Melika's message issue 4

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A. Harry Moore County Prep

Dickinson Union City



Melika’s Message IN THIS ISSUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ICON Recap International Board Fall RTC’s Fall Rally Dues Information Advocacy Bracelet Sales 7. Back to School Tips 8. Your Zip File ! 9. All About YOF 10.District Contacts.

Lieutenant Governor Report Hello Division 15, Yes, it’s time for school once again. But don’t fret! Take this new year as an opportunity to build your club and make Key Club known in your school. In this issue you will find some great information to help you with the start of the school year, as well as a page explaining the back to school zip file that was sent to all you officers. Take advantage of your resources as they contain key information on our district, events, and fundraisers. Also don’t forget to read up on the YOF fund on page 9! I will see many of you before school starts, at our PCM on the 24th, but if you have any questions on anything at all, don’t hesitate to give me a call. Happy Serving! Sincerely,

Melika Behrooz LTG Division 19 Penny Xu, District Administrator Mr. Hutchinson, and me at the August Board meeting.

Key Club International Convention 2012

From July 1-8, thousands of Key Clubbers from all over the world gathered in Orlando, Florida for the annual Key Club International Convention. The district tour consisted of a fantastic 3 day trip all around Disney World. The four days of convention that followed took place in the Disney Hilton right across the street from Downtown Disney! We celebrated our distinguished board members, and received an award for being the district to raise the most money for Eliminate ($100,00+). One of my favorite parts was making new friends that live all over the world! Meeting Justin Willman, our entertainer was also a plus. Even better than that, I got to meet our new International Board! Meet them on the next page...

Key Club International Board Division 15, meet your 2012-2013 international board! President: Rebecca Riley Vice President: Caitlin Stroup Trustees: Marc Chen, Cecelia Ferguson, Yein Ha, Calvin Leung, Ratan Manohar, Betty Stearns, Jack Vielhauer, Mary Alice Peng, Zack Dameron, Kayla Lash, and ... Introducing the New Jersey, Indiana, & Georgia trustee, Colten Meisner ! Colten is from the Texas-Oklahoma District.

Article By LTG Penny Xu

This year, we are both excited and proud to present you Fall Rally 2012...Olympic Themed! To continue with the great athletic spirits of Team USA, the NJDB is bearing the same passion for our new service year. Join us

“To Light the Torch of Service!”

Getting into the park before it opens to the general public is one great advantage you will have! We will start the day with an energetic welcoming session which includes some important Key Note speakers. Additionally, our proceeds fund district events as well as senior scholarships. Show your enthusiasm and support as a member of the #1 district in KCI! When: Sunday, October 7, 2012 (also end of registration!) Early Registration ends September 25, 2012 Pricing: Regular Admission—$35 Late Fee for General Admission—$39 Season Pass Holders—$6 Catered Students***—$18 Catered Adults***—$19 Bus Parking Pass—FREE ***Catered Students/Adults: granted with a buffet of food at one section of the park at any time. Must pay during Early Registration.

For more info, please refer to the registration packet or contact District Governor Nicole Ventrone at, District Treasurer Joseph Toumanios at, or your LTG, Melika at

DUES Here is everything you need to know about dues! Dues are a vital part of Key Club International. They fund everything from district scholarships to events, fundraisers and training conferences. Dues are $12.00 per member and a club must have a minimum of 15 members. You are authorized to charge up to $16.00 per member and keep $4.00 of that amount in your club treasury. If you would like to charge more than $16.00, then you must have a package deal. For example you can charge $17.00 and give the member a five dollar t-shirt, etc. One thing I would highly recommend is charging your dues and fall rally ticket money as a package deal. $35.00 (fall rally)+$12.00 (dues)= $47.00. This is without the charge for transportation, which will be decided once we reserve the busses. The early bird dues deadline is November 1st. This earns your club the Early

Bird Dues Award ! It’s really easy for you to gain this great recognition for your club. The normal dues deadline is one December 1st. Failure to send in dues could result in club removal. Information on the step by step dues-paying process will be sent to you soon. Just remember to collect the dues money, keep a record of who has paid, and don’t account for any seniors who have graduated.

Questions? Contact me or District Treasurer Joseph T. at


What? The District Programs Committee will be selling light blue livestrong bracelets featuring “BElieve in YOUrself” engraved on them for only $1 a piece! All money raised will go to the ELIMINATE project.

Why? The purpose of the bracelet is to raise awareness for this year’s advocacy focuses: anti-bullying and self-acceptance. Not only can reading this inspirational quote give a person the encouragement to fight for another day but it also raises money for the Eliminate Project!

How to buy? Simply email your LTG the number of bracelets your club would like to purchase and give the money for the bracelets to your LTG (cash only) by OCTOBER 1ST! Bracelets will be distributed at the 2012 Fall Rally or whenever you see your LTG after that! Please start promoting these bracelets in your clubs now! These bracelets can also be bought based on how many members want them for $1 each or bought in bulk for $1 each and sold for higher as a fundraiser with the profits going to the Key Club’s treasury!

Back to School is Back to Service!

The ABC’s of the first few weeks

A. Actively Engage! Don’t wait for people to come to your

meetings. Make announcements, go around to classes, and tell the freshmen. Even if you don’t know them, they might follow up on your invitation because an upper classman wants them there.

B. Be Enthusiastic. Make your first meeting the best meeting

you’ve ever held. Show your excitement for Key Club, and get more than one officer to talk about why they love it. We work hard, but we play hard, so emphasize how fun Key Club is.

C. Collect Collect Collect! Whether it’s dues, Fall Rally

money, or just information like names, homerooms and emails-keep it organized, collect it early, and submit it on time!

Your Back to School Zip File! Attached to this email you will find a zip file of materials I have compiled to help you start the year. Power Points The first powerpoint will educate your club members on the district board. Use it towards the beginning of the year to educate newer members. The second powerpoint is regarding Fall Rally. Use it increase member attendance (so we can reach the 3000 member goal!). The last powerpoint gives you an overview of graphic standards. Review it with fellow officers, and refer to it when creating your newsletters.

Flyers You will find an RTC flyer to show your members and officers regarding Fall RTC’s. Remember that all can attend!

Leadership Tips A variety of PDF’s have been included to educate officers on leadership and delegation. The strongest clubs have the most skilled leaders.

Ice Breakers and Team Building Use the ice breakers in these files to build a sense of community within your club, and also to ease some tension on the first day.

Key Club Letterhead Use this document to create your meeting agendas, letters, etc.

Service Directory A great source of service and fundraising ideas.

YOF This is the Youth Opportunities Fund Application. Read more on the next page!

YOF A word of advise from your International Trustee... The YOF (Youth Opportunities Fund) is a fund supplied by $0.50 from every dues-paid member of Key Club International, which is designed to supply clubs with funds to do large-scale projects that they normally could not accomplish independently. The money is disbursed by the decision of the Key Club International Board, so make it clear how you'll use it, and most importantly, show the need for the funds! This money can be used for any service project taken on by a club, assuming it falls within the cost range of $100-$2,000, which is the amount of money permissible to be given to one club from the YOF. It is truly the best-kept secret for free money in Key Club International, so I would highly encourage all of you to take advantage of it. -Colten Meisner Colten Meisner International Trustee Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey Key Club International Colten is our international contact! If you have any questions on the international level, I will refer you to him.

Governor Nicole Ventrone

Secretary Celina Baquiran

District Contacts

Treasurer Joseph Toumanios

Editor Zachariah DeGiulio

Webmaster Lucas Dos Santos

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