Project Space 2019

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年 告 ua




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我們是誰? Who Are We? 間築社為一個香港註冊慈善團體,我們由一群熱心發展慈善和志願服務的建築系青年和 專業人士成立,註冊慈善團體編號 91/12387。

PROJECT SPACE is a Hong Kong Registered Charitable Institution with

registration number 91/12387, we were founded by a group of passionate architecture students and professionals who dedicated efforts in charity and voluntary services.

使命 Our Mission 為了每個家庭都能擁有適切的居住環境,本社致力將建築與室內設計的概念融會貫通,讓社

會上無數的貧困家庭,尤其是小童,能享有最基本的生活空間及衛生環境。與此同時,我們積 極透過教育,將社區藝術及環境保育伸延,和堅持組織志願服務團隊,用行動重新將貧困家庭 與社區連繫,建立良善關係,促進社會共融,一起實踐生活。

Every family must have a suitable living environment. In order to obtain the basic living space and hygienic environment for underprivileged family, especially for children, we integrate architecture and interior design toward complete home improvement solutions. Also, we actively extend community art and environmental conservation through education, as well as organizing volunteer service teams to reconnect underprivileged families with the community. We hope to create a harmonious community and sustainable living.


里程碑 Our Milestones 2011年,間築社由一群熱心發展慈善和志願服務的建築系青年和專業人士成立。 2012年,本社協助尼泊爾的非牟利組織「VAN」,為坐落於偏遠山區「Lahachok」中的一間貧困農村學校,提供維修舊有校舍服務 及擴建一棟新校舍,經過義工們400多個小時的翻新及興建工程,現該棟新校舍每年為120名農村小孩提供教學服務。

2013年,間築社正式成為香港註冊慈善團體,為本地弱勢社群提供小型家居改善計劃。另外,我們亦積極籌款,準備拓展不同範疇的 慈善項目。

2014年,本社與「東華三院朗情綜合家庭服務中心」合作試辦「小型家居改善計劃」,該服務為期6個月,義工服務時間長達230小 2015年,本社由「南華早報」與「香港電台」之「愛心聖誕大行動」贊助,開展一項名為「鐵皮小孩小型家居改善計劃」服務,為本 地劏房戶、鐵皮屋及其他居住環境惡劣之家庭提供服務。該服務平均每年為60至120戶基層家庭改善家居生活質素。


年,本社承「愛心聖誕大行動」的支持及贊助,使「小型家居改善計劃」服務付諸實行,為本地劏房戶、鐵皮屋及其他居住環境 惡劣之家庭,提供小型家居維修和改善服務,送贈必須的家具用品。


年,本社與「香港青少年服務處賽馬會大埔青少年綜合服務中心」聯合舉辦「家居維修義工訓練」,義工總服務時數達202小 時;同時,與不同機構合作進行「木工工作坊」及「油漆教學」等。隨後,本社更與本地咖啡廳「茶咖廳」籌備「社區人像畫繪畫比賽」及 展覽。


年,本社加入了「香港社會服務聯會」,並積極開展了年青人的項目,如青年活出計劃、參觀電競學院、飛行總會等,更舉辦不 同的社區活動,如土瓜灣社區攝影,筲箕灣社區藝術地圖創作、海洋公園家庭樂、回收塑膠等等。

2019年,本社獲得「凱瑟克基金」贊助開展了「師徒同心小型家居改善計劃」,以師徒制教授維修、木工和油漆技巧等。其次,獲得 「楊蔡慧嫻基金會」及「孫志新基金」贊助開展「劏房學童小型家居改善計劃」,為居住於劏房及有小朋友的家庭送上書枱,以提供舒適的學 習環境。另外,亦獲得「香港藝術發展局」贊助開展「學校與藝團伙伴計劃」,於保良局錦泰小學舉辦為期一年的「小小建築師」活動。



In , PROJECT SPACE we were founded by a group of passionate architecture students and professionals who dedicated efforts in charity and voluntary services.


In , PROJECT SPACE coordinated with a Nepalese NGO, called "VAN", to provide a refurbishment and extension rural school building project, located in the mountainous region of "Lahachok" at Kaski. With over 400 volunteer hours, the brand new school building can serve 120 students in that rural area per annum.


In , PROJECT SPACE officially became a Hong Kong Registered Charitable Institution, providing Home Improvement Project to the local underprivileged families. We are ready to expand our charitable projects, so the expansion of fundraisings is a must.


In , PROJECT SPACE's pilot service of "Home Improvement Project" collaborated with "Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Long Love Integrated Family Service Centre", and the total volunteer hours reached 230 hours in six months.


In , "Squatter Kids Home Improvement Project" service was sponsored by "Operation Santa Claus" under "SCMP" & "RTHK". The major beneficiaries are children and their family who living in a local subdivided unit, a container flat and another adverse living environment. An average of 60 to 120 families is able to improve their quality of life under this service each year.


In , "Home Improvement Project" service was well-developed regarding continuously supported & sponsored by "Operation Santa Claus". We sustained attention on a local subdivided unit, a container flat and another adverse living environment, with all-inclusive services of home improvement such as contribution, installation & repairing. As this year, more than 139 families have accumulated benefit.


In , "Home Improvement Volunteer Training" organized by PROJECT SPACE and the "Hong Kong Children & Youth Services" with the total 202 volunteer hours. Besides, we cooperated with various organizations to conduct a few teaching workshops of home improvement like as "Carpentry" and "Wall Painting". At the year end, we planned to have an exhibition of "Community Portrait Contest" with the local cafe "Congteakafe" for the purpose of the harmonious community.





, PROJECT SPACE joined "The Hong Kong Council of Social Service", and carrying out young people's projects actively, for example, Teenage Life Project, visiting E-Sports Competitions and Hong Kong Aviation Club. Furthermore, PROJECT SPACE also organized different community activities, for example, Community Creative Arts Map and Photography in Shau Kei Wan & To Kwa Wan, Ocean Park Family Fun Day and Plastic Recycle and so on.

, PROJECT SPACE was sponsored by "The Keswick Foundation" to carry out "The Mentor and Apprentice Concentric Home Improvement Project", the interior decoration master will teach the young people in maintenance, carpentry and painting skills etc. Besides, we were sponsored by "YCWH Trust" and "Suen Chi Sun Charitable Foundation" to carry out "Subdivided Unit Student Home Improvement Project", to give the study desk to the families with children, to provide a comfortable learning environment for them. In addition, we were sponsored by the "Hong Kong Arts Development Council" to carry out "Arts-inSchool Partnership Scheme", to provide a year long event "The Smarchitects" at Po Leung Kuk Grandmont Primary School. 3

我們的工作 Our Work 家居改善隊伍

Home Improvement Team


Community Art and Education


Architectural Design and Analysis

文化及環境保育 Cultural and environmental conservation

過往在本杜接觸的個案中,由於家庭經濟問題、 居住環境擠迫問題或家人關係問題等種種原因,導 致很多家庭長期居住於安全和衛生欠佳的問題居所 裡,這會嚴重影響小朋友的身心健康成長。 我們承諾讓孩子們擁有一個健康的成長環境,令他 們能完善地發展潛能。直至2019年,已累積超過 450戶家庭向本杜求助,而曾協助受惠家庭的義工 團體有學生及專業人士,包括社工、維修技工及室 內設計師等。


In the past, in the cases contacted by our organization, family economic problems, crowding of living environment or the family relations issues etc for a variety of reasons, causes many families to live in problem shelters with poor safety and hygiene for long periods of time. This will seriously affect the physical and mental health of children's development. We're committed to giving our children a healthy growth environment, to improve and develop their potential. In 2019, our service has accumulated to more than 450 beneficiary families with our volunteer team includes students and professionals such as Social Workers, Maintenance Technicians and Interior Designers etc.


"Home Improvement Project"


are as follows:

- 義工教學

- Volunteer Training

- 購置及安裝家具

- Purchasing and Installation of Home Furnitures

- 維修及更換家電

- Repairing & Replacement of Home Appliances

- 重整空間

- Reorganizing Home Space

- 油漆

- Wall Painting

- 物資轉贈

- Materials Transferring


故事 Story

苦盡甘來的單親媽媽 Single Mums' Sweet After Sweat 單親母親梁女士與幼齡的兒子居住在一個不足100呎的劏

房單位,環境非常狹窄。而且,由於他們是綜緩受助家庭, 因此也根本不能負擔業主每年增加的昂貴租金。 幸運地,當梁女士得知「社會房屋共享計劃」後,順利申請 並搬進了位於九龍的過渡性房屋。 「社會房屋共享計劃」的目的是通過提供過渡性住房和支援 服務,為個人或家庭提供短期紓緩,包括: 1) 有明確過渡性房屋需要(輪候公屋最少3年或有其他 長遠住屋安排) 2) 現居於不適切住房 3) 低收入及急需社區支援的住戶 6

不過,在過渡性房屋居住滿短暫的兩年之後,便需要遷出, 再找其他地方居住。 最近,梁女士終於找到兼職工作,減輕了家庭部分經濟壓 力,卻因申請綜緩而需扣除部分薪金。但她說沒關係,因爲 她能透過努力工作,獲得新的生活動力。 我們亦希望與這位母親共同努力,並在他們搬家時提供一些 服務。包括:為他們分拆舊居的床,安置於新居中和送贈度 身設計的書枱,給她正值學齡的兒子。 本社相信,盡管在有限的資源和空間之下,只要透過溝通和 設計,我們亦能夠滿足兒童的基本需要,拓展他們的學習和 發展空間。

Ms. Leung is a single mother who used to live with her son in a subdivided unit less than 100 square feet, which is an extremely tiny unit. In addition, they are the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipient, therefore they cannot afford the expensive rent which annual increase. When Ms. Leung knew "The Community Housing Movement", she applied immediately. Recently, they moved into the Transitional Housing in Kowloon. The aim of "Community Housing Movement" is that through the provision of transitional accommodation and support services, providing a short-term relief for individuals or families which are: 1. Proven to be in need of transitional housing (queued for Public Rental Housing (PRH) for no less than 3 years, or those with other long-term housing arrangement) 2. Currently living in dismal and inadequate housing conditions 3. Low income and in urgent need for community support

After living in the transitional housing residence for two years, they had to find another place to live. To alleviate the cost of living pressure, Ms. Leung got a part time job recently. Although part of the allowance from CSSA is deducted, she felt better than before since she got the motion of living through trying hard to work. We hope to help this mother with our service, so we provided some assistance during her home move, to make sure the process can be done smoothly. For example, we removed and assembled the bed from the former living place to the new home. Moverover, we designed a suitable size of study desk for her son, who is starting the age of school. The actions are showing our belief that, even living under limited resources and space, having new and innovative ideas with communication, we can help children to satisfy their basic needs, and expand their potential of learning. 7

故事 Story 基層家庭的辛酸 The Hardship of Grass-Roots Family 來自基層家庭的吳太,需要照顧兩名年幼的子女,她不能出 外工作,因此四人之口只能依靠丈夫一份收入養活。現時他們 居住在一個不足200呎的劏房內,每年加升的租金成為他們其 中一個不能忽視的生活壓力。 由於租金和水電費已經佔了他們一大部份的收入,他們只能減 省其他生活的支出。然而,他們租住的唐樓樓齡甚高。可見大 廈及單位內已經多處出現嚴重的老化跡象,例如:大廈外牆和 單位內的窗台滲水、牆身大部份油漆掉灰、水龍頭及廁所門損 壞。更不用說的是室內狹窄的空間,難以維持一家四口的基本 生活。 於是我們為這個單位貼上簡潔的牆紙、維修了水龍頭及廁所 門;同時亦增添了層架,使他們有更多的空間擺放日常物品。 希望這些微小的幫助能夠多少改善他們目前的生活,安心渡過

A grass-roots family, Mrs. Ng, Mr. Ng living with two children, financially rely on the income of the husband. The children in this family are too young and their mother is not able to work for the family. They live in a subdivided unit less than 200 square feet. The annual rent increase by the owners who make their lives very stressful. Since the rent and utility bills are costing much of their income, they can only reduce some of the daily expenses. However, the building they are living in is really old. The overall building, including their flat, has many serious signs of aging, for example, water seepage on windowsill, dust on most walls, and damage to faucets and toilet doors. Last but not least, the indoor environment is too narrow for a family of four to maintain their basic lives. We paste wallpaper for them, help them to repair the faucet and the door of their toilet. In order to improve their environment, we mount shelf for them and let them have more space to put their stuffs. Hope that we can help them to improve their living standard before they allocate for a public housing. 8


個案分享Case Sharing 購買及安裝傢俱 Purchasing and Installing Furnitures

單親媽媽洪女士與兒子居住在觀塘一個80呎的劏房內。雖然已比以往的居住環 境好,但由於空間不足,整個劏房被雜物佔滿,甚至連坐下的地方也沒有,每每 要擠出空間才能進行日常活動。 為了令家居看起來整潔一點,我們轉贈了兩個木櫃給他們擺放物品。而且在電視 機旁及洗衣機上面各自安裝了一個層架,使他們有更多的空間整理日常用品。此 外,我們在兒子的床尾位置亦加裝了一個書櫃,讓他有屬於自己的空間,專心學 習。期望這些家具能夠在他們獲派到公屋之前,改善他們的家居環境。

In recent years, Ms. Hung divorced with her husband, now she is a single mother who lives with her son in a 80 square feet subdivided unit in Kwun Tong. Although the living environment is better than ever, there is not much living space and the house is full of stuff. Their living environment is crowded as worse as they have to squeeze out a place for sitting area. In order to tidy their home, we arrange the donation - two wooden cabinets for them. Also, in order to tidy their stuff in a more systematic way, we install the shelf next to the television and above the washing machine. Moreover, we install a bookcase to the son's bed-end position, it make her son has private cabinet to place his books. We hope that it can help them to improve their living environment before they are allocate for a public housing.


維修及更換家電 Repairing and Replacement of Home Appliances

單親媽媽連女士,因為需要獨自照顧中度智障 的女兒及輕度智障的兒子,身心皆疲,根本無法 抽身上班,只能依靠綜援生活。 她的丈夫過世 已久,卻因思念而不捨得丟棄家中屬於丈夫的物 品。此外,連女士以往曾做銷售生意,並把滯銷 物品藏於家中,以致囤積了大量物品,生活空間 大減。加上他們有祭拜神明的習慣,定期的焚香 導致天花有明顯的煙燻痕跡,附近的電線亦有損 壞。 為免出現天花剝落、電信短路的情況,我們為她 重新整理電線及髹油。同時我們亦為她更換掉壞 掉的舊式大門門鎖。希望這些微小的幫助能夠為 他們的生活帶來一點改善。

Ms. Lin is a single mother, she needs to take care of her daughter with moderate intellectual disability and son with mild intellectual disability, therefore, she cannot go to work, economically, the family rely on the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA). Ms. Lin's husband has passed away the early years, she was reluctant to throw away the belongings of her husband. Besides, Ms. Lin do sales business before, she kept her unsold items at home, therefore a lot of debris is accumulating in the home. And she has a habit of worshipping gods, it cause the apparent smoky traces of smallpox, the nearby wires are also damaged. To avoid the smallpox peeling, telecommunications short-circuit, therefore, we rearranged the wires and painting for the family. At the same time, the locks on their door are broken, we've also replaced old door locks for them. We honestly hope that every little action can help change their life bite by bite. 11

物資轉贈 Materials Transferring



The client is a South Asian housewife this time, they live in the subdivided

劏房,近日因市區重建而被安排搬遷至何 文田邨的公屋單位。她的丈夫原本從事物 業管理行業,一年前因意外使腳部受傷而 不能工作,故現時一家只能領取綜援。家 裡有三名年幼的孩子,使得家庭經濟壓 力繁重。

unit in To Kwa Wan before, recently because of the urban renewal, they allocate for a public housing in Ho Man Tin Estate. The husband originally engaged in the property management industry, however he was unable to work because of an accidental foot injury one year ago. Therefore, the family is the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipient, there are three young children in the family, there are household financial pressure.

因為缺少預算,他們在搬屋時主要使用二 手傢俬。這次我們為他們申請了一台二手 的四分三匹冷氣機,並為他們安裝在客 廳,希望減輕他們的經濟負擔,並改善他 們的居住環境。

Because of the financial difficulties, they are mainly use the second hand furniture when they are moving. We applied a second hand air conditioner for them and help them to install it in the living room this time, we hope it can ease their financial burden, and hope that their living environment can improve.

IKEA x 瑞典領事館 透過愛心聖誕大行動,我們獲得瑞典領事館 及宜家家居捐出的傢俬。我們把這些傢俬送到 有需要的劏房家庭手中,讓物資發揮其價值。

We are fortunate to have furniture from Consulate General of Sweden in Hong Kong and IKEA by Operation Santa Claus HK's referral. We sent the furniture to the needy families who are living in subdivided unit. Let the materials realize their value. 13

「師徒同心」小型家居改善計劃 Mentor and Apprentice Concentric Home Improvement Project 本計劃主要目的為協助青少年為將來職業

“The Mentor and Apprentice Concentric Home Improvement Project” aims to help teenagers prepare for their future career. Hoping that teenagers will be able to apply what they have learned while owning their practical skills. The interior decoration technicians would teach teenagers with providing training about basic maintenance, carpentry and painting skills etc. We establish teams of household repairing and interior decorating, in order to let experienced technicians and teenagers help needies together, providing services to improve the household of low income families. We also hope that since teenagers can be inspired through the project, pushing them to participate in more volunteer activities.

發展作準備。計劃中室內裝修裝潢師傅會 教授基本家居維修技巧、木工家居裝飾和提 供油漆等訓練,希望青少年能擁有一技之長 並提供機會讓他們學以致用。我們會成立家 居維修及裝修隊伍,讓銀髮師傅及青少年一 起幫助劏房低收入家庭等有需要人士改善家 居。並期望青少年能在計劃中得到啟發,日 後繼續為社區上有需要人士提供支援。 對象 : 15-24歲居住於宿舍或尼特族青少年 中學生或就讀屋宇裝備工程的義工 導師 : 具經驗的裝修、木工及油漆工程師父

Service target : teenagers aged 15-24, living in dorm, or NEET Secondary students or volunteers studying Building Service Engineering Mentor : experienced interior decorating, carpentry and painting technicians


油漆 Painting

電工 Electrical Work

鐳射切割 Laser Cut Workshop


木工 Carpentry 16

3D 立體打印工作坊 3D Modeling and Printing Workshop

木頭星空畫小擺設工作坊 Galaxy Decoration Workshop


校園伙伴計劃 「小小建築師」

Arts-in-School Partnership Scheme "The Smarchitects"



To help primary students gain the basic understanding of architectural design

伙伴計劃」資助,於保良局錦泰小學舉辦 了為期一年的「小小建築師」活動,讓小 學生對建築設計及工程行業有初步了解。

and construction industry, “The Smarchitects” is held at Po Leung Kuk Grandmont Primary School for a year. “The Smarchitects”is under“Arts-inSchool Partnership Scheme” by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

課程中我們運用了模型讓學生學習建築設 計理論及知識,並包括:繪畫建築圖、了 解三維空間及體驗測量過程。幫助學生建 立對建築方面的興趣,刺激他們的創意、 邏輯、三維思維。同時訓練他們的解決問 題能力。

We use modeling to help students learn more about architectural theories and knowledge. In order to help students to develop their interests in architecture, boost their creativity, logical thinking and stereoscopic thinking, the lessons also include architectural drawing, understanding three-dimensional space and experiencing measurement processes. At the same time, to train their ability of problem solving.

我們鼓勵學生多觀察周邊的建築物及欣賞 它的設計,協助學生獲得全面思維及考慮 不同的建築的設計因素。啟發學生對顏色 的觸覺、勻稱、結構、幾何、平衡及實 際性。

We encourage the students to observe and appreciate the architecture around them. The lessons help students to gain comprehensive thinking, consider different architectures and design factors. Furthermore, they are inspired the tactile, shape, structure, geometry, balance and practicality of colour.


浙江省古建築與現代建築學習交流團 Zhejiang Architectural Exchange Programme



建築與現代建築學習交流 團」,讓香港青年往內地與 當地學生進行交流。本次交 流團到浙江省寧波、杭州、 烏鎮、蘇州等地參觀美術 館、博物館及觀賞古建築與 現代建築群,協助青年認識 國家歷史、政治、經濟、文 化、藝術、社會制度,提高 青年的國民身份認同。於交 流團結束後,我們製作了一 本「浙江建築速寫簿」,記 錄了交流團的所見所聞。

Through the Zhejiang Ancient and Modern Architecture Exchange Tour, Hong Kong teenagers are able to travel to Mainland, boosting the communication between teenagers there. The tour has visited art galleries, museums, ancient and modern clusters in zhejiang, including Ningbo, Hangzhou, Wuzhen and Suzhou, in order to help teenagers to know more about the history, politics, economy, culture, art and social institution of China, boosting the national identity. After the tour, we produce Zhejiang Architecture Sketchbook to record what we have seen and learnt throughout the trip.




今年,我們間築社與 LoveXpress Foundation 合辦了名為「耕耘收

穫」的社區壁畫創作活動,希望能為社區增添藝術色彩,善用環境空 間,美化天台。壁畫以農作物為創作主題,藉此向公眾傳達「一分耕 耘,一分收穫」的信息。 是次參與活動的人士除了青少年義工之外, 還有自閉症家庭,而該設計圖更是由患有自閉症的兒童所創作。在活動 的過程中,大家無分你我,同心協力完成壁畫。活動結束後,大家體會 到是次活動的主題 —「耕耘收穫」:要得到收穫的喜悅,就必須付出 努力。此外,我們希望藉此活動能讓自閉症人士參與社會服務,以共融 互愛為目標,帶出關懷和愛心,匯聚不同人士,推動社會共融。


Youtube video :

Community Arts

"Harvest Work" Community Mural Painting Activity Previously, Project Space and LoveXpress Foundation cooperate a Community Mural Painting Activity call "Harvest Work", it is in order to make the community add artistic color, we make good use of the environmental space, to optimize the roof to organize the activities for Autistic families. The creative subject of the mural painting is farm crops, we hope to convey the message of "One piece of cultivation, One harvest" to the public. The design was created by children with Autism. The participant of this activity in addition to the youth volunteers, it has Autism families. In the process of the activity, there is no discrimination, we work as one, hand to hand to help to complete. At the end of the activity, we experience the subject of the activity "Harvest Work", to get the joy of harvest, you have to work hard. Besides, it is hoped that this activity will enable people with Autism to participate in the community, aim at mutual love, bring out care and love, bringing together different people, promoting community integration.



Environmental Conservation

本社與智在環保 Wisdom Regeneration、

非常香港 Very Hong Kong、非常協作 CollaborateHK合作的「綠加園」社區生活節 在藍天、微風和音樂的陪伴下,與超過150位 到場支持的朋友一起渡過了一個熱鬧溫馨的星 期天。 在綠意盎然的草地公園裡,回望加多 近街的前世今生、細聽老街坊憶述當年在批發 市場發生的種種趣聞;學習製作實用的環保生 活用品;欣賞鐵義洪拳國術會的精彩舞獅、洪 拳和鼓聲。活動最後以城市日記「水口婆婆的 山歌」的放映作結,我們一邊分享自家製的爆 谷及熱茶,一邊了解大嶼山水口村的人文故 事,探討堅尼地城的未來發展。 除了享受社區的溫馨,我們當天也和非常香 港一起於區內收集了3000多個膠樽蓋,集體 創作環保立體畫,為活動另添環保的意義。 畫作以鯨魚為題,喚醒大眾保護鯨魚。因為有 些科學家認為海洋生物被困在塑料中是海洋面 臨的最嚴重的人為威脅。塑料微粒或許會造成 海洋生物吸收更多的污染物,這可能會讓大型 食肉動物-比如領航鯨,受到更加嚴重的化 學污染。

「綠加園」社區生活節 "Green Cadogan" Community & Lifestyle Festival 24

With the accompaniment of blue sky, breeze and music, Wisdom Regeneration, Very Hong Kong, CollaborateHK, and over 150 audiences spend a lively, comfortable Sunday at Green Cadogan Community Fiesta. Inside the grassy park, looking back the historical memories of Cadogan Street while listening to the old neighbours recalling funny stories of what have happened in the wholesale market, learning how to make practical eco-friendly daily commodities, enjoying splendid performances of Lion Dance, Hung Kuen and drums by Tie Yi Hung Gar Martial Arts Association. At the end of the Fiesta, there is an outdoor screening and sharing of “Tales of Shui Hau� by Urban Diary. We share our homemade popcorn and tea, while understanding the humanities and culture of Shai Hau Village located in Lantau Island, investigating the future development of Kennedy Town. Apart from enjoying the events above, we also collect around 3000 bottle caps with Very Hong Kong that day, and create eco-friendly stereographs together. Since there are scientists suggesting that trapped by plastics inside the sea is the most serious issue caused by human, in order to alert the public to protect whales, the topic of artworks is whale. In addition, the plastic particles may cause sea creatures absorbing more pollutants. Pilot whales, large carnivores may suffered from more serious chemical pollution.




回收塑膠 X 二手家電轉贈 Plastic Recycling X Second Hand Home Appliances Transferring


膠與我們的生活息息相關,塑膠回 收桶亦遍佈全港,然而使用率卻不盡如 人意,據環境保護署《香港固體廢物監 察報告二零一八》,2018年塑膠回收率 不足4%。有見及此,我們便與相關地區 組織舉辦「回收塑膠快閃活動」,收集 居民自發提供的塑膠,並教導居民把塑 膠按不同編號分類,最後把塑膠送往柴 灣的回收場,在社區推廣塑膠回收。與 此同時,為進一步減少浪費,我們舉辦 了「二手家電轉贈活動」,鼓勵居民把 不需要的小型家居電器捐出來,再轉贈 予有需要人士,延續這些家電的壽命。


is closely related to our life and plastic recycling bins are distributed throughout Hong Kong. However, the utilization rate of the recycling bins is unsatisfactory. According to “Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2018” from Environmental Protection Department, the recycling rate of plastic is less than 4% in 2018. Thus, we collaborate with other local organizations by organizing the plastic recycling station in order to promote plastic recycling in the community. We collect the plastic from the public, teach them how to classify different numbers of plastics and send those plastics to the plastic recycling site in Chai Wan. Meanwhile, we organize the "Second-hand Home Appliances Transfer Activity" by reducing the waste. The activity encourages the public to donate the small appliances to the needy people which can extend the “life” of those appliances.

香港國際義工節 Serve-A-thon Hong Kong


2019期間,進行髹油義工活 動,我們為一位肢體傷殘女 士的家居髹油。當天我們招 募了幾位有心的義工及油漆 師傅,由油漆師傅教授簡單 油漆技巧並帶領義工們一起 髹油。義工們把肢體傷殘女 士家居翻新後,令她有更舒 適的居住環境。參與是次活 動的義工們均認為能幫助別

During Serve-A-Thon Hong Kong 2019, we conduct voluntary painting service. We help a disabled woman to paint her wall. On that day, we recruit a few volunteers and painters. Teaching and leading by the painter, the volunteers learn the basic skills of painting. After the volunteers renovate her home, she has a more comfortable living environment. The volunteers think that this is a very meaningful experience.

迪士尼奇妙之旅 Disneyland 3月,為了答謝義工一直以來對間築社的支持和幫 忙,我們與義工們一起到香港迪士尼樂園,與他們 渡過了一天歡樂的時光!歡迎大家加入我們的義工 團隊!

In March, we went to Hong Kong Disneyland to play with volunteers. In order to thank the volunteers for their support and help Project Space. We held this event and we had a happy time together! Welcome everyone to join our volunteer team!


展覽 Exhibition

「商界展關懷」 2019 社區合作伙伴展 VR劏房體驗 「Caring Company」 Expo 2019 Virtual Reality Subdivided Unit Experience Zone


懷」社區合作伙伴展2019。我們設立了VR互動體驗區,讓 參觀者體驗劏房内的實際環境。我們也還原了100呎單位 面貌,並介紹本社服務、香港的劏房現況及過去我們曾設 計的傢俬等。



organization joined the Caring Company Expo 2019 held by HKCSS at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. We set up a Virtual Reality Subdivided Unit Experience Zone. Participants can experience the actual environment of the subdivided unit with VR. Besides, we exhibited a 100 feet subdivided unit. We also introduced our services, current subdivided unit condition in Hong Kong and the furniture we designed in the past.

心繫社區-社區藝術展覽 Community Connect Art Exhibition 本社參與了港鐵舉辦的心繫社區 – 社區藝術 展覽,在太古站展出了我們一些作品,包括:

We join the community art exhibition held by MTR Community

Connect, and show some of our works in Tai Koo MTR station. Including :


-Subdivided unit situation comics


-Community art map


-Laser cut artworks


-Subdivided unit photos 29

For Chen Xingyan, who lives in a subdivided flat in a rundown corner of the Kwun Tong district with her two young sons, a wall-mounted folding table has come in very handy. “It’s our dinner table. It’s also my kids’ desk, on which their homework materials are placed,” the mother of two said of the chic shelf, which measures 60cm by 90cm and is in the living room in her home. “When folded away, it becomes a large sketch pad as well as being a picture frame,” she said, noting that her sons, aged five and two scribble on it. Chen, who moved to the flat with her children after her husband died in 2016, said the table had allowed some much-needed extra space for the family. The piece of furniture was tailored to the narrow one-bedroom unit, whose total floor area is about 160 sq ft (14.87 square metres). It was part of the volunteer service provided by Project Space to improve the family’s living conditions.


的環境擁擠以及衛生條件惡劣,因此劏房便很容易成為 病毒傳播的溫床。最重要的是,不當的劏房排水系統及 家居消毒用品的短缺,正威脅著劏房居民的健康。我們 參與全港關注劏房平台的記者招待會,並講解劏房及一 般樓宇的排水渠設計分別及劏房潛在病菌傳播之風險。

In Hong Kong, there are around 100,000 families

living in the subdivided unit. The crowded population and terrible hygienic living condition would easily become a breeding ground for virus transmission. On top of that, the underlying drainage risks and the lack of disinfection supplies threaten the residents in the subdivided unit the most, under the epidemic of coronavirus in presence. We participated in the Hong Kong Subdivided Flats Concerning Platform’s press conference, and explained different designs of piping for the Subdivide Unit and General Housing Unit. We also explained the risk of spread of potential germs in the Subdivide Unit.


本社接受南華早報采訪 We were interviewed by the South China Morning Post

媒體 MEDIA 30

- Now tv:關注團體憂劏房單位改動喉管增傳播病毒風險 - Tvb:有團體稱大部分劏房渠管設計有問題 憂新型肺炎疫情擴散 - Rthk:關注團體稱劏房設計存在散播病毒隱憂 - 東方日報:70%劏房無裝U型隔氣管 如廁易播毒恐全棟中招 - 都市日報:團體建議檢控違法改建劏房杜絕違例改渠 - HK01:調查:逾半劏房戶口罩不足 八成缺消毒用品 - Topick:【口罩供應】逾半劏房戶口罩不足 地盤工一個口罩用3日

劏房及一般樓宇的排水渠設計分別 及劏房潛在病菌傳播之風險 Different design of Piping for Subdivide Unit & Genaral Housing Unit and Risk of spread of potential germs in Subdivide

U型「隔氣彎管」 排氣喉 Vent Pipe 污水管 Soil Pipe

一般標準單位排水渠設計示意圖 General Unit of Piping Diagram

洗手盆去水的U型 「隔氣彎管」 U-shaped trap for Sink

反虹吸管 Anti Siphopage Pipe

污水管 Soil Pipe

反虹吸管 Anti Siphopage Pipe 地台去水中U型 「隔氣彎管」 U-shaped trap for floor drain

一般標準單位排水渠設計示意圖 General Unit of Piping Diagram

排氣喉 Vent Pipe 同一層單位中, 使用獨立污水渠, 反虹吸管及排氣喉 Soil Pipe,Anti Siphopage Pipe and Vent Pipe provided to in all Units of one floor


劏房及一般樓宇的排水渠設計分別 及劏房潛在病菌傳播之風險 原有單位升高地台,以安裝劏房去水喉管 Original unit raises the platform to install a house dewatering pipe

污水管 Soil Pipe

劏房升高地台後,其高度有機會不足以安裝 U型「隔氣彎管」 The Height of the raised platform in the units is not enough to install U-shaped trap for floor drain

反虹吸管 Anti Siphopage Pipe 排氣喉 Vent Pipe

劏房單位排水渠設計示意圖 Subdivide Unit of Piping Diagram

分間單位升高地台後,其高度足以安裝U型「隔氣彎管」 The Height of the raised platform in the units is enough to install U-shaped trap for floor drain 32

數戶劏房單位共用污水渠,反虹吸管及排氣喉 One main sewage channel and exhaust pipe provided to share in all subdivided units, by dividing the channels and pipes linking to every room

劏房升高地台後,其高度有機會不足以安裝U型「隔氣彎管」 The Height of the raised platform in the units is not enough to install U-shaped trap for floor drain

Different design of Piping for Subdivide Unit & Genaral Housing Unit and Risk of spread of potential germs in Subdivide Unit 污水管 Soil Pipe

反虹吸管 Anti Siphopage Pipe 排氣喉 Vent Pipe

當帶菌者或帶病毒者使用洗手間時,其氣味,細菌及病毒有機會經由喉管滲漏,甚至由抽氣扇經排水口倒抽入屋 After the virus carrier using the toilet, the odour, viruses and bacteria can be transmitted through the exhaust fan to other units.

假設一個單位分為 A,B,C,D 劏房,如病

毒攜帶者居住在 A 劏房中,來自居民 A 所攜帶 細菌或病毒的排泄物,可能會通過排水管的洩 漏,而傳播到 B,C,D 劏房。與2003年 SARS 的淘大花園或長康村的情況相比,劏房的潛在 風險更高。因為病毒不僅能在同一建築物的上 下樓層擴散,還可以在同一樓層傳播。

安裝不良的地台去水位 Fault Installation of Floor drain


example, if a flat is split into units A, B, C, D, and In case the virus carrier is living in unit A. The human waste from resident A, which carries bacteria or virus, might be transmitted through the leakage of drainage pipe to units B, C, D. The potential risk would be more serious than the case of Amoy Gardens in 2003 SARS or Cheung Hong Estate recently, if there is not only vertically spreading in different floors of the same building, but also horizontally in the same flat or in the same floor.

劏房單位中,污水渠穿過不同室內, 直 接安裝於地面上 In subdivided unit, the Soil Pipe pass through different units and are directly installed on the ground 33

教育 Education 鑑

於本社經常會於工場內舉辦維 修、木工及電力基礎等課程,在操作 機械上需要很高的安全意識。而當中 如有意外發生時,也需要即時處理。 有見及此,本社開辦了急救證書課程 (結合式教學)(SFAB),讓學員、義 工及對急救知識有興趣的人士學習急 救知識。

Our organization organize Repair Class, Carpentry Class and Basic Electrical Class in the Work Field, a high sense of safety is required in operating machine. Besides, when there are accident happen, it needs to deal with the accident immediately. Therefore, our organization conduct the Standard First Aid Certificate Course (Blended Learning) (SFAB), let student, volunteer and those interested in first aid knowledge learn first aid knowledge.


資源及發展 Resources And Development 未來,本社將會開辦不同的計劃及服務,當中包括﹕ We will launch a few different projects and services in near future as follows:

點對點物資轉贈 App 計劃 Point to Point Material Transfer App Programme





To show the actual & living conditions of different

To understand & record the building & cultural

types of houses in HK through photography.

characteristics of the old district through sketching.

HK Housing Issues Exhibition Old Districts Guided Tour




Service Provided


重整空間 Reorganizing Home Space



購置及安裝家具 Purchasing and Installation of Home Furnitures


維修及更換家電 Repairing & Replacement of Home Appliances

物資轉贈 Material Transfer


油漆 Wall Painting


其他 Others


Service Targeted



公屋 (社工轉介個案) Public Housing

綜援家庭 CSSA


非綜援家庭 Non CSSA


(Referred by Social Worker)

其他 Others

沒有身理及心理問題 No Physical & Mental problem


身理問題 Physical Problem 36


劏房 Subdivided Unit

21.9% 44.5%

CSSA = Comprehensive Social Security Assistance

有身理及心理問題 Physical and Mental problem

24.4% 有心理問題 Mental Health Problem



11.2% 九龍城區 35.5% 觀塘區 2.6% 葵青區 3.9% 元朗區

Kowloon City Kwun Tong Kwai Tsing Yuen Long

3.3% 深水埗區 1.3% 油尖旺區 32.2% 東區 9.9% 其他地區

Sham Shui Po Yau Tsim Mong Eastern District Other Districts


Services Provided

+452 服務家庭

Serviced Families




Volunteers And Staffs

Service Hours




服務支出摘要 SERVICE EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS 2018-2019年服務個案支出統計

2018-2019 Case Service Expenditure Statistics

16.4% $3000





: around


Case Expenditure Profile


$1000 =

電飯煲 Cooker x3



安裝膠地板 Plastic Floor Installation

基本油漆 Painting Service

洗衣機 Washing Machine

碌架床 Bunk Bed

$10000 =

水喉維修 Drainage Service

層架 Shelf x2


$3000 =




基本間隔 Partition Installation

安裝組合傢俬 Furniture Installation


Funding Sources







General Donations






Other Incomes






Total Income









行政費用 Administrative Expense

銀行費用 Bank Charges


慈善活動及義工服務 Charitableand Volunteer Expense




Expenditure 2018-2019





Charitable and Volunteer Expenses






Administrative Expenses






Bank Charges






Total Expenditure













Home Improvement Project Service Procedures 申請服務

Applying Services


轉介機構/社工於網上 填寫服務申請評估之後, 本社會回覆轉介機構可提供之服務

本社社工進行家訪, 了解個案狀況及評估, 並向上級匯報其需要

After the referral social worker fills in the Online Assessment Form, Our team will reply the services that we could provide

Social worker makes home visit to understand the case's situation, Then reports to the supervisor



Follow-up & Support 社工拍攝相片及文字服務記錄, 並把有需要的個案轉介至其他服務機構 Social worker takes photos and word recording for the improvement service, And provides the referral service to the case if it is needed

服務對象﹕ 1. 單親、領取綜援的低收入家庭、缺乏照顧和有需要的長者、 殘疾人士優先 2. 居住環境有特殊需要之家庭 (如劏房、臨時房屋、鐵皮屋等) 聯絡我們﹕ 歡迎致電或電郵至本機構查詢,或填妥網上服務申請評估,本 機構一般會在7個工作天內回覆有關安排及細則



Subsidizing/ On Site Services 經評估後,職員聯絡 師傅上門進行家居改善 After evaluation, Officer contacts Technician/ Skilled worker and process home improvement service together

Target Groups: 1. Single parent and Low income families, Lack of care and need for help elderly and the disabled 2. Any other families who suffered, from poor living environment (Eg: subdivided flat and container flats) Contact us: Welcome any inquiries through telephone or email, or please fill in the online assesment form. We can often reply any details in 7 working days

我們的團隊 Our Team 委員會及團隊成員 Commitee & Team Members Mr Chow Chi Chung Ms Yvonne Leung Mr Sze Ngo Lam Ms Mandy Wong

編輯與制作 Editing and

Mr Kaiser Chow Ms Jass Wang Mr So Kit Wai Ms Chan Hoi Kiu

Production Yau Mei Yan Lee Siu Sin


Po Tsz Ching


Lai Ka Lok Seto Wai Lun

Pott Company Limited

Kompass Creative Services Limited Shun Keung Electrical Works (Registered Minor Works Contractors) Wang Tung Air Conditioning Engineering Company 諾言廣告製作有限公司


The Council

Mr Yau Ka Lok Ms Chan Lok Tung Ms Nagi Wing Yee

Lee Ho Lam Yau Hoi King Lee Ching Lam

(2020-Present) (2020-Present)

架構 Organizational Structure 法團成員

Council Members


Commitee Members


Project Management Team


Account Team


Social Worker Team


Creative Design Team


鳴謝 Acknowledgements (排名不分先後 In No Particular Order)

贊助團體 Sponsors 愛心聖誕大行動 Operation Santa Claus (SCMP & RTHK) 瑞士信貸集團 Credit Suisse 凱瑟克基金 The Keswick Foundation 香港社會服務聯會 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 楊蔡慧嫻基金會 YCWH Trust 孫志新慈善基金 The Suen Chi Sun Charitable Foundation 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council 青年發展委員會 Youth Development Commision 怡和勞埃德湯普森集團有限公司 Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group Limited


Thanks to the Organisations and persons for their assistance and support in the past. 液化空氣基金會 Air Liquide Foundation 義務工作發展局 Agency For Volunteer Service 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland 國際十字路會 Crossroads Foundation 42

宜家家居 IKEA

Jean Eric Salata

Mr. Patrick Ronan


Ning Man Wai

Rose Morant

華仁書院 Wah Yan College

Hui Yee Wai

Cheng Tsang Dao Philip


Pun Siu Ka Mona

Yeung Yeuk Chung Claudia

Pott Company Limited


Mok Yuen Man Ritta


結好集團 Get Nice Holdings Limited

Lui Chi Man

鳴謝 Acknowledgements (排名不分先後 In No Particular Order)

服務合作 / 轉介個案機構 Service Partnering / Transferal Organisations 聯合國兒童基金香港委員會


循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service 全港關注劏房平台 Platform Concerning Subdivided Flats in HK 香港樂施會

Oxfam Hong Kong

非常香港 Very Hong Kong 生命工場 Life Workshop 救世軍漁灣宿舍 The Salvation Army Yue Wan Boys Hostel 協青社自立堂 Youth Outreach Transitional Housing 聖雅各福群會市區重建社區服務隊 St James Settlement Urban Renewal Social Service Team 聖雅各福群會中西區長者地區中心 St. James' Settlement Central & Western District Elderly Community Centre 土地教育基金 Land Education Foundation 關注草根生活聯盟 Concern For Glassroots Livelihood Alliance Hands On Hong Kong 香港紅十字會 Hong Kong Red Cross 愛傳遞 Lovexpress Foundation Ltd 義務工作發展局 Agency For Volunteer Service 協青社自立堂 Youth Outreach Transitional Housing 伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學 Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College 香港聖公會何明華會督中學 HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School 保良局錦泰小學 PLK Grandmont Primary School 協康會

Heep Hong Society

香港家庭福利會 The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

社會福利署東區尤德夫人那打素醫院(精神科)醫務社會服務部 Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Medical Social Services Unit (Psy D) 社會福利署東柴灣綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department Chai Wan (East) Integrated Family Service Centre 社會福利署鰂魚涌綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department Quarry Bay Integrated Family Service Centre 社會福利署藍田綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department Lam Tin Integrated Family Service Centre 社會福利署黃大仙綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department Wong Tai Sin Integrated Family Service Centre 社會福利署西荃灣綜合家庭服務中心 Social Welfare Department Tsuen Wan (West) Integrated Family Service Centre 基督教宣道會長亨長者鄰舍中心 C & MA Cheung Hang Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 葵涌醫院九龍西醫院聯網 Kwai Chung Hospital Kowloon West Cluster 耆康會港島東綜合家居照顧服務 SAGE Hong Kong East Integrated Home Care Services 耆康會柴灣長者地區中心 SAGE Chai Wan District Elderly Community Centre 明愛筲箕灣綜合家庭服務中心 Caritas Integrated Family Service Centre-Shau Kei Wan 明愛元朗長者社區中心 Caritas District Elderly Centre - YL 啟德平安福音堂親子及青少年活動中心 Kai Tak Peace Evangelical Centre Parent child and Youth Activity Center 香港基督教服務處 家情綜合家庭服務中心 HK Christian Service Family Ties Integrated Family Service

東華三院 Tung Wah Group 新生精神康復會安泰軒(沙田) New life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association The Wellness Centre

香港心理衞生會恆樂坊 The mental Health Association of Hong Kong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness



What is home?


Home, Is where tiredness fades away. Home, Is the haven reliable and safe. Home, Is the place to begin and belong.

是褪去疲憊的樂土。 家, 是最可靠的避風港。 家, 是一切的依歸。

A cramped place, Hard to cure pain. A crowded space, Hard to entertain. A cage home, Hard to carry and let warm sunlight aflame.

一個侷促的地方, 無法讓人卸下辛勞。 一個狹窄的空間, 不能成為孩子的樂園。 一個細小的家, 難以裝載和煦的陽光。

Will you give us a hand? To share the warmth with family in need, To illuminate every tiny sparkling light, To build the path leading to happiness

你可願伸出援手? 將溫暖與弱勢家庭分享, 燃點這座城市的亮光, 構建幸福的泉源。

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□ $10,000


□ $1,000

□ $100

□ 其他 $ _________________________

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本社地址 : 香港柴灣豐業街 12 號 啟力工業中心 A 座 14 樓 A8 室 Address : Unit A8, 14/F., Block A Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, H.K. 捐款港幣一百元或以上可獲發收據 For donation of HK$100 or above, a receipt will be issued.

感謝您的支持! Thanks for your support !

間築社有限公司 PROJECT SPACE LIMITED 香港註冊慈善團體編號 91/12387 Hong Kong Registered Charitable institution Number 91/12387 Email : Website : Tel : (852) 3569 1526

Fax: (852) 3013 9834

通訊地址: 香港柴灣豐業街 12 號 啟力工業中心 A 座 14 樓 A8 室 Address: Unit A8, 14/F, Block A Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, H.K. 間築社為一個香港註冊慈善團體,旨在為貧窮的兒童 及家庭提供協助,建立美好、安全、衛生的居住及生活空間。 We aim to provide a humane living environment to underprivileged children and families,we hope they have a safe, hygienic & wonderful home. 出版日期 : 2020年3月1日 印製數量 : 200 版權所有 不得翻印

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