Sample Level 3 Coursebook

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The Global Guide to English

MCM Life Languages SpA RUT 76.089.984-4 Marcel Duhaut 2956—oficina 205 Providencia Santiago, Chile MCM Life Languages SpA 2010 Colección: “The Global Guide to English” “Practice Makes Perfect” Coursebook # 4 Todos los derechos quedan reservados: no se permite la reproducción de forma impresa ni digital, o la transmisión de ninguna forma o a través de cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, ni grabación alguna, de ninguna parte de esta obra sin la previa autorización escrita de la editorial

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The Global Guide to English Practice Makes Perfect Course Book 4, Level 3

Table of Contents Unit 1





Present Continuous, Present Simple

1 22


Unit 1 Self-Test Past Simple, Used to, Comparatives/Superlatives Test 1 Review

Plans and Future-"Will"/"Be going to"/Present Predictions Continuous, Describing graphs and Trends Unit 3 Self-Test


Food and Countable/Uncountable Nouns, Making Eating Out Offers, Requests and Suggestions Test 2 Review





News and Past Continuous, Expressing Opinions, Narratives Agreeing and Disagreeing, Persuasive Essay The Working World Goals and Dreams

24 40 44 62 64 78 80

Unit 5 Self-Test


Modal Verbs: Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Must, Have To


Test 3 Review


Present Perfect


Final Test Review Classroom Materials Grammar Rules Irregular Verbs Listening Script Answers Vocabulary Glossary

123 128 157 175 182 191 206

Unit 1


Activity 1 "I'm a _________ and I'm ___________." Read the following paragraph and answer the questions below.

My name is Ted Matthews. I'm 38 years old. I'm an advertising executive at BFD Advertising. BFD is very big and successful. Right now I am working on a new ad campaign for a food and beverage company. We're developing new television commercials and magazine ads. It's a big job, and my team and I are working very hard. It's going very well and the client is happy. Answer the questions below. 1. What is his name? 2. What is his job? 3. How old is he? 4. What is his company like? 5. What is he working on now? 6. How is it going? Underline the verb phrases in the sentence. !"

Activity 2 What are they doing? Use the verbs to the left to make sentences about what the people in the picture are doing. For Example:

She's checking her schedule. She's scheduling an appointment. She's setting up a meeting.

to schedule to set up to check



to cook to drink to prepare

to shake to introduce to meet






each other.



to argue to disagree to discuss

to drive to drop off to pick up

with her.

her kids

something important. with each other.


from school. .

her kids

at school.



to run to kick to play

to reply to to talk to type

the ball.

an email. .

on her laptop.


on the phone.



to have to hang out to laugh

to listen to to give to watch

some drinks.

a presentation. .


with some friends.




to fly to listen to to read

to ride to go by take

a magazine.

the subway to work. .


to work


the subway. $"

Present Continuous I You He/She/It We You (all) They

am are is are are are

working on a big project. working on a big project. working on a big project. working on a big project. working on a big project. working on a big project.




We use the present continuous to talk about things happening now, currently or these days. For example: My classmates and I are studying English. (right now) I'm reading a good book. (these days) My company is working with a new client. (currently) When speaking, we usually use contractions. I am = I'm, You are = You're, He is = He's, She is = She's, It is = It's, We are = We're, They are = They're *Practice Pronunciation! Look at page 158 for more rules for using the present continuous (spelling, time expressions and examples). Activity 3 Fill in the blanks with the verb given. 1. My boss is traveling in Europe this month. (travel) 2. I

three times a week these days. (work out)

3. We

a movie right now. (watch)

4. They

the meeting. (leave)

5. I

some new projects. (work on)

6. I

a great book about World War II now. (read)

7. She 8. Ellen 9. My husband 10. His football team


me right now. (call) her bike to work these days. (ride) . (sleep) in the championships. (play)

Activity 4

Look at the following jobs. With your partner, use the verbs and activities in the box to talk about what each person is doing today. run a company draw


help people

give tests cook

answer phones bake

make decisions

give medicine

give orders

schedule meetings calculate numbers hire people

fire people

write emails


organize things

1. chef The chef is baking a cake today. 2. HR manager

5. teacher

3. receptionist

7. CEO

4. lawyer

8. engineer


argue do research go to court

write reports

6. nurse

Negatives... We add "not" to make negative sentences. There are also more contractions. I am not doing anything. You're not doing anything. He's not doing anything. She's not doing anything. It's not doing anything. We're not doing anything. They're not doing anything.

I'm not doing anything. You aren't doing anything. He isn't doing anything. She isn't doing anything. It isn't doing anything. We aren't doing anything. They aren't doing anything.

Activity 5 Change the sentences in Activity 3 to negative sentences. 1. My boss isn't traveling in Europe this month. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. &"

7. 8. 9. 10. Activity 6 Write about what you are doing right now and these days. Use the verbs below to make positive and negative sentences. study



work on







Activity 7 (Track 01) Listen to the following picture descriptions. Circle the picture that matches the description. 1.







Now do the same thing with your partner. Choose one of the two pictures and explain what is happening for your partner to guess. Take turns.








Asking Questions: Remember to change the word order! Statement: She

Question: is

Subject Auxiliary

driving to the office.






driving to the office?




I am eating dinner. What are you doing? "Use the following words to make a yes/no question like the first one above. 1. you/go/to the conference

Are you going to the conference?

2. she/work/from home today 3. the boss/come back/today 4. you/watch/TV 5. he/cook/dinner right now 6. we/work/late tonight For yes/no answers, we usually use "Yes," or "No," + subject +auxiliary (be) Are you going to the first floor? Yes, I am. Is he taking the metro? No, he isn't. (negative auxiliary) Are they calling him? Yes, they are. Are you going away for the weekend? No, we aren't. In small group, ask each other yes/no questions and use short answers. Activity 8 Match the questions (1-8) to the answers (a-h). 1. Where are they going?

a. You're working on the final report.

2. How much is she charging for it?

b. They're going home.

3. What are you looking for?

c. He's going to the cafeteria.

4. What am I working on today?

d. It's working okay today.

5. When are we getting together?

e. She's charging $12 for it.

6. How are you doing?

f. This afternoon.

7. What is he doing for lunch?

g. I'm looking for my cell phone.

8. How is the computer working?

h. Fine.


Sometimes we use the present continuous for the future. These are things that are happening soon or that we are REALLY sure about, like plans and arrangements. Past


It's important to use a future time phrase I’m starting my art classes next week. with the present They’re arriving here on Monday. continuous. Without My family and I are going to the beach for the weekend. a time phrase, it is She’s watching that documentary with Henry tonight. happening now. NOW

Write sentences about your future plans. Use the present continuous. For example: I'm going to the gym later. 1. this weekend 2. tomorrow 3. next week 4. later today 5. tomorrow morning Now ask your partner about their future activities. For example: What are you doing later? Activity 9 (Track 02) Listen to the conversation. Fill in the blanks. Simon: Hey, Melissa! What are you


Melissa: Hey, Simon.

. What about you?

Simon: I'm on my way to dinner.



Melissa: Yes, I

. How are you

Simon: I'm

the bus. Are you taking the

Melissa: No, I'm not. I'm Simon: Okay,


late so

? getting a cab.

are you getting there?

Melissa: In about 20 minutes. Which

are you sitting at?

Simon: I'm sitting at Table 7. What are Melissa: We're probably not having

for dinner? ! Okay,

now. See you there! *"

Activity 10 In small groups, look at the following pictures. Talk about what is happening using the verbs and time phrases. Make positive and negative sentences and questions.


Activity 11 Choose ten pictures that people do as part of their daily routine. Make sentences describing the pictures. 1. He's waking up.










Activity 12 Read the following daily schedule of Ted Matthews, the advertising executive. My job is very fast-paced and I'm a very busy man. Every morning I wake up at 6:15am, but I usually don't get up until 6:30. I go for a quick jog and take a shower. Then I eat breakfast with my family. My wife usually cooks something. If I'm in a hurry, I eat a piece of fruit or some yogurt. I leave my house around 7:30am. I take a bus and then the subway to my office. I usually get to work at about 8:00am. I have a morning meeting with my team at 10am. We discuss our current projects and any questions or problems that we have. I have lunch around 12:30pm. Sometimes I go out with coworkers, but I often eat a sandwich or salad at my desk. I usually have client meetings in the afternoon. I don't often leave work before 7pm. After I arrive home, I hang out with my family. Sometimes I have some work or some research to do. My family watches TV while we eat dinner. I put my children to bed and then go to sleep around 11pm. Answer the following questions 1. It's 6:15am. What is he doing?

He's waking up.

2. It's 7:30am. What's he doing? 3. It's 7:45am. What's he doing? 4. It's 10am. What's he doing? 5. It's 12:30pm. What's he doing? 6. What does he do after work?


Present Simple-We use the present simple to talk about routine activities, habits or facts. I You He/She/It We You (all) They

sleep 8 hours a night. sleep 8 hours a night. sleeps 8 hours a night. sleep 8 hours a night. sleep 8 hours a night. sleep 8 hours a night.

I work every day from 8am to 6pm. It rains a lot in the winter. Sixteen million people live in Chile.




We have English class twice a week. My boss travels to Spain for business. His job requires a lot of travel.

The 3rd person (he/she/it) has an "s" at the end of present simple verbs! She works downtown.

It takes double A batteries.

He wants a new job.

Turn to page 160 for more rules and grammar practice. Activity 13 Fill in the blanks with the present simple verb tense. Use the verbs in the box. live




1. John


10. You



in an office. a lot of money.

6. Everyone from my office

9. The HR department


in a 3-bedroom apartment.

5. His cell phone

8. My family


to a University downtown.

4. Michael

7. I


the metro to work every morning.

2. My son 3. We


lunch in the cafeteria.

a new laptop. to church every Sunday. all of the employee events. a lot of emails every day!

Activity 14 Now write your daily routine. Make several sentences about what you do at each of the times. Do not share them with the class yet! In the morning (until 12pm)...

In the afternoon (12pm-5pm)...

In the evening (5pm-8pm)...

At night (8pm until sleep)....


Present Simple Negative...We add "do not" or "does not" in front of the base verb to make the negative. Pronouns

Present Simple Positive

Present Simple Negative

I You He She It

like French food. like French food. likes French food. likes French food. likes French food.

don’t like French food. don’t like French food. doesn’t like French food. doesn’t like French food. doesn’t like French food.


like French food.

don’t like French food.

You (all) They

like French food. like French food.

don’t like French food. don’t like French food.

Note: For the 3rd person singular (he/she/it) the verb does not change. The “s” is in the does. For example: +She goes to the theatre once a week. +He works at an office downtown. +It copies pages.

-She doesn’t go to the theatre once a week. (go is in the original form) -He doesn’t work at an office downtown. -It doesn’t copy pages.

Activity 15 Change the following positive sentences to negative. 1. Mary works from home.

Mary doesn't work from home.

2. I watch a lot of TV. 3. You go out of town often. 4. My mother cooks every night. 5. My family and I go to the park. 6. Thomas meets with clients. 7. We like to go dancing on weekends. 8. Anna studies English on Tuesdays. With your partner, talk about which activities you do or don't do. For example: I don't work from home. !%"

I watch a lot of TV.

Present Simple Questions...The auxiliary for the present simple is do or does. Remember the question word order Auxiliary + Subject + Verb! Statement: Question: I

exercise in the mornings.





travels in the summer.




When does



" Make questions for six of the statements in Activity 15. 1.

Does Mary work from home

exercise in the mornings?















For yes/no answers, we usually use "Yes," / "No," + subject +auxiliary (do/does) Do you often take the bus? Yes, I do. Does he work in this building? No, he doesn't. (negative auxiliary) Do they have the files? No, they don't. Does your phone have that application? Yes, it does. Activity 16 Look at the following people and verbs/activities. Ask your partner yes/no questions and use yes/no short answers. your boss

your family


your coworkers

your phone



your job

your friends


For example: Do you and your boss email a lot?


*Classroom Materials pg. 128 (Student A), pg. 129 (Student B) Activity 17 Ask your partner about his/her daily schedule. Use the information from Activity 14. Use the question words in the box. What time...?






For example: What time do you wake up in the morning? Time Expressions...We often use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. Adverbs of Frequency + Present Simple seldom never rarely sometimes



hardly ever



almost always 100%

We use adverbs of frequency to tell how often or how much we do things. They come before the activity/verb.

He usually takes the metro to work, but he sometimes walks.

Add an adverb of frequency to each of the sentences. 1. He goes shopping at the mall.

4. My family and I get together.

2. They go out of town.

5. I have lunch with friends.

3. Mr. Thomas flies to the US.

6. My colleagues have meetings.

Now ask each other about the activities above. Use the question, "How often...? For example: How often do you take the bus? !'"

We can also give more specific information for the question, “How often do you…?” Read the common phrases below. every day twice a week

every weekday three times a week

every weekend once a month

once a week every year

We use the specific time phrases after the activity:

How often do you go to the market? How often does she go to the mall? I go to the market twice a week. She hardly ever goes to the mall. * We use an adverb of frequency OR a time phrase (above). Don't use both! Activity 18 Look at the following pictures. Ask each other "How often...?" questions. Use adverbs of frequency or one of the time phrases above.

see your extended family

work out

have meetings

check your email

clean your house

travel for business

go shopping

have a business lunch/dinner

sleep in/sleep late !("


take a bus

order take-out

Present Continuous vs. Present Simple (I am doing) (I do) Hannah is staying home today." She isn't working. Hannah works every day, but she isn't working now because she's sick. Is she working? (Present Continuous)

No, she is sleeping.

Does she work? (Present Simple)

Yes, she does.

Present Continuous-NOW PAST


Present Simple-all the time or in general



Please be quiet. I’m working. 6pm. You can use the computer. I’m not using it. What are you doing? I'm watching TV.



I work every day from 8am to She uses her laptop at home. What do you do? I'm a dentist.

We do not usually use these verbs in the present continuous. like














Activity 19 Look at the pictures below. Answer the questions. I'm a singer.

We're teachers. 1. Does she sing?

Yes, she does.

Is she singing?

Yes, she is.

What is she doing?

She’s singing.

2. Are they teaching? Do they teach? What are they doing? I'm a waitress.

We're students. 3. Are they studying?

4. Does she wait tables?

Do they study?

Is she waiting tables?

What do they do?

What is she doing?

Activity 20 In pairs, ask each other a present continuous and present simple question using the verb given. 1. do

What are you doing?

What do you do?

2. read 3. work on 4. eat for lunch 5. think about !*"

*Classroom Materials pg. 128 Activity 21 Read BFD Advertising's company profile and current year activities.

BFD Advertising Company Profile BFD is a successful advertising company. We create new ad campaigns and develop existing ad strategies for our clients. We work with many big companies. Our teams make television commercials, magazine spreads and online ads. The teams usually specialize in one of these advertising markets. Our goal is to develop brand image and influence public opinion of our clients' products. This year This year we have a couple of big projects. We are working with GULP, a leading food and beverage company. Our television team is creating a range of new commercials. They are targeting the young adult market. The ads we are making are dynamic, fun and colorful. We are also working with the cosmetics company, New Beauty. The magazine and online teams are planning extensive campaigns. They are reaching out to an older market. The new message we are communicating for New Beauty is "New at Any Age". What does BFD do? What is BFD doing this year? *Classroom Materials: Get into pairs. Person A turn to page 129. Person B turn to page 130. Describe your company's profile and current activities to your partner.


Vocabulary Unit 1 verbs argue charge check cost disagree discuss fire hire laugh mix research run (control) schedule target taste type phrasal verbs drop off get to get together get up go by hang out listen to pick up reach out to reply to set up sleep in wake up work on work out

nouns ad beverage campaign classmate client commercial conference coworker goal image influence laptop range spread adjectives colorful current dynamic existing fast-paced successful adverbs almost always currently hardly ever never often rarely seldom sometimes usually

Essential Expressions to Communicate extended family, immediate family I'm ______ years old. take-out (food that you take out of the restaurant) Let's get take-out! to go out-to leave your house-We went out last night. We had dinner then went dancing. to go out of town-to leave the city you live in-We went out of town last weekend. to introduce yourself to make a decision to meet each other to sleep late/in to work hard #!"

Unit 1 Self Test Test 1 Look at the following sentences and questions. Each of them has one mistake. Correct them. 1. I'm waking up at 6:30 every morning. 2. What do you doing? 3. No, I not have the file with me. 4. She's liking sushi. 5. Where are you go? 6. I talk on the phone right now. Please come back later. 7. Tomorrow we meet with Mr. Thompson in the afternoon. 8. Where she does work? 9. They not going to the conference. 10. "What you do?" "I'm a lawyer." Test 2 Look at the following answers. Write an appropriate question. 1. We're having lunch right now. 2. I think they're meeting tomorrow. 3. She's a financial analyst. 4. I go to the movies once a month. 5. He works at ABM. 6. Yes, I'm reading a great historical novel. 7. No, I don't speak French. 8. We're going out of town this weekend. 9. He's on a conference call right now. 10. Yes, I think they're working on the project.


What are you doing?

Test 3 Use the verbs in the box to make one present sentence. It can be in the present simple or the present continuous. like

do take

prefer sleep







study get




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Now write down some present questions using the verbs. Ask your partner the questions.

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Classroom Materials Unit 1 4'3)%56% 78%9:)-(."1-% !"#$%&'%()"%(*+,-.%/+01%(*+,%01""-*-%2#",%(1*&#%3&-(.%41*'%(1*%"(1*#%(*+,%+-$-%5*-6'"% 78*-(&"'-%+9"8(%)1"%(1*5%+#*.%% % ;<=>%=%

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% Now think of other famous people and play again. % Page 20 Imagine that you are on a dream vacation in . Your schedule this week is very different from your typical week in Santiago. Talk about what is different. Example: I usually get up at 8:00, but this week I am getting up at 12:00. What do you usually do at these times? Describe what are you doing on your vacation at these times. 7:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:20 p.m. !#)"

9:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. What is different about being on vacation? Use the verbs wear, speak, eat, etc. Page 16 !"#$%&'%()"%(*+,-.%/+01%(*+,%01""-*-%2#",%(1*&#%3&-(.%41*'%(1*%"(1*#%(*+,%+-$-%5*-6'"% 78*-(&"'-%+9"8(%)1"%(1*5%+#*.%% ;<=>%A%

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Now think of other famous people and play again. Page 20 Read the following company profiles and current activities. Explain them to your partner using the present simple and present continuous. Atlas Corp.-headquarters in Sacramento, California Company Profile -manufacture and sell construction equipment -maintain a factory 60 miles outside of Sacramento -provide excellent customer service -work closely with outside distributors to keep sales consistent This year -hire new sales and distribution employees to cut out business with distributors -develop a new business plan in order to sell all products directly to customers -implement a new managerial strategy in sales and distribution -streamline manufacturing procedures Now write something similar for your company. Share it with your partner.


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