Florence Concierge: Maggio / Giugno 2013

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Free copy courtesy of Chiavi d’Oro Toscana

FLORENCE concierge

INFORMATION may | june 2013

Флоренция Консьерж

focus | exhibition

From the Fleur de Lis to the David

Civic Art From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

On display, works of art originally commissioned to decorate the public buildings of Florence which housed the powers running the city: the halls of the various Arti, or guilds, Palazzo Vecchio (once Palazzo dei Priori) and the city gates and walls. This exhibition offers visitors a new key to understand the works of art themselves, by underscoring the importance of images in the propaganda and communication strategy of the groups which ruled the city in the era of the Commune and the Republic, before the rise of the Medici family changed the city for good from both a political and an aesthetic standpoint. The dividing line between sacred and secular is often hard to detect. For instance, in the Palazzo dei Priori, one was just as likely to encounter depictions of the mythological hero Hercules (on the city's official seal) as one was of the biblical King David, whose statue by Michelangelo (now in the Galleria dell'Accademia) is recognized to be one of the main symbols of Florence. A selection of rare Renaissance drawings and a fresco showing the Expulsion of the Duke of Athens (from the former Stinche prison, but now in Palazzo Vecchio) illustrate the so-called Pittura Infamante, or Defamatory Painting, which consisted in commissioning murals in public places to depict, often in gruesome detail, either events or individuals viewed with hostility by the city of Florence. Images boding well, on the other hand, were set up in the marketplace, Donatello's statue of Abundance

focus | exhibition

От флорентийской лилии к Давиду

famously perching atop a column in the Mercato Vecchio. While the original has now been lost, we are familiar with the statue from numerous copies produced over the centuries, the most famous today is probably the one located in Piazza della Repubblica. Also, the decoration of the city gates and the heraldry adorning the city walls provided the city fathers with another opportunity to celebrate Florence and its allies. The exhibition devotes special attention to the Arti, the driving force behind the economic boom which Florence enjoyed in the era of the Commune and the true political power in the city at the time. Membership of one of the guilds was a precondition for playing an active role in the city's political life. For the first time in two centuries, visitors will be able to admire in a single venue the entire collection of panels depicting the guilds' patron saints, originally adorned the pillars of Orsanmichele, in the area of Ponte Vecchio, the “bridge of jewellers.”



From the Fleur de Lis to the David academy gallery Via Ricasoli, 58-60 055.294883 unannoadarte.org

Эта выставка предлагает посетителям восприятие произведений искусства в новом ключе, подчеркивая важность стратегии пропаганды и коммуникации правящих групп города в эпоху средневековой коммуны и республики, перед приходом к власти семейства Медичи: событием, повлекшим за собой значительные изменения к лучшему как в политической, так и в культурной жизни города. Коллекция редких экземпляров живописи эпохи Возрождения, а также серии фресок, изображающих «Изгнание герцога Афинского», являющейся примером так называемой «позорящей живописи», сюжеты которой, события либо персонажи, описывались обычно с ужасающими подробностями и выставлялись напоказ специально в самых публичных местах города, чтобы вызывать враждебные чувства у жителей Флоренции. Позитивные сюжеты, в свою очередь, выставлялись на рыночных площадях, как, например статуя Изобилия руки Донателло, которая возвышается на колонне посреди Меркато Веккио. Несмотря на то, что оригинал был утерян, сама статуя хорошо известна благодаря многочисленным копиям, сделанным в различные столетия, самая известная из которых, пожалуй, та, что находится на Пьяцца делла Репубблика. Декор городских ворот и геральдика, украшающая городские крепостные стены, помогали отцам города превознести славу Флоренции и ее союзников. Выставка уделяет особое место изобразительному искусству, настоящему двигателю экономического подъема, охарактеризовавшего Флоренцию во времена к средневековой коммуны, послужившему рычагом в политической жизни города тех времен. С 14 МАЯ


May | June 2013


From the Fleur de Lis to the David Focus Exhibitions Focus music

2 66 76

Itineraries & Personalities Florentine Landscapes Piazzale Michelangelo & San Miniato Cappelle Medicee Between past and present Lungarni Florence’s Riverfront Bargello Palace, Prison & Museum

24 48 60 78


annamaria cammilli gioielli Celebrating 30 years pitti fashion Pitti Uomo & Pitti W Pitti Bimbo Pitti Filati Shopping Fashion


Restaurants List Restaurants Map Restaurants Reviews

20 34 36 37 38

100 104 106

index | may june 2013

Hotels & Relax

VILLA SAN MICHELE This issues hotel & restaurant Hotels List


Principal Museums Pitti Palace Museums Frescoes Antique Art and Renaissance Modern Art Monumental Apartments Crafts, design, fashion Monuments Education & Science Guided Tours & Special Openings Monumental Churches

Info & Transports Useful Info Consulates Pisa Airport Railways Siena Coach Service Masses & Cemeteries Non-Catholic Churches

Russian Pages Japanese Pages City Map

92 94

82 83 84 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 90

114 114 116 118 119 120 121 122 126 128

Florence ConciergE bimestrale d’informazione turistica bilingue - Issue n°3 /May+June 2013 Reg. Tribunale di Firenze No. 2941 - Direttore Responsabile: Ugo Rossi Coordinamento: Sergio Iannotta e Alessandro Marchese. Editore Marked srl Via Vasco De Gama, 33/9 - tel. 055.412199 commerciale@megareview.it in collaborazione con Ass. Portieri d’Albergo Chiavi d’Oro Toscana La Redazione non è responsabile di eventuali cambiamenti di date, orari e programmi delle manifestazioni The Editor is in no way responsible for any changes in dates, timetables, programmes of exhibitions and events. In copertina / Cover page: IL BISONTE

Michele Paonessa Presidente dell’Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Member of Union Internationale Des Concierges D’hotels “Les Clefs D’or”



Добро пожаловать

Dear Guest,

Gentile Ospite,

Уважаемый Гость!

We would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Tuscany from all the “Golden Keys” Hotel Concierges.

Desideriamo esprimerLe un cordiale benvenuto in Toscana a nome di tutti i Portieri ‘Chiavi d’Oro’.

Florence Concierge Information, conceived and published with the idea of making your stay in Tuscany as enjoyable as possible, is just one of our ways of showing our dedication towards making you feel at home.We offer you this carnet personally because we are sure it can provide you with all the ideas and information you need during your stay here. Our long experience means that we have also been able to include a series of specific proposals selected especially for you. We are looking forward to seeing you at our desk, delighted to help you in any way we can.

Il nostro impegno nel farLa sentire a suo agio è testimoniato anche dal Florence Concierge Information pensato con lo scopo di facilitare e rendere più lieto il suo soggiorno nella nostra Regione. In questa rivista, che Le abbiamo personalmente consegnato, troverà molte informazioni ed indicazioni che ci auguriamo Le possano essere utili. Le segnaliamo le migliori proposte selezionate con la nostra esperienza che, grazie a Lei, maturiamo giornalmente. L’attendiamo come sempre al nostro banco felici di poter accogliere ogni sua richiesta.

Мы желаем сердечно поприветствовать вас в Тоскане от имени всех Портье "Золотого Ключа".

Golden Keys Magazine Network


Наше обязательство дать Вам почувствовать себя у нас уютно, о чем свидетельствует также Флоренс Консьерж Информатион,мы хотим сделать ваше пребывание в нашем Регионе наиболее приятным. В этом журнале вы найдете много информации которая, как мы надеемся,сможет помочь вам.Пользуясь нашим опытом, который, благодаря Вам ежедневно растет, мы отобрали для Вас лучшие предложения. Ждем Вас у нашей стойки и будем рады помочь любой Вашей просьбе.

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Annamaria Cammilli

Florentine Landscapes

Pitti Fashion

To celebrate the brand’s thirtieth anniversary, Annamaria Cammilli opens its first Italian flagship store right in the centre of Florence, on the corner of Via Vacchereccia and Piazza della Signoria. A unique location looking out over Palazzo Vecchio and the Loggia dei Lanzi, with the Fountain of Neptune and Michelangelo's David acting as reminders of Florence’s role as the cradle of Italian Renaissance art.

Piazzale Michelangelo is famous all round the world for its wonderful view over the Florence, reproduced in countless postcards and an obligatory place for tourists to go when visiting the city. From here it dominates the city centre with the River Arno running through it and Ponte Vecchio just below, while Palazzo Vecchio, the Cathedral and the churches with their belltowers, stand out against the skyline.

Pitti International Fashion Fair once again confirms the level of its proposals, thanks to the presence of over 950 brand names, plus another 70 collections for women presented at the Customs House by Pitti W. The greatest fashion houses choose Pitti Uomo, W Precollection Women and Florence to present their collections and special projects in order to consolidate worldwide strategies at the beginning of the season.

Чтобы отметить тридцатилетнюю годовщину своей деятельности, Аннамария Каммилли открыла свой первый итальянский монобрендовый магазин 15 апреля прямо в центре Флоренции. Идеальная оправа для полного собрания всех коллекций Каммилли, включая последние новинки 2013-го года. Бренд также решил создавать некоторое количество своих эксклюзивных коллекций, которые будут продаваться только в этом фирменном бутике.

Площадь Микеланджело во Флоренции является самой известной смотровой площадкой, с которой можно наблюдать панораму, которую воспроизводят бесчисленные открытки, которые привозят из Флоренции многочисленные туристы. Площадь доминирует над центром города, над берегом реки Арно, над Понте Веккьо, с площади открывается вид башню Палаццо Веккьо, Домский собор и многочисленные храмы города с их колокольнями.

Pitti Uomo еще раз подтверждает свой высочайший уровень, благодаря наличию более 950 торговых брендов, плюс еще 70 женских коллекций, представленных на выставке на Pitti W. Патриция Уркиола, дизайнер, который представляет это издание Pitti Uomo , использовала большее число инновативных предложений , родившихся под влиянием новых Pop Up Stores.








Medici Chapels



The austere construction that hosts the Medici Chapels, created by the family as a huge mausoleum, can be reached from the apse of the Church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini. It is composed of two main parts, the New Sacristy, built by Michelangelo from 1519, and the great Chapel of the Princes, where the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and their families are buried, which dates from a century later and is lined throughout with marble and semi-precious stones.

Florence’s riverfront, like the rest of the city, was fortified with walls and towers until well into the 15th century. Palazzo dei Giudici and Palazzo Spini-Feroni, built in 1290 for the Spini family, the Florentine wool merchants, who dominated this side of the bridge, are relics of the grim facades that once lined the Arno’s banks. Many palaces rose sheer from the river bed so that it was of course impossible to walk alongside the river as we can today.

The Bargello was built between 1255 and 1261 for the Captain of the People and was therefore once a symbol of authority and power. Its unknown architect took his inspiration from the Castle of the Counts Guidi at Poppi. The building later became the residence of the Podestà. However, in 1574, it was downgraded to become the headquarters of the Captain of Justice, the Bargello or head of the police force.

Аскетичное здание , в которой находятся Капеллы Медичей было создано как гигантский мавзолей ,вы можете найти спустившись со ступеней церкви Сан Лоренцо на площади Мадонны дей Альдобрандини . Они состоят из двух частей, одна из которых Новая Ризница созданная Микеланджело начиная с 1519 года, и большая Капелла дей Принчипи (капелла принцев), где покоятся Великие герцоги Тосканы и их семьи...

Набережные Флоренции, как и во всех остальных городах, были укреплены стенами и башнями, вплоть до начала 15 века. Палаццо деи Джудичи(ранее Кастеллани, а теперь музей науки) и Палаццо Спини-Феррони, построенный в 1290 году для семьи Спини, флорентийских торговцев шерстью, которые доминировали по эту сторону моста, выделяются мрачными фасадам, когда-то были зданиями банков.


Барджелло был построен в период между 1255-ым и 1261-ым годом для народного капитана и поэтому воплощал в себе символ власти и могущества. Неизвестный архитектор построил Барджелло, вдохновленный примером замка графского семейства Гуиди в Поппи. Позднее здание превратилось в резиденцию городничего и судебных заседателей. Однако, в 1574ом году было понижено в ранге и превратилось в штаб-квартиру капитана правосудия или барджелло, как тогда называли главу полицейского управления.

Annamaria Cammilli Gioielli celebrates 30 years The new single-brand boutique, the special jewel Calla Anniversary & an exhibition of paintings

Annamaria Cammilli Flagship Store Via Vacchereccia 12/r - 50123 Firenze www.annamariacammilli.com


To celebrate the brand’s thirtieth anniversary, Annamaria Cammilli opens its first Italian flagship store right in the centre of Florence, on the corner of Via Vacchereccia and Piazza della Signoria. A unique location looking out over Palazzo Vecchio and the Loggia dei Lanzi, with the Fountain of Neptune and Michelangelo's David acting as reminders of Florence’s role as the cradle of Italian Renaissance art. On the occasion, a new important creation is introduced to the public: Calla Anniversary, the jewel. The Calla Lily flower, icon of the brand, has spread around the world the concepts of style and elegance of the woman it represents. Not only this, it is also symbol of Annamaria’s fidelity to inspiration, and of the devotion of her skilled team of designers to creativity. The emblem of taste, and of a Made in Italy of the finest quality that has become a reference point for jewellery designers all around the world. The Annamaria Cammilli store is a little gem covering 50 m2 (59 yd²) on two levels. The interior displays the exclusive tones for which the brand is renowned. The new Florentine boutique is a temple created in inimitable Italian style, with shimmering silks caressing the jewels in the window. Among the unique furnishings, an ultra-modern light fixture measuring over two metres in diameter and comprising instruments from the most advanced lighting technology. Some twenty plus exquisite glass niches are the ideal

shopping | annamaria cammilli

Annamaria Cammilli Ювелирные украшения Аннамарии Каммилли отмечают свое тридцатилетие Чтобы отметить тридцатилетнюю годовщину своей деятельности, Аннамария Каммилли открыла свой первый итальянский монобрендовый магазин 15 апреля прямо в центре Флоренции на углу улицы Ваккаречча и Пьяцца делла Синьория. Уникальное в своем роде помещение, выходящее витринами на Палаццо Веккио и Лоджию Ланци с фонтаном Нептуна и Давидом Микеланджело, постоянно напоминающих о том, что именно Флоренция является колыбелью эпохи итальянского Возрождения. Магазин Аннамарии Камилли — это маленькая


shopping | annamaria cammilli

setting for the complete illustrious Cammilli collections, including 2013’s new arrivals. The brand has also decided to present a number of exclusive collections only to be found in this store: a not-to-bemissed indulgence that justifies a visit to the Florence boutique. And lastly and what is perhaps the real surprise for the brand’s most loyal followers: Annamaria has decided to display, here and for this occasion, her first form of artistic expression, painting. For the first time in the world, a selection of paintings by Annamaria Cammilli will be presented in store, all on canvas and boasting the artist’s signature in 18-carat gold and diamonds. The boutique is also an experience for the senses, rewarding eyes, nose and ears: soft music and timed atmospheric fragrance dispensers contribute to this encompassing shopping experience.


жемчужина, занимающая площадь в 50 кв. метров на двух уровнях. Интерьер оформлен в эксклюзивных и легко узнаваемых тонах бренда. Этот новый флорентийский бутик — настоящий храм, созданный в неподражаемом итальянском стиле, с мерцающими шелками, ласкающими драгоценности в витринах. Среди уникальной мебели находится ультрасовременный светильник, диаметром в более, чем два метра, и включающий в себя набор инструментов, представляющий самые авангардные технологии освещения. Более двадцати хрустальных ниш создают идеальное обрамление для полного собрания наиболее выдающихся коллекций Каммилли, включая последние новинки 2013-го года. Кроме этого, бренд решил выставлять только здесь некоторые свои эксклюзивные коллекции: невообразимая награда в оправдание всем, кто решит посетить бутик во Флоренции. И, наконец, для самых преданных поклонников подготовлен настоящий сюрприз: Аннамария именно здесь и только по случаю открытия этого бутика решила впервые выразить свое художественное вдохновение в живописи, которая впервые в мире будет представлена в этом магазине на полотнах, украшенных подписью дизайнера, выполненной из золота в 18 каратов и бриллиантов. Войти в магазин означает доставить непередаваемое удовольствие чувствам, восхищающее не только глаз, но и слух, а также обоняние: приглушенный музыкальный фон и ароматы, витающие в атмосфере благодаря запрограммированному распылителю сделают шопинг событием незабываемым

Florentine Landscapes

from Piazzale Michelangelo... Piazzale Michelangelo is famous for its wonderful view over the Florence, reproduced in countless postcards and an obligatory place for tourists to go when visiting the city. From here it dominates the city centre with the River Arno running through it and Ponte Vecchio just below, while Palazzo Vecchio, the Cathedral and the churches with their belltowers, stand out against the skyline. The city centre is enclosed by the surrounding hills, with the town of Fiesole in the north. The square itself, dedicated to Michelangelo, the great Renaissance artist, contains copies of some of his famous works still preserved in Florence: the David and the four allegories from the Medici Chapels in San Lorenzo. These copies are carried out in bronze, while the originals are all in white marble. The Piazzale or square can be reached by car along the tree-lined Viale Michelangelo or on foot by climbing up the monumental steps known as the Rampe del Poggi from Piazza Poggi in the quarter of San Niccolò, which is where the last stretch of mediaeval walls leaves to join up with Fort Belvedere, the fortress built in the late 16th century to defend Florence. May and June are ideal months for spending an afternoon at Piazzale Michelangelo, in fact, it is also pos-


sible to visit the Iris Gardens (until May 20) when its huge variety of magnificent irises is in full bloom, and the Rose Gardens planted with over 2.500 varieties of flowers. The latter is a green terrace with a breathtaking view equal in beauty to that from Forte Belvedere, today closed to the public. It displays a permanent exhibition of Folon’s works, a donation by his wife Paola Ghiringhelli after his premature death. The Rose Garden is open to the public all year round, from 9.00 am until sunset. Few steps ahead You can lie down on the lawns or leans on the walls to enjoy breathtaking views of the cupola of the Cathedral, of Florence and the Tuscan hills. Another panoramic beauty spot in the city, which can be reached on foot from Piazzale Michelangelo, is certainly the Basilica of San Miniato al Monte which rises up on the hill of the same name, one of the highest points in the city of Florence. The façade of San Miniato is one of the masterpieces of Florentine Romanesque architecture, inspired by a solid and geometric classicism taken from the the marble inlay work to be found in the Roman monumental buildings. May and June are ideal months for spending an afternoon at Piazzale Michelangelo, in fact, it is also possible to visit the Iris Gardens and the Rose Gardens in this period, planted with over 2.500 varieties of flowers.


View of the Rose Gardens

itinerary | florentine landscapes

Площадь Микеланджело И смотровая площадка


View of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo

Площадь Микеланджело во Флоренции является самой известной смотровой площадкой , с которой можно наблюдать панораму, которую воспроизводят бесчисленные открытки, которые привозят из Флоренции многочисленные туристы. Площадь доминирует над центром города, над берегом реки Арно, над Понте Веккьо, с площади открывается вид башню Палаццо Веккьо, Домский собор и многочисленные храмы города с их колокольнями. Центр города окружен тосканскими холмами, на северных холмах можно наблюдать город Фьезоле. Площадь посвящена великому художнику Возрождения Микеланджело, на ней есть копии некоторых из его знаменитых работ: Давид и четыре аллегории из Капеллы Медичи в Сан-Лоренцо. Эти копии изготовлены из бронзы, в то время как оригиналы сделаны из белого мрамора. На площадь можно добраться на автомобиле вдоль засаженного кипарисами проспекта Микеланджело или подняться пешком по лестнице , которая ведет с монументальной площади Поджи в районе СанНиколо, где находятся крепостная стена , окружавшая город в период средневековья , и откуда можно подняться на Форт-Бельведер. Форт Бельведер, это крепость, построенная в конце шестнадцатого века в качестве оборонительного сооружения города Флоренции, в настоящее время стала самым романтическим местом для молодых флорентийцев. Удобно устроившись на газонах крепости или сидя на его стенах, можно насладиться захватывающим видом на купол Домского Собора и на тосканские холмы. Michele Mazzoni Concierge Grand Hotel Villa Cora +39.055.228790 introduces


itinerary | landscapes


San Miniato the Façade in green and white marble and interior of the Church


... to San Miniato

Сан Миниато

The church of San Miniato al Monte was constructed sometime after the year 1000 on top of a pre-existent Oratory that had been built by St. Miniato, the first evangelizer and Christian martyr in Florence. Construction on the temple, one of the finest examples of pure Florentine Romanesque architecture, first started in 1018, thanks to Bishop Ildebrando, and continued until 1207. The facade was carried out in white Carrara and green Prato marble and divided into two orders linked together by rhombiform inlaid work, in allusion to the "opus reticolatum", the typical system used during the Roman Empire for building walls; it was also used by Leon Battista Alberti for the base of Palazzo Rucellai. The interior is divided into three naves, with a beautiful inlaid marble floor decorated with the Symbols of the Zodiac in the centre. The raised Presbitery is formed by a rare TuscanRomanesque sculptoral complex of classical inspiration: the altar, en

Церковь Сан Миниато аль Монте была построена примерно после 1000 года сверх уже существующего Оратория, который был построен Святым Миниато, первым евангелистом и христианским мучеником Флоренции. Строительство храма, одного из лучших образцов чистой флорентийско-романской архитектуры, впервые было начато в 1018 году, благодаря епископу Ильдебрандо, и продолжалось до 1207. Фасад был отделан белым каррарским и зеленого мрамором Прато (12-13-го века) и разделен на две части, связанные между собой ромбовидной инкрустацией, намекая на "опус ретиколатиум", типичную систему, используемую во времена Римской империи для строительства стен , которая была также использована Леон Баттиста Альберти в фундаменте Дворца Ручеллаи. Интерьер разделен на три

Frilli Gallery Sculpture Art Studio in Florence Since 1860


ince 1860 Frilli Gallery is a manufacturer of handcarved marble and hand-chiselled bronze sculptures for interior and garden decoration. The Gallery presents a wide range of Greek, Roman, Classical, Renaissance, Art Nouveau and Contemporary statues. The top quality replicas produced are highly valued “lost wax” bronze castings from original molds or hand carved white Carrara marbles, alabasters and stones. During 150 years of activity, Frilli Gallery has become the name of reference for private collectors , hotels, i nterior designers, worldwide museums. Over the years Frilli Gallery pieces have been purchased by royal families, shown at international exhibitions . Throughout this time, the Frilli Gallery has remained true to its mission: to bring “authentic” replicas of pieces of classic and modern sculpture to contemporary residences, villas and parks. “Authentic” replicas may sound as a contradiction in itself. But not many people know that replicas were already popular in antiquity. Most of the classical pieces shown in museums today are actually replicas of lost originals that became even more popular in the Renaissance as Roman and Greek art was rediscovered. There are few private art galleries in the world that can still bring new emotions to the visitors. The Frilli Gallery in Florence is one of those. Masterful replicas to be touched, caressed probed freely with your own hand, fingers. This experience will not leave one unmoved.


1860-го года Галерея Фрилли является изготовителем произведений из инкрустированного мрамора и бронзовых статуй ручной работы для интерьера и садовых декораций. Галерея представляет широкий спектр статуй в греческом, римском, классическом стиле, в стиле эпохи Ренессанса, стиле «модерн» и современном стиле. Высококачественные копии, сделанные с применением техники «потерянного воска» из бронзового литься с использованием подлинных опалубок или выполненные вручную из белого каррарского мрамора, алебастрового камня и других каменных материалов. В течении 151 года деятельности Галерея Фрилли стала отправным пунктом для многих коллекционеров, отелей, дизайнеров интерьера, а также музеев всего мира. За эти годы произведения Галереи Фрилли заказывались королевскими династиями и выступали в качестве экспонатов на международных выставках. Миссия Галереи Фрилли заключается в том, чтобы украшать «подлинными» частицами классической и современной скульптуры нынешние резиденции, виллы и парки. «Подлинные» копии — звучит противоречиво на первый взгляд. Однако, немногие знают, что копии имели огромную популярность уже в древности. Большинство классических произведений, выставляемых на показ в музеях, на самом деле являются копиями утерянных подлинников, которые приобрели особое признание в эпоху Возрождения, когда имело место переосмысление канонов красоты древнегреческого и древнеримского искусства.

Via dei Fossi 26r - Florence - phone/fax +39.055.210212 - www.frilligallery.com

itinerary | florentine landscapes

top on the left:

Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal with the funeral monument by Antonio Rossellino : View of San Miniato surrounded by the Monumental Cemetery of the Holy Gates



closed by a marble transenna, the square pulpit and the lectern, supported by the eagle of St. John the Evangelist. The Choir contains a mosaic of the enthroned Christ in benediction. The crypt is situated underneath the Presbitery; it is supported by 36 agile columns of various origin and the ceiling is frescoed with Saints and Prophets by Taddeo Gaddi. The Renaissance Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal in the lefthand nave was built by Brunelleschi's pupil Antonio Manetti for Jacopo di Lusitania, the Cardinal Archbishop of Lisbon, who died in Florence in 1459. The five medallions on the ceiling are by Luca della Robbia, while the chapel itself contains a fresco of the Annunciation by Alessio Baldovinetti a panel and frescoes of Angels in flight by Antonio e Piero del Pollaiolo. The marble funeral monument was carved by Antonio Rossellino.

нефа, с красивым мраморным полом,который был инкрустирован знаками Зодиака в центре. Область алтаря формируют редкие тосканско-римский скульптурный классический комплекс: алтарь, обнесенный мрамором , площадь кафедры и сама кафедра, поддерживаемая орлом Святого Иоанна Крестителя. Часовня эпохи Возрождения кардинала Португалии в левом нефе была построена учеником Антонио Манетти Брунеллески для Якопо ди Лузитании, кардиналом архиепископом Лиссабона, который умер во Флоренции в 1459 году. Мраморный надгробный памятник был вырезан Антонио Росселлино. Вклад великого художника Паоло Уччелло можно увидеть в монастыре: остатки фресок представляющих сцен из жизни святых отцов (1440 г.) в верхних лоджиях.


G.B. FRuGoNE 1885














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Oltre 100 anni di tradizione - Le migliori confezioni italiane e straniere A tradition of over one hundred years - The best fashions from Italy and abroad

The refined Bemporad boutique in Via dei Calzaiuoli, just off beautiful Piazza della Signoria, has been one of the most prestigious names in clothing in Florence since 1885. Here the experience and competence matured in over a century makes it possible to offer a wide selection of products: exclusive classical and ceremonial collections from the best houses of fashion as well as a vast selection of sports and casual wear for all occasions. The large show room contains a huge assortment of refined fashions, evening wear, coats, raincoats and sheepskin jackets and overcoats for men and women. The huge collection of skirts, suits and outfits for women or jackets and trousers for men is completed by accessories and ties, available in many models and designs. The experienced staff can help the client decide what to add to his wardrobe or propose original and elegant solutions for special events. Large or extra-large sizes no longer need to renounce perfect elegance or a preferred colour or material, because Bemporad’s made-to-measure fashion service offers qualified solutions for tailored clothing. After the client has chosen the most suitable drop and selected the material he prefers, the prestigious Florentine tailor’s shop will make him up an elegant piece of clothing, all by hand, right there inside the boutique. Highly qualified craftsmen use their wonderful manual skills to create articles of clothing that bear some of the most prestigious labels. One of the most important aspects of Bemporad tailoring is the choice of classical and sporting quality textiles, produced in a wide choice of materials, designs and shades by prestigious Italian and British fashion houses. Bemporad is also: Valentino, Canali, Mabrun, Cinzia Rocca and Gimo’s. С 1885 Bemporad одна из самых престижных марок одежды во Флоренции с большим ассортиментом элегантных вещей высокого класса: вечерние платья и костюмы, пальто, плащи, дубленки и верхняя мужская и верхняя одежда, юбки, деловые женские костюмы. Опытные продавцы-консультанты смогут помочь Вам в выборе комплекта одежды наиболее отвечающего Вашим требованиям и предложить решение как элегантное, так и оригинальное для Ваших специальных выходов. Стоит посмотреть коллекцию одежды из кожи высочайшего качества , которая прославила марку Bemporad во всем мире. Для клиентов с мягкими размерами или размером экстра ладж есть сервис «мода по размеру», который гарантирует элегантность в цвете и материале который вы выбираете. Прямо в бутике, после выбора размера и ткани которая Вам подходит, ателье высочайшего уровня пошьет полностью вручную, одежду экстра качества, элегантную и рафинированную. Необходимая характеристика ателье Bemporad это качество используемых тканей. Широкий выбор материалов, рисунков и оттенков как классических , английского стиля так и спортивных, изготовленных престижными фирмами Италии и Англии. Собственная лаборатория ателье предлагает также возможность персонализировать и подогнать под размер всю одежду бутика.

Tutte le misure in pelle e tessuto per uomo e donna All sizes for men and women in leatherwear and textiles


dal 1885


Via dei Calzaiuoli, 11-13-15-17r. - Tel. 055.216833/2648410 fax 055.216833

Pitti Uomo & Pitti W Fashion in Florence

Pitti immagine once again confirms the level of its proposals, thanks to the presence of over 1020 brand names, plus another 70 collections for women presented at Pitti W at the Dogana. The greatest fashion houses choose Pitti Uomo and Florence to present their collections and special projects in order to consolidate worldwide strategies at the beginning of the season. Pitti Uomo is becoming increasingly international, and this is confirmed by the figures, with an important rise in the number and quality of applications received for January – also from strong men’s fashion markets such as Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and the United States. In fact, foreign vendors, from about 30 different countries, account for nearly 40% of our exhibitors. And then there are the buyers: the last winter edition of Pitti Uomo welcomed more than 30,000 visitors, 21,000 of whom were buyers from the world’s most important large and small retailers. The next edition of Pitti Uomo will stage as usual many special events at the Fortezza, the ideal venue for meeting the world’s top buyers and members of the international press. Scouting, research and keen focus on product quality are what make Pitti Uomo, and Florence, the event and the place that the world’s greatest names in fashion choose to show their new collections and special projects and to launch their global strategies at the start of the season. There is also a growing demand among our exhibitors to stage special events at the Fortezza – events that capture the attention of both buyers and the press. Pitti W continues to keep ahead of the game by strategically launching previews, specific projects and capsule collections for women’s fashion at the beginning of the season when the buyers’ budgets have not yet been allocated. An event that brings to Florence increasingly specialized collections and targeted selections of accessories that are outstanding for their quality and detail as well as their attractive quality-price ratios. Pitti W aims to consistently offer proposals that are directed towards a high level target group of boutiques and stores with a high stylistic content. This is why the proposals continue to be across-the-board, from the world of fragrances to vintage, to contemporary jewelry.


shopping | pitti fashion

PITTI UOMO 84° PITTI W 12° Fortezza da Basso - June 18th-21st

Pitti Uomo & Pitti W Мода во Флоренции Pitti immagine еще раз подтверждает высочайший уровень предлагаемого, благодаря участию более 1020 брендовых наименований, а также 70 коллекций женской одежды, представленной на Pitti W и в павильоне Таможни. Самые знаменитые дома моды выбирают Pitti Uomo и Флоренцию, чтобы представить свои коллекции и особые проекты, определяя тем самым общемировые стратегии в начале сезона. Pitti Uomo становится все более международной выставкой и это подтверждается присутствием на ней важнейших представителей сферы как по качеству, так и по количеству заявок, полученных на январь, в том числе и от таких развитых рынков сбыта мужской моды как Великобритания, Франция, Германия, Япония и Соединенные Штаты. Доля иностранных производителей из более 30 различных стран составляет около 40% от всех участвующих. Покупатели им не уступают: последней зимой Pitti Uomo приняла более 30,000 посетителей, 21,000 из которых —оптовые покупатели со всего мира, представляющие наиболее важные большие и малые сети розничного сбыта. Pitti W продолжает держать лидерство в игре между стратегическим запуском предварительных показов, конкретными проектами и капсульными коллекциями женской моды в самом начале сезона, когда бюджеты байеров пока не определены. Событие, которое собирает во Флоренции наиболее специализированные коллекции и выбор узкоцелевых аксессуаров , являющихся выдающимися по своему качеству и детализации, а также благодаря интересному соотношению цены и качества. Pitti W направлена на постоянное продвижение предложений, направленных на бутики целевых групп высокого уровня и на магазины высокого стиля. Именно поэтому предложения витают от мира ароматов до винтажа, до современных ювелирных изделий.


Children's Fashion at Pitti

Pitti Bimbo 77 Pitti Bimbo rules as the only trade fair in the world that presents a complete overview of children’s fashions combining it with an extraordinary platform for presenting the new lifestyle trends for kids. From the classic-elegant look of the big names at Pitti Bimbo, to the sportswear at Sport Generation, from the creativity of the brands in the New View and EcoEthic sections to urban couture at Super Street, plus design items and textiles for the young set, up to the avant-garde collections at Apartment – it’s all here at Pitti Bimbo and shown via the myriad links connecting contemporary art, food & design and fashion. The core offering of Pitti Bimbo – at the Main Pavilion – is enriched with items that are part of the young set’s lifestyle: jewelry, fragrances, eyewear, furnishing items, bags and travel accessories. And, in this newexhibition layout that is refreshed season after season, the Pop Up Stores offer colorful and funny selections with surprising presentations of accessories. Pitti Bimbo, как правило, является главной выставкой в мире, которая представляет полный обзор детской моды, сочетая ее с чрезвычайной платформой для представления новых тенденций образа жизни современных детей. От классического элегантного внешнего вида знаменитостей на Pitti Bimbo, до спортивной одежды на «Спортивном поколении», от творчества брендов до Нового взгляда и EcoEthic, разделов городской моды в Super Street, а также элементы оформления и ткани для подростков , до авангардных коллекций квартала- все это здесь, в Pitti Bimbo. PITTI BIMBO 77° Fortezza da Basso - June 27th-29th


shopping | pitti fashion

Yarns & Fibres at Pitti

Pitti Filati 73 Pitti Immagine Filati is the main international event for the knitting yarn industry, it will be held at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence from 3rd to 5th July 2013. A research lab and an observatory on global lifestyle trends, Pitti Filati presents world scale excellence in yarns to an audience of buyers and designers and for the major fashion brands who come to Florence looking for new creative inputs. This edition of Pitti Filati will be featuring previews of knitting yarn collections for the 2013-2014 fall/ winter season. Pitti Filati will also host Vintage Selection inside the Stazione Leopolda, Vintage Selection is a research lab that looks to the past, a huge archive that designers dip into to find inspiration for their new collections, a not-to-miss event for cool hunters from major international fashion houses, and a must-see for the huge audience of collectors and vintage-istas. Pitti Immagine Filati является главным международным событием для текстильной промышленности, она будет проходить в Фортецца да Бассо во Флоренции с 3 по 5 июль 2013 года. Это издание Pitti Filati будет показывать превью текстильной коллекции пряжи для 2014 сезона весна / лето. Pitti Filati также представит Ретро Выбор внутри Вокзала Леопольда , Ретро Выбор это результат исследовательской лаборатории, которая глядит в прошлое, это огромный архив, в который окунулись дизайнеры, чтобы найти вдохновение для своих новых коллекций, обязателен для просмотра для огромной аудитории коллекционеров и ретро-любителей. PITTI FILATI 73° Fortezza da Basso - July 3rd-5th VINTAGE SELECTINO 22° Stazione Leopolda - July 3rd-7th

shopping | new opening


RIMOWA Store Firenze Via Porta Rossa 95 - 50123 Firenze www.rimowa.com


RIMOWA is one of the world’s leading premium brands in the luggage segment. This is a real German success story that boasts over 100 years of history: created by a visionary idealist and continued by his family, its continuous success has gained it a leading position on the global market. The first luggage was produced in 1898. In 1937 RIMOWA marketed the first overseas trunk in lightweight metal and later, in 1950, produced the first suitcase in aluminium, featuring the unmistakable RIMOWA grooves. The range of suitcases is gauged to meet the needs of all kinds of traveller, offering unusual colours, products that are always lighter in weight, modular inside pockets and the telescopic-handle system. RIMOWA possesses all the principal features in the ideal suitcase: design, capacity, technology, functionality, fidelity to style and high quality materials, plus very easy handling. RIMOWA offers a solution to all travel problems and can survive even the most adventurous trips, remaining a trusty travelling companion for decades. A suitcase can express its essence through a very special language. Its dents, scratches and faded stickers can give it a somewhat worn look, but also make it a truly unique and individual piece! An item that describes a personal history. It is now 75 years since RIMOWA produced the first aluminium suitcase, RIMOWA polycarbonate suitcases are produced for 15 years. Technical precision, high-quality materials and a continuous pursuit of innovation and product improvement lie behind its success. RIMOWA luggage is a symbol of the culture of exclusive travel. The sixth RIMOWA Flagship Store in Europe opens in Florence in May 2013! The exclusive cases will then be presented in the usual modern, classy atmosphere - the new point of attraction for sophisticated travellers in Via Porta Rossa, 95.

di Firenze Abbigliamento Uomo, Donna, Bambino Idee per la Casa Clothing for Men, Women & Children Ideas for the Home New collections at www.principedifirenze.com

via del Sole 2 - 50123 Firenze tel. 055292764 - fax. 055293398 info@principedifirenze.com

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Il Bisonte

Via del Parione, 31r Tel. +39.055.215722 www.ilbisonte.com


The craft laboratory of Il Bisonte opened in 1970 on the initiative of Wanny di Filippo in historic Palazzo Corsini in Via del Parione, between Via Tornabuoni and the Lungarno, right in the centre of Florence, and soon began producing handbags, bags, wallets, pocket books, belts and a variety of other accessories. Timeless objects carried out in the finest vacchetta leather, in other words, in natural vegetable-tanned hide that becomes increasingly beautiful as age and sunlight build up the patina on its surface. Over the years the company has grown considerably, while maintaining its extremely high level of quality and absolutely exclusive designs. Today Il Bisonte boasts a worldwide distribution. In spite of its expansion, the company has managed to keep its original style and the traditional craft characteristics of its brand intact. Il Bisonte, in collaboration with the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation, has created a new family kit for the exhibition “The Spring of the Renaissance. Sculpture and the arts in Florence 1400-60.” A real Sculptor's Satchel that invites the young visitors of the exhibit to discover and have, along with their families, new and intriguing tactile experiences through the museum’s path. Of all the arts, sculpture calls out to be touched. Museums famously forbid touching, and visitors must content themselves with touching with the eyes only. The Sculptor's Satchel has been designed to overcome this limitation, and to approach the art of sculpture in a different and enjoyable way that makes Touch the protagonist. A tactile experience starting from the bag, made of two different leathers: greased vegetable tanned cowhide and suede. The content also includes the sculptor's tools, a foulard for blindfolding, various sculptural materials and much more, thus creating a perfect balance between playing experience, education and entertainment.

shopping | fashion

Moreschi Moreschi has always focused on traditional methods, unique skills, a strict selection of materials and a search for quality without compromise. The company manufactures in Italy high-quality handcrafted footwear for men and women and accessories in a great variety of leathers. Expert shoemakers, partly supported by modern technology, create each individual pair of shoes as if they were real works of art, it takes from 250 to 300 manual steps to make each pair of shoes. Moreschi products are created for an international clientele that is attentive to detail and product quality, customers who want to look smart as well as feel comfortable both at work and during leisure hours. The Moreschi Spring-Summer 2013 Women’s Collection inaugurates a seasons of light-heartedness and color, poised between classical and irony, pervaded by a new joie de vivre that celebrates the legend of Monica Vitti and her era: Virna sandal, in cyclamen color and wingtip decorations conveys the quintessence of femininity; the new Cubo Bag, realized in emerald green leather, Color of the Year 2013, a color of elegance and beauty, that enhances our sense of harmony. The same selected by Moreschi for the glossy DecolletÊ Mambo pump shoes, with the white contrast stitching, an interpretation by Mambo of the traditional stitching from the Italian city of Vigevano. Men's Collection introduces innovative forms, soft and precious leathers and incomparable craftsmanship for Dandies, sportsmen, businessmen or genuine countrymen, there is a Moreschi Shoe designed for any style, like Tancredi e two-tone leather brogues or Panarea tassel loafers celebrating the blue, synonymous with elegance and distinction or extra-light Taormina particularly suitable for walking in relaxation even in the hottest days. Piazza della Repubblica, 2 Tel. +39.055.214598 www.moreschi.it


shopping | fashion


Via del Parione, 11 Tel. +39.055.2717706 www.maliparmi.it


The boutique Malìparmi in Florence, located in Via del Parione 11, presents its Spring Summer 2013 collection of clothing and accessories. Light, that’s its name, embracing both lightness and brightness of the creations. The figure is made of light overlapping, fabrics and weaves worn one over the other to create a multilayers that play with lightness and colors. The exclusive print patterns by Malìparmi customize pants and dresses, while the embroidery of beads or metal studs adorn sandals and accessories. Strong and intense colors make neutral tones brighter. Great protagonist is the red, dense and feminine tone, along with a strong pink combined with a softer version, and accompanied by a deep blue and a jade green. The dressed leathers are always dyed with aged metal shades, of the same tones of old jewelry: satin gold and smoky silver. Metal sprays and brush strokes are laid on coats, pants and bags, giving an aged look to the items. Malìparmi was born out of the strong passion of Marol Paresi in the '70s, immediately supported by her daughter Annalisa who today, as Chairman, leads the brand to internationalization and modernity, although sticking to the same principles that ​​ gave life to the label: creativity, craftsmanship and attention to detail. Malìparmi style depicts special women, of personal taste, against uniformity. A silhouette made of ‘unique’ pieces, handcrafted and decorated, freely combined together to express their personality. One brand boutiques are expanding in Italy and abroad, in strategic cities and in the main shopping streets.

shopping | fashion

Sartoria Rossi Contemporary made-to-measure An exclusive service: journeying to the heart of fine tailoring. Men’s suits, elegant evening and ceremonial suits, tailored jackets and trousers, all made exclusively by hand from top quality fabrics. Professional ethics, passion and creativity, combined with excellent service, are key to the success of a brand that expresses its origins to the full. The heritage of Sartoria Rossi is underpinned by constant research into the creation of garments that reflect all the physical peculiarities of every man. Style, fine fabrics and exquisite craftsmanship accompany our tailors’ hands as they create models that reflect contemporary fashion styles and stand out for their details, which symbolise the meticulous care required by the art of fine tailoring. Discover your measurements at the exclusive Italian tailors. Via della Vigna Nuova, 51r - Tel. 055.294872 clienti@sartoriarossi.it www.sartoriarossi.it



The Romanelli Studio and Gallery, founded in 1860, is located in the artistic heart of Florence. It occupies a building that was once a church in the XIVth century. Here, one may find not only a Gallery full of MAGNIFICENT SCULPTURES, but also an active sculpting studio where the fifth generation of Romanelli sculptors continues to work. Raffaello C Romanelli specialises in portraits, and offers an extraordinary chance to model for him and have an EXCLUSIVE BUST created, which can be produced in plaster, resin, bronze, or marble. All the available sculptures in the Gallery can be realized according to customised orders, as the Studio offers different materials and sizes. The sculptures produced by the Studio, including personal portraits, are easily delivered directly to destinations around the world. The Gallery, apart from attracting art lovers’ attention, appeals to architects, interior designers and those searching for unique, decorative ARTWORKS. For the most passionate individuals, the Studio provides the opportunity to attend SCULPTURE CLASSES, for all levels, with Raffaello C Romanelli.

Studio Galleria Romanelli Borgo San Frediano 70 - 50124 Firenze - Italy T +39 (0)55 2396047 +39 (0)55 2396662 galleria@raffaelloromanelli.com www.raffaelloromanelli.com Opening Hours: Monday: morning on appointment only / 15:30 – 19:00 Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 -13:00 / 15:30 -19:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:30 – 19:00 Sunday: closed Студия-Галерея Романелли, основанная в 1860-ом году, расположена в самом центре, среди шедевров Флоренции. Она находится в здании, которое ранее служило церковью в XIV веке. Галерея наполнена великолепными статуями и в то же время, там можно наблюдать за работой действующей студии, где трудится вот уже в пятом поколении семья Романелли. Самый младший Раффаэлло Романелли, специализируется на создании портретов и предлагает возможность приобрести эксклюзивный бронзовый или мраморный бюст. Галерея привлекает архитекторов, дизайнеров интерьеров и тех, кто ищет уникальные произведения искусства. Все имеющиеся скульптуры в галерее могут быть сделаны под заказ, а студия предлагает разнообразие материалов, расцветок и размеров. Все работы при необходимости могут быть отправлены в любой уголок света. Для самых страстных поклонников скульптуры эта студия предлагает пройти курс обучения под руководством Раффаэлло Романелли для любого уровня. Помещение Галереи также сдается в аренду для частных мероприятий. переводчик русского языка предоставляется по требованию.

As seen on Lonely Planet, Blue Guide, House & Garden, Marie Claire Maison, Sunday Telegraph, BBC and Travel Channel

itinerary | cappelle medicee

Franco Dori Chef Concierge Grand Hotel Baglioni +39.055.23580 introduces

The austere construction that hosts the Medici Chapels, created by the family as a huge mausoleum, can be reached from the apse of the Church of San Lorenzo in Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini. It is composed of two main parts, the New Sacristy, built by Michelangelo from 1519, and the great Chapel of the Princes, where the Grand Dukes of Tuscany and their families are buried, which dates from a century later and is lined throughout with marble and semi-precious stones; the tour of the building also includes some rooms in the crypt (designed by Buontalenti) underneath the Chapel of the Princes. The Crypt is the first room to be reached from the museum entrance. The tombstones of the Grand Dukes, their wives and immediate family can be seen on the floor of this low vaulted room. A rich collection of 17th–18th century reliquaries linked to the magnificent grand ducal patronage has recently been arranged in a series of glass cases in this room. Two staircases lead from here up to the Chapel of the Princes

above: Michelangelo, the tomb of Giuliano Duke of Neimours


above. This sumptuous octagonal environment is 28 metres wide and topped by the cupola of San Lorenzo, which reaches a height of 59 metres, the second in grandeur in the city after the cupola by Brunelleschi. It was conceived by Cosimo I, but not carried out until later by his successor Ferdinando I, who, in 1604, commissioned the architect Matteo Nigetti to build it on a design by Don Giovanni de' Medici, who was also the Grand Duke’s brother. Buontalenti also intervened and partly altered the project. Its dazzling splendour comes from the rich inlay work typical of Florence, and the glorious Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Hard Stone Workshop) was created especially to carry it out. This typically Florentine form of art is still practiced, especially for the decoration of furniture and vases,

Капеллы Медичей Аскетичное здание , в которой находятся Капеллы Медичей было создано как гигантский мавзолей ,вы можете найти спустившись со ступеней церкви Сан Лоренцо на площади Мадонны дей Альдобрандини . Они состоят из двух частей, одна из которых Новая Ризница созданная Микеланджело начиная с 1519 года, и большая Капелла дей Принчипи (капелла принцев), где покоятся Великие герцоги Тосканы и их семьи, которая относится к следующему веку . Капеллы полностью покрыты мрамором и полудрагоценными камнями. Склеп это первый зал от входа в музей. Богатая коллекция церквных реликвий XVII-XVIII веков является свидетельством великолепия меценатства великих герцогов. Лестница ведет в Капелла дей Принчипи.Этот роскошный восьмигранный зал 28 метров длинны венчает купол

Cappelle Medicee between past and present

Сан Лоренцо и достигает высоты 59 метров. Этот купол является вторым по величине после купола Брунелески. Постройку начал Козимо I, но закончена она была при его преемнике Фердинанде I, который в 1604 году заказал архитектору Меттео Нигетти достройку по проекту Дон Джованни Медичи. Их ослепительное великолепие привнес знаменитый флорентийский инкрустатор благодаря знаменитому Заводу Твердых Камней. Эта типично флорентийская декоративная форма мебели и керамики наиболее ярко выражена именно в


itinerary | cappelle medicee

and reached its greatest heights here, even though the funereal key of the work meant using the more subdued and sombre colours of porphyry and granite. More colourful stones were instead used for the wainscoting, together with mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli and coral, in order to reproduce the coats of arms of the sixteen Tuscan cities loyal to the Medici family. The niches were supposed to contain statues of the Grand Dukes, but only those of Ferdinando I and

on the right: Michelangelo, Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino below:

Michelangelo, Detail from the tomb of Giuliano, Duke of Nemours next page: Dome of the Medici Chapel

этом зале. По проекту в нишах должны были находиться статуи великих герцогов, но были реализованы только статуи Фердинанда I и КозимоII. Новая Ризница была построена в несколько этапов Микеланджело в период с 1521 по 1534 года . Попасть в нее можно из корридора из Капелла дей Принчипи. Свой проект Микеланджело основал на идее Брунелески для Старой Ризницы, но при этом сделал разделение пространства более сложным , с приглушенными арками которые чередуются с пространствами аспидов, создал углубления для монуметальных усыпальниц для Джулиано герцога Немоурс и его племянника Лоренцо герцога Урбино , с изумительными скульптурами Аллегории Времен, расположенными выше. Статуи смотрят в центр капеллы где Микеланджело расположил статую Мадонны с младенцем во чреве. Декорации капелл заканчивают статуи Святых Козьмы и Дамиано, реализованные учениками


itinerary | cappelle medicee

Микеланджело . Лоренцо Великолепный и его брат Джулиано де Медичи были погреблены под алтарем - у Микеланджело не было времени построить для них монументальную усыпальницу, так как он оставил Флоренцию навеки в 1534 году , так и не достроив капеллу.и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини города. Постройка Колонны относится к 1431 году и была украшена статуей Изобилия в 1721 мастером Джован Баттиста Фоджини к 1431 году и был


itinerary | cappelle medicee

Cosimo II were actually carried out, both of them by Pietro Tacca between 1626 and 1642. The other grand ducal tombs belong to Cosimo I (1519-1574), Cosimo II (the successor of Ferdinando I, 15901621) and Cosimo III (who succeeded Ferdinando II, 1643-1723). The sarcophagi are really empty and the real remains of the Grand Dukes and their families (about fifty major and minor figures), up to Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici (the last heir of the dynasty, 16671743), are preserved in simple environments behind the walls of the crypt by Buontalenti. The New Sacristy was built in various stages by Michelangelo between 1521 and 1534 and can be reached along a corridor from the Chapel of the Princes. Michelangelo based his design on the same plan that Brunelleschi had used for the Old Sacristy though he divided the area into more complex shapes, with triumphal arches opening out onto apse-like spaces. He created recesses in the two side walls to hold the monumental tombs dedicated to Giuliano Duke of Nemours and his nephew Lorenzo Duke of Urbino, carrying out three sculptures dedicated to the Allegories of Time for each of them; these were placed on top of the tombs with portraits of the Dukes above. He chose the subject of Day and Night for the tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici, seated, with a proud bearing; and Dawn and Dusk for that of Lorenzo, shown in a mel-


on the right: Interior fo the Cappella dei Principi

ancholy and thoughtful pose. Both the statues look towards the centre of the chapel where Michelangelo carried out and placed a Madonna with Jesus on her lap. By looking towards the sacred likeness, the dukes express the religious inclinations of the artist, who believed that only spirituality and religion can give relief and set man’s mind at ease when all earthly glories are past. The decoration of the chapel is completed by the statues of Sts. Cosmas and Damian by students of Michelangelo. Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano de' Medici are buried under the altar as Michelangelo never found the time to build them a monumental tomb, in fact, he left Florence forever in 1534, leaving the chapel uncompleted. Cappelle medicee Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 Tel. 055.294883 Open 8.15-16.50 Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month. www.firenzemusei.it


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A. Ugolini e Figli Via Calzaiuoli, 65/68r Tel. +39.055.214439 www.augoliniefigli.it

The historic store A. Ugolini e Figli founded by Arturo Ugolini in 1896, is situated in historic Via Calzaiuoli, and epitomises fine traditions. The store has always been a regular point of call among foreign visitors, whether famous or not, an environment that blends sobriety with elegance, where Italian good taste emerges in the warm colours of the wood furnishings and refined English atmosphere. It has always been dominated by Anglo Saxon traditions, a timeless classical style that is ever in fashion, with shirts, accessories, knitwear, shoes, trousers, coats, leatherwear and luxurious and beautifully made suits.

Raspini One of fashion’s historic brand names for clothes and accessories in Florence, Raspini, is situated close to the Cathedral and has shops in Via Roma, Via Por Santa Maria and Via Martelli. Apart from offering a range of some of the finest “griffes” in the world of fashion, Raspini has always contributed towards launching young designers, one of the most important of whom was Giorgio Armani, and therefore all the top fashion designers consider it a point of pride and a sign of certain success to have their products displayed in Raspini’s windows. Some of the prestigious labels to be found include Prada Sport, Blumarine, D&G and many others.

Via Roma, 25r Via Por S.Maria,72r Tel. +39.055.213077 www.raspini.com


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Il Cortile Il Cortile (the courtyard) is a concept store located in one of the more bustling and vibrant districts of Florence, San Frediano. It is a treasure chest of fine creations: clothing, underwear, swimsuits, shoes and innovative fashion accessories. Every creation displayed derives from a careful and constant research, performed by the owner Marianna precisely to pamper and exalt the feminine body and personality. Even in furnishing the spaces, Il Cortile has expressed its philosophy: unique modern art pieces that, like the carefully selected clothing, transcend time and trends. The offered brands are niche design labels, of high quality, such as the clog-sandals loved by Sarah Jessica Parker, Swedish Hasbeens, Porselli’s handmade ballet flats, Kristina T’s clothing, Hoss, TCN, Appartamento 50 and many labels of emerging designers... Here guests can also enjoy a break from their shopping around, by relaxing with a nice cup of tea or herbal tea served in the lovely courtyard, hence the shop name. Via dei Serragli, 12r - Tel. +39.055.282985 ilcortilefirenze@libero.it

G.B. Frugone 1885 All of the articles in cashmere by G.B.Frugone 1885 are the extraordinary result of an ancient and complex process. The human factor combined with experience and sensitivity towards culture and traditions are crucial and decisive elements for ensuring a final result of quality: from its direct relations with the shepherds, who look after the flocks, to the careful selection of the precious yarns and lastly to the spinning and weaving. This is the spirit G.B.Frugone 1885 follows to carry out its articles in cashmere: from its knitwear and soft scarves to its beautiful blankets. Therefore people who buy G.B. Frugone 1885 knitwear choose to wear “history” that was written by the expert hands of enthusiastic craftsmen and that originates in the highlands of the Far East, thus continuing the craft traditions of the cottage industries blended with a typical Italian elegance and style. Via delle Belle Donne 35r - Tel. 055.287820 www.frugonecashmere.com


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Piazza Pitti, 38/40/41r Tel. +39.055.283787 www.annapitti.it

In a three hundred-year-old tower in front of Pitti Palace, an old monastery, is where "Anna" shop was born. Since 1955 Mrs Anna has personally taken care of the choice of the clothing lines in leather for men and women with big competence and seriousness given from her very long experience on the field. The environment is elegant and comfortable and there you can find leather clothes to satisfy whatever need, from shearlings with fur during winter to shirts and very light jackets in chamois during hotter season. You can also order clothes made to measure, withdraw them in 24 hours time or to receive them comfortably at home in whatever part of the world thanks to an excellent service of express courier. The small changes, on the contrary, are realizable in a few hours. Mrs Anna is supported from a valid staff of collaborators and, thanks to the exceptional capacity of her son Marc, she has joined to the craftsmanship production a wide range of accessories of important Italian brands known everywhere in the world. One can find “Bluemarine”, “Desmo”, “Piquadro”, “Aperegina” bags indeed, “Missoni Sport”, “Cruciani” knitwear, “Piacenza” cachemire, ties and foulard by “Missoni”, “Versace”, “Fendi”, “D & G” and many others items that you will find on our on line catalogue.

efg guanti EFG GUANTI is a delightful leather gloves boutique now opened since a couple of years with great success. It is located in a typical street in the old city center of Florence, a few steps away from the reknown high fashion shopping in Via Tornabuoni as well as from the beautiful Church of S.Maria Novella and additionally only 5 minutes walking distance from the Central Railroad Station. The shop offers a particularly attractive and unique collection of gloves for ladies and gentlemen. In the best tradition of Italian handicraft, Efg only uses selected materials combined with exquisite design. Moreover, thanks to the collaboration of ages experienced master craftsmen, Efg manufactures bespoke gloves for day and evening wear as well as for weddings and ceremonies. While the assortment shows already its self a vast and fantastic range of styles and materials to choose from, production can also satisfy different requirements and realize alternative items based on specific customer's request. Not to be missed, custom gloves which can be decorated with the client's initials. Via della Spada, 28r- Tel. +39.055.285597 info@efgguanti.it



Florence’s Riverfront

Florence’s riverfront, like the rest of the city, was fortified with walls and towers until well into the 15th century. Palazzo dei Giudici (formerly Castellani and now the Science Museum) and Palazzo Spini-Feroni, built in 1290 for the Spini family, the Florentine wool merchants, who dominated this side of the bridge, are relics of the grim facades that once lined the Arno’s banks. Many palaces rose sheer from the river bed so that it was of course impossible to walk alongside the river as we can today. However a Lungarno, or street along the Arno, already existed in the Massimo Parlanti late 13th century between the Ponte alle Grazie and Palazzo dei Giudici, Head Concierge Florence Complex in order to provide access to the cloth drying shed in Santa Croce. The neo-classical Borsa stands on the site today but we can still see the steps THE ST. REGIS in front that once led down to the river. The short stretch between the THE WESTIN Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Spini-Ferroni was paved in 1472. All the other EXCELSIOR streets parallel to the Arno were internal passageways. Built in the 19th introduces


itinerary | lungarni

Набережные Арно Набережные Флоренции, как и во всех остальных городах, были укреплены стенами и башнями, вплоть до начала 15 века. Палаццо деи Джудичи(ранее Кастеллани, а теперь музей науки) и Палаццо Спини-Феррони, построенный в 1290 году для семьи Спини, флорентийских торговцев шерстью, которые доминировали по эту сторону моста, выделяются мрачными фасадам, когда-то были зданиями банков. Многие дворцы были построены так близко к руслу реки, что невозможно было пройти вдоль реки, как это мы можем сделать сегодня. Однако набережные вдоль реки Арно, уже существовали в конце 13 века между Понте алле Грацие и Палаццо деи Джудичи для того, чтобы обеспечить доступ к зданию, где прослушивалась ткань на площади Санта-Кроче. Здание Биржы, построенное в неокласси-

above: View of Florence from Lungarno Cellini


above: Houses overlooking the Arno between the Ponte Vecchio and Ponte Santa Trinita


ческом стиле, является одним из украшений набережных. Часть набережной между Понте Веккио и Палаццо СпиниФеррони была вымощена в 1472 году. Все остальные улицы, проходившие параллельно реке Арно соединялись внутренними проходами. Построенная в 19 веке, Набережная Серристори, например, когдато была каналом (Ла Мулина), а Набережная Торриджани начиналась с крошечной церкви Санта-Мария СопраАрно (над рекой Арно) в конце Виа деи Барди. Древние башни домов были постепенно , начиная с 15-го века,

century, Lungarno Serristori, for instance, was once a canal (la Mulina), while Lungarno Torrigiani was a field with the tiny Church of S. Maria sopr’Arno at the Via dei Bardi end. The ancient tower houses were gradually replaced by patrician palaces, with open loggias and large windows, from the 15th century onwards. Note pretty Palazzo Coverelli, whose architect is unknown, on Lungarno Guicciardini. The little street beside it (Via del Presto S. Martino) was once known as Via dei Pizzicotti (Pincher’s Alley) because the local yobs used to pinch anyone who ventured into the alley! Right opposite, the bank is dominated by the golden-yellow façade of Palazzo Corsini, built in grandiose Baroque style by Pier Francesco Silvani and Antonio Ferri between 1648 and 1656. The river and its bridges were used for staging festivities of various kinds from the Middle Ages onwards. The spectacle of the Inferno, organised by the ward of S. Frediano in May 1304 was performed between the Ponte S. Trinita and the Ponte alla Carraia. There were so many spectators on the Ponte alla Carraia that it collapsed with a heavy loss of life. Three centuries later, on New Year’s Eve, a festival on ice was given on the same stretch of river, with decorated sleds, madrigals and the nobility decked out in exotic costumes. Another epic spectacle was the Argonauta, staged for the marriage of Cosimo II. The Arno between the same two bridges was transformed into a giant theatre with grandstands set up along the Lungarni so

itinerary | lungarni

заменены дворцами Патрициев, с открытыми лоджиями и большими окнами. Обратите внимание на Палаццо Коверелли, работы неизвестного архитектора, на Набережной Гвиччардини. Улочка, находящаяся рядом, (Виа дель Престо Сан Мартино) был когда-то известна как Виа дей Пиццикотти (Аллея Щипков) потому, что местные бездельники, пытались ущипнуть того, кто решился пройтись по аллее! Прямо напротив преобладает золотисто-желтый фасад палаццо Корсини, построенный в стиле барокко архитекторами Пьером Франческо и Антонио Сильвани Ферри между 1648 и 1656 годами. Реки и мосты Флоренции были использованы в качестве сценической площадки для постановки различного вида праздников, зрелищ и представлений, как например « at the top:

The Ponte Vecchio seen from Ponte Santa Trinita

that the public could watch Jason’s capture of the Golden Fleece, while Cosimo’s bride was presented with six apples, symbolic of the Medici coat of arms. Marvellously decorated boats were transformed into a fire-breathing hydra, a peacock and a dolphin and an artificial island was set up in the middle of the river. The last great performance on the Arno was a fireworks display from the Ponte alla Carraia for the Feast of St. John, though in 1870 this display was transferred

to Giuseppe Poggi’s newly created Piazzale Michelangelo. It would be nice to see a return of such events on the Arno, especially in the summer when the gentle evening breeze brings a pleasant respite to the heat of the day. It is possible to take short boat trips (ask the Renaioli - tel. 347.7982356 www. renaioli.it) and often small performances (music, poetry readings, even short plays) are included. The frivolous events of the past however were quite another thing.

itinerary | lungarni

Inferno» (ад), организованный отделением Сан Фредиано в мае 1304 года, которое было представлено между Понте Санта Тринита и Понте алла Каррийа. На представлении было так много зрителей на Понте алла Каррайа, что он рухнул под их тяжестью, спровоцировав множество человеческих жертв. Три века спустя, в канун Нового года, на том же самом месте был устроен праздник на льду, с участием украшенных саней, пением мадригалов в честь знати и маскарадом в экзотических костюмах. Другое эпическое зрелище — Аргонавты было поставлено в день бракосочетания Козимо II. Река Арно между теми же двумя мостами была превращена в гигантский театр с трибунами установленными вдоль набережных, чтобы общественность могла наблюдать спектакль о Золотом Руно, в то время как невеста

above: The Ponte Vecchio seen from the Canoe Club side of the river


Козимо предстала перед ним с шестью яблоками, символом семьи Медичи и оружием. Чудным образом украшенные лодки превращались в огнедышащих гидр, павлинов и дельфинов, на середине реки был создан искусственный остров. Последним крупным выступлением на реке Арно был фейерверк от Понте алла Каррайа в честь праздника Святого Иоанна, хотя в 1870 году эта улица была перестроена

архитектором Джузеппе Поджи. Было бы приятно видеть возвращение таких традиций на реке Арно, особенно летом, когда легкий вечерний ветерок приносит приятную свежесть в жару. В последнее время на набережных часто проводят небольшие спектакли (музыкальные, поэтические вечера, постановки коротких пьес), которые, к сожалению, не могут сравниться с зрелищными шоу прошедших веков.

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focus | exhibitions

The Dalì Universe in Florence

From Sky to Earth Italy has one of the oldest traditions in the study of meteorology and seismology, Florence has long been one of the most active international research centres (18751940).This exhibit displays for free, along a chronological path, 140 machines and models related to these sciences. Until May 31st L’Italia vanta una delle più antiche tradizioni negli studi meteorologici e sismologici, Firenze fu a lungo uno dei centri di ricerca internazionali più fecondi (1875-1940). La mostra espone gratuitamente, lungo un percorso cronologico, 140 macchinari, originali e riproduzioni. Fino al 31 marzo palazzo medici Riccardi Via Cavour 1 - 055 2760340 www.dalcieloallaterra.it


A special collection of over 100 works by Salvador Dalí on display until May 25 at Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Bronze sculptures of soft watches, sensual and triumphant feminine figures, men with drawers, elephants, butterflies and angels. The exhibition is entirely dedicated the Master of Surrealism, and includes both the artist’s well known objects, such his surrealist furniture, and lesser known pieces, such as collages, illustrations and the glass objects from his collaboration with the French glass factory Daum Crystal. The collection of engravings and lithographs shows Dalí, the little-known illustrator, as a highly educated and extremely curious person. The variety of works showcased highlights the different materials and techniques explored by Dalí. Until MAY 25th. Una vasta collezione di oltre 100 opere di Salvador Dalí, esposta fino al 25 marzo a Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Sculture bronzee, orologi liquefatti, il fuoco e la sensualità femminile, corpi maschili con cassetti, elefanti, farfalle e angeli. La mostra è totalmente dedicata al Maestro del Surrealismo e include sia le opere più famose dell’artista, come l’arredamento surrealista, che opere meno note, quali i collage, le illustrazioni e gli oggetti vitrei frutto della collaborazione con l’azienda francese Daum Crystal. La selezione di incisioni e litografie in mostra presenta un poco conosciuto Dalì, raffinatissimo illustratore; mentre la varietà delle opere dimostra la sua intensa attività di esplorazione dei materiali e delle diverse tecniche artistiche. fino al 25 MAGGIO Limonaia di palazzo medici Via Cavour 1 - 02 893 68922 Guided visit booking 334 1053262 www.thedaliuniverse.com

focus | exhibitions

an Idea of BEauty

The Springtime of the Renaissance The exhibition proposes to illustrate, in theme-based sections, the origin of what is still known today as the "miracle" of the Renaissance in Florence, doing so principally through masterpieces of sculpture, the branch of figurative art in which that new season first saw the light of day. Thus, arranged around the city's absolute symbol – the wooden model of Brunelleschi's Cupola for Santa Maria del Fiore – the exhibition offers a retrospective of sculpture that was also to have a crucial impact on the development of the other figurative arts. Until AUGUST 18th La mostra si propone di illustrare, in sezioni tematiche, la genesi di quello che ancora oggi si definisce il “miracolo” del Rinascimento a Firenze, soprattutto attraverso capolavori di scultura: l’arte che per prima se ne è fatta interprete. Attorno al simbolo assoluto della città, rappresentato dal modello ligneo della Cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, si presenta dunque una rassegna di tipologie e di tematiche scultoree determinanti anche per l’evoluzione delle altre arti figurative, a diretto confronto con i precedenti classici. fino al 18 AGOSTO palazzo strozzi - Piazza Strozzi, 1 055.2645155 www.palazzostrozzi.org

Do We still need Beauty? Is it still a value, a goal or a tool for contemporary artists? The exhibition offers a journey through the works of eight contemporary artists who allow us to rethink the meaning and experience of Beauty today.Until July 28th. Abbiamo bisogno della bellezza? Costituisce ancora un valore, un obiettivo o uno strumento per gli artisti contemporanei? La mostra crea una riflessione in chiave contemporanea su uno dei temi dominanti di tutta la storia dell’arte, affrontando non solo la necessità della bellezza, ma anche la funzione, il valore e la finalità. Fino al 28 luglio. CCCS - PALAZZO STROZZI Piazza Strozzi tel. 055.2776461 www.palazzostrozzi.org

focus | exhibitions

Paths of Wonder

Restored Works of the Bargello Museum With the opening of Palazzo Strozzi’s exhibit dedicated to the early Renaissance, the Bargello National Museum shows some of its important works, recently restored and all dating around the 14th and 15th centuries. Partners of the initiative, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, art restoration leader, and “Friends of Florence”, non-profit organization for the enhancement of the local cultural heritage. Panels and videos in the rooms explain to the public all the phases of the restorations and the collection, that includes a FrenchFlemish tapestry from the Carrand Collection; French ivory Mirror Cases; jewellery and enamels and a high relief in polychrome terracotta by Dello Delli, portraying the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels. UNTIL AUGUST 18TH In occasione della mostra dedicata ai primi anni della scultura rinascimentale di Palazzo Strozzi, il Museo Nazionale del Bargello espone alcune sue importanti opere recentemente restaurate, databili intorno ai secoli XIV e XV. L’”Opificio delle Pietre Dure”, ente leader nel restauro, e Friends of Florence, fondazione no-profit per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale storico e artistico fiorentino, hanno contribuito alla realizzazione dell’evento. Pannelli e video nelle sale spiegano al pubblico sia le fasi dei lavori che i pezzi della mostra, comprendente un arazzo franco-fiammingo della Collezione Carrand, Valve di specchio in avorio francesi, oreficerie, smalti e una Madonna in trono col Bambino ed Angeli di Dello Delli, altorilievo in terracotta policroma raffigurante. FINO AL 18 AGOSTO Museo del Bargello Via del Proconsolo, 4 055.294883 www.polomuseale.firenze.it


Firenze Via delle Belle Donne 35r Tel. 055 287820

Portofino Molo Umberto I, 9 Tel. 0185 269702


focus | exhibitions

The Renaissance Dream Rêver à La Renaissance

Dreaming was considered to be of particular importance in the culture of the Renaissance. On display, works revealing the manifestation and revelation of Dream’s different worlds, places where daily life is transfigured and its erotic dimension revealed. The exhibition is divided into several sections: Night, Journey of the Spirit, Vision of the Beyond, Enigmatic Dreams and Nightmare Visions, Life Is a Dream, The Dreaming Prince and Dawn. For the very first time Raphael's Vision of a Knight, from the National Gallery in London, and Correggio's Venus and Cupid with a Satyr, from the Louvre, are shown in Florence, joined by Heironymus Bosch's Hermit Saints, from the Doge's Palace in Venice. The path includes also a section devoted to Francesco de' Medici and to his particularly rapport with dreams. FROM MAY 21ST Il mondo onirico assunse un rilievo particolare nella cultura del Rinascimento. In mostra, opere che rivelano i diversi mondi del sogno, luoghi in cui il vissuto quotidiano si trasfigura e la sua dimensione erotica viene rivelata. La collezione è suddivisa in diverse sezioni: La Notte, La Vacanza dell'anima, Visioni dell'Aldilà, Sogni enigmatici e Visioni da incubo, Un principe sognatore e Aurora. Per la prima volta il Sogno del cavaliere di Raffaello, della National Gallery di Londra, e il dipinto con Venere e Amore addormentati e spiati da un satiro del Correggio, dal Museo del Louvre, sono esposti a Firenze, insieme ai Santi Eremiti di Hieronymus Bosch, del Palazzo Ducale a Venezia. Il percorso comprende anche una sezione dedicata a Francesco de 'Medici e al suo fecondo rapporto con il sogno. DAL 21 MAGGIO

FIRENZE Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti Piazza de' Pitti, 1 - 055.294883 21May - 15 September 2013 PariS, Luxembourg MUSEUM 7 October 2013 - 26 January 2014 www.unannoadarte.it

focus | exhibitions

Luxury & Elegance

French Porcelain & the Ginori Manufacture

Museo degli Argenti Palazzo Pitti Piazza Pitti, 1 - 055.2388601 www.unannoadarte.it


The changes that the advent of the Napoleonic Empire introduced to the government of Tuscany were also reflected in the arts. The factory at Doccia played a prominent part in this new artistic fervour, absorbing the French influences for its research into new forms and decorative elements. In particular, under the enlightened direction of Carlo Leopoldo Ginori Lisci (1792-1838), the factory embraced the important technical and stylistic innovations from France, thus creating a form of decoration that remained in vogue right up until the third decade of the 19th century. Until JUNE 23th Il cambiamento che l'avvento dell'impero napoleonico portò nel governo della Toscana ebbe i suoi riflessi nelle discipline artistiche. In questo nuovo fervore artistico, la manifattura di Doccia ebbe un posto di rilievo, accogliendo importanti influssi francesi sia nella ricerca delle forme che nei moduli decorativi. In particolare, la manifattura, sotto l'illuminata direzione di Carlo Leopoldo Ginori Lisci (1792-1838) fu partecipe di importanti innovazioni tecniche e stilistiche provenienti dalla Francia, creando una tipologia decorativa che rimase in voga fino a tutto il terzo decennio del XIX secolo. fino AL 23 GIUGNO


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focus | exhibitions

Leo X & Florence This exhibition will follow the life of Giovanni, the second son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, from his birth in Florence in 1475 until March 9th 1513, when he was elected Pope, and then his brief return to the city of his birth in 1515. Works by Botticelli, Andrea Sansovino, Granacci, Ghirlandaio and Perugino will illustrate this part of the route in a section dedicated to the education of the future pope. The years of Leo’s papacy were celebrated as a new "golden age" in which the capital of Christendom could bring the requirements of the classical world back to life again thanks to the work of artists and humanists. These were the years that gave life to the great building works in Rome, among them the Basilica of St. Peters, which Raphael followed up by producing his wonderful paintings. until October 6th La mostra seguirà la vita di Giovanni, figlio secondogenito di Lorenzo il Magnifico, dalla nascita a Firenze nel 1475 fino al 9 marzo 1513, quando venne eletto papa, e al suo breve ritorno in patria nel 1515. Opere di Botticelli, Andrea Sansovino, Granacci, Ghirlandaio e Perugino illustreranno questa parte del percorso illustreranno la sezione dedicata all'educazione del futuro papa. Gli anni del papato leonino furono celebrati come una nuova "età dell'oro" in cui la capitale della cristianità poté rivivere per opera non solo di artisti, ma anche di poeti e di umanisti, le istanze del mondo classico. Sono questi gli anni in cui si iniziarono le grandi fabbriche di Roma: fra le altre la basilica di San Pietro, mentre Raffaello dette seguito a straordinarie imprese pittoriche. fino al 6 ottobre. medici chapel museum P.zza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 1 - 055.2388651 www.unannoadarte.it


Associazione “Le Chiavi d’Oro Toscana” Via Ponte alle Mosse, 36/a - Tel. 055. 364552 - Fax 055. 3217500



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focus | music



3. 1. Christian Lindberg 2. Daniel Barenboim 3. Claudio Abbado

maggio musicale fiorentino Claudio Abbado: Wagner, Verdi & Berlioz Claudio Abbado (conductor), Juliane Banse (soprano) with Mozart Orchestra and Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino perform Richard Wagner’s Tannhäuser, Overture; Giuseppe Verdi’s Te Deum, orchestra and double chorus and Hector Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantastique op. 14. May 4 at 8p.m. - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 Zubin Mehta and Christian Lindberg Zubin Mehta (conductor) and Christian Lindberg (trombone), with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino play Luigi Boccherini and Luciano Berio’s La ritirata notturna di Madrid, Berio’s Solo for trombone and orchestra and Igor Stravinskij’s Le Sacre du Printemps. May 11 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 Julian Prégardien and Michael Gees: Schumann, Liszt, Wolf and Schubert Julian Prégardien (tenor) and Michael Gees (piano) play Robert Schumann’s Liederkreis op. 24; Franz Liszt’s Lieder Morgens steh ich auf und frage, Im Rhein, im schönen Strome, Du bist wie eine Blume, Anfangs wollt ich fast verzagen, Hugo Wolf’s Lieder Lied eines Verliebten, Der Tambour, Jägerlied, Lied vom Winde, Du liebst mich nicht; Der Zwerg, Meeres Stille, Auf dem Wasser zu singen, Im Abendrot and Willkommen und Abschied. May 15 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Goldoni - Via S. Maria, 15


Daniel Barenboim Giuseppe Verdi Daniel Barenboim (conductor), Anna Samuil (soprano), Ekaterina Gubanova (mezzo-soprano), Johan Bohta (tenor), René Pape (bass) with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino play Giuseppe Verdi’s Messa da Requiem for four soloists, double choir and orchestra. May 16 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16 Benjamin Brittendal’s The Rape of Lucretia Directed by Daniele Abbado, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino conducted by Jonathan Webb. May 17, 21, 23, 24, 25 at 8.30p.m.and May 19 at 3.30p.m. - Teatro Goldoni - Via Santa Maria, 15 Anna Caterina Antonacci and Donald Sulzen: Debussy, Fauré, Berlioz & Wagner Anna Caterina Antonacci (soprano) and Donald Sulzen (piano) play Claude Debussy’s Mandoline, Il pleure dans mon coeur, Green;; Hector Berlioz’ La mort d'Ophélie; Claude Debussy’s Chansons de Bilitis; Richard Wagner’s Wesendonck-Lieder on Richard Wagner’s 200th birthday. May 22 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Goldoni - Via S. Maria, 15 Antonio Vivaldi’s Il Farnace Directed by Marco Gandini; Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino conducted by Federico Maria Sardelli. May 29 and 31 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16

focus | events 4. 4. Anna Caterina Antonacci 5.Cinema Teatro Odeon


Odeon Firenze a night at the opera in florence Regula Mühlemann and Tatiana Korsunskaya: Schubert, Respighi, Debussy, Ravel and Mendelssohn Regula Mühlemann (soprano) and Tatiana Korsunskaya (piano) play Franz Schubert’s Abendröte D. 690, Die Vögel D. 691, Der Fluss D. 693, Der Knabe D. 692. June 5 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Goldoni - Via S. Maria, 15

May 2, 8.45pm: La Traviata, Giuseppe Verdi (Semi-staged Highlights from the Opera) One of the most popular operas about the tormented and overwhelming love affair between the courtesan Violetta and the young Alfredo Germont. His father, Giorgio Germont, is against their marriage.

Daniele Gatti: Richard Wagner Daniele Gatti (conductor) with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino play Richard Wagner’s Götterdämmerung; Richard Wagner’s Parsifal; Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Prelude, act I). June 6 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Comunale - Corso Italia, 16

May 16, June 13, 8.45pm: La boheme, Giacomo puccini Semi-staged Highlights from the Opera) A touching story, set in Paris, on the love between the poet Rodolfo and the florist Mimi. The carefree life of bohemian Marcello, the painter and Musetta the showgirl is the background to the tragic epilogue

Great choreographers: Balanchine, Forsythe, Kylián and Fonidakisdal George Balanchine’s The Four Temperaments, music by Paul Hindemith; ; Andonis Foniadakis’ Les Noces, music by Igor Stravinskij. June 10, 11, 12, 13 at 8:30p.m. - Teatro Comunale Corso Italia, 16 Giuseppe Verdi’s Macbeth Directed by Graham Vick; Orchestra and Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino conducted by James Conlon. June 17, 18, 19, 21 and 25 at 8:30p.m; June 22 at 3:30p.m. - Teatro della Pergola - Via della Pergola, 18

May 30, June 20, 8.45pm: Barocco Italiano, Antonio Vivaldi (Ensemble San Felice performing on historical instruments) An exciting selection of some of the most charming concerts and Cantatas of the Italian genius Antonio Vivaldi. June 6, 8.45pm: Gran Galà Verdiano, G. Verdi Highlights from Giuseppe Verdi’s Operas: Aida, Rigoletto, La Traviata, Il Trovatore. Cinema Teatro Odeon - Piazza Strozzi, - 2 055.0130980 Booking Adviced - www.ensemblesanfelice.com



itinerary | bargello


Palace, Prison & Museum The Bargello was built between 1255 and 1261 for the Captain of the People and was therefore once a symbol of authority and power in Florence. Its unknown architect (or architects) took his inspiration from the Castle of the Counts Guidi at Poppi and the same design was used for almost all the town halls in Tuscany. The building later became the residence of the Podestà (1261) and other magistrates. However, in 1574, it was downgraded to become the headquarters of the Captain of Justice, the Bargello or head of the police force. It served this purpose for three centuries, earning itself a sorry fame as a prison but, after the Risorgimento, it was completely restored, becoming the National Museum in 1865. The high battlemented tower, known as the Volognana, was built in the 12th century as a private tower house. The splendid inner courtyard, with its arched porticoes and 14th to 16th century coats of arms, has retained all its original mediaeval aspect. The staircase on one side is by Neri di Fioravante, closed off by an iron gate attributed to Giuliano da Sangallo. The fine Hall of the General Council, also designed by Neri di Fioravante, now the Hall of Donatello, contains many works by the great Florentine sculptor, among them the bronze ‘David’ (1430 ca.), the first nude of the Renaissance, made for Cosimo the Elder, and the St. George carried out for Orsanmichele. Apart from sculptures by Desiderio da Settignano, Michelozzo and Verrocchio and ceramics by Luca della Robbia, the museum also contains works in bronze by Giambologna and Benvenuto Cellini, as well as the two bronze panels by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi for the competition of 1401 for the North Door of the Baptistery, won by Ghiberti. The Michelangelo Room contains the great sculptor’s Bacchus, Pitti Tondo, David Apollo and the Bust of Brutus, together with works by Jacopo and Andrea Sansovino, Ammannati, Baccio Bandinelli and Tribolo. The Chapel of Santa Maria Maddalena (frescoes by the school of Giotto), on the first floor, has only recently been restored and opened to the public. The museum also contains paintings, majolicas, gold and silverware, weapons and ivories from various collections.

museo nazionale del bargello Via del Proconsolo, 4 - Tel. 055.294883 Open from 8.15.00 until 13.50 - Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month

Romano Pallai Concierge Hotel Plaza Lucchesi +39.055.26236 introduces



Барджелло был построен между 1255 и 1261 и являлся символом власти и силы во Флоренции. Его неизвестный архитектор (или архитекторы) черпал вдохновение из замка графов Гуиди Поппи . Этот же дизайн был использован для почти всех ратуш в Тоскане. Позже это здание стало резиденцией Верховного судьи (1261) и других магистратов. Тем не менее, в 1574 году, он потерял былой престиж и стал штаб-квартирой капитана юстиции, Барджелло или главы полиции. Он служил этой цели в течение трех столетий, заработав себе, к сожалению, славу тюрьмы, но после Возрождения, он был полностью восстановлен, став Национальным музеем в 1865 году. Высокая зубчатая башня, известные как Волоньяна, была построена в 12 веке в качестве частного дома. Великолепный внутренний двор с арочными портиками и 14-го по 16-го века и гербами, сохранил свой оригинальный средневековый аспект. Лестница с одной стороны которая является работой Нери ди Фиораванте, заканчивается железными воротами, предположительно работы Джулиано да Сангалло. Зал Генерального Совета,который сейчас называется залом Донателло, также разработан Нери ди Фиораванте , содержит много произведений великого флорентийского скульптора, среди которых бронзовый "Давид" (1430 прим.), первое изображение обнаженного тела эпохи Возрождения, сделано для Козимо Старшего, и Св. Георгия для внешнего украшения Орсанмикеле.


itinerary | bargello

Музей содержит работы в бронзе Джамболонья и Бенвенуто Челлини, а также две бронзовые панели Гиберти и Брунеллески, представленных на конкурс 1401 для украшения северных дверей Баптистерия, на котором победил Гиберти. Из работ Микеланджело представлены: большая скульптура Вакха, Питти Тондо, Давид Аполлон и бюст Брута, вместе с работами Якопо и Андреа Сансовино, Амманнати, Баччо Бандинелли и Триболо. Часовня Санта Мария Магдалина, на первом этаже, только недавно была отреставрирована и открыта для посещений. Музей также содержит картины, майолики, золотые и серебряные изделия, оружие и изделия из слоновой кости.


1. Medici Chapels

Cappella dei Principi


2. Uffizi Gallery

Venus by Botticelli

3. Palazzo Vecchio External view


Principal Museum • Cappelle Medicee The Old Sacristy, the New Sacristy, with architecture and sculpture by Michelangelo, and the Chapel of the Princes, decorated with inlaid marble and hard stones. La Sagrestia Vecchia, la Sagrestia Nuova con architetture e sculture di Michelangelo e la Cappella dei Principi, decorata con marmi e pietre dure. Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 6 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-16.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month. • Galleria dell'accademia Michelangelo’s masterpieces: the David and the Slaves. Sculpture, paintings and casts by various artists. I capolavori di Michelangelo: il David ed i Prigioni. Sculture, dipinti e gessi di varii autori. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50pm. Closed Mondays. • Museo del Bargello Residence of the Captain of the People, of Justice and ancient prison. Masterpieces of painting and sculpture, plus minor arts. Frescoes by the school of Giotto in the Chapel. Residenza del Capitano del Popolo, della Giustizia e antica prigione. Scultura, Pittura, ed arti minori. Affreschi della scuola di Giotto nella Cappella. Via del Proconsolo, 4 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-17.00. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month



• Galleria degli uffizi Open since 1591, the Uffizi hosts one of the most important collections of art of all time, classical sculpture and 13th to 18th century paintings, on an area covering about 8.000 sq.m. Dal 1591 gli Uffizi ospitano, una delle più importanti collezioni artistiche di tutti i tempi, comprendente sculture antiche e dipinti su tavola e tela di scuole italiane e straniere dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Loggiato degli Uffizi - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Palazzo Vecchio quartieri monumentali Residence of the Priors, the Signoria and the Medici. Paintings, sculpture, furniture and hangings. Residenza dei Priori, la Signoria ed i Medici. Oggi sede del Comune di Firenze. Dipinti, sculture, arredi. Piazza della Signoria - tel. 055.2768224 - 9-24. Thursdays, mid-week holidays 9-14. • museo archeologico One of the most important museums in the world for Etruscan art and culture. Egyptian and Greek collections. Fra i principali musei del mondo per l’arte e la civiltà etrusca. Una prestigiosa collezione egizia e greca. Via della Colonna, 38 - tel. 055.23575 - Tuesdays-Fridays 8.30-19 - Saturdays and Sundays 8.30-14. Closed on Mondays.

itinerary | museums

5. 4.

Palazzo Pitti Museums • Galleria Palatina e Appartamenti Reali The Palatine Gallery occupies the whole left wing of the first floor of the Pitti Palace, which was the residence of the Medici grand-dukes. In 1828, when Tuscany came under the rule of the Lorraine, the most important paintings in the Palace, most of which had been collected by the Medici; the Royal Apartments consist of fourteen magnificent rooms which were the home of the Medici and Lorraine grand-ducal families and of the king of Italy. La Galleria Palatina, situata nell’ala sinistra del Palazzo, fu creata tra la fine del Settecento e i primi decenni dell’Ottocento, dai Lorena che collocarono nelle sale di rappresentanza i capolavori provenienti soprattutto dalle collezioni dei Medici; Gli Appartamenti Reali occupano le quattordici magnifiche sale dell’ala destra del Palazzo, già residenza privata delle famiglie regnanti, e sono allestiti con mobili, arredi ed opere d’arte dal Cinquecento all’Ottocento. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Galleria d'arte moderna Paintings and sculptures related to the art in Tuscany from the late 18th century to the period between the two world wars. Temporary shows of contemporary art. Dipinti e sculture dell’arte figurativa in Toscana dalla fine del XVIII secolo al periodo tra le due guerre mondiali. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.2388601-616 - 8.15-18.50. Closed on Mondays.

4. Palazzo Pitti from Boboli Gardens 5. Academy Gallery Michelangelo‘s David

• giardino di Boboli Started in 1550 on a design by Tribolo after the Medici family purchased the Pitti Palace. Iniziato nel 1550 su un progetto di Tribolo dopo l’acquisto di Palazzo Pitti da parte dei Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - May 8.15-18.30 - June 8.15-19.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • giardino Bardini These beautiful gardens, recently restored, contain many rare plants and specialised areas, such as Italian and English gardens, as well as a fine Baroque staircase, statues, fountains, a small amphitheatre and panoramic views. Il bellissimo parco, recentemente restaurato, possiede molte piante rare ed aree specializzate, dal giardino all’italiana al giardino all’inglese, al parco agricolo, oltre alla bella scalinata barocca, statue, fontane, un anfiteatro e scorci panoramici. Entrances: Via dei Bardi, 1r and Boboli Gardens. Info and reservations: tel. 055.294883 - May 8.15-18.30 - June 8.1519.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • galleria del costume Museum on the history of costume. Museo di storia della moda. Palazzina della Meridiana, Boboli Gardens, Pitti Palace - tel. 055.294883 - May 8.15-18.30 - June 8.15-19.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.


itinerary | museums 1. Cappella Brancacci 2. Cappella dei Magi 3. Chiesa di Santo Spirito

2. 1.


• Museo degli Argenti Summer apartments of the Grand Dukes. It contains vases in hard stone that belonged to Lorenzo the Magnificent, and the jewellery that belonged the Electress Palatine. Appartamenti estivi dei granduchi. Conserva i vasi in pietre dure di Lorenzo il Magnifico, la raccolta di gioielli dell’Elettrice Palatina Anna Maria de’ Medici. Piazza Pitti - tel. 055.294883 - May 8.15-18.30 - June 8.15-19.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month. • Museo delle Porcellane Collections of porcelain from reigning royal families. Collezioni di porcellane delle case regnanti. Palazzina del Cavaliere, Boboli Gardens, Piazza Pitti, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - May 8.15-18.30 - June 8.15-19.30. Closed 1st and last Monday of month.

Frescoes • cappella Brancacci The great cycle of frescoes of the Stories of St. Peter, masterpiece of Masaccio. Il grande ciclo di affreschi, con Storie di San Pietro, capolavoro di Masaccio. Piazza del Carmine - tel. 055.2768224 - Monday-Saturday 10-17 - Sundays 13-17. Closed on Tuesdays.



• Cappella dei Magi di Benozzo Gozzoli Built by Michelozzo, it contains the famous frescoes of the Cavalcade of the Magi towards Bethlehem (145960) by Benozzo Gozzoli. Costruita da Michelozzo, vi si trovano i famosi affreschi della Cavalcata dei Magi verso Betlemme (1459-60) di Benozzo Gozzoli. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Via Cavour, 3 - tel. 055.2760340 - 9-18. Closed on Wednesdays. • Cenacolo di Santo Spirito e Fondazione Romano The ancient Refectory of the Convent of Santo Spirito hosts the Crucifixion and Last Supper by Andrea Orcagna. L’antico Cenacolo del convento di Santo Spirito ospita la Crocifissione e l’Ultima Cena di Andrea Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito, 29 - tel. 055.287043 - Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays 10-16. • Cenacolo di Andrea del Sarto The ancient Vallombrosan refectory contains the famous fresco of the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto and other 15th and 16th century paintings. L’antico refettorio Vallombrosiano ospita il celebre affresco dell’Ultima Cena di Andrea del Sarto. Oltre a dipinti e sculture del ’400 e del ’500 nel museo. Via San Salvi, 16 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-13.50. Closed Mondays.

itinerary | museums

5. 1.


4. Piazza San Giovanni, Duomo e Battistero 5. Cappella dei Pazzi e Chiostri di Santa Croce

• Museum of San Marco The convent, cells, cloisters and Pilgrim’s Hospice with frescoes and paintings by Fra Angelico and school. Comprende il convento, le celle, i chiostri e l’Ospizio dei Pellegrini. Affreschi e dipinti del Beato Angelico e scuola. Piazza San Marco, 1 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Friday 8.1513.50 - Saturday-Sunday 8.15-16.50. Closed 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday; 2nd, 4th Monday of month.

• Cupola del Brunelleschi The masterpiece of Brunelleschi. Frescoes of the Last Judgement by Federico Zuccari. Suggestive itinerary to the top of the dome with breathtaking views over the city. Il capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Affreschi del Giudizio Universale di Federico Zuccari. Suggestivo itinerario fin sulla cima della cupola con vista mozzafiato della città. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.00 - Saturdays 8.30-17.40pm. Closed Sundays.

Antique Art & Renaissance

• museo dell'Opera di Santa Croce The Basilica, with the Giotto frescoes, and the ancient convent with the Crucifix by Cimabue, destroyed in the flood of 1966. Works by Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. The Pazzi Chapel, masterpiece by Brunelleschi. Basilica e antico convento, con gli affreschi di Giotto, il Crocifisso di Cimabue, devastato dall’alluvione del 1966. Opere di Donatello, Orcagna, Bronzino, Cimabue. La Cappella dei Pazzi, capolavoro di Brunelleschi. Piazza Santa Croce, 16 - tel. 055.2466105 - 9.30-17.00 - Sundays and holidays 13.00-17.00.

• Battistero di San Giovanni Romanesque temple dedicated to St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the city. Outside, the doors by Ghiberti. Tempio romanico dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, patrono della città. All’esterno le famose porte del Ghiberti. Piazza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 11.15-19.00 Sundays, 1st Saturday of month, holidays 8.30-14.00. • casa Buonarroti Michelangelo built this house for himself and his relations, but never actually lived here. Drawings, paintings, sculpture. La casa che Michelangelo costruì per sé e la famiglia, anche se egli non la abitò mai. Disegni, dipinti, sculture. Via Ghibellina, 70 - tel. 055.241752 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays.

• Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Masterpieces from Cathedral, Baptistery and Belltower. Sculpture, models, and objects in gold and silver. Capolavori dal Duomo, dal Battistero e dal Campanile. Scultura, modelli, oreficeria, messali rari. Piazza del Duomo, 9 - tel. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 Sundays 9.00-13.45.


itinerary | museums

1. Chiostri di Santa Maria Novella 2. Casa di Dante 3. Museo Stibbert

2. 1.

• museo fondazione Horne House of the erudite collector of art, Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916). Paintings, sculpture and furniture. Casa di Sir Herbert Percy Horne (1864-1916), erudito e collezionista d’arte. Dipinti, sculture, mobili. Via de’Benci, 6 - tel. 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00. Closed Sundays and holidays. • chiostri di Santa Maria Novella The Green Cloisters, with frescoes by Paolo Uccello, the Spanish Chapel, the Cloisters of the Dead. Chiostri con affreschi di Paolo Uccello, Orcagna ed altri, il Cappellone degli Spagnoli, il Chiostro dei Morti. Piazza S. Maria Novella - tel. 055.282187 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 10.00-16.00. • Museo Stibbert Frederick Stibbert collections (1838-1906). Armour, sculpture, paintings, furniture, costumes, drawings, tapestries. Collezioni del collezionista anglo-fiorentino Federico Stibbert (1838-1906). Armi e armature, sculture, pitture, arredi, costumi, disegni, arazzi dal medioevo fino ai paesi orentali. Via Stibbert, 26 - tel. 055.475520 - Monday-Wednesday 10.00-14.00 - Fridays-Sunday 10.00-18.00. Closed Thursdays.



• Museo stefano Bardini The Collection of Stefano Bardini the most importante Italian antiquarian of the past century. Art from the Romans to the 18th century La Collezione Stefano Bardini, il più autorevole antiquario italiano dello scorso secolo. Dall’epoca romana fino al '700. Via dei Renai, 37 - tel. 055 2342427 - Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 11.00-17.00.

Modern Art • museo Marino Marini The former Church of San Pancrazio hosts sculpture, paintings, by sculptor Marino Marini (1901-1980). L’ex chiesa di San Pancrazio ospita sculture, dipinti, disegni ed incisioni di Marino Marini (1901-1980). Piazza San Pancrazio - tel. 055.219432 - 10.00-17.00. Closed Tuesdays, and Sundays & holidays.

Monumental Apartments • casa museo di Dante Built in the early 20th century on what was then thought to be the site of the Alighieri houses. Costruita all’inizio del 900 nel luogo ove si pensava abitassero gli Alighieri. Via S. Margherita, 1r - tel. 055.219416 - 10-18.

itinerary | museums


1. Inlay work at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure


2. Certosa del Galluzzo 3. Campanile di Giotto

• museo di Palazzo Davanzati Ancient Florentine house recently restored with furnishings of the middle age. Antica dimora trecentesca recentemente restaurata. Mobili dell’epoca. Via Porta Rossa, 13 - tel. 055. 2388610 - 8.15-13.50. Closed 2nd, 4th Sunday; 1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of month.

Crafts, design, fashion • Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure “Art and nature” could be the motto of this singular museum, dedicated to creations in hard stones where artistic refinement competes with the splendour of the materials. “Arte e natura” potrebbe essere il motto di questo singolare museo, dedicato a creazioni di pietre dure dove la finezza artistica fa a gara con lo splendore dei materiali. Via degli Alfani, 78 - tel. 055.294883 - Monday-Saturday 8.15-14.00. Closed Sundays. • museo Salvatore Ferragamo The history of footwear. Designs, patents, photos and 10000 examples of shoes created by Ferragamo. La storia della calzatura. Disegni, brevetti, foto, 10000 esemplari di scarpe create da Ferragamo. Palazzo Spini Feroni - Via Tornabuoni, 2 - tel. 055.3360456 - 10.00-18.00. Closed Tuesdays.


Monuments • campanile di Giotto Famous belltower, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture by Giotto, built between 1334 and 1359. Celebre torre campanaria, capolavoro di architettura gotica di Giotto, edificato fra 1334 e il 1359. Piazza del Duomo - tel. 055.2302885 - 8.30-19.30. 6th January: 8.30-14.00. • Certosa of Galluzzo Monastic complex founded in the 14th century. the picture-gallery include frescoes by Pontormo, works by Perugino and Ghirlandaio. Complesso monastico trecentesco. La pinacoteca comprende opere del Pontormo, del Perugino e del Ghirlandaio Via Senese 206-208, Galluzzo - tel. 055.2049226 - guided visits every hour 9.00-11.00 - 15.00-16.00. Sundays 15.00-16.00. Closed Mondays. • Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico Built in the Moorish manner by the architects Micheli, Falcini and Treves between 1874 and 1882. The museum covers the most important moments in the history of the Jews in Florence. Edificio in stile moresco costruito dagli architetti Micheli, Falcini e Treves tra il 1874 e il 1882. Il museo ripercorre i momenti più importanti della storia degli ebrei a Firenze. La sua cupola verde è celebre nel panorama cittadino. Via Farini, 6 - tel. 055.2346654 - 10.00-18.30. Fridays 10.00-15.00. Closed Saturdays.


itinerary | museums

1. Wax Model Museo La Specola 2. Old Map of Florence Museo Firenze Com'era 3. Armillary sphere


Museo Galileo




Education & Science • Museo Galileo Collection of scientific instruments and equipment that belonged to the Medici and Lorraine families. Collezioni di strumenti e apparecchi scientifici, appartenenti alle famiglie dei Medici e dei Lorena. Piazza Giudici, 1 - tel. 055.265311 - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9.30-18.00 - Tuesday, Saturday 9.30-13.00. • Department of Musical Instruments The collection comprises instruments, dating from the late 17th to early 19th centuries, formerly belonging to members of the Medici and Lorraine families, which later passed to the Cherubini Conservatory. Il Museo espone strumenti musicali provenienti dalle collezioni dei granduchi di Toscana, Medici e Lorena, raccolti tra il XVII e il XIX secolo e passati successivamente al Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Via Ricasoli, 60 - tel. 055.294883 - 8.15-18.50. Closed Mondays. • Orto Botanico “Giardino dei Semplici” Important Botanical Gardens dating from 1545. The museum contains 16th century herbariums and paintings. Fondato nel 1545, è il più importante Orto Botanico d’Italia. Contiene erbari storici dal XVI secolo e dipinti. Via Micheli, 3 - tel. 055.2757402 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.



• Museo Zoologico La Specola Founded by the Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine, it is the oldest scientific museum in Europe. It owns the largest collection of anatomical wax models in the world. Fondato dal Granduca Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena, è il più antico museo scientifico d’Europa. Possiede la più grande collezione al mondo di cere anatomiche settecentesche. Via Romana, 17 - tel. 055.2288251 - Daily 9.00-13.00 Saturdays 9.00-17.00. Closed Wednesdays.

Guided Tours • CAF TOUR & TRAVEL Tours and excursions Walking Tours of Florence, regular guided tours of the Uffizi and Academy Galleries, Outlet shopping tour Gucci and Prada, Cooking Courses and other activities of interest. Excursions to Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venice, Rome and many more. Tour di Firenze, visite guidate regolari ad Uffizi ed Accademia, tour guidati a piedi, Outlet shopping tour Gucci e Prada, Corsi di cucina ed altre interessanti attività. Escursioni a: Siena-San Gimignano, Pisa, Chianti, Lucca, Venezia, Roma e in molte altre destinazioni. Via degli Alfani, 151r - 50121, Florence tel. 055 283200/210612 - tours@caftours.com PERSONalised tours: 055 2302283 incoming@caftours.com - www.caftours.com

itinerary | churches

2. 1. Santa Croce 2. San Lorenzo 3. Santa Maria Novella


Monumental Churches • Duomo Piazza S. Giovanni. Gothic, started by Arnolfo di Cambio (1296). Dome (Brunelleschi), works by A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia and others. Piazza S. Giovanni. Iniziato da Arnolfo di Cambio (1296), gotico, cupola (Brunelleschi), opere di A. del Castagno, P. Uccello, B. da Maiano, G. Vasari, Michelangelo, Della Robbia ed altri. 10-17 - Thursdays 10-15.30 - holidays 13.30-16.45. • Battistero di San Giovanni Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanesque, bronze doors by A. Pisano and L. Ghiberti, mosaics in cupola.es. Piazza S. Giovanni. Romanico, porte bronzee di A. Pisano e L. Ghiberti, mosaici della cupola. 12-19 - holidays 8.30-14. • Basilica di San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanesque building altered by Brunelleschi; Pulpits by Donatello, Old Sacristy, cloisters. Piazza S. Lorenzo. Romanico rimaneggiato dal Brunelleschi; Pulpiti di Donatello, Sagrestia Vecchia, chiostro. 10-17 - closed holidays. • Basilica di Santa Maria Novella Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gothic, started in 1246, completed in 1360. Piazza S. Maria Novella. Gotico, iniziata nel 1246, terminata nel 1360. 9.30-17 - Fridays and holidays 13-17.


4. San Miniato al Monte 5. San Marco


• Basilica di Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce. Gothic, built in 1294, attributed to Arnolfo di Cambio; Pulpit by Benedetto da Maiano; frescoes in Bardi and Peruzzi Chapels (Giotto); Annunciation (Donatello); Pazzi Chapel (Brunelleschi). Piazza S. Croce. Costruita nel 1294, attribuita ad Arnolfo di Cambio, gotico; Pulpito di Benedetto da Maiano; Cappelle Bardi e Peruzzi affrescate da Giotto; Annunciazione (Donatello); Cappella dei Pazzi (Brunelleschi). 9.30-17.30 - holidays 13-17.30. • Chiesa di Orsanmichele Via dei Calzaiuoli. Reconstructed (1337) by F. Talenti and others, Tabernacles of Patrons of the Guilds (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello and others), Tabernacle (Orcagna). Via dei Calzaiuoli. Ricostruita (1337) da F. Talenti e altri, Tabernacoli dei Patroni delle Arti (Ghiberti, Verrocchio, Donatello ed altri), Tabernacolo (Orcagna). 9-12 - 16-18. • Chiesa di Santa Trinita Piazza S. Trinita. Romanesque, facade by B. Buontalenti. Piazza S. Trinita. Romanico facciata di B. Buontalenti. 8-12 - 16-18 - holidays 16-18. • Chiesa di SS. Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata. Built in 1250, rebuilt by Michelozzo; Nativity of Mary (A. del Sarto), Holy Trinity (A. del Castagno). Piazza SS. Annunziata. Costruita nel 1250, rifatta da Michelozzo; Natività di Maria (A. del Sarto), SS. Trinità (A. del Castagno). 7.30-12.30 - 16-18.30.

itinerary | churches



• Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci. Florentine Romanesque, Chapel of the Crocifisso by Michelozzo, Stories of St. Benedict. Viale Galileo. Romanico fiorentino, Crocifisso del Michelozzo, Storie di S. Benedetto, Cappella di S. Jacopo. 8-19.30. • Chiesa di Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito. Gothic, rebuilt in 1444 by Brunelleschi; Bell tower (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibule, Sacresty, Last Supper of S. Spirito frescoed by Orcagna. Piazza S. Spirito. Gotico, rifatta nel 1444 dal Brunelleschi; Campanile (Baccio D’Agnolo), Vestibolo, Sagrestia, Cenacolo di S. Spirito affrescato dall’Orcagna. . 8.30-12 - 16-18. Saturday 16-18. Closed Wed. • Chiesa di Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Rebuilt on a drawing by Pettirossi (first half of the XVII cent.); Last Supper by Ghirlandaio in the Refectory. Borgo Ognissanti, 42. Ricostruita Disegno del Pettirossi (prima metà del '600); Ultima Cena (Ghirlandaio) nel Refettorio. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday 9-12 • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine. The church hosts the famous Brancacci Chapel with frescoes by Masaccio, Masolino and eventually finished by Filippino Lippi. Piazza del Carmine. Ospita la famosa Cappella Brancacci affrescata da Masaccio e Masolino e successivamente portata a compimento da Filippino Lippi. 13-17. Holidays 10-17. Closed Tues.

• Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi Borgo Pinti, 58. Beautiful entrance cloister (14921505) by Giuliano da Sangallo. The Capitular Hall hosts the great Crucifixion fresco by Perugino. Borgo Pinti ,58. Splendido chiostro d'ingresso di Giuliano da San Gallo. La sala capitolare ospita l'affresco della Crocifissione del Perugino 10-12.30 e 15-17; Closed on Wednesdays • Chiesa di Santa Felicità Rebuilt in 1736 by F. Ruggeri; porch of Vasari, paintings by Pontormo. Piazza di Santa Felicità. Ricostruita nel 1736 da F. Ruggeri; portico del Vasari, dipinti del Pontormo. 9.30-12.30 e 15.30-17.30 • Basilica di San Marco Piazza San Marco. Expanded in 1437 by Michelozzo. Hosts a large crucifix by the school of Orcagna, the "Transfiguration" by Giovan Battista Paggi, the precious altar crucifix by Fra Angelico, Passignano and Giambologna's works and decorations of Alessandro Allori. Piazza San Marco. Ampliata nel 1437 dal Michelozzo, All’interno è presente il grande crocifisso della scuola dell’ Orcagna, la “Trasfigurazione” di Giovan Battista Paggi, sull’altare Maggiore il prezioso crocifisso del Beato Angelico, opere del Passignano e di Gianbologna e decorazioni di Alessandro Allori. 9.30-19 • Chiesa di SS. Apostoli Piazza del Limbo. Preromanique style. Piazza del Limbo. Stile Preromanico


Villa San Michele This Issue's Hotel

Hotel villa san michele Via Doccia, 4 - Fiesole - Florence Tel. +39 055.5678200 www.villasanmichele.net

Maurizio Ammazzini Chef Concierge Hotel Villa San Michele introduces


Villa San Michele is surely one of the most romantic hotels in the world. This former monastery, nestled on a hilltop amid lush trees and terraced gardens, enjoys unparalleled vistas of Florence, stretched out before it in all its classic splendour. Dating from the 15th century, the Villa’s facade is attributed to Michelangelo. Step inside and you experience the ethereal beauty and solitude of a Renaissance building that is as much a part of Italy's culture as the country’s greatest cathedrals and galleries. Here, each visitor is a privileged guest, invited to stroll in the Italian gardens, bursting with lemon trees and fragrant roses, and savour superb Tuscan cuisine as if in a private home. The 16th-century Loggia Restaurant and Bar offers exceptional views over Florence. The grand, arched terrace of The Loggia is the perfect place for a relaxing lunch or dinner in the warm sunshine, while in early spring and autumn the magnificent rooms


inside—Chiostro (cloister) and Cenacolo—are unique, historic settings in which to enjoy sumptuous dishes. The Loggia Bar is a popular rendezvous point for evening cocktails, where you can relax before or after dinner and enjoy the stunning views of Florence and the Arno Valley. From 7pm until midnight a pianist plays, sending gentle music floating on the evening air. Sip your favourite cocktail in the ancient loggia or outside in the fragrant Italian gardens. If you wish to surprise your friends and family once you are back home, join our Cookery School! Short but comprehensive, the “A Morning with the Chef ” course immerses you fully in Tuscan gastronomy courtesy of our chef, Attilio Di Fabrizio. If you are in Florence for a few days or just passing through, take advantage of this opportunity: all you need do is book one day in advance. The cookery course is held every Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 10am to 12.30 and is followed by lunch together with the Chef.

Villa San Michele (Вилла Сан Микеле) безусловно, один из самых романтичных отелей мира.Это бывший монастырь, расположенный на вершине холма, среди пышных деревьев и террасных садов, с беспрецедентными видами на Флоренцию, которые раскидываются во всем своем великолепии под холмом, на котором находится отель. Построеный в 15-м веке фасад виллы приписывают работе Микеланджело.Лоджия 16-го века, где находятся ресторан и бар, предлагает исключительный вид на Флоренцию. Просторная Лоджия с арочными террасами является идеальным местом для спокойного обеда или ужина при теплом солнечном свете,как в это весенне время, так и в живописную пору осени. Уникальное историческое место, где можно в полной мере насладиться роскошными блюдами местной кухни. Бар Лоджия является популярным местом встреч для вечерних коктейлей,где Вы можете расслабиться до или после обеда и насладиться прекрасным видом на Флоренцию и долину Арно. Насладитесь любимым коктейлем в древней лоджии или на улице в ароматном итальянском саду. Если вы хотите удивить ваших друзей и домочадцев по возвращению домой,присоединяйтесь к нашей школе кулинарии! Короткий, но всеобъемлющий курс ,"Утро с шеф-поваром"полностью погружает вас в мир тосканской гастрономии усилиями нашего шеф-повара, Аттилио ди Фабрицио. Если вы находитесь во Флоренции в течении нескольких дней или просто проездом,воспользуйтесь этой возможностью: все, что нужно делать, это записаться за один день. Курс Кулинарии проводится каждый понедельник, четверг и субботу с 10 утра до 12.30 далее следует обед вместе с шеф-поваром.


Hotels in Florence

= Concierge “Chiavi d’Oro - Golden Keys”

 FOUR SEASONS FIRENZE tel. 055.26261 - Borgo Pinti, 99 grand hotel villa cora tel. 055.228790 - Viale Machiavelli, 18 Helvetia & Bristol tel. 055.26651 - Via dei Pescioni, 2 il salviatino tel. 055.0150201 - Via Salviatino, 21 J.K. Place tel. 055.2645181 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 7 Montebello Splendid tel. 055.27471 - Via Garibaldi, 14 Regency tel. 055.245247 - Piazza M. D’Azeglio, 3 Relais Santa Croce tel. 055.2342230 - Via Ghibellina, 87 Savoy tel. 055.27351 - Piazza della Repubblica, 7 the St. Regis Florence tel. 055.27161 - Piazza Ognissanti, 1 the Westin Excelsior tel. 055.27151 - Piazza Ognissanti, 3 Villa La Massa tel. 055.6261 - Candeli - Bagno a Ripoli Villa La Vedetta tel. 055.681631 - Viale Michelangelo, 78 Villa Medici tel. 055.2381331 - Via Il Prato, 42 Villa Olmi Resort tel. 055.637710 - Via degli Olmi 4/8 Bagno a Ripoli Villa San Michele tel. 055.5678200 - Via Doccia, 4 - Fiesole

 Adler Cavalieri tel. 055.277810 - Via della Scala, 40 Adriatico tel. 055.2381781 - Via Maso Finiguerra, 9 Albani tel. 055.26031 - Via Fiume, 12 Albergotto tel. 055.2396464 - Via Tornabuoni, 13 Alexander tel. 055.4378951 - Viale Guidoni, 101 Anglo-American Hotel Regina tel. 055.282114 - Via Garibaldi, 9 Aprile palazzo del borgo tel. 055.216237 - Via della Scala, 6 Athenaeum tel. 055.522688 - Via Cavour, 86 Baglioni tel. 055.23580 - Piazza Unità Italiana, 6 Berchielli tel. 055.264061 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 14 Bernini palace tel. 055.288621 - Piazza S. Firenze, 29 boscolo Astoria tel. 055.2398095 - Via del Giglio, 9 Brunelleschi tel. 055.27370 - Piazza S. Elizabetta Calzaiuoli tel. 055.212456- Via Calzaiuoli, 6 Cavour tel. 055.266271- Via del Proconsolo, 3 Continentale contemporary tel. 055.27262 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 2


degli HOTEL    ORAFI Right next to the Uffizi Gallery and overlooking the Ponte Vecchio, this Hotel became famous after James Ivory's film "Room with View" in 1985. It has 42 bedrooms and a Roof Garden Bar offering views of the Cathedral and Palazzo Vecchio

Lungarno Archibusieri, 4 - tel. 055.26622 www.hoteldegliorafi.it 96


Croce di Malta tel. 055.282600 - Via della Scala, 7 De la Ville tel. 055.2381806 - Piazza Antinori, 1 De Rose tel. 055.2396818 - Via Solferino, 5 Degli Orafi tel. 055.26622 - Lungarno Archibusieri, 4, Della Signoria tel. 055.214530 - Via delle Terme, 1 Diana Park tel. 055.575788 - Via G.Pascoli,10 Executive tel. 055.217451 - Via Curtatone, 5 Fenice Palace tel. 055.289942 - Via dei Martelli, 10 Gallery Hotel Art tel. 055.27263 - Vicolo dell’Oro, 5 Grand Hotel Minerva tel. 055.27230 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 16 Hilton Garden Inn Florence Novoli tel. 055.42401 - Via Sandro Pertini, 2/9 Holiday Inn tel. 055.6531841 - Viale Europa, 205 J and J tel. 055.26312 - Via di Mezzo, 20 Jolly Carlton tel. 055.2770 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4a Kraft tel. 055.284273 - Via Solferino, 2 Laurus tel. 055.2381752 - Via dei Cerretani, 8


Londra tel. 055.2382791 - Via Jacopo da Diacceto, 18/20 Lorenzo Il Magnifico tel. 055.4630878 - Via Lorenzo Il Magnifico, 25 Lungarno tel. 055.27261 - Borgo S. Jacopo, 14 Lungarno Suite tel. 055.27268000 - Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 4 Mediterraneo tel. 055.660241 - Lungarno del Tempio, 44 Michelangelo starhotels tel. 055.2784 - Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 2 Monna Lisa tel. 055.2479751 - Borgo Pinti, 27 nH Porta rossa tel. 055.2710911 - Via Porta Rossa 19 nilhotel tel. 055.795540 - Via Barsanti 27 Park Palace tel. 055.222431 - Piazzale Galileo, 5 Pierre tel. 055.216218 - Via Lamberti, 5 Plaza & Lucchesi tel. 055.26236 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 38 President tel. 055.587603 - Via della Piazzola, 36 bis Principe tel. 055.284848 - Lungarno Vespucci, 34 Residence Florence tel. 055.7310147 - Via della Pace Mondiale - Scandicci Ritz tel. 055.2340650 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 24


Rivoli tel. 055.282853 - Via della Scala, 33 Roma tel. 055.210366 - Piazza S. Maria Novella, 8 San Gallo Palace tel. 055.463871 - Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 2 Santa Maria Novella tel. 055.271840 - Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 1 Sofitel tel. 055.2381301 - Via dei Cerretani, 10 Strozzi Palace tel. 055.283898 - Via de Vecchietti, 4 UNA hotel - palazzo mannaioni tel. 0571.69277 - Via Marconi, 2 Montaione UNA Poggio dei Medici tel. 055.84350 - Via S. Gavino, 27 Scarperia Una vittoria tel. 055.22771 - Via Pisana, 59 Villa Belvedere tel. 055.222501 - Via Castelli, 3 Villa Carlotta tel. 055.2336134 - Via M. di Lando, 3 Villa Stanley tel. 055.446121 - Viale XX Settembre, 200 Sesto F.no


 Balestri tel. 055.214743 - Piazza Mentana, 7 Benivieni tel. 055.2382133 - Via delle Oche, 5 Boccaccio tel. 055.282776 - Via della Scala, 59 Domus Florentiae tel. 055 2654645 - Via degli Avelli 2 Le Due Fontane tel. 055.210185 - Piazza SS. Annunziata, 14 Machiavelli palace tel. 055.216622 - Via Nazionale, 10 Paris tel. 055.280281- Via dei Banchi, 2 Pitti Palace tel. 055.2398711 - Borgo San Jacopo, 3r Privilege tel. 055.2478220 - Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 26 Tornabuoni Beacci tel. 055.212645 - Via Tornabuoni, 3 HISTORIC RESIDENCES & RESORTS Antica Torre di Via Tornabuoni 1 tel. 055.2658161 - Via Tornabuoni, 1 in piazza della signoria tel. 055.2399546 - Via Magazzini, 2 palazzo magnani feroni tel. 055.2399544 - Borgo San Frediano, 5 Residence Centanni tel. 055.630122 - Via di Centanni, 8 Bagno a Ripoli Firenze

gourmet | restaurants

Restaurants in Florence

(Between the brackets)= days of closure

• BUCA LAPI (Sundays) Via del Trebbio, 1r - 055.213768 Typical Tuscan Cuisine in the cellar of Palazzo Antinori • Buca Mario (Always open for dinner) Piazza Ottaviani, 16r - 055.214179 Characteristic Interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Cammillo (Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Borgo San Jacopo, 57r - 055.212427 Classic interior. Tuscan & fish Cuisine • Cantinetta Antinori (Saturdays and Sundays) Piazza Antinori, 3 - 055.292234 Classic interior. Typical Tuscan Cuisine • Capriccio Hotel Montebello Splendid (Always open) Via Garibaldi, 14 - 055.27471 Elegant interior. Tuscan & International Cuisine • Circus (Always open) P.zza della Signoria, 34r - 055.294553 Informal interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Coco Lezzone (Sundays & dinnertime Tuesdays) Via del Parioncino, 26r - 055.287178 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine

• Enoteca Pinchiorri (Mondays & Sundays) Via Ghibellina, 87 - 055.242777 Elegant interior. Creative Tuscan haute Cuisine • Fellini (Closed on Mondays - Open only for dinner) Via Ghibellina, 134r - 055.2478898 Elegant interior. Fish specialities • Harry's bar (Always open) Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - 055.2396700 Classic interior. International Cuisine • Hard rock cafe (Always open) Via Brunelleschi, 1 - 055.2670499 Authentic American Cuisine in Rock n Roll environment • Hostaria Bibendum Hotel Helvetia & Bristol (Always Open) Via dei Pescioni, 2 - 055.26651 Elegant environment. Mediterranean Cuisine • il bargello (Always Open) Piazza Signoria, 4r - 055.214071 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • il cabreo (Tuesdays) Via Guicciardini, 27r - 055.210003 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine


gourmet | restaurants

• il palagio hotel Four Seasons (Always open) Borgo Pinti, 99 - 055.2626450 Elegant interior. Italian haute Cuisine • La Serra - Hotel plaza lucchesi (Always open) L.rno della Zecca Vecchia, 38 - 055.26236 Elegant interior. Italian and Typical Tuscan Cuisine. • Le Antiche Carrozze (Always open) Piazza S. Trinita - Borgo SS. Apostoli - 055.2658156 Trattoria & Pizzeria - Typical cuisine • Le fonticine (March: Sundays - April: always open) Via Nazionale, 79r - 055.282106 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Natalino (Mondays) Borgo degli Albizi, 17r - 055.289404 Informal interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • osteria santo spirito (Always open) Piazza Santo Spirito, 16r - 055.2382383 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • riva d'arno wine bar (Always open) Lungarno Soderini, 7r - 055.280223 Informal interior. International Cuisine


• sabatini (Mondays) Via Panzani, 9a - 055.282802 Classic interior. Tuscan Cuisine • Se•STO on arno - the Westin excelsior (Always open) Piazza Ognissanti, 3 - 055.27152783 Elegant interior. Mediterranean Cuisine. • Trattoria 4 Leoni (Always Open) Piazza della Passera - 055.218562 Characteristic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Antico Fattore (Sundays) Via Lambertesca, 1/3r - 055.288975 Characteristic interior . Traditional Tuscan cuisine • Trattoria omero (Always open) Via Pian dei Giullari, 47 - 055.220053 Classic interior. Traditional Tuscan Cuisine • Trattoria Sostanza - Troia (May: Sundays & holidays - June: Saturdays, Sundays & holidays) Via del Porcellana, 25r - 055.212691 Typical Tuscan Trattoria. Traditional local Cuisine • Vivanda (Always open) Via Santa Monaca, 7r - 055.2381208 Restaurant & wine bar. Slow food & natural wines.

Santa Maria Novella

1 Buca Mario 055.214179 2 Capriccio 055.27471 3 harry's bar 055.2396700 4 le fonticine 055.282106 5 Sabatini 055.282802 6 SE•STo on arno 055.27152783 7 trattoria sostanza - troia 055.212691


2 5


2 1



6 3 4


1 4 2


1 Cammillo 2 il cabreo 3 riva d'arno wine bar 4 Trattoria 4 Leoni

055.212427 055.210003 055.280223 055.218562


Duomo / Signoria 1 buca lapi 2 Cantinetta antinori 3 circus 4 Coco Lezzone 5 hard rock cafe 6 hostaria bibendum 7 il bargello 8 il palagio

055.213768 055.292234 055.294553 055.287178 055.2670499 055.2665620 055.214071 055.2626450


1 3



Santa Croce 1 Fellini 2 enoteca pinchiorri

055.2478898 055.242777

trattoria omero

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria 4 Leoni

Трактир 4 львов находится на площади делла Пассера рядом с Дворцом Питти и окунает вас в обстановку исконно тосканского стиля, простого но рафинированного. Хозяин, Стефано ди Пуччио, известен в городе как игрок в «Исторический Флорентийский Футбол» и благодаря высококачественной кухне, которая предлагает традиционные блюда тосканы, такие как курица в кляре, кролик с овощами, незабываемые бифштексы и знаменитый Пепозо из Импруньеты ( пиккантное жаркое). Все дессерты сделаны на кухне ресторана, вина можно дегустировать бокалами. В летнее время можно поесть на открытом воздухе.


A corner of ancient Florence can be found between the Ponte Vecchio and the Pitti Palace that is full of craft workshops and beloved by artists and intellectuals. The Trattoria 4 Leoni, situated in Piazza della Passera, offers the sort of welcome that we would expect to find in the homes of old friends. The furnishings are in the typical Tuscan traditions, plain yet refined, with straw-bottomed chairs and marble-topped tables. Mine host Stefano Di Puccio is held in high esteem in the city for his sporting history as a player in the “Historic Florentine Football Matches”, but also for the genuine hospitality that can be found in his restaurant and for quality of his cooking. Platters in the true Tuscan tradition emerge from the kitchen, from the mythical Huge Fry-Up (fried chicken, rabbit and vegetables) and the steaks, always excellent, to the famous Impruneta Peposo (peppery stew) or the delicious 4 Leoni Salad; all of them dishes for gourmets! We must not forget to mention the desserts, all homemade, like the pear and chocolate cake, the apple tart or the cheese cake; or else there are the popular Prato Cantuccini (almond biscuits) to dip in the Holy Wine. The wines are all of excellent quality and can also be ordered by the glass. Outside dining under a white marquee and surrounded by pots of sweet-melling bay trees is possible in the summer months. The quality of the cooking, the care taken over details and service, together with the simple and genuine atmosphere, make the 4 Leoni a symbolic nightspot for all the Florentines and ... Piazza della Passera in the Spring is a really wonderful sight. Piazza della Passera Tel. 055.218562 www.4leoni.com

gourmet | restaurants

Trattoria Omero

Трактир Omero Трактир Omero является одним из исторических флорентийских ресторанов. Расположенный на холме, всего в пяти минутах от центра города , благодаря его дружественной и спокойной обстановке, трактир стал незаменимым местом встречи для тех, кто умеет наслаждаться жизнью. Его успех связан с качеством приготовления пищи, трактир предлагает традиционные тосканские блюда из сезонных продуктов , приготовленные с мудростью и страстью. Два больших столовых зала в традиционной стилистике с элементами элегантной моды, с большим окном на Флоренцию, придают ресторану особый свет ... летними вечерами можно пообедать на террасе и насладиться восхитительным видом на холмы. Винный погреб содержит свыше 300 отборных вин: классические итальянские и международные вина, и все знаменитые тосканские этикетки. Время, кажется, остановилось в Omero... оригинальный вкус и простота - вот его отличительные черты.


Trattoria Omero is one of the historic sites in Florentine catering. Its ideal position on the hill only five minutes from the city centre and its friendly and peaceful environment make it a meeting point for personalities of culture and the cinema. Its success is due to the quality of the cooking that offers traditional Tuscan dishes prepared with seasonal ingredients and cooked with wisdom and passion. The two large dining rooms are furnished in a traditional but elegant fashion with a large picture window over Florence that gives the restaurant a very special light... and on summer evenings it is possible to dine on the splendid terrace and enjoy an enchanting view over the hills. Trattoria Omero is a unique opportunity to enjoy moments of true pleasure at the table and enjoy excellently cooked but simple dishes. The menu follows the rhythm of the seasons, while the dishes are prepared using selected fresh produce of top quality and include fresh home made pasta, pappardelle with hare ragout, grilled meats, fried platters, Florentine steaks, specialities based on game, desserts, which are always home made, and many other delicacies. The Cantina houses over 300 selected wines: classic Italian and international wines and all the fines Tuscan labels. The service is attentive, friendly and never intrusive. Time seems to have stood still at Omero’s as, although the restaurant has stood here for decades, it still manages to keep its reputation and perhaps this is why its customers get attached to it and come back again and again, because they know they will always find original flavours and simplicity. Always open for lunch and dinner, gastronomy shop open 9.00-23.00. Via Pian dei Giullari 47 - Arcetri - Florence Tel +39.055.220053 - Fax +39.055.2336183 www.ristoranteomero.it

Fresh Pasta and Grilled Meat Specialities An unforgettable stop along the Florentine traditional gastronomic route, a recently renovated historic restaurant that boasts a warm and welcoming atmosphere. From the entrance hall, with a showcase dedicated to fresh homemade pasta and vegetables in season, you can glimpse the kitchen and the chefs at work. Walking through a room, with a view on the cellar, you get in the large dining room, decorated with a collection of paintings and ceramic plates, and finally find two rooms for private dinners. The traditional Tuscan cuisine focuses in particular on the quality of the strictly seasonal raw materials. The handmade fresh pasta, the grilled meat cooked on a charcoal grill and the delicious homemade desserts are the highpoints of the restaurant. On weekends, the menu is enriched with a wide selection of fresh fish together with one of specialities of the house: CrĂŞpes Suzette flambe cooked directly in the dining room.

March: Open 12-14.30 & 18-22.30 Closed on Sundays April: Always Open 12-22.30

via nazionale, 79r - tel. 055.282106 - www.lefonticine.com

gourmet | restaurants


Ресторан Circus Это ресторан, который был создан, чтобы предложить своим клиентам полный спектр услуг. С самого раннего утра (открывается в 7.30) Вам предложат классический завтрак. Вы также можете отдохнуть за аперитивом, наслаждаясь видом на площадь Синьории, мы советуем вам попросить перечень закусок, который действительно удивляет своим необычным содержанием и широким выбором оригинальных мохито, отобранных нашими кубинскими барменами. Пицца, которую мы предлагаем, сделана по методу длительной левитации и испечена в специальной печи на настоящих дровах.Если же если вы больше заинтересованы в традиционной кухне в итальянском стиле, просто загляните в наше меню. Наши стейки из особого мяса Кьянина (знаменитый флорентийский бифштекс), которое было тщательным образом отобрано для наших клиентов, определенно стоит попробовать.


Circus is a restaurant that was created to offer its customers a complete service and in fact opens at 7.30 in the morning with classical breakfasts composed of hot leavened bread or our own home produced cakes with a cappuccino, or else full Continental breakfasts. If on the other hand you want to relax over an aperitif, while enjoying a view over Piazza Signoria, we advise you to ask for the list of appetizers, which is really surprising for its unusual contents and wide choice of original mojitos, selected by our Cuban barman. Thanks to our wood oven, we also offer a wide choice of excellent long-leavened pizzas to suit all tastes, from classical pizzas to the revisited recipes created by our pizza bakers, with carefully selected quality-based toppings as we like to make sure that our clients are always served with the finest products. Lastly, if you are more interested in dining Italian style, we advise you to try the restaurant menu, which includes carefully studied platters that can satisfy the most exacting taste buds. Our Chianina steaks are definitely worth trying, carefully selected and served in the traditional way, thus making your lunch or dinner quite unforgettable. The wine list offers a wide choice of labels as they have all been selected by the owner, who worked for years with the wineries in this area and elsewhere. The bread and schiacchiata, like most of the prime materials, are freshly prepared every day in our kitchens to ensure that you can enjoy unique and unmistakeable flavours every time you come here. Piazza della Signoria, 34r - Tel. 055.294553

Trattoria Cammillo C u c i n a toscana e d i n t er n azionale • Tu s c an and i n t e r n ational c u i sine Borgo S. Jacopo 57r - Firenze Tel. (055) 212427 Fax (055) 212963 Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays

gourmet | restaurants

Harry's Bar

With its unique style, Harry's Bar is one of the most popular restaurants in the world charming its guests since 1952. The impeccable service and excellent quality of the cuisine allows you to taste the original Harry's beef carpaccio, the taglierini au gratin with parmesan cheese and ham or curried shrimps. The private rooms are perfect for banquets, dinners and lunches and there is a smoking room. American Bar guests can relax with a Bellini cocktail - the house specialty - or a good cup of coffee. The beautiful outdoor terrace overlooking the River Arno with the Ponte Vecchio in the background, offers the most beautiful sunset in the city. These are the distinctive elements of Harry's Bar a meeting place for writers, politicians, businessmen and celebrities, who find here an ideal mix to appreciate the charm of Tuscany through its food and wine best.

Riva d'Arno Wine Bar

Riva D'Arno is a pleasant wine bar not to be missed. It is located at the Ponte Carraia, overlooking the Lungarno Corsini and Vespucci. The wine bar offers specialties: oysters, tripe monkfish, cuttlefish eggs with ginger, black squid, sardines in damp, Icelandic cod, marinated beef, mille feuille of foie gras and duck tongue, duck terrine with pistachios , leg of duck, cheeses and other specialties of the season yet. The wines are selected and high drinkability. The wine bar offers regular exhibitions of works by contemporary artists of interest. It 's open daily from 11.30 to 23.30 for the appetizer, lunch and dinner. On Sundays from 12.00 to 15.30

Благодаря своему уникальному стилю, Бар Гарри является одним из самых популярных ресторанов в мире, очаровывая своих гостей с 1952 года. Безупречный сервис и превосходное качество кухни позволяет вам оценить фирменные карпаччо из говядины, тальерина запеченные с сыром пармезан и ветчиной или креветки карри.

Рива Д'Арно это приятный винный бар, который никак нельзя пропустить. Этот винный бар предлагает свои типичные лакомства: устрицы, печень морского ангела, слойку с фуа-гра и утиным языком, утиную ножку, сыры и прочие деликатесы по сезону. Винный бар предлагает постоянно в своих стенах выставки современных художников, вызывающих интерес. Он открыт каждый день с 11.30 по 23.30 для аперитивов, обедов и ужинов. В воскресение с 12.00 по 15.30

Lungarno Vespucci, 22r - Tel. 055.2396700 www.harrysbarfirenze.it

Lungarno Soderini, 7r - Tel. 055.280223 www.rivadarnowinebar.it


Piazza della Signoria 4/r Tel. e Fax 055.214071 www.ilbargello.it - info@ilbargello.it

Come for a typical Florentine meal Originally the ancient “Locanda del Buco� XIII-XIV cent. Always open for Lunch & Dinner

useful info

Tourist Information


Tourist Info Points Via Cavour, 1r 055.290832 / 290833 Vespucci Airport (Florence) 055.315874 Piazza del Duomo 055.215440 Piazza Stazione, 4 055.212245 Emergencies Emergency ephone Number 113 Ambulance Service 118 Carabinieri - National Military Police 112 Environmental Emergency 1515 Fire Department 115 Health Services 24/7 Medical Service: En/De/Fr speaking doctors - No need to book Piazza Duomo 055.212221 Open Pharmacies 800.420707 Veterinary Services 055 7223683 Poison Center 24/7 055.7947819 On the Road Roadside Assistance for Foreigners 800.116800 Obstruction, theft and towed vehicles 055.4224142 Highways: route planning and traffic jams www.autostrade.it/en Law enforcement Railway Police 055.211012 Florence Municipal Police 055.3283333 Local National Police Force 055.49771 Fire and Rescue Service 055.24901 Airports “A. Vespucci” - Firenze Peretola www.aeroporto.firenze.it/en 055.3061300 • Lost & Found Office 055.3061302 “G. Galilei” - Pisa www.pisa-airport.com 050.849300 • Lost & Found Office 050.849400 Buses ATAF - Bus Info 6am/9pm 800424500 - from Mob. 199104245 Li-nea - Bus Info 055.7355742 (Buy your 90mins ticket for 1,20 € in bars, Tabacchis, news-stands) Coaches FSBustalia – SITA Nord - via Santa Caterina da Siena 15 www.fsbusitalia.it 800.373760/055.47821 Etruria Mobilità SCaRL (Arezzo) www.etruriamobilita.it 0575.39881 CAP (Prato) largo Frali Alinari 9 www.capautolinee.it 055.214637 COPIT/BLUBUS – from Largo F.lli Alinari www.copitspa.it 800.277.825/0573.3630 VAIBUS - Piazza Stazione/via Fiume, tickets at CAP ticket office www.vaibus.com 800.602525 Trains Trenitalia - Call Center (tickets, change, info) 89.20.21 • Interactive Voice Response System 06.3000 Italo - Call Center, 6am-11pm. 06.07.08 Taxis CO.TA.FI. 055.4390 SO.CO.TA. 055.4242 - 055.4798 Other services Protection of Tourist Rights 2760382 Animal Protection 055.213296 LOST PROPERTY City Council Lost Property Office, Via F. Veracini 5, int.5, 055.334802, including all properties handed in at Police Headquarters, Carabinieri and Railway Police Offices.

ALBANIA Via D. Manin 2 - tel 055.2340277 - 3473381882 AUSTRIA Lungarno Vespucci 58 - tel 055.2654222 BANGLADESH Via Pellicceria 6 - tel 055.217500 BELGIUM Via dei Servi 28 - tel 055.282094 BRAZIL Piazza Pitti 5 - tel 055.290948 - 055.222336 BULGARIA Via Orcagna 42 - tel 055.571055 BURKINA FASO Via Maggio 26 - tel 055.219571 CAMEROON Piazza Indipendenza 21 - tel 055.5047149 CAPE VERDE Via Tornabuoni 4 - tel 055.216689 CHILE Poggio Magherini 4, Fiesole - tel 055.597216 CHINA Via Della Robbia 89 - tel 055.573889 COLOMBIA Via Santo Spirito 11 - tel 055.289468 COSTA RICA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.573603 CROATIA Via Mattonaia 13 - tel 055.2639272 CZECH REPUBLIC Viale Spartaco Lavagnini 18 - tel 055.284454 DENMARK Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.211007 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Via Marconi 30 - tel 055.5000777 ECUADOR Via Trieste 67 - tel 055.473151 EL SALVADOR Via Condotta 12 - tel 055.292256 ESTONIA Via Lamarmora 55 - tel 055.588313 FINLAND Borgo SS. Apostoli 27 - tel 055.3562838 FRANCE Piazza Ognissanti 2 - tel 055.2302556 GERMANY Corso dei Tintori 3 - tel 055.2343543 GREAT BRITAIN Lungarno Corsini 2 - tel 055.284133 GREECE Via Cavour 38 - tel 055.2381482 GRENADA Via dello Studio 8 - tel 055.0776222 - 055.290394 HONDURAS Via APoliziano 8 - tel 055.470122 - 055.470132 HUNGARY Via Belgio 2 - tel 055.6531817 IVORY COAST Piazza San Firenze 3 - tel 055.2777263 LATVIA Via Suor Maria Celeste 1 - tel 055.224597 LITHUANIA Viale Belfiore 33 - tel 055.363045 LUXEMBOURG Via Palestro 4 - tel 055.284232 MALTA Via Machiavelli 29 - tel 055.261961 MEXICO Via Arte della Lana 4 - tel 055.217831 MONACO (PRINCIPALITY) P.zza Repubblica 6 - tel 055.2670608 MONGOLIA Via Firenzuola, 18, Prato - tel 0574.606136 NETHERLANDS Via Cavour 81 - tel 055.475249 NICARAGUA Via Eugenio Barsanti 24, Prato - tel 0574.545957 NORWAY Lungarno Corsini 6 - tel 055.5370300 PANAMA Via Pico della Mirandola 8 - tel 055.587119 PERU Piazza S. Firenze 3 - tel 055.2608803 PHILIPPINES Via C. Ridolfi 2 - tel 055.4628848 PORTUGAL Via Bolognese 55 - tel 055.494787 ROMANIA Via dei Rondinelli 3 - tel 055.2645661 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Via Guicciardini 15 - tel 055.289873 SAN MARINO Via Roma 3 - tel 055.210864 SENEGAL Borgo S. Lorenzo 1 - tel 055.216999 SERBIA Via Masaccio 49 - tel 055.214950 SEYCHELLES Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466 SLOVAKIA Lungarno del Tempio 54 - tel 055.579531 SLOVENIA Borgo Pinti 82 rosso - tel 055.242022 SOUTH AFRICA Piazza de’ Salterelli 1 - tel 055.281863 SPAIN Via dei Servi 13 - tel 055.212207 SWEDEN Via Bonifacio Lupi 14 - tel 055.499536 SWITZERLAND Piazzale Galileo 5 - tel 055.222434 TUNISIA Piazza San Marco 12 - tel 055.215833 TURKEY Via Dante da Castiglione 8 - tel 055.2335945 UKRAINE Piazza Alberti 16 - tel 055.677064 U.S. OF AMERICA Lung. Vespucci 38 - tel 055.266951 VENEZUELA Via Giambologna 10 - tel 055.588082 YEMEN Via Maffia 10 - tel 055219588 – 055.2399328 ZAMBIA Via Alfieri 19 - tel 0584.53466


useful info

Aeroporto Galileo Galilei - Pisa Destinazione Partenze Arrivi Giorni To Depart. Arrivals Days Bari 06.35 Cagliari 06.35 Palermo 20.25 Roma Fium 07.05 Amburgo (Lu) 06.50 Amsterdam 15.00 Barcellona 09.15 Barcellona (Gi) 20.35 Berlino (Sc) 12.45 Bournemouth 11.15 Bruxelles (Ch) 19.45 Budapest 06.35 Cefalonia 12.25 Colonia-Bonn 21.05 Constanta 14.25 Copenaghen 08.50 Creta - Chania 18.25 Dublino 10.10 Dusseldorf 06.45 Edimburgo 12.25 Eindhoven 13.05 Francoforte 21.55 Glasgow (Pr) 10.55 Goteborg City 18.10 Ibiza 14.55 Liverpool 14.30 Londra (Ga) 13.10 Londra (Ga) 15.45 Londra (He) 13.15 Londra (Lu) 16.20 Londra (St) 10.10 Londra (St) 22.15 Maastricht 21.15 Madrid 10.05 Malta 11.15 Manchester 11.50 Marrakesh 06.35 Marsiglia 08.35 Newcastle 20.00 New York (JFK) 09.50 Nuremberg 18.25 Oslo 11.05 Oslo (Torp) 06.15 Parigi (Be) 16.10 Parigi (Ch) 20.35 Parigi (Orly) 13.00 Parigi (Orly) 13.00 Praga 11.50 S. Pietroburgo 21.45 Stoccolma 20.30 Stoccolma 20.35 Tirana 11.25 Valencia 10.20 Varsavia 09.35

08.20 07.55 21.50 07.55 08.55 17.10 10.50 22.05 14.35 12.25 21.35 08.15 15.20 22.45 17.50 11.10 21.50 12.10 08.40 14.15 15.05 23.35 12.40 20.30 16.40 15.55 14.20 16.55 14.30 17.40 11.20 23.30 22.55 12.30 13.00 13.20 09.05 09.50 21.40 13.25 20.10 14.00 09.00 18.00 22.20 14.40 14.40 13.25 03.15* 23.30 23.30 13.00 12.30 11.55

Volo Flight

FR 9783 1357 FR 9933 57 FR 9994 2456 AZ 1666 1234567 FR 3595 135 HV 5424 123 VY 6771 26 FR 9242 123567 U2 4584 14 FR 563 6 FR 3748 57 FR 5024 1 FR 9855 5 4U 897 14 FR 9786 1 DY 3737 13 FR 9848 3 FR 9907 6 FR 8896 26 FR 2752 6 FR 9923 236 FR 1235 135 FR 7847 6 FR 9487 4 FR 8874 3 FR 9627 6 BA 2601 1234567 U2 5234 123457 BA 601 1234567 U2 2304 157 FR 585 123456 FR 589 123456 FR 9353 37 FR 9471 12 FR 9992 2 LS 884 467 FR 8876 6 FR 9992 3 LS 548 6 DL 137 136 FR 8326 6 DY 1867 4 FR 9311 26 FR 9976 267 AZ 7394 1234567 U2 4214 12345 U2 4214 12345 AZ 7632 246 AZ 7560 4 DY 4370 6 FR 1637 6 AZ 7630 135 FR 9325 7 FR 9945 26

Provenienza From

tel. 050.849300 - www.pisa-airport.com Partenze Arrivi Giorni Depart. Arrivals Days

Bari 08.45 Cagliari 08.20 Palermo 22.15 Roma Fium 09.50 Amburgo (Lu) 09.20 Amsterdam 12.20 Barcellona 07.00 Barcellona (Gi) 22.35 Berlino (Sc) 10.15 Bournemouth 12.50 Bruxelles (Ch) 22.05 Budapest 08.40 Cefalonia 15.45 Colonia-Bonn 18.50 Constanta 18.15 Copenaghen 06.00 Creta - Chania 22.15 Dublino 12.35 Dusseldorf 09.05 Edimburgo 08.00 Eindhoven 15.30 Francoforte 19.55 Glasgow (Pr) 06.55 Goteborg City 20.55 Ibiza 17.15 Liverpool 16.25 Londra (Ga) 09.20 Londra (Ga) 12.00 Londra (He) 08.55 Londra (Lu) 12.30 Londra (St) 06.30 Londra (St) 18.45 Maastricht 19.00 Madrid 13.05 Malta 13.25 Manchester 08.40 Marrakesh 18.40 Marsiglia 07.00 Newcastle 15.40 New York (JFK) 16.10 Nuremberg 20.35 Oslo 07.25 Oslo (Torp) 09.25 Parigi (Be) 18.25 Parigi (Ch) 18.15 Parigi (Orly) 10.45 Parigi (Orly) 10.45 Praga 14.00 S.Pietroburgo 04.25 Stoccolma 17.05 Stoccolma 17.25 Tirana 13.40 Valencia 07.55 Varsavia 12.25

10.10 09.35 23.35 10.45 11.15 14.20 08.35 23.55 12.15 16.00 23.55 10.20 16.40 20.30 19.45 08.20 23.50 16.20 10.50 11.45 17.15 21.30 10.30 23.50 19.00 19.30 12.25 15.10 12.05 15.45 09.45 21.50 20.50 15.25 15.10 11.10 23.55 08.10 19.20 06.45* 22.20 10.20 12.10 20.10 20.00 12.25 12.25 15.30 06.00 20.00 20.10 15.20 09.55 14.55

Timetables are subject to changes without prior warning Gli orari possono essere soggetti a variazioni senza preavviso


Volo Flight

FR 9784 1357 FR 9934 57 FR 9995 2456 AZ 1663 1234567 FR 3596 135 HV 5423 123 VY 6770 26 FR 9241 123567 U2 4583 14 FR 564 6 FR 3747 57 FR 5023 1 FR 9856 5 4U 896 14 FR 9787 1 DY 3736 13 FR 9849 3 FR 9908 6 FR 8897 26 FR 2753 6 FR 9924 236 FR 1234 135 FR 7846 6 FR 9488 4 FR 8875 3 FR 9626 6 BA 2600 1234567 U2 5233 123457 BA 600 1234567 U2 2303 157 FR 584 123456 FR 588 123456 FR 9354 37 FR 9472 12 FR 9993 2 LS 883 467 FR 8877 6 FR 9993 3 LS 547 6 DL 136 136 FR 8327 6 DY 1866 4 FR 9312 26 FR 9977 267 AZ 7395 1234567 U2 4213 12345 U2 4213 12345 AZ 7633 246 AZ 7559 4 DY 4369 6 FR 1636 6 AZ 7631 135 FR 9326 7 FR 9946 26

useful info

Rail connections with Pisa Airport Firenze SMN Pisa Centr.

Pisa Centr.

6:08 7:32 7:38 7:00 8:28 8:32 8:38 9:28 10:28 10:38 10:28 11:28 11:38 11:00 11:28 12:26 12:38 12:28 13:28 13:38 13:00 13:28 14:28 14:38 14:28 15:28 15:38 15:00 15:28 16:28 16:38 16:28 17:28 17:38 17:00 17:28 18:28 18:38 19:00 19:49 20:01 19:28 20:28 20:38 20:38 22:25

Pisa Air. 7:43 8:00 8:43 10:43 11:43 12:00 12:43 13:43 14:00 14:43 15:43 16:00 16:43 17:43 18:00 18:43 20:06 20:43 22:07 1:03

Pisa Air.

Pisa Centr.

Pisa Cent. Firenze SMN

6:53 8:18 8:23 8:32 9:03 10:18 10:23 10:32 11:03 12:18 12:23 12:32 13:03 14:18 14:23 14:32 15:03 16:18 16:23 16:32 17:01 17:18 17:23 17:32 18:18 18:23 18:32 19:03 20:18 20:23 20:32 21:03 21:08 21:32 22:20

8:20 9:32 10:00 11:32 12:00 13:32 14:00 15:32 16:00 17:32 18:01 18:32 19:32 20:00 21:32 22:32 23:50

Principal Trains leaving Florence S.M.N FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE ROMA FIRENZE MILANO FIRENZE 06:50 08:30 16:04 17:30 07:00 08:45 8:30 07:38 09:05 16:38 18:05 08:00 09:45 9:30 08:38 10:05 17:04 18:30 09:00 10:45 10:15 09:04 10:30 18:04 19:30 10:00 11:45 10:30 09:38 11:05 18:38 20:05 11:00 12:45 11:30 10:04 11:30 19:04 20:30 12:00 13:45 12:15 10:38 12:05 19:38 21:05 13:00 14:45 12:30 11:04 12:30 20:38 22:05 14:00 15:45 13:30 11:38 11:38 21:04 22:30 15.00 16:45 14:30 12:04 13:30 21:09 00:45 16:00 17:45 15:30 12:38 14:05 21:38 23:05 17:00 18:45 16:30 13:04 14:30 18:00 19:45 17:30 13:38 15:05 19:00 20:45 18:15 14:04 15:30 20:00 21:45 19:30 14:38 16:05 21:00 22:45 20:30 15:04 16:30 21:15 23:50 21:30 15:38 17:05


VENEZIA 10:35 11:35 12:20 12:35 13:35 14:20 14:35 15:35 16:35 17:35 18:35 19:35 20:20 21:35 21:35 23:35

useful info

Florence - Siena: Coach Service FIRENZE - SIENA (express service) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,45 8,00 L 10,10 11,25 L 14,40 15,55 H3 17,20 18,35

L 7,00 8,15 F 10,10 11,25 F 15,10 16,25 L6 17,20 18,40

L 7,15 8,30 L 10,30 11,45 L 15,40 16,55 S 17,20 18,35

L 7,45 9,00 F 11,10 12,25 F 16,10 17,25 L 17,30 18,45

L 7,45 9,00 F 12,10 13,25 L6 16,30 17,5 L 18,10 19,25

S 8,10 9,25 F 13,10 14,25 L5 16,45 18,05 L 18,10 19,25

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 G 19,10 20,25

L 8,50 10,05 L4 13,30 14,45 L 17,00 18,15 F 20,15 21,30

F 9,10 10,25 F2 14,10 15,25 L 17,10 18,25

S 9,10 10,25 F1,6 14,10 15,3 S 17,10 18,25

F 6,40 7,55 L 10,10 11,25 L 16,10 17,25 F 18,20 19,35

L9 6,45 8,15 S 10,10 11,25 S 16,10 17,25 L 18,50 20,05

F 6,50 8,05 L 11,10 12,25 F 17,10 18,25 G 19,10 20,25

L 7,10 8,25 L 11,50 13,05 L 17,10 18,25 L 20,15 21,30

L6 7,10 8,25 F 12,10 13,25 H 17,40 18,55 H3 20,15 21,30

F 8,00 9,15 S 13,10 14,25 L 17,40 18,55 L 20,45 22,00

L 8,10 9,25 L 13,10 14,25 L7 17,40 19,00

H 9,10 10,25 H 14,10 15,25 H 17,20 18,35

SIENA - FIRENZE (express service) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

L 6,20 7,35 S 8,10 9,25 G 14,10 15,25 G 17,50 19,05

F 6,30 7,45 L 8,50 10,05 L 14,50 16,05 L 18,00 19,15

L10 6,40 8,09 F 9,10 10,25 L 15,10 16,25 H 18,10 19,25

FIRENZE - SIENA (direct service) -Via Poggibonsi - Colle Val d’Elsa FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi)

F 6,10 7,45 F 11,40 13,15 G 15,40 17,15

H 6,30 8,05 H 12,10 13,45 L 16,40 18,15

G 7,10 8,45 H 12,15 F 17,10 -

L 8,15 G 12,40 14,15 L 17,40 19,15

S3 8,15 L 13,40 15,15 SH 17,40 19,15

L 8,40 10,15 S 13,40 15,15 L 18,20 19,55

F 9,40 11,15 L2 14,10 SH 18,40 20,15

H 10,10 11,45 L 14,40 16,15 L 18,40 20,15

F 10,40 12,15 S 14,40 16,15 G 19,50 21,4

F 7,15 8,50 L 12,40 14,15 G 20,30 22,05

L 8,35 F 13,40 15,15

H 8,10 9,45 H 13,50 15,25

G8 21,15 22,5

SIENA - FIRENZE (direct service) - Via Colle Val d’Elsa - Poggibonsi SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA) SIENA (Via Tozzi) FIRENZE (Aut. SITA)

F 7,30 F 8,40 10,15 F 14,40 16,15

L 7,45 F 9,40 11,15 G 15,40 17,15

F 6,20 7,55 H 9,40 11,15 F 16,40 18,15

H 6,20 7,55 L 10,40 12,15 G 17,40 19,15

F1 6,30 8,05 H 10,40 12,15 F 18,40 20,15

L2 6,30 8,05 G 11,40 13,15 L 19,40 21,15

LEGENDA / KEY TO SYMBOLS L From Monday to Friday - F Weekdays - S Saturday - H Festive - G Daily (1) Runs from 15/6 to 13/9 - (2) Runs from 14/9 to 14/6 - (3) Runs July and August - (4) Departs from Florence (P.za Tanucci at 1:10 pm) - Via Panciatichi - (5) Departs from Florence (Piazza Tanucci - Via Peretola) - (6) Stops at Salceto from Monday to Friday - (7) Passed by Poggibonsi (Borgaccio) - (8) Departs from via Alamanni - (9) Terminates at Piazza Puccini via Peretola - (10) Terminates at Piazza Dalmazia at 8:15 am

Info: BUSITALIA coach station - tel. 055.47821 - Siena Ticket Office tel. 0577.204111 Numero Verde: 800.37.37.60 - www.trainspa.it


useful info

World War II Military Cemeteries American Military Cemetery About 5 miles south of Florence on the way to Siena, near Falciani. Open daily 9am-5pm. Closed on Christmas Day and NewYears Day. - tel. 055.2020020. British Commonwealth Cemetery Situated about 4 miles east of Florence on the Arezzo road (Girone). Open daily from 8am to 4.30pm. Castiglione - South African Cemetery Nearly thirty miles from Florence at Castiglione dei Pepoli, on the Prato-Bologna road towards the Bisenzio River Valley. The cemetery is situated on the left, 250 metres outside Castiglione. Always open. German Military Cemetery Near the village of Traversa at the Passo della Futa tel. 055.815248 - Hours: daily 8.00-12am - 2-6pm.

Sunday Masses

Please telephone for confirmation of times given San Lorenzo Piazza S. Lorenzo - tel. 055.216634 - 9.30, 11, 18 San Marco Piazza S. Marco - tel. 055.2396950 - 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 18.30 Santa Maria del Fiore Pizza San Giovanni - tel. 055.2302885 - 7.30, 9, 10.30 cantata, 12, 18 Santa Maria Maggiore Via de’ Vecchietti - tel. 055.215914 - 9, 10.30, 12, 19, 21 Santa Maria Novella Piazza S.Maria Novella - tel. 055.210113 - 8.30, 10.30, 12, 18 Santa Maria de’ Ricci Via del Corso - tel. 055.215044 - 11, 18.30 San Salvatore in Ognissanti Borgo Ognissanti, 42 - tel. 055.2398700 - 10.30,12,18.30 Santissima Trinita e San Pancrazio Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912 - 7.30, 9.45, 11, 18.30 Santa Maria del Carmine Piazza del Carmine, 14 - tel. 055.212331 - 8, 10, 12, 17.30 (inv.), 18 (estivo) Santa Croce Piazza S. Croce, 16 - tel. 055.244619 - 8, 9.30, 11, 12, 18 San Giovannino Padri Scolopi Via San Gallo, 66 - tel. 055.470864 - 11.30 San Miniato al Monte Via Monte alle Croci, 34 - tel. 055.2342731 - 8.30, 10, 11.30, 17 (inv.), 17.30 (est.) Santo Spirito Piazza S. Spirito - tel. 055.210030 - 9, 10.30, 18 (est.) Santissima Annunziata Piazza SS. Annunziata - tel. 055.2398034 - 7,8.30,10,11.30,13,18,21

Masses in English & German Cathedral Mass in English - Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore Every Saturday except 1st Saturday of month at 5pm - tel. 055.294514 Oratory of the Misericordia Mass in English - First Saturday of the month at 5pm. Church of S. Trinita Mass in German - Piazza S. Trinita - tel. 055.216912. Sundays at 9.45am. Church of SS. Michele e Gaetano Mass in German- Piazza Antinori- tel. 055.213610. Sundays at 10am.


useful info

Non-Catholic Churches

p.zza S. Jacopino




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p.zza de’ Mozzi



p.zza Demidoff v. de’ Renai


Stefano Bardini

Giardino Bardini

lungarno Ser

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PALAZZO PITTI Galleria Palatina Galleria d’Arte Moderna Museo degli Argenti Galleria del Costume

Fiume Arno









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p.zza Savonarola

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1. Anglican Church of St. Mark’s (Church of England) Via Maggio, 16 - tel. 055.294764 - Times of services: Sundays 9am (said mass) and 10.30 (sung mass), Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday 9.30am; Wednesday 10am / Friday 12.30pm. Contact - tel. 055.294764 for services at St. Peter’s - Siena.” 2. Christian Adventist Church Via Guelfa, 12 - tel. 055.287340 - Hours of services: Saturday, Bible Studies, 9.30am; Service, 10.30am - Via del Pergolino, 12 - tel. 055.412014 - Hours of services: Saturday School 9.30am - Service, 11am. 3. Church of Christ Via San Donato, 13-15 - tel. 055.2371389 - Bible Studies, Tuesday and Thursday evening. 4. Evangelical Baptist Church Borgo Ognissanti, 4 - tel. 055.210537 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10.30am; Sunday School 10.30am. Saturday: Bible Studies 5pm; Youth group 6.30pm. 5. Evangelical Brethren Church Via Vigna Vecchia 15/17 - tel. 055.217236 - Hours of services: adoration and edification, Sunday 10.15am; Bible Studies and Youth Group: Wednesdays 7.45pm. 6. Evangelical Methodist Church Via de’ Benci, 9 - tel. 055.288143 - Services at 11am. 7. First Christian Scientist Church Via F. Baracca, 150 - tel. 055.432383 - Hours of services: Sunday Service 10am - Sunday School 10am - Wednesday meeting - Testimonies of healing 6.30pm - Reading room Wednesday and Friday 4.30-6.30pm. 8. Lutheran Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.2342775 - Hours of services: Sunday 10am. 9. Mosque Via Baccio Bandinelli, 11 - tel. 055.711648. 10. Russian Orthodox Church Via Leone 8di Castello, - tel.65 66055.490148 - Museo Hours of services: Parterre every Sunday and Aeroporto A1 / A 11 C X,Ville D 45 68 Rifredi B Stibbert A. Vespucci Autostrada Petraia e Corsini on all liturgical feast days, 10am. Divine Orthodox Mass in Russian. 11. Salvation Army Via Aretina, 91 - tel. 055.660445 - Services: Sunday 10.30am. 12. St. James American Episcopal Church Via B. Rucellai, 9 - tel. 055.294417 - All services in English - Sunday 9am, 11am. 13. Swiss Reformed Evangelical Church Lungarno Torrigiani, 11 - tel. 055.571787 - Hours of services: alternate Sundays with the Lutheran Church, in summer and winter 10.30am. 14. Synagogue Via L. Farini, 4 - tel. 055.245252-245253 9am-1.30pm for times of religious services. Tours of the Synagogue: Sunday-Thursday 10am-1pm / 2-5pm; Fridays 10am-1pm - Closed on Saturdays (Jewish Feast Day). 15. Waldensian Evangelical Church Services: Via Micheli, 26 corner Via Lamarmora - Sunday service 10.30am - Office and activities: Via Manzoni, 21 - tel. 055.2477800.

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russian pages



Главные Музеи Капелла Медичей Старая Ризница, Новая Ризница с архитектурой и скульптурами Микеланджело и Капелла дей Принчипи, декорированная мрамором. Пьяцца Мадонна дей Альдобрандини 6 тел 055.294883. 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 2е и 4е воскресенье; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Галлерея Академии известна шедеврами Микеланджело: Давид, Пленники. Скульптуры, живопись и наброски известных художников. Вия Риказоли 60 тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто по понедельникам Музей Барджелло скульптура, живопись изящные исскуства. Афрески школы Джотто в Капелле. Вия Проконсоло 4 - тел. 055.294883. 8.15-13.50 Закрыто 1е,3е,5е воскресенье; 2й,4й понедельник месяца. Галлерея Уффици С 1591 года одна из наиболее важных коллекций всех времен, античные скульптуры и живопись итальянской и мировых школ с XII по XVIII века. Лоджа Уффици тел. 055.294883. 8.15-18.50 закрыто по понедельникам Палаццо Веккио монументальный квартал Старинная представительская резиденция Медичей. Скульптуры живопись и предметы обстановки. Пьяцца Синьории тел. 055.2768224. 9.00-19.00. среда, выходные 9.00-14.00




Археологический музей. Исскуство и цивилизация этрусков помимо коллекций египта и греции. Вия делла Колонна 38 тел. 055.23575 - вторник, четверг 8.30-19.00 среда,пятница, суббота, воскресенье 8.30-14.00 - Закрыто по понедельникам

Музеи Дворца Питти Палатинская Галерея Палатинская Галерея была создана Лореана и представляет шедевры из коллекции Медичей, Королевские покои занимают четырнадцать залов, частные покои королей с оригинальной мебелью и предметами исскуства от шестнадцатого до восемнадцатого века. Площадь Питти тел.055.294883. 8.15-18.50. Закрыто в понедельник Галерея современного искусства Живопись и скульптуры фигуративного искусства в Тоскане с конца девятнадцатого века по период между двух мировых войн. Площадь Питти тел. 055.2388601-616. 8.15 -18.50. Закрыто 2е, 4е воскресенье ; 1й, 3й, 5й понедельник месяца Сад Боболино проэкт Триболо был начат в 1550 году после покупки Дворца Питти семьей Медичи. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. Май 8.15 -18.30. Июнь 8.15 -19.30 Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца Сад Бардиниэто парк с множеством редких растений и с итальянским и английским садом, лестница в стиле барокко, статуи, фонтаны и анфитеатр. Площадь Питти - тел. 055.294883. Май 8.15 -18.30. Июнь 8.15 -19.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяцаЗакрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца

russian pages



Галерея костюма Музей истории моды. Музей серебра хранит вазы из твердых камней Лоренцо Великолепного, коллекция ювелирных изделий Анны Марии Медичи. Музей Керамики Коллекция керамики королевских семей. Палаццина дел Кавальере, Сады Боболи, Дворец Питти1 тел.055-.294883. Май 8.15 -18.30. Июнь 8.15 -19.30. Закрыто 1й и последний понедельник месяца.

Афрески Капелла Бранкаччи Цикл афресок истории Святого Петра, шедевр Мазаччо. Площадь Кармине - тел 055.2768224 понедельник-суббота 10.00-17.00 - воскресенье 13.00-17.00 Закрыто во вторник. По записи Капелла дей Маги жи Беноццо Гоццоли Построена Микелоццо , там находятся знаменитые афрески Поход Волхвов в Ирусалим мастера Беноццо Гоццоли. Палаццо Медичи Риччарди, вия Кавур 3 тел. 055.2760340 - 9.00-18.00 Закрыто во вторник Тайная Вечеря Санто Спирито и в Фондационе Романо можно увидеть Распятие и Тайную Вечерь Андрея Орканья и колекцию античных скульптур. Площадь Санто Спирито 29 - тел. 055.287043 Суббота 10-16 Тайня Вечеря Андреа дел Сарто знаменитая афреска Тайной Вечери Андреа дел Сарто помимо картин и скульптур '400 и '500. Вия Сан Салви 16 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.30-13.50. Закрыто в понедельник



Музей Сан Марко содержит монастырь, кельи и крытую аркаду Приюта Пеллегринов. Афрески и картины Беато Анджелика и мастеров его школы. Площадь Сан Марко,1 - тел.055.294883 понедельник-пятница 8.15-13.50 - Субботавоскресенье 8.15-16.50. Закрыто 1е, 3е , 5е воскресенье ; 2й, 4й, понедельник месяца.

Античное Искусство Возрождения Баттистерий Святого Иоанна имский храм посвященный Иоанну Крестителю, покровителю города. Снаружи храма знаменитые ворота Гиберти. Площадь Сан Джованни - тел. 055.2302885 11.15-19.00 - воскресенье, 1я суббота месяца и праздничные дни 8.30-14.00 Дом Буонаротти Дом который Микеланджело построил для себя и своей семьи, но так и не жил в нем. Рисунки, картины, скульптуры. вия Гибеллина, 70 - тел. 055.241752. 10.00-17.00 Купол Брунеллески Поражающий воображение путь вдоль афрески Последнего Суда Федерико Цуккари внутри купола и вид с макушки купола на город. Площаль Площаль Домского Собора тел. 055.2302885 – 8.30-19.00 – суббота 8.30-17.40 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Музей Санта Кроче Афрески Джотто,Распятие Чимабуе. Произведения Донателло, Орканья, Бронцино, Чимабуе. Капелла дей Пацци, шедевр Брунелески. Площадь Санта Кроче 16 - тел. 055.2466105 9.30-17.00 - воскресенье и праздничные дни 13.00-17.00


russian pages




Музей Санта Мария дель Фиоре Шедевры Домского Собора, Баттистерия и Колокольни. Скульптуры, модели, ювелирные изделия, редкие молитвенные книги. Площадь Домского Собора,9 - тел. 055.2302885 - 9.00-19.30 - воскресенье 9.00-13.45. Музей Хорне Резиденция знаменитого коллекционера произведений искусств. Картины,скульптуры, мебель. Вия де Бенчи 6 055.244661 - 9.00-13.00 закрыто в воскресенье и праздничные дни. Крытая аркада Санта Мария Новелла Аркада с афресками Паоло Учелло, Орканья и других. Испанская капелл, Аркада дей Морти. Площадь Санта Мария Новелла - тел. 055.282187 - 10.00-16.00 закрыто в пятницу. Музей Стибберт Коллекция оружия, скульптуры, картины, рисунки, костюмы и средневековое обмундирование европы и азиатских стран. Вия Стибберт,26 - тел. 055.475520 понедельник-среда 10.00-14.00 - пятницавоскресенье 10.00-18.00. Закрыто в четверг. Музей Стефано Бардини наиболее авторитетного итальянского антиквара прошлого век. Коллекция римской эпоха до '700. Вия дей Ренаи,37 - тел. 055.2342437 - суббота, воскресенье и понедельник 11.00-17.00


Монументальные Аппартаменты Дом-Музей Данте построенный в начале '900 в месте где предположительно жили Алигьери. Вия Санта Маргерита1(красный) - тел. 055.219416 - 10.00-18.00 Музей дворца Даванти Аристократическая резиденция эпохи возрождения. Оригинальная мебель той эпохи. Вия Порта Росса 13 - тел. 055.294883 - 8.1513.50. Закрыто в понедельник.

Мода, Дизайн и Ремесленное Дело Музей фабрики твердых камней. Колекция произведений и обстановки из твердых камней и флорентийской мозаики. Вия дей Алфани,78 - тел.055.294883 Понедельник-Суббота 8.15-14.00 - Воскресенье закрыто. Музей Сальваторе Феррагамо Kартины, патенты, фотографии, 10000 экземпляров обуви созданных Феррагамо. Дворец Спини Феррони - Вия Торнбуони,2 - тел. 055.3360456. 10.00-18.00. Закрыто во вторник.

Современное Искусство Монументы Музей Марино Марини представляет скульптуры, картины, рисунки и графику Марино Марини (1901-1980). Площадь Сан Панкацио - тел. 055.219432 10.00-17.00 закрыто во вторник и воскресенье.


Колокольня Джотто башня-колокольня, шедевр готической архитектуры Джотто, с верхушки открывается прекрасная панорама Флоренции. Площадь Домского Собора - тел. 055.2302885 8.30-19.30.

russian pages



Картезианский Монастырь в Галуццо Монастырский комплекс основанный в четырнадцатом веке. Картинная галлерея представляет афрески Понтормо, работы Перуджино и Гирландайо. Галуццо - тел.0552049226. 9.00-11.00 - 15.0016.00. Закрыто в понедельник. Русская Православная Церковь вия Леоне X, 8 - тел. 055.490148 - расписание служб: каждое воскресенье и в церковные праздники 10.00. Служба на русском языке. Синагога и музей еврейской культуры Здание в арабском стиле постороено между 1874 и 1882 годами. Музей ритуальных принадлежностей и истории евреев Флоренции. Воскресенье-Четверг 10.00-18.30 пятница 10.00-13.30. Закрыто в Субботу

Наука и Образование Музей Галлилео Коллекция научных инструментов и аппаратов, принадлежащих семье Медичи и Лотаргийским герцогам. Площадь Джудичи,1 - тед. 055.265311. Понедельник, среда, четверг, пятница 9.30-18.00, среда и суббота 9.30-13.00. Музей Флоренция какой она была Историческо-топографический музей богатый документами свидетельствами трансформации Флоренции со времен Возрождения до сегодняшних дней. Вия дел Ориоло, 24 - тел. 055.2616545. Понедельник,вторник и среда 9.00-14.00, суббота 9.00-19.00.



Зоологический музей Ла Спекола самый античный научный музей Европы с самой большой в мире коллекцией восковых анатомических снимком восемнадцатого века. Вия Романа 17 - тел. 055.2288251. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыт в среду Зоосад Джардиной дей Семпличи основан в 1545 году и является самым большим Зоологическим садом в Италии. В нем хранятся исторические гербарии с XVI века и рисунки. Вия Микели, 3 - тел. 055.2757402. 9.00-13.00, суббота 9.00-17.00. Закрыто в среду.

1. Галлерея Академии Изящных Искусство: Давид Микеланджело 2. Галлерея Уффици: Венера Ботичелли 3. Палаццо Питти 4. Палаццо Веккио 5. Капелла Медичей: Капелла дей Принчипи 6. Площадь Сан Джиовани, Домский Собор и Баттистерий 7. Капелла Бранкаччи 8. Капелла дей Маги 9. Капелла дей Пацци крытая аркада Санта Кроче 10. Музей Ла Спекола: анатомические восковые слепки 11. Картезианский монастыть в Галуццо 12. Аркада Санта Мария Новелла 13. Колокольня Джотто 14. Музей Стибберт 15. Фабрика камней 16. Музей Галлилео: Сфера галлилео


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