The Global Guide to English
MCM Life Languages SpA RUT 76.089.984-4 Marcel Duhaut 2956—oficina 205 Providencia Santiago, Chile MCM Life Languages SpA 2010 Colección: “The Global Guide to English” “Building Your Skills” Coursebook # 3 Todos los derechos quedan reservados: no se permite la reproducción de forma impresa ni digital, o la transmisión de ninguna forma o a través de cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, ni grabación alguna, de ninguna parte de esta obra sin la previa autorización escrita de la editorial Registro Propiedad Intelectual-- Inscripción # 192.808.
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The Global Guide to English Building Your Skills Course Book 3, Level 2
Table of Contents Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Grammar Introductions Questions What's your name? Activities Self-Test 1 The Future Every day Do you...? Review 1 Time Where are you? Family How often do you...? Self-Test 2 Now and Always Things The Thing At home Review 2 Food Some and Any How was it? The Past Self-Test 3 I didn't... What did you do? Comparisons Review 3 Making Plans Making Decisions Orders and Instructions Self-Test 4 Skills and Abilities Obligations Alternatives Word Order Review 4 Test Classroom Materials Grammar Charts Answers Vocabulary Glossary
Verb "To be", Pronouns Verb "To be" Question Form Possessives Present Continuous Present Continuous (Future) Present Simple Present Simple Question Form Prepositions of Time Prepositions of Place Present Simple Review Adverbs of Frequency Present Simple vs. Continuous "A", "An"/Singular, Plural Nouns Articles "The" There is/There are Countable/Uncountable Nouns Using "Some" and "Any" Past Simple: Verb "To be" Past Simple Positive Past Simple Negative Past Simple Questions Comparatives and Superlatives Future: "Going to" Future: "Will" The Imperative Modal Verb "Can"/"Can't" Modal Verbs "Have to"/"Must" Modals Verbs: "Could"/"Should" Word Order
Page 1 8 17 24 35 40 46 55 63 67 71 76 81 87 90 97 104 110 118 123 130 136 142 152 155 160 168 175 182 188 194 203 205 211 216 223 228 233 245 259 270 316
Unit 2
Questions Asking questions with the verb “to be”.
Yes/No Questions When asking yes or no questions with the verb "to be", change the word order of the subject and verb. This car is new.
Positive I’m late. You’re late. He’s late. She’s late. It’s late. We’re late. You(all) are late. They’re late.
This car isn’t new.
Negative I’m not late. You’re not late. He isn’t late. She’s not late. It isn’t late We aren’t late You’re not late. They aren’t late.
Is this car new?
Question Am I late? Are you late? Is he late? Is she late? Is it late? Are we late? Are you late? Are they late?
Exercise 2.1 Make yes or no questions with the words below. For example: (you/tired) ____Are you tired?__________________ 1. (she/your boss) ________________________________________ 2. (they/upset) ___________________________________________ 3. (I/busy) ________________________________________________ 4. (he/stressed out) _______________________________________ 5. (we/finished) __________________________________________ 8
Exercise 2.2 Fill in the following chart. Positive Negative 1. You’re in class. 2. She isn’t busy now. 3. They’re hungry. 4. We’re in a meeting. We aren’t in a meeting. 5. He’s a lawyer. 6. 7. I’m not a good employee. 8. *Classroom Materials Unit 2 Activity 1 (pg. 245)
Question Are you in class?
Is he a lawyer? Are they friendly? Are you excited?
Yes/No Short Answers For yes or no questions, answer with Yes + subject + verb to be No + subject + negative verb to be
Are you tired? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are the pens blue? Yes, they are. No, they’re not.
Is he the boss? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Is the room clean? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Exercise 2.3 Write questions and answers as in the example.
For example:
_Are they singers? _No, they aren’t.__ They’re dancers.
_________two-fifteen? 2. ___________________. ____________________.
_____________a big house? ___________________. ___________a small house.
__________a new phone? 4. _________________________. __________an old phone.
_________________a cat? 6. _______________________. _______________________.
___________a doctor? ___________________. ___________________.
_____________sad? _________________. ___________happy.
Questions with question words (What, Where, Who, etc.): For other questions, we also change the word order. What?--We use "what" to ask about things (names, jobs, this, that) or characteristics (What’s_______like?). Statement: Question: My name
your name?
very friendly.
client files.
What are
What’s this? It’s a cell phone.
those? What are these? They’re MP3 players. What are they like? They’re very small!
What’s his name? His name is Jacob. What’s he like? He’s very friendly and happy. He’s good-looking. 10
Exercise 2.4 Look at the following answers and write the questions. For example: What’s Spain like?
Spain is very interesting.
1. ___________________________________?
My name’s Jennifer.
2. ___________________________________?
My brother’s very thin.
3. ___________________________________?
It’s a new desktop computer.
4. ___________________________________?
I’m a financial analyst.
5. ___________________________________?
Paris is a very beautiful city.
What’s this? It’s a business card. What’s your name? It’s James Matthews
What’s your job? I’m an accounting manager
James Matthews
Accounting Manager What’s the name of Walters accounting your company? It’s Walters Accounting. Email: What’s your cell phone number? It’s 328 653 2201.
Cell Phone: (328) 653 2201
Office: (328) 408 5520
What’s your email address? It’s james dot mattews at walters dot com. What’s your office phone number? It’s 328 408 5520.
Exercise 2.5 Fill in the following business cards. Ask a friend or classmate the questions above, and fill one in for yourself.
Where?--We use "where" to ask about places. Statement: I am
Question: Where are
They are
Where are you from?
I’m from the United Kingdom. I’m British. Where are they?
They are at a restaurant.
I’m from China. I’m Chinese.
I’m from Chile. I’m Chilean.
Where is she?
Where are you?
She’s at the library.
I’m in a meeting.
Exercise 2.6 Look at the following answers and write the questions. For example: Where is she from?
She’s from China.
They’re at the office.
I’m British.
My boss is in Spain.
My office is on Main Street.
His office is down the hall.
Exercise 2.7 Answer the following “Where” questions. 1. Where are you from?
2. Where is your family from?
3. Where is your company from? __________________________________________ 4. Where are you?
5. Where is your house?
Who?--We use "who" to ask abut people. Statement: Question: That
My boss
my brother.
my classmates.
Mr. Jenkins.
your boss?
Exercise 2.8 Look at the following pictures and write the “who” questions and answers. 1.
Who is she?_________ 2. She’s Queen Elizabeth. She’s the Queen of England.
________________ ________________ ________________
__________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
*Classroom Materials Unit 2 Activity 2 (pg. 245) 13
Exercise 2.9 Put the following questions in the correct order. Then answer them. For example: you/are/today/how
How are you today? I’m fine.
1. boss/who/your/is 2. where/from/you/are 3. name/what/is/your 4. your/are/who/colleagues 5. now/you/are/where
Exercise 2.10 Read the following dialogue. Answer the questions below. Jason: Hi! my name is Jason Allen. Andrea: Hello. I’m Andrea Andrews. Jason: It’s nice to meet you. Andrea: It’s nice to meet you, too. What do you do? Jason: I’m an accountant. What about you? Andrea: I’m a financial analyst. Jason: That’s an interesting job. Where's your office? Andrea: It's in Downtown Los Angeles. Jason: What's Los Angeles like? Andrea: It’s very big and busy. What is the name of your company? Jason: My company is Accounting Solutions. Andrea: Who's your boss? Jason: Stephanie Mills is the CEO of our company. 1. What is his name? 2. What is her name? 3. What is Jason's last name? 4. What is his job? 14
5. Who is his boss? 6. Who is she? 7. What is her job? 8. Where is her office? 9. What is Los Angeles like?
Exercise 2.11 Write 5 questions to ask someone new. Use what, where and who. 1.__________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Unit 2 nouns boss cell phone classmate dancer doctor house lawyer MP3 player order room singer subject verb adjectives bad-looking big clean downtown fine good-looking new old small thin upset Essential Expressions to Communicate What do you do? (What is your job?) What's __________ like? (asking for characteristics of something) What's LA like? My email address is james dot matthews at walter dot com. (spelled What about you? It's nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you, too. stressed out-to feel stressed/to have stress. AHH!!! I am so stressed out right now!
Self-Test 1 (Units 1-4) Part 1.1 Look at the following pictures. Fill in the correct subject pronoun and form of the verb "to be". 1.
very tall. 3.
a construction worker. 4.
Hello. Dr. Matthews. married.
at the market.
very cloudy!
Part 1.2 Change the positive sentences to negative ones and the negative to positive. 1. The weather is lovely. 2. My mom isn't feeling well today. 3. My colleagues are in a meeting. 4. This food is very good. 5. I'm not in a good mood. 6. She's at home. 7. We're very busy right now. 8. He isn't in his office. 9. Michael is very tall. 10. It's a beautiful apartment. Part 1.3 Look at the following answers. Write an appropriate question for each. 1. Where is the car?
The car is in the parking lot.
Yes, my boss is very nice.
The weather is bad today.
No, the food isn't very good.
I'm fine. Thanks.
My house is on Smith Street.
The meeting is on Wednesday.
The clients are in the lobby.
My birthday is in January.
I'm 35 years old.
Part 1.4 Use a possessive adjective to combine the following sentences. 1. Mary has a car. The car is red. 2. He has an office. This is the office. 36
Mary's car is red.
3. I have a daughter. She is 5 years old. 4. You have a house. It is beautiful. 5. My wife is a doctor. It is a hard job. 6. This city has a metro. It is great! 7. My boss has an ipod. It is green. 8. The children have a game. It's fun. 9. I have two sisters. They have a house. It's on the coast. 10. Ted has an office. It is downtown. Part 1.5 Look at the following pictures and write a present continuous positive sentence, negative sentence and question for each.
+He's talking on the phone.
-He isn't writing an email.
? Who is he talking to?
? 37
Part 1.6 Write a present continuous question with the verbs and times below. Answer the questions. 1. (do/this week)
What are you doing this week?
2. (go/now) 3. (eat/at lunch) 4. (work on/these days) 5. (travel/for vacation) 6. (read/now) 7. (do/tonight) Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Unit 6
Every Day
Present Simple Verb Tense
My family and I eat dinner I wake up at 7:00. together every night. They work from 8:30 to 6:30. Present Simple-something that happens all the time or sometimes PAST
• I work every day from 8am to 6pm. • Tom takes the train into the city. • It rains a lot in the winter. • I have yoga class in the evenings. • What do you usually do on weekends?
Pronouns I You He She It We You They 46
Present Simple Positive walk to work. walk to work. walks to work. walks to work. walks to work. walk to work. walk to work. walk to work.
Important! The 3rd person (he/she/it) present simple has an “s” added. For example: I walk to my house. He walks to his house. We take the bus. She takes the bus. We come from the South. It comes from the South.
Exercise 6.1 Fill in the blanks with the present simple verbs in the box. Remember to change the 3rd person(he/she/it) verb. go
wash sit
1. Frank _____sits_____ in his chair all day. 2. My wife and I ______________ to church every Sunday. 3. Rebecca ______________ her bike in the park on the weekends. 4. The boss _____________ us a lot of emails every day. 5. Shoes are expensive. They ________________ a lot of money. 6. I usually _________________ and my husband __________________ the dishes. 7. She ___________________ to the South in the summer. 8. Her children _________________ home from school around 4pm. 9. Nathan _________________ the bus every morning to work. 10. My family and I ________________ on the 6th floor of the building. Some verbs are irregular in the 3rd person! Look at the chart below. Present Simple: 3rd Person singular For he/she/it: • Most verbs add -s wear wears speak speaks live lives • For go and do, add -es go goes do does • If the verb ends in a -s, -x, -sh or –ch, add -es, and pronounce -es kiss kisses fix fixes wash washes watch watches • If the verb ends in consonant +y, the y changes to -ies fly flies study studies • But if the verb ends in vowel +y, do not change it play plays • have is irregular have has
Exercise 6.2 Change the following verbs to the 3rd person singular. 1. try 2. watch 3. sing 4. mix 5. go 6. dance 7. copy 8. begin 9. say 10. dry 11. do 12. open 13. brush 14. wash 15. sit 16. buy 17. drink 18. eat 19. have 20. teach
__tries____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 47
Exercise 6.3 Look at the following pictures. Put them in order and write a schedule. Use the activities in the box to help. go to happy hour
have lunch
go to bed
take the bus
get home
brush your teeth
leave work
eat breakfast
eat dinner
take a coffee break
get dressed
take a shower
wake up
watch TV
1. He wakes up early.______________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________________ 10. _____________________________________________________ 11. _____________________________________________________ 12. _____________________________________________________ 13. _____________________________________________________ 14. _____________________________________________________ 15. _____________________________________________________ 49
Exercise 6.4 Now, write about your own schedule. Use the present simple and times. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Present Simple Negative I ride my bike to work. I don’t drive to work. She drinks tea. She doesn't drink coffee. We make the Present Simple Negative by putting do not in front of the verb for I/you/we/you(all)/they and does not in front of the verb for he/she/it. We usually use the contractions: do not=don’t and does not=doesn’t.
Present Simple Positive
Present Simple Negative
I You He She It We
play sports. play sports.. plays sports. plays sports. plays sports. play sports.
don’t play sports. don’t play sports. doesn’t play sports. doesn’t play sports. doesn’t play sports. don’t play sports.
You They
play sports. play sports.
don’t play sports. don’t play sports.
Note: For the 3rd person singular (he/she/it) negative form the verb does not change. The “s” is in the does. For example: +She goes to the theatre often.
-She doesn’t go to the theatre often. (go is in the original form) +He works at an office downtown. -He doesn’t work at an office downtown. +It copies pages. -It doesn’t copy pages.
Exercise 6.5 Change the following positive sentences into negative sentences. For example: I work on the 11th floor.
______I don’t work on the 11th floor______
1. They take a coffee break in the afternoon. ______________________________________________________ 2. She talks to her parents once a week. ______________________________________________________ 3. I do all of my homework. ______________________________________________________ 4. It snows a lot in the winter. ______________________________________________________ 5. Janice arrives home late a lot. ______________________________________________________ 6. My husband and I watch TV in the evenings. ______________________________________________________ 7. You work out on your lunch hour. ______________________________________________________ 8. My team has a lot of meetings. ______________________________________________________ *Classroom Materials Unit 6 Activity 1 (pg.251) 51
Exercise 6.6 Read the following dialogue and write three positive sentences and three negative sentences. Then write some positive and negative sentences about your boss. Alan: Hey Mary. How is your new boss? Mary: He's okay. He's a little demanding. Alan: What does he do that's demanding? Mary: He wants every meeting early in the morning and he doesn’t want to receive more than one email a day from each of us. Alan: That’s interesting. Does he usually work late? Mary: Yes, he works until seven or eight every night, but he doesn't expect us to work that late. Alan: What kind of work does he specialize in? Mary: He specializes in financial investment and sales consulting. He doesn't work in human resource consulting. Alan: Does he work closely with the team? Mary: He has a lot of meetings with us, but he doesn't work with us individually.
1. The new boss has a lot of meetings.___
He doesn’t work with individuals.___
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
My boss
Exercise 6.7 Look at the following activities. Check yes or no for yourself. Then write positive and negative sentences for each activity. Activity go to the movies cook work in an office drink wine read the newspaper travel to other countries ride the bus play sports go swimming
For example: I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to the movies. 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________________________ Exercise 6.8 Talk about your work, hobbies and every day activities. Write some positive and negative sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 53
Vocabulary Unit 6 verbs brush copy cost dry expect fix kiss leave live mix ride send specialize take try wash
adverbs closely individually usually adjectives demanding each together nouns chair church newspaper
Essential Expressions to Communicate brush _____ teeth- She brushes her teeth./I brush my teeth/You brush your teeth. coffee break- I take a coffee break in the morning around 10am. get dressed-(put on all your clothes)-I take a shower, then get dressed. get home (get to a destination=arrive, no "to" with home)- She gets home very late. go to happy hour- My colleagues and I go to a happy hour once a month. have/eat meals (have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner or eat breakfast etc.) *NEVER take for meals! work late- I'm working late tonight. I have to finish that project!!!
Unit 16
Nouns can be countable and uncountable. Countable nouns are things that you can count. They can be singular or plural.
1 apple
2 apples
3 apples
one car some cars one man some men Uncountable nouns are things that you cannot count. They are not singular or plural. Do NOT use a, an or a number with uncountable nouns.
water salt rice Uncountable nouns require a singular verbâ&#x20AC;Ś Money is important. Salt isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t good for you. Music inspires people. This water is very cold! Tennis exercises your muscles.
Uncountable nouns are often in the following categories: abstract ideas-health, advice, help, luck, fun sports and activities-tennis, swimming, golf, basketball illnesses-cancer, AIDS, diabetes, flu natural events-rain, snow, wind, heat, cold academic subjects-English, chemistry, art, math foods-rice, sugar, milk, coffee, fat 123
We use some and any with countable and uncountable nouns: They played some songs. We listened to some music. Are there any potatoes? Is there any wine? We use many and few with plural countable nouns: I don’t take many pictures. I have a few things to do. We use much* and a little with uncountable nouns: She doesn’t do much shopping. I have a little work to do. *Much is usually used in negative sentences. Tip: a lot of can be used with plural countable and uncountable nouns. We have a lot of eggs. We have a lot of food. Exercise 16.1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Remember that a/an is necessary for singular countable nouns! accident
advice computer
1. Be careful! There’s an accident down the road. 2. Do you hear
3. We are cooking a lot of
for the barbecue.
4. It’s very warm today. Why are you wearing 5. She has
and some
every day.
6. I’m so tired today. Let’s go to the café and get some 7. The door is locked. Do you have 8. I’m going to be ten
? late to class today.
9. I have a really big problem. Could you give me some 10. The interview is easy. They only ask a few 11. The office has a lot of 12. We need to make
? .
and other valuable electronics. about the new project very soon.
Many nouns are sometimes countable and sometimes uncountable, but the meaning changes.
a cake (1 whole cake) some cake (a portion) a pizza(whole) some pizza (portion) I'm going to I want some cake! Let's order Can I have make a cake. a pizza. some pizza? Exercise 16.2 Write a sentence about the following pictures. Some of the things are countable and some are uncountable.
There is an apple.
If a noun is uncountable, you can still quantify it with more specific information. Some bread
Some water
A slice of bread
A bottle of water
A game of tennis
Here are some useful phrases to use to quantify uncountable nouns: a glass of wine a cup of tea
a carton of milk a bottle of water
a bowl of cereal a can of soda
a piece of cake a game of basketball
Exercise 16.3 Use the uncountable nouns in the box to make a sentence. Quantify them with one of the phrases above. For example: Cake Milk 1. 2. 3. 126
This piece of cake is delicious! Coffee
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Exercise 16.4 Pretend you are at the store. Look at the items in the pictures and write what you are buying. For example: I’m at the store. I’m buying…
Exercise 16.5 What’s in your pantry? Write about what you have in your pantry. Use countable and uncountable nouns and “there is”/”there are”.
Vocabulary Unit 16 nouns accident advice bowl can carton coat cold decision electricity fat health heat help illness interview juice luck meat minute muscle pantry piece portion rice salt snow soup subject sugar wind
verbs count inspire pretend quantify adjectives locked whole
Essential Expressions to Communicate to be good for you (be helpful, healthy for a person) Vegetables are good for you. Smoking isn't good for you. Can I have ______? (making a request)
Test (Units 1-29) Test 1 Fill in the following conversation with the correct pronouns, possessives and the form of the verb "to be". 3. 4. Nice to meet _________ , Anna. ________ job? ________ What _______ __________ job at ________ an accountant. the company?
2 Anna, Doug _______ the head of the company. He ________ _________ boss. We _________ very happy to work for him.
1 Doug, this ______ ______ colleague, Anna.
Now write your own dialogue. Introduce yourself.
Now introduce two of your colleagues.
Test 2 Write questions for the following answers using the verb "to be". 1.
I'm 39 years old.
My children are in school now.
Elaine's meeting is at 3pm.
He's Argentine.
Yes, you are a good student. 233
I'm a doctor.
That woman is my boss.
I'm from New York City.
Test 3 Look at the following pictures. Write a present continuous question with the question word provided. Then write the answer in positive or negative form. 1.
What are they doing?
in a restaurant?
They are giving a presentation.
No, at home.
? to the beach.
hard. 5.
in the office? No, outside.
with a team? No,
in the park? Yes,
in the park.
What a newspaper.
a newspaper? Where in a cafe.
in an airplane.
Test 4 Look at the following jobs. Write what you think they do every day. 1. a police officer 2. a doctor 3. your boss 4. a lawyer 5. the president 6. a waitress 7. your teacher 8. you
Unit 4 Activity 1 Teachers: These activities can be used in a variety of ways. ---Have students look at the pictures and describe them to their partner. Their partner will write on the next page whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening in the pictures. Then they could switch. ---They could also be used as an independent or group activity. Having students write positive and negative sentences for the pictures. ---You could also play as a class with you dictating which picture they are trying to find or students dictating to each other. ---You could also play with questions. Have students try to discover whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening in the pictures. Could be yes/no questions or open-ended questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.
8. 7.
Grammar Charts “To be” Positive I you he she it we you(all) they
am are is are are are
Contractions I am at work. You are at work. He is at work. She is at work. It is at work. We are at work. You are at work. They are at work
I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re You’re They’re
“To be” Negatives + Contractions Positive Negative
I’m tired today. You’re tired today. He’s tired today. She’s tired today. It’s tired today. We’re tired today. You’re tired today. They’re tired today. Contraction
I am nice. I am not nice. I’m not nice. You are nice. You are not nice. You’re not nice. OR You aren’t nice. He is nice. He is not nice. He’s not nice. OR He isn’t nice. She is nice. She is not nice. She’s not nice. OR She isn’t nice. It is nice. It is not nice. It is not nice. OR It isn’t nice. We are nice. We are not nice. We’re not nice. OR We aren’t nice. You are nice. You are not nice. You’re not nice. OR You aren’t nice. They are nice. They are not nice. We’re not nice. OR We aren’t nice. “To be” Positive, Negative and Yes/No Questions Positive I’m late. You’re late. He’s late. She’s late. It’s late. We’re late. You(all) are late. They’re late.
Negative I’m not late. You’re not late. He isn’t late. She’s not late. It isn’t late We aren’t late You’re not late. They aren’t late.
Present Continuous-Positive + Contractions Pronoun Present Continuous I I am sitting in the chair. you You are sitting in the chair. he He is sitting in the chair. she She is sitting in the chair. it It is sitting in the chair. we We are sitting in the chair. you(all) You are sitting in the chair. they They are sitting in the chair.
Question Am I late? Are you late? Is he late? Is she late? Is it late? Are we late? Are you late? Are they late? Contraction I’m sitting in the chair You’re sitting in the chair. He’s sitting in the chair. She’s sitting in the chair. It’s sitting in the chair. We’re sitting in the chair. You’re sitting in the chair. They’re sitting in the chair. 259
Answers Unit 1 Exercise 1.1 1. he 2. they 3. it 4. he 5. they
6. it 7. she 8. she 9. it 10. they
Exercise 1.2 1. is 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. are
6. am 7. are 8. are 9. is 10. is
Exercise 1.3 1. I'm in class. 2. You're a good friend. 3. My feet are small. 4. Santiago is a big city. 5. My boss is very professional.
6. This office is modern. 7. My sister is a mom. 8. Antofagasta is in the North. 9. My coworkers are in a meeting. 10. We're at home.
Exercise 1.4 1. They're 2. He's 3. She's 4. We're 5. I'm Exercise 1.5 1. She isn't busy right now. OR She's not busy right now. 2. I'm not tired today. 3. You aren't a good employee. OR You're not a good employee. 4. We aren't hungry. OR We're not hungry. 5. He isn't very tall. OR He's not very tall. 6. They aren't very successful. OR They're not very successful. 7. She isn't a lawyer. OR She's not a lawyer. 8. I'm not a good student. 9. It isn't a good movie. OR It's not a good movie. 10. They aren't big. OR They're not big. 270
Vocabulary Glossary A-Z 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 316
a- un, una ability-capacidad abroad-en el extranjero accept-aceptar accident-accidente accountant-contador address book-libreta direcciones adventurous-aventurero advice-consejo after-despues afternoon-tarde ago-hace airport-aeropuerto almost-casi alternatives-alternativas always-siempre an-un, una analyze-analizar anniversary-aniversario answer-respuesta, contesta anybody-alguien, nadie anyone-alguien, nadie anything-cualquier cosa apartment-departamento appointment-cita architect-arquitecto armchair-sillón arrangement-planes at-en attend-asistir awesome-impresionante bad-looking-feo bags-bolsas barbecue-aseo bargain-regatear bathroom-baño be (am, is, are)-estar beans-porotos beautiful-linda, hermosa beautifully-maravillosamente bedroom-dormitorio
42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.
beef-carne de res before-antes begin-comenzar, empezar behind-atrás de believe-creer better-mejor big-grande billing-facturación birthday-cumpleaños board game-juego de mesa bonus-bonificación, prima book-libro bookshelf-estantería boring-aburrido borrow-pedir prestado boss-jefe bowl-cuenco boy-niño break-descanso, romper briefcase-maletín bright-brillante bring-traer broken-roto brush-cepillar build-construir building-edificio businessman-hombre de negocios businesspeople-gente de negocios busy-ocupado buy-comprar calendar-horario call-llamar call back-volver a llamar camp-acampar can-lata can-poder can't-no poder cancelled-cancelado candidate-candidato cannot-no poder capital-capital
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