Lesson 1 – Simple Passive
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 – worth / late / until / Thai / out / served / cooked / sounds
Man: How is the new ______ restaurant?
Woman: It’s great. All the food is ______with organic ingredients.
Man: That ______great. How ______is it open?
Woman: Well, food is ______until 11, but the bar is open ______midnight.
Man: I will have to check it .
Woman: You should. It’s ______ the visit.
Conversation 2 – is / Are / scheduled / That’s / playing / play / why / reserved
Man: ______you still ______basketball tonight?
Woman: No, the game ______ canceled.
Man: Oh, no, is that?
Woman: The rec hall is ______for something.
Man: ______ too bad.
Woman: Yeah, some band is ______ to ______there tonight.
Conversation 3 – will / done / finished / almost / should / get / Is / you’ll
Man: ______the report ______yet?
Woman: It is done.
Man: When ______ it be finished?
Woman: It ______be done very soon.
Man: Well, as soon as it is ______, please ______ it to me.
Woman: I will. The minute it’s finished, ______get it.
Conversation 4 – got / broke / Don’t / throw / know / be / is / fix
Man: This chair broken.
Woman: Who it?
Man: I don’t ______ . It was broken when I ______ here.
Woman: Should I ______ it out?
Man: No, I’ll see if maintenance can it.
Woman: ______ bother. It is more trouble than it’s worth.
Man: You may ______right.
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Lesson 1 – Simple Passive
Conversation 1 – worth / late / until / Thai / out / served / cooked / sounds
Man: How is the new Thai restaurant?
Woman: It’s great. All the food is cooked with organic ingredients.
Man: That sounds great. How late is it open?
Woman: Well, food is served until 11, but the bar is open until midnight.
Man: I will have to check it out
Woman: You should. It’s worth the visit.
Conversation 2 – is / Are / scheduled / That’s / playing / play / why / reserved
Man: Are you still playing basketball tonight?
Woman: No, the game is canceled.
Man: Oh, no, why is that?
Woman: The rec hall is reserved for something.
Man: That’s too bad.
Woman: Yeah, some band is scheduled to play there tonight.
Conversation 3 – will / done / finished / almost / should / get / Is / you’ll
Man: Is the report done yet?
Woman: It is almost done.
Man: When will it be finished?
Woman: It should be done very soon.
Man: Well, as soon as it is finished, please get it to me.
Woman: I will. The minute it’s finished, you’ll get it.
Conversation 4 – got / broke / Don’t / throw / know / be / is / fix
Man: This chair is broken.
Woman: Who broke it?
Man: I don’t know. It was broken when I got here.
Woman: Should I throw it out?
Man: No, I’ll see if maintenance can fix it.
Woman: Don’t bother. It is more trouble than it’s worth.
Man: You may be right.
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Lesson 2 – Past Passive
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 – did / built / remodeled / looks / ago / was / say / When
Man: was this subway ?
Woman: It built about 30 years
Man: It still pretty new.
Woman: Yes, it was last year.
Man: Well, they a nice job.
Woman: I’ll
Conversation 2 - tear / torn / remember / did / happened / was / ago / damaged
Man: What to the old stadium?
Woman: It was down last year.
Man: Why they it down?
Woman: It was by the hurricane three years .
Man: Oh, I that.
Woman: Yeah, a lot of damage done that night.
Conversation 3 - closed / sold / that’s / Do / been / hasn’t / was / go
Man: you still to that hotel by the lake?
Woman: No, it was last year.
Man: Oh, it replaced?
Woman: No, it was and hasn’t reopened.
Man: Oh, too bad.
Woman: Yeah, summer at the lake been the same since.
Conversation 4 - converted / was / What / love / play / put / go / shut
Man: Do you still golf?
Woman: No, the course was down last year.
Man: Oh, that such a beautiful course. happened to it?
Woman: It was to a park.
Man: Well, at least it was to good use.
Woman: Yeah, my kids to there now.
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Lesson 2 – Past Passive
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 – did / built / remodeled / looks / ago / was / say / When
Man: When was this subway built?
Woman: It was built about 30 years ago
Man: It still looks pretty new.
Woman: Yes, it was remodeled last year.
Man: Well, they did a nice job.
Woman: I’ll say
Conversation 2 - tear / torn / remember / did / happened / was / ago / damaged
Man: What happened to the old stadium?
Woman: It was torn down last year.
Man: Why did they tear it down?
Woman: It was damaged by the hurricane three years ago.
Man: Oh, I remember that.
Woman: Yeah, a lot of damage was done that night.
Conversation 3 - closed / sold / that’s / Do / been / hasn’t / was / go
Man: Do you still go to that hotel by the lake?
Woman: No, it was sold last year.
Man: Oh, was it replaced?
Woman: No, it was closed and hasn’t been reopened.
Man: Oh, that’s too bad.
Woman: Yeah, summer at the lake hasn’t been the same since.
Conversation 4 - converted / was / What / love / play / put / go / shut
Man: Do you still play golf?
Woman: No, the course was shut down last year.
Man: Oh, that was such a beautiful course. What happened to it?
Woman: It was converted to a park.
Man: Well, at least it was put to good use.
Woman: Yeah, my kids love to go there now.
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Lesson 3 – Was able to
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - neither / least / only / do / get / really / wasn’t / able
Woman: How did you on the test?
Man: Not great. I able to answer all the questions. I ran out of time.
Woman: Same here. Some of the questions were hard.
Man: Were you to finish the essay section?
Woman: Yeah, I was able to do that, at .
Man: Me too, although I wasn’t able to write 300 words.
Woman: Me ! How many words did you write?
Man: I was able to write about 200 words.
Woman: Same! Well, fingers crossed we a good grade.
Man: Yes, fingers crossed!
Conversation 2 - most / then / coming / countryside / having / great / wanted / were
Man: So, how is the wedding planning along?
Woman: Good, we have finalized of the arrangements.
Man: Are you still the wedding at the lake?
Woman: No, we weren’t able to get the place we
Man: Oh, then where are you having it ?
Woman: We are having it at a hotel in the
Man: Well, it sounds nice.
Woman: Yeah, in the end, it worked out well. We able to get a really good deal on the caterer, too.
Man: Oh, that’s ! I am glad to hear it.
Conversation 3 - find / couldn’t / expecting / Maybe / only / able / wanted / worries
Man: I am sorry I wasn’t to attend your birthday party on Saturday.
Woman: Yeah, what happened? We were you.
Man: Well, my babysitter canceled and I wasn’t able to a replacement.
Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. next time.
Man: Well, I really to go. I’m sorry I make it.
Woman: No . Some other people couldn’t make it also.
Man: Oh, good. I am glad I was not the one.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - hope / someday / forget / maintenance / were / saw / see / weren’t
Woman: Before I , how was your trip to New York?
Man: It was fun. We a lot.
Woman: Did you the Statue of Liberty?
Man: No, we able to get tickets for the ferry.
Woman: What about the Empire State Building? I you were able to see that.
Man: We able to go there, but we weren’t able to go to the top.
Woman: Oh no, why not?
Man: It was closed for or something.
Woman: Oh that’s too bad.
Man: Well, I am sure I’ll be able to go back !
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Lesson 3 – Was able to
Conversation 1 - neither / least / only / do / get / really / wasn’t / able
Woman: How did you do on the test?
Man: Not great. I wasn’t able to answer all the questions. I ran out of time.
Woman: Same here. Some of the questions were really hard.
Man: Were you able to finish the essay section?
Woman: Yeah, I was able to do that, at least
Man: Me too, although I wasn’t able to write 300 words.
Woman: Me neither! How many words did you write?
Man: I was only able to write about 200 words.
Woman: Same! Well, fingers crossed we get a good grade.
Man: Yes, fingers crossed!
Conversation 2 - most / then / coming / countryside / having / great / wanted / were
Man: So, how is the wedding planning coming along?
Woman: Good, we have finalized most of the arrangements.
Man: Are you still having the wedding at the lake?
Woman: No, we weren’t able to get the place we wanted
Man: Oh, then where are you having it then?
Woman: We are having it at a hotel in the countryside
Man: Well, it sounds nice.
Woman: Yeah, in the end, it worked out well. We were able to get a really good deal on the caterer, too.
Man: Oh, that’s great! I am glad to hear it.
Conversation 3 - find / couldn’t / expecting / Maybe / only / able / wanted / worries
Man: I am sorry I wasn’t able to attend your birthday party on Saturday.
Woman: Yeah, what happened? We were expecting you.
Man: Well, my babysitter canceled and I wasn’t able to find a replacement.
Woman: Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe next time.
Man: Well, I really wanted to go. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.
Woman: No worries. Some other people couldn’t make it also.
Man: Oh, good. I am glad I was not the only one.
Conversation 4 on Next Page

Conversation 4 - hope / someday / forget / maintenance / were / saw / see / weren’t
Woman: Before I forget, how was your trip to New York?
Man: It was fun. We saw a lot.
Woman: Did you see the Statue of Liberty?
Man: No, we weren’t able to get tickets for the ferry.
Woman: What about the Empire State Building? I hope you were able to see that.
Man: We were able to go there, but we weren’t able to go to the top.
Woman: Oh no, why not?
Man: It was closed for maintenance or something.
Woman: Oh that’s too bad.
Man: Well, I am sure I’ll be able to go back someday!
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Lesson 4 – Was going to
Fill in the conversations with the words provided
Conversation 1 - at / pricey / had / really / your / that / going / got
Man: How was ______ lunch?
Woman: Good. I ate ______ the new taco truck.
Man: Really? I was going to go there, but I ______ busy. How is it?
Woman: Good, but it is a bit
Man: Oh, ?
Woman: Yeah, I was gonna have two tacos, but at seven bucks a piece, I just ______ one.
Man: Wow, ______ is pricey!
Conversation 2 - wrong / cheap / long / out / just / ride / going / sale
Man: Hey, check ______ my new car!
Woman: Oh, this is the one that was for
Man: Yeah, the guy sold it to us .
Woman: Really? Is there something ______ with it?
Man: No, it is just old. I wasn’t ______ to buy it at first, but after driving it, I love it.
Woman: Well, as ______ as it runs. So, can I get a ______ home?
Man: I was ______ going to offer you one.
Conversation 3 - was / looking / what / having / up / anyway / were / make
Woman: Hey, ______ a surprise! I was just going to call you.
Man: Oh, yeah? What’s ?
Woman: I ______ going to ask if you are still coming to the party.
Man: Yes, of course. I am really ______ forward to it.
Woman: That’s great. I am so glad you can ______ it.
Man: Are you still planning on ______ it outside?
Woman: We ______ going to, but it looks like it is going to rain.
Man: No worries. I prefer indoor parties
Conversation 4 - What / going / thought / here / got / hang / was / had
Woman: Hey, why are you ? I ______ you were going to play futsal.
Man: I was, but we ______ to cancel.
Woman: Oh, yeah? ______ happened?
Man: Bob was going to drive us, but he got called in to work.
Woman: Oh, he ______ your only ride?
Man: Sadly, yes.
Woman: Well, now you get to ______ out with me!
Man: I was just ______ to say that!
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Lesson 4 – Was going to
Conversation 1 - at / pricey / had / really / your / that / going / got
Man: How was your lunch?
Woman: Good. I ate at the new taco truck.
Man: Really? I was going to go there, but I got busy. How is it?
Woman: Good, but it is a bit pricey
Man: Oh, really?
Woman: Yeah, I was gonna have two tacos, but at seven bucks a piece, I just had one.
Man: Wow, that is pricey!
Conversation 2 - wrong / cheap / long / out / just / ride / going / sale
Man: Hey, check out my new car!
Woman: Oh, this is the one that was for sale
Man: Yeah, the guy sold it to us cheap
Woman: Really? Is there something wrong with it?
Man: No, it is just old. I wasn’t going to buy it at first, but after driving it, I love it.
Woman: Well, as long as it runs. So, can I get a ride home?
Man: I was just going to offer you one.
Conversation 3 - was / looking / what / having / up / anyway / were / make
Woman: Hey, what a surprise! I was just going to call you.
Man: Oh, yeah? What’s up?
Woman: I was going to ask if you are still coming to the party.
Man: Yes, of course. I am really looking forward to it.
Woman: That’s great. I am so glad you can make it.
Man: Are you still planning on having it outside?
Woman: We were going to, but it looks like it is going to rain.
Man: No worries. I prefer indoor parties anyway
Conversation 4 - What / going / thought / here / got / hang / was / had
Woman: Hey, why are you here? I thought you were going to play futsal.
Man: I was, but we had to cancel.
Woman: Oh, yeah? What happened?
Man: Bob was going to drive us, but he got called in to work.
Woman: Oh, he was your only ride?
Man: Sadly, yes.
Woman: Well, now you get to hang out with me!
Man: I was just going to say that!
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Lesson 5 - Adverb Placement
Fill in the conversation with the words provided
Conversation 1 - hopefully / planning / been / tentatively / definitely / count / technically
Man: Have you ever to Europe?
Woman: I haven’t been there, but I had a layover in Paris.
Man: That doesn’t really , does it?
Woman: No, but I'm going next year.
Man: Oh, yeah? Where are you on going?
Woman: I’m planning on going to Spain.
Man: Oh, Spain is worth the visit.
Conversation 2 - probably / likely / something / suit / relaxing / doing
Man: What are you this weekend?
Woman: I will stay home. What about you?
Man: I’m most going to stay home too.
Woman: Oh, yeah? Do you want to do ?
Man: No, I’m really looking forward to just at home.
Woman: yourself.
Conversation 3 - recommend / definitely / especially / tried / especially
Man: Have you the new Italian restaurant?
Woman: No, is it any good?
Man: Yes, you should check it out.
Woman: What do you ?
Man: Well, I recommend the ravioli. It is mouth-watering good.
Woman: Thanks, I'll give it a look.
Conversation 4 - eventually / anxiously / definitely / score / sure / sadly
Man: So, did you get the results of your test ?
Woman: No, but I've been awaiting the results.
Man: I'm you did fine.
Woman: I’m not so sure. This test was harder than the last one.
Man: I wouldn’t worry about it. I hear all the students pass the class anyway.
Woman: That’s not true. You’re mistaken.
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Lesson 5 - Adverb Placement
Conversation 1 - hopefully / planning / been / tentatively / definitely / count / technically
Man: Have you ever been to Europe?
Woman: I haven’t technically been there, but I had a layover in Paris.
Man: That doesn’t really count, does it?
Woman: No, but I'm hopefully going next year.
Man: Oh, yeah? Where are you planning on going?
Woman: I’m tentatively planning on going to Spain.
Man: Oh, Spain is definitely worth the visit.
Conversation 2 - probably / likely / something / suit / relaxing / doing
Man: What are you doing this weekend?
Woman: I will probably stay home. What about you?
Man: I’m most likely going to stay home too.
Woman: Oh, yeah? Do you want to do something?
Man: No, I’m really looking forward to just relaxing at home.
Woman: Suit yourself.
Conversation 3 - recommend / definitely / especially / tried / especially
Man: Have you tried the new Italian restaurant?
Woman: No, is it any good?
Man: Yes, you should definitely check it out.
Woman: What do you recommend?
Man: Well, I especially recommend the ravioli. It is mouth-watering good.
Woman: Thanks, I'll surely give it a look.
Conversation 4 - eventually / anxiously / definitely / score / sure / sadly
Man: So, did you get the results of your test score?
Woman: No, but I've been anxiously awaiting the results.
Man: I'm sure you did fine.
Woman: I’m not so sure. This test was definitely harder than the last one.
Man: I wouldn’t worry about it. I hear all the students eventually pass the class anyway.
Woman: That’s not true. You’re sadly mistaken.
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Lesson 6 - Supposed to
Fill in the conversation with the words provided
Conversation 1 - doing / way / need / thought / supposed / mean
Man: What are you here?
Woman: What do you ?
Man: You’re to be at the office.
Woman: I I was supposed to be here.
Man: No, they you in the office.
Woman: OK, got it. I’m on my
Conversation 2 - either / since / supposed / about / when / know
Man: Hey, you’re not to eat on the train.
Woman: Oh, really, since ?
Man: forever.
Woman: Oops. What drinking?
Man: You’re not supposed to do that , but people do it anyway.
Woman: OK, that’s good to
Conversation 3 - last-minute / happened / supposed / called / hope / make it
Man: What to you last night?
Woman: I got in to work.
Man: Oh, meeting?
Woman: No, my friend was to work, but he got sick.
Man: Well, I hope you can next week.
Woman: I so too.
Conversation 4 - meeting / launching / tell / supposed / decided / launch
Man: What did the boss say at the ?
Woman: It’s a secret. I'm not to tell anyone.
Man: Come on! You can me.
Woman: OK, but it's a secret. We won't be our new product this year.
Man: What? We were supposed to it this Fall.
Woman: I know, plans change. They to scrap it.
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Lesson 6 - Supposed to
Conversation 1 - doing / way / need / thought / supposed / mean
Man: What are you doing here?
Woman: What do you mean?
Man: You’re supposed to be at the office.
Woman: I thought I was supposed to be here.
Man: No, they need you in the office.
Woman: OK, got it. I’m on my way.
Conversation 2 - either / since / supposed / about / when / know
Man: Hey, you’re not supposed to eat on the train.
Woman: Oh, really, since when?
Man: Since forever.
Woman: Oops. What about drinking?
Man: You’re not supposed to do that either, but people do it anyway.
Woman: OK, that’s good to know
Conversation 3 - last-minute / happened / supposed / called / hope / make it
Man: What happened to you last night?
Woman: I got called in to work.
Man: Oh, last-minute meeting?
Woman: No, my friend was supposed to work, but he got sick.
Man: Well, I hope you can make it next week.
Woman: I hope so too.
Conversation 4 - meeting / launching / tell / supposed / decided / launch
Man: What did the boss say at the meeting?
Woman: It’s a secret. I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
Man: Come on! You can tell me.
Woman: OK, but it's a secret. We won't be launching our new product this year.
Man: What? We were supposed to launch it this Fall.
Woman: I know, plans change. They decided to scrap it.
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Lesson 7 - Get used to
Fill in the conversation with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - each / about / used to / not used / how long / how's Man: the new job?
Woman: Good, but I’m still to the long commute.
Man: Really, is it?
Woman: It’s three hours way.
Man: Give it time. You’ll get it.
Woman: I’m not sure that.
Conversation 2 - should / frustrating / computer / shortcuts / you’ll / getting
Man: How is the new ?
Woman: OK, but it’s hard used to the new operating system.
Man: Yeah, but it be faster right?
Woman: Wrong. I’m used to my old keyboard . These ones are different.
Man: Yeah, but get used to it in no time.
Woman: I guess. But for now, it’s
Conversation 3 - overseas / while / worked / knowing / really / getting / difficult / eventually
Man: Have you ever worked ?
Woman: Yeah, I in Japan for two years.
Man: Oh, , how was it?
Woman: Great, but it took a getting used to living there.
Man: Really, what was hard used to?
Woman: Well, using chopsticks for one. Also, how to interact with people.
Man: Wow, that does sound
Woman: It was hard at first, but I got used to it .
Conversation 4 - how's / deal / couldn’t be / getting / doing / could / says Man: the new baby?
Woman: Great! Life better.
Man: How are you on sleep?
Woman: Good. I only sleep a few hours a night, but I'm used to it.
Man: I never get used to that.
Woman: People say that, but once you with it, it’s not that bad.
Man: you!
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Lesson 7 - Get used to
Conversation 1 - each / about / used to / not used / how long / how's
Man: How's the new job?
Woman: Good, but I’m still not used to the long commute.
Man: Really, how long is it?
Woman: It’s three hours each way.
Man: Give it time. You’ll get used to it.
Woman: I’m not sure about that.
Conversation 2 - should / frustrating / computer / shortcuts / you’ll / getting
Man: How is the new computer?
Woman: OK, but it’s hard getting used to the new operating system.
Man: Yeah, but it should be faster right?
Woman: Wrong. I’m used to my old keyboard shortcuts. These ones are different.
Man: Yeah, but you’ll get used to it in no time.
Woman: I guess. But for now, it’s frustrating
Conversation 3 - overseas / while / worked / knowing / really / getting / difficult / eventually
Man: Have you ever worked overseas?
Woman: Yeah, I worked in Japan for two years.
Man: Oh, really, how was it?
Woman: Great, but it took a while getting used to living there.
Man: Really, what was hard getting used to?
Woman: Well, using chopsticks for one. Also, knowing how to interact with people.
Man: Wow, that does sound difficult
Woman: It was hard at first, but I got used to it eventually.
Conversation 4 - how's / deal / couldn’t be / getting / doing / could / says
Man: How's the new baby?
Woman: Great! Life couldn’t be better.
Man: How are you doing on sleep?
Woman: Good. I only sleep a few hours a night, but I'm getting used to it.
Man: I could never get used to that.
Woman: People say that, but once you deal with it, it’s not that bad.
Man: Says you!
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Lesson 8 – Comparatives with “as”
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - much / Why / as / How / too / better / all / many
Man: is your new job?
Woman: Okay, but it is not as fun my last job.
Man: Oh, really? ?
Woman: Well, there are not as social events, and it is not as chill as my last job.
Man: Oh, no, that's bad. What about pay and benefits?
Woman: I earn about as as before, but I had benefits.
Man: Well, so it's not bad.
Conversation 2 - cheaper / convenient / hear / it / like / neighborhood / last / moved
Man: I you got a new house.
Woman: I did. We just in last week.
Man: How is ?
Woman: Good. It is not as big as my place, but it is
Man: How is the ?
Woman: It is not as as my last place, but I it
Conversation 3 - mine / about / nearly / tonight / blonde / Sure / about / your
Man: Can you pick up my friend at the airport? I have to work .
Woman: , I can do that. What does he look like?
Man: Well, he's as tall as me, and he has hair. It's the same color as Woman: Wow, he sounds like twin.
Man: No, I am not as handsome as he is. You'll see.
Woman: I'll be the judge of that.
Conversation 4 - bummed / least / not / prices / crowded / before / new / dropped
Man: How's the cafe?
Woman: Not good. It's as good as the last one.
Man: How are the ?
Woman: About the same, but the coffee is not as good as
Man: Oh, no. I'm to hear that.
Woman: There is one good thing, though.
Man: Oh, yeah. What's that?
Woman: Well, because the quality has off, it's not nearly as as before, so it's easy to find a seat.
Man: Well, at that's good.
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Lesson 8 – Comparatives with “as”
Conversation 1 - much / Why / as / How / too / better / all / many
Man: How is your new job?
Woman: Okay, but it is not as fun as my last job.
Man: Oh, really? Why?
Woman: Well, there are not as many social events, and it is not as chill as my last job.
Man: Oh, no, that's too bad. What about pay and benefits?
Woman: I earn about as much as before, but I had better benefits.
Man: Well, so it's not all bad.
Conversation 2 - cheaper / convenient / hear / it / like / neighborhood / last / moved
Man: I hear you got a new house.
Woman: I did. We just moved in last week.
Man: How is it?
Woman: Good. It is not as big as my last place, but it is cheaper.
Man: How is the neighborhood?
Woman: It is not as convenient as my last place, but I like it.
Conversation 3 - mine / about / nearly / tonight / blonde / Sure / about / your
Man: Can you pick up my friend at the airport? I have to work tonight
Woman: Sure, I can do that. What does he look like?
Man: Well, he's about as tall as me, and he has blonde hair. It's the same color as mine.
Woman: Wow, he sounds like your twin.
Man: No, I am not nearly as handsome as he is. You'll see.
Woman: I'll be the judge of that.
Conversation 4 - bummed / least / not / prices / crowded / before / new / dropped
Man: How's the new cafe?
Woman: Not good. It's not as good as the last one.
Man: How are the prices?
Woman: About the same, but the coffee is not as good as before
Man: Oh, no. I'm bummed to hear that.
Woman: There is one good thing, though.
Man: Oh, yeah. What's that?
Woman: Well, because the quality has dropped off, it's not nearly as crowded as before, so it's easy to find a seat.
Man: Well, at least that's good.
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Lesson 9 - Phrases with "as ... as"
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - use / shop / long / keep / soon / rush / whenever / course
Man: Can I use your bicycle? My car is in the . Woman: Sure, come and get it ______ you want.
Man: Can I ______ it for a week?
Woman: Of ! Use it as ______ as you like.
Man: Great. As ______ as my car is fixed, I'll return it.
Woman: No . Like I said, ______ it as long as you like. I never use it
Conversation 2 - far / have / early / suppose / unless / then / beat / why
Man: Boss, can I leave ______ today? I want to leave because I want to ______ the traffic.
Woman: I , as long as your work is done.
Man: It is, ______ you have more work for me to do.
Woman: As ______ as I know, that is all we ______ to do today.
Man: Great, ______ can I leave now?
Woman: I don't see ______ not. Have a good weekend.
Man: Thanks, you too.
Conversation 3 - dusk / know / like / gets / aren't / soon / weather / there
Man: This ______ is so nice.
Woman: I know. This is as good as it .
Man: Wow, will the weather be ______ this all week?
Woman: As far as I
Man: I could stay here all night.
Woman: I could too, as long as there ______ too many bugs.
Man: Actually, there are some at . They come out as ______ as the sun starts to set.
Woman: Well, as long as ______ are not too many, I'm happy.
Conversation 4 - rarely / regardless / much / over / more / should / appreciate / often
Man: This pasta is so good. Can I have some ?
Woman: Yes, have as ______ as you like.
Man: Thank you. I ______ get home-cooked food like this.
Woman: Well, to be honest, I don't invite people over as ______ as I
Man: Well, , I appreciate you having me over.
Woman: Thanks. In the future, I'll try to have you ______ as much as I can.
Man: Thanks. I'd ______ that.
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Lesson 9 - Phrases with "as ... as"
Conversation 1 - use / shop / long / keep / soon / rush / whenever / course
Man: Can I use your bicycle? My car is in the shop.
Woman: Sure, come and get it whenever you want.
Man: Can I use it for a week?
Woman: Of course! Use it as long as you like.
Man: Great. As soon as my car is fixed, I'll return it.
Woman: No rush. Like I said, keep it as long as you like. I never use it.
Conversation 2 - far / have / early / suppose / unless / then / beat / why
Man: Boss, can I leave early today? I want to leave because I want to beat the traffic.
Woman: I suppose, as long as your work is done.
Man: It is, unless you have more work for me to do.
Woman: As far as I know, that is all we have to do today.
Man: Great, then can I leave now?
Woman: I don't see why not. Have a good weekend.
Man: Thanks, you too.
Conversation 3 - dusk / know / like / gets / aren't / soon / weather / there
Man: This weather is so nice.
Woman: I know. This is as good as it gets.
Man: Wow, will the weather be like this all week?
Woman: As far as I know
Man: I could stay here all night.
Woman: I could too, as long as there aren't too many bugs.
Man: Actually, there are some at dusk. They come out as soon as the sun starts to set.
Woman: Well, as long as there are not too many, I'm happy.
Conversation 4 - rarely / regardless / much / over / more / should / appreciate / often
Man: This pasta is so good. Can I have some more?
Woman: Yes, have as much as you like.
Man: Thank you. I rarely get home-cooked food like this.
Woman: Well, to be honest, I don't invite people over as often as I should.
Man: Well, regardless, I appreciate you having me over.
Woman: Thanks. In the future, I'll try to have you over as much as I can.
Man: Thanks. I'd appreciate that.
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Lesson 10- Frequency Phrases
Fill in the conversation with the words provided.
Conversation 1- being / once in a while / absolutely / ever / sounds / let me know / trails / often
Man: Do you go hiking?
Woman: Not that , but I enjoy it from time to time.
Man: That’s great, I love out in nature too.
Woman: For me personally, I need to escape the city every
Man: ! I think we should plan a hiking trip together.
Woman: That like fun. Let’s do it!
Man: Awesome! I’ll check out some for us.
Woman: Great. Just ______when you’re ready.
Conversation 2 - classical / guessed / while / alright / might / time to time / almost / should
Man: Do you listen to music?
Woman: never. I prefer more upbeat genres.
Man: Fair enough, but I find classical music soothing once in a Woman: Really? I never would've you like classical music.
Man: Well, it's nice to have a change of pace from
Woman: Maybe I give it another chance.
Man: You should! You discover something you enjoy.
Woman: , I'll give it a try.
Conversation 3 - often / all the time / theater / only / count / perhaps / ever / once
Man: Have you been to the theater?
Woman: Yes, I go in a blue moon.
Man: Really? I love plays, especially musicals. I go
Woman: It's not really my thing, but then again, I’ve been to amateur productions.
Man: We should go together sometime. I think you'd enjoy it more if you went more
Woman: ______ you're right. I'm open to giving it another chance.
Man: Great! Let's plan a night soon.
Woman: Okay, me in.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - regular / now / impressive / once / time to time / planning / cooking / planning
Man: Do you like ?
Woman: Yes, I cook on a basis, but I’m not really good at it.
Man: Oh, that's too bad. I love it. I even like baking every and then. Woman: Wow, baking! I haven’t baked in years. In fact, I only did it .
Man: Baking can be fun. I love baking cookies. I even bake pies from Woman: That’s ! I am clueless when it comes to baking.
Man: Well, I am on making some pies this weekend. Why don’t you come over and give me a hand?
Woman: Sounds like a plan. I'm to learn
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Lesson 10- Frequency Phrases
Conversation 1- being / once in a while / absolutely / ever / sounds / let me know / trails / often
Man: Do you ever go hiking?
Woman: Not that often, but I enjoy it from time to time.
Man: That’s great, I love being out in nature too.
Woman: For me personally, I need to escape the city every once in a while
Man: Absolutely! I think we should plan a hiking trip together.
Woman: That sounds like fun. Let’s do it!
Man: Awesome! I’ll check out some trails for us.
Woman: Great. Just let me know when you’re ready.
Conversation 2 - classical / guessed / while / alright / might / time to time / almost / should
Man: Do you listen to classical music?
Woman: Almost never. I prefer more upbeat genres.
Man: Fair enough, but I find classical music soothing once in a while
Woman: Really? I never would've guessed you like classical music.
Man: Well, it's nice to have a change of pace from time to time
Woman: Maybe I should give it another chance.
Man: You should! You might discover something you enjoy.
Woman: Alright, I'll give it a try.
Conversation 3 often / all the time / theater / only / count / perhaps / ever / once
Man: Have you ever been to the theater?
Woman: Yes, I go once in a blue moon.
Man: Really? I love plays, especially musicals. I go all the time
Woman: It's not really my thing, but then again, I’ve only been to amateur productions.
Man: We should go together sometime. I think you'd enjoy it more if you went more often
Woman: Perhaps you're right. I'm open to giving it another chance.
Man: Great! Let's plan a theater night soon.
Woman: Okay, count me in.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 regular / now / impressive / once / time to time / planning / cooking / planning
Man: Do you like cooking?
Woman: Yes, I cook on a regular basis, but I’m not really good at it.
Man: Oh, that's too bad. I love it. I even like baking every now and then.
Woman: Wow, baking! I haven’t baked in years. In fact, I only did it once.
Man: Baking can be fun. I love baking cookies. I even bake pies from time to time
Woman: That’s impressive! I am clueless when it comes to baking.
Man: Well, I am planning on making some pies this weekend. Why don’t you come over and give me a hand?
Woman: Sounds like a plan. I'm excited to learn
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Lesson 11 – Past Continuous
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 – Don't / was / thinking / didn't / away / it's / saw / was
Man: Hey Laura. Where were you last night? How come you come out with us?
Woman: I studying for my exam. I forgot it was movie night. How was the movie?
Man: It was great. We Sky Drop.
Woman: I heard a good movie. Is it as scary as they say?
Man: It is? The best part was when the main character had to stop a plane from crashing. Everyone screaming when that happened.
Woman: Wow. spoil it for me. I want to see it.
Man: Well, I was of seeing it again. We can see it together.
Woman: I'd like that. Just don't give the ending.
Man: I won't. I promise.
Conversation 2 – hoping / was / I'd / How / was / from / driving / didn't
Woman: I got your message about the cooking class. was it?
Man: Great. We learned how to make pasta scratch as usual. I texted you, but you never texted me back.
Woman: I know. I helping my grandmother. I was her to the doctor when you texted me, so I see it right away.
Man: Oh, is she okay?
Woman: Yes, she's fine. She just getting her prescriptions filled. So how was the class?
Man: It was a lot of fun. love to invite you for dinner and share my new cooking skills. I can now make a mean spaghetti.
Woman: Awesome. I was you would say that.
Conversation 3 – was / were / Did / them / happened / in / been / screaming
Man: How was the game? you win?
Woman: No, we lost, but we winning right up until the end.
Man: Oh no. What ?
Woman: Well, they scored three goals the last 10 minutes.
Man: I'm sorry to hear that. Well, as they say, you can't win all.
Woman: It so frustrating because we were playing so well until the end.
Man: Your coach must have pretty disappointed.
Woman: She was! She was at us the last 10 minutes to play better.
Man: Well, better luck next time.
Woman: Thanks. I'm sure we'll play better next time.
Conversation 4 on the Next Page
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Conversation 4 – climbing / were / Were / trying / was / climb / was / like
Man: Welcome back! How your vacation?
Woman: Terrible. My husband hurt his leg while we hiking.
Man: Oh, no! What happened?
Woman: He fell while he climbing a big rock. It was raining and the trail was slippery. Man: That sounds dangerous. you alone?
Woman: No, we were with a group. As we were the mountain, the guide warned us to stay on the trail and not climb the rocks.
Man: Why did you husband the rocks then?
Woman: He was to take a photo from a higher place with a better view.
Man: How terrible. Well, lesson learned. That sounds the worst vacation ever.
Woman: Sadly, it was not the best.
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Lesson 11 – Past Continuous
Conversation 1 – Don't / was / thinking / didn't / away / it's / saw / was
Man: Hey Laura. Where were you last night? How come you didn't come out with us?
Woman: I was studying for my exam. I forgot it was movie night. How was the movie?
Man: It was great. We saw Sky Drop.
Woman: I heard it's a good movie. Is it as scary as they say?
Man: It is? The best part was when the main character had to stop a plane from crashing. Everyone was screaming when that happened.
Woman: Wow. Don't spoil it for me. I want to see it.
Man: Well, I was thinking of seeing it again. We can see it together.
Woman: I'd like that. Just don't give away the ending.
Man: I won't. I promise.
Conversation 2 – hoping / was / I'd / How / was / from / driving / didn't
Woman: I got your message about the cooking class. How was it?
Man: Great. We learned how to make pasta from scratch as usual. I texted you, but you never texted me back.
Woman: I know. I was helping my grandmother. I was driving her to the doctor when you texted me, so I didn't see it right away.
Man: Oh, is she okay?
Woman: Yes, she's fine. She was just getting her prescriptions filled. So how was the class?
Man: It was a lot of fun. I'd love to invite you for dinner and share my new cooking skills. I can now make a mean spaghetti.
Woman: Awesome. I was hoping you would say that.
Conversation 3 – was / were / Did / them / happened / in / been / screaming
Man: How was the game? Did you win?
Woman: No, we lost, but we were winning right up until the end.
Man: Oh no. What happened?
Woman: Well, they scored three goals in the last 10 minutes.
Man: I'm sorry to hear that. Well, as they say, you can't win them all.
Woman: It was so frustrating because we were playing so well until the end.
Man: Your coach must have been pretty disappointed.
Woman: She was! She was screaming at us the last 10 minutes to play better.
Man: Well, better luck next time.
Woman: Thanks. I'm sure we'll play better next time.
Conversation 4 on the Next Page
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Conversation 4 – climbing / were / Were / trying / was / climb / was / like
Man: Welcome back! How was your vacation?
Woman: Terrible. My husband hurt his leg while we were hiking.
Man: Oh, no! What happened?
Woman: He fell while he was climbing a big rock. It was raining and the trail was slippery.
Man: That sounds dangerous. Were you alone?
Woman: No, we were with a group. As we were climbing the mountain, the guide warned us to stay on the trail and not climb the rocks.
Man: Why did you husband climb the rocks then?
Woman: He was trying to take a photo from a higher place with a better view.
Man: How terrible. Well, lesson learned. That sounds like the worst vacation ever.
Woman: Sadly, it was not the best.
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Lesson 12 – Indirect Objects
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - over / so / you / it / me / from / make / it
Man: I love this dish. It is delicious. Can you give me the recipe?
Woman: I don't have one. I make it memory.
Man: Well, can you write down for me? I really want to cook this.
Woman: Sure. But it might be easier for me to show how to make it.
Man: I'd love that. Can you really teach how to make this?
Woman: I'd love to. Why don't you come next week. I'll make it for you, then.
Man: I don't want you to cook for me. I want you to teach me your secret.
Woman: I stand corrected. I'll show you how to make.
Man: Thank you. I'm so excited to learn how to this
Conversation 2 - gift / dinner / necklace / last / anything / secret / belated / when
Man: What did you do night?
Woman: I went to my friend's house. She made me for my birthday.
Man: Oh, happy birthday. I had no idea. I should have bought you a
Woman: No worries. I like to keep it a
Man: Did you get nice for your birthday?
Woman: Yes. My mother gave me a beautiful
Man: Nice. What kind of necklace is it?
Woman: It's a thin gold chain with a small diamond heart. I'll show it to you I wear it tomorrow.
Man: Thanks. I'd love to see it. By the way, how old are you?
Woman: That's a secret. I'll never tell you that.
Man: Fair enough. Anyway, happy birthday.
Woman: Thank you.
Conversation 3 - hassle / email / to / don't / password / it / message / address
Man: Did you get my ? I sent you an about our project.
Woman: No, I didn't get it. Where did you send it?
Man: I sent it to your school email
Woman: Oh, I never check that. Text it to my phone.
Man: I can't do that. I need to email it you.
Woman: Okay. Can you send to me again, but to my personal email?
Man: Why you just use your school email?
Woman: I would, but I forgot my ______
Man: Just ask the school to give you a new password.
Woman: I would, but it is such a . Plus, I never use it.
Man: Fair enough. I'll send it to you again, but this time please open it.
Woman: I will. Thanks.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - job / enough / to / hunting / offer / job / it / money
Man: How's your job going?
Woman: Not great. One company offered me a , but I turned down.
Man: Why? Was the pay not high ?
Woman: No, not at all. I gave them a counter , but they didn't get back me.
Man: Well, if you need help financially, I can lend you some if you need it.
Woman: Thanks. But I should be fine I should get a soon.
Man: I'm sure you will. Keep your head up.
Woman: Thanks. I will.
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Lesson 12 – Indirect Objects
Conversation 1 - over / so / you / it / me / from / make / it
Man: I love this dish. It is so delicious. Can you give me the recipe?
Woman: I don't have one. I make it from memory.
Man: Well, can you write it down for me? I really want to cook this.
Woman: Sure. But it might be easier for me to show you how to make it.
Man: I'd love that. Can you really teach me how to make this?
Woman: I'd love to. Why don't you come over next week. I'll make it for you, then.
Man: I don't want you to cook it for me. I want you to teach me your secret.
Woman: I stand corrected. I'll show you how to make.
Man: Thank you. I'm so excited to learn how to make this
Conversation 2 - gift / dinner / necklace / last / anything / secret / belated / when
Man: What did you do last night?
Woman: I went to my friend's house. She made me dinner for my birthday.
Man: Oh, happy birthday. I had no idea. I should have bought you a gift
Woman: No worries. I like to keep it a secret
Man: Did you get anything nice for your birthday?
Woman: Yes. My mother gave me a beautiful necklace
Man: Nice. What kind of necklace is it?
Woman: It's a thin gold chain with a small diamond heart. I'll show it to you when I wear it tomorrow.
Man: Thanks. I'd love to see it. By the way, how old are you?
Woman: That's a secret. I'll never tell you that.
Man: Fair enough. Anyway, happy belated birthday.
Woman: Thank you.
Conversation 3 - hassle / email / to / don't / password / it / message / address
Man: Did you get my message? I sent you an email about our project.
Woman: No, I didn't get it. Where did you send it?
Man: I sent it to your school email address
Woman: Oh, I never check that. Text it to my phone.
Man: I can't do that. I need to email it to you.
Woman: Okay. Can you send it to me again, but to my personal email?
Man: Why don't you just use your school email?
Woman: I would, but I forgot my password
Man: Just ask the school to give you a new password.
Woman: I would, but it is such a hassle. Plus, I never use it.
Man: Fair enough. I'll send it to you again, but this time please open it.
Woman: I will. Thanks.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - job / enough / to / hunting / offer / job / it / money
Man: How's your job hunting going?
Woman: Not great. One company offered me a job, but I turned it down.
Man: Why? Was the pay not high enough?
Woman: No, not at all. I gave them a counter offer, but they didn't get back to me.
Man: Well, if you need help financially, I can lend you some money if you need it.
Woman: Thanks. But I should be fine I should get a job soon.
Man: I'm sure you will. Keep your head up.
Woman: Thanks. I will.
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Lesson 13 – No Longer
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - really / anymore / too / longer / still / working / that / longer
Man: Do you work with Jill?
Woman: No, I don't work with her
Man: Oh, ? Why?
Woman: She no works in my department.
Man: Oh, that's bad. I know you really liked with her.
Woman: Yeah, work's no the same now she's gone.
Conversation 2 - for / sold / anymore / at / longer / sure / still / anymore
Man: Do you have that set of golf clubs?
Woman: No, not . I sold them.
Man: What? You them? Why?
Woman: Well, I don't play , so I no needed them.
Man: Oh, bummer. I need some clubs tomorrow.
Woman: Well, I'm you can rent some the club.
Conversation 3 - to / longer / anymore / another / didn't / that's / still / got
Man: Do you hang out with Joe?
Woman: No, not that much . He moved.
Man: Oh, really? I know that. Why did he move?
Woman: His company no needed him.
Man: Oh, I'm really sorry hear that. Is he OK?
Woman: Yeah, he's OK. He back on his feet. He got another job, but just in town.
Man: Well, good to hear.
Conversation 4 - across / still / just / too / longer / anymore / even / should
Woman: Do you and your wife do salsa dancing?
Man: No, not . We don't have time.
Woman: Oh, really? That's bad. I know you really liked it.
Man: Yeah, plus the studio is no there. It moved town. It's actually by where you live now.
Woman: Oh, really? I check it out.
Man: Yeah! If you go, I might drive across town to join you.
Woman: I'd like that.
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Lesson 13 – No Longer
Conversation 1 - really / anymore / too / longer / still / working / that / longer
Man: Do you still work with Jill?
Woman: No, I don't work with her anymore.
Man: Oh, really? Why?
Woman: She no longer works in my department.
Man: Oh, that's too bad. I know you really liked working with her.
Woman: Yeah, work's no longer the same now that she's gone.
Conversation 2 - for / sold / anymore / at / longer / sure / still / anymore
Man: Do you still have that set of golf clubs?
Woman: No, not anymore. I sold them.
Man: What? You sold them? Why?
Woman: Well, I don't play anymore, so I no longer needed them.
Man: Oh, bummer. I need some clubs for tomorrow.
Woman: Well, I'm sure you can rent some at the club.
Conversation 3 - to / longer / anymore / another / didn't / that's / still / got
Man: Do you still hang out with Joe?
Woman: No, not that much anymore. He moved.
Man: Oh, really? I didn't know that. Why did he move?
Woman: His company no longer needed him.
Man: Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that. Is he OK?
Woman: Yeah, he's OK. He got back on his feet. He got another job, but just in another town.
Man: Well, that's good to hear.
Conversation 4 - across / still / just / too / longer / anymore / even / should
Woman: Do you and your wife still do salsa dancing?
Man: No, not anymore. We just don't have time.
Woman: Oh, really? That's too bad. I know you really liked it.
Man: Yeah, plus the studio is no longer there. It moved across town. It's actually by where you live now.
Woman: Oh, really? I should check it out.
Man: Yeah! If you go, I might even drive across town to join you.
Woman: I'd like that.
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Lesson 14 – Adjectives + That Clauses
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - will / writing / does / latest / due / know / doubtful / afraid
Woman: Oh no! Did you get the ______ company email?
Man: No, I didn’t. What ______ it say?
Woman: The boss wrote the following: ______ to the recent health crisis, I am ______ that the company holiday party is canceled.
Man: I am not surprised that he did that. The ______ was on the wall.
Woman: Do you think they ______ close the offices?
Man: It is ______ that would happen, but you never
Conversation 2 - worries / before / row / come / have / should / miss / won’t
Man: Hey, ______ I forget. I’m afraid that I can’t play next week.
Woman: That’s too bad. What happened? You never ______ our games.
Man: Yeah, this will be a first for me, but I ______ to work late next week.
Woman: Well, I hope that you can ______ back in two weeks. We would hate to miss you two weeks in a
Man: I ___ be back. I’m sorry that I ______ be able to make it.
Woman: No . See you in two weeks.
Conversation 3 - gets / anymore / hear / lot / got / anymore / jealous / quit
Woman: Hey, did you ______ about Jill? She ______ this morning.
Man: Yeah, I hear she ______ a new job.
Woman: Yeah, she ______ to work from home, and she will get paid a ______ more.
Man: I’m so ______ that she gets to work from home.
Woman: Me, too. And I’m sad that she won’t be around the office .
Man: Yes, it won’t be the same ______ her.
Conversation 4 - thrilled / tough / growing / knows / talking / alright / worried / very
Woman: I was ______ to Susan, today, and she said that her daughter got into college.
Man: Oh, that’s great! She must be ______ excited.
Woman: Yes, she’s ______ that she got into a good college, but she’s a bit worried too.
Man: What is she so ______ about?
Woman: Typical mom stuff. She’s worried she’ll be ______ living alone.
Man: Her daughter will be fine! It’s all a part of ______ up.
Woman: Yeah, I think she ______ that. I think that she’s also sad that her daughter will be far from home.
Man: Yeah, that’s ______ for any parent.
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Lesson 14 – Adjectives + That Clauses
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - will / writing / does / latest / due / know / doubtful / afraid
Woman: Oh no! Did you get the latest company email?
Man: No, I didn’t. What does it say?
Woman: The boss wrote the following: due to the recent health crisis, I am afraid that the company holiday party is canceled.
Man: I am not surprised that he did that. The writing was on the wall.
Woman: Do you think they will close the offices?
Man: It is doubtful that would happen, but you never know
Conversation 2 - worries / before / row / come / have / should / miss / won’t
Man: Hey, before I forget. I’m afraid that I can’t play next week.
Woman: That’s too bad. What happened? You never miss our games.
Man: Yeah, this will be a first for me, but I have to work late next week.
Woman: Well, I hope that you can come back in two weeks. We would hate to miss you two weeks in a row
Man: I should be back. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to make it.
Woman: No worries. See you in two weeks.
Conversation 3 - gets / anymore / hear / lot / got / anymore / jealous / quit
Woman: Hey, did you hear about Jill? She quit this morning.
Man: Yeah, I hear she got a new job.
Woman: Yeah, she gets to work from home, and she will get paid a lot more.
Man: I’m so jealous that she gets to work from home.
Woman: Me, too. And I’m sad that she won’t be around the office anymore. Man: Yes, it won’t be the same without her.
Conversation 4 - thrilled / tough / growing / knows / talking / alright / worried / very
Woman: I was talking to Susan, today, and she said that her daughter got into college.
Man: Oh, that’s great! She must be very excited.
Woman: Yes, she’s thrilled that she got into a good college, but she’s a bit worried too.
Man: What is she so worried about?
Woman: Typical mom stuff. She’s worried she’ll be alright living alone.
Man: Her daughter will be fine! It’s all a part of growing up.
Woman: Yeah, I think she knows that. I think that she’s also sad that her daughter will be far from home.
Man: Yeah, that’s tough for any parent.
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Lesson 15 – Adjectives + That Clauses (2)
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1- sure / onward / just / best / policy / productive / follow / unlikely
Woman: Roger, I want to talk to you about the company dress .
Man: Sure, it there a problem with how I dress? I do my ______ to look professional.
Woman: Well, you look nice. It's ______ that you don't wear a suit.
Man: I know, but it's hard to be ______ in a suit, and it is very ______ that I see any clients.
Woman: I know, but it is important that all employees ______ the same policy.
Man: OK, I will start wearing a suit from tomorrow
Woman: Great, and be ______ to wear nice dress shoes, too.
Conversation 2 - weird / may / Regardless / strange / whoever / record / odd / both
Woman: This accident is very
Man: Yeah, it's ______ that no one saw the accident.
Woman: And it's ______ that both drivers fled the scene.
Man: Maybe ______ had a criminal record and were afraid of going to jail.
Woman: Maybe that is the case. , it is doubtful that we will find ______ did this.
Man: I think you ______ be wrong about that.
Conversation 3 - doesn't / would / have / unlikely / every / actually / homemade / harder
Woman: How is your dinner?
Man: I can't eat it. I'm not hungry.
Woman: What? You ______ to eat. The doctor said that it's vital that you eat ______ meal.
Man: I ______ if I could. I'm just not hungry.
Woman: Well, it is important that you try
Man: Well, it would help if the food ______ tasted good.
Woman: I'm sorry about that. I'll try to bring you a ______ meal tomorrow.
Man: Thanks. I appreciate that. But it's ______ that they would allow it.
Woman: Well, it ______ hurt to ask.
Conversation 4 - hope / think / highly / since / chance / more / security / that
Man: So, how is life ______ you quit your job?
Woman: Good! It's nice ______ I get to work from home now.
Man: Yeah, I would ______ so. It's awesome that you get to set your own hours and be your own boss.
Woman: Yeah, that is good, but I miss the of my old job.
Man: Still, it's sad that ______ people don't get to work that way.
Woman: True, but it's ______ likely that more people will get the ______ in the future.
Man: I ______ so.
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Lesson 15 – Adjectives + That Clauses (2)
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1- sure / onward / just / best / policy / productive / follow / unlikely
Woman: Roger, I want to talk to you about the company dress policy.
Man: Sure, it there a problem with how I dress? I do my best to look professional.
Woman: Well, you look nice. It's just that you don't wear a suit.
Man: I know, but it's hard to be productive in a suit, and it is very unlikely that I see any clients.
Woman: I know, but it is important that all employees follow the same policy.
Man: OK, I will start wearing a suit from tomorrow onward
Woman: Great, and be sure to wear nice dress shoes, too.
Conversation 2 - weird / may / Regardless / strange / whoever / record / odd / both
Woman: This accident is very strange
Man: Yeah, it's weird that no one saw the accident.
Woman: And it's odd that both drivers fled the scene.
Man: Maybe both had a criminal record and were afraid of going to jail.
Woman: Maybe that is the case. Regardless, it is doubtful that we will find whoever did this.
Man: I think you may be wrong about that.
Conversation 3 - doesn't / would / have / unlikely / every / actually / homemade / harder
Woman: How is your dinner?
Man: I can't eat it. I'm not hungry.
Woman: What? You have to eat. The doctor said that it's vital that you eat every meal.
Man: I would if I could. I'm just not hungry.
Woman: Well, it is important that you try harder.
Man: Well, it would help if the food actually tasted good.
Woman: I'm sorry about that. I'll try to bring you a homemade meal tomorrow.
Man: Thanks. I appreciate that. But it's unlikely that they would allow it.
Woman: Well, it doesn't hurt to ask.
Conversation 4 - hope / think / highly / since / chance / more / security / that
Man: So, how is life since you quit your job?
Woman: Good! It's nice that I get to work from home now.
Man: Yeah, I would think so. It's awesome that you get to set your own hours and be your own boss.
Woman: Yeah, that is good, but I miss the security of my old job.
Man: Still, it's sad that more people don't get to work that way.
Woman: True, but it's highly likely that more people will get the chance in the future.
Man: I hope so.
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Lesson 16 – Reflexive Pronouns
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - doing / careful / Suit / take / rather / learning / trying / taking
Man: What are you ______ ?
Woman: I’m ______ to learn yoga.
Man: Well, be . Don’t hurt yourself.
Woman: I won’t. I’m ______ it slow.
Man: Why don’t you ______ a class or watch a video?
Woman: No, I’d ______ teach myself. I like ______ things on my own.
Man: ______ yourself.
Conversation 2 - longer / vacancy / expensive / myself / living / by / itself / live
Man: So, where are you ______ these days?
Woman: I ______ near the beach.
Man: Oh, rent is so ______ there. Do you have a roommate?
Woman: No, I live by
Man: Wow! That must be so nice to live ______ the beach.
Woman: It is. When I saw the apartment , I told myself I had to get it, no matter the cost.
Man: That must cost a lot.
Woman: Not really. Because it is near the beach and my work, I no ______ need a car, so I save a lot of money on transportation.
Man: Well, that must be nice.
Woman: Yeah, in a way, the apartment pays for
Conversation 3 - outdid / means / them / like / Did / Can / These / another
Man: ______ I have ______ cookie?
Woman: By all . Help yourself.
Man: These are so good. ______ you buy them?
Woman: Oh, heaven’s no! I made ______ myself.
Man: Wow, well, you ______ yourself. ______ are delicious.
Woman: Well, I’m glad you ______ them.
Conversation 4 - should / bought / ourselves / itself / buy / does / monitor / do
Woman: What did you ______ at the store?
Man: I ______ myself a new watch.
Woman: Oh, cool. What can it ?
Man: Well, it can ______ my sleep, and it never needs batteries.
Woman: It doesn’t need batteries! How ______ it do that?
Man: It recharges ______ using solar power.
Woman: Wow, I need to get a watch like that.
Man: You should. Sometimes we need to treat ______ to something nice.
Woman: I like how you think.
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Lesson 16 – Reflexive Pronouns
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - doing / careful / Suit / take / rather / learning / trying / taking
Man: What are you doing?
Woman: I’m trying to learn yoga.
Man: Well, be careful. Don’t hurt yourself.
Woman: I won’t. I’m taking it slow.
Man: Why don’t you take a class or watch a video?
Woman: No, I’d rather teach myself. I like learning things on my own.
Man: Suit yourself.
Conversation 2 - longer / vacancy / expensive / myself / living / by / itself / live
Man: So, where are you living these days?
Woman: I live near the beach.
Man: Oh, rent is so expensive there. Do you have a roommate?
Woman: No, I live by myself
Man: Wow! That must be so nice to live by the beach.
Woman: It is. When I saw the apartment vacancy, I told myself I had to get it, no matter the cost.
Man: That must cost a lot.
Woman: Not really. Because it is near the beach and my work, I no longer need a car, so I save a lot of money on transportation.
Man: Well, that must be nice.
Woman: Yeah, in a way, the apartment pays for itself
Conversation 3 - outdid / means / them / like / Did / Can / These / another
Man: Can I have another cookie?
Woman: By all means. Help yourself.
Man: These are so good. Did you buy them?
Woman: Oh, heaven’s no! I made them myself.
Man: Wow, well, you outdid yourself. These are delicious.
Woman: Well, I’m glad you like them.
Conversation 4 - should / bought / ourselves / itself / buy / does / monitor / do
Woman: What did you buy at the store?
Man: I bought myself a new watch.
Woman: Oh, cool. What can it do?
Man: Well, it can monitor my sleep, and it never needs batteries.
Woman: It doesn’t need batteries! How does it do that?
Man: It recharges itself using solar power.
Woman: Wow, I need to get a watch like that.
Man: You should. Sometimes we need to treat ourselves to something nice.
Woman: I like how you think.
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Lesson 17 – Emphatic Pronouns
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1- bought / should / got / thinking / buy / much / been / Can't
Man: Wow, big box. What did you ______ ?
Woman: I ______ myself a new computer.
Man: Nice. What kind?
Woman: I ______ a new Mac.
Man: Oh, cool. That must've ______ expensive.
Woman: A little, but I needed a new one.
Man: Yeah. I've been ______ of getting a new one myself.
Woman: You . I find a new computer pays for itself because it makes you ______ more productive.
Man: True. ____ argue with that.
Conversation 2 - did / you're / likes / hear / yourself / you / be / sure
Man: Why are ______ so down?
Woman: I ______ not get a promotion from the boss.
Man: Oh, I'm sorry to ______ that.
Woman: I don't think he ______ me.
Man: Oh, I'm ______ he likes you. Don't ______ so hard on
Woman: Yeah, ______ right.
Conversation 3 - they / have / why / some / better / themselves / home / them
Man: Man, these cookies smell so good.
Woman: Please try
Man: Oh, ______ look so good.
Woman: You ______ eat some before the kids get
Man: Why? Will they eat ______ all?
Woman: Yeah, they can't help
Man: Well, I can see . Your cookies are so good. Can I ______ two?
Woman: Help yourself.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - would / don't / can / your / sew / make / should / made
Man: I like ______ shirt.
Woman: Thanks. I ______ it myself.
Man: Really? I didn't know you .
Woman: I do. I ______ a lot of my own clothes.
Man: That is so cool.
Woman: It's easy. You ______ try it sometime.
Man: I ______ if you could teach me.
Woman: Oh, you ______ need me. You ______ learn how to do it yourself by watching videos online.
Man: Okay. I'll think about it. Thanks.
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Lesson 17 – Emphatic Pronouns
Conversation 1- bought / should / got / thinking / buy / much / been / Can't
Man: Wow, big box. What did you buy?
Woman: I bought myself a new computer.
Man: Nice. What kind?
Woman: I got a new Mac.
Man: Oh, cool. That must've been expensive.
Woman: A little, but I needed a new one.
Man: Yeah. I've been thinking of getting a new one myself.
Woman: You should. I find a new computer pays for itself because it makes you much more productive.
Man: True. Can't argue with that.
Conversation 2 - did / you're / likes / hear / yourself / you / be / sure
Man: Why are you so down?
Woman: I did not get a promotion from the boss.
Man: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Woman: I don't think he likes me.
Man: Oh, I'm sure he likes you. Don't be so hard on yourself
Woman: Yeah, you're right.
Conversation 3 - they / have / why / some / better / themselves / home / them
Man: Man, these cookies smell so good.
Woman: Please try some
Man: Oh, they look so good.
Woman: You better eat some before the kids get home.
Man: Why? Will they eat them all?
Woman: Yeah, they can't help themselves
Man: Well, I can see why. Your cookies are so good. Can I have two?
Woman: Help yourself.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - would / don't / can / your / sew / make / should / made
Man: I like your shirt.
Woman: Thanks. I made it myself.
Man: Really? I didn't know you sew.
Woman: I do. I make a lot of my own clothes.
Man: That is so cool.
Woman: It's easy. You should try it sometime.
Man: I would if you could teach me.
Woman: Oh, you don't need me. You can learn how to do it yourself by watching videos online.
Man: Okay. I'll think about it. Thanks.
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18 – Distributives
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1- Some / All / neither / I’d / Both / about / either / bigger
Woman: Hello, how can I help you?
Man: Hi like to know more about your hotel What are the rooms like?
Woman: We have standard and deluxe rooms.
Man: Can you tell me both?
Woman: Sure They’re similar, but the deluxe rooms are , and have a living room.
Man: What are the amenities? What comes with each room?
Woman: rooms have a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, a coffee maker, and free wifi.
Man: That's good. Does every room have a balcony? I need fresh air.
Woman: Yes. rooms have a small balcony.
Man: Okay. And how about bathrooms? Does room option have a bathtub?
Woman: No, ______ room has a bathtub, but both have a large shower.
Man: I see. And do both rooms have a large bed?
Woman: Yes. All the rooms have a large bed.
Man: Perfect. And what about the view? What rooms have a view of the ocean?
Woman: There are standard and deluxe rooms on both sides. face the ocean, some face the city. Both views are very nice, however.
Man: I see. Thank you! In that case, I'll book a standard room with a view of the ocean, if you have one available.
Woman: It looks like we do! Let me assist you with that.
Conversation 2 - all / do / have / don't / can / usually / changing / them
Man: Where ______ you buy your clothes?
Woman: I buy my clothes at the mall.
Man: Why ______ you buy your clothes online?
Woman: I like to try on the clothes before I buy
Man: I see. Do all the shops have a ______ room?
Woman: Most do, but not .
Man: Does the mall ______ many shops for men?
Woman: Not on every floor, but there's some on the second floor.
Man: I'll have to check it out. I ______ buy all my clothes online.
Woman: Well, next time I go, you ______ come with me.
Man: That sounds fun. I'd like that.
Conversations 3 and 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 3 - rainy / should / too / other / almost / hotter / there's / every
Man: I hear you visit Thailand often?
Woman: Yes, I love the country. I go there chance I get. I love the beaches there.
Man: What is the weather like in Thailand? I want to visit there and stay on the beach.
Woman: Thais joke that there are three seasons: hot, , and hottest.
Man: Really? What is the best time to go? I like hot weather, but not really hot.
Woman: Well, each season is pretty warm, but the dry season is not bad.
Man: When is the dry season?
Woman: It is from December to March. It's sunny every day and cool at night.
Man: What about the seasons?
Woman: The season is from August to October.
Man: Oh, is that a bad time to go?
Woman: No, not really. It does rain every day, but only for a few hours in the evening.
Man: So, the wet season and the dry season. What other season is there?
Woman: There's the hot season from March to August. That's when it's really hot.
Man: So if I go to Thailand, I guess I go in dry season
Woman: Perhaps, but that's when all the tourists come. So all the beaches are crowded.
Conversation 4 - does / still / do / every / try / each / lot / can
Man: How many students do you teach?
Woman: Every semester, I have 100 students with 25 students in ______ class.
Man: That's a ______ of students. Do you know all their names?
Woman: Yes, each and ______ one. But it takes a while to learn them
Man: Wow. How you remember them all?
Woman: I ______ to call on each student every day.
Man: That ______ sounds very difficult.
Woman: I also try to learn a detail about each student. That helps a lot.
Man: How long ______ it take to learn all of the students' names?
Woman: For most classes, I can learn all the names in about a week.
Man: Wow, that is impressive.
Woman: Not really. Anyone can ______ it.
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Lesson 18 – Distributives
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1- Some / All / neither / I’d / Both / about / either / bigger
Woman: Hello, how can I help you?
Man: Hi I’d like to know more about your hotel What are the rooms like?
Woman: We have standard and deluxe rooms.
Man: Can you tell me about both?
Woman: Sure. They’re similar, but the deluxe rooms are bigger, and have a living room.
Man: What are the amenities? What comes with each room?
Woman: Both rooms have a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, a coffee maker, and free wifi.
Man: That's good. Does every room have a balcony? I need fresh air.
Woman: Yes. All rooms have a small balcony.
Man: Okay. And how about bathrooms? Does either room option have a bathtub?
Woman: No, neither room has a bathtub, but both have a large shower.
Man: I see. And do both rooms have a large bed?
Woman: Yes. All the rooms have a large bed.
Man: Perfect. And what about the view? What rooms have a view of the ocean?
Woman: There are standard and deluxe rooms on both sides. Some face the ocean, some face the city. Both views are very nice, however.
Man: I see. Thank you! In that case, I'll book a standard room with a view of the ocean, if you have one available.
Woman: It looks like we do! Let me assist you with that.
Conversation 2 - all / do / have / don't / can / usually / changing / them
Man: Where do you buy your clothes?
Woman: I buy my clothes at the mall.
Man: Why don't you buy your clothes online?
Woman: I like to try on the clothes before I buy them.
Man: I see. Do all the shops have a changing room?
Woman: Most do, but not all
Man: Does the mall have many shops for men?
Woman: Not on every floor, but there's some on the second floor.
Man: I'll have to check it out. I usually buy all my clothes online.
Woman: Well, next time I go, you can come with me.
Man: That sounds fun. I'd like that.
Conversations 3 and 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 3 - rainy / should / too / other / almost / hotter / there's / every
Man: I hear you visit Thailand often?
Woman: Yes, I love the country. I go there every chance I get. I love the beaches there.
Man: What is the weather like in Thailand? I want to visit there and stay on the beach.
Woman: Thais joke that there are three seasons: hot, hotter, and hottest.
Man: Really? What is the best time to go? I like hot weather, but not really hot.
Woman: Well, each season is pretty warm, but the dry season is not too bad.
Man: When is the dry season?
Woman: It is from December to March. It's sunny almost every day and cool at night.
Man: What about the other seasons?
Woman: The rainy season is from August to October.
Man: Oh, is that a bad time to go?
Woman: No, not really. It does rain every day, but only for a few hours in the evening.
Man: So, there's the wet season and the dry season. What other season is there?
Woman: There's the hot season from March to August. That's when it's really hot.
Man: So if I go to Thailand, I guess I should go in dry season
Woman: Perhaps, but that's when all the tourists come. So all the beaches are crowded.
Conversation 4 - does / still / do / every / try / each / lot / can
Man: How many students do you teach?
Woman: Every semester, I have 100 students with 25 students in each class.
Man: That's a lot of students. Do you know all their names?
Woman: Yes, each and every one. But it takes a while to learn them.
Man: Wow. How do you remember them all?
Woman: I try to call on each student every day.
Man: That still sounds very difficult.
Woman: I also try to learn a detail about each student. That helps a lot.
Man: How long does it take to learn all of the students' names?
Woman: For most classes, I can learn all the names in about a week.
Man: Wow, that is impressive.
Woman: Not really. Anyone can do it.
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Lesson 19 – Distributives with Object Pronouns
Fill in the conversations with the words provided.
Conversation 1 - both / prefer / them / together / much / each / have / recommend
Woman: Excuse me. Can you tell me about all the apples you have here?
Man: Sure. We ______ green apples, red apples, and yellow apples.
Woman: Great. Which one do you ?
Man: It depends. Each apple has a different flavor. Do you ______ sweet or sour flavor?
Woman: I like sweet and sour. So both of , I guess.
Man: Well, ______ the red and yellow apples are sweet.
Woman: Great. And how ______ does each apple cost?
Man: All apples are $1 each.
Woman: Sounds good. I'll take one of each then.
Man: Great. Would you like ______ one in a separate bag?
Woman: No, you can put them all .
Conversation 2 - about / like / every / Each / them / most / love / are
Man: Do you ______ the food here?
Woman: Yes. I ______ the food here. All the dishes ______ so delicious.
Man: What ______ the desserts?
Woman: I like ______ of the desserts, but not all of them.
Man: Do you like the cakes?
Woman: Yes. I love all of . ______ one is so good.
Man: I agree. I have one ______ time I come here.
Conversation 3 - other / all / everything / them / both / each / every / these
Woman: Hello. Are ______ items for sale?
Man: Yes, ______ is for sale.
Woman: Great. How much are ______ books?
Man: Just $2 .
Woman: Great. I’ll take this one. Have you read it?
Man: Yes. The author wrote two books. I read ______ of them. Both are really good.
Woman: The paintings are lovely, too.
Man: Thank you. I painted all of ______ myself.
Woman: That is so cool. How much are they?
Man: Both of the big paintings are $40. All of the smaller paintings are $30 each.
Woman: Well, I'll just take the book for now.
Man: Okay. And you can choose one more book. You get a free book with ______ purchase.
Woman: Wonderful. In that case, I will take the ______ book by the same author.
Man: Great. Let me find it for you.
Conversation 4 on Next Page
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Conversation 4 - theirs / them / my / any / neither / they / nearby / has
Man: Do you have ______ brothers or sisters?
Woman: I have two sisters and one brother.
Man: Do they all live ?
Woman: No, both of my sisters moved away.
Man: Where do they live?
Woman: They both live in New York. I see ______ every Christmas. Man: Are ______ married?
Woman: No, ______ of them are married. Both are single.
Man: What about your brother?
Woman: He is married. He ______ three kids. All of them are so cute.
Man: Oh, do you see them a lot?
Woman: Yes. Every weekend. Either they come to ______ house or I go to
Man: What about your parents?
Woman: They are divorced, but both of them still live in town.
Man: Well, it must be nice having such a big family.
Woman: Yes, it is. I love all of them very much.
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