Product Design Portfolio

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Product Design

Hello “It’s not that I can’t, it’s that I haven’t learnt how to yet” My name is Meghan, I currently study BA Product Design at Nottingham Trent University. I am still finding myself as a designer because of this I am always willing to learn and try new things. Especially when it comes to broadening my skill set in Design. I love to interact with all types of people, I believe you can’t be a successful designer if you don’t understand your users. Products are only as good as the leg work put in, that’s why all stages of design are imporant. Outside of my degree I always keep busy, from Muay Thai training to organising events with friends! I love to bring joy to people and my degree is another outlet for me to do so, through products.

Skills -

Contact -

• Team-worker


• Creative Thinker • Problem Solver Meg.gera121

• Adobe software, such as, InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.

Pinterest meghan_geraghty

• Solid-works Skills

Instagram meghangeraghtydesigns

• Modelling Skills • Drawing Skills

Number +44 7819797608

Contents This Portfolio is a collection of my work ever since I grew an interest in Product design, including live briefs with companies and my current project.



Brand Extension


Future Mobile communications group-work


Designing for production

3. Storage wars

Individual Project


Delight in Light Toy Story

UNLOCK Secretive device that can be used one handed or unlocked to take advantage of the roll-able screen.

Future of Mobile Communication Brief Considering future macro trends and one of the consumer profiles outlined, the brief asks you to design a smart phone for the year 2025. This project was a group project, we had to produce three final concepts for the brief given. Our profile choice was Active/Explorer. Specifically Backpackers. This page is showing the collection of products for 3 different age ranges. The next few pages shows the process of development for “Unlock�. It was designed for 18-24 Year old Backpackers. SHORT-LISTED PROJECT

MIND A device that attaches to your backpack to capture the moments you can't

An adhesive strip device that monitors your surroundings!


No. of responses


When travelling abroad how safe do you feel using your phone (With 10 being completely safe)?

Desirable features: Roller-ball OLED screen

Less Social Media

Retina scanning

Safety Trends This is the overall theme that spiked our interest in backpackers. There have been headlines in the news about backpackers safety (getting lost and health risks). Each product we have designed is based around some form of safety for the user in question.

Our primary research also highlighted safety as an issue for travellers/backpackers. An interview with a security consultant also steered our designs. Yes


Each figure equals 5 responses

Are you concerned about your safety whilst abroad?

UNLOCK Snapshot of the design process undergone... • Phones are at risk of being stolen. • Could we design something that doesn’t look like a phone?

Too bulky

• This age range are less prepared to travel, how could we help? Engraving on the front? Bigger section for the electronics?

Initial Ideas...


Screen on front instead

Open t have m apps an

Discrete screen

The device can be attached to keys/the bag etc. making the where abouts of the phone easier.

There are 3 unique apps on this phone This is an index app, a checklist so the user knows what they should take.

This app helps the user with Languages. It gives them sentence starters.

This app gives the user alerts about the area. it also tells them about the country (rules to follow etc..)

Grips on the side for when being used one handed.

Retina scan to open phone

the device to more access to nd the camera.

Our outcome is our product ‘Unlock’. This device is a smart phone that doesn’t look like a smart phone so there’s less chance of it being stolen. After modelling we decided to add a protective shell to the device. To make it more robust

There’s two ways to use this product, the first is it’s compact on handed form and to unlock the full screen the device must be unlocked using a retina scanner.

Brand Extension The Challenge Your challenge is to design an immersive experience and exclusive KitKat product offering for Nestle Chocolatory. Outcome I designed the Cocoa Bean Challenge for this project, this is an immersive experience using the concept of a ball pit! Donate money to Nestle's Cocoa Plan and you can take part in the competitive race for the limited edition KitKat! You have 30 seconds to collect as many certain coloured balls as possible, the player who collects the most wins the "break tradition" KitKat.

The Experience 1





Cocoa Plan Challenge This concept is built upon adult ball pits Have a break, Have a KitKat‌ this concept really goes to town on the saying. Consumers come to the store to take part in a competitive race. To win players must collect the most amount of balls in 30 seconds! Could you come and try to beat your friend? Come to the chocolatory, win our unique bars and break tradition with us!

Jen has won her race and now has the special Edition KitKats!

She is intrigued by the new packaging

KitKat P The images above depict my research into user experience. The packaging was carefully designed and tested multiple times until the final design. It was important to design a range of colour packets that were pleasing to the eye but also eye catching for any potential buyers. When designed I tried to capture KitKats fun , colourful and relaxing persona. The packets also have a new phrase on them " Break Tradition" this phrase is successful at intriguing new customers and it challenges them to try new thins, in this case the new KitKats.


She flips the KitKat over to view the back, she notices information about KitKats Cocoa Plan!

Jen is very content with her prize and the positive impact she has made by playing the Cocoa Challenge.

Storage Wars Original brief To design a decorative storage or organisational product. Successful products will identify customer storage needs whilst being aesthetic. Focus after research Leaving the house within a growing family can be stressful, how can I reduce this with a storage product in the entrance?



These products are a unique storage sy designed for everyone in the family. No each fully customizable.

With the interchangeable sections a ch animal design POD and then in a few y different attachments and change the

PODZ is carefully designed for all types purchase more then one for the family anywhere on the walls. These timeless p process of leaving the house.

ystem. They are o POD is the same,

hild could have an years they could buy style completely.

s of user, they can and place them products will ease the

Exploded view of the interchangeable sections -

Full POD

Removing the drawer to change the function/appearance

User Inter

The images above depict how the product can be chopped and changed buy the user to suit their needs. The smallest changes can make the product fit any trend, making it timeless. User feedback was positive when they used the model, it was just the right size and the fact they could customize it made the product more appealing. If this was developed further their could be different storage units and sizes!


Taking off the front face, putting on a different one

Putting objects on the new version of the POD

Powder Coated Metal

Designing for Production

Aluminium Sheets

Brief Develop a single or range of products specifically for sheet material manufacturing such as laser, water and plasma cutting. There is no restriction on the type of product you produce however, awareness of target market must be considered. Cork

Max Early/ Mid 30’s Graphic Designer Busy, Social, Outdoor Active Shops at Hay / Made / SCP / COS / Goodhood

Hannah Early / Mid 30’s Photographer Busy, Social, Outdoor Active Shops at Hay / Made / SCP / COS / Goodhood

The Product The STACK desk tidy products are all designed for unique jobs, from holding pencils to paper clips or camera wires. The products were designed to try and help creative Professional keeps all their objects in one place, keeping desks neat. A majority of the STACK products are 2 part sections. This is to make manufacturing simpler‌ The cork sections will be CNC routed. The Aluminium sheet Covers will be Plasma cut into the appropriate net and then formed into the correct bend.

No matter the type of product they will all stack on top of each other with ease.

The Aluminium is powder coated, giving a nice finish. The cork base means there will be some friction on tables, making the products more stable.


STACK Desk Tidy is Mobile, Adaptable and full of Personalisation. Regular STACK

Specifically designed to cater creative professionals. It’s easy stacking system means less space taken on desk and less fuss if you need to take your belongings somewhere else! “Tidy desk, Less Stress”


Toy Story

BriefTo design a wooden toy for John Lewis. The products will be manufactured by hand or with basic machinery, in Latvia, so the design needs to be simple and utilise material well. The production of the design needs to be communicated clearly and only use traditional manufacturing techniques. The finished item must fit within a box 300 x 300 x 200mm to reduce shipping costs.

Outcome The final product is known as “Blockies� They are customizable toys for children aged 5 - 10 years old. The are simplistic and last long within the age group. This product can help create a bond with parent and child, as they can both make the characters together. It helps create an emotional connection with the product itself.

How to customize -


The user starts with whatever character they purchase, they can also purchase other characters and attachments



They can change any type of block anytime they want


Depending on the age they may need their parents to help them. which is good for Parent, child bonding!

Havin chara

ng the option to change their acter means the products life span will be longer!

Final Model This was one of my favourite models to create. This is because I had to take time with the Designing and final make.

Users say it has a play effect when picked up, the weight of the product is just right!


Here is the new character!

The final products will be made out of Beech.

Made from Chemiwood, it gives it a realistic feel.

To make the specific details used a dremel drill, it truly allowed me to bring my design to life!

Furniture Inspiration -

Individual Project Brief Design a range of products for Stockholm’s design week. Re-framed brief Design plastic products that challenge peoples negative preconceptions of the materials Why Plastics have a negative stereotype surrounding them, after my visit to Stockholm I discovered plastics I have never heard of. Scandinavian design has managed to design plastic products that generate a positive image. How I plan to design a range of products made from a sustainable plastic. the idea is to educate people. The range of products are being designed for NTU’s product designers. The products must create a positive experience and educate these students in order to be successful. (This project is at concept development stage)

What do people think of plastic?




58% 42%






Do you prefer Wood or Plastic Furniture?

Do you see plastic as a positive or negative material?

93% of people prefer wood. I find this interesting, how can I portray plastic furniture in a way that changes peoples mind?

I feel plastic is viewed as a negative material because it is not handled correctly. most people are unaware of impacts other materials can make.



Did you know some Plastic products are more sustainable then wooden? I asked this question to clarify peoples knowledge and to see if my products should create awareness.

Research This user prefers to sit in chairs with back support, it does not have to be adjustable.

The primary research I carried out was based in the NTU product design studio, I looked at how my potential users liked to sit and what their preferences were. this research guide my concept generation and my selection concept

How could I design a product which suits all types of users? This user prefers having chairs without back support “Back support is not always supportive�

Concept Chosen Interchnagable back support

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