First Steps
Coursebook Level Intro
MCM Life Languages SpA RUT 76.089.984-4 Marcel Duhaut 2956—oficina 205 Providencia Santiago, Chile MCM Life Languages SpA 2010 Colección: “The Global Guide to English” “First Steps” Coursebook # 1 Todos los derechos quedan reservados: no se permite la reproducción de forma impresa ni digital, o la transmisión de ninguna forma o a través de cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, ni grabación alguna, de ninguna parte de esta obra sin la previa autorización escrita de la editorial
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The Global Guide to English First Steps
Course Book 1, Level Intro
Table of Contents Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Grammar Introductions How Are You? Everyday Objects What’s This? Self-Test 1 (Units 1-4) Moods and Feelings Personal Information Office Items/Computers REVIEW 1 (Units 1-7) Nationalities/Appearances Possessions/Clothes Self-Test 2 (Units 8-9) Activities Weather Seasons REVIEW 2 (Units 8-12) What Time is It? Everyday Activities Self-Test 3 (Units 13-14) Family/Pastimes Times of the Day REVIEW 3 (Units 13-16) Jobs/Work At Home Describing Things REVIEW 4 (Units 17-19) Test Answers Grammar Charts Vocabulary Glossary
Possessive Adjectives, Pronouns Verb “To be”: Positive A/An, Some, Plural Nouns This/These (That/Those)
1 7 14 24 32 Verb “To be”: Negative 36 Verb “To be”: Yes/No Questions 41 Prepositions of Place 48 54 Verb “To be” –Wh Questions 61 Possessive ‘s, Possessive Adjectives 70 78 Present Continuous 81 Conjunctions: and, but 89 Present Continuous: 94 Yes/No Questions 100 Present Continuous: Wh- Questions 105 Present Simple Positive 112 119 Present Simple Negative 123 Present Simple: Yes/No Questions 130 136 Present Simple Questions 141 There is/There are 148 Adjectives 155 160 166 179 214 216
Unit 1
Hi, my name is Michael. My name is Jacob.
What’s your name?
It’s nice to meet you.
Possessive Adjectives Singular (1) my your his(man/boy) her (woman/girl) its(thing/animal)
Plural (2+) our your (all) their
Exercise 1.1 Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective.
What is __her_ name? __Her_ name is Michelle. 2.
What is ______ name? ______ name is Alex.
What are _______ names? ________ names are 4. Diane, Jennifer and Stan. What’s ______ name?
______ name is Lauren. 1
Titles first name Jeff Armstrong
first name
Mary Wells last name
last name
Read the dialogue below… Mary: Hi, my name’s Mary Wells. What’s your name? Jeff: Hello Ms. Wells, my name’s Jeff Armstrong. Mary: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Armstrong. Please, call me Mary. Jeff: It’s nice to meet you, too, Mary. Mary Wells can be Mary (informal) or Ms. Wells (formal). Jeff Armstrong can be Jeff (informal) or Mr. Armstrong (formal). Miss_________ (single females) Mrs._________ (married females)
Tip: The first time you meet someone, use their title. (Mr. or Ms.)
Ms.________ (single or married females) Mr.________ (single or married males)
Exercise 1.2 Write down three names. (Can be friends, family, colleagues) Then, write their title. Raymond Pollard Mr. Pollard Claudia Thompson Mrs. Thompson 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ Now, write a dialogue similar to the one above with two of the people you wrote down. Use their names AND titles. ___________: ___________: ___________: ___________:
Subject Pronouns Singular (1) Plural (2+) I we you you (all) he(man/boy) she(woman/girl) they it(thing/animal) We can use subject pronouns OR a name. For a man/boy, use HE. Joe is a businessman. He is a businessman.
David is young. He is young.
For a woman/girl, use SHE. Anne is friendly. She is friendly.
Mary is happy. She is happy.
For 1 thing or animal, use IT.
The car is fast. It is fast.
The tree is big. It is big.
The horse is brown. It is brown.
For things (2+), people (2+) and animals (2+), use THEY.
The pens are black. They are black.
They are beautiful.
The buildings are tall. They are tall.
Exercise 1.3 Write the correct subject pronoun for the pictures below.
1. _they_____
2. _________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
Exercise 1.4 Write he, she, it, we, you or they. 1. Adam ___he________ 2. desk _____________ 3. two people _____________ 4. woman _____________ 5. train _____________ 6. balls _____________ 7. elephant _____________ 8. five girls _____________
9. cats ______________ 10. boy ______________ 11. radio ______________ 12. Mary ______________ 13. cars ______________ 14. Sam and I ______________ 15. cup ______________ 16. John ______________
Exercise 1.5 Read the following information sheet. Fill in the correct subject pronoun (I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they) and possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their). Personal Information Mr. Ms. Mrs. X Name:__Matthews__, ___Elaine___ (last)
___________ name is Elaine Matthews. __________ is 36 years old. __________ is married. __________ is an accountant.
Date of Birth: _18_/__06_/_1972_ Age: _36_ Married X
Job:___accountant______________ Now, fill in your information and write sentences like the ones above. (Use I and my) Personal Information Mr. Ms. Mrs. Name:____________, ___________ (last)
Date of Birth: ____/____/_____ Age: ____ Married
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
Vocabulary List Unit 1 1. my 2. your 3. his 4. her 5. its 6. our 7. their 8. first name 9. last name 10. title 11. Miss 12. Mrs. 13. Ms. 14. Mr. 15. I 16. you 17. he 18. she 19. it 20. we 21. you(all) 22. they 23. age 24. married 25. single Important Phrases/Sentences to Remember: Hi, my name is…/I’m…(introductions) What’s your name? (introductions) It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Armstrong. (introductions) It’s nice to meet you, too. (introductions) Please, call me Mary. (introductions) I’m _____ years old. (age)
Unit 10
Present Continuous Present Continuous-something happening NOW
He’s riding the bus. He’s calling his friend.
They’re dancing.
Present Continuous is BE + verb(ing) PAST
Pronoun I you he she it we you(all) they
Present Continuous I am sitting in the chair. You are sitting in the chair. He is sitting in the chair. She is sitting in the chair. It is sitting in the chair. We are sitting in the chair. You are sitting in the chair. They are sitting in the chair.
Contraction I’m sitting in the chair You’re sitting in the chair. He’s sitting in the chair. She’s sitting in the chair. It’s sitting in the chair. We’re sitting in the chair. You’re sitting in the chair. They’re sitting in the chair.
Please be quiet. I’m working. (not I work) Take an umbrella with you. It’s raining. You can use the computer. I’m not using it. What are you doing? Do you want to go to lunch? I’m talking to a client. Can you call me back?
Remember: Its is a possessive adjective. For example: This is my computer. This is its case. It’s is the contraction for it is. For example: It’s a beautiful car! or It’s sending now. 81
Exercise 10.1 Look at the following pictures. Use the verbs in the box to write a present continuous sentence. Answer the question, “What are they doing?”. to eat dinner
to work to call a friend
For example:
to write an email to sing
to read a book
to drive
They’re eating dinner.
_______________________ ________________________ _______________________ 4.
_______________________ ________________________
Exercise 10.2 Fill in the blanks with the present continuous of the verb in parentheses. 1. The baby __is sleeping____. (sleep) 2. I_____________ a new sweater today. (wear) 3. They_______________ for the bus. (wait) 4. We________________ lunch in the café. (eat) 5. Look! It________________ to rain. (begin) 6. Someone ________________ on the door. (knock) 7. My colleagues________________to the meeting now. (drive) 8. He_________________the presentation to the clients. (give) 9. Excuse me. My boss________________. (call) 10. I______________English. (study) We also use the present continuous to talk about current, temporary activities. I’m reading a good book now. They’re working in a big project. She’s learning to cook. We’re changing our office.
Tip! These are some time expressions used with present continuous: now, right now, at the moment, these days, at present Exercise 10.3 Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box. build
watch swim
eat learn
1. A lot of stores are having_______ big sales. 2. They__________________in Europe. 3. We_________________ very healthy foods these days. 4. They___________________a new shopping center. 83
5. My team and I________________on a new project. 6. He___________________to play tennis. 7. The transportation system_________________. 8. Laura__________________at the pool these days. 9. The population________________. 10. I_________________a lot of TV these days. Present Continuous Negatives The negative is made by adding “not”. I’m drinking a glass of water.-------I’m not drinking a glass of water. Positive I am working. You are working.
Negative I am not working. You are not working.
He is working. She is working. It is working. We are working.
He is not working. She is not working. It is not working. We are not working.
You are working.
You are not working.
They are working.
They are not working.
Negative Contraction I’m not working. You’re not working. or You aren’t working. He She ’s not working. or isn’t working. It We’re not working. or We aren’t working. You’re not working. or You aren’t working. They’re not working or They aren’t working.
Exercise 10.4 Change the following positive sentences to negative sentences. For example: I’m driving to the office. __I’m not driving to the office._____________ 1. I’m eating an orange.
2. Jane and I are going to the store.
3. Michael is calling his parents.
4. They’re taking the train here.
5. She’s working hard these days.
6. I’m watching TV right now.
7. He’s buying a new cell phone.
8. They’re organizing the office.
9. My parents are walking in the park. ____________________________________ 10. My boss is looking at the project.
Remember! (Unit 6) Answering yes/no questions with short answers. Question: Is this your credit card?
Answer: Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t
Are these your children?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
Is she your coworker?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
Short answers are also used for present continuous yes/no questions: Are you driving to the meeting? Yes, I am OR No, I’m not. Is he writing a report?
Yes, he is
OR No, he isn’t
Are they coming to the party?
Yes, they are
No, they aren’t.
Exercise 10.5 Answer the following questions using short answers. For example: Are you talking to your boss?
No, I’m not.
1. Are you wearing boots?
2. Is your coworker studying English?
3. Is your teacher speaking Italian?
4. Are you learning how to cook?
5. Are you reading a good book?
6. Is your family working hard these days?
7. Are your parents helping you study?
8. Is your boss travelling for business?
Exercise 10.6 Look at the following pictures and answer the questions. shirt
For example:
skirt socks
hat coat scarf
Is she wearing pants? ____No, she isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t._
Is he wearing a suit?
Is she wearing pajamas?
Is he wearing a coat?
Is he wearing a tie? _____________________ 86
Are they wearing sweaters? _____________________
Is she wearing pants?
Exercise 10.7 Use the pictures above. Write one positive and one negative sentence for each picture. For example:
__She’s wearing a dress.______ __She isn’t wearing pants.____
2. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
Exercise 10.8 Write about some of your current activities. Try to use positive and negative present continuous sentences. For example: I’m learning to cook these days. I’m going to classes. I’m not practicing at home. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary List Unit 10 1. to ride 2. to call 3. to dance 4. to sit 5. to sing 6. to eat 7. to drive 8. to work 9. to read 10. to write 11. to talk 12. to sleep 13. to wear 14. to wait 15. to begin 16. to give 17. to study 18. to learn 19. to build 20. to watch 21. to change 22. to increase 23. to travel 24. not 25. arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t 26. isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Important Phrases to Remember What are you doing? What are you wearing?
Review 2 Units 8-12 Review 2.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct question word- What, Where or Who. For example: __Where ___ is your office? 1. ______________ are you from? 2. ______________ is your name? 3. ______________ is your boss like? 4. ______________ are your classmates? 5. ______________ are you now? 6. ______________ are your colleagues? 7. ______________ is your job? 8. ______________ is your mother like? 9. ______________ is your family? 10. ______________ is your boss? Review 2.2 Write questions about the people below. Then answer the questions. Make sure to use the words for physical description in the first box and the words for character description in the second box below. tall
short pretty
good-looking quiet
shy funny
bad-looking talkative friendly
For example: your husband--What is your husband like? My husband is tall and a little heavy. He is handsome. He is shy and serious. He is funny sometimes. 1. your mother--___________________________________________________? 2. your friends--___________________________________________________? 100
3. your colleagues--________________________________________________? 4. your boss--_____________________________________________________? 5. your brother or your sister--_______________________________________? 6. you--___________________________________________________________? Review 2.3 Look at the pictures below. Match them with the people or names in the box and make three sentences. See example: Mary and Jeff Sarah and Natalie
Rebecca the students
For example:
David and Ted the teacher
These are Sarah and Natalieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dresses. These are their dresses. These dresses are theirs.
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 101
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Review 2.4 Look at the following pictures and use the verbs to write a present continuous sentence. (watch) For example: Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re watching TV. 1.
Review 2.5 Use the verbs in the box to fill in the blanks with the present continuous. call
1. He â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s__ __working____ at the office right now. 2. We _____ ______________ lunch at a restaurant. 3. I _____ _______________ my bike in the park. 102
4. She ______ _____________ to Spain for business. 5. My boss ______ ____________ the newspaper. 6. My colleague and I ______ ______________ coffee. 7. His secretary ______ _______________ an email to the new client right now. 8. I _____ ________________ my wife now. 9. My children ______ _______________ to school. 10. He ______ _______________ to the office now. Review 2.6 Change the sentences in the exercise above to negative sentences. 1. He isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t working at the office right now. 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________ 10. ___________________________________________________ Review 2.7 Make a yes/no question from the following words. After, answer with yes/no short answers. (your father / talk on the phone)_Is your father talking on the phone? Yes, he is._ 1. (you / wear boots) _________________________________________?
2. (you / talk to a friend) _________________________________________?
3. (your boss / travel) _________________________________________?
________________________ 103
4. (your mom / cook) _________________________________________?
5. (your friends / have a party) _________________________________________?
6. (you / sit in a chair) _________________________________________?
7. (you / read a good book) _________________________________________?
8. (your company / work hard) _________________________________________?
9. (your family / play sports) _________________________________________?
10. (you / study English) _________________________________________?
Review 2.8 Fill in the blanks with “and” or “but”. For example: I’m wearing a hat, _______ I’m not wearing a scarf. 1. I’m short, _______ I’m not fat. 2. She’s talkative _______ friendly. 3. It’s cold, _______ it’s sunny. 4. She’s listening to the radio ________ working. 5. My sister’s reading a book, ________ she isn’t interested in it. 6. They’re very good-looking, ________ they aren’t very nice. 7. My office is working on a new project ________ finishing old projects. 8. It’s very cold, _______ I’m not wearing a coat. 9. Her skirt is green, blue ________ pink. 10. He’s very tall, _______ he isn’t very thin.
Unit 17
Jobs and Work
Present Simple Questions- What, Where, When, How: Remember! For yes/no questions, we add “do” or “does” in front of the subject. Positive:
They drive to work every morning.
Do they drive to work every morning?
She goes to the gym twice a week.
Does she go to the gym twice a week?
For questions using “what”, “where”, “when”, “why” and “how”, add the question word and “do” or “does” in front of the subject. Question: Answer: Do you work?
Yes, I do.
Where do you work?
I work in an office building downtown.
What does your brother do?
My brother designs office buildings.
When do you go to work?
I go to work at 8:15 every morning.
Why do they take the bus.
They take the bus because they don’t have cars.
How does he get to work?
He takes the metro every morning.
Note: “Who” questions in the present simple are usually different. You usually do not need to use “do” or “does”: Who works in this office? David works in this office. Who eats lunch at the cafeteria? My colleagues and I eat lunch at the cafeteria. Exercise 17.1 Fill in the blanks with “do” or “does”. Then match the questions on the left with the answers on the right. 1. Where _________ you live? a) They live downtown. 2. What _________ he do? b) I bring my laptop to work. 3. How ________ they get to work? c) Because I don’t have a car. 4. Why ________ he go home early? d) He is an engineer. 5. What ________ you bring to work? e) I go on holiday in the summer. 6. What ________ she do on weekends? f) I use the printer at reception. 7. When ________ you go on holiday? g) I live in an apartment on 1st St. 8. Where ________ your family live? h) They take the bus. 9. Why ________ you take the metro? i) She goes to parties. 10. How ________ print documents? j) Because he arrives early. 141
Exercise 17.2 Read the following dialogue and fill in the blanks. For example: A: Where do you work? B: I work in a tall office building downtown. 1. A: How much __________ you pay
2. A:_________ does your brother
for parking?
B: I ________ $2 a day for parking. 3. A: ________ do you work?
B: He is an accountant. 4. A: What ________ your wife
B: I _________ at a restaurant.
A: What _______ you do?
B: Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nurse.
B: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a waiter.
A: ________ does she like it? B: She loves it!
Exercise 17.3 Look at the following pictures and answers. Write the questions. For example: __Where do you live?____ We live in a house.
___________________________? I am an architect. ___________________________? I love it!
__________________________? I wear glasses because I need them. __________________________? I buy them at the eyeglass store.
___________________________? She eats lunch at 12:30.
___________________________? They relax in the evenings.
Exercise 17.4 Imagine you are meeting a new person. Write some questions for them using the following question words. 1. What______________________________________? 2. What______________________________________? 3. Where_____________________________________? 4. Where_____________________________________? 5. When _____________________________________? 6. When _____________________________________? 7. How ______________________________________? 8. How ______________________________________? 9. Why ______________________________________? Now answer the questions above for yourself. Exercise 17.5 Look at the following pictures. Write the questions for the answers given below. 1.
What do they do_________________?
They are doctors and nurses.
Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lawyer.
Where do they work______________?
They work in a hospital.
Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a judge.
What do they do every day_________?
They help people and give medicine.
They work in a courthouse.
chef _______________________________? He cooks food. _______________________________? He works in a kitchen.
waitresses waiters ________________________________? We serve food. ________________________________? We work in a restaurant.
teacher ______________________________? She is a teacher. ______________________________? She works in a school. 7.
actor actress _______________________________? He is an actor. _______________________________? They are in movies and TV shows. 8.
flight attendants pilot ______________________________? Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pilot. ______________________________? They work on airplanes. ______________________________? They serve food and help passengers.
policewoman policeman ________________________________? Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re police officers. ________________________________? They help and protect people.
businessman businesswomen ______________________________? They’re businesspeople. ______________________________? They work in an office. 11.
cashier _______________________________? She’s a cashier. _______________________________? She takes money and gives receipts.
receptionist/front desk person ________________________________? She answers the phone and helps guests. ________________________________? She works at a hotel. 12.
salesperson/shop assistant ___________________________? I’m a salesperson. ___________________________? I help customers.
Exercise 17.6 Write “Who” questions for the following work activities. Then use the jobs in Exercise 17.5 above to answer the question, Who______________?” (at work). to have clients to help people to take money to make phone calls to work on the computer to wear a uniform to talk to people to work with food to serve people to wear formal clothes 1. ____Who has clients____________________________? _______Lawyers, businesspeople and salespeople have clients._____________ 2. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 145
3. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________? ____________________________________________________________________ Exercise 17.7 Correct the mistakes in the following questions. Some of the questions are correct. For example: Does when your class start? When does your class start? 1. Where you work? 2. What does you do? 3. When do have you the meeting? 4. Who you work for? 5. How does she go to work? 6. How you likes it? 7. Do why you take the bus? 8. What do at work? 9. Where they do go for holidays? 10. Who drives your children to school? 146
Vocabulary List Unit 17 1. architect 2. doctor 3. nurse 4. lawyer 5. judge 6. chef/cook 7. waiter 8. waitress 9. teacher 10. actor 11. actress 12. flight attendant 13. pilot 14. policewoman 15. policeman 16. police officer 17. businessman 18. businesswoman 19. businessperson 20. receptionist 21. front desk person 22. cashier 23. salesperson 24. shop assistant 25. hospital 26. medicine 27. courthouse 28. to serve 29. passenger 30. to protect 31. guest 32. receipt 33. customer 34. client 35. uniform Important Phrases to Remember What do you do? I am a waitress. Where do you work? I work at a/in a restaurant. What do you do every day? I serve food. What time do you ________?
Unit 18
At Home
There is/There are We use “there is” and “there are” to say that something exists. “There is” or “There’s” - singular nouns (sofa, bed, table, book etc.) “There are” - plural nouns (chairs, doors, windows, lamps etc.) There are doors. There is a sofa. There are chairs.
There is a table. Exercise 18.1 Fill in the blanks with “there is” or “there are”. For example: There are__ pillows on the sofa. 1. __________________ three cars in the garage. 2. __________________ a computer on the desk. 3. __________________ women in the cafe. 4. __________________ a dog in the park. 5. __________________ two sofas in the living room. 6. __________________ many lamps in the bedroom. 7. __________________ a refrigerator in the kitchen. 8. __________________ a lot of books on the bookshelf. 9. __________________ businesspeople in the conference room. 10. __________________ children in the yard. 148
Negatives: Remember! The negative forms of the verb “to be”… is – is not – isn’t
are – are not – aren’t There’s a woman in this picture. There isn’t a man in the picture. There are files in this picture. There aren’t any books in this picture. There is a chair. There isn’t a sofa. Note: For “there are” negative, we use “any”: There aren’t any pictures on the wall. OR use “no” in front of the noun with the positive verb: There are no pictures on the wall.
Exercise 18.2 Circle the things that you see in this home office: Word bank: kitchen lamp
Now write positive sentences using “there is” and “there are” for the things you circled. For example: There’s a desk. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Now write negative sentences using “there isn’t” and “there aren’t” for the other words in the word bank. For example: There aren’t any doors. OR There are no doors. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 18.3 Answer the following questions: For example: Are there people in this room right now? __Yes, there are people in this room right now.__ 1. Is there a refrigerator in your kitchen? 2. Is there a bathroom in your office? 3. Are there many chairs in your office? 4. Is there a TV in your bedroom? 150
5. Are there TVs in your conference room? 6. Is there a laptop in your office? 7. Are there many phones in your house? Exercise 18.4 Look at the following list of furniture and house items. Write a “there is” or “there are” sentence under the correct room. Some things can be in more than one room. bed
mirrors sink
shower dresser lamps
television coffee table
Living Room
There is a bed in the bedroom.________
Kitchen/Dining Room
Exercise 18.5 Look at the following pictures and write sentences about what you see. Use both positive and negative sentences with “there is” or “there are”. For example:
There is a sofa, a chair, and a coffee table. There are lamps and curtains. There aren’t any doors. There isn’t a bookshelf. There are no clocks.______
Exercise 18.6 Think about your own home. Write about what there is and what there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in your house. For example: There are five rooms in my apartment. There is a bedroom, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a bed, a dresser and a closet in my bedroom. There are also many books, clothes and pictures in my bedroom, but there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a television. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary List Unit 18 1. living room 2. bedroom 3. bathroom 4. kitchen 5. dining room 6. office 7. lamp 8. armchair 9. door 10. rug 11. pictures 12. clock 13. table 14. curtains 15. mirror 16. tree 17. bed 18. bookcase 19. toilet 20. refrigerator 21. stove 22. sink 23. television 24. dresser 25. coffee table Important Phrases to Remember There is _________________. There isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ______________. There are ________________. There arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t any ________________. There are no _______________.