Melissa Dewar Project 2 Infants School
Contents 01-Concept//Brief 02-Site Analysis 03- Initial Development 04- Partti//Baker 05- Design Details 06- Drawings 07-Perspectives
01 Concept//Brief
Brief: To d e s i g n a n i n f a n t s c h o o l f o r c h i l d r e n a g e s 4 - 7 . T h e s c h o o l m u s t b e a b l e t o h o u s e y e a r s Reception to Year 2.
Concept: Following on from our trip to Abbots Ann et al, I wanted my design to act as a nurturing and stimulating environment to study in. An environment that evokes creativity and a willingness to learn ...
‘ Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you” -Frank Lloyd Wright
Concept Sketch
Nature: T h e p s y c h o l o g y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h c h i l d r e n ’s l e a r n i n g e n v i r o n m e n t p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e r e s t e d m e . I r e s e a r c h e d into this initially and found there is a lot of scientific evidence to support that children, learn best in a nature based environment. This formed the heart of my project
Endeavor School Details sketch
Abbots-Ann School Interior sketch
Pilgrims Cross School Roof Lights sketch
02 Site Analysis
Red circles indicate the core area of the site , being the corner of this triangle shape
Main Entrances, the Firs and the Avenue
Sunlight over site
Site as traingle
Position of adjacent buildings
Red lines indicating level height of adjacent buildings Blue indicates view into site
Heart of the traingle
Looking in
03 Initial Development
These sketches show the development of the basic principal of my final plan. I started by working with a circular plan which I later split up into different blocks based on function. This also created courtyards which was a feature of many of the schools I visited during the field trip such as Endeavor School.
Part of my plan is orthogonal which was a move I made later on, as a response to the outlying context and road. The design of my ‘break out spaces on the side of the classrooms meant I further separated the classroom block.
Infant School Student In Vereda by Rueda Pizarro Arquitectos
Endeavor Primary School, Andover
Ecological University by BDG Architects
04 Partti
Solids Broken
Green Zone
Main Entrance
Pivotable roof lights allow in ventilation over play area’s in classroom
Roof Lights over play area’s in classroom
Cuved roof with gluelam beams
Public/Private divide
Looking in
04 Baker
Blocks Pulled out: Creating zones between classrooms, with circulation running though the hall, shown in the green shaded area
Zones: Pink-Classroom Blue- Hall Green- Offices
Circulation: Blue Highlights the routes taken by children on the way to class
Landscaping Strategy, inspired by meadows
Organic Roof
3 6
5 4
Zones: 1.Teaching Zone 2.Play Zone 3.Circulation 4. Library 5. Services\\Storage 6. Offices
05 Design Details
Interior View
Like Table like Tree trunk
Design of teaching zone with book storage
Circular Roof Lights creating shadows and shapes over play area
Researching many precedences I felt the need for my infant school to have a strong design aspect. This is in the form of interior design, with furniture specifically designed for the classrooms. As seen in the renders above, my proposal is for forest inspired furniture with a pastel twist. The textures are all wood giving the interiors a very earthy feel.
Education centre in beijing by Sako Architects
Ama’r Children’s Culture House Dorte Mandrup
Anansi Playground Building by Mulders vandenBerk Architecten
05 Bauder Green Roof A 28mm thick roofing sheet, made up of the layers shown below. Allows for the bending of the roof
Design Details
‘Doodle Wall’ Concept Separating the classroom blocks as seen in plan Allowed for extra reading spaces in the corridors.
Timber Clad Walls With Vertical cladding, infills used where there are windows, for support
Exploded Isometric of classroom space, *note position of Beams
Tree Beams Running through the structure are Gluelam beams , resembling tree trunks. These are expressed and are seen in the ceiling
Guastalla School by Mario Cucinella Architects
Sonoma Coast Residence by Cutler Anderson Architects
16th International Garden Festival at Les Jardins de Métis
06 Drawings
06.1-Site Plan 06.2-Floor Plan 06.3- Sections 06.4-Elevations
06.1 Site Plan 1-500 at A2
06.2 Ground Floor Plan 1-200 at A2
06.3 Sections 1-200 at A2
06.4 Elevation 1-200 at A2
07 Perspectives
07 Perspectives
‘Take a walk to class, in the magical forest’
07 Perspectives
‘Tree beam, play please’
‘A chilly winters day’
‘Autumnal Mornings, a walk along the mystical path’