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New meeting of the “STARTKNOW” project 24
16. Last meeting in Greece for the “ACT2IMPACT” project
In date 30/08/2022 took place, in presence, in Volos the last project meeting “Development of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills to Foster Employment and Impact Success in Job” (acronym “ACT2IMPACT”), approved in Spain as Action n. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065216 in the framework of the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education programme by the Spanish National Agency. The project, which formally ended on 31 August, carried out all the planned courses (developed in an innovative and interactive manner with concrete activities and practical exercises) as well as a pilot training activity with some young people, aiming to bridge the gap between the set of transversal skills of the new generations preparing to enter the labour market or their first work experience and the needs currently demanded by companies. The project therefore developed an enhancement pathway that, through an integrated approach, supports the development of transversal critical and creative thinking skills, relying on Internet tools and promoting new skills through highly interactive challenges and exercises together with collaborative debates through an online discussion forum. The initiative involved the following organisations: FUNDEUN (Spain - project coordinator), UTH (Greece), E&D Knowledge Consulting Lda (Portugal), Danmar Computers LLC (Poland) and EURO-NET (Italy). Further information on the activities and products developed by the European project can be found on the initiative's website at https://act2impact.eu/ or on the Facebook page of the transnational partnership at the link https://www.facebook.com/Act2impact101666948045902.
17. New meeting of the “Aktif” project in Kirsehir
In the period 04-07/09/2022 took place (including travel days) took place in Kirsehir, Cappadocia, a new transnational meeting of the project "Aktif yaslanma kapsaminda mültecilerin yasam kalitesinin arttirilmasi" (in English "Increasing the quality of life of refugees under active ageing") approved in the framework of the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education - Exchange of Good Practices programme by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in Turkey. The project envisages improving the living conditions of refugees in old age by offering activities and products that foster and enable their better integration in the host countries. The project partnership consists of: Kirsehir Aile Calisma Ve Sosyal Hizmetler Il Mudurlugu (Turkey); Kirsehir Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey); Kirsehir Ahi Evran Universitesi (Turkey); EURO-NET (Italy); Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece); Genista Research Foundation (Malta); Municipio De Lousada (Portugal). The project meeting was dedicated to the planning of the last mobility (a training), which should take place, again in Turkey, from 11 to 17 September 2022, and to the verification of the work done so far for the compilation of the final report, as the project ended definitively at the end of September.

18. Training course in Greece of the “TELEGROW” project
Took place in Larissa, Greece, in the period 05-10/09/2022 a training course planned in the project «Telegrow: "Enhancing the Teleworking Digital Skills for the Middle aged employees»