Florence Concierge: Gennaio / Febbraio 2013

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Free copy courtesy of Chiavi d’Oro Toscana

FLORENCE concierge

INFORMATION jan | feb 2013

Флоренция Консьерж

focus | exhibition

The Thirties

The Arts in Italy beyond Fascism In 1930s Italy, during the Fascist era, a very vigorous artistic battle was waged, involving every style and trend, from Classicism to Futurism, from Expressionism to Abstraction, and from monumental art to salon painting. The scene was enriched and complicated by the emergence of design and mass communication—posters, wireless, films—which espoused many ideas from the "fine" arts and conveyed them to a broad public. It was a complex and vital time of experimentation, open to the outside world, the prelude to our modern era. The exhibition will present this decade through a selection of high-quality works, which at the same time offer a historically informed narrative of the time, fully conveying its aesthetic, cultural and ideological atmosphere. The exhibited materials will include art works, photographs, models. The exhibition opens with a focus on the influential artistic centres, each characterised by a particular style or taste: the Milan group with Sironi and Carrà; Florence, with Soffici, Rosai, Lega and

Тридцатые годы

Развитие искусства в Италии в эпоху фашизма В тридцатые годы в Италии, в эпоху фашизма, наблюдался особый подъем в сфере искусства, вовлекая все существующие на то время стили и тренды, от классики до футуризма, от экспрессионизма до абстракционизма, от монументализма до салонной живописи. Внедрение дизайна и средств массовой коммуникации обогатило и внесло разнообразие в общественную жизнь: появились плакаты, радио, фильмы, которые способствовали развитию «изящных» искусств и помогали доносить их до публики. Это было время сложного и жизненно необходимого

focus | exhibition

The Thirties The Arts in Italy beyond Fascism palazzo strozzi Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2645155 palazzostrozzi.org


экспериментирования, открытое для внешнего мира — настоящая прелюдия нашей современной эры. Выставка представит это десятилетие коллекцией работ высочайшего качества, которые в то же время расскажут историческую правду той эпохи, полностью передавая ее эстетическую, культурную и идеологическую атмосферу. Показанные материалы будут включать художественные работы, фотографии, модели. Выставка акцентирует внимание на влиятельных центрах творческой жизни, каждый из которых характеризуется особым стилем или вкусом: миланская группа во главе с Сирони и Каррà; Флоренция с её Соффичи, Розаи, Лега и Виани; Болонья, Рим, Турин и Триест. Целая секция посвящена футуристам и современному визуальному искусству. Заключительный раздел выставки открывается экспозицией, посвященной роли Флоренции, как города наиболее важных и культурноактивных печатных изданий, формировавших связи между поэзией, живописью, письмом, скульптурой и музыкой. до 27 января.

Viani; Bologna, Roma, Turin and Trieste. A whole section is dedicated to the Futurists and abstract avant garde younger painters and sculptors, open to European and international influences. A section focuses on manifestations of public art in its plastic and painterly (muralism) forms, presenting sketches for murals and sculptures intended for public places, reliefs, glass panels and posters. The Contrasts section reflects the clash between modernity and tradition, culminating in the critical issue of "degenerate art" in Germany, which was reflected in some respects in Italy. Section V is dedicated Design and applied arts, the multiplication of art, mass reproduction, a variety of different household items against a backdrop of modern environments. In the final section, the opening group refers to Florence's role as the city of the most important and dynamic cultural journals, forming connections between poetry, painting, writing, sculpture and music. On the other hand there is the contrasting, albeit complementary, theme of The Strength of the Province and its Origins, featuring works by Soffici, Rosai, Viani, Romanelli, Marini, Quinto Martini and Manzù. The Modernity Myth relates the developments of such an atypical Futurist as Thayaht, and his brother Ram, to ideas for the city's renewal as embodied in the two architectural masterpieces of the new Santa Maria Novella station and the Giovanni Berta stadium. until january 27th.


January | February 2013


The Thirties Renaissance in Florence Focus Exhibitions Focus music

2 20 62 68


Il Bisonte Meeting Wanny Di Filippo



Uffizi Gallery Florence's premiere art gallery Santa Maria Novella Walking around Santa Croce the Franciscan Church Santo Spirito and the Oltrarno district

24 54 58 72


pitti fashion Pitti Uomo Pitti W Shopping Fashion Pitti Bimbo Pitti Filati

34 36 38 50 52


Tuscan cuisine Plain, simple and basic Restaurants List Restaurants Map Restaurants Reviews

100 104 106 108

index | january february 2013

Hotels & Relax

Hotel Helvetia & Bristol This issues hotel & restaurant Hotels List


Principal Museums Pitti Palace Museums Frescoes Antique Art and Renaissance Modern Art Monumental Apartments Crafts, design, fashion Monuments Education & Science Guided Tours & Special Openings Monumental Churches

Info & Transports Useful Info Consulates Pisa Airport Railways Siena Coach Service Masses & Cemeteries Non-Catholic Churches

Russian Pages Japanese Pages City Map

90 94

80 81 82 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 88

114 114 116 118 119 120 121 122 126 128

Florence ConciergE bimestrale d’informazione turistica bilingue - Issue n°1 /Jan+Feb 2013 Reg. Tribunale di Firenze No. 2941 - Direttore Responsabile: Ugo Rossi Coordinamento: Sergio Iannotta e Alessandro Marchese. Editore Mega Review Via Vasco De Gama, 65 - tel. 055.412199 commerciale@megareview.it in collaborazione con Ass. Portieri d’Albergo Chiavi d’Oro Toscana La Redazione non è responsabile di eventuali cambiamenti di date, orari e programmi delle manifestazioni The Editor is in no way responsible for any changes in dates, timetables, programmes of exhibitions and events. In copertina / Cover page: Il Bisonte

Michele Paonessa Presidente dell’Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Member of Union Internationale Des Concierges D’hotels “Les Clefs D’or”



Добро пожаловать

Dear Guest,

Gentile Ospite,

Уважаемый Гость!

We would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Tuscany from all the “Golden Keys” Hotel Concierges.

Desideriamo esprimerLe un cordiale benvenuto in Toscana a nome di tutti i Portieri ‘Chiavi d’Oro’.

Florence Concierge Information, conceived and published with the idea of making your stay in Tuscany as enjoyable as possible, is just one of our ways of showing our dedication towards making you feel at home.We offer you this carnet personally because we are sure it can provide you with all the ideas and information you need during your stay here. Our long experience means that we have also been able to include a series of specific proposals selected especially for you. We are looking forward to seeing you at our desk, delighted to help you in any way we can.

Il nostro impegno nel farLa sentire a suo agio è testimoniato anche dal Florence Concierge Information pensato con lo scopo di facilitare e rendere più lieto il suo soggiorno nella nostra Regione. In questa rivista, che Le abbiamo personalmente consegnato, troverà molte informazioni ed indicazioni che ci auguriamo Le possano essere utili. Le segnaliamo le migliori proposte selezionate con la nostra esperienza che, grazie a Lei, maturiamo giornalmente. L’attendiamo come sempre al nostro banco felici di poter accogliere ogni sua richiesta.

Мы желаем сердечно поприветствовать вас в Тоскане от имени всех Портье "Золотого Ключа".

Golden Keys Magazine Network


Наше обязательство дать Вам почувствовать себя у нас уютно, о чем свидетельствует также Флоренс Консьерж Информатион,мы хотим сделать ваше пребывание в нашем Регионе наиболее приятным. В этом журнале вы найдете много информации которая, как мы надеемся,сможет помочь вам.Пользуясь нашим опытом, который, благодаря Вам ежедневно растет, мы отобрали для Вас лучшие предложения. Ждем Вас у нашей стойки и будем рады помочь любой Вашей просьбе.

Firenze - Via Guicciardini, 18r - Tel. 055 282829 - www.parris.it








Uffizi Gallery

Pitti Uomo

The word Renaissance, used for the first time by Vasari in his book "Vite" (1550), refers to the historic period between the late 14th century and the second half of the 16th century, which was characterized by the rebirth of the cultural and artistic life. This phenomenon involved the whole of Europe but its first roots undoubtedly originate in early Florentine Humanism. It meant a complete release of thought and action from the strict theological and very limited dogmas of the Middle Ages.

The Uffizi Gallery covers an area of about 8.000 square meters and contains one of the most important collections of art of all times, including classical sculpture and paintings on canvas and wood by 13th to 18th century Italian and foreign schools. The Gallery of the Uffizi was also the first museum ever to be opened to the public: in fact the Grand Duke granted permission to visit it on request from the year 1591. Its four centuries of history make the Uffizi Gallery the oldest museum in the world.

Pitti Uomo once again confirms the level of its proposals, thanks to the presence of over 1020 brand names, plus another 70 collections for women presented at Pitti W at the Dogana. The greatest fashion houses choose Pitti Uomo and Florence to present their collections and special projects in order to consolidate worldwide strategies at the beginning of the season. Pitti Uomo is becoming increasingly international with an important rise in the number and quality of applications.

Слово Ренессанс, впервые используемое Вазари в его книге «Жизни» (1550), относится к историческому периоду между 14-ым столетием и второй половиной 16-го, который был ознаменован возрождением культуры и искусства. Это явление вовлекло за собой всю Европу, чьи первые корни безусловно восходят к эпохе раннего Флорентийского Гуманизма.

Галерея Уффици охватывает площадь около 8000 квадратных метров и содержит одну из самых важных коллекций произведений искусства всех времен, в том числе классические скульптуры и картины на холстах и дереве итальянских и зарубежных школ с 13 по 18 века. Галерея Уффици был первым музеем который был открыт для публичного посещения - великий князь дал разрешение на посещение его частной коллекции по запросу в 1591 году.

Pitti Uomo еще раз подтвердила уровень того, что предлагает, благодаря присутствию более, чем 1020 брендов, плюс еще 70 коллекций женской одежды, представленной на Pitti W в павильоне бывшей таможни. Наиболее знаменитые дома моды выбирают Pitti Uomo и Флоренцию, чтобы выставить свои коллекции и особые проекты для консолидации всемирных тенденций в начале сезона.








Santa Maria Novella

Santo Spirito

Tuscan Cuisine

Piazza Santa Maria Novella is dominated by the breathtaking facade of its Basilica, the masterpiece of Leon Battista Alberti (1456-70), though the lower part dates from the 14th century. Santa Maria Novella is chronologically the first of the great Florentine basilicas. Its name, “Novella”, comes from the fact that it was built on the site of a 9th century oratory, called Santa Maria delle Vigne, which had already been enlarged in 1094.

Piazza Santo Spirito is surrounded by 15th century palaces and completed by a pretty garden with a fountain in the centre. Sit down for a breather here at one of the open-air cafè’s or restaurants and enjoy the popular and rather bohemian atmoshere of the square. It is always a hive of activity, due also to the fact that many Florentines still live and work here and it has not, as yet, been taken over by offices and hordes of tourists.

Над площадью Санта Мария Новелла возвышается захватывающий дух фасад Базилики — шедевр Леона Баттиста Альберти (1456-70). Хотя нижняя часть и датируется 14-ым веком, Санта Мария Новелла является хронологически одной из первых великих флорентийских базилик. Ее имя «Новелла» берет начало еще со времен самой первой постройки, которая стояла на этом месте — часовни, датируемой 9-ым веком, чье имя Санта Мария делле Винье.

Площадь Санто-Спирито окружена зданиями 15-го века и завершается прелестным садом с фонтаном по центру. Присядьте и сделайте здесь передышку в одном из кафе или ресторанов на открытом воздухе, чтобы насладиться оживленной и богемной атмосферой этой площади. Она всегда напоминает пчелиный улей, что многие флорентийцы до сих пор живут и работают здесь, где пока нет особой концентрации офисов и орд туристов.

Plain, simple and basic, the Tuscan cuisine needs little elaboration to be able to conquer new admirers. The care given to the quality of the basic ingredients is an essential part of Tuscan cultural traditions, still closely linked to country cooking and genuine products. You only need taste a slice of Tuscan bread soaked in olive oil to appreciate the essence of this cuisine. The locally produced extra-virgin oil in fact accompanies almost all the most characteristic recipes in the region.


В Тоскане, как известно, производятся вина высочайшего качества. Ее холмы покрыты виноградниками и в никакая другая местность не может похвалиться таким выбором вин. Здесь можно продегустировать лучшие в мире красные вина как например Брунелло ди Монтальчино, Вино Нобиле ди Монтепульчано, Карминьяно и Мореллино ди Скансано, Помино, Ансоника и вина Ельбы .

Frilli Gallery Sculpture Art Studio in Florence Since 1860


ince 1860 Frilli Gallery is a manufacturer of handcarved marble and hand-chiselled bronze sculptures for interior and garden decoration. The Gallery presents a wide range of Greek, Roman, Classical, Renaissance, Art Nouveau and Contemporary statues. The top quality replicas produced are highly valued “lost wax” bronze castings from original molds or hand carved white Carrara marbles, alabasters and stones. During 150 years of activity, Frilli Gallery has become the name of reference for private collectors , hotels, interior designers, worldwide museums. Over the years Frilli Gallery pieces have been purchased by royal families, shown at international exhibitions . Throughout this time, the Frilli Gallery has remained true to its mission: to bring “authentic” replicas of pieces of classic and modern sculpture to contemporary residences, villas and parks. “Authentic” replicas may sound as a contradiction in itself. But not many people know that replicas were already popular in antiquity. Most of the classical pieces shown in museums today are actually replicas of lost originals that became even more popular in the Renaissance as Roman and Greek art was rediscovered. There are few private art galleries in the world that can still bring new emotions to the visitors. The Frilli Gallery in Florence is one of those. Masterful replicas to be touched, caressed probed freely with your own hand, fingers. This experience will not leave one unmoved.


1860-го года Галерея Фрилли является изготовителем произведений из инкрустированного мрамора и бронзовых статуй ручной работы для интерьера и садовых декораций. Галерея представляет широкий спектр статуй в греческом, римском, классическом стиле, в стиле эпохи Ренессанса, стиле «модерн» и современном стиле. Высококачественные копии, сделанные с применением техники «потерянного воска» из бронзового литься с использованием подлинных опалубок или выполненные вручную из белого каррарского мрамора, алебастрового камня и других каменных материалов. В течении 151 года деятельности Галерея Фрилли стала отправным пунктом для многих коллекционеров, отелей, дизайнеров интерьера, а также музеев всего мира. За эти годы произведения Галереи Фрилли заказывались королевскими династиями и выступали в качестве экспонатов на международных выставках. Миссия Галереи Фрилли заключается в том, чтобы украшать «подлинными» частицами классической и современной скульптуры нынешние резиденции, виллы и парки. «Подлинные» копии — звучит противоречиво на первый взгляд. Однако, немногие знают, что копии имели огромную популярность уже в древности. Большинство классических произведений, выставляемых на показ в музеях, на самом деле являются копиями утерянных подлинников, которые приобрели особое признание в эпоху Возрождения, когда имело место переосмысление канонов красоты древнегреческого и древнеримского искусства.

Via dei Fossi 26r - Florence - phone/fax +39.055.210212 - www.frilligallery.com

interview | il bisonte

Il Bisonte

Meeting Wanny Di Filippo From hippy to successful fashion designer and entrepreneur. This is the unusual story of Wanny, as everyone calls Antonio Di Filippo, who launched his leather handbags and accessories on the market with the "Il Bisonte" brand name just 40 years ago. We meet up in his historic premises in Palazzo Corsini in Via del Parione, between Via Tornabuoni and the Lungarno in Florence. IL BISONTE Via del Parione, 31r - Tel. 055.215722 www.ilbisonte.com


Mr Di Filippo can you tell us about the path that led you to found Il Bisonte? At the end of the 1960’s I was a spare parts representative in Italy. But it was on Sardinia’s beaches, at the weekend, that my creative adventure began, by making goat skin leather accessories which I gave to my friends. A love that eventually became my work . A love not only for design, but also for materials, shapes and colours, rather like a game where all the senses are involved and that, one step at a time, has made Il Bisonte so successful. In actual fact, I knew nothing about the bags of that period as they were extremely structured; instead, I designed bags that were really a sort of sack, practically two pieces of leather stuck together and tied with a string. At the end of the 1970’s, I settled in Via del Parione, in a mansion that once belonged to Pope Clement XII - Lorenzo Corsini (1730-1740) where you can still find Il Bisonte’s shop and offices nowdays. The modern factory il Bisonte is in Pontassieve from 2001. Il Bisonte has single-brand shops or franchises all over the world (Europe, United States, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong). In the 1980’s, it opened two shops in Paris: one on the Rive Droite inside the Galerie Véro Dodat and the other on the Rive Gauche in Rue du Cherche Midi; shops in New York and Beverly Hills, and a shop in Rome in Via dei Coronari, near Piazza Navona in 2008. The online shop shop.ilbisonte.com was inaugurated in 2010. The Flagship Store in Florence in Via del Parione, right in the heart of the city, perfectly epitomises Il Bisonte’s retro fashion taste: inspired by the fact that these same rooms once housed the mansion’s stables, new collections and a vast range of ‘historical’ articles are displayed, in an atmosphere recalling turn-of-the-century nuances.

IL BISONTE Интервью с Ванни ди Филиппо От хиппи до успешного модного дизайнера и предпринимателя. Такова необычная история Ванни, как все зовут Антонио ди Филиппо, который начал выпускать свои кожаные сумки и аксессуары под брендом «Il Bisonte» 40 лет назад. Мы встретились с ним в старинных стенах Дворца Корсини. Господин ди Филиппо, что послужило Вам толчком для основания бренда Il Bisonte? В конце 1960-ых я работал в качестве агента по продаже запчастей в Италии. Это случилось впервые на пляже Сардинии, на выходных, когда началось мое творческое приключение: я сделал несколько вещиц из козьей кожи, кото рые подарил моим друзьям. Хобби, которое внезапно превратилось в мою работу. В конце 1970-ых я открыл производство на улице Виа дель Парионе, в особняке, который когда-то принадлежал папе Клименту XII, где и сейчас находится магазин Il Bisonte вместе с офисами. Il Bisonte имеет монобрендовые магазины или франшизы по всему миру: Париж, Нью Йорк, Беверли Хиллз, Рим, Европа, Соединенные Штаты, Япония, Австралия, Тайвань, Гонконг. Онлайн магазин shop.ilbisonte. com был открыт в 2010-ом году.


interview | il bisonte

Откуда Вы черпаете вдохновения для дизайна Ваший продукции? За эти годы Il Bisonte пытался сохранить нетронутым дух мастерства в работе, который сделал его известным во всем мире, продолжая производить элементы, которые все изготавливаются строго в Тоскане. Воловья кожа — материал, характеризующий бренд, окрашенная растительными красками с процентным содержанием жира, который делает ее мягкой на ощупь и придает тот самый налет, который с годами делает ее еще красивее. Я знаю, что Вы охвачены настоящим культом буйволов — страсть, которая привела Вас к созданию частного музея, в котором собрано множество предметов, связанных с этими прекрасными животными. В чем тут секрет и что для Вас означает буйвол? Я всегда был очарован образом спокойствия и силы, который передают буйволы. Этот образ мне очень близок. Коллекция Дворца Корсини состоит из 1200 наименований, среди которых имеются картины, гравюры, скульптуры, монеты и памятные вещи. Вы все чаще находитесь в центре Вашей рекламной кампании, выступая в качестве модели, одетой то как Центурион, то как Гарибальди или самурай. Эти образы мгновенно приковывают Ваше внимание: каковы причины такого выбора? Я хочу убежать от обыденности сегодняшней рекламы и подчеркнуть, что произведения от Il Bisonte не подвержены влиянию времени, так же, как персонажи, которых я представляю. Все началось с самурая, которого я сыграл по просьбе японцев. После чего игра приняла новые обороты с другими персонажами, получая все большой успех в Италии.


Where do you take inspiration for the design of your produtcs? Over the years, Il Bisonte has tried to maintain intact the craftsman’s spirit in the work that has made him famous all over the world, continuing to produce items which are all strictly made in Italy (or better, made in Tuscany) and carefully selecting the materials to be used. Cowhide is the material that identifies the brand, a vegetable-tanned hide with a percentage of fat that makes it soft to the touch and that gives it a patina that further embellishes items over time. This means that Il Bisonte bags tell a stories, reveal who we are, I have come to understand that our style is appreciated by those who love articles which have a personality of their own I create objects for people who choose the unobtrusive luxury of hand made articles, pieces that are difficult to classify according to the latest dictates of fashion, and which have nothing to do with clients who wish to “flaunt a trademark or a look”. I know you have a real cult for buffalos, a passion that led you to create a private museum collecting objects related to these beautiful animals, what is the reason and what does buffalo mean for you? I have always been fascinated by the image of peace and strength that bisons convey and I have always searched for and carefully collected works of art and curiosities related to this animal. I think I sort of identify in this image. The collection, organized in Palazzo Corsini, is now made up of more than 1200 catalogued items, including paintings, prints, sculptures, stamps, coins and various memorabilia. You are increasingly at the center of your advertising campaings, acting as a model dressed as a Centurion, or Garibaldi rather than a Samurai, all these images immediatly captures your attention, what are the reasons behind this choice? I wanted to escape from the usual patterns of today's advertising and demonstrate that Il Bisonte creations are timeless, like the characters I played. Everything started with the Samurai I've played on great demand of the Japanese. They love my being changeable and versatile. Then the game continued with other characters and it was a great success in Italy.. All pictures by Giovanni Corti www.studart.it

Renaissance in Florence

The rebirth of the cultural and artistic life

The word Renaissance, used for the first time by Vasari in his book "Vite" (1550), refers to the historic period between the late 14th century and the second half of the 16th century, which was characterized by the rebirth of the cultural and artistic life. This phenomenon involved the whole of Europe but its first roots undoubtedly originate in early Florentine Humanism. Thus the rediscovery of classical studies, seen from a free and lay point of view, made it possible to uphold man and his possibilities of free thought and action through a critical analysis of his world that followed the guide-lines of the old masters. It meant a complete release of thought and action from the strict theological and very limited dogmas of the Middle Ages. Fundamentally, from the philosophical point of view, the Renaissance meant naturalism, in other words, the study of man and the universe without the use of metaphysics. Man is the centre and measure of all things, a chosen creator who echoes the deep harmony between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Niccolò Cusano, Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Giordano Bruno re-read Plato and, each one in their own way, found the inspiration to compare man with his capacity for knowledge (Neoplatonism). Alberti, Salutati and Vergerio rediscovered the values of human independence and


focus | renaissance

Ренессанс во Флоренции

dignity in the philosophy of the Stoics. Lorenzo Valla, following the ideas of Epicurus, claimed the end of the principle of authority ("ipse dixit"). Pietro Pomponazzi, a follower of Aristotle, made his own completely laical interpretation, denying immortality of the soul and proposing ethics that were free of religious considerations. Machiavelli supported the separation of politics from morality. Telesio eliminated metaphysics from natural science. Campanella dared propose a "natural religion" and a Utopian protocommunism. A similar release from the strict bonds of metaphysics took place in the world of science and set the basis for the elaboration of mathematicalexperimental methods. New category of scientists and engineers was born of whom Leonardo is one of the finest examples. New sciences like astrology, alchemy and natural magic helped to reject the old Aristotelian method, founded on pure deduction. Important progress was made in the astronomic field by Copernicus, Tycho Brahe and Keplero, opening up the way for Galileo and heliocentrism. In the field of mechanics, Tartaglia and Benedetti rejected the Aristotelian idea of motion being a metaphysical absolute. For mathematics, the Italian algebraists Cardano were able to resolve third degree equations, which the Greeks and Arabs had not managed to do, and freed calculation from all purely dogmatic considerations.

Слово Ренессанс, впервые используемое Вазари в его книге «Жизни» (1550), относится к историческому периоду между 14-ым столетием и второй половиной 16-го, который был ознаменован возрождением культуры и искусства. Это явление вовлекло за собой всю Европу, чьи первые корни безусловно восходят к эпохе раннего флорентийского гуманизма, что означало полное освобождение от мыслей и действий, присущих строгим теологическим и крайне ограниченным средневековым догмам. Освобождение от тесных уз метафизики охватило весь научный мир и положило основу для экспериментальных математических методов. Зародилась новая категория ученых и инженеров, одним из ярчайших примеров которых был Леонардо да Винчи. Новые науки, такие как астрология, алхимия и природная магия помогли отодвинуть на второй план старый метод Аристотеля, основанный на чистой дедукции. Важного прогресса достигла сфера астрономии, благодаря Копернику, Тико Браге и Кеплеру, открывших путь Галилею и гелиоцентризму. В сфере механики Тарталья и Бенедетти отбросили утверждение Аристотеля, что движение является above:

Raphael, The School of Athens. 1510-1511, Apostolic Palace, Vatican


focus | renaissance

There was rebellion in medicine against the archaistic ideas of Galen and a rebirth in the study of anatomy and the importance of direct observation. The Renaissance began to utilize the classical ideas and forms again in the arts, following the cultural ideals of continuation with the ancient world. Over a period of a few short years Brunelleschi, Donatello and Masaccio carried out a revolutionary transformation of the conceptions of creative activity. Art was no longer a "mechanical activity", or a sort of handcraft, but a "liberalis", or rather, an intellectual exercise. This transition was confirmed by the publication of several theoretical works by Leon Battista Alberti: "De pictura" (1436) "De re aedificatoria" (1452) e "De statua" (1464). Art became an instrument of knowledge and research into reality; it was a real science based on rational theoretical foundations, like the rules of perspective. The key-concept of the "imitation of nature" was based on the contrast between classical and Byzantine traditions but should also be understood as the mathematical and geometrical organization of visual data within a given space. This artistic rebirth spread and developed, reaching the greatest heights of "Classicism" with Bramante, Michelangelo and Leonardo. The artists that followed Raphael and Michelangelo (who as a boy lived in Lorenzo the Magnificent's house and in the gardens of St. Mark) developed Mannerism into a nonconformist search for pure originality as a reaction to the anxiety that transpired behind the veils of Classicism.


on the left: Leonardo Da Vinci, The Vitruvian Man. 1487, Galleria dell'Accademia, Venice

метафизической величиной. В сфере математики итальянский алгебраист Кардано научился решать уравнение с тремя неизвестными, которое греки и арабы в те времена решать не умели, освободив вычисление от чисто догматических рассуждений. В медицине произошло восстание против архаичных идей Галена и возрождение изучения анатомии и важности прямого осмотра. Ренессанс начал вновь обращаться к классическим идеям и формам в искусстве, воссоединяясь с культурными идеалами античного мира. Всего за несколько лет архитектор (Брунеллески), скульптор (Донателло) и художник (Мазаччо) произвели революционное перевоплощение во Флоренции принципов и функций творческой деятельности. Искусство перестало быть «механическим видом деятельности» или неким родом ремесленничества и превратилось в «свободное выражение» или, скорее, в интеллектуальное занятие. Этот переход был документирован несколькими опубликованными теоретическими трудами Леона Баттиста Альберти: «О живописи» (1436), посвященный Филиппо Бренеллески, «О зодчестве» (1452) и «О скульптуре» (1464). Искусство стало инструментом познания и поиска истины; оно превратилось в настоящую науку, основанную на рациональных теоретических принципах, таких, как правила перспективы. Ключевая концепция «имитации природы» основана на контрасте между классической и византийской школой, но могла также расцениваться и под углом математической и геометрической организации визуальных данных в заданном пространстве.


Uffizi Gallery

Florence's premiere art gallery

Sandro Botticelli, the birth of Venus


itinerary | uffizi gallery

Музей Галерея Уффици

Галерея Уффици охватывает площадь около 8000 квадратных метров и содержит одну из самых важных коллекций произведений искусства всех времен, в том числе классические скульптуры и картины на холстах и дереве итальянских и зарубежных школ с 13 по 18 века. Галерея Уффици был первым музеем который был открыт для публичного посещения - великий князь дал разрешение на посещение его частной коллекции по запросу в 1591 году. Козимо I де Медичи решил построить дворец Уффици, доверив строительство Джорджо Вазари в 1560 году, дворец был завершен Буонталенти, который проектировал знаменитую Трибуну, дом, где разместились

The Uffizi Gallery covers an area of about 8.000 square meters and contains one of the most important collections of art of all times, including classical sculpture and paintings on canvas and wood by 13th to 18th century Italian and foreign schools. The Gallery of the Uffizi was also the first museum ever to be opened to the public: in fact the Grand Duke granted permission to visit it on request from the year 1591. Its four centuries of history make the Uffizi Gallery the oldest museum in the world. Cosimo I de’ Medici decided to build the Palace, whose construction was started by Giorgio Vasari in 1560 and later completed by Buontalenti, who designed the famous Tribune, to house the administrative offices (or “uffizi”) of the Government because Palazzo Vecchio, which also overlooks Piazza della Signoria, had become too small to hold them all. However it was his son Francesco I who was responsible for starting to turn the palace into a museum in 1581, when he closed the second floor Gallery with huge windows and arranged part of the grand-ducal collection of classical statues, medals, jewellery, weapons, paintings and scientific instruments here. The Medici were untiring collectors and were forever adding to the Gallery: some of the most important elements to be added to the collection came from the inheritance left by Ferdinando II’s mother, Vittoria della Rovere (1631), together with the many acquisitions made by Cardinal Leopoldo de’ Medici (16171675), which were to create the basis of the

Massimo Parlanti Head Concierge Florence Complex THE ST. REGIS THE WESTIN EXCELSIOR introduces


itinerary | uffizi gallery


Botticelli, Detail from Primavera (Allegory of Spring)


Gallery of Prints and Drawings (on the first floor of the Uffizi, on the site of the old Court Theatre built by Bernardo Buontalenti) and the collection of Self-portraits, exhibited today in the Vasari Corridor linking the Uffizi to the royal palace of Pitti. When Gian Gastone, the last Medici Grand Duke, died, his sister Anna Maria Ludovica managed to prevent the artistic patrimony from being scattered with the famous “Family Pact” (1737, and reconfirmed in her will of 1743), which, instead of bequeathing everything to the successors of the House of HapsburgLorraines, left the collections to the city of Florence itself “to be an ornament to the Government, useful to the public and to attract the curiosity of foreigners”. This document proved to be vitally important when the time came to retrieve the art works that had been removed and taken to Paris in Napoleonic times. Altered and rearranged several times over the centuries, according to the cultural tastes of the various periods, the exhibition rooms are now composed of over 45 rooms containing about 1.700 paintings, 300 sculptures, 46 tapestries and 14 pieces of furniture and/or ceramics. In actual fact the Uffizi owns about 4.800 works, the remainder of which are either in storage or on loan to other museums. The main collection includes great works by Giotto,

административные оффисы (или "уффици") правительства. Уже сын Франциска I превратил здание в музей в 1581 году, когда закрыл галерею с огромными окнами на втором этаже и разместил там выставку великокняжеской коллекции античных статуй, медалей, ювелирных изделий, оружия, картин и научных приборов. Медичи были неутомимыми коллекционерами, каждый из них постоянно пополнял галерею ценными экспонатами. Когда Джан Гастоне, последний великий князь Медичией умер, его сестре Анне Марии Людовике удалось предотвратить утрату художественного наследия , подписав знаменитый "Семейный пакт" (1737 и также был подтвержден в ее завещании в 1743 году), который завещал Коллекцию городу Флоренция , “которая

itinerary | uffizi gallery

on the left:

Caravaggio, Bacchus below:

Giotto, Madonna di Ognissanti

будет украшением правительства, будет полезна для общественности и для привлечения иностранцев." Основная коллекция включает в себя величайшие произведения Джотто, Мазаччо, Филиппо Липпи, Боттичелли, Леонардо да Винчи, Беллини, Джорджоне, Тициана, Микеланджело, Рафаэля, и почти всех великих итальянских художников до 18-го века. Основная коллекция остается оригинальной на протяжении веков. Работы в основном расположены в исторической последовательности. Перемещаясь из одного зала в другой можно наблюдать эволющию живописии от эпохи византии и средневековой до барокко.

Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Botticelli, da Vinci, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Michelangelo, Raphael, and just about every great Italian artist through the 18th century. The core of the collection is from the Medici court. The collection has remained remarkably intact with few changes over the centuries. The works are mostly arranged in historical sequence. Moving from room to room you can see how painting evolved from Byzantine and medieval beginnings through the Baroque. In the early works, you can see the Byzantine influence in the use of line to suggest drapery and the heavy use of gold leaf. The artists of Siena soon begin to change this style by suggesting three-dimensional architecture even before the discovery of formal perspective. Soon the revolutionary Giotto appears on the scene depicting rounded solid figures that seem almost like Doric columns. The international Gothic style soon exerts its influence. The spatial depth is pushed back and the scenes crowded with multitudes of figures in colorful costumes. In spite of this, the overall trend in Italian art is towards the austere. The artists give the human figure a more sculptural appearance and the space is simplified and made more logical. Around 1424, the discovery of mathematical perspective causes yet another revolution in style as artists


itinerary | uffizi gallery

on top:

Piero della Francesca, the Dukes of Urbino


middle: Titian, the Venus of Urbino


Paolo Uccello, The Battle of San Romano

for more and more realistic representations of figures in space. The 15th century ushers in the early Renaissance. Artists have new theories and improved materials. There is a great deal of experimentation with various stylistic elements. Two of the masterpieces of the Uffizi come from this period. The Birth of Venus and the Primavera by Botticelli make us marvel at the artistic mind that could conceive such fantastic compositions. The paintings are unbelievably rich in detail and must be seen in person to be appreciated. There are many examples of High Renaissance works in the collection. Among them is the Annunciation by Leonardo da VincI and the Holy Family by Michelangelo. These paintings are not only a synthesis of the styles and techniques that came before; they glow with the inspiration of a golden age. There are also excellent examples of Venetian art from the period, including two important paintings by Titian, The Venus of Urbino and Flora. Soon there was a movement towards the elongated figures of the Mannerist style as in the works of Tintoretto. And towards the end of the 16th century Caravaggio had a profound impact on the art world with his realism and intense use of shadow and light. These changes ushered in the Baroque period. The Uffizi collection includes many masters of this period from Northern Europe, including Van Dyck, Rubens and Rembrandt. Finally, the collection contains a number of 18th century works that show the artistic trend towards genre scenes and courtly life.

itinerary | uffizi gallery

The New Uffizi

Новые Уффици

In 2012 the Uffizi Gallery and its artistic itineraries have been extended to offer its visitors 17 new rooms located on the first floor and painted on either intense blue or red. This first step of the "New Uffizi" project expanded the visible collections and gave a better distribution of the museum's spaces. The eight new Blue rooms are dedicated to foreign painters from Flanders, Holland, France and Spain from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. The nine Red ones to Italian High Renaissance paintings by masters such as del Sarto, Fiorentino, Pontormo and Bronzino. In addition, the beautiful octagonal Tribune in the West wing was finally reopened after two years of restoration and rearrangement. The Tribuna was built in 1581 by Bernardo Buontalenti, as a place for Grand Duke Francesco I to display his treasures. Octagonal in shape, it has a dome crowned with a lantern and is lit by windows on the upper walls. Its chief glory is the precious mother-of-pearl decoration against a bright blue ground on the drum of the dome, and the dome itself covered with 6000 shells against a crimson background, all of which have been spectacularly restored on this occasion. The adjoining Stanzino delle Matematiche has now been opened and renovated with its emerald green walls and "grotteschi" on the ceiling.

В 2012-ом Галерея Уффици и ее музейные маршруты были расширены, чтобы предложить своим посетителям 17 новых комнат, расположенных на втором этаже и расписанных яркими синими и красными тонами. Этот первый шаг в проекте «Новых Уффици» увеличил экспозицию коллекций и способствовал улучшению использования музейного пространства. Восемь новых синих комнат посвящены иностранным живописцам из Фландрии, Голландии, Франции и Испании, с шестнадцатого по восемнадцатый век. Девять красных посвящены живописи раннего итальянского Ренессанса с работами таких мастеров, как дель Сарто, Фьорентино, Понтормо и Брондзино. В добавок прекрасная ортогональная трибуна в западном крыле была наконец-то вновь открыта для посетителей после двухлетнего перерыва и реконструкции. Трибуна была построена в 1581-ом году Бернардо Буонталенти, как место, где Великий герцог Франческо I мог бы показывать свои сокровища. Главным его украшением являются драгоценные перламутровые декорации на ярко-синем фоне по периметру, в то время как сам купол покрыт 6000 ракушками на пунцовом фоне, каждая из которых была великолепно отреставрирована по этому случаю.

galleria degli uffizi Loggiato degli Uffizi Tel. 055.294883 Open 8,15-18.50 Closed on Mondays. www.uffizi.firenze.it



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The refined Bemporad boutique in Via dei Calzaiuoli, just off beautiful Piazza della Signoria, has been one of the most prestigious names in clothing in Florence since 1885. Here the experience and competence matured in over a century makes it possible to offer a wide selection of products: exclusive classical and ceremonial collections from the best houses of fashion as well as a vast selection of sports and casual wear for all occasions. The large show room contains a huge assortment of refined fashions, evening wear, coats, raincoats and sheepskin jackets and overcoats for men and women. The huge collection of skirts, suits and outfits for women or jackets and trousers for men is completed by accessories and ties, available in many models and designs. The experienced staff can help the client decide what to add to his wardrobe or propose original and elegant solutions for special events. Large or extra-large sizes no longer need to renounce perfect elegance or a preferred colour or material, because Bemporad’s made-to-measure fashion service offers qualified solutions for tailored clothing. After the client has chosen the most suitable drop and selected the material he prefers, the prestigious Florentine tailor’s shop will make him up an elegant piece of clothing, all by hand, right there inside the boutique. Highly qualified craftsmen use their wonderful manual skills to create articles of clothing that bear some of the most prestigious labels. One of the most important aspects of Bemporad tailoring is the choice of classical and sporting quality textiles, produced in a wide choice of materials, designs and shades by prestigious Italian and British fashion houses. Bemporad is also: Valentino, Canali, Tombolini, Pal Zilieri, Mabrun and Gimo’s. С 1885 Bemporad одна из самых престижных марок одежды во Флоренции с большим ассортиментом элегантных вещей высокого класса: вечерние платья и костюмы, пальто, плащи, дубленки и верхняя мужская и верхняя одежда, юбки, деловые женские костюмы. Опытные продавцы-консультанты смогут помочь Вам в выборе комплекта одежды наиболее отвечающего Вашим требованиям и предложить решение как элегантное, так и оригинальное для Ваших специальных выходов. Стоит посмотреть коллекцию одежды из кожи высочайшего качества , которая прославила марку Bemporad во всем мире. Для клиентов с мягкими размерами или размером экстра ладж есть сервис «мода по размеру», который гарантирует элегантность в цвете и материале который вы выбираете. Прямо в бутике, после выбора размера и ткани которая Вам подходит, ателье высочайшего уровня пошьет полностью вручную, одежду экстра качества, элегантную и рафинированную. Необходимая характеристика ателье Bemporad это качество используемых тканей. Широкий выбор материалов, рисунков и оттенков как классических , английского стиля так и спортивных, изготовленных престижными фирмами Италии и Англии. Собственная лаборатория ателье предлагает также возможность персонализировать и подогнать под размер всю одежду бутика.

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Pitti Uomo Fashion in Florence

Pitti Uomo once again confirms the level of its proposals, thanks to the presence of over 1020 brand names, plus another 70 collections for women presented at Pitti W at the Dogana. The greatest fashion houses choose Pitti Uomo and Florence to present their collections and special projects in order to consolidate worldwide strategies at the beginning of the season. Pitti Uomo is becoming increasingly international, and this is confirmed by the figures, with an important rise in the number and quality of applications received for January – also from strong men’s fashion markets such as Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and the United States. In fact, foreign vendors, from about 30 different countries, account for nearly 40% of our exhibitors. And then there are the buyers: the last winter edition of Pitti Uomo welcomed more than 30,000 visitors, 21,000 of whom were buyers from the world’s most important large and small retailers. The next edition of Pitti Uomo will stage as usual many special events at the Fortezza, the ideal venue for meeting the world’s top buyers and members of the international press. Scouting, research and keen focus on product quality are what make Pitti Uomo, and Florence, the event and the place that the world’s greatest names in fashion choose to show their new collections and special projects and to launch their global strategies at the start of the season. There is also a growing demand among our exhibitors to stage special events at the Fortezza – events that capture the attention of both buyers and the press. Pitti Bookswear is the key theme for the Pitti Immagine winter fairs. “And that’s because reading will always be fashionable”, says Agostino Poletto, Deputy General Manager of Pitti Immagine. “And because the world of fashion does not feed only on magazines, but it presents concepts and images that also have their roots in books (and that are often transposed into books). In January, books with all their physicality will be the leading players at Pitti Uomo and the other Pitti Immagine fairs. Walls of books, cascades of books will be painted here and there, or their spines will become piecemeal puzzle images”. Erik Bjerkesjo


shopping | pitti fashion

PITTI UOMO 83° Fortezza da Basso - January 8th-11th

Pitti Uomo Pitti Uomo еще раз подтвердила уровень того, что предлагает, благодаря присутствию более, чем 1020 брендов, плюс 70 коллекций женской одежды, представленной на Pitti W в павильоне бывшей таможни. Наиболее знаменитые дома моды выбирают Pitti Uomo и Флоренцию, чтобы выставить свои коллекции и особые проекты для консолидации всемирных тенденций на старте сезона. Pitti Uomo становится все более международным мероприятием, и это подтверждается постоянно растущими цифрами как количества, так и качества заявок, полученных за январь, в том числе и от таких сильных рынков мужской моды как Великобритания, Франция, Германия, Япония и Соединенные Штаты. Иностранные производители из примерно 30 разных стран составляют почти 40% от всех участников этой выставки. А затем идут байеры: последняя выставка Pitti Uomo приняла более, чем 30,000 посетителей, 21,000 из которых являлись байерами из наиболее важных в мире больших и малых сетей розничной торговли. На следующей выставке Pitti Uomo будет организовано множество особых мероприятий в крепости Fortezza da Basso, идеальное место встречи для покупателей от мировых лидеров и представителей международной прессы. Скаутинг, научно-исследовательская работа и заостренное внимание на качестве продукта — вот то, что делает Pitti Uomo и Флоренцию событием и местом, которое выбирают величайшие имена мировой моды для показа своих новых коллекций и особых проектов, а также, чтобы продвинуть свои глобальные стратегии на старте сезона. Наблюдается также постоянный рост запросов со стороны наших участников на организацию особых мероприятий в крепости Fortezza — событий, способных привлечь внимание как байеров, так и прессы.


Pitti W

Fashion ahead of the game

Pitti W no. 11, the Pitti Immagine trade fairevent dedicated to special projects for women’s fashions will be held in Florence, from the 8th to the 11th of January, concurrently with Pitti Uomo 83. The Dogana, adjacent to the Fortezza da Basso will showcase an exclusive preview of full and capsule collections for the 2013-14 fall/winter season by a select group of international labels. Pitti W continues to keep ahead of the game by strategically launching previews, specific projects and capsule collections for women’s fashion at the beginning of the season when the buyers’ budgets have not yet been allocated. An event that brings to Florence increasingly specialized collections and targeted selections of accessories that are outstanding for their quality and detail as well as their attractive quality-price ratios. Pitti W aims to consistently offer proposals that are directed towards a high level target group of boutiques and stores with a high stylistic content. This is why the proposals continue to be across-the-board, from the world of fragrances to vintage, to contemporary jewelry. The special guest at this edition of Pitti W will be Maison Kitsuné, the eclectic Parisian brand headed by the Franco-Japanese duo Gildas Loaëc and Masaya Kuroki. They combine music, fashion and a long list of international achievements in design research. Maison Kitsuné will stage a special event for Florence and Pitti W. With the Guest Nation project, Pitti Immagine devotes a special space to the up-and-coming names on the international creative and business scenes. This edition’s Guest Nation will be Denmark which, over the past few seasons – and through an interesting platform such as Copenhagen Fashion Week – has become one of the most interesting places when it comes to cutting edge fashion. The Dogana will feature a special selection of young, up-andcoming Scandinavian fashion talents such as Aase Hopstock, Anne Sophie Madsen, Anne West, Freya Dalsjo, Spon Diogo.


from the top anti-clockwise: Maison Kitsune Guest Nation Denmark Pitti Bookswear Mania

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PITTI W 11° Fortezza da Basso January 8th-11th

Pitti W Pitti W № 11, Pitti Immagine выставасобытие, посвященная особым проектам в области женской моды, пройдет во Флоренции, с 8-го по 11-ое января, одновременно с Pitti Uomo 83. Dogana (здание бывшей таможни) рядом с крепостью Fortezza da Basso будет представлять эксклюзивный показ полных и капсульных коллекций 2013-14 сезона осень/зима от избранной группы международных брендов. Pitti W продолжает держать лидерство в игре между стратегическим запуском предварительных показов, конкретными проектами и капсульными коллекциями женской моды в самом начале сезона, когда бюджеты байеров пока не определены. Событие, которое собирает во Флоренции наиболее специализированные коллекции и выбор узкоцелевых аксессуаров , являющихся выдающимися по своему качеству и детализации, а также благодаря интересному соотношению цены и качества. Pitti W направлена на постоянное продвижение предложений, направленных на бутики целевых групп высокого уровня и на магазины высокого стиля. Именно поэтому предложения витают от мира ароматов до винтажа, до современных ювелирных изделий. Особым гостем этой выставки Pitti W будет Maison Kitsuné, эклектический парижский бренд, возглавляемый франко-японским дуетом в лице Жильдаса Лоайе и Масайа Куроки. Они комбинируют музыку, моду и длинный список международных достижений в области дизайна. Maison Kitsuné является особым событием Флоренции и Pitti W.


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Sartoria Rossi Contemporary made-to-measure An exclusive service: journeying to the heart of fine tailoring. Men’s suits, elegant evening and ceremonial suits, tailored jackets and trousers, all made exclusively by hand from top quality fabrics. Professional ethics, passion and creativity, combined with excellent service, are key to the success of a brand that expresses its origins to the full. The heritage of Sartoria Rossi is underpinned by constant research into the creation of garments that reflect all the physical peculiarities of every man. Style, fine fabrics and exquisite craftsmanship accompany our tailors’ hands as they create models that reflect contemporary fashion styles and stand out for their details, which symbolise the meticulous care required by the art of fine tailoring. Discover your measurements at the exclusive Italian tailors. Via della Vigna Nuova, 51r - Tel. 055.294872 clienti@sartoriarossi.it www.sartoriarossi.it


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Baldinini Baldinini’s boutique at nr. 32r in via della Vigna Nuova is a message of Italian style that extends his success to more than 100 shops in the world. Gimmi Baldinini’s specialty is footwear, his first passion and first international success. He is famous for his slender and sensual heels, while the plastic qualities of his innovative materials enhance the charm and beauty of every woman. Accessories that pursue perfection: finely worked shoes, desirable works of art designed to enhance female beauty. Details reflecting a sophisticated taste in experimentation, research and tradition. “Our century-old expertise is perfected now by the use of latest generation smart details, and meantime our shoes based on artisan know-how still require manual skills” says Gimmi. Women SS 2013 collection focuses on important volumes and neat lines, exclusive materials such as flexibile light leather or ultralight napa, sophisticated prints of floral fantasies, white suede and lace, origami effects, enamelled accessories or guilded tips. But there is also the world of Baldinini Men that's growing stronger: for the new collection reptile leather laced derby in unusual colors such as dark blue, ultracomfort suede loafers in red, paprika or curry and urban style leather sneakers with printed logo.

Via della Vigna Nuova, 32r Tel. 055.213014 www.baldinini.it


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Moreschi Moreschi has always focused on traditional methods, unique skills, a strict selection of materials and a search for quality without compromise. The company manufactures in Italy high-quality handcrafted footwear for men and women and accessories in a great variety of leathers. Expert shoemakers, partly supported by modern technology, create each individual pair of shoes as if they were real works of art, it takes from 250 to 300 manual steps to make each pair of shoes. Moreschi products are created for an international clientele that is attentive to detail and product quality, customers who want to look smart as well as feel comfortable both at work and during leisure hours. The Moreschi Spring-Summer 2013 Women’s Collection inaugurates a seasons of light-heartedness and color, poised between classical and irony, pervaded by a new joie de vivre that celebrates the legend of Monica Vitti and her era; Virna sandal, in cyclamen color and wingtip decorations conveys the quintessence of femininity; Electric Lady is the must of the collection: a socket open toe rock-chic model, towering on a 10cm heel, enhanced by the see-through effect fo the Ducale perforated upper; Platform Mambo is a sandal characterized by large volumes where the Mambo seam- used in the '70s for men's shoes - highlights the craftsmanship of the product. Men's Collection introduces innovative forms, soft and precious leathers and incomparable craftsmanship for Dandies, sportsmen, businessmen or genuine countrymen, there is a Moreschi Shoe designed for any style, like Tancredi e two-tone leather brogues or Panarea loafers with tassels celebrating the blue, synonymous with elegance and distinction or extra-light Taormina particularly suitable for walking in relaxation even in the hottest days.


Piazza della Repubblica, 2 Tel. +39.055.214598 www.moreschi.it

di Firenze Abbigliamento Uomo, Donna, Bambino Idee per la Casa Clothing for Men, Women & Children Ideas for the Home New collections at www.principedifirenze.com

via del Sole 2 - 50123 Firenze tel. 055292764 - fax. 055293398 info@principedifirenze.com

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A. Ugolini e Figli Via Calzaiuoli, 65/68r Tel. +39.055.214439 www.augoliniefigli.it

The historic store A. Ugolini e Figli founded by Arturo Ugolini in 1896, is situated in historic Via Calzaiuoli, and epitomises fine traditions. The store has always been a regular point of call among foreign visitors, whether famous or not, an environment that blends sobriety with elegance, where Italian good taste emerges in the warm colours of the wood furnishings and refined English atmosphere. It has always been dominated by Anglo Saxon traditions, a timeless classical style that is ever in fashion, with shirts, accessories, knitwear, shoes, trousers, coats, leatherwear and luxurious and beautifully made suits.

Raspini One of fashion’s historic brand names for clothes and accessories in Florence, Raspini, is situated close to the Cathedral and has shops in Via Roma, Via Por Santa Maria and Via Martelli. Apart from offering a range of some of the finest “griffes” in the world of fashion, Raspini has always contributed towards launching young designers, one of the most important of whom was Giorgio Armani, and therefore all the top fashion designers consider it a point of pride and a sign of certain success to have their products displayed in Raspini’s windows. Some of the prestigious labels to be found include Prada Sport, Blumarine, D&G and many others.

Via Roma, 25r Via Por S.Maria,72r Tel. +39.055.213077 www.raspini.com


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Valditevere In 1950 Donna Piretta dei Principi Rocco di Torrepadula (mother of Donna Donatella Rocco di Torrepadula), with Vittorina Pacini Battaglia and the Countess Donina Cicogna, gave life to the "Valditevere" brand name. Initially producing precious hand-woven furnishing fabrics created on traditional looms, Valditevere was later transformed into a couture fashion house creating women's dress-wear and was one of the first to present its collections at the Italian haute couture fashion shows in the magnificent Sala Bianca at the Pitti Palace.Following on from its historic sites in Palazzo Capponi and on Lungarno Soderini, Valditevere has opened its elegant new headquarters in Via delle Terme 11/15r/17r, between the Tower of Buondelmonti and Chiasso Cornino for the creation of made-to-measure dress-wear as well as clothes for ceremonies and society debuts (18th birthday parties), coats, jackets, skirts and blouses, all of them rigorously made in Florence with Italian fabrics like Silk Shantung, Shantung pl, silk voile, Piquet, Wool, Cashmere and Linen. It offers a wide range of accessories and can also ship samples for viewing anywhere in the world. Via delle Terme, 11/15r/17r - Tel. +39.055.282707 www.valditevere.it

G.B. Frugone 1885 All of the articles in cashmere by G.B.Frugone 1885 are the extraordinary result of an ancient and complex process. The human factor combined with experience and sensitivity to-

wards culture and traditions are crucial and decisive elements for ensuring a final result of quality: from its direct relations with the shepherds, who look after the flocks, to the careful selection of the precious yarns and lastly to the spinning and weaving. This is the spirit G.B.Frugone 1885 follows to carry out its articles in cashmere: from its knitwear and soft scarves to its beautiful blankets. Therefore people who buy G.B. Frugone 1885 knitwear choose to wear “history� that was written by the expert hands of enthusiastic craftsmen and that originates in the highlands of the Far East, thus continuing the craft traditions of the cottage industries blended with a typical Italian elegance and style. Via delle Belle Donne 35r - Tel. 055.287820 www.frugonecashmere.com


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Piazza Pitti, 38/40/41r Tel. +39.055.283787 www.annapitti.it

In a three hundred-year-old tower in front of Pitti Palace, an old monastery, is where "Anna" shop was born. Since 1955 Mrs Anna has personally taken care of the choice of the clothing lines in leather for men and women with big competence and seriousness given from her very long experience on the field. The environment is elegant and comfortable and there you can find leather clothes to satisfy whatever need, from shearlings with fur during winter to shirts and very light jackets in chamois during hotter season. You can also order clothes made to measure, withdraw them in 24 hours time or to receive them comfortably at home in whatever part of the world thanks to an excellent service of express courier. The small changes, on the contrary, are realizable in a few hours. Mrs Anna is supported from a valid staff of collaborators and, thanks to the exceptional capacity of her son Marc, she has joined to the craftsmanship production a wide range of accessories of important Italian brands known everywhere in the world. One can find “Bluemarine”, “Desmo”, “Piquadro”, “Aperegina” bags indeed, “Missoni Sport”, “Cruciani” knitwear, “Piacenza” cachemire, ties and foulard by “Missoni”, “Versace”, “Fendi”, “D & G” and many others items that you will find on our on line catalogue.

Principe One of the city’s historic shops. Founded in 1930, it immediately made its name for its refined tailor-made British styled menswear and became a popular boutique among the Florentine aristocracy. It has lost nothing of its style over the years and the shop, arranged on two floors, today offers a wide selection of stylish garments and accessories for men, women and children. It also offers a select range of quality textiles and house furnishings. Via del Sole, 2 - Tel. +39.055.292764 www.principedifirenze.com


shopping | pitti fashion

Children's Fashion at Pitti

Pitti Bimbo 76 Pitti Bimbo rules as the only trade fair in the world that presents a complete overview of children’s fashions combining it with an extraordinary platform for presenting the new lifestyle trends for kids. From the classic-elegant look of the big names at Pitti Bimbo, to the sportswear at Sport Generation, from the creativity of the brands in the New View and EcoEthic sections to urban couture at Super Street, plus design items and textiles for the young set, up to the avant-garde collections at Apartment – it’s all here at Pitti Bimbo and shown via the myriad links connecting contemporary art, food & design and fashion. The core offering of Pitti Bimbo – at the Main Pavilion – is enriched with items that are part of the young set’s lifestyle: jewelry, fragrances, eyewear, furnishing items, bags and travel accessories. And, in this newexhibition layout that is refreshed season after season, the Pop Up Stores offer colorful and funny selections with surprising presentations of accessories. Pitti Bimbo, как правило, является главной выставкой в мире, которая представляет полный обзор детской моды, сочетая ее с чрезвычайной платформой для представления новых тенденций образа жизни современных детей. От классического элегантного внешнего вида знаменитостей на Pitti Bimbo, до спортивной одежды на «Спортивном поколении», от творчества брендов до Нового взгляда и EcoEthic, разделов городской моды в Super Street, а также элементы оформления и ткани для подростков , до авангардных коллекций квартала- все это здесь, в Pitti Bimbo. PITTI BIMBO 76° Fortezza da Basso - January 17th-19th


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Yarns & Fibres at Pitti

Pitti Filati 72 Pitti Immagine Filati is the main international event for the knitting yarn industry, it will be held at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence from 23rd to 25th January 2013. A research lab and an observatory on global lifestyle trends, Pitti Filati presents world scale excellence in yarns to an audience of buyers and designers and for the major fashion brands who come to Florence looking for new creative inputs. This edition of Pitti Filati will be featuring previews of knitting yarn collections for the 2013 spring/summer season. The experimental lab this year will explore the relationship between people and the rural environment through FUTURURAL, the theme-title for this edition. Pitti Filati will also host Vintage Selection inside the Stazione Leopolda, Vintage Selection is a research lab that looks to the past, a huge archive that designers dip into to find inspiration for their new collections, a not-to-miss event for cool hunters from major international fashion houses, and a must-see for the huge audience of collectors and vintage-istas. Pitti Immagine Filati является главным международным событием для текстильной промышленности, она будет проходить в Фортецца да Бассо во Флоренции с 23 по 23 января 2013 года. Это издание Pitti Filati будет показывать превью текстильной коллекции пряжи для 2014 сезона весна / лето. Pitti Filati также представит Ретро Выбор внутри Вокзала Леопольда , Ретро Выбор это результат исследовательской лаборатории, которая глядит в прошлое, это огромный архив, в который окунулись дизайнеры, чтобы найти вдохновение для своих новых коллекций, обязателен для просмотра для огромной аудитории коллекционеров и ретро-любителей. PITTI FILATI 72° Fortezza da Basso - January 23rd-25th VINTAGE COLLECTION 21° Stazione Leopolda - January 23rd-25th


A walk around

Santa Maria Novella Piazza Santa Maria Novella is dominated by the breathtaking facade of its Basilica, the masterpiece of Leon Battista Alberti (1456-70), though the lower part dates from the 14th century. Santa Maria Novella is chronologically the first of the great Florentine basilicas. Its name, “Novella�, comes from the fact that


it was built on the site of a 9th century oratory, called Santa Maria delle Vigne, which had already been enlarged in 1094. In 1221 this church and the surrounding area was assigned to the Dominican monks, who immediately began to transform it. Construction started on what were to be the sumptuous headquarters of the powerful Dominican Order in 1246; designed by two architect monks, Fra Sisto

itinerary | SAnta maria novella

На площади Санта Мария Новелла преобладает захватывающий фасад его базилики, шедевр Леон Баттиста Альберти (1456-70), нижняя часть которой датируется 14 веком. Санта Мария Новелла является хронологически первой из великих флорентийских базилик. Ее название, "Новелла", исходит из того, что он был построен на месте Оратории девятого века, которая называлась СантаМария делле Винь, которые уже были достроены в 1094 году. В 1221 г. этот храм и его окрестности перешли к Доминиканским монахам, которые сразу же начали трансформировать его. Строительство началось длясоздания роскошной штаб-квартиры для мощного доминиканского ордена в 1246 году, идеябыла разработана двумя архитекторами монахами, фра Систо Фиорентино и Фра Ристоро да Кампи, и было завершено в 1360 году под руководством Фра Якопо Таленти, который также спроектировал Испанскую часовню или главу дома (135055), монастырскую Трапезную (1353) и Великую Колокольню в романскомготическом стиле (1330). Разработка фасада инкрустированного черным и белым мрамором является настоящим шедевром: он был заложен в 1300 году и позже завершен Леон Баттиста Альберти в 1470, и, возможно, может счи

Andrea Oppoliti Chef Concierge Hotel Adler Cavalieri +39.055.277810 introduces


itinerary | SAnta maria novella

таться самой красивой из всех флорентийских церквей. Альберти гармонично интегрировал уже существующие элементы средневековья, развивая их по классическому дизайну, добавляя треугольные барабанные полости, а также создавая две красиво инкрустированные боковые спирали или свитки, чтобы скрыть наклон крыши, которая охватывает боковые нефы. Интерьер базилики построен на латинском кресте по линии цистерцианскогоготического стиля, который

on the right: Masaccio's Trinity below:

Interior of the Basilica di Santa Maria Novella

and Fra Ristoro da Campi, it was completed in 1360 under the direction of Fra Iacopo Talenti, who also designed the Spanish Chapel or chapter house (1350-55), the convent Refectory (1353) and the great pointed belltower in RomanesqueGothic style (1330). The elaborate facade of inlaid black and white marble is a real masterpiece: it was started in 1300 and later completed by Leon Battista Alberti in 1470 and it can perhaps be considered to be the most beautiful of all the Florentine churches. Alberti harmoniously integrated the already existing mediaeval elements by developing them along a classical design, adding a triangular tympanum, as well as creating the two beautifully inlaid lateral volute or scrolls to hide the slope of the roof that covers the side naves. The interior of the Basilica is built on a Latin cross on the lines of the Cistercian-Gothic style which was


itinerary | S.m.novella

ported from France but modified by the Italian mendicant Orders (the Franciscans and the Dominicans), in order to make it easier to preach to large numbers of worshippers. The interior is therefore divided up into three naves (the centre nave is 100 metres long), without chapels, and develops into a much larger area around the apse, particularly noticeable from Piazza Stazione. The interior of Santa Maria Novella contains a series of works that bear the signatures of Giotto, Andrea Orcagna, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Benedetto da Maiano, Masaccio, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi. From here you can visit the Green Cloisters (with frescoes illustrating the Old Testament by Paolo Uccello), the Spanish Chapel (altarpiece by Bernardo Daddi, murals by school of Allori), the Cloister of the Dead (murals from the circle of Maso and Nardo di Cione) and the Refectory (murals by Allori). Outside in the square, whose limits were established by decree in 1287, you can see the two obelisks set on turtles by Giambologna, once used as markers for chariot races. The Loggia of the old Hospital of S. Paolo dei Convalescenti (with glazed terracottas of Della Robbia school), stands right opposite the Basilica. The house with the tabernacle on the corner previously belonged to the Guild of Doctors. All that remains of the old Chapel of S. Nicola (1333) is at no. 16, Via della Scala, replaced in 1612 by the Pharmacy of Santa Maria Novella. Nearby you can find the Croce al Trebbio, erected in 1308 to commemorate St. Peter Martyr's Dominican militants.

above: The splendid façade designed by Leon Battista Alberti

был импортирован из Франции, но и изменен итальянскими дизайнерами, для того, чтобы сделать его легче привлечь большее число молящихся. Интерьер поэтому разделен на три нефа, без часовни, и развивается на гораздо большей площади вокруг апсиды,что особенно заметно на площади вокзала. Интерьер Санта Мария Новелла содержит ряд работ, которые подписаны Джотто, Андреа Oрканья, Брунеллески, Гиберти, Бенедетто да Майано, Мазаччо, Доменико Гирландайо и Филиппино Липпи. Здесь вы можете посетить Зеленый Монастырь (Паоло Уччелло), Испанскую Часовню (Бернардо Дадди и Аллори), Обитель Мертвых (Мазо и Нардо ди Чионе) и Трапезная (Aллори).


Santa Croce

the Franciscan Church

Michele Paonessa Chef Concierge Plaza Hotel Lucchesi +39.055.26236 introduces


Although the origins of the first Franciscan oratory are still lost in the mists of time, the construction of the new Basilica of Santa Croce is well documented and was officially started on May 3rd 1294, when the architect, Arnolfo di Cambio, laid the first stone of what was to become a masterpiece of Gothic art. His design was based on spatial grandiosity, with the structural elements carried out with rational clarity and sobriety. It is built on the plan of an Egyptian cross (in the shape of a T), with the interior divided into three naves (114,45 metres), a chancel and a transept full of chapels whose patronage was reserved for the most illustrious families in this quarter of the city: the Bardi and Peruzzi families were the foremost, but there were also the Tosinghi, Pulci, Rinuccini and Alberti families...The walls of these chapels and the entire church were immediately covered in frescoes by Giotto and his school, who

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the facade of Santa Croce with the statue of Dante Alighieri

Хотя происхождение первых францисканских ораторий все еще теряется в глубине веков, строительство новой базилики Санта-Кроче хорошо документировано и официально началась 3 мая 1294, когда архитектор Арнольфо ди Камбио, заложили первый камень в будущий шедевр готического искусства. Его дизайн был основан на пространственной грандиозности, со структурными элементами и осуществлялся с рациональной ясностью и трезвостью. Она была спланирована в виде египетского креста , с интерьером разделенным на три нефа, алтаря и трансепта - часовни которая была зарезервирована для самых выдающихся семей этого квартала города: Барди, Перуцци, Тосиньи, Альберти и других. Стены этих часовен и всей церкви были немедленно покрыты фресками Джотто и художников его


itinerary | santa croce


The main nave of the Church of Santa Croce


школы, которые превратили базилику в музей живописи флорентийского искусства Возрождения . Теми же художниками были разработаны прекрасные светящиеся витражи. Новые архитектурные дополнения были внесены благодаря покровительству Козимо Медичи и Андреа де Пацци. Бывшая часовня послушников построена рядом с Ризницей Микелоццо и украшена и расписана Андреа делла Роббиа и Мино да Фьезоле, последним спонсором часовни Пацци,

turned the basilica into a museum of Florentine Trecento painting. The same artists also designed the wonderful luminous stained glass windows. When at last the church was finished in 1442, it was consacrated by Pope Eugene IV. The facade was left undecorated, in fact it was not completed until 1857-63, more or less at the same time as the Belltower was rebuilt to replace the original one which had been struck by lightning. New architectural additions were introduced thanks to the patronage of Cosimo “the Elder” de’ Medici and Andrea de’ Pazzi. The former had the Chapel of the Novitiate built next to the Sacristy in 1434-45 by Michelozzo and decorated by Andrea della Robbia and Mino da Fiesole; the latter sponsored the Pazzi Chapel, in the first cloister or Cloister of the Dead, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi and started in around 1430. Brunelleschi also designed the second Cloister of the Convent, or Greater Cloister, continued after his death by Bernardo Rossellino (1453 circa) with a fine entrance door (1450 circa) by Benedetto da Maiano. The Basilica also contains numerous examples of typically Renaissance sculpture. The most famous of these is the Crucifix by Donatello (1425, Bardi Chapel in the left transept) and his aristocratic Annunciation in grey stone with gilded highlights (1430-35), recently restored by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Nor should we forget the Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano (1472-80) or the Madonna of Milk by Antonio Rossellino (1478), placed above the tomb of Francesco Nori, prior of the Republic and who died saving Lorenzo the Magnificent’s life at

itinerary | santa croce

обители мертвых, спроектированной Филиппо Брунеллески. Брунеллески также разработана вторая обитель монастыря, или Большого монастыря, строительство которой продолжалось и после его смерти, мастером Бернардо Росселлино (1453 примерно) врата (1450 примерно) работы Бенедетто да Майано. Базилика также содержит многочисленные примеры типичной скульптуры эпохи Возрождения. Самой известным из них является распятие Донателло (1425, Барди Часовня , левый трансепт) и его аристократическoe «Благовещение» в сером камне с позолоченными надписями(1430-35), недавно восстановлен Музей Твердых камней. Не стоит также забывать Кафедру Бенедетто да Майано (1472-80) или Мадонна Молока Антонио Росселлино (1478), расположенные над могилой Франческо Нори, настоятеля Республики, который погиб, спасая жизнь Лоренцо Великолепного и "Заговор Пацци". Наконец, два погребальных памятника Бернардо Росселлино (1444-1451) и Дезидерио да Сеттиньяно (1455-64).

above: the Chapel of the Pazzi by Filippo Brunelleschi

the time of the “Pazzi Conspiracy”. Lastly, the two funeral monuments by Bernardo Rossellino (14441451) and Desiderio da Settignano (1455-64). The former, dedicated to Leonardo Bruni (1369-1444), humanist and Chancellor of the Republic, is considered a prototype among Renaissance tomb monuments. The presence of a great many funeral monuments and tombstones (276 can still be seen on the floor alone) has led to the Basilca being thought of as the city Pantheon, the burial place of Florence’s most illustrious citizens. Somewhere here lie the tombs of Taddeo Gaddi and Count Ugolino della Gherardesca. Other famous inmates include Michelangelo (tomb by Vasari, 1570), Galileo Galilei (tomb by Foggini, 1737), Vittorio Alfieri (tomb by Canova, 1810). Unfortunately the monument to Dante, whose remains repose at Ravenna, is only a cenotaph (S. Ricci, 1829). The poet Ugo Foscolo described the church and its Tombs of the famous in his “Sepolcri”. Other tombs can be found in the first cloister, beneath the loggia attached to the church (the oldest), and in an undergound corridor. The latter form a complete range of Neoclassical and Romantic sculpture. The Cloister, which also contains the entrance to the Museum, can be reached directly from the square.


focus | exhibitions

Guy Bourdin A message for you

MNAF Museo Nazionale Alinari per la Fotografia Piazza S. M. Novella 14ar 055.216310 www.mnaf.it


Guy Bourdin is considered one of the most interesting authors of artistic photos of the twentieth century. At the end of the '70s with his shots Bourdin was the promoter and supporter of a radical change in the fashion world. And forty years ago, in 1972, he published his first photo shoot for Vogue Italy. The exhibition A MESSAGE FOR YOU includes the production of Bourdin in the late 70s when, at the height of his artistic maturity, his watchful eye keeps track of the social changes of the period: sexual freedom, capitalism, the excesses of consumerism and the growing presence of the media. All themes find their perfect place on the pages of glossy fashion magazines. The exhibition captures the most important period of his career focusing on a unique body of work that Guy Bourdin produced in collaboration with Nicolle Meyer, his muse and model. from January 10th. Guy Bourdin è considerato uno degli autori più interessanti del panorama artistico e fotografico del XX secolo. Alla fine degli anni ’70 con i suoi scatti Bourdin è stato il promotore e fautore di un radicale cambiamento nell’ambito della fotografia di moda. E proprio quaranta anni fa, nel 1972, pubblicava il suo primo servizio fotografico per Vogue Italia. La mostra A MESSAGE FOR YOU raggruppa la produzione di Bourdin della fine degli anni ‘70 quando, nel pieno della sua maturità artistica, il suo sguardo attento registra i cambiamenti sociali di quel periodo: la libertà sessuale, il capitalismo, gli eccessi del consumismo e la presenza crescente dei media. Tutti temi che trovano la loro perfetta collocazione sulle pagine patinate delle riviste di moda.La mostra cattura il periodo più significativo della sua carriera focalizzandosi su un corpus unico di lavori che Guy Bourdin produsse in collaborazione con Nicolle Meyer, sua musa e modella. dal 10 gennaio.

focus | exhibitions

The Dalì Universe An exhibition entirely dedicated to Salvador Dalí with more than 100 works by the Master of Surrealism, a unique opportunity that allows the public to approach the lesser-known aspects of the work of the great spanish artist. The visitor has the pleasure of admiring lesser known collections related to different aspects of the artistic production of Salvador Dalì such as bronze sculptures, including two monumental statues placed in two of the main squares of the city, the illustrations on the great themes of literature , glass objects and sets in gold. In addition to the great sculptures "The Dali Universe Firenze" presents to the public the wide yet little-known works of Dalí as an iullustrator: infact the Master spent a long time reinterpretating in surrealistic key many famous literary texts, both contemporary and classic. from January 30th. Una mostra interamente dedicata a Salvador Dalí con più di 100 opere del Maestro del Surrealismo, un’occasione unica che permette al pubblico di avvicinarsi agli aspetti meno noti del lavoro del grande artista. Il visitatore ha il piacere di ammirare collezioni ad oggi ancora poco conosciute, inerenti a diversi aspetti della produzione artistica dell’artista come le sculture in bronzo, tra cui due sculture monumentali in due delle principali piazze della città, le illustrazioni sui grandi temi della letteratura, gli oggetti in vetro e la serie in oro. Accanto alle grandiose sculture “The Dalí Universe Firenze” mostra al pubblico la veste poco conosciuta di Dalí illustratore: il Maestro si dedicò infatti alla rilettura in chiave surrealista di molti testi letterari, sia contemporanei che classici. dal 30 gennaio.


Limonaia di palazzo medici Palazzo Medici-Riccardi Via Cavour 1 - 055.2760340 www.palazzo-medici.it

focus | exhibitions

The Uffizi Foundry Alchemy and Art

reali poste Uffizi Gallery Piazzale degli Uffizi, 1 055.2388651 www.polomuseale.firenze.it


Back to the Reali Poste's the twelfth edition of "I Mai Visti" (never been seen) exhibition with free admission. This year's theme is "Alchemy and the Uffizi Foundry from laboratory to room of wonders." This exhibition aims to illustrate the history and works of the Foundry, at the intersection of art and science, magic and technology. Paintings, sculptures, engravings, manuscripts, ancient remedies and pharmaceutical printed texts, tell the passion of the Medici family for the chemistry between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. More than 60 works, rarities and valuable pieces, capable of bringing public attention to the lesserknown aspects of the Florentine collection. The Medici sovereign had an uncontrollable passion for the alchemical art, as attested by many surprised visitors and as reflected in some of the paintings in his famous Study of Palazzo Vecchio. until february 3rd. Torna alle Reali Poste l’edizione numero dodici de “I Mai Visti", mostra a ingresso gratuito. Tema, “L’Alchimia e le Arti. La Fonderia degli Uffizi da laboratorio a stanza delle meraviglie”. L’esposizione intende illustrare la storia e l’operato della Fonderia, all’incrocio fra arte e scienza, magia e tecnologia. Dipinti, sculture, incisioni, codici manoscritti, antichi rimedi farmaceutici e testi a stampa illustrati, racconteranno la passione dei sovrani medicei per l’alchimia tra il XVI e XVII secolo. Oltre 60 le opere, pezzi rari e preziosi, capaci di portare all’attenzione del grande pubblico gli aspetti meno noti della collezione fiorentina.Il sovrano mediceo nutriva per l’arte alchemica un’irrefrenabile passione, attestata dal racconto stupito di prestigiosi visitatori e riflessa in alcuni dipinti del suo celeberrimo Studiolo di Palazzo Vecchio. fino al 3 febbraio.

focus | music

1. Los Hermano Macana 2. Duum 3. Philipp Von Steinaecker

2. 3.


Richard Wagner - Die Walküre Zubin Mehta (conductor), La Fura dels Baus (Carlus Padrissa)(director); a Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino staging in coproduction with the "Reina Sofía" Palau de les Arts of Valencia in the original language with subtitles. Exhausted and hounded by his enemies, Siegmund, the Völsung and son of Wälse (in other words Wotan), seeks refuge in the house of Hunding, where Sieglinde, Hunding’s wife, takes him in and invites him to stay, as she instinctively feels sympathetic towards the young man. On his return home, Hunding is suspicious of the strange similarity between the stranger and his wife and begs him to reveal his name... 15, 17, 22 January: 19.00 - 20 January: 15.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16- Firenze

the international tango scene and their unique interpretations and rapid and flawless steps, together with wonderful entertainment and live music, will surprise and captivate the public. 22 January: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze

PHILIPP VON STEINAECKER - KOLJA BLACHER Philipp Von Steinaecker (conductor), Kolja Blacher (violin) with the Orchestra della Toscana. In memory of Luciano Berio: Beethoven: Concert for violin and orchestra op.61; BERIO: Chorale on “Sequenza VIII” for violin, two horns and strings (1981) in memory of Luciano Berio. Andrea Albori and Paolo Faggi (horns); Wagner: Symphony in C major 18 January: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze

DUUM I SONICS return to explore the world of acrobatic or aerial theatre with a new adventures inspired by the legend of the world of Agharta and describe various places in this legendary kingdom, situated in the centre of the earth, as well as its colours, rules, equilibrium and rhythm. 1 February: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze

LOS HERMANOS MACANA in TANGO MACHO The undisputed stars of tango festivals throughout the world, Argentinians Enrique and Guillermo De Fazio are considered the most talented pair of dancers on


FABRIZIO VENTURA - NEMANJA BLACHER Fabrizio Ventura (conductor), Nemanja Radulovic (violin) with the Orchestra della Toscana. Casella: Paganiniana op.65, divertimento on themes by Paganini; Paganini: Concert n.1 for violin and orchestra op.6; Beethoven: Symphony n.4 op.60. 31 January: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Don Giovanni MaggioDanza and Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Direttore Zubin Mehta, Regia Lorenzo Marian with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Leporello si lagna della vita sregolata che conduce il suo padrone don Giovanni, quando questi irrompe in scena, inseguito

Firenze Via delle Belle Donne 35r Tel. 055 287820

Portofino Molo Umberto I, 9 Tel. 0185 269702


focus | events 1. 1. Stefano Bollani 2. Ludovico Einaudi


da Leporello si lagna della vita sregolata che conduce il suo padrone don Giovanni, quando questi irrompe in scena, inseguito da donna Anna, che vuole scoprire chi sia l’ignoto seduttore da lei scambiato nell’oscurità per il fidanzato Ottavio. 3,5,7 February: 20.30 - 10 February: 15.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16- Firenze Carl Orff - Carmina Burana Cantata for soloists, chorus and orchestra. Conductor Zubin Mehta. Equipment La Fura dels Baus, Blue Angel Soprano, Countertenor Nicholas Marchesini, baritone Juha Uusitalo with Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. 8 February: 20.30 - Mandela Forum - Viale Paoli - Firenze Ballo in maschera A great party for Carnival where the public can dance on stage with the Orchestra del Maggio conducted by Zubin Mehta and the dancers of Maggiodanza. Afterwards, DJ Set in the Piccolo Teatro until late at night. Conductor Zubin Mehta, the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino & MaggioDanza 9 February: 20:30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze MARCO ANGIUS - STEFANO BOLLANI Marco Angius director, Stefano Bollani piano. BOLLANI improvisation piano solo; Ravel Concerto in G, Ma mère l'oye; Stravinskij The Firebird, Suite (version 1945) 12 February: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze


LUDOVICO EINAUDI In a Time laps TOUR 2013 Ludovico Einaudi presents live his latest album, In a Time Laps, accompanied by a string ensemble, percussion and electronics 15 February: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze Ton Koopman: Franz Joseph Haydn & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Director Ton Koopman, Johannette Zomer Soprano, Alto Bogna Bartosz, tenor Tilman Lichdi, bass Klaus Mertens, Orchestra and Chorus of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Chorus Master Piero Monti. Franz Joseph Haydn: Missa Sancti Bernardi von Offida Heiligmesse, in B flat major for soloists, chorus and orchestra, Hob. XXII: 10. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony in E flat major K. 54327 16 February: 20:30 - 17 February: 16:30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze Short Time II: Piattaforma nuovi coreografi A new, interesting show program shoewcasing young talents, specifically choreographers, who are offered a unique opportunity to introduce their work: the creation of a choreography for the company MaggioDanza, in the season of 2014 ballet of the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, a platform, a contest just for the choreographers of today and tomorrow. 21, 23, 24 February: 20.30 - 26 February: 15.30 - Teatro Goldoni - Via dei Serragli - Firenze


www.ottino.com FIRENZE - VIA PORTA ROSSA 69/R - TEL. 055/212139 - FAX 055/282589

Santo Spirito

and the Oltrarno district

Giorgio Visani Chef Concierge Hotel Principe +39.055.284848 introduces


After admiring the view along the Arno from Ponte Santa Trinita, originally built in 1252 by a member of the Frescobaldi family and now a stone built reconstruction of Ammannati’s bridge (1567-70), destroyed in 1944, decorated with its ancient statues of Spring and Summer, at the Piazza S. Trinita's end, Autumn and Winter, on the south bank, make your way back along Via Maggio towards Piazza S. Felice. Walking down Via Maggio you will immmediately notice how wide it is compared to many streets of the centre. Originally called Via Maggiore, it was one of Florence’s principal medieval thoroughfares and used for official processions. Many of Florence’s aristocratic families owned houses in this street, among them, Bianca Cappello, mistress and later wife of Francesco I, who lived at n. 24-6. The palace originally belonged to the Corbinelli family and was restructured between 1570 and 1574 by Bernardo Buontalenti, who lived at n. 37. Another fine house is Palazzo Ricasoli-Firidolfi, built in the early 16th century in the manner of Baccio d’Agnolo, and boasting a beautiful internal courtyard in the style of Cronaca.

itinerary | Santo SPirito


Piazza Santo Spirito


Ponte Santa Trinita

ОЛЬТРАРНО И САНТО СПИРИТО После того как вы насладились видом на Арно с моста Санта Тринита, пройдитесь по вия Маджо к пьяцца Сан Феличе . Вия Маджо, которая вначале называлась вия Маджоре была одной из основных улиц средневековой Флоренции и использовалась для главных официальных парадов. Многие дворянские семьи Флоренции имели дворцы на этой улице, знаменитой своими магазинами антиквариата, которые стоит посетить по пути. Дойдя до живописной площади Сан Феличе, можно лицезреть церковь Сан Феличе с фасадом Микелоццо (1457), одну из древнейших цервей


itinerary | Santo SPirito

по эту сторону реки. Центр площади обозначен мраморной колонной , поставленной по приказу Козимо I . Следуйте дальше по вия Маццетта вдоль церкви к живописной площади Санто Спирито. Возрожденческий Палаццо Гуаданьи, построенный для семьи Деи в начале 1500 Кронака, вы увидите на углу между вия Мацетта и площади. Площадь Санто Спирито окружена дворцами с XV века и заканчивается прекрасным садом с центральным фонтаном. На этой площади вы можете почувствовать настоящую атмосферу богемы, между кафе, ресторанов и рыночком , который устраивают каждое утро. Можно сказать что это одно из самых популярных мест города. Церковь Санто Спирито находится в глубине площади. Ее простой отштукатуреный фасад является наиболее выразительным

Apart from the many fine houses in this street, it is also famous for its antique shops which are well worth investigating en route. It connects with Piazza Pitti by several narrow, but fascinating streets which hide more shops and several craft laboratories. Once in the pictoresque Piazza San Felice you can admire On the left the Church of San Felice with the facade by Michelozzo (1457); it is one of the oldest churches on this side of the Arno. Casa Guidi on the other side of the street, is where the poetess Elizabeth Barrett Browning lived with her husband Robert and later died, recorded by an epitaph over the door. The centre of the square is marked by a marble column, set up on the orders of Cosimo I. Now turn off into Via Mazzetta, which runs along one side of the church and leads into picturesque Piazza Santo Spirito. Renaissance Palazzo Guadagni, built for the Dei family in the early 1500’s, probably by Cronaca, stands on the corner between Via Mazzetta and the square. Piazza Santo Spirito is surrounded by 15th century palaces and com-

from the top:

views of the Church of San Felice Views of corner building in Oltrarno Views of the fountain in Piazza Santo Spirito


itinerary | Santo SPirito

pleted by a pretty garden with a fountain in the centre. Sit down for a breather here at one of the open-air cafè’s or restaurants and enjoy the popular and rather bohemian atmoshere of the square. It is always a hive of activity, due partly to the area market which is held here every morning, but also to the fact that many Florentines still live and work here and it has not, as yet, been taken over by offices. The Church of Santo Spirito stands at the far end of the square. One would never guess, from its plain plastered façade, that it is one of the purest expressions of Renaissance architecture. It was designed and started between 1428 and 1444 by the great architect Filippo Brunelleschi, two years before his death, and completed by his students, Antonio Manetti and Salvi D’Andrea.


above: Interiors of Santo Spirito below:

Santo Spirito square


The starkly imposing facade with its characteristic ‘orillons’ and elegant bell tower (Baccio d’Agnolo), closes off one end of the square. The three naves in the interior, on a Latin cross, are divided by elegant Corinthian columns, the chapels around the perimeter creating the typical chiaroscuro effect of Brunelleschi’s late style. The large cupola rises at the crossing between the transept and the main aisle. The interior contains works by Passignano, Filippino Lippi, Bernardo Rossellino, F. Botticini, C. Roselli, F. Granacci, Fra Bartolomeo, the Ghirlandaio family, and Cronaca. The octagonal Sacristy, designed by Giuliano da Sangallo and Simone del Pollaiolo, known as Cronaca, contains the ‘Crucifix’ in wood, a youthful work by Michelangelo. Stop off to visit the Museum and the splendid Last Supper by Andrea Orcagna at n. 29 (entrance at the side of the church). Now is a good time to explore the narrow streets around the square. Here dozens of workshops still use traditional methods and tools to ply their trades, crafts that elsewhere have died out, disappeared or become completely industrialised. Artisans like cobblers and shoemakers, jewellers, gold and silversmiths, antiquarians, restorers, workers in iron and other metals, upholsterers, embroiderers, picture framers, artists, bronze workers, tailors and costume makers, to name just a few, carry on the traditional crafts that have been passed down from father to son for centuries. Therefore, apart from souvenir hunting, the curious visitor can have the unique experience of watching objects being created just as they were in the past, another fascinating momento of his stay in Florence.

itinerary | Santo SPirito

элементом архитектуры эпохи возрождения. Спроектирована между 1428 и 1444 Филиппо Брунеллески, она была достроена его учениками - Антонио Манетти и Сальви Д’Андреа. Внутри церковь разделена на три части , по латинскому кресту, которые разделены элегантными Корнифскими колоннами, капеллы вдоль стен создают эффект «темный-светлый» типичный для позднего стиля Брунеллески. Внутри находятся произведения Пассиньяно, Филиппино Липпи, Бернардо Росселлино, Фра Бартоломео, семьи Гирландайо и Кронака. Восьмигранная Ризница спроектирована Джулиано да Сангалло и дал Кронака, хранит деревянное Распятие работы Микеланджело. Посетить музей (номер 29) чтобы полюбоваться Тайной Вечерей Андреа Орканья просто необходимо.Вокруг площади находятся десятки ремесленных лабораторий где еще используется многовековая традиция которая передавалась от поколения в поколение, воспользуйтесь уникальной возможностью наблюдать за их работой.


1. Medici Chapels

Cappella dei Principi


2. Uffizi Gallery Venus by Botticelli 3. Palazzo Vecchio External view


Principal Museum • Cappelle Medicee The Old Sacristy, the New Sacristy, with architecture and sculpture by Michelangelo, and the Chapel of the Princes, decorated with inlaid marble and hard stones. La Sagrestia Vecchia, la Sagrestia Nuova con architetture e sculture di Michelangelo e la Cappella dei Principi, decorata con marmi e pietre dure. P.zza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 - tel. 055.294883 8.15-13.50. Until 6th January: 8.15-16.50 - Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month and 1st January. • Galleria dell'accademia Michelangelo’s masterpieces: the David and the Slaves. Sculpture, paintings and casts by various artists. I capolavori di Michelangelo: il David ed i Prigioni. Sculture, dipinti e gessi di varii autori. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50pm. Closed Mondays and 1st January. • Museo del Bargello Residence of the Captain of the People, of Justice and ancient prison. Masterpieces of painting and sculpture, plus minor arts. Frescoes by the school of Giotto in the Chapel. Residenza del Capitano del Popolo, della Giustizia e antica prigione. Scultura, Pittura, ed arti minori. Affreschi della scuola di Giotto nella Cappella. Via del Proconsolo, 4 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month and 1st January.



• Galleria degli uffizi Open since 1591, the Uffizi hosts one of the most important collections of art of all time, classical sculpture and 13th to 18th century paintings, on an area covering about 8.000 sq.m. Dal 1591 gli Uffizi ospitano, una delle più importanti collezioni artistiche di tutti i tempi, comprendente sculture antiche e dipinti su tavola e tela di scuole italiane e straniere dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Loggiato degli Uffizi - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays and 1st January. • Palazzo Vecchio quartieri monumentali Residence of the Priors, the Signoria and the Medici. Paintings, sculpture, furniture and hangings. Residenza dei Priori, la Signoria ed i Medici. Oggi sede del Comune di Firenze. Dipinti, sculture, arredi. Piazza della Signoria - tel. 055.2768224 - 9-19. 2nd-13th January 9-24. Thursdays, mid-week holidays 9-14. • museo archeologico One of the most important museums in the world for Etruscan art and culture. Egyptian and Greek collections. Fra i principali musei del mondo per l’arte e la civiltà etrusca. Una prestigiosa collezione egizia e greca. Via della Colonna, 38 - tel. 055.23575 - Tuesdays-Fridays 8.30-19 - Saturdays and Sundays 8.30-14. Closed on Mondays and 1st January.

itinerary | museums

5. 4.

Palazzo Pitti Museums • Galleria Palatina e Appartamenti Reali The Palatine Gallery occupies the whole left wing of the first floor of the Pitti Palace, which was the residence of the Medici grand-dukes. In 1828, when Tuscany came under the rule of the Lorraine, the most important paintings in the Palace, most of which had been collected by the Medici; the Royal Apartments consist of fourteen magnificent rooms which were the home of the Medici and Lorraine grand-ducal families and of the king of Italy. La Galleria Palatina, situata nell’ala sinistra del Palazzo, fu creata tra la fine del Settecento e i primi decenni dell’Ottocento, dai Lorena che collocarono nelle sale di rappresentanza i capolavori provenienti soprattutto dalle collezioni dei Medici; Gli Appartamenti Reali occupano le quattordici magnifiche sale dell’ala destra del Palazzo, già residenza privata delle famiglie regnanti, e sono allestiti con mobili, arredi ed opere d’arte dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays and 1st January. • Galleria d'arte moderna Paintings and sculptures related to the art in Tuscany from the late 18th century to the period between the two world wars. Temporary shows of contemporary art. Dipinti e sculture dell’arte figurativa in Toscana dalla fine del XVIII secolo al periodo tra le due guerre mondiali. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.2388601-616 - 8.15-18.50. Closed on Mondays and 1st January.

4. Palazzo Pitti from Boboli Gardens 5. Academy Gallery Michelangelo‘s David

• giardino di Boboli Started in 1550 on a design by Tribolo after the Medici family purchased the Pitti Palace. Iniziato nel 1550 su un progetto di Tribolo dopo l’acquisto di Palazzo Pitti da parte dei Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month and 1st January. • giardino Bardini These beautiful gardens, recently restored, contain many rare plants and specialised areas, such as Italian and English gardens, as well as a fine Baroque staircase, statues, fountains, a small amphitheatre and panoramic views. Il bellissimo parco, recentemente restaurato, possiede molte piante rare ed aree specializzate, dal giardino all’italiana al giardino all’inglese, al parco agricolo, oltre alla bella scalinata barocca, statue, fontane, un anfiteatro e scorci panoramici. Entrances: Via dei Bardi, 1r and Boboli Gardens. Info and reservations: tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month and 1st January. • galleria del costume Museum on the history of costume. Museo di storia della moda. Palazzina della Meridiana, Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month and 1st January.


itinerary | museums 1. Cappella Brancacci 2. Cappella dei Magi 3. Chiesa di Santo Spirito

2. 1.


• Museo degli Argenti Summer apartments of the Grand Dukes. It contains vases in hard stone that belonged to Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the jewellery that belonged the Electress Palatine. Appartamenti estivi dei granduchi. Conserva i vasi in pietre dure di Lorenzo il Magnifico, la raccolta di gioielli dell’Elettrice Palatina Anna Maria de’ Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month and 1st January. • Museo delle Porcellane Collections of porcelain from reigning royal families. Collezioni di porcellane delle case regnanti. Palazzina del Cavaliere, Boboli Gardens, Piazza Pitti, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month and 1st January.

Frescoes • cappella Brancacci The great cycle of frescoes of the Stories of St. Peter, masterpiece of Masaccio. Il grande ciclo di affreschi, con Storie di San Pietro, capolavoro di Masaccio. Piazza del Carmine - tel. 055.2768224 - Monday-Saturday 10-17 - Sundays 13-17. Closed on Tuesdays and 1st and 7th January.



• Cappella dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli Built by Michelozzo, it contains the famous frescoes of the Cavalcade of the Magi towards Bethlehem (145960) by Benozzo Gozzoli. Costruita da Michelozzo, vi si trovano i famosi affreschi della Cavalcata dei Magi verso Betlemme (1459-60) di Benozzo Gozzoli. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour, 3 - tel. 055.2760340 - 9-18. Closed on Wednesdays. • Cenacolo di Santo Spirito e Fondazione Romano The ancient Refectory of the Convent of Santo Spirito hosts the Crucifixion and Last Supper by Andrea Orcagna. L’antico Cenacolo del convento di Santo Spirito ospita la Crocifissione e l’Ultima Cena di Andrea Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito, 29 - tel. 055.287043 - Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays 10-16. Closed 1st January. • Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto The ancient Vallombrosan refectory contains the famous fresco of the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto and other 15th and 16th century paintings. L’antico refettorio Vallombrosiano ospita il celebre affresco dell’Ultima Cena di Andrea del Sarto. Oltre a dipinti e sculture del ’400 e del ’500 nel museo. Via San Salvi, 16 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed Mondays and 1st January.

itinerary | museums

5. 1.

• Museum of San Marco The convent, cells, cloisters and Pilgrim’s Hospice with frescoes and paintings by Fra Angelico and school. Comprende il convento, le celle, i chiostri e l’Ospizio dei Pellegrini. Affreschi e dipinti del Beato Angelico e scuola. Piazza San Marco, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Friday 8.1513.50 - Saturday-Sunday 8.15-16.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month and 1st January.

Antique Art & Renaissance • Battistero di San Giovanni Romanesque temple dedicated to St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the city. Outside, the doors by Ghiberti. Tempio romanico dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, patrono della città. All’esterno le famose porte del Ghiberti. Piazza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 11.15-19.00 Sundays, 1st Saturday of month, holidays 8.30-14.00. Closed 1st January. • casa Buonarroti Michelangelo built this house for himself and his relations, but never actually lived here. Drawings, paintings, sculpture. La casa che Michelangelo costruì per sé e la famiglia, anche se egli non la abitò mai. Disegni, dipinti, sculture. Via Ghibellina, 70 - tel. 055.241752 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays and 1st January.


4. Piazza San Giovanni, Duomo e Battistero 5. Cappella dei Pazzi e Chiostri di Santa Croce

• Cupola del Brunelleschi The masterpiece of Brunelleschi. Frescoes of the Last Judgement by Federico Zuccari. Suggestive itinerary to the top of the dome with breathtaking views over the city. Il capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Affreschi del Giudizio Universale di Federico Zuccari. Suggestivo itinerario fin sulla cima della cupola con vista mozzafiato della città. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.00 Saturdays 8.30-17.40pm. Closed Sundays and 1st and 6th January. • museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce The Basilica, with the Giotto frescoes, and the ancient convent with the Crucifix by Cimabue, destroyed in the flood of 1966. Works by Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. The Pazzi Chapel, masterpiece by Brunelleschi. Basilica e antico convento, con gli affreschi di Giotto, il Crocifisso di Cimabue, devastato dall’alluvione del 1966. Opere di Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. La Cappella dei Pazzi, capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Piazza Santa Croce, 16 - tel. 055.2466105 - 9.30-17.00 - Sundays and holidays 13.00-17.00. Closed 1st January. • Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Masterpieces from Cathedral, Baptistery and Belltower. Sculpture, models, and objects in gold and silver. Capolavori dal Duomo, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Scultura, modelli, oreficeria, messali rari. Piazza del Duomo, 9 - tel. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 Sundays 9.00-13.45.


itinerary | museums

1. Chiostri di Santa Maria Novella 2. Casa di Dante 3. Museo Stibbert

2. 1.

• museo fondazione Horne House of the erudite collector of art, Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916). Paintings, sculpture and furniture. Casa di Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916), erudito e collezionista d’arte. Dipinti, sculture, mobili. Via de’Benci, 6 - tel. 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00. Closed Sundays and holidays. • chiostri di Santa Maria Novella The Green Cloisters, with frescoes by Paolo Uccello, the Spanish Chapel, the Cloisters of the Dead. Chiostri con affreschi di Paolo Uccello, Orcagna ed altri, il Cappellone degli Spagnoli, il Chiostro dei Morti. Piazza S. Maria Novella - tel. 055.282187 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 10.00-16.00. Closed 1st January. • Museo Stibbert Frederick Stibbert collections (1838-1906). Armour, sculpture, paintings, furniture, costumes, drawings, tapestries. Collezioni del collezionista anglo-fiorentino Federico Stibbert (1838-1906). Armi e armature, sculture, pitture, arredi, costumi, disegni, arazzi dal medioevo fino ai paesi orentali. Via Stibbert, 26 - tel. 055.475520 - Monday-Wednesday 10.00-14.00 - Fridays-Sunday 10.00-18.00. Closed Thursdays and 1st January.



• Museo stefano Bardini The Collection of Stefano Bardini the most importante Italian antiquarian of the past century. Art from the Romans to the 18th century La Collezione Stefano Bardini, il più autorevole antiquario italiano dello scorso secolo. Dall’epoca romana fino al '700. Via dei Renai, 37 - tel. 055 2342427 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 11.00-17.00. Closed on Christmas day.

Modern Art • museo Marino Marini The former Church of San Pancrazio hosts sculpture, paintings, by sculptor Marino Marini (1901-1980). L’ex chiesa di San Pancrazio ospita sculture, dipinti, disegni ed incisioni di Marino Marini (1901-1980). Piazza San Pancrazio - tel. 055.219432 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays, and Sundays & holidays.

Monumental Apartments • casa museo di Dante Built in the early 20th century on what was then thought to be the site of the Alighieri houses. Costruita all’inizio del 900 nel luogo ove si pensava abitassero gli Alighieri. Via S. Margherita, 1r - tel. 055.219416 - 10-17. Closed on Mondays.

itinerary | museums


1. Inlay work at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure


2. Certosa del Galluzzo 3. Campanile di Giotto

• museo di Palazzo Davanzati Ancient Florentine house recently restored with furnishings of the middle age. Antica dimora trecentesca recentemente restaurata. Mobili dell’epoca. Via Porta Rossa, 13 - tel. 055. 2388610 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month and 1st January.

Crafts, design, fashion • Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure “Art and nature” could be the motto of this singular museum, dedicated to creations in hard stones where artistic refinement competes with the splendour of the materials. “Arte e natura” potrebbe essere il motto di questo singolare museo, dedicato a creazioni di pietre dure dove la finezza artistica fa a gara con lo splendore dei materiali. Via degli Alfani, 78 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Saturday 8.15-14.00. Closed Sundays. • museo Salvatore Ferragamo The history of footwear. Designs, patents, photos and 10000 examples of shoes created by Ferragamo. La storia della calzatura. Disegni, brevetti, foto, 10000 esemplari di scarpe create da Ferragamo. Palazzo Spini Feroni - Via Tornabuoni, 2 - tel. 055.3360456 - 10.00-18.00. Closed Tuesdays.


Monuments • campanile di Giotto Famous belltower, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture by Giotto, built between 1334 and 1359. Celebre torre campanaria, capolavoro di architettura gotica di Giotto, edificato fra 1334 e il 1359. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.30. 6th January: 8.30-14.00. Closed 1st January. • Certosa of Galluzzo Monastic complex founded in the 14th century. the picture-gallery include frescoes by Pontormo, works by Perugino and Ghirlandaio. Complesso monastico trecentesco. La pinacoteca comprende opere del Pontormo, del Perugino e del Ghirlandaio Via Senese 206-208, Galluzzo - tel. 055.2049226 - guided visits every hour 9.00-11.00 - 15.00-16.00. Sundays 15.00-16.00. Closed Mondays. • Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico Built in the Moorish manner by the architects Micheli, Falcini and Treves between 1874 and 1882. The museum covers the most important moments in the history of the Jews in Florence. Edificio in stile moresco costruito dagli architetti Micheli, Falcini e Treves tra il 1874 e il 1882. Il museo ripercorre i momenti più importanti della storia degli ebrei a Firenze. La sua cupola verde è celebre nel panorama cittadino. Via Farini, 6 - tel. 055.2346654 - 10.00-17.30. Fridays 10.00-13.30. Closed Saturdays.


itinerary | museums

1. Wax Model Museo La Specola 2. Old Map of Florence Museo Firenze Com'era 3. Armillary sphere


Museo Galileo




Education & Science • Museo Galileo Collection of scientific instruments and equipment that belonged to the Medici and Lorraine families. Collezioni di strumenti e apparecchi scientifici, appartenenti alle famiglie dei Medici e dei Lorena. Piazza Giudici, 1 - tel. 055.265311 - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30-18.00 - Tuesday, Saturday 9.30-13.00. Closed 1st and 6th January. • Department of Musical Instruments The collection comprises instruments, dating from the late 17th to early 19th centuries, formerly belonging to members of the Medici and Lorraine families, which later passed to the Cherubini Conservatory. Il Museo espone strumenti musicali provenienti dalle collezioni dei granduchi di Toscana, Medici e Lorena, raccolti tra il XVII e il XIX secolo e passati successivamente al Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays and 1st January. • Orto Botanico “Giardino dei Semplici” Important Botanical Gardens dating from 1545. The museum contains 16th century herbariums and paintings. Fondato nel 1545, è il più importante Orto Botanico d’Italia. Contiene erbari storici dal XVI secolo e dipinti. Via Micheli, 3 - tel. 055.2757402 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.



• Museo Zoologico La Specola Founded by the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine, it is the oldest scientific museum in Europe. It owns the largest collection of anatomical wax models in the world. Fondato dal Granduca Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena, è il più antico museo scientifico d’Europa. Possiede la più grande collezione al mondo di cere anatomiche settecentesche. Via Romana, 17 - tel. 055.2288251 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.

Guided Tours • CAF TOUR & TRAVEL Tours and excursions Walking Tours of Florence, regular guided tours of the Uffizi and Academy Galleries, Outlet shopping tour Gucci and Prada, Cooking Courses and other activities of interest. Excursions to Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venice, Rome and many more. Tour di Firenze, visite guidate regolari ad Uffizi ed Accademia, tour guidati a piedi, Outlet shopping tour Gucci e Prada, Corsi di cucina ed altre interessanti attività. Escursioni a: Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venezia, Roma e in molte altre destinazioni. Via degli Alfani, 151r - 50121, Florence tel. 055 283200/210612 - tours@caftours.com PERSONalised tours: 055 2302283 incoming@caftours.com - www.caftours.com

itinerary | churches

2. 1. Santa Croce 2. San Lorenzo 3. Santa Maria Novella


Monumental Churches • Duomo Piazza S. Giovanni. Gothic, started by Arnolfo di Cambio (1296). Dome (Brunelleschi), works by A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia and others. Piazza S. Giovanni. Iniziato da Arnolfo di Cambio (1296), gotico, cupola (Brunelleschi), opere di A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia ed altri. 10-17 - Thursdays 10-15.30 - holidays 13.30-16.45. • Battistero di San Giovanni Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanesque, bronze doors by A. Pisano and L. Ghiberti, mosaics in cupola.es. Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanico, porte bronzee di A. Pisano e L. Ghiberti, mosaici della cupola. 12-19 - holidays 8.30-14. • Basilica di San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanesque building altered by Brunelleschi; Pulpits by Donatello, Old Sacristy, cloisters. Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanico rimaneggiato dal Brunelleschi; Pulpiti di Donatello, Sagrestia Vecchia, chiostro. 10-17 - closed holidays. • Basilica di Santa Maria Novella Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gothic, started in 1246, completed in 1360. Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gotico, iniziata nel 1246, terminata nel 1360. 9.30-17 - Fridays and holidays 13-17.


4. San Miniato al Monte 5. San Marco


• Basilica di Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce. Gothic, built in 1294, attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio; Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano; frescoes in Bardi and Peruzzi Chapels (Giotto); Annunciation (Donatello); Pazzi Chapel (Brunelleschi). Piazza S. Croce. Costruita nel 1294, attribuita ad Arnolfo di Cambio, gotico; Pulpito di Benedetto da Maiano; Cappelle Bardi e Peruzzi affrescate da Giotto; Annunciazione (Donatello); Cappella dei Pazzi (Brunelleschi). 9.30-17.30 - holidays 13-17.30. • Chiesa di Orsanmichele Via dei Calzaiuoli. Reconstructed (1337) by F. Talenti and others, Tabernacles of Patrons of the Guilds (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello and others), Tabernacle (Orcagna). Via dei Calzaiuoli. Ricostruita (1337) da F. Talenti e altri, Tabernacoli dei Patroni delle Arti (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello ed altri), Tabernacolo (Orcagna). 9-12 - 16-18. • Chiesa di Santa Trinita Piazza S. Trinita. Romanesque, facade by B. Buontalenti. Piazza S. Trinita. Romanico facciata di B. Buontalenti. 8-12 - 16-18 - holidays 16-18. • Chiesa di SS. Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata. Built in 1250, rebuilt by Michelozzo; Nativity of Mary (A. del Sarto), Holy Trinity (A. del Castagno). Piazza SS. Annunziata. Costruita nel 1250, rifatta da Michelozzo; Natività di Maria (A. del Sarto), SS. Trinità (A. del Castagno). 7.30-12.30 - 16-18.30.

itinerary | churches



• Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci. Florentine Romanesque, Chapel of the Crocifisso by Michelozzo, Stories of St. Benedict. Viale Galileo. Romanico fiorentino, Crocifisso del Michelozzo, Storie di S. Benedetto, Cappella di S. Jacopo. 8-19.30. • Chiesa di Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito. Gothic, rebuilt in 1444 by Brunelleschi; Bell tower (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibule, Sacresty, Last Supper of S. Spirito frescoed by Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito. Gotico, rifatta nel 1444 dal Brunelleschi; Campanile (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibolo, Sagrestia, Cenacolo di S. Spirito affrescato dall’Orcagna. . 8.30-12 - 16-18. Saturday 16-18. Closed Wed. • Chiesa di Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Rebuilt on a drawing by Pettirossi (first half of the XVII cent.); Last Supper by Ghirlandaio in the Refectory. Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Ricostruita Disegno del Pettirossi (prima metà del '600); Ultima Cena (Ghirlandaio) nel Refettorio. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday 9-12 • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine. The church hosts the famous Brancacci Chapel with frescoes by Masaccio, Masolino and eventually finished by Filippino Lippi. Piazza del Carmine. Ospita la famosa Cappella Brancacci affrescata da Masaccio e Masolino e successivamente portata a compimento da Filippino Lippi. 13-17. Holidays 10-17. Closed Tues.

• Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi Borgo Pinti, 58. Beautiful entrance cloister (14921505) by Giuliano da Sangallo. The Capitular Hall hosts the great Crucifixion fresco by Perugino. Borgo Pinti ,58. Splendido chiostro d'ingresso di Giuliano da San Gallo. La sala capitolare ospita l'affresco della Crocifissione del Perugino 10-12.30 e 15-17; Closed on Wednesdays • Chiesa di Santa Felicità Rebuilt in 1736 by F. Ruggeri; porch of Vasari, paintings by Pontormo. Piazza di Santa Felicità. Ricostruita nel 1736 da F. Ruggeri; portico del Vasari, dipinti del Pontormo. 9.30-12.30 e 15.30-17.30 • Basilica di San Marco Piazza San Marco. Expanded in 1437 by Michelozzo. Hosts a large crucifix by the school of Orcagna, the "Transfiguration" by Giovan Battista Paggi, the precious altar crucifix by Fra Angelico, Passignano and Giambologna's works and decorations of Alessandro Allori. Piazza San Marco. Ampliata nel 1437 dal Michelozzo, All’interno è presente il grande crocifisso della scuola dell’ Orcagna, la “Trasfigurazione” di Giovan Battista Paggi, sull’altare Maggiore il prezioso crocifisso del Beato Angelico, opere del Passignano e di Gianbologna e decorazioni di Alessandro Allori. 9.30-19 • Chiesa di SS. Apostoli Piazza del Limbo. Preromanique style. Piazza del Limbo. Stile Preromanico



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Hotels in Florence

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 FOUR SEASONS FIRENZE  tel. 055.26261 - Borgo Pinti, 99 grand hotel villa cora tel. 055.228790 - Viale Machiavelli, 18 Helvetia & Bristol  tel. 055.26651 - Via dei Pescioni, 2 il salviatino tel. 055.0150201 - Via Salviatino, 21 Montebello Splendid  tel. 055.27471 - Via Garibaldi, 14 Regency tel. 055.245247 - Piazza M. D’Azeglio, 3 Relais Santa Croce tel. 055.2342230 - Via Ghibellina, 87 Savoy tel. 055.27351 - Piazza della Repubblica, 7 the St. Regis Florence  tel. 055.27161 - Piazza Ognissanti, 1 the Westin Excelsior  tel. 055.27151 - Piazza Ognissanti, 3 Villa La Massa tel. 055.6261 - Candeli - Bagno a Ripoli Villa La Vedetta tel. 055.681631 - Viale Michelangelo, 78 Villa Medici tel. 055.2381331 - Via Il Prato, 42 Villa Olmi Resort tel. 055.637710 - Via degli Olmi 4/8 Bagno a Ripoli Villa San Michele  tel. 055.5678200 - Via Doccia, 4 - Fiesole

1. 1.

 Adler Cavalieri tel. 055.277810 - Via della Scala, 40 Adriatico tel. 055.2381781 - Via Maso Finiguerra, 9 Albani tel. 055.26031 - Via Fiume, 12 Albergotto tel. 055.2396464 - Via Tornabuoni, 13 Alexander tel. 055.4378951 - Viale Guidoni, 101 Anglo-American Hotel Regina tel. 055.282114 - Via Garibaldi, 9 Aprile palazzo del borgo tel. 055.216237 - Via della Scala, 6 Athenaeum tel. 055.522688 - Via Cavour, 86 Baglioni tel. 055.23580 - Piazza Unità Italiana, 6 Berchielli tel. 055.264061 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 14 Bernini palace tel. 055.288621 - Piazza S. Firenze, 29 boscolo Astoria tel. 055.2398095 - Via del Giglio, 9 Brunelleschi tel. 055.27370 - Piazza S. Elizabetta Calzaiuoli tel. 055.212456- Via Calzaiuoli, 6 Cavour tel. 055.266271- Via del Proconsolo, 3

2. 2.

1. Montebello Splendid 2. The Westin Excelsior 3. Villa San Michele 4. Four Seasons 5. St. Regis





Continentale contemporary tel. 055.27262 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 2 Croce di Malta tel. 055.282600 - Via della Scala, 7 De la Ville tel. 055.2381806 - Piazza Antinori, 1 De Rose  tel. 055.2396818 - Via Solferino, 5 Degli Orafi tel. 055.26622 - Lungarno Archibusieri, 4, Della Signoria tel. 055.214530 - Via delle Terme, 1 Diana Park tel. 055.575788 - Via G.Pascoli,10 Executive tel. 055.217451 - Via Curtatone, 5 Fenice Palace tel. 055.289942 - Via dei Martelli, 10 Gallery Hotel Art tel. 055.27263 - Vicolo dell’Oro, 5 Grand Hotel Minerva tel. 055.27230 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 16 Hilton Garden Inn Florence Novoli tel. 055.42401 - Via Sandro Pertini, 2/9 Holiday Inn tel. 055.6531841 - Viale Europa, 205 J and J tel. 055.26312 - Via di Mezzo, 20 J.K. Place tel. 055.2645181 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 7


Jolly Carlton tel. 055.2770 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4a Kraft tel. 055.284273 - Via Solferino, 2 Laurus tel. 055.2381752 - Via dei Cerretani, 8 Londra tel. 055.2382791 - Via Jacopo da Diacceto, 18/20 Lorenzo Il Magnifico tel. 055.4630878 - Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico, 25 Lungarno tel. 055.27261 - Borgo S. Jacopo, 14 Lungarno Suite tel. 055.27268000 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 4 Mediterraneo tel. 055.660241 - Lungarno del Tempio, 44 Michelangelo starhotels tel. 055.2784 - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 2 Monna Lisa tel. 055.2479751 - Borgo Pinti, 27 nH Porta rossa tel. 055.2710911 - Via Porta Rossa 19 nilhotel tel. 055.795540 - Via Barsanti 27 Park Palace tel. 055.222431 - Piazzale Galileo, 5 Pierre  tel. 055.216218 - Via Lamberti, 5 Plaza & Lucchesi tel. 055.26236 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 38


 1. Monna Lisa 2. Hotel degli Orafi 3. Hotel Helvetia & Bristol 4. Plaza & Lucchesi




President tel. 055.587603 - Via della Piazzola, 36 bis Principe tel. 055.284848 - Lungarno Vespucci, 34 Residence Florence tel. 055.7310147 - Via della Pace Mondiale - Scandicci Ritz tel. 055.2340650 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 24 Rivoli tel. 055.282853 - Via della Scala, 33 Roma tel. 055.210366 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 8 San Gallo Palace tel. 055.463871 - Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 2 Santa Maria Novella tel. 055.271840 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 1 Sofitel tel. 055.2381301 - Via dei Cerretani, 10 Strozzi Palace tel. 055.283898 - Via de Vecchietti, 4 UNA hotel - palazzo mannaioni tel. 0571.69277 - Via Marconi, 2 Montaione UNA Poggio dei Medici tel. 055.84350 - Via S. Gavino, 27 Scarperia Una vittoria tel. 055.22771 - Via Pisana, 59 Villa Belvedere tel. 055.222501 - Via Castelli, 3 Villa Carlotta tel. 055.2336134 - Via M. di Lando, 3 Villa Stanley tel. 055.446121 - Viale XX Settembre, 200 Sesto F.no

 Balestri tel. 055.214743 - Piazza Mentana, 7 Benivieni tel. 055.2382133 - Via delle Oche, 5 Boccaccio tel. 055.282776 - Via della Scala, 59 Domus Florentiae tel. 055 2654645 - Via degli Avelli 2 Le Due Fontane tel. 055.210185 - Piazza SS. Annunziata, 14 Machiavelli palace tel. 055.216622 - Via Nazionale, 10 Paris tel. 055.280281- Via dei Banchi, 2 Pitti Palace tel. 055.2398711 - Borgo San Jacopo, 3r Privilege tel. 055.2478220 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 26 Tornabuoni Beacci tel. 055.212645 - Via Tornabuoni, 3 HISTORIC RESIDENCES & RESORTS Antica Torre di Via Tornabuoni 1 tel. 055.2658161 - Via Tornabuoni, 1 Residence Centanni tel. 055.630122 - Via di Centanni, 8 Bagno a Ripoli Firenze


degli HOTEL    ORAFI Right next to the Uffizi Gallery and overlooking the Ponte Vecchio, this Hotel became famous after James Ivory's film "Room with View" in 1985. It has 42 bedrooms and a Roof Garden Bar offering views of the Cathedral and Palazzo Vecchio

Lungarno Archibusieri, 4 - tel. 055.26622 www.hoteldegliorafi.it 100

Tuscan Cuisine

Plain, simple and basic

Plain, simple and basic, the Tuscan cuisine needs little elaboration to be able to conquer new admirers. The care given to the quality of the basic ingredients is an essential part of Tuscan cultural traditions, still closely linked to country cooking and genuine products. You only need taste a slice of Tuscan bread soaked in olive oil to appreciate the essence of this cuisine. The locally produced extra-virgin oil is in fact of exceptional quality, wonderful whether cooked or raw, and accompanies almost all the most characteristic recipes in the region. A Tuscan style lunch starts with a meaty appetiser based on cold cuts (including savoury salted ham), and croutons, slices of toast spread with a paté made with chicken livers, spleen of veal, capers and butter. Traditional first courses include simple but delicious vegetable soups like the ‘pappa col pomodoro’, made with tomato, garlic, basil and pepper, or the ‘ribollita’, made with vegetables cooked for hours, the flavour brought out by a last minute topping of oil. Pappardelle (ribbon pasta) served with a hare sauce made with red wine, oil and tomato, is just one of the typical pasta dishes. The world famous Florentine steak, a special cut of prized Chianina beef, is a symbolic second course, though we should also include characteristic Tuscan tripe, flavoured with bacon, tomato and Parmesan. The most popular legumes are beans, cultivated here from Etruscan times and either cooked ‘all’uccelletto’ (in tomato sauce with sage) or in a wine flask. Like the soups, vegetables are almost always tossed in a frying pan with oil and garlic - spinach, artichokes, baby marrows - or fried, like, for example, the crunchy marrow flowers. Typical dishes in the summer months are the ‘pinzimonio’ or sliced fresh vegetable dip of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, or classic fresh field salads.


gourmet | tuscan cuisine

• Boccanegra Via Ghibellina, 124r - Tel. 055.2001098 www.boccanegra.com • Buca Mario P.zza Ottaviani, 16r - Tel. 055.214179 www.bucamario.it • Cantinetta Antinori Piazza Antinori, 3 - Tel. 055.292234 www.antinori.it • trattoria 4 leoni Piazza della Passera - Tel. 055.218562 www.4leoni.com • Trattoria Cammillo Borgo San Jacopo, 57r - Tel. 055.212427 • trattoria OMERO Via Pian dei Giullari, 47 - Tel. 055.220053 www.ristoranteomero.it • trattoria coco lezzone Via del Parioncino, 26r - Tel. 055.287178 www.cocolezzone.it


gourmet | tuscan cuisine

Кухня Тосканы

Натуральная, простая и непосредственная кухня Тосканы нуждается в минимуме усилий, чтобы завоевать себе новых поклонников. Забота, которая уделяется отбору продуктов является основной характеристикой тосканских культурных традиций, которые до сих пор тесно связаны с деревенской манерой готовить и с продуктами, выращенными натуральными методами. Вам будет достаточно попробовать только ломтик тосканского хлеба с каплей оливкового масла, чтобы оценить сущность этой кухни. Обед в тосканском стиле начинается с мясных закусок, основанных на холодных нарезках и гренки, ломтики поджаренного на гриле хлеба с паштетом из куриной печенки, телячьей селезенки, каперсов и сливочного масла. Традиционные первые блюда включают в себя простой, но вкусный овощной суп, называемый «паппа аль помодоро», который приготавливается из помидоров, чеснока, базилика и перца, или «риболлита», который делается из вареных длительное время овощей, аромат которым придает добавка в последнюю минуту сырого оливкового масла. Паппарделле заправляемая соусом из зайца в красном вине, масла и томатов, — лишь одно из типичных блюд из пасты. Известный во всем мире флорентийский бифштекс из особой части ценной говядины сорта Кьянина является символическим вторым блюдом, куда мы можем добавить характерное тосканское блюдо из рубца, заправленное копченной грудинкой, томатами и пармезаном.


gourmet | restaurants

Restaurants in Florence

(Between the brackets)= days of closure

• Boccanegra (Closed for dinner Jan. 1st - Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 124r - 055.2001098 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine, Wine Bar & Pizzeria • Buca Mario (Always open for dinner) Piazza Ottaviani, 16r - 055.214179 Characteristic Interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Cammillo (Closed until Jan. 7th, Open 8th-9th - Closed Tues & Weds.) Borgo San Jacopo, 57r - 055.212427 Classic interior. Tuscan & fish Cuisine • Cantinetta Antinori (Jan: Sundays; Feb: Saturdays and Sundays) Piazza Antinori, 3 - 055.292234 Classic interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Capriccio Hotel Montebello Splendid (Always open) Via Garibaldi, 14 - 055.27471 Elegant interior. Tuscan & International Cuisine • Circus (January: closed on Mon. - February: Always open) P.zza della Signoria, 34r - 055.294553 Informal interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Coco Lezzone (Closed until Jan. 7th - Sundays & dinnertime Tuesdays) Via del Parioncino, 26r - 055.287178 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine

• Enoteca Pinchiorri (Mondays & Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 87 - 055.242777 Elegant interior. Creative Tuscan haute Cuisine • Fellini (Closed Jan. 1st - Closed on Mon. - Open only for dinner) Via Ghibellina, 134r - 055.2478898 Elegant interior. Fish specialities • Harry's bar (Closed Jan. 1st - Always open) Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - 055.2396700 Classic interior. International Cuisine • Hard rock cafe (Always open) Via Brunelleschi, 1 - 055.2670499 Authentic American Cuisine in Rock n Roll environment • Hostaria Bibendum Hotel Helvetia & Bristol (Always Open) Via dei Pescioni, 2 - 055.26651 Elegant environment. Mediterranean Cuisine • Hosteria Da Ganino (Sundays) Piazza dei Cimatori, 4r - 055.214125 Informal interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • il guscio (Sundays) Via dell'Orto, 49 - 055.224421 Classic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine


gourmet | restaurants

• il palagio hotel Four Seasons (Always open) Borgo Pinti, 99 - 055.2626450 Elegant interior. Italian haute Cuisine • La Serra Hotel Plaza Lucchesi (Sundays) L.rno della Zecca Vecchia, 38 - 055.26236 Elegant interior. Italian and Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Le Antiche Carrozze (Always open) Piazza S. Trinita - Borgo SS. Apostoli - 055.2658156 Trattoria & Pizzeria - Typical cuisine • Natalino (Mondays) Borgo degli Albizi, 17r - 055.289404 Informal interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • osteria santo spirito (Always open) Piazza Santo Spirito, 16r - 055.2382383 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • riva d'arno wine bar (Closed Jan 1st & 2nd - Always open) Lungarno Soderini, 7r - 055.280223 Informal interior. International Cuisine • salamanca (Always open) Via Ghibellina, 80r - 055.2345452 Characteristic interior. Spanish Cuisine

• Se•STO on arno the Westin excelsior (Always open) Piazza Ognissanti, 3 - 055.27152783 Elegant interior. Mediterranean Cuisine. • Trattoria 4 Leoni (Always Open) Piazza della Passera - 055.218562 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Antico Fattore (Sundays) Via Lambertesca, 1/3r - 055.288975 Characteristic interior . Traditional Tuscan cuisine • Trattoria omero (Always open) Via Pian dei Giullari, 47 - 055.220053 Classic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Sostanza - Troia (Closed until January 7th - Saturdays & Sundays) Via del Porcellana, 25r - 055.212691 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine • Vivanda (Always open) Via Santa Monaca, 7r - 055.2381208 Restaurant & wine bar. Slow food & natural wines. • zibibbo (Closed Jan 1st & 2nd; Sundays & lunchtime Saturdays) Via di Terzollina, 3r - 055.433383 Classic environment. Tuscan creative Cuisine


Santa Maria Novella

1 Buca Mario 055.214179 2 Capriccio 055.27471 3 harry's bar 055.2396700 4 SE•STo on arno 055.27152783 5 trattoria sostanza - troia 055.212691



5 1 1 5

4 3 3


1 3


1 Cammillo 2 riva d'arno wine bar 3 Trattoria 4 Leoni

055.212427 055.280223 055.218562


Duomo / Signoria 1 Cantinetta antinori 2 circus 3 Coco Lezzone 4 hard rock cafe 5 hostaria bibendum 6 il palagio

055.292234 055.294553 055.287178 055.2670499 055.2665620 055.2626450 6

2 2

1 3

Santa Croce 1 Boccanegra 2 Fellini 3 enoteca pinchiorri

055.2001098 055.2478898 055.242777

trattoria omero

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria 4 Leoni

Трактир 4 львов находится на площади делла Пассера рядом с Дворцом Питти и окунает вас в обстановку исконно тосканского стиля, простого но рафинированного. Хозяин, Стефано ди Пуччио, известен в городе как игрок в «Исторический Флорентийский Футбол» и благодаря высококачественной кухне, которая предлагает традиционные блюда тосканы, такие как курица в кляре, кролик с овощами, незабываемые бифштексы и знаменитый Пепозо из Импруньеты ( пиккантное жаркое). Все дессерты сделаны на кухне ресторана, вина можно дегустировать бокалами. В летнее время можно поесть на открытом воздухе.


A corner of ancient Florence can be found between the Ponte Vecchio and the Pitti Palace that is full of craft workshops and beloved by artists and intellectuals. The Trattoria 4 Leoni, situated in Piazza della Passera, offers the sort of welcome that we would expect to find in the homes of old friends. The furnishings are in the typical Tuscan traditions, plain yet refined, with straw-bottomed chairs and marble-topped tables. Mine host Stefano Di Puccio is held in high esteem in the city for his sporting history as a player in the “Historic Florentine Football Matches”, but also for the genuine hospitality that can be found in his restaurant and for quality of his cooking. Platters in the true Tuscan tradition emerge from the kitchen, from the mythical Huge Fry-Up (fried chicken, rabbit and vegetables) and the steaks, always excellent, to the famous Impruneta Peposo (peppery stew) or the delicious 4 Leoni Salad; all of them dishes for gourmets! We must not forget to mention the desserts, all homemade, like the pear and chocolate cake, the apple tart or the cheese cake; or else there are the popular Prato Cantuccini (almond biscuits) to dip in the Holy Wine. The wines are all of excellent quality and can also be ordered by the glass. Outside dining under a white marquee and surrounded by pots of sweet-melling bay trees is possible in the summer months. The quality of the cooking, the care taken over details and service, together with the simple and genuine atmosphere, make the 4 Leoni a symbolic nightspot for all the Florentines and ... Piazza della Passera in the Spring is a really wonderful sight. Piazza della Passera Tel. 055.218562 www.4leoni.com

Trattoria Cammillo C u c i n a toscana e d i n t er n azionale • Tu s c an and i n t e r n ational c u i sine Borgo S. Jacopo 57r - Firenze Tel. (055) 212427 Fax (055) 212963 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria Omero

Трактир Omero Трактир Omero является одним из исторических флорентийских ресторанов. Расположенный на холме, всего в пяти минутах от центра города , благодаря его дружественной и спокойной обстановке, трактир стал незаменимым местом встречи для тех, кто умеет наслаждаться жизнью. Его успех связан с качеством приготовления пищи, трактир предлагает традиционные тосканские блюда из сезонных продуктов , приготовленные с мудростью и страстью. Два больших столовых зала в традиционной стилистике с элементами элегантной моды, с большим окном на Флоренцию, придают ресторану особый свет ... летними вечерами можно пообедать на террасе и насладиться восхитительным видом на холмы. Винный погреб содержит свыше 300 отборных вин: классические итальянские и международные вина, и все знаменитые тосканские этикетки. Время, кажется, остановилось в Omero... оригинальный вкус и простота - вот его отличительные черты.


Trattoria Omero is one of the historic sites in Florentine catering. Its ideal position on the hill only five minutes from the city centre and its friendly and peaceful environment make it a meeting point for personalities of culture and the cinema. Its success is due to the quality of the cooking that offers traditional Tuscan dishes prepared with seasonal ingredients and cooked with wisdom and passion. The two large dining rooms are furnished in a traditional but elegant fashion with a large picture window over Florence that gives the restaurant a very special light... and on summer evenings it is possible to dine on the splendid terrace and enjoy an enchanting view over the hills. Trattoria Omero is a unique opportunity to enjoy moments of true pleasure at the table and enjoy excellently cooked but simple dishes. The menu follows the rhythm of the seasons, while the dishes are prepared using selected fresh produce of top quality and include fresh home made pasta, pappardelle with hare ragout, grilled meats, fried platters, Florentine steaks, specialities based on game, desserts, which are always home made, and many other delicacies. The Cantina houses over 300 selected wines: classic Italian and international wines and all the fines Tuscan labels. The service is attentive, friendly and never intrusive. Time seems to have stood still at Omero’s as, although the restaurant has stood here for decades, it still manages to keep its reputation and perhaps this is why its customers get attached to it and come back again and again, because they know they will always find original flavours and simplicity. Always open for lunch and dinner, gastronomy shop open 9.00-23.00. Via Pian dei Giullari 47 - Arcetri - Florence Tel +39.055.220053 - Fax +39.055.2336183 www.ristoranteomero.it

Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Via Ponte alle Mosse, 36/a - Tel. 055. 364552 - Fax 055. 3217500



Michele Paonessa

Hotel Plaza Lucchesi

I membri del consiglio:

Vice Presidente Segretario Segretario aggiunto Tesoriere Tesoriere aggiunto Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere Senior Consigliere Senior

Marchese Alessandro Mazzoni Michele Iannotta Sergio Oppoliti Andrea Chierici Iacopo Pallai Romano Bolcioni Marco Mastripieri Leonardo Brunori Francesco Langella Luciano

Hotel Helvetia Bristol Grand Hotel Villa Cora Hotel Brunelleschi Hotel Adler Cavalieri Hotel Westin Excelsior Hotel Plaza Lucchesi Hotel Saint Regis Hotel Westin Excelsior

FLORENCE CONCIERGE - ufficio pubblicità e REDAZIONE Tel. 055. 412199 - Fax 055. 4360111 - email: commerciale@mega.it

gourmet | restaurants


Ресторан Circus Это ресторан, который был создан, чтобы предложить своим клиентам полный спектр услуг. С самого раннего утра (открывается в 7.30) Вам предложат классический завтрак. Вы также можете отдохнуть за аперитивом, наслаждаясь видом на площадь Синьории, мы советуем вам попросить перечень закусок, который действительно удивляет своим необычным содержанием и широким выбором оригинальных мохито, отобранных нашими кубинскими барменами. Пицца, которую мы предлагаем, сделана по методу длительной левитации и испечена в специальной печи на настоящих дровах.Если же если вы больше заинтересованы в традиционной кухне в итальянском стиле, просто загляните в наше меню. Наши стейки из особого мяса Кьянина (знаменитый флорентийский бифштекс), которое было тщательным образом отобрано для наших клиентов, определенно стоит попробовать.


Circus is a restaurant that was created to offer its customers a complete service and in fact opens at 7.30 in the morning with classical breakfasts composed of hot leavened bread or our own home produced cakes with a cappuccino, or else full Continental breakfasts. If on the other hand you want to relax over an aperitif, while enjoying a view over Piazza Signoria, we advise you to ask for the list of appetizers, which is really surprising for its unusual contents and wide choice of original mojitos, selected by our Cuban barman. Thanks to our wood oven, we also offer a wide choice of excellent long-leavened pizzas to suit all tastes, from classical pizzas to the revisited recipes created by our pizza bakers, with carefully selected quality-based toppings as we like to make sure that our clients are always served with the finest products. Lastly, if you are more interested in dining Italian style, we advise you to try the restaurant menu, which includes carefully studied platters that can satisfy the most exacting taste buds. Our Chianina steaks are definitely worth trying, carefully selected and served in the traditional way, thus making your lunch or dinner quite unforgettable. The wine list offers a wide choice of labels as they have all been selected by the owner, who worked for years with the wineries in this area and elsewhere. The bread and schiacchiata, like most of the prime materials, are freshly prepared every day in our kitchens to ensure that you can enjoy unique and unmistakeable flavours every time you come here. Piazza della Signoria, 34r - Tel. 055.294553

gourmet | restaurants

Riva d'Arno Wine Bar

Riva D'Arno is a pleasant wine bar not to be missed. It is located at the Ponte Carraia, overlooking the Lungarno Corsini and Vespucci. The wine bar offers specialties: oysters, tripe monkfish, cuttlefish eggs with ginger, black squid, sardines in damp, Icelandic cod, marinated beef, mille feuille of foie gras and duck tongue, duck terrine with pistachios , leg of duck, cheeses and other specialties of the season yet. The wines are selected and high drinkability. The wine bar offers regular exhibitions of works by contemporary artists of interest. It 's open daily from 11.30 to 23.30 for the appetizer, lunch and dinner. On Sundays from 12.00 to 15.30 Рива Д'Арно это приятный винный бар, который никак нельзя пропустить. Этот винный бар предлагает свои типичные лакомства: устрицы, печень морского ангела, слойку с фуа-гра и утиным языком, утиную ножку, сыры и прочие деликатесы по сезону. Винный бар предлагает постоянно в своих стенах выставки современных художников, вызывающих интерес. Он открыт каждый день с 11.30 по 23.30 для аперитивов, обедов и ужинов. В воскресение с 12.00 по 15.30 Lungarno Soderini, 7r - Tel. 055.280223 www.rivadarnowinebar.it

Harry's Bar

With its unique style, Harry's Bar is one of the most popular restaurants in the world charming its guests since 1952. The impeccable service and excellent quality of the cuisine allows you to taste the original Harry's beef carpaccio, the taglierini au gratin with parmesan cheese and ham or curried shrimps. The private rooms are perfect for banquets, dinners and lunches and there is a smoking room. American Bar guests can relax with a Bellini cocktail - the house specialty - or a good cup of coffee. The beautiful outdoor terrace overlooking the River Arno with the Ponte Vecchio in the background, offers the most beautiful sunset in the city. These are the distinctive elements of Harry's Bar a meeting place for writers, politicians, businessmen and celebrities, who find here an ideal mix to appreciate the charm of Tuscany through its food and wine best. Благодаря своему уникальному стилю, Бар Гарри является одним из самых популярных ресторанов в мире, очаровывая своих гостей с 1952 года. Безупречный сервис и превосходное качество кухни позволяет вам оценить фирменные карпаччо из говядины, тальерина запеченные с сыром пармезан и ветчиной или креветки карри. Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - Tel. 055.2396700 www.harrysbarfirenze.it


useful info

Tourist Information APT Tourist Information Via Cavour, 1r - tel. 055.290832 / 23320 A.C.I. - Road Service 116 Emergency Ambulance Service 118 Carabinieri Emergency Calls 112 Tourist Aid Police 055.203911 Railway Police 055.212296 Town Police 055.32831 Police Emergency Calls 113 / 055.318000 Road Police 055.577777 -116 Civil Protection 055.410047 / 167.015161 Police Headquarters & Stolen Car Service 055.49771 Fire Station 115 / 055.241841 Urban Police (Station) 055.212290 Urban Police (Emergency Calls) 055.36911 Urban Police (Palazzo Vecchio) 055.284926 Aeroporto A. Vespucci - Peretola www.safnet.it - 055.373498 Aeroporto G. Galilei - Pisa www.pisa-airport.com - 050.500707 ATAF - Bus Info 055.5650222 Lazzi Bus Piazza Stazione 4 - 055.215154 Sita Bus Via S. Caterina da Siena 17r - 055.214721 CAP Bus L.go F.lli Alinari 10 - 055.214637 / 294205 Railway Station Luggage Service 055.212319 Railway Info www.fs-on-line.com147.888088 Radio Taxi 055.4242 / 4798 / 4390 Road Conditions www.autostrade.it - 06.4212 Mail Boxes Etc.#212 Via Della Scala, 13r - Tel. 055.268173 LOST PROPERTY Lost property can be claimed at the City Council Lost Property Office in Via Circondaria n. 19 tel. 055.3283942/43, including all property handed in at Police Headquarters (tel. 055.4977), Carabinieri (tel. 112) and Railway Police Offices (tel. 055.212296). Inquiries about property left in taxis should first be made at the Urban Police Offices and then at the City Council Offices. Tourist Medical Service English, German and French speaking doctors with 70 specialists - No need to book Piazza Duomo - tel. 055.212221 - Hours: 8am-8pm + Emergency Service


Consulates AUSTRIA Lungarno Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2654222 BANGLADESH Via Pellicceria 6 - tel 055.217500 BELGIO Via dei Servi 28 - tel 055.282094 BRASILE Piazza Pitti 5 - tel 055.222336 BULGARIA Via Pier Capponi 44 - tel 055.571055 BURKINA FASO Via Maggio 25 - tel 055.219571 CAMERUN Via Giacomini 25 - tel 055.5047149 CAPO VERDE Via Tornabuoni 4 - tel 055.216689 CILE Poggio Magherini 4, Fiesole - tel 055.597216 CINA Via Della Robbia 89 - tel 055.573889 COLOMBIA Via Santo Spirito 11 - tel 055.289468 COSTA D’AVORIO Via S. Spirito 9 rosso - tel 055.294837 COSTA RICA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 CROAZIA Via Mattonaia 13 - tel 055.2639272 DANIMARCA Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.211007 ECUADOR Via Trieste 67 - tel 055.473151 EL SALVADOR Via Condotta 12 - tel 055.292256 ESTONIA Via Lamarmora 55 - tel 055.588313 federazione russa Corso Italia 8 - tel 055.2608940 FILIPPINE Via Cosimo Ridolfi 2 - tel 055.4628848 FINLANDIA Via Senese 12 - tel 055.2280838 FRANCIA Piazza Ognissanti 2 - tel 055.2302556 GERMANIA Corso dei Tintori 3 - tel 055.2343543 GRAN BRETAGNA Lungarno Corsini 2 - tel 055.284133 GRECIA Via Cavour 38 - tel 055.2381482 GRENADA Via dello Studio 8 - tel 055.290394 LETTONIA Via Suor Maria Celeste 1 - tel 055.224597 LITUANIA Viale Belfiore 33 - tel 055.363045 LUSSEMBURGO Via Palestro 4 - tel 055.284232 MALTA Via Macchiavelli 29 - tel 055.261961 MESSICO Via Arte della Lana 4 - tel 055.217831 MONACO (PRINCIPATO) Lung. Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2670608 Nicaragua Via del Bobolino 5 - tel 055.2001731 NORVEGIA Via G. Capponi 26 - tel 055.2479321 PAESI BASSI Via Cavour 81 - tel 055.475249 PANAMA Via E. Meyer 19 - tel 055.473904 PERÙ Piazza S. Firenze 3 - tel 055.2608803 PORTOGALLO Via Bolognese 55 - tel 055.494787 REPUBBLICA CECA Via del Giglio 10 - tel 055.284454 REPUBBLICA DOMINICANA Via Marconi 30 - tel 055.5000777 ROMANIA Lungarno Vespucci 30 - tel 055.2645661 SAN MARINO Via Conti 3 - tel 055.210864 SERBIA Via La Pira 21 - tel 055.268358 SENEGAL Borgo S. Lorenzo 1 - tel 055.216999 SEYCHELLES Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466 SLOVACCHIA Lungarno del Tempio 54 - tel 055.579531 SLOVENIA Borgo Pinti 82 rosso - tel 055.242022 SPAGNA Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.212207 STATI UNITI D’AMERICA Lung. Vespucci 38 - tel 055.266951 SUD AFRICA Piazza de’ Salterelli 1 - tel 055.281863 SVEZIA Via Bonifacio Lupi 14 - tel 055.499536 SVIZZERA Piazzale Galileo 5 (Hotel Park Palace) - tel 055.222434 TUNISIA Piazza San Marco 12 - tel 055.215833 TURCHIA Via Dante da Castiglione 8 - tel 055.2335945 UCRAINA Piazza Alberti 16 - tel 055.677064 UNGHERIA Via Belgio 2 - tel 055.6531817 VENEZUELA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 YEMEN Via Maffia 10 - tel 055.2399328 ZAMBIA Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466

useful info

Aeroporto Galileo Galilei - Pisa Destinazione Partenze Arrivi Giorni To Depart. Arrivals Days

Volo Flight

Provenienza From

tel. 050.849300 - www.pisa-airport.com

Partenze Arrivi Giorni Depart. Arrivals Days

Alghero 11.30 12.35 FR 9926 1345 Alghero 10.05 11.05 FR 9927 Bari 15.30 16.50 FR 9783 246 Bari 17.15 18.40 FR 9784 Brindisi 20.20 21.55 FR 9778 1357 Brindisi 22.20 23.50 FR 9779 Cagliari 21.35 22.50 FR 9933 57 Cagliari 19.55 21.10 FR 9934 Palermo 11.05 12.30 FR 9994 135 Palermo 12.55 14.20 FR 9995 Roma Fium 06.55 07.55 AZ 1666 1234567 Roma Fium 09.50 10.50 AZ 1663 Roma Fium 11.25 12.25 AZ 1664 1234567 Roma Fium 17.40 18.40 AZ 1667 Roma Fium 19.15 20.10 AZ 1670 1234567 Roma Fium 21.30 22.30 AZ 1673 Trapani 11.05 12.30 FR 9986 246 Trapani 12.55 14.45 FR 9987 Amsterdam 15.35 17.50 HV 5424 1 Amsterdam 13.00 14.55 HV 5423 Amsterdam 09.25 11.40 HV 5424 3 Amsterdam 06.50 08.50 HV 5423 Barcellona 14.25 16.00 VY 6771 147 Barcellona 12.10 13.45 VY 6770 Barcellona Gir 16.40 17.40 FR 9249 47 Barcellona Gir 18.05 19.35 FR 9248 Barcellona Gir 08.35 10.05 FR 9249 15 Barcellona Gir 06.40 08.10 FR 9248 Barcellona Gir 21.05 22.35 FR 9249 6 Barcellona Gir 19.20 20.40 FR 9248 Berlino Scho 15.40 17.35 U2 4584 4 Berlino Scho 13.05 15.05 U2 4583 Bristol 14.05 15.25 U2 6190 2 Bristol 10.20 13.35 U2 6189 Bruxelles Char 12.35 14.30 FR 3746 123567 Bruxelles Char 10.20 12.05 FR 3745 Bucarest 13.10 16.15 W6 3158 246 Bucarest 11.25 12.40 W6 3157 Dublino 06.30 08.30 FR 9907 26 Dublino 08.55 12.40 FR 9908 Dusseldorf 10.50 12.45 FR 4063 7 Dusseldorf 08.40 10.25 FR 4064 Eindhoven 06.30 08.30 FR 9923 35 Eindhoven 08.55 10.40 FR 9924 Francoforte 13.00 14.40 FR 1235 357 Francoforte 11.00 12.35 FR 1234 Fuerteventura 14.50 18.10 FR 9422 4 Fuerteventura 18.45 23.55 FR 9423 Londra Gat 11.25 12.35 U2 5232 7 Londra Gat 07.35 10.45 U2 5231 Londra Gat 16.20 17.30 U2 5234 7 Londra Gat 12.35 15.45 U2 5233 Londra Gat 18.25 19.35 U2 5234 1 Londra Gat 14.40 17.50 U2 5233 Londra Gat 16.45 17.55 U2 5234 2 Londra Gat 13.00 16.10 U2 5233 Londra He 14.50 16.10 BA 601 1234567 Londra He 10.45 13.55 BA 600 Londra Sta 18.50 20.10 FR 587 1234567 Londra Sta 20.35 23.50 FR 586 Maastricht 16.40 18.20 FR 9353 37 Maastricht 14.35 16.15 FR 9354 Madrid 09.55 12.20 FR 9471 347 Madrid 12.55 15.15 FR 9472 Malta 20.00 21.45 FR 9992 6 Malta 22.10 23.55 FR 9993 Marrakesh 06.35 09.05 FR 8876 26 Marrakesh 09.30 14.00 FR 8877 Parigi Bea 19.05 20.55 FR 9976 246 Parigi Bea 21.20 23.00 FR 9977 Parigi Orly 14.20 16.00 U2 4208 12345 Parigi Orly 11.55 13.30 U2 4207 Parigi Orly 09.40 11.20 U2 4208 6 Parigi Orly 07.30 09.05 U2 4207 Siviglia 13.30 16.15 FR 9341 6 Siviglia 16.45 19.25 FR 9342 Stoccolma 06.30 09.25 FR 1637 7 Stoccolma 09.50 12.35 FR 1636 Tirana 11.25 13.00 AP 950 1357 Tirana 13.40 15.20 AP 951 Valencia 13.40 15.50 FR 9325 24 Valencia 16.25 18.25 FR 9326 Timetables are subject to changes without prior warning Gli orari possono essere soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso


Volo Flight 1345 246 1357 57 135 1234567 1234567 1234567 246 1 3 147 47 15 6 4 2 123567 246 26 7 35 357 4 7 7 1 2 1234567 1234567 37 347 6 26 246 12345 6 6 7 1357 24

useful info

Rail connections with Pisa Airport Firenze SMN Pisa Centr.

Pisa Centr.

6:08 7:32 7:38 7:00 8:28 8:32 8:38 9:28 10:28 10:38 10:28 11:28 11:38 11:00 11:28 12:26 12:38 12:28 13:28 13:38 13:00 13:28 14:28 14:38 14:28 15:28 15:38 15:00 15:28 16:28 16:38 16:28 17:28 17:38 17:00 17:28 18:28 18:38 19:00 19:49 20:01 19:28 20:28 20:38 20:38 22:25

Pisa Air. 7:43 8:00 8:43 10:43 11:43 12:00 12:43 13:43 14:00 14:43 15:43 16:00 16:43 17:43 18:00 18:43 20:06 20:43 22:07 1:03

Pisa Air.

Pisa Centr.

Pisa Cent. Firenze SMN

6:53 8:18 8:23 8:32 9:03 10:18 10:23 10:32 11:03 12:18 12:23 12:32 13:03 14:18 14:23 14:32 15:03 16:18 16:23 16:32 17:01 17:18 17:23 17:32 18:18 18:23 18:32 19:03 20:18 20:23 20:32 21:03 21:08 21:32 22:20

8:20 9:32 10:00 11:32 12:00 13:32 14:00 15:32 16:00 17:32 18:01 18:32 19:32 20:00 21:32 22:32 23:50

Principal Trains leaving Florence S.M.N FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE MILANO FIRENZE 06:50 08:30 16:04 17:30 07:00 08:45 8:30 07:38 09:05 16:38 18:05 08:00 09:45 9:30 08:38 10:05 17:04 18:30 09:00 10:45 10:15 09:04 10:30 18:04 19:30 10:00 11:45 10:30 09:38 11:05 18:38 20:05 11:00 12:45 11:30 10:04 11:30 19:04 20:30 12:00 13:45 12:15 10:38 12:05 19:38 21:05 13:00 14:45 12:30 11:04 12:30 20:38 22:05 14:00 15:45 13:30 11:38 11:38 21:04 22:30 15.00 16:45 14:30 12:04 13:30 21:09 00:45 16:00 17:45 15:30 12:38 14:05 21:38 23:05 17:00 18:45 16:30 13:04 14:30 18:00 19:45 17:30 13:38 15:05 19:00 20:45 18:15 14:04 15:30 20:00 21:45 19:30 14:38 16:05 21:00 22:45 20:30 15:04 16:30 21:15 23:50 21:30 15:38 17:05


VENEZIA 10:35 11:35 12:20 12:35 13:35 14:20 14:35 15:35 16:35 17:35 18:35 19:35 20:20 21:35 21:35 23:35

useful info

Florence - Siena: Coach Service FIRENZE - SIENA (express service) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,45 8,00 L 10,10 11,25 L 14,40 15,55 H3 17,20 18,35

L 7,00 8,15 F 10,10 11,25 F 15,10 16,25 L6 17,20 18,40

L 7,15 8,30 L 10,30 11,45 L 15,40 16,55 S 17,20 18,35

L 7,45 9,00 F 11,10 12,25 F 16,10 17,25 L 17,30 18,45

L 7,45 9,00 F 12,10 13,25 L6 16,30 17,5 L 18,10 19,25

S 8,10 9,25 F 13,10 14,25 L5 16,45 18,05 L 18,10 19,25

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 G 19,10 20,25

L 8,50 10,05 L4 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 F 20,15 21,30

F 9,10 10,25 F2 14,10 15,25 L 17,10 18,25

S 9,10 10,25 F1,6 14,10 15,3 S 17,10 18,25

F 6,40 7,55 L 10,10 11,25 L 16,10 17,25 F 18,20 19,35

L9 6,45 8,15 S 10,10 11,25 S 16,10 17,25 L 18,50 20,05

F 6,50 8,05 L 11,10 12,25 F 17,10 18,25 G 19,10 20,25

L 7,10 8,25 L 11,50 13,05 L 17,10 18,25 L 20,15 21,30

L6 7,10 8,25 F 12,10 13,25 H 17,40 18,55 H3 20,15 21,30

F 8,00 9,15 S 13,10 14,25 L 17,40 18,55 L 20,45 22,00

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,10 14,25 L7 17,40 19,00

H 9,10 10,25 H 14,10 15,25 H 17,20 18,35

SIENA - FIRENZE (express service) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

L 6,20 7,35 S 8,10 9,25 G 14,10 15,25 G 17,50 19,05

F 6,30 7,45 L 8,50 10,05 L 14,50 16,05 L 18,00 19,15

L10 6,40 8,09 F 9,10 10,25 L 15,10 16,25 H 18,10 19,25

FIRENZE - SIENA (direct service) -Via Poggibonsi - Colle Val d’Elsa FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,10 7,45 F 11,40 13,15 G 15,40 17,15

H 6,30 8,05 H 12,10 13,45 L 16,40 18,15

G 7,10 8,45 H 12,15 F 17,10 -

L 8,15 G 12,40 14,15 L 17,40 19,15

S3 8,15 L 13,40 15,15 SH 17,40 19,15

L 8,40 10,15 S 13,40 15,15 L 18,20 19,55

F 9,40 11,15 L2 14,10 SH 18,40 20,15

H 10,10 11,45 L 14,40 16,15 L 18,40 20,15

F 10,40 12,15 S 14,40 16,15 G 19,50 21,4

F 7,15 8,50 L 12,40 14,15 G 20,30 22,05

L 8,35 F 13,40 15,15

H 8,10 9,45 H 13,50 15,25

G8 21,15 22,5

SIENA - FIRENZE (direct service) - Via Colle Val d’Elsa - Poggibonsi SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

F 7,30 F 8,40 10,15 F 14,40 16,15

L 7,45 F 9,40 11,15 G 15,40 17,15

F 6,20 7,55 H 9,40 11,15 F 16,40 18,15

H 6,20 7,55 L 10,40 12,15 G 17,40 19,15

F1 6,30 8,05 H 10,40 12,15 F 18,40 20,15

L2 6,30 8,05 G 11,40 13,15 L 19,40 21,15

LEGENDA / KEY TO SYMBOLS L From Monday to Friday - F Weekdays - S Saturday - H Festive - G Daily (1) Runs from 15/6 to 13/9 - (2) Runs from 14/9 to 14/6 - (3) Runs July and August - (4) Departs from Florence (P.za Tanucci at 1:10 pm) - Via Panciatichi - (5) Departs from Florence (Piazza Tanucci - Via Peretola) - (6) Stops at Salceto from Monday to Friday - (7) Passed by Poggibonsi (Borgaccio) - (8) Departs from via Alamanni - (9) Terminates at Piazza Puccini via Peretola - (10) Terminates at Piazza Dalmazia at 8:15 am

Info: BUSITALIA coach station - tel. 055.47821 - Siena Ticket Office tel. 0577.204111 Numero Verde: 800.37.37.60 - www.trainspa.it


useful info

World War II Military Cemeteries American Military Cemetery About 5 miles south of Florence on the way to Siena, near Falciani. Open daily 9am-5pm. Closed on Christmas Day and NewYears Day. - tel. 055.2020020. British Commonwealth Cemetery Situated about 4 miles east of Florence on the Arezzo road (Girone). Open daily from 8am to 4.30pm. Castiglione - South African Cemetery Nearly thirty miles from Florence at Castiglione dei Pepoli, on the Prato-Bologna road towards the Bisenzio River Valley. The cemetery is situated on the left, 250 metres outside Castiglione. Always open. German Military Cemetery Near the village of Traversa at the Passo della Futa tel. 055.815248 - Hours: daily 8.00-12am - 2-6pm.

Sunday Masses

Please telephone for confirmation of times given San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo - tel. 055.216634 - 9.30, 11, 18 San Marco Piazza S. Marco - tel. 055.2396950 - 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 18.30 Santa Maria del Fiore Pizza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 7.30, 9, 10.30 cantata, 12, 18 Santa Maria Maggiore Via de’ Vecchietti - tel. 055.215914 - 9, 10.30, 12, 19, 21 Santa Maria Novella Piazza S.Maria Novella - tel. 055.210113 - 8.30, 10.30, 12, 18 Santa Maria de’ Ricci Via del Corso - tel. 055.215044 - 11, 18.30 San Salvatore in Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42 - tel. 055.2398700 - 10.30,12,18.30 Santissima Trinita e San Pancrazio Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912 - 7.30, 9.45, 11, 18.30 Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine, 14 - tel. 055.212331 - 8, 10, 12, 17.30 (inv.), 18 (estivo) Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce, 16 - tel. 055.244619 - 8, 9.30, 11, 12, 18 San Giovannino Padri Scolopi Via San Gallo, 66 - tel. 055.470864 - 11.30 San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci, 34 - tel. 055.2342731 - 8.30, 10, 11.30, 17 (inv.), 17.30 (est.) Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito - tel. 055.210030 - 9, 10.30, 18 (est.) Santissima Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata - tel. 055.2398034 - 7,8.30,10,11.30,13,18,21

Masses in English & German Cathedral Mass in English - Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore Every Saturday except 1st Saturday of month at 5pm - tel. 055.294514 Oratory of the Misericordia Mass in English - First Saturday of the month at 5pm. Church of S. Trinita Mass in German - Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912. Sundays at 9.45am. Church of SS. Michele e Gaetano Mass in German- Piazza Antinori- tel. 055.213610. Sundays at 10am.


useful info

Non-Catholic Churches

p.zza S. Jacopino




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p.zza de’ Mozzi



p.zza Demidoff v. de’ Renai


Stefano Bardini

Giardino Bardini

lungarno Ser

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PALAZZO PITTI Galleria Palatina Galleria d’Arte Moderna Museo degli Argenti Galleria del Costume

Fiume Arno









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1. Anglican Church of St. Mark’s (Church of England) Via Maggio, 16 - tel. 055.294764 - Times of services: Sundays 9am (said mass) and 10.30 (sung mass), Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday 9.30am; Wednesday 10am / Friday 12.30pm. Contact - tel. 055.294764 for services at St. Peter’s - Siena.” 2. Christian Adventist Church Via Guelfa, 12 - tel. 055.287340 - Hours of services: Saturday, Bible Studies, 9.30am; Service, 10.30am - Via del Pergolino, 12 - tel. 055.412014 - Hours of services: Saturday School 9.30am - Service, 11am. 3. Church of Christ Via San Donato, 13-15 - tel. 055.2371389 - Bible Studies, Tuesday and Thursday evening. 4. Evangelical Baptist Church Borgo Ognissanti, 4 - tel. 055.210537 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10.30am; Sunday School 10.30am. Saturday: Bible Studies 5pm; Youth group 6.30pm. 5. Evangelical Brethren Church Via Vigna Vecchia 15/17 - tel. 055.217236 - Hours of services: adoration and edification, Sunday 10.15am; Bible Studies and Youth Group: Wednesdays 7.45pm. 6. Evangelical Methodist Church Via de’ Benci, 9 - tel. 055.288143 - Services at 11am. 7. First Christian Scientist Church Via F. Baracca, 150 - tel. 055.432383 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10am - Sunday School 10am - Wednesday meeting - Testimonies of healing 6.30pm - Reading room Wednesday and Friday 4.30-6.30pm. 8. Lutheran Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.2342775 - Hours of services: Sunday 10am. 9. Mosque Via Baccio Bandinelli, 11 - tel. 055.711648. 10. Russian Orthodox Church Via Leone 8di Castello, - tel.65 66055.490148 - Museo Hours of services: Parterre every Sunday and Aeroporto A1 / A 11 C X,Ville D 45 68 Rifredi B Stibbert A. Vespucci Autostrada Petraia e Corsini on all liturgical feast days, 10am. Divine Orthodox Mass in Russian. 11. Salvation Army Via Aretina, 91 - tel. 055.660445 - Services: Sunday 10.30am. 12. St. James American Episcopal Church Via B. Rucellai, 9 - tel. 055.294417 - All services in English - Sunday 9am, 11am. 13. Swiss Reformed Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.571787 - Hours of services: alternate Sundays with the Lutheran Church, in summer and winter 10.30am. 14. Synagogue Via L. Farini, 4 - tel. 055.245252-245253 9am-1.30pm for times of religious services. Tours of the Synagogue: Sunday-Thursday 10am-1pm / 2-5pm; Fridays 10am-1pm - Closed on Saturdays (Jewish Feast Day). 15. Waldensian Evangelical Church Services: Via Micheli, 26 corner Via Lamarmora - Sunday service 10.30am - Office and activities: Via Manzoni, 21 - tel. 055.2477800.

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russian pages



Главные Музеи Капелла Медичей Старая Ризница, Новая Ризница с архитектурой и скульптурами Микеланджело и Капелла дей Принчипи, декорированная мрамором. Пьяцца Мадонна дей Альдобрандини 6 тел 055.294883. 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 2е и 4е воскресенье; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Галлерея Академии известна шедеврами Микеланджело: Давид, Пленники. Скульптуры, живопись и наброски известных художников. Вия Риказоли 60 тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто по понедельникам Музей Барджелло скульптура, живопись изящные исскуства. Афрески школы Джотто в Капелле. Вия Проконсоло 4 - тел. 055.294883. 8.15-13.50 Закрыто 1е,3е,5е воскресенье; 2й,4й понедельник месяца. Галлерея Уффици С 1591 года одна из наиболее важных коллекций всех времен, античные скульптуры и живопись итальянской и мировых школ с XII по XVIII века. Лоджа Уффици тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50 закрыто по понедельникам Палаццо Веккио монументальный квартал Старинная представительская резиденция Медичей. Скульптуры живопись и предметы обстановки. Пьяцца Синьории тел. 055.2768224. 9.00-19.00. среда, выходные 9.00-14.00




Археологический музей. Исскуство и цивилизация этрусков помимо коллекций египта и греции. Вия делла Колонна 38 тел. 055.23575 - вторник, четверг 8.30-19.00 среда,пятница, суббота, воскресенье 8.30-14.00 - Закрыто по понедельникам

Музеи Дворца Питти Палатинская Галерея и Королевские покои. Палатинская Галерея была создана Лореана и представляет шедевры из коллекции Медичей, Королевские покои занимают четырнадцать залов, частные покои королей с оригинальной мебелью и предметами исскуства от шестнадцатого до восемнадцатого века. Площадь Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто в понедельник Галерея современного искусства Живопись и скульптуры фигуративного искусства в Тоскане с конца девятнадцатого века по период между двух мировых войн. Площадь Питти тел. 055.2388601-616. 8.15 -18.50. Закрыто 2е, 4е воскресенье ; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Сад Боболино проэкт Триболо был начат в 1550 году после покупки Дворца Питти семьей Медичи. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца Сад Бардиниэто парк с множеством редких растений и с итальянским и английским садом, лестница в стиле барокко, статуи, фонтаны и анфитеатр. Вход с вия дей Барди 1р и с Садов Боболи. Информация и запись тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца

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Галерея костюма Музей истории моды. Палаццина Меридиана, Дворец Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Тайня Вечеря Андреа дел Сарто знаменитая афреска Тайной Вечери Андреа дел Сарто помимо картин и скульптур '400 и '500. Вия Сан Салви 16 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.30-13.50. Закрыто в понедельник

Музей серебра хранит вазы из твердых камней Лоренцо Великолепного, коллекция ювелирных изделий Анны Марии Медичи. Дворей Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Музей Сан Марко содержит монастырь, кельи и крытую аркаду Приюта Пеллегринов. Афрески и картины Беато Анджелика и мастеров его школы. Площадь Сан Марко,1 - тел.055.294883 понедельник-пятница 8.15-13.50 - Субботавоскресенье 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 1е, 3е , 5е воскресенье ; 2й, 4й, понедельник месяца.

Музей Керамики Коллекция керамики королевских семей. Палаццина дел Кавальере, Сады Боболи, Дворец Питти1 тел.055-.294883. 8.15 -16.30 Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Афрески Капелла Бранкаччи Цикл афресок истории Святого Петра, шедевр Мазаччо. Площадь Кармине - тел 055.2768224 понедельник-суббота 10.00-17.00 - воскресенье 13.00-17.00 Закрыто во вторник. По записи Капелла дей Маги жи Беноццо Гоццоли Построена Микелоццо , там находятся знаменитые афрески Поход Волхвов в Ирусалим мастера Беноццо Гоццоли. Палаццо Медичи Риччарди, вия Кавур 3 тел. 055.2760340 - 9.00-18.00 Закрыто во вторник Тайная Вечеря Санто Спирито и в Фондационе Романо можно увидеть Распятие и Тайную Вечерь Андрея Орканья и колекцию античных скульптур. Площадь Санто Спирито 29 - тел. 055.287043 Суббота 10-16

Античное Искусство Возрождения Баттистерий Святого Иоанна имский храм посвященный Иоанну Крестителю, покровителю города. Снаружи храма знаменитые ворота Гиберти. Площадь Сан Джованни - тел. 055.2302885 11.15-19.00 - воскресенье, 1я суббота месяца и праздничные дни 8.30-14.00 Дом Буонаротти Дом который Микеланджело построил для себя и своей семьи, но так и не жил в нем. Рисунки, картины, скульптуры. вия Гибеллина, 70 - тел. 055.241752. 10.00-17.00 Купол Брунеллески Поражающий воображение путь вдоль афрески Последнего Суда Федерико Цуккари внутри купола и вид с макушки купола на город. Площаль Площаль Домского Собора тел. 055.2302885 – 8.30-19.00 – суббота 8.30-17.40 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни.


russian pages

10. 9.

Музей Санта Кроче Афрески Джотто,Распятие Чимабуе. Произведения Донателло, Орканья, Бронцино, Чимабуе. Капелла дей Пацци, шедевр Брунелески. Площадь Санта Кроче 16 - тел. 055.2466105 9.30-17.00 - воскресенье и праздничные дни 13.00-17.00 Музей Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги. Площадь Домского Собора,9 - тел. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 - воскресенье 9.00-13.45. Музей Хорне Резиденция знаменитого коллекционера произведений искусств. Картины,скульптуры, мебель. Вия де Бенчи 6 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Крытая аркада Санта Мария Новелла Аркада с афресками Паоло Учелло, Орканья и других. Испанская капелл, Аркада дей Морти. Площадь Санта Мария Новелла - тел. 055.282187 - 10.00-16.00 закрыто в пятницу. Музей Стибберт Коллекция оружия, скульптуры, картины, рисунки, костюмы и средневековое обмундирование европы и азиатских стран. Вия Стибберт,26 - тел. 055.475520 понедельник-среда 10.00-14.00 - пятницавоскресенье 10.00-18.00. Закрыто в четверг. Музей Стефано Бардини наиболее авторитетного итальянского антиквара прошлого век. Коллекция римской эпоха до '700. Вия дей Ренаи,37 - тел. 055.2342437 - суббота, воскресенье и понедельник 11.00-17.00




Современное Искусство Музей Марино Марини представляет скульптуры, картины, рисунки и графику Марино Марини (1901-1980). Площадь Сан Панкацио - тел. 055.219432 10.00-17.00 закрыто во вторник и воскресенье.

Монументальные Аппартаменты Дом-Музей Данте построенный в начале '900 в месте где предположительно жили Алигьери. Вия Санта Маргерита1(красный) - тел. 055.219416 - 10.00-17.00 Музей дворца Даванти Аристократическая резиденция эпохи возрождения. Оригинальная мебель той эпохи. Вия Порта Росса 13 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.1513.50. Закрыто в понедельник.

Мода, Дизайн и Ремесленное Дело Музей фабрики твердых камней. Колекция произведений и обстановки из твердых камней и флорентийской мозаики. Вия дей Алфани,78 - тел.055.294883 Понедельник-Суббота 8.15-14.00 - Воскресенье закрыто. Музей Сальваторе Феррагамо Kартины, патенты, фотографии, 10000 экземпляров обуви созданных Феррагамо. Дворец Спини Феррони - Вия Торнбуони,2 - тел. 055.3360456. 10.00-18.00. Закрыто во вторник.

russian pages



Монументы Колокольня Джотто башня-колокольня, шедевр готической архитектуры Джотто, с верхушки открывается прекрасная панорама Флоренции. Площадь Домского Собора - тел. 055.2302885 8.30-19.30. Картезианский Монастырь в Галуццо Монастырский комплекс основанный в четырнадцатом веке. Картинная галлерея представляет афрески Понтормо, работы Перуджино и Гирландайо. Галуццо - тел.0552049226. 9.00-11.00 - 15.0016.00. Закрыто в понедельник. Русская Православная Церковь вия Леоне X, 8 - тел. 055.490148 - расписание служб: каждое воскресенье и в церковные праздники 10.00. Служба на русском языке. Синагога и музей еврейской культуры Здание в арабском стиле постороено между 1874 и 1882 годами. Музей ритуальных принадлежностей и истории евреев Флоренции. Воскресенье-Четверг 10.00-17.30 пятница 10.00-13.30. Закрыто в Субботу

Наука и Образование Музей Галлилео Коллекция научных инструментов и аппаратов, принадлежащих семье Медичи и Лотаргийским герцогам. Площадь Джудичи,1 - тед. 055.265311. Понедельник, среда, четверг, пятница 9.30-18.00, среда и суббота 9.30-13.00.



Музей Флоренция какой она была Историческо-топографический музей богатый документами свидетельствами трансформации Флоренции со времен Возрождения до сегодняшних дней. Вия дел Ориоло, 24 - тел. 055.2616545. Понедельник,вторник и среда 9.00-14.00, суббота 9.00-19.00. Зоологический музей Ла Спекола самый античный научный музей Европы с самой большой в мире коллекцией восковых анатомических снимком восемнадцатого века. Вия Романа 17 - тел. 055.2288251. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыт в среду Зоосад Джардиной дей Семпличи основан в 1545 году и является самым большим Зоологическим садом в Италии. В нем хранятся исторические гербарии с XVI века и рисунки. Вия Микели, 3 - тел. 055.2757402. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыто в среду. 1. Галлерея Академии Изящных Искусство: Давид Микеланджело 2. Галлерея Уффици: Венера Ботичелли 3. Палаццо Питти 4. Палаццо Веккио 5. Капелла Медичей: Капелла дей Принчипи 6. Площадь Сан Джиовани, Домский Собор и Баттистерий 7. Капелла Бранкаччи 8. Капелла дей Маги 9. Капелла дей Пацци крытая аркада Санта Кроче 10. Музей Ла Спекола: анатомические восковые слепки 11. Картезианский монастыть в Галуццо 12. Аркада Санта Мария Новелла 13. Колокольня Джотто 14. Музей Стибберт 15. Фабрика камней 16. Музей Галлилео: Сфера галлилео


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