The Human Person:
a State of Emergency Rimini Fiera – Italy August 18•24, 2013
Free admission
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FREE ENTRANCE AND PARKING Rimini Fiera, Via Emilia 155, Rimini (South and West gates) 9.000 free car parking spaces 1.000 near the South entrance - 8.000 near the West entrance Disabled parking (East entrance) - RV parking (West entrance/area 3) Shuttle service For the entire duration of the Meeting, the Fiera Rimini will be connected to the rest of the city through a shuttle service with three routes: Route 5: Viserba, Rimini Fiera Route 9: Fellini Airport, Rimini (historic center), Rimini (train station - FS), Rimini Fiera Route 10: Piazza Marvelli (ex Piazza Tripoli), Marina Centro, San Giuliano, Viserba, Rimini Fiera Purchase of the shuttle ticket will allow you unlimited rides on all Rimini public buses. Book your stay at the Meeting NEW IN 2013: starting this year, you can access the reservation service online, check room availability, compare prices, and book your hotel directly from the Meeting website!
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To support the training and the accommodation of 4,000 volunteers for 8 days for 192,000 hours and for 68,000 meals
Give your 5x1000 to the Rimini Meeting SOCIAL SECURITY 01254380403
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The title of the 2013 Meeting focuses on the most beautiful and yet the most dramatic thing on the face of the earth: man, and more specifically, ‘the state of emergency’ of the human person. Man in his need to exist as a unique and unrepeatable reality, man in the irreducibility of his desire, man who feels that what defines and characterizes him is freedom. In the last pages of Everything Flows, the great Russian writer Vasily Grossman describes the re-emergences of the never entirely suppressed sentiment of freedom in the soul of his protagonist, who returns home after 30 years of deportation in Siberia. “It did not surprise Ivan Grigoryevich that the word “freedom” had been on his lips when he was sent to Siberia as a young student, and that this word was still alive in him, still present in his kind, even today.” Today, man lives in a state of emergency not only when authoritarian political systems threaten the elementary conditions of freedom and survival, but also where, albeit in systems in which democratic freedoms are guaranteed, the desire of the heart is at risk of being anesthetized, censured. This state of emergency in which we live today is apparent to everyone. But, as throughout its history, the Meeting does not want to stress the negative aspects in particular, does not want to launch a cry of alarm, but rather show that the emergence of the human is possible, that everywhere in the world, yesterday like today, there are people who have found a point of strength in the spark of their own desire, reawakened by an encounter, a fact, a lived circumstance. What we expect is that the Meeting could be once more an occasion to encounter others and oneself, to experiment a positivity of living and above all to verify that differences of culture and traditions are only the expression of different modalities with which every man and every people have used the encounters offered by destiny and history in the attempt to face the question of life and give a reasonable answer to that need for truth and that desire for meaning that are inscribed in every person’s heart.
The Meeting does not want just to launch a cry of alarm, but rather show that the emergence of the human is possible. THE THEME OF THE MEETING: STATE OF EMERGENCY: THE HUMAN PERSON John Waters Columnist The Irish Times
Aleksandr Filonenko Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Char’kov, Ukraine 1
Anujeet Sareen Manager of the Wellington Management Company, Boston
THEATRE AND FREEDOM. THE EXPERIENCE OF A GREAT MASTER. MEETING WITH: Lev Dodin Director and Playwright, Artistic Director of the Maly Drama Theatre in St. Petersburg
LAW AND JUSTICE. THE RETURN TO THE MEETING OF: Joseph Weiler Joseph Straus Professor of Law and European Union, Jean Monnet Chair at the New York University School of Law SCHOOL, SYSTEMS OF INSTRUCTION AND HUMAN CAPITAL Elizabeth M. King Director of Education in the Human Development Network of the World Bank YESTERDAY’S MESOPOTAMIA IN CURRENT EVENTS Giorgio Buccellati Director, Mesopotamian Lab, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA
Jonathan Fields Musician and teacher, USA
Tianyue Wu Professor at the Beijing University, China 4
Claire Ly Professor at the Institute for Religious Sciences and Theology, Marseille 5
Paul Davies Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative at Arizona State University 2 Nazzareno Mandolesi Member of the Scientific Committee (Space Science Advisor Committee - SSAC) of the ESA (European Space Agency) and Member of the CdA ASI (Italian Space Agency) 3 Josè Ignacio Latorre Professor of Theoretical Physics, Dep. ECM, University of Barcelona and Visiting Professor at the Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore 4 Marco Bersanelli Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Milan 1
SYMPHONY OF THE “NEW WORLD.” A UNITED EUROPE, FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE URALS The exhibition wants to document how Europe can transition from an “old continent” to the “new world,” a place that, from the Atlantic to the Urals, thanks to a rediscovered tradition relived today, can constitute the beginning of a true novelty for the entire world. A first historical section will document the birth of contemporary Europe starting from two principles born out friendship and communion of the founding fathers: “Never again” and “What unites us is stronger than what divides us.”
The second part of the exhibit will be dedicated to the experiences and facts of recent history that document concrete examples of cultural, social, and economic constructivism, retraced in different countries despite the presence of obstacles and in the midst of a global crisis. The third part will pose a series of concrete questions to the governing institutions on the basis of the experiences described in the second section, the difficulties encountered, and the opportunities arisen.
Curated by the Foundation for Subsidiarity in collaboration with a group of university professors and students.
NATURAL, ARTIFICIAL, CULTIVATED. THE ANCIENT DIALOGUE BETWEEN MAN AND NATURE At the end of the last ice age, between 12,000 and 9,000 years ago, the greatest revolution in the history of humankind happened. In different regions of the planet—from the Fertile Crescent (near East), to the valleys of the Yangtze and the Yellow River in China, to Mesoamerica (south central Mexico), to the peaks of the Andes in South America, to sub-Sahara Africa—small groups of men, until then nomadic hunters and gatherers, independently ones from the others, they invent agriculture. The exhibit will document the first steps and the next developments in this story through the exposition of the wild species and the varieties harvested by men little by little, thus showing the evolution—guided by man—of the plants that have nourished humanity through the millennia. The Leitmotiv is to show man’s interventions as witness to a constant interaction between man and nature, an example of that “artisan science” in which man pays attention to reality and interprets it trying to fully understand it and using it for the common good. Another theme that will be considered is how to respond to the challenge of feeding a fast growing population. It is necessary to rediscover where to ground a correct relationship between man-and-man and man-and-environment. .Curated by the Euresis Association. General coordination by Daniele Bassi, Mario Gargantini, Cesare Longoni, Piero Morandini, Carlo Soave, Elio Sindoni.
THE HEAVENS IN ONE ROOM. WELCOME TO CHESTERTON HOUSE The exhibit proposes to visitors more than an introduction to the life, thought, and works of the most famous British essayists and apologetic of the XX century: on the footsteps of his Innocent Smith (from Manalive), it will allow them to literally sneak into Chesterton’s house, so that the objects, places, and affective experiences that molded his gaze and writings may let us to discover what enabled man to remain man amidst the lies and reduction within and outside his own self. The leading idea of the exhibit is the very Cherstonian (and very Catholic) concept that the eternal is knowable always and only in what is carnal and earthly and, therefore, inside a frame, a limit associated with the idea of the Man Alive. Consequently, the best way to find one’s own home is to go out the door, walk always straight, go around the world, and come back home. A house lived in all its dimensions can contain within it the entire world (and the sky). Curated by Ubaldo Casotto, Andrea Monda, Edoardo Rialti, Annalisa Teggi in collaboration with the Chesterton Institute of New York
The exhibition wants to illustrate the journey of the Russian Orthodox Church during the period of persecution under the Soviet regime. The 1917 revolution, the Patriarchate and the local council, the triumph of militant secularism, the years of the Great Terror, as well as the Concordat with the regime and the Church in the last 20 years are the themes the exhibit will be dealing with by telling the lives of the martyrs, their stories, and sacrifices. A reproduction of a chapel will be the central and most significant part of the exhibit; it will signify a point of light around which everything revolves and inside which icons of all the Russian witnesses of the faith will be exposed.
Curated by the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Moscow. General coordination: Francesco Braschi, Pavel Ermilov, Aleksandr Filonenko, Lidija Alekseevna Golovkova, Aleksandr Mazyrin, Elena Mazzola, Georgji Orechanov, Lev Semenov.
THE REDISCOVERED FACE. THE UNMISTAKABLE FEATURES OF CHRIST The exhibit wants to document how the desire to see the Face of God that characterized the Old Testament, has remained present in the Church. During our times, the Veil of Manoppello, a Face of Christ on a thin veil that has been preserved for four centuries on the side altar of a chapel in the Maiella region of Abruzzo, has surfaced. The image, faint and semitransparent as in a negative slide, is all one with the fabric and is comprised of the variations of only one color, which, depending on the different light conditions, appears either red or gray-green. The exhibit, in collaboration with the Capuchins custodians of the Face of Manoppello, presents the inedited Relatione Historica, the account written by Father Donato da Bomba in 1648 on the arrival of the Veil in Abruzzo.
Armenia Sacred Land Photographs by Graziella Vigo.
What a work of art man is! Beauty as an educational possibility. The Unforeseen Curated by Gilberto Santini, Silvio Cattarina, Alessandro Di Carlo and Valeria Vallerani.
Felsinae Thesaurus, man and relationship with the infinite. The building yard of the St. Petronius Basilica Curated by Monsignor Oreste Leonardi, Primicerius of the Basilica of St. Petronius in Bologna.
“Doing the good well”. St. Giovanni Battista Piamarta (1841-1913) Curated by Gabriele Archetti and Claudio Merigo, with the collaboration of Fr. Enzo Turriceni, superior of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
Thank you Federico! On the bicentennial of blessed Federico Ozanam’s birth, inspiration and founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society Curated by the National Federation St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Curated by Paul Badde, Emanuele Colombo, Michele Colombo, Fr. Paolo Martinelli, Paola Moretti, Davide Rondoni, Cristina Terzaghi, Raffaella Zardoni. Scientific Committee: Giovanna Parravicini, Heinrich W. Pfeiffer S.J., Marco Rossi, Paola Vismara.
AUGUSTINE’S CONFESSIONS. A RECITAL BY SANDRO LOMBARDI The inaugural show of the Meeting will bring to the stage a truly exceptional man: St. Augustine of Hippo. An interpretation of excerpts from the Confessions will allow to relive the dramatic intensity of Augustine’s experience and to walk in his shoes during a personal journey in which
the truth of every man’s existence emerges. This will be a noteworthy show with an exceptional performer like Sandro Lombardi, one of the most important actors of Italy’s contemporary panorama
AUGUSTINE’S CONFESSIONS. A RECITAL BY SANDRO LOMBARDI Directed by Costantino Esposito. Screenplay by Fabrizio Sinisi. Acted by Sandro Lombardi. Auditorium D5 - Sunday, August 18, 2013 - 9:45 p.m.
MANALIVE The work of British writer G. K. Chesterton “Manalive” will be performed for the first time in Italy at the Ermete Novelli Theatre in Rimini for two consecutive evenings. Written in 1912, the novel presents itself as a comedy with well-studied dramatic turns of events, an impeccable style of conversational theatre, steeped in pungent lines, modeled on comical-dramatic registers, and a plot worthy of Shakespeare. It is a mystery without murder, but with a real trial that keeps the reader’s attention alive. Taking center stage is Innocent Smith, a man who wants to live and who is not satisfied with simply surviving, determined to fight against pervasive nihilism, relativism, and the skepticism of his as well as our times. MANALIVE
Drawing Piotr Prominski (
Text by Giampiero Pizzol freely adapted from Manalive by G.K. Chesterton. Directed by Otello Cenci. In collaboration with the G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith and Culture and Made Officina Creativa. Ermete Novelli Theatre, Rimini - Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 9:30 p.m.
MY NAME IS PETER Who was St. Peter? A simple fisherman from Galilee who, from that encounter with Jesus on the shores of the Lake of Genezarth, became a new man. With that statement, “You are Peter,” Jesus not only gives him a new name, but chooses him to become the head of His Church, a guide for the other Apostles, head of all Christendom. His humanity is full of all our defects, which he denies but does not abandon; it cries and laughs; it argues with his mother-in-law; it acts on impulse. A man who, called to talk about himself, cannot but talk about his friend Jesus. Pietro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas for Mel Gibson, will bring to the stage the first of the Apostles through a powerful text by Giampiero Pizzol under the direction of Otello Cenci. MY NAME IS PETER Text by Giampiero Pizzol. Acted by Pietro Sarubbi. Directed by Otello Cenci. Sala Teatro D7 - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 8:00 p.m.
Ph. Mauro Piscaglia
MEETING RIMINI FILM FESTIVAL International short film festival
CALL FOR ENTRIES ARE NOW OPEN WELCOME FILMMAKERS! Do you love cinema and your dream is a short movie? By May 10 you can register for the VI edition of the international short film competition organized by the Meeting in collaboration with Made Officina Creativa, the New York School of Visual Arts, ACT multimedia of Cinecittà in Rome, Radio Cinema, Sentieri del Cinema and Best Movie, the most read cinema magazine in Italy. We are looking for works that discuss and deepen with authenticity the theme of man’s commitment with reality by revealing its serious, ironic, dramatic, passionate, and mysterious aspects. Prizes include: a ten week course at the New York School of Visual Arts, a one year scholarship for the Academy of Cinema and Television of Cinecittà in Rome, and a 1,500 Euro cash prize! Do not miss the New York preview that will take place June 14 in the theatre of the School of Visual Arts. AWARD CEREMONY OF THE MEETING RIMINI FILM FESTIVAL Sala Cinema D3 - Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
On the stage of the Meeting auditorium, artist Enzo Iacchetti will present a tribute to friend and maestro Giorgio Gaber in which he reexamines the early repertoire that preceded the birth of Mr. G. Gaber’s songs are altered, rewritten and ‘contaminated’ with quotes and references to contemporary Italian music. This show intends to “ensure that those who know Gaber will never forget him and those who don’t know him might know how good, inimitable, and unsurpassable he was” (Enzo Iacchetti). SORRY MR. GABER Giorgio Gaber Evening, with Enzo Iacchetti and band, followed by interview and video with Massimo Bernardini. In collaboration with the Giorgio Gaber Foundation. Auditorium D5 - Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - 9:45 p.m.
SUNSET LIMITED Elsinor theatre stages a novel-text in dramatic form. White and Black are challenging each other with the goal of eliminating every possibility of the adversary’s flight, of giving check mate. Everything starts in the morning, when White is about to throw itself under the Sunset Limited, a train that connects Louisiana and California. Black saved it from the tracks and took it to his humble apartment. White wanted to kill itself and is still determined to do so. The game is on. Black, a former criminal, of color, and of Christian faith, naively attacks White, university professor and atheist, who responds with tactical moves that slowly destroy the enemy. Until the final counterattack, ruthless, lucid. An attack with the worst weapon, words, reveals their inability to listen. SUNSET LIMITED Cormarc McCarthy Written and directed by Fabio Sonzogni, with Fausto Iheme Caroli (Black) and Fabio Sonzogni (White). Sala Teatro D7 - Wednesday, August 21, 2013 - 7:45 p.m.
Twenty years after the death of Giovanni Testori, the Meeting proposes an event to celebrate the great writer, playwright, painter, art critic, poet, director, and actor, who participated in the first editions of the event.
An entire area dedicated to children! Songs, dances, and games every day with the friends of the Village: Piccole Tracce, Pim Pam, Fr. Marco Finco, Maestro Villa, and the Band Master will welcome you!
Sport for passion An entire pavilion promoted in collaboration with CSI (Italian Sport Center) and CdO Sport will be dedicated to sport.
Many workshops and hands-on activities for crafting, creating, and learning, singing and acting classes, puppet show, the ‘animated’ library for the little ones, afternoon presentations, evening shows at the theatre and many more surprises. Also, available for all children under the age of 3 will be the Kids Area.
13.500 mq to get to know and practice different sports: beach volley, beach tennis, mini soccer, volleyball, basketball, judo, table tennis, foosball, street games, checker and chess.
Once again this year you will find the Papperia, a quiet area for moms and their babies.
A week rich of initiatives to be lived in friendship, the possibility of individual games, challenges, tournaments, and outdoor sport events.
Kids at the Meeting with Service Web The baby club for children between the ages 4-8 will be open Sunday from 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 pm. Parents will be able to leave their children with qualified personnel for one or more hours. There is a fee for this service. For more information, call 0541 52065 - Service Web adheres to the nursery project
A MEAL FOR EVERY TASTE Typical restaurants - pad B2/B3 The Romagnolo restaurant, the Pugliese restaurant, the meat restaurant Graticula, the Mediterranean restaurant and new in 2013, the Bergamasco restaurant. Fast Food - pad B1/B4/C3 There are many choices in the Fast Food areas: piadina, pizza, kebab, hot dog, hamburger, fish and chicken, hand-made pasta, cold dishes and rice, ice cream and crepes. Snack areas Also available are the many snack areas located all over the fiera grounds: 6 snack bar, the Bar Alcamo with Sicilian specialites (pad C1), the Yogurteria / Frutteria (West pools), the Creperia / Gelateria (East and west pools) and the Birreria Meeting (east pools).