Intro Coursebook Sample

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First Steps

Coursebook Level Intro

MCM Life Languages SpA RUT 76.089.984-4 Marcel Duhaut 2956—oficina 205 Providencia Santiago, Chile MCM Life Languages SpA 2010 Colección: “The Global Guide to English” “First Steps” Coursebook # 1 Todos los derechos quedan reservados: no se permite la reproducción de forma impresa ni digital, o la transmisión de ninguna forma o a través de cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, ni grabación alguna, de ninguna parte de esta obra sin la previa autorización escrita de la editorial

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The Global Guide to English First Steps

Course Book 1, Level Intro

Table of Contents Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Grammar Introductions How Are You? Everyday Objects What’s This? Self-Test 1 (Units 1-4) Moods and Feelings Personal Information Office Items/Computers REVIEW 1 (Units 1-7) Nationalities/Appearances Possessions/Clothes Self-Test 2 (Units 8-9) Activities Weather Seasons REVIEW 2 (Units 8-12) What Time is It? Everyday Activities Self-Test 3 (Units 13-14) Family/Pastimes Times of the Day REVIEW 3 (Units 13-16) Jobs/Work At Home Describing Things REVIEW 4 (Units 17-19) Test Answers Grammar Charts Vocabulary Glossary

Possessive Adjectives, Pronouns Verb “To be”: Positive A/An, Some, Plural Nouns This/These (That/Those)


1 7 14 24 32 Verb “To be”: Negative 36 Verb “To be”: Yes/No Questions 41 Prepositions of Place 48 54 Verb “To be” –Wh Questions 61 Possessive ‘s, Possessive Adjectives 70 78 Present Continuous 81 Conjunctions: and, but 89 Present Continuous: 94 Yes/No Questions 100 Present Continuous: Wh- Questions 105 Present Simple Positive 112 119 Present Simple Negative 123 Present Simple: Yes/No Questions 130 136 Present Simple Questions 141 There is/There are 148 Adjectives 155 160 166 179 214 216

Unit 1


Hi, my name is Michael. My name is Jacob.

What’s your name?

It’s nice to meet you.

Possessive Adjectives Singular (1) my your his(man/boy) her (woman/girl) its(thing/animal)

Plural (2+) our your (all) their

Exercise 1.1 Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective.



What is __her_ name? __Her_ name is Michelle. 2.

What is ______ name? ______ name is Alex.

What are _______ names? ________ names are 4. Diane, Jennifer and Stan. What’s ______ name?

______ name is Lauren. 1

Titles first name Jeff Armstrong

first name

Mary Wells last name

last name

Read the dialogue below… Mary: Hi, my name’s Mary Wells. What’s your name? Jeff: Hello Ms. Wells, my name’s Jeff Armstrong. Mary: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Armstrong. Please, call me Mary. Jeff: It’s nice to meet you, too, Mary. Mary Wells can be Mary (informal) or Ms. Wells (formal). Jeff Armstrong can be Jeff (informal) or Mr. Armstrong (formal). Miss_________ (single females) Mrs._________ (married females)

Tip: The first time you meet someone, use their title. (Mr. or Ms.)

Ms.________ (single or married females) Mr.________ (single or married males)

Exercise 1.2 Write down three names. (Can be friends, family, colleagues) Then, write their title. Raymond Pollard Mr. Pollard Claudia Thompson Mrs. Thompson 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ Now, write a dialogue similar to the one above with two of the people you wrote down. Use their names AND titles. ___________: ___________: ___________: ___________:


Subject Pronouns Singular (1) Plural (2+) I we you you (all) he(man/boy) she(woman/girl) they it(thing/animal) We can use subject pronouns OR a name. For a man/boy, use HE. Joe is a businessman. He is a businessman.


David is young. He is young.


For a woman/girl, use SHE. Anne is friendly. She is friendly.


Mary is happy. She is happy.


For 1 thing or animal, use IT.

The car is fast. It is fast.

The tree is big. It is big.

The horse is brown. It is brown.


For things (2+), people (2+) and animals (2+), use THEY.

The pens are black. They are black.

They are beautiful.

The buildings are tall. They are tall.

Exercise 1.3 Write the correct subject pronoun for the pictures below.

1. _they_____

2. _________

3. __________

4. __________

5. __________




Exercise 1.4 Write he, she, it, we, you or they. 1. Adam ___he________ 2. desk _____________ 3. two people _____________ 4. woman _____________ 5. train _____________ 6. balls _____________ 7. elephant _____________ 8. five girls _____________


9. cats ______________ 10. boy ______________ 11. radio ______________ 12. Mary ______________ 13. cars ______________ 14. Sam and I ______________ 15. cup ______________ 16. John ______________

Exercise 1.5 Read the following information sheet. Fill in the correct subject pronoun (I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they) and possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their). Personal Information Mr. Ms. Mrs. X Name:__Matthews__, ___Elaine___ (last)

___________ name is Elaine Matthews. __________ is 36 years old. __________ is married. __________ is an accountant.


Date of Birth: _18_/__06_/_1972_ Age: _36_ Married X


Job:___accountant______________ Now, fill in your information and write sentences like the ones above. (Use I and my) Personal Information Mr. Ms. Mrs. Name:____________, ___________ (last)


Date of Birth: ____/____/_____ Age: ____ Married

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________




Vocabulary List Unit 1 1. my 2. your 3. his 4. her 5. its 6. our 7. their 8. first name 9. last name 10. title 11. Miss 12. Mrs. 13. Ms. 14. Mr. 15. I 16. you 17. he 18. she 19. it 20. we 21. you(all) 22. they 23. age 24. married 25. single Important Phrases/Sentences to Remember: Hi, my name is…/I’m…(introductions) What’s your name? (introductions) It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Armstrong. (introductions) It’s nice to meet you, too. (introductions) Please, call me Mary. (introductions) I’m _____ years old. (age)


Unit 2

How Are You? Verb “To be�

I you he she it we you(all) they

am are is are are are

He is tall.

I am at work. You are at work. He is at work. She is at work. It is at work. We are at work. You are at work. They are at work

They are students. I am busy.

She is happy.

Exercise 2.1 Fill in the blanks with am/is/are. 1. She ________ a good writer. 2. They _________ old friends. 3. We __________ in a meeting. 4. The weather _________ good today. 5. Henry and John ________ brothers. 6. I _______ tired today. 7. We ________ businesspeople. 7

8. You ________ very busy. 9. Today _______ Wednesday. 10. He _______ on the phone. Exercise 2.2 Write complete sentences using am/is/are. 1. (I/in class) __I am in class.__________________________ 2. (you/ a good worker) _____________________________ 3. (My hands/ cold)_________________________________ 4. (Santiago/ a big city) ______________________________ 5. (My boss/ a smart man)____________________________ 6. (This office/ very nice) ____________________________ 7. (My sister/ very friendly)__________________________ 8. (Temuco/ in the South)____________________________ 9. (They/ in a meeting)_______________________________ 10. (We/ at the office) ________________________________

I am You are He She is It We are You(all) are They are

Contractions for “To Be” I’m I’m tired today. You’re You’re tired today. He’s He’s tired today. She’s She’s tired today. It’s It’s tired today. We’re We’re tired today. You’re You’re tired today. They’re They’re tired today.

Exercise 2.3 Look at the pictures and fill in the blank with a contraction.



_____They’re______ lawyers.


_________________ on the phone.


______________________ at the airport.

_________________ rich! 4.



Exercise 2.4 Change the following sentences using contractions. 1. We are in the car.

_________We’re in the car___________.

2. She is very beautiful.


3. I am happy today.


4. He is a manager.


5. They are in Valparaiso.


6. She is my boss.


7. We are very stressed.


8. He is a doctor.


9. They are not here.


10. I am at home.

_________________________________. 9

How are you? The verb “to be” is used to answer the question, “How are you?” This is a common question when you see a friend or colleague. Tip: Many times “How are you?” is only a polite I’m great! question. The I’m fine answer is usually How are you? I’m OK./I’m not bad. positive. (great, fine, I’m not very good. okay) If the answer I’m bad. is negative (not very good, bad), you need to explain. Exercise 2. 5 Look at the following dialogue and answer the questions. (Write a complete sentence). Jeremy: Hello, Melissa. How are you today? Melissa: I’m fine, Jeremy. How about you? Jeremy: I’m okay. I’m very busy at work right now. Melissa: How are your parents? Jeremy: They’re very good, thanks for asking! 1. How is Jeremy?

_____Jeremy is okay._____________________________

2. How is Melissa? ______________________________________________ 3. How are Jeremy’s parents? ______________________________________ 4. How are you? _________________________________________________ Exercise 2.6 Complete the conversations. 1. 2. A: Hello, __Mrs._ Taft. B: _______ morning, William. How _______ you? A: I’m _______, thanks. 3.


A: Hey, Michelle! _____________ you? B: I’m ________! How about ______? A: ______ bad, thanks.

A: Hello. ______________ is Elizabeth Rafferty. B: ________________to meet you, Ms. Rafferty. A: It’s nice to meet you, ______. Please, ______________ Elizabeth.

Exercise 2.7 Choose the correct responses. 1. Hello, Henry. -Hi! -It’s nice to meet you.

4. See you tomorrow. - Good night. - Good evening.

2. See you later - Hello. -Good-bye .

5. How do you spell your first name? -It’s Adrianne. -A-D-R-I-A-N-N-E.

3. My name is Helen Wang. -I’m Judy Stewart. -It’s Judy Stewart.

6. See you. -How are you? -Bye. Have a nice evening.

Exercise 2.8 Write the telephone numbers. 1. zero nine- three eight seven- four two two seven _09-387-4227______________ 2. eight four five- five three six- nine two zero one __________________________ 3. six oh four- eight seven three- six six one three ____________________________ 4. oh one one- two one two- three four six- five two oh one ___________________ 5. five six- zero two- two three eight- five nine nine seven ____________________ Now, write your phone numbers in words: For example: cell phone: six eight oh two- eight seven three one 1. cell phone: __________________________________________________________ 2. home phone: ________________________________________________________ 3. office phone: ________________________________________________________ 4. a friend’s number: ___________________________________________________ 5. emergency phone number: ____________________________________________ Now, practice saying the numbers out loud.


Exercise 2.9 Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct form of “To Be�. (Remember you can use contractions) There are many people in my office. My colleagues __________ very nice. Maria ______ my secretary. She ______ very helpful and friendly. My boss ______ James. He _____ powerful. He likes to have a lot of meetings, so he _______ very busy. Jane ______ in the office next to me. She _____ a financial manager. She ______ always on the phone. Sometimes we _____ stressed in our office, but usually we ______ happy. Our business ______ difficult but fun. Our office phone number ______ (312) 734-8660. Exercise 2.10 Write a similar paragraph about yourself and your colleagues. Use the words in this unit if you need help. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Vocabulary List Unit 2 1. to be 2. am 3. is 4. are 5. I’m (I am) 6. you’re (you are) 7. he’s (he is) 8. she’s (she is) 9. it’s (it is) 10. we’re (we are) 11. you’re (you(all) are) 12. they’re (they are) 13. great 14. fine 15. OK 16. not bad 17. bad Important Phrases/Sentences to Remember: Good morning (greeting, 5am-12pm) Good afternoon (greeting, 12pm-5pm) Good evening (greeting, 5pm-11pm) Good night (saying good-bye) See you tomorrow (saying good-bye) See you later (saying good-bye) How are you? How about you? I’m…(answering How are you?) How do you spell(your last name)...(asking for spelling of names)


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