Lesson 1 – ‘Do’ for Emphasis
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - now / don’t / Why / sports / expensive / did / do / cost
Man: Do you like ?
Woman: No, but I like golf.
Man: Golf?
Woman: You like golf?
Man: I like it when I was younger, but not
Woman: Oh, I love it. don't you like it anymore?
Man: It's just too
Woman: True. It does ______ a lot to play.
Conversation 2 - stuff / lot / never / much / And / sometimes / What / breakfast
Man: Do you cook ?
Woman: I do cook a
Man: do you cook?
Woman: Just easy like pasta dishes. ______ you?
Man: I don’t cook much. I do cook , though.
Woman: Really, I cook breakfast. My husband does make me pancakes , though.
Conversation 3 - depressing / dramas / watch / always / news / rarely / do / sometimes
Man: Do you much TV?
Woman: I watch a lot of TV.
Man: What do you watch?
Woman: I watch . And you?
Man: I watch TV. I do watch the sometimes though.
Woman: How ! The news makes me feel sad.
Man: Yeah, it does get depressing
Conversation 4 - grown / any / sorry / holidays / visit / did / do / moved
Man: Do you have kids?
Woman: I don’t. And you?
Man: I have kids but they are all now.
Woman: Do they live near you?
Man: They live near me, but they .
Woman: Oh, I’m to hear that.
Man: Yeah, me too. They do still a lot though.
Woman: Did you see them over the ?
Man: I did see them. We had a really nice time together.
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Lesson 2 – Causative Verbs
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - time / put / help / army / easy / trying / what / that
Man: Can you me do this?
Woman: Sure, what are you to do?
Man: I’m trying to up this tent.
Woman: Oh, it’s . Let me show you to do.
Man: Wow, was so easy for you.
Woman: Yeah, I was in the . We do this all the
Conversation 2 - boss / help / that / nice / late / French / stay / made
Man: Why are you home so ?
Woman: My boss made me late today.
Man: Why did she do ?
Woman: I had to her write a letter in
Man: That was of you.
Woman: Well, she me do it. She’s the .
Conversation 3 - repairs / new / nice / careful / letting / made / Lucky / happened
Man: Did you get a car?
Woman: No, my friend is me use his.
Man: What to your car?
Woman: It is getting .
Man: you. This is a car.
Woman: Well, he me promise I’d be with it.
Conversation 4 - tough / so / younger / never / homework / study / sugar / strict
Man: Your mom is nice!
Woman: Yeah, she is now, but she was really strict when I was . Man: Really! How so?
Woman: Well, for one, she let me watch TV or eat
Man: Wow, that is !
Woman: And she made me at least four hours a day, even if I did not have . Man: Wow, that sounds like love.
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Lesson 3 – Used to – Past tense
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - miss / stop / play / free / basketball / high / older / guess
Man: Do you sports?
Woman: I used to play sports in ______ school.
Man: Yeah, I used to play too.
Woman: Why did you ?
Man: No time, I
Woman: Yeah, I used to have so much ______ time.
Man: Me too! I ______ those days.
Woman: What sports did you play?
Man: Baseball and . I used to be pretty good. Not anymore though.
Woman: Yeah, we all get
Conversation 2 - fun / use / used / foreign / know / once / Lucky / used
Man: Do you speak any ______ languages?
Woman: I speak French a little. I used to ______ it all the time, but not anymore.
Man: Really, why is that?
Woman: Well, I ______ to work for a French , and then I changed jobs.
Man: Oh, really? I didn’t ______ that.
Woman: Yeah, it was a lot of . I used to go to France ______ a year for work.
Man: ______ you! I love France.
Woman: Yeah, France is a lot of fun.
Conversation 3 - happened / also / coming / poor / fun / work / stressful / miss
Man: Are you ______ to the party?
Woman: No, I have to .
Man: Work! What ? You used to never ______ a party.
Woman: True, but I ______ didn’t used to have a ______ job.
Man: True. You used to be , but you were fun!
Woman: Yep! I used to be !
Conversation 4 - every / bad / have / sweets / always / together / moved / baking
Man: Hey, you used to ______ a Spanish co-worker, right?
Woman: Yeah, Maria. But she
Man: Really? That’s too I liked her. She used to ______ make me laugh.
Woman: I know. We used to have such fun
Man: She was so nice. She used to give me ______ when I visited your office.
Woman: Yeah, she loved . She used to bring cookies and cupcakes to the office
______ Friday.
Man: Sounds like you miss her.
Woman: I do! We all do.
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Lesson 4 – Would – Past tense
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - would / growing / tend / inside / best / childhood / ride / early
Man: What was it like up on a farm?
Woman: It was the . I used to have so much fun.
Man : Really? What ______ you do?
Woman: I would ______ horses, play with my dog, ______ to animals and just have fun!
Man: Sounds fun.
Woman: It was. Every day I would get up , and I would be outside all day. I wouldn’t go ______ until dark.
Man: Sounds like you had a great .
Woman: It was.
Conversation 2 - naughty / hang / city / world / familiar / memories / trouble / sidewalk
Woman: What was it like growing up in the ?
Man: It was fun. I have many good
Woman: Yeah? Such as?
Man: Well, my friends and I used to ______ out downtown. We would sit on the ______ and watch the ______ go by. It was so fun. Sometimes, we’d get in ______ though.
Woman: Really. What would you do?
Man: Well, we would be loud or . Kids’ stuff. Nothing serious though.
Woman: Yeah, sounds
Conversation 3 - stop / training / army / Really / early / though / tough / very
Man: What was life like in the ?
Woman: It was good, but it was ______ hard.
Man: ? How so?
Woman: Well, we were always busy. Every day we would get up really . Then we would march for ten miles. After that we would do more
Man: What would you do in the afternoon?
Woman: More training. Usually, we wouldn’t ______ training until late.
Man: That is so . How much sleep did you get?
Woman: Not much. We would usually get about six hours a night. It wasn’t enough .
Man: Do you miss it?
Woman: Yes, sometimes.
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Conversation 4 - would / childhood / everywhere / much / pocket / price / sweet / trouble
Woman: Do you have any memories from ______ which stand out to you?
Man: Hmm.. I remember I had a really big ______ tooth when I was a kid.
Woman: Really? What ______ you eat?
Man: When I was in elementary school I would eat candy almost every day. I would sometimes even sneak it into bed and end up with sugar ______.
Woman: Oh no! Did you get into ______ with your parents?
Man: Yes. I would get in trouble for spending all of my ______ money on treats, but I don’t think they knew how ______ I ate until we went to the dentist.
Woman: Oh, you definitely would have gotten into trouble then.
Man: I remember having to be at the dentist for 2 hours once because of all my cavities. I definitely paid the ______ for eating all that candy!
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Lesson 5 – Should – Suggestions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - rest / work / good / home / anyway / down / should / advice
Man: You don’t look so . Are you sick?
Woman: Yes. I think I’m coming ______ with a cold.
Man: Well, you should go ______ then.
Woman: But I really need to .
Man: No, no, no! You ______ go home and get some
Woman: OK, I guess I can work from home
Man: No, you shouldn’t work. You should stay in bed.
Woman: OK, I will do that. Thanks for your . Man: No problem. I hope you feel better soon.
Conversation 2 - drink / serious / better / feeling / worse / flu / immediately / spread
Man: So, how long have you been ill?
Woman: For about three days.
Man: Well, it looks like there’s a ______ bug going around.
Woman: OK. Is that ?
Man: No, it is a minor illness, but you should not be around people as it can
Woman: OK. What should I do to get ?
Man: Just get lots of rest and ______ lots of water. I will give you some medicine to make you feel better.
Woman: OK, thank you doctor.
Man: If you start to feel ______ after a few days, you should call me . Woman: OK, I’ll do that. Thank you.
Man: You’re welcome. You should feel better in a few days.
Conversation 3 - easy / best / shouldn’t / follow / vocab / should / every / Only
Man: What’s the way to learn Spanish?
Woman: Well, first you ______ learn new words ______ day.
Man: OK, that’s . What do you recommend?
Woman: I would download a ______ app. I would try to learn ten words a day.
Man: ______ ten words? I think I can learn 50 words a day.
Woman: No, you ______ do that because you won’t remember them. You shouldn’t try to do too much at one time.
Man: OK, I will ______ your advice. Thank you.
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Conversation 4 - idea / keeping / draw / advice / choose / free / ways / write
Man: Hello, Mrs. Wilson. Thanks for your ______ on learning Spanish vocabulary. Your tips worked. Do you have any more ______ to learn Spanish?
Woman: Well, you should try to use the words you learn by ______ a journal and trying to use them.
Man: That sounds too difficult. I can’t ______ anything yet.
Woman: Well, at first you can just ______ pictures of new words, like verbs and nouns.
Man: Oh, I like that . I’ll give that a try.
Woman: Oh, and you should use spanishlistening.org. It’s a great way to learn Spanish. Man: Sounds cool. Is it ?
Woman: Yes, it’s free! There are 100’s of listening lessons to ______ from.
Man: Cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks.
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Lesson 6 – Want to / Would Like to
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - open / would / future / eat / working / Greek / chef / join
Man: What do you want to do in the ?
Woman: I’d like to be a . I want to have my own restaurant.
Man: What kind of food ______ you like to cook?
Woman: I’d like to cook ______ food.
Man: Oh, if you do that, I want to ______ there.
Woman: I’d like that! What about you?
Man: I’d like to ______ a gym. I love ______ out.
Woman: That sounds cool! If you do that, I want to ______ your gym.
Conversation 2 - just / about / famous / Taylor / someday / secret / meet / Elon
Man: What ______ person would you like to meet ?
Woman: I’d like to meet ______ Musk.
Man: What would you ask him?
Woman: I’d ask him ______ his life. I want to know his ______ to success.
Man: I’d like to know that, too.
Woman: What about you? Who would you like to ?
Man: I’d like to meet ______ Swift.
Woman: What would you ask her?
Man: I don’t know. I’d ______ like to meet her!
Conversation 3 - farm / Where / country / would / live / beach / What / surf
Man: ______ would you like to live in the future?
Woman: I’d like to live in the
Man: Why the countryside? What ______ you do?
Woman: I’d like to have a . I want to grow my own food.
Man: That would be fun!
Woman: ______ about you? Where would you like to ?
Man: I want to live by a ______ with big waves, so I can ______ every day!
Woman: I’d like that, too. I love surfing!
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Conversation 4 - side / garden / lemon / order / iced / dressing / garlic / with
Man: Hello, can I take your ?
Woman: Yes, I’d like a ______ salad and a bowl of tomato soup.
Man: What kind of ______ would you like?
Woman: I’d like the Italian dressing.
Man: Would you like anything on the ?
Woman: Yes, I’d like a side of ______ bread.
Man: OK, and would you like anything to drink?
Woman: Yes, I’d like an ______ tea, please.
Man: Do you want sugar in that?
Woman: No, but I’d like some
Man: OK. Would you like that before or ______ your dinner?
Woman: Before, please. And can I get the bread first, too?
Man: Certainly. I’ll get that right away.
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Lesson 7 – Present Perfect – Experiences
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - been / yet / ever / Korea / haven’t / Many / Have / Where
Man: Have you been to Asia?
Woman: Yes, I have. ______ times.
Man: ______ have you ?
Woman: I have been to Japan, ______ and China.
Man: ______ you been to Indonesia?
Woman: No, I ______ been there !
Conversation 2 - ever / eaten / Have / lots / disgusting / food / ramen / I’ve
Man: Have you ______ eaten Japanese ?
Woman: I have. I have eaten ______ of Japanese food.
Man: What foods have you ?
Woman: ______ eaten sushi, , and yakisoba.
Man: ______ you tried natto?
Woman: No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s .
Conversation 3 - haven’t / I’ve / Wars / Spiderman / Have / except / all / good
Man: ______ you seen the new Star ______ movie?
Woman: Yes, I have seen them
Man: Have you seen all the ______ movies?
Woman: No, I . Have you?
Man: Yes, I have seen them all, ______ the latest one.
Man: Oh, ______ seen that one! It’s !
Conversation 4 - nice / tried / heard / time / job / only / café / once
Man: Have you ______ the new ?
Woman: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had . Have you?
Man: I have. It is really , but I’ve ______ been there
Woman: I’ve it is really nice.
Man: It is! They’ve done a nice !
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Lesson 8 – Modals of Obligation
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - early / doing / have / stuff / get / off / exciting / else
Man: I to work tonight.
Woman: Really? I don’t have to. Today is my day . When do you start?
Man: At 7, but I have to leave ______ to beat the traffic.
Woman: Yeah, you need to ______ going.
Man: What about you? What are you ______ today?
Woman: Nothing . I need to go grocery shopping, and I have to mail a few things.
Man: Sounds like fun !
Woman: Yeah, I know, but I have to do it today, or ______ it won’t get done.
Conversation 2 - over / free / jungle / trim / relaxing / gardening / yard / help
Man: What are you doing today?
Woman: Nothing. I’m ______ all day. What about you?
Man: I have to do ______ work today. My yard looks like a mess.
Woman: Really? What do you have to do?
Man: I have to cut the grass, ______ the hedges, and pull the weeds.
Woman: Sounds like fun! I love
Man: Really? I hate it, but I have to do it. My yard looks like a ______ right now.
Woman: Would you like me to ? I love working outdoors.
Man: I’d love some help. You don’t have to, though.
Woman: No, I want to help. It’s . I don’t have a yard, so I never get to do it.
Man: Great. Can you come ______ around 10?
Woman: Yes, that works. See you then.
Conversation 3 - everyone / dirty / wear / hassle / buy / feeling / tie / now
Man: Do you have to ______ a suit for work?
Woman: No, but I have to wear slacks and a . What about you?
Man: Yes, ______ has to wear a suit. It’s mandatory.
Woman: What a ! How many suits do you have?
Man: Just two for , so I have to be careful with them and not get them
Woman: Why don’t you just ______ a few more suits?
Man: I want to, but I must save money first.
Woman: Yeah, I know the
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Conversation 4 - stay / camp / hikes / hiring / license / online / excellent / interesting
Man: What are you doing over the summer break?
Woman: I’m working at a summer . This is my third season doing it.
Man: Oh, that sounds . What do you do for your job?
Woman: Basic outdoors stuff. I take kids on ______ or go river rafting with them.
Man: I’d love a job like that. How long is the camp?
Woman: Six weeks, but you must work every day, and you must ______ at the camp.
Man: I wouldn’t mind that. Are they ?
Woman: They are, but you have to have a driver’s ______ and be a good swimmer.
Man: I see. Well, I have a driver’s license, and I’m actually an ______ swimmer.
Woman: Well, then you should apply. But you must do it by April 15th.
Man: OK, I can do that! How do I apply?
Woman: You just have to go to the website and apply . I’ll send you the web address.
Man: Thanks! I’ll definitely apply. It sounds like a fun job.
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Lesson 9 – Zero Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - outdoor / winter / busy / weather / beach / empty / great / customers
Man: Where do you work?
Woman: I work at the . I’m a lifeguard.
Man: Interesting. That must be a ______ job.
Woman: Sometimes. But if it is hot, it gets really
Man: Oh, yeah? What about in ?
Woman: When winter comes, the beaches are , so there’s no work.
Man: Yeah, I work at an ______ cafe, and it’s similar.
Woman: Because of the ?
Man: Yes. If it rains, there’s not many . People don’t come when it rains.
Woman: Yeah, that makes sense.
Conversation 2 - busy / chance / tiny / easy / delivered / big / guests / Any
Man: Do you like to cook?
Woman: Yes, when I get the
Man: Do you have a ______ kitchen?
Woman: I do, but I rarely use it because I’m so . I only use it when I have .
Man: How do you cook for yourself, then?
Woman: Well, if I’m making ______ stuff, I just use the microwave.
Man: Oh, I’m so jealous. I would love to have a big kitchen. ______ kitchen, for that matter!
Woman: Really? You don’t have a kitchen?
Man: No, I don’t. I have a ______ apartment, so I just have a microwave.
Woman: I see. So what do you do? Do you just eat takeout every night?
Man: Yeah, usually, or I order something online and have it .
Woman: Yeah, I do that, too. Sign of the times, I guess.
Conversation 3 - Mexico / feels / speak / understand / learn / heard / much / family
Man: I __ you speak Spanish.
Woman: I do, but my Spanish is not perfect.
Man: Do you use it ?
Woman: Yes, for work and when I go to ______ to visit friends.
Man: That’s cool. I want to ______ Spanish. I sometimes need it when I visit my wife’s
Woman: Oh, where is her family from?
Man: They’re from Colombia.
Woman: Oh, I see. Can they ______ English?
Man: Yes, they can, but I can’t ______ them when they speak Spanish to each other.
Woman: Yeah, I know how that
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Conversation 4 - economy / How / order / Where / commission / tips / estate / busy
Man: ______ do you work?
Woman: At a restaurant.
Man: Interesting. ______ do you like working at the restaurant?
Woman: I like it, but it’s hard when it gets .
Man: Do you get ?
Woman: Not always, but I sometimes get them if I have a really big
Man: Cool! I don’t get tips, but I get a ______ if I make a sale. I’m in real estate.
Woman: That must be nice. I hear you can make a lot of money in real Man: You can if the ______ is good, but not when the market is slow.
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Lesson 10 – First Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - enough / forecast / cancel / playing / rains / know / ask / explaining
Man: Are we still football on Tuesday?
Woman: Yes, I think so. Why do you ?
Man: Well, the weather ______ says it will rain.
Woman: Well, if it , we will play in the gym. I will send an email to everyone ______ this.
Man: Do you think we will have ______ players?
Woman: Yes, I think so. We need 8 players to play. If we don’t get enough players, we will ______ though.
Man: Do you think we will get enough players to play?
Woman: I think so, but if we don’t, I will let everyone
Conversation 2 - park / will / station / covered / subway / busy / Would / bring
Man: I am having a party on Saturday. ______ you like to come?
Woman: I would love to if I have time. I might be ______ though.
Man: Well, the party ______ go until midnight, so please come if you have time.
Woman: Thanks. Should I ______ anything?
Man: No, I think I have everything , but you can bring extra drinks if you like.
Woman: OK, can I ______ at your house?
Man: Parking might be a problem, so if you can, I would take the
Woman: OK, I will do that.
Man: If it’s raining though, just call and I will pick you up from the .
Woman: Thanks, No need though. If I need to, I will go grab a taxi.
Man: Great. I hope you can make it.
Woman: I’ll try my best. If I can’t, I’ll let you know.
Conversation 3 - energy / think / plans / unless / spinning / something / busy / movie
Man: What are your ______ for tonight?
Woman: Well, if there is ______ good on Netflix, I will watch a . What about you?
Man: I ______ I will go to the gym, if I have enough
Woman: What do you do at the gym?
Man: I take a ______ class.
Woman: Oh, that sounds fun.
Man: It is, but it starts at 7, so ______ I finish my work on time, I can’t go.
Woman: Well, you better get ______ then.
Man: Yes, I know.
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Conversation 4 - friends / writing / skiing / promise / third / novel / written / holiday
Man: What are your plans for the winter ?
Woman: I want to go ______ if there is enough snow.
Man: Oh, that sounds fun. Who will you go with?
Woman: I will go with my parents, and a few ______ if they can make it. What about you?
Man: I will likely stay home. I might work on my ______ if I feel like it.
Woman: Oh, I didn’t know you were ______ a book.
Man: Yeah, this is my ______ one. I try to keep it a secret.
Woman: Really! I had no idea. What books have you ?
Man: Well, I’ll tell you, but only if you ______ to keep it a secret.
Woman: I promise. So what is the book?
Man: Well …
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Lesson 11 – Coordinating Conjunctions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - cheap / don’t / high / True / honest / easy / healthy / veggies
Man: I like this soup. It’s so yum, yet .
Woman: It is good, but it is ______ in sodium.
Man: Yeah, but it has lots of ______
Woman: . But it’s not , nor ______ to make.
Man: OK, you ______ like it.
Woman: I do. I’m just being
Conversation 2 - summer / will / school / yet / has / beach / graduate / would
Man: Where ______ you go for summer?
Woman: I am not sure .
Man: I will go to the ______ or the lake.
Woman: I ______ go, but my son has
Man: He has school in ?
Woman: Yeah, he ______ to go to school this summer or he will not .
Conversation 3 - Where / have / forest / somewhere / pictures / What / early / colors
Man: ______ will you do tomorrow?
Woman: I ______ to work, but I finish
Man: I don’t work, so I will go
Woman: ______ will you go?
Man: I think to the , for the leaves are changing ______ now.
Woman: Well, have a good time and take lots of
Conversation 4 - crowds / Watch / out / shows / boring / staying / nor / drink
Man: Do you go ______ much?
Woman: No, I don’t ______ and I don’t like .
Man: Yeah, me too, but I hate ______ home.
Woman: So what do you do? ______ movies?
Man: No, I don’t like movies, ______ do I like TV , so I tend to read a lot.
Woman: Sounds , but each to his own.
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Lesson 12 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Time
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - late / Sounds / usually / ready / soon / never / after / right
Man: What do you do after you finish work?
Woman: I usually go to the gym, and then ______ I work out, I go shopping.
Man: You must get home pretty . When do you eat dinner?
Woman: I usually eat as ______ as I get home, which is about 9.
Man: Wow, I could ______ eat dinner that late.
Woman: When do you usually eat dinner?
Man: I usually eat about 6, ______ after I get home.
Woman: Do you usually cook?
Man: No, my wife works from home, so she usually has dinner ______ by the time I get back.
Woman: ______ like a nice set-up.
Conversation 2 - problems / sign / password / click / register / check / email / regardless
Man: So, how do you ______ for this app on the website?
Woman: Well, first you put in your ______ address.
Man: OK, that seems pretty easy.
Woman: But before you can do anything else, you need to ______ your email.
Man: OK, then what do I do?
Woman: After you get the email, you need to ______ the link which goes back to the website.
Man: OK, do I need to do this as soon as I ______ up?
Woman: No, I think you can wait as long as you like, but I am not sure.
Man: OK. Well, , I will click it as soon as I get it. What next then?
Woman: Then you go back to the site and after you create a , you have an account. Then you can use the app.
Man: Sounds pretty easy. I think I can do that.
Woman: It’s very easy. I’m sure you will have no
Man: Thanks.
Conversation 3 - rain / bad / stopped / least / ready / though / all / next
Man: So, how was your day at the beach?
Woman: Awful. It started to ______ as soon as we got there.
Man: Oh no. Did it rain ______ day?
Woman: No, but by the time it , we were ______ to come back home.
Man: Oh, that is too .
Woman: We did get to swim a little , right before we left.
Man: Well, at ______ you had some fun.
Woman: Yeah, hopefully we’ll have nicer weather when we go ______ time.
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Conversation 4 - young / assuming / retire / doubt / here’s / after / about / relatively
Man: When do you want to ?
Woman: I want to retire when I am 50.
Man: Wow, that is pretty . Why so young?
Woman: I want to travel the world while I am still ______ young. What about you?
Man: I ______ I will retire before I am 70. I love working.
Woman: Oh, yeah? What do you want to do ______ you retire?
Man: Well, ______ I have grandkids, I want to spend as much time with them before they grow up.
Woman: That’s nice. Well, ______ to our future!
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Lesson 13 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Reason
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - understand / because / can / home / work / early / were / can’t
Man: Why did you go home yesterday?
Woman: I left early I was sick.
Man: Well, since you not here, I pay you.
Woman: I , although I did work from .
Man: Oh, you did?
Woman: Yes, I show you my
Conversation 2 - allergies / so / although / Maybe / cool / Nino / rainy / spring
Man: I love the because the weather’s so
Woman: I do too, but I don’t like weather, and it always rains a lot.
Man: Yeah, and I sometimes get
Woman: Me too, it hasn’t been bad this year.
Man: Yeah, not much. I think it's because of El
Woman: , although who knows?
Conversation 3 - close / Sunday / Let’s / since / soon / closes / Should / slow
Man: go to the store because it closes
Woman: When does it ?
Man: It at 10 because it’s
Woman: Let’s go then, it’s already 5:30.
Man: Sounds good. I drive?
Woman: No, I will since you drive
Conversation 4 - record / though / use / doing / filming / over / wish / cooking
Man: Can I your iPad?
Woman: Yeah, sure. It’s there.
Man: Can I use it to a short video?
Woman: Sure, what are you ?
Man: Well, even I am a terrible cook, I’m making a video for my son.
Woman: Fun! Since you’re that, can I be in it too?
Man: Sure, as you
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Lesson 14 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Conditionals
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - going / hope / Maybe / coming / long / might / stuck / make
Man: Are you to the party?
Woman: Yes, I'm ______ unless I get stuck at work.
Man: Really? You ______ have to work?
Woman: , but I'll call you if I can't ______ it.
Man: Well, I really ______ you can make it.
Woman: Me too! As ______ as we don't get too busy, I should make it, though.
Conversation 2 - test / see / sure / pass / long / need / study / again
Woman: Yes, Mr. Smith, you want to ______ me?
Man: Yes, We ______ to talk about your grades. I'm worried that you won't ______ the class unless you start doing better on your assignments.
Woman: Well, if I get an A on the , can I pass the class?
Man: Yes, I think so, as ______ as you do all of your homework assignments.
Woman: OK. I'll make ______ I do better, and I'll ______ hard for the next exam.
Man: I hope so, because if you don't, you'll have to take the class
Conversation 3 - booked / free / should / room / wait / lecture / let / back
Man: Can I use the conference ______ tomorrow?
Woman: Sure, as long as it is not
Man: What ______ I do if it is?
Woman: If it's booked, you can use the ______ hall.
Man: Ooh, that is too big I think.
Woman: Well, the conference room might be . I'll check and ______ you know if it is. If it isn't, what should I do?
Man: If it's booked then I will ______ until it is free. The lecture hall is too big.
Woman: OK, I'll get ______ to you soon.
Man: Great, thanks.
Conversation 4 - heavy / soccer / cancel / check / rains / hope / weather's / cancel
Man: Are we still playing ______ tomorrow?
Woman: Yes, I ______ so. We'll play as long as the ______ nice.
Man: Will we play if it ?
Woman: If the rain is not too , we will play.
Man: OK, and if it is?
Woman: If it is, I'll ______ with the others and let you know if we ______ the game.
Man: ______ good. Thanks.
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Lesson 15 – Second Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - else / during / change / were / better / employees / would / night
Man: So, if you the boss, what would you change about the company?
Woman: Well, first, I ______ let people work from home.
Man: I would like that. What ______ would you change?
Woman: I would also let ______ set their own schedule.
Man: I would love that. What hours would you work?
Woman: It would ______ day by day. If the weather was nice, I would work at
Man: And if the weather was bad?
Woman: Then I would work ______ the day. What about you?
Man: I’m not sure. Maybe I would do the same.
Woman: See, things would be ______ around here if I were the boss!
Conversation 2 - anything / degree / perhaps / could / guide / teacher / develop / practical
Man: If you ______ go back to school, what would you study?
Woman: I think I would study something ______ like computer engineering.
Man: What would you do with a ______ like that?
Woman: I would ______ apps to help people stay fit, I think, because I love exercise. What about you?
Man: Well, If I could study , I would study something I love, like art history.
Woman: Oh, that sounds interesting. Would you want to be a ?
Man: No, but ______ I could write books or be a tour ______ at a museum.
Woman: I like your idea. That sounds nice.
Conversation 3 - system / charge / affordable / education / could / though / health / better
Man: If you were in ______ of the country, what would you do?
Woman: Well, first, I would make ______ care free for everyone.
Man: I agree, I would do the same. What about ?
Woman: I wouldn’t make education free, but I would make it more .
Man: I like that idea. I might make it free
Woman: What about you? If you ______ do one thing, what would you do?
Man: If I were president, I would change the tax ______ so it is fair for everyone.
Woman: Me too. I think the world would be a ______ place if we were in charge.
Man: I think so too!
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - would / cheaply / travel / won / bored / probably / quit / mountains
Man: If you ______ the lottery, what would you buy?
Woman: I think I would buy a house. I would like to live in the Man: What else you do?
Woman: I would buy a new car.
Man: That would be nice.
Woman: What about you? What would you do if you won the lottery?
Man: Well, I would ______ my job and ______ the world.
Woman: Would you buy a new house or a car?
Man: No, I would live ______ , so I would never have to work again.
Woman: I think I would still work. I would get ______ if I didn’t have a job.
Man: To each his own, I guess.
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Lesson 16 – Adjective Clause
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - telling / huge / house / for / down / opened / Refresh / guy
Man: Who is this party ?
Woman: Tim. He's the guy who I was ______ you about.
Man: ______ my memory. Is he the guy who ______ the new cafe?
Woman: No, that's Larry. He's the ______ who just moved in the house ______ the street.
Man: Oh, the house that has that ______ garage.
Woman: Yes, that's the , and that's the guy.
Conversation 2 - company / card / tools / kind / introduction / interested / software / department
Man: So, where do you work?
Woman: I work for a tech ______ that makes business Man: Really, what ______ of software do you make?
Woman: We build ______ that help companies manage their money.
Man: Really? My company might be
Woman: Great. Let me give you my .
Man: I’ll give your card to someone who works in our financial
Woman: Thank you. I appreciate the
Conversation 3 - knows / long / together / How / years / some / contact / What Man: ______ was the party?
Woman: It was fun. I met a guy who ______ you.
Man: Really? ______ was his name?
Woman: Jason Tyler. He said you used to go to school
Man: Wow. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a ______ time. We played football together.
Woman: Yeah! He said that he still talks to ______ of the guys that you played with.
Man: Really? I have not talked to those guys in
Woman: You should ______ him. He gave me his card.
Man: Thanks. I just might do that.
Conversation 4 - documentary / moisture / little / interesting / impossible / month / desert / worth
Man: What did you do last night?
Woman: I watched a ______ about a tribe of people that live in the Man: Oh, that sounds . What was it about?
Woman: It showed how the people grow food that needs ______ water.
Man: Really? How did they do that?
Woman: Well, they grow food that collects ______ in the air.
Man: That sounds . I need to check that out.
Woman: It’s on the new channel. It just started this .
Man: My wife told me about that. I hear there are lots of docs that are ______ watching.
Woman: There are! You should check it out.
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Lesson 17 – Noun Clause
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - perfect / seeing / promises / clients / hoping / project / point / promotional
Woman: So, how is the new software development going?
Man: Good, from what I've been , we should be finished with it this month.
Woman: OK, what I really need at this , is a basic version to show ______ by next week. By any chance, is that possible?
Man: Well, I will see what I can do, but no Woman: Really? You think you can do it?
Man: It won't be , but I can get you a basic version of the software for ______ purposes.
Woman: Great. That's what I was ______ for.
Conversation 2 - budget / going / location / appreciate / standing / together / next / scenes
Woman: How is the film ?
Man: Good, but we need more money to film a few
Woman: Well, from where I'm , we can't give you any more money. You are already over-
Man: Yes, but we need to film in a new . Where we are filming now just doesn't cut it.
Woman: I don't like where you're going with this. This is costing too much money.
Man: Look, I understand, but this ______ scene is where the movie really comes . We really need it.
Woman: OK. I'll see what I can do, but this is the last time. Don't ask for more.
Man: Thank you. I really ______ this.
Conversation 3 - deserve / profits / humor / across / cafe / received / explained / over
Woman: And this is how we can turn sales into ! And that is my presentation. Thank you for coming.
Man: That was a great presentation. I loved how you ______ the data.
Woman: Oh, thank you. You never know how it will come ______ to the audience.
Man: Well, you ______ a lot of credit. Your style is very engaging, especially how you talk and how you use ______ to make a point.
Woman: Well, thank you again. I am glad that it was well- .
Man: Also, how you came up with the data was really interesting. Do you think you could discuss it ______ a cup of coffee?
Woman: I'd love to. I think there is a ______ downstairs.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - business / mentioned / saying / out / talking / being / hangs / right
Man: Who is our daughter to?
Woman: I am not sure who he is. She ______ something about a new friend from work.
Man: Well, I don't like who she ______ out with.
Woman: Who she hangs out with is none of your . She is 25 after all.
Man: Well, you know the old : it's not what you know, but who you know!
Woman: Well, she should have the ______ to see whoever she likes.
Man: I know. I'm just ______ a dad.
Woman: And I'm just being a mom.
Man: Well, who you hang ______ with says a lot about you.
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Lesson 18 – That Clause after Verbs
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - assume / correct / relief / heard / alone / invited / will / presume
Man: So, I that you are having a party?
Woman: Yeah, it ______ be next week.
Man: So, I ______ that all are ?
Woman: Yes, that would be . All are welcome.
Man: Okay, great. And I ______ that I should bring a date?
Woman: No need. You can come
Man: What a !
Conversation 2 - sales / will / sure / hope / was / better / better / terrible
Woman: How do you think ______ will be this year?
Man: Good. I think they ______ be ______ than last year.
Woman: I ______ they are.
Man: Yeah, last year was
Woman: It .
Man: Well, I'm _ we'll do ______ this year.
Conversation 3 - expressed / saw / discuss / say / budget / spending / meeting / doubt
Man: I ______ that you had a ______ with Jason.
Woman: Yes, he wanted to ______ the budget.
Man: Yeah? What did he ______ about it ?
Woman: He ______ that we are ______ too much.
Man: Well, I hope he does not cut the Woman: I ______ he will do that.
Conversation 4 - sister / holiday / summer / far / guess / would / saving / expensive
Woman: I think that I want to go on a ______ next month.
Man: Oh, yeah? Where ______ you go?
Woman: I’m not sure, but I think my ______ wanted to go too. She said that she wanted to go somewhere cold.
Man: Since it’s ______ over here, you’ll have to go somewhere away.
Woman: I ______ you’re right, although that will be .
Man: Yeah, you’d better start ______ soon!
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Lesson 19 – Gerunds
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - boring / easy / learning / writing / depends / grammar / Speaking / games
Man: Do you like English?
Woman: I do, but I don't like studying
Man: Yeah, learning grammar is not
Woman: ______ is fun though. I love speaking in class.
Man: What about ?
Woman: I don't enjoy writing that much
Man: I agree. Writing is
Woman: What about vocab? Do you like learning vocabulary?
Man: It . I like using some apps to learn vocabulary.
Woman: Me too. I like playing vocab ______ on my phone.
Conversation 2 - movies / hobby / outside / enjoy / nature / month / leaving / exercise
Man: What is your ?
Woman: Hiking. I go hiking every ______ with my friends.
Man: Oh, that is great. Hiking is such good
Woman: What about you? What do you ______ doing in your free time?
Man: Well, I don't like ______ the house, so I usually stay home.
Woman: Oh. What do you like doing then? Watching ?
Man: No, I like being , so I enjoy gardening.
Woman: Oh, it sounds like we both like being in .
Conversation 3 - prefer / sometimes / trying / alone / walking / online / faster / mall
Man: Do you like shopping ?
Woman: No, not really. I ______ shopping at the Man: Me too. I like ______ on clothes before I buy them.
Woman: Do you like shopping ______ or with friends?
Man: I prefer shopping alone. It's ______ that way. What about you?
Woman: I prefer shopping with friends. It's fun ______ around together.
Man: True. That is fun .
Conversation 4 - watching / karaoke / sports / listening / terrible / playing / join / quite
Man: Are you good at playing ?
Woman: No, but I like ______ sports on TV. What about you?
Man: I love ______ sports. I like watching it too.
Woman: What about music? Do you enjoy going to ?
Man: No. I am ______ at singing. I can't sing at all.
Woman: Oh, that's too bad. I ______ enjoy singing.
Man: I like ______ to people sing though.
Woman: Oh good. You should ______ us next time.
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Lesson 20 – Present Perfect – Time
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - gotten / anyone / overslept / arrived / think / call / forgotten / yet
Man: Has Bob yet?
Woman: No, he hasn’t here
Man: Has tried to him?
Woman: I don’t anyone has.
Man: Maybe he has
Woman: Or maybe he’s there’s a meeting.
Conversation 2 - report / writing / finished / check / Almost / haven’t / had / Have
Man: you sent the ?
Woman: No, I
Man: Why haven’t you ?
Woman: I haven’t time to the spelling.
Man: Have you finished it?
Woman: Yes, I have. done!
Conversation 3 - school / best / long / some / recently / time / while / since
Man: How have you known Joe?
Woman: I’ve known him high
Man: Wow! That’s a long .
Woman: Yeah, we have been friends for a Man: Have you seen him ?
Woman: No, I haven’t seen him for time.
Conversation 4 - too / before / forever / warm / thing / know / months / much
Man: Nice sweater. I haven’t seen it
Woman: Oh, this old ? I’ve had it .
Man: How come you haven’t worn it very ?
Woman: Well, it has been hot to wear it.
Man: Yeah, it has been a very lately.
Woman: I . I haven't needed a jacket for
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Lesson 21 – Should – Assumptions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - right / restroom / see / should / tell / down / Just / locked
Man: Excuse me. Where is the ?
Woman: It is ______ the hall. ______ turn ______ and you should ______ it.
Man: Thanks.
Woman: It ______ be open, but if it is ______ just ______ me.
Man: OK, thank you.
Conversation 2 - shouldn’t / shuttle / should / full / about / time / Actually / any
Man: When is the last ______ bus?
Woman: , it should be here right ______ now.
Man: Really, I don’t see it.
Woman: It ______ arrive ______ minute.
Man: OK, thanks. Will it be ?
Woman: It ______ be crowded this ______ of day.
Conversation 3 - reservation / need / credit / recommend / problem / would / Can / peak
Man: ______ you ______ a hotel?
Woman: Sure, I ______ stay at the Regent.
Man: Do I ______ to make a ?
Woman: You shouldn’t need to. It’s not ______ season.
Man: Can I pay by ______ card?
Woman: Yeah, it shouldn’t be a
Conversation 4 - Lay / aspirin / better / work / help / killing / while / help
Man: My head is ______ me!
Woman: ______ down. That should
Man: I can’t. I have to .
Woman: Take some ______ then
Man: Do you think it’ll ?
Woman: Yeah, you should feel ______ after a .
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Lesson 22 – Infinitives of Purpose
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - environment / same / whole / productive / room / myself / distraction / privacy
Woman: I love this break . It’s a great place to work.
Man: Yes, It’s a nice ______ to relax and clear your head.
Woman: I love the view, too. It’s a nice ______ to break the tension of work.
Man: I wish the ______ office was like this, really.
Woman: I wouldn’t go that far. I still like the ______ of my own office
Man: Well, I don’t need an office to be . I can work from anywhere.
Woman: Not me. I need a room to be by ______ sometimes.
Man: Yeah, I think most people feel the ______ way.
Conversation 2 - look / these / mind / this / social / guess / wrap / birthday
Woman: Hello, can I help you?
Man: Yes. I’d like to get something for my wife for her .
Woman: Alright. What did you have in ?
Man: She said she wants a dress to wear for ______ occasions.
Woman: Well, what about this one? It’s a nice dress to wear for all occasions.
Man: I think this would ______ good on her. I ______ this will do.
Woman: Would you like ______ shoes and ______ bag to go with it?
Man: No, thanks. Just the dress will do. Do you have a box to ______ it in?
Woman: We do. Let me take care of you at the register.
Conversation 3 - connect / glad / right / graphics / questions / model / meetings / webcam
Man: Hello. Can I ask you some ______ about this computer?
Woman: Sure. I’d be ______ to help.
Man: Does it have a webcam to hold online ?
Woman: No, it doesn’t, but it has a slot to ______ to a camera.
Man: OK, does it have a good ______ card to play video games?
Woman: Not this , but we have another computer that does. It also has a . Man: Great! Can I see it?
Woman: Yes, it’s ______ over here.
Conversation 4 - needed / useful / nicer / worth / scattered / navigation / takes / loan
Woman: I love your new car. It’s much ____ than your last one.
Man: Thanks. I ______ a new one to do my job.
Woman: I see it has a ______ system.
Man: Yes, it’s very . I need it to help me find locations around town. My clients are ______ all over the city.
Woman: Was it expensive? It looks like it costs a lot.
Man: It was. I needed a ______ to pay for it, but since I work in sales, it was ______ the money.
Woman: Well, as they say, it ______ money to make money.
Man: That is the truth. You can’t argue with that.
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Lesson 23 – Adjectives with Infinitives
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - miss / appreciate / sorry / start / luck / college / see / leaving
Woman: Hey Jack, I am to hear you are ______ us.
Man: Yeah, I will ______ this place.
Woman: Where are you going next?
Man: I am going back to ______ to get my PhD.
Woman: Well, we will miss you.
Man: Thanks. I am sad to leave this place, but I am excited for a new
Woman: Well, we are sad to ______ you go, but best of ______ with your studies.
Man: Thanks. I ______ that.
Conversation 2 - glad / game / certainly / happy / change / win / finally / lose
Woman: How was the ?
Man: It was good. I am ______ to say we ______ won.
Woman: Oh, great. I am ______ to hear that.
Man: Yeah, it was nice to ______ for a .
Woman: Yeah, it’s no fun to
Man: It ______ is not.
Conversation 3 - weight / time / never / give / easy / going / gain / stick
Woman: So, how is the diet ?
Man: Not good. It is so hard to lose .
Woman: I know. It is ______ easy to ______ to a diet.
Man: Also, I am very busy, so it is hard to find ______ to exercise.
Woman: Well, don’t ______ up. You can do it.
Man: That’s ______ for you to say. You never ______ weight.
Conversation 4 - hanging / busy / only / weekdays / crowded / crowds / impossible / quiet
Man: How was the mall? Did you have fun ______ out with your friends?
Woman: No, it was really ______ and almost ______ to find a place to sit.
Man: Yeah, it gets really ______ on the weekend.
Woman: Yeah, it’s better to go on the . But it’s no fun to go then.
Man: Why? There are no , so it is easy to get a table at the food court.
Woman: True, but it’s no fun to be the ______ one there.
Man: You have a point. Sometimes, it’s almost too ______ to have fun.
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Lesson 24 – Indirect Questions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - appointment / back / keeps / keys / set / after / wait / locked
Man: Do you know where Kate is?
Woman: She said she had an . She left about an hour ago.
Man: Oh, I see. I need the ______ to the safe. Do you know when she'll be ?
Woman: Yes, she said she’ll be back ______ lunch.
Man: Oh! I can't ______ that long. Do you know where she ______ the keys?
Woman: In her desk, but it's . However, I think Bob has a ______ of keys.
Man: OK, great. I'll go ask him.
Conversation 2 - better / shuttle / often / campus / fairly / bus / closes / straight
Woman: Excuse me, do you know where the library is?
Man: Yes, it's on the other side of It's about a ten-minute walk from here.
Woman: Do you know when it ?
Man: I think it's open 24 hours, but you'd ______ check.
Woman: Do you know if there’s a ______ that goes there?
Man: Yes, you can catch the campus ______ by the cafe. It goes __ to the library.
Woman: Do you know how ______ it comes?
Man: I'm not sure, but I think it comes ______ often.
Woman: Great. Thanks for your help.
Man: No problem at all.
Conversation 3 - what / never / how / memo / urgent / that / when / remember
Man: Do you know ______ the meeting is?
Woman: It's at 3:30.
Man: Do you know ______ it's about?
Woman: I'm not sure. The ______ didn’t say much. Just that it’s
Man: Where is it? I can’t
Woman: It's in Meeting Room 10.
Man: Do you know ______ long it will take?
Woman: The memo said an hour.
Man: An hour? Do you really think it will take ______ long?
Woman: I doubt it, but you ______ know.
Conversation 4 - laminates / used / seen / might / ever / machine / use / plastic
Man: Susan, do you know what this ______ is?
Woman: Yes, it’s a laminator.
Man: Do you know what it does?
Woman: Yes, it ______ paper. Laminate means to cover with Man: I see. Do you know how to ______ it?
Woman: Not really, I’ve never __ it.
Man: Do you know who ?
Woman: I think Jill does. I’ve ______ her use it before.
Man: Cool. I’ll ask her if I ______ want to use it.
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Lesson 25 – Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - server / send / have / back / second / look / remote / shoot
Man: Did you up the data?
Woman: Yes, I just backed it up on our ______ server.
Man: Do you ______ the password for that ?
Woman: No, I don’t. I’ll have to ______ it up.
Man: OK, when you do, can you ______ it to me?
Woman: Will do. I’ll ______ it over in just a
Conversation 2 - figure / out / spruce / rewrite / added / break / confusing / let
Woman: I looked over your report but I can’t ______ it out.
Man: Oh, really? I can ______ it down for you.
Woman: No, I need you to ______ it, so everyone can understand it.
Man: OK, I’ll rewrite it. What was ______ though?
Woman: I couldn’t make ______ how the numbers ______ up.
Man: OK, I’ll look it over again and ______ it up a bit.
Woman: Thanks. I’m sure you won’t ______ me down.
Conversation 3 - loan / earn / down / house / put / turned / mean / off
Woman: So did you get the home ?
Man: No, they ______ me
Woman: What? Why?
Man: They said I didn’t ______ enough money.
Woman: Does that ______ you can’t buy a new ?
Man: Yes. I’ll have to ______ it ______ for now I guess.
Conversation 4 - details / Will / bring / down / Got / pick / mention / email
Man: Hey, Joe is flying in tomorrow. Can you ______ him up at the airport?
Woman: Sure, what are his flight ?
Man: I’m not sure. I wrote them ______ somewhere!
Woman: When you find it, can you ______ it to me?
Man: ______ do. Oh, and when you pick him up, don’t ______ his divorce.
Woman: ______ it. I won’t ______ it up.
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Lesson 1 – ‘Do’ for Emphasis
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - now / don’t / Why / sports / expensive / did / do / cost
Man: Do you like sports?
Woman: No, but I do like golf.
Man: Golf?
Woman: You don’t like golf?
Man: I did like it when I was younger, but not now.
Woman: Oh, I love it. Why don't you like it anymore?
Man: It's just too expensive
Woman: True. It does cost a lot to play.
Conversation 2 - stuff / lot / never / much / And / sometimes / What / breakfast
Man: Do you cook much?
Woman: I do cook a lot
Man: What do you cook?
Woman: Just easy stuff like pasta dishes. And you?
Man: I don’t cook much. I do cook breakfast, though.
Woman: Really, I never cook breakfast. My husband does make me pancakes sometimes, though.
Conversation 3 - depressing / dramas / watch / always / news / rarely / do / sometimes
Man: Do you watch much TV?
Woman: I do watch a lot of TV.
Man: What do you watch?
Woman: I watch dramas. And you?
Man: I rarely watch TV. I do watch the news sometimes though.
Woman: How depressing! The news always makes me feel sad.
Man: Yeah, it does get depressing sometimes
Conversation 4 - grown / any / sorry / holidays / visit / did / do / moved
Man: Do you have any kids?
Woman: I don’t. And you?
Man: I do have kids but they are all grown now.
Woman: Do they live near you?
Man: They did live near me, but they moved
Woman: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Man: Yeah, me too. They do still visit a lot though.
Woman: Did you see them over the holidays?
Man: I did see them. We had a really nice time together.
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Lesson 2 – Causative Verbs
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - time / put / help / army / easy / trying / what / that
Man: Can you help me do this?
Woman: Sure, what are you trying to do?
Man: I’m trying to put up this tent.
Woman: Oh, it’s easy. Let me show you what to do.
Man: Wow, that was so easy for you.
Woman: Yeah, I was in the army. We do this all the time.
Conversation 2 - boss / help / that / nice / late / French / stay / made
Man: Why are you home so late?
Woman: My boss made me stay late today.
Man: Why did she do that?
Woman: I had to help her write a letter in French
Man: That was nice of you.
Woman: Well, she made me do it. She’s the boss
Conversation 3 - repairs / new / nice / careful / letting / made / Lucky / happened
Man: Did you get a new car?
Woman: No, my friend is letting me use his.
Man: What happened to your car?
Woman: It is getting repairs.
Man: Lucky you. This is a nice car.
Woman: Well, he made me promise I’d be careful with it.
Conversation 4 - tough / so / younger / never / homework / study / sugar / strict
Man: Your mom is so nice!
Woman: Yeah, she is now, but she was really strict when I was younger Man: Really! How so?
Woman: Well, for one, she never let me watch TV or eat sugar
Man: Wow, that is strict!
Woman: And she made me study at least four hours a day, even if I did not have homework.
Man: Wow, that sounds like tough love.
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Lesson 3 – Used to – Past tense
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - miss / stop / play / free / basketball / high / older / guess
Man: Do you play sports?
Woman: I used to play sports in high school.
Man: Yeah, I used to play too.
Woman: Why did you stop?
Man: No time, I guess.
Woman: Yeah, I used to have so much free time.
Man: Me too! I miss those days.
Woman: What sports did you play?
Man: Baseball and basketball. I used to be pretty good. Not anymore though.
Woman: Yeah, we all get older
Conversation 2 - fun / use / used / foreign / know / once / Lucky / used
Man: Do you speak any foreign languages?
Woman: I speak French a little. I used to use it all the time, but not anymore.
Man: Really, why is that?
Woman: Well, I used to work for a French company, and then I changed jobs.
Man: Oh, really? I didn’t know that.
Woman: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I used to go to France once a year for work
Man: Lucky you! I love France.
Woman: Yeah, France is a lot of fun.
Conversation 3 - happened / also / coming / poor / fun / work / stressful / miss
Man: Are you coming to the party?
Woman: No, I have to work.
Man: Work! What happened? You used to never miss a party.
Woman: True, but I also didn’t used to have a stressful job.
Man: True. You used to be poor, but you were fun!
Woman: Yep! I used to be fun!
Conversation 4 - every / bad / have / sweets / always / together / moved / baking
Man: Hey, you used to have a Spanish co-worker, right?
Woman: Yeah, Maria. But she moved
Man: Really? That’s too bad I liked her. She used to always make me laugh.
Woman: I know. We used to have such fun together.
Man: She was so nice. She used to give me sweets when I visited your office.
Woman: Yeah, she loved baking. She used to bring cookies and cupcakes to the office every Friday.
Man: Sounds like you miss her.
Woman: I do! We all do.
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Lesson 4 – Would – Past tense
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - would / growing / tend / inside / best / childhood / ride / early
Man: What was it like growing up on a farm?
Woman: It was the best. I used to have so much fun.
Man : Really? What would you do?
Woman: I would ride horses, play with my dog, tend to animals and just have fun!
Man: Sounds fun.
Woman: It was. Every day I would get up early, and I would be outside all day. I wouldn’t go inside until dark.
Man: Sounds like you had a great childhood
Woman: It was.
Conversation 2 - naughty / hang / city / world / familiar / memories / trouble / sidewalk
Woman: What was it like growing up in the city?
Man: It was fun. I have many good memories.
Woman: Yeah? Such as?
Man: Well, my friends and I used to hang out downtown. We would sit on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. It was so fun. Sometimes, we’d get in trouble though.
Woman: Really. What would you do?
Man: Well, we would be loud or naughty. Kids’ stuff. Nothing serious though.
Woman: Yeah, sounds familiar
Conversation 3 - stop / training / army / Really / early / though / tough / very
Man: What was life like in the army?
Woman: It was good, but it was very hard.
Man: Really? How so?
Woman: Well, we were always busy. Every day we would get up really early. Then we would march for ten miles. After that we would do more training Man: What would you do in the afternoon?
Woman: More training. Usually, we wouldn’t stop training until late.
Man: That is so tough. How much sleep did you get?
Woman: Not much. We would usually get about six hours a night. It wasn’t enough though
Man: Do you miss it?
Woman: Yes, sometimes.
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Conversation 4 - would / childhood / everywhere / much / pocket / price / sweet / trouble
Woman: Do you have any memories from childhood which stand out to you?
Man: Hmm.. I remember I had a really big sweet tooth when I was a kid.
Woman: Really? What would you eat?
Man: When I was in elementary school I would eat candy almost every day. I would sometimes even sneak it into bed and end up with sugar everywhere.
Woman: Oh no! Did you get into trouble with your parents?
Man: Yes. I would get in trouble for spending all of my pocket money on treats, but I don’t think they knew how much I ate until we went to the dentist.
Woman: Oh, you definitely would have gotten into trouble then.
Man: I remember having to be at the dentist for 2 hours once because of all my cavities. I definitely paid the price for eating all that candy!
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Lesson 5 – Should – Suggestions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - rest / work / good / home / anyway / down / should / advice
Man: You don’t look so good. Are you sick?
Woman: Yes. I think I’m coming down with a cold.
Man: Well, you should go home then.
Woman: But I really need to work
Man: No, no, no! You should go home and get some rest.
Woman: OK, I guess I can work from home anyway.
Man: No, you shouldn’t work. You should stay in bed.
Woman: OK, I will do that. Thanks for your advice
Man: No problem. I hope you feel better soon.
Conversation 2 - drink / serious / better / feeling / worse / flu / immediately / spread
Man: So, how long have you been feeling ill?
Woman: For about three days.
Man: Well, it looks like there’s a flu bug going around.
Woman: OK. Is that serious?
Man: No, it is a minor illness, but you should not be around people as it can spread.
Woman: OK. What should I do to get better?
Man: Just get lots of rest and drink lots of water. I will give you some medicine to make you feel better.
Woman: OK, thank you doctor.
Man: If you start to feel worse after a few days, you should call me immediately
Woman: OK, I’ll do that. Thank you.
Man: You’re welcome. You should feel better in a few days.
Conversation 3 - easy / best / shouldn’t / follow / vocab / should / every / Only
Man: What’s the best way to learn Spanish?
Woman: Well, first you should learn new words every day.
Man: OK, that’s easy. What do you recommend?
Woman: I would download a vocab app. I would try to learn ten words a day.
Man: Only ten words? I think I can learn 50 words a day.
Woman: No, you shouldn’t do that because you won’t remember them. You shouldn’t try to do too much at one time.
Man: OK, I will follow your advice. Thank you.
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Conversation 4 - idea / keeping / draw / advice / choose / free / ways / write
Man: Hello, Mrs. Wilson. Thanks for your advice on learning Spanish vocabulary. Your tips worked. Do you have any more ways to learn Spanish?
Woman: Well, you should try to use the words you learn by keeping a journal and trying to use them.
Man: That sounds too difficult. I can’t write anything yet.
Woman: Well, at first you can just draw pictures of new words, like verbs and nouns.
Man: Oh, I like that idea. I’ll give that a try.
Woman: Oh, and you should use spanishlistening.org. It’s a great way to learn Spanish.
Man: Sounds cool. Is it free?
Woman: Yes, it’s free! There are 100’s of listening lessons to choose from.
Man: Cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks.
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Lesson 6 – Want to / Would Like to Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - open / would / future / eat / working / Greek / chef / join
Man: What do you want to do in the future?
Woman: I’d like to be a chef. I want to have my own restaurant.
Man: What kind of food would you like to cook?
Woman: I’d like to cook Greek food.
Man: Oh, if you do that, I want to eat there.
Woman: I’d like that! What about you?
Man: I’d like to open a gym. I love working out.
Woman: That sounds cool! If you do that, I want to join your gym.
Conversation 2 - just / about / famous / Taylor / someday / secret / meet / Elon
Man: What famous person would you like to meet someday?
Woman: I’d like to meet Elon Musk.
Man: What would you ask him?
Woman: I’d ask him about his life. I want to know his secret to success.
Man: I’d like to know that, too.
Woman: What about you? Who would you like to meet?
Man: I’d like to meet Taylor Swift.
Woman: What would you ask her?
Man: I don’t know. I’d just like to meet her!
Conversation 3 - farm / Where / country / would / live / beach / What / surf
Man: Where would you like to live in the future?
Woman: I’d like to live in the country
Man: Why the countryside? What would you do?
Woman: I’d like to have a farm. I want to grow my own food.
Man: That would be fun!
Woman: What about you? Where would you like to live?
Man: I want to live by a beach with big waves, so I can surf every day!
Woman: I’d like that, too. I love surfing!
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Conversation 4 - side / garden / lemon / order / iced / dressing / garlic / with
Man: Hello, can I take your order?
Woman: Yes, I’d like a garden salad and a bowl of tomato soup.
Man: What kind of dressing would you like?
Woman: I’d like the Italian dressing.
Man: Would you like anything on the side?
Woman: Yes, I’d like a side of garlic bread.
Man: OK, and would you like anything to drink?
Woman: Yes, I’d like an iced tea, please.
Man: Do you want sugar in that?
Woman: No, but I’d like some lemon
Man: OK. Would you like that before or with your dinner?
Woman: Before, please. And can I get the bread first, too?
Man: Certainly. I’ll get that right away.
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Lesson 7 – Present Perfect – Experiences
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - been / yet / ever / Korea / haven’t / Many / Have / Where
Man: Have you ever been to Asia?
Woman: Yes, I have. Many times.
Man: Where have you been?
Woman: I have been to Japan, Korea and China.
Man: Have you been to Indonesia?
Woman: No, I haven’t been there yet!
Conversation 2 - ever / eaten / Have / lots / disgusting / food / ramen / I’ve
Man: Have you ever eaten Japanese food?
Woman: I have. I have eaten lots of Japanese food.
Man: What foods have you eaten?
Woman: I’ve eaten sushi, ramen, and yakisoba.
Man: Have you tried natto?
Woman: No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s disgusting
Conversation 3 - haven’t / I’ve / Wars / Spiderman / Have / except / all / good
Man: Have you seen the new Star Wars movie?
Woman: Yes, I have seen them all
Man: Have you seen all the Spiderman movies?
Woman: No, I haven’t. Have you?
Man: Yes, I have seen them all, except the latest one.
Man: Oh, I’ve seen that one! It’s good!
Conversation 4 - nice / tried / heard / time / job / only / café / once
Man: Have you tried the new café?
Woman: No, I haven’t. I haven’t had time. Have you?
Man: I have. It is really nice, but I’ve only been there once
Woman: I’ve heard it is really nice.
Man: It is! They’ve done a nice job!
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Lesson 8 – Modals of Obligation
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - early / doing / have / stuff / get / off / exciting / else
Man: I have to work tonight.
Woman: Really? I don’t have to. Today is my day off. When do you start?
Man: At 7, but I have to leave early to beat the traffic.
Woman: Yeah, you need to get going.
Man: What about you? What are you doing today?
Woman: Nothing exciting. I need to go grocery shopping, and I have to mail a few things.
Man: Sounds like fun stuff!
Woman: Yeah, I know, but I have to do it today, or else it won’t get done.
Conversation 2 - over / free / jungle / trim / relaxing / gardening / yard / help
Man: What are you doing today?
Woman: Nothing. I’m free all day. What about you?
Man: I have to do yard work today. My yard looks like a mess.
Woman: Really? What do you have to do?
Man: I have to cut the grass, trim the hedges, and pull the weeds.
Woman: Sounds like fun! I love gardening.
Man: Really? I hate it, but I have to do it. My yard looks like a jungle right now.
Woman: Would you like me to help? I love working outdoors.
Man: I’d love some help. You don’t have to, though.
Woman: No, I want to help. It’s relaxing. I don’t have a yard, so I never get to do it.
Man: Great. Can you come over around 10?
Woman: Yes, that works. See you then.
Conversation 3 - everyone / dirty / wear / hassle / buy / feeling / tie / now
Man: Do you have to wear a suit for work?
Woman: No, but I have to wear slacks and a tie. What about you?
Man: Yes, everyone has to wear a suit. It’s mandatory.
Woman: What a hassle! How many suits do you have?
Man: Just two for now, so I have to be careful with them and not get them dirty
Woman: Why don’t you just buy a few more suits?
Man: I want to, but I must save money first.
Woman: Yeah, I know the feeling
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Conversation 4 - stay / camp / hikes / hiring / license / online / excellent / interesting
Man: What are you doing over the summer break?
Woman: I’m working at a summer camp. This is my third season doing it.
Man: Oh, that sounds interesting. What do you do for your job?
Woman: Basic outdoors stuff. I take kids on hikes or go river rafting with them.
Man: I’d love a job like that. How long is the camp?
Woman: Six weeks, but you must work every day, and you must stay at the camp.
Man: I wouldn’t mind that. Are they hiring?
Woman: They are, but you have to have a driver’s license and be a good swimmer.
Man: I see. Well, I have a driver’s license, and I’m actually an excellent swimmer.
Woman: Well, then you should apply. But you must do it by April 15th.
Man: OK, I can do that! How do I apply?
Woman: You just have to go to the website and apply online. I’ll send you the web address.
Man: Thanks! I’ll definitely apply. It sounds like a fun job.
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Lesson 9 – Zero Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - outdoor / winter / busy / weather / beach / empty / great / customers
Man: Where do you work?
Woman: I work at the beach. I’m a lifeguard.
Man: Interesting. That must be a great job.
Woman: Sometimes. But if it is hot, it gets really busy.
Man: Oh, yeah? What about in winter?
Woman: When winter comes, the beaches are empty, so there’s no work.
Man: Yeah, I work at an outdoor cafe, and it’s similar
Woman: Because of the weather?
Man: Yes. If it rains, there’s not many customers. People don’t come when it rains.
Woman: Yeah, that makes sense.
Conversation 2 - busy / chance / tiny / easy / delivered / big / guests / Any
Man: Do you like to cook?
Woman: Yes, when I get the chance
Man: Do you have a big kitchen?
Woman: I do, but I rarely use it because I’m so busy. I only use it when I have guests
Man: How do you cook for yourself, then?
Woman: Well, if I’m making easy stuff, I just use the microwave.
Man: Oh, I’m so jealous. I would love to have a big kitchen. Any kitchen, for that matter!
Woman: Really? You don’t have a kitchen?
Man: No, I don’t. I have a tiny apartment, so I just have a microwave.
Woman: I see. So what do you do? Do you just eat takeout every night?
Man: Yeah, usually, or I order something online and have it delivered
Woman: Yeah, I do that, too. Sign of the times, I guess.
Conversation 3 - Mexico / feels / speak / understand / learn / heard / much / family
Man: I heard you speak Spanish.
Woman: I do, but my Spanish is not perfect.
Man: Do you use it much?
Woman: Yes, for work and when I go to Mexico to visit friends.
Man: That’s cool I want to learn Spanish. I sometimes need it when I visit my wife’s family
Woman: Oh, where is her family from?
Man: They’re from Colombia.
Woman: Oh, I see. Can they speak English?
Man: Yes, they can, but I can’t understand them when they speak Spanish to each other.
Woman: Yeah, I know how that feels
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Conversation 4 - economy / How / order / Where / commission / tips / estate / busy
Man: Where do you work?
Woman: At a restaurant.
Man: Interesting. How do you like working at the restaurant?
Woman: I like it, but it’s hard when it gets busy
Man: Do you get tips?
Woman: Not always, but I sometimes get them if I have a really big order
Man: Cool! I don’t get tips, but I get a commission if I make a sale. I’m in real estate.
Woman: That must be nice. I hear you can make a lot of money in real estate. Man: You can if the economy is good, but not when the market is slow.
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Lesson 10 – First Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - enough / forecast / cancel / playing / rains / know / ask / explaining
Man: Are we still playing football on Tuesday?
Woman: Yes, I think so. Why do you ask?
Man: Well, the weather forecast says it will rain.
Woman: Well, if it rains, we will play in the gym. I will send an email to everyone explaining this.
Man: Do you think we will have enough players?
Woman: Yes, I think so. We need 8 players to play. If we don’t get enough players, we will cancel though.
Man: Do you think we will get enough players to play?
Woman: I think so, but if we don’t, I will let everyone know
Conversation 2 - park / will / station / covered / subway / busy / Would / bring
Man: I am having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
Woman: I would love to if I have time. I might be busy though.
Man: Well, the party will go until midnight, so please come if you have time.
Woman: Thanks. Should I bring anything?
Man: No, I think I have everything covered, but you can bring extra drinks if you like.
Woman: OK, can I park at your house?
Man: Parking might be a problem, so if you can, I would take the subway
Woman: OK, I will do that.
Man: If it’s raining though, just call and I will pick you up from the station
Woman: Thanks, No need though. If I need to, I will go grab a taxi.
Man: Great. I hope you can make it.
Woman: I’ll try my best. If I can’t, I’ll let you know.
Conversation 3 - energy / think / plans / unless / spinning / something / busy / movie
Man: What are your plans for tonight?
Woman: Well, if there is something good on Netflix, I will watch a movie. What about you?
Man: I think I will go to the gym, if I have enough energy
Woman: What do you do at the gym?
Man: I take a spinning class.
Woman: Oh, that sounds fun.
Man: It is, but it starts at 7, so unless I finish my work on time, I can’t go.
Woman: Well, you better get busy then.
Man: Yes, I know.
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Conversation 4 - friends / writing / skiing / promise / third / novel / written / holiday
Man: What are your plans for the winter holiday?
Woman: I want to go skiing if there is enough snow.
Man: Oh, that sounds fun. Who will you go with?
Woman: I will go with my parents, and a few friends if they can make it. What about you?
Man: I will likely stay home. I might work on my novel if I feel like it.
Woman: Oh, I didn’t know you were writing a book.
Man: Yeah, this is my third one. I try to keep it a secret.
Woman: Really! I had no idea. What books have you written?
Man: Well, I’ll tell you, but only if you promise to keep it a secret.
Woman: I promise. So what is the book?
Man: Well …
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Lesson 11 – Coordinating Conjunctions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - cheap / don’t / high / True / honest / easy / healthy / veggies
Man: I like this soup. It’s so yum, yet healthy
Woman: It is good, but it is high in sodium.
Man: Yeah, but it has lots of veggies
Woman: True. But it’s not cheap, nor easy to make.
Man: OK, you don’t like it.
Woman: I do. I’m just being honest.
Conversation 2 - summer / will / school / yet / has / beach / graduate / would
Man: Where will you go for summer?
Woman: I am not sure yet
Man: I will go to the beach or the lake.
Woman: I would go, but my son has school
Man: He has school in summer?
Woman: Yeah, he has to go to school this summer or he will not graduate
Conversation 3 - Where / have / forest / somewhere / pictures / What / early / colors
Man: What will you do tomorrow?
Woman: I have to work, but I finish early
Man: I don’t work, so I will go somewhere
Woman: Where will you go?
Man: I think to the forest, for the leaves are changing colors now.
Woman: Well, have a good time and take lots of pictures
Conversation 4 - crowds / Watch / out / shows / boring / staying / nor / drink
Man: Do you go out much?
Woman: No, I don’t drink and I don’t like crowds
Man: Yeah, me too, but I hate staying home.
Woman: So what do you do? Watch movies?
Man: No, I don’t like movies, nor do I like TV shows, so I tend to read a lot.
Woman: Sounds boring, but each to his own.
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Lesson 12 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Time
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - late / Sounds / usually / ready / soon / never / after / right
Man: What do you usually do after you finish work?
Woman: I usually go to the gym, and then after I work out, I go shopping.
Man: You must get home pretty late. When do you eat dinner?
Woman: I usually eat as soon as I get home, which is about 9.
Man: Wow, I could never eat dinner that late.
Woman: When do you usually eat dinner?
Man: I usually eat about 6, right after I get home.
Woman: Do you usually cook?
Man: No, my wife works from home, so she usually has dinner ready by the time I get back.
Woman: Sounds like a nice set-up.
Conversation 2 - problems / sign / password / click / register / check / email / regardless
Man: So, how do you register for this app on the website?
Woman: Well, first you put in your email address.
Man: OK, that seems pretty easy.
Woman: But before you can do anything else, you need to check your email.
Man: OK, then what do I do?
Woman: After you get the email, you need to click the link which goes back to the website.
Man: OK, do I need to do this as soon as I sign up?
Woman: No, I think you can wait as long as you like, but I am not sure.
Man: OK. Well, regardless, I will click it as soon as I get it. What next then?
Woman: Then you go back to the site and after you create a password, you have an account. Then you can use the app.
Man: Sounds pretty easy. I think I can do that.
Woman: It’s very easy. I’m sure you will have no problems
Man: Thanks.
Conversation 3 - rain / bad / stopped / least / ready / though / all / next
Man: So, how was your day at the beach?
Woman: Awful. It started to rain as soon as we got there.
Man: Oh no. Did it rain all day?
Woman: No, but by the time it stopped, we were ready to come back home.
Man: Oh, that is too bad
Woman: We did get to swim a little though, right before we left.
Man: Well, at least you had some fun.
Woman: Yeah, hopefully we’ll have nicer weather when we go next time.
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Conversation 4 - young / assuming / retire / doubt / here’s / after / about / relatively
Man: When do you want to retire?
Woman: I want to retire when I am about 50.
Man: Wow, that is pretty young. Why so young?
Woman: I want to travel the world while I am still relatively young. What about you?
Man: I doubt I will retire before I am 70. I love working.
Woman: Oh, yeah? What do you want to do after you retire?
Man: Well, assuming I have grandkids, I want to spend as much time with them before they grow up.
Woman: That’s nice. Well, here’s to our future!
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Lesson 13 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Reason
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - understand / because / can / home / work / early / were / can’t
Man: Why did you go home early yesterday?
Woman: I left early because I was sick.
Man: Well, since you were not here, I can’t pay you.
Woman: I understand, although I did work from home
Man: Oh, you did?
Woman: Yes, I can show you my work.
Conversation 2 - allergies / so / although / Maybe / cool / Nino / rainy / spring
Man: I love the spring because the weather’s so cool
Woman: I do too, but I don’t like rainy weather, and it always rains a lot.
Man: Yeah, and I sometimes get allergies
Woman: Me too, although it hasn’t been bad this year.
Man: Yeah, not so much. I think it's because of El Nino.
Woman: Maybe, although who knows?
Conversation 3 - close / Sunday / Let’s / since / soon / closes / Should / slow
Man: Let’s go to the store because it closes soon.
Woman: When does it close?
Man: It closes at 10 because it’s Sunday
Woman: Let’s go then, since it’s already 5:30.
Man: Sounds good. Should I drive?
Woman: No, I will since you drive slow
Conversation 4 - record / though / use / doing / filming / over / wish / cooking
Man: Can I use your iPad?
Woman: Yeah, sure. It’s over there.
Man: Can I use it to record a short video?
Woman: Sure, what are you filming?
Man: Well, even though I am a terrible cook, I’m making a cooking video for my son.
Woman: Fun! Since you’re doing that, can I be in it too?
Man: Sure, as you wish.
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Lesson 14 – Subordinating Conjunctions – Conditionals
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - going / hope / Maybe / coming / long / might / stuck / make
Man: Are you coming to the party?
Woman: Yes, I'm going unless I get stuck at work.
Man: Really? You might have to work?
Woman: Maybe, but I'll call you if I can't make it.
Man: Well, I really hope you can make it.
Woman: Me too! As long as we don't get too busy, I should make it, though.
Conversation 2 - test / see / sure / pass / long / need / study / again
Woman: Yes, Mr. Smith, you want to see me?
Man: Yes, We need to talk about your grades. I'm worried that you won't pass the class unless you start doing better on your assignments.
Woman: Well, if I get an A on the test, can I pass the class?
Man: Yes, I think so, as long as you do all of your homework assignments.
Woman: OK. I'll make sure I do better, and I'll study hard for the next exam.
Man: I hope so, because if you don't, you'll have to take the class again
Conversation 3 - booked / free / should / room / wait / lecture / let / back
Man: Can I use the conference room tomorrow?
Woman: Sure, as long as it is not booked
Man: What should I do if it is?
Woman: If it's booked, you can use the lecture hall.
Man: Ooh, that is too big I think.
Woman: Well, the conference room might be free. I'll check and let you know if it is. If it isn't, what should I do?
Man: If it's booked then I will wait until it is free. The lecture hall is too big.
Woman: OK, I'll get back to you soon.
Man: Great, thanks.
Conversation 4 - heavy / soccer / cancel / check / rains / hope / weather's / cancel
Man: Are we still playing soccer tomorrow?
Woman: Yes, I hope so. We'll play as long as the weather's nice.
Man: Will we play if it rains?
Woman: If the rain is not too heavy, we will play.
Man: OK, and if it is?
Woman: If it is, I'll check with the others and let you know if we cancel the game.
Man: Sounds good. Thanks.
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Lesson 15 – Second Conditional
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - else / during / change / were / better / employees / would / night
Man: So, if you were the boss, what would you change about the company?
Woman: Well, first, I would let people work from home.
Man: I would like that. What else would you change?
Woman: I would also let employees set their own schedule.
Man: I would love that. What hours would you work?
Woman: It would change day by day. If the weather was nice, I would work at night.
Man: And if the weather was bad?
Woman: Then I would work during the day. What about you?
Man: I’m not sure. Maybe I would do the same
Woman: See, things would be better around here if I were the boss!
Conversation 2 - anything / degree / perhaps / could / guide / teacher / develop / practical
Man: If you could go back to school, what would you study?
Woman: I think I would study something practical like computer engineering.
Man: What would you do with a degree like that?
Woman: I would develop apps to help people stay fit, I think, because I love exercise. What about you?
Man: Well, If I could study anything, I would study something I love, like art history.
Woman: Oh, that sounds interesting. Would you want to be a teacher?
Man: No, but perhaps I could write books or be a tour guide at a museum.
Woman: I like your idea. That sounds nice.
Conversation 3 - system / charge / affordable / education / could / though / health / better
Man: If you were in charge of the country, what would you do?
Woman: Well, first, I would make health care free for everyone.
Man: I agree, I would do the same. What about education?
Woman: I wouldn’t make education free, but I would make it more affordable
Man: I like that idea. I might make it free though
Woman: What about you? If you could do one thing, what would you do?
Man: If I were president, I would change the tax system so it is fair for everyone.
Woman: Me too. I think the world would be a better place if we were in charge.
Man: I think so too!
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - would / cheaply / travel / won / bored / probably / quit / mountains
Man: If you won the lottery, what would you buy?
Woman: I think I would buy a house. I would like to live in the mountains.
Man: What else would you do?
Woman: I would probably buy a new car.
Man: That would be nice.
Woman: What about you? What would you do if you won the lottery?
Man: Well, I would quit my job and travel the world.
Woman: Would you buy a new house or a car?
Man: No, I would live cheaply, so I would never have to work again.
Woman: I think I would still work. I would get bored if I didn’t have a job.
Man: To each his own, I guess.
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Lesson 16 – Adjective Clause
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - telling / huge / house / for / down / opened / Refresh / guy
Man: Who is this party for?
Woman: Tim. He's the guy who I was telling you about.
Man: Refresh my memory. Is he the guy who opened the new cafe?
Woman: No, that's Larry. He's the guy who just moved in the house down the street.
Man: Oh, the house that has that huge garage.
Woman: Yes, that's the house, and that's the guy.
Conversation 2 - company / card / tools / kind / introduction / interested / software / department
Man: So, where do you work?
Woman: I work for a tech company that makes business software
Man: Really, what kind of software do you make?
Woman: We build tools that help companies manage their money.
Man: Really? My company might be interested.
Woman: Great. Let me give you my card
Man: I’ll give your card to someone who works in our financial department
Woman: Thank you. I appreciate the introduction
Conversation 3 - knows / long / together / How / years / some / contact / What
Man: How was the party?
Woman: It was fun. I met a guy who knows you.
Man: Really? What was his name?
Woman: Jason Tyler. He said you used to go to school together
Man: Wow. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. We played football together.
Woman: Yeah! He said that he still talks to some of the guys that you played with.
Man: Really? I have not talked to those guys in years
Woman: You should contact him. He gave me his card.
Man: Thanks. I just might do that.
Conversation 4 - documentary / moisture / little / interesting / impossible / month / desert / worth
Man: What did you do last night?
Woman: I watched a documentary about a tribe of people that live in the desert
Man: Oh, that sounds interesting. What was it about?
Woman: It showed how the people grow food that needs little water.
Man: Really? How did they do that?
Woman: Well, they grow food that collects moisture in the air.
Man: That sounds impossible. I need to check that out.
Woman: It’s on the new channel. It just started this month
Man: My wife told me about that. I hear there are lots of docs that are worth watching.
Woman: There are! You should check it out.
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Lesson 17 – Noun Clause
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - perfect / seeing / promises / clients / hoping / project / point / promotional
Woman: So, how is the new software development project going?
Man: Good, from what I've been seeing, we should be finished with it this month.
Woman: OK, what I really need at this point, is a basic version to show clients by next week. By any chance, is that possible?
Man: Well, I will see what I can do, but no promises.
Woman: Really? You think you can do it?
Man: It won't be perfect, but I can get you a basic version of the software for promotional purposes.
Woman: Great. That's what I was hoping for.
Conversation 2 - budget / going / location / appreciate / standing / together / next / scenes
Woman: How is the film going?
Man: Good, but we need more money to film a few scenes.
Woman: Well, from where I'm standing, we can't give you any more money. You are already over-budget
Man: Yes, but we need to film in a new location. Where we are filming now just doesn't cut it.
Woman: I don't like where you're going with this. This is costing too much money.
Man: Look, I understand, but this next scene is where the movie really comes together. We really need it.
Woman: OK. I'll see what I can do, but this is the last time. Don't ask for more.
Man: Thank you. I really appreciate this.
Conversation 3 - deserve / profits / humor / across / cafe / received / explained / over
Woman: And this is how we can turn sales into profits! And that is my presentation. Thank you for coming.
Man: That was a great presentation. I loved how you explained the data.
Woman: Oh, thank you. You never know how it will come across to the audience.
Man: Well, you deserve a lot of credit. Your style is very engaging, especially how you talk and how you use humor to make a point.
Woman: Well, thank you again. I am glad that it was well-received.
Man: Also, how you came up with the data was really interesting. Do you think you could discuss it over a cup of coffee?
Woman: I'd love to. I think there is a cafe downstairs.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - business / mentioned / saying / out / talking / being / hangs / right
Man: Who is our daughter talking to?
Woman: I am not sure who he is. She mentioned something about a new friend from work.
Man: Well, I don't like who she hangs out with.
Woman: Who she hangs out with is none of your business. She is 25 after all.
Man: Well, you know the old saying: it's not what you know, but who you know!
Woman: Well, she should have the right to see whoever she likes.
Man: I know. I'm just being a dad.
Woman: And I'm just being a mom.
Man: Well, who you hang out with says a lot about you.
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Lesson 18 – That Clause after Verbs Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - assume / correct / relief / heard / alone / invited / will / presume
Man: So, I heard that you are having a party?
Woman: Yeah, it will be next week.
Man: So, I assume that all are invited?
Woman: Yes, that would be correct. All are welcome.
Man: Okay, great. And I presume that I should bring a date?
Woman: No need. You can come alone.
Man: What a relief!
Conversation 2 - sales / will / sure / hope / was / better / better / terrible
Woman: How do you think sales will be this year?
Man: Good. I think they will be better than last year.
Woman: I hope they are.
Man: Yeah, last year was terrible.
Woman: It was
Man: Well, I'm sure we'll do better this year.
Conversation 3 - expressed / saw / discuss / say / budget / spending / meeting / doubt
Man: I saw that you had a meeting with Jason.
Woman: Yes, he wanted to discuss the budget.
Man: Yeah? What did he say about it ?
Woman: He expressed that we are spending too much.
Man: Well, I hope he does not cut the budget
Woman: I doubt he will do that.
Conversation 4 - sister / holiday / summer / far / guess / would / saving / expensive
Woman: I think that I want to go on a holiday next month.
Man: Oh, yeah? Where would you go?
Woman: I’m not sure, but I think my sister wanted to go too. She said that she wanted to go somewhere cold.
Man: Since it’s summer over here, you’ll have to go somewhere far away.
Woman: I guess you’re right, although that will be expensive.
Man: Yeah, you’d better start saving soon!
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Lesson 19 – Gerunds
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - boring / easy / learning / writing / depends / grammar / Speaking / games
Man: Do you like learning English?
Woman: I do, but I don't like studying grammar
Man: Yeah, learning grammar is not easy.
Woman: Speaking is fun though. I love speaking in class.
Man: What about writing?
Woman: I don't enjoy writing that much
Man: I agree. Writing is boring.
Woman: What about vocab? Do you like learning vocabulary?
Man: It depends. I like using some apps to learn vocabulary.
Woman: Me too. I like playing vocab games on my phone.
Conversation 2 - movies / hobby / outside / enjoy / nature / month / leaving / exercise
Man: What is your hobby?
Woman: Hiking. I go hiking every month with my friends.
Man: Oh, that is great. Hiking is such good exercise
Woman: What about you? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Man: Well, I don't like leaving the house, so I usually stay home.
Woman: Oh. What do you like doing then? Watching movies?
Man: No, I like being outside, so I enjoy gardening.
Woman: Oh, it sounds like we both like being in nature
Conversation 3 - prefer / sometimes / trying / alone / walking / online / faster / mall
Man: Do you like shopping online?
Woman: No, not really. I prefer shopping at the mall
Man: Me too. I like trying on clothes before I buy them.
Woman: Do you like shopping alone or with friends?
Man: I prefer shopping alone. It's faster that way. What about you?
Woman: I prefer shopping with friends. It's fun walking around together.
Man: True. That is fun sometimes
Conversation 4 - watching / karaoke / sports / listening / terrible / playing / join / quite
Man: Are you good at playing sports?
Woman: No, but I like watching sports on TV. What about you?
Man: I love playing sports. I like watching it too.
Woman: What about music? Do you enjoy going to karaoke?
Man: No. I am terrible at singing. I can't sing at all.
Woman: Oh, that's too bad. I quite enjoy singing.
Man: I like listening to people sing though.
Woman: Oh good. You should join us next time.
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Lesson 20 – Present Perfect – Time
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - gotten / anyone / overslept / arrived / think / call / forgotten / yet
Man: Has Bob arrived yet?
Woman: No, he hasn’t gotten here yet.
Man: Has anyone tried to call him?
Woman: I don’t think anyone has.
Man: Maybe he has overslept.
Woman: Or maybe he’s forgotten there’s a meeting.
Conversation 2 - report / writing / finished / check / Almost / haven’t / had / Have
Man: Have you sent the report?
Woman: No, I haven’t
Man: Why haven’t you finished?
Woman: I haven’t had time to check the spelling.
Man: Have you finished writing it?
Woman: Yes, I have. Almost done!
Conversation 3 - school / best / long / some / recently / time / while / since
Man: How long have you known Joe?
Woman: I’ve known him since high school
Man: Wow! That’s a long time.
Woman: Yeah, we have been best friends for a while
Man: Have you seen him recently?
Woman: No, I haven’t seen him for some time.
Conversation 4 - too / before / forever / warm / thing / know / months / much
Man: Nice sweater. I haven’t seen it before
Woman: Oh, this old thing? I’ve had it forever.
Man: How come you haven’t worn it very much?
Woman: Well, it has been too hot to wear it.
Man: Yeah, it has been a very warm lately.
Woman: I know. I haven't needed a jacket for months
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Lesson 21 – Should – Assumptions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - right / restroom / see / should / tell / down / Just / locked
Man: Excuse me. Where is the restroom?
Woman: It is down the hall. Just turn right and you should see it.
Man: Thanks.
Woman: It should be open, but if it is locked just tell me.
Man: OK, thank you.
Conversation 2 - shouldn’t / shuttle / should / full / about / time / Actually / any
Man: When is the last shuttle bus?
Woman: Actually, it should be here right about now.
Man: Really, I don’t see it.
Woman: It should arrive any minute.
Man: OK, thanks. Will it be full?
Woman: It shouldn’t be crowded this time of day.
Conversation 3 - reservation / need / credit / recommend / problem / would / Can / peak
Man: Can you recommend a hotel?
Woman: Sure, I would stay at the Regent.
Man: Do I need to make a reservation?
Woman: You shouldn’t need to. It’s not peak season.
Man: Can I pay by credit card?
Woman: Yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem
Conversation 4 - Lay / aspirin / better / work / help / killing / while / help
Man: My head is killing me!
Woman: Lay down. That should help
Man: I can’t. I have to work
Woman: Take some aspirin then.
Man: Do you think it’ll help?
Woman: Yeah, you should feel better after a while
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Lesson 22 – Infinitives of Purpose
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - environment / same / whole / productive / room / myself / distraction / privacy
Woman: I love this break room. It’s a great place to work.
Man: Yes, It’s a nice environment to relax and clear your head.
Woman: I love the view, too. It’s a nice distraction to break the tension of work.
Man: I wish the whole office was like this, really.
Woman: I wouldn’t go that far. I still like the privacy of my own office.
Man: Well, I don’t need an office to be productive. I can work from anywhere.
Woman: Not me. I need a room to be by myself sometimes.
Man: Yeah, I think most people feel the same way.
Conversation 2 - look / these / mind / this / social / guess / wrap / birthday
Woman: Hello, can I help you?
Man: Yes. I’d like to get something for my wife for her birthday
Woman: Alright. What did you have in mind?
Man: She said she wants a dress to wear for social occasions.
Woman: Well, what about this one? It’s a nice dress to wear for all occasions.
Man: I think this would look good on her. I guess this will do.
Woman: Would you like these shoes and this bag to go with it?
Man: No, thanks. Just the dress will do. Do you have a box to wrap it in?
Woman: We do. Let me take care of you at the register.
Conversation 3 - connect / glad / right / graphics / questions / model / meetings / webcam
Man: Hello. Can I ask you some questions about this computer?
Woman: Sure. I’d be glad to help.
Man: Does it have a webcam to hold online meetings?
Woman: No, it doesn’t, but it has a slot to connect to a camera.
Man: OK, does it have a good graphics card to play video games?
Woman: Not this model, but we have another computer that does. It also has a webcam.
Man: Great! Can I see it?
Woman: Yes, it’s right over here.
Conversation 4 - needed / useful / nicer / worth / scattered / navigation / takes / loan
Woman: I love your new car. It’s much nicer than your last one.
Man: Thanks. I needed a new one to do my job.
Woman: I see it has a navigation system.
Man: Yes, it’s very useful. I need it to help me find locations around town. My clients are scattered all over the city.
Woman: Was it expensive? It looks like it costs a lot.
Man: It was. I needed a loan to pay for it, but since I work in sales, it was worth the money.
Woman: Well, as they say, it takes money to make money.
Man: That is the truth. You can’t argue with that.
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Lesson 23 – Adjectives with Infinitives
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - miss / appreciate / sorry / start / luck / college / see / leaving
Woman: Hey Jack, I am sorry to hear you are leaving us.
Man: Yeah, I will miss this place.
Woman: Where are you going next?
Man: I am going back to college to get my PhD.
Woman: Well, we will miss you.
Man: Thanks. I am sad to leave this place, but I am excited for a new start.
Woman: Well, we are sad to see you go, but best of luck with your studies.
Man: Thanks. I appreciate that.
Conversation 2 - glad / game / certainly / happy / change / win / finally / lose
Woman: How was the game?
Man: It was good. I am happy to say we finally won.
Woman: Oh, great. I am glad to hear that.
Man: Yeah, it was nice to win for a change
Woman: Yeah, it’s no fun to lose
Man: It certainly is not.
Conversation 3 - weight / time / never / give / easy / going / gain / stick
Woman: So, how is the diet going?
Man: Not good. It is so hard to lose weight.
Woman: I know. It is never easy to stick to a diet.
Man: Also, I am very busy, so it is hard to find time to exercise.
Woman: Well, don’t give up. You can do it.
Man: That’s easy for you to say. You never gain weight.
Conversation 4 - hanging / busy / only / weekdays / crowded / crowds / impossible / quiet
Man: How was the mall? Did you have fun hanging out with your friends?
Woman: No, it was really crowded and almost impossible to find a place to sit.
Man: Yeah, it gets really busy on the weekend.
Woman: Yeah, it’s better to go on the weekdays. But it’s no fun to go then.
Man: Why? There are no crowds, so it is easy to get a table at the food court.
Woman: True, but it’s no fun to be the only one there.
Man: You have a point. Sometimes, it’s almost too quiet to have fun.
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Lesson 24 – Indirect Questions
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - appointment / back / keeps / keys / set / after / wait / locked
Man: Do you know where Kate is?
Woman: She said she had an appointment. She left about an hour ago.
Man: Oh, I see. I need the keys to the safe. Do you know when she'll be back?
Woman: Yes, she said she’ll be back after lunch.
Man: Oh! I can't wait that long. Do you know where she keeps the keys?
Woman: In her desk, but it's locked. However, I think Bob has a set of keys.
Man: OK, great. I'll go ask him.
Conversation 2 - better / shuttle / often / campus / fairly / bus / closes / straight
Woman: Excuse me, do you know where the library is?
Man: Yes, it's on the other side of campus. It's about a ten-minute walk from here.
Woman: Do you know when it closes?
Man: I think it's open 24 hours, but you'd better check.
Woman: Do you know if there’s a bus that goes there?
Man: Yes, you can catch the campus shuttle by the cafe. It goes straight to the library.
Woman: Do you know how often it comes?
Man: I'm not sure, but I think it comes fairly often.
Woman: Great. Thanks for your help.
Man: No problem at all.
Conversation 3 - what / never / how / memo / urgent / that / when / remember
Man: Do you know when the meeting is?
Woman: It's at 3:30.
Man: Do you know what it's about?
Woman: I'm not sure. The memo didn’t say much. Just that it’s urgent
Man: Where is it? I can’t remember
Woman: It's in Meeting Room 10.
Man: Do you know how long it will take?
Woman: The memo said an hour.
Man: An hour? Do you really think it will take that long?
Woman: I doubt it, but you never know.
Conversation 4 - laminates / used / seen / might / ever / machine / use / plastic
Man: Susan, do you know what this machine is?
Woman: Yes, it’s a laminator.
Man: Do you know what it does?
Woman: Yes, it laminates paper. Laminate means to cover with plastic.
Man: I see. Do you know how to use it?
Woman: Not really, I’ve never used it.
Man: Do you know who might?
Woman: I think Jill does. I’ve seen her use it before.
Man: Cool. I’ll ask her if I ever want to use it.
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Lesson 25 – Phrasal Verbs
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - server / send / have / back / second / look / remote / shoot
Man: Did you back up the data?
Woman: Yes, I just backed it up on our remote server.
Man: Do you have the password for that server?
Woman: No, I don’t. I’ll have to look it up.
Man: OK, when you do, can you send it to me?
Woman: Will do. I’ll shoot it over in just a second.
Conversation 2 - figure / out / spruce / rewrite / added / break / confusing / let
Woman: I looked over your report but I can’t figure it out.
Man: Oh, really? I can break it down for you.
Woman: No, I need you to rewrite it, so everyone can understand it.
Man: OK, I’ll rewrite it. What was confusing though?
Woman: I couldn’t make out how the numbers added up.
Man: OK, I’ll look it over again and spruce it up a bit.
Woman: Thanks. I’m sure you won’t let me down.
Conversation 3 - loan / earn / down / house / put / turned / mean / off
Woman: So did you get the home loan?
Man: No, they turned me down
Woman: What? Why?
Man: They said I didn’t earn enough money.
Woman: Does that mean you can’t buy a new house?
Man: Yes. I’ll have to put it off for now I guess.
Conversation 4 - details / Will / bring / down / Got / pick / mention / email
Man: Hey, Joe is flying in tomorrow. Can you pick him up at the airport?
Woman: Sure, what are his flight details?
Man: I’m not sure. I wrote them down somewhere!
Woman: When you find it, can you email it to me?
Man: Will do. Oh, and when you pick him up, don’t mention his divorce.
Woman: Got it. I won’t bring it up.
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