Smith, you want to see me. Man: Yes, we need to talk about your grades. I'm worried that you won't pass the class unless you start doing better on your assignments. Woman: Well, if I get an A on the test, can I pass the class? Man: Yes, I think so, as long as you do all of your homework assignments. Woman: OK. I'll make sure I do better, and I'll study hard for the next exam Man: I hope so, because if you don't, you'll have to take the class again.

if I can't

if I get

If the rain

Conversation 3 Man: Can I use the conference room tomorrow? Woman: Sure, as long as it is not booked. Man: What should I do if it is? Woman: If it's booked you could use the lecture hall. Man: Oh, that's too big, I think. Woman: Well, the conference room might be free. I'll check and let you know if it is. If it isn't, what should I do? Man: If it's booked then I will wait until it is free. The lecture hall is too big. Woman: OK, I'll get back to you soon. Man: Great. Thanks. Conversation 4 Man: Are we still playing soccer tomorrow? Woman: Yes, I hope so. We'll play as long as the weather is nice. Man: Will we play if it rains? Woman: If the rain is not too heavy, we will play. Man: OK, and if it is? Woman: If it is, I'll check with the others and let you know if we

until it

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What would you do if you lost your wallet? 2) What will happen if you do not pay the class fees? 3) Is it okay if I listen to music in the library? 4) Are we going for a run tomorrow? 5) Shall we go to the pub this evening? ( 3 ) You can, as long as you use headphones. ( 1 ) If I lost my wallet, I’d report it to the police. ( 5 ) Unless I have to work late, we can go to the pub. ( 4 ) Yes, we can go running as long as it doesn’t rain. ( 2 ) You cannot join class unless you pay the fees. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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cancel the game. Man: Sounds good. Thanks.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What would the woman love to change? a) The pay b) The schedule 2) Why does the woman want to study computers? a) The pay is great. b) It is practical. 3) Who would make education free?

Lesson B1-15 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Second Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: So, if you were the boss, what would you change about the company? Woman: Well, first, I would let people work from home. Man: I would like that. What else would you change? Woman: I would also let employers set their own schedule. Man: I would love that. What hours would you work? Woman: It would change day by day. If the weather was nice, I would work at night. Man: And if the weather was bad? Woman: Then I would work during the day. What about you? Man: I’m not sure. Maybe I would do the same. Woman: See? Things would be better around here if I were the boss! Conversation 2 Man: If you could go back to school, what would you study? Woman: I think I would study something practical, like computer engineering. Man: What would you do with a degree like that? Woman: I would develop apps to help people stay fit, I think, because I love exercise. What about you? Man: Well, if I could study anything, I would study something I love, like art history. Woman: Oh, that sounds interesting. Would you want to be a teacher? Man: No, but perhaps I could write books or be a tour guide at a museum. Woman: I like your idea. That sounds nice. Conversation 3 Man: If you were in charge of the country, what would you do? Woman: Well, first, I would make health care free for everyone. Man: I agree, I would do the same. What about education? Woman: No, I wouldn’t make education free, but I would make it more affordable. Man: I like that idea. I might make it free though. Woman: What about you? If you could do one thing, what would you do? Man: If I were president, I would change the tax system so it is fair for everyone. Woman: Me too. I think the world would be a better place if we were in charge.

a) The man b) The woman 4) Who would not buy a new house? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

I would let

if I could

I wouldn’t

do if you

if I were

I could write

If you were

each his

if you were

If you could

If you could

If you won

I would also

Would you

if we were

if I didn’t

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What would you do if you were an astronaut? 2) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? 3) What superpower would you choose, if you could? 4) How would you feel if you won a million dollars? 5) What would you do if you had more time? ( 4 ) I would be overjoyed if I won a million dollars. ( 1 ) I would go to Mars if I were an astronaut. ( 5 ) If I had more time, I would learn a new language. ( 2 ) I would go to the Bahamas. ( 3 ) If I could choose a superpower, I would be invisible. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Man: I think so too! Conversation 4 Man: If you won the lottery, what would you buy? Woman: I think I would buy a house. I would like to live in the mountains. Man: What else would you do? Woman: I would probably buy a new car. Man: That would be nice. Woman: What about you? What would you do if you won the lottery? Man: Well, I would quit my job and travel the world. Woman: Would you buy a new house or car? Man: No, I would live cheaply, so I would never have to work again. Woman: I think I would still work. I would get bored if I didn’t have a job. Man: To each his own I guess.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who owns the cafe? a) Tim b) Larry 2) What kind of company is it? a) tech company b) beverage company 3) Why did they postpone the meeting?

Lesson B1-16 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Adjective Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Who is this party for? Woman: Tim. He's the guy who I was telling you about. Man: Refresh my memory. Is he the guy who opened the new cafe? Woman: No, that's Larry. He's the guy who just moved into the house down the street. Man: Oh, the house that has that huge garage. Woman: Yes, that's the house, and that's the guy. Conversation 2 Man: So, where do you work? Woman: I work for a tech company that makes business software. Man: Really? What kind of software do you make? Woman: We build tools that help companies manage their money. Man: Really? My company, which deals with that sort of thing, might be interested. Woman: Great. Let me give you my card. Conversation 3 Man: Do you know why the meeting was postponed? Woman: Yes, we need a room where we could use a projector. Man: What about the place where we had the party? Woman: What party? Man: You know, the party when Kevin got promoted. Woman: Oh, yeah. That will work. Conversation 4 Man: So, what part of town do you live in? Woman: I live on the far west side of town. Man: Oh, is it nice over there? Woman: It's OK. It has a few places where you can unwind. Man: Oh, really? For example? Woman: Well, there's a park where you can just relax. Man: I think I know about that place. It's a popular place when the leaves change color. Woman: Yes, that's the place. Conversation 5

a) For equipment reasons b) The boss was busy 4) That is nice about her town? a) The park b) The parking 5) What happens when David is not there? a) It is boring. b) They are busy. 6) They will go to a restaurant that ______ . a) shows the game b) does not show the game

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

that has




guy who








who I was




Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Where did you park your car? 2) What kind of music do you like? 3) Where can I find the milk? 4) Do you know who the speaker is? 5) Who is Neil Armstrong? ( 2 ) I enjoy music which is fast and upbeat. ( 3 ) The milk is in the section that is next to the fruit. ( 5 ) He’s the first man who walked on the moon. ( 4 ) Oh, it's the guy who used to teach in our college. ( 1 ) I parked near the gate that is closest to the entrance. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Man: Why is David not here today? Woman: Good question. I don't know why he's not here. Man: Well, it's a bad sign when he's gone. Woman: Why do you say that? Man: Because those are the days when we get really busy. Woman: Geez, I hope not! Conversation 6 Woman: Where should we go for dinner tonight? Man: Let's go somewhere where we can watch the game. Woman: Watch the game? I hate having dinner when there's a game on. Man: Really? Why? Woman: Because you watch the game and we don't talk much. Man: Fair enough. Well, we'll go someplace where I won't be distracted. I'll check the score when I get home. Woman: Thanks. I appreciate that.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What is the woman hoping for? a) More features b) A demo version 2) What does the man need? a) More time b) More funds 3) What did the man like?

Lesson B1-17 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Noun Clause Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 - What Woman: So, how is the new software development project going? Man: Good, from what I've been seeing, we should be finished within this month. Woman: OK, what I really need, at this point, is a basic version to show clients by next week. By any chance, is that possible? Man: Well, I will see what I can do, but no promises. Woman: Really? You think you can do it? Man: It won't be perfect, but I can get you a basic version of the software for promotional purposes. Woman: Great! That's what I was hoping for. Conversation 2 - Where Woman: How is the film going? Man: Good, but we need more money to film a few scenes. Woman: Well, from where I'm standing, we can't give you any more money. You are already over-budget. Man: Yes, but we need to film in a new location. Where we are filming now just doesn't cut it. Woman: I don't like where you're going with this. This is costing too much money. Man: Look, I understand, but this next scene is where the movie really comes together. We really need it. Woman: OK. I'll see what I can do, but this is the last time. Don't ask for more. Man: Thank you. I really appreciate this. Conversation 3 - How Woman: And this is how we can turn sales into profits. And that is my presentation. Thank you for coming. Man: That was a great presentation. I loved how you explain the data. Woman: Oh, thank you! You never know how it will come across to the audience. Man: Well, you deserve a lot of credit. Your style is very engaging, especially how you talk, and how you use humor to make a point. Woman: Well, thank you again. I'm glad that it was wellreceived. Man: Also, how you came up with the data was really interesting. Do you think you could discuss it over a cup of coffee?

a) What she wore b) How she spoke 4) The teacher says he got a low grade because of ____ . a) what he wrote about b) when it turned it in 5) What is the father unhappy about? a) Who she is with b) How she is dressed 6) Who has a desk with two monitors? a) Joan b) They are not sure

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

what I really

is where

how it will

what it's

what I can

where I'm

how you

why I got

what I was

Where we

loved how

is why

what I've

where you're how we can

why I love

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you know why the class was cancelled? 2) Can you show me where the science building is? 3) Who left the lights on in this room? 4) What do you like about your best friend? 5) What do you usually do for lunch? ( 4 ) I like how she is always great fun to talk to. ( 1 ) The class was cancelled because the teacher is sick. ( 5 ) I usually eat what they have in the cafeteria. ( 2 ) Sure, it’s around the corner from the library. ( 3 ) Sorry, it was me! I forgot to turn them off. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: I'd love to. I think there is a cafe downstairs. Conversation 4 - Why Woman: Man: Ms. Wilson, can you explain to me why I got a low score on my paper? Woman: Well, the main reason is that you did not follow the topic. Did you read the instructions? Man: Yes, but I didn't like it, so I wrote about why I love football so much. Woman: Well, that is why you got a low grade. You have to follow the rules. Man: Yeah, but why can't I write about what I want to write about? Woman: Well, for one, it is not fair for other students. Man: OK, I got it. I see your point. Woman: For what it's worth, I did enjoy reading it. Man: Thanks, but about my grade, can I rewrite the paper? Woman: Yes, but you will need to get it to me by Friday. Man: Thank you. I appreciate it. Woman: Well, I look forward to your new paper. Why don't you write about why animals rights are important.? Man: I will. Thanks so much! Woman: Why students don't follow the rules is beyond me! Conversation 5 – Who Woman: Man: Who is our daughter talking to? Woman: I am not sure who he is. She mentioned something about a new friend from work. Man: Well, I don't like who she hangs out with. Woman: Who she hangs out with is none of your business. She is 25, after all. Man: Well, you know the old saying: it's not what you know but who you know! Woman: Well, she should have the right to see whoever she likes. Man: I know. I'm just being a dad. Woman: And I'm just being a mom. Conversation 6 - Whose Man: Do you know whose desk this is? Woman: I think that is Joan's desk. Man: No, that's Joan's desk. The one that has two monitors is Joan's desk. Woman: Hmm! Well then, I don't know whose it is then. Man: Well, somebody must know who sits here. Woman: Right, someone. Just not us.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does the man presume? a) That he needs a date b) That he needs a costume 2) How were sales last year? a) Good b) Bad 3) What does the man hope will happen?

Lesson B1-18 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

a) They discuss the budget. b) They do not change the budget.

That Clause after Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: So, I heard that you are having a party? Woman: Yeah, it will be next week. Man: So, I assume that all are invited? Woman: Yes, that would be correct. All are welcome. Man: Okay, great. And I presume that I should bring a date? Woman: No need. You can come alone. Man: What a relief! Conversation 2 Woman: How do you think sales will be this year? Man: Good. I think they will be better than last year. Woman: I hope they are. Man: Yeah, last year was terrible. Woman: It was. Man: Well, I'm sure we'll do better this year.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

assume that

hope they

saw that

that I

I'm sure


heard that

year was

hope he

would be

think sales

say about

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is it true that you’re quitting soon? 2) Do you know if Becca and her husband are coming? 3) What did you say in the interview? 4) What did the doctor say? 5) How do you feel about moving to a new city?

Conversation 3 Man:I saw that you had a meeting with Jason. Woman: Yes, he wanted to discuss the budget. Man: Yeah? What did he say about it? Woman: He expressed that we are spending too much. Man: Oh, I know. Well, I hope he does not cut the budget. Woman: I doubt he'll do that.

( 5 ) I think that it will be a good change of environment. ( 3 ) I said that I would be able to start working next week. ( 1 ) Yes, I got a new job in another city. ( 4 ) The doctor said that they were having a baby girl. ( 2 ) I heard that they’re coming, but they’ll be late. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who has called Bob? a) No one has. b) Katie has. 2) Has the woman finished the report? a) Yes, she has. b) No, not yet. 3) How long has the woman known Joe?

Lesson B1-19 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Present Perfect - Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She just met him. b) Since high school 4) What does she say about the sweater? a) She has not worn it much. b) She hasn't had it long.

Conversation 1 Man: Has Bob arrived yet? Woman: No, he hasn’t gotten here yet. Man: Has anyone tried to call him? Woman: I don’t think anyone has. Man: Hmm, maybe he's overslept. Woman: Or maybe he’s forgotten there’s a meeting. Conversation 2 Man: Have you sent the report? Woman: No, I haven’t. Man: Why haven’t you finished? Woman: I haven’t had time to check the spelling. Man: Have you finished writing it? Woman: Yes, I have. Almost done!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


had time















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How long have you known Joe? Woman: I’ve known him since high school. Man: Wow! That’s a long time. Woman: Yeah, we have been best friends for a while. Man: Have you seen him recently? Woman: No, I haven’t seen him for some time. Conversation 4 Man: Nice sweater. I haven’t seen it before. Woman: Oh, this old thing? I’ve had it forever. Man: How come you haven’t worn it very much? Woman: Well, it has been too hot to wear it.

1) Have you had lunch yet? 2) Have you filed your taxes yet? 3) How long have you been working here? 4) Have you been to the park in your neighborhood? 5) How long have you known your husband? ( 2 ) Yes, I’ve already filed them. ( 4 ) Not yet, I’ve heard that it’s a beautiful park though! ( 3 ) I’ve been working here since 2018. ( 1 ) Not yet, I’ll eat in about 10 minutes. ( 5 ) We’ve known each other since college. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Why did the woman not go to the party? a) She was busy. b) She did not know about it. 2) What was the woman unhappy about? a) How she spoke b) How she dressed 3) What does the woman say about the movie?

Lesson B1-20 | Low Intermediate | CEFR B1

Past Conditional Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Why didn't you come to the party? Woman: I didn't know about it. Man: Oh, no! I should have told you about it. Woman: Yeah, I would've come, if I had known about it. Man: That's too bad. I think you would have enjoyed it. Woman: I think I would have too! Conversation 2 Man: So how was your job interview? Woman: Good, but I should have spoken up more. Man: Oh, I'm sure you did fine. Woman: Yeah, I just wish I had expressed myself better. Man: I think you are being too hard on yourself. Woman: Maybe, but I still think I could have done better. Conversation 3 Man: How was the movie? Woman: Actually, I wish I hadn't seen it. Man: Why? Was it bad? Woman: No! It was a great movie. Man: Well, then, why do you wish you hadn't seen it? Woman: Because it was so scary. I couldn't sleep last night. Man: Oh, really? I love horror movies. Now I wish I had seen it. Woman: Well, it is playing for another week, so you have time. Conversation 4 Man: How was your vacation? Woman: Good, but I wish I had stayed at a different hotel. Man: Why do you say that? Woman: Well, it was next to a lively street and it was so noisy. Man: Oh no! Woman: As a result, I never had a good night sleep. Man: Maybe you should have read some reviews first. Woman:Yeah, I should have. Man: Well, should've, would've, could've!

a) It was boring. b) It was scary. 4) What did she dislike about her hotel? a) The price b) The location

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4







had seen










Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. Answers may vary. 1) What do you wish you had done differently in college? 2) What is a big regret in life? 3) What is a movie you wish you had not seen? 4) What would you change about your appearance? 5) What would you change about your town? [ 4 ] My height. I wish I was taller. [ 5 ] The streets. I wish there were wider. [ 1 ] I wish I had studied computers. [ 2 ] I should have saved more money earlier. [ 3 ] Titantic. I was too long. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What is said about the restroom? a) It should be open. b) It should be locked. 2) What is said about the bus? a) It should arrive soon. b) It should be full. 3) What should not be a problem?

Lesson B1-00 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Should - Assumptions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Getting a discount b) Paying by credit card 4) What should reduce his pain? a) Aspirin b) Ice

Conversation 1 Man: Excuse me, where is the restroom? Woman: It is down the hall. Just turn right and you should see it. Man: Thanks. Woman: It should be open, but if it is locked just tell me. Man: OK. Thank you! Conversation 2 Man: When is the last shuttle bus? Woman: Actually, it should be here right about now. Man: Really? I don’t see it. Woman: It should arrive any minute. Man: OK, thanks. Will it be full? Woman: It shouldn’t be crowded this time of day.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

should be

should be



should see

shouldn’t be

it shouldn’t



arrive any


should feel





Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Can you recommend a hotel? Woman: Sure, I would stay at the Regent. Man: Do I need to make a reservation? Woman: You shouldn’t need to. It's not peak season. Man: Can I pay by credit card? Woman: Yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem. Conversation 4 Man: My head is killing me! Woman: Oh, lay down. That should help. Man: I can’t. I have to work. Woman: Take some aspirin then? Man: You think it'll help? Woman: Yeah, you should feel better after a while.

1) When do our exam results come out? 2) Do I need to inform the reception to clean my room? 3) What time does the conference begin? 4) Do you know if the gym is open? 5) Shouldn’t you be resting? ( 4 ) The gym should be open by now. They open at 5 a.m. ( 1 ) The results should be announced today. ( 5 ) I should be, but I have a lot of work to do. ( 2 ) You shouldn’t need to, they clean the rooms everyday. ( 3 ) It should be starting in 10 minutes. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) Who is coming to the party? a) Joe and his wife b) Bob and his wife 2) What does he recommend she use? a) Wordpress b) Blogger 3) Who has more experience?

Lesson B1-22 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Correlative Conjunctions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Jack b) Sally 4) What are Jill and Sue going to do? a) leave the company b) work at their company

Conversation 1 Man: Is Bob coming to the party? Woman: Yes, both he and his wife are coming. Man: What about Joe and his wife? Woman: Neither Joe nor his wife can make it. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, it is rare when all of us are together. Conversation 2 Woman: What can I use to make a website? Man: I would use either Blogger or Wordpress. Woman: Which one is better? Man: It depends whether you are making a simple site or a complex site. Woman: I'm making a simple site. Man: Then I would use Blogger. Conversation 3 Man: Do you know whether Jack or Sally will give the next presentation? Woman: It will be Sally I think. Man: Why not Jack, or Jim for that matter? Woman: Both Jack and Jim are not as experienced as Sally. Man: True, they are both newbies. Woman: Yeah, they will be ready to do it soon though. Conversation 4 Man: I hear both Jill and Sue will quit soon. Woman: What will they do? Man: I'm not sure. I think they will either get a new job or go back to school. Woman: I'm really going to miss Jill. Man: Yeah, neither the office nor the company outings will be the same without her. Woman: So true!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

both he


or Jim

or go




both Jill

nor his

site or



and his


and Jim


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Are you and your parents attending the wedding? 2) Would you like a smoking room? 3) What color shirt should I get? 4) Where can I buy some meat? 5) Do you know whether salad or soup is healthier? ( 3 ) You should get either the white or the blue shirt. ( 1 ) Both my parents and I will be attending. ( 5 ) I think soup is not as healthy as salad. ( 4 ) It depends on whether you want fresh or frozen meat. ( 2 ) No, thank you. Neither my husband nor I smoke. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does she say about the apartment? a) It gets noisy. b) It is by the airport. 2) What can the watch do? a) Play music and videos. b) Keep track of his health. 3) What does the woman say about her job?

Lesson B1-00 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Non-Defining Relative Clauses Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She likes it. b) It gives her stress. 4) What do they say about the staff and equipment? a) Both are new. b) They need more of both.

Conversation 1 Man: How is your new apartment? Woman: Good, but it’s very noisy, so I can’t get a good night’s sleep, which is exhausting. Man: That’s terrible. That would stress me out. Where is it exactly? Woman: It is near the station, which gets pretty noisy at night. Man: What about on the weekends? Woman: It is not much quieter then. There is a night market, which brings in lots of tourists. Man: I know how you feel. My old workplace, which was near an airport, was always noisy. Woman: Yeah, there is not much I can do about it now. I just have to deal with it. Man: Well, hopefully things will turn for the better in the long run. Woman: Thanks, I hope so. Conversation 2 Man: What are you looking at? Woman: This is my new smart watch, which I am totally addicted to. Man: It looks high-tech. What does it do? Woman: It tracks my bio-metrics, which are immediately analyzed on the app and then displayed on the screen. Man: Oh, really? That sounds cool. How are you doing? Woman: Not bad. It turns out I am pretty healthy, but it is still hard to interpret all the data. Man: Those watches are so trendy these days. I want a gadget like that. Woman: You should get one. They’re lots of fun.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

which brings

which are

which I hate

which means

deal with

but it is

but our

which we

which gets

so trendy

management which I

which was

which I am

which means which has

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How often do you exercise? 2) What did you do last weekend? 3) How are your studies going? 4) Did you bake this cake yourself? 5) What did you buy at the mall? ( 5 ) I bought a new bag, which has lots of pockets. ( 4 ) My friend, who I met last summer, helped me bake it. ( 3 ) Really well! I like all my subjects, which is great. ( 2 ) I visited my sister, who just graduated from college. ( 1 ) Twice a week, which is not as often as I’d like. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Conversation 3 Man: So, how are things in your department? Woman: Not good. I have a new role, which I hate. Man: Oh, what is your new role? Woman: I am now in charge of assemble line efficiency, which means I must make sure everything is working as efficiently as possible. Man: That sounds like a role for management. Woman: It was, but our superior quit unexpectedly, so they gave the job to me. Man: It sounds like a lot of pressure.

1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Woman: It is. I am totally stressed right now. Conversation 4 Woman: So, how are things going down at the factory? Man: Well, the new machines, which I told you about last week, are working really well. Woman: What about the time frame? Can we meet our production deadline? Man: Well, the new staff, which we just hired last week, should be able to increase production. Woman: Well, our recent commercial, which has done really well, could mean a strong demand for the product. Man: So basically, we need to increase production fast. Woman: Yes, you do, which means you will be working a lot of overtime, but I need you to come through on this. Man: Well, we have a track record, which you know is pretty good, so I am confident we can do this. Woman: That’s good to hear. I know I can count on you.

English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does one man want to know? a) Who did something b) How to do something 2) Where are they going? a) To party b) To a factory 3) What food will they serve at the party?

Lesson B1-24 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Indirect Questions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Grilled fish b) Vegetables 4) Who started this? a) They did b) Someone they know

Conversation 1 Man: Do you know what you're doing? Woman: Yes, I know what I'm doing. Man: Great. Then show me how to do this. Woman: You don’t know how to do this? Man: No, I don’t know how to do this. Woman: Cool! I’ll show you how. Conversation 2 Man: Do you know when we start? Woman: I’m not sure when we begin. Man: I think we begin at three. Woman: Do you know where we're going after this meeting? Man: I think we're going to the factory. Woman: Got it!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

show you

sure when

know what

know what

what I'm


know why

know why

know how

know when

What are

know who

what you're

know where

who is

what I'm

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What are you doing? Woman: I’m trying to see who is coming to the party. Man: Cool! Do you know what food they are serving? Woman: I think it's vegetarian? Man: Oh, no! I don’t know why they do that. Woman: To be healthy, I guess. Conversation 4 Man: Do you see what I'm seeing? Woman: Yeah, I do but I don’t know what to make of it. Man: Well, you know who started this? Woman: I know who, Barry! Man: You know why? Woman: Oh, yeah, I remember why!

1) Do you know if this seat is taken? 2) Do you have a pen I can borrow? 3) Can you tell me where the restrooms are? 4) Do you know what time the meeting ends? 5) Can you show me how to use this machine? ( 4 ) The meeting should end at 5 p.m. ( 1 ) Yeah, someone was sitting there earlier. ( 3 ) The restrooms are down the hall and to the right. ( 2 ) Sorry, I don’t. I have a pencil if you want? ( 5 ) Sure, it’s very simple to use. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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English Listening Lesson Library Online - Grammar Conversations - elllo.org Quiz 1) What does the man need to do? a) Back up the data b) Look up the password 2) If the man spruces up the report, what do that mean? a) He will improve it. b) He will delete it.

Lesson B1-25 | True Beginner | CEFR B1

Phrasal Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps. Conversation 1 Man: Did you back up the data? Woman: Yes, I just backed it up on our remote server. Man: Do you have the password for that server? Woman: No, I don’t. I’ll have to look it up. Man: OK, when you do, can you send it to me? Woman: Will do. I’ll shoot it over in just a second. Conversation 2 Woman: I looked over your report but I can’t figure it out. Man: Oh, really? I can break it down for you. Woman: No, I need you to rewrite it, so everyone can understand it. Man: OK, I’ll rewrite it. What was confusing though? Woman: I couldn’t make out how the numbers added up. Man: OK, I’ll look it over again and spruce it up a bit. Woman: Thanks. I’m sure you won’t let me down. Conversation 3 Woman: So, did you get the home loan? Man: No, they turned me down. Woman: What? Why? Man: They said I didn’t earn enough money. Woman: Does that mean you can’t buy a new house? Man: Yes. I’ll have to put it off for now, I guess. Conversation 4 Man: Hey, Joe is flying in tomorrow. Can you pick him up at the airport? Woman: Sure, what are his flight details? Man: I’m not sure. I wrote them down somewhere! Woman: When you find it, can you email it to me? Man: Will do. Oh, and when you pick him up, don’t mention his divorce. Woman: Got it. I won’t bring it up.

3) The man is going to ___ buying a new house. a) put off b) give up 4) What will the woman pick up? a) Flight details b) Someone at the airport

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

backed it up

spruce it up


wrote them

shoot it over

figure it out

put it off

bring it up

look it up

let me down

me down

flying in

back up

make out

you get

pick him up

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can you note this down please? 2) Where should we stay on our holiday? 3) Can you help me figure out this problem? 4) Were you able to find out John’s address? 5) What are your plans for the evening? ( 4 ) Yeah, I’ll send the address over to you now. ( 1 ) Hold on, let me get a pen. ( 2 ) I’m not sure yet, I’ll have to look it up. ( 3 ) Yeah, we can go over the problem in the evening. ( 5 ) I’m going to pick my friend up from the airport. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

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