Edicion octubre

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E L M en s a j er o


ienvenidos a la edición de julio de El Mensajero, que se enriquece como siempre con la participación de todos los miembros, a los que agradecemos el apoyo y participación. Nuestro SIG de fotografía con el tema de septiembre, lluvioso que con una fotografia de Gustavo Torres enarbola la portada. El espacio que no puede fallar, la critica cinematografica de John Wick, cortesia del editor. Esta vez Antonio Parra nos compartió la reseña de un libro sobre la cultura y la mujer en el Japón contemporaneo. El número 12 de la sección de acertijos. Armando Mendoza vuelve con sus juiciosas apreciaciones sobre la recién estrenada pelicula, la dictadura perfecta. Un mensaje de Chris Leek el presidente proxy de Mensa Reino unido, que nos invita y de la bienvenida a la pasada reunión de Directores llevada acabo en esas tierras. Un mensaje de felicitación para Felix Utama de Mensa Indonesia por un gran logro académico. Y finalmente y como un mensaje más importante de MIL, la solicitud para que miembros de todo la asociación, funjan como voluntarios para crear una plataforma de interacción virtual que nos favorezca a todos. Asi como la información sobre el primer año de la fundación en Paises Bajos y la invitación al voto en las próximas eleciones de Mensa. El editor.

















reuniones mensa


experiencias de un mensan NOTICIAS MIL









¿Te gustaría contribuir en El Mensajero? Todo miembro activo de Mensa México puede participar en esta revista. Para obtener más información, por favor revisa los lineamientos (tinyurl.com/El-Mensajero) o contacta al Editor (mensajero@mensa.org.mx).


El Mensajero es publicado por Mensa México y cuenta con contribuciones de miembros activos e invitados especiales. Las opiniones aquí expresadas no son necesariamente compartidas por Mensa México, ni el Editor, ni el Comité Nacional. Asimismo, no podemos aceptar responsabilidad por pérdidas o daños incurridos por imágenes enviadas al Editor para su publicación en El Mensajero.


sig fotografĂ­a

FotografĂ­a :Fernando Murrieta

Tema lluvioso en el mes de septiembre


Fotografía: Fernando Murrieta

Fotografía: Cinthia Reyes


RESEÑA Estupor y temblores Amélie


Por: Antonio Parra Téllez Cuidado con lo que se desea...


oda novela autobiográfica inspira al agradecimiento. Sin importar su desenlace, se agradece siempre al autor el valor para escribir la lección aprendida y la generosidad para compartirla con el lector. La maestría de un escritor viene de igualar exitosamente su intención con el efecto en el lector. ¿Qué se obtiene entonces si mediante esa maestría también se aprende sobre un mundo desconocido y ajeno al de uno? "Estupor y temblores" de Amélie Nothomb. El mundo desconocido y ajeno es el de las rigurosas jerarquías de una gran corporación en Tokio, pero no solo eso, es también de los incomprensibles códigos de conducta del país del sol naciente. Específicamente, la novela cuenta el increíble e inexorable descenso de la autora por el abismo jerárquico de la compañía, desde que es contratada como traductora hasta su puesto final como vigilante del baño de hombres.

Más profundamente, el relato habla sobre no pertenecer, sobre ir a contrapelo con la sociedad, las normas, las convenciones y las expectativas, incluso intentando lo contrario, o no intentando nada en absoluto. De manera más sutil, la historia podría versar sobre lo masoquista (y tristemente común en el contexto globalizador actual) de desear e idolatrar lo que nos hace daño, y de aspirar a algo negativo o perjudicial para uno mismo, solo quizá por la oportunidad de pertenecer a algo más grande que noso-

tros o por la promesa de revivir un recuerdo añorado de la infancia... pues puede hacerse realidad. No obstante, "Estupor y temblores" no es un libro sombrío, es más bien lo contrario, todo gracias al ojo inteligente de Nothomb que nos deja satisfechos con todos los aspectos del libro. La narración es humorística e hilarante, llena de la sátira y el sarcasmo que indican siempre un intelecto superior, curiosamente viniendo de una de esas personitas que nadie ve pero que ven todo. Es precisamente esa visión la que hace triunfar al libro, no solo al arrebatarnos carcajadas página tras página, sino por llevarnos concienzudamente por los detalles más siniestros de la cultura japonesa, incluyendo once crudelísimas páginas solamente sobre la mujer nipona... o de cualquier país.


filmes (sig de cine) John Wick

Dirección: Chad Stahelski Guión: Derek Kolstad Fotografía: Jonathan Sela Producción: Basil Iwanyk, David Leitch y Eva Longoria Año: 2014 Por Omar Moreno


os filmes que marcan el regreso de Keanu Reeves a la pantalla grande han producido expectativa por el sólo hecho de traerlo de vuelta. Lo que no garantiza ningún buen resultado cuando hablamos en términos propiamente cinematográficos. John Wick (2014) nos narra la historia de un exasesino a sueldo, que trata de vivir una vida “sin tantos riesgos”, lo que al final no le resulta porque su esposa muere de alguna afección que nunca conocemos. Entonces justo cuando está en duelo recibe intempestivamente a la mascota de su esposa. Lo que en ese


Foto de Lionsgate - ©

momento parece ser el único motor de su vida. Es cuando aparecen los villanos, muy bien caracterizados, una bandada de criminales rusos que le arrebatan su auto y matan a su perro, lo que marca el regreso de sus despiadadas prácticas para buscar venganza. Cuando salen a la luz los rusos, no podemos ser tan incautos para no pensar en la situación actual en Ucrania y cómo la propaganda norteamericana ha comenzado a mover sus hilos para hacer notar a sus enemigos eslavos… La narración de esta película es vertiginosa en ocasiones, en otras opta por el preciosismo de algunas tomas pero nada tan interesante ni destacado. El director Chad Stahelski, es un experto en stunts y naturalmente aprovecha muy bien ese recurso, vemos muchas secuencias de acción a la Chuck Norris pero con una fotografía muy oscura. Descarada violencia aunque con pocos chorros de sangre.

El Mensaje que resalta en algunas partes de la película es el interés por los animales, los enemigos rusos de EUA y el vengador que todo lo puede, muy a la manera insisto, de películas que protagonizaron Chuck Norris, Stalone o Michael Douglas, del todopoderoso soldado o asesino. No podemos destacar mucho de este filme, porque no lo hay. La interpretación de Reeves roza en lo ordinario y los otros personajes simplemente no destacan o están muy poco desarrollados. En fin, esperemos que Reeves vuelva en papeles memorables como en My own private Idaho, Matrix y aun The Devil's Advocate, porque su regreso no ha tenido nada de triunfal.

ACERTIJOS Acertijo #12 El desafío es ordenar los números para que las ocho líneas rectas que cruzan sumen 55

Tomado de World's hardest puzzles, Charles Barry Townsend, Orient Paperbacks, 1996.

El primer miembro activo de Mensa México que mande la respuesta correcta y su nombre completo (o número de miembro) a acertijos@mensa.org.mx recibirá ¡10 puntos! (Nota: ¡Ya desciframos el valor de los puntos!).


reuniones mensa

Reuniones Mensan llevadas acabo en Ciudad de MĂŠxico y Guadalajara


experiencias de un mensan Héroe Nacional

Foto Bandidos Films

Por Armando Mendoza


yer fui a ver la película "La dictadura perfecta", el tema suena muy fuerte, como una protesta o una critica bastante directa contra el sistema que todos conocemos. De entrada me pregunto, ¿como es que el mismo sistema permitió esa película? Ningún criminal aceptaría con una sonrisa que anuncien sus fechorías, y menos lo permitiría si pudiese evitarlo. El sistema que la misma película describe podría haber evitado su producción o por lo menos su distribución, pero no, ahí esta anunciándose por todos lados y todo mundo viéndola. Ya entrado en la película, las escenas, las situaciones, los métodos que se muestran son tal como muchos los imaginamos, tal vez se quedan cortos pero en general todos sabemos que así es, sin embargo el horror, la tristeza y la desesperanza que nos invade al leer cualquier periódico de la vida real y ver noticias como la mas reciente en que son los policías los

que matan estudiantes de la manera mas terrible, esas situaciones terribles aquí en la película nos causan gracia, nos reímos, es una banalizacion total del sistema podrido que nos domina, lejos de criticar mas bien parece que la película esta enfocada en que todos aceptemos nuestra triste realidad y terminemos saliendo con una sonrisa. Por ultimo la película no ofrece un rayo de esperanza, ni una propuesta siquiera, normalmente en las películas al final ganan los buenos y los malos reciben su merecido, pero aquí no, aquí los malos ganan de la manera mas vil, y los buenos terminan agradeciendo al malo por ser tan "bueno", que paradoja.

¿Cual es el mensaje subliminal o directo que esa película esta enviando a la población? ¿No protestes que de nada te servirá? ¿El verdadero enemigo es la tele? ¿Ríete de tu desgracia pues no hay salida? ¿Es una película que ataca al sistema o le ayuda a mantenerse?

Tomado de : Reflexiones de un Menso, http://rmenso.blogspot.mx


NOTICIAS MIL From the Executive Committee…

British Mensa welcomes the International Board of Directors


hope I will be forgiven a little self-indulgence, and something of a travelogue – British Mensa is honoured, and excited, to have the annual meeting of the International Board of Directors (IBD) taking place within its shores for the first time since Mensa’s Golden Anniversary in 1996. The British Mensa Annual Gathering has been scheduled to take place 19th to 22nd September, the weekend before the IBD conference, and we expect to be hosting a large contingent of international members. The AG itself is situated in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, and the organisers are offering a packed schedule of events. The gathering has a Doctor Who theme. The Doctor Who Special Interest Group is one of British Mensa’s oldest and most popular SIGs and, being recognised internationally, also attracts its share of international members. Doctor Who is filmed primarily at the BBC studios in Cardiff and on location in and around the city. As fans will know, Cardiff is also the home of the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood. A tour of memorable Doctor Who locations is planned as well as a Gala Dinner at which members are encouraged to come either ‘dres-

sed to impress’ or in Doctor Who costume. My 10-yearold daughter, one of our younger members, is already planning her outfit! A series of lectures and workshops will be held including ‘How to live to 110’, ‘The Psychology and Sociology of Unexplained Phenomena’, and ‘Welsh Language and Culture’. Games are well represented, with the British Mensa 2014 Poker Tournament, Mensa Connections and Bridge championships, as well as less formal games activities. There will be a whisky tasting and a traditional British pub crawl on offer, as well as day trips to places of interest. Those interested in the management and administration of Mensa may wish to attend the Annual General Meeting of British Mensa, or the Open Forum to discuss society matters with the Board of Directors. Members will also have the opportunity to meet some of the members of the Shadow Board, comprising members aged 13-18, who offer ideas, suggestions and feedback for consideration by the main Board, whilst also running TeenSIG and producing its newsletter. Attendees can conclude their weekend by participating in, or spectating at,

this year’s Mensa Golf Championship. For international delegates and visitors there is also the option of travelling to Oxford, the birthplace of Mensa. Mensa was founded on 1st October 1946 by Lance Ware and Roland Berrill at 12, St John Street, Oxford. Coincidentally, my sister (another Mensa member – it runs in the family) lived there in the 80s when a student, and at that time the house boasted a yellow plaque commemorating Mensa’s origins (pictured on p02). Sadly, the plaque was removed and discarded by the property’s new owners who did not want to be disturbed by sightseers photographing their house, but it’s still worth a visit to see where our Society began. As for the plaque – it was rescued by some members and now resides in the British Mensa archives. Oxford is a beautiful and fascinating city, with its famous “dreaming spires”, the seat of the oldest university in the English-speaking world. Our two day stay there will offer the chance to explore this natural habitat for Mensans. Accommodation options are an overnight stay at Balliol College or, alternatively, a stay in a highly recommended guesthouse run by local Mensans.

From Oxford, we will move on to Windsor, on the outskirts of London, for the IBD conference. Although primarily a meeting to set Mensa International’s overall policy, the International Board of Directors’ meeting is the perfect opportunity to meet and talk to the national chairmen and other attendees from over 33 countries. The meeting will begin with the traditional Icebreaker party on Thursday and there will be an elegant Gala Dinner in a former school chapel, complete with original stained glass windows. The meeting will be held at Beaumont Estate Hotel, set in stunning grounds near Old Windsor, so there are plenty of exciting things to do and see in the vicinity. I trust that I will be able to meet many of you this September, during this ten day Mensa peregrination; getting to know other Mensa members is one of the aspects of our society I treasure most, and I look forward to welcoming you to my country. Chris Leek Proxy, British Chair


2. Student’s 3. Join the Academic Achievement Mensa Volunteers! Congratulations to 17 year-old Felix Utama of Mensa Indonesia on his recent academic success!


elix, who attends SMAK 1 Penabar in Jakarta, was recently ranked sixth in the Annual Senior High National Examinations in the natural science stream. He obtained a total score of 57.30 out of a maximum of 60, while the 1stranked achieved 58.05. The mandatory exams are held as one of the parameters that determine whether a student can graduate from senior high level. The examinations include Indonesian Language, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. Felix, who joined Mensa on September 1, 2012, has two sisters – one older and one younger - and enjoys reading and playing badminton. He’s also active in his school’s chemistry club and last year was president of the schools’s English Debating Society. He plans to continue his studies at the National University of Singapore, majoring in Material Science and Engineering, focussing on photovoltaic materials. His ultimate plan is to work in the research and development department of a multinational company.

https://www.mensa.org/volunteer-registration (you need to be logged in) Mensa was made to foster intelligence for the benefit of humanity, to support research about intelligence and help intelligent people to know and keep in touch with each other. The Mensa International Web Board wants to support these concepts with the use of technology. Are we smart enough to create a better international online platform together?

Join the challenge!

Any Mensa member can help, as we do not only need volunteers with technological skills: 1. Developers: 1a. Mostly Drupal experts 1b. Security Experts 2. Communicators: 2a. Writers 2b. Graphic designers 2c. Videographers and animators 3. Translators for multi-language support 4. Lawyers for international data privacy issues 5. User feedback and betatesters for betas and user stories and everybody can choose to contribute in as many projects as s/he wants!

Volunteer projects

Web Board project collaborations are based on the idea that we are collaborating for the long term benefit of every Mensa member. Projects should therefore be based on motivation, trust, transparency, freedom, mutual respect and final satisfaction. Fun and humor are welcome in this enjoyable experience! Red Projects - Production coordinated by Sylvia - covering operational aspects, website maintenance and user support. Green Projects - Major Developments coordinated by Kymberley - covering planned enhancements to the Drupal-based website and ICT infrastructure. Blue Projects - Future Developments coordinated by Alessandro - covering new developments to prepare for the future and to cater for worldwide needs. You are also invited to join us on Facebook on the Mensa Web Board Tech Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/3977070 03691889/ Mensa International Web Board Peter Fröhler - Sylvia Herbert - Alessandro Merletti de Palo - Kymberley Wilson


4. International Board of Directors (IBD) Meeting 2014 September 26-28 The meeting and accommodation are both at Beaumont House, http://www.beaumont-estate-windsor.co.uk. This hotel and conference centre is just 15 minutes away from London’s Heathrow airport.

Advantages of a separate Foundation

This separate vehicle also enables us to find funds outside the Mensa circle. The organization can be completely transparent on funding and spending to non-members also. An independent Foundation guarantees a long term focus - a managerial focus - on a multi- year strategy.

Spending money wisely

Dutch Mensa Foundation – one year on

The Foundation doesn’t only raise money, but seeks to spend it wisely. In 2013 the necessary steps were taken so that it is clear how and why the Foundation supports what it does. Four of the eleven requests for financial support have been received. The Foundation also encourages good examples and best practices on an individual level via the Awards Program

A flying start

Awards program

More information at http://www.ibd2014.com/ ibd2014admin@mensa.org


n April 20th 2013, the Dutch Mensa Foundation was launched during the AGM of Mensa The Netherlands. The foundation got off to a flying start thanks to a donation from Mensa The Netherlands and the Foundation’s 23 ‘Founding Friends’, who each donated 1,000 euro. As the Foundation is recognized as a charity by the Dutch Tax authorities, donations to the foundation are tax deductible.

In 2013 the Foundation started its Awards Program, which we will repeat annually. The awards aim to promote and encourage best practices in dealing with the highly gifted, and in so doing inspire others to follow suit. There are three categories of awards, and the 2013 awards were presented in November last year. A team, whose project was an educational program within schools for highly intelligent children, won the Education category. In the category of Work, the win-

ner was a manager of the Police High Tech Crime Team. In the category, Society, the winner was a TV presenter. The awards gathered together many inspiring examples of how the talents of highly intelligent people can be harnessed.


During 2013, several people started spontaneous initiatives to support the foundation as part of Mensa The Netherlands 50th ‘Gold’ Anniversary: a ‘Gold Concert’, a ‘Gold Pin-Up Calendar’ and the farewell party including an auction organised by the chairman of Mensa - raised funds for the Foundation. These initiatives are proof of the wide support for the Foundation. In 2014 the “100 member club” was launched: a network of people who commit themselves to donate 100 euro plus 100 minutes for five years. Members can choose how they spend their 100 minutes, for example, by talking about the Mensa Foundation at a Mensa event, at their office, or any other event in their own network. A presentation or an article also contributes to the 100 minute criteria. So far, the members of the club have been very creative in what they do with their 100 minutes – as was to be expected!


Publicity wise, the awards program was very successful.

We expect that once this becomes a “famous” nationwide awards program it will generate even more publicity. This award program is unique in The Netherlands. It is an instrument with low implementation costs with a high return on investment. On 1st November we will hand out the 2014 awards. The deadline for nominations is 4th September and nominations (in Dutch only) can be made through our website www.mensafonds.nl.

Special projects

One of the focus points in the second half of 2014 will be the “grey” people. There is no program for the gifted elderly. Some are unable to attend Mensa events, and local activities for the elderly are sadly lacking in appealing to the gifted. Society wastes talented, experienced and knowledgeable people who can still contribute to the society. In developing this theme the Foundation focuses on bringing parties together, such as an old-age home and students from a university. We are starting with a pilot in 2014 and hope this will inspire many others to follow suit.

The coming years

The awards and funding program will be continued. We will intensify our search for new financial resources and are looking to develop more expertise in this field. There are still so many pro-

jects we would like to initiate! More information can be found on our website www.mensafonds.nl, or send an email to info@mensafonds.nl. Willem Bouwens, Board member

how to globalise your Mensa membership Have you ever wondered what Mensa is like in other countries? Or have you been to Mensa meetings elsewhere and would like to keep abreast of what is happening there? All this can be done without any financial outlay and without moving from your computer! Go to the Mensa International website: www.mensa.org, click on ‘register’, situated in the top right of the home page, and follow the instructions on the registration page. You must be a member in good standing in your own country. Then, amongst the many delights that await you, you will find a section for National Magazines. Browse through them to discover what members do in other parts of the world! You can also find the full Mensa World Journal there, along with the DIMs’ version -


which includes a page of puzzles if you want to give your brain an extra workout. If your own magazine, or the one you’re looking for, isn’t there, please contact the relevant chairman who can make arrangement to remedy this! global

Notice Inviting Nominations for the International Election 2015 In accordance with Article X of the Constitution of Mensa, the International Election Committee (IEC) invites nominations for the following internationally elected offices: INTERNATIONAL CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORDEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL TREASURER

Nomination by National Mensas

National Mensa committees may nominate a candidate or a slate of candidates for any or all offices by submitting the name(s) of such candidate(s). A national Mensa group may nominate more than one individual for each office. Nominations


should be made on the National Mensa Committee nomination form available from the IEC. The identities of all nominating national Mensa groups shall be made public to all voters with the candidate material.

Nomination by members

Members may nominate a candidate or a slate of candidates for any or all offices by submitting: 1) the name(s) of such candidate(s); 2) a petition signed by at least 200 members who are in good standing as of January 1st, 2015; 3) verification of such good standing. Petition signatures must be submitted on a form, which can be obtained from the IEC.

Requirements nominees


Each candidate must: 1) be a member in good standing as of the date of nomination and continue to remain a member in good standing throughout the election period until May 31st, 2015; 2) have not served in the post they are nominated for in the previous two consecutive terms; 3) submit written acceptance of his or her nomination (using the form available from the IEC); 4) state his or her willingness to serve if elected; and 5) agree to abide by the rulings of the IEC and the In-

ternational Ombudsman in the matter of complaints and conflicts arising from the elections. All nominations including petitions and acceptances must be sent in hard copy or in scanned electronic copies to the MIL office in time to ensure its arrival no later than January 28th, 2015 at the following address: Mensa International Ltd., Slate Barn, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, NG32 3EL, United Kingdom E-mail: mensainternational@ mensa.org Contact the IEC at iecchair@mensa.org for all enquiries regarding the election including nomination forms.

Reimpreso de Mensa World Journal, Septiembre & Octubre 2014, Editora Kate Nacard


Presidente: Sra, Elissa Rudolph chairman-mil@mensa.org Tel: +1 561 496 0124 Director Administrativo: Sra. Therese Moodie-Bloom +612 99549937 admin-mil@mensa.org Director de Desarrollo: Sr. Björn Liljeqvist development-mil@mensa.org Tesorero: Sr. Rudolf Challupner treasurer-mil@mensa.org Director de Capítulos Pequeños de Mensa: Sr. Lars Endre Kjølstad dsnm-mil@mensa.org Presidenta Honoraria: Dra. Abbie Salny 407 Breckenridge, Wayne NJ 07470, EUA Tel: +1 973 305 0055 Coordinador de SIGHT: Sr. Steve Mai, SIGHT@mensa.org Coordinadora Internacional de GIE: Sra. Barbara Kryvko, sigs@mensa.org Ombudsman:Sr. Martyn Davies ombudsman@mensa.org Director Ejecutivo: Sr Michael Feenan, Slate Barn, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire NG32 3EL, Reino Unido Tel/Fax+44(0)1400272 675 mensainternational@mensa.org Editora de la Revista Global: Sra. Kate Nacard 407/23 Corunna Rd, Stanmore 2048, Australia mwjeditor@mensa.org Tel: +61 2 9516 1024



David Zambrano Reyes Presidente presidente@mensa.org.mx Marisol Alejandra Rodríguez Almaraz Secretaria secretario@mensa.org.mx Gustavo Torres Porras Coordinador legal legal@mensa.org.mx Sebastián Rodríguez Ramírez Tesorero tesoreria@mensa.org.mx Daniel Náder Coordinador de Exámenes examenes@mensa.org.mx Cinthia Reyes Lozano Coordinadora de Membresías membresias@mensa.org.mx Omar Moreno Rubio Coordinador de Grupos de Interés Especial (SIGs) sig@mensa.org.mx


Raymundo Rodríguez Coordinador del SIG de Hospitalidad y Viajes (SIGHT) sight@mensa.org.mx Sarai Zárate Gálvez Coordinadora de Extensión extension@mensa.org.mx Arturo Ruiz Trujillo Coordinador de Relaciones Públicas rrpp@mensa.org.mx Alberto Burgos Ríos Conciliador conciliador@mensa.org.mx Hugo Aguirre Coordinador de Sistemas webmaster@mensa.org.mx Omar Moreno Rubio Editor del Mensajero mensajero@mensa.org.mx


Marisol Alejandra Rodriguez Almaraz Jalisco jal@mensa.org.mx

Juan Arturo Ruiz Trujillo Querétaro qro@mensa.org.mx

Rolando Zubirán Robert Nuevo León nl@mensa.org.mx

Raymundo Rodríguez Lozano DF df@mensa.org.mx

Phebe Linette Bonilla Prado Puebla puebla@mensa.org.mx

Jovan Gabriel Ontiveros Perea Chihuahua chih@mensa.org.mx

Juan Manuel Guerrero Matamoros San Luis Potosi slp@mensa.org.mx

Xavier Alejandro Díaz Catagno Quintana Roo qroo@mensa.org.mx

Fernando Flores Lozano Tlaxcala tlaxcala@mensa.org.mx Mauricio Ricalde Rodriguez Yucatán yucatan@mensa.org.mx Jorge Alberto Cruz Cristobal Nayarit nayarit@mensa.org.mx


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