Kirsty Shaw PPP Presenta/on.
Who was I at the beginning of the year?
Briefs so far.
Brand a new fun and exci/ng sweet shop that is a modern take on tradi/onal pick ‘n’ mix shops. So many sweet shops these days look cheap and tacky and are full of a variety of brands so my challenge is to create a sleek design that will s/ll appeal to children. Audience: Children 4 – 15 years Focus: Branding.
Create a concept for a local convenience store that only sells own brand products. The brand will offer a simpler shopping experience as you won’t have various brands to choose from. This will also offer more shelf space so the store will have a larger range of products than a standard convenience store. Audience -‐ Students.
Live Brief.
Visi/ng Professionals.
Compe//on Briefs.
Making a start on…
Have the theories/methodologies used in COP affected me going forward?
Where am I now?