Florence Concierge: Marzo / Aprile 2013

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Free copy courtesy of Chiavi d’Oro Toscana

FLORENCE concierge

INFORMATION mar | apr 2013

Флоренция Консьерж

focus | exhibition

The Springtime of the Renaissance The “miracle” of the Renaissance in Florence analysed through masterpieces of sculpture: the art that it first interpreted and promoted. The exhibition opens with a striking panorama that reveals the rediscovery of antiquity, illustrated by some fine examples of its “rebirth” between the 13th and 14th centuries, with works by Nicola and Giovanni Pisano, Arnolfo, Giotto and Tino di Camaino. The beginning of the “New Age” coincided with the new century; its greatest expressive heights that correspond with the founding of the early Renaissance are represented by the two reliefs of the Sacrifice of Isaac for the Door of the Baptistery, by Lorenzo Ghiberti and Filippo Brunelleschi, and the model of the Dome by Brunelleschi. Donatello, Ghiberti, Nanni di Banco and Michelozzo carried out masterpieces of public monumental sculpture for all the great construction sites in the city and these were the first and finest examples of a new, creative style of art. This statuary was to exercise a profound influence on the painting of the greatest artists of the time, among them, Masaccio, Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno, Filippo Lippi and Piero della Francesca.

Рассвет Ренессанса

Шедевры скульптуры для изучения «чуда» флорентийского ренессанса. Выставка открывается насыщенной программой, направленной на открытие нового видения античного искусства посредством нескольких великолепных примеров его «возрождения» в период между 13-ым и 14-ым веками, представленных работами Николы и Джованни Пизано, Арнольфо ди Камбио, Джотто и Тино ди Камаино. Начало «Новой Эры» совпало с началом нового столетия: пик экспрессивности соответствует периоду зарождения раннего Ренессанса и представлен двумя барельефами, на одном из которых изображено жертвоприношение Исаака для ворот Баптистерия руки Лоренцо Гиберти и Филиппо

focus | exhibition

Брунеллески, а на втором — модель Домского собора Брунеллески. Этот поиск «рационального» пространства, а также изобретение перспективы архитектором Брунеллески, стали настоящим шагом вперед в области скульптуры. Начиная с 1520-го года новые скульптурные каноны получили широкое развитие у наиболее выдающихся мастеров того времени, которые воплотили их в нескольких шедеврах, позже воспроизведенных в многочисленных вариациях огромного количества огромного количества барельефов для частного пользования, внедряя, таким образом, «новую» концепцию красоты в самые различные слои общества. Невероятное количество скульптурных стилей и сюжетов было сконцентрировано в то время вокруг Санта-Мария-дельФьоре, которые внесли свой решающий вклад в эволюцию прикладного искусства: от надгробий гуманистов до возрождения конных памятников. С 23-го марта


The Springtime of the renaissance palazzo strozzi Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2645155 palazzostrozzi.org

This search for “rational” space, together with Brunelleschi’s invention of perspective, were in fact to find their most advanced formulations in sculpture. From the 1520’s, the new rules for sculpture developed by the great masters and illustrated by several masterpieces multiplied thanks to the enormous number of reliefs created for private devotion, which permitted a widespread distribution of a taste for this "new" beauty in all the social stratas. An incredible range of sculptural styles and subjects were therefore concentrated around the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, the city’s greatest symbol, represented here by a wooden model, and were decisive for the evolution of other figurative arts, in direct comparison with the previous classical examples: from the tombs of the humanists and their sarcofaghi derivations, to the rebirth of the equestrian monument and the sculpted portrait. The latter, which saw its genesis in the marble busts by Mino da Fiesole, Desiderio da Settignano and Antonio Rosellino in the mid century, led to the transition from the Florentine libertas, represented by public commissions, to private patronage, which already bore the signs of the domination of the Medici. From March 23rd


March | April 2013


The Springtime of the Renaissance The DalĂŹ Universe invading Florence Focus Exhibitions Focus music

2 64 68 74

Itineraries & Personalities Cosimo I de'Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany The Civic Center of Florence Walking around Piazza della Signoria Palazzo Pitti a Royal Residence Ponte Vecchio Florence’s oldest bridge

22 34 58 76


Rimowa Travelling light & elegant Glittering Shopping Jewels in Florence Florentine craftsmanship A glorious traditions


Restaurants List Restaurants Map Restaurants Reviews

18 40 50

100 104 106

index | march april 2013

Hotels & Relax

The St. Regis Florence This issues hotel & restaurant Hotels List


Principal Museums Pitti Palace Museums Frescoes Antique Art and Renaissance Modern Art Monumental Apartments Crafts, design, fashion Monuments Education & Science Guided Tours & Special Openings Monumental Churches

Info & Transports Useful Info Consulates Pisa Airport Railways Siena Coach Service Masses & Cemeteries Non-Catholic Churches

Russian Pages Japanese Pages City Map

90 94

80 81 82 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 88

114 114 116 118 119 120 121 122 126 128

Florence ConciergE bimestrale d’informazione turistica bilingue - Issue n°1 /Mar+Apr 2013 Reg. Tribunale di Firenze No. 2941 - Direttore Responsabile: Ugo Rossi Coordinamento: Sergio Iannotta e Alessandro Marchese. Editore Marked srl Via Vasco De Gama, 33/9 - tel. 055.412199 commerciale@megareview.it in collaborazione con Ass. Portieri d’Albergo Chiavi d’Oro Toscana La Redazione non è responsabile di eventuali cambiamenti di date, orari e programmi delle manifestazioni The Editor is in no way responsible for any changes in dates, timetables, programmes of exhibitions and events. In copertina / Cover page: RIMOWA

Michele Paonessa Presidente dell’Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Member of Union Internationale Des Concierges D’hotels “Les Clefs D’or”



Добро пожаловать

Dear Guest,

Gentile Ospite,

Уважаемый Гость!

We would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Tuscany from all the “Golden Keys” Hotel Concierges.

Desideriamo esprimerLe un cordiale benvenuto in Toscana a nome di tutti i Portieri ‘Chiavi d’Oro’.

Florence Concierge Information, conceived and published with the idea of making your stay in Tuscany as enjoyable as possible, is just one of our ways of showing our dedication towards making you feel at home.We offer you this carnet personally because we are sure it can provide you with all the ideas and information you need during your stay here. Our long experience means that we have also been able to include a series of specific proposals selected especially for you. We are looking forward to seeing you at our desk, delighted to help you in any way we can.

Il nostro impegno nel farLa sentire a suo agio è testimoniato anche dal Florence Concierge Information pensato con lo scopo di facilitare e rendere più lieto il suo soggiorno nella nostra Regione. In questa rivista, che Le abbiamo personalmente consegnato, troverà molte informazioni ed indicazioni che ci auguriamo Le possano essere utili. Le segnaliamo le migliori proposte selezionate con la nostra esperienza che, grazie a Lei, maturiamo giornalmente. L’attendiamo come sempre al nostro banco felici di poter accogliere ogni sua richiesta.

Мы желаем сердечно поприветствовать вас в Тоскане от имени всех Портье "Золотого Ключа".

Golden Keys Magazine Network


Наше обязательство дать Вам почувствовать себя у нас уютно, о чем свидетельствует также Флоренс Консьерж Информатион,мы хотим сделать ваше пребывание в нашем Регионе наиболее приятным. В этом журнале вы найдете много информации которая, как мы надеемся,сможет помочь вам.Пользуясь нашим опытом, который, благодаря Вам ежедневно растет, мы отобрали для Вас лучшие предложения. Ждем Вас у нашей стойки и будем рады помочь любой Вашей просьбе.







Cosimo I

Piazza Signoria

Glitter Shopping

Cosimo left Mugello when he was just seventeen to enter the city where he was elected head of government and then Duke of Florence. Since then the work of Cosimo was intended to build the foundation of the Grand Duchy. Cosimo so ushered in a new period in the history of the Medici family of Florence, through the progressive demolition of the old municipal institution still in existence and a systematic transformation into a monarchical sense of public administration.

Piazza della Signoria has been at the heart of Florentine political and economic life since the time of the city-states and Palazzo Vecchio is an integral part of the square. After the construction of the Uffizi the square took on the scenic and cultural importance of today. The bronze equestrian statue of Cosimo I by Giambologna, stands near the fountain of Neptune, known as Il Biancone, carried out by Bartolomeo Ammannati and his assistants.

There is little doubt that the best way to a woman’s heart is to surprise her with a piece of jewellery. Even the most indifferent and hard hearted are captured by such a gift and many sins are immediately forgiven! Jewellery, one of the world’s most ancient crafts, is particularly well represented in Florence if you have set your heart on finding something really special, you are more than likely to be able to find it here.

Козимо покинул Мужелло, когда ему было всего семнадцать, чтобы войти в город, где его избрали главой правительства, а затем и Князем Флоренции. Таким образом Козимо положил начало новому периоду в истории семейства Медичи во Флоренции, путем постепенного разрушения старого муниципального правления и системного его превращения в государственное управление монархического стиля.

Площадь Синьории была в центре флорентийской политической и экономической жизни со времен Города-Государства (Флорентийская Республика). Находящийся на площади Палаццо Веккьо является ее неотъемлемой частью. Сегодня, после строительства Уффици, площадь имеет огромное культурное и архитектурное значение.

Утверждение, что наилучший путь к сердцу женщины — ювелирное украшение, не вызывает сомнений. Даже самые равнодушные и бессердечные не в силах устоять перед таким подарком: и множество грехов прощаются мгновенно! Ювелирное искусство, одно из самых древних ремесел в мире, на редкость хорошо представлено во Флоренции.


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Florentine Craftsmanship

Palazzo Pitti Florence’s a royal residence oldest bridge

Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Cellini great artists, but great artisans. The hand skills were essential to express their undisputed genius. This spirit, knowing how to use the hands giving life to unique objects, has been preserved over time. It is part of the DNA of Tuscany. The handicraft workshop, although transformed over the years, is still now a school where one learns a profession.

Piazza Pitti marks the start of the visit to the palace. Filippo Brunelleschi designed the original square-shaped building in around 1440 for the merchant Luca Pitti; the Medici family bought it in 1550, during the reign of Cosimo I, and work immediately got under way on the enlargements under Bartolomeo Ammannati and, under the Lorraines who added the two lateral wings curving around the square (called Rondòs).

One of the first places you will want to visit is the extremely ancient and world famous Ponte Vecchio, actually the oldest bridge in the city. Originally constructed with stone fore-starlings and paved in wood, it was the first bridge to be built in Florence in the time of the Roman Legion and crossed the Arno at its lowest fordable point. It was completely rebuilt in stone in 1177 and paved in brick.

Микеланджело, Брунеллески, Джиберти,Челлини были великими мастерами, но прежде всего они являются духом и частью ДНК Тосканы. Ремесленные лавочки до сих пор являются главным мотором экономики характерным для Тосканы, лежат основе преизводства знаменитых Домов Моды представленых на территории.

С Площади Питти начинается посещение одноименного дворца. Филиппо Брунеллески разработал оригинальный проект квадратного здания приблизительно в 1440ом году для купца Луки Питти; семья Медичи приобрела дворец в 1550-ом году, во времена правления Козимо I, что сразу повлекло за собой работы по расширению здания под руководством Бартоломео Амманнати.

Одним из первых мест, которое Вы безусловно пожелаете посетить, является старинный и всемирно известный Понте Веккьо. Первоначально построенный на каменных стропилах с деревянным покрытием, это был первый мост во Флоренции, своей постройкой восходящий ко временам римских легионеров и пересекающий реку Арно в самом мелком месте брода. Этот мост был полностью перестроен из камня в 1177-шм году и вымощен кирпичом.


shopping | rimowa


Travelling light & elegant RIMOWA Store Firenze Via Porta Rossa 95 - 50123 Firenze www.rimowa.com

RIMOWA is one of the world’s leading premium brands in the luggage segment. This is a real German success story that boasts over 100 years of history: created by a visionary idealist and continued by his family, its continuous success has gained it a leading position on the global market. The first luggage was produced in 1898. In those days the trunks and chests were manufactured using wood, even though they were already inspired by a consistent lightweight design to obtain maximum functionality. The large sets of suitcases and trunks were to become the travelling companions of high society in the early 20th century.


In 1937 RIMOWA marketed the first overseas trunk in lightweight metal and later, in 1950, produced the first suitcase in aluminium, featuring the unmistakable RIMOWA grooves. It was a brilliant idea for the design combines minimum weight with maximum strength and offers luggage that responds perfectly to the new requirements of airline passengers en route to their various destinations. RIMOWA-designed suitcases became extremely popular among the international jet set and essential for anyone travelling by air. In 1976 the company found new success with its first waterproof cases, in great request among film and television crews and reporters to protect their equipment against water, humidity, heat and cold. In 2000, RIMOWA introduced recyclable polycarbonate as a raw material, allowing the weight of suitcases to be reduced to a minimum while offering maximum strength and stability. It is a revolution in the industry, and many competitors are quick to follow suit. Luggage items from RIMOWA continue to come out on top in international product comparison and durability tests. In recent years the RIMOWA product lines were further diversified and fitted with state-of-the-art technology. The patented MultiwheelÂŽ systems are an excellent feature, making cases much more mobile. Adapted from office chairs, this technology makes it extremely easy to turn even the heaviest suitcases on their own axis without any effort. Another particularly innovative feature of new RIMOWA cases are the certified combination locks with multiple lock cylinders. These locks can be opened for inspection by the American Transportation Security Administration (TSA) upon arrival. Other pioneering features are the modular inside pocket system, telescopic-handle system and partnerships with the premium brands Lufthansa and Porsche. The range of


Путешествуя легко и элегантно RIMOWA является одним из лидирующих в мире брендов Премиум класса по производству дорожных сумок и чемоданов. Это история настоящего немецкого успеха, которой вот уже более 100 лет: созданный дальновидным идеалистом и продолженный его наследниками, этот бренд постоянно продвигался вперед, завоевывая себе лидирующую позицию на мировом рынке. Первый чемодан был выпущен в 1898-ом году. В те времена дорожные чемоданы и саквояжи делались вручную из дерева, уже тогда их старались сделать как можно более легкими, чтобы придать им максимальную функциональность. Большие наборы чемоданов и саквояжей станут неразлучными друзьями путешествующих представителей элиты общества в начале 20-го века. В 1937-ом RIMOWA начала продвигать первые саквояжи из облегченного металла для заграничных поездок. В 1950-ом выпустила на свет первые чемоданы, сделанные из алюминия с неподражаемыми, характерными для RIMOWA рельефами на корпусе. Дорожные чемоданы с дизайном от RIMOWA очень скоро приобрели невероятную популярность среди международной элиты и стали незаменимым аксессуаром для любого, путе-

шествующего самолетом. В 1976-ом компанию ждет новый успех: первые водоустойчивые чемоданы, пользующиеся огромным спросом у желающих защитить свой гардероб об воды, влаги, тепла или холода. В 2000-ом RIMOWA вводит в качестве исходного материала переработанный поликарбонат, который позволить свести к минимуму вес багажа, предлагая в то же время максимум прочности и стабильности. В последние годы RIMOWA имеет разносторонне развитые и оснащенные современными технологиями производственные линии. Запатентованная система Multiwheel® - отличное изобретение, придающее чемоданам гораздо большую маневренность. Еще одной инновационной чертой новых чемоданов RIMOWA является сертифицированная комбинация замков, которая может быть открыта для контроля багажа Американской Административной Службой Безопасности (TSA) по прибытию. Другие новшества представлены внутренней модульной системой отделений, вращающимися ручками, разработкой портативного платяного шкафа Танго, а также партнерством с такими известными компаниями, как Люфтганза и Порш. Чемодан может выражать свою сущность совершенно особым языком. Его вмятины, царапины и потайные части могут сделать из него по-настоящему уникальный и совершенно индивидуальный предмет! Прошло вот уже 75 лет с тех пор, как RIMOWA выпустила свой первый алюминиевый чемодан, а чемоданы из поликарбоната выпускаются RIMOWA на протяжении уже 15 лет. Техническая точность, материалы высокого качества и постоянный поиск инноваций и производственных усовершенствований лежат в основе ее успеха. Багаж от RIMOWA это символ эксклюзивного стиля в культуре путешествия. Шестой головной магазин RIMOWA в Европе будет открыт во Флоренции весной 2013-го года по ул. Порта Росса 95.


suitcases is gauged to meet the needs of all kinds of traveller, offering unusual colours, products that are always lighter in weight, modular inside pockets and the telescopichandle system. RIMOWA possesses all the principal features in the ideal suitcase: design, capacity, technology, functionality, fidelity to style and high quality materials, plus very easy handling. RIMOWA offers a solution to all travel problems and can survive even the most adventurous trips, remaining a trusty travelling companion for decades. A suitcase can express its essence through a very special language. Its dents, scratches and faded stickers can give it a somewhat worn look, but also make it a truly unique and individual piece! An item that describes a personal history. It is now 75 years since RIMOWA produced the first aluminium suitcase, RIMOWA polycarbonate suitcases are produced for 15 years. Technical precision, high-quality materials and a continuous pursuit of innovation and product improvement lie behind its success. RIMOWA luggage is a symbol of the culture of exclusive travel. The sixth RIMOWA Flagship Store in Europe will open in Florence in spring 2013! The exclusive cases will then be presented in the usual modern, classy atmosphere - the new point of attraction for sophisticated travellers in Via Porta Rossa, 95.


personality | cosimo I

Cosimo I de'Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany The son of Giovanni delle Bande Nere and Maria Salviati, Cosimo belonged to a branch of the Medici family that descended from Lorenzo the Elder. He lived with his mother in increasingly straightened circumstances after his father’s death (1526). Maria took Cosimo to live at the Villa of Trebbio in the Mugello area, some distance away from Florence, as she felt it was the best way of protecting her seven-year-old son from Pope Clement VII and his protégé Alessandro. Maria devoted herself personally to Cosimo’s education during her stay there and the boy grew up far removed from the milieu of the more eminent members of his family and the civic life in Florence. As soon as he received news of the murder of Alessandro (January 6th 1537), Cosimo, who was then only seventeen years old, left the Villa of Trebbio to enter the city where he was unknown to most of its inhabitants. He presented himself before the Senate of the Forty-eight and, with a decree promulgated only three days later (January 9th), convinced them to elect him head of government and hence Duke of Florence. From then on Cosimo’s commitment, which brought the two main branches of the Medici dynasty together, was directed towards laying the foundations of the Grand Duchy. He therefore ushered in a new season in the history of the Medici family in Florence by progressively demolishing most of the old city institutions still in existence and systematically transforming the public administration in a monarchic sense. Cosimo then determined on an important political marriage by choosing and marrying Eleonora, the second-born of the four daughters of Don Pedro of Toledo, Marquis

Сын Джованни делле Банде Нере и Марии Салвьяти, Козимо пронадлежал к так называемой ветви младшего сына семейства Медичи, восходящего корнями к Лоренцо Веккьо. В 1537-ем, как только было получено известие об убийстве Алессандро, Козимо, которому тогда была едва семнадцать, покинул виллу в Треббио, чтобы вернуться в город, где его избрали сенатом из сорока восьми членов главой правительства и позднее Великим князем Флоренции. Козимо таким образом положил начало новой эпохе в истории семьи Медичи и системному преобразованию правления государством. Козимо женился на одной из четырех дочерей Дона Педро ди Толедо, вицекороля Неаполя: второй по счету дочери, Елеоноре. От этого брака родилось одиннадцать детей, из которых только четверо пережили тридцатилетний рубеж: Франческо, наследник престола, Изабелла, Пьетро и Фердинандо. В 1562ом году Элеонора, едва достигнув сорокалетнего возраста, умерла вместе с детьми Джованни и Гарсия


Benvenuto Cellini Portrait bust of Cosimo I

personality | cosimo I

on the left:

Angiolo Bronzino Portrait of Eleanor of Toledo and Her Son

от малярии в Пизе. В 1540-ом году князь Козимо I вместе со своей семьей оставил Палаццо Медичи по улице Ларга и переехал в Палаццо делла Синьория. Для защиты князя и его дворца была выставлена стража из ландскнехтов в старинной Лоджии Приоров, которую с той поры стали называть Лоджией Ланци. Мгновенно были начаты работы по реставрации и расширению Палаццо делла Синьория, которые поначалу возглавил Баттиста дель Тассо и позже, с 1555-го, Джорджио Вазари. Козимо понимал, что завоевание Сиены, союзницы Франции и воинственной противницы могущества Медичи, приобретало решающую важность. Зимой 1553-го он приготовился возглавить лично военные действия по захвату Сиенской республики. После месяцев осады 17 апреля 1555-го года изнуренная Сиена сдалась. Торжественное открытие в апреле на Площади


of Villafranca, Viceroy of Naples and lieutenant of Emperor Charles V. The marriage contract was signed in Naples on March 29th 1539. The wedding was celebrated in San Lorenzo and accompanied by magnificent and spectacular festivities. Eleonora gave birth to their first son Francesco on March 25th 1541. His baptism was celebrated on August 1st, to mark the fourth anniversary of the victory of Montemurlo. Charles V acted as the child’s godfather and Mary of Hungary was godmother. Eleonora was a worthy companion for Cosimo and supported his artistic and cultural policy. The couple had eleven children, only four of whom lived to over thirty: Francesco, his heir, Isabella, Pietro and Ferdinando. In 1562 Eleonora, at the age of just forty, died of malaria in Pisa together with her young sons Giovanni and Garcia. In 1540 Duke Cosimo I, accompanied by his family, moved from the ancient Palazzo Medici in Via Larga and established himself in Palazzo della Signoria. A garrison of Landsknechts was stationed in ancient the Loggia dei Priori, afterwards always known as the Loggia dei Lanzi, to defend the Duke and his family. Work on the renovation and enlargement of the new Ducal palace was immediately launched under the direction, first of Battista del Tasso (1500-1555) and afterwards, from 1555, of Giorgio Vasari. Along with the work on the architectural structure, from the very start Cosimo also directed his attention to the decoration of the interiors with paintings, stuccoes, wooden finishes, sculptures and tapestries. Among others involved in working on this enterprise were Agnolo Bronzino, Francesco Salviati, Baccio Bandinelli, Vincenzo de’ Rossi and Giorgio Vasari with a valid team of assistants. In connection with these works, Cosimo also set up the first State manufactory, the arazzeria or tapestry workshop, entrusted to the Flemish masters Giovanni Rost and Niccolò Karcher. Cosimo soon realised that to strengthen his rule over the Duchy it was becoming crucially important to conquer Siena, which was an ally of France and proud opponent of Medici power and imperial interference, and also because it gave refuge and support to the Florentine exiles; thus, in the winter of 1553, Cosimo prepared to lead the war of conquest of the Sienese Republic. Against a background of lengthy battles, the inauguration celebrated in April of the beautiful Perseus in bronze that Cosimo had

personality | cosimo I

commissioned Benvenuto Cellini to carry out nine years earlier for Piazza della Signoria in Florence took on a distinctly political significance. Siena capitulated on April 17th 1555, devastated after months of siege. His domestic policy shows that he took great care to reorganize the public administration. The premises of the renewed ‘administrative machine’ was the Palazzo degli Uffizi, built in 1560 by Giorgio Vasari, next to Palazzo della Signoria. Cosimo’s eldest son Francesco married Joanna of Austria, the daughter of Emperor Ferdinand I of Hapsburg in 1565. For the occasion, in the space of just five months, Vasari built a corridor (later known as the Vasarian Corridor), linking the loggia on the top floor of the Palazzo degli Uffizi with the building that was being renovated to become the new ducal residence of the Pitti Palace. Cosimo had purchased the ‘new Medici palace’ and its adjoining grounds, then known as the Palazzo del Poggio, in 1549, for the princely sum of 9.000 crowns, furnished from the dowry of Eleonora of Toledo. Bartolomeo Ammannati was commissioned to carry out the restructuring and enlargement of the building, which he started in 1557. Cosimo gathered together the first gallery of ancient sculpture in Ducal Florence in


above: view of the Uffizi courtyard

before: The Vasarian corridor as seen from the Uffizi

Синьория прекрасного бронзового памятника Персея руки Бенвенуто Челлини приобрело, таким образом, явный политический подтекст. В том, что касается внутренней политики, Козимо с большой осторожностью занимался реорганизацией городской администрации. Центром управления для обновленной «административной машины» стал Палаццо Уффици, построенный в 1560-ом году Джорджио Вазари, рядом с Палаццо делла Синьория; Вазари также выстроил коридор, связующий Уффици с новой княжеской резиденцией. Палаццо Питти был куплен Козимо вместе с близлежащими

Frilli Gallery Sculpture Art Studio in Florence Since 1860


ince 1860 Frilli Gallery is a manufacturer of handcarved marble and hand-chiselled bronze sculptures for interior and garden decoration. The Gallery presents a wide range of Greek, Roman, Classical, Renaissance, Art Nouveau and Contemporary statues. The top quality replicas produced are highly valued “lost wax” bronze castings from original molds or hand carved white Carrara marbles, alabasters and stones. During 150 years of activity, Frilli Gallery has become the name of reference for private collectors , hotels, i nterior designers, worldwide museums. Over the years Frilli Gallery pieces have been purchased by royal families, shown at international exhibitions . Throughout this time, the Frilli Gallery has remained true to its mission: to bring “authentic” replicas of pieces of classic and modern sculpture to contemporary residences, villas and parks. “Authentic” replicas may sound as a contradiction in itself. But not many people know that replicas were already popular in antiquity. Most of the classical pieces shown in museums today are actually replicas of lost originals that became even more popular in the Renaissance as Roman and Greek art was rediscovered. There are few private art galleries in the world that can still bring new emotions to the visitors. The Frilli Gallery in Florence is one of those. Masterful replicas to be touched, caressed probed freely with your own hand, fingers. This experience will not leave one unmoved.


1860-го года Галерея Фрилли является изготовителем произведений из инкрустированного мрамора и бронзовых статуй ручной работы для интерьера и садовых декораций. Галерея представляет широкий спектр статуй в греческом, римском, классическом стиле, в стиле эпохи Ренессанса, стиле «модерн» и современном стиле. Высококачественные копии, сделанные с применением техники «потерянного воска» из бронзового литься с использованием подлинных опалубок или выполненные вручную из белого каррарского мрамора, алебастрового камня и других каменных материалов. В течении 151 года деятельности Галерея Фрилли стала отправным пунктом для многих коллекционеров, отелей, дизайнеров интерьера, а также музеев всего мира. За эти годы произведения Галереи Фрилли заказывались королевскими династиями и выступали в качестве экспонатов на международных выставках. Миссия Галереи Фрилли заключается в том, чтобы украшать «подлинными» частицами классической и современной скульптуры нынешние резиденции, виллы и парки. «Подлинные» копии — звучит противоречиво на первый взгляд. Однако, немногие знают, что копии имели огромную популярность уже в древности. Большинство классических произведений, выставляемых на показ в музеях, на самом деле являются копиями утерянных подлинников, которые приобрели особое признание в эпоху Возрождения, когда имело место переосмысление канонов красоты древнегреческого и древнеримского искусства.

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personality | cosimo I

землями в 1549-ом году. Реставрация и расширение здания были доверены Бартоломео Амманнати. В качестве естественного продолжения двора в Палаццо Питти был заложен сад, необъятный и монументальный, простирающийся по всему холму Боболи. В 1563-ом Козимо основал Академию Изящных Искусств, первую в Европе. Вдохновителем и куратором этого заведения был назначен Микеланджело, в то время как директором и владельцем был сам Козимо I. Он давно надеялся получить королевский титул, который бы избавил его от унизительного статуса имперского подданного. В конце концов, долгожданное событие осветило последние годы жизни: 27 августа 1569-го года Козимо получил самую желанную награду: титул Великого князя, выданный в папской булле папой Паоло V. После чего последовала коронация в Риме.


above: Giambologna, Equestrian Statue of Cosimo I de' Medici

the central hall on the first floor, where he generally received ambassadors and highranking prelates. Displayed here was a refined selection of Roman antiquities that were amassed in the course of an intensive campaign launched in 1560 - the year of Cosimo’s first trip to Rome - which followed on twenty years of intensive collecting of Etruscan pieces. The garden was conceived as a natural extension of the Pitti Palace courtyard and stretched over the "Borgoli" hill (hence the name of the Boboli Gardens). The work on the garden was carried out by Niccolò di Raffaello, known as Tribolo, who, in 1538, had been commissioned by Cosimo to transform the villa and garden of Castello. The apex of this astute cultural policy, which in this sphere too was aimed at a centralised control, came in 1563 with the foundation of the Academy of the Art of Design, the first in Europe. Michelangelo was considered the inspiration and 'tutelary deity' of the institution, while Cosimo I was the director and patron. It was to the Medici Duke “sole father, sole lord, and sole protector of these our arts” that Giorgio Vasari dedicated his Lives, the biographies of the Italian artists that had lived up to his times, written in two editions (1550, 1568). For some time Cosimo had been hoping to receive a royal title that would free him from his condition of imperial vassal. Finally, on August 27th 1569, in time to gladden the last years of his life, he obtained the muchcoveted recognition: the title of Grand Duke granted to him in the papal bull issued by Pope Paul V. He was crowned by the Pope himself in Rome the following year. Cosimo set the finishing touch to his work as a patron of the arts with a last great artistic achievement: the decoration of the inside of the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore with the fresco of the Last Judgement entrusted in 1572 to his lifelong friend, Giorgio Vasari. However, in 1574 both the commissioner and the artist died, leaving the work unfinished.


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itinerary | piazza della signoria

The Civic Center of Florence

Piazza della Signoria

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Piazza della Signoria has been at the heart of Florentine political and economic life since the time of the citystates and Palazzo Vecchio is an integral part of the square. After the construction of the Uffizi the square took on the scenic and cultural importance of today. The bronze equestrian statue of Cosimo I by Giambologna, stands near the fountain of Neptune, known as Il Biancone, carried out by Bartolomeo Ammannati and his assistants, among them the young Giambologna. A grey marble plaque in front of the fountain marks the spot where Girolamo Savonarola and his fellow monks Domenico Buonvicini and Silvestro Maruffi were burned at the stake (1498). A copy of the Marzocco (from Mars), the heraldic lion symbolising Florence, stands on the left of the entrance into Palazzo Vecchio. It was probably modelled from the real lions that were kept in Via dei Leoni, just behind Palazzo della Signoria, in the period of the Florentine Republic. The Judith and Holophernes by Donatello is also a copy, the original is in the Hall of the Lilies, in Palazzo Vecchio. Michelangelo’s David, the symbol of the victory of democracy over tyranny, is also a copy, the original



on the left:

Judith and Holofernes by Donatello

is in the Academy Gallery. Baccio Bandinelli’s Hercules and Cacus stands opposite. Palazzo della Signoria, or Palazzo Vecchio, as it appears today, is the result of at least three successive building stages between the 13th-16th centuries: the actual construction of Arnolfo’s palace, overlooking the square and placed next to the Loggia dei Lanzi; the first alterations in Republican times, and the later restructuration carried out by Vasari, after the coming to power of Cosimo I de’ Medici, who moved into the palace with all his family. Although the palace today contains the offices of the City Council, much of it can still be visited. The public can admire the Hall of the Five Hundred, the little Study of Francesco I and the four monumental appartments: the Quarters of the Elements, the Quarters of Eleonora of Toledo, the Residence of the Priors and the Quarters of Leo X, where the reception rooms of the mayor and the council that governs the city are situated today. The Hall of the Two Hundred is once more being used for the meetings of the City Council and therefore not always open to the public. The Uffizi courtyard, which extends all the way to the Arno, lies just off Piazza della Signoria. It is the result of a radical 16th cent. urban renewal, when dozens of houses were pulled down along with the ancient church of San Pier Scheraggio. In 1560 Cosimo I decided to unite the 13 courts, known as Uffizi, into a single building. The Loggia dei Lanzi, also called the Loggia della Signoria, consists of wide arches open to the street, three bays wide and one bay deep. The arches rest on clustered pilasters with Corinthian capitals. The lively construction of the Loggia is in stark contrast with the severe architecture of Palazzo Vecchio. It is effectively a marvellous open-air sculpture gallery of antique and Renaissance art. Trefoils with allegorical figures of the four cardinal virtues (Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence) by Agnolo Gaddi decorate the façade of the Loggia, below the parapet. The bronze statue of Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini stands underneath the bay on the far left. It shows the mythical Greek hero holding his sword in his right hand while he triumphantly holds up the Medusa’s decapitated head in his left. The well-proportioned muscular body of Perseus stands poised on the right leg.


itinerary | piazza della signoria

Палаццо Веккьо Площадь Синьории была в центре флорентийской политической и экономической жизни со времен Города-Государства (Флорентийская Республика). Находящийся на площади Палаццо Веккьо является ее неотъемлемой частью. Сегодня, после строительства Уффици, площадь имеет огромное культурное и архитектурное значение. Бронзовая конная статуя Козимо I работы Джамболонья, стоит возле фонтана Нептуна, известного как Ил Бианконе, работы Бартоломео Амманнати и его помощников, в том числе молодого Джамболонья. Серая мраморная доска перед фонтаном отмечает то место, где Джироламо Савонарола и его коллеги монахи Доменико Буонвичини и Сильвестро Маруффи были сожжены на костре (1498). На площади находятся статуи Юдифь и Олоферна Донателло в копиях, оригиналы которых находится в зале лилий в Палаццо Веккьо. Статуя Давида работы Микеланджело,(на площади находится копия) олицетворяет символ победы демократии над тиранией. Оригинал статуи находится в Галерее Академии. Статуи Геркулес Баччо Бандинелли и Вакх находятся напротив. Палаццо Синьории, или Палаццо Веккьо, таким, каким мы видим его сегодня, является результатом трех последовательных этапов архитектурных построек между 13-м 16-м веками: строительством дворца Арнольфо, с видом на площадь и находящейся рядом Лоджи деи Ланци. Хотя дворец сегодня содержит офисы городской Мерии, большая часть залов и помещений доступна для посещения. Можно полюбоваться грандиозным Залом Пятисот и четырьмя монументальными апартаментами, среди которых апартаменты Элеоноры Толдео, и Льва Х , где в настоящее время находится приемная мэра и совета управления городом. Зал Двухсот в настоящее время используется для заседаний городского совета, и поэтому не всегда открыт для посещений . Лоджия деи Ланци, называемая также Лоджия Синьории, состоит из широкой арки открытой на улицу, трех секций , или наш и одного


The hero is subdued, holding back his emotions. Blood gushes from the head and neck of the dead Medusa. The richly decorated marble pedestal, also by Cellini, shows four graceful bronze statuettes of Jupiter, Mercury, Minerva and Danae. The bas-relief on the pedestal, representing Perseus freeing Andromeda, is a copy of the one in Bargello Museum. Benvenuto Cellini worked almost ten years on this bronze (1545-1554), meeting numerous difficulties that, according to his autobiography, brought him almost to the brink of death. The celebrated Mannerist group of the Rape of the Sabine by Flemish artist Jean de Boulogne, better known as Giambologna, can be seen on the far right. This impres-


sive work was carved out of one imperfect block of white marble, the largest block ever to be transported to Florence. The original is now in the Academy Gallery. Giambologna wished to create a composition with a spiral movement, in other words without a dominant viewpoint, that could be examined from all sides. The marble pedestal, also by Giambologna, shows bronze bas-reliefs on the same theme. This marble and bronze group has been in the Loggia since 1583. Giambologna’s less celebrated marble sculpture of Hercules beating the Centaur Nessus (1599) stands very near it, brought here from the Canto de’ Carnesecchi in 1841. It was carved out of a solid block of white marble

with the help of Pietro Francavilla. The group of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus originally stood at the southern end of the Ponte Vecchio. There is also a copy in the Pitti Palace and it is uncertain which is the original. This marble group, discovered in Rome, was a gift of Pope Pius V to Cosimo I de’ Medici in 1579 and placed in the Loggia in 1741. It has been restored several times, by Pietro Tacca and by Stefano Ricci. The group of the Rape of Polyxena is a fine diagonal sculpture by Pio Fedi of 1865. Five female statues in marble, the Sabines and a statue of the barbarian prisoner Thusneldo decorate the rear of the Loggia and date from sometime in Roman times.

itinerary | piazza della signoria

on the left:

Perspective view of the Loggia dei Lanzi the Rape of the Sabine by Giambologna is on the foreground, while on the background next to the entrance staircase you can see the statues of the Marzocco Lions

углубления. Остальные арки построены на кластерных пилястрах с коринфскими капителями. Бронзовая статуя Персея Бенвенуто Челлини стоит в левой нише. Она изображает мифического греческого героя, который держит меч в правой руке, и торжественно поднимает обезглавленное голову Медузы левой. Стройное мускулистое тело Персея балансирует на правой ноге. Герой победил , сумев сдержать и усмирить свои эмоции. Кровь хлещет из головы и шеи мертвой Медузы. Знаменитую группу «Похищение Сабинянок» фламандского художника Жана де Булонь, более известного как Джамболонья, можно увидеть в правой нише. Это впечатляющая работа была вырезана из одного блока белого мрамора, наиболее крупного, когда либо перевозимого во Флоренцию. Оригинал сейчас находится в Галерее Академии. Менее знаменитые мраморные скульптуры Джамболонья « Геркулес и Кентавр» (1599) также находятся Лодже . Статуя была помещена в Лоджу в 1841 году. Скульптурная композиция Менелая и Патрокла изначально стояла на южном конце моста Понте Веккьо. Существует также копия в Палаццо Питти, и неясно, какая именно из скульптур является оригиналом. Эти мраморные группы были обнаружены в Риме, и переданы в дар Папой Пио V Козимо I де Медичи в 1579 году и помещены в Лоджию в 1741 году. Скульптуры были отреставрированы несколько раз мастерами Пьетро Такка и Стефано Риччи. Группа Похищение Поликсена является прекрасным экземпляром диагональной скульптуры, работы Пио Феди (1865). Пять женских статуй Сабинянок украшают заднюю часть Лоджии и датируются примерно временами Римской империи.


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Glittering Shopping

Jewels in Florence

There is little doubt that the best way to a woman’s heart is to surprise her with a piece of jewellery. Even the most indifferent and hard hearted are captured by such a gift and many sins are immediately forgiven! Jewellery, one of the world’s most ancient crafts, is particularly well represented in Florence, you could almost call it a paradise of jewellery and, if you have set your heart on finding something really special, you are more than likely to be able to find it here. Florence is in fact one of the few places in the world that offers so much in such a limited space. Almost all Florentine jewellers are also craftsmen and designers, with their own laboratories, but today they are joined by many famous foreign brands as well. There are few woman (or men) who do not desire one or more of these creative and unique examples of the jeweller’s art. Блестящий шоппинг Не существует никаких сомнений, что лучший путь к сердцу женщины это сделать ей сюрприз, ювелирное изделие. Даже самый равнодушное ледяное сердце может растопить такой подарок, и многие грехи сразу будут прощены! Ювелирные изделия, одно из самых древних ремесел в мире, особенно хорошо представлены во Флоренции,этот город можно назвать раем ювелирных изделий и, если вы настроены на поиск чего-то действительно особенного, вы, скорее всего, найдете его здесь. Флоренция является фактически одним из немногих мест в мире, который предлагает так много в таком небольшом пространстве. Почти все флорентийские ювелиры, а также мастера и дизайнеры, имеют собственные лаборатории, но сегодня к ним присоединились многие известные иностранные бренды, при том одни из лучших. Существует немного женщин (или мужчин), которые не желали бы для себя хотя бы один или несколько из этих творческих и уникальных образчиков ювелирного искусства .


shopping | jewels

Cammilli Everything is due to the talent of an artist, Annamaria Cammilli, designer, painter and sculptress, who gives life to her creations in the privacy of her home in the hills outside Florence. Original forms and colour combinations, plus matching tonalities and techniques, lie at the basis of her refined works of art and the jewellery in the Cammilli collections. The unique and essential element in Cammilli jewellery is the use of various shades of gold: a palette of exclusive colours obtained through carefully researched alloys. The energy and vitality of Orange Apricot; the sensual tonalities of Rosa Champagne; the yellowy-green Lemon Bamboo, known as "Cammilli yellow", and the hypnotic and extreme purity of White Ice in white gold. Two new shades have now been added, using sophisticated and glamorous unplated rhodium for the "natural" beige designs and a profound and enigmatic "black". The collections focused on flower forms that have made the Cammilli brand name famous throughout the world, have been further enhanced by new lines based on an essential and refined design that have been hugely successful. From the beautiful "Bouquet Black" collection, with its deep and sophisticated flowers; through the gold bands and wire of the "Dune" collection, which recall the desert, the movement of waves or tracks left in the sand; to the "Spirit" collection, featuring gold wires around the emotional colored stone. In the Cammilli atelier, Annamaria and her team of young professionals, coordinated by head designer Raffaella Renai, try to envisage a woman’s total look and the close connections between creating and wearing a piece of jewellery, thus proposing emotions that are renewed from year to year.

Find Annamaria Cammilli Jewellery at Elisabetta Fallaci, Ponte Vecchio 22r from the top:

Dune Ring in orange gold with diamonds Bouquet Black Ring in white natural and black gold with diamonds Spirit Rings in orange and pink gold with amethyst, smoky quartz and prenithe

From April 2013 New Opening Boutique Annamaria Cammilli Via Vacchereccia, 12 www.annamariacammilli.com


shopping | jewels

Graziella Jewel Gallery Graziella Buoncompagni gave life to her first small workshop in 1958 and in just a few years it was distinguished for being one of the most creative centres in the Italian jewellery world. The Graziella creations next reached the European markets making the workshop an international company of luxury goods made in Italy. The Graziella Jewel Gallery in Florence allows clients discover the company’s extraordinary creativity, now available in the diamonds, gold, silver and accessories lines. The master goldsmiths carry out unique as well as made-to-measure jewellery. GRAZIELLA ACCESSORIES is the latest line of recent creation. The handbags and belts, designed by the GRAZIELLA Creativity Centre and entirely made of fine leather and precious metal finishings, are not just accessories, but real jewels made in Italy. Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 72r Tel. +39.055.211498 www.graziellaluxury.it


Intrecci 12 Collection available both in Gold and Silver

di Firenze Abbigliamento Uomo, Donna, Bambino Idee per la Casa Clothing for Men, Women & Children Ideas for the Home New collections at www.principedifirenze.com

via del Sole 2 - 50123 Firenze tel. 055292764 - fax. 055293398 info@principedifirenze.com

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Ponte Vecchio, 52r54r Tel. +39.055.2396028 Ponte Vecchio, 33r Tel. +39.055.2741044 Forte dei Marmi - Via Carducci 6d Tel +39.0584.85044 www.cassetti.it


The Cassetti brand name was first founded in 1926 thanks to the creativity and business acumen of Renzo Cassetti, heir to the priceless tradition that stems from Benvenuto Cellini and the Florentine master engravers and the gold and silversmiths, who only signed unique pieces, many of which are now historic, like those, for example, that now form part of the furnishings in the Vatican. Renzo Cassetti’s laboratory continues to carry out the traditional Florentine silver work, part of a luminous tradition that still fortunately manages to express itself through its artisans, the faithful custodians of this heritage of technical skill and craftsmanship. Maria Grazia, Renzo’s daughter joined the firm in the 1950’s. She designed some of the first objects in silver and crystal and silver and porcelain, a real novelty on the market. The first “Cassetti” design objects in Silver and later in Silver alloy, truly revolutionary for the time, were created when Renzo’s younger son Andrea joined the firm and some of these objects are now on display in museums. Maria Grazia Cassetti has always cultivated a veritable passion for jewellery, both antique and modern, and this is why she opened a store to sell these precious creations in the 1970’s. Maria Grazia has a real

passion for what is beautiful and exclusive and, assisted by her expert staff, she travels all over the world to “discover“ some unique historic piece that she can propose in her exclusive stores. In Florence the first CASSE TTI store thus opened in its prestigious site on the Ponte Vecchio and later the store in Forte dei Marmi. She next opened two shops snother two shops on the Ponte Vecchio at number 52r and 33r. The Maria Grazia Cassetti Gioielli was created for her own line of jewellery and follows a totally new area of research. It is an atelier that combines all the noblest traditions of the House of Cassetti together with contemporary taste and sensitivity. The MARIA GRAZIA CASSETTI brand name is universally appreciated for its sober but creative elegance together with the sophisticated finishing of its products and the care taken over its image and powers of communication: an exclusive world of female design whose products can be found in the windows of all the most prestigious sales points in the world. The Ponte Vecchio can now boast a new Cassetti shop dedicated to the magnificent Rolex watches, which Maria Grazia Cassetti has just opened at number 33r. The new store has been carefully studied every detail to perfectly reflect all the sophisticated elegance that the Rolex brand mark has earned over the years, a quality that has made it synonymous with luxury and grandeur all over the world. This is the first sales point on the Ponte Vecchio to be dedicated exclusively to Rolex watches and it stands right opposite the splendid Cassetti shop at number 54r, famous for its wonderful collections of jewellery and exquisite craftsmanship that perfectly reflects the famous artisan traditions of Florence.

shopping | jewels

Frey Wille The new FREYWILLE collection, Spirit of Africa, takes you to a continent of old cultures, lavish nature and unique wildlife. Spirit of Africa and its two designs, Safari and Kilimanjaro, are a tribute to mankind and the continent where it all began: life and art. For the Safari design the FREYWILLE artistic team drew inspiration from legendary journeys through the vivid wildlife in the African grasslands: impressive animal prints of leopard, cheetah, zebra and giraffe are combined with lively colours and sophisticated ethnic prints. Metallic shades of bronze and motherof-pearl let the warm tones shine especially bright. Colourful traditional costumes and jewellery of Kilimanjaro inspired FREYWILLE artists for this set: the region’s snowcovered peaks shine on a clear blue sky and are interpreted through the rough-textured prints of tribal art. Ornamental lizards and birds symbolize the continent’s richness in wildlife and fertility. Via Calzaiuoli, 106r Tel. +39.055.286227 www.frey-wille.com

Gioielleria Santini below: Santini Bracelet

Santini Jewellers opened in 1954 in the heart of Florence, in an area long dedicated to commerce and crafts. 50 years later, Santini continues to offer a selection of precious jewels and a vast range of designer timewear. Santini’s skilled services includes a highly specialized laboratory capable of satisfying any need. Master craftsman Gianfranco Santini taught in Florence for 25 years, while also taking refresher courses in important Swiss factories. He has passed down his knowledge and experience to his staff, thus providing them with skills that allow then to resolve a wide variety of mechanical problems, from the restoration of antique clocks to the repairs of modern electronic mechanisms. Via Guicciardini, 62/64r Tel. +39.055.284624 www.santinigioielli.it

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Angela Caputi Giuggiù Angela Caputi has made her name throughout the world thanks to the excellent craftsmanship and original design of her exquisite jewellery. She has won prize of place in world fashion and even made her entry into one of the greatest museums in the world, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, where she recently starred in the special “Rara Avis” exhibition. Angela Caputi founded her “exclusive” laboratory in Florence in 1975 and this is where she personally designs her collections under the Angela Caputi Giuggiù brand name. Her precious creations lie halfway between fashion and art and are always carried out completely by hand using the traditional Florentine techniques so that they are one of the most representative and qualified expressions of “Made in Italy”. Her style is based on an ancient and profound knowledge that makes her jewellery important, from its dimensions to the fantastic and irregular geometrical shapes created by the plastic and synthetic materials that used to compose it; its priceless qualities can be found the wonderful workmanship and carefully studied, imaginative design. This spring the Angela Caputi proposes many new features including the brilliant line "Dalia". Stylized dahlias and a shiny tone of orange, brighten the days of every woman waiting for the hot summer to come! Via Santo Spirito, 58r - Tel. +39.055.212972 Borgo SS. Apostoli, 44r - Tel. +39.055.292993 www.angelacaputi.com

Alcozer & J. Cameo Pendant from the new Collection

Alcozer & J


Angela Caputi Giuggiù Dalia Collection

Alcozer & J is a craft company, specialized in creation and production of luxury costume jewellery. Its founder and designer Giampiero Alcozer, after has gained various creative experiences and artistic inspirations from different continents during the years, decided 1994 to settle down in the heart of Florence to realize his dream in life: create jewellery inspired of the past, but at the same time reinterpreted in a modern version, a complete unique style which stands out. Supported by artisan goldsmiths with a deep knowledge of craft techniques and a close team of young professionals, Giampiero Alcozer realizes true works of art composed by semi-precious stones, pearls and crystals mounted on metal fusions, all made with a personally and original touch. The aim is to create jewels that tell the character and the personality of each woman, without loosing the fair value for money. Via Porta Rossa, 14r - Tel. +39.055.289688 www.alcozer.it


shopping | craft

The glorious traditions of

Florentine craftsmanship Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Cellini great artists, but great artisans. The hand skills were essential to express their undisputed genius. This spirit, knowing how to use the hands giving life to unique objects, has been preserved over time. It is part of the DNA of Tuscany. The handicraft workshop, although transformed over the years, is still now a school where one learns a profession, where the culture of things hand-made, of the taste and of the genius is exalted and handed down. The traditional craftwork lies at the basis of most of the great houses of fashion because they have always made use of the creative talents and manual skills of the local craftsmen, skills usually passed down from father to son, to produce their wares. Florence is therefore a fascinating place to explore when searching for handmade articles. Ornate jewellery, beautiful handmade paper, high quality leather bound books, personalized mosaics and uniquely designed purses and bags are only a few of the treasures hidden within the city. The quality displayed in this craftwork is one of Florence’s distinguishing qualities, giving visitors a reason to make their way into local shops.

Микеланджело, Брунеллески, Джиберти,Челлини были великими мастерами, но прежде всего они являются духом и частью ДНК Тосканы. Ремесленные лавочки до сих пор являются главным мотором экономики характерным для Тосканы, лежат основе преизводства знаменитых Домов Моды представленых на территории. Флоренция, таким образом, со своими тысячами ремесленных лавок открытых для посещения идеальный пункт для начала изучения ремесленного мастерства made-in-italy.

shopping | crafts

Parri's The florentine craftsman Giordano Parri opened his first leather workshop in the historical centre of Florence in 1950. By 1954, the ever increasing success of Parri's fine leather products encouraged the opening of his first storefront in via Guicciardini 18/r, Florence. From it's very beginnings, Parri's fine leather has concentrated on product excellence and customer service. The “cuoietto fiorentino" leather handbags produced by Parri's in the 1950's and characterized by the famous "marcapunto" (where each stitch is highlighted by branding its' position into the leather) was typical of Parri's precision craftsmanship. By the 1960's, the ever increasing demand for Parri's fine leather goods prompted a new collaboration with another company who's standards of excellence were in harmony with that of Giordano Parri. Hence began the relationship with the company “Bianchi e Nardi", founded in 1946 by Mario Bianchi and Aldemaro Nardi, the Bianchi e Nardi company. By the 1960's, the company was expanding rapidly and eventually required what is today, a 3000 square meter establishment in Scandicci on the outskirts of Florence. Today, as always, Bianchi e Nardi concentrate on rigorous selection of prime materials and on the selection and development of the most highly specialized craftsmen and women with which to produce their luxury handbags. From these materials and from these qualified hands come the handbags destined to some of the most desired fashion names on the international market. It is with equal care and attention that each article is crafted for every individual and valued Bianchi e Nardi customer. Bianchi e Nardi craftsmen work with materials ranging from "pieno fiore" calfskin through to the finest crocodile, ostrich, python and lizard skins. Such skins require the expert and experienced hands which are the strength of the Bianchi e Nardi tradition. The “agatatura" and polishing of crocodile skins and the tailoring of these luxury handbags on traditional wooden moulds, are procedures of such precision that only the most experienced craftsmen are trusted with this work. In fact, it is in this, in the attention to accuracy and detail, that Bianchi and Nardi have founded their success as of the year 2011, the experience and professionality of Parri's fine leather have combined with that of Bianchi e Nardi, to offer our customers the quality of our combined experience and expertise. The Via Guicciardini store has been carefully restored respecting every detail of it's original tradition, while the upstairs showroom has been renovated to offer our customers every comfort and modern convenience. Generations of experience, both traditional and contemporary, are waiting to greet you at via Guicciardini 18/r, Firenze. Via Guicciardini, 18/r - Tel. +39.055.282829 www.parris.it


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Pinetti Tradition, innovation and master craftsmanship are keeping up with the times more and more. Pinetti’s new briefcase - Unobag - is a typical result of this. A leading firm in the Made in Italy manufacturing process, Pinetti has now created a briefcase that completes its rich collection of objects dedicated to the businessman’s working life. Unobag comes in several versions that combine iPad and iPhone pockets, document holders and containers and thus completes the huge range of work and office accessories carried out in fine Italian leather. This extremely elegant and functional line also includes another popular item from the Pinetti collection: the 4Giga diary. Winner of the coveted Frankfurt Design Plus Award and nominated for the German Design Award 2012, this diary has a special locking system that incorporates a 4 Giga USB flash drive that can be customised to contain up to 64 Giga. This is just one of Pinetti’s Made in Italy flagship products dedicated to the office and carried out in various materials, such as calf suede leather, as well as the new Carbon version: the leather has a special carbon fibre finishing to create a sophisticated texture, dedicated to people who want a really unique kit for their work. Via dei Servi, 9-11r - Tel. +39.055.2645477 www.pinetti.it

Carteria Tassotti Carteria Tassotti is in Bassano del Grappa, a few miles from Venice, land of great tradition in the art of printing where since the early XVI cent. were active famous printers. The Remondini publishing industry practiced this noble art In Bassano from 1657 until 1861, being praised by historians as the largest in Europe in 1750. Remondini produced popular prints, books, paper stacks and woodcut decorated cards, also known in the XX century as Carta Varese. In 1957 Giorgio Tassotti started up the Carteria Tassotti re-proposing the ancient Remondini catalogue of artistic prints earlier acquired by the Civical Museum of Bassano. Many of these cards are facsimile of the antique originals and over the years the catalog of Grafiche Tassotti has being updating its styles with polychrome art proposals inspired by the past proposing today more than 2000 articles. The entire production of Carteria Tassotti is available in Florence in the store opened in Via dei Servi 9, more than 15 years ago, a magical and fascinating place to visit for all the lovers of the art of printing. With over 300 patterns of decorative Varese paper, stationery objects of craftsmanship, art prints and more, the store in Via Dei Servi offers the wider selection of stationary and printings to be found today in Florence. The Carteria Tassotti is open every day including Sundays. Via dei Servi, 9-11r - Tel. +39.055.2645477 www.tassotti.it



The Romanelli Studio and Gallery, founded in 1860, is located in the artistic heart of Florence. It is placed in a building that used to be a church in the XIVth century. Here one may find, not only a Gallery full of magnificent sculptures but, at the same time, an active sculpting Studio with the fifth generation of Romanelli sculptors still working here. Raffaello C. Romanelli, specialises in portraits and offers an extraordinary chance to model for him and get an exclusive bust done, which can be produced in plaster, resin, bronze or marble. All the available sculptures in the Gallery can be made according to customised orders, as the Studio offers different materials and seizes. Eventually all the pieces, including personal portraits, are easily delivered directly to chosen destinations all around the world. The Gallery, apart from attracting art lovers’ attention, appeals to architects, interior designers and those searching for unique, decorative artworks. For the most passionate ones, this Studio gives the opportunity to book sculpture classes with Raffaello C. Romanelli, for all levels.

Studio Galleria Romanelli Borgo San Frediano 70 - 50124 Firenze - Italy T&F +39 (0)55 2396047 - T +39 (0)55 2396662 galleria@raffaelloromanelli.com www.raffaelloromanelli.com Opening Hours: Monday: morning on appointment only / 15:30 – 19:00 Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 -13:00 / 15:30 -19:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:30 – 19:00 Sunday: closed Студия-Галерея Романелли, основанная в 1860-ом году, расположена в самом центре, среди шедевров Флоренции. Она находится в здании, которое ранее служило церковью в XIV веке. Галерея наполнена великолепными статуями и в то же время, там можно наблюдать за работой действующей студии, где трудится вот уже в пятом поколении семья Романелли. Самый младший Раффаэлло Романелли, специализируется на создании портретов и предлагает возможность приобрести эксклюзивный бронзовый или мраморный бюст. Галерея привлекает архитекторов, дизайнеров интерьеров и тех, кто ищет уникальные произведения искусства. Все имеющиеся скульптуры в галерее могут быть сделаны под заказ, а студия предлагает разнообразие материалов, расцветок и размеров. Все работы при необходимости могут быть отправлены в любой уголок света. Для самых страстных поклонников скульптуры эта студия предлагает пройти курс обучения под руководством Раффаэлло Романелли для любого уровня. Помещение Галереи также сдается в аренду для частных мероприятий.

As seen on Lonely Planet, Blue Guide, House & Garden, Marie Claire Maison, Sunday Telegraph, BBC and Travel Channel

shopping | crafts

Romeo 1931

Via Condotta, 43r Tel. 39.055.210350 www.romeo1931.it

Romeo's story begins in 1931, when former owner Mr. Guido Romeo opened his stationery shop in the heart of Florence. The Shop, located in Via della Condotta is part of a sixteenth century historic building right by Piazza Signoria. This family business soon became one of the most genuine interpreters of that refined taste and style for which Florence has been renowned since the Renaissance. Ever since its opening the shop has dealt with most aristocrats, foreigners and professionals of the time, as well as with all of those looking for unique objects, constantly adapting to the market demand. Whatever the object, Romeo 1931's offer stands out for its attention to detail, the beauty of the materials used and the infinite range of choice. But above all for the magical balance between innovation and tradition. With its 80 years of tradition Romeo 1931's pens and leather goods have become the perfect tools of a fine art at the service of customers and their needs of distinction and uniqueness. Even today, in a world in which prevails the mass-production, Romeo 1931 continues creating magnificent fountain pens, beautiful bags and unique leather accessories. This thanks to its current owner Mr. Luigi Poli, who is part of a prestigious Florentine family of professionals which has a century of history in the writing instrument world.

Scuola del Cuoio Santa Croce is one of the most important churches in Italy. In the ancient dormitory of the Novitiates Scuola del Cuoio offers a memorable experience in the heart of Florence’s leather craftsmanship, by sharing with its guests the atmosphere of a Renaissance workshop. Inside its magnificent location, frescoed by the school of Ghirlandaio, the master craftsmen of Scuola del Cuoio create a variety of products, blending tradition with contemporary taste. Witness the Florentine art of engraving leather with gold, exquisite ostrich or crocodile bags are proof of the daily commitment to the highest artisanal quality. Everything rigorously “fatto a mano”. After many years following the designs and techniques of the master craftsmen, Laura, Francesca, Barbara and Tommaso Gori, create collections of exclusive products. Francesca designs and hand-stitches originals made unique by decorative accents that she personally chooses from a variety of semi precious stones and silver. The staff of Scuola del Cuoio will be glad to welcome visitors to witness first-hand the authenticity of its “Made in Firenze”. P.zza S. Croce, 16 / Via S. Giuseppe, 5r Tel. 055.244534 www.scuoladelcuoio.com


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Ottino It was as far back as 1830 when the aristocracy of Europe began to discover Ottino’s leather shop and before long it became a mandatory point of call when visiting Florence. The tradition continues today, with the excellent range of bags and handbags, the wide choice of small leather items, and the great number of briefcases, cases and belts. They also sell attractive and tasteful ties and scarves. Time and fashions have changed but the style of the splendid Ottino collection has retained the high standard of always. Via Porta Rossa, 69r Tel. 055.212139 www. ottino.com

Fratelli Traversari The Fratelli Traversari firm has been specialized in the production of artistic mosaics and micro-mosaic costume jewellery since the late 19th century and continues its long family tradition of craftsmanship with pride. The tesseras of micro-mosaics in spun-enamel Murano glass and the typically Florentine mosaics in natural semi-precious stones are carried out completely by hand using the ancient craft techniques. Thanks to over a century’s experience, the Fratelli Traversari firm also creates highly refined articles of costume jewellery with mosaics on brass and silver. Visitors are welcome in the mosaics workshop in Via Senese, 68/B, run by the fourth generation composed of Franco, the head of the firm, Daniele and Letizia, his children, their cousin Lorenzo, specialized in the Florentine mosaics in semi-precious stones and Denis, the master mosaic maker. The DOMO sales point in the centre of Florence is situated in Via della Scala, 19/R, sells objects from the firm’s mosaic production as well as other refined articles of Italian craftsmanship. workshop: Via Senese, 68b - Tel. 055.221685 DOMO SHOP: Via della Scala, 19r - Tel.055.2381343 www.traversarimosaici.it


Palazzo Pitti a Royal Residence

Paul Lydka Chef Concierge Hotel Four Seasons +39 055.26261 introduces


The Pitti Palace has housed three royal dynasties, the Medici, the Lorraine and the Savoy families, and contains their prestigious collections in the Palatine Gallery, the Silver Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art. It is certainly the largest museum complex in the city (the building alone is 32.000 square metres in size). Piazza Pitti marks the start of the visit to the palace. Filippo Brunelleschi designed the original square-shaped building in around 1440 for the merchant Luca Pitti; the Medici family bought it in 1550, during the reign of Cosimo I, and work immediately got under way on the enlargements under Bartolomeo Ammannati (he designed the extraordinary courtyard), followed by Giulio and Alfonso Parigi (who extended the façade to its present size between 1620 and 1640-50), and, under the Lorraines who added the two lateral wings curving around the square (called Rondòs).

itinerary | palazzo pitti

Палаццо Питти

View of Palazzo Pitti from the Boboli Gardens

Дворец Питти был резиденцией королевских династий - Медичи, Лотарингии и Савойи и содержит их престижные частные коллекции, расположенные в Галерее Палатина, .Музее Серебра и галерее современного искусства. Филиппо Брунеллески спроектировал дворец в 1440 году для купца Луки Питти, Медичи купили его в 1550 году, во время правления Козимо I, и сразу же после этого здание было расширено архитектором Амманнати, и, закончено во времена правления Лотарингов , добавлением двусторонних крыльев. Основной этаж занимает Палантинская галерея и Королевские апартаменты, бывшая резиденция великих князей Тосканы и семьи Савойя, которая правила Италией с 1860 года. Левое крыло содержит великолепную коллекцию картин и статуй из частных коллекций Медичи. Коллекция Палантина была обогащена за счет


itinerary | palazzo pitti

above: Palazzo Pitti, Monumental Apartments the Throne room


пожертвований семьи Савойя в двадцатом веке. Палантинская галерея включает в себя работы таких художников, как Филиппо Липпи, Рафаэля, Андреа дель Сарто и знаменитые портреты Тициана, Веронезе и Тинторетто, а также шедевры Караваджо, Рубенса, Пьетро да Кортона и других итальянских и европейских мастеров эпохи Возрождения и 17-го века. Выставку продолжает посещение королевских апартаментов, которые занимают четырнадцать великолепных залов в правом крыле здания,

The entire piano nobile of the Pitti Palace is occupied by the Palatine Gallery and the Royal Apartments, formerly the residence of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany (the Medici and later the Lorraine families), and, later still, of the Savoy family, who reigned over Italy from 1860. The left-hand wing contains the wonderful collection of paintings and statues made up of masterpieces from private Medici collections, which were distributed among the various family residences until the Lorraines decided to assemble together in the late 18th century. These private collections were started by Cosimo I in around 1620 and later enlarged by his son Ferdinando II and his other successors. The art works on display were doubled in the 20th century, when the Savoy family donated the entire palace to the State, thus also incorporating masterpieces from other collections. This extraordinary collection of paintings includes many masterpieces by artists like Filippo Lippi, Raphael, Andrea del Sarto and the famous portraits by Titian, Veronese and Tintoretto, as well as important works by Caravaggio, Rubens, Pietro da Cortona and other Italian and European masters of the Renaissance and the 17th century. The paintings, surrounded by richly decorative frames, completely cover the walls of the rooms according to the tradition of the 17th century art collections. This magnificent decor makes a tour of the Gallery particularly fascinating and is further enriched by splendid stuccoes and the frescoes in the six rooms giving onto the façade. The Gallery route continues with

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itinerary | palazzo pitti

above: Palatine Gallery Raphael, Madonna della Seggiola above: View of Palazzo Pitti from Piazza Pitti

рованных во время правления семьи Савойя. Кроме здания, мы можем любоваться деревьями Садов Боболи, которые лежат на склонах холма. Сады Боболи это первая модель итальянского сада которая стала прообразом для европейской парковой архитектуры.


a visit to the Royal Apartments that occupy the fourteen magnificent rooms in the right-hand wing of the palace, formerly the residence of the Medici family and of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. The rooms in the right wing were reserved for the Crown Prince in particular, while the reigning Grand Duke occupied the apartments in the left wing (where the Palatine Gallery is situated today).The decor and furnishings have changed significantly since the time of the Medici, transformed by the families who resided here over the years that followed, though they still contain furniture, fittings and art works dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The interior of the residence is today is based on the furnishings of the Savoy family, restored in 1993. Looking up over and past the Palace rooftop, we can see the trees of the Boboli Gardens, which, covering 320.00 square metres of land, are full of grottos, fountains and statues and sprawl along the slopes of the hill of the same name. The Medici were the first to set out the gardens, creating an Italian style garden that was to become a model for many European courts. The fascinating paths that wind through it allow the visitor to absorb the spirit of life at court, while also enjoying a garden in continuously renewal, though always in respect of its traditions. Higher up, behind the ramparts built by Michelangelo during the Seige of Florence (1529), the hill of Boboli is blocked off by the elegant little palace of Fort Belvedere, or the Fort of San Giorgio, designed by Bernardo Buontalenti (1590-1600) for defensive purposes, but used more in particular as a strong-room for the Medici treasury.

Triumphant elephant Designed in 1975 first casting 1984 bronze 265 cm / 104.3 in

The Dalì Universe A special collection of over 100 works by the Master of Surrealism on display until May 25 at Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Bronze sculptures of soft watches and sensual and triumphant feminine figures, men with drawers, elephants, butterflies and angels, surrealist furniture such as the famous Mae West Lips mouth-shaped Sof, glass works, collages and illustrations of rare literary works. There are more than 100 masterpieces by Salvador Dalì the Master of Surrealism on display at Palazzo Medici Riccardi in the exhibition "The Dali Universe Florence." The exhibition, entirely dedicated to Salvador Dalí, is a unique opportunity to discover the lesser-known aspects of the work of the great artist, to enter his creative genius and even understand the sources of inspiration. Palazzo Medici Riccardi opens the door to a powerful exhibition, curated by the President of the Ambrosian Foundation for Art and Culture, Beniamino Levi, one of the characters who knew more closely the work of Dalí, meeting him and his entourage personally since the sixties, in Dalì's residences in Paris, New York and in his native Spain. The exhibition highlights two lesser known aspects that are indeed particularly important about Dalì's creativity: the threedimensional sculpture and the rare graphic works that illustrate important themes in the literature. The sculptures represent his iconic images, often to be found also in his paintings. The themes on which the exhibition focuses more are mainly Time with the famous watches that seem to melt, and Sensuality and Feminine Universe, with the women represented with an almost bursting force. The collection of engravings and lithographs shows Dalì, the little-known illustrator, as a highly educated and extremely curious person. His surrealist interpretation of the texts ranging from classic works, such as the spectacular Dante's Divine Comedy to the modern literature. Mythology, religion and history stimulated Dalí to create a wide range of images, figures and allegories. Examples of these rare illustrations on display in this exhibition are "The Loves of Cassandra" from the French poet Ronsard, illustrated by Dalí in 1968 and the sensual graphic works based on Boccaccio's fourteenth century Decameron. The variety of works showcased here highlights the different materials and techniques explored by Dalí. A space is dedicated to the collaboration between Salvador Dalí and the prestigious French glass factory Daum Crystal. Glass and glass paste were considered by the artist as the perfect

focus | exhibitions

invading Florence The Dalì Universe во Флоренции Особая коллекция, вмещающая более 100 произведений этого маэстро сюрреализма, будет находиться до 25-го мая в Палаццо Медичи Риккарди. Бронзовые скульптуры выгнутых циферблатов, торжествующие и чувственные женские фигуры, мужчины, открывающиеся кассетами, слоны, бабочки и ангелы, сюрреалистичная мебель, такая как известнейший Диван-Губы Маэ Уэст в форме рта, произведения из стекла, коллаж и редкие иллюстрации литературных работ. Более 100 шедевров маэстро сюрреализма будут представлены до 25-го мая 2013-го года в Палаццо Медичи Риккарди на выставке «The Dalí Universe Florence». Экспозиция, полностью посвященная Сальвадору Дали, предоставляет уникальную возможность познакомиться с менее известными сторонами творчества великого художника, проникнуть внутрь его гениальности, вплоть до понимания источника его вдохновения. Палаццо Медичи Риккарди открывает двери выставке, в своем роде уникальной, под эгидой Президента Амброзианского фонда искусства и культуры, Бениамино Леви, одного из персонажей, которые имели возможность познакомиться с творчеством Дали вплотную, благодаря личным контактам с художником и его окружением в шестидесятых годах, встречаясь с ним лично в резиденции маэстро в Париже, Нью Йорке и на его родной земле, Испании. В скульптурах представлены излюбленные изображения художника, которые часто можно встретить и на его полотнах. Темы, на которых в основном сосредоточена выставка, это время, циферблаты, которые будто плавятся, а также чувственность и женственность, с персонажами, представленными с почти необузданной силой. Коллекция гравюр и литографий демонстрирует посетителям малоизвестного Далииллюстратора, человека исключительно образованного и любознательного. Его сюрреалистичные интерпретации затрагивают как классические произведения, такие, как полная красок Божественная Комедия Данте, так и более современные тексты. Наиболее редкими и менее известными при-

Profile of Time designed in 1977 first casting 1984 bronze 150 cm / 59.1 in

on the right: Alice in Wonderland designed in 1977 first casting 1984 bronze 227 cm / 89.4 in

Below: Mae West Lips Sofa 1974 various materials 75 cm / 29.5 in

medium for "the expression of metamorphosis," which, according to him, informed his surrealist perception of reality. In addition to the sculptures, visitors will discover a series of original collages out of the Mystic Tarots, and some Surrealist furniture, such as the now legendary Mae West Lips Sofa, shaped like a red mouth. Until May 25th

мерами этих иллюстраций являются Любовники Кассандры французского поэта Ронсарда, выполненные Дали в 1968-ом году и чувственные графические работы, посвященные Декамерону Боккаччо четырнадцатого века. Разнообразие показанных на этой выставке работ открывает, насколько различные техники и материалы пытался использовать Дали. Художник считал стекло и стекольную пасту идеальными средствами для «выражения метаморфозы», которая, по его мнению, передавала собственное сюрреалистичное восприятие реальности. Кроме скульптур посетители смогут открыть для себя серии оригинальных коллажей из мистических карт Таро, а также сюрреалистичную мебель, такую, как уже ставший легендой ДиванГубы Маэ Уэст в форме красного рта. До 25 мая

the dalì universe in florence palazzo medici riccardi - Via Cavour 1 - tel. 02 893 68922 Guided visit booking Tel. 334 1053262 - Open Daily 9am - 7pm info@thedaliunoverse.com - www.thedaliuniverse.com


focus | exhibitions

Visconti for Dalì the Surrealist Pen

With the opening of the great exhibition dedicated to Salvador Dali in splendid Palazzo Medici Riccardi in February 2013 (The Dalì Universe), it was almost natural that Visconti would create a Surrealist pen dedicated the Catalan artist. It was almost natural for Visconti to create a Surrealist pen dedicated to the Catalan artist Salvador Dali for the opening of the great exhibition opening in splendid Palazzo Medici Riccardi in February 2013 (The Dalì Universe). The Surrealist pen is inspired by "Profile of Time", one of Dalì’s best known and most popular iconoclastic images, where a soft clock represents the fluidity of time almost as if it were dancing to the rhythm of the universe. Dalinian time is perpetual and ‘moves forward in a dance’ without ever stopping, not even for man, history or the cosmos. This sculpture portrays Dalì’s deeply imaginative relationship with time, his perception of its forced limitations and the importance the artist attributed to memory. Visconti not only wanted to recapture Surrealist symbology but also embody Dalì’s concepts in the whole pen so as to make it truly surreal. The pen is in 925 silver vermeil and lacquered in blue or green; however it offers a glimpse of its soft interior, symbolised here by the ink contained in the double tank and thus exemplifying the Lobster, one of Dalì’s greatest obsessions, a creature with a hard shell and soft interior. The two openings in the cap allow a view of the soul of the pen, in other words, the pen nib in 23 kt 950 palladium, inspired by the "Newton Surrealist" sculpture. The pen has a filler tray that represents the same feminine sensuality to be found in the "Woman aflame" sculpture, the ink that gently flows into the nib is the wounded heart of the Unicorn. Lastly, with the soft clock laid over the fountain pen body, Visconti has also reproduced the iconographic theme of the Dance of Time on the pen barrel. Visconti’s Surrealist pen is produced in a limited edition for collectors, and in 3 regular editions in 3 different colours bearing Dalì’s soft clock on the cap. www.visconti.it

focus | exhibitions

From Boldini to de Pisis

Masterpieces from Ferrara

VILLA BARDINI Costa S.Giorgio 2 055.20066206 bardinipeyron.it GALLERIA D'ARTE MODERNA PALAZZO PITTI Piazza Pitti, 1 055.2388601 polomuseale.firenze,it


Florence hosts masterpieces from the Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art of Ferrara whose historic home in Palazzo Massari was severely damaged in the earthquake last year. A selection of masterpieces by great masters of the 19th and early 20th century like Giovanni Boldini, Gaetano Previati, Achille Funi, Carlo Carrà, Roberto Melli and Filippo de Pisis. The exhibition follows a chronological path through two different locations: the Gallery of Modern Art at the Pitti Palace and Villa Bardini. Villa Bardini will host the historic Romanticism of Gaetano Turchi and conclude with Giovanni Boldini’s 19th century paintings, while the Pitti Palace will be showing Boldini’s 20th century paintings alongside the symbolist painting of Filippo de Pisis. Until May 19th. Firenze accoglie i capolavori delle Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Ferrara la cui sede storica di Palazzo Massari ha subito gravi danni durante il terremoto dello scorso anno. Una selezione di capolavori di grandi maestri dell'ottocento e dei primi del novecento quali Giovanni Boldini, Gaetano Previati, Achille Funi, Carlo Carrà, Roberto Melli e Filippo de Pisis. La mostra si articola in un percorso cronologico attraverso due differenti sedi: Galleria d’arte moderna di Palazzo Pitti e Villa Bardini. A Villa Bardini sarà presente il romanticismo storico di Gaetano Turchi fino ai dipinti dell’Ottocento di Giovanni Boldini, mentre a Palzzo Pitti vedrà le opere novecentesche di Boldini affiancate alle opere simboliste del Previati ed alla pittura intima di Filippo de Pisis. fino al 19 maggio

Firenze Via delle Belle Donne 35r Tel. 055 287820

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focus | exhibitions

Luxury & Elegance

French Porcelain & the Ginori Manufacture

Museo degli Argenti Palazzo Pitti Piazza Pitti, 1 - 055.2388601 www.polomuseale.firenze.it


The changes that the advent of the Napoleonic Empire introduced to the government of Tuscany were also reflected in the arts. The factory at Doccia played a prominent part in this new artistic fervour, absorbing the French influences for its research into new forms and decorative elements. In particular, under the enlightened direction of Carlo Leopoldo Ginori Lisci (1792-1838), the factory embraced the important technical and stylistic innovations from France, thus creating a form of decoration that remained in vogue right up until the third decade of the 19th century. From March 19th. Il cambiamento che l'avvento dell'impero napoleonico portò nel governo della Toscana ebbe i suoi riflessi nelle discipline artistiche. In questo nuovo fervore artistico, la manifattura di Doccia ebbe un posto di rilievo, accogliendo importanti influssi francesi sia nella ricerca delle forme che nei moduli decorativi. In particolare, la manifattura, sotto l'illuminata direzione di Carlo Leopoldo Ginori Lisci (1792-1838) fu partecipe di importanti innovazioni tecniche e stilistiche provenienti dalla Francia, creando una tipologia decorativa che rimase in voga fino a tutto il terzo decennio del XIX secolo. dal 19 marzo.


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focus | exhibitions

Pope Leo X This exhibition will follow the life of Giovanni, the second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, from his birth in Florence in 1475 until March 9th 1513, when he was elected Pope, and then his brief return to the city of his birth in 1515. Works by Botticelli, Andrea Sansovino, Granacci, Ghirlandaio and Perugino will illustrate this part of the route in a section dedicated to the education of the future pope. The years of Leo’s papacy were celebrated as a new "golden age" in which the capital of Christendom could bring the requirements of the classical world back to life again thanks to the work of artists and humanists. These were the years that gave life to the great building works in Rome, among them the Basilica of St. Peters, which Raphael followed up by producing his wonderful paintings. From March 25th La mostra seguirà la vita di Giovanni, figlio secondogenito di Lorenzo il Magnifico, dalla nascita a Firenze nel 1475 fino al 9 marzo 1513, quando venne eletto papa, e al suo breve ritorno in patria nel 1515. Opere di Botticelli, Andrea Sansovino, Granacci, Ghirlandaio e Perugino illustreranno questa parte del percorso illustreranno la sezione dedicata all'educazione del futuro papa. Gli anni del papato leonino furono celebrati come una nuova "età dell'oro" in cui la capitale della cristianità poté rivivere per opera non solo di artisti, ma anche di poeti e di umanisti, le istanze del mondo classico. Sono questi gli anni in cui si iniziarono le grandi fabbriche di Roma: fra le altre la basilica di San Pietro, mentre Raffaello dette seguito a straordinarie imprese pittoriche. Dal 25 Marzo. medici chapel museum P.zza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 1 - 055.2388651 www.unannoadarte.it


Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Via Ponte alle Mosse, 36/a - Tel. 055. 364552 - Fax 055. 3217500



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focus | music


1. Peter Rundel 2. Andrea Battistoni 3. Saleem A. Ashkar

2. 3.

PETER RUNDEL: In memory of Luciano Berio Peter Rundell (conductor), Jorg Widmann (clarinet) performing WIDMANN Con brio – Konzertouverture for orchestra (2008); Mozart Concert for clarinet and orchestra K.622; Berio Requies for camera orchestra in memory of Luciano Berio; Beethoven Sinfonia n.8 op.93 5 March: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 Firenze Andrea Battistoni: Robert Schumann & Franz Schubert Andrea Battistoni (conductor), Sabina von Walther (Soprano), Marina De Liso (Mezzosoprano), Matthias Stier & Francisco Corujo (Tenor), Christian Senn (Basso) with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Robert Schumann: Manfred, Ouverture and Ouverture, Scherzo e Finale in E major op. 52; Franz Schubert Mass in E flat major D 950 for solo, choir and orchestra 7, 8 March: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze Nikolaj Znaider & Saleem A. Ashkar: Johannes Brahms Nikolaj Znaider (conductor), Saleem Abboud Ashkar (piano) with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Johannes Brahms Concerto n. 2 in B flat majpr op. 83 for piano and orchestra; Johannes Brahms Sinfonia n. 4 in E minor op. 98 14, 15 March: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze


ORCHESTRA SINFONICA DI LUCERNA Lionel Bringuier (conductor), Dmitri Maslennikov (cello) performing Smetana: La Moldava; Dalbavie: Fantasy for cello amd orchestra; Dvorak: Sinfonia n.8 op.88 14 March: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze La fiaba del Principe Don Carlos - Excerpt from Giuseppe Verdi Opera The impossible love story of two young lovers, the courage and loyalty of a leader, war, lies, jealousy, passion, charm and the dazzling magic of the sixteenth century Spain, the desire for freedom, these are the cardinal points of one of the most famous and ambitious operas of our heritage, well suited to reveal the sense of theater and the magical telling, but also to deal with the evocative power of music. Performed by the Ensemble orchestrale del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. 21, 23 March: 20.30; 22, 25 March: 10.30; 24 March: 15.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze DANIEL KAWKA - CHEN GUANG Daniel Kawka (conductor), Chen Guang (piano) and Orchestra della Toscana performing Beethoven: Coriolano, ouverture op.62; Concerto n.4 for piano and orchestra op.58; Sinfonia n.6 op.68 ‘Pastoral’ 21 March: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze

focus | events 4. 4. Christoph Poppen 5. Don Carlo


Eastern Concert - Antonín DvoRák Lorenzo Fratini (conductor) with Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Antonín Dvořák: Stabat Mater op. 58 original version for soloists, choir and piano 27, 28 March: 20.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze La Sylphide - August Bournonville Ballet: Coreography by August Bournonville; Music Hermann Lovenskjold; David Garforth Conductor with the ballet ensemble MaggioDanza and the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. 3, 4, 5, 6 April: 20.30; 6, 7 April: 15.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze CHRISTOPH POPPEN - MICHELE MARASCO Chritoph Poppen (conductor), Michele Marasco (flute) and Orchestra della Toscana performing Haydn: Sinfonia n.104; Mozart: Andante for flute and orchestra K.315; Martin: Ballade fort flute, arch orchestra and piano; Mozart Sinfonia n.41 K.551 ‘Jupiter’ 8 April: 21.00 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 99 - Firenze Zubin Mehta & Janine Jansen Zubin Mehta (conductor), Janine Jansen (Violin) and the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Modest Musorgskij: La chovanscina, Prelude; Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij: Concerto in D major op. 35 for

violin and orchestra; Gustav Mahler: Titan Sinfonia n. 1 in D major. 13 April: 20.30 - 14 April: 15.45 - Teatro Comunale Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze Bonjour, Monsieur Don Juan Freely adapted from Moliere's Don Juan. The myth of Don Juan, the insatiable seducer challenges men and their rules showing fearless in front of the sky before being struck by lightning is one of the most popular in literature. Numerous writers in Spain and in Italy had sung the adventures before Moliere represented his comedy for the first time in 1665 in Paris, well received by the enthusiastic audience at the time. 19, 20 April: 10.00 & 20.30 - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze Don Carlo - Giuseppe Verdi Oppression and freedom at the time of the fores of Inquisition. A group of lumberjacks laments the misery and grief caused by the war between France and Spain, while in the nearby castle a grope of governors are dealing with the peace between the two nations. Don Carlo appears, the son of Philip II and Infante of Spain, betrothed, according to the peace agreement, to Elizabeth, daughter of the King of France: he thinks about the beauty of the princess who has glimpsed, incognito, the day before. 2, 8 May: 19:30; 5, 12 May: 15.30 - Teatro Comunale Corso Italia, 16 - Firenze


itinerary | ponte vecchio

Ponte Vecchio

Florence’s oldest bridge

Hotel degli Orafi Florence introduces


One of the first places you will want to visit is the extremely ancient and world famous Ponte Vecchio. Originally constructed with stone fore-starlings and paved in wood, it was the first bridge to be built in Florence in the time of the Roman Legion and crossed the Arno at its lowest fordable point. It was completely rebuilt in stone in 1177 and paved in brick. It was reconstructed with some shops in wood built on top of the arches, which were twice devastated by violent fires in 1222, and 1322. Always quickly repaired, the bridge was carried away by the waters in the tragic flood of 1333 along with all the other bridges in the city. Note the plaque on the Por Santa Maria side of the bridge, recalling the disastrous flood of 1333. It was on this occasion that the Roman statue of Mars that decorated the bridge was swept away by the flood waters and was never to be found again. In 1345 the Ponte Vecchio was reconstructed under the direction of Taddeo Gaddi, a student of Giotto; the architecture is identical to that of today, the construction was much stronger with three arches and wide bays that could allow the passage of large amounts of water and thus stand up to the floods of city’s capricious river. Four towers rose on the corners of the bridge and joined to covered battlemented porticoes that linked either side of the bridge and left an opening in the centre. The porticoes were later closed to create the little houses and shops that have since made it so famous. In 1442 the city authorities ordered all the local butchers to open their shops on the Ponte Vecchio; this was done to isolate them from the houses in the centre and to avoid the dreadful smell left by the traces of meat waste when it was taken through the streets as far as the Arno. From this date the bridge became the meat market, while the butchers, who by then also owned the shops and needed more space,

itinerary | ponte vecchio


itinerary | ponte vecchio

Понте Веккио Одним из первых мест, которое Вы безусловно пожелаете посетить, является старинный и всемирно известный Понте Веккио. Первоначально построенный на каменных стропилах с деревянным покрытием, это был первый мост во Флоренции, своей постройкой восходящий ко временам римских легионеров и пересекающий реку Арно в самом мелком месте брода. Этот мост был полностью перестроен из камня в 1177-ом году и вымощен кирпичом. Его выстроили вновь, надстроив над арками несколько деревянных лавочек, которые все сгорели во время сильных пожаров 1222-го и 1322-го годов. Как всегда быстро восстановленный, мост был снесен потоками во время трагического наводнения 1333-го года, когда были снесены все мосты города. Обратите внимание на табличку со стороны Пор-СантаМария, которая напоминает


added on the little rooms held up with beams of wood projecting over the river. The butchers built and dismantled at their pleasure until the Signoria, or ruling government, had them evicted in 1593 and gave the shops to the more respectable and tidy goldsmiths. To this day these clever craftsmen and jewellers still occupy the shops and continue the tradition of creating the jewellery that has made Florence famous in the world. This gold craftsmanship was celebrated in the 19th century when a little fountain with the bust of the great master Benvenuto Cellini in bronze by the sculptor Raffaello Romanelli was placed on the terrace in the middle of the bridge, which gives onto a fine view of the other bridges and the Arno. On the upriver side, a covered gallery, the Vasari Corridor, runs above the whole length of the bridge. It takes its name from Giorgio Vasari who built it in 1565 on a commission from Cosimo I de’ Medici with the idea of creating a direct link between Palazzo Vecchio and the Pitti Palace. The Corridor was transformed into a museum in 1581 and today hosts an important collection of self-portraits and historic portraits.

itinerary | ponte vecchio

о разрушении моста ужасающим наводнением 1333-го года. Именно тогда бушующими водами была снесена и навсегда утеряна римская статуя бога Марса, украшавшая мост в те времена. В 1345-ом Понте Веккио был выстроен заново под руководством Таддео Гадди, учеником Джотто; архитектура осталась прежней и сегодня, а сама конструкция стала гораздо прочней с тремя арками и широкими протоками, которые не мешают свободному проходу больших объемов воды и способны выстоять под напором капризной городской реки. В 1442-ом году правлением города было приказано местным торговцам мяса открыть собственные магазины на Понте Веккио; это было сделано с целью изолировать их от остальных домов в центре и устранить омерзительные запахи разлагающихся мясных отходов с прилегающих к Арно улиц. С этой даты мост превратился в мясной рынок, а мясники, которые приобрели в собственность магазины на мосту и нуждались в расширении торговых площадей, добавили несущие балки и надстроили на них дополнительные помещения, нависающие над рекой. Мясники строили и разрушали в свое удовольствие до тех пор, пока Синьория или правящая верхушка не выдала постановления в 1953-ем году, согласно которому мясники обязаны были передать свои магазины в более респектабельные и аккуратные руки золотых дел мастеров. И по сей день золотых дел мастера и продавцы ювелирных украшений занимают магазины на мосту, продолжая творческие традиции, принесшие Флоренции мировую славу. Со стороны, ведущей к верховью реки, находится крытая галерея, Коридор Вазари, который проходит вдоль всего моста. Он получил это название в честь Джорджио Вазари, который построил его в 1565-ом году по заказу Козимо I де Медичи для создания прямого перехода из Палаццо Веккио в Палаццо Питти. Коридор был переделан в музей в 1581-ом году и сейчас там находится значительная коллекция автопортретов и портретов выдающихся исторических персонажей.


1. Medici Chapels

Cappella dei Principi


2. Uffizi Gallery

Venus by Botticelli

3. Palazzo Vecchio External view


Principal Museum • Cappelle Medicee The Old Sacristy, the New Sacristy, with architecture and sculpture by Michelangelo, and the Chapel of the Princes, decorated with inlaid marble and hard stones. La Sagrestia Vecchia, la Sagrestia Nuova con architetture e sculture di Michelangelo e la Cappella dei Principi, decorata con marmi e pietre dure. Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month. • Galleria dell'accademia Michelangelo’s masterpieces: the David and the Slaves. Sculpture, paintings and casts by various artists. I capolavori di Michelangelo: il David ed i Prigioni. Sculture, dipinti e gessi di varii autori. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50pm. Closed Mondays. • Museo del Bargello Residence of the Captain of the People, of Justice and ancient prison. Masterpieces of painting and sculpture, plus minor arts. Frescoes by the school of Giotto in the Chapel. Residenza del Capitano del Popolo, della Giustizia e antica prigione. Scultura, Pittura, ed arti minori. Affreschi della scuola di Giotto nella Cappella. Via del Proconsolo, 4 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month



• Galleria degli uffizi Open since 1591, the Uffizi hosts one of the most important collections of art of all time, classical sculpture and 13th to 18th century paintings, on an area covering about 8.000 sq.m. Dal 1591 gli Uffizi ospitano, una delle più importanti collezioni artistiche di tutti i tempi, comprendente sculture antiche e dipinti su tavola e tela di scuole italiane e straniere dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Loggiato degli Uffizi - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Palazzo Vecchio quartieri monumentali Residence of the Priors, the Signoria and the Medici. Paintings, sculpture, furniture and hangings. Residenza dei Priori, la Signoria ed i Medici. Oggi sede del Comune di Firenze. Dipinti, sculture, arredi. Piazza della Signoria - tel. 055.2768224 - March 9-19. April 9-24 2nd-13th January 9-24. Thursdays, midweek holidays 9-14. • museo archeologico One of the most important museums in the world for Etruscan art and culture. Egyptian and Greek collections. Fra i principali musei del mondo per l’arte e la civiltà etrusca. Una prestigiosa collezione egizia e greca. Via della Colonna, 38 - tel. 055.23575 - Tuesdays-Fridays 8.30-19 - Saturdays and Sundays 8.30-14. Closed on Mondays.

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5. 4.

Palazzo Pitti Museums • Galleria Palatina e Appartamenti Reali The Palatine Gallery occupies the whole left wing of the first floor of the Pitti Palace, which was the residence of the Medici grand-dukes. In 1828, when Tuscany came under the rule of the Lorraine, the most important paintings in the Palace, most of which had been collected by the Medici; the Royal Apartments consist of fourteen magnificent rooms which were the home of the Medici and Lorraine grand-ducal families and of the king of Italy. La Galleria Palatina, situata nell’ala sinistra del Palazzo, fu creata tra la fine del Settecento e i primi decenni dell’Ottocento, dai Lorena che collocarono nelle sale di rappresentanza i capolavori provenienti soprattutto dalle collezioni dei Medici; Gli Appartamenti Reali occupano le quattordici magnifiche sale dell’ala destra del Palazzo, già residenza privata delle famiglie regnanti, e sono allestiti con mobili, arredi ed opere d’arte dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Galleria d'arte moderna Paintings and sculptures related to the art in Tuscany from the late 18th century to the period between the two world wars. Temporary shows of contemporary art. Dipinti e sculture dell’arte figurativa in Toscana dalla fine del XVIII secolo al periodo tra le due guerre mondiali. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.2388601-616 - 8.15-18.50. Closed on Mondays.

4. Palazzo Pitti from Boboli Gardens 5. Academy Gallery Michelangelo‘s David

• giardino di Boboli Started in 1550 on a design by Tribolo after the Medici family purchased the Pitti Palace. Iniziato nel 1550 su un progetto di Tribolo dopo l’acquisto di Palazzo Pitti da parte dei Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-17.30. April 8.15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • giardino Bardini These beautiful gardens, recently restored, contain many rare plants and specialised areas, such as Italian and English gardens, as well as a fine Baroque staircase, statues, fountains, a small amphitheatre and panoramic views. Il bellissimo parco, recentemente restaurato, possiede molte piante rare ed aree specializzate, dal giardino all’italiana al giardino all’inglese, al parco agricolo, oltre alla bella scalinata barocca, statue, fontane, un anfiteatro e scorci panoramici. Entrances: Via dei Bardi, 1r and Boboli Gardens. Info and reservations: tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-17.30. April 8.15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • galleria del costume Museum on the history of costume. Museo di storia della moda. Palazzina della Meridiana, Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-17.30. April 8.15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.


itinerary | museums 1. Cappella Brancacci 2. Cappella dei Magi 3. Chiesa di Santo Spirito

2. 1.


• Museo degli Argenti Summer apartments of the Grand Dukes. It contains vases in hard stone that belonged to Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the jewellery that belonged the Electress Palatine. Appartamenti estivi dei granduchi. Conserva i vasi in pietre dure di Lorenzo il Magnifico, la raccolta di gioielli dell’Elettrice Palatina Anna Maria de’ Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-17.30. April 8.15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • Museo delle Porcellane Collections of porcelain from reigning royal families. Collezioni di porcellane delle case regnanti. Palazzina del Cavaliere, Boboli Gardens, Piazza Pitti, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - March 8.15-17.30. April 8.15-18.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.

Frescoes • cappella Brancacci The great cycle of frescoes of the Stories of St. Peter, masterpiece of Masaccio. Il grande ciclo di affreschi, con Storie di San Pietro, capolavoro di Masaccio. Piazza del Carmine - tel. 055.2768224 - Monday-Saturday 10-17 - Sundays 13-17. Closed on Tuesdays.



• Cappella dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli Built by Michelozzo, it contains the famous frescoes of the Cavalcade of the Magi towards Bethlehem (145960) by Benozzo Gozzoli. Costruita da Michelozzo, vi si trovano i famosi affreschi della Cavalcata dei Magi verso Betlemme (1459-60) di Benozzo Gozzoli. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour, 3 - tel. 055.2760340 - 9-18. Closed on Wednesdays. • Cenacolo di Santo Spirito e Fondazione Romano The ancient Refectory of the Convent of Santo Spirito hosts the Crucifixion and Last Supper by Andrea Orcagna. L’antico Cenacolo del convento di Santo Spirito ospita la Crocifissione e l’Ultima Cena di Andrea Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito, 29 - tel. 055.287043 - Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays 10-16. • Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto The ancient Vallombrosan refectory contains the famous fresco of the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto and other 15th and 16th century paintings. L’antico refettorio Vallombrosiano ospita il celebre affresco dell’Ultima Cena di Andrea del Sarto. Oltre a dipinti e sculture del ’400 e del ’500 nel museo. Via San Salvi, 16 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed Mondays.

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5. 1.


4. Piazza San Giovanni, Duomo e Battistero 5. Cappella dei Pazzi e Chiostri di Santa Croce

• Museum of San Marco The convent, cells, cloisters and Pilgrim’s Hospice with frescoes and paintings by Fra Angelico and school. Comprende il convento, le celle, i chiostri e l’Ospizio dei Pellegrini. Affreschi e dipinti del Beato Angelico e scuola. Piazza San Marco, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Friday 8.1513.50 - Saturday-Sunday 8.15-16.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month.

• Cupola del Brunelleschi The masterpiece of Brunelleschi. Frescoes of the Last Judgement by Federico Zuccari. Suggestive itinerary to the top of the dome with breathtaking views over the city. Il capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Affreschi del Giudizio Universale di Federico Zuccari. Suggestivo itinerario fin sulla cima della cupola con vista mozzafiato della città. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.00 - Saturdays 8.30-17.40pm. Closed Sundays.

Antique Art & Renaissance

• museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce The Basilica, with the Giotto frescoes, and the ancient convent with the Crucifix by Cimabue, destroyed in the flood of 1966. Works by Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. The Pazzi Chapel, masterpiece by Brunelleschi. Basilica e antico convento, con gli affreschi di Giotto, il Crocifisso di Cimabue, devastato dall’alluvione del 1966. Opere di Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. La Cappella dei Pazzi, capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Piazza Santa Croce, 16 - tel. 055.2466105 - 9.30-17.00 - Sundays and holidays 13.00-17.00.

• Battistero di San Giovanni Romanesque temple dedicated to St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the city. Outside, the doors by Ghiberti. Tempio romanico dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, patrono della città. All’esterno le famose porte del Ghiberti. Piazza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 11.15-19.00 Sundays, 1st Saturday of month, holidays 8.30-14.00. • casa Buonarroti Michelangelo built this house for himself and his relations, but never actually lived here. Drawings, paintings, sculpture. La casa che Michelangelo costruì per sé e la famiglia, anche se egli non la abitò mai. Disegni, dipinti, sculture. Via Ghibellina, 70 - tel. 055.241752 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays.

• Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Masterpieces from Cathedral, Baptistery and Belltower. Sculpture, models, and objects in gold and silver. Capolavori dal Duomo, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Scultura, modelli, oreficeria, messali rari. Piazza del Duomo, 9 - tel. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 Sundays 9.00-13.45.


itinerary | museums

1. Chiostri di Santa Maria Novella 2. Casa di Dante 3. Museo Stibbert

2. 1.

• museo fondazione Horne House of the erudite collector of art, Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916). Paintings, sculpture and furniture. Casa di Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916), erudito e collezionista d’arte. Dipinti, sculture, mobili. Via de’Benci, 6 - tel. 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00. Closed Sundays and holidays. • chiostri di Santa Maria Novella The Green Cloisters, with frescoes by Paolo Uccello, the Spanish Chapel, the Cloisters of the Dead. Chiostri con affreschi di Paolo Uccello, Orcagna ed altri, il Cappellone degli Spagnoli, il Chiostro dei Morti. Piazza S. Maria Novella - tel. 055.282187 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 10.00-16.00. • Museo Stibbert Frederick Stibbert collections (1838-1906). Armour, sculpture, paintings, furniture, costumes, drawings, tapestries. Collezioni del collezionista anglo-fiorentino Federico Stibbert (1838-1906). Armi e armature, sculture, pitture, arredi, costumi, disegni, arazzi dal medioevo fino ai paesi orentali. Via Stibbert, 26 - tel. 055.475520 - Monday-Wednesday 10.00-14.00 - Fridays-Sunday 10.00-18.00. Closed Thursdays.



• Museo stefano Bardini The Collection of Stefano Bardini the most importante Italian antiquarian of the past century. Art from the Romans to the 18th century La Collezione Stefano Bardini, il più autorevole antiquario italiano dello scorso secolo. Dall’epoca romana fino al '700. Via dei Renai, 37 - tel. 055 2342427 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 11.00-17.00.

Modern Art • museo Marino Marini The former Church of San Pancrazio hosts sculpture, paintings, by sculptor Marino Marini (1901-1980). L’ex chiesa di San Pancrazio ospita sculture, dipinti, disegni ed incisioni di Marino Marini (1901-1980). Piazza San Pancrazio - tel. 055.219432 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays, and Sundays & holidays.

Monumental Apartments • casa museo di Dante Built in the early 20th century on what was then thought to be the site of the Alighieri houses. Costruita all’inizio del 900 nel luogo ove si pensava abitassero gli Alighieri. Via S. Margherita, 1r - tel. 055.219416 - March 10-17. April 10-18.

itinerary | museums


1. Inlay work at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure


2. Certosa del Galluzzo 3. Campanile di Giotto

• museo di Palazzo Davanzati Ancient Florentine house recently restored with furnishings of the middle age. Antica dimora trecentesca recentemente restaurata. Mobili dell’epoca. Via Porta Rossa, 13 - tel. 055. 2388610 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month.

Crafts, design, fashion • Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure “Art and nature” could be the motto of this singular museum, dedicated to creations in hard stones where artistic refinement competes with the splendour of the materials. “Arte e natura” potrebbe essere il motto di questo singolare museo, dedicato a creazioni di pietre dure dove la finezza artistica fa a gara con lo splendore dei materiali. Via degli Alfani, 78 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Saturday 8.15-14.00. Closed Sundays. • museo Salvatore Ferragamo The history of footwear. Designs, patents, photos and 10000 examples of shoes created by Ferragamo. La storia della calzatura. Disegni, brevetti, foto, 10000 esemplari di scarpe create da Ferragamo. Palazzo Spini Feroni - Via Tornabuoni, 2 - tel. 055.3360456 - 10.00-18.00. Closed Tuesdays.


Monuments • campanile di Giotto Famous belltower, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture by Giotto, built between 1334 and 1359. Celebre torre campanaria, capolavoro di architettura gotica di Giotto, edificato fra 1334 e il 1359. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.30. 6th January: 8.30-14.00. • Certosa of Galluzzo Monastic complex founded in the 14th century. the picture-gallery include frescoes by Pontormo, works by Perugino and Ghirlandaio. Complesso monastico trecentesco. La pinacoteca comprende opere del Pontormo, del Perugino e del Ghirlandaio Via Senese 206-208, Galluzzo - tel. 055.2049226 - guided visits every hour 9.00-11.00 - 15.00-16.00. Sundays 15.00-16.00. Closed Mondays. • Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico Built in the Moorish manner by the architects Micheli, Falcini and Treves between 1874 and 1882. The museum covers the most important moments in the history of the Jews in Florence. Edificio in stile moresco costruito dagli architetti Micheli, Falcini e Treves tra il 1874 e il 1882. Il museo ripercorre i momenti più importanti della storia degli ebrei a Firenze. La sua cupola verde è celebre nel panorama cittadino. Via Farini, 6 - tel. 055.2346654 - 10.00-17.00. Fridays 10.00-15.00. Closed Saturdays.


itinerary | museums

1. Wax Model Museo La Specola 2. Old Map of Florence Museo Firenze Com'era 3. Armillary sphere


Museo Galileo




Education & Science • Museo Galileo Collection of scientific instruments and equipment that belonged to the Medici and Lorraine families. Collezioni di strumenti e apparecchi scientifici, appartenenti alle famiglie dei Medici e dei Lorena. Piazza Giudici, 1 - tel. 055.265311 - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30-18.00 - Tuesday, Saturday 9.30-13.00. • Department of Musical Instruments The collection comprises instruments, dating from the late 17th to early 19th centuries, formerly belonging to members of the Medici and Lorraine families, which later passed to the Cherubini Conservatory. Il Museo espone strumenti musicali provenienti dalle collezioni dei granduchi di Toscana, Medici e Lorena, raccolti tra il XVII e il XIX secolo e passati successivamente al Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Orto Botanico “Giardino dei Semplici” Important Botanical Gardens dating from 1545. The museum contains 16th century herbariums and paintings. Fondato nel 1545, è il più importante Orto Botanico d’Italia. Contiene erbari storici dal XVI secolo e dipinti. Via Micheli, 3 - tel. 055.2757402 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.



• Museo Zoologico La Specola Founded by the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine, it is the oldest scientific museum in Europe. It owns the largest collection of anatomical wax models in the world. Fondato dal Granduca Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena, è il più antico museo scientifico d’Europa. Possiede la più grande collezione al mondo di cere anatomiche settecentesche. Via Romana, 17 - tel. 055.2288251 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.

Guided Tours • CAF TOUR & TRAVEL Tours and excursions Walking Tours of Florence, regular guided tours of the Uffizi and Academy Galleries, Outlet shopping tour Gucci and Prada, Cooking Courses and other activities of interest. Excursions to Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venice, Rome and many more. Tour di Firenze, visite guidate regolari ad Uffizi ed Accademia, tour guidati a piedi, Outlet shopping tour Gucci e Prada, Corsi di cucina ed altre interessanti attività. Escursioni a: Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venezia, Roma e in molte altre destinazioni. Via degli Alfani, 151r - 50121, Florence tel. 055 283200/210612 - tours@caftours.com PERSONalised tours: 055 2302283 incoming@caftours.com - www.caftours.com

itinerary | churches

2. 1. Santa Croce 2. San Lorenzo 3. Santa Maria Novella


Monumental Churches • Duomo Piazza S. Giovanni. Gothic, started by Arnolfo di Cambio (1296). Dome (Brunelleschi), works by A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia and others. Piazza S. Giovanni. Iniziato da Arnolfo di Cambio (1296), gotico, cupola (Brunelleschi), opere di A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia ed altri. 10-17 - Thursdays 10-15.30 - holidays 13.30-16.45. • Battistero di San Giovanni Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanesque, bronze doors by A. Pisano and L. Ghiberti, mosaics in cupola.es. Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanico, porte bronzee di A. Pisano e L. Ghiberti, mosaici della cupola. 12-19 - holidays 8.30-14. • Basilica di San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanesque building altered by Brunelleschi; Pulpits by Donatello, Old Sacristy, cloisters. Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanico rimaneggiato dal Brunelleschi; Pulpiti di Donatello, Sagrestia Vecchia, chiostro. 10-17 - closed holidays. • Basilica di Santa Maria Novella Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gothic, started in 1246, completed in 1360. Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gotico, iniziata nel 1246, terminata nel 1360. 9.30-17 - Fridays and holidays 13-17.


4. San Miniato al Monte 5. San Marco


• Basilica di Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce. Gothic, built in 1294, attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio; Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano; frescoes in Bardi and Peruzzi Chapels (Giotto); Annunciation (Donatello); Pazzi Chapel (Brunelleschi). Piazza S. Croce. Costruita nel 1294, attribuita ad Arnolfo di Cambio, gotico; Pulpito di Benedetto da Maiano; Cappelle Bardi e Peruzzi affrescate da Giotto; Annunciazione (Donatello); Cappella dei Pazzi (Brunelleschi). 9.30-17.30 - holidays 13-17.30. • Chiesa di Orsanmichele Via dei Calzaiuoli. Reconstructed (1337) by F. Talenti and others, Tabernacles of Patrons of the Guilds (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello and others), Tabernacle (Orcagna). Via dei Calzaiuoli. Ricostruita (1337) da F. Talenti e altri, Tabernacoli dei Patroni delle Arti (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello ed altri), Tabernacolo (Orcagna). 9-12 - 16-18. • Chiesa di Santa Trinita Piazza S. Trinita. Romanesque, facade by B. Buontalenti. Piazza S. Trinita. Romanico facciata di B. Buontalenti. 8-12 - 16-18 - holidays 16-18. • Chiesa di SS. Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata. Built in 1250, rebuilt by Michelozzo; Nativity of Mary (A. del Sarto), Holy Trinity (A. del Castagno). Piazza SS. Annunziata. Costruita nel 1250, rifatta da Michelozzo; Natività di Maria (A. del Sarto), SS. Trinità (A. del Castagno). 7.30-12.30 - 16-18.30.

itinerary | churches



• Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci. Florentine Romanesque, Chapel of the Crocifisso by Michelozzo, Stories of St. Benedict. Viale Galileo. Romanico fiorentino, Crocifisso del Michelozzo, Storie di S. Benedetto, Cappella di S. Jacopo. 8-19.30. • Chiesa di Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito. Gothic, rebuilt in 1444 by Brunelleschi; Bell tower (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibule, Sacresty, Last Supper of S. Spirito frescoed by Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito. Gotico, rifatta nel 1444 dal Brunelleschi; Campanile (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibolo, Sagrestia, Cenacolo di S. Spirito affrescato dall’Orcagna. . 8.30-12 - 16-18. Saturday 16-18. Closed Wed. • Chiesa di Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Rebuilt on a drawing by Pettirossi (first half of the XVII cent.); Last Supper by Ghirlandaio in the Refectory. Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Ricostruita Disegno del Pettirossi (prima metà del '600); Ultima Cena (Ghirlandaio) nel Refettorio. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday 9-12 • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine. The church hosts the famous Brancacci Chapel with frescoes by Masaccio, Masolino and eventually finished by Filippino Lippi. Piazza del Carmine. Ospita la famosa Cappella Brancacci affrescata da Masaccio e Masolino e successivamente portata a compimento da Filippino Lippi. 13-17. Holidays 10-17. Closed Tues.

• Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi Borgo Pinti, 58. Beautiful entrance cloister (14921505) by Giuliano da Sangallo. The Capitular Hall hosts the great Crucifixion fresco by Perugino. Borgo Pinti ,58. Splendido chiostro d'ingresso di Giuliano da San Gallo. La sala capitolare ospita l'affresco della Crocifissione del Perugino 10-12.30 e 15-17; Closed on Wednesdays • Chiesa di Santa Felicità Rebuilt in 1736 by F. Ruggeri; porch of Vasari, paintings by Pontormo. Piazza di Santa Felicità. Ricostruita nel 1736 da F. Ruggeri; portico del Vasari, dipinti del Pontormo. 9.30-12.30 e 15.30-17.30 • Basilica di San Marco Piazza San Marco. Expanded in 1437 by Michelozzo. Hosts a large crucifix by the school of Orcagna, the "Transfiguration" by Giovan Battista Paggi, the precious altar crucifix by Fra Angelico, Passignano and Giambologna's works and decorations of Alessandro Allori. Piazza San Marco. Ampliata nel 1437 dal Michelozzo, All’interno è presente il grande crocifisso della scuola dell’ Orcagna, la “Trasfigurazione” di Giovan Battista Paggi, sull’altare Maggiore il prezioso crocifisso del Beato Angelico, opere del Passignano e di Gianbologna e decorazioni di Alessandro Allori. 9.30-19 • Chiesa di SS. Apostoli Piazza del Limbo. Preromanique style. Piazza del Limbo. Stile Preromanico


The St. Regis Florence Massimo Parlanti Head Concierge Florence Complex THE ST. REGIS THE WESTIN EXCELSIOR introduces


The new The St. Regis Florence is situated in romantic Piazza Ognissanti, right in the heart of the city. Overlooking the Arno, the churches and bell towers of the city and with the Ponte Vecchio in the background, it is the perfect place to enjoy the countless attractions that Florence and Tuscany offer. Originally the Grand Hotel Florence, the hotel has been brought back to life again in all its splendour after a meticulous 10-month renovation, thus highlighting its heritage as a great architectural and historical building. Originally designed in 1432 by Filippo Brunelleschi, the Grand Hotel building became one of the first luxury hotels in Florence and is considered one of the finest examples of architectural and historical importance in the city. The hotel offers 81 elegantly furnished bedrooms and 19 suites, including the spectacular Bottega Veneta designer suite. All bedrooms and suites are identified by hand carved plaques decorated in gold leaf that reflect one of the three decor and colour themes – Medici, Florentine and Renaissance – each of which is distinguished by a design that is defined by exclusive custom-made furnishing elements - paintings, frescoes and crystal chandeliers – that create a sophisticated sense of relaxed opulence. Etichetta restaurant is housed in the hotel’s spectacular Winter Garden, beneath a stunning


glass roof dating from the early 20th century completed by an impressive hand blown chandelier of Murano glass. The outdoor terrace of the Library is an ideal meeting place for the rituals of the aperitif and also for observing the world go by along the Lungarni. The St. Regis Florence’s magnificent Ballroom on the mezzanine floor can be booked for special occasions or private functions, alternately, the 16th century Cantinetta, a wine cellar with vaulted brick ceilings, for more intimate and convivial environment if desired. The St. Regis Florence also features the traditions of the legendary Hotel St. Regis in New York by offering all the services provided by the brand name, among them an exclusive Butler service, as well as experience and personalised holiday programmes that can satisfy even the most demanding needs of its guests and international travellers. Trained according to the old English traditions, the butlers are discreet and omnipresent, provide personalised services and anticipate the needs of the guests, according to their tastes and requirements.


Санкт-Реджис Флоренция Расположенный в центре нового города Санкт-Реджис Флоренция является идеальным местом, чтобы насладиться достопримечательностями Флоренции. После тщательной реконструкции в течение 10 месяцев, отель возрождается во всем своем великолепии и блеске наследия великих архитектурных и исторических зданий. Отель имеет 81 элегантно обставленных номеров и 19 люксов, в том числе спроектированных дизайнером дома моды Bottega Veneta. Каждый номер имеет свое собственное лицо из за уникальной мебели сделанной на заказ и картин, фресок и хрустальных люстр, которые создают сложные чувства расслабленной роскоши. Санкт Реджис Флоренция предлагает услуги известных брендов, в том числе эксклюзивные услуги дворецкого, программы разработаны на основе большого опыта и специально для удовлетворения высоких требований гостей и иностранных туристов.

The St. Regis Florence Piazza Ognissanti, 1 Tel. +39.055.27161 www.stregis.com/florence

Hotels in Florence

= Concierge “Chiavi d’Oro - Golden Keys”

 FOUR SEASONS FIRENZE  tel. 055.26261 - Borgo Pinti, 99 grand hotel villa cora tel. 055.228790 - Viale Machiavelli, 18 Helvetia & Bristol tel. 055.26651 - Via dei Pescioni, 2 il salviatino tel. 055.0150201 - Via Salviatino, 21 Montebello Splendid  tel. 055.27471 - Via Garibaldi, 14 Regency tel. 055.245247 - Piazza M. D’Azeglio, 3 Relais Santa Croce tel. 055.2342230 - Via Ghibellina, 87 Savoy tel. 055.27351 - Piazza della Repubblica, 7 the St. Regis Florence  tel. 055.27161 - Piazza Ognissanti, 1 the Westin Excelsior  tel. 055.27151 - Piazza Ognissanti, 3 Villa La Massa tel. 055.6261 - Candeli - Bagno a Ripoli Villa La Vedetta tel. 055.681631 - Viale Michelangelo, 78 Villa Medici tel. 055.2381331 - Via Il Prato, 42 Villa Olmi Resort tel. 055.637710 - Via degli Olmi 4/8 Bagno a Ripoli Villa San Michele  tel. 055.5678200 - Via Doccia, 4 - Fiesole

1. 1.

 Adler Cavalieri tel. 055.277810 - Via della Scala, 40 Adriatico tel. 055.2381781 - Via Maso Finiguerra, 9 Albani tel. 055.26031 - Via Fiume, 12 Albergotto tel. 055.2396464 - Via Tornabuoni, 13 Alexander tel. 055.4378951 - Viale Guidoni, 101 Anglo-American Hotel Regina tel. 055.282114 - Via Garibaldi, 9 Aprile palazzo del borgo tel. 055.216237 - Via della Scala, 6 Athenaeum tel. 055.522688 - Via Cavour, 86 Baglioni tel. 055.23580 - Piazza Unità Italiana, 6 Berchielli tel. 055.264061 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 14 Bernini palace tel. 055.288621 - Piazza S. Firenze, 29 boscolo Astoria tel. 055.2398095 - Via del Giglio, 9 Brunelleschi tel. 055.27370 - Piazza S. Elizabetta Calzaiuoli tel. 055.212456- Via Calzaiuoli, 6 Cavour tel. 055.266271- Via del Proconsolo, 3

2. 2.

1. Montebello Splendid 2. The Westin Excelsior 3. Villa San Michele 4. Four Seasons 5. St. Regis





Continentale contemporary tel. 055.27262 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 2 Croce di Malta tel. 055.282600 - Via della Scala, 7 De la Ville tel. 055.2381806 - Piazza Antinori, 1 De Rose tel. 055.2396818 - Via Solferino, 5 Degli Orafi tel. 055.26622 - Lungarno Archibusieri, 4, Della Signoria tel. 055.214530 - Via delle Terme, 1 Diana Park tel. 055.575788 - Via G.Pascoli,10 Executive tel. 055.217451 - Via Curtatone, 5 Fenice Palace tel. 055.289942 - Via dei Martelli, 10 Gallery Hotel Art tel. 055.27263 - Vicolo dell’Oro, 5 Grand Hotel Minerva tel. 055.27230 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 16 Hilton Garden Inn Florence Novoli tel. 055.42401 - Via Sandro Pertini, 2/9 Holiday Inn tel. 055.6531841 - Viale Europa, 205 J and J tel. 055.26312 - Via di Mezzo, 20 J.K. Place tel. 055.2645181 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 7 Jolly Carlton tel. 055.2770 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4a

Kraft tel. 055.284273 - Via Solferino, 2 Laurus tel. 055.2381752 - Via dei Cerretani, 8 Londra tel. 055.2382791 - Via Jacopo da Diacceto, 18/20 Lorenzo Il Magnifico tel. 055.4630878 - Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico, 25 Lungarno tel. 055.27261 - Borgo S. Jacopo, 14 Lungarno Suite tel. 055.27268000 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 4 Mediterraneo tel. 055.660241 - Lungarno del Tempio, 44 Michelangelo starhotels tel. 055.2784 - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 2 Monna Lisa tel. 055.2479751 - Borgo Pinti, 27 nH Porta rossa tel. 055.2710911 - Via Porta Rossa 19 nilhotel tel. 055.795540 - Via Barsanti 27 Park Palace tel. 055.222431 - Piazzale Galileo, 5 Pierre tel. 055.216218 - Via Lamberti, 5 Plaza & Lucchesi tel. 055.26236 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 38 President tel. 055.587603 - Via della Piazzola, 36 bis Principe tel. 055.284848 - Lungarno Vespucci, 34


degli HOTEL    ORAFI Right next to the Uffizi Gallery and overlooking the Ponte Vecchio, this Hotel became famous after James Ivory's film "Room with View" in 1985. It has 42 bedrooms and a Roof Garden Bar offering views of the Cathedral and Palazzo Vecchio

Lungarno Archibusieri, 4 - tel. 055.26622 www.hoteldegliorafi.it


Residence Florence tel. 055.7310147 - Via della Pace Mondiale - Scandicci Ritz tel. 055.2340650 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 24 Rivoli tel. 055.282853 - Via della Scala, 33 Roma tel. 055.210366 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 8 San Gallo Palace tel. 055.463871 - Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 2 Santa Maria Novella tel. 055.271840 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 1 Sofitel tel. 055.2381301 - Via dei Cerretani, 10 Strozzi Palace tel. 055.283898 - Via de Vecchietti, 4 UNA hotel - palazzo mannaioni tel. 0571.69277 - Via Marconi, 2 Montaione UNA Poggio dei Medici tel. 055.84350 - Via S. Gavino, 27 Scarperia Una vittoria tel. 055.22771 - Via Pisana, 59 Villa Belvedere tel. 055.222501 - Via Castelli, 3 Villa Carlotta tel. 055.2336134 - Via M. di Lando, 3 Villa Stanley tel. 055.446121 - Viale XX Settembre, 200 Sesto F.no


 Balestri tel. 055.214743 - Piazza Mentana, 7 Benivieni tel. 055.2382133 - Via delle Oche, 5 Boccaccio tel. 055.282776 - Via della Scala, 59 Domus Florentiae tel. 055 2654645 - Via degli Avelli 2 Le Due Fontane tel. 055.210185 - Piazza SS. Annunziata, 14 Machiavelli palace tel. 055.216622 - Via Nazionale, 10 Paris tel. 055.280281- Via dei Banchi, 2 Pitti Palace tel. 055.2398711 - Borgo San Jacopo, 3r Privilege tel. 055.2478220 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 26 Tornabuoni Beacci tel. 055.212645 - Via Tornabuoni, 3 HISTORIC RESIDENCES & RESORTS Antica Torre di Via Tornabuoni 1 tel. 055.2658161 - Via Tornabuoni, 1 in piazza della signoria tel. 055.2399546 - Via Magazzini, 2 palazzo magnani feroni tel. 055.2399544 - Borgo San Frediano, 5 Residence Centanni tel. 055.630122 - Via di Centanni, 8 Bagno a Ripoli Firenze

gourmet | restaurants

Restaurants in Florence

(Between the brackets)= days of closure

• Boccanegra (Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 124r - 055.2001098 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine, Wine Bar & Pizzeria • Buca Mario (Always open for dinner) Piazza Ottaviani, 16r - 055.214179 Characteristic Interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Cammillo (Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Borgo San Jacopo, 57r - 055.212427 Classic interior. Tuscan & fish Cuisine • Cantinetta Antinori (Saturdays and Sundays) Piazza Antinori, 3 - 055.292234 Classic interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Capriccio Hotel Montebello Splendid (Always open) Via Garibaldi, 14 - 055.27471 Elegant interior. Tuscan & International Cuisine • Circus (Always open) P.zza della Signoria, 34r - 055.294553 Informal interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Coco Lezzone (Sundays & dinnertime Tuesdays) Via del Parioncino, 26r - 055.287178 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine

• Enoteca Pinchiorri (Mondays & Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 87 - 055.242777 Elegant interior. Creative Tuscan haute Cuisine • Fellini (Closed on Mondays - Open only for dinner) Via Ghibellina, 134r - 055.2478898 Elegant interior. Fish specialities • Harry's bar (Always open) Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - 055.2396700 Classic interior. International Cuisine • Hard rock cafe (Always open) Via Brunelleschi, 1 - 055.2670499 Authentic American Cuisine in Rock n Roll environment • Hostaria Bibendum Hotel Helvetia & Bristol (Always Open) Via dei Pescioni, 2 - 055.26651 Elegant environment. Mediterranean Cuisine • il bargello (Always Open) Piazza Signoria, 4r - 055.214071 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • il cabreo (Tuesdays) Via Guicciardini, 27r - 055.210003 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine


gourmet | restaurants

• il palagio hotel Four Seasons (Always open) Borgo Pinti, 99 - 055.2626450 Elegant interior. Italian haute Cuisine • Le Antiche Carrozze (Always open) Piazza S. Trinita - Borgo SS. Apostoli - 055.2658156 Trattoria & Pizzeria - Typical cuisine • Le fonticine (March: Sundays - April: always open) Via Nazionale, 79r - 055.282106 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Natalino (Mondays) Borgo degli Albizi, 17r - 055.289404 Informal interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • osteria santo spirito (Always open) Piazza Santo Spirito, 16r - 055.2382383 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • riva d'arno wine bar (Always open) Lungarno Soderini, 7r - 055.280223 Informal interior. International Cuisine • sabatini (Mondays) Via Panzani, 9a - 055.282802 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine


• Se•STO on arno the Westin excelsior (Always open) Piazza Ognissanti, 3 - 055.27152783 Elegant interior. Mediterranean Cuisine. • Trattoria 4 Leoni (Always Open) Piazza della Passera - 055.218562 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Antico Fattore (Sundays) Via Lambertesca, 1/3r - 055.288975 Characteristic interior . Traditional Tuscan cuisine • Trattoria omero (Always open) Via Pian dei Giullari, 47 - 055.220053 Classic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Sostanza - Troia (March: Saturdays & Sundays - April: Sundays) Via del Porcellana, 25r - 055.212691 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine • Vivanda (Always open) Via Santa Monaca, 7r - 055.2381208 Restaurant & wine bar. Slow food & natural wines. • zibibbo (Sundays & lunchtime Saturdays) Via di Terzollina, 3r - 055.433383 Classic environment. Tuscan creative Cuisine

Santa Maria Novella

1 Buca Mario 055.214179 2 Capriccio 055.27471 3 harry's bar 055.2396700 4 le fonticine 055.282106 5 Sabatini 055.282802 6 SE•STo on arno 055.27152783 7 trattoria sostanza - troia 055.212691



2 5

7 1 1 5

6 3 3


1 4 2


1 Cammillo 2 il cabreo 3 riva d'arno wine bar 4 Trattoria 4 Leoni

055.212427 055.210003 055.280223 055.218562


Duomo / Signoria 1 Cantinetta antinori 2 circus 3 Coco Lezzone 4 hard rock cafe 5 hostaria bibendum 6 il bargello 7 il palagio

055.292234 055.294553 055.287178 055.2670499 055.2665620 055.214071 055.2626450

2 2


1 3


Santa Croce 1 Boccanegra 2 Fellini 3 enoteca pinchiorri

055.2001098 055.2478898 055.242777

trattoria omero

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria 4 Leoni

Трактир 4 львов находится на площади делла Пассера рядом с Дворцом Питти и окунает вас в обстановку исконно тосканского стиля, простого но рафинированного. Хозяин, Стефано ди Пуччио, известен в городе как игрок в «Исторический Флорентийский Футбол» и благодаря высококачественной кухне, которая предлагает традиционные блюда тосканы, такие как курица в кляре, кролик с овощами, незабываемые бифштексы и знаменитый Пепозо из Импруньеты ( пиккантное жаркое). Все дессерты сделаны на кухне ресторана, вина можно дегустировать бокалами. В летнее время можно поесть на открытом воздухе.


A corner of ancient Florence can be found between the Ponte Vecchio and the Pitti Palace that is full of craft workshops and beloved by artists and intellectuals. The Trattoria 4 Leoni, situated in Piazza della Passera, offers the sort of welcome that we would expect to find in the homes of old friends. The furnishings are in the typical Tuscan traditions, plain yet refined, with straw-bottomed chairs and marble-topped tables. Mine host Stefano Di Puccio is held in high esteem in the city for his sporting history as a player in the “Historic Florentine Football Matches”, but also for the genuine hospitality that can be found in his restaurant and for quality of his cooking. Platters in the true Tuscan tradition emerge from the kitchen, from the mythical Huge Fry-Up (fried chicken, rabbit and vegetables) and the steaks, always excellent, to the famous Impruneta Peposo (peppery stew) or the delicious 4 Leoni Salad; all of them dishes for gourmets! We must not forget to mention the desserts, all homemade, like the pear and chocolate cake, the apple tart or the cheese cake; or else there are the popular Prato Cantuccini (almond biscuits) to dip in the Holy Wine. The wines are all of excellent quality and can also be ordered by the glass. Outside dining under a white marquee and surrounded by pots of sweet-melling bay trees is possible in the summer months. The quality of the cooking, the care taken over details and service, together with the simple and genuine atmosphere, make the 4 Leoni a symbolic nightspot for all the Florentines and ... Piazza della Passera in the Spring is a really wonderful sight. Piazza della Passera Tel. 055.218562 www.4leoni.com

Fresh Pasta and Grilled Meat Specialities An unforgettable stop along the Florentine traditional gastronomic route, a recently renovated historic restaurant that boasts a warm and welcoming atmosphere. From the entrance hall, with a showcase dedicated to fresh homemade pasta and vegetables in season, you can glimpse the kitchen and the chefs at work. Walking through a room, with a view on the cellar, you get in the large dining room, decorated with a collection of paintings and ceramic plates, and finally find two rooms for private dinners. The traditional Tuscan cuisine focuses in particular on the quality of the strictly seasonal raw materials. The handmade fresh pasta, the grilled meat cooked on a charcoal grill and the delicious homemade desserts are the highpoints of the restaurant. On weekends, the menu is enriched with a wide selection of fresh fish together with one of specialities of the house: CrĂŞpes Suzette flambe cooked directly in the dining room.

March: Open 12-14.30 & 18-22.30 Closed on Sundays April: Always Open 12-22.30

via nazionale, 79r - tel. 055.282106 - www.lefonticine.com

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria Omero

Трактир Omero Трактир Omero является одним из исторических флорентийских ресторанов. Расположенный на холме, всего в пяти минутах от центра города , благодаря его дружественной и спокойной обстановке, трактир стал незаменимым местом встречи для тех, кто умеет наслаждаться жизнью. Его успех связан с качеством приготовления пищи, трактир предлагает традиционные тосканские блюда из сезонных продуктов , приготовленные с мудростью и страстью. Два больших столовых зала в традиционной стилистике с элементами элегантной моды, с большим окном на Флоренцию, придают ресторану особый свет ... летними вечерами можно пообедать на террасе и насладиться восхитительным видом на холмы. Винный погреб содержит свыше 300 отборных вин: классические итальянские и международные вина, и все знаменитые тосканские этикетки. Время, кажется, остановилось в Omero... оригинальный вкус и простота - вот его отличительные черты.


Trattoria Omero is one of the historic sites in Florentine catering. Its ideal position on the hill only five minutes from the city centre and its friendly and peaceful environment make it a meeting point for personalities of culture and the cinema. Its success is due to the quality of the cooking that offers traditional Tuscan dishes prepared with seasonal ingredients and cooked with wisdom and passion. The two large dining rooms are furnished in a traditional but elegant fashion with a large picture window over Florence that gives the restaurant a very special light... and on summer evenings it is possible to dine on the splendid terrace and enjoy an enchanting view over the hills. Trattoria Omero is a unique opportunity to enjoy moments of true pleasure at the table and enjoy excellently cooked but simple dishes. The menu follows the rhythm of the seasons, while the dishes are prepared using selected fresh produce of top quality and include fresh home made pasta, pappardelle with hare ragout, grilled meats, fried platters, Florentine steaks, specialities based on game, desserts, which are always home made, and many other delicacies. The Cantina houses over 300 selected wines: classic Italian and international wines and all the fines Tuscan labels. The service is attentive, friendly and never intrusive. Time seems to have stood still at Omero’s as, although the restaurant has stood here for decades, it still manages to keep its reputation and perhaps this is why its customers get attached to it and come back again and again, because they know they will always find original flavours and simplicity. Always open for lunch and dinner, gastronomy shop open 9.00-23.00. Via Pian dei Giullari 47 - Arcetri - Florence Tel +39.055.220053 - Fax +39.055.2336183 www.ristoranteomero.it

Trattoria Cammillo C u c i n a toscana e d i n t er n azionale • Tu s c an and i n t e r n ational c u i sine Borgo S. Jacopo 57r - Firenze Tel. (055) 212427 Fax (055) 212963 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays

gourmet | restaurants


Ресторан Circus Это ресторан, который был создан, чтобы предложить своим клиентам полный спектр услуг. С самого раннего утра (открывается в 7.30) Вам предложат классический завтрак. Вы также можете отдохнуть за аперитивом, наслаждаясь видом на площадь Синьории, мы советуем вам попросить перечень закусок, который действительно удивляет своим необычным содержанием и широким выбором оригинальных мохито, отобранных нашими кубинскими барменами. Пицца, которую мы предлагаем, сделана по методу длительной левитации и испечена в специальной печи на настоящих дровах.Если же если вы больше заинтересованы в традиционной кухне в итальянском стиле, просто загляните в наше меню. Наши стейки из особого мяса Кьянина (знаменитый флорентийский бифштекс), которое было тщательным образом отобрано для наших клиентов, определенно стоит попробовать.


Circus is a restaurant that was created to offer its customers a complete service and in fact opens at 7.30 in the morning with classical breakfasts composed of hot leavened bread or our own home produced cakes with a cappuccino, or else full Continental breakfasts. If on the other hand you want to relax over an aperitif, while enjoying a view over Piazza Signoria, we advise you to ask for the list of appetizers, which is really surprising for its unusual contents and wide choice of original mojitos, selected by our Cuban barman. Thanks to our wood oven, we also offer a wide choice of excellent long-leavened pizzas to suit all tastes, from classical pizzas to the revisited recipes created by our pizza bakers, with carefully selected quality-based toppings as we like to make sure that our clients are always served with the finest products. Lastly, if you are more interested in dining Italian style, we advise you to try the restaurant menu, which includes carefully studied platters that can satisfy the most exacting taste buds. Our Chianina steaks are definitely worth trying, carefully selected and served in the traditional way, thus making your lunch or dinner quite unforgettable. The wine list offers a wide choice of labels as they have all been selected by the owner, who worked for years with the wineries in this area and elsewhere. The bread and schiacchiata, like most of the prime materials, are freshly prepared every day in our kitchens to ensure that you can enjoy unique and unmistakeable flavours every time you come here. Piazza della Signoria, 34r - Tel. 055.294553

gourmet | restaurants

Harry's Bar

With its unique style, Harry's Bar is one of the most popular restaurants in the world charming its guests since 1952. The impeccable service and excellent quality of the cuisine allows you to taste the original Harry's beef carpaccio, the taglierini au gratin with parmesan cheese and ham or curried shrimps. The private rooms are perfect for banquets, dinners and lunches and there is a smoking room. American Bar guests can relax with a Bellini cocktail - the house specialty - or a good cup of coffee. The beautiful outdoor terrace overlooking the River Arno with the Ponte Vecchio in the background, offers the most beautiful sunset in the city. These are the distinctive elements of Harry's Bar a meeting place for writers, politicians, businessmen and celebrities, who find here an ideal mix to appreciate the charm of Tuscany through its food and wine best.

Riva d'Arno Wine Bar

Riva D'Arno is a pleasant wine bar not to be missed. It is located at the Ponte Carraia, overlooking the Lungarno Corsini and Vespucci. The wine bar offers specialties: oysters, tripe monkfish, cuttlefish eggs with ginger, black squid, sardines in damp, Icelandic cod, marinated beef, mille feuille of foie gras and duck tongue, duck terrine with pistachios , leg of duck, cheeses and other specialties of the season yet. The wines are selected and high drinkability. The wine bar offers regular exhibitions of works by contemporary artists of interest. It 's open daily from 11.30 to 23.30 for the appetizer, lunch and dinner. On Sundays from 12.00 to 15.30

Благодаря своему уникальному стилю, Бар Гарри является одним из самых популярных ресторанов в мире, очаровывая своих гостей с 1952 года. Безупречный сервис и превосходное качество кухни позволяет вам оценить фирменные карпаччо из говядины, тальерина запеченные с сыром пармезан и ветчиной или креветки карри.

Рива Д'Арно это приятный винный бар, который никак нельзя пропустить. Этот винный бар предлагает свои типичные лакомства: устрицы, печень морского ангела, слойку с фуа-гра и утиным языком, утиную ножку, сыры и прочие деликатесы по сезону. Винный бар предлагает постоянно в своих стенах выставки современных художников, вызывающих интерес. Он открыт каждый день с 11.30 по 23.30 для аперитивов, обедов и ужинов. В воскресение с 12.00 по 15.30

Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - Tel. 055.2396700 www.harrysbarfirenze.it

Lungarno Soderini, 7r - Tel. 055.280223 www.rivadarnowinebar.it


Piazza della Signoria 4/r Tel. e Fax 055.214071 www.ilbargello.it - info@ilbargello.it

Come for a typical Florentine meal Originally the ancient “Locanda del Buco� XIII-XIV cent. Always open for Lunch & Dinner

useful info

Tourist Information APT Tourist Information Via Cavour, 1r - tel. 055.290832 / 23320 A.C.I. - Road Service 116 Emergency Ambulance Service 118 Carabinieri Emergency Calls 112 Tourist Aid Police 055.203911 Railway Police 055.212296 Town Police 055.32831 Police Emergency Calls 113 / 055.318000 Road Police 055.577777 -116 Civil Protection 055.410047 / 167.015161 Police Headquarters & Stolen Car Service 055.49771 Fire Station 115 / 055.241841 Urban Police (Station) 055.212290 Urban Police (Emergency Calls) 055.36911 Urban Police (Palazzo Vecchio) 055.284926 Aeroporto A. Vespucci - Peretola www.safnet.it - 055.373498 Aeroporto G. Galilei - Pisa www.pisa-airport.com - 050.500707 ATAF - Bus Info 055.5650222 Lazzi Bus Piazza Stazione 4 - 055.215154 Sita Bus Via S. Caterina da Siena 17r - 055.214721 CAP Bus L.go F.lli Alinari 10 - 055.214637 / 294205 Railway Station Luggage Service 055.212319 Railway Info www.fs-on-line.com147.888088 Radio Taxi 055.4242 / 4798 / 4390 Road Conditions www.autostrade.it - 06.4212 Mail Boxes Etc.#212 Via Della Scala, 13r - Tel. 055.268173 LOST PROPERTY Lost property can be claimed at the City Council Lost Property Office in Via Circondaria n. 19 tel. 055.3283942/43, including all property handed in at Police Headquarters (tel. 055.4977), Carabinieri (tel. 112) and Railway Police Offices (tel. 055.212296). Inquiries about property left in taxis should first be made at the Urban Police Offices and then at the City Council Offices. Tourist Medical Service English, German and French speaking doctors with 70 specialists - No need to book Piazza Duomo - tel. 055.212221 - Hours: 8am-8pm + Emergency Service


Consulates AUSTRIA Lungarno Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2654222 BANGLADESH Via Pellicceria 6 - tel 055.217500 BELGIO Via dei Servi 28 - tel 055.282094 BRASILE Piazza Pitti 5 - tel 055.222336 BULGARIA Via Pier Capponi 44 - tel 055.571055 BURKINA FASO Via Maggio 25 - tel 055.219571 CAMERUN Via Giacomini 25 - tel 055.5047149 CAPO VERDE Via Tornabuoni 4 - tel 055.216689 CILE Poggio Magherini 4, Fiesole - tel 055.597216 CINA Via Della Robbia 89 - tel 055.573889 COLOMBIA Via Santo Spirito 11 - tel 055.289468 COSTA D’AVORIO Via S. Spirito 9 rosso - tel 055.294837 COSTA RICA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 CROAZIA Via Mattonaia 13 - tel 055.2639272 DANIMARCA Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.211007 ECUADOR Via Trieste 67 - tel 055.473151 EL SALVADOR Via Condotta 12 - tel 055.292256 ESTONIA Via Lamarmora 55 - tel 055.588313 federazione russa Corso Italia 8 - tel 055.2608940 FILIPPINE Via Cosimo Ridolfi 2 - tel 055.4628848 FINLANDIA Via Senese 12 - tel 055.2280838 FRANCIA Piazza Ognissanti 2 - tel 055.2302556 GERMANIA Corso dei Tintori 3 - tel 055.2343543 GRAN BRETAGNA Lungarno Corsini 2 - tel 055.284133 GRECIA Via Cavour 38 - tel 055.2381482 GRENADA Via dello Studio 8 - tel 055.290394 LETTONIA Via Suor Maria Celeste 1 - tel 055.224597 LITUANIA Viale Belfiore 33 - tel 055.363045 LUSSEMBURGO Via Palestro 4 - tel 055.284232 MALTA Via Macchiavelli 29 - tel 055.261961 MESSICO Via Arte della Lana 4 - tel 055.217831 MONACO (PRINCIPATO) Lung. Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2670608 Nicaragua Via del Bobolino 5 - tel 055.2001731 NORVEGIA Via G. Capponi 26 - tel 055.2479321 PAESI BASSI Via Cavour 81 - tel 055.475249 PANAMA Via E. Meyer 19 - tel 055.473904 PERÙ Piazza S. Firenze 3 - tel 055.2608803 PORTOGALLO Via Bolognese 55 - tel 055.494787 REPUBBLICA CECA Via del Giglio 10 - tel 055.284454 REPUBBLICA DOMINICANA Via Marconi 30 - tel 055.5000777 ROMANIA Lungarno Vespucci 30 - tel 055.2645661 SAN MARINO Via Conti 3 - tel 055.210864 SERBIA Via La Pira 21 - tel 055.268358 SENEGAL Borgo S. Lorenzo 1 - tel 055.216999 SEYCHELLES Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466 SLOVACCHIA Lungarno del Tempio 54 - tel 055.579531 SLOVENIA Borgo Pinti 82 rosso - tel 055.242022 SPAGNA Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.212207 STATI UNITI D’AMERICA Lung. Vespucci 38 - tel 055.266951 SUD AFRICA Piazza de’ Salterelli 1 - tel 055.281863 SVEZIA Via Bonifacio Lupi 14 - tel 055.499536 SVIZZERA Piazzale Galileo 5 (Hotel Park Palace) - tel 055.222434 TUNISIA Piazza San Marco 12 - tel 055.215833 TURCHIA Via Dante da Castiglione 8 - tel 055.2335945 UCRAINA Piazza Alberti 16 - tel 055.677064 UNGHERIA Via Belgio 2 - tel 055.6531817 VENEZUELA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 YEMEN Via Maffia 10 - tel 055.2399328 ZAMBIA Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466

useful info

Aeroporto Galileo Galilei - Pisa Destinazione Partenze Arrivi Giorni To Depart. Arrivals Days

Volo Flight

Provenienza From

tel. 050.849300 - www.pisa-airport.com

Partenze Arrivi Giorni Depart. Arrivals Days

Alghero 11.30 12.35 FR 9926 1345 Alghero 10.05 11.05 FR 9927 Bari 15.30 16.50 FR 9783 246 Bari 17.15 18.40 FR 9784 Brindisi 20.20 21.55 FR 9778 1357 Brindisi 22.20 23.50 FR 9779 Cagliari 21.35 22.50 FR 9933 57 Cagliari 19.55 21.10 FR 9934 Palermo 11.05 12.30 FR 9994 135 Palermo 12.55 14.20 FR 9995 Roma Fium 06.55 07.55 AZ 1666 1234567 Roma Fium 09.50 10.50 AZ 1663 Roma Fium 11.25 12.25 AZ 1664 1234567 Roma Fium 17.40 18.40 AZ 1667 Roma Fium 19.15 20.10 AZ 1670 1234567 Roma Fium 21.30 22.30 AZ 1673 Trapani 11.05 12.30 FR 9986 246 Trapani 12.55 14.45 FR 9987 Amsterdam 15.35 17.50 HV 5424 1 Amsterdam 13.00 14.55 HV 5423 Amsterdam 09.25 11.40 HV 5424 3 Amsterdam 06.50 08.50 HV 5423 Barcellona 14.25 16.00 VY 6771 147 Barcellona 12.10 13.45 VY 6770 Barcellona Gir 16.40 17.40 FR 9249 47 Barcellona Gir 18.05 19.35 FR 9248 Barcellona Gir 08.35 10.05 FR 9249 15 Barcellona Gir 06.40 08.10 FR 9248 Barcellona Gir 21.05 22.35 FR 9249 6 Barcellona Gir 19.20 20.40 FR 9248 Berlino Scho 15.40 17.35 U2 4584 4 Berlino Scho 13.05 15.05 U2 4583 Bristol 14.05 15.25 U2 6190 2 Bristol 10.20 13.35 U2 6189 Bruxelles Char 12.35 14.30 FR 3746 123567 Bruxelles Char 10.20 12.05 FR 3745 Bucarest 13.10 16.15 W6 3158 246 Bucarest 11.25 12.40 W6 3157 Dublino 06.30 08.30 FR 9907 26 Dublino 08.55 12.40 FR 9908 Dusseldorf 10.50 12.45 FR 4063 7 Dusseldorf 08.40 10.25 FR 4064 Eindhoven 06.30 08.30 FR 9923 35 Eindhoven 08.55 10.40 FR 9924 Francoforte 13.00 14.40 FR 1235 357 Francoforte 11.00 12.35 FR 1234 Fuerteventura 14.50 18.10 FR 9422 4 Fuerteventura 18.45 23.55 FR 9423 Londra Gat 11.25 12.35 U2 5232 7 Londra Gat 07.35 10.45 U2 5231 Londra Gat 16.20 17.30 U2 5234 7 Londra Gat 12.35 15.45 U2 5233 Londra Gat 18.25 19.35 U2 5234 1 Londra Gat 14.40 17.50 U2 5233 Londra Gat 16.45 17.55 U2 5234 2 Londra Gat 13.00 16.10 U2 5233 Londra He 14.50 16.10 BA 601 1234567 Londra He 10.45 13.55 BA 600 Londra Sta 18.50 20.10 FR 587 1234567 Londra Sta 20.35 23.50 FR 586 Maastricht 16.40 18.20 FR 9353 37 Maastricht 14.35 16.15 FR 9354 Madrid 09.55 12.20 FR 9471 347 Madrid 12.55 15.15 FR 9472 Malta 20.00 21.45 FR 9992 6 Malta 22.10 23.55 FR 9993 Marrakesh 06.35 09.05 FR 8876 26 Marrakesh 09.30 14.00 FR 8877 Parigi Bea 19.05 20.55 FR 9976 246 Parigi Bea 21.20 23.00 FR 9977 Parigi Orly 14.20 16.00 U2 4208 12345 Parigi Orly 11.55 13.30 U2 4207 Parigi Orly 09.40 11.20 U2 4208 6 Parigi Orly 07.30 09.05 U2 4207 Siviglia 13.30 16.15 FR 9341 6 Siviglia 16.45 19.25 FR 9342 Stoccolma 06.30 09.25 FR 1637 7 Stoccolma 09.50 12.35 FR 1636 Tirana 11.25 13.00 AP 950 1357 Tirana 13.40 15.20 AP 951 Valencia 13.40 15.50 FR 9325 24 Valencia 16.25 18.25 FR 9326 Timetables are subject to changes without prior warning Gli orari possono essere soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso


Volo Flight 1345 246 1357 57 135 1234567 1234567 1234567 246 1 3 147 47 15 6 4 2 123567 246 26 7 35 357 4 7 7 1 2 1234567 1234567 37 347 6 26 246 12345 6 6 7 1357 24

useful info

Rail connections with Pisa Airport Firenze SMN Pisa Centr.

Pisa Centr.

6:08 7:32 7:38 7:00 8:28 8:32 8:38 9:28 10:28 10:38 10:28 11:28 11:38 11:00 11:28 12:26 12:38 12:28 13:28 13:38 13:00 13:28 14:28 14:38 14:28 15:28 15:38 15:00 15:28 16:28 16:38 16:28 17:28 17:38 17:00 17:28 18:28 18:38 19:00 19:49 20:01 19:28 20:28 20:38 20:38 22:25

Pisa Air. 7:43 8:00 8:43 10:43 11:43 12:00 12:43 13:43 14:00 14:43 15:43 16:00 16:43 17:43 18:00 18:43 20:06 20:43 22:07 1:03

Pisa Air.

Pisa Centr.

Pisa Cent. Firenze SMN

6:53 8:18 8:23 8:32 9:03 10:18 10:23 10:32 11:03 12:18 12:23 12:32 13:03 14:18 14:23 14:32 15:03 16:18 16:23 16:32 17:01 17:18 17:23 17:32 18:18 18:23 18:32 19:03 20:18 20:23 20:32 21:03 21:08 21:32 22:20

8:20 9:32 10:00 11:32 12:00 13:32 14:00 15:32 16:00 17:32 18:01 18:32 19:32 20:00 21:32 22:32 23:50

Principal Trains leaving Florence S.M.N FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE MILANO FIRENZE 06:50 08:30 16:04 17:30 07:00 08:45 8:30 07:38 09:05 16:38 18:05 08:00 09:45 9:30 08:38 10:05 17:04 18:30 09:00 10:45 10:15 09:04 10:30 18:04 19:30 10:00 11:45 10:30 09:38 11:05 18:38 20:05 11:00 12:45 11:30 10:04 11:30 19:04 20:30 12:00 13:45 12:15 10:38 12:05 19:38 21:05 13:00 14:45 12:30 11:04 12:30 20:38 22:05 14:00 15:45 13:30 11:38 11:38 21:04 22:30 15.00 16:45 14:30 12:04 13:30 21:09 00:45 16:00 17:45 15:30 12:38 14:05 21:38 23:05 17:00 18:45 16:30 13:04 14:30 18:00 19:45 17:30 13:38 15:05 19:00 20:45 18:15 14:04 15:30 20:00 21:45 19:30 14:38 16:05 21:00 22:45 20:30 15:04 16:30 21:15 23:50 21:30 15:38 17:05


VENEZIA 10:35 11:35 12:20 12:35 13:35 14:20 14:35 15:35 16:35 17:35 18:35 19:35 20:20 21:35 21:35 23:35

useful info

Florence - Siena: Coach Service FIRENZE - SIENA (express service) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,45 8,00 L 10,10 11,25 L 14,40 15,55 H3 17,20 18,35

L 7,00 8,15 F 10,10 11,25 F 15,10 16,25 L6 17,20 18,40

L 7,15 8,30 L 10,30 11,45 L 15,40 16,55 S 17,20 18,35

L 7,45 9,00 F 11,10 12,25 F 16,10 17,25 L 17,30 18,45

L 7,45 9,00 F 12,10 13,25 L6 16,30 17,5 L 18,10 19,25

S 8,10 9,25 F 13,10 14,25 L5 16,45 18,05 L 18,10 19,25

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 G 19,10 20,25

L 8,50 10,05 L4 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 F 20,15 21,30

F 9,10 10,25 F2 14,10 15,25 L 17,10 18,25

S 9,10 10,25 F1,6 14,10 15,3 S 17,10 18,25

F 6,40 7,55 L 10,10 11,25 L 16,10 17,25 F 18,20 19,35

L9 6,45 8,15 S 10,10 11,25 S 16,10 17,25 L 18,50 20,05

F 6,50 8,05 L 11,10 12,25 F 17,10 18,25 G 19,10 20,25

L 7,10 8,25 L 11,50 13,05 L 17,10 18,25 L 20,15 21,30

L6 7,10 8,25 F 12,10 13,25 H 17,40 18,55 H3 20,15 21,30

F 8,00 9,15 S 13,10 14,25 L 17,40 18,55 L 20,45 22,00

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,10 14,25 L7 17,40 19,00

H 9,10 10,25 H 14,10 15,25 H 17,20 18,35

SIENA - FIRENZE (express service) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

L 6,20 7,35 S 8,10 9,25 G 14,10 15,25 G 17,50 19,05

F 6,30 7,45 L 8,50 10,05 L 14,50 16,05 L 18,00 19,15

L10 6,40 8,09 F 9,10 10,25 L 15,10 16,25 H 18,10 19,25

FIRENZE - SIENA (direct service) -Via Poggibonsi - Colle Val d’Elsa FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,10 7,45 F 11,40 13,15 G 15,40 17,15

H 6,30 8,05 H 12,10 13,45 L 16,40 18,15

G 7,10 8,45 H 12,15 F 17,10 -

L 8,15 G 12,40 14,15 L 17,40 19,15

S3 8,15 L 13,40 15,15 SH 17,40 19,15

L 8,40 10,15 S 13,40 15,15 L 18,20 19,55

F 9,40 11,15 L2 14,10 SH 18,40 20,15

H 10,10 11,45 L 14,40 16,15 L 18,40 20,15

F 10,40 12,15 S 14,40 16,15 G 19,50 21,4

F 7,15 8,50 L 12,40 14,15 G 20,30 22,05

L 8,35 F 13,40 15,15

H 8,10 9,45 H 13,50 15,25

G8 21,15 22,5

SIENA - FIRENZE (direct service) - Via Colle Val d’Elsa - Poggibonsi SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

F 7,30 F 8,40 10,15 F 14,40 16,15

L 7,45 F 9,40 11,15 G 15,40 17,15

F 6,20 7,55 H 9,40 11,15 F 16,40 18,15

H 6,20 7,55 L 10,40 12,15 G 17,40 19,15

F1 6,30 8,05 H 10,40 12,15 F 18,40 20,15

L2 6,30 8,05 G 11,40 13,15 L 19,40 21,15

LEGENDA / KEY TO SYMBOLS L From Monday to Friday - F Weekdays - S Saturday - H Festive - G Daily (1) Runs from 15/6 to 13/9 - (2) Runs from 14/9 to 14/6 - (3) Runs July and August - (4) Departs from Florence (P.za Tanucci at 1:10 pm) - Via Panciatichi - (5) Departs from Florence (Piazza Tanucci - Via Peretola) - (6) Stops at Salceto from Monday to Friday - (7) Passed by Poggibonsi (Borgaccio) - (8) Departs from via Alamanni - (9) Terminates at Piazza Puccini via Peretola - (10) Terminates at Piazza Dalmazia at 8:15 am

Info: BUSITALIA coach station - tel. 055.47821 - Siena Ticket Office tel. 0577.204111 Numero Verde: 800.37.37.60 - www.trainspa.it


useful info

World War II Military Cemeteries American Military Cemetery About 5 miles south of Florence on the way to Siena, near Falciani. Open daily 9am-5pm. Closed on Christmas Day and NewYears Day. - tel. 055.2020020. British Commonwealth Cemetery Situated about 4 miles east of Florence on the Arezzo road (Girone). Open daily from 8am to 4.30pm. Castiglione - South African Cemetery Nearly thirty miles from Florence at Castiglione dei Pepoli, on the Prato-Bologna road towards the Bisenzio River Valley. The cemetery is situated on the left, 250 metres outside Castiglione. Always open. German Military Cemetery Near the village of Traversa at the Passo della Futa tel. 055.815248 - Hours: daily 8.00-12am - 2-6pm.

Sunday Masses

Please telephone for confirmation of times given San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo - tel. 055.216634 - 9.30, 11, 18 San Marco Piazza S. Marco - tel. 055.2396950 - 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 18.30 Santa Maria del Fiore Pizza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 7.30, 9, 10.30 cantata, 12, 18 Santa Maria Maggiore Via de’ Vecchietti - tel. 055.215914 - 9, 10.30, 12, 19, 21 Santa Maria Novella Piazza S.Maria Novella - tel. 055.210113 - 8.30, 10.30, 12, 18 Santa Maria de’ Ricci Via del Corso - tel. 055.215044 - 11, 18.30 San Salvatore in Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42 - tel. 055.2398700 - 10.30,12,18.30 Santissima Trinita e San Pancrazio Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912 - 7.30, 9.45, 11, 18.30 Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine, 14 - tel. 055.212331 - 8, 10, 12, 17.30 (inv.), 18 (estivo) Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce, 16 - tel. 055.244619 - 8, 9.30, 11, 12, 18 San Giovannino Padri Scolopi Via San Gallo, 66 - tel. 055.470864 - 11.30 San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci, 34 - tel. 055.2342731 - 8.30, 10, 11.30, 17 (inv.), 17.30 (est.) Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito - tel. 055.210030 - 9, 10.30, 18 (est.) Santissima Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata - tel. 055.2398034 - 7,8.30,10,11.30,13,18,21

Masses in English & German Cathedral Mass in English - Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore Every Saturday except 1st Saturday of month at 5pm - tel. 055.294514 Oratory of the Misericordia Mass in English - First Saturday of the month at 5pm. Church of S. Trinita Mass in German - Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912. Sundays at 9.45am. Church of SS. Michele e Gaetano Mass in German- Piazza Antinori- tel. 055.213610. Sundays at 10am.


useful info

Non-Catholic Churches

p.zza S. Jacopino




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1. Anglican Church of St. Mark’s (Church of England) Via Maggio, 16 - tel. 055.294764 - Times of services: Sundays 9am (said mass) and 10.30 (sung mass), Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday 9.30am; Wednesday 10am / Friday 12.30pm. Contact - tel. 055.294764 for services at St. Peter’s - Siena.” 2. Christian Adventist Church Via Guelfa, 12 - tel. 055.287340 - Hours of services: Saturday, Bible Studies, 9.30am; Service, 10.30am - Via del Pergolino, 12 - tel. 055.412014 - Hours of services: Saturday School 9.30am - Service, 11am. 3. Church of Christ Via San Donato, 13-15 - tel. 055.2371389 - Bible Studies, Tuesday and Thursday evening. 4. Evangelical Baptist Church Borgo Ognissanti, 4 - tel. 055.210537 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10.30am; Sunday School 10.30am. Saturday: Bible Studies 5pm; Youth group 6.30pm. 5. Evangelical Brethren Church Via Vigna Vecchia 15/17 - tel. 055.217236 - Hours of services: adoration and edification, Sunday 10.15am; Bible Studies and Youth Group: Wednesdays 7.45pm. 6. Evangelical Methodist Church Via de’ Benci, 9 - tel. 055.288143 - Services at 11am. 7. First Christian Scientist Church Via F. Baracca, 150 - tel. 055.432383 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10am - Sunday School 10am - Wednesday meeting - Testimonies of healing 6.30pm - Reading room Wednesday and Friday 4.30-6.30pm. 8. Lutheran Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.2342775 - Hours of services: Sunday 10am. 9. Mosque Via Baccio Bandinelli, 11 - tel. 055.711648. 10. Russian Orthodox Church Via Leone 8di Castello, - tel.65 66055.490148 - Museo Hours of services: Parterre every Sunday and Aeroporto A1 / A 11 C X,Ville D 45 68 Rifredi B Stibbert A. Vespucci Autostrada Petraia e Corsini on all liturgical feast days, 10am. Divine Orthodox Mass in Russian. 11. Salvation Army Via Aretina, 91 - tel. 055.660445 - Services: Sunday 10.30am. 12. St. James American Episcopal Church Via B. Rucellai, 9 - tel. 055.294417 - All services in English - Sunday 9am, 11am. 13. Swiss Reformed Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.571787 - Hours of services: alternate Sundays with the Lutheran Church, in summer and winter 10.30am. 14. Synagogue Via L. Farini, 4 - tel. 055.245252-245253 9am-1.30pm for times of religious services. Tours of the Synagogue: Sunday-Thursday 10am-1pm / 2-5pm; Fridays 10am-1pm - Closed on Saturdays (Jewish Feast Day). 15. Waldensian Evangelical Church Services: Via Micheli, 26 corner Via Lamarmora - Sunday service 10.30am - Office and activities: Via Manzoni, 21 - tel. 055.2477800.

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russian pages



Главные Музеи Капелла Медичей Старая Ризница, Новая Ризница с архитектурой и скульптурами Микеланджело и Капелла дей Принчипи, декорированная мрамором. Пьяцца Мадонна дей Альдобрандини 6 тел 055.294883. 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 2е и 4е воскресенье; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Галлерея Академии известна шедеврами Микеланджело: Давид, Пленники. Скульптуры, живопись и наброски известных художников. Вия Риказоли 60 тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто по понедельникам Музей Барджелло скульптура, живопись изящные исскуства. Афрески школы Джотто в Капелле. Вия Проконсоло 4 - тел. 055.294883. 8.15-13.50 Закрыто 1е,3е,5е воскресенье; 2й,4й понедельник месяца. Галлерея Уффици С 1591 года одна из наиболее важных коллекций всех времен, античные скульптуры и живопись итальянской и мировых школ с XII по XVIII века. Лоджа Уффици тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50 закрыто по понедельникам Палаццо Веккио монументальный квартал Старинная представительская резиденция Медичей. Скульптуры живопись и предметы обстановки. Пьяцца Синьории тел. 055.2768224. 9.00-19.00. среда, выходные 9.00-14.00




Археологический музей. Исскуство и цивилизация этрусков помимо коллекций египта и греции. Вия делла Колонна 38 тел. 055.23575 - вторник, четверг 8.30-19.00 среда,пятница, суббота, воскресенье 8.30-14.00 - Закрыто по понедельникам

Музеи Дворца Питти Палатинская Галерея и Королевские покои. Палатинская Галерея была создана Лореана и представляет шедевры из коллекции Медичей, Королевские покои занимают четырнадцать залов, частные покои королей с оригинальной мебелью и предметами исскуства от шестнадцатого до восемнадцатого века. Площадь Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто в понедельник Галерея современного искусства Живопись и скульптуры фигуративного искусства в Тоскане с конца девятнадцатого века по период между двух мировых войн. Площадь Питти тел. 055.2388601-616. 8.15 -18.50. Закрыто 2е, 4е воскресенье ; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Сад Боболино проэкт Триболо был начат в 1550 году после покупки Дворца Питти семьей Медичи. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца Сад Бардиниэто парк с множеством редких растений и с итальянским и английским садом, лестница в стиле барокко, статуи, фонтаны и анфитеатр. Вход с вия дей Барди 1р и с Садов Боболи. Информация и запись тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца

russian pages





Галерея костюма Музей истории моды. Палаццина Меридиана, Дворец Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Тайня Вечеря Андреа дел Сарто знаменитая афреска Тайной Вечери Андреа дел Сарто помимо картин и скульптур '400 и '500. Вия Сан Салви 16 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.30-13.50. Закрыто в понедельник

Музей серебра хранит вазы из твердых камней Лоренцо Великолепного, коллекция ювелирных изделий Анны Марии Медичи. Дворей Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15 -16.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Музей Сан Марко содержит монастырь, кельи и крытую аркаду Приюта Пеллегринов. Афрески и картины Беато Анджелика и мастеров его школы. Площадь Сан Марко,1 - тел.055.294883 понедельник-пятница 8.15-13.50 - Субботавоскресенье 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 1е, 3е , 5е воскресенье ; 2й, 4й, понедельник месяца.

Музей Керамики Коллекция керамики королевских семей. Палаццина дел Кавальере, Сады Боболи, Дворец Питти1 тел.055-.294883. 8.15 -16.30 Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Афрески Капелла Бранкаччи Цикл афресок истории Святого Петра, шедевр Мазаччо. Площадь Кармине - тел 055.2768224 понедельник-суббота 10.00-17.00 - воскресенье 13.00-17.00 Закрыто во вторник. По записи Капелла дей Маги жи Беноццо Гоццоли Построена Микелоццо , там находятся знаменитые афрески Поход Волхвов в Ирусалим мастера Беноццо Гоццоли. Палаццо Медичи Риччарди, вия Кавур 3 тел. 055.2760340 - 9.00-18.00 Закрыто во вторник Тайная Вечеря Санто Спирито и в Фондационе Романо можно увидеть Распятие и Тайную Вечерь Андрея Орканья и колекцию античных скульптур. Площадь Санто Спирито 29 - тел. 055.287043 Суббота 10-16

Античное Искусство Возрождения Баттистерий Святого Иоанна имский храм посвященный Иоанну Крестителю, покровителю города. Снаружи храма знаменитые ворота Гиберти. Площадь Сан Джованни - тел. 055.2302885 11.15-19.00 - воскресенье, 1я суббота месяца и праздничные дни 8.30-14.00 Дом Буонаротти Дом который Микеланджело построил для себя и своей семьи, но так и не жил в нем. Рисунки, картины, скульптуры. вия Гибеллина, 70 - тел. 055.241752. 10.00-17.00 Купол Брунеллески Поражающий воображение путь вдоль афрески Последнего Суда Федерико Цуккари внутри купола и вид с макушки купола на город. Площаль Площаль Домского Собора тел. 055.2302885 – 8.30-19.00 – суббота 8.30-17.40 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни.


russian pages

10. 9.

Музей Санта Кроче Афрески Джотто,Распятие Чимабуе. Произведения Донателло, Орканья, Бронцино, Чимабуе. Капелла дей Пацци, шедевр Брунелески. Площадь Санта Кроче 16 - тел. 055.2466105 9.30-17.00 - воскресенье и праздничные дни 13.00-17.00 Музей Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги. Площадь Домского Собора,9 - тел. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 - воскресенье 9.00-13.45. Музей Хорне Резиденция знаменитого коллекционера произведений искусств. Картины,скульптуры, мебель. Вия де Бенчи 6 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Крытая аркада Санта Мария Новелла Аркада с афресками Паоло Учелло, Орканья и других. Испанская капелл, Аркада дей Морти. Площадь Санта Мария Новелла - тел. 055.282187 - 10.00-16.00 закрыто в пятницу. Музей Стибберт Коллекция оружия, скульптуры, картины, рисунки, костюмы и средневековое обмундирование европы и азиатских стран. Вия Стибберт,26 - тел. 055.475520 понедельник-среда 10.00-14.00 - пятницавоскресенье 10.00-18.00. Закрыто в четверг. Музей Стефано Бардини наиболее авторитетного итальянского антиквара прошлого век. Коллекция римской эпоха до '700. Вия дей Ренаи,37 - тел. 055.2342437 - суббота, воскресенье и понедельник 11.00-17.00




Современное Искусство Музей Марино Марини представляет скульптуры, картины, рисунки и графику Марино Марини (1901-1980). Площадь Сан Панкацио - тел. 055.219432 10.00-17.00 закрыто во вторник и воскресенье.

Монументальные Аппартаменты Дом-Музей Данте построенный в начале '900 в месте где предположительно жили Алигьери. Вия Санта Маргерита1(красный) - тел. 055.219416 - 10.00-17.00 Музей дворца Даванти Аристократическая резиденция эпохи возрождения. Оригинальная мебель той эпохи. Вия Порта Росса 13 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.1513.50. Закрыто в понедельник.

Мода, Дизайн и Ремесленное Дело Музей фабрики твердых камней. Колекция произведений и обстановки из твердых камней и флорентийской мозаики. Вия дей Алфани,78 - тел.055.294883 Понедельник-Суббота 8.15-14.00 - Воскресенье закрыто. Музей Сальваторе Феррагамо Kартины, патенты, фотографии, 10000 экземпляров обуви созданных Феррагамо. Дворец Спини Феррони - Вия Торнбуони,2 - тел. 055.3360456. 10.00-18.00. Закрыто во вторник.

russian pages



Монументы Колокольня Джотто башня-колокольня, шедевр готической архитектуры Джотто, с верхушки открывается прекрасная панорама Флоренции. Площадь Домского Собора - тел. 055.2302885 8.30-19.30. Картезианский Монастырь в Галуццо Монастырский комплекс основанный в четырнадцатом веке. Картинная галлерея представляет афрески Понтормо, работы Перуджино и Гирландайо. Галуццо - тел.0552049226. 9.00-11.00 - 15.0016.00. Закрыто в понедельник. Русская Православная Церковь вия Леоне X, 8 - тел. 055.490148 - расписание служб: каждое воскресенье и в церковные праздники 10.00. Служба на русском языке. Синагога и музей еврейской культуры Здание в арабском стиле постороено между 1874 и 1882 годами. Музей ритуальных принадлежностей и истории евреев Флоренции. Воскресенье-Четверг 10.00-17.30 пятница 10.00-13.30. Закрыто в Субботу

Наука и Образование Музей Галлилео Коллекция научных инструментов и аппаратов, принадлежащих семье Медичи и Лотаргийским герцогам. Площадь Джудичи,1 - тед. 055.265311. Понедельник, среда, четверг, пятница 9.30-18.00, среда и суббота 9.30-13.00.



Музей Флоренция какой она была Историческо-топографический музей богатый документами свидетельствами трансформации Флоренции со времен Возрождения до сегодняшних дней. Вия дел Ориоло, 24 - тел. 055.2616545. Понедельник,вторник и среда 9.00-14.00, суббота 9.00-19.00. Зоологический музей Ла Спекола самый античный научный музей Европы с самой большой в мире коллекцией восковых анатомических снимком восемнадцатого века. Вия Романа 17 - тел. 055.2288251. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыт в среду Зоосад Джардиной дей Семпличи основан в 1545 году и является самым большим Зоологическим садом в Италии. В нем хранятся исторические гербарии с XVI века и рисунки. Вия Микели, 3 - тел. 055.2757402. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыто в среду. 1. Галлерея Академии Изящных Искусство: Давид Микеланджело 2. Галлерея Уффици: Венера Ботичелли 3. Палаццо Питти 4. Палаццо Веккио 5. Капелла Медичей: Капелла дей Принчипи 6. Площадь Сан Джиовани, Домский Собор и Баттистерий 7. Капелла Бранкаччи 8. Капелла дей Маги 9. Капелла дей Пацци крытая аркада Санта Кроче 10. Музей Ла Спекола: анатомические восковые слепки 11. Картезианский монастыть в Галуццо 12. Аркада Санта Мария Новелла 13. Колокольня Джотто 14. Музей Стибберт 15. Фабрика камней 16. Музей Галлилео: Сфера галлилео


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.