LoveFlorence: Settembre / Ottobre 2013

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l veFlorence Living Tuscan Style events in florence Restaurants, Nightlife & Wellness




Living Tuscan Style

Folklore Halloween

Exhibitions & events

LoveFlorence Year #11 – Issue #5 September/October 2013 Free magazine for international students also published online at Editorial office: Advertising inquiries: Tel. +39.055.412199 The Publisher is pleased to acknowledge the authorship and author’s rights of any photos whose source it has not been possible to trace. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any errors or changes in the information provided.

Published by MARKED srl Tel +39.055.412199 2

Diaphanous Passions The Russian Avant-garde Other Exhibitions Events Pop Music Classical Music


Fashion Valley Outlet


Sport Facilities Wellness Reviews


The Grape Harvest Arnold Coffee Gelaterie Reviews Flavours of Tuscany Pizza Pizza Pizza!




14 16 20 24 32 34


40 44

46 50 52 56 58

Nightlife Reviews





Living Tuscan Style Simple everyday tips


ou have to eat! If you are staying in a flat you will need to shop for food, however much or little you want to cook, and you won’t be able to eat out in restaurants every day. If you are buying smallish quantities, you will find it easiest to go to a local store or Alimentari (grocer) or Ortolano (greengrocer) near where you live and, once you have sampled and approved their wares, continue to go to the same shop until they know you and your tastes. You will find the salesmen in most small grocer’s shops very friendly and willing to help even though the selection of foodstuffs is limited. They are usually closed on Sunday.

An alternative is the market

There are several in the centre of Florence and here you can be sure of really fresh fruit and vegetables (though use your eyes too!) and a good choice of grocery and gastronomic products. The districts of San Lorenzo and Sant’Ambrogio both boast historic food markets where visitors can discover all the most authentic foods and wines from Florence and surroundings. Many Florentines like to do their shopping in this markets for this old Victorian-style buildings contains a riot of gastronomic products and almost all the stalls offer tasting sessions to attract passing clients. Open Mon/Sat 7am-8pm.


5 5

The supermarket Another alternative of course is the supermarket, especially if you want to bulk buy, but remember you have to cart it all home afterwards, which means a bus or taxi, unless you have your own car. It is illegal to use the supermarket trolley to take all your goodies back to your abode! Supermarkets have the advantage of being open all day, many on Sundays too. They stock many of the products you would normally use in the States, or substitutes for them.

about beauty care Italian hairdressers and barbers charge for each part of the hair-do process, from washing to drying, cutting, shampoo and conditioners. And, you will also be charged if you require any other special products for your hair. Check with the price lists and work out the total cost before deciding what you want done to your locks and also look around locally for the best offers. Many will give you a book to leaf through to choose a cut if you find it difficult to explain exactly what you want. Anyway always ask before fixing an appointment! All hairdressers are closed on Mondays.



Buses around town The city buses operated by ATAF&Li-nea in Florence not only cover the entire city but also all its outlying areas. Students under 26 years of age are entitled to a discount on a multi-day pass with unlimited travel on sale only at the ATAF office inside the railway station. The Carta Agile is a special electronic ticket containing the price of several rides and saving time in queues. First of all you need to request a photocard (issued by the ATAF office inside the train station, monday to saturday 7.00am-8.00pm), which requires a passportsize photo and a document from your school proving student status. Once this is done you can buy it, along with ordinary tickets, at any ATAF&Li-nea sales point (usually tobacconists and bars). ATAF also organises the Volainbus shuttle service links the airport and is gradually replacing all its buses with eco-friendly transport. Try the ATAF Minibus ecological fleet for getting around the old city centre. Tiny and nippy, they whip through the narrow streets almost as fast as a bike and are well worth the ride!


ATAF info: tel. 800.424500 - Mob: 199.104.245 - Mon-Sun 6am-9pm

Italian pharmacies There are plenty of them, but remember that the laws are fairly severe about what you can buy directly and what needs a doctor’s prescription. Many of the over the counter drugs that are on sale in the States require a prescription here. Chemists are usually open from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm. There is an out of hour shift system with other chemists - also on weekends, holidays and Sundays - but they always post a sign outside, so that you can easily find out which ones are open in an emergency, and Florence does boast several 24-hour pharmacies (check in the local newspapers for listings and availability).

Health insurance Presumably you took out some health insurance before coming. Your school will probably supply you with a list of English-speaking doctors. Remember that they are not usually available over weekends and, if you are really ill, the safest thing to do is head for the nearest hospital emergency ward (Pronto Soccorso). Fortunately many hospital medics speak some English!


Shopping at I Gigli more at: < >


Gigli, with its 13 million visitors a year, is definitely Tuscany’s most popular shopping destination. I Gigli Shopping Centre is truly a shopper’s paradise, featuring numerous department stores, a host of familiar favourites and hundreds of unique stores exclusive to I Gigli such as: Trussardi, Timberland, Zara, Coin, Foot Locker, Conte of Florence, and many others. No place is better than I Gigli if you enjoy shopping. With over 120 stores, a hypermarket, restaurants, you’re sure to find everything you’re looking for and more. I Gigli offers over 18 restaurants, coffee bars, pubs and bars where you can relax. I Gigli is located in Campi Bisenzio near Florence, easily accessible from the A11 freeway (exit at Prato est), or by bus (Lazzi company) which departs directly from Florence Santa Maria Novella railway station for I Gigli. Exciting entertainment shows with special events available on and 16 cinemas at multiplex UCI CINEMA.

I Gigli Shopping Center Via San Quirico, 165 - Campi Bisenzio (FI) 055.8974546




Halloween The night of the witches


ouble, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble! From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us! The Scots describe perfectly all our hidden fears which are brought to the surface when we (laughingly?) venture out on the night of Halloween. It is an ancient feast whose name comes from Hallow E’en or All Hallows Eve, the night before November 1st, All Saints Day, which is still an important religious festivity in Italy and has been so since the Roman era. The American version of Halloween Day comes from the ancient Druid fire festival called Samhain or the Feast of the Sun, celebrated by the Celts in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. It was the feast of the gods, faeries, witches and the dead. Most of today’s festivities are therefore remnants of ancient religious beliefs and rituals. Halloween has only recently been introduced in Italy, but is rapidly growing in popularity. Many discos and private clubs, as well as restaurants, organise parties, dancing, meals and games and try to recreate the somewhat gruesome atmosphere required by this festivity. It has also taken on a sort of Carnival-like aspect thanks to a rigorous use of wildly imaginative costumes, make-up wigs and masks. Possibly Italian creativity will end up beating the American celebration at its own game, but, who knows! Keep your eyes skinned for Halloween events in the city, there will be plenty going on in all the night spots and restaurants, so you need not feel you are missing too much of what is going on at home! 12


Exhibitions & events

Diaphanous Passions Baroque Ivories from the Courts of Europe more at: < >


Diaphanous Passions Baroque Ivories from the Courts of Europe Silver Museum Palazzo Pitti Piazza de’ Pitti, 1 - 055.294883 055.2645155 14

or almost two centuries, from the mid-16th century on, the courts of Europe considered ivory sculpture to be one of the loftiest and most sophisticated forms of artistic expression. The exhibition, comprising over one hundred and fifty pieces both from the Florentine Medici collection and from leading foreign museums, along with other ivories from private collections never before shown in public, will write a new and spectacular chapter in art history, a chapter never yet studied in any depth, especially not in its “international” aspect which was such a unique feature of the Medici collections. The exhibition is broken down into several sections tracing the art of ivory carving from the 15th century. Until November 3rd.


The Russian Avant-garde More at: < >


alazzo Strozzi, Florence, will host The Russian Avantgarde, Siberia and the East. It’s the first international exhibition to examine the fundamental importance of the Oriental and Eurasian connection to Russian Modernism, follows the destinies of Russia’s self-proclaimed “Barbarians” in their search for new sources of artistic inspiration. Neolithic stone figures, Siberian shaman rituals, popular Chinese prints, Japanese engravings, Theosophical doctrine and Indian philosophy are some of the elements which inspired Russia’s new artists and writers as they developed their aesthetic and theoretical ideas just before and after the Revolution of October, 1917. The exhibition demonstrates how modern Russian culture experienced a deep attraction to—and an apprehension of—the exotic, the unknown and the “other”, qualities which artists and writers identified with the spirit of the taiga, the virgin territories of desert and steppe and the “otherness” of Oriental culture.


Emphasising the key role which radical Russian artists played in the development of Modern art over a century ago, the exhibition underscores their complex relationship with the Orient (both the Russian East and the Far East). Léon Bakst, Alexandre Benois, Pavel Filonov, Natalia Goncharova, Wassily Kandinsky, Mikhail Larionov, Kazimir Malevich and other prime movers of the avant-garde were deeply aware of the importance of the East and contributed to the rich debate (“West or East?”) which left a profound and permanent imprint upon their creative imagination. In addition to the heroes of the Russian Avant-garde, the exhibition also acquaints us with other, less familiar, but still original, artists of the time such as Nikolai Kalmakov, Sergei Konenkov and Vasilii Vatagin, many of whose works are being shown in the West for the first time. From September 27th

The Russian Avant-garde, Siberia and the East. palazzo strozzi Piazza Strozzi, 1 - 055 2469600 055.2645155


Renaissance from Florence to Paris the Jacquemart-André collection More at: < >

Renaissance from Florence to Paris JacquemartAndré collection Museo BArdini Costa San Giorgio, 2 055.20066206

orty masterpieces of the Florentine Renaissance from the Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris will be exhibited for the first time in Italy at the Museum Bardini. Paintings by Paolo Uccello, Sandro Botticelli, Andrea Mantegna, Luca Signorelli, sculptures by Giambologna and Donatello. Works purchased in Florence since 1882 at the atelier of the antiquarian Stefano Bardini by the banker Edouard Andre and his wife, the painter Nelie Jacquemart. An exhibition that retraces the epic story of the great Florentine antique dealers and that incredible season of international collectors between nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


From September 6th.



From the Fleur de Lis to the David More at: < >


n display, works of art originally positioned in the public buildings of Florence which housed the powers running the city: the halls of the various Arti, or guilds, Palazzo Vecchio and the city gates and walls. This exhibition offers visitors a new key to understand the works of art, by highliting the importance of - both sacred and secular - images in the propaganda and communication strategy of the groups which ruled the city in the era of the Commune and the Republic, before the rise of the Medici family changed the city from both a political and an aesthetic standpoint.


From the Fleur da lis to the David Galleria dell’Accademia Via Ricasoli 1 055.2388612

Until December 8th 19

other exhibitions The Dream during the Renaissance Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti) Piazza Pitti, 1 Until 15/09/2013 The Roman Medallions Museo Archeologico Nazionale Piazza SS.Annunziata, 9/B Until 30/09/2013 Passage to India Museo di Storia Naturale, Sezione di Antropologia e Etnologia Via del Proconsolo, 12 Until 30/09/2013 AmiD MEDICI Splendour Pope Leo X and Florence Cappelle Medicee Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 1 Until 06/10/2013 Antonio Canova Beauty and Memory Casa Buonarroti Via Ghibellina, 70 Until 21/10/2013



nstable Territory. Borders and identity in contemporary art, curated by Walter Guadagnini and Franziska Nori, showcases work by international artists which will encourage visitors to reconsider the notion of territory in a contemporary world. Whilst the latter is increasingly characterised by the obsolescence of such concepts as the nation state and borders, there is, at the same time, a return to new forms of nationalism and renewed interest in the individual in relation to a specific area or community. From October 11th



CsSS STROZZINA Palazzo strozzi Piazza Strozzi,1 - 055.2645155

Samurai! Japanese armor from the Stibbert collection More at: < >


eventy Japanese masterpieces from the collection of Frederick Stibbert exposed in an exciting exhibition that takes visitors into the exotic world of the samurai, brave warriors but also refined patrons of weapons and armor. Until November 3rd


Museo Stibbert Via Federigo Stibbert, 26 055.47552

Zhang Huan - Soul and Matter Forte di Belvedere Via di San Leonardo , 1 Until 13/10/2013 Paths of wonder Restored works of the Bargello museum Museo Nazionale del Bargello Via del Proconsolo , 4 Until 03/11/2013 The Great Prince Ferdinando de ‘Medici Galleria degli Uffizi Piazzale degli Uffizi , 6 Until 03/11/2013 Cycling through the Past exhibition of old bicycles Galileo Museum Piazza dei Giudici, 1 Until 17/11/2013 21

Horne & Friends Florence a dream to be saved Museo Horne Via dei Benci, 6 Until 07/12/2013 The Amazing shoemaker Fairy tales about shoes and shoemakers Museo Salvatore Ferragamo Piazza S.Trinita, 5/r Until 31/03/2014 Izis Bidermanas MNAF - National Alinari Museum of Photography - Piazza S.M.Novella Leopoldine , 14/a rosso From 07/09/2013

Masterpieces from the Museum d’Orsay Impressionists and other French artists of the 19th century Palazzo Pitti, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Quartiere d’Inverno - Piazza Pitti, 1 From 23/09/2013 Early one morning - Da Capo Deimantas Narkeviçius Museo Marino Marini Piazza S. Pancrazio From 23/09/2013 Mattia Corvino and Florence. Art and Humanism at the court of the king of Hungary Biblioteca del Museo di San Marco Piazza S.Marco, 3 From 10/10/2013


Cultural Initiatives


Artfully cocktail hours Accademia Visit to the Halls of Michelangelo’s Prigioni Tribuna and David with aperitif. Galleria dell’Accademia Via Ricasoli, 60 Until 25/09/2013 Artfully cocktail hour Bargello Visit to the Halls of Michelangelo and Florentine Renaissance with aperitif. Museo Nazionale del Bargello Via del Proconsolo , 4 03/09/2013, 10/09/2013, 17/09/2013, 24/09/2013 New Uffizi Tour & aperitif Tour of the areas of the New Uffizi and aperitif on the terrace on the Loggia dei Lanzi. Uffizi Gallery - new exhibition halls Piazzale degli Uffizi Until 26/09/2013

European Heritage Days 2013 Free entrance into the state museums, monuments and archaeological sites. Various places, Florence and province 28/09/2013 - 29/09/2013 European Day of the Jewish culture Sinagogue & Jewish Museum Via C.L. Farini, 6 29/09/2013


events Pedala Firenze Firenze Vintage Bike Run A non-competitive bike ride for vintage bikes which will follow a route around the city, along the route of the world championships. Various Locations - Firenze 08/09/2013 Rificolona sull’Arno Festival of paper lanterns with boat parade on the Arno river Società Canotteri Firenze L.rno Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, 8 08/09/2013 from 8.30pm Firenzegioca - games festival Workshops, games, contests, entertainment, theater readings Opening hours: Saturday 12pm-12am and Sunday 10am-8pm Obihall - Aldo Moro, 3 21/09/2013 - 22/09/2013


Bacco Artigiano Carro Matto Historical re-enactment of the blessed wine offering.The history of this event remembers when the wine from Rufina reached Florence with a caravan of carts, each loaded with 2000 flasks stacked in a pyramid. As usual, then, in Florence on Saturday 29th from 3.30pm the cart full of wine, the so-called “Carro Matto”, will be brought to Piazza della Signoria with the traditional parade of the Florentine Republic. Start at 3.30pm from palagio di Parte Guelfa. 28/09/2013 FEast of St. Reparata Historic pageant, offering of the candle, guided visits. In reviving the ancient celebrations the City Council organizes the historic procession of the Florentine Republic which parades from the Palagio di Parte Guelfa to the cathedral, where an evocative ceremony is held among the remains of the ancient church of St. Reparata. Piazza Duomo 08/10/2013

rificolona more at: < >


raditional practice, passed down through the generations, of going round the streets carrying lanterns of coloured paper made up in the most varied shapes, with a candle inside and hanging from the end of a stick. The feast dates back to the mid seventeenth century, and can be connected with the arrival in the city of throngs of peasants and mountain-dwellers who would descend on the city from the surrounding countryside to celebrate the feast of Our Lady in the Church of the Santissima Annunziata. September 7th.

Piazza SS. Annunziata

Corri la Vita more at: < >


ORRI LA VITA or RUN FOR LIFE, the popular Florentine allin-one event that unites sport, charity, culture and social commitment, will be held this year on October 13th. It is not simply a foot race, but also a walk for families and was created to help the public health structures specialised in the fight against breast cancer. The official 13 Km competitive race will in fact be accompanied by a 5 km walk that starts out from Piazza del Duomo and arrives in Piazza della Signoria. October 13h.

Start at 9.30am Piazza Duomo Inscriptions can be requested from: • LILT Viale Volta, 173 • Firenze Marathon Viale Fanti, 2


september in piazza della passera


ltrarno is preparing to host a full program of events for the XIII edition of September in Piazza della Passera. The common theme of the event is Art in its various forms. So much so that the first event scheduled will be the Photo / Phono projec, in which photographic images by Alessandro Visconti will be conveyed by jazz music and videos. All accompanied by the soundtracks created for the occasion by the Florentine musician Alessandro di Puccio. All events will have free admission and begin at 9:30pm. September 10th-12th.

piazza della passera

2013 Bicycle World Championships in Tuscany More at: < >


he Union Cycliste Internationale has chosen Tuscany to host this year’s Road World Championships: Toscana2013. The most awaited is the men’s competition, or Elite Men, that will start on September 29th in Lucca and pass through the village of Montecatini Terme. Here is the full programme of races: From Montecatini: the Men’s Team Time Trials (22 Sept.), the Elite Men’s Individual Time Trial (25 Sept.), the Under-23 Road Race (27 Sept.), the Junior Men’s Road Race and the Elite Women’s race (both Saturday 28th Sept.).From Pistoia: the Elite Women’s Team Time Trial (22 Sept.) and the Under-23 Individual Time Trials (23 Sept.). September 21th-29th.


Fortezza Antiquaria Antique market. Giardini della Fortezza da Basso 14/09/2013 - 15/09/2013

shopping fairs & events Vogue Fashion’s Night Out International shopping night. The shops will be open until 11.30pm. Historical centre 12/09/2013 11th Fragranze parfums, candles & homedesign Pitti Immagine will present Fragranze – the international fair event, featuring the best in artistic perfumery. Fragranze, now in its 11th edition, is also an observatory with its sights pointed on olfactory culture. The fair will, as always, showcase the most exclusive, high-quality craft fragrances, body-care and wellness products, cosmetics and sophisticated scented accessories by the best names on the world scene. Stazione Leopolda - Viale F.lli Rosselli, 5 13/09/2013 - 15/09/2013 28

International Antique Fair 28th edition Antique market & Fair Every day 10:30 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Palazzo Corsini - Lungarno Corsini, 8 05/10/2013 - 13/10/2013 Fiera di Firenze 2013 Shop & the City A Fair entirely dedicated to quality shopping. Furnitures from quality manufacturers and retailers, Home Decor, Design, Books, Food and Wine: the best buying opportunities, all at once. Fortezza da Basso - Viale Strozzi 19/10/2013 - 27/10/2013


Tutto Sposi Everything for the wedding. 20th edition of the fair to get married and furnish the house. There will be all the operators in the sector: from catering, restaurants, travel agencies, confetti, favors, flowers, invitations, rental cars, photographers, stylists, wedding bride and groom, villas, up to the gift and wedding lists. Trade fair open to the public. Fortezza da Basso - Viale Strozzi 30/10/2013 - 03/11/2013

bio markets & fairs Il Mercatale di Firenze Quality food market directly from the local producers. Piazza della Repubblica 07/09/2013 & 05/10/2013 Lungoungiorno Market and workshops of art crafts, organic products. SAM-Spazio Arti e Mestieri - Vecchio Conventino, Via Giano della Bella 08/09/2013 & 13/10/2013 The Little Bread Fair Piazza SS. Annunziata 08/09/2013 30

Expo Rurale Tuscany 2013 - Festival of the Tuscan Agriculture An event fully dedicated to the rural world promoted by the Tuscany Region in collaboration with Artex s.cons.rl. Hours: 10am-10pm. Free entrance. Fortezza da Basso - Viale Strozzi 12/09/2013 - 15/09/2013 S.Michele little fair Organic and local hand made products. Piazza Santo Spirito 15/09/2013 Autumn show of flowers and plants Giardino dell’Orticoltura al Pellegrino Via Bolognese, 17 05/10/2013 - 06/10/2013 Emotions from Chianti Wine and food, handicraft products from Bagno a Ripoli, Barberino Val d’Elsa, Impruneta, San Casciano in Val di Pesa e Tavarnelle Val di Pesa. Piazza della Repubblica 10/10/2013 - 13/10/2013


Pop Music INTI ILLIMANI Inti-Illimani, the historical band from Chile will be in Florence for a real concert event. The September 11 marks the 40th anniversary of the golpe that deposed the democratically elected Chilean president, Salvador Allende, who died in the attack on the presidential palace. The Inti-Illimani concert will be an opportunity to pay tribute to this modern hero of freedom and the courage of all the people of Chile which, by force of reason and with the weapons policy, was able to get out of the vortex of the military dictatorship. 11/09/2013 - Obihall - Via F. De André DAVID BYRNE & ST. VINCENT David Byrne, musician, composer and record producer British-born American. Founder and leader of the Talking Heads. Annie Clark aka St. Vincent multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer United States. Divided by thirty years, these two artists share an “intellectual and eccentric” style. 12/09/2013 - Teatro Verdi - Via Ghibellina, 101 32

STEVE VAI The tour follows and supports the publication of The Story Of Light, his acclaimed solo album of unreleased tracks. 01/10/2013 - Obihall - Via F. De André SERJ TANKIAN Every time he touched the Italian soil, solo or with System Of A Down, he has always made the “sold out”. We have the pleasure to announce the florentine date that Serj Tankian featuring Italian Philharmonic Orchestra will hold in October. 12-13/10/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1

nextech festival more at: < >

Three days Festival fully dedicated to Electronic music, Live Performance and Video Installations: Raime, Herva, Draft, Teo Naddi, Mount Kimbie, Stargate, Chinese Man, Numa Crew, Millelemmi, Len Faki, Nina Kraviz, Dave Clark, DVS1


Raime 05/09/2013 Sala Vanni - Piazza del Carmine, 14

herva / draft / teo naddi 05/09/2013 Full Music - Via Baracca 1a mount kimbie / stargate 06/09/2013 Odeon Cinehall - Via degli Anselmi chinese man / numa crew 06/09/2013 Viper Theater - Via Pistoiese, 149 nina kraviz / len faki dave clarke / dvs1 07/09/2013 Fortezza da Basso - Viale Strozzi, 1

classical Music Zubin Mehta & Dan Zhu Zubin Mehta directs Dan Zhu Violin Orchestra and Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino perform Otto Nicolai: Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor; Hugo Wolf: Feuerreiter, for choir and orchestra; Erich Korngold: Concert in D major op. 35 for violin and orchestra. 25/09/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Leonidas Kavakos Leonidas Kavakos Director and solo Violin with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino perform Felix Mendelssohn: Concert in E minor op. 64 for violin and orchestra; Franz Schubert: Sinfonia n. 5 in B flat major D. 485; Richard Strauss: Tod und Verklärung op. 24 28-29/09/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Jessica Pratt & Vincenzo Scalera Jessica Pratt soprano and Vincenzo Scalera piano perform J. Massenet: Ouvre tes yeux 34

Bleus; C. Gounod: Serenade; A. Bachelet: Chère nuit; C. Debussy: Quatre Chansons de Jeunesse; E. Dell’Acqua: Villanelle; L. Delibes: Les Filles de Cadix; G. Donizetti: La Fille du régiment: “Par le Rang… Salut à la France”; G. Rossini: Guillaume Tell: “Sombre Forêt”; A. Thomas: Hamlet: Scena di pazzia di Ophelia. 30/09/2013 - Teatro della Pergola (Saloncino), Via della Pergola, 18

Quartetto Wu Quartetto Wu winners of Vittorio Rimbotti 2012 prize will perform F. Schubert: Quartet in G minor D 173; F. Mendelsshon: Quartet in F minor op.80. 02/10/213 - Teatro della Pergola (Saloncino), Via della Pergola, 18 ANNIVERSARY: VERDI & WAGNER Alessandro Corbelli Baritone and Anna Toccafondi Piano perform S. MERCADANTE: La stella; G. DONIZETTI: Amor marinaro; Me voglio fa’ na casa; G. VERDI: In solitaria stanza; Stornello; Non t’accostare all’urna; A. PONCHIELLI: Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare; F. TOSTI: La serenata; R. SCHUMANN: Belsatzar op.57; F. LISZT: I’vidi in terra angelici costumi (from Petrarca’s sonnet). 06/10/2013 - Teatro della Pergola (Saloncino), Via della Pergola, 18

viktoria Mullova & Accademia Bizantina Viktoria Mullova Violin and Accademia Bizantina directed by Ottavio Dantone perform J.S. BACH: Concert for violin and arches in A minor BWV1041; Concert for violin, harpsichord and arches in C minor; Concert for violin and arches in D major; Concert in E major BWV 1042. 12/10/2013 - Teatro della Pergola, Via della Pergola, 18 Fabio Biondi: J.S.Bach Fabio Biondi directs Soprano Bertagnolli, Mezzosoprano Gottwald, Tenore Von Bothmer, Tenore Staveland, Basso Abete and Tittoto with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Johann Sebastian Bach: Passion according to Matthew BWV 244 for solos, choir and orchestra. 12-13/10/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 35

Quartetto Wu Quartetto Wu winners of Vittorio Rimbotti 2012 prize ill perform F. SCHUBERT: Quartet in G minor D 173; H. WOLF: Italienische Serenade; F. MENDELSSOHN: Quartet in F minor op.80. 02/10/2013 - Teatro della Pergola (Saloncino), Via della Pergola, 18 Isabelle Faust & Alexander Melnikov Isabelle Faust Violin and Alexander Melnikov Piano perform P. HINDEMITH: Sonata in E major; J. BRAHMS: Sonata n.2 in A major op.100; S. PROKOFIEV: Five Melodies op.35 bis; C. FRANCK: Sonata in A major. 13/10/2013 - Teatro della Pergola (Saloncino), Via della Pergola, 18 Tito Ceccherini, Silvia Chiesa ‘900 contemporary italian music Tito Ceccherini directs Cellist Silvia Chiesa, Tenore Alexander Kaimbacher with Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino performing Gianluca Cascioli: Trasfigurazione (Winner of the Francesco Agnello International Contest); Nino Rota: Concert n. 2 for cello and orchestra; Franz Liszt: Eine Faust-Symphonie S 108 for tenor, male choir and orchestra 18/10/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Zsolt Hamar Kristóf Baráti Zsolt Hamar director, Violin Kristóf Baráti and Orchestra del Maggio Musicale 36

Fiorentino perform Mikhail Glinka: Ruslan e Ludmilla, Ouverture; Aleksandr Glazunov: Concerto in A minor op. 82 for violin and orchestra; Sergej Rachmaninov: Sinfonia n. 2 in E minor op. 27. 24/10/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1 Juraj ValCuha Juraj Valçuha directs Orchestra e Coro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Sergej Rachmaninov: Three russian popular chants op. 41 for choir and orchestra; Pëtr Il’iç Tchajkovskij: Sinfonia n. 6 in B minor op. 74 Patetica; Michele Dall’Ongaro: An absolute novelty commissioned by the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 30-31/10/2013 - Teatro Comunale, Corso Italia, 1


fashion valley outlet a Full Shopping Immersion at Outlet Price more at: < >


fashion valley Leccio, Reggello (Florence) Tel. +39.055.8657798 38

id the first thought about Florence bring you among gorgeous landscapes of cypresses and villas, marble statues and fascinating art masterpieces? Yes, you were right, perfectly right... but there is still much more to know about Florence and Tuscany: creativity, elegance, glamour of this blessed territory. Much sought-after by the most important travel agencies of the world, it has another gift for you. The gift of Fashion. Fashion with the capital «L», standing for Luxury (at reasonable prices), with selected goods from the best brands. You came to Florence, so you surely aimed at the Best… and it’s exactly what FASHION VALLEY do offers. Let us introduce to your kind attention, the new SHOPPING DESTINATION with a shopping arcade of trendy boutiques in Reggello, at just 30 minutes from Florence (transfer service is available). Take your time for a lovely shopping experience in the newly built facility, where a multilingual staff will help you to make the best choice. Wrap yourself up in style and beauty, wear glamorous shoes and clothes, try on yourself the look of the most recent and trendy bags and accessories. Fashion Valley is a Company store with

more than 20 shops of luxury products @ OUTLET PRICES. VERSACE, JOHN RICHMOND, BALLY, RED VALENTINO, VIKTOR & ROLF, ALVIERO MARTINI 1st CLASS, AQUASCUTUM, CNC COSTUME NATIONAL, GALLIANO, JUST CAVALLI, M.MISSONI, PIERRE BALMAINE, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, ERMANNO SCERVINO, MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA, SANTONI, MARC JACOBS, BLAUER, CALEFFI, GF FERRE’, GALLIANO, DSQUARED2, ZAGLIANI, FASHION FOR KIDS, CHOPARD, TAG HEUER, PIPPO PEREZ, ZANCAN… and you know, you don’t deserve less than that. Fashion Valley has been designed and made for visitors who appreciate Italian Style, to make your dreams of Italian luxury clothes and accessories come true. A visit to Fashion Valley will not steal much time to your stay in Florence, it will rather make it unforgettable. An opportunity not to be missed. Fashion Valley is definetely the place to satisfy your sophisticated preferences. Because Florence is not only cypresses and villas, palaces and churches…but you surely knew it from the beginning of your journey, didn’t you? 39


Sports Facilities Where to go & What to do


resumably you are used to finding a ready availability of sports facilities in the States. You may not find it quite so easy here, especially when you have only just arrived, but they do exist and often charge students a little less on display of a student card (though ask your college first as they may have already arranged for a series of conventions and discounts). Tennis courts are fairly easy to find, it is often harder to find a partner! Check for your nearest court at the Cascine Park, in the sports areas around the Football stadium or just below Piazzale Michelangelo. Swimming is also easy to practice, though you often have to fit your times in with organised lessons (evenings are usually a good bet). Some of the best indoor pools include the Amici del Nuoto pool, in Via del Romito, 38b, the Fiorentina Nuoto Club Pool in Via di Ripoli 70, the Rari Nantes Florentia in Viale Maratona (near the Stadium), the Paganelli Pool in Viale Guidoni 208 and the Tropos Pool in Via Orcagna 20a, to mention just a few. Athletics are also fairly easy to practice. There is a brand new athletics stadium in the Campo di Marte complex (the Luigi Ridolfi), and if this is too far away for you, they can suggest alternative tracks.



Otherwise just put on your running shoes and jog alongside the banks of the Arno, level all the way and magnificent first thing in the morning. Football is also possible in Florence, even for women. You can, if you can find enough players, hire fields for a game, though it is easier still if you play the local calcetto with fewer players...Enquire at the Campo di Marte Stadium about clubs to join for regular games. And, don’t forget, the local club is the Fiorentina! Rowing is possible along the Arno, where there are two extremely professional and qualified clubs.


Hockey, madball and baseball are more difficult to find, though they are growing in popularity here. Basketball and Volleyball are both fairly common, though of course you need to join a club. Any large stadium and a lot of gyms have teams where you may be able to take part in a game. Cycling is very popular and can be done of course when and where you like, though if you join a club, you can cycle in company. Take care to chain and lock your bike wherever you leave it, it can easily tempt a bicycle thief! Rollerskating is possible at Le Pavoniere (Park of the Cascine) and various outdoor spaces in the public gardens and parks. You can go horse riding at the City Riding Stables in Via Vespucci as well as at the Cascine. Ice skating is only possible around Christmas, when an outdoor rink is usually set up at Parterre. Otherwise you can find almost anything from biliards to bowls (the Sir Francis Drake type), as well as weightlifting, boxing, rugby, softball, squash, golf, shooting, archery and fencing.

Wellness contrasto aveda (1)


A stone’s throw from Piazza della Signoria, you will find Contrasto AVEDA lifestyle salon & spa, an innovative proposal where the “salon” becomes an oasis for a relaxing break in full harmony of body and spirit. A cup of Aveda tea to welcome you, a soothing massage to head, neck and shoulders and eventually a touch of make-up far a unique experience. A team of highly skilled stylists at work to conceive a definitive look able to fully reflect you. But there is more to Contrasto AVEDA Lifestyle Salon & Spa than meets the eye. Monthly after working hours, the wonderful Salon becomes an ideal location for an aperitif or a themed event. Nearby, two other Contrasto AVEDA concept salon, receive without an appointment, leaving freedom of choice to the customer. Lifestyle salon & spa on appointment only Via de’ Neri 53-55/r - 055.2398553



concept salon Via de’ Neri 49/r - 055 282841 Via dei Benci 5/r - 055 219227


palestra ricciardi (2) Founded 50 years ago, Palestra Ricciardi is the biggest gym in the Florence downtown, known as the coolest gym in town combining experienced staff with the most modern equipment. You can improve your physique in a pleasant and dynamic environment spread over a surface of 1600 sqm surrounding a lovely internal garden. The space devoted to your training is composed of several areas which include: the cardio fitness area, the free weights area, rooms for isotonic equipment, two rooms for classes and the spinning room. After a hard training session you can choose to relax in a sauna or with a massage session. The gym offers 81 hours of classes weekly: Total Body Workout, Step, Spinning, Easy Dance, Corpo Libero, Yoga, Hip Hop, Power Pump, Body Sculpt, Pilates, Fit Box, Stretching, Gag, Soft Gymnastic, Capoeira. Personalised fitness programmes and fully qualified instructors. Special membership fees for students. Borgo Pinti, 75 - 055.2478444

re you a step machine addict or dreaming of perfect muscles? Or have you just arrived in town and need to find a gym (possibly within walking distance) in the city centre? There are an infinite number of gymnasiums. It is worth hunting up one with the facilities you require nearest to your digs. Many also do courses in yoga or the martial arts pilates to FIt box or Capoeria (a brazilian way between a martial art and a dancing) or have a gymnasium attached. And obviously most of these gyms offer special relaxing areas with sauna, massages or spa. Florence also boasts many dance and ballet schools, though of course you have to select the type of dance course you prefer. Start looking for your ideal gym from our tips. 45


The Grape Harvest

Atmosphere Folklore & Fun


hroughout Tuscany September is the month of grape picking, one of the merriest and most joyful harvests in the farming world. Wherever you look, you can see vineyards bursting with lush red and golden grapes and groups of people working their way down the fields as they pick them, filling up their baskets with the ripened harvest. Tractors have today replaced the characteristic oxen-drawn wagons of the past, but even so, it is still an impressive sight to see these huge carts, overflowing with grapes, being trailed along the narrow country roads. The countryside is dry and parched after


the summer and the leaves are already beginning to change colour before finally falling when the autumn proper sets in. The new wine or Vino Novello, which is not suitable for preserving but only for drinking at once, is usually ready in early November and has a unique taste that obviously varies according to the type of grape, where it is grown, etc. Celebrations and festive events are held in many country areas and give visitors the chance to enjoy themselves as well as taste the local wines. The most famous, and oldest, of such events, is the Grape Harvest Festival at Impruneta. The town is a hive of activity for the entire month of September while the four wards, each with their own outdoor



Where to go: Greve in Chianti Fair of Chianti Sept. 5th-8th Impruneta The Grape Festival Sept. 29th


working area, build the allegorical floats. Anyone can join in the work, which is carried out, often with great passion, mainly in the evening, accompanied by jolly dinners prepared by the women of the ward. Everything must be ready for the last Sunday of the month (this year September 29th), when the floats parade around Piazza Buondelmonti. Each ward prepares at least three floats, accompanied by spectacular ballets and performances, with hundreds of participants. The enthusiasm of the public in the crowded square, deeply involved in the contest between the four wards, and the general excitement, makes the Festival a unique event that should not be missed.




Vinoutlet, an idea from two friends who love to wine and dine! If you can buy the best clothes at an outlet why not buy the best wines? Vinoutlet is the answer, here you will find the wines you enjoy at affordable prices. Our team’s continuous research throughout Italy allows us to choose great wines at all times. Our selection is based on seasonal availability and great quality. Knowing the producers and their passion for wine making guarantees the difference in what we offer. On rotation we propose different regional assortments to satisfy our customer tastes for Italian wine. Amerigo is always available to help you with your personal selection, talk about the wines and the producers to give you an emotional connection with what you will be drinking. Enjoy Italian wines and hope to see you soon in our store.

uscany, as we know, produces some very high quality wines. Its hills are covered in vineyards, one of the oldest forms of farming in Italy and nowhere else can boast such a wide variety of wines. Here you can taste the best of the red wines from the Chianti, the Brunello of Montalcino, the Vino Nobile of Montepulciano and the Carmignano or the Morellino of Scansano, just to mention some of those known worldwide, or the freshest of white wines, like the Vernaccia of San Gimignano, the Pomino, the Ansonica or the Elba wines.

Borgo Ognissanti, 70r - 055.2670495 (1)



Arnold Coffee The American Coffee Experience



arnold coffee Via degli Avelli, 8 055.9060399 50

he coffeehouse chain Arnold Coffee was born in 2009, and it is the first real American coffee shop opened in Italy, inspired by Starbucks. The brand mission, The American Coffee Experience means the commitment to offering to everyone the opportunity to taste top quality products in a welcoming and comfortable environment where everyone can relax, chat and surf the Internet, away from the bustle of daily life. Everything is improved by a constant and careful attention to detail and to the guests. Here you will find a wide range of pastries and snacks suitable for every moment of your day, from breakfast, to lunch, or any light meal. You will not resist the temptation of Arnold Coffee’s cup cakes, muffins, donuts and apple pies, a unique taste from the best American tradition; and do not forget the organic beverages or the 100% pure fruit smoothies, or the great choice of tasty, delicious and special drinks with or without coffee, all in large cups starting from 12oz. Arnold opened its first store in Milan in the University area, with the specific aim of offering to young students the possibility to study with their laptops in front of a hot mug. The company has now reached cities such as Genoa, Verona and Florence, Via degli Avelli, while expanding its target from University students to a wider group that daily rewards the coffee shops with the same - if not greater - appreciation and presence. And the firm is still developing...

gelaterie gelateria della passera Gelateria della Passera is located in the heart of Florence just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio and Piazza Pitti. A small shop that produces high quality ice creams and sorbets with or without milk. The ingredients are chosen with care and with a special attention to local products, such as milk, eggs, fruit and Tuscan honey. You can choose between 20 flavors, in addition to the classic ones we suggest Fior di latte and mint, Monnalisa, Messer Brunelleschi and many others. Secret recipes and experimentations to create the magical sorbets, made ​​with infusions and decoctions, such as: Caress (chamomile, almond milk and acacia honey) Spell (red sorrel, lemon balm, linden and lime juice) Fragrance of the East (fresh ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, saffron and lemon juice) The carapine boxes (with the cap) ensure optimal preservation of the product, infact ice cream is temperature sensitive and photosensitive too. Tantalize your palate tasting the flavors of the season, fruit sorbets and infusions, an experience that you will bring in your heart as a lasting memory of Florence. Piazza della Passera - Via Toscanella,15r - 055.291882 Open 12pm-12am 52

LA STREGA NOCCIOLA Have you ever felt like Alice in Wonderland? That’s the Strega Nocciola effect! Close to Ponte vecchio, Strega Nocciola Artisan Gelateria it’s a kind of magic: let the taste of Cremarancio-a traditional cream variegated with orange jam-charm you, or let yourself be enchanted by the luxurious scent of the Bergamot gelato. Not mentioning the organic Lavender gelato, a fresh, relaxing experience for all your five senses, or the classic and elegant taste of the Pistachio gelato: it’s the taste of a new, recovered time from the everyday hurry, the fresh taste of a renewed gelato tradition which Strega Nocciola brings every day in to the City’s beating heart. Strega Nocciola turns a premium selection of the finest seasonal ingredients into a unique, handmade ice cream. It’s all about the proper time that delicious ingredients need and the attention to excellence that make a bewitching experience out of a genuine ice cream. That’s the point: it always takes some magic to create good things, especially when it’s about gelato: Strega Nocciola’s gelato is a mix of artisan wisdom and passion for excellence, which will bring you back to the authentic,genuine taste of life’s pleasures. Ponte Vecchio - Via De’ Bardi 51r - Tel. 055.2382150 Open Every Day 11.30am - 11.30pm 53

gelaterie gelatissimo A secret family recipe and a passion for the spirit of ancient Italy is behind the story of Gelatissimo, a retail chain launched in 2002 operating around the world including Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and now Italy with its trademark stores next to the Ponte Vecchio in Florence. Gelato is of course Gelatissimo’s principle product. Freshness and taste exploration are the keys to the customers’ satisfaction. Each store manufactures gelato on site from premium ingredients supplied from the Sydney premises. With an endless number of combinations, there are plenty of reasons for gelato lovers to return for new taste experiences. Delicious new items are constantly being added to our product range, such as Italian coffee, traditional biscotti and snacks. Gelatissimo signature beverage is affogato-espresso served with a scoop of vanilla gelato. Each international Gelatissimo store recaptures the Florence gelato experience, incorporating Italian music and decor and most importantly freshly made artisan gelato, into an authentic Italian experience. Present the voucher (on the next page) at the Gelatissimo Store to get one free icecream for each one bought! Lungarno Acciaiuoli, 6r - 055.218671 54


Flavours of Tuscany osteria santo spiritO





In the heart of the Oltrarno District where you still can breath the ancient Florence of the craftsmen and the thousands workshop, the Florence of the common people and the markets, you can find Osteria Santo Spirito right at the corner of the most famous square of Santo Spirito, a meeting place for all international gourmands, for florentines in love with their city and foreigners discovering the taste of Tuscany possibly in a cosy atmospehere. Take a lunch or dine at the tables overlooking the enchanting Piazza Santo Spirito (the Osteria has a wonderful dehors one of the most fascinating in the city) or in the colourful rooms inside the Osteria. The menu includes typical and traditional Tuscan platters accompanied by some interesting new variations, you can start with land starters such as wildboar sausages and dry tomatoes and go on with rigatoni santo spirito with dry ricotta cheese and maybe close with a mixed meat grill or you can choose the fish menus with sea products always fresh and tasty. The wines and desserts are excellent. Piazza Santo Spirito 16r - 055.2382383 Open daily 12-23.30


Le Antiche Carrozze (2) Try tasting some of the traditional recipes from the Italian cuisine in this ancient trattoria just off Via Tornabuoni and overlooking Piazza Santa Trinita. The warm and welcoming atmosphere in the recently restructured dining rooms still recall the mid 19th century when this venue was a regular stopping place for carriage drivers. It is the ideal place to discover the real “Florentine Steak� of genuine Chianina meat and perfectly prepared and cooked, as well as taste many other natural and healthy products, like the olive oil, dressed meats, vegetables and cheeses. The menu is based on the simple recipes typical of the local cuisine, but the Chef makes use of his wide experience to fully enhance the freshness and quality of the ingredients. All these traditional flavours in Tuscan cooking are accompanied by excellent pizzas prepared with care and experience. The pizzas boast a truly authentic flavour as they are cooked in a woodburning oven. The best wine to drink with your meal, either selecting it from the important Tuscan labels or from the excellent selection of the best Italian wines. Piazza Santa Trinita corner with Borgo Santi Apostoli 055.2658156 - Open daily 11.00-23.00.

he legendary and extremely simple food of Tuscany is the result of centuries of poverty and therefore has been based on salads, legumes, cereals and meat since the Middle Ages. Olive oil is almost always used rather than lard, and vegetable soups rather than pasta. All the food is bread related and of course the main drink is wine that lends colour to every glass. Although the modern trends in food have practically swept away many regional culinary traditions, Tuscany can still boast of an incredible historic continuity in traditional cooking and therefore has managed to preserve dishes that the present research into genuine foods is once more bringing back into the limelight, to the joy of all tastebuds, including those of its foreign visitors. We should remember that most typical Tuscan dishes are linked to particular areas or the various seasons of the year. 57

Pizza Pizza Pizza! Mr. Pizza


MR. PIZZA in Florence is a universe of delicious appetizers and offers its customers a wide choice of pizza cut, takeaway or home delivery. It ‘s open from morning until late at night to enjoy at any time of day the taste of true Neapolitan tradition. In the true Neapolitan pizza the cheese is soft and pan is thin but high-sided. The peculiarities of Neapolitan pizza is due largely to its pulp to be produced with a bread dough - that is completely devoid of fat - soft and elastic, stretched by hand in the form of a disc without touching the edges that will form in a typical kitchen “ledge “of 1 or 2 cm while the dough at the center will be high about 3 mm. A fast passage in a very hot oven must leave the pizza moist and soft, not overcooked. But at MR PIZZA, not only you can eat pizza awaits but also a large variety of salads, turnovers, croquettes, pretzels, washed down with a good selection of craft beers and more. EVERYTHING TO GO & DELIVERY Via Pietrapiana 82r - 055.3860311 Piazza del Duomo 5r - 055.213682 (1)


Nightlife pitta m’ingolli



The colorful and lively scene of Piazza Santo Spirito has just enriched with a new venue: a rustic style, charming bistrot, reminiscent of some French Bar au Vin. Freshly inaugurated, PITTA M’INGOLLI, which is Lucchese dialect for “may devil swallow you”, is just a few steps from the famous Osteria Santo Spirito, also owned by Chiara Tassi. Open from morning to late night, starts with the breakfast, but stands out for a wide variety of sandwiches with cold cuts (ham, mortadella, finocchiona) cheese (goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes, gorgonzola, honey and nuts) to fish specialities (butter and anchovies, salmon and arugula) combined with various sauces (tuna, tartare, mushroom sauce, walnuts, truffle) focaccia, baguette, various drinks, milkshakes, centrifugal fresh fruit, coffee for only 80 cents. and appetizers for 5 euro. Interior is coated in warm wood, with high stools and newspapers. Piazza S. Spirito, 17r 055.264256 Open daily 6.30am - 2.00am






With an entrance sunken in slightly from the street-front windows and doors, Salamanca draws you in almost seductively with its muted and rustic reds, cursive lettering above the door and calm dim lighting. Upon entering, a beautiful and engaging staff allows you to be guided wherever you choose to enjoy this intriguing bar and restaurant. You may enjoy a meal in one of the three dining rooms, including a more intimately themed one in the back. Or for a more casual evening, quaint two seater tables off to the right, a variety of tables in the front room to the left, a tapas bar in the back, or a traditional bar in the very front. With a full menu from tapas to meat meals, wonderful fish dishes to salads, amazingly decadent desserts and delicious drinks, the food alone entices any restaurant goer. With its atmosphere, its upbeat American and Spanish mix of music, wonderful staff, entrancing ambience, leaving Salamanca seems like not an option. Via Ghibellina, 80r 055.2345452 - Open Daily 5.30pm - 2.30am

peritif comes from the Latin word “aperire�, to open. You should remember that traditionally, Italians do not drink in order to get drunk: rather, alcohol fulfils a complementary role in the dining process. An aperitif is meant to cleanse your palate and whet your appetite for the upcoming meal. The typically French and Italian rite of aperitif offers a taste of la bonne vie for those who enjoy nothing more than raising a glass in the company of friends. Many bars in Florence now offer a sophisticated choice of finger foods and snacks to accompany your aperitif. Arrive between 7pm and 9pm, buy yourself a drink and you can expect to stock up for free on a good spread of complimentary nibbles. Even the music mix is also specially chosen with smooth, soothing sounds providing a suitable backdrop for a relaxed chat among friends. 61




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