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Kirsty Shaw Design Strategy Presenta1on.

Brand a new fun and exci1ng sweet shop that is a modern take on tradi1onal pick ‘n’ mix shops. So many sweet shops these days look cheap and tacky and are full of a variety of brands so my challenge is to create a sleek design that will s1ll appeal to children. Audience: Children 4 – 15 years Focus: Branding.

Create a swimwear brand with a focus on reusable packaging. It appears at this moment in 1me, whilst supermarkets are promo1ng ‘bags for life’ and trying to get people to use less throw away bags, clothing stores are not. Audience -­‐ Californians aged 16 – 35

Brand an independent dairy company. How will the look of the products set them above supermarket products? Audience -­‐ Bri1sh middle class people 25+ years concerned with source and produc1on of their food. Focus: Branding/Packaging

Live Brief – Branding for a 3 day Independent film fes1val held annually in Leeds that celebrates the best in new and alterna1ve LGBTQI cinema from around the world. This has been going for quite a few years now and could do with some actual branding, designed logo, programs, posters, website, etc.. Audience -­‐ The LGBTQIA community.

Create a concept for a local convenience store that only sells own brand products. The brand will offer a simpler shopping experience as you won’t have various brands to choose from. This will also offer more shelf space so the store will have a larger range of products than a standard convenience store. Audience -­‐ Students. Brief -­‐ Create a concept for a new affordable clothing brand that focuses on clothing for all and doesn’t segregate clothing into gendered sec1ons. It aims to challenge the gender binary. The brand should aim to challenge the pressure put upon us by clothing stores to conform to dressing stereotypically ‘male’ or ‘female’. Audience -­‐ People who feel they shouldn’t have to conform to stereotypes. 18 – 35 years

Package a range of cocktail gi\ sets. Audience -­‐ 18 – 30 year olds

Create a Linocut starter kit. Audience -­‐ Anyone interested in Art/Printmaking. New art students. 15+

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