Action Plan Implementation Guide | Release 1.0 | April 2014

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VERSION 2.0 - APRIL 2014



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CONTENT 04 Employer Group Variance 04 Available Action Plans 05 Action Plan Selection & Availability 06 Structure & Duration 06 Completion Incentive 06 Enrollment Options 08 Messaging & Alerts 09 Reporting Features 13 Contact Us



Action Plans


ACTION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE Deployment of the Action Plan Module is designed to allow flexibility between employer groups. The purpose of this document is to outline each available option. This module may be selected as a standalone component or offered in conjunction with other Meliora Modules. There are several Action Plan options that require the HRA Module, Wellness Coaching Module or both. A complete overview of each component is listed below.

Employer Group Variance Each employer group is able to configure Action Plan deployment to meet their individual needs. It is not necessary for all employer groups under one reseller to maintain the same configuration.

Available Action Plans The complete Action Plan Module includes the following: *For a complete description of each Action Plan please see the Action Plan Catalog.



Healthy Eating

Physical Activity

Weight Management

Diabetes Prevention

Heart Disease Prevention

Smoking Cessation


Stress Management

Financial Wellness

Risky Drinking

Diabetes Management

Action Plan Selection & Availability This Module is configurable by employer group and may be offered as a complete suite of Action Plans or individually. Action Plans may be deployed at one time or staggered throughout the program year. Example Options 1. Full Deployment: Deploy the complete suite of Action Plans at the start of the wellness year until the end of the program year 2. Partial Deployment: Select the specific Action Plans desired to be deployed 3. Staggered deployment: Select specific Action Plan to be deployed each quarter Start Date & Close Date

Groups will determine the start and close date of Action Plan availability. The start date

is the first date that the participant has the ability to enroll in an Action Plan. The close

date reflects the last day that the Action Plans will be available.


Start Date: 1/1/2014

Close Date: 12/31/2014


Structure & Duration Each Action Plan provides 8 weeks of material and is divided in to Steps. Each Step represents a 7 day, 1 week period. To complete an Action Plan all 8 Steps must be completed. Steps cannot be skipped and are required to be completed in order.

The employer group may determine if participants can enroll in more than one

Action Plan at a time. 1. Concurrent 2. Individual

Enrollment: Allows participants to enroll in more than one plan at a time

Enrollment: Participants are only allowed to enroll in one Action Plan at


An Action Plan will close when: 1. All

steps in the Action Plan have been completed

2. The

final close date submitted during implementation has passed.

Completion Incentive This Module may be offered with or without a completion incentive. The employer group may select the completion incentive for each individual Action Plan. Incentives are awarded based on Action Plan completion, not on a Step by Step basis. All Steps must be completed for the participant to be awarded an incentive. The incentive amount is variable and can be determined by each employer group. This Module does not have a fixed incentive value.

Enrollment Options There are a variety of enrollment options and triggers. I.

Open Enrollment

Participants are able to enroll in the Action Plan of their choice free of

restrictions or guidance. II. Automatic

Enrollment Criteria Examples

Utilizing biometric screening values and HRA responses, participants can be auto

enrolled in the appropriate Action Plan. A. Automatic Enrollment Criteria 1. Biometric Screening Values


*Health Risk Assessment Module Required

*Submit/Lock or Lock HRA only

*There are additional fees associated with this feature

Based on the Employer Group determined biometric scorecard, screening values

outside of a healthy range can trigger the system to enroll a participant in the

appropriate Action Plan. Users are required to complete a Health Risk

Assessment and biometric screening. Screening values must be loaded in to the

Meliora platform +/- 120 days from HRA start date.

Date Example:

HRA Start date is January 1, 2014. The date that the biometrics screening was

completed must fall 120 days prior OR 120 days after January 1, 2014.

Screening Value Examples:

The biometric screening values tracked with in the HRA are BMI, waist

circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol & fasting

glucose. Based on a screening result falling within a specific range, an Action

Plan can be presented to the participant.

2. Health Risk Assessment Response

*Health Risk Assessment Module Required

*There are additional fees associated with this feature

Participant responses to a variety of HRA questions can trigger an Action Plan.

Triggers can be engaged when the HRA has been submitted or when it has been

locked. Best practice is to wait until the HRA has been locked.


Chronic/Current Conditions

The HRA asks participants if they have been diagnosed or are currently suffering

from the following:

Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Heart

Failure & Hypertension. Based on this participant reported information an

individual can be auto enrolled in an Action Plan.

Lifestyle Risk Factors

The HRA addresses the following Lifestyle Risk Factors: eating habits, activity/exercise,

stress, alcohol use, tobacco use, substance abuse and motor vehicle safety. Based on

these responses an individual can be auto enrolled in an Action Plan.


Action Plan Enrollment & Engagment Message & Alerts

1. Messaging

Standard Meliora email messaging and Alerts can be used for enrollment and

engagement purposes. Participants can be notified when they have been

auto enrolled in an Action Plan based on HRA responses or biometric results.

Messages can also be used to remind current

Action Plan enrollees they are due to complete the next Action Plan Step.

Messages are sent to the email address provided during registration or by an

eligibility file upload.

Message content can be customized during implementation.

Message Examples: Update your Action Plan:

To update your Action Plan visit:

<insert site URL> and click `My Activities` from the top navigation menu.

Automatic Enrollment


Thank you for participating in the %Company_Name% wellness program. Based

on your recent program participation you have a new Alert. Please login in to

%SITE_NAME% and visit My Alerts in the left navigation bar for additional


2. My Alerts

The My Alerts function will provide brief instructions directing participants to the

correct area of the site to enroll in an Action Plan or complete the next Step.

Reporting Features Action Plans by Program The User Action Plans by Participant report provides information about each individual enrolled in an Action Plans. The following information is included: 1.

Program: The wellness cycle that the Action Plan occurred


Member Current Coaching status. Available only with Meliora Coaching Module


Member Sub-Status Current Coaching status. Available only with Meliora Coaching Module


Date of Birth

5. User ID 6. First Name 7. Last Name 8. Email 9. Action Plan Title 10. Action Plan Start Date 11. Status: Active, Cancelled, Completed 12. Completed/Cancelled Date 13. Last Completed Step: The name of the last completed step





CORPORATE OFFICE 600 West 6th Street Suite 150 Fort Worth, Tx 76102 Phone 877 282 3044

Meliora Technology is the industry’s premier provider of technology solutions for workplace health management programs, including the development and implementation of customized, web based health management software. We also offer a wide range of tools and services that streamline the benefits administration process, including an online benefits enrollment and administration system, EDI data exchange, error resolution and more.

Fax 877 667 2994



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