A2 Grammar Conversations Book

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Quiz 1) What kind of company does she work? a) Clothing b) Computers 2) What does he want to do? a) Pay a bill b) Get an ID 3) What do her parents do?

Lesson A2-01 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Simple Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What do you do? Woman: I ________ at a tech company. Man: Oh, what do you do there? Woman: I ________ software. Man: ________ you like your job? Woman: Yeah, I ________ it.

a) Make cars b) Sell cars 4) Where does she live? a) In a big house b) In a small house

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





Conversation 2





Man: Do you work ________ ? Woman: Yes, I do. Man: Where do I ________ my bill? Woman: You pay it over there. Man: Do I ________ to show ID? Woman: I don’t ________ you do.









Conversation 3 Man: What do your parents do? Woman: They both work in ________ . Man: Oh, what do they ________ ? Woman: They both sell cars. They ________ a car dealership together. Man: Do they ________ it? Woman: Yes, but they work long hours.

Conversation 4 Man: Where do you ________ ? Woman: I live downtown with my ________ . Man: Nice. Do you live in an apartment or house? Woman: I live in a house, but we ________ more space. Man: Do you ________ to move? Woman: Yes, we want to move to the countryside.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What languages do you speak? 2) Who do you see every day? 3) Where do you have lunch? 4) When do you get up? 5) Do you have a computer? [ _ ] My parents. I live with them. [ _ ] I usually eat at the cafeteria. [ _ ] No, but I have a tablet. [ _ ] Just my mother tongue and some English. [ _ ] I wake up most days at six. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who works at a hospital? a) Bob b) Carl 2) Who has a farm? a) Mary b) Sue 3) Who stays in good shape?

Lesson A2-02 | True Beginner | CEFR A2 Simple Present - Third Person Singular

a) Mary b) Sue 4) What does the machine do?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Copy paper b) Shred paper

Conversation 1 Man: What does Bob do? Woman: He ________ at a hospital. Man: What does he do there? Woman: He’s a doctor. He ________ in sports medicine. Man: That ________ like a great job. Woman: Yeah, he ________ it.

Conversation 2 Man: Where does Mary live? Woman: She ________ in the countryside. Man: That sounds nice. Woman: Yeah, she loves it. She ________ a farm and she ________ horses. Man: Wow, that’s so cool. Woman: Yeah, she also ________ her own food. She has it all!

Conversation 3 Man: How does Sue stay so fit? Woman: She ________ out all the time. Man: It sure ________ like it. Woman: She also ________ what she eats. Man: Does she follow a special diet? Woman: Yes. she ________ t eat sweets and she doesn’t drink alcohol.

Conversation 4 Man: What does this machine do? Woman: It ________ paper. Man: How does it work? Woman: Just put paper here and it shreds it. It’s easy to ________ . Man: How does it ________ ? Woman: It stops on its own after it ________ shredding the paper.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who talks to you every day? 2) Who follows a healthy diet? 3) Who does not speak Engilsh? 4) Who wears nice clothes? 5) Who does not have much free time? [ _ ] My friend. He mainly eats vegetables. [ _ ] My sister. She only knows Spanish. [ _ ] My mom. She always chats with me. [ _ ] My dad. He works long hours. [ _ ] My brother. He loves fashion. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is someone doing in conversation 1? a) Using a computer b) Writing a letter 2) What is someone doing in conversation 2? a) Eating soup b) Preparing food 3) What is someone doing in conversation 3?

Lesson A2-03 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Continuous Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Tuning up a car b) Working quickly 4) What is someone doing in conversation 4? a) Playing sports b) Watching soccer

Conversation 1 Man: Where are you? Woman: I am ________ inside. I am ________ a letter to my friend. I am telling him about my life and my new job. Man: Are you ________ the computer? Woman: I am not using the computer because I like to hand write letters. My hand is ________ tired though.

Conversation 2 Man: Where is Mary? Woman: Mary is ________ in the kitchen. She is ________ up some vegetables because she is making a vegetable soup. Man: How is she making it? Woman: She is ________ a recipe and following the instructions inside. She is ________ herself.

Conversation 3 Man: What is Bob doing? Woman: Bob is working on his car. He is ________ it a tune up. He is ________ the oil and checking all the parts of the cars. Man: But, he is not working? He is just standing there! Woman: He is ________ his time because he wants to do the job right. He is ________ to the radio as he works.

Conversation 4 Man: Where are the twins? Woman: They are playing outside. They are playing soccer with their friends. They are ______ the front lawn as a soccer pitch. Man: Are they ________ fun? Woman: They are having a lot of fun. They are ________ so they are ________ lots of energy. I think they are trying to lose weight.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are you wearing right now? 2) Are you sitting or standing at the moment? 3) Where are you watching this video? 4) Is anyone watching you now? 5) Are you enjoying the activity? [ _ ] I am waching in on the train. [ _ ] Yes, I a man is looking at me! [ _ ] I am sitting in a chair. [ _ ] Yes, I am having fun! [ _ ] I am wearing a suit and tie. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) When will the woman call the man? a) At 7 b) Around 9 2) What will the man do? a) Take time off b) Take a long trip 3) What will happen this weekend?

Lesson A2-04 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Will / Future Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Will you be home tonight? Man: I should, why? Woman: I need to ask you a few questions. Man: OK, I’ll ______ late, so ______ anytime. Woman: OK, I’ll call you around 9ish. Man: I’ll be waiting. Woman: Great. I promise I won’t ______ much of your time. Man: No worries. I got all the time in the world. Woman Great. I’ll ______ to you later then. Man: Yep, see you then.

a) It will rain. b) They will go hiking. 4) Who will write the report? a) Susan b) The man

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









be up




take up




Conversation 2 Woman: I am sorry to hear the news. Man: It’s OK. I saw it coming. Woman: What will you ______ ? Man: I’m not sure. I think I’ll just ______ some time off and take it ______ for awhile. Woman: That’s sounds like a good plan. Man: Well, I guess all good things come to an end. Woman: They do. Nothing lasts forever. Man: True, but I’ll ______ this place. Woman: And we’ll miss you. And you’ll be back on your feet in no time. Man: I hope so!

Conversation 3 Woman: It looks like it will ______ this weekend. Man: Oh no, now we can’t go hiking. Woman: I’ll ______ everyone and ______ it until next week. Man: What about the dinner we planned afterwards? Woman: We can move it back to next week. Man: OK, I’ll call the restaurant and ______ the reservation. Woman: Thanks.

Conversation 4 Woman: I need someone to write up a sales report. Man: ______ do it. Woman: Great. How long will it ______ you? Man: No more than a few hours I think. Woman: Great. I’ll ______ Susan to help you. Man: No need. I’ll ______ alright. Thanks though. Woman: Suit yourself.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Will you be home tonight? 2) What time will you get home? 3) What will you do if it rains tomorrow? 4) How old will you be on your next birthday? 5) What will you do on your birthday? [ _ ] I'll have a small party at a restaurant. [ _ ] Yes, I'll be home all night. [ _ ] I will stay inside. [ _ ] I should get home by 7. [ _ ] I will be 27. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is the woman going to do? a) Stay home b) See a movie 2) Who is going to help their family? a) The man b) The woman 3) What are they going to eat?

Lesson A2-05 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Going to / Future Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: What are you going to ______ tonight? Man: I think I’m just going to ______ home. What about you? Woman: I’m going to ______ a movie with Karen. Do you want to come? Man: No, I’ll ______ . But thanks for asking. Woman: OK, maybe next time.

Conversation 2 Woman: So, what are you ______ to do this summer? Man: Nothing. I’m going to ______ my father with his business. Woman: That sounds fun. What do you have planned? Man: We’re going to _________ the interior of the shop. Woman: That sounds like a handful. Man: Yes, it going ______ a lot of work.

Conversation 3 Woman: Do you want to come ______ for dinner tonight? Man: Sure. What are you having? Woman: We are going to ______ outside. Man: Oh, I love barbecue. What are you ______ ? Woman: We are going to ______ either chicken or steak. Man: Oh, well if you do steak, I’m in. Woman: Steak it is then!

Conversation 4 Woman: When are you going to ______ back from your trip? Man: I should be ______ in two days. Woman: You’re going to Hawaii! Aren’t you going to ______ a bit for vacation? Man: No, I need to get back. I want to though! Woman: Well, you might want to rethink that. Man: Yeah, maybe you’re right. Woman: You’re going to ______ it if you don’t. Man: Work is always going to be here waiting, isn’t it? Woman: You got that right.

a) Steak b) Chicken 4) What is the man going to regret? a) Coming home early b) Taking time off work

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


to be















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are you going to do tonight? 2) What are you going to eat for dinner? 3) Where are you going to go on your next vacation? 4) How are you going to get home? 5) When am I going to see you next? [ _ ] I am going to study for a test for tomorrow. [ _ ] I'll see you next week. [ _ ] I am going to grill steak. [ _ ] I am go to vacation in Europe. [ _ ] I am going to take the bus. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What did the woman do yesterday? a) She cleaned her house. b) She went shopping. 2) What does the woman say about the Mayans? a) She studied them in college. b) She finihsed a book about them. 3) What did the woman do in class?

Lesson A2-06 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Past Tense - Regular Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She took a test. b) She reviewed past lessons. 4) What did the the man do with his friends? a) He visited their house. b) He chatted with them online.

Conversation 1 Man: So what ___________ you do yesterday? Woman: Nothing much. Just chores. I ___________ the dishes, vacuumed, and ___________ the floors. Man: Yeah, me too. Woman: Really, are you a clean freak? Man: Not so much, but my place ________ a good cleaning. Woman: Was your place pretty dirty? Man: Yeah, it was pretty bad. But I cleaned the bathroom, picked up my dirty clothes, washed them and emptied the rubish, so now it looks respectable. Woman: Yeah, you can only put things off for so long. Man: That's right.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge

Conversation 2 Man: What are you reading? Woman: A history book about the Mayans. I just _________ it though. Man: Oh cool. I just ___________ a documentary about them. It was fascinating. Woman: Yeah, I ___________ about them in college so this book piqued my interest. Man: Is it any good? Woman: So far so good. I already learned a few things I didn’t know. Man: Well, can I borrow it when you are finished? Woman: I would, but I ___________ it from the library. Man: Ah, got it. I’ll try to check it out then.

Conversation 3 Man: I ________ class yesterday. What did you do in class? Woman: Not much. The teacher just _______ past lessons. Man: Oh yeah? What did she go over? Woman: She mainly ________ about the essay assignment and how to write the paper. Man: Did she give any homework? Woman: Yes, but she _________ it on the class website. Man: OK, I’ll check it out then. Thanks.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you do last night? Woman: I just _________ home and talked with my friends on Zoom. Man: Friends from work?

Match the answers with the questions. 1) So what did you do yesterday? 2) Did you watch anything last night? 3) Who did you talk to yesterday? 4) Where did you go last night? 5) What did you have for breakfast? [ _ ] I cooked an omelet. [ _ ] I stayed home and cleaned my room. [ _ ] I chatted with my best friend. [ _ ] Yes, I watched a documentary about space. [ _ ] Nowhere. I stayed home. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: No, friends I _________ with in college. Man: Oh, that’s so cool that you are still friends. Woman: Well, we kind of lost touch with each other, but we recently ________ on Facebook. Man: I should do that with my old army buddies. Woman: You should. It’s a lot of fun. We all ________ seeing each other again.

Quiz 1) Where did the woman go last night? a) She went to the park. b) She drove to the beach. 2) What did she do in Brazil ? a) She went in the Amazon. b) She put on some weight. 3) What did the man eat?

Lesson A2-07 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Past Tense - Irregular Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What did you do last night? Woman: I just stayed home and ________ it easy. And you? Man: I ___________ to the park and played football. Woman: Oh, did you win? Man: Yesah, we ___________ ! I was so happy. Woman: Oh, I am glad you had a good time. Man: I ___________ my ankle though, so it wasn’t all perfect. Woman: Well, at least you won!

Conversation 2 Man: How was your trip to Brazil? Woman: It was wonderful. I ___________ such a great time. Man: How was the food? Woman: It was all so good. I ___________ so much. I think I ___________ on some weight. Man: What did you do there? Woman: Well, we ___________ a lot of time at the beach, but we also went out at night. Man: I hear the nightlife there is really good. Woman: It is! We had so much fun!

Conversation 3 Man: What ___________ you do over the weekend? Woman: I ___________ some friends for dinner. Man: Oh, where did you go? Woman: We ate at the new pizza place near the station. Man: Oh, I went there last week. I really liked it. Woman: So did we. What did you eat? Man: We tried the pan style pizza. It was so good. Woman: I didn’t try that, but I ___________ it was really good. Man: Yeah, my friend ___________ me to try it. He said it was good and he was right. Woman: I’ll try it next time.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you do over the holidays? Woman: Not much. I ___________ a new car though. Man: Really, what did you buy? Woman: I bought a new Lexus. It is so nice. Man: Can I ask? How much did you pay for it? Woman: It ____ about 50,000 dollars. I took out a loan though. Man: Wow, you ___________ a lot! I think I spent about 5,000 pounds for my car, but I bought it used.

a) He tried the new pasta. b) He ate some pizza. 4) What does the woman say about her car? a) She took out a loan. b) She paid 50 thousand in cash.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What did you do last night? 2) Where did you go last night? 3) Who did you see? 4) Did you buy anything yesterday? 5) How many hours did you sleep last night? [ _ ] I went to the mall. [ _ ] I slept about eight hours. [ _ ] I ate at the new restaurant downtown. [ _ ] I met my friend. [ _ ] Yes, I bought a new shirt. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: Yeah, I really wanted a new car. I think I ___________ what I paid for though.

Quiz 1) How does she describe her town? a) affordable b) beautiful 2) What is the capital like? a) clean and pretty b) busy and crowded 3) How does she describe people at work?

Lesson A2-08 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adjectives and Adverbs of Degree Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They are nice. b) They are lazy. 4) What is her neighborhood like? a) nice b) noisy

Conversation 1 Man: How is your new job? Woman: It’s good. The job is ___________ , and the people are nice. Man: Is it near your house? Woman: No, it is in the city, so it’s far away. It takes an hour to get there. Man: Oh, no! How is the commute? Woman: It’s long, and it is ___________ , but I don’t mind too much. Man: Why don’t you take the bus? It’s really ___________ . Woman: I would, but the bus is really slow and ___________ ! I can’t get a seat. Man: Yeah, it is crowded.

Conversation 2 Man: How was your weekend? Woman: Good. I went to the ___________ mall. Man: Oh yeah? How was it? Woman: Great! It has a really ___________ food court. Man: Oh, cool! How was the food? Woman: Really good. The food was ___________ and not expensive. Man: Was it healthy? Woman: Not really, but the portions are really ___________ . Man: Oh, that's good to know!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How you weekend? 2) How is your job? 3) Is your computer fast? 4) What restaurant has delicious food? 5) What subject is very difficult? [ _ ] It's good. Every day is interesting. [ _ ] The Pasta Palace has great dishes. [ _ ] It was fun. I had a good time. [ _ ] No, it is very slow and old. [ _ ] I think chemistry is very hard. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How is your new computer? Woman: Good. It is _____ and has lots of _______ features. Man: It looks expensive, though. Woman: Yeah, it’s not cheap, but I need it for work. Man: Is it light? It doesn’t look very ___________ . Woman: Yes, it is very light. It only weighs one kilogram. Man: Wow, that is light! My computer is so big and heavy. Woman: Is your computer old? Man: Yes, it's over five years old. It's time for a new one! Woman: Yeah, that is ___________ old for a computer.

Conversation 4 Man: How is your math class? Woman: Not good. It is very ___________ . Man: Oh, I thought you liked math. Woman: I do, but the class is hard, and the teacher is really

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___________ . Man: Oh, that’s too ___________ . Woman: Plus, the room is really old, and the chairs are ___________ . Man: That doesn’t sound like a fun class! Woman: It's not!

Quiz 1) Who is older, her mom or her dad? a) Her mom b) Her dad 2) Which city is more expensive? a) San Francisco b) Los Angeles 3) What movies make her happier?

Lesson A2-09 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Comparatives Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) New movies b) Old movies 4) Which food tastes better to her? a) Japanese Food b) American Food

1) Comparing People My mother and father are very different. My mom is ___________ than my dad, but my dad looks older than my mom. My dad is ___________ because he plays sports. My mom is more ___________ . She loves to talk with people. My dad is ___________ than my mom. My mom is shorter than my dad.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









2) Comparing Places

more active




Los Angeles and San Francisco are both in California but they are very different. San Francisco is ___________ than Los Angeles. It is also colder. Los Angeles is bigger than San Francisco, but San Francisco is more ___________ . It is ___________ to find housing in San Francisco. I think San Francisco is a ___________ place to live.





3) Comparing Movies I think the old Star Wars movies are better than the new Star Wars movies. In the old movies, the characters were more ___________ , and the story was ___________ . The new stories are more ___________ to follow. I felt ___________ watching the old movies.

4) Comparing Food I like Japanese food more than American food because it is ___________ . Japanese meals are smaller and ___________ than American meals. American food is more ___________ though, so I like that about it. Still, I think Japanese food tastes ___________ .

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What is more delicious? Apples or oranges? 2) What is more playful? Cats or dogs? 3) What is more convenient? Driving or public transportation? 4) What is cheaper? Fast food or eating at home? 5) What is more interesting? Learning a language or learning history? [ _ ] Dogs make better pets. [ _ ] Eating at home is much cheaper. [ _ ] Language! History is much more boring. [ _ ] Apples taste better. [ _ ] Taking the bus is better than driving. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is the fastest way to the airport? a) Taxi b) Express buss 2) The does she say about the west coast? a) It has the worst weather. b) It has the nicest weather. 3) She says it was the ___ movie she has seen.

Lesson A2-10 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Superlatives Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: What is the fastest way to get to the airport? Man: By taxi, but it’s the most ___________ . Woman: What’s the ___________ ? Man: The local bus. But, it's by far the ______ way to get there. Woman: Hm, I better spring for a taxi then. Man: Yeah, it’s ___________ if you do.

Conversation 2 Woman: What is the _______ place to visit in your country? Man: I think the west coast. It has the best weather. Woman: What about the cost? Man: The costs are very ___________ . Our ___________ expensive cities are there. Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. What about the food? Man: It’s ___________ . It has the best restaurants in the country.

Conversation 3 Woman: How was the movie last night? Man: Oh, it was great. It was the _______ movie I’ve ever seen. Woman: Oh, really? That scary? Man: Yes, I was ___________ throughout the film. Woman: Was it ___________ ? Man: Yeah, it was the _____ packed I’ve ever seen the theater.

Conversation 4 Woman: What is the ___________ city in your country? Man: I think it is the capital. Woman: Is it the ___________ ? Man: It was, but not anymore. Woman: Why are people ___________ out? Man: Well, it’s not the most ___________ place to live.

a) best b) most terrifying 4) She says the capital is the ____ city. a) oldest b) biggest

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What is the most interesting city in your country? 2) What is the best way to save money? 3) What is the funniest movie you have seen? 4) What place has the nicest weather in your country? 5) Who is the oldest person in your family? [ _ ] The movie the mask was hilarious. [ _ ] I think the capital is an fascinating place. [ _ ] My uncle. He is a 100 years old! [ _ ] The best way is to only eat at home. [ _ ] The West Coast has lovely weather. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What is Bob doing? a) mowing the lawn b) skipping work 2) What is Mary doing? a) talking at a party b) speaking with someone 3) Is the man complaining?

Lesson A2-11 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Contractions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes b) No 4) What is the woman doing? a) leaving the house b) going to bed

Conversation 1 Man: What’s Bob doing? Woman: ___________ working outside. He’s cutting the grass. Man: Isn’t he playing tennis today? Woman: No, he isn’t. His partner ___________ play today. Man: Oh, ___________ too bad. Woman: Yeah, he ___________ t happy about it.

Conversation 2 Man: ___________ Mary talking to? Woman: ___________ talking with Joe. Man: What are they talking about? Woman: ___________ discussing the upcoming party. Man: ___________ t that next week? Woman: No, it’s next month.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4











are we






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What ___________ having for dinner? Woman: ___________ making fried rice. Man: ___________ not very healthy. Woman: Well, ___________ welcome to make dinner yourself. Man: No, no, no, I’m not complaining. That’s fine. Woman: Well, I’m glad you agree.

Conversation 4 Man: ___________ you doing? Woman: ___________ going to the park. Man: I thought ___________ going shopping. Woman: Oh, oops. I’m sorry. I forgot. Man: ___________ OK. Do you still want to go? Woman: Yeah! I’m game if you are.

1) What's the weather like today? 2) What're you doing tonight? 3) When's a good time to call you? 4) Who's your favorite actor? 5) Who's someone you admire? [ _ ] Brad Pitt. I think he's very cool. [ _ ] It depends on what I'm doing that day. [ _ ] I'm going to the movies. [ _ ] Serena Williams. She's amazing. [ _ ] It's cloudy and hot. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What may not happen. a) They will be in the office. b) One person will need help. 2) What will she do in retirement? a) Play music b) Play golf 3) What might the device make her do?

Lesson A2-00 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

a) Eat less b) Walk more

May / Might Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Will you ___________ in the office on Monday? Woman: I will. Why? Man: Do you think you’ll have time to help me? Woman: I ___________ . I have a lot to do that day, though. Man: OK, I ___________ check with you then. I _________ even need you. Woman: OK, let me know.

Conversation 2 Man: When ___________ you retire? Woman: I ___________ retire this year. Man: Really? So soon! What will you do with yourself? Woman: I will probably ___________ for a year. Man: And what will you do after that? Woman: I’ll ___________ come home and take up golf!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

may not











It may

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What will you do tomorrow? 2) What will you have for dinner? 3) Where will you go on your next vacation.? 4) When will you retire? 5) Where will you live when you get old?

Conversation 3 Woman: Have you seen this? You ___________ like this. Man: What is it? Woman: It’s a ___________ that counts calories as you walk. Man: Not sure why I might need this. Woman: Well, you said you are on a diet! It might ___________ you to walk more. Man: Yeah, I suppose it might help me lose weight. Woman: It ___________! You never know!

[ _ ] I will probably retire when I am 70. [ _ ] I will probably go to Mexico as usual. [ _ ] I am not sure. I might order pizza. [ _ ] I am not sure. I might play golf if it is sunny. [ _ ] I am not sure. I might move overseas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1A) What does the woman say about her town? a) There are many jobs. b) It is expensive. 1B) What does she say about her town? a) It is dangerous. b) It is expensive. 2A) Who liked the movie?

Lesson A2-13 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Connectors Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Both of them b) Just one person 2B) Who read the book? a) Both of them b) Just one person

Conversation 1 Man: Do you like your town? Woman: I do not like living there because the winters are really cold, ___________ the people are not friendly. Man: That does not sound like a nice ___________ to live, so why do people live there? Woman: It is cheap to live there, and ___________ are lots of jobs, so most people stay there. What about your town? Man: It’s nice ___________ it has great ___________ , but it’s not cheap, ___________ you can’t save money. Woman: I see. Looks like we can’t ___________ the best of both ___________ .

Conversation 2 Man: What did you think of the movie? Woman: I liked the movie, _______ it was a bit too long for me. Man: I didn’t like it ___________ the acting was bad, ___________ the story was boring. Woman: I ___________ the book, so I was interested in the movie, but it was ___________ from the book. Man: Yeah, I didn’t read the book, but I want to because I ___________ it is really good. Woman: I have the book, ________ I can give it to you if you like, but you have to give it back because I want to read it again. Man: Thanks! I would love to, but I don’t have time now. Woman: OK, suit ___________ .

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like your town? 2) Does your town have good shopping? 3) Is your town a good place to work? 4) What do you prefer reading or watchiing movies? 5) Does you town have good weather? [ _ ] No, there are few jobs, so gettign work is hard. [ _ ] Yes, but it is expensive to live here. [ _ ] Yes, because it is warm all year. [ _ ] No. There is a mall, but it is very small. [ _ ] Movies because it is more relaxing. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Hey, Hana! How are you? Woman: I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Man: I'm fine. Thanks. So, tell me. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Woman: Yes, I heard it's going to be a really nice day on Saturday, so I'm planning to go to the beach with my friends. The beach is three hours away, so we are going to go by car, and we are planning to have a barbecue. And, I'm very excited. In the evening, we are going to have fireworks. It's going to be very beautiful. Man: So, are you going to stay over at the beach? Woman: No, we are going to come back, so we'll be home quite late. Man: Oh, so then what are you going to do on Sunday? Woman: Ah, I think I'll be sleeping all morning, and probably in the afternoon, I'm going to study because I have a maths exam on Monday.

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Man: Oh, that's a shame. Well, I think I'm going to wish you good luck on your exam. Have fun at the beach. Woman: Thank you!

Conversation 4 Woman: Hello, how are you? Man: I'm good thanks. How are you? Woman: I'm good. So, what are you going to do this weekend? Man: Well, on Saturday, I think I'm going to go to the gym because I haven't been there for awhile. And then I think I need to clean my house because I didn't have time during the week, and it is a bit messy now. And in the evening, I think I'm going to have dinner with my friends. Woman: Are you going somewhere after dinner? Man: I don't think so. I really want to spend this weekend in a really relaxed way, so I don't think I'm going anywhere after dinner. Woman: I see. How about Sunday? Man: Well, Sunday, I'm not going to do anything during the morning. I really want to take - you know - a rest, and then I'm going to have lunch with my family cause I haven't seen them for awhile, and then in the afternoon, there's this movie I really want to see, so I'm going to the cinema with my friends.

Quiz 1) Where is the woman going? a) To the dentist b) To the doctor 2) What is the woman doing later? a) Playing futsal b) Having dinner with family 3) What class are the both taking?

Lesson A2-14 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Continuous / Future Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) History b) Math 4) Who is having a party? a) Beth b) Bill

Conversation 1 Man: Why are you ___________ early? Woman: I’m ___________ to the dentist. Man: Why? Do you have a toothache? Woman: No, I’m ___________ my teeth cleaned. Man: Well, if you are leaving early, I’m leaving early too. Woman: Fine ___________ me!

Conversation 2 Man: What are you ___________ tonight? Woman: I’m ___________ my mom for dinner. Man: Oh! Where are you ___________ ? Woman: We are going to the new Thai restaurant. Join us! Man: Thanks, but I can’t. I’m ___________ futsal tonight. Woman: Well, maybe next time.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What classes are you taking next term? Woman: I’m taking math and ___________ . Man: Nice, I’m ___________ math too! Woman: Who is ___________ the class? Man: Professor Smith is teaching it. Woman: Oh no, I hear he is ___________ !

Conversation 4 Man: What is ___________ on tonight? Woman: Bill is ___________ a party. Man: Oh, really? When and where? Woman: He’s having it at his house. It is ___________ at six. Man: Who is going? Woman: Everyone’s going. You ___________ come!

1) What are you doing tonight? 2) What movies are playing now? 3) How are you getting home? 4) What are having for dinner? 5) When are you leaving? [ _ ] I am cooking steak. [ _ ] The new 007 movie is playing. [ _ ] I am taking the bus. [ _ ] I am playing soccer. [ _ ] I am leaving soon. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the woman want to eat? a) Something spicy b) Something healthy 2) What did the man buy? a) Something b) Nothing 3) Where did the man go?

Lesson A2-15 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Indefinite Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you want ___________ to eat? Woman: I want something, but not just ___________ . Man: ___________ are you the mood for? Woman: I’m in the mood for something spicy. Man: What about spicy Thai soup? Woman: That ___________ great. But you know what, anything is fine.

Conversation 2 Man: Did you go ___________ this weekend? Woman: ___________ special, just the mall. Man: Did you buy ___________ ? Woman: No, I had no money. Man: Did you see ___________ there? Woman: No, I didn’t see anyone.

Conversation 3 Man: Where did you go yesterday? Woman: ___________ ? Man: Nowhere! Come on. I’m sure you went ___________ . Woman: No, really, I didn’t go ___________ . I stayed home. Man: I didn’t go anywhere ___________ . Woman: My gosh. We are so boring!

Conversation 4 Man: Did ___________ call? Woman: No. No ___________ . Man: Nobody called? Woman: No. Were you expecting someone to call you? Man: Yes, someone. Woman: Ooh, who is this ___________ ? Man: Just someone. ___________ you know.

a) Nowhere b) Somewhere 4) Who called? a) No one b) Someone

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you go anywhere yesterday? 2) Did you talk to anyone? 3) Did you buy anything? 4) Did you cook anything? 5) Did you watch anything? [ _ ] Yes, I saw something about climate change. [ _ ] No, I bought something to eat. [ _ ] No, nowhere. I stayed home. [ _ ] No, no one. I didn't see anyone. [ _ ] No, there was nothing I wanted to buy. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Is the boss there? a) No, not yet. b) Yes, he is already there. 2) Have they eaten yet ? a) Not yet. b) Yes, they just ate. 3) Does Joe still work there ?

Lesson A2-16 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adverbs of Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Are you coming to the meeting? Man: When is it? Woman: It’s at one. It starts ______ . Man: Is the boss coming? Woman: Yes, he’s ______ there, I think. Man: What about Sue? Woman: I don’t know. She’s not here ______ . Man: What about Jerry? Woman: He just called. He’s ______ out sick. Man: He’s still sick! Lucky him! Woman: Well, it’s almost time. We better go. Man: Right. I’ll be right there.

Conversation 2 Woman: I’m back! Man: Welcome home! Woman: Is dinner ready yet? Man: Not yet, but it’s ______ done. Woman: Is the table set? Man: Yes, I ______ did it. Woman: Are the kids back ______ ? Man: No, they’re still outside playing, but they should be back soon. I already texted them. Woman: So, what’s for dinner? Man: Lasagna. It’s ______ cooking, but it’s almost done. Woman: Great! I’m starving!

a) Yes, he still does. b) No, he already quit. 4) Did the man give his account number? a) No, not yet. b) Yes, he already gave it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Have you eaten lunch? 2) Did you just get here? 3) Did you finished this lesson? 4) When will you finish? 5) Have you seen the news today? [ _ ] No, I have not seen it yet. [ _ ] Yes, I already ate. [ _ ] I will be done soon. [ _ ] Yes, I just got here. [ _ ] Yes, I am still doing it. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you ______ work with Joe? Woman: No, not anymore. He ______ quit. Man: Oh no! Why? Woman: He just got a new job. He ______ started it, I think. Man: What about Sue? Woman: She’s still there, but not for long. She just put in her notice. Man: She is quitting too! Why? Woman: She just got engaged. She’s moving to London. Her fiancé's from there. Man: Well, your company is lucky they still have you! Woman: For now anyway. Man: Are you quitting too? Woman: Not yet, but ______ ! I already started looking!

Conversation 4

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Woman: Hello, This is Maria. How can I help you? Man: Oh no! Not again! Woman: Hello, are you ______ there? Man: Yes, I am still here! Woman: Thank you for waiting. Can I get your account number? Man: What! I ______ gave it to the last person. Woman: I’m sorry. Can you give it to me again? Man: Why? I ______ gave it to the last operator. Woman: I know, but for security reasons, I need it again. Man: OK, but this is ridiculous. Woman: I’m sorry sir. I promise that we’ll be finished ______ . Man: OK, my number is …..

Quiz 1) What is nice about his apartment? a) It is very big. b) It is near a park. 2) What will the man do to lose weight? a) Walk more. b) Join a gym 3) How does the man feel about the new office?

Lesson A2-17 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adverbs of Addition and Lists Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: How is your new apartment? Man: It is great. I love it. Woman: What do you like about it? Man: Well, ______ , it is close to many shops. In ______ , it is near a few parks. Woman: That must be nice. I know you love to jog in the park. Man: I do. ________ , there is a great cafe in the building. Plus, it has a gym. Woman: That's fantastic. Man: Yeah, not ______ that, but it is really cheap. Woman: Sounds like you got a great place. Man: I did.

Conversation 2 Woman: Your test results look fairly good, but you have put on some weight. Man: Yes, I am so busy now that I do not have time to go to the gym. Woman: Just do some walking. It is fun and easy to do. ________ is free. Man: I ______ , I could do that. There is a park near my house. Woman: Walking just an hour a day can be very effective. _________ , it is a great way to reduce stress. Man: Thanks, doctor. I will follow your advice. Woman: In ______ to walking, try to get plenty of sleep. Man: OK, I will do my best.

a) He likes it. b) He does not prefer it. 4) What do they say about the park? a) It is a bad idea. b) It is a good idea.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



Plus, I





Plus, they



In addition



Plus, it


Moreover, it

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is your town a nice place to live? 2) Do you like your job? 3) Is your best friend a good friend? 4) Is your country a good place to visit? 5) Is your local gym nice? [ _ ] Yes, it is very clean. Plus, it is cheap to live there. [ _ ] Yes, it has nice equipment. Plus the staff is nice. [ _ ] No, it is very expensive. Furthermore, it is dangerous. [ _ ] Yes, I like my coworders. Moreover, I get paid a lot. [ _ ] Yes, she is very kind. In addition, she is funny. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How do you like working in the new office? Woman: To be ________ , I prefer the old office. The view is nice, but it takes a long time to get up the elevator. Man: I know. That can be a hassle, ________ at the start and end of the workday. Woman: ________ , parking is difficult and the commute is longer. Man: See, for me, it is more convenient. I live downtown. ______ love the view. Woman: Yes, the office is lovely, once you get here that is.

Conversation 4 Man: So, what is in the news? Woman: It says they are planning to build a new park near the station. Man: That sounds nice. This town needs a good park.

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__________ , that part of town could use some new life. Woman: In addition to the park, they will build some new sports fields. ___________ will tear down the old factory nearby. Man: That is wonderful news. It will make the town a much nicer place to live. __________ , it will create jobs. Woman: Yes, and __________ , we will have a nice place to take the kids on weekends. Man: It sounds great. It is nice to have some positive news for a change.

Quiz 1) Who watches a lot of TV? a) The man b) The woman 2) What does she do for exercise? a) Go jogging b) Go swimming 3) Who eats a lot of fruit?

Lesson A2-18 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Much / A lot / Not at all Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you watch much TV? Woman: Not ______ . I used to watch a lot of TV, but not now. And you? Man: Yeah, I watch ______ TV. Woman: What do you watch? Man: I watch a lot of dramas and ______ news shows. Woman: I don’t watch the news ______ , but maybe I should.

Conversation 2 Man: Do you exercise ______ ? Woman: Not ______ much, but some. Man: What do you do? Woman: I go running ______ . What about you? Man: I don’t exercise ______ . Woman: That’s too bad. It can be fun!

Conversation 3 Man: Do you eat much fast food? Woman: Yeah, I eat it way ______ much! Man: Ooh, that’s not good. You should not eat it too ______ . Woman: I know, but I do it to save time, plus I ______ cook much. Man: Me too, but I try to eat ______ fruits and vegetables. Woman: Good idea.

Conversation 4 Man: Do speak Spanish much? Woman: Yeah, I speak it ______ work. Man: That must be nice. Woman: What about you? Man: Not _____ much. People do not use it ____ at my work. Woman: That’s ______ bad!

a) He does b) She does 4) Who does not speak much Spanish? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


at all


a lot at






a lot



a lot of


a lot of


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like reading much? 2) Do you watch much TV? 3) Do you exercise much? 4) Do you eat much fast food? 5) Do speak Spanish much? [ _ ] Not that much. About once a week. [ _ ] Yes, I read a lot of books. [ _ ] Yes, too much. I love burgers. [ _ ] Not much, just with my family. [ _ ] Not that much, but I like a few shows. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who has a cat and a dog as well? a) The woman b) The man 2) How many things do they have in common? a) Just one thing b) Two things 3) How many things do they have in common?

Lesson A2-19 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Also / As well / Too Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) One b) Two 4) Who lives in the countryside a) Both of them b) Neither of them

Conversation 1 Man: Do you have a ______ ? Woman: I do. I have ______ , and I also have a cat. Man: Oh, really? I have a cat ______ . Woman: Really? What color? Man: My cat is black. Woman: My cat is ______ !

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




do you

black too



do I

Conversation 2

as well

I also

show too

as well

Man: What do you do? Woman: I am a ______ . Man: Cool! I am a teacher, ______ . Woman: Really? What do you ______ ? Man: I teach math. Woman: No way! I ______ teach math.

a dog


as well

Me, too

Conversation 3 Man: What ______ do you like? Woman: I like Game of Thrones. Man: I love that ______ . Woman: Who’s your favorite ______ ? Man: I really like Jon Snow. Woman: I like him ______ .

Conversation 4 Man: Where ______ live? Woman: I live downtown. Man: So ______ I! Where? Woman: By the station. Man: ______ ! I live on B Street. Woman: Get out of here! I do ______ .

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What sports do you play? 2) What languages do you speak? 3) What movies do you like? 4) Do you have any pets? 5) Where do you work? [ _ ] I play golf. I play tennis as well. [ _ ] I have a dog, and I have two cats. [ _ ] I teach at a school, and I work at a cafe as well. [ _ ] I like dramas. I like comedies, too. [ _ ] I Speak Arabic. I also speak French. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the woman show the man? a) Her ID b) Her credit card 2) What does the woman order? a) A sandwich b) Chicken fries 3) What will the woman do?

Lesson A2-20 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Can - Requests Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Call the man b) Email her number 4) How does the man pay? a) By cash b) By card

Conversation 1 Woman: Hello, can I ______ your name? Man: Yes. My name is Tom Wilson. Woman: Great, and can I ______ your ID? Man: Sure. Here ______ . Woman: Thanks. And can you ______ here? Man: Certainly.

Conversation 2 Man: Hello! ______ I take your order? Woman: Yes, ______ I get the chicken sandwich? Man: Certainly. And can I get you something to drink? Woman: Yes, can I get a diet soda, please? Man: Sure. Anything else? Can I ______ you in something on the side? Woman: Yes, can I ______ some fries with that? Man: Of course. Anything else? Woman: No, that will do.

Conversation 3 Woman: So Bob, can you ______ to the party? Man: Yes, I can, but can I get your address? Woman: It’s really long. Can I ______ it to you? Man: That will ______ . Oh, and can I get your number? Woman: Yes, it's 555-4343-3222. Man: You know what, can you just ______ it in the email? Woman: Sure. Can do.

Conversation 4 Woman: Hello! Can I ______ you? Man: Yes, can I get a cafe mocha, please? Woman: OK, and can I get your name? Man: It’s Jason. And can I get that ______ cream? Woman: Of course. Anything else? Man: Yeah, can I get one of these muffins? Woman: Sure. That comes to $5.45. Man: Great. Can I ______ by debit card? Woman: You sure can. Man: Awesome! And can I get a receipt? Woman: Of course. Here’s your receipt. Man: Thanks. Woman: You can ______ your order over there. Man: OK.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

it is

can I


pick up













Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can I take you order? 2) Can I get you something to drink? 3) Can I get you anything else? 4) Anything else? 5) Yes, of course. Would you like a straw? [ _ ] Can I get my tea first? [ _ ] Yes, can I get the pasta please? [ _ ] Yes, can I a side of fries? [ _ ] No, but can I get a lemon slice with that. [ _ ] Yes, can I get an iced tea? What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What smells great? a) The stew b) The soup 2) Why does she look nice? a) She has a date. b) She has a party. 3) What sounds awful?

Lesson A2-21 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Stative Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What are you cooking? It ______ great. Woman: I am making chicken stew. Man: Oh, it ______ so good. Woman: Here, have a ______ . Man: Oh my gosh! This ______ fantastic. Woman: I am so glad you like it!

Conversation 2 Man: Wow! You ______ stunning. Woman: Thanks. I have a ______ . Man: Ooh. Where are you going? Woman: I’m going to the new Mexican __________ . Man: That ______ fun. Woman: I’d invite you but… Man: Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s a date. Have fun!

Conversation 3 Man: What’s wrong? You ______ terrible. Woman: I ______ terrible. I have a cold. Man: Oh, sorry to hear that. Woman: Any advice? Man: Well, I ______ vinegar and lemon juice helps. Woman: That ________ awful. No thanks.

Conversation 4 Man: I like your sweater. It is wool? Woman: No, it's cotton. Feel it? Man: Wow, it ______ so soft. Woman: It is. It ______ comfy too. Man: It ______ comfy. I want one. Woman: Well, Christmas is almost here. Maybe someone special might get you one. Man: Ooh! That ______ promising.

a) Her cold b) The drink 4) What feels comfy? a) A wool sweater b) A cotton sweater

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








is so









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What smells delicious? 2) What feels very soft? 3) What looks fun? 4) What tastes sweet? 5) What sounds difficult? [ _ ] Ice cream always tastes sweet. [ _ ] Running a marathon sounds difficult. [ _ ] Homemade soup smells great. [ _ ] River rafting looks fun. [ _ ] A wool sweater feels soft. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who plays team sports? a) The man b) The woman 2) What does the woman cook? a) dinner b) breakfast 3) Who has two pets?

Lesson A2-22 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Determiners and Plural Nouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you play sports? Woman: Yes, I play ______ and tennis. Do you play sports? Man: No, I don't play ______ , but I exercise a lot. Woman: Oh, what do you do? Man: I run, I swim, and I do ______ . Woman: You do ______ !

Conversation 2 Man: Do you cook much? Woman: No, but I cook ______ every day. Man: What do you make? Woman: I make ______ or pancakes. Do you cook? Man: Not breakfast. I eat breakfast at ______ . Woman: Where do you eat? Man: Well, I buy a ______ at the bakery and eat it at school.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you have a ______ ? Woman: Yes, I have a dog. And you? Man: I have a dog and a ______ . Woman: Do they stay inside? Man: Yes, but I take my ______ for a walk every day. Woman: Me too. I walk my dog in the ______ .

Conversation 4 Man: When do you get up? Woman: I get up at 6 every day. And you? Man: I get up at 7. I ______ to sleep in. Woman: Lucky you! When do you go to ______ ? Man: I go to bed at 11. And you? Woman: I get in bed at 10, but ______ I read, and I fall asleep by 12. Man: Oh, that's late. I need my ______ !

a) The man b) The woman 4) Who goes to bed first? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





a lot












Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you play sports? 2) Do you cook much? 3) Do you have a pet? 4) Do you like watching movies? 5) Do you get a lot of sleep? [ _ ] No, I just make sandwiches and salads. [ _ ] Yes, I have three dogs. [ _ ] No, I am always tired. [ _ ] Yes, I love soccer and tennis. [ _ ] Yes, I love dramas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is nice about the town? a) The park b) The cafes 2) What do they need to buy? a) Eggs b) Butter 3) Who has a nice gym?

Lesson A2-23 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Much / Many Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Is your town a nice place to live? Woman: Yes, there are ______ nice places in my town. Man: Oh, yeah. What for example? Woman: Well, we have many nice parks and many ______ restaurants. Man: What about cafes? I like to study at cafes. Woman: We have ______ cafes, but they ______ great.

Conversation 2 Man: I am going to the supermarket. What do we need? Woman: We need ______ milk, some bread and some juice. Man: Do we need any eggs? Woman: No, we have a lot of eggs. Man: Do we need any butter? Woman: Yes, we have ______ butter, but we need more. Man: Do we have ______ apples? Woman: We have ______ apples, but we need some more, I think.

Conversation 3

a) The man b) The woman 4) Why does the woman not go to the movies? a) He has little time. b) He wants to save money.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

a few

a little

lots of

are you



not many

don’t have

are not

a few

not very

have much



isn’t much

have many

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is your town a nice place to live? 2) Is there a gym in your area? 3) What do you need from the supermarket? 4) Is your town a good place to work? 5) Where is a good place to shop for clothes?

Man: Is there a gym at your school? Woman: Yes, but it is ______ good. Man: Oh, why is that? Woman: Well, there ______ equipment. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. My school has a nice gym. Woman: Does it have nice equipment? Man: Yes, it has ______ weight machines, but ______ free weights. Woman: Sounds a lot better than my gym!

[ _ ] The mall has a few nice stores. [ _ ] No, there are not many good jobs. [ _ ] Yes, there are many parks. [ _ ] We need some milk and some bread. [ _ ] Yes, but it does not have much equipment.

Conversation 4

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Man: Do you want to go to the movies on Friday? Woman: I can’t. I don’t _________ money right now. Man: That's OK. I can pay for you. Woman: Oh, that’s sweet of you to offer. But, I _________ much free time either. Man: Oh, _________ busy? Woman: Yes, I _________ assignments for school. Man: OK, maybe next time.

What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) How much sugar does she want in her coffee? a) A lot b) Not much 2) How much lettuce do they have? a) A lot b) Not much 3) How many tomatoes do they have?

Lesson A2-24 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Too / Few / Enough Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) A lot b) Not much 4) Do they have many bananas? a) Yes b) No

Conversation 1 Man: Do you like cream with your coffee? Woman: Yes, but not ______ much. Man: What ______ sugar? Woman: Yes, I like my coffee sweet. Man: How ______ sugar cubes? Woman: Two should be ______ .

Conversation 2 Man: Do we have ______ lettuce? Woman: Just a ______ , but not ______ . Man: How about tomatoes? Woman: We have ______ . Why? Man: I want to make a salad. Woman: Could do. We have lots of cucumber and a few onions.

Conversation 3 Man: Let’s make an omelet. How ______ eggs do we have? Woman: A dozen. We do not have ______ oil though. Man: It’s OK, we have some cooking spray. Do we have any cheese or ham? Woman: We have ____ cheese, but not much ham, I’m afraid. Man: That’s OK, I can use tomatoes. Woman: Great, we have ______ many and they will spoil soon.

Conversation 4 Man: How ______ honey do we have? Woman: Not much, but ______ . Man: How ______ bananas? Woman: We have ______ , I think. Why? Man: I want to make a sandwich. Woman: With bananas and honey?

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4






a few






a few





Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like cream with your coffee? 2) How much money do you have on you? 3) Do you have many books? 4) Do you have a lot of apps on your phone? 5) Do you have a lot clothes? [ _ ] Yes, I love to read, so I have quite a few. [ _ ] Yes, I have too many shirts. [ _ ] Yes, but just a little. [ _ ] Yes, too many. I need to delete some. [ _ ] Not much. Just a few dollars. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the bike need? a) A seat b) A tire 2) What does she say about the cookies? a) There is one left b) She bought them 3) What will he do with the pen?

Lesson A2-25 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

One / It / They / Them / Some Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Give it back b) Keep it 4) Where are the paper clips? a) In the desk b) On the desk

Conversation 1 Man: Do you ______ a bike I can borrow? Woman: Yeah, I have one, but ______ very old. Man: Does it run well? Woman: Yeah, it works, but it might need ______ tire. Man: You know, I think I have ______ in the garage. Woman: Perfect. Then you are all set.

Conversation 2 Man: Would you like ______ ? Woman: I would love ______ ! Did you make them yourself? Man: No, I bought them at the store. Woman: ______ look delicious. Man: Oh, I hope you enjoy ______ .

Conversation 3 Man: Do you have ______ I can use? Woman: Yes, you can use ______ . Man: Thanks, I'll ______ right back. Woman: That’s OK. You can keep it. Man: Oh, I just need it for a bit. Woman: Really, ______ . I never use that one anyway.

Conversation 4 Man: Do you have ______ paper clips? Woman: There are ______ at my desk. Man: I’m sorry. I don’t see them. Woman: Oh, ______ are in the drawer. Man: This one? The top one? Woman: No, the next one. That one! Man: OK, found ______ . Thanks.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



keep it


a new


a pen




give it



a cookie

this one


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you have a bike? 2) Do you want some coffee? 3) Do you have a pen I can use? 4) Do you have a lot of food at home? 5) Do you have a nice computer? [ _ ] No, the one I have is very old. [ _ ] No, I need to use this one. [ _ ] I would love some. [ _ ] No, I need to get some more. [ _ ] I have one, but I never ride it. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What kind of company does she work? a) Clothing b) Computers 2) What does he want to do? a) Pay a bill b) Get an ID 3) What do her parents do?

Lesson A2-01 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Simple Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What do you do? Woman: I work at a tech company. Man: Oh, what do you do there? Woman: I design software. Man: Do you like your job? Woman: Yeah, I enjoy it.

a) Make cars b) Sell cars 4) Where does she live? a) In a big house b) In a small house

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





Conversation 2





Man: Do you work here? Woman: Yes, I do. Man: Where do I pay my bill? Woman: You pay it over there. Man: Do I need to show ID? Woman: I don’t think you do.









Conversation 3 Man: What do your parents do? Woman: They both work in sales. Man: Oh, what do they sell? Woman: They both sell cars. They have a car dealership together. Man: Do they like it? Woman: Yes, but they work long hours.

Conversation 4 Man: Where do you live? Woman: I live downtown with my family. Man: Nice. Do you live in an apartment or house? Woman: I live in a house, but we need more space. Man: Do you want to move? Woman: Yes, we want to move to the countryside.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What languages do you speak? 2) Who do you see every day? 3) Where do you have lunch? 4) When do you get up? 5) Do you have a computer? [ 2 ] My parents. I live with them. [ 3 ] I usually eat at the cafeteria. [ 5 ] No, but I have a tablet. [ 1 ] Just my mother tongue and some English. [ 4 ] I wake up most days at six. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who works at a hospital? a) Bob b) Carl 2) Who has a farm? a) Mary b) Sue 3) Who stays in good shape?

Lesson A2-02 | True Beginner | CEFR A2 Simple Present - Third Person Singular

a) Mary b) Sue 4) What does the machine do?

Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Copy paper b) Shred paper

Conversation 1 Man: What does Bob do? Woman: He works at a hospital. Man: What does he do there? Woman: He’s a doctor. He specializes in sports medicine. Man: That sounds like a great job. Woman: Yeah, he loves it.

Conversation 2 Man: Where does Mary live? Woman: She lives in the countryside. Man: That sounds nice. Woman: Yeah, she loves it. She has a farm and she raises horses. Man: Wow, that’s so cool. Woman: Yeah, she also grows her own food. She has it all!

Conversation 3 Man: How does Sue stay so fit? Woman: She works out all the time. Man: It sure looks like it. Woman: She also watches what she eats. Man: Does she follow a special diet? Woman: Yes. she doesn’t eat sweets and she doesn’t drink alcohol.

Conversation 4 Man: What does this machine do? Woman: It shreds paper. Man: How does it work? Woman: Just put paper here and it shreds it. It’s easy to use. Man: How does it stop? Woman: It stops on its own after it finishes shredding the paper.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Who talks to you every day? 2) Who follows a healthy diet? 3) Who does not speak Engilsh? 4) Who wears nice clothes? 5) Who does not have much free time? [ 2 ] My friend. He mainly eats vegetables. [ 3 ] My sister. She only knows Spanish. [ 1 ] My mom. She always chats with me. [ 5 ] My dad. He works long hours. [ 4 ] My brother. He loves fashion. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is someone doing in conversation 1? a) Using a computer b) Writing a letter 2) What is someone doing in conversation 2? a) Eating soup b) Preparing food 3) What is someone doing in conversation 3?

Lesson A2-03 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Continuous Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Tuning up a car b) Working quickly 4) What is someone doing in conversation 4? a) Playing sports b) Watching soccer

Conversation 1 Man: Where are you? Woman: I am working inside. I am writing a letter to my friend. I am telling him about my life and my new job. Man: Are you using the computer? Woman: I am not using the computer because I like to hand write letters. My hand is getting tired though.

Conversation 2 Man: Where is Mary? Woman: Mary is cooking in the kitchen. She is chopping up some vegetables because she is making a vegetable soup. Man: How is she making it? Woman: She is reading a recipe and following the instructions inside. She is enjoying herself.

Conversation 3 Man: What is Bob doing? Woman: Bob is working on his car. He is giving it a tune up. He is changing the oil and checking all the parts of the cars. Man: But, he is not working? He is just standing there! Woman: He is taking his time because he wants to do the job right. He is listening to the radio as he works.

Conversation 4 Man: Where are the twins? Woman: They are playing outside. They are playing soccer with their friends. They are using the front lawn as a soccer pitch. Man: Are they having fun? Woman: They are having a lot of fun. They are exercising so they are burning lots of energy. I think they are trying to lose weight.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are you wearing right now? 2) Are you sitting or standing at the moment? 3) Where are you watching this video? 4) Is anyone watching you now? 5) Are you enjoying the activity? [ 3 ] I am waching in on the train. [ 4 ] Yes, I a man is looking at me! [ 2 ] I am sitting in a chair. [ 5 ] Yes, I am having fun! [ 1 ] I am wearing a suit and tie. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) When will the woman call the man? a) At 7 b) Around 9 2) What will the man do? a) Take time off b) Take a long trip 3) What will happen this weekend?

Lesson A2-04 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Will / Future Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Will you be home tonight? Man: I should, why? Woman: I need to ask you a few questions. Man: OK, I’ll be up late, so call anytime. Woman: OK, I’ll call you around 9ish. Man: I’ll be waiting. Woman: Great. I promise I won’t take up much of your time. Man: No worries. I got all the time in the world. Woman Great. I’ll talk to you later then. Man: Yep, see you then.

a) It will rain. b) They will go hiking. 4) Who will write the report? a) Susan b) The man

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









be up




take up




Conversation 2 Woman: I am sorry to hear the news. Man: It’s OK. I saw it coming. Woman: What will you do? Man: I’m not sure. I think I’ll just take some time off and take it easy for awhile. Woman: That’s sounds like a good plan. Man: Well, I guess all good things come to an end. Woman: They do. Nothing lasts forever. Man: True, but I’ll miss this place. Woman: And we’ll miss you. And you’ll be back on your feet in no time. Man: I hope so!

Conversation 3 Woman: It looks like it will rain this weekend. Man: Oh no, now we can’t go hiking. Woman: I’ll call everyone and postpone it until next week. Man: What about the dinner we planned afterwards? Woman: We can move it back to next week. Man: OK, I’ll call the restaurant and cancel the reservation. Woman: Thanks.

Conversation 4 Woman: I need someone to write up a sales report. Man: I’ll do it. Woman: Great. How long will it take you? Man: No more than a few hours I think. Woman: Great. I’ll get Susan to help you. Man: No need. I’ll be alright. Thanks though. Woman: Suit yourself.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Will you be home tonight? 2) What time will you get home? 3) What will you do if it rains tomorrow? 4) How old will you be on your next birthday? 5) What will you do on your birthday? [ 5 ] I'll have a small party at a restaurant. [ 1 ] Yes, I'll be home all night. [ 3 ] I will stay inside. [ 2 ] I should get home by 7. [ 4 ] I will be 27. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is the woman going to do? a) Stay home b) See a movie 2) Who is going to help their family? a) The man b) The woman 3) What are they going to eat?

Lesson A2-05 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Going to / Future Tense Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: What are you going to do tonight? Man: I think I’m just going to stay home. What about you? Woman: I’m going to see a movie with Karen. Do you want to come? Man: No, I’ll pass. But thanks for asking. Woman: OK, maybe next time.

Conversation 2 Woman: So, what are you going to do this summer? Man: Nothing. I’m going to help my father with his business. Woman: That sounds fun. What do you have planned? Man: We’re going to redecorate the interior of the shop. Woman: That sounds like a handful. Man: Yes, it going to be a lot of work.

Conversation 3 Woman: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Man: Sure. What are you having? Woman: We are going to barbecue outside. Man: Oh, I love barbecue. What are you cooking? Woman: We are going to grill either chicken or steak. Man: Oh, well if you do steak, I’m in. Woman: Steak it is then!

Conversation 4 Woman: When are you going to get back from your trip? Man: I should be back in two days. Woman: You’re going to Hawaii! Aren’t you going to stay a bit for vacation? Man: No, I need to get back. I want to though! Woman: Well, you might want to rethink that. Man: Yeah, maybe you’re right. Woman: You’re going to regret it if you don’t. Man: Work is always going to be here waiting, isn’t it? Woman: You got that right.

a) Steak b) Chicken 4) What is the man going to regret? a) Coming home early b) Taking time off work

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


to be















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What are you going to do tonight? 2) What are you going to eat for dinner? 3) Where are you going to go on your next vacation? 4) How are you going to get home? 5) When am I going to see you next? [ 1 ] I am going to study for a test for tomorrow. [ 5 ] I'll see you next week. [ 2 ] I am going to grill steak. [ 3 ] I am go to vacation in Europe. [ 4 ] I am going to take the bus. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What did the woman do yesterday? a) She cleaned her house. b) She went shopping. 2) What does the woman say about the Mayans? a) She studied them in college. b) She finihsed a book about them. 3) What did the woman do in class?

Lesson A2-06 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Past Tense - Regular Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) She took a test. b) She reviewed past lessons. 4) What did the the man do with his friends? a) He visited their house. b) He chatted with them online.

Conversation 1 Man: So what did you do yesterday? Woman: Nothing much. Just chores. I washed the dishes, vacuumed, and mopped the floors. Man: Yeah, me too. Woman: Really, are you a clean freak? Man: Not so much, but my place needed a good cleaning. Woman: Was your place pretty dirty? Man: Yeah, it was pretty bad. But I cleaned the bathroom, picked up my dirty clothes, washed them and emptied the rubish, so now it looks respectable. Woman: Yeah, you can only put things off for so long. Man: That's right.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge

Conversation 2 Man: What are you reading? Woman: A history book about the Mayans. I just started it though. Man: Oh cool. I just watched a documentary about them. It was fascinating. Woman: Yeah, I learned about them in college so this book piqued my interest. Man: Is it any good? Woman: So far so good. I already learned a few things I didn’t know. Man: Well, can I borrow it when you are finished? Woman: I would, but I borrowed it from the library. Man: Ah, got it. I’ll try to check it out then.

Conversation 3 Man: I missed class yesterday. What did you do in class? Woman: Not much. The teacher just reviewed past lessons. Man: Oh yeah? What did she go over? Woman: She mainly talked about the essay assignment and how to write the paper. Man: Did she give any homework? Woman: Yes, but she posted it on the class website. Man: OK, I’ll check it out then. Thanks.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you do last night? Woman: I just stayed home and talked with my friends on Zoom. Man: Friends from work?

Match the answers with the questions. 1) So what did you do yesterday? 2) Did you watch anything last night? 3) Who did you talk to yesterday? 4) Where did you go last night? 5) What did you have for breakfast? [ 5 ] I cooked an omelet. [ 1 ] I stayed home and cleaned my room. [ 3 ] I chatted with my best friend. [ 2 ] Yes, I watched a documentary about space. [ 4 ] Nowhere. I stayed home. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: No, friends I studied with in college. Man: Oh, that’s so cool that you are still friends. Woman: Well, we kind of lost touch with each other, but we recently reunited on Facebook. Man: I should do that with my old army buddies. Woman: You should. It’s a lot of fun. We all enjoyed seeing each other again.

Quiz 1) Where did the woman go last night? a) She went to the park. b) She drove to the beach. 2) What did she do in Brazil ? a) She went in the Amazon. b) She put on some weight. 3) What did the man eat?

Lesson A2-07 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Past Tense - Irregular Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What did you do last night? Woman: I just stayed home and took it easy. And you? Man: I went to the park and played football. Woman: Oh, did you win? Man: Yesah, we won! I was so happy. Woman: Oh, I am glad you had a good time. Man: I hurt my ankle though, so it wasn’t all perfect. Woman: Well, at least you won!

Conversation 2 Man: How was your trip to Brazil? Woman: It was wonderful. I had such a great time. Man: How was the food? Woman: It was all so good. I ate so much. I think I put on some weight. Man: What did you do there? Woman: Well, we spent a lot of time at the beach, but we also went out at night. Man: I hear the nightlife there is really good. Woman: It is! We had so much fun!

Conversation 3 Man: What did you do over the weekend? Woman: I met some friends for dinner. Man: Oh, where did you go? Woman: We ate at the new pizza place near the station. Man: Oh, I went there last week. I really liked it. Woman: So did we. What did you eat? Man: We tried the pan style pizza. It was so good. Woman: I didn’t try that, but I heard it was really good. Man: Yeah, my friend told me to try it. He said it was good and he was right. Woman: I’ll try it next time.

Conversation 4 Man: What did you do over the holidays? Woman: Not much. I bought a new car though. Man: Really, what did you buy? Woman: I bought a new Lexus. It is so nice. Man: Can I ask? How much did you pay for it? Woman: It cost about 50,000 dollars. I took out a loan though. Man: Wow, you paid a lot! I think I spent about 5,000 pounds for my car, but I bought it used.

a) He tried the new pasta. b) He ate some pizza. 4) What does the woman say about her car? a) She took out a loan. b) She paid 50 thousand in cash.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What did you do last night? 2) Where did you go last night? 3) Who did you see? 4) Did you buy anything yesterday? 5) How many hours did you sleep last night? [ 2 ] I went to the mall. [ 5 ] I slept about eight hours. [ 1 ] I ate at the new restaurant downtown. [ 3 ] I met my friend. [ 4 ] Yes, I bought a new shirt. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Woman: Yeah, I really wanted a new car. I think I got what I paid for though.

Quiz 1) How does she describe her town? a) affordable b) beautiful 2) What is the capital like? a) clean and pretty b) busy and crowded 3) How does she describe people at work?

Lesson A2-08 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adjectives and Adverbs of Degree Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) They are nice. b) They are lazy. 4) What is her neighborhood like? a) nice b) noisy

Conversation 1 Man: How is your new job? Woman: It’s good. The job is interesting, and the people are nice. Man: Is it near your house? Woman: No, it is in the city, so it’s far away. It takes an hour to get there. Man: Oh, no! How is the commute? Woman: It’s long, and it is expensive, but I don’t mind too much. Man: Why don’t you take the bus? It’s really cheap. Woman: I would, but the bus is really slow and crowded! I can’t get a seat. Man: Yeah, it is crowded.

Conversation 2 Man: How was your weekend? Woman: Good. I went to the new mall. Man: Oh yeah? How was it? Woman: Great! It has a really nice food court. Man: Oh, cool! How was the food? Woman: Really good. The food was delicious and not expensive. Man: Was it healthy? Woman: Not really, but the portions are really big. Man: Oh, that's good to know!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) How you weekend? 2) How is your job? 3) Is your computer fast? 4) What restaurant has delicious food? 5) What subject is very difficult? [ 2 ] It's good. Every day is interesting. [ 5 ] The Pasta Palace has great dishes. [ 1 ] It was fun. I had a good time. [ 3 ] No, it is very slow and old. [ 5 ] I think chemistry is very hard. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How is your new computer? Woman: Good. It is fast and has lots of cool features. Man: It looks expensive, though. Woman: Yeah, it’s not cheap, but I need it for work. Man: Is it light? It doesn’t look very heavy. Woman: Yes, it is very light. It only weighs one kilogram. Man: Wow, that is light! My computer is so big and heavy. Woman: Is your computer old? Man: Yes, it's over five years old. It's time for a new one! Woman: Yeah, that is pretty old for a computer.

Conversation 4 Man: How is your math class? Woman: Not good. It is very difficult. Man: Oh, I thought you liked math. Woman: I do, but the class is hard, and the teacher is really

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boring. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Plus, the room is really old, and the chairs are uncomfortable. Man: That doesn’t sound like a fun class! Woman: It's not!

Quiz 1) Who is older, her mom or her dad? a) Her mom b) Her dad 2) Which city is more expensive? a) San Francisco b) Los Angeles 3) What movies make her happier?

Lesson A2-09 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Comparatives Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) New movies b) Old movies 4) Which food tastes better to her? a) Japanese Food b) American Food

1) Comparing People My mother and father are very different. My mom is older than my dad, but my dad looks older than my mom. My dad is more active because he plays sports. My mom is more talkative. She loves to talk with people. My dad is taller than my mom. My mom is shorter than my dad.

2) Comparing Places Los Angeles and San Francisco are both in California but they are very different. San Francisco is smaller than Los Angeles. It is also colder. Los Angeles is bigger than San Francisco, but San Francisco is more expensive. It is harder to find housing in San Francisco. I think San Francisco is a better place to live.

3) Comparing Movies I think the old Star Wars movies are better than the new Star Wars movies. In the old movies, the characters were more interesting, and the story was faster. The new stories are more difficult to follow. I felt happier watching the old movies.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4









more active








Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

4) Comparing Food

1) What is more delicious? Apples or oranges? 2) What is more playful? Cats or dogs? 3) What is more convenient? Driving or public transportation? 4) What is cheaper? Fast food or eating at home? 5) What is more interesting? Learning a language or learning history?

I like Japanese food more than American food because it is healthier. Japanese meals are smaller and fresher than American meals. American food is more international though, so I like that about it. Still, I think Japanese food tastes better.

[ 2 ] Dogs make better pets. [ 4 ] Eating at home is much cheaper. [ 5 ] Language! History is much more boring. [ 1 ] Apples taste better. [ 3 ] Taking the bus is better than driving. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is the fastest way to the airport? a) Taxi b) Express buss 2) The does she say about the west coast? a) It has the worst weather. b) It has the nicest weather. 3) She says it was the ___ movie she has seen.

Lesson A2-10 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Superlatives Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: What is the fastest way to get to the airport? Man: By taxi, but it’s the most expensive. Woman: What’s the cheapest? Man: The local bus. But, it's by far the slowest way to get there. Woman: Hm, I better spring for a taxi then. Man: Yeah, it’s best if you do.

Conversation 2 Woman: What is the best place to visit in your country? Man: I think the west coast. It has the best weather. Woman: What about the cost? Man: The costs are very high. Our most expensive cities are there. Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. What about the food? Man: It’s great. It has the best restaurants in the country.

Conversation 3 Woman: How was the movie last night? Man: Oh, it was great. It was the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. Woman: Oh, really? That scary? Man: Yes, I was screaming throughout the film. Woman: Was it crowded? Man: Yeah, it was the most packed I’ve ever seen the theater.

Conversation 4 Woman: What is the oldest city in your country? Man: I think it is the capital. Woman: Is it the biggest? Man: It was, but not anymore. Woman: Why are people moving out? Man: Well, it’s not the most modern place to live.

a) best b) most terrifying 4) She says the capital is the ____ city. a) oldest b) biggest

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What is the most interesting city in your country? 2) What is the best way to save money? 3) What is the funniest movie you have seen? 4) What place has the nicest weather in your country? 5) Who is the oldest person in your family? [ 3 ] The movie the mask was hilarious. [ 1 ] I think the capital is an fascinating place. [ 5 ] My uncle. He is a 100 years old! [ 2 ] The best way is to only eat at home. [ 4 ] The West Coast has lovely weather. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is Bob doing? a) mowing the lawn b) skipping work 2) What is Mary doing? a) talking at a party b) speaking with someone 3) Is the man complaining?

Lesson A2-11 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Contractions Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Yes b) No 4) What is the woman doing? a) leaving the house b) going to bed

Conversation 1 Man: What’s Bob doing? Woman: He’s working outside. He’s cutting the grass. Man: Isn’t he playing tennis today? Woman: No, he isn’t. His partner can’t play today. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Woman: Yeah, he isn’t happy about it.

Conversation 2 Man: Who’s Mary talking to? Woman: She’s talking with Joe. Man: What are they talking about? Woman: They’re discussing the upcoming party. Man: Isn’t that next week? Woman: No, it’s next month.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4











are we






Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What are we having for dinner? Woman: I’m making fried rice. Man: That’s not very healthy. Woman: Well, you’re welcome to make dinner yourself. Man: No, no, no, I’m not complaining. That’s fine. Woman: Well, I’m glad you agree.

Conversation 4 Man: What’re you doing? Woman: I’m going to the park. Man: I thought we’re going shopping. Woman: Oh, oops. I’m sorry. I forgot. Man: It’s OK. Do you still want to go? Woman: Yeah! I’m game if you are.

1) What's the weather like today? 2) What're you doing tonight? 3) When's a good time to call you? 4) Who's your favorite actor? 5) Who's someone you admire? [ 4 ] Brad Pitt. I think he's very cool. [ 3 ] It depends on what I'm doing that day. [ 2 ] I'm going to the movies. [ 5 ] Serena Williams. She's amazing. [ 1 ] It's cloudy and hot. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What may not happen. a) They will be in the office. b) One person will need help. 2) What will she do in retirement? a) Play music b) Play golf 3) What might the device make her do?

Lesson A2-00 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

a) Eat less b) Walk more

May / Might Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Will you be in the office on Monday? Woman: I will. Why? Man: Do you think you’ll have time to help me? Woman: I might. I have a lot to do that day, though. Man: OK, I will check with you then. I may not even need you. Woman: OK, let me know.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

may not











It may

Conversation 2 Man: When will you retire? Woman: I might retire this year. Man: Really? So soon! What will you do with yourself? Woman: I will probably travel for a year. Man: And what will you do after that? Woman: I’ll probably come home and take up golf!

Conversation 3 Woman: Have you seen this? You might like this. Man: What is it? Woman: It’s a watch that counts calories as you walk. Man: Not sure why I might need this. Woman: Well, you said you are on a diet! It might motivate you to walk more. Man: Yeah, I suppose it might help me lose weight. Woman: It may! You never know!

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What will you do tomorrow? 2) What will you have for dinner? 3) Where will you go on your next vacation.? 4) When will you retire? 5) Where will you live when you get old? [ 4 ] I will probably retire when I am 70. [ 3 ] I will probably go to Mexico as usual. [ 2 ] I am not sure. I might order pizza. [ 1 ] I am not sure. I might play golf if it is sunny. [ 5 ] I am not sure. I might move overseas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1A) What does the woman say about her town? a) There are many jobs. b) It is expensive. 1B) What does she say about her town? a) It is dangerous. b) It is expensive. 2A) Who liked the movie?

Lesson A2-13 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Connectors Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Both of them b) Just one person 2B) Who read the book? a) Both of them b) Just one person

Conversation 1 Man: Do you like your town? Woman: I do not like living there because the winters are really cold, and the people are not friendly. Man: That does not sound like a nice place to live, so why do people live there? Woman: It is cheap to live there, and there are lots of jobs, so most people stay there. What about your town? Man: It’s nice because it has great weather, but it’s not cheap, so you can’t save money. Woman: I see. Looks like we can’t have the best of both worlds.

Conversation 2 Man: What did you think of the movie? Woman: I liked the movie, but it was a bit too long for me. Man: I didn’t like it because the acting was bad, and the story was boring. Woman: I read the book, so I was interested in the movie, but it was different from the book. Man: Yeah, I didn’t read the book, but I want to because I heard it is really good. Woman: I have the book, so I can give it to you if you like, but you have to give it back because I want to read it again. Man: Thanks! I would love to, but I don’t have time now. Woman: OK, suit yourself.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like your town? 2) Does your town have good shopping? 3) Is your town a good place to work? 4) What do you prefer reading or watchiing movies? 5) Does you town have good weather? [ 3 ] No, there are few jobs, so gettign work is hard. [ 1 ] Yes, but it is expensive to live here. [ 5 ] Yes, because it is warm all year. [ 2 ] No. There is a mall, but it is very small. [ 4 ] Movies because it is more relaxing. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Hey, Hana! How are you? Woman: I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Man: I'm fine. Thanks. So, tell me. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Woman: Yes, I heard it's going to be a really nice day on Saturday, so I'm planning to go to the beach with my friends. The beach is three hours away, so we are going to go by car, and we are planning to have a barbecue. And, I'm very excited. In the evening, we are going to have fireworks. It's going to be very beautiful. Man: So, are you going to stay over at the beach? Woman: No, we are going to come back, so we'll be home quite late. Man: Oh, so then what are you going to do on Sunday? Woman: Ah, I think I'll be sleeping all morning, and probably in the afternoon, I'm going to study because I have a maths exam on Monday.

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Man: Oh, that's a shame. Well, I think I'm going to wish you good luck on your exam. Have fun at the beach. Woman: Thank you!

Conversation 4 Woman: Hello, how are you? Man: I'm good thanks. How are you? Woman: I'm good. So, what are you going to do this weekend? Man: Well, on Saturday, I think I'm going to go to the gym because I haven't been there for awhile. And then I think I need to clean my house because I didn't have time during the week, and it is a bit messy now. And in the evening, I think I'm going to have dinner with my friends. Woman: Are you going somewhere after dinner? Man: I don't think so. I really want to spend this weekend in a really relaxed way, so I don't think I'm going anywhere after dinner. Woman: I see. How about Sunday? Man: Well, Sunday, I'm not going to do anything during the morning. I really want to take - you know - a rest, and then I'm going to have lunch with my family cause I haven't seen them for awhile, and then in the afternoon, there's this movie I really want to see, so I'm going to the cinema with my friends.

Quiz 1) Where is the woman going? a) To the dentist b) To the doctor 2) What is the woman doing later? a) Playing futsal b) Having dinner with family 3) What class are the both taking?

Lesson A2-14 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Present Continuous / Future Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) History b) Math 4) Who is having a party? a) Beth b) Bill

Conversation 1 Man: Why are you leaving early? Woman: I’m going to the dentist. Man: Why? Do you have a toothache? Woman: No, I’m getting my teeth cleaned. Man: Well, if you are leaving early, I’m leaving early too. Woman: Fine with me!

Conversation 2 Man: What are you doing tonight? Woman: I’m meeting my mom for dinner. Man: Oh! Where are you going? Woman: We are going to the new Thai restaurant. Join us! Man: Thanks, but I can’t. I’m playing futsal tonight. Woman: Well, maybe next time.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: What classes are you taking next term? Woman: I’m taking math and history. Man: Nice, I’m taking math too! Woman: Who is teaching the class? Man: Professor Smith is teaching it. Woman: Oh no, I hear he is hard!

Conversation 4 Man: What is going on tonight? Woman: Bill is having a party. Man: Oh, really? When and where? Woman: He’s having it at his house. It is starting at six. Man: Who is going? Woman: Everyone’s going. You should come!

1) What are you doing tonight? 2) What movies are playing now? 3) How are you getting home? 4) What are having for dinner? 5) When are you leaving? [ 4 ] I am cooking steak. [ 2 ] The new 007 movie is playing. [ 3 ] I am taking the bus. [ 1 ] I am playing soccer. [ 5 ] I am leaving soon. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the woman want to eat? a) Something spicy b) Something healthy 2) What did the man buy? a) Something b) Nothing 3) Where did the man go?

Lesson A2-15 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Indefinite Pronouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you want something to eat? Woman: I want something, but not just anything. Man: What are you the mood for? Woman: I’m in the mood for something spicy. Man: What about spicy Thai soup? Woman: That sounds great. But you know what, anything is fine.

Conversation 2 Man: Did you go anywhere this weekend? Woman: Nowhere special, just the mall. Man: Did you buy anything? Woman: No, I had no money. Man: Did you see anyone there? Woman: No, I didn’t see anyone.

Conversation 3 Man: Where did you go yesterday? Woman: Nowhere? Man: Nowhere! Come on. I’m sure you went somewhere. Woman: No, really, I didn’t go anywhere. I stayed home. Man: I didn’t go anywhere either. Woman: My gosh. We are so boring!

Conversation 4 Man: Did anyone call? Woman: No. No one. Man: Nobody called? Woman: No. Were you expecting someone to call you? Man: Yes, someone. Woman: Ooh, who is this someone? Man: Just someone. Nobody you know.

a) Nowhere b) Somewhere 4) Who called? a) No one b) Someone

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Did you go anywhere yesterday? 2) Did you talk to anyone? 3) Did you buy anything? 4) Did you cook anything? 5) Did you watch anything? [ 5 ] Yes, I saw something about climate change. [ 4 ] No, I bought something to eat. [ 1 ] No, nowhere. I stayed home. [ 2 ] No, no one. I didn't see anyone. [ 3 ] No, there was nothing I wanted to buy. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Is the boss there? a) No, not yet. b) Yes, he is already there. 2) Have they eaten yet ? a) Not yet. b) Yes, they just ate. 3) Does Joe still work there ?

Lesson A2-16 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adverbs of Time Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: Are you coming to the meeting? Man: When is it? Woman: It’s at one. It starts soon. Man: Is the boss coming? Woman: Yes, he’s already there, I think. Man: What about Sue? Woman: I don’t know. She’s not here yet. Man: What about Jerry? Woman: He just called. He’s still out sick. Man: He’s still sick! Lucky him! Woman: Well, it’s almost time. We better go. Man: Right. I’ll be right there.

Conversation 2 Woman: I’m back! Man: Welcome home! Woman: Is dinner ready yet? Man: Not yet, but it’s almost done. Woman: Is the table set? Man: Yes, I already did it. Woman: Are the kids back yet? Man: No, they’re still outside playing, but they should be back soon. I already texted them. Woman: So, what’s for dinner? Man: Lasagna. It’s still cooking, but it’s almost done. Woman: Great! I’m starving!

a) Yes, he still does. b) No, he already quit. 4) Did the man give his account number? a) No, not yet. b) Yes, he already gave it.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

















Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Have you eaten lunch? 2) Did you just get here? 3) Did you finished this lesson? 4) When will you finish? 5) Have you seen the news today? [ 5 ] No, I have not seen it yet. [ 1 ] Yes, I already ate. [ 4 ] I will be done soon. [ 2 ] Yes, I just got here. [ 3 ] Yes, I am still doing it. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you still work with Joe? Woman: No, not anymore. He just quit. Man: Oh no! Why? Woman: He just got a new job. He already started it, I think. Man: What about Sue? Woman: She’s still there, but not for long. She just put in her notice. Man: She is quitting too! Why? Woman: She just got engaged. She’s moving to London. Her fiancé's from there. Man: Well, your company is lucky they still have you! Woman: For now anyway. Man: Are you quitting too? Woman: Not yet, but soon! I already started looking!

Conversation 4

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Woman: Hello, This is Maria. How can I help you? Man: Oh no! Not again! Woman: Hello, are you still there? Man: Yes, I am still here! Woman: Thank you for waiting. Can I get your account number? Man: What! I just gave it to the last person. Woman: I’m sorry. Can you give it to me again? Man: Why? I already gave it to the last operator. Woman: I know, but for security reasons, I need it again. Man: OK, but this is ridiculous. Woman: I’m sorry sir. I promise that we’ll be finished soon. Man: OK, my number is …..

Quiz 1) What is nice about his apartment? a) It is very big. b) It is near a park. 2) What will the man do to lose weight? a) Walk more. b) Join a gym 3) How does the man feel about the new office?

Lesson A2-17 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Adverbs of Addition and Lists Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Woman: How is your new apartment? Man: It is great. I love it. Woman: What do you like about it? Man: Well, first, it is close to many shops. In addition, it is near a few parks. Woman: That must be nice. I know you love to jog in the park. Man: I do. Moreover, there is a great cafe in the building. Plus, it has a gym. Woman: That's fantastic. Man: Yeah, not only that, but it is really cheap. Woman: Sounds like you got a great place. Man: I did.

Conversation 2 Woman: Your test results look fairly good, but you have put on some weight. Man: Yes, I am so busy now that I do not have time to go to the gym. Woman: Just do some walking. It is fun and easy to do. Plus, it is free. Man: I guess, I could do that. There is a park near my house. Woman: Walking just an hour a day can be very effective. Moreover, it is a great way to reduce stress. Man: Thanks, doctor. I will follow your advice. Woman: In addition to walking, try to get plenty of sleep. Man: OK, I will do my best.

a) He likes it. b) He does not prefer it. 4) What do they say about the park? a) It is a bad idea. b) It is a good idea.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



Plus, I





Plus, they



In addition



Plus, it


Moreover, it

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is your town a nice place to live? 2) Do you like your job? 3) Is your best friend a good friend? 4) Is your country a good place to visit? 5) Is your local gym nice? [ 1 ] Yes, it is very clean. Plus, it is cheap to live there. [ 5 ] Yes, it has nice equipment. Plus the staff is nice. [ 4 ] No, it is very expensive. Furthermore, it is dangerous. [ 2 ] Yes, I like my coworders. Moreover, I get paid a lot. [ 3 ] Yes, she is very kind. In addition, she is funny. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Conversation 3 Man: How do you like working in the new office? Woman: To be honest, I prefer the old office. The view is nice, but it takes a long time to get up the elevator. Man: I know. That can be a hassle, especially at the start and end of the workday. Woman: In addition, parking is difficult and the commute is longer. Man: See, for me, it is more convenient. I live downtown. Plus, I love the view. Woman: Yes, the office is lovely, once you get here that is.

Conversation 4 Man: So, what is in the news? Woman: It says they are planning to build a new park near the station. Man: That sounds nice. This town needs a good park.

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Furthermore, that part of town could use some new life. Woman: In addition to the park, they will build some new sports fields. Plus, they will tear down the old factory nearby. Man: That is wonderful news. It will make the town a much nicer place to live. Moreover, it will create jobs. Woman: Yes, and finally, we will have a nice place to take the kids on weekends. Man: It sounds great. It is nice to have some positive news for a change.

Quiz 1) Who watches a lot of TV? a) The man b) The woman 2) What does she do for exercise? a) Go jogging b) Go swimming 3) Who eats a lot of fruit?

Lesson A2-18 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Much / A lot / Not at all Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you watch much TV? Woman: Not anymore. I used to watch a lot of TV, but not now. And you? Man: Yeah, I watch a lot of TV. Woman: What do you watch? Man: I watch a lot of dramas and some news shows. Woman: I don’t watch the news much, but maybe I should.

Conversation 2 Man: Do you exercise much? Woman: Not that much, but some. Man: What do you do? Woman: I go running a lot. What about you? Man: I don’t exercise at all. Woman: That’s too bad. It can be fun!

Conversation 3 Man: Do you eat much fast food? Woman: Yeah, I eat it way too much! Man: Ooh, that’s not good. You should not eat it too much. Woman: I know, but I do it to save time, plus I don’t cook much. Man: Me too, but I try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Woman: Good idea.

Conversation 4 Man: Do speak Spanish much? Woman: Yeah, I speak it a lot at work. Man: That must be nice. Woman: What about you? Man: Not that much. People do not use it much at my work. Woman: That’s too bad!

a) He does b) She does 4) Who does not speak much Spanish? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4


at all


a lot at






a lot



a lot of


a lot of


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like reading much? 2) Do you watch much TV? 3) Do you exercise much? 4) Do you eat much fast food? 5) Do speak Spanish much? [ 3 ] Not that much. About once a week. [ 1 ] Yes, I read a lot of books. [ 4 ] Yes, too much. I love burgers. [ 5 ] Not much, just with my family. [ 2 ] Not that much, but I like a few shows. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who has a cat and a dog as well? a) The woman b) The man 2) How many things do they have in common? a) Just one thing b) Two things 3) How many things do they have in common?

Lesson A2-19 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Also / As well / Too Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) One b) Two 4) Who lives in the countryside a) Both of them b) Neither of them

Conversation 1 Man: Do you have a pet? Woman: I do. I have a dog, and I also have a cat. Man: Oh, really? I have a cat as well. Woman: Really? What color? Man: My cat is black. Woman: My cat is black too!

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4




do you

black too



do I

Conversation 2

as well

I also

show too

as well

Man: What do you do? Woman: I am a teacher. Man: Cool! I am a teacher, too. Woman: Really? What do you teach? Man: I teach math. Woman: No way! I also teach math.

a dog


as well

Me, too

Conversation 3 Man: What shows do you like? Woman: I like Game of Thrones. Man: I love that show too. Woman: Who’s your favorite character? Man: I really like Jon Snow. Woman: I like him as well.

Conversation 4 Man: Where do you live? Woman: I live downtown. Man: So do I! Where? Woman: By the station. Man: Me, too! I live on B Street. Woman: Get out of here! I do as well.

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What sports do you play? 2) What languages do you speak? 3) What movies do you like? 4) Do you have any pets? 5) Where do you work? [ 1 ] I play golf. I play tennis as well. [ 4 ] I have a dog, and I have two cats. [ 5 ] I teach at a school, and I work at a cafe as well. [ 3 ] I like dramas. I like comedies, too. [ 2 ] I Speak Arabic. I also speak French. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What does the woman show the man? a) Her ID b) Her credit card 2) What does the woman order? a) A sandwich b) Chicken fries 3) What will the woman do?

Lesson A2-20 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Can - Requests Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Call the man b) Email her number 4) How does the man pay? a) By cash b) By card

Conversation 1 Woman: Hello, can I get your name? Man: Yes. My name is Tom Wilson. Woman: Great, and can I see your ID? Man: Sure. Here it is. Woman: Thanks. And can you sign here? Man: Certainly.

Conversation 2 Man: Hello! Can I take your order? Woman: Yes, can I get the chicken sandwich? Man: Certainly. And can I get you something to drink? Woman: Yes, can I get a diet soda, please? Man: Sure. Anything else? Can I interest you in something on the side? Woman: Yes, can I get some fries with that? Man: Of course. Anything else? Woman: No, that will do.

Conversation 3 Woman: So Bob, can you come to the party? Man: Yes, I can, but can I get your address? Woman: It’s really long. Can I email it to you? Man: That will work. Oh, and can I get your number? Woman: Yes, it's 555-4343-3222. Man: You know what, can you just put it in the email? Woman: Sure. Can do.

Conversation 4 Woman: Hello! Can I help you? Man: Yes, can I get a cafe mocha, please? Woman: OK, and can I get your name? Man: It’s Jason. And can I get that without cream? Woman: Of course. Anything else? Man: Yeah, can I get one of these muffins? Woman: Sure. That comes to $5.45. Man: Great. Can I pay by debit card? Woman: You sure can. Man: Awesome! And can I get a receipt? Woman: Of course. Here’s your receipt. Man: Thanks. Woman: You can pick up your order over there. Man: OK.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

it is

can I


pick up













Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Can I take you order? 2) Can I get you something to drink? 3) Can I get you anything else? 4) Anything else? 5) Yes, of course. Would you like a straw? [ 4 ] Can I get my tea first? [ 1 ] Yes, can I get the pasta please? [ 3 ] Yes, can I a side of fries? [ 5 ] No, but can I get a lemon slice with that. [ 2 ] Yes, can I get an iced tea? What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What smells great? a) The stew b) The soup 2) Why does she look nice? a) She has a date. b) She has a party. 3) What sounds awful?

Lesson A2-21 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Stative Verbs Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: What are you cooking? It smells great. Woman: I am making chicken stew. Man: Oh, it looks so good. Woman: Here, have a taste. Man: Oh my gosh! This tastes fantastic. Woman: I am so glad you like it!

Conversation 2 Man: Wow! You look stunning. Woman: Thanks. I have a date. Man: Ooh. Where are you going? Woman: I’m going to the new Mexican restaurant. Man: That sounds fun. Woman: I’d invite you but… Man: Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s a date. Have fun!

Conversation 3 Man: What’s wrong? You look terrible. Woman: I feel terrible. I have a cold. Man: Oh, sorry to hear that. Woman: Any advice? Man: Well, I hear vinegar and lemon juice helps. Woman: That sounds awful. No thanks.

Conversation 4 Man: I like your sweater. It is wool? Woman: No, it's cotton. Feel it? Man: Wow, it feels so soft. Woman: It is. It is so comfy too. Man: It looks comfy. I want one. Woman: Well, Christmas is almost here. Maybe someone special might get you one. Man: Ooh! That sounds promising.

a) Her cold b) The drink 4) What feels comfy? a) A wool sweater b) A cotton sweater

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4








is so









Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) What smells delicious? 2) What feels very soft? 3) What looks fun? 4) What tastes sweet? 5) What sounds difficult? [ 4 ] Ice cream always tastes sweet. [ 5 ] Running a marathon sounds difficult. [ 1 ] Homemade soup smells great. [ 3 ] River rafting looks fun. [ 2 ] A wool sweater feels soft. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) Who plays team sports? a) The man b) The woman 2) What does the woman cook? a) dinner b) breakfast 3) Who has two pets?

Lesson A2-22 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Determiners and Plural Nouns Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Do you play sports? Woman: Yes, I play volleyball and tennis. Do you play sports? Man: No, I don't play sports, but I exercise a lot. Woman: Oh, what do you do? Man: I run, I swim, and I do yoga. Woman: You do a lot!

Conversation 2 Man: Do you cook much? Woman: No, but I cook breakfast every day. Man: What do you make? Woman: I make omelets or pancakes. Do you cook? Man: Not breakfast. I eat breakfast at school. Woman: Where do you eat? Man: Well, I buy a pastry at the bakery and eat it at school.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you have a pet? Woman: Yes, I have a dog. And you? Man: I have a dog and a cat. Woman: Do they stay inside? Man: Yes, but I take my dog for a walk every day. Woman: Me too. I walk my dog in the park.

Conversation 4 Man: When do you get up? Woman: I get up at 6 every day. And you? Man: I get up at 7. I like to sleep in. Woman: Lucky you! When do you go to bed? Man: I go to bed at 11. And you? Woman: I get in bed at 10, but then I read, and I fall asleep by 12. Man: Oh, that's late. I need my sleep!

a) The man b) The woman 4) Who goes to bed first? a) The man b) The woman

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4





a lot












Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you play sports? 2) Do you cook much? 3) Do you have a pet? 4) Do you like watching movies? 5) Do you get a lot of sleep? [ 2 ] No, I just make sandwiches and salads. [ 3 ] Yes, I have three dogs. [ 5 ] No, I am always tired. [ 1 ] Yes, I love soccer and tennis. [ 4 ] Yes, I love dramas. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) What is nice about the town? a) The park b) The cafes 2) What do they need to buy? a) Eggs b) Butter 3) Who has a nice gym?

Lesson A2-23 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Much / Many Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

Conversation 1 Man: Is your town a nice place to live? Woman: Yes, there are many nice places in my town. Man: Oh, yeah. What for example? Woman: Well, we have many nice parks and many nice restaurants. Man: What about cafes? I like to study at cafes. Woman: We have a few cafes, but they are not great.

Conversation 2 Man: I am going to the supermarket. What do we need? Woman: We need some milk, some bread and some juice. Man: Do we need any eggs? Woman: No, we have a lot of eggs. Man: Do we need any butter? Woman: Yes, we have a little butter, but we need more. Man: Do we have any apples? Woman: We have a few apples, but we need some more, I think.

Conversation 3

a) The man b) The woman 4) Why does the woman not go to the movies? a) He has little time. b) He wants to save money.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4

a few

a little

lots of

are you



not many

don’t have

are not

a few

not very

have much



isn’t much

have many

Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Is your town a nice place to live? 2) Is there a gym in your area? 3) What do you need from the supermarket? 4) Is your town a good place to work? 5) Where is a good place to shop for clothes?

Man: Is there a gym at your school? Woman: Yes, but it is not very good. Man: Oh, why is that? Woman: Well, there isn’t much equipment. Man: Oh, that’s too bad. My school has a nice gym. Woman: Does it have nice equipment? Man: Yes, it has lots of weight machines, but not many free weights. Woman: Sounds a lot better than my gym!

[ 5 ] The mall has a few nice stores. [ 4 ] No, there are not many good jobs. [ 1 ] Yes, there are many parks. [ 3 ] We need some milk and some bread. [ 2 ] Yes, but it does not have much equipment.

Conversation 4

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Man: Do you want to go to the movies on Friday? Woman: I can’t. I don’t have much money right now. Man: That's OK. I can pay for you. Woman: Oh, that’s sweet of you to offer. But, I don’t have much free time either. Man: Oh, are you busy? Woman: Yes, I have many assignments for school. Man: OK, maybe next time.

What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

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Quiz 1) How much sugar does she want in her coffee? a) A lot b) Not much 2) How much lettuce do they have? a) A lot b) Not much 3) How many tomatoes do they have?

Lesson A2-24 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

Too / Few / Enough Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) A lot b) Not much 4) Do they have many bananas? a) Yes b) No

Conversation 1 Man: Do you like cream with your coffee? Woman: Yes, but not too much. Man: What about sugar? Woman: Yes, I like my coffee sweet. Man: How many sugar cubes? Woman: Two should be enough.

Conversation 2 Man: Do we have any lettuce? Woman: Just a little, but not much. Man: How about tomatoes? Woman: We have a few. Why? Man: I want to make a salad. Woman: Could do. We have lots of cucumber and a few onions.

Conversation 3 Man: Let’s make an omelet. How many eggs do we have? Woman: A dozen. We do not have much oil though. Man: It’s OK, we have some cooking spray. Do we have any cheese or ham? Woman: We have some cheese, but not much ham, I’m afraid. Man: That’s OK, I can use tomatoes. Woman: Great, we have too many and they will spoil soon.

Conversation 4 Man: How much honey do we have? Woman: Not much, but some. Man: How many bananas? Woman: We have a few, I think. Why? Man: I want to make a sandwich. Woman: With bananas and honey?

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4






a few






a few





Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you like cream with your coffee? 2) How much money do you have on you? 3) Do you have many books? 4) Do you have a lot of apps on your phone? 5) Do you have a lot clothes? [ 3 ] Yes, I love to read, so I have quite a few. [ 5 ] Yes, I have too many shirts. [ 1 ] Yes, but just a little. [ 4 ] Yes, too many. I need to delete some. [ 2 ] Not much. Just a few dollars. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

Quiz 1) What does the bike need? a) A seat b) A tire 2) What does she say about the cookies? a) There is one left b) She bought them 3) What will he do with the pen?

Lesson A2-25 | True Beginner | CEFR A2

One / It / They / Them / Some Use the words in the Grammar Challenge to complete the gaps.

a) Give it back b) Keep it 4) Where are the paper clips? a) In the desk b) On the desk

Conversation 1 Man: Do you have a bike I can borrow? Woman: Yeah, I have one, but it’s very old. Man: Does it run well? Woman: Yeah, it works, but it might need a new tire. Man: You know, I think I have one in the garage. Woman: Perfect. Then you are all set.

Conversation 2 Man: Would you like a cookie? Woman: I would love one! Did you make them yourself? Man: No, I bought them at the store. Woman: They look delicious. Man: Oh, I hope you enjoy them.

Conversation 3 Man: Do you have a pen I can use? Woman: Yes, you can use this one. Man: Thanks, I'll give it right back. Woman: That’s OK. You can keep it. Man: Oh, I just need it for a bit. Woman: Really, keep it. I never use that one anyway.

Conversation 4 Man: Do you have any paper clips? Woman: There are some at my desk. Man: I’m sorry. I don’t see them. Woman: Oh, they are in the drawer. Man: This one? The top one? Woman: No, the next one. That one! Man: OK, found them. Thanks.

Grammar Challenge Use the words below to complete each conversation. Con #1

Con #2

Con #3

Con #4



keep it


a new


a pen




give it



a cookie

this one


Speaking Challenge Match the answers with the questions. 1) Do you have a bike? 2) Do you want some coffee? 3) Do you have a pen I can use? 4) Do you have a lot of food at home? 5) Do you have a nice computer? [ 5 ] No, the one I have is very old. [ 3 ] No, I need to use this one. [ 2 ] I would love some. [ 4 ] No, I need to get some more. [ 1 ] I have one, but I never ride it. What about you? Share your answers to the questions.

Go online to elllo.org Go online for the complete lesson! 1. Watch the animation video. 2. Check your answers. 3. Access more free lessons.

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