Melika's Message Issue 5

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A. Harry Moore County Prep

Dickinson Union City


Melika’s Message IN THIS ISSUE 1. Eliminate Games 2. Dues Information 3. Eliminate Hands 4. UNICEF boxes 5. Key Club Week 6. Fall Rally Recap 7. RTC Recap 8. Advocacy Bracelets 9. Your Events ! 10.District Contacts.

Lieutenant Governor Report Hello Division 15, First off, I hope you are all safe and doing well despite Hurricane Sandy. We have all been very productive in these past two months. I’d like to thank you for getting a record amount of students to attend Fall Rally, and finally winning the Spirit Stick! I’ll admit, that at the start of my term, I saw winning the spirit stick as the ultimate goal for divisional spirit. I’m excited to see your members engaged in Trick or Treat for UNICEF, and I hope we can carry this newfound passion for key club through the rest of the year, and really make this a stand out year for Division 15. With Hurricane Sandy hitting New Jersey so hard, I want to ask you to do everything you can to help our communities, and other communities all around us. Happy Fall! Sincerely,

A few officers from McNair (Samia, Anqa, Julia) and myself at Fall Rally!.

Melika Behrooz


Competitors will try their skill in “Minute to Win It” style challenges. Only one will become Division 15’s tribute, and will represent us in a District-Wide Competition. The hurricane has delayed our decision on the location of the Games. Participating in the games will be $10, and to watch the games will be $5. Please introduce the competition to your clubs, until we can set a definite date and place. You should consider giving community service for those who participate. Remind your members that it is all for a great cause: The Eliminate Project.

DUES& How to Pay Them Here is everything you need to know about dues! Dues are a vital part of Key Club International. They fund everything from district scholarships to events, fundraisers and training conferences. Dues are $12.00 per member and a club must have a minimum of 15 members. You are authorized to charge up to $16.00 per member and keep $4.00 of that amount in your club treasury. If you would like to charge more than $16.00, then you must have a package deal. For example you can charge $17.00 and give the member a five dollar t-shirt, etc. If a student attended Fall Rally, they have already paid you their $12.00 dues. Make sure you have their necessary information, so you can add them to the online roster. Don’t charge the same student twice! The early bird dues deadline has been extended to December 1st. This earns your club the Early Bird Dues Award ! It’s really easy for you to gain this great recognition for your club. The new regular dues deadline has yet to be announced, so make sure to keep an eye out for this information. Failure to send in dues could result in club removal. Information on the step by step dues-paying process is on the next page. Just remember to collect the dues money, keep a record of who has paid, and don’t account for any seniors who have graduated.

Questions? Contact me or District Treasurer Joseph T. at

DUES& How to Pay Them The Dues-Paying Process The dues paying process has changed a lot this year, but it has also gotten much easier. Follow the instructions below, and if you encounter any problems you can contact me or the district treasurer, Joseph T. 1. Go to to access the Membership Update Center. 2. Click "Register/Reset Password." All clubs should click on this link, regardless of whether or not they have paid dues in previous years or not. 3. You'll be prompted to enter an email address. If the faculty advisor who paid dues last year is still your faculty advisor, then enter his email address. He should receive a confirmation email informing him that his email address has been recognized and providing him with a unique hyperlink which will allow him to set his own, new password to access the Membership Update Center whenever he'd like. 4. If you have a new faculty advisor or your faculty advisor's email has been rejected, then you will need to with a request to update your club's faculty advisor contact information before you can set yourself a password and get into the system. Once your information is updated, then you should be able to go through the process detailed in step 3. 5. After you have set a new password for your club, then you will be able to log into the Membership Update Center in future years using your advisor's email address and your personal password. Once you get into the system, it is much improved from previous years and should be fairly self-explanatory. For more details about how to navigate the system once you are logged in, please see Kiwanis' help video, which has been posted on the Facebook page, and has been sent to you in an email.

Questions? Contact me or District Treasurer Joseph T. at

By LTG Sarah Thomas

ELIMINATE hands will be sold again during the 2012-2013 service year! These hands are similar to the ones from last year. However, this year they have cool facts on each hand regarding the District Project: The Eliminate Project. There are twelve different hands to choose from. Each purchase of a hand can save a child’s life and support the ELIMINATE focus: to eliminate MNT. Hands will be sold for $1 and each purchase you make will save a child’s life. Three different doses of the necessary vaccine for MNT cost $1.80.

You can write your name on each hand, and they will be hung up in schools all around New Jersey!

Questions? Contact District Governor Nicole Ventrone at, LTG Christopher Addonizio at, LTG Tracy Vollbrecht at, or your LTG!

Key Club Week gives you the opportunity to show your community what Key Club is truly about: service. Since we have very few days in school next week, I think your clubs should be allowed to hold their Key Club week at a better time. Here are some event ideas from MONDAY, NOV. 5 Show your K in every way—Show people what Key Club is all about! Spread the word by wearing Key Club gear and publicizing Key Club Week in local stores, your school Web site, community newspapers—even on the radio. Officially announce Key Club Week in your community with a proclamation and refer to the Key Club public relations manual to get great tips on how to publicize Key Club in your community. TUESDAY, NOV. 6 Kudos to the Key players—Personally thank all the Key Club supporters you know—teachers, advisors and other Key players. Write thank-you notes, host an appreciation dinner or do something uniquely your own style to recognize the contributions of these special people. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7 Connect the Ks—Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. Celebrate the entire family of Kiwanis by getting the whole gang involved. Connect with local Kiwanis, Circle K International, Builders, Kiwanis Kids or Aktion clubs and team up for a joint service project. THURSDAY, NOV. 8 Bring a friend to Key Club—More members = more service. Increasing the amount of service Key Club performs increases the impact Key Club has on the world. Bring a friend, or two, or more to your next Key Club meeting. Download recruitment resources. FRIDAY, NOV. 9 Your way—This is your club’s chance to do its own thing and make its mark. Pick a project, plan a recruitment party or combine activities from the other Key Club Week days. Whatever idea you choose, take it and run with it. Use these additional resources to increase the K during this special week in November.

TRICK OR TREAT FOR UNICEF I hope that despite the hurricane, you were all able to do your part in trick-or-treating for UNICEF, whether it was in your schools or in your communities. On Halloween night, my cousin and I went trick or treating (him for candy, me for UNICEF) and did fairly well despite it being right after the hurricane. I was very moved to see so many people giving to UNICEF when times are hard. Collect your school’s boxes and please make your check or money order payable to: Kiwanis International Foundation and send with the Donor Transmittal Form in your kit. Send to: The Eliminate Project Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268

That’s my cousin! One of the women in this house donated $2 !

I hope you all decorated your UNICEF boxes this year! Above is the owl, Dr. Who, created by McNair key clubber, Melanie Pingol! And to the left, is my UNICEF Instagram famous mummy! Well, not quite that famous. But very close.

Despite the rain and chilly weather, almost 3,000 key clubbers gathered in Six Flags Great Adventure to kick start the service year at this year’s Fall Rally. Congratulations to Division 15 for being the winners of the Spirit Torch, with nearly 270 members in attendance! Every club was definitely envious of division 15’s spirit. Thank you to all of the officers who were in charge that morning, and organized the buses!

Eliminate Project, Fall Rally, and upcoming district events.

High School, Roxbury High School, and Southern Regional High School. McNair, County Prep, and Union City were all in attendance. Congratula-

I hope you all enjoyed your RTC experience as much as I did! Make sure your officers next year also realize how important it is to attend RTC’s, and

tions to your officers, who are now eli-

perhaps encourage them to attend in

gible for Distinguished Awards. Students attended a new series of workshops to help them better serve their clubs and their communities. Information was distributed on the

the spring. If you attended a workshop, and have any questions, or forgot something you were taught, you can send me an email and I’ll find you the information!


This fall, Regional Training Conferences were held at Piscataway


What? The District Programs Committee will be selling light blue livestrong bracelets featuring “BElieve in YOUrself” engraved on them for only $1 a piece! All money raised will go to the ELIMINATE project.

Why? The purpose of the bracelet is to raise awareness for this year’s advocacy focuses: anti-bullying and self-acceptance. Not only can reading this inspirational quote give a person the encouragement to fight for another day but it also raises money for the Eliminate Project!

How to buy? Clubs will be receiving their bracelets very soon, and you can sell them during Key Club Week, or even Eliminate Week. You will first have to buy them from me for $1.00 each, but don’t worry we haven’t ordered too many! Please start promoting these bracelets in your clubs now! These bracelets can also be bought based on how many members want them for $1 each or bought in bulk for $1 each and sold for higher as a fundraiser with the profits going to the Key Club’s treasury!

County Prep Key Club at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s County Prep Key Club attended the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Liberty State Park on September 22, 2012. The team donated a total of almost $100.00! This is just one of the walks the club has attended this year. Walks are great club building activities, and also show the community that your Key Club cares. Special thanks to Valine Brana and Mehal Patel for the photos.

Governor Nicole Ventrone

Secretary Celina Baquiran

District Contacts

Treasurer Joseph Toumanios

Editor Zachariah DeGiulio

Webmaster Lucas Dos Santos

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