The Global Guide to English
MCM Life Languages SpA RUT 76.089.984-4 Marcel Duhaut 2956—oficina 205 Providencia Santiago, Chile MCM Life Languages SpA 2010 Colección: “The Global Guide to English” “Building Your Foundation” Coursebook # 2 Todos los derechos quedan reservados: no se permite la reproducción de forma impresa ni digital, o la transmisión de ninguna forma o a través de cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, ni grabación alguna, de ninguna parte de esta obra sin la previa autorización escrita de la editorial.
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The Global Guide to English Building Your Foundation Course Book 2, Level 1
Table of Contents Unit
1 2 3
I am… How Are You? Activities
What are you doing? Self-Test 1 (Units 1-4) Everyday Habits Do you…? What are you doing? / What do you do? REVIEW 1 (Units 1-8) Jobs and Occupations Things Around Town Orders and Instructions Self Test 2 (Units 9-12) Time What’s that? REVIEW 2 (Units 9-14) Wants and Needs Descriptions Where are you? Self Test 3 (Units 15-17) Routines How often do you…? Weather and Seasons The Future Review 3 (Units 15-21) How was it? The Past The Past 2
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Verb “To be”: Positive/Negative Verb “To be”: Questions Present Continuous: Positive/ Negative Present Continuous: Questions Present Simple Positive Present Simple Negative Present Simple Questions Present Simple vs. Continuous
Verb “To be” A/An/Some There is/There are Imperatives Prepositions of Time This/That/These/Those Present Simple Adjective Placement Prepositions of Place Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Present Continuous Present Continuous for Future Verb “To be” in Past Past Simple Regular Verbs Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Page 1 8 18 25 33 37 44 50 59 65 69 75 84 90 98 102 109 117 121 128 133 139 142 148 155 161 167 172 178 183
25 26 27 28
I didn’t… Past Simple Negative Self Test 4 (Units 22-25) What did you do? Past Simple Questions Skills and Abilities Can/Can’t for abilities Requests and Permission Could for Requests Review 4 (Units 26-28) Final Test (Units 1-28) In Class Activities Grammar Charts Regular and Irregular Verbs Answers Vocabulary Glossary
189 195 200 207 213 218 224 244 252 258 259 307
Unit 1
I am... I you he she it we you(all) they
Verb “To be” am I am at work. are You are at work. He is at work. is She is at work. It is at work. are We are at work. are You are at work. are They are at work
He is tall.
They are students.
Contractions I am I’m I’m tired today. You are You’re You’re tired today. He He’s He’s tired today. She is She’s She’s tired today. It It’s It’s tired today. We are We’re We’re tired today. You are You’re You’re tired today. They are They’re They’re tired today. She’s happy.
I’m busy.
Exercise 1.1 Fill in the blanks with am/is/are. 1. She ________ a good writer. 2. They _________ old friends. 3. We __________ in a meeting. 4. The weather _________ good today. 5. Henry and John ________ brothers. 6. I _______ tired today. 7. We ________ businesspeople. 8. You ________ very busy. 9. Today _______ Wednesday. 10. He _______ on the phone. Exercise 1.2 Write complete sentences using “to be”, use contractions where possible. 1. (I/in class) __I’m in class.__________________________ 2. (you/ a good worker) _____________________________ 3. (My hands/ cold)_________________________________ 4. (Santiago/ a big city) ______________________________ 5. (My boss/ a smart man)____________________________ 6. (This office/ very nice) ____________________________ 7. (My sister/ very friendly)__________________________ 8. (Temuco/ in the South)____________________________ 9. (They/ in a meeting)_______________________________ 10. (We/ at the office) ________________________________ Exercise 1.3 Look at the pictures and fill in the blank with a contraction. 1.
_____They’re______ lawyers.
_________________ on the phone.
______________________ at the airport.
_________________ rich! 4.
Exercise 1.4 Change the following sentences using contractions. 1. We are in the car.
_________Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in the car___________.
2. She is very beautiful.
3. I am happy today.
4. He is a manager.
5. They are in Valparaiso.
6. She is my boss.
7. We are very stressed.
8. He is a doctor.
9. They are not here.
10. I am at home.
_________________________________. 3
“To be” Negative To make the negative of "to be", add not after the verb. I am an employee. ! I am not an employee
Positive I am nice. You are nice. He is nice. She is nice. It is nice. We are nice. You are nice. They are nice.
I’m not nice. I am not nice. You’re not nice. OR You aren’t nice. You are not nice. He’s not nice. OR He isn’t nice. He is not nice. She’s not nice. OR She isn’t nice. She is not nice. It is not nice. OR It isn’t nice. It is not nice. We’re not nice. OR We aren’t nice. We are not nice. You’re not nice. OR You aren’t nice. You are not nice. They are not nice. They’re not nice. OR They aren’t nice.
She’s happy! She isn’t sad. She’s not mad. (angry)
He’s stressed. He isn’t relaxed.
I’m in a bad mood. I’m not in a good mood.
They’re excited! They aren’t tired.
Exercise 1.5 Choose the correct negative for the positive sentences below. 1. I’m busy. 2. She’s in her office. a) I amn’t busy. a) She isn’t in her office. b) I am not busy. b) She not in her office. 3. They’re very professional. a) They’rnt professional. b) They aren’t professional. 4
4. English is difficult. a) English isn’t not difficult. b) English is not difficult.
5. It is sunny today. a) It s not sunny today. b) It isn’t sunny today.
6. We’re a little stressed. a) We are not a little stressed. b) We not a little stressed.
Exercise 1.6 Change the verb to the negative form. 1. She’s busy right now.
___She isn’t busy right now._______
2. I’m tired today.
3. You’re a good employee.
4. We’re hungry.
5. He’s very tall.
6. They’re very successful.
7. She’s a lawyer.
8. I’m a good student.
9. It’s a good movie.
10. They’re big.
Change the positive sentences to the negative OR the negative sentences to positive. 1. We’re not professional.
_____We’re professional.__________
2. I’m tall.
_____I’m not tall.________________
3. They’re in a meeting.
4. We’re very formal.
5. She’s not here right now.
6. He’s on the phone.
7. You aren’t at home.
8. I’m not young.
9. It isn’t cold today.
10. It’s a great restaurant.
Exercise 1.7 Read the paragraph and circle the correct sentences below. My name is Jeremy. I’m a Human Resources manager. I’m not very experienced, but I’m a good employee. I work with some great people. My colleague, Sam, is an accountant. He’s always very busy, but he isn’t tired. He likes to play basketball. He’s a good basketball player, but he isn’t a good football player. Janet is my secretary. She’s very good at her job, but she isn’t very organized. We’re not very formal at the office. We’re relaxed. 1. Janet- She is a secretary. / She isn’t a secretary. 2. Jeremy- He’s a good employee/ He isn’t a good employee. 3. They’re formal at the office. / They aren’t formal at the office. 4. Sam- He’s tired. / He isn’t tired. 5. They’re relaxed at the office. / They’re not relaxed at the office. 6. Janet- She’s very organized. / She’s not very organized. 7. Sam- He is a good football player. / He isn’t a good football player. 8. Sam- He’s very busy. / He isn’t very busy. 9. Jeremy-He’s very experienced. / He isn’t very experienced. 10. Jeremy- He’s a Human Resources manager. / He isn’t a Human Resources manager. Exercise 1.8 Write a similar paragraph about yourself and your colleagues. Use both positive and negative sentences. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
Vocabulary Unit 1 Pronouns he I it she they we you you(all) Verbs am are aren't is isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t to be
Adjectives beautiful busy excited happy mad mood professional relaxed rich sad stressed tall tired
Adverb not Nouns boss city class friends lawyers meeting students Essential Expressions to Communicate in a good mood- I'm in a good mood today! in a bad mood- She's in a bad mood today. on the phone- He's on the phone.
Unit 12
Orders and Instructions
Imperatives We use the imperative to give orders, give instructions and make requests. For the imperative, we do not use a subject. The subject is you or you(all), but it is not spoken. (You) Brush your teeth. (You all) Look at that! 1) Give orders: Look at that!
Brush your teeth. 2) Give instructions: First, cut the onions.
3) Make a request: Please pass the potatoes.
Drive down this street. Then turn right.
Be quiet, please.
Tip: Imperatives are more polite when you add “please” before or after the imperative… For example: Sit down. vs. Please, sit down. or Sit down, please. Email me. vs. Please, email me. or Email me, please. 90
Exercise 12.1 Match the phrases in the box to the pictures. Write an imperative sentence. turn off the light
email me
sit down
repeat that
run fast
call me
Turn off the light. 3.
Negative Imperative. We use do not/don’t in front of imperatives to make them negative. Don’t smoke!
Don’t put your feet on the desk!
Exercise 12.2 Change the following positive imperative sentences to negative. For example: Bring me that book. 1. Turn left on the next street. 2. Sign the contract. 3. Go to the restaurant. 4. Open the door. 5. Wait outside. 6. Leave your stuff there. 7. Turn on the light. 8. Change the schedule. 9. Talk during class. 10. Put it on the floor.
Don’t bring me that book.
Exercise 12.3 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. open put
not eat not play
not give
turn off
not change
not tell
1. Don’t change that presentation. It is perfect. 2. It’s so hot in here. Please
the window.
3. That food is for Susan.
me the money. Please give it to Michael.
5. Those are my books.
them on my desk.
her about the party. It is a surprise.
with scissors. They are very dangerous.
8. Wow!
over there!
your feet. I can’t see the TV.
that music! It’s so loud!
Exercise 12.4 Look at the following situations and make an imperative sentence. For example: I am hungry.
Cook some food.
1. It is cold. 2. I don’t have cash. 3. We’re bored. 4. I’m tired. 5. I want to talk to my mother.
Exercise 12.5 Look at the following map. Follow the directions below and write the destination.
Books and More Post Office
Convenience Store City Bank
Train Station
Travel Agency
Chinese Restaurant
Bus Station
City Park Supermarket Pharmacy Italian Restaurant
City Museum
For example: Start at the mall. Go down Beech Way and turn left on Oak Street. Turn right on Pine Street. Walk down to First Avenue. It is on your right. It is
the train station.
1. Start at Books and More. Walk down Hill Avenue. Turn left on Main Street. Walk down Main Street. Turn left on Memorial Drive. It is on your left. It is 2. Start at the City Museum. Walk down Beech Way. Turn left on Oak Street. Turn left on Pine Street. It is on your right. It is
3. Start at the Travel Agency. Walk down Main Street. Turn left on Forrest Street. Walk down Forrest Street. Turn right on Second Avenue. It is on your right. It is 4. Start at the Pharmacy. Walk down Pine Street. Turn right on Second Avenue. Go down Second Avenue and turn right on Forrest Street. Turn left on Main Street. Turn right on Hill Avenue. It is on your right. It is Now write directions from one place to another. Use the imperative. 1. From the Train Station to the Supermarket
2. From the News-Stand to the Bar
3. From the City Museum to the City Bank
4. From the Chinese Restaurant to the Pharmacy
5. From the ATM to the Mall
Exercise 12.6 Give directions from your house to some places around your city. Remember to include transportation methods (take the bus, take the metro, drive, walk).
Now think of something you can do (something you can cook or make, something you do at work etc.) and use the imperative to tell someone how. For example: Making Tuna Salad. First boil three eggs. Put them in the refrigerator. Then cut up some pickles. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cut them very big. Then open the cans of tuna. Remove the water. Put the tuna into a bowl and mix with mayonnaise and pickles. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t put the eggs in until the eggs are cool. Then mix them all together and put in salt and pepper.
Vocabulary Unit 12 verbs boil close cut email look mix move open pass put remove repeat sign smoke turn wait
adjectives cool dangerous fast first hot loud perfect prepositions during until
phrasal verbs cut up sit down turn on turn off nouns bowl cash instructions order refrigerator request scissors stuff surprise transportation
Self Test 3 (Units 15-17) Part 3.1 Write about things you “have”, “like”, “want” and “need”.
Part 3.2 Write the sentences using the words below. There can be more than one correct answer. For example: (delicious / is / hot / soup / this)
This delicious soup is hot.
1. (woman / that / has / shoes / nice / beautiful) 2. (car / is / fast / red / that) 3. (is / tall / man / that) 4. (black / new / this / is / sweater) 5. (new / my / has / colleague / project / a) 6. (boss / nice / your / has / a / car) 7. (this / is / test / long / difficult) 8. (flight / is / that / long / expensive) 9. (wife / is / beautiful / my / here)
10. (hard / new / his / is / job)
Part 3.3 Look at the following pictures. Tell where the things are. Use in, at and on. For example:
They are in the car.
The pictures
Her computer
The books
The bowl
The lemons
The chair
The cars
The popcorn
Unit 18
Daily Routine Exercise 18.1 Write a present simple sentence for each of the pictures below. For example:
He goes to bed late.
Exercise 18.2 Use the activities above and make your own routine. For example: I get up at 7:30 am. I brush my teeth. I take a shower. etc.
Remember! Present Simple Questions For open questions using “what”, “where”, “when”, “why” and “how”, remember the question format Question Word + Auxiliary + Subject + Verb. Question:
Do you work?
Yes, I do.
Where do you work?
I work in an office building downtown.
What does your brother do?
My brother designs office buildings.
When do you go to work?
I go to work at 8:15 every morning.
Why do they take the bus?
They take the bus because they don’t have cars.
How does he get to work?
He takes the metro every morning.
Exercise 18.3 Make a question from the statements and question words below. For example: They live in Sao Paolo. (Where) Where do they live? 1. She wakes up at 7am every morning.
2. My wife teaches science. (What) 3. They meet at Tim’s Restaurant every Wednesday for lunch. (Where) 4. They go to work by bus every day. (How) 5. My sister wants to learn English to get a better job. (Why) 6. My colleagues and I eat lunch in the cafeteria. (Where) 7. I like those black shoes. (What kind of)
8. I go to bed at ten o’clock. (When) 9. I’m great today. (How) 10. My boss and I have a meeting at three thirty. (When)
Exercise 18.4 Read the following person’s schedule and make questions for the underlined information. Every morning I wake up at 6:30am. I brush my teeth and then go for a run. After my run I eat breakfast. I usually eat cereal and fruit. I get dressed and take the bus to my office. I arrive at my office around 8:30am. I work until lunch. I usually go to lunch at Al’s Restaurant. After lunch, I go back to work. I usually leave work at 6:30pm. In the evenings, I watch TV, spend time with my family, eat dinner and relax. I go to bed at 11:30pm. For example:
When do you wake up?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Exercise 18.5 Answer the following questions. 1. When do you wake up in the morning? 2. What do you do in the evening? 3. Where do you eat lunch? 4. Where do you live? 5. When do you arrive home in the evening? 6. When do you take a shower? 7. How do you get to work? 8. Where do you work? 9. When do you eat dinner? 10. What do you do at work?
Vocabulary Unit 18 verbs brush learn shave phrasal verbs get up go back put on take off adjectives better daily nouns cereal fruit routine conjunction because Essential Expressions to Communicate get dressed- to put on your clothes- I get dressed quickly in the mornings. get home- arrive home- My wife usually gets home by 7pm. What kind of ________ do you like?- to ask about kind/type- What kind of movies do you like?
Unit 25
I Didn't...
Past Simple Negatives To make the past simple negative, we add did not or didn’t in front of the infinitive of the verb.
I went to the store yesterday. She ate a big lunch. They lived in San Francisco. My family took a trip to Peru last year. You worked late yesterday.
I didn’t go to the store yesterday. She didn’t eat big lunch. They didn’t live in San Francisco. My family didn’t take a trip to Peru. You didn’t work late yesterday.
Exercise 25.1 Change the following sentences from positive to negative. For example: They ate sushi for dinner. They didn’t eat sushi for dinner. 1. He made a presentation last night. 2. They went to Brazil for vacation. 3. She told me about it yesterday. 4. I met him last week at a party. 5. We sat next to each other on the plane. 6. They knew each other for a long time.
7. It took a long time to get there. 8. We saw a movie last night. 9. I bought a new car last month. 10. He came to the meeting late. Exercise 25.2 Look at the following activities. Make a positive sentence and a negative sentence for each. For example: go to the movies They went to the movies yesterday. They didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to the park yesterday. 1. travel internationally
2. play golf
3. sleep at a hotel
4. do housework
6. listen to music
make a presentation
7. go shopping
8. read a book
9. come to the party
10. visit family
Exercise 25.3 Look at the following pictures. Write a "yes" beside them if you did them last week and a "no" beside them if you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. Then write the corresponding sentences.
go swimming
read a book
eat at a restaurant
go to church
have a meeting
No. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go swimming last week.
go out with friends
do the dishes
go jogging
visit the beach
Exercise 25.4 Read the following passage. Write 3 positive and 3 negative sentences about what you read. I had a great time last weekend. My family and I went to the beach to enjoy a long weekend. The weather wasn’t good, but we had a great time. We went to our favorite restaurant. We ate fish and chips. We didn’t drink any wine, but we loved the meal. My sister and I traveled an hour away to a beautiful beach. We laid on the beach and got some sun. We didn’t play any sports, but it was fun. That night we had a barbecue with our family and friends. We cooked a lot of meat and made a lot of salads, but we didn’t prepare any desserts. It was an awesome weekend! 1.
Exercise 25.5 Look at the following pictures. What happened? Use the verbs in the box to explain. break
She fell
miss drink
in the snow.
a coin.
the water.
the bus.
some food.
very late.
all the spaghetti.
the plates.
an umbrella.
to sleep. 193
Vocabulary Unit 25 auxiliary didn't verbs fall lay listen to miss prepare nouns plane adjectives international Essential Expressions to Communicate long weekend to do dishes to go to sleep
Self-Test 4 (Units 22-25) Part 4.1 Change the following verbs to their past simple. Remember that some verbs are irregular. For example:
1. go
2. walk
3. put
4. buy
5. write
6. eat
7. watch
8. sit
9. come
10. need
11. take
12. do
13. want
14. have
15. arrive
16. leave
17. tell
18. talk
19. say
20. see
21. look
22. wait
23. speak
24. put
25. wash
26. sleep
27. send
28. start
29. finish
30. make
Part 4.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. For example: I a) eated b) ate c) did eat
lunch with my wife yesterday.
1. She to the museum last week. 2. They a) goed a) saw b) wented b) see c) went c) seed
her last night.
3. I to work yesterday. a) not went b) didn’t go c) didn’t went
4. He us. a) introduce b) introducted c) introduced
5. She a black dress last night. a) wore b) were c) weared
6. They us a gift for Christmas. a) gaved b) didn’t give c) didn’t gave
7. We dinner on Thursday. a) coked b) maked c) cooked
8. He here last year. a) didnt work b) did not worked c) did not work
9. My colleague a) done b) doed c) did
10. We wine last night. a) drank b) drinked c) drunk
the project.
Part 4.3 Change the following sentences from present to past. Use yesterday as your time phrase. For example: I go to work at 8am.
I went to work at 8am yesterday.
1. He brushes his teeth every day.
2. They go to the park.
3. We meet at a café.
4. She checks her emails.
5. My colleagues finish reports.
6. I come home late every day.
7. They have a big meeting today.
8. We study English.
9. My husband buys the groceries.
10. They eat lunch in the office.
Part 4.4 Change the sentences above from positive to negative. For example:
I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to work at 8am yesterday.
Part 4.5 Look at the pictures below and make positive and negative past simple sentences. Use the time phrases in the box below to help you. yesterday 2 weeks ago
For example:
last week
last month
last year
last weekend
3 months ago
1 year ago
in (year/month)
on (day)
He played golf yesterday. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work yesterday.
Review 4 (Units 26-28) Review 4.1 Fill in the blanks with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. go
1. We
a lot of fun last night.
3. My boss
me an email this morning.
4. I
to the theater last weekend.
5. He
my hair on Tuesday.
6. My friends and I 8. They
golf last week. that book last year. that restaurant! They're never going again.
9. My family and I 10. He
a snack at home earlier.
2. The party
7. I
the bus to the beach. salsa last night.
Review 4.2 Look at the following activities. Write positive and negative sentences about yesterday. For example: go to the movies 1. talk to my friend 2. buy things online 3. eat spicy food 4. work out 5. sleep a lot 6. drink wine 7. read the newspaper 8. watch TV 9. have lunch 10. wear boots 218
I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go to the movies yesterday.
Review 4.3 Use the words below to make a past simple yes/no question. Add a past simple time phrase. For example: you/talk to your mom
Did you talk to your mom last night?
1. she/take the metro 2. they/play sports 3. you/drive 4. he/go shopping 5. we/get home late 6. they/go to the cinema 7. she/make the presentation 8. you/take the dog for a walk 9. he/listen to music 10. they/cook dinner Review 4.4 Answer the following questions with yes/no short answers. 1. Did you do something interesting yesterday? 2. Did your family eat together last night? 3. Did your boss write you emails last week? 4. Did you ride a bicycle yesterday? 5. Did you work hard last week? Review 4.5 Read the following paragraph. Make six past simple questions with the question word provided. Then answer the questions. I had a great weekend! My friends and I went out of town. We went camping in a small city in the mountains. On Saturday, we hiked and fished. That night we made a fire and cooked fish. On Sunday, we rode mountain bikes. It was really difficult, but also really fun! The view was beautiful. We saw some interesting plants, trees and animals. We drove back later that night and I was very tired.
1. What
2. When
3. Where
4. How
Review 4.6 Look at the following pictures. Answer the first question. Then make three different questions. For example:
What did he do yesterday? He played football. Where did he play football? Who did he play football with? When did he play football?
What did he do yesterday?
What did they do last night?
What did she do last night?
What did he do on Sunday?
What did they do earlier?
What did she do this morning?
Review 4.7 Look at the following pictures. Make sentences using “can” or “can’t”. For example:
He can’t ride a motorcycle.
Now make sentences for yourself about each activity above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 222
Review 4.8 Make questions using “can” with the activities and the people. For example: your mother/use a computer
Can your mother use a computer?
1. you/ride a horse 2. your friends/swim 3. your boss/speak English 4. your family/sing well 5. you/dance salsa 6. you/cook well Now answer the questions for yourself, using short answers. For example: Yes, she can. 1.
Review 4.9 Imagine you are in the following situations. Make a request using “could”. For example: at the office
Could I use the computer?
1. at a restaurant 2. at a train station 3. at a meat shop 4. at a bar 5. at the cinema 6. at home 7. at a friend’s house 8. at the airport 9. at a department store 10. on a bus
In Class Activities Unit 2 Activity 1 Student A look at Copy A on this page. Student B look at Copy B on the next page. Ask each other the questions necessary to find out the personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, job and nationality. For example: What is Ricardoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job?Where is Ricardo from? etc.
COPY A Ricardo
_______________ from Chile Rodrigo
Secretary from Chile David
Lawyer _____________ ________________
Computer Technician _______________ Isabella
______________ from Brazil Emma
Accountant from Spain _________________
______________ from Australia ________________
Financial Analyst from France Hannah
Doctor _________________ Elizabeth
________________ from Canada
_______________ _______________
Customer Service Officer from Argentina
Bill Gates Michael Jackson famous sports star
Queen Elizabeth Cristian Ronaldo famous actor or actress
Units 3 and 4 Teachers: These activities can be used in a variety of ways. ---Have students look at the pictures and describe them to their partner. Their partner will write on the next page whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening in the pictures. Then they could switch. ---They could also be used as an independent or group activity. Having students write positive and negative sentences for the pictures. ---You could also play as a class with you dictating which picture they are trying to find or students dictating to each other. ---You could also play with questions. Have students try to discover whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening in the pictures. Could be yes/no questions or open-ended questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.
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